M. Phil ( Studies) Session: 2013-2015

Researcher Supervisor

Waqar Ahmad Khan Dr. Muhammad Akbar Malik Roll No. 04

Department of Pakistan Studies

The Islamia University of Bahawalpur



Table of Contents Chapter 1: Historical Background 1

1.1. Introduction 1.2. Pak - Afghan Relations during 1947-77 1.3. Causes of Soviet Union Interference in Chapter 2: Zia’s Afghan policy 17

2.1. Zia’s Afghan Policy 2.2. Arrival of Afghan Refugees in Pakistan 2.3. Foreign Aid 2.4. Effects on Pakistan Economy 2.5. Social Problems 2.6. Political impact Chapter 3: Pak Afghan relations (1988-99) 34 3.1. Benazir‟s Afghan Policy 3.2. Nawaz Sharif‟s Afghan Policy 3.3. The Emergence of Taliban Chapter 4 :Musharraf Afghan policy 48 4.1. Differences of PM Nawaz Sharif and COAS Pervez Musharraf 4.2. 9/11 Incident and US policy 4.3. Gains and Losses in US Partnership 4.3.1. Socio-Political Benefits and Losses 4.3.2. Economic Benefits and Losses 4.3.3. Strategic Benefits and Losses

Chapter 5 61 Conclusion 61 Appendix 68

Bibliography 85


Abstract The study explores the impacts of policies of Zia in Afghan war (1979-88) and Musharraf‟s decision to join war on terror (2001-08). These two regimes in Pakistan‟s history has left many impacts on our country. During these two periods, Pakistan played a role of front line state. In order to gain personal motives, US formulates its relations with Pakistan. In Zia‟s regime, Pakistan and America support afghan Mujahedeen against Soviet army. The researcher throws light on all these issues. After Zia‟s death in plane crash, the situation in Afghanistan is described and how Pakistan democratic governments played their role for the peace of Afghanistan is described. Then in Musharraf‟s regime, the event of 9/11 proved a turning point in the world history. This event not only changed the whole world scenario but also indulged the world in the long series of war. Under intense pressure from Washington, the government held by Musharraf was compelled to make a 180 degree turn in Pak-afghan policy. Pakistan lost much more and gained less in this war. This war impaired almost every aspect of Pakistan‟s social, economic and political life.

Chapter 1 comprises on introduction and historical background of Afghanistan. The relations between Pakistan and Afghanistan from 1947-79 have been described in this chapter. Chapter 2 deals with Zia‟s regime of afghan policy and its impacts on Pakistan. Chapter 3 consists on 1988-99. Here the situation of afghan mujahedeen‟s fight and emergence of Taliban is discussed. Chapter 4 discusses about the incidents of 9/11, the changing relations of Pakistan and America, US-Pak partnership in Musharraf era and gains and losses of this partnership. Chapter 5 comprises of summary, conclusion and recommendation.


Chapter 1

1.1 Introduction and Background

Afghanistan1, a dry land and surrounded with stony mountains, is such a country that has remained under medieval civilization. Afghanistan has importance of a door entering into sub-continent and an important trade highway from ancient time. That is why, Iranian, Greeks and other nations entered into sub-continent through Afghanistan and ruled it after conquering. Durand line and a long line Wakhan, formed in result of Anglo Afghan pact in November 1893, situated in North-East of Afghanistan that was confirmed in case of Rawalpindi pact in 1919 by Indian British and Afghan rulers.

Three Muslim states of Soviet Union named , and are situated in North of Afghanistan.2 In 1991, their position is as independent and sovereign because of breaking of Soviet Union. Valley Wakhan, situated in extremely north east, is surrounded with China, Russia and Jammu state. Soviet Union got the control of this valley under a frontier settlement after sending its army in June 16, 1981.3 Pakistan is situated in east and south while Iran is situated in west of Afghanistan. The total length of borders of Afghanistan is 3585 miles with these countries. Boundaries connected to Afghanistan are 44 miles With China, 1532 miles with Pakistan and 528 miles with Iran. The boundary line of Turkmenistan, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan is 1489 miles with Afghanistan. The longest boundary of Afghanistan is connected with Pakistan cities and areas of , Dir, Mohmand, Karam agency, South Waziristan, Zhob, Pishin, Quetta and Chagai.4

1 See Appendix I. 2 See Appendix II. 3 Kessing‟s Contemporary Archives, June 18, 1982. p.3145. 4 , Afghanistan (N.J. Princeton 1970) Vartan Gregorian, The Emergence of Modern Afghanistan, (California Stanford), 1969, p.65.


The background of naming of Afghanistan is stated that Ahmad shah Abdali (1720-73)5 established its independent state in Afghan areas after the death of Iranian king Nadir Shah Afshar (1755-47)6 in 1747; he named this land as Afghanistan.7 Another reason is also stated regarding the name of Afghanistan is that according to Iranians when Bakhat Nasar (562-605) arrested these people. They did aah o faghan (weeping and crying) and in , aah o afghan means afghan. From that time, it was named afghan.8 Iranians call Afghanis as Oghan that is substitute of afghan word. Indians call them Pathan. Sometimes, they discriminate between afghan and Pathan. The term of afghan is used for Duranis and their adjacent tribes. While Pathan, changed shape of local name in , word is used for eastern tribes.9

The area of Afghanistan is 2, 50,300 square miles (6, 47,497 square km).10 Afghanistan is situated between longitude of 60 -75 and latitude of 29-38 in north half stratosphere. There is very hotness in summer and severe cold in winter. Four famous rivers of Afghanistan are river Ammo, river Helmand, river and river Hari River. However, the most famous river is river Ammo.11

Some snowy areas, situated in north of Afghanistan, are totally impassable. Peaks of mountains are very high more than 5000 meters. Snowy glaciers are present in the whole year in these areas and passes. Frequent part of southwestern Afghanistan is consisted of desert concerning land surface and natural resources of Afghanistan. However, 80% part of the country is consisted of mountain range of Hindukush whose height reaches from 1500 feet to 20000 feet. It is saying of Pashtun that when almighty had made the whole universe, he had left a heap of cliffs and stone. He

5 Ahmad Shah was founder of Abdlai government. He ruled over Afghanistan after Nadir Shah Afshar, Wali of Iran. He defeated Mahratta by attacking on in 1761. (Feroz Sons, Encyclopedia, Third Edition, January 1984, p.980.) 6 Nadir Shah was born in Khorasan. He declared his throne by defeating Turks and Afghans in various wars at the age of 46. By attacking on India in 1739, he took with him a lot of money, Diamond Koh e Noor and Shah Jahan‟s Taos (peacock) throne. 7 Ashiq Muhammad Khan Durani, Tareekh e Afghanistan, Lahore, 1999, p.81. 8 Jamal ud Din Afghani, Tareekh ul Afghan, translated by Abdul Qadoos Hashmi, Karachi, 1977, p.210. 9 Daira Moarif Islamia, under management of University of , Lahore, vol.2, 1980, p.933. 10 Asad Saleem Sheikh, Afghan Muhajereen- ek Jaiza, Lahore, 1989, p.14. 11 Encyclopedia Britannica.

2 thought of making another country. Thus, He made Afghanistan with these cliffs and stones.12

Railway system is not present in Afghanistan from the very beginning, although a plan was organized to make a long railway track of 1815 KM with the cooperation of France in 1975. It was a part of plan to connect this railway track with Iran and Pakistan but Soviet Union proved a hindrance in the completion of this plan. It was because Afghanistan can less his dependence over Soviet Union regarding imports and exports in case of connection of Afghan railway with Pakistan and Iran and Afghanistan can turn his attention towards Pakistan and Iran. This thing was not in favor of political and economic interests of Soviet Union.13

According to the estimation of 1981, the population was one crore 63 lakhs 49 thousand. Ninety-nine percent of population of Afghanistan is and the rest one percent is concerned with other religions. Almost twenty thousand Hindu, Sikh and ten thousand Jews are consisted.14 The population of Afghanistan was consisted of three crore 14 lacs and 12 thousand people during the reign of ex-President Hamid Karzai (2000-12). There were different groups of Afghan people living in Afghanistan like Uzbek, Tajik, Mughal, Pashtun and Hazara etc.15

Present borders of Afghanistan are still same as were in past by historical point of view which were admitted by different states and rulers of world in different ages but modern Afghanistan was not existed in 1747. Ancient Afghanistan was a part of inherited rulers, which came in different historical ages. Because of its geographic importance, most of assaulters attacked it from West and Central . That is why, according to N. Well, “Afghanistan has remained victorious passage because of wide state and dictatorship.”16

12 Christina Lamb, Taliban ka Afghanistan, translated by Muhammad Yahiya Khan, Lahore, 2004, p.12. 13 Asad Saleem Sheikh, Afghan Muhajereen - ek Jaiza, op.cit. p.16. 14 Encyclopedia of Third World (London, 1979), p.28. 15 See Appendix III. 16 Nancy Newell, Richard Newell, The Struggle for Pakistan, London, 1981, p.34.


Some areas of Afghanistan have remained under Indian Rulers in different ages. In 3rd century B.C, the Morea dynasty (185-383 B.C.) introduced a new religion Buddhist after capturing major part of Afghanistan. After Morea rulers, Kashan family (345-360 B.C.) ruled Afghanistan for a long time. Huns started to eradicate Buddhist and wiped out the signs of this religion from big cities in the fifth century. However, very soon, Sassanid family (226-652 B.C.) of Iran and Gupta family (320- 647 B.C.) dropped them out from there. Iranian king Yezdger (634-652 B.C) came to northern areas of Afghanistan to get support of Afghanis against Arabs. Then Arabs also came in this area by pursuing them. After Yezdger‟s death, Afghanis were impressed by preaching activities of Arabs. The number was reached to millions that accepted invitation of Islam and they became part of Islamic army. They established their own states after rebelling against Abbasids during Abbasid dynasty. For example, Tahiris family (820-872), Safaris (861-1003) and Samanis family (879-999) established their own states but Ghaznavid ruler (962-1186) remained prominent in this regard. Sultan Mahmood Ghaznavi (998-1030) was a successful king of this family.

However, very soon, this magnificent state was declined and Ghoris family (1160- 1206) took their place. They continued the sequence of conquests not only in Afghanistan but also in Hindustan. After this, Changez Khan attacked on Ghauris and Khwarazm‟s states during Altamish‟s reign and captured major parts of Afghanistan and central Asia. The sequence of wars was continued between Safwis family of Iran and Mughal ruler of Hindustan to get control over Afghanistan in 16th and 17th centuries. Nadir Shah attacked Hindustan in 1739 and went back after looting a lot of wealth. He was killed in 1747 and his state and army was scattered after his death. Therefore, there was anarchy after Nadir Shah‟s death.

Afghan lords held a Jirga to stop wars and blood shedding and to decide political leadership for future. Ahmad Shah Abdali, head of Sadozai family (branch of Abdali tribe), was selected first ruler of Qandahar in new state of Afghanistan. Ahmad Shah Abdali gathered and disciplined Afghan tribe for upcoming time and was rightly

4 called the founder of modern Afghanistan. He stretched his state out of Afghanistan. According to Jamal ud Din Afghani, although there were people of different groups and sects in his public and they loved him. Some of them were so much devotee that they considered him nearest to Allah. He is famous for the title of “Baba” and whenever they take his name, they call him Ahmad Shah Baba.17

After the death of Ahmad Shah Abdali in 1773, his state was fall a prey of anarchy and decline due to clashes among princes and tribal and internal rivalries. In 1818, after dominating of Muhammad Zai family, Dost Muhammad Zai became first Ameer of Afghanistan in 1826.

International relations were enlarged in 19th century and Anglo-Russian war started to get colonialism. Afghanistan victimized between two rival powers. After getting control over India, the British included Afghanistan in their imperialism. Due to this policy, first Anglo-Afghan war (1838-42) was fought but British armies could not stabilize their hold because of severe resistance after conquering Kabul. The passion of nationalism aroused in Afghanis and they compelled British army to retreat. The mountains of Afghanistan were rough. Because of this, cannons and modern riffles of British army could not serve their duty as they easily served in the areas of Bengal, Madras and Bombay. Therefore, British were not able to control Afghanistan after conquering it. They returned to Sub-Continent forever after handing over rule to Ameer Abdul Rahman Khan (1880-1901).18 They confessed complete freedom in internal affairs and gave guarantee to defend Afghanistan in case of external attack. In 1893, Durand line19 was accepted to make Afghanistan as a country. Abdul Rahman Khan served prominent services to make present Afghanistan modern. He aroused the emotions of nationalism in the hearts of Afghan people through spiritual power of

17 Fraser Tytler, Afghanistan- a Study of Political Development in Center and South Asia (London: Oxford 1967), p.64. 18 Dr. Ehsan Danish, Afghanistan Mazi, Hal, Mustaqbil (Daily newspaper Nawai Waqt, Lahore), 15 January 1985. 19 A boundary line, compromised between Afghan and British government that occupied Afghanistan in 1893, is called Durand line. It was named on foreign minister of that time Sir Mortimer Durand in India.


Islam. He not only included religious scholars in services of government but also strengthened army and bureaucracy20 by putting a modern state frame in Afghanistan.

Ameer Habib Ullah (1901-19) also increased modernism by acting these policies. Ameer Amman Ullah (1919-29) wanted to get rid of British supervisory over in Afghan foreign affairs. In result of this, third Anglo-Afghan war was started in May 1919. Britain confessed the right of independent foreign policy of Afghanistan under Rawalpindi pact.21 Afghan Government accepted Durand line as a permanent boundary. Due to the policies of Amman Ullah, there were internal and external problems and his government was ended up. After Amman Ullah, Habib Ullah Khan Alias Bacha Saqah (17 January to 10 October 1929) got control over state. Bacha Saqah could not stabilize his state at any cost. At last, General Muhammad Nadir, cousin of Amman Ullah, captured rule with the help of British in 1929 by murdering Bacha Saqah after getting access to Afghanistan.22

Nadir khan (1929-33) reformed on a large scale. He got constructed new schools, literary and military academies, military and medical colleges. Nadir shah was killed on annual ceremony of distributing prizes of school on 8 November 1933. In place of him, Zahir Shah (1933-73), son of Nadir shah, seated on throne but real authorities were remained to his uncles named Hashim khan (1937-46) and Shah Muhammad (1946-53).

After Second World War (1939-45), Shah Muhammad became prime minister but he has to resign for his nephew Sardar Dawood (1909-78) in 1953. Zahir Shah dismissed him from Prime Minister Ship in 1963.Dr.Muhammed Yusuf (1963-65), Hashim Muendal (1965-67), Noor Muhammad Aitmaadi (1967-71) Abdul Zahir (1971-72) and Musa Shafique was appointed prime ministers. In 17 July 1973, Sardar Muhammad Dawood Khan put him out of throne in absence of Zahir Shah with

20 Richard S. Newell, The (London, Cornell University Press, 1972), p.15. 21 British army got success in Afghanistan in the war of 1919. However, British government accepted the integrity of Afghanistan and in this way; good relations were established between both governments on equal level. 22 Fletcher, Arnold, Afghanistan=Highway of Conquest, (New York: Cornell University Press, 1960), p.102.

6 cooperation of liberal and with secular parties. However, communists got control over throne by killing Sardar Dawood along with one thousand members in presidential palace Kabul on 27 April 197823 and named it as Thaur revolution.24

Most of the officers who joined revolution of 1978 were the same who took part in the revolution of 1978. Similarly, the same power that was helpful for Sardar Dawood to get throne became the cause of his death.

Noor Muhammad Turkai (1917-79), head of Khalq party, was made chairman of revolutionary council and president of country by taking him out of jail in 30 April 1978.Soviet union25 was not satisfied with the interior policies of Turkai government because of this he has to face several resistance.

Daily telegraph writes about this, “It has not been a long time for puppet government to come in throne in Afghanistan, it has become a headache for itself the danger of resistance against Russia under the Islamic passion of Soviet Muslims.26 Hafez Ullah Amen put him out of throne and captured throne in 16 September 1979. Where differences were among in communists, there Islamists powers were taking part against communists with their full force. When Hafez Ullah Ameen could not control of the activities of Mujahedeen, Babrak Karmal (1979-86) killed Hafez Ullah Ameen on the direction of Soviet Union on 27 December 1979 and possessed on throne. Therefore, Soviet army entered in Afghanistan. After possession of Soviet and coming throne of Babrak Karmal in Afghanistan, Soviet army could not stabilize its throne on Afghanistan but they had to face a constant resistant movement. During this period, where millions of Afghan public fell a prey of cruelty, millions of Afghanis were compelled to take shelter in Pakistan and Iran by leaving their country. In addition, due to changing situation of Afghanistan, most countries of the world and the most affected Pakistan had to formulate new foreign policy.

23Urban U, War in Afghanistan, New York, 1988, p.8. 24 Thaur means red. Red color represented communism revolution. Due to this, this revolution was named as Thaur revolution against Sardar Dawood. 25 See Appendix IV. 26 The Daily Telegraph, London, 2 June 1979.


1.2 Foreign Policy

George Modelski writes the definition of foreign policy:

“Foreign policy is the system of activities evolved by communities for changing the behavior of other state and for adjusting their own activities to the international environment.”

It also means the behavior and method that any state adopts to establish relations with other countries according its particular situation and national interests. Every country formulates its foreign policy in the light of international events, its geography, its ideologies, defensive needs and in economic affairs. No one can separate foreign policy from the basic philosophy of a country. A country has to change its foreign policy according to its changing scenario. That is why; there are no rules and regulations in politics. Bismarck said, “Politics is not an exact science.” In this regard, the famous British foreign minister lord Pamir Stone (1830-41) said that in international relations neither a friend is permanent nor enemy but only national interests are permanent. According to professor Northgate, “The foreign policy of any country is a product of environmental factors both the external and internal to it.

In foreign relations, all the countries of world change their foreign policy in all time taking interest in international events and in the light of their national interests. Ambassadors are appointed to connect and to know the conditions of other countries. Ambassadors deeply observe the political, military, economic and social affairs of countries. The foreign policy is formulated on basis of their providing reports. That is why, it is said, “Ambassadors are the eyes and ears of state.” At international level, there is no rule and regulation of foreign policy nor a fixed standard but this is a kind of game like hide and seek in which all the countries fix their loyalties with other countries according to their national interests.


1.3 Pakistan’s Foreign Policy

Every country of world makes its foreign policy in the light of its particular geographical, political, economic and historical elements. Pakistan came into being in August 14, 1947. The purpose of its formulation was to protect and implement of Islamic ideologies .so its foreign policy was established on these ideologies. Pakistan‟s geography and its economic condition also put its foreign policy in a particular direction. Basically, Pakistan is a theoretical country .Islam is its basic theory. This theory demands that Pakistan must have good relations with the whole world and ideal relations with Muslim world.

1.4 Pakistan and Afghanistan’s relations during 1947-77

Afghanistan is an Islamic country that is situated in the northern west of Pakistan. There is situated Durand line between these two countries. This line announced as a boundary between in these two countries in 1893. Pakistan and Afghanistan have good friendly relations except a few incidents .the reason is that both are brother Islamic countries. However, reason of cold relations could be the exasperating attitude of exterior powers.

When Pakistan got freedom on 14 August 1947, unfortunately Pak-Afghan relations started in unpleasant way. Afghanistan created many problems for Pakistan. Before the division of India, when it was decided of referendum in the province of NWFP (KPK), the Pashtun leader Abdul Ghaffar Khan (1880-1988)27 demanded that the inhabitants of this province should have the right about “Pakhtunistan”. Afghanistan fully supported of their demand. In 1947, Afghan Prime Minister Hashim khan said if independent Pakhtunistan was not established then the province of NWFP (KPK) can annex with Afghanistan.28 When Pakistan appealed for the membership of United Nations, Afghanistan was a single country that opposed it. However, United Nations

27 Bacha Khan Alias Sarhadi Gandhi, political leader, social worker, founder of Khudai Khidmatgar, struggled against British rule in India with the help of Indian National Congress. He was against the creation of Pakistan. He struggled for Pakhtonistan. 28 Professor Muhammad Sadeeq Qureshi, Pakistan aur Qaumi Yakjehti, Lahore, 1987, p.60

9 made Pakistan its member on 30 September 1947. Pak-Afghan relations started in February 1948. Ibrahim Ismail chundrigar in Afghanistan while Sardar Shah Wali in Pakistan appointed as ambassador. The propaganda continued against Pakistan from Afghanistan on the issue of Pakhtunistan and Durand line.

After making one unit of western Pakistan on 30 March 1955, a mob against Pakistan gathered in Kabul. They disgraced Pakistani flag. Pakistani consulates were closed in Qandahar and Kabul by taking initial steps. All the demands of Afghanistan from Pakistan were unreasonable and illicit. Afghanistan was doing all this to tease Pakistan. In this regard, Afghanistan was getting support from India and Soviet Union.29 In Tehran, Pakistan and Afghanistan negotiated in 1963 to restore their foreign relations. During the Pak India wars in 1965 and 1971, India and Soviet Union evoked a lot Afghanistan against Pakistan, but it did not create problems on northern west border of Pakistan. In the reign of king Zahir Shah, Pak Afghan relations improved a lot. However, in 17 July 1973, when Sardar Dawood occupied on king Zahir Shah‟s government, he once again started the issue of Pakhtunistan. However, Pakistan did not care about Sardar Dawood‟s statements and confessed his government as the representative government of Afghanistan. In this regard, Z.A. Bhutto visited Afghanistan and negotiated in friendly atmosphere. In September 1974, Kabul warned Pakistan that the old border issue could adopt the shape of dangerous war.30 On the occasion of second Islamic conference (1974) in Lahore, Afghan„s representatives criticized on disputed issues. Prime Minister Z.A. Bhutto helped the Afghan people who fall a victim in earthquake with one lac dollar and closed one- sided propaganda against Afghanistan. The peaceful arrangement brought fruit and president Dawood invited prime minister of Pakistan to visit Afghanistan. This visit continued during 7-11 June 1976. Islamic resistant movement in Afghanistan was encouraged to make pressure on Sardar Dawood and to make him near to Pakistan. Thus, he considered it better to make good relations with Pakistan. When Sardar Dawood demanded economic support for his own country, Iran, and

29 Zahid Chaudhary, Pakistan ki Siasi Tareekh, Vol. 8, Lahore, 1994, p.171. 30 Daily newspaper Kihaan International, Tehran, 30 September 1974.

10 other countries forced him to make good relations with Pakistan. Although, Pak Afghan heads visited each other countries, however, the conflicts between communists and Islamic parties were increasing in interior Afghanistan. According to Mustafa Kamal, the activities of resistant movement were at peak in initial days of 1977. According to Hikmat Yar, “It was near that we‟ll come to throne but circumstances changed when Zia ul Haq imposed martial law in Pakistan.”31

Afghan policy adopted in Bhutto‟s reign remained successful because Sardar Dawood, Pakistan enemy, considered it better to have good relations and it was considered that conflicts between Pak Afghan relations would be solved very soon in a better way. However, this process was stopped with the change of government in Pakistan.

1.5 Causes of Soviet Interference in Afghanistan

Soviet Union and Afghanistan are neighboring countries and there are historical, cultural, economic bases between these two countries. Because of this, Soviet Union gave much importance to Afghanistan in its own foreign policy .Soviet union wished to have control over Afghanistan because of its geographic importance. Peter the Great (1682-1725)32 ruled over Russia and made a will that his successors should make Turkey, Iran and India part of Russian state by conquering these countries.33 Thus, Russia continuously stepped forward towards central Asia .whereas British government acted upon the policy of being unbiased and to have influence in Afghanistan. Antagonism was created between Russia and the Great Britain in the wish of assuring protection of own interests to have control over Afghanistan. The Great Britain had a risk that Russia could try to increase its influence over British Indian capturing areas. Besides this, British rulers thought that Russia could try to make its economic influence. Russia had reached to central Asia having control over different areas. Ameer Abdul Rahman had a risk that Russia can attack on

31 Mustafa Kamal Pasha, Fatah Afghanistan, Lahore, 1992, p.22-23. 32 Peter the Great was king of Russia. He improved economic and educational reforms. He acquainted Russia with social circumstances of western civilization. 33 Moosa Khan Jalal Zai, Afghanistan, Mazi, Hal, Mustaqbil, Lahore, 1989, p.21.


Afghanistan to achieve his goals. He asked his successors in his will, “My last words to you, my son and successors, never trust the Russians.”34

After Russian Revolution35 in 1917, soviet government of Russia changed its strategy and he started to increase political, economic and military cooperation36 instead of capturing countries. Similarly, Russia established ambassador relations with Afghanistan. A pact of peace was signed between these two countries in 1921. With the passage of time, the relations between Russia and Afghanistan became deep and friendly and warm trade relations began to come.

When the Great Britain left India after Second World War37, relations between Soviet Union and Afghanistan became better and Soviet Union started to give economical and technical support to Afghanistan. Sardar Dawood was supporter of Communist views. Because of this, he steamed his country on the way of communism after becoming prime minister. Therefore, Soviet interference was increased.

The cause of newly liberal movement38 was the process of modernism in Afghanistan. Young and lettered class people put its basis being inclined towards secularism and West and being bored from religious customs and tribe traditions. According to Dupery, “in fact, a dangerous group of secularism was come into being. One was that which was organized through the preaching of communism and second was educated from Western countries and American universities.”39

The relations between Pakistan and Afghanistan were bad because of Pakhtunistan. Afghanistan did not accept the invitation of joining Baghdad pact40 by American

34 Arnold Anthony, Two party Communism, California, 1983, p.2. 35 Zar e Russia government ended on 7 November 1917 and world‟s first Socialist democratic government got success. This revolution got success in result of a movement that was run by those people who were impressed from the thoughts of Lennon Carl Marks and Fredrick Angels. 36 Arnold Anthony, Afghanistan-The Soviet Invasion in Perspective, California, 1981, p.8. 37 This war was fought in 1939 to 1945. Sixty-one countries participated in this war. Near about five crore people were killed in this war. This war was a great damage for humanity. 38 Lefties people: Those politicians who differentiate politics and religion are called liberal minded people whereas those people who give importance to religion over politics and government are called rightist people. 39 Louis Dupree, The Emergence of Technocrats in Afghanistan, Aufs, P.N., D.N., Volume 18, p.11. 40 An international army organization was established for the defense of Central Asia in 1955. The Great Britain, Iran, Turkey, Pakistan and were members of this pact. It was named as CENTO after the separation of Iraq in 1959.


President Aisne Hour (1890-1969). It was because Pakistan was part of it. After refusal of Afghanistan, the relations between Afghanistan and Soviet Union became friendlier. In this way, it was a golden chance for Soviet Union to increase influence over Afghanistan. Soviet interference was slowed during 1963 to 1973. The reason was that Zahir Shah dismissed Sardar Dawood from Prime Minister Ship because he was supporter of communist views. Because of his favorable policies, severe intensity was created between religious and liberal movements.

When Sardar Dawood again came into throne, the relations were become warm. The supporters of religious party did not like this warmness and new chain of rebellion and anarchy was aroused. Besides these problems, Sardar Dawood had to revise his communist theory policy and he showed warmness in his relations with Saudi Arabia and Iran. He tried to make good relations with Pakistan. When Sardar Dawood kept his relations with Soviet Union down, Russian supporters captured throne by killing him and his family on 27 April 1978. The powers that brought Dawood to throne in 1973, they themselves put him out of throne in 1978. Nor Muhammad Turkai became successor of Sardar Dawood but very soon, Turkai were cleaned in fight of throne between Hafez Ullah Ameen and Turkai. Hafez Ullah Ameen came as a new head of Afghanistan on 16 September 1979.41

Soviet Union could not let Afghanistan, neighbor country having military importance, out of his control with so ease. Now, Hafez Ullah Ameen did not have impressive control because religious minded people had created many problems and the position and influence of Soviet Union was at risk. Therefore, Russia, thinking good of military interference, entered his military force in Afghanistan on 27 December 1979. Moreover, he adopted remarks that this proceeding was done at the request of Kabul government and it was according to the Russia-Afghan pact of 5 December 1978. However, there was not any clause. According to the article 5 of this pact:

41 Afnan Rafique, Jihad e Afghanistan, monthly Urdu digest, Lahore, April 1989, p.50-51.


“The high contracting parties shall consult each other and take by agreement appropriate measures to ensure the security, independence and territorial integrity of the two countries.”42

If we study the reasons of Soviet military interference in Afghanistan, we will come to know many old and new sudden reasons. Russia wished to get control over Afghanistan from a long time because of its geographical importance. Besides this, such circumstances were created in international and interior level that enforced Russia to attack on Afghanistan with military force for example increasing of American influence in gulf, fear of gathering of America-China and Islam revival movements etc.

It was old wish of Russia to have access over the seas of warm water because it has not any ocean through which he could make trade. Russia, besides getting access to warm water, wanted to make relations with the countries of Gulf that were blessed with the wealth of petroleum. Therefore, Russia was increasing its influence over Afghanistan with passage of time.

“The soviet interest in Indian Ocean is the extension of an old craziest thrust for an outlet to the south dating back from the time of Peter the Great, overlaid with the ideological drive for a worldwide hegemony.”43

Although, Russian ambassador was denying this of getting access to warm water but he was wrong because situations and circumstances show that it was old dream of Soviet Union to have access over Indian Ocean. Soviet Union was in try to find a dry and useable way between East and West according to every season. Having these points in view, we can say that Russia wanted to establish his influence over Afghanistan to increase his resources. In this way, Russia captured Afghanistan with military attack on 27 December 1979 to fulfill his plans into actions. Moreover, a part

42 Rushita, S.Q, The Price of Liberty-The Tragedy of Afghanistan, Roma (Italy), 1984, p.114. 43 Amirio, Educationist, Persian Gulf and Indian Ocean in International Politics, Tehran, 1975, p.111.

14 of dream of Peter the Great and Marshall Stallone44 (1897-1953) was put into action in hands of Berzeni.

There are two world powers, America and Russia. America was representative of capitalism system45 and America leaded the supporter of capitalist countries whereas Russia was representative of communism. Soviet Union wanted to increase his influence in the world by spreading communism. When Islamic powers were over coming in Afghanistan and supporters of communism were weakening in 1970, Soviet Union could not bear this. Because Soviet Union had a risk that if communist powers will end, all communist states will be in danger and risk. In this way, communist were at the risk of end.

According to Berzeni, “The revolutionary process in Afghanistan is irreversible.”46

After the dismissing of government of Z.A. Bhutto, Zia ul Haq (1924-88) ruled over Pakistan. He acted on his orders of the enforcement of Islam. Soviet Union thought it risk due to this that these Islamic powers, after the support of Pakistan, will become the cause of communist supportive government. In this way, soviet government interfered in Afghanistan to strengthen Communism.

If we look in case of economic, we can say that Afghanistan depended upon Soviet Union for its import and export trade. Besides this, if communist government will end and Islamic powers come to throne, Soviet Union had to deprive from the hidden minerals in Afghanistan and trade with Gulf countries. Soviet Union wanted to stop America to enter in this region. America, with the help of Pakistan and China, wanted to weak communism. When China got access to Gulf countries through Karakoram

44 He was political leader of Soviet Union. He participated in revolution of 1917. He became Prime Minister of Soviet Union in 1941. Soviet Union made a lot of progress in the fields of agriculture and industry. He took his country equal to western countries in the field of defense. 45 That economic system in which most of the resources of production are the personal property of some people is called capitalist system. In capitalist system, government does not interfere in the economic life of people. America is the best example of this system. 46 Thomas, T. Hammond, P.N., D.N., p.35.


Road47, China got a chance to establish his influence over the politics of Gulf that was not acceptable for Soviet Union.

Soviet Union considered Hafez Ullah Ameen‟s government as not trustable. He threatened him that if he went against him or wanted to get freedom, he will call Pakistan, Iran, America and China for help. Moreover, he became friend with these countries and Soviet Union thought it risk that the rebellion of Hafez Ullah Ameen can increase the importance of America and china in Afghanistan.48 In this way, if America or china got importance, then communism49 of Russia will be in danger of weakening.

If we do short this discussion, we can say that Soviet Union interfered in Afghanistan with a lot of purposes and goals and these reasons were of political, economic and military kinds. Russia wanted to get access at warm water because of its geographical limitations. He could not see the devastation of his investment in Afghanistan. Russia considered it necessary and important to interfere in Afghanistan when he felt the danger of increasing of influence of his powerful rival America. In this way, Super Powers and neighboring countries of Afghanistan had to formulate their policies when a new situation was created in this region.

47 This road is between Pakistan and China. Its length is 573 miles and width is 40 feet. In 1959, its construction was started and it was completed after a long period of 19 years. It is also called as Silk Road. 48 Henry Trofiman, Third World and US Soviet Competition in Foreign Affairs, Vol.59, P.N., 1981, p.32. 49Modern shape of socialist system in which production is much increased that every requirement and need of people should be fulfilled. Better explanation of communism philosophy can be found in Carl Marx‟s books, “Das Capital” and “Communist Manifesto”.


Chapter 5

5.1. Conclusion

Afghanistan, neighboring country of Pakistan, is such a state that has been remained of unique importance from the very beginning because of its geographical location despite of being surrounded with stony mountains from all sides. This region had special importance for traders in ancient times because they had to pass through this to have access to sub-continent (golden sparrow). Many assaulters reached in sub- continent through this way and turned back to their countries after looting wealth. In the history of sub-continent, some attackers ruled after living here permanently. Afghanistan has been remained a center of war between super powers. In second decade of 20th century, Britain and Soviet Union governments tried to increase their influence in this country. After First World War (1914-1919), influence of British government decreased while influence of Soviet Union increased. Afghanistan went under the influence of Soviet Union when sub-continent got independence from British crown in 1947. There were many difficulties in this duration and Soviet Union entered his army in Afghanistan on December 27, 1979 to achieve its goals.

There are deep religious, social, cultural and geographical relations between Pak Afghan public. In spite of long boundary and deep relations, their relations could not improve from the very beginning between these two Muslim countries. There was coming a change in the cold relations of Pak Afghan during the reign of z a Bhutto but Zia ul Haq got control of country by dismissing Bhutto from throne. Afghan people started to come in Pakistan when there increased problems because of political destabilization in Afghanistan. However, there was extraordinary raise in number of Afghan refugees when soviet military intervention on 27 December 1979. Zia ul Haq allowed whole-heartedly to these Afghan people to enter in Pakistan. Despite of free mobility, they began to earn livelihood. In this way, enemies began to come in Pakistan in shape of refugees because of long stay of frequent number of refugees and they started to create problems for Pakistan.


Afghan refugees created economic problems for Pakistan. They were proved to be a burden on economy of poor country of Pakistan. Native public of Pakistan faced difficulties for achieving of livelihood at that time when Afghan refugees started to earn livelihood at low wages. Rich Afghan families started to do business in big cities of Pakistan after buying properties. They even did not care to get permission from the government of Pakistan in this regard. Besides this, Afghanis got control over the transport system. Afghanis started to do business of smuggling and drugs with co- operation of local people. Karachi has the position of backbone of the economy of Pakistan. Because of Pashtun Mohajir conflicts not only the peace but also business destroyed. Traders and businessmen began to shift their money to foreign countries because of the fear of severe loss. Due to Zia‟s Afghan policy, economy of Pakistan began to decrease day by day.

The impacts over society of Pakistan after the intervention of soviet army in Afghanistan are very lamentable. Zia ul Haq put the basis of problems in the country by giving the permission to Afghan refugees that are prevailing like a wound over Pakistan‟s society. The beginning of weapon culture started in Pakistan after the arrival of Afghan refugees. There was a special arrange of firing on festivals of marriage and happiness. Weapon and heroine culture increased during Zia reign and many nobles earned money through this culture. Lingual and racial biases began to promote after the arrival of Afghan refugees. Problems of Bloch and Pakhtoon community began to increase in Baluchistan. In , problems of Mohajir and Afghanis reached to a high level.

Religious fanaticism promoted in Pakistan due to Zia‟s Afghan policy. Religious extremists achieved extraordinary influence. Zia ul Haq raised religious parties to get his political goals. The number of Madaris (religious schools) began to increase after the supervision of government and these Madaris gave the sectarian education. In this way, sectarian and extremism thoughts were promoted. America and Pakistan promoted Dev Bandi, Iran promoted Shia while Saudi Arabia promoted Ahl e Hadith sects with the financial help.


Zia ul Haq strengthened his political position. Every movement against Zia‟s martial law was made useless because of Afghan problem. It was due to Afghan problem that Zia dismissed Junejo from government on 28 May 1988. Ojri camp incident is also connected with Zia‟s Afghan policy. Junaejo‟s government was ended to save the responsible of this incident. Besides this, the space of Zia Junaejo‟s differences was boosted regarding Geneva pct. Serious class people believed that Zia had longed his throne due to this policy. Many harmful impacts over provincial politics were due to Afghan policy. Bloch and Pakhtoon people were friendly before Zia‟s Afghan policy but now they were divided into Pakhtoon and non-Pakhtoon. There was anarchy in Sindh politics and Mohajirs made their own party MQM. Similarly, Punjabi-Pakhtoon alliance was made in reaction of MQM. The role of agencies was increased due to this policy. There was only one trend to earn money through politics and so, people began to do politics to earn money. Soviet Intervention proved to be a wrecking wound for Soviet government and Soviet president Mikhail Gorbachev considered it better to evacuate his army from Afghanistan under the Geneva pact of 14 April 1988. Very soon after Geneva pact, Zia‟s plane was crashed in Bahawalpur on 17 August 1988. There are different argues on his death. Some people connected his death to his Afghan policy. Isehaq Khan, chairman of Senate and being succedaneum president, held election according to a pre-set schedule in 1988. In these elections, Benazir got majority and became Prime Minister. In her short time period, Afghan Mujahedeen did operation in Jalalabad with the help of ISI but last Soviet supporter ruler Dr. Najeeb Ullah‟s army retreated them. To get throne of Kabul, Afghan mujahedeen groups began to fight with one another and in this way, there began civil war in Afghanistan. America, after achieving his goals, considered it better to off the hook from the circumstances of Afghanistan. Due to allegations of corruption and disqualification over Benazir, there was not a continuation in Afghan policy and her government was discharged.

Nawaz Sharif became Prime Minister due to alliance of religious party IJI in the election of 1990. The circumstances of Afghanistan became very tense. It was

63 because; Afghan mujahedeen were fighting a blood shedding war against each other. Nawaz Sharif, under the pact of April 1992, set a formula of handing over the throne one by one among Afghan Mujahedeen. These mujahedeen went to Saudi Arabia and there was a continuity of reconciliation but it was failed very soon and a blood shedding war started. There was increase of anarchy and disorder in the circumstances of Afghanistan. Like Benazir, Nawaz Sharif‟s government was short period and soon dismissed. Signs of improvement in the circumstances of Afghanistan were not looking from very far.

A new party of Taliban came into scene in province of Afghanistan and soon it prevailed. Afghan people made it powerful by joining this movement. This party got success of having control over 90% areas of Afghanistan. Mullah Umar‟s Tehrek Taliban and Osama‟s Al-Qaeda became undefeatable when they made alliance. The target of these parties was to weaken the interests of America and his alliance country. America did not care for them in the beginning and restrained himself to do any proceeding against them but after 9/11 attacks, America announced to have a civil war against Taliban and Al-Qaeda.

Nawaz Sharif selected Pervez Musharraf as Army Chief but Pervez Musharraf got control of government into his hands by dismissing Nawaz Sharif on 12 October 1999 due to differences over different issues. General Musharraf considered Taliban good in the beginning but after 9/11, he, being into American pressure, took part into proceedings of America against Taliban and Al-Qaeda.

After 9/11, under the pressure of US General Musharraf aligned Pakistan with US. The war on terror opened a new window for the strategic relations between Pakistan and the US. It is said that if Pakistan did not take the decision to join war on terror than it could face a lot of problems and difficulties. America could not preserve her interest without Pakistan. The immediate surrender of Musharraf damaged the national objectives of Pakistan. Turkey, Iran, were also pressurized by America but they reacted in accordance with their national objectives


The US could not take any steps against these countries. It is a fact that war on terror restarted the channel of same economic and military assistance for Pakistan due to playing a front line state against the militants but it created a popular opposition in Pakistan against the American policies in Afghanistan and the region. Because there is a great deal of anti-Americanism on the public level.

General Musharraf should have taken the nation in confidence. However, he did not do so and said that we are doing all these acts for the protection of national interests and he joined the war by accepting all the demands of the US unconditionally.

US blamed on Al-Qaeda on 9/11 incident without comprehensive investigation. Under the cloak of such aggression, the US wanted to get strong presence in Afghanistan, so that it controlled the resources of central Asian states the US president G.W. Bush and UK Prime minister Tony Bleyer started a policy of pressure and blackmailing. The relationship of the US with Pakistan and the rest of the world is based on self-interest and exploitation.

Pakistani nation always perceived American‟s military and financially assistance with suspicion because the US has connected her economic assistance to Pakistan with her strategic objectives. It is the history of the US when she gained her objectives than it did not care for others. The Pakistan faced many problems in different aspects due to the decision of joining war on terror.

When America attacked on Al-Qaeda and Taliban in Afghanistan, the militants entered in Pakistan. The areas of FATA were safe havens for these extremists. Pakistan‟s army was kept busy on western border and thus India was now free from pressure on eastern border. The worst law and order situation in Karachi and Baluchistan definitely are great threats for Pakistan‟s economic survival and political stability. Pakistan should understand the dangerous impacts of the decision to join war on terror. After joining this war on terror, Pakistan has become main target of conspiracies. The powerful countries of the world are using Afghanistan as a tool to destabilize Pakistan. This situation has become dangerous for both countries.


Pakistan should care for the interests of Afghanistan and it should give up the role of a guardian of America‟s interests in Afghanistan. Both countries should take steps to promote mutual understanding. In this way, they can preserve their interests in the region. The regional and neighboring countries of Afghanistan are playing a dirty game on the soil of Afghanistan to subdue one rival power to the other from Musharraf‟s era. Every regional power wants to extend her sphere to Pakistan. Pakistan, Iran, India, Russia and the central Asian countries are the same players of this game. Russia has also great designs to revenge Pakistan as well as Afghanistan. Thus, Russia wants to control again central Asian states and their resources. China is another external power that has no direct access to Afghanistan but through Pakistan, it is trying to get access to Afghanistan and central Asian states. All these countries are playing this dirty game for their own interests and benefits.

Besides these external harmful effects, Pakistan is also facing serious internal problems. The US used its air strikes to destroy the Al-Qaeda‟s commander center. Mostly innocent people of FATA were killed by those drone attacks. The invasion of security forces on the red mosque caused numerous causalities. The red mosque demolition created great panic and rage in the hearts of Pakistani people against Pakistani military. One of the dangerous impact of the war on Pakistani society had been the flow of suicide attacks, targeting major towns and civilians and military installations. From 2002 to June 2008, 4611 people were killed by Taliban 289 frequent suicide attacks. 9882 people were injured due to these Taliban‟s attacks. The human cost of the war against terrorism is very high. In 2003, 189 people prayed of terrorism. By 2004, this number had risen to 863. In 2005, the number of human lives slide down marginally to 648. Pakistan has been playing a great cost in the war against terrorists since 2001. But the US authorities are still unsatisfied with Pakistan‟s sacrifices. The US administration is still putting on Pakistan to DO MORE.

Pakistan„s internal elite class has also divided on two perception and camps. During Zia‟s era, Islamic minded generals were produced. Therefore, they handled the Afghan policy on Islamic pattern. Later, these Islamic minded generals were viewed

66 great threats by the US. After9/11, the differences came invisible shape and they were not ready to wipe out that plant who had planted by their own hands and the time has come near to bear fruits on that plant. The events of 9/11 provided an opportunity to secular minded generals to come forward and openly oppose the pro-Islamic Afghan policy.

The use of force create more resentment and extremism. The slogan on war on terror is baseless and unproductive. The US should start a policy of dialogue. The policy of war on terror will not bring about a positive and constructive change in the world but it will create more and more hatred and rage against US. A great strategic lost after joining the war on terror is the U-turn of Musharraf from Kashmir policy. Musharraf had banned jihadi organizations in Pakistan, which were struggling for the freedom of Kashmiris.

Besides all these serious kinds of losses, Pakistan also got benefits in Musharraf era. After September 11, 2001, the US administration also needed strategic co-operation of Pakistan‟s army. It is undeniable fact that Pakistan‟s army had always supported the American‟s strategies objectives in the region. The US administration decided to extend her security assistance to Pakistan providing one million dollar for international military education for training IMET in FY 2003. The US also responds positively to Pakistan‟s long-standing request for the secure of F.16fighter-bombers. This US positive response was considered a reconfirmation of a new strategic partnership between Pakistan and the US. In October 2005, Pakistan has to face a national disaster in shape of earthquake. This catastrophic event had given great damage to Pakistan. The US sent its troops with relief equipment to Pakistan to rehabilitate the victims of this fateful event.

In short, we can say that Pakistan has faced problems in Afghan war of 1979 and in the war on terror. Both Zia and Musharraf were making in struggle to please America. They did not care for Pakistan‟s interests. So, it is necessary for the political and military leadership of Pakistan to come out of the power game of super powers, they should reformulate their foreign policy in accordance with the wishes of its people,

67 and their own benefits. An independence foreign policy can give an identity and survival to Pakistan. This kind of foreign policy can only save our interests our sovereignty and our integrity.