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Project Document PROJECT DOCUMENT SECTION 1: PROJECT IDENTIFICATION 1.1 Project title: Alliance for Zero Extinction (AZE): Conserving Earth’s Most Irreplaceable Sites for Endangered Biodiversity 1.2 Project number: GEF ID 5201/ UNEP ID: 009309 1.3 Project type: MSP 1.4 Trust Fund: GEF 1.5 GEF Strategic objectives: BD1 BD2 1.6 UNEP priority: Ecosystem Management The proposed project is consistent with the Ecosystem Programme of Work for 2014-2017. This project specifically addresses UNEP’s expected accomplishment of “use of the ecosystem approach in countries to maintain ecosystem services and sustainable productivity of terrestrial and aquatic systems is increased” and “ services and benefits derived from ecosystems are integrated with development planning and accounting, and the implementation of biodiversity and ecosystem related multilateral agreements” and will specifically contribute to output (a) (1) Methodologies, partnerships and tools to maintain or restore ecosystem services and integrate the ecosystem management approach with the conservation and management of ecosystems and output (c) (5) Synergies between tools, approaches and multilateral initiatives on biodiversity, ecosystem resilience, climate change adaptation and disaster prevention identified and integrated with development planning, poverty reduction measures, strategic investment partnerships along with the ecosystem approach and national obligations for biodiversity related MEAS. 1.7 Geographical scope: Global 1.8 Mode of execution: External 1.9 Project executing organization: Birdlife International, AZE Partnership and Secretariat (American Bird Conservancy - ABC), Ministerio del Medio Ambiente (Chile), Ministry of Environment, Ecology, Sea and Forests (Madagascar), Ministry of Environment (Brazil) 1.10 Duration of project: 36 months Commencing: September 2015 Technical completion: August 2018 Validity of legal instrument: 42 months 1.11 Cost of project US$ % Cost to the GEF Trust Fund 1,922,813 29% Co-financing 4,797,171 71% Cash 0% BirdLife International 748,244 11% American Bird 300,000 4% Conservancy/AZE Secretariat Rio Tinto-QMM 300,000 4% MMA Chile 93,040 1% CONAF Chile 7,700 0% Sub-total 1,448,984 22% In-kind 0% Project Document: AZE – Conserving Earth’s Most Irreplaceable Sites for Endangered Biodiversity BirdLife International 645,187 10% American Bird 1,200,000 18% Conservancy/AZE Secretariat UNEP 200,000 3% Rio Tinto - QMM 95,000 1% Government of Brazil 300,000 4% Government of Chile - MMA 112,560 2% Government of Chile - CONAF 10,440 0% Government of Madagascar 150,000 2% 1.12 Project summary The Alliance for Zero Extinction (AZE) is a joint initiative of biodiversity conservation organizations around the world, aiming to prevent extinctions by identifying and safeguarding key sites, each one of which is the last remaining refuge of one or more Endangered or Critically Endangered species. These key sites are amongst the top priorities if global biodiversity loss is to be halted and reversed. The two main root causes of threat to these sites and species are habitat loss caused by small scale deforestation and the presence of invasive species. Of particular concern to AZE is that species with tiny global ranges are especially vulnerable to such external threats. In addressing these threats, the project will build on ongoing and planned national and international conservation efforts sustained by AZE member organizations as well as participating national governments and stakeholders at local, national and regional levels. The project objective is to prevent species extinctions at priority sites identified through the AZE. It consists of two components, the first of which will result in the creation and improved management effectiveness of five demonstration sites in Brazil, Chile, and Madagascar that will result in the improved conservation status of at least 17 AZE species: a bird (Stresemann’s Bristlefront Merulaxis stresemanni); 9 frogs (2 Eupsophus spp., Insuetophrynus sp., 2 Boophis spp., Mantidactylus sp., Gephyromantis sp., Spinomantis sp. and Vatomantis sp.); 3 lizards (Brookesia sp., Lygodactylus sp. and Phelsuma sp.), 2 snakes (Liophidium sp. and Liopholidophis sp.) and 2 plants (Ravenea musicalis and Micronychia bemangidiensis), along with many other threatened species. This will then be scaled up globally at an additional 10 sites holding AZE species, covering a total of at least 160,000 ha. The second component will result in two outcomes. First, the conservation of threatened species and the protection of AZE sites is mainstreamed into the safeguard policies of key International Financial Institutions (IFIs) such as Multilateral Development Banks (MDBs) and Equator Principles Financial Institutions (EPFI). Second, AZE site conservation is mainstreamed into National Biodiversity Strategies and Action Plans, Programme of Work on Protected Areas (PoWPA) Action Plans and other national conservation plans in support of CBD targets. The project will support the expansion and updating of global AZE species/site databases, upgrading of the AZE website to enable improved online access to information, capacity building and awareness raising for key target audiences at different levels, technical guidance documents, and strengthening of national AZE partnerships and stakeholder collaboration. 2 Project Document: AZE – Conserving Earth’s Most Irreplaceable Sites for Endangered Biodiversity TABLE OF CONTENTS SECTION 1: PROJECT IDENTIFICATION ............................................................................................... 1 ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS ....................................................................................................... 4 SECTION 2: BACKGROUND AND SITUATION ANALYSIS (BASELINE COURSE OF ACTION) ................ 6 2.1. Background and context ....................................................................................................... 6 2.2. Global significance ................................................................................................................ 7 2.3. Threats, Root Causes and Barrier Analysis ........................................................................ 8 2.4. Institutional, sectoral and policy context ........................................................................... 13 2.5. Stakeholder mapping and analysis .................................................................................... 24 2.6. Baseline analysis and gaps .................................................................................................. 28 2.7. Linkages with other GEF and non-GEF Interventions ................................................... 36 SECTION 3: INTERVENTION STRATEGY (ALTERNATIVE) ................................................................. 43 3.1. Project rationale, policy conformity and expected global environmental benefits........ 43 3.2. Project goal and objective ................................................................................................... 47 3.3. Project components and expected results .......................................................................... 48 3.4. Intervention logic and key assumptions ............................................................................ 62 3.5. Risk analysis and risk management measures .................................................................. 67 3.6. Consistency with national priorities or plans ................................................................... 71 3.7. Incremental cost reasoning ................................................................................................. 72 3.8. Sustainability ....................................................................................................................... 74 3.9. Replication ........................................................................................................................... 77 3.10. Public awareness, communications and mainstreaming strategy ............................... 79 3.11. Environmental and social safeguards ............................................................................ 81 SECTION 4: INSTITUTIONAL FRAMEWORK AND IMPLEMENTATION ARRANGEMENTS .................. 83 SECTION 5: STAKEHOLDER PARTICIPATION ..................................................................................... 86 SECTION 6: MONITORING AND EVALUATION PLAN .......................................................................... 88 SECTION 7: PROJECT FINANCING AND BUDGET ............................................................................... 89 7.1. Overall project budget ........................................................................................................ 89 7.2. Project co-financing ............................................................................................................ 89 7.3. Project cost-effectiveness .................................................................................................... 90 APPENDICES 92 Appendix 1: Budget by project components and UNEP budget lines ......... separate document Appendix 2: Co-financing ......................................................................................................... 93 Appendix 3: Incremental cost analysis .................................................................................... 94 Appendix 4: Results Framework ............................................................................................. 96 Appendix 5: Workplan and timetable
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    HAMADRYAD Vol. 27. No. 2. August, 2003 Date of issue: 31 August, 2003 ISSN 0972-205X CONTENTS T. -M. LEONG,L.L.GRISMER &MUMPUNI. Preliminary checklists of the herpetofauna of the Anambas and Natuna Islands (South China Sea) ..................................................165–174 T.-M. LEONG & C-F. LIM. The tadpole of Rana miopus Boulenger, 1918 from Peninsular Malaysia ...............175–178 N. D. RATHNAYAKE,N.D.HERATH,K.K.HEWAMATHES &S.JAYALATH. The thermal behaviour, diurnal activity pattern and body temperature of Varanus salvator in central Sri Lanka .........................179–184 B. TRIPATHY,B.PANDAV &R.C.PANIGRAHY. Hatching success and orientation in Lepidochelys olivacea (Eschscholtz, 1829) at Rushikulya Rookery, Orissa, India ......................................185–192 L. QUYET &T.ZIEGLER. First record of the Chinese crocodile lizard from outside of China: report on a population of Shinisaurus crocodilurus Ahl, 1930 from north-eastern Vietnam ..................193–199 O. S. G. PAUWELS,V.MAMONEKENE,P.DUMONT,W.R.BRANCH,M.BURGER &S.LAVOUÉ. Diet records for Crocodylus cataphractus (Reptilia: Crocodylidae) at Lake Divangui, Ogooué-Maritime Province, south-western Gabon......................................................200–204 A. M. BAUER. On the status of the name Oligodon taeniolatus (Jerdon, 1853) and its long-ignored senior synonym and secondary homonym, Oligodon taeniolatus (Daudin, 1803) ........................205–213 W. P. MCCORD,O.S.G.PAUWELS,R.BOUR,F.CHÉROT,J.IVERSON,P.C.H.PRITCHARD,K.THIRAKHUPT, W. KITIMASAK &T.BUNDHITWONGRUT. Chitra burmanica sensu Jaruthanin, 2002 (Testudines: Trionychidae): an unavailable name ............................................................214–216 V. GIRI,A.M.BAUER &N.CHATURVEDI. Notes on the distribution, natural history and variation of Hemidactylus giganteus Stoliczka, 1871 ................................................217–221 V. WALLACH.
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