Palm Sunday of the Passion of the Lord April 14, 2019

St. Alexander Parish Administration Directory

Parish Administrative Center St. Alexander School 7025 W. 126th St. Palos Heights, IL 60463 126th St. and 71st Ave. Palos Heights, IL 60463 Phone: 708-448-4861 Fax: 708-448-0039 Phone: 708-448-0408 Fax: 708-448-5947 Pastor: …………………….. Rev. Martin Michniewicz ext. 227 Principal: ………………………………………...……... Cathy Biel Associate Pastor: ……………… Rev. Patrick O’Neill ext. 223 Assistant Principal: …………………...……… Mary Dombrowski Deacons: ……………………………. Jim Horton, Tim Keating Administrative Assistants: Mary Ann Pellicore & Renee Chavez Director Parish Home & Health Ministry: Jim Horton ext. 232 School Web: …………………...... Accounting Department Director: ….. Paula Somers ext. 233 School E-Mail: ……………...... [email protected] Director of Music: …………………. Matthew Berardi ext. 224 Parish Center & Parish Athletic Director: Religious Education Office ……………………………………… Cathy Sullivan - 361-2626 126th St. and 71st Ave. Palos Heights, IL 60463 Teen Coordinator: ………………… Sharon Ayres - 448-6624 Phone: 708-448-6624 Counseling Center: ………………………… 448-4861 ext.310 Coordinator of Religious Education: ……………… Nancy Cook Director: .…………. Sr. Claire Marie Czerwiec, SSND, LCPC Religious Ed. E-Mail: …………………... [email protected] Parish E-Mail: ………………………. [email protected] St. Alexander’s on the Web ………. Page Two of the Passion of the Lord April 14, 2019 Spreading the Holy Fire Celebrating Christ Risen from the Dead through the 7 Sacraments


BAPTISM CONFIRMATION Celebration of Entrance into Christ’s Church Celebration of the Gifts of the Holy Spirit You must be a registered parishioner in this parish. This Sacrament is normally celebrated in 8th Grade and is At least one Godparent must be a practicing Catholic. The a 2 year program of preparation. other must be a Christian. Confirmation Contacts: Parents must register for a class on Baptism BEFORE your Nancy Cook - Religious Education 448-6624 baby is baptized. Archdiocesan required classes are held once Cathy Biel - School 448-0408 a month, usually on the 1st Monday of the month, and facili- The Archdiocese also offers classes for adults wishing to tated by trained parishioners. receive Confirmation. Adult Confirmation Contact - Baptism contact Joan DeVito 448-4861 ext. 237 Deacon Tim Keating & Deacon Jim Horton 448-4861

RCIA Celebration of the Rites of Christian Initiation of Adults This process is for adults who would like to join the Roman Catholic Church and have never been Baptized, or were Baptized in another Christian denomination. There is also a process for children (RCIC) and teens (RCIT). RCIA/RCIC/RCIT contact - Deacon Jim Horton 448-4861 & Deacon Tim Keating 448-6624 EUCHARIST Celebration of Sharing Fully at Christ’s Altar of Sacrifice & Communion with and His Church Eucharistic Liturgy (Mass) Eucharistic Adoration Sunday Vigil: 5:00 PM (Saturday) Thursday before the 1st Friday Sunday: 7:00, 9:00, 10:30 AM, 12:00 Noon & 9:15 AM - 7:00 PM Benediction 6:00 PM (Life Teen Youth Mass) Evening of Prayer and Adoration Monday through Friday: 6:30 & 8:45 AM On the 1st Saturday Saturday Morning: 8:00 AM 4:30 PM - Rosary Holy Day Vigil: 7:00 PM 5:00 PM - Mass Holy Day: 6:30, 8:45 AM & 7:00 PM 6:00 PM - Prayers for Healing

S H ANOINTING OF THE SICK RECONCILIATION Celebration of God’s Restorative Love & Forgiveness Celebration of God’s Forgiveness Sacrament offers strength to the living. If someone becomes through Personal Confession seriously ill, please call the Parish Administrative Center. Saturday Morning: 8:30 - 9:00 AM Ministers of Care are available to bring Holy Communion and/ or visit with the sick and homebound. Saturday Evening: after the 5:00 PM Mass Also every 1st Saturday - 6:00 - 7:00 PM in church Other Times by Appointment


MATRIMONY HOLY ORDERS Celebration of God’s Blessings on the Loving Union Celebration of Ordained Service to the Church between Man and Woman The three offices of the Sacrament of Holy Orders are bishop, Please call the Parish Administration Center at least 4 months priest and deacon. All three are conferred by the sacramental in advance of your wedding. Pre-Cana for engaged couples act called “ordination.” is required by the Archdiocese Priesthood Contact - Fr. Michniewicz 448-4861 ext 227 Matrimony Contact: Archdiocese of Chicago Vocation Director: Fr. Martin Michniewicz & Fr. Patrick O’Neill 448-4861 Fr. Brian Welter - 312-534-8298 Page Three Palm Sunday of the Passion of the Lord April 14, 2019


Dear Parishioners, With the liturgies and distribution of palms today on Palm Sunday, we as Catholics commence the most spiritual time of the year; . During Holy Week we remember the Passion, Death, and Resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ. The season reminds us that we are not only to live newly after death, but that we are to live nobly and spiritually anew because we are to live forever. Please plan on attending as many of our Holy Week services as possible for your own personal spiritual edification. I am sure that your time will be well spent and that you will leave church with a sense of forgiveness, love, and hope. On Holy Thursday, we will celebrate the Mass of the Lord’s Supper at 7:00. This Mass recalls our Lord instituting the Eucharist and calling His apostles to go and serve one another. We, at St. Alexander imitate our Lord at this liturgy when we recreate our Lord’s action of washing His apostle’s feet. This re-creation is a poignant and powerful action, a beautiful gesture that engages the whole person in wor- ship and embodies the Gospel. The foot washing is full of meaning. It is our ritual response to our Lord’s command to be servants. In fact, the entire Holy Thursday liturgy is filled with ritual and a re- minder that we are to bring the Bread of Life to all people through our love and prayers. I’m sure your participation and attendance on Holy Thursday will bring you closer to the Lord and renew the spirit of Christian service in each one of you. There will be two services on . At 3:00 we will have the traditional celebration of our Lord’s Passion which will include Holy Communion and Veneration of the Cross. At 7:00 the Sta- tions of the Cross will take place as we reenact Jesus’ steps on this holiest day. On , we will have the traditional Blessing of and Baskets. This year’s blessing will take place in the church at 12:00 N. All are invited to the front of the altar for an indi- vidual blessing and sprinkling of holy water. Also on Holy Saturday, we will begin our celebration of Easter with the at 8:00. The Easter Vigil is probably the most powerful liturgy we celebrate all year. At this Mass, we bless the and water and our RCIA candidates are baptized, confirmed, receive First Holy Communion and are initiated into the Catholic faith. Remember that the Easter Vigil is an Easter liturgy and fulfills Sunday’s Easter obligation. I know the Easter Vigil is longer than an Easter Sunday liturgy, but please consider attending. What better way to spend an extra hour of our time then by celebrating our Lord’s glorious resurrection and welcoming new people to the Catholic faith. Please see a complete schedule of Holy Week and Easter services listed on page five. God Bless, Father Marty P.S. Please remember, according to the rules of the Church, there are no morning Masses on Holy Thursday, Good Friday, and Holy Saturday.

Palm Sunday Mass is not about obtaining the palm, but participating in the Mass commemorating Christ’s entrance into , and the beginning of Holy Week and His Passion. The blessed palm is a “witness to faith in Jesus Christ, the messianic king, and in his Paschal Victory,” The palms we receive on Palm Sunday are blessed objects, or sacramentals, that need to be treated reverently, not as toys, mere craft material, or trash. After Palm Sunday, palms may be kept in the home or workplace as a witness to faith in Jesus Christ. According to the Code of Canon Law, blessed sacramentals are not to be discarded in a trash can. They can be either buried or burned, honoring their sacred purpose and returning them to the earth in a dig- nified way. Anyone can do this, but if you don’t have the ability to burn or bury them, drop your palms at the parish office. Page Four Palm Sunday of the Passion of the Lord April 14, 2019

MERCY HOME SUNDAY MASS SCRIPTURE 9:30AM on WGN-TV Channel 9 REFLECTION We begin the final week of with these familiar readings. This year, we hear the Passion from the Gospel of Luke. These readings for Palm Sunday and the Passion used to be read on successive Sun- Home Bound or Ill? days. Now they are combined into a single feast, so If you, or someone you know, are that we may see the whole sweep of the glory and unable to attend Mass and would the suffering played out. Jesus accepts the adulation like to receive communion in their of the crowd, the foreshadowing of his glory in the home, please call Deacon Jim Horton Resurrection. He bids farewell to his disciples in his last Passover, and forgives his tormentors as he dies at 708-448-4861, ext. 232. on the cross. Later this week, we enter the Holy Triduum of Holy Thursday, Good Friday, and Holy Saturday, when the whole story of our redemption will play out once again. Copyright (c) J. S. Paluch Co., Inc.

Today’s Readings: Lk 19:28-40 (); Is 50:4-7; Ps 22:8-9, 17-20, 23-24; Phil 2:6-11; Lk 22:14 -- 23:56 [23:1-49] READINGS FOR APRIL 15—21 Monday: Is 42:1-7; Ps 27:1-3, 13-14; Jn 12:1-11 Tuesday: Is 49:1-6; Ps 71:1-6, 15, 17; Jn 13:21-33, 36-38 WORD OF LIFE Wednesday: Is 50:4-9a; Ps 69:8-10, 21-22, 31, 33-34; “When battered by life’s storms, or immersed in a Mt 26:14-25 dense fog of suffering and uncertainty, we may feel Thursday: Chrism Mass: Is 61:1-3a, 6a, 8b-9; alone and unequipped to handle the circumstances. Ps 89:21-22, 25, 27; Rv 1:5-8; Lk 4:16-21 Yet with words that echo through thousands of Lord’s Supper: Ex 12:1-8, 11-14; Ps 116:12-13, years into the corners of our hearts, the Lord says, 15-16bc, 17-18; 1 Cor 11:23-26; ‘Do not fear: I am with you’ (Isaiah 41:10).”.” Jn 13:1-15 —USCCB Secretariat of Pro-Life Activities Friday: Is 52:13 -- 53:12; Ps 31:2, 6, 12-13, 15-17, 25; Heb 4:14-16; 5:7-9; Jn 18:1 -- 19:42 Saturday: a) Gn 1:1 -- 2:2 [1:1, 26-31a]; Ps 104:1-2, 5-6, 10, 12, 13-14, 24, 35; or Prayers of the Faithful Ps 33:4-7, 12-13, 20-22; for the Sick b) Gn 22:1-18 [1-2, 9a, 10-13, 15-18]; As the faith family of St. Alexander, we Ps 16: 5, 8-11; unite with one another to pray for those who c) Ex 14:15 -- 15:1; Ex 15:1-6, 17-18; need healing of their body, mind or spirit. d) Is 54:5-14; Ps 30:2, 4-6, 11-13; Confident that God hears the voices of those who trust in e) Is 55:1-11; Is 12:2-6; the Lord Jesus, we join in prayer for: f) Bar 3:9-15, 32 -- 4:4; Ps 19:8-11; g) Ez 36:16-17a, 18-28; Ps 42:3, 5; 43:3-4 or Is 12:2-3, 4bcd, 5-6 or Ps 51:12-15, 18-19; h) Rom 6:3-11; i) Ps 118:1-2, 16-17, 22-23; Lk 24:1-12 Sunday: Acts 10:34a, 37-43; Ps 118:1-2, 16-17, If you or anyone in your family would like to be added 22-23; Col 3:1-4 or 1 Cor 5:6b-8; to our Prayers of the Faithful for the Sick please contact Jn 20:1-9 or Lk 24:1-12 or (at an the Parish Administrative Office at 708-448-4861. afternoon or evening Mass) Lk 24:13-35 Page Five Palm Sunday of the Passion of the Lord April 14, 2019

Stations of the Cross ROSARY & SOUP with Benediction NIGHTS Every Friday evening During Lent we encourage families to teach during Lent at 7:00 PM their children that fasting and prayer can make unimaginable changes. Make a change and add something to your life you wouldn’t normally do. We look forward to sharing a meal with you but more importantly, we look The Pontiical forward to praying with you. We meet every Good Friday Collection Wednesday evening during Lent. Pope Francis has asked our parish to support LAKE KATHERINE CLUBHOUSE the Pontiical Good Friday Collection, which April 17th — 6:00-7:00 helps Christians in the Holy Land. Your support helps the church minister in parishes, provide For additional information please contact Catholic schools, and offer religious education. Ofelia or Jeff Foreman at 708-448-7521. The collection also helps to preserve the sacred shrines. The wars, unrest, and instability have been especially hard on Christians. In these times of crisis, the collection provides humani- tarian aid to refugees. When you contribute you Easter Holiday Office Hours become an instrument of peace and join with The Parish Administrative Office will close Catholics around the world in solidarity with the at 2:30 on Friday, April 19th and will be Church in the Holy Land. Please be generous. closed on Monday, April 22nd. We wish you all a Blessed Easter!


Holy Thursday - April 18th Holy Saturday - April 20th 7:00 PM Mass of the Lord’s Supper 12:00 NOON Blessing of Easter Baskets Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament 8:00 PM Easter Vigil Celebration (after Mass until Midnight) Easter Sunday - April 21st Good Friday - April 19th 7:00 AM, 9:00 AM, 10:30 AM, 12:00 NOON 3:00 PM The Celebration of the Passion (10:30AM Mass in Church & Parish Center) of the Lord & Veneration of the Cross There is no 6:00 PM Mass 7:00 PM Stations of the Cross Sacrament of Reconciliation Saturdays after 8:00AM & 5:00PM Mass (No Reconciliation during the Sacred Triduum) In accordance with the rules of the Church, there are no morning Masses on Holy Thursday, Good Friday, and Holy Saturday Page Six Palm Sunday of the Passion of the Lord April 14, 2019

ST. ALEXANDER SOCIETY of LIFE TEEN MASS ST. VINCENT de PAUL C S’ 6:00 All St. Alexander Parish teens, School and Religious Education Program students, are invited to join the Life Teen Group. Following mass we move to our The Easter Food Drive for St. Columbanus meeting room for what is known as Life Night. and St. Gelasius continues through Sunday, Please join us! April 21st. Please be generous as the need for food is always growing. We appreciate your continued generosity. God bless you during this Holy Season. “In this hour I will refuse nothing to the soul that TRAVELING OVER THE HOLIDAY? makes a request of me in There are free apps available that give church virtue of my Passion.” locations and Mass times all over the country; Catholic Mass Times Church Directory and Mass Please join the Blue Army of Our Lady Times for Travel. Or visit the websites of Fatima and the Knights of Columbus or for Benediction and praying the Divine Mercy Chaplet on Sunday, April 28th at 2:30 P “D M101” 1:15 R 311 The Divine Mercy Novena begins on Good Many of you may take advantage of the conven- Friday and continues for nine days. Please ience of electronic giving to our parish and we are consider taking a pamphlet in the back of grateful for that. For those of you who have yet to church and making this Novena in antici- join us in giving online, we strongly encourage you to do so. Here’s why: pation of Divine Mercy Sunday. Faith Direct enables parishioners to make your As Jesus is merciful to us, so we must be Church contributions through either direct debit merciful to others through our actions, from your checking/savings account or through words, and prayers. your credit/debit card. No more writing checks or CORPORAL WORKS OF MERCY: Feed the searching for envelopes on the way out the door. Now you can apply the convenience of direct debit hungry, Give drink to the thirsty, Clothe to your parish offerings in much the same way as the naked, Shelter the homeless, Comfort you may now use it to make your mortgage, car or the imprisoned, Visit the sick, Bury the tuition payments. dead. Faith Direct also offers you personalized offertory SPIRITUAL WORKS OF MERCY: Admon- cards to replace your envelopes for the collection ish sinners, Instruct the uninformed, basket. To cancel your monthly envelopes, Counsel the doubtful, Comfort the sorrow- please notify the parish office at 708-448-4861. This is not done automatically when signing up ful, Be patient with those in error, Forgive for electronic giving. offenses, Pray for the living and the dead. Please visit to enroll secure- CONFESSION and HOLY COMMUNION ly online. Or, download the Faith Direct app onto are required to gain the indulgence your smartphone. Our parish code is IL910. offered on Divine Mercy Sunday Page Seven Palm Sunday of the Passion of the Lord April 14, 2019

Dear Parishioners, The members of our St. Vincent dePaul/St. Alexander Conference would like thank you for your overwhelming generosity. We also would like to share with you some of the programs sponsored by our Conference due to your extraordinary support. The monetary donations collected on Holy Thursday and Thanksgiving are used to help pay utility bills, food, clothing, and house payments. We also help families with book fees and other school related supplies. The monetary donations are also used to support the Port bread truck. Once a month we have a group of volunteers who make ham and cheese sandwiches. These sandwiches are picked up by the Port bread truck and given out to residents of the Southside of Chicago. The sandwiches serve hundreds of people. The monthly food drive primarily supports the St. Columbanus food pantry. We have visited this pantry, it is an amazing operation. People line up around the building to receive their food and all those involved are not only an inspiration to all, but they are truly filled with goodness. This pantry services over 500 people per week. Our meetings are generally held the first Thursday of the month in the parish adminis- trative building at 5:00 PM. We are always in need of members. If you are interested please contact the parish office at 708-448-4861 and ask for Joan. We want to express our deepest gratitude to you, thank you. Your kindness shows the tenderness of your heart, the love you have for others and your understanding of our beautiful Catholic faith. God Bless, The St. Alexander SVDP Conference

Society of LENTEN REGULATIONS St. Vincent de Paul Fridays during Lent are obligatory days of absti- nence. Abstinence from meat is to be observed by Holy Thursday all Catholics who are 14 years old and older on all Collection Fridays of Lent. The St. Alexander Society of St. Vincent de The Paschal Fast, as well as abstinence, are pre- Paul appreciates your continued generosity and scribed for Good Friday and is encouraged to con- support. The collection taken at the Mass of the tinue until the Easter Vigil (on Holy Saturday Lord’s Supper aids in their efforts in assisting Night). This special fast is to honor the suffering the poor. Envelopes are included in your April and death of the Lord Jesus, and to prepare our- packet. selves to share more fully and to celebrate more readily his Resurrection. When fasting, a person may take only one full meal. Two smaller meals are permitted if neces- Easter Sunday Parking sary to maintain strength according to one’s The Palos Heights Library parking lot will be needs, but eating solid foods between meals is available for our use on Easter Sunday. Please not permitted. use the walkway and enter through the narthex. Page Eight Palm Sunday of the Passion of the Lord April 14, 2019

Please consider including St. Alexander E-Giving Made Easy Parish/School in your estate plans. If you wish to remember St. Alexander Parish/ If you would like to make a School in your will, ensuring its growth and vi- one-time electronic donation, tality for years to come, you may include the please scan following general statement: I give the sum of this bar code. $__* to St. Alexander School/Parish located in Palos Heights, Illinois. Scroll down to “One –Time Gifts” For more information please call Fr. Marty at and enter the amount and type of 708-448-4861. payment. It’s that simple!

ST. ALEXANDER—A BLUE RIBBON SCHOOL St. Alexander School is accepting registrations for the 2019-2020 school year. We offer: • A faculty and staff who model true • Preschool programs for 3 and 4 year olds, including 4 year old full day • Kindergarten classes are available as half day or full day • Extended day care is provided before and after school • Academic support as well as professional counseling is available • Curriculum includes foreign language, art, gym, music, computer classes and STEM lab • Daily religion classes and participation in liturgies teach Catholic values • Extracurricular and enrichment activities are available to all students • Hot lunch program offers nutritious meal choices We are happy to provide private tours of our Blue Ribbon school and share with the families the exceptional education and experience provided at St. Alexander School. For additional information about what St. Alexander has to offer you family, please contact the school at 708-448-0408 or visit our website at

ST. ALEXANDER PRESCHOOL REGISTRATION OPEN FOR THE 2019-2020 SCHOOL YEAR St. Alexander Preschool provides an academic experience aligned with The Office of Catholic Schools Early Childhood Development. The preschool environment promotes a child’s growth intellectually, spiritually, physically and socially. The curriculum of the program consists of language, reading readiness skills, math awareness, awareness of God and Christian values, art and music movement, exploration skills, creative play, fine and gross motor skills. Full Day Option (4-Year Olds) Half Day Options (3 & 4 Year Olds) 8:00-2:40 Morning class meets 8:00-11:00 Afternoon class meets 11:40-2:40 Two, three, four, and five day options are available for full and half day students. Extended Day Programs are available for before and after school care. Children must be 3 or 4 years of age by September 1, 2019 to register. Call Mrs. Martino with questions at 708-448-0408 or visit Page Nine Palm Sunday of the Passion of the Lord April 14, 2019


Services for individuals, SALE HOURS couples & families NO SAVE SALES ON EASTER SUNDAY For more information, call SALES RESUME ON SUNDAY, APRIL 28 448-4861 ext. 310 Orders may be dropped off at the Parish Office Sr. Claire M. Czerwiec, SSND, LCPC through 5:00 on Wednesday, April 18th. Pick th Pastoral Counselor & Spiritual Director up on Thursday, April 19 after 10:00 .

God has given us time, talents, and treasures, and has commanded us to share them with others


Throughout the week we will minister to the community, creating safe housing for those in need, all while growing closer to those we work with.

Each evening we will have a fun activity, share a meal, and reflect on what we have accomplished that day.

The cost of the trip is $300/participant.

We are accepting donations to offset the cost of the trip for teens who need financial assistance to attend. To sign up for the trip or for further information, please contact Sharon Ayres at 708-285-0393

Over the years we have touched many lives with our work. Join us and give some time, use your talents, and give treasures to those we serve Page Ten Palm Sunday of the Passion of the Lord April 14, 2019

Check Out St. Alexander RELIGIOUS EDUCATION Parish and School Facebook Pages! St. Alexander’s Religious Education Office is located in the vestibule of the Fr. Crosby Center. The office hours are (or by appointment): M 9:00 - 8:00 T 9:00 - 6:00 W—F 9:00 - 3:00 ST. ALEXANDER PARISH CENTER & ATHLETIC ASSOCIATION NEWS

Fr. John M. Crosby Parish Center Schedule of Events ST. ALEXANDER PARISH

Monday, April 15th QUEEN OF HEARTS 3:00—9:00 Athletic Team Practices Tuesday, April 16th 50/50 RAFFLE 3:00—9:00 Athletic Team Practices Wednesday, April 17th THERE WILL NOT 3:00—9:00 Athletic Team Practices Thursday, April 18th—Monday, April 22nd BE A DRAWING ON Parish Center Closed: Easter Mass preparation HOLY THURSDAY, APRIL 18TH

QUEEN OF HEARTS 50/50 PROGRESSIVE RAFFLE POT IS AT $37,500! Tickets available all week at Zach’s on Tap. Join fellow parishioners at Zach’s for the drawing every Thursday night and enjoy live entertainment! You can’t win if you don’t play. Winner need not be present to win. By participating in our raffle you help support our parish, school, religious education, and sports programs! Spread the word!! (THERE WILL NOT BE A DRAWING ON HOLY THURSDAY, APRIL 18TH)


Tickets available at Zach’s on Tap 12231 S. Harlem, Palos Heights

Weekly updates available at and on Facebook (St. Alexander Catholic Church) Page Eleven Palm Sunday of the Passion of the Lord April 14, 2019 Page Twelve Palm Sunday of the Passion of the Lord April 14, 2019 Page Thirteen Palm Sunday of the Passion of the Lord April 14, 2019

Oak Lawn Garden Club: Looking for gardens for the Child abuse is one of the greatest tragedies of our times. Annual Garden Walk on Sunday, June 23rd. If interested It doesn’t have to be. We can prevent it by building in participating, contact Mary Jo May at 708-448-4717 or communities that are committed to families and to the Rose Stephens at 708-577-3366. services they need to be strong, healthy, and successful St. Barnabas: 50 Year Reunion—Class of 1969! The children. Put Children and Families First! reunion is planned for September 28, 2019. Looking for Care enough to call the Child Abuse Hotline if you sus- our classmates from the St. Barnabas Class of 1969. pect a child is being hurt. In Illinois call 1800- Please contact [email protected] with your 25ABUSE (1-800-252-2873). updated email and mailing address. Be a positive and nurturing parent or caretaker and help other family members, friends, neighbors be positive parents too. Make children a priority. Make sure they are safe and have healthy environments. Seek help if PLEASE JOIN US you need it. National Parent Helpline 1-855-427-2731. EVERY THURSDAY AT 7:00PM FOR CHOIR REHEARSAL “ROLL RED ROLL” MOVIE SCREENING TH We are inviting both the former members of the FRIDAY, APRIL 26 AT 6:00 PM choir to return, as well as new interested members A true-crime thriller that goes behind the headlines who would love to sing for the glory of God on to uncover the deep-seated and social media-fueled Sundays. ALL are welcome. For information, “boys will be boys” culture at the root of high school please contact our Director of Music, Matthew sexual assault in America Berardi at [email protected] or call As April is Child Abuse Prevention Month and Sexu- (708) 448-4861 ext. 224. al Assault Awareness Month, Sacred Heart Human Concerns Committee and our Pastor Father Jacek Wrona invite you to a screening of ROLL RED ROLL. At a pre-season football party in small-town Steuben- MENTAL HEALTH AWARENESS TRAINING ville, Ohio, a heinous crime took place: the assault of Wednesday April 17th 6:30-8:30 a teenage girl by members of the beloved high school Chicago Gaelic Park football team. What transpired would garner national attention and result in the sentencing of two key of- Stand up for your community—become an informed fenders. But it was the disturbing social media evi- advocate for those with mental health issues. At this dence uncovered online by crime blogger Alex God- free event you will learn about: signs & symptoms of dard that provoked the most powerful questions about mental health issues, mental health stigma, active lis- the case, and about the collusion of teen bystanders, tening skills, de-escalation techniques, recovery, and accessing local supports. teachers, parents, and coaches to protect the assailants th and discredit the victim. As it painstakingly recon- Gaelic Park is located at 6119 147 Street, Oak Forest. structs the night of the crime and its aftermath, Roll For more information or to register call Irish Community Red Roll uncovers the engrained rape culture at the Services at 773-282-8445. heart of the incident, acting as a cautionary tale about what can happen when teenage social media bullying runs rampant and adults look the other way. The film unflinchingly asks: “why didn’t anyone stop it?” Historical Presentation by Jim Gibbons Our Lady of Angel’s School Fire The film runs 80 minutes. Following is the link to this rd trailer for this screening: Tuesday, April 23 7:00 Parental Discretion is advised. St. Catherine’s of Alexandria, located at 10621 S. Kedvale, Oak Lawn, will host this presentation on The screening will be held at: Sacred Heart Church th the fire that occurred on December 1, 1958. The Ministry Center, 8245 W. 111 Street Palos Hills presentation will cover details on the fire, interviews RSVP or any questions, please contact with firefighters, survivors, and family members. Nancy Mott at [email protected] Refreshments will be served. Page Fourteen Palm Sunday of the Passion of the Lord April 14, 2019

Saturday, April 20th (Holy Saturday) 12:00 PM— Blessing of Easter Baskets

EASTER SUNDAY OF THE RESURRECTION OF THE LORD APRIL 21, 2019 PALM SUNDAY OF THE PASSION OF THE LORD Saturday, April 20th (Easter Vigil) APRIL 14, 2019 8:00 PM— For the Parishioners

Sunday, April 21st Saturday, April 13th 7:00 AM— James Grzeczka 5:00 PM— For the Parishioners James & Patricia Hayes Sunday, April 14th Susan B. Murphy 7:00 AM— Donna Marie Feldner Johanna Hoban Walter & Sophia Feiling Rosemary Murphy Dr. Loren Feldner 9:00 AM— Richard & Bruno Scodro Mary Leyden Patrick G. Keleghan Catherine Hoban Donna Marie Feldner Joe Macey Peter & Francis Feldner Rosemary Murphy Robert Pikula 9:00 AM— Noreen Lynch Dr. Loren Feldner Brian Cadore John Czech Lorie Hartig Raymond Rafferty (7th Anniversary) Alice Obermann 10:30 AM— Joseph Sloyan Jean Prchal Catherine Wells Eugene Filewitz Henrietta Twarok 10:30 AM— Eileen Stipe Beatrice Sokol Michael Forde William Gibbons Dan & Joan Bagniewski Al Friedman Michael P. Tucker Ron Antos 12:00 PM— Fatla Family Rita Wggins Arthur Wittbrodt Michael Van Horne Martin Bergquist John Janik 6:00 PM— Richard Curtis Michael Tucker Healing Intention—Asher Dalrymple 12:00 PM— Berry Yocum Monday, April 15th Mary Yocum 6:30 AM— Patrick Lloyd Martin Bergquist Eileen West

8:45 AM— Rosemary Murphy Anna Kroenert (20th Anniversary) Daniel Hoffman ALTAR SERVERS Tuesday, April 16th APRIL 21, 2018 6:30 AM— Eleanor Ochylski Fred Schafer Thursday, April 18th—Holy Thursday 8:45 AM— Dr. Paul Lawler Jr. 7:00 PM— Wednesday, April 17th Saturday, April 20th—Holy Saturday 6:30 AM— Nicholas C. Misuraca II 8:45 AM— Tom Moss 8:00 PM— Eileen Corkery Sunday, April 21st —Easter Sunday Thursday, April 18th (Holy Thursday) 7:00 AM— Estelle Sandowski, P. or E. Sobczak 7:00 PM— For the Parishioners 9:00 AM— Friday, April 19th (Good Friday) 10:30 AM— Church: Clare & Timmy Allison, Sara Burzycki 3:00 PM— Passion & Veneration Of the Cross Parish Center: 7:00 PM— Stations of the Cross 12:00 PM—

NEIGHBORING PARISHES LENTEN RECONCILIATION SERVICES Monday, April 15th 7:30 St. Francis of Assisi 708-460-0042 Monday, April 15th 7:00 Our Lady of the Woods 708-361-4754 Monday, April 15th 5-6:00 & 7-8:00 St. Cyril & Methodius 630-247-2776 th Tuesday, April 16 8:00 St. James 630-257-7000