2017 Sustainable Ag Expo
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2017 SUSTAINABLE AG BestEXPO Management Practices for the Monitoring and Control of Mealybug Vectors of Grape Leafroll Virus Brian Hogg, Kai Blaisdell, Valeria Hochman- Adler, Monica Cooper, Deborah Golino, Rodrigo Almeida, and Kent Daane November 13-15, 2017 | San Luis Obispo, CA www.sustainableagexpo.org Grape vine leafroll associate virus: We will discuss insecticides for control of the ‘epidemic’ leafroll scenario that growers were initially worried about. photo courtesyNovember of Deborah 13-15, 2017Golino | San Luis Obispo, CA www.sustainableagexpo.org Vectors of Viral Pathogens in Vineyards 1. GLRaV Factors that Impact Control a) mealybug and leafroll species b) facts about mealybug-leafroll epidemiology 2. Vector (Mealybug) Controls a) insecticides for mealybug: which are best b) pheromones for monitoring and control c) biological controls 3. Areawide Control Programs? a) monitoring b) insecticide resistance c) mating disruption in Napa November 13-15, 2017 | San Luis Obispo, CA www.sustainableagexpo.org Vectors of Viral Pathogens in Vineyards 1. GLRaV Factors that Impact Control a) mealybug and leafroll species b) facts about mealybug-leafroll epidemiology 2. Vector (Mealybug) Controls a) insecticides for mealybug: which are best b) pheromones for monitoring and control c) biological controls 3. Areawide Control Programs? a) monitoring b) insecticide resistance c) mating disruption in Napa November 13-15, 2017 | San Luis Obispo, CA www.sustainableagexpo.org GLRaV Insect Vectors •>700 plant viruses •ca. 70% have insect, mite, nematode or fungal vectors whiteflies aphids soft scales November 13-15, 2017 | San Luis Obispo, CA www.sustainableagexpo.org GLRaV Insect Vectors •>700 plant viruses •ca. 70% have insect, mite, nematode or fungal vectors whiteflies •most GLRaVs are closterovirids… and most closterovirids are aphids vectored by whiteflies, aphids, soft scales and mealybugs soft scales November 13-15, 2017 | San Luis Obispo, CA www.sustainableagexpo.org GLRaV-3 Mealybug Vectors in California Grape mealybug Obscure mealybug Longtailed mealybug The native grape mealybug (Pseudococcus maritimus) is the prevalent species and the likely historical vector of GLRaV in USA Vine mealybug Citrus mealybug Gill’s mealybug The invasive vine mealybug (Planococcus ficus) is in California and represents the more important vector Rosciglione and Gugerli, 1987, Engelbrecht and Kasdorf 1990, Golino et al. 2002, Charles et al. 2006, Tsai et al. 2011 November 13-15, 2017 | San Luis Obispo, CA www.sustainableagexpo.org Key Transmission Facts – Acquisition •Crawlers acquired virus w/in 1 hr •Peak at 24 hr Tsai, Almeida et al. Phytopath. (2008) November 13-15, 2017 | San Luis Obispo, CA www.sustainableagexpo.org Key Transmission Facts – Inoculation •Crawlers inoculated virus w/in 1 hr •Peak at 24 hr Tsai, Almeida et al. Phytopath. (2008) November 13-15, 2017 | San Luis Obispo, CA www.sustainableagexpo.org Which leafroll species (or strain) do you have? Sharma et al. PLos One. 2011 November 13-15, 2017 | San Luis Obispo, CA www.sustainableagexpo.org Eight GLRaV-3 strains found (to date) in Napa vineyards, with multiple stains in some vineyards. f GLRaV-3a e GLRaV-3b d a GLRaV-3c GLRaV-3d GLRaV-3e GLRaV-3f GLRaV-3ab GLRaV-3ac c GLRaV-3ad b GLRaV-3bc GLRaV-3bd GLRaV-3cd GLRaV-3abc Sharma et al. PLos One. 2011 November 13-15, 2017 | San Luis Obispo, CA www.sustainableagexpo.org Vectors of Viral Pathogens in Vineyards 1. GLRaV Factors that Impact Control a) mealybug and leafroll species b) facts about mealybug-leafroll epidemiology 2. Vector (Mealybug) Controls a) insecticides for mealybug: which are best b) pheromones for monitoring and control c) biological controls 3. Areawide Control Programs? a) monitoring b) insecticide resistance c) mating disruption in Napa November 13-15, 2017 | San Luis Obispo, CA www.sustainableagexpo.org In 1952-53, in a Tulare Co. table grape vineyard with a history of grape mealybug infestation, excellent control (<1%) was achieved with low rates of parathion November 13-15, 2017 | San Luis Obispo, CA www.sustainableagexpo.org Parathion Dinoseb Permethrin Chloroyrifos Methidathion November 13-15, 2017 | San Luis Obispo, CA www.sustainableagexpo.org Obscure mealybug Vine MB causes more damage (South America) 1) more eggs, more generations 2) feeds on leaves 3) more honeydew excretion Long-tailed mealybug (Australia) Vine mealybug (Mediterranean) Grape mealybug (native) November 13-15, 2017 | San Luis Obispo, CA www.sustainableagexpo.org 0 1 2 3 100 Rating system for fruit damage 80 “3” Severe damage / lost cluster 60 “2” Partial damage 40 “1” Minor damage 20 “0” No damage Damage Damage (% catagory) 0 November 13-15, 2017 | San Luis Obispo, CA www.sustainableagexpo.org In the 1990s, Chemical Industry and UC sought alternates to in-season OPs and Carbamates 40 a b b b a 30 100 ) 20 80 b category b 10 b 60 (% 40 0 Applaud Control damage (buprofezin) 20 Admire Lorsban Fruit (Imidacloprid) (chlorpyrifos) 0 Applaud Control Admire Lorsban Spray Volume: 100 GPA; Air-blast Sprayer; label rate. (as a delayed- Details in Daane et al. 2006. Calif. Agricul. 60(1): 31-38. dormant) Vine mealybug (P. ficus) was the target pest; Del Rey, CA. November 13-15, 2017 | San Luis Obispo, CA www.sustainableagexpo.org Since the 1990s, more effective materials have been added to the tool box c 30 25 20 15 10 b b Fruit damage (% category) (% damage Fruit 5 a a 0 Spirotetramet Buprofezin Control (Movento) (Applaud) Clothianidin Acetamiprid (Belay) (Assail) Spray Volume: 100 GPA; Air-blast Sprayer; label rate (Applaud 12 oz per ac) Belay & Movento on 21 June 2011, Applaud & Assail on 7 July 2011 Planococcus ficus, Lodi-Woodbridge wine grapes, Lodi, CA November 13-15, 2017 | San Luis Obispo, CA www.sustainableagexpo.org Understanding the systematic uptake of pesticide Foliar spray Spirotetramat (SPTA) Spirotetramat metabolite (SPTA Enol) Modified after: http://www.uic.edu/classes/bios/bios100/lectf03am/translocation.jpg November 13-15, 2017 | San Luis Obispo, CA www.sustainableagexpo.org Spirotetramat Enol Enol-Glc Ketohydroxy November 13-15, 2017 | San Luis Obispo, CA www.sustainableagexpo.org Spirotetramat Enol Enol-Glc Ketohydroxy Spirotetramat is a tetronic acid derivative and acts as a lipid biosynthesis inhibitor. Lipids (fats, oils, waxes, vitamins, hormones) are essential to an animal’s existence. Spirotetramat is effective against juvenile stages (like a growth hormone), but can reduce adult fecundity and fertility. Death also occurs because mealybugs will have their energy transport system disrupted and should cease movement. November 13-15, 2017 | San Luis Obispo, CA www.sustainableagexpo.org A C 6.14 2.41 DAD1 A, Sig=250,4 Ref=off (MOVENTO_SC 2015-08-24 08-50-47\065-0501.D) mAU 8.536 50 B D 40 3.620 6.140 30 4.350 4.200 20 6.14 5.410 4.976 5.585 10 7.077 0 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 min November 13-15, 2017 | San Luis Obispo, CA www.sustainableagexpo.org 1000 Example of some of the results 100 Spirotetramat Enol 10 1 0.1 0.01 Mean ppm of compound sample per of compound Mean ppm 0.001 0.0001 0.2 4 37 110 184 212 320 (5 hr) Days after treatment November 13-15, 2017 | San Luis Obispo, CA www.sustainableagexpo.org Questions we have been trying to address: • Timing & methods of application • Location & age of pest population • Vine physiology • Conversion of SPAT to SPAT-Enol? • Movement of SPAT & SPAT-Enol November 13-15, 2017 | San Luis Obispo, CA www.sustainableagexpo.org Development of mating disruption – led by pheromone chemist Jocelyn Millar, who has identified mealybug sex pheromones (Walt Bentley) November 13-15, 2017 | San Luis Obispo, CA www.sustainableagexpo.org November 13-15, 2017 | San Luis Obispo, CA www.sustainableagexpo.org Identified and synthesized sex pheromone Female emits sex pheromone November 13-15, 2017 | San Luis Obispo, CA www.sustainableagexpo.org Pheromone trap captures showing GMB in Washington 400 300 2010 2011 SE) // week trap SE) ± 200 100 Male mealybugs ( 0 Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec Bahder, Rayapati, Daane, Millar & Walsh. 2013. Journal of Economic Entomology. November 13-15, 2017 | San Luis Obispo, CA www.sustainableagexpo.org Mating disruption - synthesized sex pheromone November 13-15, 2017 | San Luis Obispo, CA www.sustainableagexpo.org Small-plot studies with sprayable formulation Period: 2003 and 2004* Crop Destruct: Small plots (0.2-0.3 ha) in raisin vineyards 2004 Design: Applied sprayable microencapsulated pheromone (10 g Kuenen. 2006. - / ha) every 3 wks (20 Apr to 18 Jul); 90. - Malakar split-plot, 5 reps 99: 1280 Insecticides: Buprofezin on all plots (in 2003 plots also received chlorpyrifos) Measured: Male VMB flight, Journal Entomology Journal of Economic Walton, Walton, Daane, Larsen Millar, Bentley, & mealybug density via timed-counts, rated crop damage. November 13-15, 2017 | San Luis Obispo, CA www.sustainableagexpo.org Small-plot studies with sprayable formulation 100 A 80 Control Mating disruption 60 40 20 Kuenen. 2006. - 0 Male mealybugs per trap per week 90. - Malakar 20 99: 1280 B 15 10 5 VMB / vine / 2 min count Walton, Walton, Daane, Larsen Millar, Bentley, & Entomology Journal of Economic 0 Apr 1 May 1 Jun 1 Jul 1 Aug 1 Sept 1 Oct 1 Nov 1 Dec 1 November 13-15, 2017 | San Luis Obispo, CA www.sustainableagexpo.org Small-plot studies with sprayable formulation 8.8% loss 2.8% loss 100 0 1 80 60 40 Kuenen. 2006. - 90. - Malakar 20 Fruit damage (%) by category 99: 1280 2 3 0 Control Pheromone Methodology (0 – 3 scale) Unmarketable cluster (3) Mealybug damage (2) Honeydew, few VMB (1) Journal Entomology Journal of Economic Walton, Walton, Daane, Larsen Millar, Bentley, & No damage (0) November 13-15, 2017 | San Luis Obispo, CA www.sustainableagexpo.org Small-plot studies with sprayable formulation 250 *** 200 Control Mating disruption 150 *** 100 ** ** Male mealybugs /trap mealybugs Male 50 NS NS *** 0 0 7 14 21 28 35 42 49 Residual activity (in days) Walton, Daane, Bentley, Millar, Larsen & Malakar-Kuenen.