Media Key Facts
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media key facts 2015 Rue du Moulin à Papier - 55 - Papiermolenstraat | Bruxelles - 1160 - Brussel Tel +32 (0)2 663 51 11 | [email protected] content Dentsu Aegis Network Belgium _______________________ 5 Economy & Demography ____________________________ 9 Media Spend _____________________________________ 19 Plurimedia Facts __________________________________ 25 Television _______________________________________ 37 Radio __________________________________________ 51 Cinema _________________________________________ 59 Newspapers _____________________________________ 65 Magazines _______________________________________ 73 Free Regional Press _______________________________ 83 Out of Home ____________________________________ 89 Internet _______________________________________ 103 Social Media ___________________________________ 115 On Line Search _________________________________ 123 iDTV __________________________________________ 137 Live Communication ______________________________ 141 Grand Duchy of Luxembourg _______________________ 145 Media Jargon ___________________________________ 157 Media Studies __________________________________ 173 Useful Addresses ________________________________ 183 dentsu aegis network belgium dentsu aegis network belgium Carat & Vizeum are the media agencies belonging to Dentsu Aegis Network Belgium. Responsible Publisher : Anne Bataille (CEO, Dentsu Aegis Network Belgium) Editorial Team : Alessandro Asproni (Out of Home - Cinema), Claire Berge (Lay-out), Dany Dernoncourt (Media Spend), Philippe Geurts (Print), Gauthier Piret (Television, iDTV, Radio), Quenn Pirlot and Lillo Mendola (Social), Nicolas Hannecart (Search), Nicolas Vanderseypen and Thibaud De Meester (Internet), Zenna Vanderstukken (Live Communicaon), special thanks to Laurent Friob (Luxembourg) & to Ines Coppers , Michaela Menache and Laurent Massart (data CIM) DENTSU AEGIS NETWORK BELGIUM Rue du Moulin à Papier - 55 - Papiermolenstraat | Bruxelles - 1160 - Brussel Tel : 02 663 51 11 - Fax : 02 663 51 09 Anne Bataille : Chief Execuve Officer 7 dentsu aegis network belgium BELGIUM A company of 200 people to cope with the evoluon of media communicaons Innovaon through consumer centric strategies 8 economy & demography economy & demography EUROPE Spend Breakdown by Media 2010-2014 40% 35% 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 31,7% 29,9% 30% 25% 20% 16,3% 15% 10% 9,1% 6,5% 5,7% 5% 0,8% 0% Television Newspapers Magazines Radio Cinema Outdoor Internet Total 2014 : 90,96 billion € Source : Dentsu Aegis Network esmates - March 2015 Europe 16 countries (Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Ireland, Italy, Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, UK) 11 economy & demography BELGIAN DEMOGRAPHY Basic Data (source SPF Economie - CIM) Total population 11.190.845 inhabitants Number of households 4.762.737 households Number of persons per household 2,4 ind. / household Total population 12 years and + 9.457.340 inhabitants Linguisc Breakdown Flanders 56,1% Dutch speaking 54% Brussels (new CIM) 11,8% French speaking 42% Wallonia 32,1% German speaking 0,4% Nielsen Regions (Populaon 12 years and +) I 2.280.910 II 3.026.380 III Du 123.420 III Fr 994.500 IV 1.462.160 V 1.569.980 Reference period : 2014 12 economy & demography (In '000) 2014 Total 9.457 100% GENDER Men 4.609 49% Women 4.848 51% PRP 5.838 62% AGE 12 to 14 368 4% 15 to 24 1.319 14% 25 to 34 1.406 15% 35 to 44 1.516 16% 45 to 54 1.607 17% 55 and + 3.241 34% SOCIAL GROUPS* 1 + 2 (higher) 2.526 27% 3 + 4 (medium +) 2.188 23% 5 + 6 (medium -) 2.361 25% 7 + 8 (lower) 2.310 24% No respons 71 1% EDUCATIONAL LEVEL OF THE INTERVIEWED PERSON Primary 1.508 16% General lower sec.& prof. 1.893 20% General higher sec.& prof. 3.454 27% High. non university 1.620 17% University 983 10% PROFESSIONAL OCCUPATION (of the interviewed person) With 4.492 47% Without 4.965 53% PRESENCE OF CHILDREN (- 15 years old) With 2.761 29% Without 6.696 71% HABITAT 5 Main Centers 2.770 29% 43 Urban localities 2.048 22% Small locations 2.221 23% Rural locations 2.418 26% * Some individuals have not been rated in social groups by lack of informaon. Source : CIM ‘13-’14 13 economy & demography 2014 in ('000) Nielsen I + II + III (Du) Nielsen III (Fr) + IV +V Total 5.431 100% 4.027 100% GENDER Men 2.672 49% 1.937 48% Women 2.759 51% 2.089 52% PRP 3.255 60% 2.582 64% AGE 12 to 14 203 4% 166 4% 15 to 24 731 13% 587 15% 25 to 34 769 14% 638 16% 35 to 44 844 16% 672 17% 45 to 54 949 17% 658 16% 55 and + 1.935 36% 1.306 32% SOCIAL GROUPS* 1 + 2 (higher) 1.427 26% 1.099 27% 3 + 4 (medium +) 1.214 22% 975 24% 5 + 6 (medium -) 1.414 26% 948 24% 7 + 8 (lower) 1.328 24% 982 24% No respons 48 1% 23 1% EDUCATIONAL LEVEL (of the interviewed person) Primary 911 17% 597 11% General lower sec.& prof. 1.050 19% 843 16% General higher sec.& prof. 2.010 37% 1.444 27% High. non university 912 17% 708 13% University 547 10% 436 8% PROFESSIONAL OCCUPATION (of the interviewed person) With 2.707 50% 1.785 44% Without 2.724 50% 2.242 56% PRESENCE OF CHILDREN (- 15 years old) With 1.572 29% 1.189 30% Without 3.859 71% 2.837 70% HABITAT 5 Main Centers 1.061 20% 1.710 42% 43 Urban localities 1.349 25% 699 17% Small locations 1.516 28% 705 18% Rural locations 1.505 28% 913 23% 14* Some individuals have not been rated in social groups by lack of informaon. Source : CIM ‘13-’14 economy & demography The Populaon... POPULATION % Belgian and foreign population of 12 years and + 9.457.340 100,0% Foreigners of 12 years and + 686.210 7,3% Residents in Flanders 5.307.280 56,1% Residents in Brussels 1.117.920 11,8% Residents in Wallonia 3.032.140 32,1% Source : CIM ‘13-’14 With child. Active % PROVINCE Population '000 -15 years old of the pop. Affinity index (avg = 100) Antwerpen 1.527 16% 106 106 Oost Vlaanderen 1.256 13% 99 103 West Vlaanderen 1.025 11% 83 103 Brabant Du 939 10% 101 110 Limburg 739 8% 108 106 Brussels 19 939 10% 86 93 Hainaut 1.133 12% 106 92 Liège 930 10% 99 91 Namur 410 4% 98 88 Brabant Fr 329 4% 123 106 Luxembourg 230 2% 117 100 Total 9.457 100% The Province of Luxembourg and Brabant Fr account for lile in terms of populaon figures, yet there is a much higher presence of children compared to the relave populaon rao. Though some Flemish provinces are somewhat short in terms of number of children compared to Walloon provinces, the overall rate of acvity is higher in the Flemish provinces. 15 economy & demography ... The End of a Stereotype ... CIM 1980 CIM 2014 1980 = 100 (in '000) Men Women Men Women Men Women PRP (principal responsible 272 3.321 1.996 3.841 734 116 of the purchases) 8% 92% 34% 66% With a prof. activity 2.521 1.200 2.417 2.075 96 173 68% 32% 54% 46% PRI (principal responsible 2.947 603 3.361 1.808 114 300 of income) 83% 17% 65% 35% Source : CIM Consumer Status Over the past 25 years a number of trends, important to markeng professionals, have clearly emerged. One of them is the higher proporon of male PRP's, not so much for a cultural reason but mostly due to an increasing number of single people. The proporon of working women is sll increasing, which influences the number of female heads of family. The Belgian populaon has aged since 1982, though it now seems to be stabilizing. AGES 1972 1982 2010-2011 2011-2012 2012-2013 2013-2014 12 - 14 y.o. n.a. n.a. 3,9% 3,9% 3,9% 3,9% 15 - 24 y.o. 19,1% 20,2% 14,0% 14,0% 13,9% 13,9% 25 - 44 y.o. 33,5% 33,2% 31,3% 30,9% 30,7% 30,9% 45 - 64 y.o. 29,8% 28,6% 31,1% 31,3% 31,3% 31,3% 65 y.o. and + 17,5% 18,0% 19,7% 19,9% 20,2% 19,9% Source : CIM 16 economy & demography ... Electronic Equipment % of individuals living in a household CIM 2012 2014 that owns : 1990 - 15+ 12+ 12+ at least one TV set 97% 99% 98% cable TV 91% 82% 77% a video recorder 39% 46% 57% two television sets or more 11% 43% 39% a TV with flat screen n.a. n.a. 81% a Smart TV (television with internet) n.a. n.a. 23% a decoder n.a. 63% 78% a satellite dish n.a. 12% 8% video on demand n.a. 19% 29% programs on demand n.a. 11% 17% a fixed phone 82% 69% 74% a GSM / mobilephone (with or without internet access) n.a. 87% 91% mobilephone with internet access n.a. 18% 41% a tablet with wifi n.a. n.a. 26% a tablet with 3G/4G n.a. n.a. 13% TV-teletext n.a. 86% 85% a computer 14% 80% 56% a portable computer n.a. 60% 71% internet connexion (at home or outside) n.a. 74% 74% a DVD player n.a. 58% 59% a portable DVD player n.a. 18% 14% a game console n.a. 40% 39% a video camera n.a. 31% 26% a HIFI- set n.a. n.a. 52% a home cinema n.a. 9% n.a. Source : CIM 17 media spend media spend Belgium : Media Spend Evoluon + 1,6% 3.764,3 3.704,5 3.609,0 3.588,9 3.467,4 3.170,5 3.164,4 3.088,7 2.863,9 2.387,4 2.298,7 2.137,5 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 Source : MDB Nielsen Media Spend per Economical Sector - 2014 House & Office House & Office equipment maintenance Others 4,0% 2,0% Health, Well-being 1,5% 2,3% Beauty, Hygiene 6,0% Culture, Tourism, Leisure, Sport Clothes 25,8% 1,6% Telecom 5,4% Transport 10,3% Mass Retail 16,9% Services 11,9% Food 12,3% Source : MDB Nielsen 21 media spend Media Spend by Media 2010-2014 - Belgium TOTAL INVESTMENTS 50% 2010 3.467,4 millions € 2011 3.588,9 millions € 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2012 3.609,0 millions € 40% 38,5% 2013 3.704,5 millions € 2014 3.764,3 millions € 30% 21,9% 20% 13,9% 10% 8,6% 6,8% 6,3% 2,9% 1,0% 0% Television Radio Cinema Dailies Magazines Outdoor Free Reg Press Internet Source : MDB Nielsen Top 20 Adverser Groups 2014 ADVERTISER GROUPS INV.