Charter Schools Institute State University of New York EUGENIO MARIA DE HOSTOS CHARTER SCHOOL FINAL CHARTERED AGREEMENT Sec. 2852(5) Submission to the Board of Regents VOLUME > OF REDACTED COP 74 North Pearl Street, 4m Floor, Albany, NY 12207 tel: (518) 433-8277 fax: (518) 427-6510 e-mail:
[email protected] OMU NO. 1646-0047 Form 990 Return of Organization Exempt From Income Tax Under section 501(c) of the internal Revenue Code (except black lung benefit 97 trust or private foundation) or section 4847(a)(1) nonexempt charitable trust TMaFotmla 0*#*m**of@*Tmm*y OpMtoPutofle torn* Rtwnw Swvica Hetr. reorganization may have to uso a copy rfthb return to salty stata reportw InmpmcUon A For tha 1997 calendar year, OH tax year period beginning /^^r^. / , 1997, and ending Af*,*-ts.A*B I . 19 ?g B Chock* C Ntm* of organization MentmcaBon number UMIRS O Change of iddren taMor ^e.*. W4~ >c D Initial return printer Numbar and atroat (or P.O. box if mall la not daUvarad to street addreaa) Room/suits DP*. DfinaJ return City or town, stata or country, and ZIP+4 D Amandad return Inttrue- F Check »- D if exemption application (raqulrad aJao for Stata reporting) /V£&S a pending Q Type of organization—*>^ Exempt under section 501 (c)( 3 ) + (Insert number) OR • • section 4947(aK1) nonexempt charitable trust Note: Section 501(c)(3) exempt onjanfeanoni and 4947(a)(1) nonaxempt charitable trusts MUST attach a completed Schedule A (Fom 990). H|a) la thia a group return filed for affiliates? .• Yes IS No I If either box In His checked "Yea," enter fouwllgit group exemption number (GEN) • j/.J.d (b) If "Yea." enter the number of efflUatee for whlchthia return la filed:.