www.morehouse.edu/themaroontiger Vol. LXXXII, Issue 24 THE MARRON TIGER Morehouse College . Atlanta, GA April 23 - 29, 2008 The Organ of Student Expression Since 1925 Politics as Usual 'Underdog' Mance Wins SGA Presidency;

Jonathan Collins Contributing Writer Elected with 54% of the Vote [email protected]

pparently Barack Obama started a rev­ olution. Almost every political plat­ Aform in the 2008 Morehouse College polit­ ical elections was based around "change." The question I asked myself is, "When will the need for change end?" It's difficult to comprehend how multiple candidates can preach how a new change is in order on an annual basis. Either their predecessors have not met adequate standards; these new political headliners have such inno­ vative ideas or its all politics as usual. Although extensive research has not been done, it is pretty certain that student elections have gone on for years. Many changes have been implemented through the election of student officials, but there is only so much change that can occur over a period of time. The problem with many of these "change" platforms is that they under­ mine the work of the antecedents. Barack Obama never debilitates the works of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. in his campaign. So, why does a man have to cripple the accom­ plishments-or lack of-of the man holding the office before him by emphasizing how much "change" he will implement? I guess one must do whatever it takes to become a class officer these days. The interesting thing about these elec­ tions is how it allows for so many different words to say the same thing. The word Pen vs. Pump "change" becomes an addiction for the Images: Carl Ringgold Michael Fields vocal chords, but everyone has a different President-Elect Chad Mance is surrounded by supporters just after recieving the election results. His perforMANCE paid off. Contributing Writer way of using it. Everyone has his new, in­ Mgfi! 3 Gaol. com novative way of administering it. Howev­ Edward Mitchell Thomas, who received 47% of the initial views for his oratorical skills. Ain't never had height er, most of these plans have already been Director of Operations vote, and Geoff McHenry, who had 18% of His campaign also posted a series of But boy I got heart Emitchell!986@gmail. com implemented, failed, or put on someone the vote. The run-off votes for these races popular videos on YouTube known as Still wanted something else's platform for them to try. Neverthe­ hose who expected only name recog­ and the junior class presidential race were "SGA with Chad" commercials. The short With the brains blowout less, this "change" will occur. If not on the nition or organizational strength to de­ scheduled for Wednseday, April 22nd. segments were modeled after the well- So boy I got smart campus, it will be sure to occur on a re­ Tcide this year's SGA presidential election SGA President-elect Mance ran a large­ known Apple commercials that feature a sume. were in for a surprise, as the student body ly outsider campaign, criticizing the SGA young, casually clothed man and an up­ Wasn't my game Instead of these future politicians of elected junior Chad Mance in an upset for its traditional practices. tight, bespectacled man in a suit as repre­ To claim my fame the world standing on their soap-boxes victory. Mance received 54% of the vote Senior Matthew Pigatt, who unsuc­ sentative of the smooth-running Mac and On the court like melo and preaching their gospel according compared to 23% for sophomore Mark cessfully ran for president as an outsider the dysfunctional PC. Anthony Green and 23% for junior Marcus candidate last year, said that Mance was In the videos, Mance represented "SGA Instead, I chose to pick up this pen “Politics as Usual’’ continued on page 5 ► Daniels. this year's underdog. "The truth speaker with Chad" while another Morehouse stu­ To tell how now and again "The student body finally got it right!" is usually the underdog. Mance's victory dent represented "SGA without Chad."The Our men Morehouse Chooses said visibly joyful SGA senator Tyrone Mc­ symbolizes a growing consciousness on latter constantly referred to his lack of cre­ Become Ghetto Othellos Gowan just after Elections Committee this campus that is tired of politricks [po­ ativity, his corrupt activities and his lack of And our women New Miss Maroon & Chairman Mike Nance announced the litical tricks]..." care for the interests of the student body. Done and strung up winner at Kilgore Student Center. Mance had previously commented, By the time the election occurred on Like toys by gapetto White and Her Court The presidential race ended without a "Students are discontent with candidates Monday, one of those campaign videos run-off because Mance managed to snag concerned with private interest and face had been viewed over a thousand times. Now all the "real" boys Randol Davis more than fifty percent of the initial vote, time. This year we're taking advocacy With his inauguration set to occur in a Have to play with hard rocks Staff Writer as did junior Jared Green, who won the back." few weeks, the outgoing junior class vice And tote heavy metal RandoiDavis@gmail. com SGA vice presidency with 67% support. Known for introducing one of the Can­ president will soon turn his attention to­ The race for treasurer was sent to a dle in the Dark award recipients this year, ward making plans for next year. So for them run-off election between Brandon Doug­ Mance turned in what audience members "We will develop innovative, practical I make these lines lass and Desmond Diggs, as was considered a strong debate performance and all-inclusive SGA," Mance said of his For them to get high class presidential race between S.M. Ridley on April 16th and received positive re ‘His^etJorMANC^Pay^fP^onCt^t^ag^^P Like that coke in the kettle

To show them How to get far On this road of life Without having to petal...

But first I had To show them our roots So they would know Not settle

And how the pen Can be, indeed More powerful than the metal

The men of Cyberdog Productions. Clock­ wise from left, Matthew Williamson, Brandon Images: Edward Mitchell Vlarshall-Todd, Donovan Cosby, and Gregory Left: President-Elect Chad Mance greets one of his challengers, Mark Anthony Green. Right: Mance and his supporter, Matthew Pigatt. .yons.To read more, turn to page 4. “New Miss Maroon ” on page 4 ►

The Inside Track CONTENTS News Features Opinions Sports Saving Grady News 4 Black Collegiate Think Tank Makings of a Man? Track Team Wins SI AC Conies to Morehouse Championship ...Again Features 5 Last weekend, black students from col­ For years Grady Memorial Hospital has In his final editorial as an undergraduate, If Morehouse's internet and hot water Opinions 6 leges and universities across the country provided medical care for countless low- Opinions Editor Anthony Harris reflects on were as consistent as the Maroon Tiger Arts, Etc. 7 convened at Morehouse for a "meeting of income Atlantans. But due to the mis­ his school days and ponders whether or Track & Field team, the world would be a 8 the minds." Turn to News to learn more management of money, the hospital is not Morehouse actually had anything to better place. After scoring a team total of Sports about whether the conference soared or struggling to stay open. Contributing do with his becoming a Morehouse "Man." 216 points, the Tigers clinched the SIAC tanked. Writer Christian Bryant details Grady's For Harris'grande finale, turn to Opinions. Championship for the third year in a row. problems in Features. Ethan J. Brisby gives the rundown. Page 4 Page 5 Page 6 Page 8

Recycle The Maroon Tiger April 23 - 29, 2008 The Maroon Tiger -2- Mews

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W Recycle The Maroon Tiger All Images: N. Chase Gowens The Maroon Tiger April 23 - 29, 2008 News

ip HXi ; THE MAROON TIGER Qu||Ä)ns 830 Westview Drive, SW Box 40 Atlanta, GA 30314 Ed Bradley Vol. LXXXI1, No. 21 -8 [email protected] 15. ) Was the pageant confirmation that things Brandon E. Lawrence, ‘09 Correction: In last week's paper, the "20 Ques­ aren't so DevaSTating anymore? Editor- n-Chief Gowens, tions" Elves made a mistake. Last week's #19 16. ) Even still, isn't their number 12 tight? Travers Johnson,‘08 Nicholas ‘08 Managing Editor Chief Layout Editor should read, "Why does the SGA have a 60% DIS­ 17. ) How about that happy juice? Krista DeSouza, TO APPROVAL rating?" Now, on to this week's mess. 18. ) Don't you realize that the more you suck up Interim Chief Copy Editor 1. ) Did you really think we weren't going to catch to us about it, the less likely you are to make the that mistake? "Men of the Year" issue? Xavier Ifill, ‘10 2. ) How can the MAN be SUPER if his approval 19. ) Do you realize that one of his campaign slo­ NEWS Production Manager LAYOUT rating is only 38.2 %? gans came straight from "20 Questions?" HASSAN KANU ‘09, Editor TYREN C. HOLMES, ‘ 10, 4*,™« Editor CHAD SANDERS ‘ 1 0, Associale Editor SPORTS KODY MELANCON ‘09, Associale Editor 3. ) How about this: Superman is to Mance, what 20. ) Nevertheless, wasn't his victory glorious? JACOBI EAVES, ‘09, Editor Bush is to Obama? BONUS: ARTS, ETC. LAUREN HARPER, SC, ‘ 10, ¿«orí,»« Editor VINNET BRADSHAW ‘09, Ans. Etc. Editor ADVERTISING 4. ) To be clear: Would Obama have a chance if 21. ) English majors: Isn't Dr. Behrman the BEST! JAMAL HANSBERRY ‘09, Associale Editor GLEN A. EASLEY, '09, ,1íí Manager LAKESHIA FORD, SC, ‘10, Ad Manager Bush hadn't screwed up royally? 22. ) How does it feel to get the position by de­ FEATURES WEBMASTER MICHELLE D. ANDERSON, SC, ‘10, Features Editor 5. ) Better yet, did Superman DIGG a hole that was fault? MARSHALL GILSON, ‘09 too deep for even a monkey to climb out of? 23. ) Aren't you glad no one else ran/applied? DISTRIBUTION DEARYES WHITE, ‘08 BRITTNEY DAIGLE, SC, 410, Distribution Manager PUBLIC RELATIONS 6. ) Isn't it apparent now that nobody really likes 24. ) Aren't you going to miss Kera and Court? OPINIONS ANTONE RYAN, SC, ‘10, Director CANDACE WHEELER, SC, ‘10, Asst. Director Mountain Dew? 25. ) Why are there so many "20 Questions" wan­ ANTHONY HARRIS, ‘08, Opinions Editor 7. ) Why wasn't I informed about the secret society nabes on Facebook? ALEXANDER BROWN , ‘08, ONLINE PRODUCTION DONOVAN RAMSEY, ‘09, Cartoonist KARA WALKER convention last weekend? (See BCTT pic). 26. ) Facebook Chat? Why, Why, WHY? PHOTOGRAPHY WINN WALKER HANA CHELIKOWSKI 8. ) I mean, you couldn't let a brotha know that you 27. ) He came at others for using rhetoric, but MARK WILLIAMS, ‘09, Photography Editor ANTOINE LACKLAND II, ‘08, Associate Editor ADVISORS were making the pilgrimage back to the House? wasn't his perforMANCE full of it? OPERATIONS RON THOMAS 9. ) Speaking of that, did you see the godfather 28. ) Isn't Mrs. Harvey GORGEOUS? SAM ELLISON EDWARD MITCHELL, ‘09, Director DR. KEVIN ROME, SR. and his SONS at Apache last weekend? 29. ) Wasn't it awkward to see them in a "Black in 10. ) MMW'O7-'O8 or MMW'O8-'O9? America" t-shirt? 11. ) Come on, is that even a question? 30. ) Did your respect for T.l. plummet even fur­ 12. ) Wasn't that ICE skating amazing? ther after his visit? 13. ) Don't you think the results would have been 31. ) Seniors: Hasn't it been fun? different if the AKArmy had been able to vote? 32. ) A trial version? For real? His PerforMANCE Paid Off 14. ) Will the entire court be PRETTY by the end of 33. ) Doesn't it drive you crazy that you'll never ◄ Continued from front page next year? know who writes this? (We know it does). plans in a previously unpublished can­ didate statement to The Maroon Tiger. "Next year we will ensure students know who their elected officials are by posting profiles in the cafeteria and on a fully func­ tional SGA website. We will ensure the SGA addresses student needs when we engage in a monthly walk through for our campus life report." Mance also wrote that he plans to "en­ sure the academic experience of students Image: Edward Mitchell is addressed when we develop a branch of Mance addresses supporters after hearing the election results. government that addresses student griev­ ances with teachers, improves the learning the SGA budget, and engage in more of material, increases tutorial opportuni­ community service ventures. ties and improves Morehouse retention." The SGA president-elect concluded He also said that he wants to hold pre­ his thoughts by writing, "We will create an game shows with special seating for cam­ SGA that addresses all student needs in pus organizations, publicize and increase the classroom and outside of it."

Race Continues After Clinton Wins Pennsylvania

lead in the popular vote and delegate dward itchell E M count, but the race will now continue to Director of Operations Emitchell1986@gmail. com the Indiana and North Carolina primaries in the next two weeks. enator Hillary Clinton pulled off a Polls show Obama with a sizeable lead much-needed victory in Pennsylva­ in North Carolina while he and Clinton are Snia on Tuesday night, narrowly defeatinglocked in a tight battle for the state of In­ Democratic frontrunner Barack Obama. diana. Senator Obama still maintains a sizable Recycle The Maroon Tiger News New Miss Maroon & White Black Collegiate Think

Randol Davis Tank Comes to Campus Staff Writer RandolDavis@gmail. com

t was a notable day as Morehouse stu­ dents packed King Chapel to cast their Ivotes for the new Miss Maroon and White. Seven contestants participated in the pag­ eant, but only three were chosen to repre­ sent the college as Miss Maroon and White and her Court for the 2008-2009 academic year. Brandon Tonge, Special Events Coor­ dinator, announced that Joi Jackson, a ju­ nior Sociology and Anthropology double major at Spelman College, is Miss Maroon Image Mark William1 and White. Her court includes First atten­ Members of the student body of HBCU's across the nation will gather for the Black College Think Tank. dant Issata Yansaneh and Second atten­ April 17-20 on Morehouse College's campus, dant April Curry. Damen L. Scott Jackson expressed extreme happiness Contributing Writer will comprise of delegates from institutions damenlscott@gmail. com upon winning the title, "My first reaction like Harvard University, Yale University, How­ was to cry because I wanted it so badly... ard University, Hampton University, Spelman and it just touched my heart that enough hen Stanley Onuoha ran for Student College, Georgetown Universit and many people believed in me to give me such a Government Association President others, is expected to be a big success. high honor." Walmost a year ago, his campaign motto Some questions have arisen among the The announcement of the winner was was "Beyond Discussion.. .A Call to Action." student body about the relevance and ne­ a small part of the production, and the Through the course of his term, President cessity of this conference, considering the students generally were pleased with the Onuoha has attempted to live up to this fact that HBCU roundtables and black stu­ overall pageant as well. "I think the whole mantra by enacting Wal-Mart excursions, dent initiatives are already existent in many presentation was great. The versatility of airport shuttles for students during breaks colleges and universities. President Onuoha the talents was refreshing," Najee Johnson and bringing the Wall Street Journal and the combats the apprehension surrounding said. New York Times to campus. the Think Tank, saying, "The Black Collegiate While three contestants, including Another program that Onuoha has en­ Think Tank is necessary because it is not Jackson, chose to dance for the talent por­ acted is the Black Collegiate Think Tank, a merely a conference, it is a movement." tion, other contestants chose talents rang­ conference whose purpose is to create an Throughout the course of the program, ing from song and monologue, to ice skat­ opportunity for current and future Black participants will discuss their personal col­ ing and musical instrument performance. collegiate leaders to come together to con­ lege experiences in six different forums. "I feel like the girl with the best talent nect, share experiences and work on broad- Each session deals with issues raised in More­ won," sophomore Biology major DiJon Hill reaching and cross-cultural problem-solv­ house president Robert Michael Franklin’s said. He went on to say, "I feel like most of ing initiatives. The goal of the Think Tank is book "Crisis in the Village."Topics range from the girls didn't even get a chance though, to have a network of ambassadors who ad­ globalization to anti-intellectualism in the most of the audience already knew who dress issues that are affecting the future of African American community. Participants they were voting for before the program African American college students and cre­ will keep a journal of their personal feelings, even started." ate an effective venue for black collegians to criticisms, and solutions for the "movement" Members of the pageant staff felt that voice their opinions and concerns. and the issues that will be raised. the production could have been better. Ryan Shepard, Student Government The Black Collegiate Think Tank is the Student Director Kelechi Kalu explained Association Vice President and co-founder first of its kind to hit the Morehouse College to the students that some mistakes in the of the Think Tank, commented on the pro­ campus and is intended to align with Presi­ production were not the fault of the staff. gram, saying, "[the Black Collegiate Think dent Franklin's expressed vision with the Image: Kelechi Kalu "Morehouse has a funny habit of Newly selected Miss Maroon & White Joi Jackson poses with SGA Presidential candidate Mark Anthony Tank] serves as a way for African-American title of "Morehouse Men: Renaissance Men scheduling events one day before huge Green. students from both historically black and with a Social Conscience." events, such as in the case with The Faculty majority institutions to come together, de­ SGA President Onuoha is optimistic Follies and Miss Maroon and White.” Kalu daunting task of calling the actual show with the overall production and its results. spite different experiences, In order to en­ about the Think Tank and its effects on Afri­ said. "That was precious time that could without ever having a full run-through." "I must say that I am indeed proud of the gage in discourse about our community can American collegians saying,"This move­ be used to run through the show with the Despite a few glitches in the show in­ outcome of the court. But I want to make [and] ultimately building towards a mean­ ment will strengthen the bonds between contracted production staff is wasted. And cluding small gaps and microphone issues, it clear that I am extremely proud of every ingful and beneficial future for the Black Col­ Black students nationwide, leading to pro­ we (the directorial staff) are faced with the that didn't stop Kalu from being pleased contestant as well." legiate Think Tank, the black collegian, and grams and initiatives that will change the the global community." way Black students network, connect, and The Think Tank, which will take place collaborate." Reconnecting with Africa in Senegal: Student Spotlight: Cyberdog Student Chronicles '10,000 Girls' Trip Productions Travers Johnson moping." was being prepared for the island. Managing Editor One of Marshall-Todd's partners, Dono­ We arrived on the island, and after Tjohns 13@students. morehouse. edu van Cosby, has been making films since he stepping off of the boat, before I realized attended the University of Southern Cali­ it, there was a child placing some kind of tudies have shown that pets can have a fornia "Bill Cosby Summer Film Production glue on my shoes where part of the sole powerful impact on the personal lives Workshop" in the eighth grade. His first was detaching. He wanted me to give him Sof their owners. However, in Brandon Mar­film was a comedic drama entitled "At­ something for his services. We later took shall-Todd's case, his dog "Cyber" has had tack of the Toys," which chronicles a young a tour of the slave house, where Africans a powerful influence on his future career man's journey from child to teenager, and were held and I gazed upon the "Door of as well. the attack that his toys wage on him to re­ No Return" which served as a symbolic re­ When Marshall-Todd was just eight taliate against his decision to throw them minder that when Africans passed through years old, Cyber, who has a digital tracking away. the threshold of this doorway, there was device in her stomach, would frequently Commenting on what drives his pas­ no turning back to Africa. wander into the scenes of his films. Thus, sion he said, "I understand the power of The next day, we traveled to the city of when Marshall-Todd decided to name his film and the power of media in general. Kaolack and were greeted by the school collective cinematic endeavors, it only I ultimately plan to use the power of film girls at the 10,000 Girls program there. made sense to include his computer chip­ to educate, entertain, and provide more My experience in Kaolack proved to be bearing dog—and the result was Cyber­ black inspirational role models that young the most profound experience of my trip. dog Productions, Inc. kids can look up to and try to emulate." In Kaolack we stayed with host families Since that time, Cyberdog Produc­ The group's future goals are equally for three nights and traveled to a school tions, Inc. has grown significantly and noble. After creating their own film studio, in the rural village, Ndofanne where we has become a recognizable name in the the team hopes to open up film schools helped to lay the foundation for a library. Atlanta University Center. Composed of in low-income areas, and to sponsor film We later engaged in a bit of dancing and Morehouse seniors Marshall-Todd, Dono­ festivals to allow people who don't have celebration. van Cosby, Gregory Lyons, and Matthew access to cameras to tell their stories. Image: Nicholas B. Gordon My host sister, Maimouna expressed Williamson, Cyberdog is best known for its "Every time you turn around and listen, Nicholas B. Gordon overlooks the city of Dakar, Senegal from Goree Island. to me her interest in coming to the U.S to AUC Compilation DVDs and film coverage you can always find a good story. People study to become an obstetrician so that of major events such as fashion shows, need their stories told...they need to be ple were selling all kinds of things—art­ Nicholas B. Gordon she could help her family. Conversations pageants, and Greek probates and step given a chance to speak out," he said. Contributing Writer work, clothing, telephone cards, just about like these touched me personally, and shows. Marshall-Todd also has a special chal­ ngordon_shift@yahoo. com everything. There were many people in helped to re-form a bond of responsibility The foursome met during their fresh­ lenge for students of the AUC: "There are the streets and on the sidewalks and cars between Africa and myself. man year as residents of LLC dorm, and so many things going on in this world; pay he humid, cool, West African air hit me seemed to be traveling in every direction. There were indeed challenges that we quickly recognized each other's passion attention, respect your brothers and sis­ as soon as I stepped off of the plane. It After a few detours, we finally reached the faced in Africa, but despite these uncom­ for film. Marshall-Todd says that the group ters; let's make this campus what it used Twas 5:30 a.m. and still dark outside when bank and exchanged our money. fortable experiences there was something is driven by the desire to offer more well- to be." students from Spelman College and More­ It is important to mention that while beautiful about the African homeland. In rounded portrayals of African Americans He would also like to thank,"our moth­ house College finally arrived in Africa. As in Dakar we met up with a man of More­ Senegal, there were not many distractions in the media. "Instead of letting someone ers and fathers, T-12 Entertainment, Nu- we waited for our bus to take us to where house, and former Maroon Tiger Manag­ that technology and the media often of­ else represent us, we should represent Breed Records, Dr. Robert Michael Frank­ we would stay that night, some of the Sen­ ing Editor Wendell Hassan Marsh who is fer in the U.S. It was quiet enough for me ourselves," he said. lin, Dr. Michael Janis, Dr. Melvin Rahming, egalese were already interested in engag­ studying abroad there. Also, I was intro­ to appreciate people and nature, and Nonetheless, Marshall-Todd's biggest Mr. Warren Green, Reverend Skip Mason, ing us in conversation. duced to a Morehouse man who lives in strengthen a spiritual connection. The inspiration to produce films is much more Isaiah Lewis, Dr."E"at CAU, Arlette Crosby, The fact that they spoke French and I Senegal. Senegalese have been able to preserve personal. When he was a teenager, his Marge Smith, Roger Pennyman, God, and spoke English was a bit of a barrier initially, The fourth day, we set off for the île de this environment and it makes me think, younger sister was murdered, and his fa­ Ronald Reagan [laughs]." but then Barack Obama's name was men­ Gorée. Gorée Island is off the coast of Sen­ "Who is really living a fulfilling life, me or ther lost his business. The emotional im­ The 2nd Annual AUC Compilation and tioned and we found common ground. egal and was a place where Africans were them?" pact was devastating, but Marshall-Todd Freshman DVDs will be released on April "Baaa-rack Ooo-bama!" held before being taken to the Americas If anyone is interested in participating found strength in his family, and decided 30 in front of the Morehouse cafeteria and Later that day, as we traveled through and abroad during the slave trade. As we in this trip next year, please contact Nicho­ to honor his slain sister by continuing to Jazzman's Cafe, and the CAU student cen­ downtown Dakar, my eyes were fixed on waited for the boat to take us to the island, las Gordon. pursue his passion. "[My sister] always ter. For more information on Cyberdog the window, trying to capture all of the I started to ponder the conditions that Af­ wanted me to be successful and make Productions, visit myspace.com/cyber- commotion occurring in the streets. Peo- ricans endured during slavery; my mind movies," he said. "[Those incidents] had dogproductions or youtube.com/cyber- a big impact on me not being docile and dogproductions. O Recycle The Maroon Tiger r

The Maroon Tiger -5- April 23 - 29, 2008 Features Still in a Daze: Does the AUC Looking Ahead: Grady Need To Wake Up ? Memorial Hospital

lAROQN Tiger taff Writer

n 1988, Spike Lee's film "School Daze" de­ picted issues that surround historically Iblack colleges and universities, notably interracial conflicts and Greek life on cam­ pus. The movie acted as a social criticism and in the end urged everyone watch­ ing to "WAKE UP"! However, 20 years later many Atlanta University Center students say the same biases and problems are still present within HBCUs. One of the most memorable issues that the movie touched on dealt with tensions between the light skin "wannabes" and dark skin "jigaboos." Some AUC students say that while conflicts over skin color might not be as blatant as they were por­ said. "I understand the hospital is doing hristian ryant trayed on screen, these issues still exist. C B Contributing Writer the best they can, but when it comes to Milan Green, a freshman English major, christ ianbryant 7(a)yahoo com [people's] health, I need a facility that has experienced interracial discrimination works a bit faster." first hand. fter over one hundred years of saving Grady Hospital is one of four level-one "I have embraced the fact that I am countless lives, the heart and soul of trauma centers in the state of Georgia. black and light skin but I do not like it AGeorgia's medical system, Grady MemorialGrady has treated patients from every when dark skin people think they can Hospital, is in dire need of rescue. county in the state and currently employs tell me who I am because I am not dark Financial mismanagement, Medicaid over 5,000 people. It has served as the enough for them," Green said. "They say and Medicare cuts along with a high num­ training ground for 25 percent of physi­ that I would have been a "House Negro" ber of uninsured patients have all contrib­ cians in Georgia. and that I'm high yellow or red boned— uted to Grady's seemingly insurmount­ With 320-350 patients in and out of the it's not fair and it's not appreciated." able debt that, as of September 2007, was emergency room daily, closing the hospi­ Jeshawna Wholley, a sophomore psy­ in the tens of millions of dollars. tal would result in an overflow of patients chology major at Spelman College said Grady Hospital is controlled by a ten to the surrounding hospitals and count­ that people are sometimes brought up to member board, including CEO, Otis Story. less others unemployed. embrace their skin color and that this pride It is North Georgia's own level-one trauma After being asked by the media why can come out positively or negatively. center, meaning it has the staff and exper­ Atlanta should save Grady Hospital, Am­ Even though skin complexion discrim­ tise to handle any medical emergency at bassador Young responded by posing the ination is a prominent issue within the any time. question: "Do [we] want to save Georgia?" black community, it is more about those Grady is a major healthcare provider for He went on to note how the closing of who are Afro-centric versus those who Atlanta’s lower class. Not only is it essential Grady will bring on a huge financial defi­ aren't, Wholley said. to the impoverished, but it is the training cit. The hospital itself invites many physi­ "I have come in contact with people- ground for students at Morehouse School cians to the Atlanta area for conventions -even academic professionals- who have and that instead, students need to make of Medicine and Emory School of Medi­ bringing business to the airports, hotels natural hair or locks that looked down the best of the institution. AUC students feel that Greeks have lost cine. and restaurants. upon those who prefer to get perms or "I think there is still color disparities sight of their founders' intentions. On Sept.13, 2007, Channel 2 Actions As resolutions were being drawn up, weaves and say that they are buying into present on campus but not as strong as Jenkins said he didn't see Greek frater­ News WSB-TV Atlanta held a town hall there remained one underlying issue: the European theory of beauty," Wholley they were presented in 'School Daze,' " nities doing much on campus. meeting titled, "Saving Grady Hospital" money. Grady needs money to stay above said. "I feel like if I don't conform to White Jenkins said. "They need to be more involved in that was shown live. The event was imple­ water. America then I feel pressured to conform In one of the most popular scenes in the community and refocus their efforts mented to invite leading officials and the The final segment featured a Georgia to Black America." the movie, Spike Lee pokes fun at the haz­ to more about what sororities and frater­ general public to discuss the issues re­ resident by the name of Vicky Lydel who Freshman Isaiah Jenkins of Clark Atlan­ ing rituals of Greek fraternities. Fraternities nities were founded upon," Jenkins said. garding Grady and possible solutions. is one of many "Grady Babies" taking the ta University said it's a problem when col­ and sororities were built upon principles "Black people as a whole still need to wake The list of notables included Story initiative to give back. The "Grady Babies" lege determines the character of students meant to uplift black people but many up." Healthcare Specialist, Dr. Bill Custer; and consist of people birthed in Grady Hospi­ former Atlanta Mayor, Ambassador An­ tal. drew Young, just to name a few. Lydel issued a challenge for the gener­ The dark cloud that looms over Grady is al public to give anything they had to help a combination of uninsured patients, seri­ with the push to revitalize Grady. This ous debt owed-mainly to the Morehouse grass roots style of fundraising was every Learning Before Lockdown: HBCU School of Medicine and Emory School of bit of necessary to pay off the enormous medicine for providing staff-and unset­ debt the hospital had amassed, many sup­ tled resolutions. porters said. Many of the guests were quick to speak As of March 2008, Grady received its Professors Volunteer on the worst case scenario, the closing of blessing in the form of an expected $200 Grady Hospital and how all efforts should million private donation. be redirected toward the prevention of a Grady is now under new management Shelbia Brown semester at Polk. He said teaching those incarcerated youth, she said the program possible state-wide disaster. and according to an Atlanta Journal-Con­ Black College Wire Contributor like Little is an "opportunity" to help incar­ was designed "to change lives through Although Grady is known for its wide stitution report, the "new non-profit board bcwire@hotmail. com cerated males. education.” range of expertise and mostly commend­ includes some of the most powerful fund­ "I try to help these young men get a She also said once an inmate is re­ able service, not everyone shares those raisers in the state." ueben Little stands outside his class­ new start in life," Harper said. "Education is leased, the education they received will same sentiments. With the "fund-raising savvy" chair­ room, patiently waiting for history one of the things I use to help them better help them maintain in the outside world. After her friend suffered a slowly ex­ man Pete Correll at the helm of the Grady Rclass to begin. themselves." "You want them to come back pro­ acerbating illness, Clark Atlanta Univer­ non-profit board, the hospital is in a much The classroom is adorned with time­ When first presented with the idea ductive and definitely changed," Morri­ sity sophomore Brittany Caldwell recalls better position to raise large amounts of line posters of civil rights movements and to teach at Polk, Harper said he had no son-Danner said. "I think it's a well-worth her experience in the Grady emergency money. dates chronicling the World Wars. Encyclo­ qualms about it but the safety issue program." room. Although there's a long way to go for pedias and world atlas books are situated crossed his mind. Morrison-Danner said the grant money "We were in the waiting area for an ex­ Grady Memorial Hospital, some Atlanta on the shelves. "I didn't know what kind of level of se­ that they receive is allocated to books for cess of seven hours, and after my friend's residents say things should be turning Little, 20, is a post-secondary educa­ curity it would be," he said. the classes, tuition for the students, com­ name was called, she was forced to sit and around really soon in downtown Atlanta. tion student. He has a syllabus, homework He said aside from the prison experi­ puters, school supplies and pay for the wait again in a different location,"Caldwell and exams. He accumulates credit hours ence itself, education is an added alterna­ professors. This school year, tuition was just like any other college student. For Lit­ tive that motivates inmates to not return only $264.68 per semester. By the close tle, class usually ends about an hour just to Polk. of this semester, the program would have before lockdown. "This program is a good program to spent about $120,000. "The more knowledge you get the help these men to transition back to soci­ "The program was established to pro­ more doors open for you," Little said. ety," Harper said, who plans on continuing vide post-secondary education," said Ken­ But Little does not take these classes to teach at Polk. neth Phillips, NCDOC director of the Youth on a traditional college campus. He takes At Polk, students have class once a Offender Program. them at a correctional facility. week if they are enrolled in one class and According to Phillips, the Program is Little, a High Point native, was a 15-year twice a week for two classes. funded through a federal grant from the old ninth grader when he was arrested on The 15-week semester schedule is simi­ U. S. Department of Education that is re­ drug-related charges and has been serv­ lar to one at a traditional college. Students newed every three years. For the current ing time for the last five years. He takes cannot exceed two classes per semester. three-year period, the NCDOC division of courses through the Youth Offenders Pro­ Classes last for three hours with a 15-min- prisons received about $1.5 million that gram at Polk Youth Institution in Butner. ute break in between. A typical class size is was dispersed to the 16 constituent uni­ In its 10th year, the Program was 15 students. versities in the school system. Each period formed through an agreement between For the last six years, Paulette Morri­ the grant amount is contingent upon the the North Carolina Department of Correc­ son-Danner has served as the program co­ prison population. tion, and the University of North Carolina ordinator and student support coordina­ Based on NCDOC statistics, 48 per­ System. It was created to give inmates the tor for NCCU's University College. She said cent of inmates that are eligible for the opportunity to take college-level courses when she came on board the program was Program will be repeat offenders, but the and receive transferrable college credits already implemented and she just picked number drops to 18 percent for those who while serving time in a correctional facil­ up from there. were involved in the Program prior to their ity. "It's actually like a partnership; it's ba­ release. Phillips said that when the offend­ NCCU associate history professor Jim sically like a collaborative effort," Morri­ ers go through the Program their "cogni­ Harper started teaching U.S. history last son-Danner said. In addition to targeting tive and behavioral skills are bettered."

* ¿ Recycle The Maroon Tiger April 23 - 29, 2008 The Maroon Tiger -6- mions

------■wwwaBMMaawB Brandon E. Lawrence, '09 THE MAROON TIGER Editor-in-Chief The Maroon Tiger is published weekly during the academic year at Morehouse College. Our goal is Did Morehouse to maintain an independent editorial policy. Opinions expressed in The Maroon Tiger are solely the views of its staff and do not necessarily reflect the opinion of Morehouse College, its administration, or The Maroon Tiger advisors. Commentaries solely represent the views of the author and are not necessarily the opinions of The Maroon Tiger. We believe all advertising to be correct but cannot I guarantee its accuracy or be responsible for its outcome. The Maroon Tiger welcomes your views on I any public issue. We routinely edit letters for space and correct errors in spelling and punctuation. I Make a Man of Me? Letters as well as commentaries must be 300 words or fewer, typed, signed, and should include a j Anthony Harris full address and telephone number. Opinions Editor anthony >deanharris@gmail. com

I have a tendency to overdo things, I especially at the end of things. When The Three Ring Debates: I used to work at Jazzman's, I wrote a four page letter of resignation (single spaced) when I quit. When I graduated high school, I SGA GONE WILD wrote a ten page manifesto and printed fifty copies that I handed out on the last day of school. Well, I have a page on a newspaper now, so I'd be remiss if I didn't find some proper closure for the four years I've spent here (and the two years I've spent as the editor of this section). When thinking about the years you spend in college, you tend to ask yourself many questions as graduation nears. Did I work hard enough? Did I do enough? What will I do after this? Is this what I really other than the fact that just about all these While I learned that when men are wanted? Is my future bright? These are friends are Black, I could have gotten this at clamoring for attention (re: the SGA), it's general questions anyone asks himself/ any other institution. best to stay out of the way and watch the herself by the time college ends. Things start My tastes have expanded. I entered amusing show. I learned to always press to get a little more specific with Morehouse, as a guy who listened to nothing but jazz the issues when administrators give you the though. music (I still celebrate pianist Joe Sample's runaround. I learned there is usually hidden When I look back at the four years I've birthday every February 1) and a bit of rock, financial aid somewhere. I learned a man spent at Morehouse, one question keeps to a guy who purchased Radiohead's most can make his way into a lot of things if he popping up in my mind: did Morehouse recent album twice, have valid opinions works hard enough, but the road is easier if College make a man out of me? When I look about Paste Magazine's choice for best someone else helps pave the way for you. to the example of the Morehouse Man this album of 2007 (The National sound too I learned the people you're around can institution has tried to mold me into, am I much like they wish they were Interpol), influence you in the best and worst ways. the figure I should imagine? Did the ideals think Transmetropolitan is one of the best Now, while I could have learned this at sink in? Was I indoctrinated? Am I too bitter? comic books around, and believe MF Doom any other school, I never would have learned Will the connections, friendships, and values should stop fronting when he "performs” in it the same way here. I discovered in four Image: Mark William! I learned here be enough for me in the real concert. But I could have grown artistically years what many encounter over a lifetime. SGA President-Elect Chad mance, third from left, makes a point at the SGA debates. world? I guess I'll figure all this out in the at any college. I've grown as a man differently than many audience member was inexcusably rude for hadijah obinson very near future, but I do want to ask these I learned how to navigate a city. I Black youth because of this school. My K R shouting out an impolite comment while Staff Writer questions a little more. memorized stops on the MARTA. I can get family learned to make due without their krobinl 8@spelman. edu the candidate was speaking. But this does Did Morehouse make a man out of me? to Ponce De Leon relatively easy now from son and the take joy in his successes and in not excuse the candidate's reaction. That I'd have to say no. I have two spectacular the Inman Park station. I think Centennial the success the Lord provided for him. nyone who went to the SGA Debates reaction was to tell the audience member parents. I have a great extended family Olympic Park is just a beautiful place for Perhaps this is the Mystique. Perhaps it last Wednesday needs no explanation to meet him outside after the debates and with a wealth of knowledge, doctrine, and tourists (despite many who believe Piedmont is this intangible ideal that has permeated Aof the events. For those who didn't, allowthey could "discuss” the matter. Maybe it's love. I have a Spirit-filled church back in San is better overall). I learned Lenox doesn't get my being. I know I am a man. I know I will me to tell you a story. just me, but I don't think much discussion Antonio that taught me a love of the Bible the traffic it used to since Atlantic Station be alright. I know the Lord will provide to This is the story of a young lady who would have ensued. and how to live my life on the right path. I opened. I have a pretty awesome shirt that the point that I will not have room to receive is a student at Spelman. She works for The Then, the discourse between the vice have a good foundation. If anything, I think I I got from Rag-O-Rama in Little Five Points the blessing He has for me (as he said in Maroon Tiger and had been covering the presidential candidates was beyond pointed was up to the task of college. If anything, I'd that always gets compliments. But learning Malachi). Perhaps the liberal arts and the SGA elections at Morehouse. She decided at times; some of it was simply disrespectful. say I was a man before I came here. a new city comes with the territory of going English classes and the different people and that it would be interesting to go to the SGA One candidate became so enraged by the But did Morehouse make me a better to any college. the endless Crown Forums actually sunk in. debates with her friends. She had been to support shown for his opponent that he man? I'd say yes. I feel wholeheartedly that I But this place has something different, I can't quite put my finger on what other political debates before so she was proceeded to go on a tirade, yelling and wouldn't be the person lam now if it weren't something special. It's encouraging to Morehouse did for me. I guess that's why expecting something. That something that slamming his fist on the table. After this, he for this place. I wouldn't be the scholar I am know so many Black men and women who they call it a Mystique. Identifying it won't she was expecting is not what she got at threw the microphone in his opponent's now without this great faculty. I wouldn’t be want more for their lives. I feel wrapped really help the matter, but there's a quality all. direction. Later on, when the samecandidate the writer I am now without this paper (and in a security blanket knowing so many about this school that makes it so appealing She got a circus. made the insinuation that his opponent your readership). I wouldn't be the friend I people who will look out for me in this close even in its inadequacies. It has a value like This young lady was accustomed to and his opponent's fraternity brothers were am now if it weren't for the people around Morehouse network. a diamond, pure only through its flaws. In a certain decorum at events such as this. Johnny Come-Latelys at campus politics, his me. I am a better person because of this I know there are little things I never my persistent love/hate relationship with Yet, audience members seemed to have opponent made some below-the-belt hints institution and I am grateful for it. But you would have gotten anywhere else. Mr. Morehouse, the love has always endured. It never heard of such a thing as decorum. at the candidates inability to be considered have to ask what did this place do that any Sherman in the cafeteria has called me has always held strong. It is ongoing. They stood up and shouted things at the for membership in that fraternity. other college couldn't have done? "Professor"since before I knew I even wanted Did Morehouse make a man of me? No. candidates on the stage. They yelled and The debates were held in a chapel. But I spent four years away from home and to teach. Gloster Hall has been a crash Did it raise me? No. Would I trade a minute screamed excessively for their candidate. that does not mean that the audience had living for myself as much as I could. That course in getting through bureaucracy. No of this place or a Trinity or an Emory or a They ran up and down the aisles with shirts to act like they were catching the Holy happens at any college. I learned so much other place in the world has Brother Mukasa Harvard or Yale? No. In four years of looking and signs, carrying on so ridiculously that Ghost every time a candidate spoke. The from brilliant professors about Russian Dada, a.k.a. Willie Ricks, a.k.a. Brother Africa. at evergreen grasses, tenure standards, the coordinators had to threaten to stop the candidates didn't have to act as if their literary Mikhail Bakhtin, Ghanaian literary The West End taught me how to navigate Zimbabwe elections, thugs and smoothies, debates. opponents had snatched money out of the critic Augustus G. Amo, Chaucer's insistence around any homeless person in the nation. wearing Kangols, fluorescent light bulbs, The crowd was so rowdy that at one collections plate. on using one's wit, Richard Wright's problems I've heard the wise words of Archbishop protests, and petty elections, I think I've point, the moderator stated that anyone Why is it that we are in college and we with Communism, William Blake's racism, Desmond Tutu, Dr. Cornel West, Rev. Michael grown as a man. In all this, I think I've grown else who caused a disturbance would be still haven't mastered our kindergarten and other stuff in my many English classes. Eric Dyson (and his son who graduated as a Black man. promptly escorted out of Sale Hall Chapel skills? Maybe some kindergarten classes Other than all the stuff I took in the African last year), Prof. Randall Kennedy, Spike Lee, So I thank Morehouse for what it by Morehouse Police. Morehouse Police didn't learn about this, but when I was in Diaspora, I could have gotten a bunch of Sidney Poitier, the late Roscoe Lee Brown, has done. I thank this place for bringing promptly laughed at such a suggestion and kindergarten, we learned about respecting this stuff if I went to Trinity University as I Nobel laureate Derek Walcott and others. together some of the greatest young, Black walked out. others, being quiet during the appropriate thought I wanted years ago. I've attended galas, dinner parties, and minds in all the nation. I thank this place for First, there was the not-so-playful banter times and self-control. I have a bunch of friends from all over events I never would have encountered building a curriculum on my own history. I between the candidates for SGA Treasurer. I think Morehouse, Spelman and all the nation. I trust them with trade secrets anywhere else. thank this place for pushing me to be the One candidate, in particular, was far more colleges as a matter of fact, should have a and inside jokes. I consul them when Even for an off-putting, brash workaholic best scholar I can be, the best writer I can be, aggressive than the event called for. He class called Kindergarten 101 because some they need it, and they consul me most like me, I've had a rather fulfilling college the best thinker I can be, the best planner, took every chance possible to attack his have forgotten. of the time when I need it. We undergo experience. I've grown in ways over the last the best negotiator, the best speaker, the candidates in terms of their dedication, 1+1=Be quiet when others are talking the deepest conversations and the worst four years that I never could have Imagined. best historian. I thank this place for making reputation, priorities and prior experience. 2+2=Treat others how you would like to of drunks (do not play with the blue I feel like a better person. I feel like a new me be the best man I can be. I complain "That's politics", you may say. But tact is also a be treated motorcycle). I have a close inner circle and man, a Morehouse Man (or at least I will at often about this place, but I know it's done pivotal part of the political game; this young 3+3=lf you want (to know) something, a well connected extended circle with even 8am on May 18). But I still have to ask what some good. man had none. ask nicely more conversation and shenanigans. But has this institution done for me. And I wouldn't have it any other way. This samecandidate was laterchallenged 4+4=More sense than anyone in the by someone in the crowd. Granted, the chapel displayed at those debates Politics as Usual ◄ Continued from front page

to the apostle Barack, they should be fo­ advocating for it, a "change" still has not the norm. There is nothing that separates cusing on improving the system already occurred. Ulterior motives are still driving many of these candidates from the girl established. In most cases, the road has political ambitions, and promises as empty who steps up at the pageant preaching already been paved. Their job is merely as the Grand Canyon are still being made. "World Peace", especially when it comes to to fix the potholes. However, every man Therefore, the dignity of student govern­ how they will put their pledge into prac­ running for office believes he needs to ment positions continues to diminish. tice. make a change, and he is fully qualified to Luckily, the potential to leave a posi­ A nice "change" would be for people to do so if he has created a Facebook group tive effect on the student body still exists. stop preaching it and actually execute it. for the incoming freshmen to rep the The only problem is doing this might not There is only so much that has not already dorms that they have not even seen yet. leave time to enjoy Hump Wednesday. been done. There are only so many plans Yet, a "change" really is in order, but that So, the political positions on campus are and programs to institute. So, the fact "change" should involve those preaching reduced to mere resume'-fillers judged that these men are all trying to make a it the most. by popularity contests and beauty pag­ “change" makes them all the same. There­ The most ironic thing about politics is eants. Men seeking office on campus are fore, the whole campaign fever is nothing that, although so many people have been preaching "change" on stage because it is more than politics as usual. Image: Mark Williams SGA Presidential Candidates [pretend to] get along quite well. From left, Mark Anthony Green, Marcus Daniels, and Chad Mance. W Recycle The Maroon Tiger The Maroon Tiger April 23 - 29, 2008 Arts, Etc. Album Review: They Say A Hero Can Santogold Save Us independence to attain security and no Latifah Muhammad Contributing Writing longer be complacent with Uncle Sam ConcreteLoop com throwing us the welfare bone. No, we must begin to understand that the community "\Ne reversed nature by burning and where we take our dollar becomes richer pulling a civilized n-word apart and bull and richer making our communities whipping the other to the point of death, poorer. Then, when we finally do decide to all in her presence. By her being left take our dollar to our own community and alone, unprotected, with the MALE IMAGE realize that we're still putting money into DESTROYED, theordeal caused herto move someone else's pockets because we don't from her psychological dependent state to own the businesses in our community, we a frozen independent state. In this frozen must have the foresight and knowledge to psychological state of independence, she change it. will raise her MALE and female offspring in In recent polls, America's chief concern reversed roles. in this year's presidential election is the For FEAR of the young males life action-plan of the president-elect to deal she will psychologically train him to be with economic welfare of the country. MENTALLY WEAK and DEPENDENT, but Simply put, whom will the richest nation PHYSICALLY STRONG. Because she has turn to in their time of need? Well, become psychologically independent, according to history, when this country she will train her FEMALE offsprings to be first needed workers we became slaves. psychological independent. Now in a few When they needed patriots, we became years when these two offspring's become soldiers. When they needed not to be fertile for early reproduction we will hypocrites, we became free boys. And mate and breed them and continue the now, when they need entertainment, cycle. We have created an orbiting cycle we've become athletes and artist-- just that turns on its own axis forever, unless as Willie Lynch predicted. Funny how the a phenomenon occurs and re shifts the media credit rap groups such as the NWA position of the male and female slaves." with the destruction of the moral fibers of This, my brothers, is an excerpt from our communities when in actuality, the The Willie Lynch Doctrine, a document that labels producing this music are owned by was distributed to the plantations owners upper class Caucasian Americans. and Politicians in the United States using Funny how our race's most coveted principles such as brainwashing and mind president Bill Clinton is responsible control to systematically turn a body of for perpetuating Lynch's method of people into slaves. So today I come before separating the father figure from the you saying, that if we are to break this family by imprisoning the highest number mental slavery of our times we must first of African Americans in any president's start with what Denziel Washington in his term. Funny how Lynch emphasizes in his most recent movie, "The Great Debaters", letter to make sure you pin the older negro calls the restoration of our righteous versus the younger negro and Bill Cosby mind. wonders why young African American One known advocate for the males are on the verge of turning their implementation of this process proposes backs to him because they felt he did it in his speech, The Ballot or the Bullet, first the idea of a ethnic lead political and So tell me this brothers when they Latifah Muhammad cleverly fuses indie, pop and alternative seamlessly is just as important; and though economic re-education. He explains we tell you that only a hero can save us, will Contributing Writing rock music as if they have always belonged. Santogold doesn't have a huge stand­ must now attain political maturity by you stand here and wait?! For if so I say ConcreteLoop. com Despite all those boxes to check, it seems to out factor, her music seems to be just fine now understanding the politics of our we've had a hero before And that hero mesh well together. Heavy on the guitars, staying in its own lane and picking up fans communities and what part politics play had a dream But we must understand that I n this day and age, it's refreshing to find an horns and piano keys, it's not uncommon along the way. in our lives. So that instead of having to the dream wasn't for each of those here I artist who is comfortable in their skin-- no to hear funky contentment in songs like To her credit, not being a fan or even support the candidate they send to our to dream...the dream is the righteous matter what phase of their career. A solid fan "Starstruck" but also playful aggressive familiar with her style doesn't render your communities with the same crocodile mind's way of showing the body how to following drove the release of Santogold's chorus on "You'll Find a Way". ears helpless. Out the gate, you either hate it tears and empty promises we may say change what the eyes have seen. So to self-titled debut full-length album from The mantra of non-mainstream indie or you don't. Her style is interesting and fresh thanks, but no thanks, and present our those of you, who call yourselves, Men of being just another looked over piece of music doesn't always have to be too without being so polished that it seems like own candidate who is not only socially in Morehouse I say men, it is time to restore work, to one with anticipation behind it. "deep" for it's own good, or evoke social a gimmick. Santogold's self-titled album is tuned with the needs of the community, this worlds righteous mind. To inact its The Philadelphia native who studied change. Sometimes listening to a few good in stores April 29th on Downtown Records. but morally in tuned with the hardships of body of people for the better. I say to you Caribbean and West African drumming chords that flow from song to song almost Check her myspace for more info. the community. I mentioned also this idea Men of Morehouse. It is time we went to of economic re-education work. So that we can save, ourselves. He says we must attain economic NATIONAL BESTSELLER Memories Vision EDDIE LEVERT. SR. & GERALD LEVERT LYAH BETH LEFLDFE

his lost soul crossing all his barriers of race, Ken Coleman religion, culture and economics as we all Contributing Writing KCole99294(cfyaol. com struggle with image, sex, religion and family, ultimately wanting more. What begins as a he story of Queenie Jones, one of project for him to make money becomes her the most famous, notorious and accepting his short-comings and validating Tcontroversial black female entertainers ofhis passions, what every man yearns for. all time, encompasses a century of her life, "Memories Vision" is not a story only for troubles and lessons learned. Yet it twists as people of color. It's the journey of a man the story is told to a young Jewish writer; he who was presented an opportunity to learn becomes infatuated, fascinated and envious from an unlikely source, became engulfed of her life's choices.- it is a love story of a in the over powering words and wisdom very odd couple. of the teacher, then grew well beyond his What begins as her retrospective world of understanding. In the tradition of becomes his inspiration to question his "Driving Miss Daisy" and "Tuesdays with choices, passions and happiness, yet he Morrie", there's "Memories Vision". doesn't understand why. Her story becomes ¿5 Recycle The Maroon Tiger

h April 23 - 29, 2008 The Maroon Tiger Sports Morehouse Morehouse Wins Third Consecutive Tennis Team SIAC Championship Almost Wins

Ethan J. Brisby Title Contributing Writer ^SnrMy^'ginuAirvm

orehouse College track and field team went into the Southern Intercollegiate MAthletic Conference (SIAC) championship as the favorites, walking away with their third title in a row. The Maroon Tigers scored Image: Courtesy 216 team points to edge Albany State's 186. The Rams ended an eight Members of the Morehouse College Tennis Tean. year run by the Maroon Tigers in 2003 before going on a three peat Andrew Johnson Contributing Writer themselves from 2003 to 2005. Also, [email protected] multiple Morehouse athletes qualified for the National Collegiate Athletic Association Division II meet. Individual he Morehouse College tennis wins by Barry Batson and Damian Tteam came up two points short of Prince combined with a complete team winning the Southern Intercollegiate effort helped to propel Morehouse to Athletic Conference championship the top of the SIAC podium. last week in Tuscaloosa, AL. With the outcome thought The odds were in the Tigers' favor to be settled long before the end because they had a bye in the first of the meet, Morehouse's Dreyfus round, placing them automatically in Clemons and Benedict's O'neil Williams the semifinals. With only one team to provided a side plot to follow. In just beat to advance to the championship, his first SIAC Championship meet, the Maroon Tigers took care of Clemons ran a 1:57.99 in the fourth business. heat of the preliminary round of the Their first match inthetournament 800-meter run. Williams ran a 1:58.62 was on April 17, defeating Fort Valley, in the previous heat that set up a 5-3. The Maroon Tigers were ready final's dual between the two. Williams for battle against Fort Valley and they improved on his time by more than a illustrated in the match that their hard second to edge Clemons for first. work in practice paid off. Morehouse Both Williams and Clemons won one doubles match and four then provided an encore during the singles matches: Ben Seagle (6-3, 6-1), 1500- meter run. Clemons again Anthony Parr (6-3,6-2), Tory Martin (6- ran the fastest preliminary time, 1,6-0) and Johan Oliver (6-2,6-2). finishing in 4:14.62. Williams finished After defeating Fort Valley, the sixth, nearly six seconds slower than Tigers faced a tough opponent Clemons. Then when the finals rolled in Tuskegee University in the around, Williams, who would later be championship match. With everything named Track Most Valuable Performer on the line, losing focus was something and Cleve Abbott Award winner for the team could not afford to do against scoring the most overall points turned the team that had won three of the last it up a notch to finish ahead of the four championships. Morehouse sophomore in the finals. "I played OK, not my best," team Clemons fell just short of qualifying captain Josh Harris said. "I could have for the NCAA national meet in each played better. My opponent played event. well, plus me making a lot of errors did On the other hand, not help." Morehouse will have representation All Images: Courtesy Harris was not the only player when the finals of the NCAA roll Members of the Morehouse College Maroon TigerTrack and Field at their best. who was disappointed in his play, but around in late May. Prince became a star player Seagle felt he played well, provisional qualifier with his time of considering he faced Tuskegee's No. 1 46.92 seconds in the 400- meter run. consecutive conference title after By the same token, Men second. player, Miguel Cabral. He is joined as a provisional qualifier more underclassmen picked up wins of Morehouse came up short in the Although this concludes this "I played the No. 1 player and gave by Morehouse sophomore Batson in field events. Morehouse freshman 4x100-meter relays. Logan Lewis, seasons track and field for Morehouse, him a run for his money. He just pulled who will complete in the triple jump Turner Coggins heaved the shot put Joshua Ramseur, Tyrone Briscoe, and a few athletes will make their bid it out in straight sets," Seagle, said who after a jump of 14.66 meters. Batson 14.09 meters to claim first place. He Sammy Tarus came in fourth behind for national titles later this year. lost 7-4,6-1. finished first in that event as well as then backed that effort up with a Albany State, Fort Valley State, and Furthermore, after three consecutive Despite losing to Tuskegee's best Long Jump, picking up a total of 20 44.59 meter toss. Coggins picked up Stillman College. Albany State's team conference championships, the player, Ben was prepared going into points for Morehouse. Meanwhile, eight more points for his performance earned an automatic bid with a time of Morehouse Maroon Tigers can go into this matchup. Prince also picked up ten points first in the Discuss Throw. Morehouse 40.23, or ten tenths of a second off the the off season with their heads held "I already knew that I was going place brings with his performance in freshman Matt Tuffour is another SIAC meet record. In a not so closely high, marching breast forward into to face him in the final," Seagle said. the 400-meter hurdles. athlete coming back next year.Tuffour contested 4x400, the Maroon Tigers the 2008-2009 track and field season. "If I was more consistent, I would have Morehouse could be finished second in the Decathlon and finished six seconds behind Fort Valley beaten him." in good shape to win a fourth fourth in the Discuss Throw. State, which was good enough for Both players were named to the SIAC Singles All-Tournament team, and the pairing of Seagle and Tory Martin was named to the Doubles All- Tournament team. Even though the Maroon Tigers did not win the championship, the season they had was phenomenal, losing only three conference matches all season. Parr, a senior, may have played the final match of his career, but he learned a lot during this season and could not be more proud of his team. "I've learned that hard work pays off," Parr said. "We started off slow, but by the end of the season it was hard work. We started winning and competing quite well." Head coach Terry Alexander Is disappointed in losing the championship, but is very pleased with the way his team played all season. He also looks forward to next season. "We've got some good recruits coming in," Alexander said. "We are only losing two players. Our whole team is coming back and if we can get those guys we are recruiting, no one can beat us next season." It should be interesting to see how the team does next year with the entire team but two players coming Suiimra* iTOMUHMt Atileïx Gmfgboke back next season. Since the Tigers came within two points of winning the championship this year, the sky is the limit for the team next season.

Recycle The Maroon Tiger _____
