

PREAMBLE We, the People of California, united as one, birth this deed to uphold the following principles: devotion to the balance between liberty and justice, camaraderie rooted in diversity, and to uphold the inalienable rights of the individual. These rights strive to respect, protect, and represent the people. We pledge our honor to accomplish these high ideals and purposes to the best of our abilities.

ARTICLE I: GOVERNMENT STRUCTURE Section I: The Government of California will be composed of a bicameral Parliamentary , a Prime Minister acting as the executive lead, and a court system. Section II: The Prime Minister shall see that the is faithfully executed. Along with the Prime Minister, a Lieutenant Prime Minister is to be elected to assist the Prime Minister. The Prime Minister presides over one of the legislative houses. The Lieutenant Prime Minister presides over the other legislative house. The Prime Minister is granted the power to appoint a cabinet to serve with them during their term. Section III: The State of California shall have a legislative branch consisting of a bicameral legislature. Section IV: The legislative body shall, with the consent of both houses, make all . Bills to be put into law may originate in either house. The Prime Minister may laws passed by the legislature. The legislature may override a veto with a two-thirds majority vote. Section V: One legislative house shall be the House of the Bear, meant to represent and defend the rights and interests of the localities of California. It shall be composed of one representative from each district. It shall be elected every four years at the same time. Section VI: The House of the Redwood shall be created as a legislative house so that there may be representation for each district in a manner more removed from the distracting process of frequent re-election. It shall have one representative from each district. The term of a member shall be six years, with about one-third of the members elected every two years. Section VII: The Prime Minister presides over the House of the Bear. The Lieutenant Prime Minister presides over the House of the Redwood. Section VIII: The Prime Minister of California shall be chosen by the consent of the House of Bear and the House of Redwood every four years, following the election of the House of Bear. Section IX: State legislative districts shall be redrawn every ten years based on United States census data. A computer algorithm will draw the districts initially, utilizing a binomial division based on population, divided until there are sixty-four districts. The resulting districts will be subject to review by an independent, non-partisan commission that will ensure that districts provide equitable representation for all demographics. Section X: All appointments by the executive to positions of authority shall be confirmed by the legislature. Section XI: The California bicameral legislature can make no law regarding the establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people to peacefully assemble; or to petition the government for a redress of grievances. Section XII: The State government shall not endorse or make any display of religious affiliation. Section XIII: The laws created by the Government of California shall specifically protect the rights of California citizens, as defined by this constitution, from the infringement of groups or individuals. Laws may take away the rights of those who infringe on others. Section XIV: The California Courts will consist of two separate branches, one civil court system and one criminal court system. Section XV: A court system that justly determines if people committed crimes, and their punishments, will exist, including a trial court to decide facts, an appellate court to challenge rulings, and a Supreme Court to have the power to override lower court rulings. Section XVI: There shall be a Supreme Court of California to settle cases from lower levels of the judicial system and declare Californian laws unconstitutional. The Supreme Court of California shall consist of nine judges, who the executive branch shall appoint from the lower levels of the judicial system. Section XVII: In order to be eligible for citizenship of California, a person must be a citizen of the United States of America (so long as California is a member of the States) and must revoke their citizenship in any other state within the United States. Section XVIII: A citizen of California shall be defined as a person who was born within the state's boundaries or those who are approved to establish residency within California. Section XIX: To amend the Constitution of the State of California, an amendment must be proposed and passed through each chamber of the legislature with a two-thirds majority. The amendment must then be placed on a statewide ballot and passed through the people with a two- thirds majority. Section XX: The government shall establish a Ministry of Health to help regulate the healthcare system. Section XXI: The State of California shall have a Committee which oversees and evaluates the environmental impacts of large scale projects involving the jurisdiction of California. Section XXII: The State of California shall establish public libraries and ensure the right to easy access for reading and electronic materials. Section XXIII: California shall establish and regulate a series of mental health facilities and clinics. Section XXIV: The State of California must establish a committee to assist and benefit California's homeless population. Section XXV: The State of California shall have both local and statewide police forces to enforce local and state laws. The police force will have the right to detain people suspected of breaking laws with evidence. Section XXVI: The State of California cannot incarcerate minors and must instead focus on rehabilitation and reintegration. Section XXVII: The State of California's official state animal is hereby declared the almighty bee. Section XXVIII: All California city and county flags must follow these five basic principles of flag design. The flag should (1) Be simple enough for a child to draw it from memory, (2) Use meaningful symbolism, (3) Use no more than three basic colors, (4) Not have any lettering or seals of any kind, and (5) Be distinctive.

ARTICLE II: DECLARATION OF RIGHTS Section I: All rights guaranteed by this constitution to individuals shall not extend to any personal assets or corporate entities. Section II: All residents of California shall have access to personal hygiene equipment. Additionally, all residents shall have the right to proper nourishment. Section III: Native American tribes have the right to representation in state legislature. Section IV: The California Government is not allowed to sentence anyone to death. Section V: The government shall protect the right of any applicant not to be discriminated against on the basis of gender identity, race, religion, or genetic information on any application. Section VI: Every citizen has the right to a decent home. Section VII: All United States veterans residing in California shall have the right to access affordable housing. Section VIII: Every California household has the right to clean running water. Section IX: Free tools for reproductive rights are guaranteed, including free access to pap smears, abortions, breast cancer screenings, and birth control, for documented and undocumented people. Section X: The California Government shall ensure that the mental and physical health of its citizens will be given equal attention in the medical system. Section XI: California citizens shall have the right to physician-assisted suicide in the case of terminal illness if said citizen is deemed mentally capable of making medical decisions. Section XII: The right of adults to have consensual sex, including in exchange for monetary compensation, shall not be infringed upon. Section XIII: Every California resident has the right to affordable, local public transportation. Section XIV: All people living under the poverty line shall be able to receive a pass exempting them from any costs of using public transportation, including, but not limited to, transit buses. Section XV: The State of California will protect the right of individuals to use the restroom of the gender with which they identify. Section XVI: All Californians have the right to use restrooms in public spaces. Section XVII: Adults in California have the right to legally marry another consenting adult. Section XVIII: Every citizen, age sixteen and up, has the right to obtain a driver's license. Section XIX: Edible psilocybin mushrooms shall be legal for every citizen over the age of eighteen in the safety of a private estate with a consumer license. Section XX: The number of spouses one citizen may have shall not be limited by the State of California. Section XXI: All people should have the right to be employed. Section XXII: Any minor with the ability to conceive a child has the right to pursue a safe abortion without parental or guardian approval.

ARTICLE III: VOTING AND ELECTIONS Section I: Once a citizen reaches voting age, the person’s right to vote shall not be revoked, unless citizenship is revoked. Section II: Presently and formerly incarcerated individuals are entitled to suffrage. Section III: The State of California shall establish a statewide holiday aligning with the federal Election Day, as well as state election days. Section IV: The Electoral College will be proportional to the popular vote in the voting districts. If a popular vote tie occurs, then one electoral vote will be removed if the state has an odd amount of total electoral votes. The Electoral College votes will be for the national Presidential elections. Section V: In local and statewide general elections, voting shall be conducted by way of a tiered system wherein an eligible voter will rank all the candidates. During the initial round of tallying, only the first choice votes will be counted. If an absolute majority is not reached, the voters who voted for the candidate with the least amount of votes will have their second choices counted. This iterative process shall continue until one candidate has achieved a simple majority. Section VI: The State of California shall pursue goal-based affirmative action in the appointment of state bureaucrats. Goals or targets are set on the basis of the population at large for each under-represented demographic. Section VII: California residents have the right to see the tax returns of those running for office within the California state government. Section VIII: Allocation of campaign finances will be dealt with solely by the government and distributed equally to all candidates with no outside interference in terms of private donations. Section IX: In order to be eligible for any public office under the State of California, a person must be an eligible voter within the State of California.

ARTICLE IV: TAXATION AND GOVERNMENT SPENDING Section I: The legislative body of the State of California shall have the power to lay and collect taxes on the incomes of residents of California, from whatever source derived. Section II: All items necessary to only one gender shall not be taxed. Section III: The State of California must allocate resources to scientific programs, including but not limited to space exploration and environmental sustainability projects. Section IV: If federal funding is considered insufficient for any reason, the State of California has the responsibility to financially support sanctuary cities (cities that will not provide to the federal government information about the legal status of their residents) in California. Section V: California shall impose a bracketed tax based on the income of the citizens of California. Section VI: The State of California must allocate a portion of its annual tax revenue towards government funded public healthcare in order to provide the option of free healthcare to all citizens. Privatized healthcare may also exist. Section VII: California reserves the right to impose a sales tax on products sold within state boundaries. Section VIII: The California Government shall support all United States war veterans with medical aid for all mental and physical illnesses as a result of war. Section IX: The legislative body of the State of California shall have the power to lay and collect taxes on the incomes of residents of California, for whatever source derived.

ARTICLE V: EDUCATION Section I: California citizens are guaranteed the right to free public education and the State of California shall establish a State Board of Education. Section II: The State of California shall provide public, free access to two year community college to people with residency in the state. Section III: Public schools cannot teach curriculum with a religious bias. Section IV: California government will require foreign language education in public schools from Kindergarten to twelfth grade. English Language Development (ELD) students can choose to opt out, as they may already be taking multiple English classes. Section V: Public high schools should guarantee adequate college counseling and application assistance. Section VI: All public schools are required to have a medical professional on campus during school hours. Section VII: All students, regardless of sexual orientation or gender identity, have the right to comprehensive and inclusive sex education in public high schools. Section VIII: All high schools in the State of California must provide art classes for all of their students. The classes provided must include both the visual and performing arts. Section IX: All public colleges in the State of California must allow their students to have access to free textbooks. Section X: All educational programs must guarantee no rise in tuition while a student obtains their degree or certification. Section XI: The State of California requires that all schools be gun-free zones, with the exception of law enforcement officers. Section XII: California public schools must teach students, starting in sixth grade through twelfth grade, about the United States' complex government, policies, and political system.

ARTICLE VI: LABOR, BUSINESS AND INFRASTRUCTURE Section I: Among all financial advisors/banks in the State of California, a fiduciary relationship must be established and not breached. Section II: Infrastructure must be regularly inspected for usability, safety, and cost efficiency by the Government. Section III: The California government has the right to impose laws upon industry to maintain natural resources. Section IV: All farming must be conducted with the most efficient form of irrigation. Section V: In times of drought, California must reduce the farming of water-intensive nuts. Section VI: Every citizen, regardless of beliefs, must have vaccinations deemed necessary by the Center for Disease Control, unless contraindicated. Section VII: In the State of California, all automatic firearms shall not be permitted for sale, possession, or use. The California Department of Justice cannot authorize exceptions for citizens. Section VIII: Companies who utilize environmentally sustainable production methods are to be subsidized by the government. Section IX: The State of California must ensure that employers do not ask about or seek out a potential employee's prior salary. Section X: Widely accepted scientific discoveries must be acknowledged and acted upon accordingly by the government. Section XI: Any document requesting an individual to specify their racial or gender identity must provide a write-in option. Section XII: All public restrooms must be supplied with free feminine hygiene products in gender neutral and women's restrooms. Section XIII: The State of California, in the interest of our state's natural beauty, shall not permit offshore oil drilling in order to maintain a pristine and healthy coast. Section XIV: When providing compensation for labor, no employer shall discriminate based on gender, race, sexual orientation, religion, mental illness, physical appearance, genetic information or medical history. Section XV: The minimum wage is to be set every year by a non-partisan committee consisting of bureaucrats, technocrats, business leaders, and labor leaders, with the committee chair appointed by the Prime Minister and approved by the legislature. Section XVI: The State of California ensures the protection of representation for minority groups in visual media. Section XVII: The state shall protect sexual assault victims and prevent sexual assault by: teaching comprehensive sex education to children on consent; creating a government committee to help victims, provide free rape kits, and inform them of what they can do moving forward; placing regulations that protect victims privacy/ not allow authorities to victim-blame; in court cases of assault, requiring that the jury learn the definition of consent from a sex educator. Section XVIII: All Californian animals meant for agricultural purposes must be raised free range and without influence of unnatural augmentation.