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Full Title List of Purchased Ebook Titles.Xlsx Title Author Year of publication Publisher eISBN 20th Century Britain: Economic, Cultural and Social Change Carnevali, Francesca; 2006 Taylor & Francis 9781317868378 Strange, Julie-Marie 39 microlectures: in proximity of performance Goulish; Matthew Routledge 9781134612406 Aveyard; Helen; Sharp; A beginner's guide to critical thinking and writing in health and social care Pam; Woolliams; Mary McGraw-Hill/Open University9780335243679 Press A Child of the Jago Morrison, Arthur; Miles, 2012 Oxford University Press 9780897338998 Peter Anne Whitworth, Janet A cognitive neuropsychological approach to assessment and intervention in aphasia: a Webster and David clinician's guide Howard 2nd edition. Psychology Press 9781317918714 A Companion to American Cultural History / edited by Halttunen, Karen Halttunen, Karen 2013 Wiley 9780470691762 Juhasz; Alexandra; A Companion to Contemporary Documentary Film Lebow; Alisa Wiley Blackwell 9781118884447 edited by Christopher Falzon, Timothy A companion to Foucault O'Leary, Jana Sawicki Wiley-Blackwell 9781118325506 A Companion to Literature, Film, and Adaptation Cartmell, Deborah 2014 Wiley 9781118312032 A companion to the French Revolution / edited by Peter McPhee McPhee 2014 Wiley 9781118316399 A concise guide to writing a thesis or dissertation: educational research and beyond W. Germaine Second edition. Routledge 9780429616211 A Concise History of the Haitian Revolution Popkin, Jeremy D. 2012 Wiley-Blackwell 9781444347531 A Constraints-Led Approach to Golf Coaching #N/A #N/A Taylor & Francis Group 9781000178210 A disease of one's own: psychotherapy, addiction and the emergence of co- dependency Rice, John Steadman. Routledge 9781351321181 Jayasankar; K. P.; A Fly in the Curry : Independent Documentary Film in India Monteiro; Anjali Sage Publications Ltd. 9789351505709 A guide to argumentative research writing and thinking: overcoming challenges Arnold Wentzel Routledge 9781351707473 A Guide to Coaching and Mental Health : The Recognition and Management of Buckley; Andrew; Psychological Issues Buckley; Carole Taylor & Francis Group 9781134159642 A guide to Duchenne muscular dystrophy: information and advice for teachers and parents edited by Janet Hoskin Jessica Kingsley 9781784504342 A Guide to Early Years and Primary Teaching Dominic Wyse 2016 Sage deal 9781473906945 A guided reader for secondary English: pedagogy and practice edited by David Stevens Routledge 9781136305016 A Guided Reader to Early Years and Primary English : Creativity, Principles and Practice Mallett; Margaret Taylor & Francis Group 9781317451167 A history of children's play and play environments: toward a contemporary child- saving movement Joe L. Frost Routledge 9781135251673 A History of Indian Poetry in English Chaudhuri, Rosinka 2015 Cambridge University Press 9781139940887 Howard; Michael A History of Marxian Economics, Volume I : 1883-1929 Charles; King; J. E. Princeton University Press 9781400860524 Robert B. Lawson, E. Doris Anderson, and A history of psychology: globalization, ideas, and applications Antonio Cepeda-Benito Second Edition. Routledge 9781351846875 Duncan Graham, David A lesson for us all: the making of the national curriculum Tytler Routledge 9780429845888 A practical guide to the NEC3 professional services contract Michael Rowlinson Wiley-Blackwell 9781118406397 A radical green political theory Alan Carter Routledge 9781136290282 A Readers Guide to Contemporary Feminist Literary Criticism Humm; Maggie Taylor & Francis Group 9781315661988 A Search for Sovereignty: Law and Geography in European Empires, 1400-1900 Benton, Lauren A. 2010 Cambridge University Press 9780511988905 A secure base: clinical applications of attachment theory Bowlby; John [New ed.] Routledge 9781135070861 A Sociology of Crime: Second Edition Hester, Stephen; Eglin, 2017 Routledge (tandf) 9781136805158 Peter A Sociology of Educating Meighan, Roland 2007 Bloomsbury Academic 9781441159489 A Song in the Dark: The Birth of the Musical Film Barrios, Richard 2009 Oxford University Press 9780199864577 A Step-By-Step Introduction to Statistics for Business Richard N. Landers 2018 Sage deal 9781473948112 A Student’s Guide to Bayesian Statistics Ben Lambert 2018 Sage deal 9781473916364 A Student's Guide to Methodology Peter Clough 2012 Sage deal 9781446208625 A Student's Introduction to Geographical Thought Pauline Couper 2014 Sage deal 9781446282960 A theory of justice. John Rawls Rev. ed. Harvard University Press 9780674042605 A theory of race Joshua Glasgow Routledge 9781135853679 A therapeutic treasure box for working with children and adolescents with developmental trauma: creative techniques and activities Treisman; Karen Jessica Kingsley Publishers 9781784505530 A Thousand Shades of Green Winsemius, Peter 2016 Taylor & Francis (tandf) 9781849770330 A Vygotskian Analysis of Children's Play Behaviours : Beyond the Home Corner / edited 2020 Routledge (tandf) 9780429651267 by Zenna Kingdon Ability profiling and school failure: one child's struggle to be seen as competent Kathleen M. Collins 2nd ed. Routledge 9781136627453 edited by John Fletcher, Abjection, melancholia and love: the work of Julia Kristeva Andrew Benjamin Routledge 9781136321887 Academic Practice Saranne Weller 2019 Sage deal 9781526437143 Academic writing and dyslexia: a visual guide to writing at university Adrian J. Wallbank Routledge 9781351966894 Academic Writing and Grammar for Students Alex Osmond 2015 Sage deal 978-1-4739-1936-5 edited by Linda Dudar, Accelerating change in schools: leading rapid, successful, and complex change Shelleyann Scott, initiatives Donald E. Scott Emerald 9781786355010 Access to communication: developing the basics of communication with people with Melanie Nind and Dave SLD Hewett Second edition. David Fulton Publishers 9781136613548 McLaney; E. J.; Atrill; Accounting and finance: an introduction Peter Tenth edition Pearson 9781292312293 Kristine Black-Hawkins, Lani Florian and Martyn Achievement and Inclusion in Schools Rouse Second edition. Routledge 9781317611660 Achieving your Assessment and Quality Assurance Units (TAQA) Ann Gravells 2014 Sage deal 9781446274453 Achieving your Diploma in Education and Training Jim Gould 2018 Sage deal 9781526411334 Acoustic and MIDI Orchestration for the Contemporary Composer : A Practical Guide Pejrolo; Andrea; to Writing and Sequencing for the Studio Orchestra DeRosa; Rich Second edition Taylor & Francis Group 9781317625599 Acoustics and Sound Insulation : Principles, Planning, Examples Mommertz; Eckard First edition Walter de Gruyter GmbH 9783034614733 Action Research Jean McNiff 2017 Sage deal 9781473967472 Action Research - International Student Edition Craig A. Mertler 2019 Sage deal 9781544372181 Action Research for New Teachers Colin Forster 2017 Sage deal 9781473939462 Actual minds, possible worlds Jerome Bruner Harvard University Press 9780674029019 Acute and Critical Care in Adult Nursing Desiree Tait 2015 Sage deal 9781473912311 edited by Kevin Acute psychiatric emergencies Mackway-Jones First edition. Wiley-Blackwell 9781119501077 Adaptable TV: rewiring the text Griggs; Yvonne Palgrave Macmillan 9783319775319 Adaptation and Appropriation Sanders; Julie Second edition Taylor & Francis Group 9781317572206 Adaptation to climate change: a progressive vision of human security Mark Pelling Routledge 9781134022021 Adult ADHD: diagnostic assessment and treatment by J.J. Sandra Kooij 3rd ed. Springer 9781447141389 Advanced building technologies for sustainability: A Color Atlas Syed; Asif John Wiley & Sons 9781118260197 Advanced construction mathematics Surinder S. Virdi Routledge 9780429683619 edited by Mary Hickson, Advanced nutrition and dietetics in nutrition support Sara Smith Wiley-Blackwell 9781118993866 Knight; Andrew; Advanced Research Methods in the Built Environment Ruddock; Leslie John Wiley & Sons, Incorporated9781444309515 Advanced Sports Nutrition Dan Benardot 2nd ed. Human Kinetics 9781492576464 edited by Kose John, Anil Makhija and Advances in financial economics. Stephen Ferris Emerald 9781783501212 Advertising and consumer culture in China Li; Hongmei Polity Press 9781509511143 Advertising and Promotion Chris Hackley 2017 Sage deal 9781473997998 Advertising Creative - International Student Edition Tom Altstiel 2019 Sage deal 9781544370361 Andrews; J. Craig; Advertising, Promotion, and other aspects of Integrated Marketing Communications Shimp; Terence A. 10th edition Cengage 9781337514248 Halbert; Derek; Advocacy and public speaking: a student's introduction Whitaker; Hayley University of Chester Press 9781908258465 Aerial life: spaces, mobilities, affects Peter Adey Wiley-Blackwell 9781444324648 Archibald R.M. Ritter, Steven Langdon, African economic development Yiagadeesen Samy Routledge 9781317427315 Nnadozie, Emmanuel U. African economic development. Jerome, Afeikhena, Second edition Emerald 9781787437838 Bulley; Dan; Edkins; After Grenfell: violence, resistance and response Jenny; El-Enany; Nadine PlutoPress 9781786804600 After Sustainable Cities? Hodson, Mike; Marvin, 2014 Routledge (tandf) Simon 9781135114183 Against Criminology #N/A #N/A Taylor & Francis Group 9781351533416 Against Our Will : Men, Women and Rape #N/A #N/A Open Road Media 9781480441958 edited by Toni M. Calasanti and Kathleen Age matters: realigning feminist thinking F. Slevin Routledge 9781135928087 Akram Khan: dancing new interculturalism Royona Mitra Palgrave Macmillan 9781137393661 Algebra and Geometry: An Introduction to University Mathematics Lawson, Mark Verus 2016 CRC Press (tandf)
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