Welcome to Liechtenstein!
Kontaktstelle fürFrauen Informations- und R FÜR EGI STENT ERU NG UM LIE CHT ENS TEIN Welcome to Liechtenstein Information for migrants english L W I n f o i r e m e a t c i l o c n h f o o r t m e m i g r n a n e t s s t t e o i n english Inhalt englisch 2009 RZ_Umbruch_Englisch 22.04.10 17:08 Seite II Credits Published by: infra (Informations- und Kontaktstelle für Frauen) Postfach, 9494 Schaan, tel 232 08 80 Stabsstelle für Chancengleichheit Äulestrasse 51, 9490 Vaduz, tel 236 60 60 Amt für Soziale Dienste Postplatz 2, 9494 Schaan, tel 236 72 72 Ausländer- und Passamt Städtle 38, 9490 Vaduz, tel 236 61 41 Editors: Gabi Jansen, Brigitte Rhiner, Claudia Heeb-Fleck, infra Design: beck grafikdesign, Planken Translation: futur2 gmbh, Buchs SG Printing: BVD Druc k+Verlag AG, Schaan Price: CHF 5.– 3rd edition, December 2009 This brochure is available in German, English, Italian, Portuguese, Spanish and Turkish. Inhaltenglisch2009RZ_Umbruch_Englisch29.04.1009:10Seite1 Contents 3 Preface 6 Geography and climate 9 Political system and economy 14 The most important aspects of day-to-day life 19 Religion 20 Entering the country 22 Right of residence/work permits/citizenship 28 Daily life/help with settling down 29 Schools/childcare 35 Insurance 41 Tax 42 Health 44 Social welfare 47 Vocational training, further education and other courses 50 Advice, information and support centres 52 Advice for women 54 Advice for men 55 Advice for couples 57 Senior citizens 58 Children and young people 60 The media 61 Sport and leisure 62 Museums and cultural
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