July 31, 2020 – Vol
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Grandiose Utterings of Monaco South (GUMS) July 31, 2020 – Vol. 44, Issue 44 Optimist Club of Monaco South Founded in 1976 at Denver, Colorado Serving Youth and the Community for 44 Years National Philanthropy Day Colorado, Outstanding Service Organization, 2012 https://www.monacosouth.org Editor for this Issue—Pat Bush Good Morning Optimists Tot” Day … the last day of the official- Zoom Virtual Meeting ly sanctioned rum ration in the Royal On this last day of July, President Navy … a practice started in 1740; Bob Meyer called the virtual meeting to 1971, Apollo 15 astronauts take a 6 ½ order once again. After the Invocation hour electric car ride on the moon; and the Pledge of Allegiance, Prez Bob 1972, Thomas Eagleton withdraws as shared that July 31st, is National Avocado the Democratic Vice President candi- Day and National Talk in an Elevator date; 1988, The last Playboy Club closes in Lansing, MI; 1990, Nolan Day. th Not knowing the significance of Na- Ryan records his 300 career victory; tional Talk in an Elevator Day, your editor looked up what this 1995, Walt Disney announces the ac- is all about. According to the National Day Calendar website, quisition of Capital Cities/ABC for $19 “… the last Friday in July, is Nation- billion … network of properties now consists of Disney, ABC Sports, al Talk in an Elevator Day, which Apollo 15 astronauts take a encourages us to strike up a con- ESPN, and ESPN2; 1999, Discovery 6 ½ hour electric car ride versation with someone in an ele- Program: Lunar Prospector is deliber- on the moon. Photo NASA vator. While most of us use this ately crashed on the moon by NASA, time to check our smart devices, ending its mission to detect frozen water on the moon’s sur- this day points us in another direc- face; and 2012, Michael Phelps becomes the greatest medal winner in Olympic history with his 19th career Olympic medal tion.” Of course in today’s world th you still need to maintain social and his 15 overall gold medal. distancing and have on a mask. From the Prez This Day in History President Bob mentioned that he received some emails Prez Bob shares the past birthdays and events of July last week saying members enjoyed Pat Bush’s impromptu 31st. July 31st Birthdays: Economist Milton Friedman, 1912; talk about projects his firm had designed. They would like Sportscaster Curt Gowdy, 1919; Baseball player and manag- other members to give presentations about themselves. Bob er Hank Bauer, 1922; “Harry Potter” author J. K. Rowling, reminds us that there is a member questionnaire link on the 1965; Country singer Zac Brown, 1978; and Harry Potter fans Constant Contact email that will help spark ideas about celebrate the wizard’s 40th birthday. With a number of MSOC what to talk about. If interested in giving a talk about your life member’s having birthdays in July, no one has it on this day. and/or career, contact either Bob Meyer or Paul Bernard. Major Events on this date: 781, Oldest recorded eruption Prez Bob Meyer also shared that the Junior Golf Tourna- of Mt. Fuji; 1498, On his third voyage to the New World, ment to be held at the Green Valley Christopher Columbus discovers Trinidad; 1620, Pilgrims Ranch course is still being planned. leave England on their way to America; 1703, Author Daniel Registration opened this past week Defoe is placed in a pillory for the crime of seditious libel after and they have already received 51 publishing a politically satirical pamphlet … and is pelted with entries. It seems these young play- flowers; 1777, 19-year old Marquis de Lafayette is made a ers are chomping at the bit to get Major General in the Continental Army; 1865, First narrow- out there and play golf. This tourna- ment is held in the middle of October, Photo of Optimist Golf sign at gauge mainline railway in the world opens in Grandchester, Green Valley Ranch 2019 Australia; 1876, US Coast Guard Officers’ Training School is so we still have a little time to get established in New Bedford, MA; 1954, Milwaukee first base- over this COVID stuff. man Joe Adcock becomes the third player in the 20th century More photos from the 2019 Green Valley Ranch 2019 to hit four home runs in a 9-inning game … Lou Gehrig and Tournament can be found at https://www.dropbox.com/sh/ Gil Hodges were the first two; 1970, Chet Huntley retires from f2eekfthj2bpivy/AAAeCD3O7MDRDzs7gRo3ZJWha?dl=0 NBC … ending the “Huntley-Brinkley Report;” 1970, “Black Continued next page Meeting Place American Legion Hall Post 1 5400 East Yale Avenue (Yale & I-25), Denver, Colorado Every Friday Morning, 7:00 – 8:00 am GUMS >> 1 ****INVITE A FRIEND TO JOIN**** Presidential Rants & Raves trains. We had another successful MSOC Even though we are not meeting face-to-face, the weekly membership meeting on Friday MSOC membership drive continues. Please find new mem- with about 40 members participating in bers and forward their membership applications and check the Zoom meeting which started at 8:00 to Greg Young for the Board to vote on. It looks like I may a.m. and lasted for an hour. be getting a “replacement” time share week later this year, The link for the recurring meetings is the same for all of so that week will become the prize for the member who our Friday morning meetings and is https:// brings in the newest members before September 30. Come us02web.zoom.us/j/82299870918? on guys, we need new members! pwd=ZkdTQlJhbmwzcW9KV2k3RjJwZW55QT09. Although we have been successful in reaching more I am asking for suggestions on what you would like to than 50 members with our weekly Zoom meetings, there discuss at future Club meetings. I do not want to impose are another 70 or so members we need to reach out to. I my own ideas at every meeting. Remember, this is your suggest that you reach out to members who we have not Club. Please send me some suggestions! seen on the Zoom meetings and invite them to join us for With Denver Public Schools delaying in-person learning future meetings or at least check in with them to see how until at least mid-October, our Super Citizen programs will they are doing. All it takes is a few minutes to possibly remain on hiatus. Super Citizen school representatives, brighten someone’s day as we all endure the “new normal” please give everyone up to date on your school. of “stay-in-place.” If you find Club members who need as- I participated in a Zoom call on Thursday night with sistance, please let me or Michael Chavez know so that about two dozen other Optimist Junior Golf volunteers. We we can set up “phone trees” to help those who may be una- would have all been down at Trump National Doral Resort ble to get out for medical appointments, etc. in Miami if not for the COVID-19 pandemic. It was good to To get to know new members better, I would like them to catch up with my old friends. Plans for the November Tour- complete the “About Me” questionnaire that is attached to nament of Champions at PGA National in Palm Beach Gar- the GUMS distribution email. I would like the new mem- dens were discussed. bers, if they are comfortable doing so, to speak up at an Registration for the Optimist Junior Tour event at Green upcoming Zoom membership meeting. If we cannot get Valley Ranch in October opened about a week ago and, as them “live” on Zoom, we will attach their completed “About of Friday morning, we had 51 junior golfers already regis- Me” questionnaire in an upcoming GUMS, but I would tered. Typically, we will have 85 – 100 competitors for the much prefer to see them talk about themselves during a event, so it looks we are well on our way to reach those meeting. numbers again with over two months until the tournament By the way, if you would like to make a presentation, date. please let me know by separate email so that I can make Greg Young was our guest speaker today and conduct- sure to include you in an upcoming meeting. ed training on how to best use the MSOC website. It was a Please continue to take care of yourselves and your highly informative presentation and should result in more loved ones; practice safe health procedures; and we will accurate member information and updated information see you at some point in the future. about Club activities and projects. Thank you, Greg! Greg If you need to contact me, please call 303-919-4532 or will provide additional website training on August 21. email me at [email protected]. Greg Hurd will make another of his fun presentations on Yours in Optimism, trains on August 14. The topic this time will be the “Bullet” Prez Bob Meyer Announcements was an opportunity that she Super Citizen Award Program: Robert Wardlaw, Super could not pass up. She Citizen Chairman, announced that Denver Public School will asked Jon if the Monaco delay in-person classes until the end of the first quarter in South Optimist Club would be interested in starting a Super October and that there will be no assemblies with outside Citizen program at Place Bridge Academy, formally Place groups for even longer than that. Tom Mauro said he would Middle School at 7125 Cherry Creek N Drive. Jon indicated still like for the club to pursue a Super Citizenship program in he would follow up with them to see if the principal and staff some form.