www.morehouse.edu/themaroontiger Vol. LXXXII, Issue 24 THE MARRON TIGER Morehouse College . Atlanta, GA April 23 - 29, 2008 The Organ of Student Expression Since 1925 Politics as Usual 'Underdog' Mance Wins SGA Presidency; Jonathan Collins Contributing Writer Elected with 54% of the Vote
[email protected] pparently Barack Obama started a rev olution. Almost every political plat Aform in the 2008 Morehouse College polit ical elections was based around "change." The question I asked myself is, "When will the need for change end?" It's difficult to comprehend how multiple candidates can preach how a new change is in order on an annual basis. Either their predecessors have not met adequate standards; these new political headliners have such inno vative ideas or its all politics as usual. Although extensive research has not been done, it is pretty certain that student elections have gone on for years. Many changes have been implemented through the election of student officials, but there is only so much change that can occur over a period of time. The problem with many of these "change" platforms is that they under mine the work of the antecedents. Barack Obama never debilitates the works of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. in his campaign. So, why does a man have to cripple the accom plishments-or lack of-of the man holding the office before him by emphasizing how much "change" he will implement? I guess one must do whatever it takes to become a class officer these days. The interesting thing about these elec tions is how it allows for so many different words to say the same thing.