The air quality monitoring network operating on the territory of the Metropolitan City of is managed by Arpa Piemonte. It is composed of 21 monitoring stations (14 background stations and 7 traffic stations) and one mobile station for short measuring campaigns. All the stations are connected to the data acquisition centre by telephone lines and transmit hourly measurement result. This setup allows a continuous monitoring of the main factors AA glanceglance atat ourour airair that may affect air quality.

Location of measurement stations on the territory is a key 2015 cielo” Po il ”il guarda Uccisella Martina factor to achieve a costeffective air quality monitoring. In some cases the selected sites must be representative of a Annual report on data collected large portion of territory, in other cases stations must represent specific pollution situations like traffic hot spots or single source emissions. A strategic location of measurement by metropolitan air quality points gives extremely representative information on air quality. monitoring network

2015 preview

MEASUREMENT STATIONS AIR QUALITY IN THE METROPOLITAN CITY OF TURIN Station Address Pollutants Type of station Data collected during the last 10 years by the air quality monitoring network operating on the Pollutant Situation Baldissero (GDF) (1) Str. , 1 – Baldissero NO , O , CO, PM10ß, deposimeter PAHs Rural background territory of the Metropolitan City of Turin and managed by Arpa Piemonte show, in spite of annual x 3 sulphur dioxide NO PM10 , PM10 ß , PM2,5 ß, BTX, PCDD/DF sampler, meteorological variability, an overall and significant improvement but at the same time confirm Via San Giacomo c/o giardino X , (TRM) (1) deposimeter Metals/PAHs, deposimeter Hg, Suburban background Pollutant Description the critical situation of the territory, in particular of the Turin urban area. carbon monoxide pubblico Aldo Mei Beinasco deposimeter PCDD/DF, Mercury analizer In 2015 7 out of 12 regulated pollutants – carbon monoxide (CO) sulphur dioxide (SO 2), benzene benzene Arsenic, Cadmium, Nickel, and metals (Pb, As, Cd, Ni) fully comply with the limit or target values throughout the metropolitan All indicators concerning human health protection are Borgaro Via Italia , sn – Borgaro NO x, O 3, PM10, PM2,5, (AsCdNiPb), B(a)P, BTX Suburban background AsCdNiPb lead Lead territory. fulfilled. P.zza I Maggio sn – Carmagnola NO x, CO, PM10, (AsCdNiPb), B(a)P Urban traffic arsenic As regards PM10 , 12 % of the monitoring stations – in particular traffic stations do not comply with c/o cent. Idroelettrica Ceresole NO x, O 3,PM10ß, PM2,5ß, (AsCdNiPb), B(a)P Rural background B(a)P Benzo(a)pirene the annual limit value: the percentage grows to 65% in case of the daily limit value; only the cadmium Via Bersezio sn – Chieri NO , O , PM2,5 Suburban background BTX Benzene, toluene, xilene x 3 monitoring stations located at high altitude or in alpine valleys usually comply with daily limit Francia, 137 Collegno NO , PM10 Urban traffic nickel x CO Carbon monoxide value. Cascina Peppinella – Druento NO , O , PM10, (AsCdNiPb), B(a)P Rural background Most monitoring stations comply with the annual target x 3 The percentage of monitoring stations exceeding PM2,5 annual limit value (25 g/m 3) is 62%, for human health protection but a general increase in Viale della Liberazione, 1 – Ivrea NO , O , PM10, PM2,5, (AsCdNiPb), B(a)P Suburban background NO X Oxides of nitrogen x 3 mostly in urban areas on the plain. In 2015 the situation worsened in comparison to 2014: 5 out of benzo(a)pirene concentrations must be highlighted in comparison with Leinì (GDF) (1) Via vittime di Bologna, 12 Leinì NO , O , CO, PM10ß, PM2,5ß Suburban background x 3 O3 Ozone 8 stations show exceedances , whereas in 2014 all stations complied with the limit except for one. previous years. Two traffic stations and one background Via Gozzano sn – Orbassano NO , O Suburban background x 3 Particulate matter < 10 m As regards NO annual limit value , 32 % of the monitoring stations – in particular those located in station exceed the target value. Via Roma sn – Oulx NO , CO, PM10, (AsCdNiPb), B(a)P Suburban traffic PM10 2 x gravimetric method Turin urban area – exceeded the annual limit value, whereas the hourly limit value was exceeded The annual limit value concerning human health P.zza III Alpini, 1 – Pinerolo NO x, O 3 Suburban background Particulate matter < 10 m only in the ToRebaudengo traffic station. protection is often exceeded in Turin urban area. The Settimo Via Milano, 31 – Settimo NO , CO, PM10, PM2,5, BTX, B(a)P Urban traffic nitrogen dioxide hourly limit value is fulfilled throughout the metropolitan x PM10ß Beta Gauge Continuous In 2015 23% of the sampling points exceeded the benzo(a)pyrene target value. The highest Susa P.zza della Repubblica – Susa NO , O , PM10, (AsCdNiPb), B(a)P Urban background city of Turin with the exception of ToRebaudengo traffic x 3 Ambient Particulate concentrations were found in Turin urban area traffic stations. A widespread increase has been NO , CO, SO , PM10, (AsCdNiPb), B(a)P, BTX, Total Monitor station. TOConsolata Via Consolata, 10 – Torino x 2 Urban traffic observed n comparison with previous years. PM PM2,5 Particulate matter < 2,5 m The annual limit value concerning human health TOGrassi Via P. Veronese, 305 – Torino PM10, (AsCdNiPb), B(a)P Urban traffic Data confirm that ozone is critical throughout the territory of the Metropolitan City of Turin during protection is substantially fulfilled all over metropolitan Particulate matter < 2,5 m summertime. Target value for the protection of human health is exceeded in 92% of monitoring PM10 city of Turin with the exception of some traffic stations. TOLingotto Via A. Monti, 21 – Torino NO , O , PM10PM10ß, PM2,5, (AsCdNiPb), B(a)P, BTX Urban background x 3 Beta Gauge Continuous stations. The hourly limit value is fulfilled only in Rural areas and in NO , CO, SO , (AsCdNiPb), B(a)P, BTX, PM10ß, PM2,5ß TORebaudengo P.zza Rebaudengo, 23 Torino x 2 Urban traffic Ambient Particulate alpine valleys PM2,5ß Overall, the highest levels of PM10, PM2,5 and NO 2 were found in Turin urban area, whereas rural Monitor The annual limit value concerning human health NO , CO, PM10, (AsCdNiPb), B(a)P, BTX, PM10ß areas showed the highest ozone concentration. A worsening trend was observed in 2015 TORubino Via Rubino sn Torino x Urban background PTS Total particulate PM2,5 protection is often exceeded especially in flatland areas hourly, PM2,5ß hourly compared with 2014, which is believed to be mainly due to unfavorable atmospheric dispersion conditions in the winter months; in particular, November and December were the worst months in with discrete levels of human settlement. Via Garibaldi, 3 – Vinovo NO , O , BTX Suburban background SO 2 Sulphur dioxide x 3 respect of the “number of days favourable to atmospheric pollutants accumulation” indicator The target limit value for the protection of human health ozone over the last ten years. is exceeded all over the the metropolitan city of Turin. (1) Station owned by private body managed by Arpa Piemonte


AIR QUALITY DATA METEOROLOGY 180 173 Temperature ( °C) Precipitation (mm) Rainy days 164 160 Month mean mean mean mean mean mean 145 137 140 2015 2015 2015 130 131 20052014 20052014 20052014 125 January 3,9 2,9 21 45 3 5 120 109 112 February 4,2 4,3 132 42 6 5 TURIN URBAN AREA AIR QUALITY FORECAST 100 March 9,9 9,3 136 76 5 6 April 14,0 13,9 89 104 7 8 80 May 18,5 18,0 35 109 6 8

NUMBER OF DAYS 60 June 22,6 22,0 76 118 6 9 July 27,9 24,3 31 88 3 6 40 ANNUAL REPORTS August 23,5 23,2 185 79 10 6 20 September 18,0 19,1 51 95 6 7 n.d. October 12,5 13,6 204 43 8 5 0 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 November 8,1 8,1 1 128 0 7 NUMBER OF DAYS FAVOURABLE TO PM10 ACCUMULATION December 4,7 3,2 1 64 0 5 TURIN AGGLOMERATION year 14,0 13,5 962 990 60 76 2014 COMPARED WITH 2006-2013 PERIOD PM10 REGIONAL FORECAST AND WEEKLY DATA BULLETINS 35 The year 2015 was assessed by the index "number of days favourable to PM10 accumulation“ from 30 a meteorological viewpoint. The index, which is referred to Turin urban area, analyzes the

interactions of transport, chemical transformation and dispersion of pollutants with meteorology. The 25 aim of the index is to pick out the days when stability conditions favourable to PM10 increase occur. OZONE BULLETINS The index provides a useful tool to connect annual variability of pollutant concentrations and 20 meteorology. 15 In 2015 the number of days favorable to the accumulation of PM10 was similar to the previous 3

years. Analyzing the monthly trend and comparing it to the 20062014 period, is clearly visible that DAYS OF NUMBER 10 the months of November and December were very critical, while the first ten months of the year fall All air quality data presented in tables and graphs were subjected to two out of three validation steps (daily, monthly and annual) of Arpa Piemonte Quality 5 in the average of the reference period. The precipitation data show that the 2015 is less rainy than Management System. The 2015 edition of "A glance at our air" which will be available for download at websites of Metropolitan City of Turin and Arpa Piemonte will the average 20052014, both in terms of total precipitation (962 mm against 990 mm) and also include a circumstantial report on measurement data, further information on pollution sources and indepth studies on specific issues. 0 considering the number of rainy days (60 days against 76 days of average), especially in the months Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec of November and December when it never rained. Maximum - Minimum 2006-2013 2015 NITROGEN DIOXIDE PARTICULATE MATTER PM10 - ANNUAL MEAN To-Consolata and To-Grassi stations (To-Rebaudengo for the year 2015) NO Annual mean Exceeding Annual Annual 2 Nitrogen dioxide (NO 2) is considered one of the most dangerous air pollutant because it irritates the mucous PM10 Exceeding PM2,5 3 mean mean 90 2015 (g/m ) number membranes and it is a precursor of ozone and PM in photochemical processes. Diesel vehicles emission is the 2015 number (g/m 3) 2015 (g/m 3) 82 Baldissero 14 0 main source of NO 2 and its derivates. 80 76 77 Beinasco TRM 47 0 3 Baldissero (ß) 17 8 Beinasco TRM (ß) 26 In 2015 the annual limit value was exceeded in 6 out of 19 stations. Values greater than the 200 g/m trheshold 71 71 Beinasco TRM (ß) 33 68 70 69 69 Borgaro 29 2 Borgaro 26 70 67 67 was occasionally measured in 6 stations in the critical months of November and December, the houly limit value 65 66 Borgaro 35 71 63 64 Carmagnola 38 0 (200 g/m 3 not to be exceeded more than 18 times per calendar year) was only exceeded in the traffic station Ceresole(ß) 6 61 59 Ceresole 5 0 of ToRebaudengo. The time series shows a slight decrease of concentrations over the last 30 years. Carmagnola 41 107 Chieri 24 60 58 57 Chieri 25 1 Ceresole (ß) 7 0 53 53 Ivrea 24 51 50 50 50 48 48 Collegno 36 0 NO 2 ANNUAL MEAN Collegno 36 81 Leinì (ß) 30 43 43 42 Druento 16 0 1991-2015 Druento 23 23 g/m³ 40 40 µ µ Settimo 31 µ µ 40 Ivrea 26 0 140 Ivrea 28 55 35 ToLingotto 27 Leiní 31 1 Leinì (ß) 36 84 ToRebaudengo data still 30 Orbassano 35 1 118 Oulx 18 7 Oulx 20 0 120 under validation Pinerolo (ß) 21 11 20 Settimo 41 0 102 103 99 97 99 Limit value: 100 94 Settimo 39 98 Susa 22 0 90 90 25 g/m 3 annual mean 10 85 Susa 18 11 ToConsolata 53 1 82 83 79 78 ToConsolata 40 93 ToLingotto 37 0 80 75 74 0 3 71 71 73 71 72 70 70 68 ToRebaudengo 68 21 65 66 65 ToLingotto 38 86 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015

g/m 62 61 59 ToRubino 44 0 µ To 60 52 54 53 53 52 42 99 50 50 51 49 50 51 Rebaudengo(ß) TO-Consolata TO-Grassi Limit value Vinovo 44 0 45 47 45 41 42 43 43 41 Limit values: 37 ToRubino 36 84 40 40 g/m 3 annual mean TOGrassi data still under validation Atmospheric particulate matter (PM) is microscopic solid (or liquid) matter suspended in the atmosphere. There is growing 200 g/m 3 hourly mean not to be exceeded more than epidemiological evidence that exposure to PM may increase chronic diseases of breathing apparatus, in particular asthma, 20 Limit value: bronchitis and emphysema. As regards PM10 the data collected in 2015 show exceedance of the annual limit value in two traffic 18 times a calendar year. 3 40 g/m annual average monitoring stations, while the daily limit value is exceeded in 11 out of 17 stations. The months of November and December were 50 g/m 3 daily mean not to be 0 extremely critical, therefore 51% of the exceedances days occurred in this period. Normally, only the stations located at high exceeded more than 35 times a 1 3 0 02 7 9 11 altitude or in the alpine valley comply with the daily limit value, but over the last two years the flatlands monitoring stations of 995 997 999 004 006 013 015 calendar year 199 1992 199 1994 1 1996 1 1998 1 200 2001 20 2003 2 2005 2 200 2008 200 2010 20 2012 2 2014 2 Druento and Pinerolo have shown compliance. For PM2,5 the situation has worsened compared with 2014; the annual limit value of TO-Lingotto TO-Rebaudengo Limit value 25 g/m3 is exceeded in 5 monitoring stations out of 8, while in 2014 only one station reported exceedances.

SULPHUR DIOXIDE CARBON MONOXIDE BENZENE BENZO(a)PYRENE Annual Maximum SO Annual Maximun BENZENE Annual mean Annual 2 Sulphur dioxide (SO 2) is the natural CO Carbon monoxide (CO) is a Benzene (C H ) is an aromatic B(a)P mean hourly mean mean 8h mean 2015 (g/m 3) 6 6 mean* 2015 3 3 oxidation product of sulphur and 2015 colourless and odourless gas. It is 2015 (g/m ) (g/m ) (mg/m 3) (mg/m 3) hydrocarbon mainly emitted from gasoline (ng/m 3) compounds containing it. The main mainly produced by the incomplete Beinasco (TRM) 1,3 BENZO(a)PIRENE ANNUAL MEAN ToConsolata 7 19 cars. It is classified as carcinogenic source is the combustion of fossil fuels Baldissero 0,6 1,2 combustion of organic materials. The Borgaro 1,3 Beinasco (TRM) 0,8 2000 - 2015 ToRebaudengo 6 17 belonging to EU category 1R45. Borgaro 0,8 1,2 like diesel oil , fuel oil and coal. Leinì 0,7 2,0 main source of CO is traffic and in Settimo 2,3 1,1 1,1 Limit values: ToConsolata 2,1 Monitoring data show in 2015 fully Carmagnola 1,0 1,0 1,0 1 3 Oulx 0,5 1,8 particular gasoline vehicles. 1,0 125 g/m daily mean not to be exceeded Time series analysis shows that 0,9 0,9 0,9 0,9 Settimo 0,9 2,9 ToLingotto 1,1 compliance with the limit value for the Ceresole 0,1 0,9 ambient air concentrations of SO Limit value is widely fulfilled. Time 0,8 0,8 0,8 0,8 0,8 more than 24 times a calendar year; 2 protection of human health. Data Druento 0,3 0,8 0,8 ToConsolata 1,5 3,8 ToRebaudengo 2,6 0,7 0,7 3 0,7 0,7 0,7 3 0,7 0,7 350 g/m hourly mean not to be complied with the limit values for the series analysis shows that CO 0,7 collected in 2015 confirm the trend of the Ivrea 1,1 3 0,6 0,6 0,6 ToRebaudengo 1,5 3,1 ToRubino 2,1 0,6 exceeded more than 24 times a calendar last twenty years concentrations have not last four years to a substantial stability of 0,6 Oulx 0,6 ng/m ToRubino 1,1 3,0 Vinovo 1,5 year. substantially changed over the last concentrations. Settimo 1,4 Limit value: 0,4 Limi value: 10 years, the annual means are 3 5 g/m 3 annual mean Susa 0,6 10 mg/m maximum daily 8 hour mean always below 2 mg/m 3. ToConsolata 0,8 0,2

SO 2 MAXIMUM DAILY MEAN BENZENE ANNUAL MEAN ToLingotto 0,8 1644 1972 - 2015 0,0 1996 - 2015 ToRebaudengo 1,4 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 1600 CO ANNUAL MEAN 20 1981 - 2015 ToRubino 0,8 CARMAGNOLA TO-CONSOLATA Target value 1400 10 (*) Estimation based on the

8,9 8,9 16,0 first 10 months of 8,7 1200 14,9 1112 8,1 15 measurement 992 8 Target value: 1000 7,0 3 6,6 11,8 6,4 1 ng/m annual mean

6,2 3 800 6 10 µg/m³ g/m 3 9,1

5,1 µ µ 4,8 µ µ 600 4,5 7,8 7,6

mg/m 4,1 6,7 As regard the PAHs group, current legislation sets a target value only for 3,8 3,9 4 3,6 400 3,4 3,5 5,4 benzo(a)pyrene. The IARC includes B(a)p in group 1, i.e."carcinogenic to humans". 297 3,2 5,0 5 2,6 2,7 3,9 4,1 4 191 2,4 3,6 3,7 3,4 Annual averages of B(a)P, estimated on the basis of the first 10 months of 2015, show 200 154 2,2 3,3 1,9 2,6 88 86 2,2 2,4 58 53 59 2 1,5 1,5 1,6 1,5 1,5 2 2 2,0 2,1 a widespread increase of concentrations compared with previous years, with 2 traffic 33 28 33 40 22 17 24 29 23 10 19 16 14 15 13 14 13 1,3 1,4 1,3 1,7 1,1 1,1 1,1 0 and 1 background stations above the target value. Data will be confirmed when 0

1972 1977 1982 1987 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 definitive annual means (including November and December measurements) are 0 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 available. Data from ToGrassi station are not available in 2015 due to a an 1973-1975 1976-9181 1983-1986 1988-1991 TO-Consolata Limit value 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 To-Consolata To-Rebaudengo Limit value insufficient data capture percentage (27 %). TO-Rebaudengo

HEAVY METALS OZONE As Cd Ni Pb Number of Heavy metals are a class of pollutants extremely widespread. Natural sources, like erosion or volcanic eruptions, can Number of Ozone (O3) is a secondary pollutant. It is formed through a series of photochemical reactions involving nitrogen Metals Annual Annual Annual Annual exceedances of the be the cause of their presence in air but also many human activities (traffic, metallurgical industry, combustion O exceedances of oxides and volatile organic compounds. Low concentrations of O3 may cause throat inflammation, breathing 2015 mean* mean* mean* mean* 3 target value for the processes) have an important role. Heavy metals may affect human health in several ways depending on the kind 2015 information apparatus and eye irritation; higher concentrations can lead to respiratory function worsening. (ng/m 3) (ng/m 3) (ng/m 3) (g/m 3) protection of human of metal, the kind of exposure and, of course, the quantity absorbed. threshold Beinasco TRM 0,7 0,13 3,3 0,006 health The target value for the protection of human health (as an average over the last three years) is exceeded in all Nickel, Cadmium, Lead and Arsenic are metals with harmful effect on human health for which the Legislative Borgaro 0,7 0,15 4,9 0,008 Baldissero 26 67 the monitoring stations of the metropolitan city of Turin. The only exception is the Susa station whose compliance is Decree no. 155 of 13/08/2010 sets limit or target values. Carmagnola 0,7 0,13 3,5 0,006 Borgaro 32 36 mainly due to the values measured during the rainy summer of 2014. Ceresole 0,7 0,09 1,2 0,001 These values are widely respected in all the monitoring sites for all metals. Time series shows that lead concentration Ceresole 0 47 Time series essentially show a stability of the concentrations; annual variations are mainly due to different weather in atmosphere have decreased around 300 times over the last 40 years and it is now stabilised at very low levels. Druento 0,7 0,09 4,9 0,004 Chieri 0 50 conditions. Ivrea 0,7 0,13 3,4 0,005 Druento 69 51 Oulx 0,7 0,13 2,2 0,002 LEAD ANNUAL MEAN O3 SUMMER MEAN (april - september) 1973 - 2015 Ivrea 4 40 2005 - 2015 Susa 0,7 0,09 3,4 0,004 Leinì 3 27 ToConsolata 0,7 0,15 5,4 0,009 3,5 Orbassano 68 58 120 ToLingotto PM10 0,7 0,15 3,6 0,008 109 Susa 0 21 106 ToRebaudengo 0,7 0,40 5,0 0,021 3 2,9 103 103 ToLingotto 8 51 101 102 102 ToRubino 0,7 0,15 3,6 0,007 2,6 100 95 95 96 ToRubino 3 36* 93 (*) Estimation based on the first 10 months of 2,5 2,4 2,3 2,3 Vinovo 1 30 measurement 2,1 (*) Value calculated as an average over two years 80 75 2 73 Limit value: 3 69 70 3 ) 66 67 3 66 lead 0,5 g/ m annual mean 64 65 65 63 1,5 information threshold : Target value: µg/m 1,5 3 60 3 180 g/m hourly average arsenic 6 ng/ m annual mean (µg/m 1,1 Target value for the protection human health: 3 cadmium 5 ng/ m annual mean 1 120 g/m 3 maximum daily 8hour mean not to exceed 3 40 nickel 20 ng/ m annual mean more than 25 days per calendar year averaged over 0,5

0 ,0 2 5 three years 0 ,0 1 6 0 ,0 1 6 0 ,0 1 5 0 ,0 1 2 0 ,0 0 9 0 ,0 0 8 0 ,0 0 9 0,28 0,07 0,05 0,04 0,04 0,03 0,04 0,03 20 0

1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1985 1988 1993 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 0 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 1979-1994 1986-1987 1989-1992 1994-1999 TO-Consolata Limit value Pino/ Torino - Lingotto