Bulletin 74. Report on Boundaries of Territorial Acquisitions
Twelfth Census of the United States. CENSUS BULLETIN. No. 74. WASHINGTON, D. C. July 20, 1901. REPORT ON BOUNDARIES OF TERRITORIAL ACQUISITIONS .. Hon. WILLIAM R. MERRIAM, have no official standing, but are entitled only to sucl1 Director of the Census. weight as is carried by the names of the individuals Sm: I have the honor to transmit herewith, for pub signing the report. Even so, there is no doubt that its lication as a census bulletin, the "Report of a Conference results have materially decreased the conflicts of official upon the Boundaries of the Successive Acquisitions of Ter authority in this field. The main conclusions of the con._ ritory by the United States." The conference was con ference, as detailed in the following pages, may be sum stituted of representatives of the Department of State, the marized as follows : Coast and Geodetic Survey, the Geological Survey, the 1. The region between the Mississippi "River and lakes Census Office, and the Ubrary of Congress. It was ap Maurepas and Pontchartrain to the west, and the Perdido pointed at the req nest of the Census Office, and as an River to the east, should not be assigned either to the advisory committee to that office on certain controverted Louisiana Purchase or to the Florida Purchase, but subjects. marked with a legend indicating that title to it between In the '' Statistical Atlas of the United States, Based 1803 and 1819 was in dispute. upon Results of the Eleventh Census," is a map (Plate I) 2. The line between the Mississippi River and the Lake giving the boundaries of the successive acquisitions of ter of the Woods, separating the territory of the United ritory by the United States, exclusive of Alaska.
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