COMJD 1 MATTHEW L. SHARP, ESQ. Nevada State Bar No. 4746 2 Matthew L. Sharp, Ltd. 432 Ridge Street 3 Reno, NV 89501 4 (775) 324-1500
[email protected] 5 RICHARD H. FRIEDMAN, ESQ. 6 Nevada State Bar No. 12743 Friedman Rubin PLLP 7 1126 Highland Avenue 8 Bremerton, WA 98337 (360) 782-4300 9
[email protected] 10 JOSHUA D. KOSKOFF, ESQ. 11 KATHERINE L. MESNER-HAGE, ESQ. (Pro Hac Vice applications to be filed) 12 Koskoff, Koskoff & Bieder, PC 13 350 FairfieLd Avenue Bridgeport, CT 06604 14 (203) 336-4421 15 Attorneys for Plaintiffs 16 DISTRICT COURT 17 CLARK COUNTY, NEVADA 18 JAMES PARSONS, individuaLLy and as SpeciaL CASE NO.: Administrator of the Estate of Carolyn Lee Parsons, 19 and ANN-MARIE PARSONS, DEPT. NO.: 20 PLaintiffs, 21 vs. 22 COLT’S MANUFACTURING COMPANY LLC; COLT COMPLAINT AND 23 DEFENSE LLC; DANIEL DEFENSE INC.; PATRIOT JURY DEMAND ORDNANCE FACTORY; FN AMERICA; FN 24 HERSTAL; HERSTAL GROUP; NOVESKE RIFLEWORKS LLC; CHRISTENSEN ARMS; LEWIS 25 MACHINE & TOOL COMPANY; LWRC Exemption Requested: INTERNATIONAL LLC; DISCOUNT FIREARMS Damages Exceed $50,000 26 AND AMMO LLC; DF&A HOLDINGS LLC; Per Plaintiff MAVERICK INVESTMENTS LP; SPORTSMAN’S 27 WAREHOUSE; and GUNS AND GUITARS INC., 28 Defendants. 1 1 INTRODUCTION 2 1. On February 14, 1929, men associated with notorious gangster AL Capone fired 3 70 rounds from Thompson submachine guns into a Chicago garage, kiLLing seven rivaL gang 4 members. 5 2. It was a death tolL that would bareLy register today. But 1929 was a different 6 time. The Saint VaLentine’s Day Massacre, perpetrated with a weapon capable of spraying 7 hundreds of rounds per minute, shocked the nation and gaLvanized Congress to address the 8 scourge of automatic weapons.