Come, Receive the Light!

“Let the little children come to me, and do not forbid them, for such is the Kingdom of Heaven.” Mark 10:14 A Ministry of the Sunday, April 12, 2015 Volume 3, Issue 15 Orthodox Christian Network Come, Receive the Light! Have you ever tried to find something in the dark? Have you walked around in pitch black? Maybe you stumbled into things. Maybe you tripped and fell. Maybe you tried to hold onto something that would help you find your way. It’s hard to find our way Receive the Light of Christ! when we don’t have a light to guide us!

On (Pascha) night, the whole church is dark. Then, out of the altar, your priest comes with a bright candle. We hear, “Come, receive the light, from the never-setting Light. And glorify Christ, Who has risen from the dead!” With our candles, we remember how dark the world would be without Christ. With our candles, we remember how Christ always helps us find the way. With our candles, we remember how Christ is with us, even when things are dark, even when we are alone and scared. Did you know? We can always come receive the light of our Lord, Christ. We can ask Him to guide us through life. Then, we will always find the right way! Christ is risen! Truly He is risen! The Children’s Word is a weekly bulletin for Orthodox Christian young people. Copyright 2015 Alexandra Houck. LIGHT MAZE TO THE L PASCHA

Help the Or- AROUND THE WORLD thodox Chris- Of course, you know what today is! It is Easter, Pas- tian kid make cha, the Resurrection of our Lord, Jesus Christ! You proba- it through the bly have big plans for a big party. That’s because, as Chris- darkness to tians, we celebrate this day more than any other! find the light We all have our own traditions, but would you like to know of Christ! how Orthodox Christians in other countries celebrate, too?

But the best way to celebrate is by going to church, singing together the beautiful “Christ is risen” hymn!

Say it in Georgian! In and , And in the United In and Russia In , thou- most families cele- States, lots of Ortho- and other countries in sands of people crowd brate this glorious day dox Christian kids Can you say “Christ is risen!” in Eastern Europe, Ortho- around the Church of by roasting lambs on a come to the Agape dox Christians bring to Georgian? the Holy Sepulcher, grill or a spit that turns vespers on Sunday the church beautiful the spot of Christ’s around and around to afternoon. Lots of Easter baskets full of “Christ is risen” is “Kriste tomb. The people re- cook it. churches hold an fancy breads, eggs, and ceive the “Holy Fire” Easter aghsdga!” other foods. The priest In some places, you there. Try to find out afterwards to cele- blesses the baskets, might also find people more about this mira- brate! and then the parties celebrating with big “Truly He is risen” is cle that happens every can start! bonfires! “Cheshmaritad aghsdga!” year! We celebrate Pascha (Easter) today, April 12th!