The Newspaper of the Police 1 ..m..m mm.. ..W 61 I.#####. . #...... I February '90 h . .. #m . ##a~##ammwJ'PmmPm~mw No 204 . n HONOURS FOR ESSEX POLICE Services rendered recognised D.C.C. Peter Simpson, OBE, FBIM In this New Year's Honours List, the Deputy Chief Constable, Bobby', retiring as Chief Superintendent at Brentwood). Mr Mr Peter Simpson, was created an Officer of the Order of the Simpson regards his award as bringing credit to the whole British Em~ire(O.B.E.). Essex Force. As he says "Obviously, I am delighted to receive this award, but chese things a;e seldom ach

12th May, 1990, Chelmsford Branch coach outing to Hampton Court.

who, over the past ten years, a Pc in the Admin have given such support and office. He remained in the I am sure will continue to do Force until 19531 when he SO. and Marion left the area and As you will have realised proceeding as quickly as I went to the USA to start a by now, 1990 is the 150th can possibly manage it." Yours sincerelv new life. In fact the year 1953 anniversary of Essex Police Finally if you live in the GEORGE HARRIS will not be forgotten because and a number of events are Southend area and have (ex C/su~t) in March 1953, I married A peal co-ordinator Marion's sister Janet and ~KelmsfordHospice Bert and Marion left for the USA that same year. For the first five years in the States, employment was hard to get Many Thanks but they managed and it was after they became American Dear Sir, subjects that Bert got a job Through your column, I and with the 'AAA' and was my family would like to dealing with 'stolen' car thank the Chief Constable claims etc. and all ranks of the Essex He then stayed with the Police for the beautiful floral company and was in Real tribute on the death of my Estate. He retired from the dear husband, Bill Cook, last three 'A's 7 years ago and at December. Thanks also to that time was Branch friends and colleagues of Manager. So you will see did Southend Police Club for very well for himself and also their flowers and messages of Marion gained employment sympathy. as hairdresserlmanicurist and for several years was working We were most in a Travel Agents business. by the Guard of Both are still in very good Honour at Crema- health and 'do not look their torium. age.' Bert plays a lot of golf My husband would have these days and in fact has a been very proud. very nice house which backs onto the Golf Course - very Yours sincerely convenient.

FLORENCE COOK Jack Woodards ioined the -~-- ~~- I !eaguesYand former col- Police Headquarters (ext The Tuesday Club leagues the opportunity to chester, January 17 after 30 SIR. - The enclosed picture is of snooker, a chat and the ing), Gerry STEELE. Front Retirements years 60 days service. forwarded in the hope you odd drink. Row, John FOSKEW PS 287 D. M. Conerney, may include it in the next Since those days others (Dave's father, guest) Den- ColchesterlThorpe-le-Soken, issue of The Law for the in- have joined us and over the nis SLAYDEN, Gordon We wish you all the January 22 after 25 years 282 terest of all former and pres- years as our turn came to re- Hughes-Wiffing, Paul very best for a long days service. ent Clacton Officers who tire we have continued to LEEDER (Guest). PS 374 T. F. K. Peck, Sup- may know us. meet on a regular basis. One regular member who and happy portlChelmsford Traffic, The photograph was taken The numbers vary depen- was unable to be present was retirement January 24 after 30 years at our recent Christmas get- ding on health, other com- John JACOBS, well known service. together in the bar at Clacton mitments, absence on holi- to all ex-elacton, I'm sure. Wpc 3058 C. M. Brock, Chief Superintendent A. C. Police Station on 19.12.89. days, but there is usually We think the fact that most SupportlRayleigh Traffic. Levey, HQ Seconded Staff/ All shown are members of about six of us in the bar each of us have known each other December 15 after 22 years Ashford PTC, January 31 the "Tuesday Club" which Tuesday. over more than 20 years 247 days service. after 30 years 11 days service. was started over 10 years a o The chaps in the picture speaks volumes about all that Pc 1096 P. C. Hcmphrey, Mr R. Grange, Admin by Gerry STEELE and tie are of course, reading from is good about Essex Police Colchester, December 23, Assistant, Southend, who present writer, whilst serving left to right, Back Row, Len and long may it continue. after 30 years service. retired 12 11 89. together at Clacton. We met COLE, George RAVEN, DENNIS SLAYDEN, Pc 813 G. D. Jenkins, Grays Mr S. A. M. Greenouff, Shift on Tuesday nights for a game Dave FOSKEW (Still serv- (Ex PC 884) Collator, December 28, after Leader, HQ CID, who re- 27 years 191 days service. tired 17 11 89. DC2191 T. P. D. Mead, HQ Mrs V. D. C. White, PIT CIDICDU Car Sauad. Cleaner, Saffron Walden, December 29 after 32'years who retired 25 12 89. 67 days service. Mrs E. R. Jardine, ClerW Pc 575 B. J. Walker, Typist, Rayleigh, who retired ChelmsfordlMaldon, 31 12 89. December 31, after 29 vears Mr T. I. Abel, Chief Admin 97 days service. Officer HQ, who retired 31 Wpc 3116 E. A. Shillingford, 12 89. Basildon, January 15, after Mr E. Logan, Traffic 14 years 137 days service. Warden, , who re- Pc 1235 R. A. Rowley, tired 1 1 90. SouthendIRayleigh, January Mrs J. Kirk, Assistant Cook, 15 after 17 years 103 days Harlow, who retired 2 1 90. service. Mr M. F. Hagon, Officer Pc 1502 A. J. Kerr, Manager, Colchester, who Southend/Rayleigh, January retired 11 1 90. 15 after 16 years 160 days . Mr L. Mortlock, Clerical - <;ervice. Assistant, Support Division, any of them? !'c 822 M. J. Finn, Col- who retired 28 1 90. THE LAW, FEBRUARY, 1990 3

out a pension style mortgage. Full details from the Halifax. Also

Injury on Duty. Presentation Evening

Posters advertising the Information Desk. 150th Anniversary Celebrations

On the 27th December Accommodation. These negotiations mainly due 1989 I fully circulated a letters have added con- to the fact that the same ANNMRSARY NECK TIE: Navy blue tie bearing a single Essex Police copy of the letter from the siderable weight to those negotiators were tied up PRICE 24. badge. Red, white and blue diagonal stripe above Home Office setting out that have been sent on on the Allowane and below badge. Gold figures 1840- 1990 the new Home Secre- our behalf by the Joint matter below badge. tary's proposed chan es. branch Board. has however recently ANNIVERSARY MUG: Tankard-style coffee mug in cream colour with Draft regulations pad During the Ytfew been resurrected and the PRICE 24. force crest on front. Commemorative inscription been repared and Sent to weeks we have ad many official side have agreed . our I'f.ati0nal Negotiators questions in the Office to negotiate further on reverse. for their comments by with regard to the situa- before going to &bitra- ANNIVERSARY TIE RACK: Tie rack in gold with force crest. Scroll below with 26th January 1990. tion on Rent Allowance. tion. TO this end a small PRIGf2. dates 1840- 1990. These Draft Re ula- We have endeavoured working party has been tions have never teen where possible to answer set up to look at the ANNMRSARY 45mm cupro-nickel medallion in presentation sent out from 0 U r these queries however on situation and re- MEMLUON: case. Front of medallion bearing force badge and National Offices at Sur- some occasions this has port back to the full PRICE APPROX B. commemorative inscription. Rear bearing five biton to the Membership, not been possible as we police Negotiating Board. armorial shields of the boroughs of Southend, and in fact to date since do not know the answer. is hoped that agree- Colchester, Saffron Walden, Maldon and the letter of the 27th TO assist members our merit can now be reached Ikcember 1989 nothing Joint Branch Board Bave without going to &bitra- Harwich. further.has been rece?ved called an Emergency tion. . CUPRO-NICKEL SALVER Cupro-nickel salver incorporating medallion as in writing from Surblton Open Meeting purely to you will be informed of AND OlSPUY RAND: above. with regard to the situa- discuss the Rent Allow- any decision. PRICE APPROX f13. tion. ance situation. The meet- I did mana e to obtain ing will be held at 7.00pn-1 WRAL GMGOBLEk Crystal goblet bearing engraved force badge and a copy of the graft Regu- on Tuesday 13th Febru- Le8al PRICE APPROX fl4. commemorative inscription. Complete with pres- lations from another ary l990 at the Assembly entation box, source. However 1 have Hall, Police Head- Exeenses Force plaque incorporating badge. Scroll com- not circulated these quarters. FORCE PLAQUE: locally as they would only PRICE fl2. memorative inscription above and Essex police confuse you further. Insurance below. Many of the areas are Car Leasing we have now completed open to different in- the second year of the If YOU would like to reserve any of the above items, please return the below to Joint te retations. Scheme above scheme and I am Branch Board Secretary, Federation Office Headquarters. Goods will be despatched n Tuesday 30th leased to announce that when available. January 1990 I attended a In the last edition I re- Past year has proved more Joint Branch Board ~ortedthat the matter successful than the first. TO: J. B. B. SECRETARY, FEDERATION OFFICE, HEADQUARTERS. Secretaries meetin held would be discussed at the More members have at our National 0d . ces at Police Negotiating Board joined with the mem- PLEASE RESERVE THE FOLLOWING AND DESPATCH TO ME WHEN AVAILABLE: Surbiton. Vee Neild our on the 28th November bership now standing at NECK TIE COME MUG National Secretary gave a 1989 where a decision was over 1000 members. We full up date to that meet- expected. The meeting also have a small number ing setting out the current went ahead but unfortu- of retired officers that TIE RACK MEDALLION position on the Rent nately no decision was joined during the year. Allowances negotiations. reached. It was decided Because of .our good SALVER CMAL GOBLEI The Staff Side working that the Official Side claims expenence over ppon Rent Allowance would go away and pre- the past year I am pleased (Please tit& where adpropriate) ad responded to the are a form of wording to announce that there Home Office with regard for the new enabling regu- will be no increase in the WME to the new Draft Regula- lation. The matter would premium for the next 12 ...... ,...,,,...... 8 tions by the 26th January then be discussed at a months. Thus the pre- 1990. Their response was meeting of the two mium will continue to be


NOTANOTHER Another one let off? If that's what you really think, CAUTION then please read on. age where the value is not COURT THE SAME AS DON'T THROW THE IT HAS finally filtered through (who said 'and about time too?) that the LESS YOUTH, HAVE excessive and parental PREVIOUS CONVIC- PAPER AWAY. These juvenile cautioning system is less than popular and does on occasions cause DONE SOMETHING, compensation is agreed, the TIONS. people really know what BEEN GLAD WE WERE lower scaled ABH (school The first caution in real they're about. The only cases alarm and despondency. NOT CAUGHT, AND fights etc) and so on. terms is the Divisional var- we refer to this outfit are NOW WOULD PREFER Paperwork for a caution is iety. It is for a first offender those that we both agree are If I could impose a little on your time perhaps a brief explanation is in order. and is administered by the suitable.. In fact we've had I am the decision-maker for the Harlow Division. I haven't been so for very long, TG FORGET ALL simple too. Surely we can all ABOUT? -SURELY I'M agree on that. CSB1, ag- local Uniformed Duty In- cases returned as 'unsuitable just long enough to really get to grips with the scheme. Before that I shared the NOT THE ONLY ONE grieved's statement and a spector. It is by far the most for counselling' and we've view of many of you out there. I would scream and shout, gnash my teeth and sulk. WITH RED CHEEKS! So summary of facts. Easy. effective and is the one that gone ahead with prosecution. "The *******CSB have cautioned another one!" Then I was offered the unless the offence is so Aggrieved's statement. stops the 83% in their tracks. So, the botton line. Yes, iob of making the decisions. Jov and elation! Manna from Heaven! Now vou'll see serious that we can't even That means there's a victim. the system does allow for If, however, the client more than one caution. On some comm& sense. I serioudy considered sending a memo to the CPS saying consider a caution we TRY What do we do about the likes the service we offer and "OK, WAKE UP AND BRACE YOURSELF. YOU'RE GOING TO HAVE TO to get the youngster back on victim? Quite a lot. It's fair comes back for more then we the whole the system does the right tracks. As already to say that nearly all such work. We know that it WORK FOR YOUR LIVING". can offer him a CSB caution. doesn't work in EVERY case Then a strange thing happened. Contrary to all known stated we succeed in the vast eople are quite hap y to This one is administered by a majority of cases. Lave the uestion of case but then again does anyone police practice I was given instruction about the job before I CSB officer (that took a lot know of a PERFECT actually took it on. The instruction and information, coupled again) but the tigures are a Please don't get the idea disposal wia the policc. We of working out, didn't it) and bit promising. that we wear blinkers when can often arrange com- system? I don't. with my own research, has, much to my surprise, made me is usually the final effort. By The next time you find temper my views somewhat. Having blundered my way deciding on case files. Just pensation' via the parent of now the wee person has through so far I can still hear take a look at the following the offender in appropriate your juvenile case marked up I have to tell you that I am now just about convinced of enough points to qualify for a for a caution please just stop the value of the cautioning system. NO I HAVE NOT the question, "What does a figures which you CAN cases. But even if we caution summons. Except that in caution achieve?" If you believe:- and the aggrieved feels for a second and think. It BEEN BRAINWASHED! I feel that it deserves a bit more appropriate cases we can try could be that the caution, if positive attention than we've allowed of late. don't accept what's already In 1988 Essex Police dealt strongly about prosecution just one more tack . . . . . been outlined then I can't with 5130 juvenile files and then there is nothing to stop properly administered, will Please consider just what really take it any dee er If the final disposal was as a private summons being The last-ditch effort has have a deep and long-lasting the system sets out to early stage in their offending however, you turn to t\e nip: follows: issued nor to prevent a civil different names around the effect. The only thing that achieve. I used to think it was are less like to re-offend than side and ask "What does a Prosecution 1470 or 28.7% action for damages. In fact County but in essence it's the won't be there is the CRO political - good election those who become involved prosecution and conviction Caution 3001 or 58.4% we will assist by providing same and I shall, therefore, number. Is that such a bad propaganda to show that ju- in judicial proceedings." achieve?" then the answer is NFA 447or 8.7% necessary information for call it a 'Supported Caution'. thing? I WONDER. And ven~lecourt appearances are In English that translates simple. A criminal record. Advice 212or 4.2% such cases. The wee customer is given a since the cautions are citea- down. Not so. There is in as only about 13 per cent of Membership of that national So, as you can see, we do Enough preaching. What CSB caution in the usual way ble in court if the time comes existence n Home Office first-time offenders who are but very undesirable club, put a fair number before the are the mechanics of the but then is required to under- IS HEXREALLYGETTING White Paper, if you're that cautioned actually come back CRO. It brings all the Courts. cautions? take three sessions, each of AWAY WiTH IT? interested it's "Young Of- for more whilst of those first- benefits that membership can As you might expect the To start with the offence two hours, with a counsellor If the foregoing has fenders 1981" and that timers who are prosecuted 26 offer - family disgrace, lost vast majority of offences must be proveable and ad- from an organisation called answered your ueries and worthy document sets out the per ent re-offend. job opportunities, certain committed by juveniles in- mitted and the offender has Juvenile Justice. Who? settled the dust a%it then I'm base very nicely. I quote "All Now I know you can make foreign travel restrictions and volve theft from shops but to sign a certificate to that Quite. I'd never heard of glad. Even so please call, or available evidence suggests statistics read any way you SO on. other cautionable matters effect. That certificate is then them prior to this either. phone, your local CSB office that juvenile offenders who want (some might even say A POINT TO PONDER include: possession of small filed and until the offender's They are very 'down to earth' if you'd like to know more. can be diverted from the that they show that only 13% -HOW MANY OF US, AS amounts of cannabis for seventeenth birthday IT folk recruited from Proba- We are one the same side criminal justice system at an are daft enough to get caught A CALLOW AND ART- oersonal use. criminal dam- CAN BE CITED IN tion and Social Services, NO and we'd be pleased to help.

Well, at long last, here is the current definitive list of officers who have made the retired officers and Special Constables who may be m~ssingfrom the I~st.Please con- ultimate sacrificre for the people of Essex. tactHQIR, either extension Chief 2203.Inspector Ward FSU, extension 2420 or Chief Inspector Hindley, Under the arrangements for the 150th Anniversary it is intended to erect a memorial In due course further research will be carried out, by officers from the FSU, which displaying the Roll of Honour. It is vital that the list is accurate SO we are asking for will be recorded in a bound book for display.

NO NAME RANK DOB DATE OF DATE OF FORCE RESUME OF CiRCUMSTANCES REMARKS JOINING DEATH 1. Jarnes JAY Constable Born 11Feb 2 May Essex Ruptured in execution of duty and subsequently died Full details unknown 1820 1842 1845 County 2. William CAMPLING High Constable 7 Nov Saffron Shot in legs with a shotgun. Died of gangrene. Full details known 1849 Walden Borough 3. Robert BAMBOROUGH Constable 136 Born 21 August 30 Nov Essex Died from injuries received from prisoner who he was escorting. Full details known 1807 1843 1850 County 4. Edward WILLSMORE Constable 151 Born 12 Feb 29 March Essex Drowned accidentally in River Crouch in execution of duty. Full details unknown 1824 1847 1851 County 5. John SMITH Constable 66 Born 1 July 28 Dec Essex Drowned accidentally in execution of duty Full details unknown 1810 1842 1858 County 6. Thomas SIMMONDS lnspector Born 11 Sept 24 Jan Essex Shot by burglar in execution of his duty on 20 January and died of injuries. Full details known 1844 1865 1885 County 7. Edward RAVEN Constable 213 Born 4 April 7 August Essex Accidentally drowned In the River Crouch when proceed~ngIn a small boat Full details unknown 1836 1859 1886 County from Burnham to Foulness 8. Adarn John EVES Acting Sergeant NK 1 March 16 April Essex Mortally injured Full details known 1877 1893 County 9. John HARVEY Sergeant 30 Nov 5 Jan Essex Drowned in execution of duty Full details unknown 1855 1894 County 10. Walter REEVE Constable 22 Sept 16 Feb Essex Drowned Full details unknown 1890 1911 County 11. Joseph WATT Constable 357 2 April 8 Sept Essex Died from injuries received attempting to stop a runaway horse. Full details unknown 1906 1913 County 12. Thornas WAKE Constable 464 22 Aug 8 Feb Essex Hit by motorcycle on duty on 31 October, 1926. Full details unknown 1921 1927 County 13. George GUTTERIDGE Constable 218 29 July 5 April 27 Sept Essex Shot on duty. Full details known 1889 1910 1927 County 14. Fred BOOTH Constable 181 NK 15 Sept 22 Oct Essex Died as a result of an accident arterial road Dunton Wayletts. Full details unknown 1933 1934 County 15. Alexander Scott Constable 480 5 Sept 1 June 16 Nov Essex Killed as a result of enemy action whilst on duty at HQ. Full details known 1919 1934 1940 County 16. Morris LEE Constable 298 4 Nov 6 Nov 16 Nov Essex Killed as a result of enemy action whilst on duty at HQ. Full details known 1911 1935 1940 County 17. David LEWlS Sergeant 28 8 Aug 19 March 14 July Essex Collapsed after ejecting members from a motor bus Full details unknown 1901 1926 1946 County 18. Edrnund FROST Sergeant 32 27 July 8 March - 8 April Essex Whilst arresting a deserter in early 1945 received injuries from which he Full details unknown 1904 1929 1948 County later died. 19. Sidney DODD Constable 780 18 May 1 Sept 24 Feb Essex Killed on duty R.T.A. Full details unknown 1924 1949 1957 County 20. Brian RIPPINGALE Constable 354 19 Sept 17 Sept 2 Sept Essex Killed on duty R.T.A., whilst chasing suspect Full details unknown 1940 1959 1968 County Ex Cadet 21, John SHRlMPLlN Constable 1342 8 April 14 May 2 March Essex & SOS Killed on duty R.T.A.. motorcycle Full details unknown 1947 1964 1970 Joint Constabulary 22. Peter Jarnes WRINGE Constable 1963 10 Dec 29 Dec 4 July Essex & SOS Whilst investigating burglar alarm at warehouse fell through roof on 2 July Full details known 1958 1981 1982 Joint 1982, subsequently died of his injuries in St. Bartholomew's Hospital. Constabulary 23. Stephen Fletcher Constable 797 3 Nov 7 March 14 August Essex Police Killed in R.T.A. Full details known GREET 1957 1983 1984 24. Brian John BISHOP Atsergeant 389 24 April 11 Aug 27 August Essex Police Shot by armed robber. Full details known 1947 1956 1984 25. David WORSFOLD Constable 1745 4 Aug 30 Aug 5 March Essex Police R.T.A. Full details known 1958 1977 1987 26. Stephen TAYLOR Constable 1879 4 June 30 July 1 June Essex Police Diving accident on 1 June, 1989. Full details known 1957 1979 1989 27. Andrew MORRISON Constable 1671 10 Nov 2 Feb 2 June Essex Police Diving accident on 1 June, 1989. Full details known 1954 1976 1989 28. Jo-Ann JENNINGS Woman 19 May 16 Feb 12 Nov Essex Police R.T.A. Full details known Constable 3267 1966 1987 1989 THE LAW, FEBRUARY, 1990 5 ESSEX POLICE I IIVTERIVATIONAL POLICE 150th ANNIVERSARY MARCH CELEBRATIONS A NUMBER of celebra- course will be 16.7 every competitor who com- Hospitality? tions are planned kilometres (10 miles) or at pletes the course will be the choice of competitors 30 awarded a handsome medal. PROVISIONAL DIARY OF EVENTS Dear Sir, throughout the year kilometres. It has been de- The Essex Police Band will 1990 As a sewing officer and an and the wide range of ex-member at the Force signed in association with be present at the sportsfield SPRINGISUMMER Colchester and Tendr~ng Floral Clocks with Police football team I was dismayed activities will ensure Chelmsford Borough and the grand assembly of District Council Badge or theme that most people will be Council and will be called the teams, both national and and extremely disap ointed Admiral McHardy Way. The international should provide JANUARY TO JULY on Monday ~ecem!er 11, able to become in- walk will become part of the a spectacle for ;.'l those at- Schools Community Services Branch 1989, to find the entire De- volved. Council's series of leisure tending the sportsfield and at exhibitions throughout the von and Cornwall football walks in and around vantage points around the county team together with visiting One of the earlier events supporters in the HQ police will be an International Chelmsford and will be per- course. The sight of so many FEBRUARY Police Long Distance Walk. manently way-marked as a varied uniforms will certainly bars with no apparent op- provide a boost to the cele- 12th-17th Harvey Centre Harlow Police exhibitions osite numbers from the This is to be held in celebration of the one for a week Chelmsford on Saturdav hundred and fiftieth anniver- brations. A brochure of the Essex police team who they sary of the Force. event including an appli- had played that afternoon. .4pril 7, 1990. Quite a APRIL number of teams are already cation form has been sent to Southend 150th Anniversary of Essex Only two Essex officers Teams will be required to each divisional sports club. were present, John Stewart entered and we are assured Police. Ice Cream Desert of competitors from compete in uniform and will All sports clubs are urged to and Bob Sloan both of whom leave H.Q. sportsfield at in- Chelmsford The Admiral McHardy Walk attem ted to show the visit- Belgium, Germany and participate together with International Police March Gibralter, even at this early tervals. The route goes via departmental and section in size some form of hospi- Chelmer Village, along the and foundation of permanent taBity stage. teams with a view to making footpath Chelmer Navigation Canal, the event a huge success. ~liowin~for the ext- The whole event is de- to Little Baddow, along Futher details of the event Chelmsford -Schools only Police Station Open Day ingencies of duties it was a signed to promote physical Danbury Heights, Lingwood can be obtained from Bob Chelmsford - Public Police Station Open Day retty poor effort, where well-being and to foster the Common and Great Graces Needham. March Secretary. ave the days one where MAY ri cpirit of international to return to H.Q. sportsfield. Police Headquarters. (Ext you all sat rouncfexchangin goodwill and friendship. The Team prizes are on offer and lilbury Police Station Open Day stories, making friends, an% 2799). Chelmsford Series of Band Concerts making new contacts with your fellow police officers, as JUNE was certainly the case in my GERMAN MINI-CRUISE Basildon Sports and Social Club day. Pensioners evening Come on Essex police Canvey Island Police Exhibition footballers, it's nice to be important but more impor- Southend Gala Ball tant to be nice. Regardless of Colchester Summer Ball the result, win or lose, let's Braintree Vision 2000 make visitors feel welcome to Colchester The Mayor's Reception our force. Yours sincerely, Brentwood Police Station Open Day Stuart Lowe, JULY Ex-right winger, shirt puller, Colchester Fun Day at Castle Park and dressing room entertainer. Harwich Police Station Open Day Epping Epping Police Fete Three day Mini-cruise to Hamburg, Germany from Harwich (Parkeston Quay) on Harwich Policing through the ages "Fill a gap" Sunday. April 8, '990, travelling on MS Hamburg. display at Guildhall The timetable is as follows: Basildon Dear Sir, I read with interest Band Concert at St Martin's recently, in one of your 1530 hours Sunday, April 08 ...... earHarwich Church editions sports columns, that 1300 hours Monday, April 09 ...... Arrive Hamburg Headquarters Pensioners' Garden Party there was some difficulty ex- 1630 hours Monday, April 09 ...... Dear Hamburg Headquarters Police Dog Trials perienced by the organisers 1200 hours Tuesday, April 10 ...... Arrive Harwich Headquarters Fete and Exhibitions to get enough players to There are two, three and four-berth cabins available, each with shower and toilet. make u teams for the Force The cost is E25 per person. The price includes a coach sightseeing tour of Haburg. Chelmsford Band Concerts Bowls gection in numerous If you are interested, please complete the reservation slip and return to DS 231 B. R. Manningtree Display in the Library matches. Firmin at the Port of Harwich, no later than 16th March, 1990. Cheques should be Saffron Walden Could I bring to your made payable to B. R. Firmin. Carnival Fayre attention and perhaps you Tendring lickets for the cruise will be issued on the day of departure at Harwich. Boarding for The Tendring Hundred Show would pass on the informa- ship commences at 1445 hours. Braintree Traders Cricket Match tion, that here in Colchester, This offer is open to members of the Essex Police, retired Officers, Civilian Maldon 999 Fayre we have several retired Essex Employees and their immediate families. Police Officers who actively Southend On the beat, a major event on For those who do not have access to the Internal Mail system, please send your participate in both indoors booking to Essex Police, c10 HM Immigration, Parkeston Quay, Harwich, Essex. the Western Esplanade and outdoors bowling. Countywide Force Cricket Week To name a few, there is I Passports are required AUGUST Cliff Barham, Jock Youngs, Peter Clarkson, Jim Watson, Surname Christian Name Station Colchester Searchlight Tattoo with Police Denis Redgwell, Dave involvement Passfield and myself. Also 1 Grays 999 Fayre Brian Squirrel] (who retires Basildon Basildon Town Show in a few weeks time). I am sure if we had 2 SEPTEMBER notification there are enough 3 1st Clacton Band Concerts to 'fill a ap' and of course, (Afternoon & Evening) keep the Bag flying for Essex Pohce. 4 lst Benfleet Runneymede Hall Fayre Yours sincere1 14th115th Basildon Basildon Open Day Pete caJyn, rtd 16th Witham Police O~enDav ex Pc 423 Stanway Traffic I require a two/three/four-berth cabin Tel No ...... 22ndl23rd Billericay Barleylands Steam Fair and Police Vehicle exhibition 22nd Saffron Walden Michaelmas Fair 23rd Chelmsford Service at the Cathedral OCTOBER 12th Grays - Schools only Police Station Open Day 13th Grays - Public Police Station Open Day

MEMORABILIA Medallion Mr RAMPLING Federation Mugs Mr RAMPLING Federation Ties Mr PALLANT Federation Limited Edition Model Cllnsp D. HOWARD Southend Rock Supt BENNING Admiral McHardy Walk Commemorative Medallion PS NEEDHAM First Day Cover Pc PALLANT Federation Pc plays midwife ON MONDAY January 16 police standing in for striking ambulancemen raced to answer the 999 call when Mrs Susan Ellingford went into labour at her home in Orchard Road, Southminster. On the lbmile trip to the hospital baby Kimberley decided to make an early appearance. Shocked policemen Stephen Clarke and Richard Curtis stopped the specially equipped Transit van at the In the photograph members of London Buses and side of the road and Pc Clarke On Tuesday 19 December 1989 Mathew Easton aged 9 turned midwife. The experi- years, along with members of London Transport Driving School staff (As you look at the photo Mathew ence wasn't a complete shock (Leaside Buses), paid a visit to the Driving School, and his father are dead centre, Inspector Snow is on the to Susan who already has five Mathew, who suffers from cancer of the spine was left and Pc Booth is on the right.) other children. Both mother, given a Christmas dinner in the H.Q. canteen and then Mathew's condition is critical and is deteriorating baby and Pc Clarke are re- taken on to the skid pan followed by a tour of Head- daily and his life expectancy is minimal. ported to be doing well. quarters. A.R. Booth Pc 1300 6 THE LAW, FEBRUARY, 1990

THE lone petrol bomber carefully sizes up the human targets. His deadly missile, taper burning, hangs smouldering in his right hand. Suddenly he sees his chance and his right arm Behind the arcs. The milk bottle, half scenes Fred filled with petrol, per- - forms a lazy loop. Hammerton, As it bursts on the ground, formerly with in front of the advanclag police cordon, thcre 1s a the Evening stunning hcat which I can to a Echo and now feel fully 30 feet away. riot,.. I'lames, seven feet high, Essex Chronicle lick devouringly up police shields and there is a sub- deputy news dued roar as the blazing editor, looks at lethal liquid slithers over the concrete. the 'I'hc police advance is relentless. Without a hint of sophisticated faltering the close knit group approach to burst through the flanlcs. One of the group, who is modern now safely clear of the of policing within the heat, realises there are flames still licking round a the Essex force. left boot and stamps to clear the last droplets of petrol. He found 'I'he flames die. specialist teams 'I'his is Public Order Training Day for Essex of officers - Policc Force Support Unit. well trained 'I'hc danger is necessary. There is no point in side and dedicated. stepping what could be cxpcrienced on the streets, not perhaps in this County, but as back up to another force. One of the sargeant instructors is doing a good job as the petrol bomber. His unerring aim, time and again, causes the high octane fuel to ignite directly in front of the I;SU group, fitted out in their special equipment. The flameproof overalls, helmet and visor protect from the fiery hazards but it still gets mighty hot. Hair is matted with per- spiration as helmets are removed on the stand down / command. ON THE sandy bank three intent individuals play out Scarred and occasionally tug lengths of floating line, slightly 1 thicker than the average clothes line. The Essex site where One of the three, Sgt Nigel Dermott becomes slightly more training is held, is in places intense. scarred black from earlier "What's he up to?" The orange 75 metre long line, : petrol bombing incidents. marked off by tape in three metre lengths is on the move The FSU later team up in again. He anbwers his own question. "He's clearing some an impressive display with weed." Essex Police Mounted This is training day for Essex Police Diving Unit. The mid- Section and their City Police Essex stretch of murky, weed strewn water is typical of the counterparts. search conditions divers usually experience when they are A baying, nasty mob sud- operational. denly turn vicious. M~ssiles 'The 45 minute underwater stint for each man i~ an inte- fly and crash on riot shields. gral part of their work. Like aquatic sniffer dogs they ruin- I Suddenly there is a loud, mage among the jetsam. All have learned the meaning of the 30 different tugs on i decisive order from the line which the attendant on the bank may use. Inspector Dave Westoby, Light relief is provided when one of the divers suddenly 1 de~utvcommander of the surfaces with a paif of men's swimming trunks on his head. There are some ribald remarks and then it's back to the 1 Fsgght huge policc horses. murky depths. / in their own riot gear,- which Sgt Dermott will put "no problems" on his report sheet. includes visors, clatter But it's training like this which keeps the unit, which is 1 through and quickly dispersc recognised as one of the most professional in the country, up the mob. to its high standard. , The several tons of charg- As well as looking after Essex the divers are available to / ing horses is an awe inspir- I ing sight. sion in the County when the One of the "rioters" tries full public order team have to cower, but remains stand- had to be deployed. ing fast as the 40 hooves He said: "We have to be move in. Ile is hit by one of fully trained, should that the horse's chests and bun- occasion arise. I hope it does dled along. not." Never let it be said thc It's easy watching others press-ups. and stop watch. The sight is a sobering was assigned to me, pri- The Essex Police grunt, grimace and sweat, so "Twenty seconds, 10 sec- Another alleged respite. one. The mighty animal Force Support Unit is marly I believe, to instill I Mounted Section, Sgt Paul instead I joined the FSU onds, ready, go." I couldn't go for a little hobble to try to moves a one and a half hun- not fit. confidence. This ploy was Hemmings on Conquest, P.c. doing its quarterly physical cheat. A big fist was posi- dredweight man as if he Just one second into the successful. ease some life into the legs. Les Smith on Cromwell, P.C. . assessment tests, based on tioned which I had to touch Then the seconds warn- were a cardboard cut out. last of five exercises which Rut I should have taken 20 Michael Caunce on Cavalier Marine exercises. with my chest each time my ing rents the air. This time A running battle ends the FSU officers must pass to heed of his two repeated and W.Pc Caroline Dunn on The airy Essex Police liQ weakening arms lowered sit-ups with knees bent and exercise. This involves the remain in the squad, I knew questions-"are you fit Crusader show up well gym was already filled with me. I believe I did 40. the partner holding the legs rioters pelting the FSU with I was in trouble. enough to take part?" against their more hardened a bronzed looking bunch of The minute recovery (To make sure I don't slope large wooden blocks. Horses colleagues from the Met I was supposed to be Ebullient Rob Foster, the lads and two svelte ladies seemed ridiculously short. off?). and riders come to their aid. As with the FSU, the doing stride jumps on and wide shouldered training playing a bustling, noisy Off again. Burpees with The stomach seizes. Insp Westoby stresses that skills must be honed, just in off a bench but I was having instructor, certainly didn't game of what looked like a jumps. Now my mind is "Have a rest," suggests my there has not been an occa- case. a distinct problem-l was have any intention of letting experiencing enormous diffi- baseball derivative. us have any extra seconds wandering a bit, and so is partner as he sees my culty -getting my feet off the I tried to manage a confi- rest between the work. And the muscle in my chest. strength draining. I do. shiny gym floor. dent smile as I was intro- work it was. I am concentrating on 'This time a three minute Photographs courtesy of the Where was the almost duced by lnsp Westoby. First it was burpees for a hard effort and lose count, recovery. My 49-year-old youthful dash I had showed We split into twos, but my minute. No sooner had they but my partner knows how body could do with three I Evening Echo and Essex in the early press-ups and partner who had previously ended, and the haven of a many I complete and passes hours. burpees? In one little .word, passed his assessment and minute's rest then Big Bob the figure to Mr Foster who My thighs are lifeless and Chronicle GONE. would not be doing the tests was on the countdown to attends with his clipboard there's a certain foreboding THE LAW, FEBRUARY, 1990 7 THE LAW, FEBRUARY, 1990 I IF THERE'S one thing about - it was claim- ing on a contents insur- k4 I / //L

I them - for all thesz -1" -P f

Please forward your help us by donation to Chief In-

November 26, ex Inspector J. L. Dorkin, aged 80 years, who retired from the Force June 1958. December 3, ex Inspector W. T. Cook, aged 67 years, who retired from the Force June 1977. THE BANK IS BACK ROYAL ALBERT HALL,

December 26, ex PC L. H. ?.30pm, Saturday, 10th March, 1990 Finch, aged 85 years, who retired from the Force JUIY The CO-OPBank will be at F.H.Q. (in the Link passage)

Tickets may be secured from: H.R. Promotions, 4 Victoria Terracq Nantile, Gwynedd LL54 68P. Tel: 028 6881 777 (Mrs I. Roberts)

ruary 1964. THE LAW. FEBRUARY, 1990 9, Asthma Society and Friends of LONDON HOSPITAL the Asthma Research Council Leukaemia Appeal Dear Chlef Inspector Bright, Dear D. C. I.Hill, . I was sorry not to have seen you when you came to On behalf of the Chelmsford Branch of the Asthma the hospital to present the cheque on behalf of Essex Society, Iwould like to thank you, D. C. Box and the police for the David Eastwood Appeal. I am very Headquarters CID for the extremely generous dona- grateful for all your hard work on behalf of our appeal In tion to asthma research. We were all very thrilled .: l the memow of David Eastwood. with such a large donation which will go to our am v~e;~ pleased to-say that our appeal is pro- nominated research project. ssing well and work should start on our new unit Mywife and Iwould also like to thank you for your during the current year. I am only too sorry that Mr hospitality and a most enjoyable evening last Mon- Eastwood was not able to see the fruits for which he day . 7 put in so much hard work. Wishing you a happy and prosperous New Year. L Please thank all concerned. Yours sincerely, Yours iincerely, CHRIS BIRD, A.C. NEWLAND, MA MRCP MRCPath Branch Chairman UNITY Reader in Haemaiology FORCE EFFORTS REWARDED HEALTH, INDEPENDENCE, D16NITY, CARE, SECURI- TY, HAPPINESS are just some of the things that go towards ensuring a good: QUALITY OF LIFE which, thankfully, the greater majority of us enjoy. Resulting from the Fun Day activities of the Force during 1989, a total of £25,429.79 was donated to the Charities, as shown below.

The message received from all the benefiting charities with regard to the various donations are many and varied but in essence come down to two small words which mean so much - THANK YOU for helping to improve the QUALITY OF LIFE. Constable Britnell presenting a £ 1,000 cheque to Dr John Eaton of Medics, the Harlow Division charity for These THANKS together with those of all Fun-Day Committee 1989. Members, are passed on to all Force personnel who assisted in the Fun-Day activities in any way whatsoever. Space revents the reproduction of all cheque presentation photograpls and letters of appreciation but shown is a selection of these including photographs of the 10 Guide Dogs provlded as a result of the fund-ralslng efforts of the Force. A great Surprise Christmas Present for 10 blind people, all m, a vcl a a umber d alha resident in Essex, was to be told that in the New Year they were to be durilkr. lplin M UCYir the IY provided with a trained Guide Dog must surely have made their Christmas both extra special and one to remember. 1 Guide Dogs for the Blind Association f 10,000.00 2 Essex Radio 'David EASTWOOD' LeukaemiaAppeal f 1,000.00 MARK 3 Rochford Hospital Special Baby Care Unit f 1,179.79 4 Mid Essex Doctors Immediate Care Service El ,000.00 5 St Luke's Hospice £1,000.00 6 Debra - Dystrophic Epidermolysis Bullosa Research Association f 1,000.00 7 The Asthma Society f 1,000.00 8 Riding for the Disabled f 1,000.00 9 North East Essex Doctors Emergency Service f 1,000.00 10 Okeley Home for the Elderly f 1,000.00 11 CHARMS - Chelmsford Action for the Relief of Multiple Sclerosis f 1,000.00 12 Glenwood School for Handicapped Children f 1,000.00 13 Essex Association of Boys Clubs £500.00 14 Royal Marines School of Music Disaster Fund f 1,500.00 15 ConstablesTAYLOR 8 MORRISON Memorial Fund £1,000.00 16 Kingsdown School for HandicappedChildren f 1,000.00 17 Jamie WOODS - Member of United Kingdom Special Olvm~ics. . UK Team (Disabled Athlete) f250.00 18 St. Martin's Mission of Help, Residential Home for the Elderly £500.00 19 Essex Radio Toys & Tins Appeal (to provide toys and WPC Jackie Edwards delive of toys and tins to Essex pmes for orphan children and food and other lnspector Bramhill seen presenting £1000 cheque to staff of the Glenwood School for Radio's Gavin McCoy - (#otograph published with hristmas comforts for elderly people) £500.00 handicapped children who will use the money to buy extra teaching equipment for the kind permission of Evening Echo Newspapers) children. The Guide Dogs for the Blind Association Dear Mr Burrow I am writing to tell you how deli hted this Association and our Training Centre in particular, are to have received such a marvellous donation as the f10,0#0.00 Iwas presented with on Monday at Essex Police Head-Quarters. We have been tremendously impressed with the hard work of the organisers of the fun day and other events, together with their wishes for us to be involved and to ultimately be one of the beneficiaries. The feedback has been splendid and many enquiries have come to fruition and so Ido hope that ou will pass on our very sincere thanks and appreciation for the kindness and enerosity of all of our officers and their Yamilies. We have very much enjoyed our close association witf the Essex police tiis year and we do hope that this can continue in the future, especially as so many blind people have benefited In various ways. Thank you for allowing us this opportunity. Yours sincerely DON LIDDELL Regional Appeals Manager -- KATHY DYSTROPHIC EPIDERMOLYSIS BULLOSA RESEARCH ASSOCIATION Dear Chief Inspector BLOOMFIELD, Iam writing to thank you and your colleagues most sincerely for your generous donation of £1,000 to DEBRA which Ihad the pleasure of collecting on Monday night. :enclose our of- ficial receipt. The support which we have received from the Essex Police is truly amazing, particularly when you realise that this is the third year in which we have benefited from your generosity. Life is always a struggle for relatively little-known charities, like ourselves, and the knowledge that we have supporters such as yourselves is a tremendous boost to the morale. There was so much that Icould have said when Icollected the cheque I wo~tldlike to say a big thank you to the about our work and our gratitude to the Essex Police but Iwas members of the committee for their kindness in acutely conscious that there were a number of other pres- entations to follow, and Idid not want to impose on your giving me the E70 I had stolen from my hospistality! Perha s this letter will go some way to expressing handbag on the 29th November. I had saved the gratitude of at of us at DEBRA for your help. As you the money to do my Christmas shopping. I ap- know, we are dependent on voluntary income to continue and preciate the help you have given me. develop our programme of research and welfare activities and your donation w~llhe1 us enormously in this. Yours sincerely, Once again, many tianks for your support. Please pass on Mrs B. Cook Martin's Mission Home for the Elderly. our thanks to evervone involved in raisine the money. Yours sincerely - ~-~--- John Dart, Director DEBRA Essex Countv Council . Riding- .for- the Disabled Association Social services Dear Inspector Sheldrake, Dear Paul, On behalf of all the residents and staff, Z would like to I am uniting to thank the Essex Police for the very express our sincere thanks to you for the donation of One generous cheque that they donated to Ridinp -for the Dis- Thousand Pounds. abled. The generosity of the people who supported the Fun I would like to thank you particularly for putting our Day and the dedication of the staff and everyone who name favard and for looking afer us all so well on the helped to make the day so successful is I know appreci- night of the presentation, and the Essex Police for their ated by everyone here. hospitality and fantastic find raising achievement, I Please thank everyone at Police Headquarters for all think that we should learn a few lessons from you in the their efforts. act of fund raising! Yours sincerely

Yours sincerelv.-, A LAWLOR OPAL PAT LEWZS RHEA Officer in Charge ERlC 10 THE LAW, FEBRUARY, 1990 ...... Headquarters ...... f...... I...... S...... Musical Society ANOTHER Christmas details later). MID-ESSEX has passed and a New In July/August we have BRANCH Year begun, and what a been asked to make a e. ..>>>:.:.:.>>>:.:.:.:.:.:.>>>>:.~.>:.:.~.>>>~.~.~.~...... W...... busy year for the Society contribution to the 150 ...... it looks like being. years celebrations of the As this column is being Essex Police by taking AS Friday, July l3 Year came to a close, on A treasure hunt on foot in read 'Eliza Doolittle' Will Part in the ageant to be as id^^ evening December 8 Maldon, followed by a fish have com leted her elo- staged at tfe Colchester many members and their and ,-hip supper, cut i 0 n reS S on S and Tattoo, for which we may wives assembled at HQS Bar Friday, August 10 shocked the 'well to do' at need to call upon others for the Annual Xmas Social. A, informal Quiz night at Ascot, thus ending the to increase our numbers. A very good assortment of HQ, with Cambridge Branch weeks run of the 25th Whilst preparations for food had been prepared by IPA with bar and buffet. Production, a report of all these events are going the ladies and drink was Saturday, August 18 which will hopefully be on, the society is still re- by the members. An all day coach trip into found in the next edition spending to requests for Games were arranged by our East Anglia, visiting a Treasurer John Bray and Transport Museum in the CHIEF ADMIN OFFICER of this publication. 'Oncerts in the these there was also a raffle with morning. Arrangements are In June, the show for are comprised of ~h~rusmany prizes. A very pleasant being sought for the after- charity fund raising will numbers, solo's and corn- evening was enjoyed by all. noon, with a possibility for a consist of songs from past edy items taken from . 0 n F r i d a Y evening, stop 0, the way home for an productions and will be a previous shows and con- January 12, the AGM was evening meal. time for re-newing old certs. held at Police HQs attended Saturday, September 15 a total of 36 members and Big Band Dance at acquaintanceS and Anyone wishing to ar- their wives. Our Vice Boswells School to the theme friendships with folk range for a Chairman George Harris of -~~ttl~of Britainn, connected with the function asked to be relieved of his Friday, October 12 - Sun- musical society attending the Secretary or any duties due to other corn- day, october 14 a special performance in member of the commit- mitments. In his place Brian A weekend in York by the final evening (more tee. Palmer was elected as new coach. For details contact Vice Chairman. I would like ~i~kGiggins, to take this opportunity on id^^, ~~~~~b~~ 9 behalf of the Branch in ~~~th~~visit to New Hall thanking ~eorgefor all the Vineyards for a "Champagne Essex Police Choir help he has given over the Tour", this time by coach years. I would also like to from HQS. AUSTRIA, AMERICA, The ice is now broken.- no welcome Brian onto the Friday, December 14 British West Indies, bricks or rotten fruit was Committee and look fprward Annual Xmas Social at Canada, France, so a Is now safe for to any help he can glve. Of HQ~, Germany, Italy , the rest Of You singers the remaining members of Diploma in Management Studies (DMS). Switzerland and Zambia. come out of hiding and Join! the committee all were re- S. E. Branch Mr Crook, who a now responsible for the 136 civilians who staff the finance, The Choir is contracted to elected en-bloc. These are some Of the in this country for a I have been approached by property, supplies, statistics, firearms licensing, catering, general services venues the Choir could be minim,m of two perform- At the conclusion of the the chairman of SE departments and the central ticket office, came to the Force as the Deputy hvitedto perform at h~ the ances in 1990, one of these AGM Our member Dan Gordon Oakley to include in Chief Administrative Officer in April 1984. Before that, he had enjoyed a suc- future As ibis prove being at the Parish Church in H~~~,who specialises in my News Report their events cessful20-year-longcareer with the Co-op in admin and accountancy, during quite a strain on the current purleigh for the ~~l~ week philately, gave a short and for 19Yl I hope we meet at which time he gained a Diploma in Secretaryship at Co-operative College, interesting talk on the sub- the bar some time ~~~d~~, membersh$' the. Choir is sacred cantata 'Olivet to Cal- ~ik~many thought Tuesday, looking Ouble Its strength vay' on Wedlesday 11 April ieCt, I 21 philately was just showing 10 Region AGM 8pm - particularly in the *lto an the other IS a smglng per- He sees himself in a general management role, "co-ordinating staff and individual stamps in Police HQs. material resources in su port of the Force Operational goals." He does how- and Tenor sections Come formance of Gilbert and Sul- no, all those displayed by along On evenings to livans Pirates of Penzance, FMay, April ever have some oals orhis own. for his departments. "Pride in your work'' is D,, and there were many, the Training for on a date and venue to be Dance at Rayleigh one of them. As 4e puts it "don't walk past poor quality" however much time had ', story behind them, Police Station, may be taken in the lmprovernent. Civilian staff he says should be proud of the ti19.30pm. You will be made arranged. Each item was an addressed saturday, 19 welcome - and apply now The Choir also sings for role the play, and of the service they support. And he hopes that this pride can envelope from a11 corners of social ~~~~i~~ southend for your assport! etc, You find a need be uset!tO help Sell the CiVi\ian SUPPMroles throughout the County in a major The 8ho1r opened its and location and let anyone :he. world concerning the police station, visit by recruitment drive. performing ife in a modest in the committee know, Pol~ce, some gang back ~i,and ~~~~~~~~~l~~d, Born in Malta, and brought up in Sussex, Peter lives in Springfield with his way at Boreham in , many years into the 19th ~~ll~~d. in December, and was well Noman Eastbrook, Bob Century. Thank You, Dan. Thursday, June 21 famil . He has a wide range of interests including music (he was a student at If any member has not the Joyal Marine School of Music), sport, and DIY. received - even the Hayes, Jo Dudley, Roger Ladies Day at Ascot. Choirmaster was impressed. Grimwade, Sylvia Bray, re c e i ved the Branch Saturday, July 21 So pleased in fact that he MmdY Brick, Diane muam, Newsletter No 6, will he Evening Bar-b-Cue at the permitted another perform- Jane Stich or the Secretary please contact the Secretary home of John ante in Tiptree (also John Bray on (0245) 491212 Mike Stanbu~at home on Swansborough, Swan Lane, England) two weeks later. ext 3542. Braintree 26400 or at wickford, Witham Police Station. Will saturday, septemhr 8 ?hose members who have visit to ~~rt~IPA, venue ESSEX POLICE FRIENDLY SOCIETY their and to be arranged. aot returned their "Events saturday, october 13 for 1990" form to the Social E v i g social at DISSOLUTION INFORMATION Secretary Dick Giggins Southend Police Stn. Visit by please do so as soon as pos- ~~~~d~~fW, G~~~~~~. On 3 November 1989 all instruments of sible. Friday, October 26 legal were The following events have A visit and evening dinner been finalised for this year's at N~~ scotland yard, despatched Registrar of Friendly programme: Friday, March 9 i id^^, ~~~~~b~~ 16 - Societies. In view of absence of notice in Antiques Road show at sunday, November 18 local paper contact was made on 12 HQs. Bring your old bit sand Big Band weekend at January 1990. The officer concerned ~~~y~'~$~~~Hotel Burstin, Folkestone. acknowledged that papers were ,ipril 22 THOSE INTERESTED received on 6 November 1989, but the A weekend in Chester by PLEASE REPLY NO staff had not had time to do anything coach, staying at the Hotel LATER THAN EEB- RUARY 28. with them yet and could not give any in- ~~~~~~~~.ll dication when action would be taken. An event to be arranged. Friday? December l4 Joint Xmas Social with

OWcK -

OF HARwrcn f'orlcr. STATION THE LAW, FEBRUARY, 1990 11 MARATHON RUNNING IN 1990 To some it may seem strange marathon and my kids still marked but full description is event and another highly re- ESSEX POLICE that anyone could enjoy run- believe I have just won the supplied and only a small commended). ning 26.2 miles when they race because I've got a section of the 26-mile route is 28.10.90 - Harlow Mara- don't have to. But there is medal, and in a way they are on the roads. The next cross- thon, Essex. (If you can't something about a marathon correct. Every time I cross country marathon is the make the Seven Sisters this is that captures the imagination that finishing line I feel as if I Rottingdean Windmill, just a good alternative. Flat iOK FUN RUN and to complete the distance have won. outside Brighton on 8.7.90. course, using many of the cy- OF FUND. is to fulfil a dream. It may take onc of the big A very demanding course but cle tracks, good medal). IN AID ESEX POLICE MEMORIAL - S To anyone who does a bit marathons like London to there is no better way to see 4.11.90 - Harrow Mara- of jogging to keep fit or just get you going but I am here our countryside. The Seven thon, Middlesex. (Two-lap *: *. . to keep their weight down I to tell you that there are over Sisters Marathon on 27.10.90 course around Harrow suh- a. 25Uz Yd1990:- would recommend that they forty marathons throughout is the really big race with urbs. Huge field around first seriously consider taking part the year around the country over 1,500 competitors. I lap for the half-marathon race and overcoming this ultimate and some of these are the have been rejected more which thins out drasticrrlly on of events. It is surely the one best. times for this race than I have the second lap. Excellent GLOUCfSTER PARK. event where every finisher is For those looking for a real for London. it takes place in medal, highly recorn - .....*..B; ..* ...... S' '*'- .' 8 .; ..'. . a winner and proud of it, challenge there are three the Seven Sisters National mended.) . . whether you've just broken cross-country marathons, Park and finishes at Beachy 2.12.90 - St Albans Mara- the three-hour, four-hour or which take place on the Head. This race is highly thon, Hertfordshire. (Un- ENTRY FEE f 3. ENTRY FORMS FROM I- just the five-hour barr~er. South Downs in Sussex. recommended. dulating countryside. Lust EastX POLICE, fiQ.SUPfORT UNIT. You never 'race' agalnst Early in the year is the For those not wishing to race of the year attracts a big another runner, it's just you, Chanctonbury Marathon on travel far here are some of field, good medal.) . . ADMIN.OFF~Q SPRINGFIELD. Cff ELMSMRQ PO- 2. the distance and time. I come 18.2.90 just outside Stor- the local marathons: There are many more Table Tennis Ladies Hockey



I I mI I

m I Challenge your friends,

20 race prepared 140cc racing karts with a top speed of 40mph 8 250 metre tracks I I - I I l I THE NEW RACEWAY AT DOCKLANDS I




I Coach will leave Police Headquarters at 4.30pm l Il Return about midnight I I MNCLUSlVE PRICE f 34.50 Bookings (with cash please) to Sergeant Bob Cordery Press Office, HQ Extn. 2454 or (0245) 468203 l,','.'" "' ".""L <'L.'.,' . ",.C., ,,L ..""L U "Cl J 'LCLLIL VlC'lRllltj l,,," '1 1.L"" ,,U.,LLIIII W... W Sports sections orfcrs access social calendar with barbe- with a great deal to offer al ~9.~m~%m.m.%~.%%w.~~.%9~~L.9~w~%%%w~9~%'~%m~~~~m~'Lm%mm'~w~%wmm~ to ;L pa,,inlc enjoyed by not qucs ilnd dancc5 and hlrc your filmilY then eontac only thc rne~nbersthemselves a membership discount facili- Dick Houghton at Rayleigl but also thc members' wifes ty with various retailers in- Police Station on ext 6564. or girlfriends or boyfriends volved in watersports and l's. Hus anybody's wif; depending on your prefer- also with Falcon Sailing played on the left wing o. FIRST TEAM FIGHT BACK ence and your children. . Holidays if you l'ancy flotilla been sea jshing lutely. THE RUNNING SCENE COMMITMENT is an important attribute to have in any club, hand in from kicking players to ON THE 25th October a 'A' team was completed by ners Lance Willlams hand with enthusiasm and ability it can make the dif'ference between a side kicking the ball and has strong squad of Essex Police the improving air of Neil and Laurie Rampling officers set off for Ampthill threatened with relegation to ark with real hopes of winning a champion- been the pick the de- Phimister (37thF) and Mick had another close battle wit fenders for the past two Park, Bedfo~dshire, for the Kliskey (45th). Laurie beaten once again but ship. first South East PAA Cross In the 'B' team competi- looking forward to the next months. Country League fixture of tion Gary Matthews was the encounter. Brian Murna han 1,ooking around the club since last we spoke half to the season. Good ~t'~certainly a lot the season. The demanding first Essex man in 56th place. ran well on his debut to fnish through this column it has been a pleasure at wins against Upminster tighter at the back now and undulating course, in- Following him the old in 52nd place. 66 runners times to see all three qualities displayed in two and FTerongatc, plus a Nigel Cockerell and Cliff ~ludingthe motorious ' warhorses Lance Williams completed the course; people, namely Andy Spinks and Sue Bishop, John Fowler Haines have slotted in. I hearbreak hill', was tackled and Laurie Rampling Thames Valley were first an& by a large field of 93 men and had a good tussle. The Essex second in both compy who both put a lot of time and effort into the "gainst show know Kilts won't approve 17 women. men's squad was completed titions. organisation which kecps the club ticking over. what they can achieve if but both are good players At the start Roy Kebbell by Mick St Leger 78th) and Wendy Brown ran an ex-$ they add determination to who deserve vraise as led the Essex charge but on Graham Pinder [81st). 91 cellent race in the women's Sure they get their the skills they possess. unsung heroes. the first long hill he was soon finished the race. event to finish third. On& disappointments when has received from former Phil Robinson, who overtaken by Brian Moore, again however she lack players; it can't be right The "two little ducks" In the women's race players and persons lacked consistency at the Barry Ansell, Len Perrott, Wendy Brown had another support and the failure that the first team start of the season, has in midfield, Alec Deacon and Barry Daymond. The associated with the club manager ends up carrying good run finishing in fifth fail to respond and give emerged from a period and Graham Moore, hills took their toll of runners osition. She was supported them their support but the bucket, sorting out where he seemed unsure always compete and this by reducing many to walking Ey Veronica Potter, making the kit and more often at times has been the pace., Len Perrott took it all her league debut, in 19th both Andy and Sue of himself to become a in his stride however and always bounce back with than not running the line. quality goalkeeper. He secret of the team's reviv- place. Even small things like gradually moved up the field The next South East PAA a new idea and renew was outstanding against al. if only they were both to finish in 10th position de- buying and cutting up the available every week. league race, at Welwyn iheir endeavour to make Boreham time after time spite being restricted to '3 Garden City, on December oranges are time-con- defying the opposing for- And by the way welcome miles per week' training. the club stronger both on suming. I could add 101 13 saw the first proper cross and off the field. wards. I have no doubt in back Tony Dale. Barry Daymond was the country conditions of the chance of picking up other t;nsks that John saying if he maintains thc How the mighty have next Essex man home in 17th winter. The flu e idemic dec- trophies. The Essex t You may say what Stewart 1s left to do and I standard he has set position followed by Brian imated the field put pa-radox- literally runaway le happens off the field does can't help but feel sad- fallen. The reserves, top Moore (26th) who had his the Veterans com himself he will be the first of the league and looking ically Essex turned out their not affect the playing staff dened that of all the faces best race yet for the Force, strongest squad of the season and should win tha choice goalkeeper for comfortable, have had a Barry Ansell (28th), and Roy but 1 would strongly dis- that stare out from former many years to come; what to date. On a sli~~ervcourse agree and say that a good disastrous month, losing Kebbell(29th). The 'A' team John Clyde put' hise'skates' team photographs in the a change when only a important games to sides was completed by Andy 'behind the scenes' team clubhouse none has come on to finish first for Essex in FORTHCOMING RAC month or two ago any both at the top and bot- Down who finished in 35th 10th position. He was can lift a club and make it forward and offered to position despite taking a EVENTS goalkeeper joke in the tom of their league. followed down the finishifig Wednesday February successful. help. clubhouse could raise a tumble on the last lap. The straight by an incredible A lack of confidence team finished third, just one 1990 - RAF League.; What has surpr~sedme The first team have laugh. arade of Essex runners led Hellesdon Hospital. 4 seemed to run through point behind Kent. y Len Perrott (13th), fran- th15 seabon has been the turned things round and dut on the field Shaun The 'B' team, led by Mick E Wednesday March 7, the team but a recent win tically pursued by the inimi- - RAF League. Swantod lack of support the club are having a good second Frost has taken time off against Hullbridge will Kliskey, did well to finish table And Down (14th), a third in their competition Morley . *Y; h~pefullybring aYchange very breatlless Roy Kebbell Wednesday March 14,i despite being one man short. (15th) and a battling Briar1 in their fortunes. Graham Pinder could not 1990 - SEPAA Champs, Moore (16th). Also in hot Kent. It's hard to plck out have chosen a tougher course pursuit was Barry Ansell 1 to make his debut but he did Wednesday April 4, l!N&f good performances in a (19th) who completed the 'A' - PAA National Cham CHARITY FOOTBALL MATCH well to finish ahead of other team scorers. string of defeats but Rob runners. Leeds. Trigg always plays well. In the Women's race The 'B' team was led by Sunday May 6, 1990 Steve Bennet at right Wendy Brown, perhaps bet- Chris Turner (22nd) making PAA Natlonal Marath back is as solid as ever ter known in running circles his return after injury. He Champs. Telford. and Vaughan Mullender as one of the famous Lamb was well supported by ever If you reyulre more continues to defy Father twins, ran very strongly to presents Neil Phiminster formatron on these ev Time. finish 4th in her comeback Gary Matthews please contact Pc R race. More women are 44th , and Graham Pinder bell, Coroner's Hopefully by the time . needed however to give her Yni"55th . Amongst those run- Billencay, ext 3226. of the next column support. there'll be better news to This season has seen the report on the reserves introduction of a Veterans Essex Police front. Team prize and with Barry Daymond, Barry Ansell, and On me head .son, Roy Kebbell, filling 3 of the 11 PAA RUGBY The Thumb. first 4 places in that competi- tion we have every chance of' winning at least one trophy National Football Team by the end of the year. Roy Kebbell, Versus FORCE Cross Country Secretary Championship

DAVE WATSON'S INTERNATIONAL HOCKEY THE resurgence of the Essex Police cross countr squad ESSEX VETERANS TEAM Any male officers or continued on a %st flat civilian staff inter- course at Wimbledon ested in playing for Common on November 21. the Force please Len Perrott once ayin led Southend United Football Ground the 'A' team home, inlshing contact Chief In- in ninth position overall, spector Bob Ward - followed by John Clyde in SUNDAY 22nd APRIL 1990 Force Support Unit, 17th place. Veterans Bany HQ - Ext. 2420 (or Ansell and Roy Kebbell bat- on 2403 until mid tled for the third team place Kick Off 3.00pm March). finishing in 28th and 30th The girls are doing positions respectively. The Wednesday, In aid of the Essex Radio Helping Hands Appeal and Cystic very well so I think it 29th November , Fibrosis Research Trust. is incumbent on us chaps to show what PEGS HAVE a full pro- at we can do! gramme this year (30 The Brian Bishop Memorial Challenge Cup Match. matches). Anybody who Price of admission fl by programme has not joined and would Colchester RFC, like to please contact Sec- Mill Lane, Colchester. Programmes in advance from any member of the Police Football retary forthwith. There is also to be a k.0. 2.30pm. team or any Police Station. ENTRIES Centenary trip this year INVITED - any suggestions? 1 Rod Bmth 1 1 Refreshments available. ENTRIES ARE invited for the PC BRlAN 'Bill' Bishop April 22, 1990, at Southend Appeal, and the Cystic 1990 PAA National Golf was fatally injured whilst United Football Ground, Fibrosis Research Trust. Championships being held at on duty in Frinton, in kick off 3.00pm, when the Programmes will be on the Burnharn and Berrow August 1984, and follow- Essex Poiice Football team sale in advance. These will Golf Club, Burnham on Sea, ing this a charity football will take on a team of be available from any Somerset. match took place and a celebrities, including Joe member of the Football Any serving police officer cup donated known as the Corrigan, Phil Naal, Dennis Club or on sale at Police &,ith a handicap of eight or Brian Bishop Memorial Tueart, Steve Coppell, Stations throughout the better wishing to enter the Challenge Cup for a game Mick Mills, and .Peter county, or through Andy event should contact Pc 204 to be played annually with Holmes. Spink at Earls Colne, or Phillip Olds at Wincanton a diiferent charity benefit- The charities to benef~t, Sue Bishop at Manage- poiice station, telephone ing. chosen by Brian's widow ment Services Hq ext 2602 (0963) 33220. This year's game is to Sue, are to be Essex or Jock Stewart, Stansted Closing date for entries is take place on Sunday, Radio's Helping Hands Airport 5969. March 31, 1990.