NATO Maritime Interdiction Operational Training Centre
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Issue 14 1st Issue 2017 ISSN: 2242-441X nmiotc Maritime Interdiction Operations Journal TRAINING CENTRE TRAINING NATO MARITIME INTERDICTION OPERATIONAL MARITIME INTERDICTION NATO 1 NATO Maritime Interdiction Operational Training Centre 2nd Conference on Cyber Security “Maritime Cyber Security and Cyber Defense: NATO-EU cooperation implementing the outcomeS of the Warsaw Summit. Recent international evolutions in the environment.” 21st to 22nd September 2017 2 C O N T E N T S nmiotc COMMANDANT'S EDITORIAL MARITIME INTERDICTION Editorial by Georgios Tsogkas OPERATIONS Commodore GRC (N) JOURNAL 4 Commadant NMIOTC MARITIME SECURITY Director Commodore G. Tsogkas GRC (N) Operation Sea Guardian - The NATO Maritime Security Operation in the Mediiterranean Sea Commandant NMIOTC 6 by Captain Corrado Campana ITA (N) Toward a Comprehensive Approach to Addressing. Transnational Executive Director Threats in the Mediterranean Captain C. Campana ITA (N) 8 by Mr Christopher Kremidas Director of Training Support CYBER SECURITY Editor Maritime Cyberpower Projection Lt Commander G. Tzevelekis GRC (N) 15 by Mr Adrian Venables Head of Transformation Section Layout Production ENERGY INFRASTRUCTURES SECURITY CPO E. Miskou GRC (N) Journal Assistant Editor Holistic Protection of Critical Infrastructures. Resilience and protec- tion of dependncies between Greek Critical Infrastructures. by George Stergiopoulos, Dimitris Gritzalis, Panayotis Kotzanikolaou, 29 Manos Margkos and Georgia Lykou TECHNOLOGICAL ISSUES The views expressed in this Securing Maritime Logistics and Supply Chain : The Medusa and issue reflect the opinions of MITIGATE approaches. the authors, and do not nec- 42 by Dr. Spyridon Papastergiou and Associate Professor Nineta Polemi essarily represent NMIOTC's or NATO’s official positions. HIGH VISIBILITY EVENTS All content is subject to Greek Copyright Legislation. Pictures used from the web VIP visitors to NMIOTC 49 are not subject to copyright restrictions. NMIOTC TRAINING You may send your comments to: [email protected] 52 Photos from NMIOTC Training Activities 3 NMIOTC Commandant’s Editorial The world continues to face a serious ance’s regional understanding and sit- It is anticipated that the Warsaw / Brus- threat from terrorism – a global threat uational awareness, its capabilities for sels Summit outcomes would call for that knows no border, nationality or re- expeditionary operations and its ability enhanced training opportunities along ligion. NATO Heads of State and Gov- to project stability in its neighborhood. with our partners providing security. ernment stated at Warsaw, “terrorism This is exactly why NMIOTC is more has risen to an unprecedented level of Maritime environment is character- relevant than ever. In its capacity as intensity, reaches into all Allied terri- ized by complexity and diversity. The a NETF, awarded by ACT with a Qual- tory and now represents an immediate oceans are an increasingly accessible ity Assurance Accreditation, focused and direct threat to our nations and the environment for transnational criminal on the maritime environment, offers international community”. and terrorist activities. Disruption of education and training opportunities to international maritime transportation Allies and Partners. NATO is as essential as ever. At this and distribution networks would un- pivotal time, the Alliance is strong dermine equally the industrial produc- With Operation Sea Guardian and EU and continues to adapt. This was the tion and the flow of energy sources, Operation Sophia under which the de- core of NATO’s Summit in Brussels in thus it will have a significant impact in mand for training of the Lybian authori- late May. NATO’s Framework for the our security and at the welfare of our ties is increasing, the emphasis on South focuses on improving the Alli- populations. partner capacity building and the es- 4 tablishment of the Hub for the South at closer co-operation with international As a conclusion, I would like to an- JFC Naples, the request for NMIOTC stakeholders to address the secu- nounce with great pleasure, the 2nd expertise and services to serve as the rity challenges. Adrian Venables, PhD NMIOTC Cyber Conference which will Trainer for the Hub in the South at both Student at Lancaster University and be held at our premises (Souda Bay JFC Naples and MARCOM disposal, Commander UK RN (reserve), on his – Crete) from 21st to 22nd September can only grow. article “Maritime Cyberpower Projec- 2017, with theme “Maritime Cyber Se- tion” investigates the unexplored area curity and Cyber Defense: NATO-EU Having said that and referring to this of how cyberspace can be used to cooperation implementing the out- journal, I wish to draw your attention influence a target population. Senior come of the NATO Warsaw Summit. to the fact that it presents articles fo- Researcher George Stergiopoulos Recent international evolutions in the cused on current and future challeng- and Professor Dimitris Gritzalis, deals environment”. es to maritime security. In particular; with the “Holistic Protection of Critical Infrastructure” a subject of high impor- Given the opportunity, please mark In the lead article, Mr. Christopher tance for the welfare of each country. your calendars for the 9th NMIOTC Kremidas US European Command Finally, Dr Spyridon Papastergiou and Annual Conference from 5th to 7th Liaison to NATO and EU, on his pa- Associate Professor Nineta Polemi, at June 2018 with the main topic to de per “Toward a Comprehensive Ap- their paper explore the risks and vul- determined and announced in due proach to Addressing – Transnational nerabilities of the Maritime Logistics time. Threats in the Mediterranean” draws and Supply Chain presenting two Eu- upon building a comprehensive ap- ropean research projects. proach culture within NATO, enabling Georgios Tsogkas Commodore GRC (N) Commadant NMIOTC 5 MARITIME SECURITY Operation Sea Guardian The NATO Maritime Security Operation in the Mediterranean Sea by Corrado Campana Captain ITA (N) The NATO Operation Sea Guardian Operation Sea Guardian (OSG) con- trolling and boarding merchant vessels started in November 2016 as a result of stitutes the first actual activation of in the Mediterranean for more than a the July 2016 Warsaw Summit, during one of the tasks assigned to NATO’s decade, has provided the Alliance with which the Alliance decided to launch maritime forces by the Alliance Mari- a strong expertise in the deterrence a new maritime security mission in time Strategy (AMS) of March 2011, and prevention of maritime terrorist the Mediterranean Sea. As reported the Maritime Security Operations, and and criminal activities, and this profi- in the Warsaw Summit Communiqué: directly derives from its predecessor ciency is exploited by OSG as it con- “We have transitioned Operation Ac- Operation Active Endeavour (OAE), tinues with the efforts of OAE, but with tive Endeavour, our Article 5 maritime which was launched after the events a significantly broader scope. operation in the Mediterranean, which of September 11 with the purpose to As mentioned in the “Operation Sea has contributed to fight against terror- deter and disrupt terrorist activity in the Guardian Factsheet” of the Allied ism, to a non-Article 5 Maritime Secu- Mediterranean Sea. Maritime Command: “Operation Sea rity Operation, Operation Sea Guard- The broad and long-lasting experience Guardian is a standing Maritime Se- ian, able to perform the full range of gained by OAE, with NATO Standing curity Operation (MSO) aimed at work- Maritime Security Operation tasks, as Naval Forces ensuring presence, col- ing with Mediterranean stakeholders needed”. lecting information, monitoring, con- to deter and counter terrorism amd 6 MARITIME SECURITY mitigate the risk of other threats to se- to the implementation of the arms em- allocated to OSG are separated by the curity”. In this context, the three main bargo in the high seas off the coast of assets (ships, submarines and mari- missions of OSG are to provide mari- Libya in accordance with the UNSCR time patrol aircrafts) that compose, on time situational awareness, to counter 2292 (2016). a rotational basis, the NATO Stand- terrorism and human trafficking, and The NATO involvement in tackling the ing Naval Forces. This characteristic to contribute to the regional capacity worst migration crisis since the Sec- allows OSG to keep the focus on its building, while additional tasks – such ond World War and, more in general, main tasks without being committed to as countering the proliferations of in securing the Mediterranean Sea, the responsibilities of the NATO Re- Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD), can be considered as a remarkable sponse Force (NRF). ensuring the freedom of navigation accomplishment for the Alliance, as The launch of OSG represents the first and protection of maritime critical in- it demonstrates its willingness and real implementation of the NATO-EU frastructure – can be performed as readiness to take action to cope with Joint Declaration and, while accom- necessary. a challenge affecting the Allies, and plishing the task of crisis management Further to a Joint Declaration signed also because it proves the capability to in the Mediterranean Sea, it promotes by the NATO Secretary General, the make the Allied Maritime Strategy op- the dialogue in the region and im- President of European Council and the erational. Indeed, with the Operation proves the cooperative maritime se- President of European Commission in Sea Guardian in the Mediterranean