Commencement 2020 CLASS OF 2020 CLASS OF

To Seek, Know, Live, and Proclaim the Truth Vision Statement

Southwest Christian High School exists to develop mature disciples of Jesus Christ who seek, know, live, and proclaim the Truth and glorify God through academic, artistic, and athletic excellence.

School Verse

“Do everything without complaining or arguing, so that you may become blameless and pure, children of God without fault in a crooked and depraved generation, in which you shine like stars in the universe as you hold fast the Word of life—in order that I may boast on the day of Christ that I did not run or labor for nothing.” Philippians 2:14-16

Commencement Speaker Annebet Pettit holds a BA in English from Furman University where she also studied Shakespeare with the Royal Shakespeare Company in England. She also holds an MEd in teaching from the University of Hawaii and has taught middle and high school English for 13 years. She and Tom have been married for 28 years, and she is mom to three Southwest Christian graduates: Jake ‘15, Sophie ’17, and Robby ‘20.

Graduation Honors & Apparel Honors recognition for graduates is based on cumulative grade point average (GPA) and semester credits earned. Honors recognition is given according to the following scale:

Summa Cum Laude 4.15 and above Magna Cum Laude 3.95—4.14 Cum Laude 3.65—3.94

2 Order of Service

Processional “Pomp and Circumstance” by Edward Elgar

Invocation Ms. Lily Schwen SALUTATORIAN

Welcome Mr. Dan Beckering HEAD OF SCHOOL

Worship Ms. Miriam Erickson & Mr. T.J. Strommen CLASS OF 2020

Polaris Award Mr. Dan Beckering HEAD OF SCHOOL

Salutatorian & Valedictorian Mr. Dan Beckering HEAD OF SCHOOL

Introduction of Speaker Mr. Robby Pettit VALEDICTORIAN

Commencement Address Mrs. Annebet Pettit ENGLISH FACULTY

Presentation of the Mr. Peter Flint Class of 2020 DEAN OF FACULTY

Conferring of Diplomas Mr. Dan Beckering HEAD OF SCHOOL

Special Music “The Road Home” by Stephen Paulus performed by the Chamber Singers

Prayer for Graduates Mr. Rob Wassenaar DEAN OF STUDENTS

Video Class of 2020

Benediction Mr. Roger Watchorn BOARD CHAIR

Recessional* Toccata - Fifth Symphony by Charles-Marie Widor

*Audience: Please stand at this portion of the program 3 Marissa Faith Agrimson John 14:27 University of Minnesota Nursing

Thank you to my dad who has always encouraged me to work my hardest, thank you to my mom who has taught me to do everything in love, and thank you to my sister who is a constant source of inspiration for me. A special thanks to all of my teachers and coaches who have invested so much time in me and helped shape me into the person I am today. I am so deeply appreciative of SWCHS and the incredible community that has surrounded me for the last four years.

Nathan Michael Amiot 2 Corinthians 12:9 Normandale Community College Undecided

I would like to thank my parents for all that they have done for me over these past four years.I want to thank all my friends for making high school a fun experience and for all the fun memories. I also want to thank the teachers for supporting us and always offering to help us out. And most importantly, I want to thank God for all the blessings he has given me and for all the great people he has put in my life.

Dalton Charles Atol Psalms 37:4 Undecided Undecided

Thank you to my parents for allowing me the opportunity to come here. Thank you to SWCHS for such an incredible community of students and teachers who show they care each and every day. Thank you for challenging me beyond just academics. Thank you for teaching me to be the best man I can be and challenging me to be the best version of myself each and every day.

Logan Dale Atol Exodus 14:14 Grand Canyon University Bachelor of Science in Entrepreneurial Studies

Thank you to my parents who have given me the opportunity to attend SWCHS and have a personal relationship with the teachers and God. Thank you to my friends that I have grown closer to and will walk with me through my faith journey.

Noah Joseph Beckjorden Proverbs 16:3 Ottawa University Financial Investor, Physician

I would like to thank my family and SWCHS for helping me when I needed support and guidance.

4 Mason Boyd Beise 1 Peter 1:8-9 University of Wisconsin Stout Digital Marketing and Technology

Thank you to my parents who have helped and encouraged me throughout high school. To my extended family for believing in me and supporting me in all that I did and all that I will do. To my teachers for answering my many questions. To my coaches, I don’t think I would have been able to achieve all that I accomplished without your help. To my teammates, you’ve made sports fun. Peter Frost, thanks for being a great mentor to me. I have learned a lot from the two years I’ve known you. I want to shout out to my friends; I couldn’t have done it without you all.

Joshua Michael Boen Ecclesiastes 8:15 Winona State University Nursing

Thank you to my parents who have loved me and raised me to be a man of God. I would like to thank my little sister for constantly pushing me to become better and be on time for school. I would like to thank the teachers at CHA and SWCHS for motivating me to pursue my career in science and for helping me to better myself. Finally, I would like to thank my friends who have stood by me through the good times and the bad.

Caden Joel Boike Romans 8:28 University of St. Thomas Business

Thank you to my parents who have done so much for me and provided all the opportunities for me to be successful. They push, support, and inspire me on a daily basis and are the greatest example of hard work. Also, I wanted to thank my teachers at SWCHS for supporting me and giving me a lasting education. They never fail to represent Jesus and have put me on a path for success after high school. I do not take them and their dedication for granted. Lastly, I wanted to thank my friends. They have been with me through thick and thin, while providing a lifetime of memories and laughs. I’m going to miss them like crazy, because the boys are the true heroes.

David Nicholas Brain Isaiah 41:10 University of Minnesota, Carlson School of Management Finance

I want to thank my parents for their never ending support and love not only throughout my four years at SWCHS but throughout my entire life. I would not be the person I am today without the loving challenges that I have always received from both of my parents. I also want to thank my two younger brothers, Jon and Luke, for always being my best friends. My last two years of high school have been even more fun having Jon here with me. Finally, I want to thank the faculty here at SWCHS for their commitment to me and their commitment to making me a better student every day I have been at SWCHS.

5 Jonah Paul Caldwell-Tautges Proverbs 18:15 Milwaukee School of Engineering Mechanical Engineering

Thank you to everyone who has supported me on my journey through high school. Thanks to my teachers for helping me learn, my friends for keeping things fun and most of all, thanks to my family for always being there when I needed you. You have all helped me remain driven towards success, and I hope to make you proud.

Annika Alice Cameron Job 37:14 Iowa State University Psychology, Doctorate Degree: Occupational Therapy

Thank you, Mom and Dad, for helping me with my academics, creating my wack sense of humor, loving me unconditionally, and always being willing to bring things to school when I forget them. I also want to thank my sisters, Kiera and Nora, for cracking jokes with me. You inspire me so much with how you love Christ! I want to thank my teachers for not only teaching us the curriculum but also going beyond that to teach us how the content applies to our lives and relationships with Christ. Finally, I would like to thank my friends for being the most epic friends I have ever had. You guys are so amazing and inspire me every single day!

Adam Michael Cavalieri Romans 8:28 North Dakota State University Business

I would like to thank my entire family. My aunts, uncles, grandpas, and grandmas. You have been very influential in my life, and I am very grateful for the role models in Christ that I have to follow. I would like to especially thank my mom and dad for always helping me through the difficult times and showing me the path that God wants me to take. I would also like to thank all the teachers at SWCHS. All of them are a true blessing. Finally, I would like to thank all my friends for all the crazy memories we have made over the years.

Nathan Jesse Chant James 1:2-4 Normandale Community College, then University of Minnesota Physical Therapy or Sports Medicine

I would like to thank my teachers and coaches for passing on their knowledge and wisdom to me, so I can move forward in life with those skills. I would like to thank my friends for making this four year experience meaningful, and I hope to remain close throughout these coming years in life. Lastly, I am beyond thankful for my parents, siblings, grandparents, and cousins for all supporting me through high school. They have helped me through thick and thin, and I am a better person because of the way they are an example to me. All of these people have been so influential by shaping me into a better man, and I am so grateful for them.

6 Mackenzie Anna Close Romans 12:2 Colorado Christian University Kinesiology and Exercise Science

Thank you to my parents for supporting me through my academic journey. The last four years have been a rollercoaster, but I think we made it out okay. Thank you for always taking me to and from school and volleyball as well as supporting me through it all. I am extremely grateful for you guys and all you have done for me. I love you, Mom and Dad!

Cullen Charles Coughlin Jeremiah 29:11 Grand Canyon University Marketing and Advertising

I want to say thank you to my peers for always accepting me and welcoming me back to the school with open arms. I want to thank Dan Beckering and Rob Wassenaar for giving me a second chance to graduate from this amazing school. Lastly, and most of all, my parents and all of my siblings. Thank you to my parents, especially, for raising me to who I have become today. Thank you to my siblings for all the support and love they have shown my entire high school experience.

Mason Edward Day 1 Corinthians 16:13 Grand Canyon University Sports Management

I would like to thank my parents and sister for helping me grow and become the person I am today. They have always been encouraging, pushing me to be my best self. I would also like to thank all of the friends I have met at SWCHS for making me a better person and friend. Lastly, I would like to thank all of my teachers who have helped me succeed in school and who have always cared about me academically and personally. My high school experience would not have been the same without any of you.

Avery Christine Dockter Numbers 6:24-26 University of Utah Psychology

I would like to thank my parents for providing me with endless support and for challenging me to push myself to be proud of both my academic performance and of the person I have become. I would also like to thank my sister, Shayne, for always being there for me no matter what. The friends I have made and connections I have fostered here at SWCHS will surely last a lifetime, and I am forever grateful for all of the amazing people in this community. Lastly, I would like to extend my thanks to the incredible teachers at SWCHS. Their passion for their subjects and their genuine care for each and every one of their students has allowed me to grow more than I ever thought possible in my four years here!

7 John Cole Drakulich Matthew 6:34 Fullsail University Game Design Engineering

Thank you to the staff of SWCHS for an amazing four years. Thank you to my family for supporting my education from the beginning. And to the rest of the seniors, I hope that whatever comes next for you is even better than high school was.

Dylan Sebastian DuMoulin James 1:2-4 Gustavus Adolphus College Occupational Therapy

Mom and Dad, thank you for always supporting and encouraging me throughout these four years at SWCHS. You guys have sacrificed so much to simply be there for me, and I appreciate all that you do. Thank you to Connor and Xander, for being great brothers to look up to. Thank you to my little sister, Lauren, for always lifting up my day with her constant energy, even when I don’t want her to. Also, I couldn’t have done it without the boys.

Daniel William Thomas Eischens Psalm 55:22 University of St. Thomas Mechanical Engineering

Thank you to my mom and dad for me supporting me through my schooling, choosing such a great school for me to go to, and helping me to do my best. Thank you to my friends for making our four years at SWCHS so much fun. Thank you, teachers, for helping me to obtain such a great education, form my faith, and help me apply it to my daily life. I would especially like to thank Mrs. Rengel. And most of all, I would like to thank our loving Father for giving me a good family, school, and so many good gifts.

John Xavier Engholm Philippians 3:14 University of Minnesota Duluth Graphic Design

Thank you to my parents for always pushing me to grow upright in the Lord. I truly appreciate the years of love and discipline you poured into me. Thank you to the teachers at Southwest Christian who took the time to care for me and taught me so much in the process. I am so grateful to all my friends, who have always been such a joy in my life. Lastly, I want to thank my d-group and d-group leader, Mr. Kettler, for always walking along beside me. We have grown so close, and you have always encouraged me to mature in my faith. Thank you, all, for the integral role you have had in my life and in my faith.

8 John-Lukas Elijah Erickson Matthew 6:33 Stock Market Trading / Real Estate Investing

I want to give a never-ending thanks to my mom and dad for the wonderful example that they both have been to me. They have taught me so much about God, life, and family. Also, thank you to my little brothers Justin and Jordan for being supportive and fun. Finally thank you SWCHS staff and faculty for having a genuine love for God, students, and teaching.

Miriam Amanda Erickson Proverbs 3:5-6 Trevecca Nazarene University Music and Music Business Thank you to my parents for loving me unconditionally, always believing in me, and teaching me what it means to be a follower of Christ. Thank you to my sister for always having my back. Thank you to my friends, mentors, and teachers for encouraging me and showing me the beauty of the little moments. Most of all, thank you to God, the one I could never begin to thank but to whom I owe my everything.

Callie Joy Ertel 2 Timothy 1:7 John Brown University Management/Marketing/Construction Management

I would like to thank my parents for supporting me and encouraging me in my endeavors throughout the years. The sacrifices you both have made for me have not gone unnoticed. To my sweet siblings for bringing excitement and joy into my life. To my grandparents for supporting and loving me so well throughout the years and setting such good examples for me to follow. Last, to the friends I have who have been with me throughout the years and have made memories I will always cherish.

Carter James Evans Psalm 37:23-24 Normandale Community College, & University of Minnesota Business

Thank you, Mom and Dad, for being there for me through high school and encouraging me to do my best. I appreciate all that you have done for me. I also want to thank all of the teachers at Southwest Christian for encouraging me to learn and grow as a person. I am thankful for these last four years and for all of the teachers, coaches, and friends that have impacted me and challenged me in my faith, friendships, and academics.

Andrew Mark Flanders Lamentations 3:22-23 Dunwoody College of Technology Construction Management I am so thankful for my parents, who supported and loved me. To my brothers and the lessons, they have instilled in me. Also, I want to thank the teachers whom I have had here SWCHS for the past four years who were always there for help and encouragement. I am blessed to have attended SWCHS and have great mentors along the way.

9 Enoch Benjamin Flint Ephesians 1:4-6 ROTC at Cedarville University Civil Engineering

Thanks, Mom and Dad, for teaching me so many life lessons. I have learned so much about responsibility and leadership. Love you guys! Thanks, Kate, for paving the way through college and being the first one. I’m super proud of what you’ve accomplished. Thanks, Ethan, for being a leader in our household, I really have learned a lot from you. Thanks, Ezra, for putting up with all the driveway basketball, pretty sure you’re going to be bigger than me. I also want to thank all the teachers and staff who have helped me on my journey and the next steps in my life. You have helped me figure about myself more and how to use my gifts.

Cecilia Mae Flores Joshua 1:9 Gap year

Thank you to my parents who have encouraged me to step outside my comfort zone and pushed me to do my best. Thank you to my brothers, Antonio and Juan Carlo, for bringing me an abundance of joy. Lastly, I would like to thank the SWCHS teachers and counselors for your support.

Sasha Y Gittsovich Philippians 3:13-14 Normandale Community College Nursing

Thank you to my parents who supported me and pushed me to improve in all aspects of my life. Also, thank you to my brother and sister who were there through thick and thin. Thank you to my friends who were there to bring joy into my life. Lastly, thank you to my teachers who helped me improve in many aspects and helped me find my calling.

Joseph Allen Haefliger Jeremiah 29:11 Gap year and then attend UW Milwaukee Psychology

I would like to thank all the friends that have helped me through my high school career. Their encouragement and help when I needed it has been profoundly helpful, and I would not be here without them. I would also like to thank my parents for constantly being supportive and willing to help me with whatever I need. I would lastly like to thank the teachers at SWCHS for helping me to adapt through all the changes and hardships that have come up throughout the years. Without their guidance, I could not have gotten this far.

10 Josephine Gillette Harris Proverbs 3:5-6 Bethel University Elementary Education, Spanish Minor

Thank you to my family, specifically Mom, Dad, and Tony, for your constant love and encouragement throughout my life. You all have made me smile, laugh, and find joy in others and Christ. I love you all so much! Thank you to my teachers and the leaders here at SWCHS who have taught me about academics, faith, wisdom. I am so grateful for the challenges, joy, and true friends SWCHS has brought to my life!

Tyren Oli Harris Jeremiah 33:3 Undecided Business

I want to thank my mom for everything she has sacrificed for me. She has really pushed to be a better human and a follower in Christ. I want to thank my family for always wanting the best for me and for always being there for me when I needed them. I want to thank my teachers for evolving me into a better student and preparing me for the next level. I want to thank my friends for just being there for me and lighting me up when it was needed. I want to thank Southwest Christian for accepting me here and giving me the opportunity to learn to grow in a Christian environment.

Lauren Elizabeth Hedman Psalm 100:1-5 Dordt University Environmental Studies

Thank you to all my SWCHS teachers for supporting me and teaching me. I appreciate all that you’ve done! Thank you to my parents for encouraging me and always being there for me. Thanks to my brother, Gerrit, for always knowing how to make me laugh. I love you, Mom, Dad, and Gerrit! Thank you to my friends for making high school more fun and for laughing with me and crying with me.

Jack Larson Hennen Psalm 118:1 Bemidji State University Business Administration

I would like to thank you my parents for supporting me over the last several years and helping to inspire me to grow and learn. Also for the teachers and coaches at SWCHS for the encouragement and motivation that they have given me to challenge myself over the last four years. Lastly, I want to thank my Grandpa Jack for his wisdom and passion that he bestowed upon me for hunting and fishing, and overall being a better person.

11 Emily Jo Hjelmberg Romans 5:3-5 University of Wisconsin-River Falls Marketing or Accounting

I want to thank my parents for guiding me throughout the years and living out their faith in word and deed. It is because of you two that I was able to grow through my time at SWCHS. I also wish to thank both of my brothers for never ceasing to cheer me up and make me laugh, as well as my friends for the time we spent together and being there for me throughout the past four years. Lastly, thanks to my teachers who helped build a strong foundation for my faith and prepared me for the years to come. I believe I am the person I am today because of the time I spent with all of you.

Isabelle Kaye Hoese Psalms 28:7 The World Race (Africa and Cambodia) Missions Work

Thank you to friends, teachers, and most of all, my family for the endless love and support I’ve been provided with for the last four years. A special thanks to my mom for lifting me up with positivity and encouragement in times that I needed it most. Thank you to my teachers who pushed me beyond my limit so that I was able to grow. The Lord has blessed me beyond measure with the opportunity to attend SWCHS; the time I’ve spent here is time I wouldn’t trade for the world.

Kathleen Grace Hoiriis Isaiah 43:1 St. Olaf College Undecided

Thank you to my parents who encourage me to do my best and be my best self. Thank you to my sisters, Megan and Caitlin, for encouraging me no matter what. I love you all to the moon and back. I also want to give a huge thank you to the incredible staff at Southwest Christian! Thank you for making my two years here so wonderful!

Laura Kathleen Horstman Isaiah 43:2 University of Wisconsin: Eau-Claire Kinesiology- Rehabilitation Science

I’d like to thank my parents for supporting and encouraging me these past years. You’ve been the best support system I could ask for. I’d also like to thank my friends, whose never-ending laughter and support I’m so grateful for. Lastly, I want to thank the SWCHS teachers for being a guiding hand throughout my years here, teaching me about academics, life, and faith.

12 Jadyn Maria Huseby 1 Thessalonians 2:12 Grand Canyon University Communications Thank you to my mom and dad who have continuously encouraged me to always do my best and aim high. They truly made me a harder worker. I couldn’t have accomplished what I have without them. I also want to thank my sister, Jessica, for showing me what it’s like to chase after your goals and to be a great role model in my life. Thank you to my older brother for always sticking by my side, and lastly, thank you, Southwest Christian, for never giving up on me and giving me all the support I could ever need.

Lauren Suzanne Johnson Ephesians 1:11 Normandale Community College, & University of St. Thomas Law Thank you to my parents who have encouraged, sacrificed, and pushed for me to do my best. I couldn’t have come this far without you, Dad, Amy, Mom, and Brian! Thank you to my sister, Hailee, and my younger siblings, Livvy, Will, Matthew and Gemma, for helping me to see the good in every situation, especially during times of trial. I love you all so much and am extremely grateful for each of you! I would like to thank the teachers at SWCHS and all of the friends that I have made along the way. You have helped so many people, myself included, to become better versions of ourselves than we would have thought possible. I know that these last two years will live out to be some of my very favorites due to the life lessons that I have learned and the friendships that have been made.

Lauren Talbot Jones James 1:2-4 Baylor University Business

Thank you to my parents for being my strongest supporters and encouragers. I appreciate all that you do for me to help me be my best. I’d like to thank my siblings for being superfans at all of my games and matches. Thank you, SWCHS faculty, for all the effort you put into creating a Christ-centered environment. I am grateful for all my teachers who pushed me to be my best academically and to live my life for Christ. Most importantly, I’d like to thank God for allowing trials during my years at SWCHS, because without those trials, I wouldn’t have a deep trust and peace in God’s will for my life. God has placed many remarkable people in my life, and I am thankful for each one of them.

Jeremiah John Konkel Jeremiah 29:11 Junior Hockey, Willmar Warhawks Biokinetics or Kinesiology

Thank you to my parents for all the love and support they have given me. From academics to athletics to the arts, they have supported me and pushed me to achieve my absolute best. Thank you to my brothers for supporting me and for making life at home never boring and always loud and competitive! I also would like to thank my coaches and teammates for helping me get better and for making high school hockey one of the best experiences of my life. Those boys and coaches truly are a second family for me. I want to thank the teachers and staff at SWCHS, especially my d-group leader, Mr. Wass, for investing so much time into me and my fellow classmates to mature us academically and spiritually. Lastly I would like to thank the boys for making high school a fun and memorable experience. 13 Elizabeth Jean Lagerstrom Luke 1:49 Creighton University Occupational Therapy

I want to thank my mom and dad for teaching me to be myself and take pride in what makes me special. Thank you to my older brother, Jack, for showing me laughter and being there for me throughout the years. I also want to thank my younger brother George who showed me how to be courageous and have joy even in the worst trials that we face in life. Thank you to all the teachers throughout the years that have taught me how to advocate for myself and be a successful student. Lastly, I want to thank my friends who have been a light in my life and have supported me academically, socially, and spiritually.

Madeleine Marie Lang Ecclesiastes 3:1 University of Northwestern-St. Paul Early Childhood Education

Thank you, Mom and Dad, for always encouraging me to do my best without putting unnecessary pressure on me. You have been there for me through thick and thin and I greatly appreciate your guidance and company. Thank you, to all my teachers for educating me in each of your own field of study. A special thanks to Mrs. Pettit who encouraged me greatly and helped me become the writer I am today. Also special thanks to Dr. Carlson who has helped me realize why I believe what I believe and the importance of paying attention, speaking the truth, and practicing virtue. Thanks again to all of you.

Claire Elise Larkin 2 Timothy 2:13 Colorado Christian University Criminal Justice Law and Practice, Minor in Biology

Thanking everyone is a tall task for such little space. Molly and Ellen, you have shown me the perfect balance of a kind heart and a strong-willed mind. Luke, you have modeled grace and loyalty by your calm demeanor; you have grabbed the title of “big brother” by the horns and always pushed me to be my best self. Mom, you have sacrificed so much to guide me within my interests: my coach to a confidant, you are all that I aspire to be. Dad, you have provided compassion and boundless patience by encouraging my questioning, and you steer my heart towards God with your conviction. To the SWCHS staff and my dearest friends, thank you for seeing the best in me. Over the past four years, you gave me clarity in times of confusion, friendship in moments of isolation, and laughter in instants of sadness - gifts I’ll carry with me to the next stage and beyond.

Jack Richard Lauerman Romans 8:28 Abilene Christian University Business

The first people I would like to thank are my parents for guiding me and being the best role models for me. I would also like to thank all of my siblings for all the fun times we have. Thank you to the boys for all the good times. I would also like to thank the teachers for caring about my academics and pushing me to do my best.

14 Madeleine Faith Lemkuil 2 Corinthians 4:16-18 Calvin College Nursing

Thank you, Mom and Dad, for being there for me and encouraging me in everything that I have done. Thank you for pushing me to grow into the best person that I could be and for setting an excellent example for me in everything that you do! Thank you, Paige and Claire, for being the best little sisters that I could ask for. You both have brought so much joy into my life and have made me laugh endlessly. I want to thank all of my teachers for pushing me and teaching me strong academics but also implementing God into every class. Thank you for showing me more of God’s character and thank you for providing me with the tools to grow my relationship with Christ throughout the rest of my life!

Heather Anne Long Psalm 23:3-4 Bethel University Undecided

Thank you to my mom and dad for encouraging me and helping me to manage my busy schedule. You made all the great experiences at SWCHS possible and reminded me to relax and not stress so much. Thank you to my sister, Amanda, for your compassion, support, and a great sense of humor. I love you! Also, thank you to my teachers for caring about me and growing me in every aspect of life. Lastly, thank you to my friends and peers for so many memories and for always supporting me through the fun times and the stressful times. Thank you all for a wonderful four years at SWCHS.

Linus Lu Colossians 1:10-12 University of Minnesota Engineering

Thank you to my parents who encouraged and supported me every step of the way. Thanks to my brother who has had the misfortune of putting up with me for sixteen years. And thanks to the teachers at Southwest Christian who have always been helpful and supportive in my educational journey.

Julia Grace McIntosh Philippians 4:6-7 University of Minnesota, Carlson School of Management Business Management

Thank you to my parents for their consistent encouragement, wisdom, and prayer that has blessed me throughout my life. You have demonstrated to me what it means to live a devoted, servant-hearted life. Thank you to my three sisters for being my best friends and for teaching me the value of laughter and adventure. Our fun memories have taught me to smile and enjoy life. I want to thank my teachers and mentors for investing in my academic and spiritual life and for challenging me to put my faith into action during the past four years. Lastly, I want to thank the SWCHS community for exemplifying what it means to be a people of God who stay faithful in all circumstances.

15 Josiah Clarence Merkle 2 Kings 22:2 Dordt University Mechanical/Electrical Engineering

Dad, thank you for always being willing to help me and keeping me grounded in both my faith and life. Mom, thank you for all the time you spent to homeschool me and for always encouraging me in everything I decided to pursue. Grandpa, thank you for always being interested in my life and for being an inspiration for me to look up to. Jeb, thank you for being a role model and teaching me so many things. Janine and Joellen, thank you for always being there and filling the quiet spaces so mom and dad don’t ask me to talk. ;)

Carter Thomas Nelson Romans 15:13 University of Wisconsin-Madison Finance

Thank you to my parents and my brother. You guys have supported and encouraged me, even in difficult circumstances. Your faith and love have meant so much to me. Thank you to my teachers for bringing clarity to my learning and pushing me outside my comfort zone. It was an honor to learn from people who have deep commitments to their faith.

Connor Mitchell Ness Luke 6:37 Joining the trade and national guard later in life

Thank you to my grandparents who afforded the opportunity for me to be educated at SWCHS. Thank you, Mr. Wassenaar, for being my d-group leader. It helped humanize the dean of students. And thanks to all the teachers of SWCHS for being understanding when I couldn’t get my assignments turned in on time, for helping my faith develop within Christianity, and for teaching us all important topics even though they weren’t always easy to understand.

Macayla Elizabeth Ortner Deuteronomy 31:6 Minnesota State University Moorhead Elementary Education

I want to thank my parents for all the love and support they have given me. From teaching how to ride my bike to learning how to apply for college scholarships, I have been so lucky to have you as my parents. I loved spending the summers learning about baking and learning about life. Secondly, I want to thank all my siblings for helping me remember to laugh and enjoy the little moments in life. To Ainsley and Savanna for teaching me what it’s like to be a sister. And for Corban for showing me the blessing it is to have a brother. And Zoey, you may be the youngest, but you are definitely a ray of sunshine and can brighten a room the fastest out of everyone I know.

16 Grace Marie Ose Philippians 4:13 University of Minnesota Elementary Education

I want to thank my parents for giving me the chance to go to SWCHS. Mom and Dad, thank you for always believing in me and for being my biggest fans. I want to thank my brothers for being my role models from afar. I can’t forget to thank my little sister for bringing me so much joy and for bringing out the crazy in me. You are the best friend I could ask for! Finally, I want to thank my teachers, coaches, and the amazing friends I have made. Thanks for helping me grow into a more mature follower of Jesus and for all the fun memories. I will always fondly remember my time here at SWCHS.

Dawn Marie Overstreet Jeremiah 29:11 University of Wisconsin River-Falls Biology - Biomedical Sciences

Thank you to my whole entire family for encouraging and always pushing me to do my best. I love you all! Another thank you to my teachers here at Southwest Christian. I would not be the person I am today without them. Thank you so much to my theater family! I could not imagine my four years at high school without theater! I greatly appreciate everyone who has come alongside me in my path of spiritual development throughout these past years.

Nicholas Joseph Paradise Philippians 4:13 The United States Air Force Undecided

Thank you to my parents for continuously supporting me all throughout high school. Thank you for always providing me with what I need to succeed. Thank you to my sisters, Madeline and Lauren, for always making me laugh. I would like to thank the teachers at SWCHS for helping me in my academics and showing me what it means to be a follower of Christ. I appreciate the encouragement and support you have given me during my four years at Southwest Christian. Shout out to the boys, for all of the great memories. Love you all. I greatly appreciate all the people who have encouraged me and blessed me with everything I need in order to succeed.

Morgan Montgomery Payne Psalm 119:50 Bethel University Biokinetics, Minor in Business

Thank you to my mom who took the role of both parents and still had time to raise me. I don’t know where I would be if I didn’t have amazing grandparents. Thank you for spending time with me. Thank you, Grandma, for giving me back rubs when I needed, and thank you, Grandpa, for providing a beautiful lake I could come out and play on and have an amazing time. Thank you, Dr. Benson and Mr. Keizer, for being my mentors and always pushing me to become better. Lastly, thank you to my sister for always being there to listen and help me grow into who I am today.

17 Sophia Mariela Pederson Psalm 139:14 Hennepin Technical College Paramedic

I want to thank my mom for supporting me through thick and thin. You have taught me what it’s like to be a strong person. I also want to thank my grandparents for being there for me and cheering me on. Both of you have helped me become the person I am today. Lastly, I want to thank my brother, Samuel. If it wasn’t for your basketball game, I wouldn’t even be here. Coming to SWCHS has been one of the best experiences of my life, so thank you, all, for giving me that opportunity. God has blessed us with our amazing family.

Thomas Robert Pettit Philippians 1:6 University of Minnesota, Carlson School of Management Finance and Management Information Systems

I want to thank my parents for supporting the things I am passionate about, not holding me to the things I am not passionate about, and always correcting me out of love. I will miss sitting at dinner and talking with you both, and I will especially miss seeing my mom every day in the halls. Thank you for investing your money in Christian education; it ended up being the most formative part of my faith journey. Thank you also to my grandparents for loving me so unconditionally, to my sister for being my favorite friend, and to my brother for being such a wise mentor.

Lauren Amilee Phillips Psalm 118:6 Liberty University Undecided

Thank you so much to my mom and dad for enabling me to go to SWCHS! I am so grateful for this opportunity that you’ve given me. I’d also like to thank my teachers who have put in the time and effort to teach me throughout my high school years. Thank you also to Mrs. O’Brien for being a great d-group leader!

Nasya Arielle Ramli Joshua 1:9 University of Wisconsin-Madison Kinesiology-Exercise and Movement Science

After four years at SWCHS, I am beyond grateful for the example my parents have been to me with how to be resilient in life and steadfast in faith. Also, I’d like to thank my siblings. My sister, Nadia, is always a positive light in my life, and I don’t know how my days would go without her. My brother, Nathan, has been in college, but whenever he comes home, he’s quick to pick up where we left off and always pushes me to be the best person I can be. Additionally, I’d like to thank the staff at SWCHS who have been a blessing from making my days go better to nurturing my relationship with God as well as growing me academically and as a person. Finally, I’d like to thank my friends who have shown me what it looks like to love others well, work passionately, and seek after God.

18 Elizabeth Nicole Schmidt Philippians 1:6 Liberty University Nursing

I want to thank my parents who have come alongside me as I make decisions and supported me in my academics. Also, I want to thank my older brother, who has been a role model for me. He has encouraged me to strive for both spiritual and personal growth, so thank you, Ben! I love you all so much and would not be the same person without you! Finally, I want to thank my teachers who have poured into me and have cared about my personal growth and success along with my academic success. I greatly appreciate the life lessons and wisdom I have learned and will take it with me as I enter the next phase of my life.

Nicholas Matthew Schneibel Micah 6:8 University of St. Thomas Finance and Business Law

I want to thank my parents for the time and effort they dedicated to me and my education over the last four years. While it has been a journey, I’m grateful for their presence and guidance in my life as I’ve grown into the person I am today. Mom and Dad, I’m appreciative of the blessings you’ve both been in my life. I’m thankful to have called SWCHS my home; its impact on my life is indelible. Thank you to all the teachers who make this possible each and every day, especially to those who took the time to invest in me as an individual. While it is difficult to see some of these most impactful individuals and this community go, I’m excited to see what the next chapter holds and watch as my experience at SWCHS continues to shape me in the future.

Noah Robert Schultz Romans 12:21 Winona State University Composite Materials Engineering

I feel so honored and blessed to be where I am today because of all the people who have supported me along the way. While my teachers have taught me a lot, I would like to thank my parents for teaching me respect and discipline as well as instilling in me a strong work ethic. Grandma and Grandpa, thank you for teaching me to value the simple things in life. Thank you to my siblings, Stefan and Olivia, for the times we’ve shared. You’ve had an impact on me. The education I have received over these last four years has been invaluable to me and I greatly appreciate everyone’s care and support along the way.

Olivia Grace Schultz Isaiah 41:10 University of Minnesota Rochester Sonography

Thank you to my parents who have pushed me to become who I am and have given me endless support throughout these years. I could not have done this without you. Also, thank you to my d-group leader, Mrs. Haugen. You have encouraged me to get outside of my comfort zone and focus my attention on serving others. Lastly, thank you to the teachers at SWCHS. You have challenged me in my academics and faith and have taught me lessons I will keep with me for a lifetime.

19 Lily Anne Schwen Psalms:62:5-6 Wheaton College Applied Health Science

Thank you to my parents for your constant love and support. I am so grateful for everything you have done for me. Lauren, thank you for being a great sister, role model, and friend. Luke, thank you for being such a fun and caring brother. Thank you to my d-group leader, Mrs. Ocenasek, for your love, wisdom, and godly example. Thank you to all of the teachers and coaches I have had at Southwest Christian. I am so blessed to have learned from you for the past four years. Your support, encouragement, and wisdom have greatly impacted me.

Jack Norman Skaret Galatians 3:27-28 University of Northwestern-St. Paul Criminal Justice/Law Enforcement

Thank you to my dad and mom for the support when I needed it. Thank you, Anna, for always being someone I could talk to and for the fun car rides each morning. Thank you, Adam and Julia, for providing the laughs and enjoyment when I came home every day. Finally to my friends, thank you for creating the most unforgettable memories of my high school career.

Owen Forrest Sommerness Romans 8:28 University of Minnesota, Carlson School of Management Business Administration

I want to thank my parents who have always stood by me. Both of you have taught me so well how to live a life full of love for others and passion for God. I would not be the man I am today if it wasn’t for your impact on my life. I also want to thank my brother, Aidan, who has always been my rock and the person who I look up to the most. Thank you to my sisters as well for always loving and encouraging me. I love you all so much. Lastly, I want to thank my teachers and my coaches throughout my three years at Southwest Christian. Thank you all for your support and love. I couldn’t have asked for a better high school experience!

Elise Marie Stapleton Philippians 4:13 University of Central Florida Entertainment Management

I would like to thank my parents and my brother for encouraging me and for always making me smile. I would also like to thank the teachers at SWCHS for being so admirable and motivating. I am especially grateful for Mr. Mealey for being a great teacher and a fun theater director. I know that I will think back on my time at SWCHS fondly!

20 Thomas James Strommen Romans 14:8 Belmont University Music Business

There are so many people in my life that deserve credit for bringing me to where I am. First, the Father, for creating me and giving me gifts while still loving me every time I turn away or fall short. The Spirit, for guiding me through the pains and difficulties of life while providing me with peace and empowering me with the love of Jesus. And the Son, for dying for me and setting an example when it comes to treating others and living with grace. I want to bring attention to certain people that have brought me joy, encouragement, and strength. I want to show my appreciation to my father for mentoring, teaching, loving, and providing for me from my birth till his last days. Thanks to my mother who loves me, picks me up and comes aside me when I am down, and shows me how to be strong and glorify God through adversity. I want to show gratitude to the rest of my family along with my friends for coming to my shows and matches as well as encouraging and being available to me in moments of sadness and discouragement. Thank you to all of the teachers who have dedicated themselves to learning about me while still managing to teach about God and His wonderful creation. You have all opened my eyes to so much knowledge and interests that have helped form what it is I do today and in the future.

Ava Marie Thiewes Isaiah 43:1-3 Crown College Business Administratiuon

Thank you, Mom and Dad, for constantly being there for me and supporting me through everything I do. Your love and encouragement impact me in many ways, and I couldn’t have done this without you. I would like to thank my sister, Lucy, for all of the laughs and crazy car rides. You are such a blessing to me, and I am glad we were able to spend one year of high school together. Lastly, I’d love to thank my friends and teachers at SWCHS for always being there for me. I had some pretty tough trials, and you stayed with me through it all. Thank you for pushing me to be a better person and a stronger follower of Christ. Coming to Southwest Christian was one of the best choices I made for myself. I love you all!

Robert Leonel Turnquist 2 Corinthians 5:7 Gap Year in Guatemala Radiology

I would like to thank the staff at Southwest Christian for being very great teachers, wanting to teach us life skills and other information that will make us successful in our own lifes. Secondly, I want to thank my family. Mom and Dad, you pushed me to become the man that I am today, and I can’t thank you enough for that. Sis, thanks for being the best friend that I could ask for. Finally, my classmates, you guys are amazing each and everyone one of you. We finally did it! We are finally done with our adventure in high school, and now we get to go on our next chapter of life.

21 Christian Michael Veninga Jeremiah 29:11 Drake University Marketing

First and foremost, thank you to my family for everything they have done for me over the past 18 years. They have done nothing but love, care for, and support me, and I can’t thank them enough for it all. I love you guys so much! I would also like to thank the faculty at SWCHS for providing me with an excellent education as well as a great support system. Lastly, I would like to thank the rest of the class of 2020; they have been a lot of fun to be with the past four years; I wish them all the best as they go out into the rest of their lives, and I hope to see them all soon.

Makenna Leigh Vick 2 Corinthians 4:8-9 Baylor University International Business & Spanish

Thank you to my family for everything. Mom and Dad, thank you for teaching me and praying for me. Your commitment to parenting hasn’t gone unnoticed, and I’m so thankful for you. Caleb, Evan, and Brady, I love you three so much, and I’m so proud to call you my brothers! You are the best boys I know. Thank you to my teachers for teaching me to love learning and to think about different perspectives. Thanks for investing in us. And to my class, thanks for all the memories, and thank you for showing me how to love, to be thankful, and to follow the Lord.

Benjamin Israel Vogelsang Psalm 37:23-24 Normandale Community College Nursing

The little time I had to spend at Southwest Christian was the most influential time of my high school career. I have grown as not only a person but a follower of Christ thanks to the loving staff here. Thank you to all the staff for caring for me, my parents for encouraging me, and Mr. Wipf for taking me under his wing. I cannot express how thankful I am and how invaluable this experience has been.

Michael Travis Walmer Ruth 1:16 Wheaton College Business or Biology

Thank you to my parents who have supported and cared for me all of these years leading up to college. I am always thankful for Brock who has the energy and positivity to turn my day around. I am also very thankful for Lauren who has constantly been joyful and kind throughout these past few years. I love all of you so dearly. Finally, I would like to thank the teachers and coaches of SWCHS for pushing me academically, physically, and mentally. Words cannot describe how much I am thankful for all of you.

22 Ty Christian Watchorn Proverbs 3:5-6 University of Minnesota, Carlson School of Management International Business / Finance

Thanks, Mom and Dad, for not letting me slack off too much and keeping me focused. Thanks, Brendon, Ken, and Carly, for keeping life interesting and keeping family standards high. Also thanks to Treyveon for still being the best little brother I could ask for. Also, thanks to all my teachers and coaches, especially tp Mr. Berka, my d-group leader and mentor, for always checking in on me.

Annika Elizabeth Weiss 1 Peter 5:7 Grand Canyon University Forensic Psychology

Thank you to my loving friends and family who have helped me through everything. I thank you for all that you have given me and blessed me with. I thank my parents for looking out for me. I thank my older brother, Spencer, for always being there for me. Finally, I want to thank the teachers that have seen my potential and supported me throughout my high school experience. I could not have done it without you all in my life.

Katherine May Woodward Proverbs 31:26 University of Minnesota Retail Merchandising

Thank you to my parents for encouraging me and helping me so much with the college process. Also, thank you to the teachers I have had throughout high school for genuinely caring about my success and always helping me outside of class when I needed it (which I know was a lot). I also wanted to thank the mentors I have had here who have made a huge impact on me and my faith.

Michael Kenyon Woodward 2 Corinthians 5:7 University of Wisconsin-Madison Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences

Thank you to my parents for always believing in me and pushing me to do my very best. I would also like to thank the teachers at SWCHS for providing me with an excellent education. Lastly, I would like to thank my siblings for always being there for me. You guys are the best!

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