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Recommended Citation Xavier University (Cincinnati, Ohio), "Xavier University Newswire" (1964). All Xavier Student Newspapers. 2170. https://www.exhibit.xavier.edu/student_newspaper/2170

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Vol. XLIX. CINCINNATI, OHIO, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 2, 1964 TEN CENTS No. 2. PARKING LOT CRISIS NEAR W ork111en, Dornt Ilr.llalllelllies 'Vill Gobble Up Student Space Former Pro[ Was Psych DearlnJeut Dean Asks For Patience \\'hen Pro.iect Beg·ins Cl:nair111au In Tibbles Nov. 1 Requiem High Mass for Dr. "The parking situation will get Ignatius Hamel, 73, 4354. West worse before it can get better." Eighth St., Price Hill, former With this statement, Rev. Patrick cliait·man of the Xaviet· Univer­ H. Ratterman, S.J., Dean o[ Men, sity psychology department and succintly summed up the plight dil'ector of the guidance depart­ of the driving Xavier student. He ment, was intoned Thursday at further staled that "During the 9:30 a.m., at St. William Church, present academic year, because Pl'ice Hill. of the construction on campus Dr. Hamel died Monday after which brings hundreds oC con­ a brief illness in St. Francis Hos­ struction workers to the campus, pital. the parking will be very difficult. Father Ratterman said that He began his teaching career "because of University building in the Minnesota school system plans, it can be foreseen that and later went on to receive a there will certainly be something full professorship at Duquesne of a parking crisis in and about University, Pittsburgh, ahd Villa the Xavier University campus Marie College, Erie, Pa. actcr November l ." The exten~ivc Xavier University 1iai11ed the building plans will be taking services of Dr. Hamel as a pro­ place until well past September fessor of ·psychology .. in 19'17. o[ 1965. Aft~r a brief :te~ui:e of' ~eryiee- The Dean of Men also spoke o! 111 this capacity, ·he was appointed "long-range projects" which shall ehairman· of the psychology de­ include the terracing of part of ~rtment. Reds' Streak Ends Alter Xavier·Band Welem11e the twelve acres the University owns behind the Tibbles-Hern Id After his retirement in .1960, Thousands of cheering Reds fa.ns were National League pennant race. The Xavier lot. This project will include the D1-. Hamel entered into private on hand Sunday night to welcome home University band, at the invitation of Mayor construction of the new dorm, the practice in the greater Cincinnati the co~quering heroes. The Reds were re­ Walton H. Bachrach, was on hand to lend University Cent c r, and the area. The Ignatius Hamel Medal tun1ing from a nine-game winning streak a musical hand to the festivities. Memorial Library, for outstanding ach_ievement in that had put them in second place in the -NeU's (Ryan) Photo psychology was established in his Not only will one hundred honor on the Xavier campus at student parking p 1 a c c s in the Tibbles lot be lost but "hundreds this time. Council Refuses To Endorse Picketing of construction workers will be He is survived by his wife, Student Council voted down the power to represnt Xavier's wa1·d Franz, Peter Collins, James coming to campus each day and M1·s. Eleanor Hamel; a stepson, last week a resolution to officially students in such a matter. It was Kenkel, and Craig Hildebrand. .most of them will be driving Joseph O'Neill, currently on a sanction the recent picketing of also suggested that "picketing il! cars." Additional parking spaces tour of duty with the U. S. Navy Cincinnati's new Club childish" and that "perhaps the will be lost in the Brockman in , Calif.; a sisler, by a group of Xavier sludents. Playboy C l u b was benefitting Death Takes parking area to provide a place Mr:;. Fidelia McLaughlin, Sioux from the notoriety." for construction materials. Thomas Conway, '66, leader of Falls, South Dakota; and one the picketers, made a lengthy Following the defeat of a mo­ R. L. tinfoot Father Ratterman summed up gl'andchild. Another son, Frank, by saying that "It is my sincere plea for Student Council's en­ tion by Gregory Bozcar to refer Ralph L. L i n ! o o t, 55, 8686 died several years ago. hope that if students understand dorsement. "It was our belief," the resolution to a commitfee for Farmbrook Dr., was pronounced the situation they will be more he later explained to Newsmen, careful study, the resolution was dead at S w a i m Fields Golf patient under the trying circum­ "that Council should support our defeated, 9 to 4, in a roll-call vote Course, Montgomery, Wednesday stances that arc certain to de­ picketing because we thought this requested by Sophomore Presi­ afternoon after he was stricken Cl1ow Time Is velop.'' fell into the realm of Student dent Joseph Trauth. by a heart seizure when playing. :Your Time Council's responsibility. We felt The voting was as follows: Aye Less than a month agci Mt'. that our picketing should be sup­ -Peter Rebold, Joseph Trauth, Linfoot had been appointed di­ sister, Mrs. Jean McFadden, Hor­ A serious gastronomical prob­ ported because it was taking a Philip Schmidt, and Thomas Gra­ reclor of the Xavier Institute of nell, N. Y. lem that has plagued Xavier stu­ definite stand against the Playboy velle; Nay-William Tepe, An­ Business Services. Requiem High Mass will be dents for years has been solved. philosophy." thony Thomas, Gregory Botear, Surviving him are his wife, intoned at 9:30 a.m., Snturday in Many are the times that hungry Conway said that he planned, Peter Galicky, Gerald Paler, Ed- Jewell Smith Linfoot, and one Sl. Robert Bcllarmine Chapel. Muskies have been turned away If he received Council's support, _from South Hall between the to seek the support of 'the Area hours of 3:30 and 6:00 - bul that Tlae Price Of P·rogress Student Council at &heir meeting­ is all in the past. scheduled for last Sunday. "With South Hall is now open on a the Area Council endorsement, Campus ~ccommodations Costs To Rise we Intend to reprimand the adult round the clock schedule - at Air conditioned and ca1·peled equipment as the main factor in all student activities, is now un­ people of ClnelnnaH and to show least for eight hours more pe1· rooms will cost Xavier d01·mies a $15 per semester increase in them that many students the der consh·uction on a lot at the week. The extension ()f hours is In $20 more a semester when Hus­ cafeteria fe'es to become effective Queen City ·area do not want a north end of Logan Hall. Com­ due to the efforts of Mrs. Jewell man Hall is completed next fall. when the University Center is Pla1bo1 Club here.'" pletion of that facility is expect­ Carpenter, South Hall Cafeteria Rev. Patrick H. Ratterman, completed .next Septembet'. Pres­ ed to come by mid-1965, Director. Mrs. Carpente1· stated (The Area Council meeting dean of men, announced yeste1·­ ent cafeteria chat·ges average that she suggested the change in was later concelled.) day that the extra rates for lux­ $215-$225 per semester. aervice hours to provide students He pointed out to Council that ua·y are part of a general increase HUSMAN HALL will be locat­ the opportunity for "leisurely the picketers would have a lot in boarding expenses which will ed at the site of the playficld Thcf Inside New~-)' afternoon snacks" and "to assure more weight behind them in the become effective in September, pa1·king lot on Cleneay Avenue. enough time for those graduate future if they were able to say 1965. Plans for &lie $1.5 million dol­ Page and night students who wish tq that they represented "50,000 At present, the charge for all lar dormitory were announced eat here immediately aftet· they kids" than it they were just 20 campus accommodations is $125 last October w h e n Cincinnati Sewers and Closets ...... • • • . . ~ aet oft work. before their classes 1tudents picketing. pea· semester. Next fall the tab . builder and potato ehip manu­ Pickets and Playboys, ..•.•... 3 ' begin." SEVERAL Councilmen voice.d will be $140 per semester. Ac­ facturer Harry J. Husman eon­ . An Otlenslve Sputter. • • • • . • . . 4 The new schedule reads: Mon• objections to the resolution: commodations in plush Husman tributed an lniUal sm of $350,000. Pariah Strikes Back. . • • • • • . . . 5 Mr. Husman died at Jewish Hos­ day through Thursday, ,7:30 a.m. among them were the question o't Hall will cost $160 per semester. Council Cash Cut. . . . • . • • • . • • 6 Father Ratterman cited the pital last week following a lonr to 10:30 p.m.; on Fridays, 7:30 whether Council has the right Farley's Anaerican Credo.,. . . . 2 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.; and on Salur• to try to force its philosophy on purchase of s e v e r a l hundred i1111ess, l'he Univcrsit)' Center, to house Women Warned Of Wolves. • • I 4ays, 7:30 .a.m. to 1:30 p.na. others and whether Council has thousand dollars in k i l c h e D Pace Twe CINCINNATI, OHIO, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 2, 1964 News Platform For Progress At Xavier:

e lnCf'eased emphasis on the responsibility of the individiLal .. Vcritas Vos Liberabil" •tude11t through the wise admin­ :EDlTOR·lN-ClllEli' •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Hubert J. Gnrtliner, •es istration of the p1'inciple of sub­ }:XECU'l'lVE 1-:DlTOll •••••••••••••••••••••••••• , ••• Robert A. R~·un, ,Jr., '65 .;diarity• .ASS!STAX'r 'l'O '1'111~ EXECU'l'IV~; ETll'l'OR ••• , ••.••. : ••.. 1>0111111 (;11h·i11, '69 :MANAGING }iDl'fOR ...... Davi1l W. Cook, '85 e Improvement of 1ibror11 Te- BOSTN~:ss MANAG~m •••••••• •••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••• John JefCre, '35 narch facilities. · .ASSOCIA'n: Elll'fOltS .••• , ••••••••••••• On role Zerhnusen; Rohert O'Brien, '6t SPOll'fS };f1JTOR .•••.·, •••••• , .. , ...... Terry Wnllnce, '86 e Reduction of sundry rosts COl.tDl!\ll''r .••.•••••..•..•.•••.•.•..•.••...••.•..• · •• Diek Gr11pe11hnff, '66 to st1Ldents through the eq1Litable H~lPOJ:rJ<..iUS •.•••••• ,,John Sdnntnre1li, '6.'l; Bill Keck, '66: Dill Krnmer, '66i 1 •dministration ot student •erv• 1,,"·1·y Schlcnrnnn. 66; Jerry Stenger. '66; ]lob A1hert 1 '67; .Jim A1f!rding, 'Hi: Mike Amorini, '67; .Jim BnrrPtt, 'fl7; ices. lln \·id flint. '6i: .lnrk Esselmnn, '67: Dan Gnrtlner, '66; 'rom Grn,·elle. '(;7: F'rnnk .lauc.urn, '67; 'ron,_· Lnn(', '07; ·Prnnk Shrppard. '67; 'rony 'Ve~t, '67; Lorcttn Metiger, '65; e More emphasis on sc11ola1'­ LR try ".iUt•nhorg, '68; •rom 'Voods, '68. ship by the '1ddition of meaning JIUR EA US •••••••••••••••..•...•.....••••••. l'nds: Donn Id J,~onnrd Rerlin: Allen Dolton to the Dean's List, heretofore e Chi~RJCO: Alex P. MncOrrgm·, Jr. somewhat empty honor. . Wn,liington: Alnn 0. Vonnerho .. r !'PORTS WRTTF.RS ..•.•••••• , •••••••••••••. Pnt Dunne, '66; Pete llrueeus, 67 e Increased participation in CHrnP PIJOTOGHAPIH:JI •••••• , •••••••••• , ••••••• , ••••.• , .Jerry Wolter. '67 e x t r a - curricular p r o g r a m s CTRCUf,A'l"I0::-1 D!Hl~CTOR •••••••• , ••••••••••••••••••••••••• Dnve J,on1:, '65 FACUL'l'Y ADVISOR ...... Rev. Thomns G. Snynge, S.J. through the arousal of intered J>11h1i~he1t wrekl:t> durin~ thr F-f'hool yenr f"Xcl"pt dul'ing vacntiOn periods by by student leaders. · XnviC"r Uni\'ers.it~·. H:11nilton Couuty, J!~v:rnston, Cincinnnt.i 7, Ohio. $2.00 per year. gntered n• '°"""" dass mntter October '· 1946 at tbe Post Office at Cincinnati. Elmination of dt1plicotions, ()hio under the Act uf Mnrch 3, 187!1. ' e tvasted motion, discoordinntion, ond oeneral confusion in regis­ trntion through general reform Bob Ryan ~ of the system. e Expansion ol campus paTk­ Below The Masthead tj ing facilities. e Continuation of the facult11 evaluation pro{11'am through vol­ vntar11 f)Articipation. Fourteen of the li!teen fraternities and sororities suspended at 'At· Least It Won't Go 90 M.P.B.' the Unh•ersUy ol California for refusing to sign a 11on-discrimina­ iion pledge are still under suspension this week. , One of the fraternities, Lamda Chi Alpha, signed the pledge and was returned to good standing this week. Twelve sororities and two E d i t o r i a I s ', :,: . fraterniti.:-s at three of the University campuses remain forbidden to use the University cf California's name or facilities. In addition, they have been barred from many student-sponsored a<;.tivities on their campuses. Campus Closets and City Sewers ... Eleven of the disciplined chapters are at the campus. Involved are one fraternity, Acacia, and ten sororities, Alpha Delta Virtue, like charity, begins at home. prudence and wisdom under pressure which Pi, Alpha Gamma Delta, Delta Delta Delta, Delta Zeta, Gamma Phi There can be little doubt that the 17 have not been obvious in the quasi-legisla­ Beta, Kappa Delta, Phi Mu, Pi Beta Phi, Sigma Kappa, and Beta tive chambers of North Hall for some time. , Tau Alpha. The other three chapters are Acacia, at' the Berkeley Xavier students who picketed the opening campus, and Sigma Kappa and Pi Beta Phi, at the Davis branch. of Cincinnati's were moti­ Unlike Councils detractors may contend, The pledge, which chapter presidents must sign annually, reads vated by a devotion to morality; their ac­ the vote did not constitute an endorsement as follows: tions reftected the strong opposition to the of the Playboy "philosophy," sexy wait­ resses, or smutty foldouts. I hereby certify that members (ol my lraternity) are :free to establishment of the bistro led by Bishop choose and accept new members without discrimination as to Paul Leibold during the past 'year." Nor can Rather, it indicated that the majority of race, religion or national origin. their unswerving dedication to pT'inc:iple­ councilmen are not willing to be pressured Dean of Students Byron H. Atkinson of the UCLA campus has into lending their names or the names of expressed the belief that many houses will sign the pledge even no matter how unpopular - be chided as though the deadline has passed. Any house that does sign will re• Puritanical callowness; for they demon­ the student body they repreaent to a cause aain its lost privileges, he said, tstrate

Students, Et Al, Deserve 'The Whole Truth ...' Lett{~rs to the Editor , TO THE EDlTOR OF THE NF.WS: ness." These students were not ality.' It is nothing but plain old Your article on the Xavier Uni­ doing what they "had been told immorality. to do by adults." It was their idea Sen. Nelson Convinced That Military versity students picketing the "It has been stated that (Seplembet· 25, one hundred per cent. These are mature young men who know presence of a Playboy Club will Draft 'Can Responsibly End By 1967' 1964) did not quote completely bring more business to Cincin­ the statement distributed by the they are right and insist on be­ l'O THE EDITOR OF THE NEWS: as many as we_ can possibly use. ing heard. nati. What kind of business? Have students involved in this action. we reached such a ridiculous im­ Jn recent weeks the military While I do not believe it is No newspapet· in the city has The main thmst ol the action, passe that the development or draft has become a subject of possible to end the draft immedi­ published the statement in full. incidentally, m e rel y follows downtown Cincinnati depends 011 major interest. I believe this is as ately, as some have suggested, I I formally request that you can·y through with The Xavier News overgrown 'boys' ogling 'bun• . it should be, for as you will see do believe that by 1967 we will the statement in full and intact, expose on the Playboy Philosophy nies"! from the enclosed Senate speech be able to afford a highly pro­ (not just the paragraph you omit­ last Febl"Uary and with what made more than two months ago, fessional volunteer service which ted), in a box in your next.issue. Bishop Leibold enunciated during "Mr. is the pub­ I am convinced that the military will safeguard our inter~sts with­ Your fellow students deserve this the summer. If Cincinnati is to rid lisher of P l a y b o y magazine, draft can be ended, responsibly, out the draft. At the same time consideration. itself of the Playboy Club and all famous f o r daring pictures. A b;y 1967. tremendous savings b r o u g h t it stands for, the Club will have Playboy Club in Cincinnati ­ The draft aftects the life of al­ about by reduced training costs The full statement, seen intact, not but help promote the Play­ will help explain to faculty, stu­ to be embarrassed the only way most every American boy. Yet will enable us to pay adequate they can be embarrassed, finan­ boy magazine. Pornography, no more than 40 per cent of those and attractive salaries for the dents and an evidently large seg­ matter how sophisticated it ment of interested Cincinnatians cially. Will Cincinnatians recon­ - theoretically eligible never enter volunteers we need. claims to be, is nothing more lh'ln the twofold purpose of the pick· sider the matter before giving the military, making a mockery I would appreciate hearing any fi 1th, a filth whose· stench is re­ eting action. The first objective further support to the Playboy of the ideal of 'universal' serv­ comments or suggestions students Club? pulsive and whose advocates are ice. In the coming years. the on the part of the students was to corruptors. may have. Sincerely yours, large number of young men born express theit· disapproval of the Sincerely yours, Playboy Philosophy as advertised "It will be interesting ln the in the post-war baby boom will P. H. Ratterman, S ..T., come of age for military service. Gaylord Nelson, and promoted by the Playboy Dean of Men. days ahead to see who the pa­ Club. The second goal was to trons of the Playboy Club will be, By 1967 we will have three times U.S. Senator, Wisc. cause Cincinnatians seriously to (The Canons of Journalism, the Just what Cincinnatians will side reconsider future patronage of Constiru.tion of the United State.~, with Mr. Hefner, who seeks the Playboy Club Picketeers Called the Club. the studu of geometry, and com­ overthrow of the Judeo-Christian mon sense traditionally have as­ morals of our community? .Just It has become quite evident signed to newspaper the what Cincinnatians endorse the 'Self-Appointed Judges Of Morality' since tlie picketing that neither editors privileged duty of edit.i11g. In type of immorality advocated in TO 'l'fll': F.DITOR OF THI~ NP.WS: on this campus for at least the of these objectives can be at­ wielding the copy pencil, mo.~t Playboy? We request that the past two years. I! these persons tained until Cincinnatians are ed­ The recent picketing of the editor.~ take tltree factors into Cincinnati newspapers print claim the march ur:der the ban­ ucated to the relationship be­ new Playboy Club in Cincinnati consideration: the policy of the plenty of pictures with names of ner of "Catholic Action" or any tween the Playboy Club and other by Xavier students (although publication. the inmortaucc of the Playboy Club JJatrons so all Cin­ other device they are sadly mis­ . Per.haps one they maintained they did not material, and space. cinnatians will know." represent Xavier) is just another taken - this is not C a t h o l i c should feet thankful that so few H was the latter of these Ii rec -A group of uni\'el'sit.v preposterous instance of the nar­ Action. people are familiar with the ex­ t students. row-minded pseudo-puristic alti­ Their action was immature, plicit al tacks in the Playboy eonsidcrnlions that led to tl1c de­ tudes which have been apparent brash, and impertinent, and like Philosophy on Judea-Christian letion of the fo1irth and final. par­ * • all other illogical self-appointed morality since these are carried agl'Crplt of the statement in ques­ Mr. Morfon's Re"larks: judges of contemporary morals exc:lusively in the Playboy magu­ tion. This was judged to be in 'Half A Loaf Is the only thing they succeed in zine. accord with the ma:dm: "All 't.l!e "1'he presence of the pickets news that Ji.ts, we print.'' No mat­ was embarrassing to some of our doing is displaying their own Your account or the vice-pres­ ter what segment of tile story /1ad guests. We are 11 o t immoral. Better Than None' ignorance. ident of Playboy Clubs Interna­ been edited. someone would have Counted among our keyhol: NJ•:ws: taining, "We are not immoral," Richard L. Grupenhoff, '66. decision and consequent .responsi­ promi11ent businessmen and civic while standing in front of an ar­ I can't recall whether the News bility must rest with the copy leaders. They are not immoral ray of c o t o r enlargements of has adverted to the small (but editors. either. real) change to make the pres­ Student President To (teen-age?) "Playmates," a 11 ence on the Dean's List more nude, highlights the hypocracy of In the interests of cla·rity and "The leader (of the student meaningful. I refer to the fact Head For Whit~ House the situation. And $10,000 fo1• fairness, below is reprinted in group, Xavier sophomore Thomas youth clubs evidently entitles full both the students' statement that those on the· Dean's List, Xavier's Student Council P~·es­ Conway) has never been inside . with the approval of their dean, Playboy to corrupt youth in Mr . and that of Arnold Morton, vice­ a Playboy club. He i·eflccts an ident, Bill Masterson, will be president of Playboy Internation­ may a u d i t one .class free of heading for Washington, D. C. Morton's mind. uninformed attitude of emotional cha1·ge. al - a portion of whose remarks blindness. He is doing what he this Saturday to spend a day Playboy Clubs m a k e every When I proposed this to the also was not published.-Ed.) has been told to do by adults. with the nation's First Family. effort to "clothe" their enterprise Academic Council I tried to get with an aura of expensive refine­ • • • "Some of the pickets carried .one extra class for credit, but Masterson was chosen by the ment and you-must-not-touch re­ the half a loaf we got is better Xavier Administration to repre­ The Student Statement: banners reading: 'Do you want spectability .. The. Playboy Phil­ than none. sent Xavier University at a re­ "In picketing the Playboy Club your daughter to be a playmate?' ception and dinner dance given osophy does not advocate such I'm sure we'll have a complete we, as university students, wish This argument ls asinine and for college students by the Pres­ restraint. report on Student Council vote to point out that the entire Play­ parallels that used by white peo­ ident and the First Lady for their re Playboy protest-how the mo­ Again let me say that I offer my boy philosophy not only opposes ple who say: 'Would you want tion was presented, etc. daughter, Linda Bird. the basic ,Judeo-Christian prin­ congratulations to the students your dauchter to marry a ni~.;er?' Sincerely The occasion, part of President who initialed and carried through ciples o( our society but openly The daug-hter should have some­ (Rev.) W. H. K;enney. S.J., Johnson's procram of cettinc a the picketing action. There was advocates their overthrow. We Chairman, Philosophy Dept. closer. look a& today's eolleire no "attitude or emotional blind- decry Hugh Hefner's 'new mor- thing to say about the matter.'" students, wUI open wltb a sborl (The 1 N e·w s has consistenly fought for academic progress at welcomlnir address. by both Pres­ jdent and Mn. Johnson, followed X1wier. Point four of the "Plat­ 'Administration 'Lacks Christian Charity ...' form for Progress" appearing on bJ talks from Seeretar1 of De­ which has been so overworked as the opposite page and several fense Robert S. McNamara, Sec­ TO 1'HE F.011'0R or THE NEWS: all,' the same as that of the three to become 1·edundant and totally editol'ials published in 1963 and retary of Labor Williard Wirb, Having been a student at Xav­ Musketeers of Alexander Dumas." ineffective. 1964 are directed at granting and Ambassador to tbe Vnlied ier these past few years, I have It does not, however, go on to explicate that this motto does not privileges to Dean's List scholars N'a6fons Adlai Stevemon. noticed a number of things which There are other quarters which mean that the administration is in a man-ne1' aimilar to t h a t A dinner dance will follow, should be disturbing to any in­ are open to criticism (I'm sure "for all, or for the student, but through which athletic h~oes are with the President's teen-age dividual now matriculating here. that any criticism offered would that it is the student body "all •'/Jorded special consideration. daughter, Linda Bh-d,. acting as I said that I have been a student. be constructive.) other than the for one" in contention with the Additional coverage. of th e hostess to the collegiate leaders. but I didn't say just WHAT I enforcement agency of the Uni­ administration, Playboy controversy and expan­ When asked about his reaction have been a student of. Evidently vet·sity. There are those who •iori of the Council decisiort · to the news, Masterson said he I have not been studying English But I must go on to point out proffer themselves as educators. · pri11ted as a bulletin last week felt that it was a "fantastic op­ grammar because I ended that the other aspects of this problem. They claim to have the goal of o:ppear in this edition.-Ed.) portunity that I'll never forget. last sentence with a proposition. It goes deeper than one might giving a Christian education to I'm particularly looking forward (Or is it a preposition?) At any think. For example, one might Christian gentlemen. One won­ to meeting the President and his rate, I believe any individual begin to wonder at the colossal ders how true this declared aim .Wild West Queen family." graduating from this august.insti­ gall of the individual (whoever rings when compared to the num­ tution is better qualified to criti­ or whel'ever he may be) who ber of times an unfortunate sen­ Deadline Oct. I Mastersons' trip wlll be financ­ cize than to pursue any of the ior has heard that he needs some ed by a $100 allocation f r o m penned this phrase under the The deadline fo!' registration val'ious fields that he has spent obscure and forgotten undergrad­ Student Council, Xavie1· "Code of Conduct" in the of Homecoming Queen candi­ four yea1·s and ten thousand Student Handbook: "Xavier stu­ uate two-hour course to gradu­ dates has been announced as ($10,000) dollars to become quali­ dents a1·c expected to conduct ate. The University doesn't seem Octobet· 12. Social chairmen of fied in, (Another proposition?) themselves as Catholic gentlemen to take into coni;ideration that campus organizations planning to Numbers Boys Why do I say that an Xavier at all times." this man may not be able to ac­ sponsot• candidates are advised Make Choice graduate is more qualified to cept a position that he has se­ to contact Bob Thorton, '65. criticize than most college gradu­ This would be fine if the ad­ cured or may not be able to go This year's Homecoming theme Officers of the Math Club for ates? Simply because there is ministration would set an ex­ ahead with marital and countless will be "The Wild West" and the coming year were announced more to criticize at Xavier than ample for the students to follow. other plans he has made-simpl~ any interested students are asked last week. in the run-of-the-mill institu­ But that is not the case, There arc because he has to take a two~hour 'to contact Steve Heinen '66 with President is John F. Neihaus, tion of "highet·" learning. If Xav­ co,untless examples of a lack of course in the humanities. Christian charity and of a sense an outline of their tloat plans. a grnduate assistant who received ier claimed to be what it actually There arc mnny people who o[ propriety in disciplinary meas­ The queen will be crowned at his degre from Xavier last year. is, it would not be so bad. (Neith­ have suffered under some of these ures taken by the present ad­ halftime of the Chattanooga Th~ other officers are: George er would it exist because of an existing penalties of matriculat­ ministration, One would expect 1ame, October 24, and honored J, Hejny, '65, vice-president; impossible p·ublic relations prob­ ing at Xavie1·. All o[ us are an administration which asks its ::.>•at th'e ·Homecoming Dance that David W. Cook, '65, secretary; lem.) But-that is not the case. anxiously awaiting our first re­ students to be realistic in their evening. Student council has en­ David C. Trnnncll, graduate stu­ The Xavier University Student quest for an alumni donation. dent, treasurer; and Thomas G. Handbook conectly states that approach to the world around -gaged Glenn Miller and his or­ -Name withh1ld upon che11tra to provide the music at Hack, '66, and Joseph A. Wehlcn, the "Xavier students have as them to do the same. But it sh'ikes me that this is a poris111 i·cquesi. &he dance. '66, p1·ogram chairmen, their motto 'All for one, one for Pare Four CINCINNATI, OHIO, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 2, 19'4 FLASHES HAND MUSKIES FIRST LOSS Xavier Offense Sp11tters; Penalties Are Downfall l(ent Coach Leo Strang made a successful debut to the college coaching ranks at Xa\•ier's expense with a 15-~ vic­ tory before J 2,000 partisan fans at l\"ent last Saturday H l'lernoon. Tom Clements, a stocky half­ back, gave the Golden Flashes plays later Mollric i:::teppcd out their main offensive impetus with of the end zone for the safety. 81 yards rushing in 13 carries. The Muskies got a drive going Clements' two longest carries on the kick-off after the safety. came in the KSU second quarter A Wilson-to-Stofko pass moved touchdown drive. The Fl:ii

By JERRY STENGER tihe museums, 1md peanut vend01·s era! Penitentiary, a historic place Myst.it's. who were p1·otesting the group tore the bridge's approach News Feature Writer with top hats. A live city, a grow­ •.. "isited by thousands every profl'st marchers in front of the from its mountings and carried ing city, which is currently rest­ year. It has come a long way Myl·kcy Mouse Club.) ,.he spokesman f or modern it to the new Myckey Mouse ing, catching its breath after a since 1861 - electricity. (At last word. thousands wne :Burgh addressed the students as- Club. Here they built a mammoth mammoth Expressway Construc­ "Slowly." flocking to the new Whisper 1embled on the girders and su- addition to the club. in the form tion Program, awaiting the elec­ "Hool, hoot!!" (boat whistle.) Room in the new Myckey Mouse 1>er-structure of the new two­ of the Parthenon, with one of tion of a Republican President to Club.) clecked river bridge. It was the ••A C'Ommittec is now consider- the columns vaguely resembling complete its River Front and Ur­ "I-loot, hoot!!" (boat whistle.) )>ride· cf the city and, except for ing whether it is easier to get the 32~-foot 'Eucalyptus Rcgnans' ban Renewal Program. , a basketball court, it was the only sentenced to, or escape from, the t.l'ee in the Styx River Vallcv of J>lace where a group could meet, "The Golden Triangle" (a re­ Workhouse. (He again tried fo1· Tasmania.) • since modern Burgh lacked a newal gesture of comparable humor ai1d to communicate with (In their ha:

The most Ford Music Caravan Heads For Xavier walked about Slacks on 'Serendipities,' Shearing Featured Campus contain

Alter winding its way through ha,ppy event," the 1P'011p seems which unfortunately did not ma­ ''DACRON''•. such exotic places as Carnegie to have chosen a most appropri­ t.erialize, and he again left for Hall, the Ford CA,Ravan of Mu- ate and descriptive name. England. Not until night-club Hubbard Slacl