S.T.A.L.K.O.R.E. This is an attempt to adapt the more crunchy parts of the famous S.T.A.L.K.E.R. games to the O.R.E. system, namely O.R.E. Reign and Nemesis. Within is just about everything GMs need to run a S.T.A.L.K.E.R. game, with some explanations for those new to the setting.

Additions to the O.R.E. System Factions of the Zone Places of the Zone Anomalies of the Zone Artifacts of the Zone Mutants of the Zone Weapons in the Zone Armor and Equipment in the Zone

Additions to the O.R.E. System

Hit Locations and Accuracy The O.R.E. system usually works by having the Width of a roll determine how much damage is dealt, as well as the Speed of the attack, with the Height of the roll determining the the location hit. In order to simulate the different accuracies inherent in guns, this has been altered a bit, and now comes in two forms.

The first form is a hit location-less method. The Width of a roll still determines damage, but the Height is now measured against a Difficulty rating, consisting of the gun’s accuracy at a given range. If the Height of the roll is equal to or greater than the Difficulty, then the attack is successful (unless gobbled by a faster Dodge roll!). Speed is now determined by Height as well in order to prevent undodgeable, high-powered attacks. GMs might instead wish to use the number on a waste die (dice that don’t have any matches) to determine speed, which could lead to players having to break up dice pairs and adds a bit of tactical thought to combat.

The second method is a slight variation of the first. Width determines damage, Height is measured against the range Difficulty and also determines Speed, but the number on a waste die is now used to determine where the bullet lands, if it does at all.

GMs should use whatever works for them, even if the Accuracy ratings end up ignored. It’s up to them!

Bleeding With bullets flying around everywhere, mutants attacking with tooth and claw, and anomalies shredding suits and bodies alike, bleeding is a big problem in the zone. Bleeding can be considered an optional rule to make things a bit harder, and GMs are free to leave it out if they wish.

Whenever an human or mutant is attacked, half of the damage they receive (rounded down) is further turned into Bleeding “steps”. Bleeding is an every-round, stacking effect that deals Shock damage equal to the amount of steps to either the affected location or the body as a whole, depending on what hit system is used.

For example, a stalker takes 3 Shock and Killing damage to their left arm. While that’s bad enough, now they must also deal with 1 “step” of bleeding in that arm each round (3/2 rounded down = 1). During their next turn, they take 1 Shock damage to their left arm, giving them one more round to react before the Shock damage adds up and starts to deal Killing damage to that limb instead. If they take another 1 damage of Killing, they receive another “step” of Bleeding, for a total of 2 steps each round (1 / 2 with a minimum of 1).

Radiation Radiation plays a big part in the STALKER games, either by blocking off paths or inflicting serious injury to the player. Radiation can be gained from food, radioactive zones, or most especially from artifacts in skin contact. In STALKORE, radiation is treated a bit differently than the video game. Radiation counts as poison, with a Potency and Major and Minor effects, a la REIGN. As Potency rises, the effects grow worse and worse. Depending on circumstances, stalkers may have to deal with immediately higher Potencies, requiring quick if not immediate .

Initially, the effects of radiation are checked every Day, with Potency rolled as a die pool. If a match comes up, the affected stalker takes 1 Shock damage (to the torso if hit locations are used). If no matches come up, the stalker gets nauseous, suffers from headaches, or gets other health issues.

Once Potency rises above 10, it immediately returns to 1 and all effects are rolled every Hour. A match now deal 1 Killing Damage (again, to the torso), and no matches deals 1 Shock damage and Daze, in addition to the nausea, headaches, etc.

If Potency again rises above 10 it resets to 1 and effects are now rolled every minute. Matches deal Width in Killing, while non-matches deal 1 Shock to every hit location, or 6 shock if no hit locations are used, plus Dazed, headaches, nausea, and other signs of radioactivity.

Finally, if Potency reaches above 10 once more, it becomes a race against time as the stalker is literally melting from the inside out. If no aid is administered within 1 round at this point, either by artifact or drugs, the stalker dies. Psi Fields and Mental Damage STALKORE uses the Madness Meters from ORE Nemesis in order to represent the mental effects life in the Zone has on stalkers. But the Zone has other ways of hurting the mind.

Psi fields are localized zones of intense psychic energy. No one knows how or why they’re formed, but to step into one unprotected is almost certain death, followed quickly by becoming a zombie. Anyone that sets foot in a psi field is assaulted by acute headaches, wavering vision, hallucinations, and more.

Each psi field has an Intensity rating, just like the Madness events in Nemesis. Going from 1 to 10, the Intensity rating is the amount of dice rolled in a mental “attack” from the field on everything in it each round or minute, depending on the circumstances. The GM takes the highest match rolled and uses that for determining damage. This is resisted by a Mind + Equilibrium roll, representing how stalkers need a strong mind and iron self-control. No Speed comparison is necessary, as a psi field isn’t exactly racing to kill stalkers. If a stalker is successful, they take no damage. If they fail, their Mind score is temporarily reduced by 1. If a stalker’s Mind score ever reaches 0, they die, and subsequently become a zombie. If they leave the psi field, they automatically regain 1 Mind every hour, a process that can be aided by certain drugs or a good swig of vodka.

Precautions can be taken to reduce or prevent the damage Psi fields inflict, but such preventative measures are both rare and expensive.

Factions of the Zone

The Zone is full of people, some scouring it for artifacts, some studying it for valuable information, and others protecting the world from it (or it from the world). These people form factions in the Zone, each encapsulating the various philosophies and viewpoints of those that seek to preserve, study, or destroy the Zone.

Military - The Ukrainian military has set up a cordon around the Zone, cutting it off from the rest ​ of the world in an attempt to prevent dangerous transfers of disease, mutants, artifacts, and other unsavory situations. Though supposedly on strict “shoot-on-sight” orders, the military often turns a blind eye to stalkers operating in the Zone, though never without due compensation. Occasionally, stalkers are hired by the military to retrieve certain artifacts, mutant samples, or other desirable materials.

Bandits - Both within the Zone and out, bandits represent the scum of humanity. Loyal only to ​ themselves, each band is led by whoever is strong, smart, or clever enough to get others to follow them. Bandits make a living by extorting, stealing, ransoming, and are hated by all factions save Freedom, which still holds them at arm's length. Due to the small, uncoordinated nature of their groups, bandits tend to favor ambushes and favorable odds. If a situation looks bad, they may just cut and run.

Duty - One of the largest, if not the largest faction in the zone, Duty was formed by former ​ military personnel and stalkers. Duty maintains a military-like responsibility in both its members and its outlook, requiring all that join to take care of their equipment and respect authority. The overarching goal of Duty is to find a way to destroy the Zone, thus removing its danger from the world. While Duty treats most factions fairly and neutrally, both Bandits and Freedom are long-time, hated enemies.

Freedom - A collection of free spirits, anarchists, and wannabe philosophers, Freedom believes ​ in free access to the Zone. Similar in size to Duty, they hate the Military, Duty, and the Ecologists, believing that if the Zone were left alone it would assume a more peaceful, beneficial posture. In spite of their peaceful stand, they fiercely defend their territory against Monolith and mutant incursions, as well as from other threats.

Loners/Free Stalkers - While not a group as such, every unaligned stalker belongs to this ​ category. The Loners faction is made up of the everyday stalker, both new and veteran alike, just trying to make a living off the Zone and hoping to find something that will let them retire to a cushy life. Loners are neutral towards most factions, though Bandits are dire enemies, and Mercenaries and the Military present problems.

Mercenaries - The Mercenary faction consists of one or more PMCs, each hired and brought ​ into the Zone for one reason or another. Military in precision and effectiveness, such groups are often well-equipped, well-trained, and not afraid to shoot first and ask never. However, with power and skill comes corruption, and mercenaries can be almost bandit-like in their extortion, or military in their corruption.

Ecologists - Where Duty wants to destroy the Zone, and Freedom wants free access for all, the ​ Ecologists want to study and exploit the Zone. The core of the group is made up of scientists, each studying the Zone and its mutants, artifacts, and anomalies. The Ecologists seek ways of understanding the Zone, with the overall goal of harnessing it for the benefit of mankind. While neutral to most factions, Bandits often prey on Ecologist patrols, hoping to steal artifacts, and Freedom hates them, as they believe that the Ecologist’s meddling is hurting the zone and causing more trouble than it’s worth. Due to being a government-sponsored faction, the Ecologists are well-equipped with medical and scientific gear, and it holds some of the most knowledgeable persons in the Zone. However, due to the military’s slipping grasp in the Zone the Ecologists rely more and more on Duty, Loners, and Mercenaries.

Monolith - Monolith is a faction of fanatic, well-equipped stalkers. Consisting largely of former ​ stalkers, their numbers are also bolstered by psi-affected individuals from all across the Zone. Every member worships the “Monolith” that grants the faction its name, and every single one will fight to the death to prevent anyone from getting near the center of the Zone. Surprisingly, even though Monolith is near the center of the Zone and hostile to all factions equally, their equipment is second to none, with large amounts of exoskeletons, PKMs, and the often-sought Gauss Rifle.

Clear Sky - A largely defunct faction, Clear Sky may or may not still be active in the Zone. Most ​ of the previous members of the faction were former Ecologists, Military, and stalkers, each joining for their own reasons. The goal of the group was to find a way to either contain or destroy the Zone, as well as prevent anyone from reaching the center, as they knew just what dangers lurked within. Unfortunately, they were unable to prevent a lone stalker from reaching the center, and when he activated the monolith within the resulting Emission killed or converted most of the Clear Sky faction to Monolith, as well as expanded the zone by 5 km. There are rumors that one or two members of the faction survived, but nothing substantial is known about the secretive group.

Places of the Zone

Cordon - “ Think of it as the Zone's antechamber - it's a good place for rookies to get their head ​ ​ around. You'll find a trader in the vaults at the back of the village, next to the army outpost. Don't miss the chance to talk to him. You'd be advised to steer clear of the outpost itself, however. You don't want the soldiers to catch a sight of you - most of them shoot first and don't bother asking questions later. Yet, as always, there are some who can be bribed as long as the top brass is looking the other way. Attacking the soldiers is not recommended, unless they pose a direct threat. - Shadow of Chernobyl PDA description ”

Notable factions - Loners, Bandits, Military Common mutants - Blind Dog, Pseudodog, Boar, Flesh, Tushkano (Rodent), Cat Nearby zones - Garbage, Great Swamps

The starting place for most stalkers. Cordon is situated at the border to the Zone, and is protected by the military. This sometimes leads to conflicts between stalkers and the military, but the presence of the trader Sidorovich helps to keep things calm. While plagued by the most common anomalies, the Cordon’s position near the edge ensures that artifacts rarely appear.

Great Swamps - “ The marshlands consist mostly of murky irradiated water and tall reeds, with ​ ​ thin passages of safe land stretching like labyrinthine bridges all over. A few abandoned buildings and settlements dot the landscape. To the north lies the Agroprom Research Institute, just beyond the Hunter's Woods. To the east lies the Cordon. - PDA description ”

Notable factions - Common mutants - Boar, Flesh, Tushkano (Rodent), Snork Nearby zones - Cordon, Agroprom (secret)

The former home of the now defunct Clear Sky faction, the Great Swamp is a relatively calm, if mutant-infested, place. Very few stalkers or bandits come through the place, leaving it mostly untouched save for the remnants of military-style buildings located near the center of the marsh.

Garbage - “ A vast machinery graveyard. Right after the first accident whole heaps of ​ ​ radioactive waste were dumped there. Mostly ruins of old buildings infested with mutants. Much like the outskirts of the Zone, the place swarms with rookie stalkers, with an occasional bandit loitering around, always on the lookout for freebies. Some artifacts to be found here, but most of them are just not worth the effort. You'll be better off elsewhere. Going North, you will get to the Wild Territory, West lays the entrance to the Dark Valley, with the road to the Agroprom Research Institute to the East. - Shadow of Chernobyl PDA description ”

Notable factions - Loners, Bandits Common mutants - Blind Dog, Pseudodog, Boar, Flesh, Tushkano (Rodent), Cat, Fracture Nearby zones - Cordon, Agroprom, Dark Valley, Rostok

The next stop for most stalkers, the Garbage is a vast plain filled with degraded machinery and defunct railways. Bandits plan their ambushes here, while loners stick together near the main rail hub. Artifacts occasionally spawn amongst the heaps of metal debris, but large pockets of radiation prevent all but the most determined from profiting.

Agroprom - “A strange, heavily contaminated area, Agroprom is home to the Agroprom ​ ​ Research Institute and a factory, connected to the outside world via railway tracks. It's notable for its extensive network of underground facilities, corridors and other areas. To the north-west lies a shallow lake, chocked full of abandoned equipment and other debris. Following the 1986 incident, the Research Institute was created to analyze the possibilities of agriculture on radiated soil, apparently either as a sister facility to the Dark Valley science center or a replacement for it after the construction site was abandoned. -PDA Description“

Notable factions - Loners, Military Common mutants - Blind Dog, Pseudodog, Boar, Flesh Nearby zones - Garbage, Great Swamp (secret), Yantar (secret)

A highly-irradiated, Flesh and dog-infested zone with two main areas. A non-functioning pumping station is inhabited by several groups of loners, while the military camps in a nearby research institute. An anomalous swamp and various types of anomalies provide both groups plenty to do. Rumors say that there’s an underground area with hidden anomalies and artifacts.

Rostok - “ The Duty faction have set up camp on the plain's edge and they always welcome ​ ​ stalkers in need of rest. A desert oasis of sorts - a place completely devoid of anomalies and mutants. Be sure to check out the 100 Rads bar in the vaults - it's a meeting point for stalkers from all over the Zone. The bar is run by the local trader, so if you're interested in selling or buying wares apart from the local gossip - that's the place to go to. North of the bar is the military base, with the Garbage to the South. - PDA description ”

Notable factions - Loners, Duty Common mutants - Blind Dog, Pseudodog Nearby zones - Garbage, Wild Territory, Army Warehouses

Rostok lies within the inner band of the Zone, and its safe location providing a place to relax, trade, and plan. Most of the anomalies in Rostok are plant-based, which hang from pipes or ceilings, or sprout up from the ground in easily-avoided groups. The trader known as Barkeep plies his trade here, supplying both Loners and Duty, which bases itself in Rostok. The Arena is also located here, providing both entertainment and a way for anyone to gather a few roubles.

Wild Territory - “The Wild Territory used to be the site of a rather large manufacturing plant, ​ ​ currently in ruins. Many Stalkers met their death there, as the place is swarming with all sorts of monsters. The beasts are literally streaming over there from the entire Zone. It is said that something of great importance is hidden at this site, so there are always plenty of daredevils willing to try their luck. -PDA description”

Notable factions - Mercenaries Common mutants - Blind Dog, Pseudodog, Tushkano (Rodent), Snork, Bloodsucker, Zombie Nearby zones - Rostok, Yantar

Wild Territory is a highly contested zone, filled with both mercenary parties and mutants from all over the Zone. It also has a dense concentration of all sorts of anomalies, making exploration both profitable and extremely dangerous.

Yantar -”The legendary lake in the sector of the same name dried up a long time ago, leaving a ​ ​ shallow swamp in its place. The place is morbid and sodden with death. Great danger signs await any adventurous soul foolish enough to get near it. Anyone who dares to go too far goes insane. Zombified Stalkers and Snorks roam in the marshes waiting to attack victims. If you walk around the lake and past the zombies, you'll end up at the scientists' camp, brought by helicopters for research. You can talk with them; they buy artifacts and can even send you on a mission. -PDA description”

Notable factions - Ecologists, Duty Common mutants - Snork, Zombie, Controller Nearby zones - Wild Territory, Dead City (secret)

Yantar consists of a large swamp, a bunker that is the base of the Ecologists faction, and an abandoned production complex. Hordes of snorks and zombies roam the area, with the occasional controller popping up from no one knows where. Given the high concentration of anomalies, the site is a great place to find artifacts. One other interesting feature is that the production plant seems to have a latent Psi field. Anyone getting too close will be affected by headaches, visions, and, after too long a time of exposure, brain-death and zombification.

Dead City -”The Dead City is a Soviet-era town located between Yantar and Limansk that was ​ ​ abandoned by its inhabitants in the wake of the 1986 Chernobyl disaster. Over the years it fell prey to scavengers and elements, slowly falling apart. The city's central feature is the town square, with a statue of Lenin in the middle. This square also houses the city's culture/sports centre and party headquarters. A short distance to the south-east lies the school, complete with a basketball court. The rest of the city is occupied by block housing, dilapidated single homes and garages. Over the years, the city was stripped of most of its valuables and by 2012, it was practically an empty shell of its former self. -PDA description”

Notable factions - Loners Common mutants - Zombie, Controller, Snork, Bloodsucker Nearby zones - Yantar (secret), Army Warehouses (secret)

Dead city is a long-abandoned town straddling a river. Once a busy population center, now the only life within is the few Loners that manage to find the way...and the masses of zombies that fill the streets both night and day. A strong Psi-field blankets the southern portion of the town, leading to the theories that something unnatural lies within. Whether or not this is true, do not get caught outside at night when the sirens blow, or the hordes of zombies will add you to their numbers.

Army Warehouses - “ A deserted army base next to a dilapidated hamlet and a small marsh. ​ ​ The village is an eerie place literally swarming with mutants - the bloodsuckers alone are legion. Stalkers do their best to keep away from it, even if it means going extra kilometers around it. The anarchists from the Freedom faction have settled down in the army base. The road connecting the base to the Zone is guarded by the Brain Scorcher, which blocks the way to Pripyat and the Chernobyl NPP. - PDA description, Shadow of Chernobyl ”

Notable factions - Freedom, Mercenaries, Duty Common mutants - Bloodsucker, Controller, Chimera, Flesh, Zombie Nearby zones - Rostok, Red Forest, Dead City (secret)

Army Warehouses is the home of the Freedom faction, and a large, mutant-infested place. Controllers, Bloodsuckers, and zombies inhabit the small village to the southeast, leaving the rest of the land contested by mercenaries, Freedom, and the occasional Duty patrol. The way to Red Forest, and the Brain Scorcher, is constantly guarded by Freedom, preventing incursions by Monolith and mutants.

Red Forest - “ A dreadful place. Easy to vanish without a trace there, no matter how lucky you ​ ​ have been in life so far. Whoever gets close to the Brain Scorcher immediately goes insane, turns into a zombie and starts stalking the Zone restlessly. A human shell is all that's left. ​ No-one has ever returned with a sound mind. - Shadow of Chernobyl PDA description ”

Notable factions - Monolith Common mutants - Zombie, Pseudodog, Psi-dog Nearby zones - Army Warehouses, Limansk, Pripyat

Inhabited solely by Monolith and the zombified remains of unlucky stalkers, the Red Forest is avoided by all but the most desperate. While the numerous anomalies located within the dense forest promise wealth, the presence of the Brain Scorcher and Monolith patrols means that any forays into the woods will be short, and often fatal. It is also worth noting that the forest is highly radioactive due to fallout from the CNPP, with few safe places for stalkers to stay.

Limansk - “ For a long time no one heard anything about that town. Many folks don't believe ​ ​ Limansk ever existed. Only they're lying: the town exists - I saw it with my own eyes before the first disaster. You see, there was a closed institute there, a real big one, with houses built specially for scientists and their servants. It was a research institute with some fancy name...something like Radiowave. They put up a huge antenna too, the size of a five-story building! Real intellectuals, those fellas. Only there was never any peace in Limansk. Its residents were always cagey, suspicious of strangers. Always muttering something under their noses and praising the Soviet regime, even when we had provision shortages. We countryfolk used to go 'round Limansk - the people weren't exactly hearty, and the town kinda made your head hurt...must have been the antenna. Then Chernobyl happened, but Limansk was not even evacuated. They might have screwed something up in the documents, or maybe it was all that secrecy, I don't really know. But that was the last I heard of Limansk. I've got no business there. - Forester ”

Notable factions - Bandits, Monolith Common mutants - Nearby zones - Red Forest, CNPP (secret)

An old, abandoned town that, to many stalkers, is nothing more than a fanciful story. While Clear Sky was active it was thought of as a relatively safe way to bypass the Brain Scorcher on the way to the CNPP. The stalkers that tried soon found Bandits, Monolith, and spatial anomalies.

Pripyat - “ This used to be a town built for engineers working at the Chernobyl NPP. Quite a big ​ ​ place once, it is a ghost town now with mutants and zombies as the only residents. There seems to be no way to get in there: the Brain Scorcher is blocking the way. - Shadow of Chernobyl PDA description ”

Notable factions - Monolith Common mutants - Blind Dog, Pseudodog, Psi-dog, Snork Nearby zones - Red Forest, CNPP

Pripyat was abandoned shortly after the Chernobyl incident, leaving the place desolate and irradiated. Now, only Monolith inhabits the town, defending it from what few intruders make it past the Brain Scorcher.

Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant (CNPP) - “ The site of the world-famous nuclear power plant. ​ ​ This is the heart of the Zone. If you believe the legends, this is also the site of the Monolith - a mysterious thing capable of granting any wish. - Shadow of Chernobyl PDA description ”

Notable factions - Monolith Common mutants - Nearby zones - Pripyat

The CNPP is guarded jealously by the Monolith faction, believed by stalkers everywhere to be hiding a secret, wish-granting machine. It is said that any stalker that manages to avoid the radiation, the Monolith patrols, and the numerous anomalies to reach the machine within will have their greatest desire rewarded.

Anomalies of the Zone

The Zone contains a great many strange things, but amongst the strangest are the anomalies. Formed by unknown means and producing the valued artifacts sought by all, anomalies are both the bane and bliss of those that walk the zone.

Mechanically, an anomaly’s strength depending on its age and inherent power. Measured in Threat ratings from 4-10, older, “matured” anomalies tend to be stronger, while younger ones are usually weaker. When rolling damage for an anomaly, roll an amount of dice equal to its Threat rating.

Anomalies can appear just about anywhere, popping up in previously safe zones or vanishing from well-known death areas, turning the Zone into a constant dance that requires patience and vigilance to survive.

“Minor” Anomalies Burnt Fuzz - Common, Acid-based, Width + 2 in Shock, Continuous damage, avoided by ​ Perception or Dodge.

Burnt Fuzz anomalies are one of the rare instances in which seemingly normal plants have been turned into dangerous traps. Such anomalies appear as a mass of dull brown ivy or plant matter, usually hanging down from edges, ceilings, or other heights. While common outdoors, they are also a frequent sight indoors. Anything touching a Burnt Fuzz takes continuous chemical damage as the plant proceeds to try and melt it. Despite the anomaly’s strength, it’s easily avoided.

Electro - Common, Electric-based, Width + 2 in Shock, uses all sets, Stun/Dazed, avoided by ​ Perception or Dodge (Difficulty 4).

A common and somewhat beautiful sight in the Zone, Electro anomalies are prized for the artifacts they occasionally form. Taking the shape of an irregular, circular field approximately 10 meters in diameter, Electro anomalies are easily visible both day and night as groups of flashing electrical arcs. They also tend to spring up in the worst possible place (usually exactly where a stalker needs to go to get somewhere interesting or important). Organic or metallic objects caught in the active zone take an immediate electrical shock, dealing large amounts of damage as the anomaly releases its charge in a rush of static and thunder. Should anything remain in the field, it will continue to be shocked (every round), even after death and until disintegration.

It is common knowledge that Electro fields can be “tricked”. By using a bolt or other sacrificial item, an Electro can be triggered, letting out its charge. Then, while it’s “recharging”, it can be moved through safely, though anyone hoping to do so has only a second or two at best.

It’s also not uncommon for Electro fields to be mobile. These wandering shock traps are often smaller than their stationary brethren (only 5 meters at most), and tend to stick to a single path, often repeating the circuit hundreds of times before dying out.

Fruit Punch - Common, Acid-based, Width + 1 in Shock, Burn (chemical), Continuous damage, ​ degrades armor, avoided by any successful Perception or Dodge.

Fruit Punches are a strange sight in the Zone. Being a puddle of indeterminate liquid, they glow with the bright green or blue lights of unknown chemical reactions that makes them stand out in any situation, especially in their natural underground habitats. Anything left in a Fruit Punch will dissolve, usually over the course of a few seconds, and any stalker traveling through one can have his equipment melted right off of him.

Gas - Uncommon, Acid-based, Width + 2 in Shock, Burn (chemical), Continuous damage, ​ avoided by any successful Perception or Dodge.

A semi-common sight in the Zone, Gas anomalies are often paired with Burnt Fuzz. Scientists are not sure exactly what goes on in a Gas anomaly, but it’s plain to see (and feel) the intense chemical reactions taking place as a cloud of vaporous green gas. Anything organic entering a Gas field activates it, after which it will splatter acidic compounds around. Humans entering a Gas field unprotected will find themselves choking on the fumes and, more worryingly, melting. Thankfully, it’s possible to mitigate the effects of a Gas anomaly through proper equipment, though as they are often paired with Burnt Fuzz this is still risky.

Major Anomalies Burner - Common, Fire-based, Width + 1 in Killing, Burn, Area 3 (Boiler), Continuous damage, ​ avoided by Perception or Dodge (Difficulty 3-4).

Burner anomalies are another common sight in the zone. Recognized by a heat haze or the cloud of hot, smoky air around an inactive spot, Burners are activated by incautious organics or nearby metals. Anything caught within the immediately forming pillar of fire is set ablaze and takes damage until they get to safety. Once activated, Burners blaze away happily for a period of three to five seconds before deactivating again. There is also another type of Burner called the Boiler, which resides entirely in water, and is thus a bit harder to notice than its land-based brother.

Rare sightings have also been made of mobile Burner anomalies, called Comets. Though only rumor at this point, it is said that any such Burners tend to stick to specific areas.

Springboard - Uncommon, Gravitational, Width in Shock - Width + 3 in Killing, avoided by ​ Perception (Difficulty 4).

One of the first anomalies ever recorded, Springboards are another type of gravitational anomaly. Small in size (only one to two meters), they respond to intruding presences by sending out a wave of force. Depending on the age of the anomaly, this can be anything from a light punch to a body-shattering slam. They are identified by a heat haze, whirling leaves, or the blood of past victims on the ground around them.

Like the Electro anomaly, Springboards can be “tricked”, providing a one to two second window of safe travel.

Vortex - Common, Gravitational, Width - Width + 2 in Killing, ignores armor, avoided by ​ Perception (Difficulty 4) or Dodge (Difficulty 4-5).

Vortex anomalies are fairly common around the zone, and may be one of the first ones encountered by stalkers. Taking the form of a circular field of gravitational energy, these anomalies, when triggered, start to pull in everything within 10-15 meters. After a period of three to four seconds the anomaly “collapses”, crushing or exploding everything it’s captured. Unlike most anomalies, Vortexes vary in strength, though scientists are not sure why due to the seemingly random patterns across the Zone. Vortexes can be recognized by a shimmer in the air, swirling leaves, and a faint sound of blowing wind.

Lethal Anomalies Whirligig - Uncommon, Gravitational, Width + 3 in Shock and Killing, ignores armor, uses all ​ sets, avoided by Perception (Difficulty 4) or Dodge (Difficulty 3-4).

Whirligig anomalies are a distant cousin to both Springboard and Vortex anomalies, and just as deadly. Sitting in the middle of a field between three to five meters wide, a Whirligig attempts to draw in anything that happens to activate it. Anything on the edges of the field stand a decent chance of escaping unharmed. Anything close to the middle of the anomaly, however, is more than likely to be captured, which spells certain doom. Objects captured by the Whirligig are lifted into the air and spun around at increasingly high speeds for a period of three to five seconds, at the end of which the field collapses, crushing whatever is inside. These anomalies can be identified by a faint glow, a constant rush of leaves in the air high above, or the scattered blood and bones of previous victims.

Special Anomalies Fault - Rare, Fire-based, Width in Killing, Burn, Continuous damage, Heat-based Danger, ​ avoided by Perception.

Faults are a rare version of the Burner anomaly. Looking like a huge, cracked, magmatic section of earth, these fields contain several normal Burners within them. Any stalker entering a Fault can expect to be subjected to intense heat, immolating the unprotected and broiling those that are. Despite the danger, Faults are a source of some of the rarest and most prized artifacts.

Symbiont - Extremely Rare, Intensity 5 Psi-field ​

Symbiont fields are easily recognizable from far away. Appearing as a collapsed, broken field of land, these anomalies are highly dangerous. Around the edge of such zones are jagged rocks, as well as multiple Burner anomalies. Deeper within the bowl-shaped depression are gravitational anomalies. However, the most dangerous aspect of Symbionts is the Psi field that covers the entire anomaly. Beings caught within are subjected to constant headaches, visions, and eventually brain-death for the unprotected. Unlike most other anomalies, Symbionts don’t disappear or shift after an Emission. Instead, the anomalies inside of them shift, weaken, or strengthen, while the Symbiont itself stays.

Spatial Anomalies - Uncommon/Rare, avoided by Perception (3-6). ​

Space and time is distorted in the Zone, and no one knows that better than stalkers caught in a spatial anomaly. In fortunate cases, such anomalies can be recognized by a clearly visible distortion, like a heat haze or mirage. In unfortunate cases, stalkers are trapped in fields that they cannot see, touch, hear or otherwise sense. No one is quite sure what causes spatial anomalies, though cases have occurred where they are created by new, strange artifacts. What is known that, as time and space are warped beyond recognition, spatial anomalies require very specific methods in order to get out them.

The occasionally beneficial anomaly turns up, which sends stalkers from one point to another with little to no damage (save for nausea from traveling far and fast). Stories abound of stalkers finding troves of artifacts beyond calm gates, leading others to attempt passage despite the danger.

Emission/Blowout - Instant death, Radioactive, Psi-field, avoided by seeking shelter. ​

Emissions are Zone-wide anomalies that, anywhere else, would be classified as an ecological disaster. Whenever one is about to happen, sirens blare, PDA warnings abound, and everyone with a brain to protect seeks shelter. An Emission at first looks like a thunderstorm, albeit a powerful one. Strong winds, frequent lightning, and heavy rain herald the oncoming disaster. When the sky lights up, anyone caught outside has approximately one minute to reach shelter.

After one minute passes, the local radioactivity rises to lethal levels, and a powerful Psi-field blankets the Zone. Anyone outside and unprotected dies, later reviving as a zombie.

Beings left outside also have to deal with the immense radioactive, Psi, and force waves that radiate out from the CNPP to the edges of the Zone. Without proper protection, getting hit by one is instant death. Anyone so killed tends to become a zombie. After three waves or so, over the course of five to ten minutes, the Emission ends.

Yet Emissions have one last surprise. Known as “Horror Time”, it is the direct result of leftover Psi energy from the Emission. Able to even reach underground, it affects everyone in the Zone in one way or another. Common effects are hallucinations, headaches, visions, temporary depression and phobias, and other mental effects. Thankfully Horror Time only lasts for about half an hour, and is regularly seen as the perfect time to get drunk or high while spending time with comrades.

Emissions also have three additional effects all across the Zone. First, new artifacts spawn. No one is quite sure why, but it’s assumed that the intense energies released during an Emission force anomalies to reveal their treasures. Second, most anomalies shift position, disappear, or strengthen, closing off previously safe roads and opening new paths through the Zone. Finally, anyone killed by an Emission revives...as a zombie. There is rumor of a powerful drug that lets stalkers survive blowouts, even without a suit or other protection, but no one is quite sure of what it might be, let alone how expensive it must be.

Artifacts of the Zone

While the Zone hosts a considerable number of dangers, it also contains a plethora of gifts. These gifts are known as artifacts: strange substances and objects that hold special, unnatural qualities. They are highly sought after by scientists and stalkers alike for their properties.

Common Artifacts Droplets - Common, 0.35kg, Reduces radiation by 1 Potency every hour, Decreases interval ​ required for Endurance rolls by 1, 2-4 Wealth Droplets are formed by the high temperatures of a Burner anomaly. While able to remove radiation efficiently, the cost in exhaustion balances its price and use amongst stalkers.

Eye - Common, 0.42kg, Reduces bleeding by 1 step every minute, Increases radiation by 1 ​ Potency every hour, 2-4 Wealth Formed alongside Droplets, these artifacts resemble molten eyes. They boost the metabolism, promoting the healing of wounds at a cost in irradiating surrounding tissues.

Gravi - Common, 0.35kg, Reduces damage from animal-based attacks by 1Killing, Increases ​ radiation by 1 Potency every hour, 2-4 Wealth Formed by the Vortex anomaly, Gravi artifacts store small amounts of radiation in the body, all the while radiating the rest in away from the body, helping to prevent damage.

Jellyfish - Common, 0.80kg, Increases ARM against bullet-based attacks by 1, Increases ​ radiation by 1 Potency every day, 3-4 Wealth Jellyfish are formed by Springboard anomalies. In reflection of their parent’s gravitational properties, Jellyfish are able to slightly bend space around the body, helping to deflect incoming high-velocity objects.

Meat Chunk - Common, 0.86kg, Reduces natural healing interval from 1 week to 1 day, ​ Increases all incoming damage by 1 Killing, 5-6 Wealth Whirligigs produce this artifact, which may be named after the chunks one sees after the anomaly does its gruesome work. While it enhances the body’s healing capabilities, it also makes it more vulnerable to to damage.

Shell - Common, 0.55kg, Increases interval for Endurance rolls by 1, Increases radiation by 2 ​ Potency every hour, 3-6 Wealth Initially thought to be useless, scientists have discovered that, if kept close at hand, this artifact “recharges” the body, allowing greater feats of endurance. It also irradiated it, however, so caution is advised. Slug - Common, 0.58kg, Reduces bleeding by 1 steps every minute, increases damage from ​ Burn and Chemical-based sources by 1 Shock, 3-4 Wealth Formed in Fruit Punch anomalies just like Slime artifacts, the chemicals in Slugs boost the coagulation factor of blood. Also like Slimes, they leave the body vulnerable to various types of burns.

Sparkler - Common, 0.45kg, Increases interval for Endurance rolls by 1, increases damage ​ from electric-based sources by 1 Shock, 1-4 Wealth These common artifacts are formed by Electro anomalies, and are found everywhere across the Zone. It enhances musculature, increasing endurance and recovery, while also leaving the body more susceptible to electric shocks.

Stone Blood - Common, 0.40kg, Converts an additional point of Killing during natural healing, ​ increases all incoming damage by 1 Shock, 1-2 Wealth. Found near Whirligig anomalies, these ugly, reddish lumps are formed from compressed dirt, plants, bones, and flesh. Promotes healing while leaving the body vulnerable to damage.

Stone Flower - Common, 0.58kg, Reduces damage from bullet-based attacks by 1 Shock, ​ increases radiation by 1 Potency per hour, 3-6 Wealth These artifacts are formed in and around Springboard anomalies. Though capable of reducing the damage of incoming high-velocity objects, the radioactive properties make this artifact undesirable save for research purposes.

Wrenched - Common, 0.5kg, Reduces damage from animal-based sources by 1 Shock, ​ increases radiation by 1 Potency every hour, 1-2 Wealth A common sight in the Zone, the radiation these artifacts produce are useful in protecting from scratches or wounds.

Uncommon Artifacts Battery - Reduces Electric-based damage by 1 Shock and Killing, 0.35kg, 4-6 Wealth ​ Formed by the Electro anomaly, Batteries provide excellent electric resistance at no cost. Prized because of this, they fetch a good price. They also form Electro anomalies when activated, and can power devices that require electricity.

Bubble - Uncommon, Reduces radiation by 1 Potency every hour, 0.25kg, 5-6 Wealth ​ Fruit Punch anomalies occasionally create small formations of hollow, connected spheres. These spheres glow a slight green, but instead of being radioactive they remove radiation, and are thus highly sought after by all factions alike.

Crystal - Uncommon, 0.35kg, Reduces radiation by 2 Potency every hour, Decreases interval ​ required for Endurance rolls by 3, 4-6 Wealth Crystals are sometimes formed in Burner anomalies. They reduce the radiation around them by a large amount at the cost of tiring anyone that holds it.

Crystal Thorn - Uncommon, 0.55kg, Reduces radiation by 2 Potency every hour, increases ​ Bleeding by 1 step every hour, 5-6 Wealth Formed by the Burnt Fuzz anomaly, Crystal Thorns are adept at removing the radiation in people. They do this, however, at a cost, as the spiky surface penetrates the skin, removing blood and radiation.

Fireball - Uncommon, 0.45kg, Reduces radiation by 3 Potency every hour, Decreases interval ​ required for Endurance rolls by 2, 3-6 Wealth A heat-emitting, rounded artifact from the Burner anomaly. Glowing with an inner fire, the Fireball effectively reduces radiation, but tires out the muscles of anyone holding it.

Flash - Uncommon, 0.33kg, Increases interval required for Endurance rolls by 2, increases ​ damage from Electrical-based sources by 1 Shock, 5-6 Wealth Resembling nothing more than a spiky, electric blue ball, these artifacts are sometimes formed in the Electro anomalies. The flow of electricity from the artifact promotes muscle growth and prevents the forming of lactic acid, but also leaves them vulnerable to larger shocks.

Firefly - Rare, 0.60kg, Removes all Shock at the end of combat, Increases radiation by 3 ​ Potency every hour, 6-8 Wealth This artifact is formed in very specific circumstances. Electro anomalies with water below, and pounded by rain from above, form dense concentrations of energy that take the form of Fireflies. Noticeable by its intense green glow, a Firefly can boost the health of anyone that holds it, regenerating wounds before the eyes at a cost of also irradiating them.

Goldfish - Uncommon, 1.5kg, Reduces damage from animal-based sources by 1 Killing, ​ Increases radiation by 2 Potency every hour, 3-4 Wealth These artifacts come from the Vortex anomaly. Creating a somewhat fish-shaped object of white, reddish-brown, and dusky blue, they help prevent tissues from tearing in the event of claw-type attacks. They also reduce the tissue’s resistance to radiation, however.

Moonlight - Uncommon, 0.65kg, Increases interval for Endurance rolls by 2, increases damage ​ from electrical-based sources by 1 Shock, 5-6 Wealth Between the hours of midnight and 5am, stalkers have seen these artifacts fly, shining, from Electro anomalies. Glowing a beautiful blue and taking the form of a transparent orb surrounding a shining core, these artifacts are valued both for their looks as well as their effects. The electricity that flows from them boosts muscular abilities, while also leaving them slightly vulnerable to other electrical shocks.

Slime - Uncommon, 0.35kg, Reduces bleeding by 2 steps every minute, Increases damage ​ from Burn and Chemical sources by 1 Shock, 5-6 Wealth Slime artifacts are formed in Fruit Punch anomalies, and are useful in controlling bleeding. The chemicals that the artifact uses to do this also leave the tissues more susceptible to burns, both heat and chemical.

Thorn - Uncommon, 0.45kg, Reduces radiation by 1 Potency per minute, Increases bleeding by ​ 1 step every minute, 3-6 Wealth Formed by the combining of a Burnt Fuzz and a careless stalker, these artifacts are useful in removing radiation from the body, along with the blood that holds it.

Rare Artifacts Compass - Extremely Rare, 0.75kg, 7-9 Wealth ​ Compasses are exceedingly rare artifacts of unknown origin. They are said to be able to detect the edges of anomalies, as well as able to find the path from anywhere to anywhere. The stalker known as Guide is said to have one, and others rarely crop up around the Zone.

Kolobok - Rare, 0.75kg, Removes 1 Shock every hour, Increases radiation by 2 Potency every ​ hour, 5-8 Wealth While it’s not known how these artifacts form, what is known is that the radiation they produce enhances the body’s healing capabilities. It is also known that they radiate whatever they touch, so caution is advised.

Mama’s Beads - Rare, 0.5kg, Removes 2 Shock every hour, 7-10 Wealth ​ One of the only artifacts with no negative properties. Mama’s Beads are rarely produced by Burner anomalies, and the heat they produce enhances the healing abilities of any organics it touches. Prized by all stalkers.

Mica - Rare, 1.0kg, Reduces Bleeding by 2 steps every Minute, increases damage from Burn ​ and Chemical-based sources by 1 Shock, 5-8 Wealth Formed only in the rarest conditions by the Fruit Punch anomaly, Micas are known for their ability to stop bleeding almost immediately. The cost of such wonderful abilities is a slight increase in vulnerability to both chemical substances and heat.

Night Star - Rare, 0.75kg, Reduces damage from bullet-based sources by 1 Shock and Killing, ​ Increases radiation by 1 Potency every hour, 5-8 Wealth Night Stars are rarely seen at night, shining in the way that gives them their name. Highly sought after by stalkers, it’s benefits far outweigh the radiation it constantly emits.

Pellicle - Rare, 0.64kg, Reduces chemical-based damage by 2 Shock and Killing, 5-6 Wealth ​ The Pellicle doesn’t look like much, being little more than a greenish-yellow blob of semi-transparent substances. However, the chemicals coating this artifact are able to neutralize various harmful substances, giving it a high price whenever one is found. Though it crops up in indoor environments, no one knows just how it’s formed…

Snowflake - Rare, 0.30kg, Increases interval for Endurance rolls by 3, Increases radiation by 3 ​ Potency every hour, 7-10 Often mistaken for Kolobok, Snowflakes instead glow a bright blue-white. They are also formed in the Electro anomaly, which contributes both endurance-enhancing abilities and radiation. Pretty and useful, it goes for a high price.

Soul - Rare, 0.75kg, Automatically converts 2 additional Killing damage during natural healing, ​ increases all incoming damage by 1 Shock, 5-8 Wealth Soul artifacts are formed near Whirligig anomalies. Somehow, they enhance a body’s healing capabilities, but at the cost of leaving it weaker to incoming damage.

Spring - Rare, 0.33kg, Reduces damage from animal-based attacks by 2 Shock and Killing, 3-6 ​ Wealth These rare artifacts are thought to be a mix between Batteries and Shells. Taking on its parent anomaly’s properties lets this artifact deflect incoming blows, reducing their power.

Urchin - Rare, 0.35kg, Reduces radiation by 2 Potency every hour, increases bleeding by 1 ​ step every hour, 5-8 Wealth Burnt Fuzz anomalies rarely form this artifact, which is incredibly efficient at reducing radiation at a small cost in blood.

Mutants of the Zone

Blind Dogs - Found in packs of two to fifteen, Blind Dogs are a common sight in the Zone. ​ Though they are blind, their sense of smell and hearing are superb, allowing them to locate prey and danger instantly. Despite their ferociousness, Blind Dogs show particular intelligence, and will not attack stalkers or other mutants unless present in overwhelming numbers.

Blind Dogs are treated as Threat 2-3 Minions.

Tushkano (Rodent) - Large, mutated Zone rats that attack relentlessly despite losses or the ​ size of their prey. Even though they are small, more than one stalker has been brought down by underestimating their bite and numbers.

Tushkano are treated as Threat 1 Minions, and are immune to Morale attacks. Their attacks deal 1 Killing damage each.

Flesh - Horribly mutated pigs, usually found in packs of five to six. Led by an Alpha Flesh, these ​ packs have been known to attack stalkers and other mutants, dragging them off to hidden dens before consumption. For the desperate, the favor can be returned, as Flesh are edible, if not exactly appetizing. Though Fleshes are big, they tend to run head-first into their intended victims, making them easy to headshot.

Flesh are treated as Threat 1-2 Minions.

Pseudodog - “Pseudodogs are a relatively common type of mutant descended from wolf, bear ​ ​ and human DNA strains and only resembling dogs visually. Unlike their relative the Blind dog, which is clearly a side effect of random mutations, Pseudodogs are thought to possess experimental breeding history, with their possible origins tracing back to way before the second disaster. -PDA description”

Hit Locations - Total Health: 23 ​ Hit Location Hit Number # of Wound Boxes

Head 10 3

Body 7-9 6

Right Hind Leg 5-6 4

Left Hind Leg 3-4 4

Right Fore Leg 2 3

Left Fore Leg 1 3

Body 3-4 Coordination 2-3 Sense 4-5

Bite 2-3 Dodge 3-4 Hearing 2-3

Freerunning 3-4 Sight 1-3

Pounce 2-3

Special - Movement - 20’ per round. Each point in Freerunning adds 5’ to their movement rate. Attacks - A pseudodog’s attacks deal Width +1 in Killing.

Alpha Flesh - The biggest, baddest Flesh of a pack. Such creatures are recognized by their ​ greenish-grey skin and the numerous scars all over their body.

Hit Locations - Total Health: 30 ​ Hit Location Hit Number # of Wound Boxes

Head 10 4

Body 7-9 10

Right Hind Leg 5-6 4

Left Hind Leg 3-4 4

Right Fore Leg 2 4

Left Fore Leg 1 4

Body 3-4 Coordination 2-3 Sense 2-3

Headbutt 2-3 Claw 1md Hearing 2-3

Freerunning 2-3 Sight 1-3

Special - Movement - 10’ per round. Each point in Freerunning adds 5’ to their movement rate. Attacks - An alpha flesh’s headbutt deals Width in Shock, and claw deals Width + 1 in Killing.

Boar - Stemming from the wild boars found in the forests around Chernobyl, boars have ​ mutated into large, dangerous creatures with extra tusks, sharp hooves, and a bloody temperament.

Hit Locations - Total Health: 37 ​ Hit Location Hit Number # of Wound Boxes

Head 10 7

Body 7-9 10

Right Hind Leg 5-6 5

Left Hind Leg 3-4 5 Right Fore Leg 2 5

Left Fore Leg 1 5

Body 5 Coordination 3 Sense 3

Headbutt 3-4 Claw 2 Hearing 3

Freerunning 2-3 Sight 3

Special - The boar’s thick hide gives it ARM 1 on all hit locations Movement - 10’ per round. Each point in Freerunning adds 5’ to their movement rate. Attacks - A boar’s headbutt deals Width +1 in Shock, and their claws deal Width + 2 in Killing.

Cat - Mean, ornery, and persistent are just some of the words used to describe the mutated cats ​ found in the Zone. While small, their claws are still sharp enough to give stalkers trouble.

Hit Locations - Total Health: 21 ​ Hit Location Hit Number # of Wound Boxes

Head 10 3

Body 7-9 8

Right Hind Leg 5-6 3

Left Hind Leg 3-4 3

Right Fore Leg 2 2

Left Fore Leg 1 2

Body 2 Coordination 4 Sense 3

Bite 2-3 Claw 2 Hearing 3

Freerunning 3-4 Dodge 3-4 Sight 4

Special - Movement - 15’ per round. Each point in Freerunning adds 5’ to their movement rate. Attacks - A cat’s attacks deal Width in Killing

Chimera - Chimeras are twin-headed cat/dog-like mutants found rarely in the zone. Each one is ​ strong enough to flip a car unaided, and their incredibly long leaps are as deadly as they are beautiful to watch.

Hit Locations - Total Health: 57 ​ Hit Location Hit Number # of Wound Boxes

Head 10 10

Body 7-9 15

Right Hind Leg 5-6 8

Left Hind Leg 3-4 8

Right Fore Leg 2 8

Left Fore Leg 1 8

Body 6 Coordination 5 Sense 4

Pounce 4 Claw 3 Hearing 3

Freerunning 5 Dodge 3 Sight 5

Special - Chimeras have ARM 2 on all hit locations Movement - 20’ per round. Each point in Freerunning adds 5’ to their movement rate. Attacks - A chimera’s attacks deal Width + 2 in Shock and Killing, with the pounce dealing Daze.

Snork - Thought to result from broken-minded soldiers left to "guard" the Zone, Snorks are ​ recognized by the loud grunting they constantly produce and the dirty, torn fatigues they still wear. On some occasions, Snorks have also been seen talking to each other, although the "language" they use is barely recognizable. Snorks crouch low at all times, moving in a rolling, animalistic nature that mirrors the degradation of their minds. Snorks leap at their prey before scuttling into kick it to death. The name “snork” comes from the tattered remains of the gas mask common to all such creatures, which hangs down like a snout.

Hit Locations - Total Health: 35 ​ Hit Location Hit Number # of Wound Boxes

Head 10 5

Body 7-9 10 Right Arm 5-6 5

Left Arm 3-4 5

Right Leg 2 5

Left Leg 1 5

Body 3 Coordination 3 Sense 2

Leap 3 Kick 3 Hearing 3

Dodge 3 Sight 2

Special - Movement - 5’ per round. Each point in Freerunning adds 5’ to their movement rate. Attacks - A snork’s attacks deal Width + 1 in Shock and Killing.

Bloodsucker - Bloodsuckers are a type of rare mutant usually found in the deeper areas of the ​ Zone, often underground. They seem vaguely humanoid, with a hunched stance and height similar to that of an average person. Their eyes are lambent and their mouths are surrounded by several powerful tentacles used for feeding on blood.

Hit Locations - Total Health: 38 ​ Hit Location Hit Number # of Wound Boxes

Head 10 4

Body 7-9 12

Right Arm 5-6 6

Left Arm 3-4 6

Right Leg 2 5

Left Leg 1 5

Body 4 Coordination 4 Sense 3

Smack 3 Grab 3 + 1ed Hearing 3

Freerunning 3 Dodge 3 Sight 4

Special - Bloodsuckers that successfully grab may then attempt to suck their victim’s blood. The attack deals Width +2 in Shock and Killing, and inflicting Daze. Once a bloodsucker has fed, it may simply leave. Bloodsuckers may also activate a mimetic effect, turning themselves nearly invisible and requiring a Difficulty 4-5 roll to spot. Movement - 15’ per round. Each point in Freerunning adds 5’ to their movement rate. Attacks - A Bloodsucker’s attacks deal Width +2 in Shock and Killing. They may also attempt to grab an opponent for feeding.

Burer - “The result of Secret Service genetic experiments on criminals, under the program of ​ ​ human telekinesis development. A humanoid creature of hypertrophied complexion, clad in shreds of shabby overalls. Afraid of bright light, the Burer dwells in dark and gloomy undergrounds and caves. Feeds on dead bodies. -PDA Description”

Hit Locations - Total Health: 34 ​ Hit Location Hit Number # of Wound Boxes

Head 10 9

Body 7-9 11

Right Arm 5-6 4

Left Arm 3-4 4

Right Leg 2 3

Left Leg 1 3

Body 3 Coordination 3 Sense 4 Mind 4

Smack 3 Dodge 1 Hearing 3 Telekinesis 3 + 1ed

Freerunning 1 Sight 3

Special - Burers can attempt to disarm opponents with their Telekinesis using an Opposed roll against Coordination/Body. Burers also have a habit of using nearby objects as improvised weapons, flinging them at enemies for Impact damage. Movement - 5’ per round. Each point in Freerunning adds 5’ to their movement rate. Attacks - Burers deal Width +1 in Shock and Killing with their physical attacks, and Width + 2 in Shock and Killing with Telekinesis.

Controller - “The secret service genetic Experiments on criminals generated a new type of ​ ​ mutant. A rare mutant seen near to the center of the Zone, it bears a superficial resemblance to a humanoid with a disproportionately large head. Despite their appearance, they are highly intelligent, possess good perception and an ability to control the behaviour of less developed creatures. Mature specimens are capable of taking control of a human's mind. This is a formidable enemy, even the most experienced stalkers are afraid of meeting it. According to some stalkers, Controllers can make it seem that you are surrounded by your friends, but actually you are surrounded by zombies; or it might seem that you are walking on a pathway, but actually you are about to fall off a cliff. -PDA description”

Hit Locations - Total Health: 35 ​ Hit Location Hit Number # of Wound Boxes

Head 10 7

Body 7-9 10

Right Arm 5-6 5

Left Arm 3-4 5

Right Leg 2 4

Left Leg 1 4

Body 2 Coordination 2 Sense 3 Mind 6

Smack 2 Dodge 1 Hearing 2 Telekinesis 3

Sight 3 Telepathy 4 + 1md

Special - Controllers count as a Intensity 4-7, 10-20 meter Psi field, depending on their age and strength. They may also attempt to fry the brains of an opponent, turning them into a zombie under the Controller’s...control. Their enhances craniums also have the equivalent of 1 ARM. Movement - 5’ per round. Each point in Freerunning adds 5’ to their movement rate. Attacks - Controllers deal Width + 1 in Killing with physical attacks, and Width + 2 in Shock and killing with psychic attacks.

Zombie - “ 'These creatures ceased being human: they have no cognitive abilities, and so their ​ ​ behavior is the result of whatever remains of their purely animal instincts.' - Professor Sakharov's explanation on the origins of zombies. ”

Hit Locations - Total Health: 37 ​ Hit Location Hit Number # of Wound Boxes

Head 10 5

Body 7-9 12

Right Arm 5-6 5

Left Arm 3-4 5

Right Leg 2 5

Left Leg 1 5

Body 6 Coordination 2 Sense 2

Smack 3 Ranged Weapons 3 Hearing 2

Endurance 4 + 1ed Sight 2

Special - Zombies drop to the ground once having taken “lethal” damage to the torso, or half their health if using a locationless method. Once down, they make make an Endurance roll to get back up. The only way to prevent this is to blow them up, completely deplete their health, or ​ ​ destroy the head, which immediately kills the zombie. Movement - 5’ per round. Attacks - Zombies deal Width + 1 damage in Killing with a wild smack, but they can also be equipped with any weapon, giving them ranged capabilities.

Psi Dog - A strange breed of pseudodog with Psi powers. Assumed to have been born near the ​ Brain Scorcher or other psi fields, they present a big threat to lone stalkers.

Hit Locations - Total Health: 23 ​ Hit Location Hit Number # of Wound Boxes

Head 10 3

Body 7-9 6

Right Hind Leg 5-6 4 Left Hind Leg 3-4 4

Right Fore Leg 2 3

Left Fore Leg 1 3

Body 3-4 Coordination 2-3 Sense 4-5 Mind 3

Bite 2-3 Dodge 3-4 Hearing 2-3 Telepathy 3 + 1ed

Freerunning 3-4 Sight 1-3

Pounce 2-3

Special - Psi Dogs may create an illusion of a pseudodog every round, up to a max of 5 such fakes. Such illusions are treated as Threat 2 Minions, but inflict no damage, instead covering for the real dog as it attacks. Movement - 10’ per round. Each point in Freerunning adds 5’ to their movement rate. Attacks - Psi Dogs deal Width + 1 with their attacks.

Pseudogiant - “ The pseudogiant resembles a massive, drop-shaped abdomen with a pair of ​ ​ disproportionately large limbs. The limbs are arms and legs at the same time. The creature uses them to move around and grab its victims. An adult pseudogiant can weigh up to two tons and stand 2 meters tall. Their clumsy appearance might be deceiving, since they can move very rapidly if needed. Their muscles are exceptionally powerful and their bones are as hard as steel. The creature's brain is protected by a sturdy (up to 10 centimeters thick) skull, while many complex functions are controlled by the spinal medulla. Another astonishing feature of the beast is its ability to create local shock waves, which damage all living things in the vicinity. - Shadow of Chernobyl PDA description ” ​ ​

Hit Locations - Total Health: 40 ​ Hit Location Hit Number # of Wound Boxes

Head 10 10

Body 7-9 10

Back 5-6 Damage goes into Body

Left Arm 3-4 10

Right Arm 1-2 10

Body 6 Coordination 2 Sense 3 Headbutt 3 Hearing 3

Slam 3 + 1ed Sight 2

Special - Pseudogiants may use their Slam as an Area 3 ranged attack, hitting everyone within a 5-10 meter range. Pseudogiants also have ARM 2 on all hit locations save the head, which has ARM 3. Movement - 5’ per round. Attacks - Pseudogiants deal Width + 3 damage in Shock and Killing with their attacks.

Poltergeist - “ Supernatural in the eyes of some, invisible creatures haunting the deeper ​ ​ reaches of the Zone, usually haunting old, abandoned buildings. Nothing is known about their origin, although rumors in circulation claim they are spirits of stalkers hit by a massive wave of radiation. Their mysterious appearances and disappearances seem to correspond to the poltergeist legend, hence the name. Known encounters with poltergeists are quite diverse in fact: from mischievous laughter and blood-chilling howling, to deadly fireballs appearing out of nowhere. Unfortunately, all information about the poltergeist phenomenon originates from unclear and contradictory stories of questionable validity. - Shadow of Chernobyl encyclopedia entry ”

Hit Locations - Total Health: 30 ​ Hit Location Hit Number # of Wound Boxes

Body 1-10 30

Body 3 Coordination 3 Sense 5 Mind 4

Freerunning 3 Dodge 3 Hearing 5 Telekinesis 4 + 1ed

Flight 3 Sight 5

Special - Whenever attacked, the Poltergeist automatically makes a Dodge roll. They do not attack directly or otherwise respond, instead just floating about mysteriously. Movement - 15’ per round. Each point in Freerunning adds 5’ to their movement rate. Attacks - Poltergeists deal Impact damage with thrown objects, depending on how heavy the object is and how fast it was thrown.

Weapons in the Zone

The Zone is a very dangerous place, and not just because of the mutants and anomalies. While most of the weapons found within the Zone are old military surplus, more modern, updated versions may be found, as well as some surprisingly advanced weaponry.

Ammo is measured in two ways. The first is the actual amount of ammo the weapon holds. The second value is a reduced version that GMs may use to make ammo a bit easier to keep track of.

Accuracy is a measure of the Difficulty imposed at various ranges. It goes from Short range (1 to 9 meters), Medium (10 to 50 meters) and Long range (51+ meters).

9x18 caliber pistols - Base Damage of Width in Killing ​ Weapon Ammo Accuracy Weight Cost Other

Fort-12 12(6) 2/3/4 0.83kg 1-2

PB1s 8(4) 2/2/4 0.97kg 1-3 Silenced

Makarov 8(4) 3/3/4 0.73kg 1-2

9x19 caliber pistols - Base Damage of Width +1 in Killing ​ Walther P99 16(8) 2/3/3 0.69kg 1-3 Cannot be silenced

Beretta 92F 15(7) 2/3/3 1.0kg 2-3

Browning 12(6) 2/3/3 0.88kg 2-3 +1 Shock Hi-Power

.45 caliber pistols - Base Damage of Width +2 Killing ​ Weapon Ammo Accuracy Weight Cost Other

IMI Desert 8(4) 2/2/3 1.7kg 2-4 +1 Shock Eagle

Colt M1911 7(3) 2/2/3 1.1kg 2-3

SIG P220 7(3) 2/2/3 0.72kg 2-3

H&K USP 8(4) 2/2/3 0.72kg 2-3 Jam-prone

Shotguns - Base Damage of Width + 1 in Shock and Killing ​ TOZ-66 2 1/3/4 1.9kg 1-2 Spray 3 (Sawn-off)

TOZ-34 2 1/2/3 3.1kg 2-3 Spray 2 (Hunting Shotgun)

Mossberg 88 6(3) 1/2/3 3.0kg 2-4 Spray 3

SPAS-12 8(4) 1/2/3 4.4kg 3-4 Spray 3

Armsel 12(6) 1/2/3 3.0kg 4-6 Spray 3 Striker

Sub-machine gun (9x19) - Base Damage of Width in Killing ​ H&K MP5 30(15) 2/3/3 2.5kg 1-3 Spray 4

5.45x39 caliber rifles - Base Damage of Width +1 in Shock and Killing ​ AKS-74 30(15) 2/2/3 3.3kg 3-4 Spray 3

AKS-74U 30(15) 3/3/3 2.7kg 2-4 Spray 3

AN-94 30(15) 2/2/3 4.0kg 3-4 Spray 3

5.56x45 caliber rifles - Base Damage of Width +1 in Shock and Killing ​ FN F2000 30(15) 1/2/2 4.6kg 5-7 Spray 4, Mounted M203 Grenade Launcher, Scoped

H&K G36 30(15) 1/2/2 3.6kg 3-4 Spray 4, Scoped, No mounts, Cannot be silenced

Enfield 30(15) 2/2/3 5.0kg 4-6 Spray 3, Scoped L85A1

SIG SG-550 30(15) 1/2/2 4.5kg 3-5 Spray 3, Cannot be scoped

Weapon Ammo Accuracy Weight Cost Other

Z&M LR300 30(15) 2/2/3 2.7kg 3-6 Spray 3

9x39 caliber rifles - Base Damage of Width +1 in Shock and Killing ​ OTs-14 20(10) 2/2/3 3.2kg 4-6 Spray 3, Mounted VOG-25 Groza Grenade Launcher

AS VAL 20(10) 1/2/3 2.5kg 4-7 Spray 3, Silenced Machine Gun - Base Damage of Width +2 in Shock and Killing ​ PKM 100(50) 2/3/4 7.5kg 4-7 Spray 3, Cannot be scoped, cannot be silenced

Custom Sniper Rifle - Base Damage of Width +3 in Shock and Killing ​ Gauss RIfle 10(5) 2/1/1 5.5kg 8+ Slow 1, Pen 3, Scoped, Silenced

7.62x54 caliber Sniper Rifles - Base Damage of Width +2 in Shock and Killing ​ SVD 10(5) 3/2/2 4.9kg 4-7 Scoped

SVU 10(5) 3/2/2 4.4kg 4-7 Scoped, Silenced

9x39 Sniper Rifle - Base Damage of Width +1 in Shock and Killing ​ VSS Vintorez 10(5) 2/2/2 3.2kg 5-7 Scoped, Silenced

Grenades - Base Damage of Width +3 in Shock and Killing ​ F1 - - 0.63kg 3-4 Pen 2, Area 3

RGD-5 - - 0.35kg 1-3 Pen 1, Area 2

Grenade Launchers - Base Damage of Width +2 in Shock and Killing ​ RG-6 6 2/2/3 5.0kg 5-7 Slow 1 (reload)

RPG-7 1 2/2/2 7.0kg 4-7 Slow 1

Underbarrel Grenade Launchers

Weapon Weight Cost Other

GP-25 1.3kg 2-4 Fires VOG-25 and VOG-25R grenades. Fits 5.45x39 caliber (AK-style) weapons.

M203 1.36kg 3-4 Fires M203 grenades. Fits 5.56x45 caliber (NATO) weapons.


PSO-1 1.1kg 2-4 Fits 5.45x39 caliber (AK-style) weapons.

SUSAT 1.2kg 2-4 Fits 5.56x45 caliber (NATO) weapons.

Silencer Universal 1.2kg 2-4 Fits most weapons.


Ammo Weight Cost Other

9x18 FMJ 0.2kg per 30 1-2

9x18 +P+ 0.2kg per 30 1-3 Damage + 1 in SK

9x19 FMJ 0.24kg per 30 1-2

9x19 PB1s 0.24kg per 3- 2-3 Damage + 1 in SK

.45 ACP FMJ 0.30kg per 15 1-3

.45 ACP 0.15kg per 15 3-4 Pen 1 Hydroshock

12x70 0.45kg per 10 1-3 Buckshot

12x76 Slug 0.5kg per 10 2-3 Pen 1, Accuracy + 1

12x76 Dart 0.5kg per 10 3-5 Pen 2, Accuracy + 1

5.45x39 FMJ 0.32kg per 30 2-3 Pen 1

5.45x39 BP 0.32kg per 30 2-4 Pen 2

5.56x45 SS109 0.14kg per 30 2-4 Pen 1

5.56x45 AP 0.33kg per 30 3-4 Pen 2

9x39 PAB-9 0.12kg per 20 2-3 Pen 1

9x39 SP-5 0.70kg per 20 2-3 Accuracy + 1

9x39 SP-6 0.70kg per 20 2-4 Pen 2

7.62x54 PP 0.45kg per 50 3-4 Only usable by the PKM, Pen 1

7.62x54 7N1 0.12kg per 10 3-5 Pen 1

7.62x54 7N14 0.09kg per 10 3-6 Pen 2

7.62x54 BP 0.23kg per 10 4-6 Pen 2, Damage + 1

Gauss Rounds 0.3kg per 10 3-7 OG-7 2.0kg apiece 4-6 Area 3, Pen 3, fired by RPG-7

M209 40mm 0.08kg apiece 3-5 Area 2, Pen 2

VOG 25 0.08kg apiece 3-6 Area 2, Pen 1, Spray 2

VOG 25P 0.08kg apiece 3-6 Area 2, Pen 2

Armor and Equipment in the Zone

Armor - ARM rating for regular defense/anomaly defense/radiation defense ​ Name ARM rating Weight Cost Notes

Leather Jacket 1/0/0 4kg

Bandit Jacket 1/0/0 3kg

Merc Suit 2/1/0 5kg

Berill 5-M 2/1/0 7kg Includes helmet

Freedom Suit 1/2/1 3kg

Stalker Suit 1/1/1 5kg

Monolith Suit 1/2/2 5kg

PSZ-9d Duty 2/1/1 5kg Suit

SSP-99 1/2/2 4kg Includes helmet, Includes night-vision Ecologist

Exoskeleton 3/2/1 15kg

Name ARM rating Weight Cost Notes

PSZ-9D 2/3/2 9kg Includes helmet, Includes night-vision Universal

Military 2/2/1 12kg Includes helmet Armored Suit


Name Weight Cost Notes

Bread 0.1kg 1-2

“Diet” Sausage 0.3kg 1-2

Tourist’s Delight 0.5kg 1-3

Vodka 0.5kg 1-3 Reduces radiation by 1 step every minute for 5 minutes.

Anti-rads 0.2kg 3-4 Reduces radiation by 3 steps every minute for 5 minutes.

Energy Drink 0.3kg 1-3 Increases interval for Endurance rolls by 2 for an hour.

Bandages 0.1kg 1-3 Reduces bleeding by 1 step.

Medkit 0.3kg 2-4 Reduces bleeding by 1 step, increases health healed naturally by 1, reduces radiation by 1 step.

Scientific Medkit 0.4kg 3-6 Doubles health healed naturally, removes all radiation.

Military Medkit 0.5kg 3-6 Doubles health healed naturally, stops bleeding.

Guitar 0.6kg 1-3

Binoculars 0.1kg 1-3

Flashlight 0.1kg 1-3

Tier 1 Night-Vision 0.45kg 2-4 Reduces Difficulty of Sense rolls at night by 1.

Tier 2 Night Vision 0.40kg 4-6 Reduces Difficulty of Sense rolls at night by 2.

Echo Detector 0.5kg 1-3 Sound-based anomaly and artifact detection. Outdated.

Bear Detector 0.55kg 2-4 LED-based direction display of anomalies and artifacts. Outdated.

Veles Detector 0.35kg 5-7 Device-mounted display of anomalies and artifacts.

Compiler’s Note: GMs are asked to add their own touches to the Zone and the things within. Many strange, wonderful, and horrible things can happen there, and the artifacts and anomalies so sought after by stalkers come in many forms and with many effects aside from the ones listed here.

The chart below can be used as a rough aid in creating more anomalies to populate the Zone. Anomaly creator Damage Source Intensity Time Rarity Activated Avoided By... by...

Gravitational Width in Shock Seconds Common Touch Cover

Electric …+1/+2/+3/... Minutes Uncommon Presense Dodge

Chemical Width in Killing Hours Rare Observation Sense/Perception

Spatial …+1/+2/+3/... Days Unique Weather

Fire/Heat Width in Shock Weeks Other (GM’s and Killing choice)

Psi …+1/+2/+3/... Months

Unknown Years

As an example, we’ll take an anomaly from the book Roadside Picnic, which was a major inspiration for the S.T.A.L.K.E.R. setting. In the book, one stalker accidentally brushes up against a feathery, almost invisible, spider web anomaly. Initially they are fine, though the anomaly disappears completely upon touch. At the end of the day, though, the stalker dies, presumably from a heart attack.

To turn this into an anomaly in the game, we’ll choose a Chemical damage source. In the book it’s not clear if that’s what it was, but it’s close enough for our purposes. Next, we’ll choose an Intensity of Width +3 in Shock and Killing, as the anomaly in the book was pretty lethal, and for Time we’ll pick a 1 Day. It’s not known whether the anomaly was common or not, so we’ll go on the safe side with Uncommon. Finally, the anomaly is activated by Touch, and we’ll say that it is easily avoided (being stationary) so long as you make a Sense/Perception check at Difficulty 4 (almost invisible) to spot it.