Other Publications: In Vivo | Medtech Insight | Pink Sheet | Rose Sheet TAGS: Cardiovascular Metabolic Disorders Market Intelligence Entresto Facing Pressure From Diabetes Drugs 15 May 2017 ANALYSIS by Lucie Ellis @ScripLucie
[email protected] Executive Summary With diabetes therapeutics adding cardiovascular risk reduction claims, Novartis's heart failure drug Entresto could face pressure from new fronts – just as sales start to take off. SGLT2 INHIBITORS, ALREADY APPROVED FOR DIABETES, COULD SOON DISRUPT Source: Shutterstock NOVARTIS'S ENTRESTO PLANS IN CHF The demonstration of reduced heart failure, death and other cardiovascular benefits with major classes of diabetes drugs means cardiovascular products like Novartis AG's congestive heart failure therapy Entresto must deal with imminent – and unexpected – competition from marketed metabolic drugs broadening their reach. Entresto (valsartan/sacubitril) has finally started to make its mark on the CHF market, but there are other products moving up the pipeline (see See Related Story chart). While a few early- to mid-stage pipeline For more on Entresto's performance over time: (Also compounds are revealing innovative see "Novartis's Entresto Voyage: Hindsight Is 20/20" - Scrip, 15 May, 2017.) mechanisms, these drugs are several years from market entry. However, Entresto will feel the heat sooner from already approved sodium-glucose cotransporter-2 (SGLT-2) inhibitors, which are currently used to treat type 2 diabetes. Analysis of AstraZeneca PLC’s CVD-REAL study, presented in March at the American College of Cardiology (ACC) annual meeting, did not break out patient outcomes for individual SGLT-2 inhibitors, but did present compelling evidence that the rates of hospitalizations for heart failure and death were cut by half by use of the three currently marketed SGLT-2 drugs in type 2 diabetes patients, compared with other types of diabetes therapies.