Little Five Pillars



The Fifth Pillar of

Note : This book does not cover the detailed of Hajj and only an overview of the fifth pillar of islam

Hajj: The (Hijri calendar) has twelve months. The last month of the Islamic year is Dhul Hijjah. During this month, many Muslims perform Hajj, the to the Kabah.

Whoever guides none can misguide, and whoever He allows to fall astray, none can guide them aright

Whatever is written of Truth and Benefit is only due to Allah’s Assistance and Guidance, and whatever of error is of me. Allah Alone Knows Best and He is the Only Source of Strength.




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After the Shahaada Islam has given us the daily and with the poor our wealth we will share Allah gave us the fasting in and ordained it for every woman and man To Allah’s house we make the Hajj trip whether by walking, car, plane or ship. A complete Muslim does all of the above as these are actions that Allah does love. O’ my Lord please accept this Dua:. Make us from the performers of Salaah and accept our wealth and our fast and may their blessing forever last. With the trip to Hajj let us be blessed and from doing well may we never rest.

The last pillar of Islam is the Hajj which muslims must do if we can at least once in our life time if you can afford it .The month is called Dhul-Hijja and it is the last month of the year in the Islamic calendar. Hajj is the pilgrimage that Muslims make to the city of Makkah. It starts on the 8th day of Dhul-Hijjah. Hajj ends on the 13th of Dhul-Hijjah. A Muslim should make Hajj at least once in their life if they can afford to go .

There are rites (the prescribed way of doing a series of religious acts) of Hajj that each Muslim must perform during the Hajj. If some of the rites are not done, a person’s Hajj will not be valid (it will not count). During the Hajj a Muslim puts on special clothes called . Males wear two pieces of white cloth .

Muslims must remember that they are guests in Allah’s House and should not become angry or impatient with other Hajees.


Prophet Ibrahim (AS) and his son Ismaeel (AS) built the Ka’bah which is also known as the Baitullah. While building the Ka’bah Ibrahim (AS) recited the following Dua:

Parent note: Ibrahim (AS) recited the Dua below which teaches us to make Dua to Allah the Almighty for our offspring

Translation O my Lord! make me one who establishes (regular Prayer), and also (raise such) among my offspring O our Lord! and accept my Prayer.

Allah instructed Nabi Ibrahim (AS) to proclaim The Hajj (call the people for Hajj)

Allah says

“And proclaim to mankind the Hajj (pilgrimage). They will come to you on foot and on every lean camel, they will come from every deep and distant (wide) mountain highway (to perform Hajj)”

[Al-Hajj 22:27]

This means: Proclaim (O Ibrahim) the Hajj to the people, calling them to come on pilgrimage to this House which We have commanded you to build. It was mentioned that he said, “O Lord, how can I proclaim it to the people when my voice does not reach them?” He said, “Call and We will convey it.” So he stood in his maqaam (station) – or it was said, on the rock, or on al-Safa, or on Abu Qubays (a mountain) – and said: “O people, your Lord has taken a House, so come to it on pilgrimage.” We make tawaaf around the Ka’bah seven times

Its time for Hajj so lets pack our gear To the House Allah I came near For my journey I was ready Allah made me strong and steady. I walked around the Ka'bah wall And teardrops from my eyes did fall! Yearning was I for this day To stand in Allah's House and pray! So happy there my heart had felt! I thank Allah for all His help With Allah’s Mercy I arrived Then home I went, purified!


Ismaeel (AS) mother went on breastfeeding Ismaeel (As) and drinking from the water (she had). When the water in the water-skin had all been used up, she became thirsty and her child also became thirsty. Safa was the nearest mountain to her on that land. She stood on it and started looking at the valley so that she might see somebody, but she could not see anybody. Then she descended from al-Safa and when she reached the valley, she tucked up her robe and ran in the valley till she crossed the valley and reached Marwa where she stood and started looking, expecting to see somebody, but she could not see anybody. She repeated that (running between al-Safa and al-Marwa) seven times.

This action is called Sa’ee and all muslims should complete this when performing Hajj (and )

When she reached al-Marwa (for the last time) she heard a voice and she said to herself “Shh!” and listened ,she heard the voice again and said, “O, (whoever you may be)! You have made me hear your voice; have you got something to help me?” Then she saw an angel at the place of Zamzam, digging the earth with his heel until water appeared. She started to make something like a basin around it, using her hand in this way, and started filling her water-skin with water with her hands, and the water was flowing out after she had scooped some of it.

The Prophet Muhammed (Peace and Blessings of Allah be Upon Him) said, “May Allah have mercy on the mother of Ismaeel (As), had she let Zamzam (flow without trying to control it than the well of Zamzam would have been a stream flowing on the surface of the earth.” (This is how the well got the name Zamzam)And he said: “The angel said to her, ‘Do not be afraid of being neglected, for this is the House of Allah which will be built by this boy and his father, and Allah never neglects His people’…”


Rami is the action done which imitates the action of Ibrahim (AS) when he stopped at three different places to pelt the Shaytaan . When Allah commanded Ibrahim (AS) to sacrifice his son Ibrahim (AS) went with Ismaeel (AS) to carry out the command of Allah and Shaytaan tried to turn Ibrahim (AS) away from fulfilling Allahs command , each time he would pick up some pebbles and pelt the Shaytaan . During the Hajj rituals we are commanded to do the same action . Allah sent down the Ram tor eplace Ismaeel (AS) and this the reason why muslims fulfil act of Qurbani on Eid ul Adha . When you are on Hajj you do not join perfrom the Saltul Eid on the Day of Eid al Adha

There are three pillars erected to make it easier for the Hujaaj to identify the place where Shaytaan tried to trick Ibrahim (AS) ,these pillars are known as the jamarat We are only imitating the action of Ibrahim (AS) and we should remember to be respectful and considerate towards others and not to pelt in a way where we could hurt someone or block the pathways screaming and shouting and throwing our shoes or other times we have in our hands at the Jamarat. .

There are three types of Hajj that a pilgrim may choose to undertake, namely:

Hajj al-Ifrad -Hajj al-Qiran and

Hajj al-Tamatt’u

Hajj al-Ifrad – This essentially refers to performing the rituals of Hajj alone without the need of a sacrificial animal (Hadee) or Qurbani. A prilgrim who undertakes this form of Hajj is called Mufrid.

Hajj al-Qiran – In this type of pilgrimage, one performs both Hajj and Umrah together while being in the state of Ihram. This form requires a sacrificial animal to complete the rituals. A pilgrim who undertakes this form of Hajj is called Qaarin.

Hajj al-Tamatt’u – The most common type of Hajj pilgrimage and the one Prophet Muhammed (PBUH) encouraged his companions to perform. It refers to performing Umrah rituals during the Hajj season and then proceeding to complete the steps to Hajj between the 8th and 13th day of Dhu al-Hijjah. Both Umrah and Hajj rituals are performed by entering a separate state of Ihram, and a sacrificial animal is required in order to complete this form of Hajj. A pilgrim who undertakes this form of Hajj is called Muttamatti.


Below are the ten important Hajj rituals step by step: Wear the Ihram and the intention to perform Hajj After completing Umrah rituals, pilgrims must assume the state of Ihram and declare their intentions to do Hajj.

Travel to Mina Soon after the observing the morning , all pilgrims must head to Mina (a town in ), where they stay an entire day carrying out ritual prayers – Duhr, Asr, Maghrib, Isha, Fajr and Qasr – as stated in the Quran. Travel to Mt. Arafat to perform Wafuq During the second day of Hajj, 9th day of Dhu-al-Hijjah, pilgrims travel to Arafat from Mina reciting Istaghfar and making supplications. Upon reaching , pilgrims observe Duhr and Asr combined with Qasar prayers near the Jabal al-Rahmah from noon to sunset. This act is known as Waquf (standing before Allah). Offer Prayers in Muzadalifah Post sunset, pilgrims head to Muzadalifah (a town between Mina and Mt. Arafat) to observe the evening prayers and rest the night until Fajr prayers in preparation for the next day’s ritual of stoning the devil. Pilgrims pick up 49 pebbles of similar size for Rami. On the 10th day Dhu al-Hijjah, pilgrims leave for Mecca before sunset to do Tawaf al-Ifadah and Sa’iy and get back to Mina to perform Rami, Nahr and Halq. Perform Rami in Mina On the 11th and 12th days of Hajj, pilgrims must complete the stoning of the Devil or Rami. Before Sunrise, pilgrims head back to Mina and participate in a ritual known as ‘Stoning the devil’. Seven pebbles (of similar sizes) are thrown at a stone structure known as Jamrat al-Aqabah. This is an act carried out at noon on each day. All pilgrims are required to leave for Mecca before sunset on the 12th day of Dhu al-Hijjah. Animal Sacrifice – Nahr The culmination of the stoning ceremony calls for an animal sacrifice. For this pilgrims can purchase sacrifice voucher or a coupon, which states that a sacrifice has been made in their name. the sacrificial animal is either a lamb or a camel. The animal is butchered and its meat is packed and shipped to other Middle Eastern countries or is fed to the poor.

Halq (shaving the head) or Taqsir (clipping or shortening of the hair for men and women) Men should get their head completely shaved, or get their hair clipped. While women are forbidden to shave their heads and only allowed to have a lock or strand of their hair clipped. The act of cutting the hair symbolizes one’s detachment from physical appearances and complete subjection to Allah. Perform Tawaf and Sa’iy Repeat Stoning at Mina After Sunset On the 11th and 12TH day of Dhu al-Hijjah The stoning ritual is repeated by throwing pebbles at two other monuments other than Jamrat al Aqabah – Jamrat Oolah (the first Jamrat) and Jamrat Wustah (middle Jamrat). Pilgrims face the Jamarah (main pillar), with the Mecca on their left and Mina on their right, stone it with seven small pebbles while reciting takbeer. (13th Dhul Hijjah) (Only for those who are still in Mina):

If you are still in Mina after sunset of 12th Dhul Hijjah, then you are bound to hit pebbles (Rami) to Satan on 13th Dhul Hijjah as well. Procedure of stoning (Rami) will remain the same as mentioned above. After stoning (Rami), you can leave for Makkah Perform the Farewell Tawaf The next and the final step is the farewell Tawaf, circumambulating the anti- clockwise seven times and touching or kissing the Kaaba if possible. Pilgrims reflect on their experience and thank Allah for everything, while circumambulating the Kaaba. On completing the Tawaf and final Dua this marks the end of Hajj



Haa is For Hajj

Go to Hajj Sing to the To the tune of Row your Boat)

Go to Hajj

Go, go, go to hajj

Any way you can

Verily, verily, verily, verily

Do what Allah Commands

To Makkah, To Makkah (Sing to the tune of To Market, To Market)

To Makkah, to Makkah

On hajj we all go

Home again, home again

We loved it so.

Find the Hidden Picture

Look at the Picture and Name the Place