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Modern | Management | Review | MODERN | MANAGEMENT | REVIEW | Quarterly, Volume XX (October - December) Research Journal 22 (4/2015) Volume Editor Justyna Stecko MMR Journal indexed, among others, on the basis of the reference of the Minister of Science and Higher Education in ERIH PLUS and Index Copernicus Journal Master List 2014 Issued with the consent of the Rector Editor in Chief Publishing House of Rzeszow University of Technology Leonard ZIEMIAŃSKI Composition of the Scientific Papers Council of the Faculty of Management of Rzeszow University of Technology „Modern Management Review” Grzegorz OSTASZ – chairman (Poland) Joanna WIAŻEWICZ – editorial assistant (Poland) members: Gerhard BANSE (Germany), Joe BOGUE (Ireland), Gérard Kokou DOKOU (France) Andriy GERASYMCHUK (Ukraine), Aleš GREGAR (the Czech Republic) Danuta HÜBNER (Poland), Andrzej KALETA (Poland), Jerzy KISIELNICKI (Poland) Dušan MALINDŽÁK (Slovakia), Johan van OPHEM (Holland), Aleksandr RAZIN (Russia) Antonio STASI (Italia), Róbert ŠTEFKO (Slovakia), Josu TAKALA (Finland) Tamara TKACH (Ukraine), Karsten WEBER (Germany), Gabriel WEISS (Slovakia) Leszek WOŹNIAK (Poland) Editor in Chief Grzegorz OSTASZ (Poland) Editorial Committee (Thematic editors) Jan ADAMCZYK (Poland), Władysław FILAR (Poland), Stanisław GĘDEK (Poland) Mirosław ŚMIESZEK (Poland), Leszek WOŹNIAK (Poland) Statistical editor Tomasz PISULA (Poland) Paweł HYDZIK (Poland) Members of editorial staff Agata GIERCZAK (Poland), Grzegorz LEW (Poland) Paweł PERZ (Poland), Justyna STECKO (Poland), Dariusz WYRWA (Poland) Beata ZATWARNICKA-MADURA (Poland) Volume editor Justyna STECKO Language editors Glyn David GRIFFITHS (The United Kingdom), Tatiana GUGNINA (Poland) Alewtina ŁAWRINIENKO (Russia), Ruth MALOSZEK (Germany) Magdalena REJMAN-ZIENTEK (Poland), Anna ROMAN (Poland) Project of the cover Damian GĘBAROWSKI The printed version of the Journal is an original version. p-ISSN 2300-6366 e-ISSN 2300-0758 Publisher: Publishing House of Rzeszow University of Technology 12 Powstańców Warszawy Ave., 35-959 Rzeszow (e-mail: [email protected]) Editorial Office: Rzeszow University of Technology, The Faculty of Management, 10 Powstańców Warszawy Ave., 35-959 Rzeszów, phone: +48 17 8651383, e-mail: [email protected] Additional information and an imprint – p. 177 CONTENTS From the Editorial Committee ........................................................................................ 5 Małgorzata Baran, Justyna Stecko: Simulation model of labour force for the manufacturing company based on system dynamics .............................................. 7 Artur Bartosik, Agnieszka Piotrowska-Pi ątek, Marta Pomietlorz-Loska : TSL services market as a support system of the polish economy ............................................ 23 Bogusław Bembenek, Marzena Frankowska : Cluster internationalization – a key component for the development and competitiveness of cluster members ............. 31 Grzegorz Droba : Creative class and creative industries as a means of renewal of the city (case of Rzeszów) ........................................................................................... 47 Marcin G ębarowski : Reflection of promotional strategy in the diversity of national pavilions during Expo 2015 ........................................................................... 59 Adam Górny: Occupational health and safety management in the international condition (consistent with objectives the ISO 45001 standard) ....................................... 73 Mateusz Grzesiak: E-branding vs. traditional branding ................................................. 89 Małgorzata Mikłosz, Teresa Piecuch, El żbieta Szczygieł, Ana Barroca: Cultural conditions for individual and corporate entrepreneurship development ........................ 101 Bogdan Mróz: The implications of the economic crisis for Polish consumer behaviours ...................................................................................................................... 115 Олег Петрашевский , Александр Алексеенко , Владимир Данилевский : Адекватность критериев риска и ошибок диагностирования технического состояния транспортных систем ................................................................................. 129 Anna Prusak, Piotr Kafel, Piotr Stefanów, Jacek Strojny, Monica Garcia-Melon : The application of the AHP risk-benefit assessment in certification of organic farming ........................................................................................................................... 137 Celina Sołek-Borowska : Barriers to knowledge sharing in global teams – theoretical perspective .................................................................................................... 161 The list of reviewers cooperating with Scientific Papers entitled „Modern Management Review” .................................................................................................. 171 The list of articles published in the Journal of „Modern Management Review” ......................................................................................................................... 173 Additional information ................................................................................................ 177 From the Editorial Committee We are giving you the next 22nd (4/2015) issue of the Quarterly of the Faculty of Management of the Rzeszow University of Technology entitled “Modern Management Review”. The primary objective of the Quarterly is to promote publishing of the results of scien- tific research within economic and social issues in economics, law, finance, management, marketing, logistics, as well as politics, corporate history and social sciences. Our aim is also to raise the merits and the international position of the Quarterly pub- lished by our Faculty. That is why we provided foreign Scientific Council, as well as an international team of Reviewers to increase the value of the scientific publications. The works placed in this issue include many assumptions and decisions, theoretical so- lutions as well as research results, analyses, comparisons and reflections of the Authors. We would like to thank all those who contributed to the issue of the Quarterly and we hope that you will enjoy reading this issue. With compliments Editorial Committee MODERN MANAGEMENT REVIEW 2015 MMR, vol. XX, 22 (4/2015), pp. 7-21 October-December Małgorzata BARAN 1 Justyna STECKO 2 SIMULATION MODEL OF LABOUR FORCE FOR THE MANUFACTURING COMPANY BASED ON SYSTEM DYNAMICS The article presents the methodology of constructing a simulation model of the labour force for a manufacturing company based on the System Dynamics method. The research presented in the article was conducted in three manufacturing companies in Poland. Initially, the key mental model variables of the labour force system were defined. The process of defining the variables was supported by the management as well as by the people directly linked to the labour force management in the manufacturing companies researched. The next step was to combine the variables into a cause - effect diagram, which reflected direct and indirect relationships between particular variables and which allowed to discover some sorts of feedback loops in the system . Next, the cause-effect diagram was converted into a simulation model. To that aim the simulation software, Vensim® was used. After that, validation of the simulation model was conducted using the following methods: assessing the correctness of the boundary of modelling, adequacy of the model structure and adopted values (constants) compared with available knowledge about the modelled system, testing the accuracy and consistency of the units of variables adopted in the model and testing the model behaviour in extreme conditions. The conducted tests confirmed the correctness of the constructed model. Finally, simulation of the model was conducted for the manufacturing companies researched, the results obtained were discussed and final conclusions were formulated. The article finishes with general indications of the direction of the usage of the simulation model presented. Keywords : simulation modelling, system dynamics, labour force, manufacturing company . 1. INTRODUCTION A manufacturing company is a system comprised of a number of minor subsystems. These subsystems include, among others, production, labour force, warehouse management, market, targets and values subsystem, etc. Each subsystem interacts with another subsystem striving for a certain balance determined by the goals of a given manufacturing company. Although these subsystems are highly complex, often times very difficult to grasp by means of human thought models, there are methods which enable one to generally depict processes taking place in these subsystems. One such method is Systems Dynamics. This method allows one to construct simulation models of any selected system as well as particular subsystems. The constructed models present processes taking place in 1 Małgorzata Baran, PhD, Eng, independent researcher, corresponding author: [email protected] 2 Justyna Stecko, PhD, Department of Humanities , Faculty of Management, Rzeszow University of Technology, Pozna ńska Str., 1, 35–084 Rzeszów, tel. 017 865 1204, e-mail: [email protected] 8 M. Baran, J. Stecko systems both from a quantitative angle as well as from the perspective of the dynamics of their behaviour in time 3. The purpose of this article is to present the steps of modelling of the labour
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