Le 073 688 Authc Title Institution Pub Cate
DOCUMENT RESUME LE 073 688 EM 010 862 AUTHC Steiner, Robert L. TITLE Visions of Cablevision; The Prospects for Cable Television in the Greater Cincinnati Area. INSTITUTION Stephen H. Wilder Foundation, Cincinnati, Ohio. PUB CATE sec 72 NOTE 115p. AVAILABLE FROMThe Stephen H. Wilder Foundation, 1017 Provident Tower, Cincinnati, Ohio 45202 (free to residents Ohio, Kentucky & Indiana, $3.00 elsewhere) EERS PRICE MF-$0.65 HC Not Available from ERRS. DESCRIPTORS *Cable Television; *City Planning; Community Antennas; Economics; Federal Laws; *Guides; Marketing; Modern History; *Policy Formation; *Regional Planning; State Legislation; Technological Advancement; Television IDENTIFIERS CATV; *Cincinnati; Ohio AESTRACT Prepared to assist in the planning for cable television in the Cincinnati, Ohio metropolitanarea, this document provides not only general information, about thehistory and current state of cable television, but alsoan example of the application of such information to the policy demands of a specificsituation. Given the technology and capabilities of cable, thecurrent regulatory structure, the experience of other big city systems, andthe economics of major market cable systems, recommendationsare made for the structuring of a Greater Cincinnati cable televisionsystem. (RH) g-Au- - - Vi Si0178 of Cablevision By Robert Steiner _ICAO! (71,41Y , N a 1,iNI)1 % ,J,rt4.0f .!.104 Visions of Cablevision The Prospects fbi Cable Television in the Greater Cincinnati Area A Report to The Stephen H. Wilder Founda December, 1972 U S DEPARTMENT OF
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