124 Auglys~R, TUBERCULOSIS and the WAR, THERE Appears To
124 PUBLIC HEALTH. AuGlys~r, TUBERCULOSIS AND THE WAR, The association with increased mortality BY from influenza is shown as follows :-- GEORGE JESSEL, M.A., M.D., D.P.H., 1913 ... Deaths from Influenza ... 191 Tuberculosis Officer, Lancashire Counly Council. 1914 ... ,~ ,, ,, ... 215 1915 ... , ..... -.. 324 THERE appears to be general agreement that 1916 ... , ..... ... 369 one effect of the War has been to increase It may be urged that this increased mortality the prevalence of Tuberculosis in all the belli- from Pulmonary ~i'uberculosis is more apparent gerent countries. It is probable, however, that than real, and is due to greater precisiotI ill there have been considerable variations in the diagnosis and certification. While there call extent to which this has taken place in different be no doubt that diagnosis and death certifica- lands, and even in different parts of our own tion are tending to become more accurate, country, according to the influence which the the following figures which give the Lancashire war has had upon the usual predisposing County eonfinued death rate from Bronehitis factors. In England and Wales overcrowding and Pneumonia--diseases with which Pul- has become much more marked owing to the monary Tuberculosis is frequently confused-- cessation of building, especially in areas where show that this is not the principal factor. war-work has caused an influx of population, 1913. Bronchitis and Pneumonia continued deathrate 2.53 Overwork and overstrain have been general, 1914. ,~ ,, ~, ~ ,~ ~ 2,51 due to long hours of employment, the journey I915- ,, ,, , ,~ ,~ , 3,04 to and from work, and it.may be the conditions :,)16....
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