Adaptive Reuse. The Modern Movement towards the Future 14th International docomomo Conference Programme

 docomomo International

  Ana Tostões Zara Ferreira Miguel Roque

    Catarina Teles Joana Gouveia Alves Daniela Arnaut Sara Saraiva Joana Nunes Ana Rodrigues

 TVM Designers

  Gráfica Maiadouro, SA

 978-989-99645-1-8   413802/16

, 2016

All the rights reserved. © of the edition, docomomo International © of the images, their authors.

This Programme may not be reproduced, in the whole or in part, in any form without written permission from the Publisher. 14th International docomomo Conference Programme 6-9 September 2016 Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation, Contents

Welcome to Lisbon 5

Aknowledgments 7


Timetable 12

Theme 14

Sessions 14

Roundtables 16

Programme 19

Keynote Speakers 27

General Information 32

Closing Dinner & Party 33



docomomo International is honoured to hold the 14th International docomomo Conference in Lisbon, from 6 to 9 September 2016, at the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation, for debating the theme “Adaptive Reuse. The Modern Movement Towards the Future”. The 14th International docomomo Conference combines 7 keynote lectures, 29 paper sessions, 6 roundtables, an international workshop (1-5 September) and tours in Lisbon (5-6 September) and Porto (10-12 September). In order to fos- ter transnational and interdisciplinary approaches to the study of the Modern Movement a preliminary call for sessions was launched gathering 76 very good proposals which proved to be a success. The call for papers received 516 proposals, from which were selected 125 abstracts for publication. These numbers exceed, largely, former conference participation, having led to the decision of organising the Conference program, exceptionally, through 5 parallel sessions, revealing the quality of the proposals presented and the ability of the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation in extending the venue capacity. docomomo International wishes to express its gratitude to all docomomo chapters and members for their support: a special thanks to Hubert-Jan Henket, Louise Noelle, Panayotis Tournikiotis, Horacio Torrent, Miles Glendinning, Yoshiyuki Yamana, Wessel de Jonge, Jong Soung Kimm, Tae Woo Kim, Eui-Sung Yi and Sco— Robertson. docomomo International is also very grateful to the 14th International doco- momo Conference scientific commi—ee and the session chairs for the scientific work and active support, and all the contributers for sharing their knowledge and for acting according to the tight schedule and agreed rules. docomomo International wishes to highlight the generous commitment of the members of the workshop tutors team, representing some of the world’s most renowned uni- versities, for their enthusiasm and competence in dealing with such a difficult and challenging theme: the discussion of the Manutenção Militar Complex focusing on the reuse and renewal of this beautiful riverside area of the city of Lisbon. Finally, docomomo International thanks all the institutions who made this Conference possible: Municipality of Lisbon for supporting the docomomo International Headquarters in Lisbon since 2014 and for wide logistic support during the 14th International docomomo Conference, workshop and tours; Técnico – University of Lisbon for hosting the docomomo International Headquarters, ensuring the daily support of the International Secretariat; Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation for generously hosting the venue of the 14th International doco- momo Conference in such an inspiring atmosphere, offering the Congress Centre and the astonishing Main Auditorium, validating the excellence of the Modern Movement architecture and landscape; Port of Lisbon for being the main sponsor

CONFERENCE PROGRAMME 5 of the Conference hence making possible the Conference in Lisbon; to Casa da Arquitectura for sharing the edition of the Conference Proceedings book with commitment, revealing the common efforts to the dissemination of architecture in an international framework. docomomo International is proud to acknowledge all its partners in recog- nizing the importance of the presence of docomomo International in , strengthened by the organization of the 14th International Conference in Lisbon. The excellence of the Honour Commi—ee of the Conference, headed by the President of the Portuguese Republic, and holding major governmental and insti- tutional representations, highlights the recognition of docomomo International’s role in contributing to the cultural and scientific development, in the framework of the most international active networks. Last but not least, we wish to thank all the docomomo International staff and volunteers who devoted their time and efforts to make the Conference happen. docomomo International truly welcomes all docomomo friends from the 69 docomomo chapters to the 14th International docomomo Conference.

Ana Tostões —˜™š› œž  šŸ¡¢›Ÿ™¡šœŸ™£

Zara Ferreira ¤¢—›¢¡™›¥-¦¢Ÿ¢›™£ œž  šŸ¡¢›Ÿ™¡šœŸ™£

Miguel Roque §™›¨ – ªŸš«¢›¤š¡¥ œž —œš¬®›™




Professor Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa      

HONOUR COMMITTEE Govert Jan Bijl de Vroe           António Costa           Kirsty Hayes Luís Filipe de Castro Mendes                  

Manuel Heitor Mechtild Rössler           ,           Michel Richard Fernando Medina                Mirko Zardini Guilherme Pinto                   ,        Sheridan Burke Josep Maria Montaner     20     –     

António Manuel da Cruz Serra ORGANISING COMMITTEE      

Arlindo Oliveira docomomo International    –    Ana Tostões João Santa-Rita               Zara Ferreira   -       Lídia Sequeira       Executive Committee Artur Santos Silva        Ana Tostões         

Ana Pinho Zara Ferreira          -      

Outi Holopainen Louise Noelle             

Jean-François Blarel Panayotis Tournikiotis             

CONFERENCE PROGRAMME 7 Staff Timo Tuomi    –   ;    Catarina Teles  () Joana Gouveia Alves Víctor Pérez Escolano Daniela Arnaut  –     () Sara Saraiva Yoshiyuki Yamana Joana Nunes      ( ) Ana Rodrigues Filipa Silva Zara Ferreira     ( ) Miguel Roque Catarina Andrade José Pedro Cardoso Piotr Tomaszewski ADVISORY COMMITTEE Cristina Alonso Celestino Braña Beatriz Molinero    ,  Leandro Arez      () Catarina Antunes Eduardo Júlio Tiago Miranda  –    ( )

João Belo Rodeia    ;  –  SCIENTIFIC COMMITTEE   ;  –      ( )

Ana Tostões João Santa-Rita     ( )     ( )

Andrea Canziani Jorge Figueira     ()   –    ( )

Carlos Guimarães Joseph Tomlow  –    ( )     ­ /‚­ () Franz Graf   –       Miguel Judas     ()     ( )

Horacio Torrent Nuno Sampaio   –           ( )   () Paulo Tormenta Pinto Jong Soung Kimm     ( )     , ., -  () Ricardo Carvalho  –      ( ) José António Bandeirinha   –    ( ) Rui Alexandre    ( ) Kyle Normandin ,   ,   , . () Rui Ramos  –    ( ) Louise Noelle  –       Scott Robertson   ()    ( )

Miles Glendinning Teresa Heitor   –    ()  –    ( )

Panayotis Tournikiotis Vincenzo Riso  –        –    ( )   ()


WORKSHOP COORDINATION Ivo Oliveira  –    ( ) João Pedro Falcão de Campos Job Roos Daniela Arnaut     () João Santa Rita  –    ( ) João Pedro Falcão de Campos  –    ( )

José Fernando Gonçalves WORKSHOP SCIENTIFIC BOARD   –    ( )

António Ricardo da Costa Marieke Kuipers  –    ( )     ()

Eui-Sung Yi Michel Melenhorst    ()   - ,     () José Miguel Rodrigues Nuno Brandão Costa  –    ( )  –    ( ) Maria Manuel Oliveira Pedro Bandeira  –    ( )  –    ( ) Nuno Grande Pedro Belo Ravara   –    ( )  –    ( ) Ricardo Bak Gordon Nuno Grande  –    ( )   –    ( ) Theodore Prudon Pedro Sousa       ,      ()  –    ( ) Ricardo Bak Gordon  –    ( ) WORKSHOP TUTORS Ruth Verde Zein Alex Dill  ­     , „  ()     –  ()

Eui-Sung Yi Theodore Prudon       ,    ()      ()

Gonçalo Canto Moniz Wessel de Jonge   –    ( )     ()

Graça Correia Wido Quist  –    ( )     ()

Hielkje Zijlstra Wolfgang Jung     ()       ()









WEDNESDAY · 7 SEPTEMBER 9:00-10:00 G•–—˜ B™š•› · J —• BžŸ¡ž›¢Ÿ · Jœ¤¢Å M™›š™ MœŸ¡™Ÿ¢› (mod.) [KN2] AUDITORIUM 2

10:00-10:10 BREAK 10:10-12:00 Outside In: Modern Housing and Conservation Planning 50 Years after the Second Nordic Baltic Countries, Landscape and Building the Aesthetics of Growth for C20 Buildings Vatican Council. Taking the Adaptive Reuse, Multifamily M—š Tš›¥¦ and Change C—¢ª›š¥•› Cš«¢ Modern Church Into the Housing Schemes [S02] D¥š§ ¨—• ›• H›ž¨›˜, [S09] 21th Century O˜— W››¦šž•• N›˜Ÿ• M¢— S¨›• S¢›š§›•, Tª—Ÿ [RT1] [S24] C—•Ÿ, Lž V›š¬›Ÿ¢ [S17] AUDITORIUM 2 AUDITORIUM 3 ROOM 1 ROOM 2 ROOM 4 12:00-12:15 15 IDC NEXT CONFERENCE PROPOSALS AUDITORIUM 2


13:00-14:50 Urban Conservation, Modern Reuse as Activism: Towards Modern Healthcare Marginal Landscape “Mapping Public Housing” Heritage and Public Policies: Hybrid Strategies of Curating Architecture: Obsolescence J—• H—›•š—›¢Ÿ, in Portugal, the Contemporary Towards a Sustainable and Preservation and Transformation A•š›² S—•¥³— Challenges of its Reuse Approach H›•š¥›¢— Mš—¨°§¨± R›•—¢ CŸ¢—, A•— Aš—, [S01] Rž¥ R—Ÿ, M—š¢— Cšž´ Hš—¥ Tšš›•¢ [S26] C˜—ž¥ G—˜›•-I¦—›¢—, [RT2] [S05] D—•¥›˜— Aš•—ž¢ [S15] AUDITORIUM 2 AUDITORIUM 3 ROOM 1 ROOM 2 ROOM 4 14:00-15:00 TOUR TO CALOUSTE GULBENKIAN FOUNDATION [T4] REGISTRATION AT DOCOMOMO DESK

14:50-15:00 BREAK 15:00-16:50 Conservation and Reuse of Between Theory and Practice Industrial Buildings and Areas Balancing Material Selection Asian Modernisms Modern Movement Houses in the Conservation of as Zones of Transformation Process with Conservation Jª—••›Ÿ W¥, Lž¥Ÿ› N›˜˜› Gš—Ÿ Modern Heritage A¥• N¥Ÿ§—•›• K™˜› Nš—•¥• Sª¥• Mžš——¢Ÿž [S14] A•š›— C—•´¥—•¥ [S08] [S19] [RT3] [S22]

AUDITORIUM 2 AUDITORIUM 3 ROOM 1 ROOM 2 ROOM 4 16:50-17:00 BREAK 17:00-18:00 R› K˜ª——Ÿ · Video interview exclusively made for the 14th International Docomomo Conference by Hubert-Jan Henket [KN3] MAIN AUDITORIUM

12 14TH INTERNATIONAL DOCOMOMO CONFERENCE · ADAPTIVE REUSE THURSDAY · 8 SEPTEMBER 9:00-10:00 J¸ Lž°Ÿ C—šš¥˜ª — Gš—–— · J¸ G›Ÿ — S¥˜¨— · Rªš A£¢Ë™Ÿ§›¢ (mod.) [KN4] AUDITORIUM 2

10:00-10:10 BREAK 10:10-12:00 Reinventing Modern Education for Reuse Retrofitting the Modern: The Structures of the Modern Docomomo International of Children’s Spaces and Places G•–—˜ C—•¢ M•¥´, Preservation of Post-war Movement in the post-WWII, Tomorrow A˜›¹—•š— A˜›³š›, C—š˜¥•— Qž¥š³—, Social Housing Estates Post-colonial Societies M—š¥Ÿ¢›˜˜— C—Ÿ¥—¢, T›š›Ÿ— H›¥¢š, U¢— P¢¢³¥›ŸŸ›š Lž¥Ÿ M. LžŸ, Lž°— C. P»š›´ J•³ Sž•³ K¥ Fš—•› V—•˜—›¢ª› S—•š— M—š¡ž›Ÿ P›š›¥š— [S25] [S11] [S18] [S27] [S06] AUDITORIUM 2 AUDITORIUM 3 ROOM 1 ROOM 2 ROOM 4 12:00-13:00 LUNCH BREAK 12:00-13:00 TOUR TO CALOUSTE GULBENKIAN FOUNDATION [T5] REGISTRATION AT DOCOMOMO DESK 13:00-14:50 ž• ¥˜ ››¢¥•³


14:50-15:00 BREAK 15:00-16:50 “A Mass of Tradition and Exploring Issues of Adaptivity Reuse and Valorisation of The Modern Interior – Toward MoMoWo: Women and Association”: Reviving and – Theory and Practice in a Re-Evaluation in the Modern Movement Heritage Reliving the Buildings M—š¥›§› Kž¥¬›šŸ Small Towns: Images, Context of Adaptive Reuse E°˜¥— G—š—, C—¢›š¥•— of Brutalism [S28] Plans, Strategies ZŸž´Ÿ—••— Bš´, Fš—•ª¥•¥, H›˜›•— Sž¢ I•¦—˜ G¥¢˜›š, Rž¢ª V›š› Z›¥• E— T—³˜¥—˜˜ B±š¦—š— Cž¢¥•ª [RT4] [S13] [S04] [S21] AUDITORIUM 2 AUDITORIUM 3 ROOM 2 ROOM 3 ROOM 4 16:50-17:00 BREAK 17:00-18:00 L——¢• & V—ŸŸ—˜ · Transform, Re-invent, for the Pleasure of Inhabiting [KN5] MAIN AUDITORIUM

18:30-20:30 Launching of Angola Cinemas – Roundtable and Cocktail GARDEN OF THE GOETHE¢INSTITUT LISBOA


9:00-10:00 W¥•«š¥› Bš›••›* · Preserve through Interventions [KN6] AUDITORIUM 2 10:00-10:10 BREAK 10:10-12:00 CIAM R¢«š¤š¡¢§ Revisiting African Modernism Innovative Construction Architecture and Tourism: Docomomo’s 25th+1 C—š˜Ÿ Ež—š C—Ÿ M¥˜›Ÿ G˜›•¥••¥•³, Experiments Rethinking Modern Anniversary, Time for [S23] O˜— Už§ž T—¬—•¥ MžŸ¢•›• Leisurescapes Adaptive Re-thinking? [S12] [S20] SžŸ—•— L¦, Hž¦›š¢-J—• H›•§›¢, M——š›•— Cš¢»Ÿ S¢›˜˜— M—š¥Ÿ C—Ÿ—˜ [S03] [RT5] AUDITORIUM 2 AUDITORIUM 3 ROOM 1 ROOM 2 ROOM 4 12:00-13:00 LUNCH BREAK 12:00-13:00 TOUR TO CALOUSTE GULBENKIAN FOUNDATION [T7] REGISTRATION AT DOCOMOMO DESK

13:00-14:50 Disruption and Continuity: Large Spaces into Specific Intagible Heritage The Modern Campus: EAHN: Links between History The Challenge of Conversive Places: The Challenges of and Re-design Landscape Identity and and Conservation of Housing Modernism Converting Buildings for S—š— S¢šž¹ Architectural Adaptation Complexes P—•—™¢¥Ÿ Tžš•¥§¥¢¥Ÿ Cultural Uses [S16] H—••—ª L›²¥, G—¥— C—š—›˜˜¥•, [S29] T¥ Tž¥ C—›š• L³—• F¥˜¥¬¬ D› P¥›š¥ [S07] [S10] [RT6] AUDITORIUM 2 AUDITORIUM 3 ROOM 1 ROOM 2 ROOM 4 14:50-15:00 BREAK 15:00-17:00 C—šžŸ S¢ Jª• · Old/New [KN7] CLOSING CEREMONY *


* This session won’t be presented in English. Please pick your translation device at the docomomo desk.


In pursuit of the mission of docomomo, as updated in the Eindhoven- Statement 2014, the theme of the 14th International docomomo Conference is “Adaptive Reuse. The Modern Movement Towards the Future”. The aim is to promote the conservation and (re)use of buildings and sites of the Modern Movement, to foster and disseminate the development of appropriate techniques and methods of conservation and (re)use, and to explore and develop new ideas for the future of a sustainable built environment, based on the past experiences of the Modern Movement. The Conference takes place in Lisbon, where the docomomo International Headquarters are based (Técnico-University of Lisbon), from 6 to 9 September 2016 at the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation, the first Modern Movement site rec- ognized as National Monument.


Landscapes [S01, S02, S03] What new challenges are there in the field of landscape conservation? What are the key questions related to modern authenticity in landscape? How did land- scape frame the regionalist approach to Modern Movement and its preservation? Which techniques are available nowadays to document landscape? How can we increase awareness of the importance of landscape architecture in the renova- tion of modern ensembles and neighbourhoods?

Cities [S04, S05] How can we build innovative cities while preserving architectural heritage? Is it possible to find a balance between sustainable development and urban change? What response can we expect from the property development industry in a con- text of crisis? Where can we find successful strategies to fight against demolition? What can we learn from the past experiences of the Modern Movement that we can apply today in urban developments?

Public Spaces [S06, S07] New a—ractions and activities are constantly being promoted in order to hold the interest of the public: how can we reconcile innovation with the preserva- tion of recreational areas? How can we manage intervention in areas belonging to many different stakeholders? What are the chief present-day problems in public areas? How should we protect and improve modern urban space?

14 14TH INTERNATIONAL DOCOMOMO CONFERENCE · ADAPTIVE REUSE Complexes [S08, S09, S10, S11, S12] Complexes are groups of ensembles of buildings that complement each other. As in a living being, when one of the organs has to be taken out, the body strug- gles to survive. Their sheer size and scale make the renovation of obsolete com- plexes a long and challenging task, but one with infinite possibilities. Which strat- egies have succeeded best in the renovation of complexes? Which elements can be removed and which can be added while still preserving unity?

Buildings [S13, S14, S15, S16, S17] What are the chief motivations that drive people to demolish modern build- ings in each different country - and how can we combat these? How can we pre- serve character and memory in reuse projects? Are the increasing calls for the raising of environmental standards beneficial or harmful to heritage conserva- tion? Which are the most effective new strategies to “design over a design”?

Construction and Technology [S18, S19, S20] What are the most up-to-date technologies that can improve living in modern buildings? Which are the latest technologies to conserve and restore the material- ity of modern buildings? Within the decision-making process, how can we deal with “authoritative” changes? What are the most pertinent and recent case studies in mod- ern architectural heritage restoration? Is it possible to avoid disastrous interventions?

Interior Design and Furniture [S21] When a building is reused, what happens to its furniture? Is it possible to con- serve the concept of total work of art when a new use is imposed? Is the museal- ization of entire interior layouts a proper option? How can we reuse a building without destroying its character? How can one preserve modern interior designs and furnishings? How can we find a balance between the interior and its sur- roundings, the detail scale and the concept of global design?

Theory [S22, S23, S24, S25, S26, S27, S28, S29] How present-day concerns influence the historian enquiries to the past? Which theoretical ma—ers are imperative today and why? Which buildings and sites have not yet been thoroughly studied? How the prominent architects of the Modern Movement were educated and which studying activities can we trans- pose to the future? Which is the role of education and acknowledgment nowa- days in the preservation of modern heritage? What new insights can we arrive at concerning modern theories and history of architecture? What is still le¨ to learn from the leading theorists of the 20th century? What is the future of mod- ern heritage conservation? Can we establish a network of experts to help to act in developing countries where the pressures of rapid growth impel the destruction of modern buildings? In the context of a new society substantially based on com- munication, what is the future of documentation?


[RT1] Nordic Baltic Countries, Adaptive Reuse, Multi Family Housing Schemes Multi family housing schemes of the 1960s and 70s are extensive. Comprising the majority of all housing, counting somewhere between a fourth and a half part of the existing building stock. Living in these housing schemes are many recently arrived eventually included in the reality of the society. At present these estates need technical and social support and developments. Pilot cases are being per- formed within the Nordic and Baltic area. There are needs for changes of aliena- ble and indispensable original values. The need to exchange experiences, state of art, making plans leading from these experiences, are values of urgent priority. This is the urgent concern for Nordic Baltic exchange of experiences, since the time of the original construction at present a cluster and a path of possibilities as already documented in the publications of this network.

[RT2] “Mapping Public Housing” in Portugal, the Contemporary Challenges of its Reuse This session is based in the research project MdH - Mapping Public Housing: A critical review of the State-subsidized residential architecture in Portugal (1910- 1974) that gathers an international and multidisciplinary team composed of architects, sociologists, historians and archivists, working in different stages, approaches and contexts. MdH relies on a documentary corpus anchored on the se—lements’ residential and urban designs archived in various Portuguese insti- tutions, as well as on the related process documents (memoirs, reports and assess- ment procedures, etc.). As in other countries, in Portugal, the multifamily housing in urban context is common in major cities such as Lisbon and Porto. Even though in Lisbon this housing type dates back to the 17th century, in Porto, the first exam- ples only arise on the 1st half of the 20th century, carrying a consolidated identity, either in a specific constructive tradition as for the influences and references that can be addressed to ways of building present in other international contexts. Between the early 1920s and the late 1960s, this reality brought the emergence of multiple modernities, in diverse intervention contexts, carried out by different types of promoters, such as privates, real estate developers, or public and coopera- tive housing initiatives, with more constraints to an economic level. Each of these types of promotion constructed their own processes in terms of tradition and innovation in the dissemination of models, which apparently can be materialized through the changing typologies, construction practices and apartment layouts, whose main innovation, in our opinion, is revealed by the adaptability that allows these buildings’ transformations at the present day without loss of identity. This session unfolds from a set of examples built between the early 1920s and the late 1970s approaching the transformation processes observed in the architectural

16 14TH INTERNATIONAL DOCOMOMO CONFERENCE · ADAPTIVE REUSE types and models, the language and construction processes and in the domestic spaces and modes of living.

[RT3] Asian Modernisms The discourse of modern Asian architecture has been started since 2001 with the formation of mAAN (modern Asian Architecture Network) and the announce- ment of mAAN Macau Declaration 2001. Since then mAAN has been actively promoting the discourse by engaging various organizations and networks (such as docomomo International, ICOMOS 20c Heritage Commi—ee, UNESCO World Heritage Commission, local and regional heritage trusts, universities, etc.), organ- izing conferences, workshops, and publications. This effort has been successfully pushing the debates on Asian modernity and modernization processes, various forms of “modernities”, and issues related to conservation of “modern heritage”, on the international academic circles and institutional levels. Fi¨een years later, the network has been rejuvenated by initiatives of the younger generation of architects, academics, and activists in various Asian coun- tries. In October 2015, a new initiative called “mASEANa” (modern ASEAN archi- tecture) platform has been created during a symposium organized by docomomo , supported by ICOMOS 20c Heritage Commi—ee, docomomo International, and mAAN, sponsored by the Japan Foundation. This platform is intended to push further the documentation and theorization of modern architectural and urban heritage in ASEAN countries, spearheaded by the younger generation of architects and scholars from the region. The roundtable is aimed to introduce the latest developments and the state of discourse on Asian modernity, modernisms, and modernization process, espe- cially to other docomomo members. Special presentations from ASEAN, Japan, and Macau will be delivered at this session.

[RT4] MoMoWo: Women and Modern Movement Heritage Within the framework of the European cultural project MoMoWo – Women’s Creativity since the Modern Movement, under the patronage of docomomo-Italia, and starting from the presentation of the outcomes of MoMoWo’s recent research, this roundtable wishes to stimulate a discussion and a cultural exchange on a double topic: women’s recent contribution to the conservation and restoration of the architecture and interior design of the Modern Movement, and the restora- tion of architectural and interior design heritage designed by women ‘pioneers’ of the Modern Movement. Modern homes were designed by architects and interior designers to experi- ment with emerging technologies, and try to create new expressions of the domes- tic landscape. It is sufficient to mention the three basic models of the Frankfurt Kitchen designed by architect Margarete Schü—e-Lihotzky in 1926, a paradigmatic example of contemporary modernist theories.

CONFERENCE PROGRAMME 17 If on one hand, the conservation and restoration of architecture built by women seem to be less-known, apart from a few emblematic cases, such as the Royal Shakespeare Memorial Theatre in Stratford-upon-Avon by Elizabeth Whitworth Sco—, E-1027 Maison en Bord de Mer in Roquebrune-Cap-Martin by Eileen Gray and Jean Badovici, Sea Casino in Burgas by Victoria Angelova, Case Study House 8 by Charles & Ray Eames and some of Lina Bo Bardi’s major works in . On the other hand, contemporary women’s professional involvement in the conservation and restoration of the Modern Movement heritage as architects, researchers, specialists, exhibition curators, museums and foundation directors is also worth highlighting. The roundtable aims to exchange knowledge, fostering new research on the proposed topic and thus improving active involvement of docomomo’s friends into MoMoWo activities.

[RT5] docomomo’s 25th+1 Anniversary, Time for Adaptive Re-thinking? The aims of docomomo were clearly stated in Eindhoven and they have enlight- ened our actions so far. What is the balance of these first 25+1 years? Have we played out all the issues concerning the importance, validity and perspectives of Modern Movement architecture in the 21st century and beyond? Has the time come to propose new challenges? Along 13 meetings we have witnessed the evolution of circumstances, chal- lenges, knowledge. Opportunities were given to those who approached the task from the academic field, from the practice field and from the management field to expose their ideas. Isn’t it the time to go back to the docomomo think tank and listen to what they have to say? Isn’t it worth to listen to their holistic view?

[RT6] Exploring the Links between History and Conservation of Modernist Housing Complexes: a EAHN Roundtable This open roundtable, organized by EAHN (European Architectural History Network), focuses on the potential interaction - as well as the underlying tension - between historical research on the design, construction and transformation of modernist housing complexes on the one hand and experiences in the field of conservation and protection of this built heritage on the other hand. The aim is to provide a forum for discussion on whether recent historiographical tendencies can inspire innovative conservation strategies or, inversely, whether questions coming from the practice and theory of conservation can usefully inform ongo- ing historical research. The roundtable also aims at strengthening present and future exchanges between docomomo and EAHN. The roundtable is open to all participants to the conference who share a potential interest for the topic.


Tuesday, 6

10:00 – 15:00 12:00 – 15:00 Conference Accreditation International Specialists Committee / Registers Docomomo Desk – Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation / Meeting Room 1 Congress Center International Specialists Committee / Technology Meeting Room 2 10:00 – 12:00 International Specialists Committee / Urbanism & Advisory Board Meeting Landscape Meeting Room 3 Room C

16:00 – 18:00 Opening Cerimony* [KN1] JUAN DOMINGO SANTOS (ES) Main Auditorium

Wednesday, 7

09:00 – 10:00 Which Second Life? Adaptive Reuse as a Contested Paradigm [KN2] GONÇALO BYRNE (PT), JOAN BUSQUETS (ES), M™›¢Ÿ H™›Ÿ™—Ñ (DE), Jԛ¦ S¡œ££¬™ŸŸ (DE) Jœ¤¢Å M™›š™ MœŸ¡™Ÿ¢› (mod.) (PT) UJ Klarenstraat, Amsterdam: The Transformation Auditorium 2 of a 1950s Modern Housing Block P™¡›š—š™ «™Ÿ U£Õ¢Ÿ (NL) 10:00 – 10:10 Strategies for Adaptive Reuse: High-Density State Break Housing in Kuwait A¤¤¢¢£ A£-R™¦™¬ (KW) 10:10 – 12:00 Living a Manifesto: The Second Life of EDF’s Housing Towers in Ivry-sur-Seine (Atelier de Montrouge, [S02] Outside In: Landscape and Building 1963-67) Auditorium 2 C™¡˜¢›šŸ¢ B£™šŸ (FR) Session Chair: Marc Treib (US) [S09] Conservation Planning for C20 Buildings Consideration of Time in Landscape and Building Room 1 Tš™¦œ Tœ››¢¤-C™¬Åœ¤ (UK) Session Chair: C™¡˜¢›šŸ¢ C›œž¡ (UK) Landscapes and Sanatorium: The Changing Role of the Natural Site in the Cure for Tuberculosis “Preserving the Ephemeral”: Capturing what Makes E«™ E¥£¢›¤ (UK) the Eames House Special through Conservation The Fate of Landscape: Place and Architecture Planning in the Works of Hannes Meyer Sª¤™Ÿ M™—DœŸ™£§ (US), S˜¢›š§™Ÿ Bª›Ñ¢ (AU) R™¨ª¢£ F›™ŸÑ£šŸ (MX) Conservation Plan and Restoration Work of the The Creation of an Urban Landscape Ranzan Country Club Clubhouse AŸ™ Tœ¤¡Ó¢¤ (PT), Aª›œ›™ C™›™ÅšŸ˜™ (PT) Mš¡¤ª›ª Hš›™š (JP), R¥œ˜¢š Kª¬™¦™š (JP), S™¥ª Y™¬™¦ª—˜š (JP), N™œ¡œ Sª¥™¬™ (JP) [S24] Modern Housing and the Aesthetics The Queensland Cultural Centre, – The of Growth and Change Listing of a Modernist Complex Auditorium 3 K›š¤¡šŸ™ Lœ¤—˜¢¡¡¢›-Gš®¤œŸ (LU), P™¤—™£ Lœ¤—˜¢¡¡¢› Session Chairs: Dš›Ñ «™Ÿ §¢Ÿ H¢ª«¢£ (NL), N¢£¤œŸ (UK) Mœ¡™ (NL) Conservation and Regeneration Plan of a Former Industrial Complex in Rome A£¢¤¤™Ÿ§›™ M™›šŸ (IT)

CONFERENCE PROGRAMME 19 [S17] 50 Years after the Second Vatican Council. Tel Aviv’s White City. 12 Years since UNESCO’s Taking the Modern Church into the 21st Century Designation Room 2 Hœ›™—šœ S—˜Ý™›¡Õ (IL), R™¨ª¢£ R™Å™Åœ›¡ (IL) Session Chairs: S«¢Ÿ S¡¢›Ñ¢Ÿ (BE), T˜œ¬™¤ Modernist Gdynia. Challenges of Heritage-Based Cœœ¬™Ÿ¤ (BE), Lª— V¢›Åœ¢¤¡, respondent (BE) Development M™›¢Ñ S¡Þř (PL), Rœ®¢›¡ Hš›¤—˜ (PL) Modern Sacred Heritage in . Balances and Future Challenges [S26] Reuse as Activism: Towards Hybrid Strategies A£®™ A›®œšË-A£šÖ (ES), C›š¤¡šŸ™ FœŸ¡™Ÿ™£¤ (ES) of Curation and Preservation of Modern Architectural Resistance to Oppression – Case Study of the Heritage Hungarian Catholic Church Architecture 1945-1989 Auditorium 3 E›Õ¤×®¢¡ U›®ØŸ (HU), Zœ›ØŸ VªÑœ¤ÕØ«£¥¢« (HU) Session Chair: H¢Ÿ›š¢¡™ Mœ›™«ßàќ«Ø (SK) Exploring New Territories: The Shared Use of the Parkwijk Church in Turnhout New Practice? On the Process of Preservation E«™ W¢¥Ÿ¤ (BE) of Peter Behrens’s Synagogue in Žilina Senhora da Boavista, a Church by Agostinho Ricca P¢¡¢› Sՙ£™¥ (SK) for the 21st Century Breaking Old Paradigms – the Case of Savin Sever’s JœÙœ M™›¨ª¢¤ (PT) Printing Shop Building in Use and Adaptation of the Experimental Space in the AŸ§›¢Û H›™ª¤Ñ¥ (SI) Divino Espírito Santo do Cerrado Church – Lina Bo Squatting the City: An Anarchistic Urban Bardi, 1976 Development in the Former Massó Canning Factory A›š¢£ L™Õՙ›šŸ (BR) E«™ Hš¢›Õ¢› (AT) Waking Up the Sleeping Districts: Excursion [RT1] Nordic Baltic Countries, Adaptive Reuse, as a Hybrid Strategy Multi Family Housing Schemes IŸ§›á Rª¤¢—Ñ™š¡á (LT) Room 4 Roundtable Chair: O£™ W¢§¢®›ªŸŸ (DK) [S15] Modern Healthcare Architecture: Obsolescence and Transformation Tš¬œ Tªœ¬š (FI), AšŸœ Nš¤Ñ™Ÿ¢Ÿ (FI), Room 1 T™Å™Ÿš Mª¤¡œŸ¢Ÿ (FI), K¢¡š£ Kš›™Ÿ (NO), Session Chairs: R¢Ÿ™¡œ Cœ¤¡™ (BR), AŸ™ A¬œ›™ (BR), L™ª›™ IŸ¦¢›Åªª (EE), Sڛ¢Ÿ V™§¤¡›ªÅ (DK), C£™ª§šœ G™£¢Ÿœ-I®™—¢¡™ (CL), D™Ÿš¢£™ A›Ÿ™ª¡ (PT) Sڛ¢Ÿ B™Ñ-AŸ§¢›¤¢Ÿ (DK), Pœª£ S«¢››š£§ (DK) Conservative Surgery Method for the Reuse 12:00 – 12:15 of a Modern Hospital in Yokosuka 15 IDC Next Conference Proposals K¢ŸÛš W™¡™Ÿ™®¢ (JP), W™¢œ«š—˜š™Ÿ A®˜š—˜™›¡«œ›™Å™Ÿ Auditorium 2 (JP) Case Study: Ernest Weissmann’s Hospital Buildings 12:00 – 13:00 as a Neues Bauen Platform Lunch T™¬™›™ K£™›šŸ (HR) Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation / Congress Center Obsolescence and Future of Paimio Sanatorium (1929–1933) by Alvar Aalto 12:00 – 13:00 JœŸ™¤ M™£¬®¢›¦ (FI) [T3] Tour to Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation Sicilian Sanatoriums of the 1930s. Knowing them to Registration at Docomomo Desk Preserve them TšÕš™Ÿ™ B™¤š›š—â (IT) 13:00 – 14:50 From White Wall to Light Room: Transfiguration of Sanatoriums for Tuberculosis, between Cottinelli [S05] Urban Conservation, Modern Heritage and Telmo and Eduardo Souto de Moura Public Policies: Towards a Sustainable Approach Jœ¤× A«¢£Ù¤ NªŸ¢¤ (PT) Auditorium 2 Session Chair: Hœ›™—šœ Tœ››¢Ÿ¡ (CL) [S01] Marginal Landscape Room 2 A Change of Scale for Sustainable Interventions Session Chairs: J™Ÿ H™¢Ÿ›™¢¡¤ (BE), AŸ§›¢Ý S™Ÿš¦™ on Modern Heritage (AU) Rœ®¢›¡™ G›š¦Ÿœ£œ (IT) Conservation of 1918-1939 Modern Neighbourhoods Are Modern Designed Landscapes, Cultural in Present-day Krakow Landscapes? M™—š¢Û Mœ¡™Ñ (PL) Nš—œ£¢ V™£œš¤ (CA) Borovo – from the City of Modern Architecture to the Residual Landscapes: Reclaiming Hong Kong’s Lost Listed Heritage of a Historical Industrial Complex Urban Spaces IŸ¢¤ A¬®›ªÜ (HR), D¢Ÿš¤ A¬®›ªÜ (HR) P¢¡¢› F¢››¢¡¡œ (HK)

20 14TH INTERNATIONAL DOCOMOMO CONFERENCE · ADAPTIVE REUSE Reclamation Landscapes of the Venice Lagoon. Heritage@Risk – Adaptive Reuse of Pierre Jeanneret The Urgency of Conservation and Reuse of the Rural House – Chandigarh Settlement of Le Trezze (Portegrandi) S™Ÿ¦¢¢¡™ B™¦¦™ (IN), S™¡˜š¤˜ S¢¡˜ª›™¬™Ÿ (IN) S™›™ Dš R¢¤¡™ (IT) Marginal Structures: Bus Stops throughout the [S22] Between Theory and Practice in the Former Soviet Landscape Conservation of Modern Heritage Y™Ÿš¤ Dà™Õ (DE) Auditorium 3 Session Chair: AŸ§›¢™ C™ŸÕš™Ÿš (IT) [RT2] “Mapping Public Housing” in Portugal, the Contemporary Challenges of its Reuse Local and Transnational: Modern European Housing Room 4 Estates as Heritage Roundtable Chairs: Rªš R™¬œ¤ (PT), M™›¡™ C›ªÕ (PT) K™¡Û™ H™¤—˜¢ (DE) Good Heritage Action and the Possibilities for Reused Mapping Public Housing: A Critical Review of the Buildings State-Subsidised Residential Architecture in Portugal C›š¤¡šŸ™ §¢£ Bœ¤—˜ (ES) (1910-1974). Origin, Foundation and Structure of the Integrity and Authenticity when Restoring and Research Project Reusing Modern Heritage Rªš R™¬œ¤ (PT), M™›¡™ C›ªÕ (PT) Mšš™ P¢›ÑÑšÔ (FI) The Square House Architecture. Finding a Story Beyond Materiality: Design as Heritage Between Model and Type AŸ™ P¢££¢¦›šŸš (BR) E£š¤¢ª GœŸã™£«¢¤ (PT) A History of Adaptation: The Three Stages of the [S08] Industrial Buildings and Areas as Zones Affordable Houses Programme of Transformation Sכ¦šœ Sš£«™ (PT) Room 1 Regional Architects Network: The Spread of Session Chair: AšŸœ Nš¤Ñ™Ÿ¢Ÿ (FI) Modernity by the Affordable Income Houses Programme (Economic Housing) Converting Historical Industrial Complexes in M™›š™ T™«™›¢¤ (PT) European Cities: Best Practices Affordable Housing and the Development of Modern H¢šÑ¢ O¢«¢›¬™ŸŸ (DE) City Research on the Existing Condition of MHCMSP T¢›¢¤™ CØ£šË (PT) Modern and Contemporary Industrial Heritage Final Debate Protection and Reutilization in R™¨ª¢£ P™ª£šŸœ (PT), Tš™¦œ Mœ¡™ S™›™š«™ (PT) ** SœŸ¦¤œŸ¦ Lš (CN), Sª®šŸ Xª (CN) Modern Factories for the New Economy 14:00 – 15:00 NšŸ™ R™ÅřŜ›¡ (US) [T4] Tour to Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation Design with History: The Redevelopment of the Registration at Docomomo Desk Industrial Area Oostenburg Wš§œ Qªš¤¡ (NL), S™›™ S¡›œªË (NL) 14:50 – 15:00 Prefabricated Industrial Architecture in . Break Preservation versus Transformation F›™Ÿ—¢¤—™ A£®™Ÿš (IT) 15:00 – 16:50 [S19] Balancing Material Selection Process [S14] Conservation and Reuse of Modern Movement with Conservation Houses Room 2 Auditorium 2 Session Chair: K¥£¢ Nœ›¬™Ÿ§šŸ (US) Session Chair: Lœªš¤¢ Nœ¢££¢ G›™¤ (MX) How Choice of Material is Balanced between Notions “A House to be Lived in, not a Museum”. of Authenticity and Technical Know-how Reuse of a Protected Icon Sڛ¢Ÿ B™Ñ-AŸ§¢›¤¢Ÿ (DK) E£š¤™®¢¡˜ Tœ¤¡›ªÅ (NO) The Glass Walls of the Brazilian of Congress Casa Zentner: Development of a Conservation B›ªŸ™ Lš¬™ (BR) Strategy Conservation of Modern Architecture and the Gš™—šŸ¡™ J¢™Ÿ (CH), Rœ®¢›¡™ M™›¡šŸš¤ (CH), D™«š§¢ Adaptation of New Requirements Fœ›Ÿ™›š (CH) Gšœ«™ŸŸ™ F›™Ÿ—œ (IT), S¡¢ž™Ÿœ Mª¤¤œ (IT) Between Tradition and Modernity: Design, Passion for Tong Lau, the 20th Century Urban Construction, Life and Conservation of a 1960s Vernacular Block of Hong Kong: Conservation Portuguese House and Adaptive Reuse of Tong Lau Ensemble in Mallory Hª¦œ F™›š™¤ (PT) Street, Wan Chai, Hong Kong Holiday Houses Reuse and Rehab of Modern Heritage E§Ý™›§ L¢ªŸ¦ (HK) Tš™¦œ F›¢š¡™¤ (PT)

CONFERENCE PROGRAMME 21 [RT3] Asian Modernisms Macau Modernisms Room 4 Rªš L¢Ùœ (MO) Roundtable Chairs: Jœ˜™ŸŸ¢¤ Wš§œ§œ (SG), S˜šŸ Mª›™¬™¡¤ª (JP) 16:50 – 17:00 Southeast Asian Modernisms Break Jœ˜™ŸŸ¢¤ Wš§œ§œ (SG) East Asian Modernisms 17:00 – 18:00 S˜šŸ Mª›™¬™¡¤ª (JP) [KN3] REM KOOLHAAS (NL) Video interview Japan Modernisms exclusively made for the 14th International Yœ¤˜š¥ªÑš Y™¬™Ÿ™ (JP) Docomomo Conference by Hubert-Jan Henket Main Auditorium Thursday, 8

09:00 – 10:00 Tools for Re-thinking Education in Conservation AŸ§›¢™ C™ŸÕš™Ÿš (IT), AŸ§›¢™ Lª—š™Ÿš (IT), M™›¦˜¢›š¡™ [KN4] JOÃO LUÍS CARRILHO DA GRAÇA (PT), P¢§›œŸš (MM) JOÃO GOMES DA SILVA (PT) , Across Disciplinary and National Borders: Rªš A£¢Ë™Ÿ§›¢ (mod.) (PT) A Pedagogical Tool for Reuse Auditorium 2 S™Ÿ§›™ M™›¨ª¢¤ P¢›¢š›™ (PT), Jš¬ Rœ—˜¢ (IE) Crossover of Generations: A Participatory Approach 10:00 – 10:10 to Heritage Education and Reuse of Modern Heritage Break F™Ÿ¦-J™¥ RœŸ¦ (TW), MšŸ¦-£š L¢¢ (TW)

10:10 – 12:00 [S11] Retrofitting the Modern: The Preservation of Post-war Social Housing Estates and their Adaptation [S06] Reinventing Modern Children’s Spaces and to Contemporary Edward Leung Environmental Places Standards Auditorium 2 Room 1 Session Chairs: A£¢Ë™Ÿ§›™ A£¢¦›¢ (PT), Session Chairs: Lªš¤ M. Lª¤ (ES), Lª—à™ C. Pכ¢Õ (ES) T¢›¢¤™ H¢š¡œ› (PT), S™Ÿ§›™ M™›¨ª¢¤ P¢›¢š›™ (PT) Transforming to Preserve. An Inquiry into the “Today’s Child is Tomorrow’s State”: Kibbutz Complexity of Heritage Values in Modern Social Children’s House as Nursery for the Good Zionist Housing: Hortaleza’s UVA, Madrid Subject 1922–1948 I¤™®¢£ Rœ§›à¦ª¢Õ M™›¡àŸ (ES), Gªšœ¬™› M™›¡àŸ Y™¢£ A££Ý¢š£ (IL) Dœ¬àŸ¦ª¢Õ (ES) 35 Italian Schools to Save: the “Valdadige” Schools Regenerating Modern Housing in Denmark: Designed by the Studio Architetti Valle Considering Sustainability and Energy Retrofitting in P™œ£™ Vš›¦šœ£š (IT) the Lifecycle of Social Housing Estates Game, Function and Art: Children’s Playground T¢››š P¢¡¢›¤ (CA) Artefacts in Post-war Czechoslovakia Brøndby Strand to Grønby Strand K£Ø›™ B›å˜œ«Ø (CZ) Pœª£ S«¢››š£§ (DK) From Playgrounds to Recreation Centres for People of All Ages: Alfred Trachsel and the Case of Zurich [S18] Structures of the Modern Movement in the M™›—œ Dš N™££œ (CH) post-WWII, Post-colonial Societies Room 2 [S25] Education for Reuse Session Chair: JœŸ¦ SœªŸ¦ Kš¬¬ (KR) Auditorium 3 Session Chairs: GœŸã™£œ C™Ÿ¡œ MœŸšÕ (PT), C™›œ£šŸ™ Adaptive Reuse of Modern School Building in Post- Qªš›œ¦™ (AR), U¡™ Pœ¡¡¦š¢¤¤¢› (DE) colonial Sevil Aydinlik (CY), Hıfsiye Pulhan (CY), Türkan Uraz (CY) Teaching Preservation: The Experience of the Umaid Bhawan Palace: From a Temple-mountain Laboratory of Techniques and Preservation of Palace to a Palace Hotel Museum Modern Architecture, École Polytechnique Fédérale Cláudia Porto (BR) de Lausanne (EPFL), 2007-2016 F›™ŸÕ G›™ž (CH) [S27] Docomomo International of Tomorrow Training in the Conservation of Modern Architecture: Room 4 A Latin American Experience Session Chairs: M™›š¤¡¢££™ C™¤—š™¡œ (CA), F›™Ÿ—¢ F¢›Ÿ™Ÿ§œ Mœ›¢š›™ (BR) V™Ÿ£™¢¡˜¢¬ (CA) Learning from Modern Heritage: Methodological

22 14TH INTERNATIONAL DOCOMOMO CONFERENCE · ADAPTIVE REUSE Docomomo and the Ongoing Machinist Tradition An Evolving Approach to Adaptation + Additions atop M™Ëš¬š™Ÿœ A¡›š™ (CL) Melbourne’s Skyline Roberto Segre (1934-2013): A Case Study on Docomomo A£š¤¡™š› R™«¢Ÿ¤—›œž¡ (AU), H™ŸŸ™˜ L¢Ýš (AU) and the Path of Modern Architectural History AŸ™¡ F™£®¢£ (BR), Gª¤¡™«œ Rœ—˜™-P¢šËœ¡œ (BR) [S04] Reuse and Valorisation of Modern Architecture in Small Towns: Images, Plans, Strategies 12:00 – 13:00 Room 2 Lunch Session Chair: Emma Tagliacollo (IT) Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation / Congress Center Motel Trogir Project: Protecting ’s Post-WWII 12:00 – 13:00 Architecture [T5] Tour to Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation Lš§šÛ™ MšéšŸ (HR) Registration at Docomomo Desk The Past and the Future of the Soviet Rural Architecture in 13:00 – 14:50 L™ª›™ IŸ¦¢›Åªª (EE) Council Meeting Democratic Ideas in Concrete: Protection and Room 1 Valorization of a Modernistic Building Environment in 14:00 – 15:00 K›š¤¡š™Ÿ R¢šŸžÛœ›§ (NO) [T6] Tour to Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation The INA-Casa Housing Estate of Mario Ridolfi Registration at Docomomo Desk and Wolfgang Frankl in Cerignola: Analysis and Intervention Strategies 14:50 – 15:00 R™žž™¢££™ M™§§™£ªŸœ (IT/PT) Break [S21] The Modern Interior – Toward a Re-evaluation 15:00 – 16:50 in the Context of Adaptive Reuse Room 3 [S13] “A Mass of Tradition and Association”: Reviving Session Chairs: Z¤ªÕ¤™ŸŸ™ BÔ›Ô—Õ (BE), B؛®™›™ and Reliving the Buildings of Brutalism Cœª¡šŸ˜œ (PT) Auditorium 2 S¢¤¤šœŸ C˜™š›¤: IŸ®™£ Gš¡£¢› (IL), Rª¡˜ V¢›§¢ Z¢šŸ (BR) Adapting the Modern Interior: Variations on an Emphatic Approach William Morgan in Florida: Tropical Brutalism in the Bš¢ P£¢«œ¢¡¤ (BE), S™š§Û™ H¢¥Ÿš—ÑË (BE) Age of Consensus The Recognition of the Founding Values in the J¢™Ÿ-F›™Ÿãœš¤ L¢Û¢ªŸ¢ (US) Modern Interior Sirius Towers: Surviving Redevelopment Gšœ—œŸ§™ C™žš¢›œ (IT), Vš«š™Ÿ™ S™š¡¡œ (IT) L¢š¦˜ H™Ÿ¢Ñœ¬ (AU) Nomadic or Sedentary: on the Reuse of Modernist Reliving and Reviving Brutalist Concrete Tower in Interiors Lithuania SꟚ™ M™›¨ª¢¤ (BR) AªÜ›™ Č¢›Ÿ™ª¤Ñš¢Ÿá (LT) Lina Cubed: 3 Projects, 3 Different Spheres “Ape Rock” or an Icon of Brutalist Architecture in and Scales, 3 Different Stories ? M™›¡™ P¢šËœ¡œ (BR) MœŸšÑ™ Mœ¡¥£šŸ¤Ñ™ (DE) The Brutalist City: The Case of Kuwait’s New Souqs [RT4] MoMoWo. Women and Modern Movement S™›™ Sœ™›¢¤ (KW) Heritage Room 4 [S28] Exploring Issues of Adaptivity – Theory and Roundtable Chairs: E¬à£š™ G™›§™ (PT), C™¡¢›šŸ™ Practice Auditorium 3 F›™Ÿ—˜šŸš (IT), H¢£¢Ÿ™ Sœª¡œ (PT) Session Chair: Marieke Kuipers (NL) 16:50 – 17:00 Reform Follows Function? Reflections on the Reuse of Break Modern Buildings E§ª™›§œ F¢›Ÿ™Ÿ§¢¤ (PT) 17:00 – 18:00 André Lurçat’s Karl-Marx School in Suburbs: Restoration and Adaptation of a Major Landmark of [KN5] LACATON & VASSAL (FR) the Modern Movement Main Auditorium C˜›š¤¡š™Ÿ¢ S—˜¬ª—Ñ£¢-Mœ££™›§ (FR) Transforming an Icon on its own Terms: Repurposing 18:30 – 20:30 Kahn’s Richards Building D™«š§ FšË£¢› (US) Launching of Angola Cinemas – Roundtable and Cocktail Gardens of the Goethe Institut Lisboa


09:00 – 10:00 Sš¦Ÿœ›¢££š (IT) Renovation of a House Designed by Emil Lange – [KN6] WINFRIED BRENNE* (GE) Successes and Failures Auditorium 2 J™§Ýš¦™ U›®™ŸšÑ (PL) A Study of the History of the Bunka Kaikan 10:00 – 10:10 (Tokyo Festival Hall) through the Documentation Break Relating to the Renovations of its Facilities Yœ¤˜š¥ªÑš Y™¬™Ÿ™ (JP) 10:10 – 12:00 [S03] Architecture and Tourism: Rethinking Modern [S23] CIAM Revisited Leisurescapes Auditorium 2 Room 2 Session Chair: C™›£œ¤ E§ª™›§œ Cœ¬™¤ (BR) S¢¤¤šœŸ C˜™š›¤: Sª¤™Ÿ™ Lœ®œ (PT), M™—™›¢Ÿ™ Cœ›¡×¤ (CL)

The Athens Charter II: A Dialectic Grid Architecture and Spirit: The Role of Tourist Resorts Tš£¢¬™—˜œ¤ AŸ§›š™ŸœÅœª£œ¤ (GR) for Public Servants during Late Portuguese Bakema and Scharoun Revisited through Colonialism Post-war CIAM AŸ™ V™Õ Mš£˜¢š›œ (PT) M™›™ E¤ÑšŸ™Õš (BR) Branding the Greek Vision for Tourism: The Xenia The Conservation of the Lijnbaan, Network Lª—™¤ «™Ÿ ZªšÛ£¢Ÿ (NL) M¥›š™Ÿ¡˜¢ Mœª¤¤™ (GR) CIAM Urbanism Revisited. Modernist Mass Housing Ruins of Mass Tourism in Italy. A Conceptual and Estates in : Best, Good, Standard, Poor (BGSP) Functional Reinterpretation of Tourist Architectures J™«š¢› MœŸ—£ë¤ (ES), C™›¬¢Ÿ M¢§šŸ™ (ES) of the 1950s and 1980s in the mid-Adriatic Landscape On Circulation: Lina Bo and CIAM’s Fourth Function S™›™ CšÅœ££¢¡¡š (IT) C£™ª§š™ C™®›™£ (BR) Leisure-scapes and Conflict-scapes: The Famagusta Modern Coastline [S12] Revisiting African Modernism P¢¡›œ¤ P˜œÑ™š§¢¤ (GR), P™Ÿ™¥šœ¡™ P¥£™ (CY) Auditorium 3 Session Chairs: Mš£¢¤ G£¢Ÿ§šŸŸšŸ¦ (UK), [RT5] Docomomo’s 25th+1 Anniversary, O£™ U§ªÑª (UK) Time for Adaptive Re-thinking? Room 4 Visions through Innovation, André Ravéreau’s 10 km Roundtable Chairs: Hubert-Jan Henket, Plan for the Valley of M’Zab Stella Maris Casal D™Ÿš¢£™ Rª¦¦¢›š (IT) From Endurance to Resilience: Saurimo School Towards the Future of MoMo and DoCo Complex, Angola Hª®¢›¡-J™Ÿ H¢ŸÑ¢¡ (NL) M™›¦™›š§™ QªšŸ¡Ù (PT/CH) MoMo towards the Future The Right to the City. Lobito and Francisco Castro M™šÛ™ K™š›™¬œ (FI) Rodrigues The Elephant in the docomomo Room Z™›™ F¢››¢š›™ (PT) A££¢Ÿ CªŸŸšŸ¦˜™¬ (UK) Early Ghanaian Architects Looking Forward?...! KªªÑªÝ™ M™Ÿžª£ (GH) Jœ›¦¢ G™Õ™Ÿ¢œ (AR) Mediation in the Work of Revel Fox: Key Buildings Protecting the Invisible Built Between 1955 and 1973 Jœ˜Ÿ A££™Ÿ (UK) MšÑ¢ S—ª›› (ZA) Modern Movement: from Continous Care to Artificial Breathing [S20] Innovative Construction Experiments Rª¦¦¢›œ T›œÅ¢™Ÿœ (IT) Room 1 Preserving the Residental MoMo Houses and Develop Session Chair: Tapani Mustonen (FI) them into House Museums (when Necessary)? I«¢¡™ C¢›Ÿ™ (CZ) Corrugated Iron – A Historical or Modern Material of the Building Envelope? 12:00 – 13:00 S¢šÛ™ LšŸŸ™Ÿ¬ìњ (FI) Lunch “AL-Cast, a Revolutionary New Type of Architectural Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation / Congress Center Material”: History and Conservation Issues Gšª£š™ M™›šŸœ (CH) 12:00 – 13:00 Rationalist Architecture in Romagna, Italy. Towards [T7] Tour to Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation Better Preservation Registration at Docomomo Desk Gšª£š™ F™«™›¢¡¡œ (IT), M™›—œ P›¢¡¢££š (IT), L¢š£™

24 14TH INTERNATIONAL DOCOMOMO CONFERENCE · ADAPTIVE REUSE 13:00 – 14:50 Changing Image. Different Ways to Face the Intangible Heritage of Modern Social Housing [S29] Disruption and Continuity: The Challenge Dœ›œ¡¢™ O¡¡™«š™Ÿš (UK) of Conversive Modernism Beyond Buildings Themselves: Rethinking Auditorium 2 Contemporary Architecture through the Preservation Session Chair: P™Ÿ™¥œ¡š¤ Tœª›ŸšÑšœ¡š¤ (GR) of Modern Architectural Ideas O›¢Ÿ B¢Ÿ A«›™˜™¬ (IL) Continuity by Change – 3 Ways of Conversion in Modern Architecture. The Case of Gdynia [S10] The Modern Campus: Landscape Identity M™›š™ Sœí¡¥¤šÑ (PL) and Architectural Adaptation Adaptive Reuse of Industrial Heritage: Resilience or Room 2 Irreparable Loss? Session Chairs: H™ŸŸ™˜ L¢Ýš (AU), C™¬¢›œŸ Lœ¦™Ÿ (AU) Nš£ªž¢› Yԟ¢¥ (TR), Bª›™Ñ A¤š£š¤Ñ¢Ÿ§¢› (TR), A¥¤¢¦ª£ ÖÕ¢› (GR) US Public College Expansion & Development, 1933-76 The Inohana Memorial Hall: Change and Continuity JœŸ BªœŸœ (US) Sª¬šÑœ E®™›™ (JP) Introducing a 3-Level Approach for the Identification The Cultura Artística Theatre: A Controversial and Analysis of Impacts on Modern Heritage Sites: Reconstruction The Case of the Campus of the Ciudad Universitaria P™ª£œ B›ªŸ™ (BR) de Caracas Post-war Modernism in City Centre: Heritage A§›š™Ÿ™ S™£™¤ (CL), D™«š§ F›™Ÿ—š¤ (UK) or Material for Reuse? University of São Paulo: A Campus and Modern Jœ˜™ŸŸ™ BÛԛѬ™Ÿ (FI) Architecture MꟚ—™ C™¬™›¦œ (BR) [S07] Large Spaces into Specific Places: The Joining the Past with the Future. The Rescue and Challenges of Converting Buildings for Cultural Uses Adaptive Reuse of St Peter’s Seminary, Auditorium 3 Jœ˜Ÿ A££™Ÿ (UK) Session Chair: Tš¬œ Tªœ¬š (FI) [RT6] Exploring the Links between History and Discussion on the Reuse of Industrial Heritage Conservation of Modernist Housing Complexes: and Relics into Cultural Industry Clusters in China a EAHN Roundtable Lš™Ÿ Hª (CN) Room 4 Improving the Quality of Urban Life through Culture-led Regeneration Roundtable Chairs: G™š™ C™›™¬¢££šŸœ (IT), D¢£™›™¬ A¤˜¡™›š (IR) Fš£šÅŜ D¢ Pš¢›š (IT) Keeping Continuity of Identity in a Changing Society Fª¬šÑœ IÑ¢¬œ¡œ (JP) 14:50 – 15:00 Adaptive Reuse in Industrial Buildings – An Break Architectural Evaluation of ’s CerModern Art Gallery 15:00 – 17:00 E¬›¢ D¢§¢Ñ™›¦ïŸœð£ª (TR) From Bunker to Place of Art. The Adaptive Reuse [KN7] CARUSO ST JOHN (UK) of WWII Air Raid Shelters in Wrocław (Breslau) Main Auditorium G›™Õ¥Ÿ™ H›¥Ÿ—¢Ýš—Õ-L™¬®¢› (PL) Closing Cerimony*, Workshop Result, [S16] Intangible Heritage and Re-design Docomomo Award, Conference Photo Room 1 Main Auditorium Session Chair: S™›™ S¡›œªË (NL) 21:00 – 23:00 Seduction and Fantasy in the Conversion of Cinema Theatres Closing Dinner & Party Jœ™Ÿ™ Gœª«¢š™ A£«¢¤ (PT) Gare Marítima de Alcântara – Salão Almada Negreiros Unstitching Rex Trueform: A Short Biography of a Building from Clothing Factory to Call Centre I£Õ¢ Wœ£žž (ZA)

* This session won’t be presented in English. Please pick your translation device at the docomomo desk. ** To be confirmed.


[KN´] Álvaro Siza (PT) [KN´] Juhani Pallasmaa (FI) Álvaro Siza graduated Juhani Pallasmaa is an in architecture from Esco- architect, educator and critic, la Superior de Belas Artes graduated from the Helsinki of the University of Por- University of Technology. to and is Doctor Honoris He has wri—en and lectured Causa from several pres- throughout the world for tigious universities. He was awarded many more than 40 years on architecture and the prizes such as the Mies van der Rohe Award, visual arts, environmental psychology, and the Wolf Prize, the Royal Gold Medal, the In- cultural philosophy. A¨er serving as rector of ternational Union Architects Gold Medal. In the Helsinki University of Applied Arts and 1992 he was awarded the Pritzker Prize for teaching architecture at Haile Selassie Univer- his lifelong achievements. sity in Ethiopia, he was professor and dean of His work includes different scales from his alma mater from 1991 to 1998. He has held housing to public facilities or urban plan- visiting chairs of architecture at institutions ning such as the Boa Nova Tea House (Ma- in and the Americas, including Wash- tosinhos, 1958-1963), the Piscinas das Marés ington University in St Louis, the University (Matosinhos, 1959-1973), the Malagueira of Virginia, the Catholic University of Ameri- neighborhood (Évora, 1977-1997), the Borges ca, and Yale University. & Irmão Bank agency (Vila do Conde, 1978- Among the catalogues he wrote are The 1986), the Bonjour Tristesse apartments Language of Wood (1987) and Animal Ar- (Berlin, 1980-1984), the Schilderswijk-West chitecture (1995). His many other published urban plan (The Hague, 1983-1988), the Facul- works include The Architecture of Image ty of Architecture of the University of Porto (2001), The Thinking Hand (2009), and The (Porto, 1986-1993), the rebuilding of Chiado Embodied Image (2011). His 1996 text, The (Lisbon, 1988), the Santa Maria Church (Mar- Eyes of the Skin (1996), is used in studios and co de Canaveses, 1990-1996), the Library of seminars throughout the world. the University of Aveiro (Aveiro, 1995), the In 1991, he was ’s architectural Serralves Museum (Porto, 1997), the Portu- representative at the Bienale di Venezia. He guese Pavilion in Expo’98 (Lisbon, 1998), the is the recipient of the Arnold W. Brunner Me- Municipal Library (Viana do Castelo, 2007), morial Prize in Architecture from the Amer- the Iberê Camargo Fundation (Porto Alegre, ican Academy of Arts and Le—ers, the Finn- 2008), the New Gate of the Alhambra (Grana- ish State Architecture Award, the Helsinki da, 2010), the Mimesis Museum (Paju Book, City Culture Award, the Fritz Schumacher 2011), the Shihlien Chemical Industrial Park Prize, the Russian Federation of Architec- (Jiangsu, 2014), and the Nadir Afonso Foun- ture Award, and the Jean Tschumi Prize for dation (Chaves, 2015). architectural criticism awarded by the Inter- He is a member of the American Acad- national Union of Architects. From 2008 to emy of Arts and Sciences and an Honorary 2014, he has served on the jury of the Pritzker Fellow of the Royal Institute of British Archi- Prize for Architecture. tects, the American Institute of Architects, He is an Honorary Fellow of the American the Académie d’Architecture de and Institute of Architects and an Honorary Mem- the European Academy of Sciences and Arts. ber of Royal Institute of British Architects.

CONFERENCE PROGRAMME 27 [KN»] Gonçalo Byrne (PT) He has published many books, includ- Gonçalo Byrne stud- ing L’Urbanització marginal (1999); Toledo ied architecture at the Es- y su futuro/ Toledo and its Future (2000); cola Superior de Belas Ar- Barcelona, Ciutat Vella: un pasado con fu- tes de Lisboa and is Doctor turo (2003); Bringing the Harvard Yards to Honoris Causa from the the River (2004); Six projects for Downtown’s Technical University of Den Haag (2004); Barcelona: the Urban Evo- Lisbon and the University of Alghero. He has lution of a Compact City (2005); New Orleans. been invited professor in several universities Strategies for a City in So§ Land (2005); A such as the University of Coimbra, the École Coruña: a nova ciudade marítima no porto/A Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne, the Coruña: a maritime city in the port (2006); Università IUAV di Venezia, the Accademia Cities X-Lines: A new lens for the urbanis- di Archite›ura di Mendrisio, the Katholieke tic project (2007); Cerdà and the Barcelona Universiteit Leuven, Harvard University, the of the future, Reality Versus Design (2009); Politecnico di Milano and the University of Maastricht Urban Surplus (2009); Shenzhen Alghero. Designing the non-stop transformation city He is principal at Gonçalo Byrne Arqui- (2010); Spoorzone Del§-Railway Zone Public tectos, with an extensive work both in terms Space Design (2010); Joan Busquets - City in of scale, program and context, including ur- layers - Erasmus prize 2011 (2011); Niewe cen- ban planning and building design, urban trum, Nesselande, Roterdam (2011); Dunkerke renewal and project management such as projet de réaménagent du centre-ville (2012); the renewal of the Banco de Portugal head- Innovative Boulevards in Lisbon (2013); World quarters (with João Pedro Falcão de Campos), Architecture Magazine n º 272 WA - Design- the renewal of the Thalia Theatre in Lisbon ing Urban Architecture: Joan Busquets+BAU/ (with Barbas Lopes Arquitectos), the renewal BLAU (2013); Barcelona: the Urban Evolution of the Machado de Castro National Museum of a Compact City (2014); and Toulouse - Iden- in Coimbra, the renewal of the Trancoso Cas- tité et partage du centre-ville (2014). tel and the renewal of the Santa Maria Abbey surroundings in Alcobaça. He has received an AICA/SEC Award, the [KN»] Josep Maria Gold Medal from France’s Académie d’archi- Montaner (ES) tecture Française, and the 2014 Piranesi Prix Josep Maria Mon- de Rome for the Machado de Castro renewal. taner graduated in archi- tecture and holds a PhD from the Escola Tècnica [KN»] Joan Busquets (ES) Superior d’Arquitectura Joan Busquets is an de Barcelona where he is a senior professor architect, urban planner of “Theory of Architecture”. From June 2015 and professor of urban he is a deputy on housing in the Barcelona planning and design at the Town Council. GSD, Harvard University He is the author of several books includ- since 2002 and previous- ing Después del movimiento moderno. Arqui- ly at the Escola Tècnica Superior d’Arqui- tectura de la segunda mitad del siglo XX (1993); tectura de Barcelona. He is the founder of Arquitectura y crítica (1999); Museos para el LUB Barcelona and was the head of urban siglo XXI (2003); Sistemas arquitectónicos planning for the Barcelona City Council in contemporâneos (2008); La modernidad su- the preparations for the Barcelona Olym- perada. Ensayos sobre arquitectura contem- pics. He is author of urban projects in The porânea (2011); Arquitectura y política (with Hague, Del¨, Geneva, Ro—erdam, Toledo, Lis- Zaida Muxí, 2011); and La arquitectura de la bon and Toulouse among others around the vivienda colectiva. Políticas y proyectos en la world like , Shanghai, Ningbo and ciudad contemporânea (2015). He is regular São Paulo. He was awarded with the Paris contributor to Spanish newspaper EL PAIS Grand Prix Spécial de l’Urbanisme and the and he writes for international reviews of Erasmus Prize. Architecture. Previously he was visiting

28 14TH INTERNATIONAL DOCOMOMO CONFERENCE · ADAPTIVE REUSE lecturer at the Architectural Association Prize (2012) for the Church of Santo Antó- School of Architecture in London and schol- nio in Portalegre; and the AIT Award 2012 ar at the Spanish Academy in Rome. He has - Transportation (2012) for the Carpinteira taught courses and given lectures in Europe, Footbridge. He has also won various awards America and Asia. In 2005 he was awarded for the ensemble of his oeuvre, such as: In- by the Spanish Government’s National Prize ternational Art Critics Award (1992), Order on Urbanism. of Merit of the Portuguese Republic (1999), Pessoa Prize (2008), Chevalier des Arts et des Le›res from the French Republic (2010), and [KNÀ] Rem Koolhaas (NE) the Medal of the Académie d’Architecture of Rem Koolhaas founded France (2012). OMA in 1975 together with He was assistant lecturer at the Lisbon Elia and Zoe Zenghelis and School of Fine Art (1977-1992), full professor at Madelon Vriesendorp. He the Universidade Autónoma de Lisboa (2001- graduated from the Ar- 2010) and the University of Évora (2005-2013). chitectural Association in He coordinated the departments of Architec- London and in 1978 published Delirious New ture in both institutions until 2010, and was York: A Retroactive Manifesto for Manhat- responsible for the creation of the Doctor- tan. In 1995, his book S,M,L,XL summarized ate in Architecture at the la—er institution, the work of OMA in “a novel about architec- which he also directed (2011-2013). He was ture”. He heads the work of both OMA and visiting professor at the Escuela Técnica Su- AMO, the research branch of OMA, operat- perior de Arquitectura of the Universidad de ing in areas beyond the realm of architec- Navarra (2005, 2007, 2010 and 2014) and at the ture such as media, politics, renewable en- College of Architecture, Art, and Planning of ergy and fashion. Koolhaas is a professor at Cornell University, in New York (2015). Since Harvard University where he conducts the 2014, he has been full professor at the School “Project on the City”. In 2014, he was the di- of Architecture, University of Lisbon. He rector of the 14th International Architecture has also been invited to seminars and con- Exhibition of the Bienale di Venezia, entitled ferences in various international universities “Fundamentals”. and institutions. In 2013, he received an Honorary Doctor- ate degree from the School of Architecture [KNÁ] João Luís Carrilho da of the University of Lisbon and in 2015 he Graça (PT) received the Royal Institute of British Ar- João Luís Carrilho da chitects International Fellowship and was Graça received a degree in made Honorary Member of the Association architecture from the Lisbon of Portuguese Architects. School of Fine Art in 1977, the year when he began his pro- fessional activity. [KNÁ] João Gomes da Silva He was nominated and selected for the (PT) Mies van der Rohe European Prize in Ar- João Gomes da Silva chitecture (1990, 1992, 1994, 1996, 2009, 2011, graduated in landscape-ar- 2013 and 2015), and has received a number chitecture from the Uni- of awards. These include: the Secil Prize for versidade de Évora in 1987 Architecture (1994) for the Lisbon School and lectured there as an of Communication and Media Studies; the assistant professor. He is a professor at Valmor Prize (1998) and the FAD Prize (1999) the Accademia di Archite›ura di Mendrisio for the Knowledge of the Seas Pavilion; the (USI) and at Architecture Department of the Valmor Prize (2008) for the Lisbon School of Universidade Autónoma de Lisboa. He was Music; the Piranesi Prix de Rome (2010) for visiting professor at GSD Harvard, last fall the Musealization of the archaeological site semester 2015. He has also been invited to of the Praça Nova at St. George’s Castle; the lecture in several other universities and has Frate-Sole International Sacred Architecture participated in conferences and workshops

CONFERENCE PROGRAMME 29 within the scope of landscape architecture 3rd in the competition for the Portuguese Pa- and landscape, both nationally and inter- vilion at the Seville World’s Fair (Expo ‘92), nationally. In 1997, he founded the Global and in 1998, he and the architect Márcio Luiz Landscape Architecture with Inês Norton, won the competition for the Algerian Pavil- creating a group that generates landscape ion at Expo ‘98 in Lisbon. theory and space, from the interpretation of the economic, social and contemporary cultural transformations. He has dedicat- ed his professional life, individually or in collaboration, to the critical production of landscape-architecture. His works have been distinguished with several awards including the Schinkel Prize in landscape architecture with Inês Norton [KNÅ] Lacaton & Vassal (FR) and João Mateus, the Portuguese Design Anne Lacaton graduated from l’École Na- Centre Prize for the public spaces of the tionale Supérieure d’Architecture de Bordeaux Expo’98 precinct, the Valmor Prize for the in 1980. She was a visiting professor at the Uni- Expo’98 project in co-authorship with the versity of Madrid, at the École Polytechnique architect Manuel Salgado, the FAD Award, Fédérale de Lausanne in 2004, 2006 and 2010-11, the International Stone Architecture Award and at the Graduate School of Design of Har- and the audience award in the 5th Landscape vard University in 2011 and 2015. Biennial for the Salinas Landscape project Jean Philippe Vassal also graduated from in Madeira, in co-authorship with the archi- l’École Nationale Supérieure d’Architecture tect Paulo David, the Red Dot – design Award, de Bordeaux in 1980. He worked as an urban the SEGD - Merit Award, the D&AD Award planner in Niger from 1980 to 1985. He has and the European Design Awards for the Cy- taught at the Universität der Künste Berlin cling Track - Belém_Cais do Sodré segment, in since 2012 and has been a visiting professor co-authorship with Atelier P06 and the Pira- at the Technische Universität Berlin from nesi Award for the project of the São Jorge 2007 to 2010 and at the École Polytechnique Castle, in co-authorship with the architect Fédérale de Lausanne in 2010/11. João Luís Carrilho da Graça. Based in Paris, the office Lacaton & Vas- sal has an international practice, working on various programs of public buildings, hous- [KNÁ] Rui Alexandre (PT) ing and urban planning such as the Contem- Rui Alexandre obtained porary Art Center in Dunkerque, the Palais a scholarship from Jackson- de Tokyo - Site for Contemporary Creation in ville State University (US) Paris, the Nantes School of Architecture, the in 1981 and studied architec- Latapie House in Bordeaux, the “Cité Mani- ture at the University of Lis- feste” in Mulhouse and the transformation bon, graduating in 1987. He of the modernist social housing Tour Bois le also earned a post-graduate degree in plan- Prêtre in Paris. Their projects are based on a ning at the NOVA University. Since 1991, he principle of generosity and economy, serving has been the head architectural and planning the life, the uses and the appropriation, with advisor for APL, the Administration of the the aim of changing the standard. Port of Lisbon. In 2010, he became president They were distinguished with several of the southern chapter of the Portuguese awards, such as the Rolf Schock Prize, the Order of Architects. Rui Alexandre has col- Grand Prix National d’Architecture, the In- laborated with the prominent architects ternational Fellowship of the RIBA and the Manuel Graça Dias (in 1987), Gunnel and Eric Prix de l’Equerre d’Argent. They were also Adlercreutz and Hasse Hãgerstrõm (A-Kon- appointed twice as finalists for the Mies van sultit, Arkkitehtitoimisto in 1987 and 1988), der Rohe Award. Their work was recently Fernando Sanchez Salvador and Margarida published in El Croquis, 177-178 (2015); AV, Ar- Grácio Nunes (in 1991), and João Santa-Rita quitectura Viva 170 (2014); 2G n° 60 (2012); A+U and José Daniel Santa-Rita (in 1991). He came n°498 (2007).

30 14TH INTERNATIONAL DOCOMOMO CONFERENCE · ADAPTIVE REUSE [KNÆ] Winfried Brenne (GE) Winfried Brenne gradu- ated in architecture from the University of Wuppertal and the Technische Universität Berlin. From 1976 to 1990 he worked together with Helge Pitz. In 1990 he founded the Winfried Brenne [KNÇ] Caruso St John (UK) Architekten office and in 2002 he founded Adam Caruso graduated in architecture the Brenne Architekten Gesellscha§ von Ar- from McGill University in Montreal. He chitekten mbH together with Franz Jaschke. worked for Florian Beigel and Arup Asso- His practice’s key projects include the recon- ciates before establishing his own practice struction, restoration and alterations of pre- with Peter St John in 1990. He taught at the cious monuments (UNESCO World Heritage University of North London from 1990-2000, Site, historic and public buildings), concep- and was professor at the University of Bath tual work, expert reports of solitaires/mon- from 2002-2005. He has been visiting profes- ument districts, sustainable and ecological sor at the Academy of Architecture in Men- construction. From 1990 to 1992 he taught at drisio, at the Graduate School of Design at TFH Berlin (the present Beuth University Harvard University, at the ETH Zurich, and of Applied Sciences). He was a member of on the Cities Programme at the London the Council for the Preservation of Historic School of Economics. In 2011 Adam Caruso Buildings and Monuments in Berlin (1996- was appointed professor of architecture and 1999), on the advisory board for the commit- construction at the ETH Zurich. tee for the reconstruction of the Bauhaus Peter St John began his architectural in Dessau (1995-1999), and chairman of the studies at the Bartle— School of Architec- Stiftung Denkmalschutz Heritage Foun- ture, University College London, complet- dation in Berlin (2000-2002). He has been a ing them at the Architectural Association in member of the ICOMOS German National 1984. He worked for Richard Rogers, Florian Commi—ee since 2000; of the Federal Foun- Beigel, Dixon Jones, and Arup Associates dation for Baukultur (the Potsdam-based prior to establishing his own practice with organization dedicated to the quality of the Adam Caruso. He taught at the University built environment) since 2005; and of the of North London from 1990-2000. He was a Berlin Academy of Arts since 2006. Brenne visiting professor at the Academy of Archi- was a founding member of docomomo Ger- tecture in Mendrisio, from 1999- many. 2001, and in the Department of Architecture In 2008 he received the WMF-Knoll-Mod- and Civil Engineering at the University of ernism-Prize from the World Monuments Bath from 2001-2004. In 2005 he was a vis- Fund for the rebuilding of the former Fed- iting critic at the Graduate School of Design eral School of ADGB, in Bernau, Germany. In at Harvard University. From 2007 to 2009 he 2014 he was awarded the Heinrich-Tessenow was a visiting professor at ETH in Zurich. Medaille in recognition of his life’s work. He He is currently an external examiner at the is an author, lecturer, and designer of exhi- Sco— Sutherland School of Architecture in bitions. His published works include Bruno Aberdeen and Cardiff School of Architecture, Taut: Master of Colourful Architecture in and is a visiting professor at London Metro- Berlin (2008). politan University.



If you are registered in the Conference, you must pick your accreditation card of identification at docomomo desk, on the Congress Center of the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation, the 6th September, before 15:00. The desk opens at 10:00. Entrance on the keynote lectures taking place at the Main Auditorium of the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation will only be allowed with tickets. You must pick up your tickets at docomomo desk, on the Congress Center of the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation, the 6th September, before 15:00. The desk opens at 10:00. Entrance on Auditorium 2, Auditorium 3, Room 1, Room 2, Room 3 and Room 4 will only be allowed with the accreditation card of identification.


The doors to the keynote lectures taking place at the Main Auditorium of the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation will close on time, according to the schedule, so please be so kind and take your seat at least 15 minutes before.

NO SMOKING is allowed inside the buildings. NO FOOD OR DRINK is allowed inside auditoriums and session rooms.


During the scheduled breaks, registered Conference a—endees have snacks and refreshments available outside the session rooms. Please keep any food or drinks limited to that space.


Lunch is included, for registered Conference a—endees, on the 7th, 8th and 9th of September.


docomomo publications will be available for purchase at the docomomo desk. Please note: CASH ONLY. No cheques, debit, or credit cards are accepted.


FCG free Wifi.




Subway · Take the Linha AZUL (blue line) from São Sebastião station (2 minutes walking from Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation) to Baixa-Chiado station and transfer to the Linha VERDE (green line) and get off at Cais do Sodré station. From there, take the train that goes towards Cascais, and get off at Alcântara-Mar. The Gare Marítima de Alcântara is a 4-minute walk south, towards the Rio Tejo. Bus · Cross Avenida de Berna and take bus #756 at the bus stop next to the pharmacy (Farmácia Berne) and get off at the Calvário stop. Gare Marítima de Alcântara is a 10-minute walk south, towards the Rio Tejo. Taxi · [+351] 218 111 100 · [+351] 218 119 000



docomomo International organises an international workshop, in the framework of the International docomomo Conference, dedicated to students, researchers and professionals worldwide. The case study is the Manutenção Militar Complex [Military Maintenance] (MMC). The MMC was an industrial facility that produced food, uniforms and other goods for the Portuguese Army. The first bakery was accommodated in a former Convent – Convento das Grilas – by the end of the 19th century. During the 20th century, due to the needs during the WWI and, in particular, during the Ultramar War (Portuguese Colonial War) in the 1960s, the complex was expanded. Whilst the Portuguese Army reached 200,000 men in the 1960s, it is now reduced to 20,000 active soldiers. This has led to a reduction of the investment in the factories to the point that they were found to be obsolete and that it would be more advantageous to outsource the supply of military food. Gradually the factories closed and Manutenção Militar was substituted by a public enterprise MM-Gestão Partilhada in 2015. The termination of the industrial production raised the problem of finding new sustainable uses for this area on the Tagus riverfront, between the Pombaline city harbour – Terreiro do Paço – and the contemporary Parque das Nações. This is a challenging task: any future solution needs to have a dialogue with this current industrial heritage, which is deeply connected with recent Portuguese history, as well as with the Lisbon riverside area and the contemporary city.


Alex Dill Nuno Brandão Costa     –  ()  –    ( ) Eui-Sung Yi Pedro Bandeira    ()  –    ( ) Gonçalo Canto Moniz Pedro Belo Ravara   –    ( )  –    ( ) Graça Correia Nuno Grande  –    ( )   –    ( ) Hielkje Zijlstra Pedro Sousa     ()  –    ( ) Ivo Oliveira Ricardo Bak Gordon  –    ( )  –    ( ) Job Roos Ruth Verde Zein     ()  ­     , „  () João Pedro Falcão de Campos Theodore Prudon  –    ( )       ,      () José Fernando Gonçalves   –    ( ) Wessel de Jonge     () Marieke Kuipers     () Wido Quist     () Michel Melenhorst   - , Wolfgang Jung     ()       ()



8:30-9:30 Accreditation 09:00-13:00 Work Group 09:00-13:00 MID Presentation 09:00-13:00 Work Group 09:00-13:00 Work Group Analysis 9:30-11:30 Opening Session

11:30-13:00 Guided Tour to MMC


13:30-14:30 LUNCH BREAK 13:30-14:30 LUNCH BREAK 13:30-14:30 LUNCH BREAK 13:30-14:30 LUNCH BREAK 13:30-14:30 LUNCH BREAK TÉCNICO, CANTEEN TÉCNICO, CANTEEN TÉCNICO, CANTEEN FREE LUNCH TÉCNICO, CANTEEN 14:30-15:00 Students and Tutors 14:00-16:45 Work Group 14:30-15:30 Lecture 14:30-15:30 Lecture 15:00-19:00 Final Presentation Groups Numbers Proposals Assignment Reuse of a Factory: Riverside Industrial Concepts and Methods Spaces Closing Session TÉCNICO, CIVIL ATRIUM Graça Correia [PT] Nuno Grande [PT] 15:00-16:45 Work Group


17:00-19:00 Movie with Discussion 17:00-19:00 Movie with Discussion 17:00-19:00 Movie with Discussion 16:00-… Work Group

After the Factory, 44m, Precise Poetry/ Haus Tugendhat 2012 [US] Lina Bo Bardi’s 112m, 2013 [GE] Dir: Philip Lauri Architecture 55min, 2014 [BR] Debate with Ivo Debate with Eui-Sung Yi Dir: Belinda Rukschcio Hammer [AT] [KR] and Nuno Brandão Costa [PT] Debate with Ruth Verde Zein [BR] and Ricardo Bak Gordon [PT]


19:00-… Work Group 19:00-… Work Group 19:00-… Work Group 20:00-23:00 Dinner



8:30-9:30 Accreditation 09:00-13:00 Work Group 09:00-13:00 MID Presentation 09:00-13:00 Work Group 09:00-13:00 Work Group Analysis 9:30-11:30 Opening Session

11:30-13:00 Guided Tour to MMC


13:30-14:30 LUNCH BREAK 13:30-14:30 LUNCH BREAK 13:30-14:30 LUNCH BREAK 13:30-14:30 LUNCH BREAK 13:30-14:30 LUNCH BREAK TÉCNICO, CANTEEN TÉCNICO, CANTEEN TÉCNICO, CANTEEN FREE LUNCH TÉCNICO, CANTEEN 14:30-15:00 Students and Tutors 14:00-16:45 Work Group 14:30-15:30 Lecture 14:30-15:30 Lecture 15:00-19:00 Final Presentation Groups Numbers Proposals Assignment Reuse of a Factory: Riverside Industrial Concepts and Methods Spaces Closing Session TÉCNICO, CIVIL ATRIUM Graça Correia [PT] Nuno Grande [PT] 15:00-16:45 Work Group


17:00-19:00 Movie with Discussion 17:00-19:00 Movie with Discussion 17:00-19:00 Movie with Discussion 16:00-… Work Group

After the Factory, 44m, Precise Poetry/ Haus Tugendhat 2012 [US] Lina Bo Bardi’s 112m, 2013 [GE] Dir: Philip Lauri Architecture 55min, 2014 [BR] Debate with Ivo Debate with Eui-Sung Yi Dir: Belinda Rukschcio Hammer [AT] [KR] and Nuno Brandão Costa [PT] Debate with Ruth Verde Zein [BR] and Ricardo Bak Gordon [PT]


19:00-… Work Group 19:00-… Work Group 19:00-… Work Group 20:00-23:00 Dinner



[T1] LX Contemporary 4 SEPTEMBER | 09:00 Π19:00

¦ªš§¢ João Belo Rodeia §œ—œ¬œ¬œ šŸ¡¢›Ÿ™¡šœŸ™£; §™ – ªŸš«¢›¤š¡¥ œž ׫œ›™; §™ – ªŸš«¢›¤š§™§¢ ™ª¡ÖŸœ¬™ §¢ £š¤®œ™

1. Thalia Theatre Rehabilitation project by Gonçalo Byrne, Diogo Seixas Lopes and Patrícia Barbas, »ËËÌ-»Ë´» 2. National Coach Museum Paulo Mendes da Rocha, Ricardo Bak Gordon, mmbb arquitectos, »ËËÌ-»Ë´Å 3. Documentation and Information Centre at the Belém Palace – Presidency of the Portuguese Republic João Luís Carrilho da Graça, »ËË» 4. Cultural Centre of Belém Vi—orio Grego—i and Manuel Salgado, ´ÍÌÌ-´ÍÍ» 5. EDP - Energias de Portugal - Headquarters Aires Mateus, »Ë´Å 6. Bank of Portugal Headquarters Rehabilitation by Gonçalo Byrne and João Pedro Falcão de Campos, »Ë´» 7. Assisted Pedestrian Path from Baixa to São Jorge Castle João Pedro Falcão de Campos, »ËËÍ-»Ë´À



¦ªš§¢ Bárbara Coutinho ¡×—Ÿš—œ – ªŸš«¢›¤š¡¥ œž £š¤®œŸ; ¬ª§¢ ¬ª¤¢ª¬

1. Técnico - Lisbon University PorÎrio Pardal Monteiro, ´Í»Ç-´ÍÀÇ 2. Casa da Moeda José Segurado, Espregueira Mendes and A. Queiroz de Sousa, ´ÍÀË-´ÍÁË 3. Estacas Neighborhood Ruy d’Athouguia and Formosinho Sanchez, ´ÍÅ´-´ÍÅÁ 4. Vá-Vá Housing Complex Filipe Figueiredo and José Segurado, ´ÍÅË-´ÍÅÀ 5. Portuguese National Library PorÎrio Pardal Monteiro, ´ÍÆÍ 6. National Laboratory for Civil Engineering PorÎrio Pardal Monteiro, Januário Godinho and João Andersen, ´ÍÅ» 7. Olivais Neighbourhood GEU_Guimarães Lobato, Sommer Ribeiro, Pedro Falcão e Cunha and others, ´ÍÅÅ José Rafael Botelho and Carlos Duarte, ´ÍÅÌ-´ÍÆ» 8. Rocha do Conde de Óbidos Maritime Station PorÎrio Pardal Monteiro, ´ÍÁÅ-´ÍÁÌ 9. Infante Santo Housing Buildings Alberto Pessoa, Hernâni Gandra and João Abel Manta, ´ÍÅ»-´ÍÅÅ 10. Águas Livres Housing Building Nuno Teotónio Pereira and Bartolomeu Costa Cabral, ´ÍÅ»-´ÍÅÆ 11. RITZ Hotel PorÎrio Pardal Monteiro, ´ÍÅ»-´ÍÅÍ 12. Diário de Notícias Building PorÎrio Pardal Monteiro, ´ÍÀÆ-´ÍÁË 13. Church of the Sacred Heart of Jesus Nuno Teotónio Pereira, Nuno Portas, V. Lobo and Nuno Figueiredo, ´ÍÆ»-´ÍÆÅ


Alberto Pessoa, Pedro Cid, Ruy Jervis d’Athouguia, António Viana Barreto, Gonçalo Ribeiro Telles, ´ÍÅÍ-´ÍÆÍ


T3 7 | 12:00Œ13:00 T4 7 | 14:00Œ15:00 T5 8 | 12:00Œ13:00 T6 8 | 14:00Œ15:00 T7 9 | 12:00Œ13:00

¦ªš§¢¤ Clara Vaz Keil Amaral Gustavo Takata Leandro Arez Manuel Alves de Campos Manuel Ramos Rita Amado ¡×—Ÿš—œ – ªŸš«¢›¤š¡¥ œž £š¤®œŸ


¦ªš§¢¤ Talkie Walkie Ana Neto Vieira, Matilde Seabra

10 September 1. Santa Maria da Feira Municipal Market Fernando Távora, ´ÍÅÀ-´ÍÅÍ 2. Quinta da Conceição Fernando Távora, ´ÍÅÆ-´ÍÆË 3. Piscina das Marés Álvaro Siza, ´ÍÆ´-´ÍÆÆ 4. Boa Nova Tea House Álvaro Siza, ´ÍÅÌ-´ÍÆÀ

11 September 5. Rosa Mota Pavilion José Carlos Loureiro, ´ÍÅ´-´ÍÅÆ 6. Costa Cabral Housing Building Viana de Lima, ´ÍÅÀ-´ÍÅÅ 7. Braga Municipal Stadium Eduardo Souto de Moura, »ËËË-»ËËÀ 8. Casa da Música OMA, ´ÍÍÍ-»ËËÅ

12 September

9. Parnaso Building José Carlos Loureiro e Luís Pádua Ramos, ´ÍÅÁ-´ÍÅÆ 10. Bouça Neighbourhood Álvaro Siza ´ÍÇÀ-´ÍÇÇ | »ËË´-»ËËÆ 11. “O Lar Familiar” Co-op Neighbourhood Mário Bonito, ´ÍÅË-´ÍÅÅ 12. Serralves Foundation José Marques da Silva, ´Í»Å-´ÍÁÀ and Álvaro Siza, ´ÍÍ´-´ÍÍÍ


The 14th International docomomo conference was made possible through the generous support of







The 14th International docomomo conference was made possible through the generous support of The 14th International docomomo conference was made possible through the generous support of







Pessoa, Cid and Athouguia, Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian, Filipe Figueiredo and José Segurado, Vá-Vá Housing Complex, Lisbon, Portugal, 1959-1969 © Arquivo da Fundação Calouste Lisbon, 1950-1953. © Arquivo Municipal de Lisboa: 41. Gulbenkian, Márcia Lessa: 11, 26. Porfírio Pardal Monteiro, Portuguese National Library, Lisbon, Josep Maria Montaner. © Fran Russo, 2014: 28. 1969. © Ana Tostões: 41.

João Luís Carrilho da Graça. © Augusto Brazio: 29. João Andersen, National Laboratory for Civil Engineering, Lisbon. © Arquivo de Arte da Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian: 41. Rui Alexandre. © Anabela Loureiro: 30. José Rafael Botelho and Carlos Duarte, Olivais Neighbourhood, Lacaton & Vassal. © Jacques Leroy: 30. South, 1958-1962. © Catarina Botelho, CC BY-SA 3.0: 41. Porfírio Pardal Monteiro, Gare Marítima de Alcântara, Lisbon, Alberto Pessoa, Hernâni Gandra and João Abel Manta, Infante 1943. © Administração do Porto de Lisboa: 33. Santo Housing Building, Lisbon, 1952-1955. © Arquivo Municipal Porfírio Pardal Monteiro, Gare Marítima de Alcântara, Lisbon, de Lisboa: 41. 1943. © Tiago Miranda, Docomomo International: 33. Nuno Teotónio Pereira and Bartolomeu Costa Cabral, Águas Manutenção Militar Complex, Lisbon. © Estúdio Mário Novais, Livres Housing Building, Lisbon, 1952-1955. © Ana Tostões: 41. Arquivo da Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian: 34-35. Nuno Teotónio Pereira and Nuno Portas, Church of the Sacred Gonçalo Byrne, Diogo Seixas Lopes and Patricia Barbas, Thalia Heart of Jesus, Lisbon, 1962-1965. © Miguel Roque: 41. Theatre, Lisbon, 2008-2012. © DMF: 39. Pessoa, Cid and Athouguia, Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian, Paulo Mendes da Rocha, National Coach Museum, Lisbon, Lisbon, Portugal, 1959-1969 © Arquivo da Fundação Calouste 2008-2015. © FG+SG: 39. Gulbenkian, Mário de Oliveira, 1969: 43.

João Luís Carrilho da Graça, Documentation and Information Fernando Távora, Santa Maria da Feira Municipal Market, Santa Centre at the Belém Palace – Presidence of Portuguese Maria da Feira, 1953-1959. © Ana Tostões: 45. Republic, Lisbon, 2002. © FG+SG: 39. Fernando Távora, Quinta da Conceição, Matosinhos, 1956-1960. Vittorio Gregotti and Manuel Salgado, Cultural Centre © Ana Tostões: 45. of Belém, Lisbon, 1988-1992. © Ana Tostões: 39. Álvaro Siza, Piscina das Marés, Matosinhos, 1961-1966. Aires Mateus, EDP Headquarters, Lisbon, 2015. © Câmara © FG+SG: 45. Municipal de Lisboa: 39. Álvaro Siza, Boa Nova Tea House, Matosinhos, 1958-1963. Gonçalo Byrne and João Pedro Falcão de Campos, © Arquivo Nacional de Fotografia: 45. Bank of Portugal Headquarters, Lisbon, 2012. José Carlos Loureiro, Rosa Mota Pavilion, Porto, 1951-1956 © José Manuel Rodrigues: 39. © Ana Tostões: 45. João Pedro Falcão de Campos, Assisted Pedestrian Path from Eduardo Souto de Moura, Braga Municipal Stadium, Braga, Baixa to São Jorge Castle, Lisbon, 2009-2013. © João Pedro 2000-2003. © FG+SG: 45. Falcão de Campos: 39. OMA, Casa da Música, Porto, 1999-2005. © António Amen, Porfírio Pardal Monteiro, Técnico - University of Lisbon, Lisbon, CC BY-SA 3.0: 45. 1927-1937. © Estúdio Mário Novais, Arquivo da Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian: 41. José Carlos Loureiro, Parnaso Building, Porto, 1955-1956. Ana Tostões: 45. Jorge Segurado, Espregueira Mendes and Adolfo Queiróz de Sousa, Casa da Moeda, Lisbon, 1930-1940. © Arquivo Municipal Álvaro Siza, Bouça Neighbourhood, Porto, 1975-1977. de Lisboa: 41. © FG+SG: 45.

Ruy d’Athouguia and Formosinho Sanches, Estacas José Marques da Silva, Casa de Serralves, Porto, 1925-1943. Neighborhood, Lisbon, 1951-1954. © Arquivo Municipal © José Manuel Espada: 45. de Lisboa: 41.