Tuesday Board Elects Ellswo Rth; 3 Vie for Second Spot Thomas and ROTC Clash Before 100 at Open Hearing Reward System Needs Chan
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Tuesday S u n n y .. women All MICHIGAN . and warmer today with . become like tkeir mothers. a high of 17 degrees. Tomorrow That is tbeir tragedy. -No man STATI partly cloudy and wanner. does. That’s his. Oscar Wilde UNIVERSITY NEWS East Lansing, Michigan April 16,1968 iOc ASMSU CHAIRMAN FBI on trail Board elects Ellswo rth; of suspected 3 vie for second spot slayer of King ___ < < tir ~ awwWAaak «-V BIRMINGHAM. Ala. <AP)~A board third session, met no opposition, “ We can’t approach the subject By DAN BRANDON ing house owner disclosed Monday he told rece iv in g 1 0 votes, one more than negatively. We’ve got to assume State News Staff Writer that we’re here to make this abet FBI agents investigating the murder of he needed for the required two- Dr. Martin Luther King Jr that drawings P ete Ellsworth was elected ter University for the students we thirds majority. There were three of a man they were hunting closely re chairman of the fourth session of represent,” he said. abstentions. sembled a roomer named Eric Galt. ASMSU Monday night on the first At mid-night, three candidates Hopkins said that the fourth ses "That's the man The resemblance is b allo t. were deadlocked in the race for sion would probably be more uni close enough. 1 m sure. said Peter Ellsworth, rice chairman of the vice chairman. Harvey Dzodln had fied than the third. “ There will Cherpes. 72. owner of the South Side five votes, Jeff Zeig, four, and Ray probably be more concrete steps boarding' house where he said an E ric Doss, three. Tom Samet, an unde Galt lived for six weeks last fall, then clared candidate received one vote. toward an effective student gov ern m e n t.” dropped from sight. The new chairman was not re Developments Monday brought a deep City Council quired to give the Results from the Off-Campus Council ening mystery to the background of the traditional pres election came in last Thursday evening, man called Eric Galt. He had said he was entation b efore with Sue Hughes, East Lansing, junior, employed at a Mississippi shipyard, but passes rights the voting com being elected chairman. there was no record of his name on the em menced. Ells Miss Hughes w ill sit on the board for the ploye list. worth was pre fourth session. She replaces Jim Friel in In Louisiana, where Galt had said he pared for the that position. held a driver's license, there was no such penalty clause p r e s e ntation but record on state files. It was much the because he metnoi Other officers elected were Leon Bren same story with other efforts to trace Galt. opposition, thel ner. president. Candy Creswell. secretary Cherpes said he identified FBI draw By JIM GRANELLI board w aived that| and Kris Steensma. treasurer. On Trial ings very similar to one composed by a State News Staff Writer p ro ce d u re . Other members elected to OCC Thursday Appearing before the Student-Faculty Judiciary Monday evening newspaper artist from descriptions In a 4-0 vote, the East Lansing City Coun- E fctltet.. .in thel are Brad Lang, former sophomore member- • f «( a man. fleeing the assassination, L t y £ MA -L '- ■ — . ^PT^,,0?«L h«a&!n9 W*r*! *toP) Co,\ Ç* m iA week f r was,¥&-j *ac-ic4$’h Ot rt.J.ll.tt', Jvu r Tng; (bottombottom) ! .Sertr®nevA*açsrco'f.fie rfra rrv Q»arsrcorf trrfrryo tfrr, .„/.o !/«*■»•«J»*fT!om “ » s.tene A p ril 4 m’ Memphis. Tenn to the city code concerning civil rights and Horace m o r e d th at J iml LaCrOix. Steve Hickson. George Fish. Joe State News photo by Russell S te ffe y - Monday night. The FBI declined comment. F rlel, Off-Cam-' Ciupa. Andy Pyle and Janet Trainor. Councilman James B. Brown, who op But. within a week after King's slaying, pus'Council pres posed the penalty clause last month, was E llsw orth the FBI was hunting a man identified ident during the absent from the meeting. as Eric Starvo Galt, whose last known third session, would oppose Ells The penalty clause provides for a $500 address was the Birmingham board w orth. fine and or 90 days in jail for those found ing house. The hunt had spread into sev Friel said Monday night that he guilty of discriminatory practices. d ROTC clash eral states. had decided not to run for personal Thomas an In effect, a person discriminated against reasons, but was disappointed that An^FBI “ locate and notify " alert for can work through conciliation with the Ellsworth ran unopposed. Galt Was put out last Thursday over the Human Relations Commission or can file “ He has the potential to be a Florida police network, but was with criminal suit. fine chairman,” Friel said. “ It drawn four hours later as erroneous. At Brown opposed sending the amendment was unfortunate that there was before 100 at open hearing the same time. FBI agents impounded in Atlanta a white Ford Mustang with an to the city attorney to be drawn up in legal no presentation, but it was a seri enrolled from the course not for a visitor led to his drop from the Alabama tag issued to Eric Starvo form a month ago. He claimed that the city ous oversight.” By LIN D A G O RTM AKER his “ political ideology” but be has had “ complété success“ with the ordi Ellsworth expressed surprise at State News Staff W riter c o u rs e . cause he had failed to consult the Galt. The judiciary deliberated after The abandoned Mustang matched the nance in its present form. Penalties might being elected on the first ballot. Accusations that the Dept, of department chairman before en the hearing but could not predict description of a suspected getaway car harm the work already being done, he said. Greg Hopkins, chairman of the Military Science violated portions rolling in the course. if an tmmediate decision would be in Memphis. Brown said he would vote in favor of the third session said he was “ very of the Academic Freedom Report King said that according to the penalty clause if the présent ordinance pleased” wuh Ellsworth’s elec clashed with reason for disenroll- m ad e. procedures for registration, de Cherpes said he first was told not to Skip Rudolph, judiciary chair proved ineffective. tion . • ing a student visiting a ba^ic ROTC partmental approval is needed, talk about Galt. He said he asked the man, emphasized before the hear Under the-city code, any public law be He also praised Friel for the course Monday night as the Stu while Thomas said that the fall FBI two days ago if he could discuss comes subject to à $500 fine and/or 90 manner in which he handled the dent-Faculty ju d iciary held its ing that the ruling would not be tdrm schedule book stated that the the m a tte r and was told. “ We suggest days in jail. This is why the penalty clause situation. Friel had told Ells first open hearing at 7:30. “ guilty” or “ not guilty” but that only requirement for visiting a you don't but we can t keep you from i t " • w ill not be in the legal ordinance. worth that he would not run, then Nearly 100 students watched the the Dept, of Military Science’s ac course was approval of the aca tions with Thomas would be judged Cherpes said in an interview the man The amendment alA adds real estate began to reassess his position when two and one-half hour hearing at demic advisor, which he said he “ consistent” or "inconsistent” known as Eric Starvo Galt had a room and financial institutions to the list oî he realized Ellsworth would meet which James R. Thomas, East Lan had obtained. with the guide lines of the freedom at the Highland Avenue boarding house possible public areas of discrimination no opposition. sing special student, with the help Thomas also said he could find from Aug. 26 to Oct. 7, 1967. "He regis already mentioned in the original policy. Friel left the room for the first re p o rt. no prerequisite for visiting the of counsel Bertram F. Garskof, tered here that he came from Pascagou The Human Relations Commission, ballot and what was to have been associate professor of psychology, When the judiciary does make course and said he had called the its decision, it will, according to la. Miss ." Cherpes said. which prepared the recommendation for Ellsworth’s presentation. accused the Dept, of Military Sci offices of the Registrar and the the freedom report, submit a writ the Council, was sharply criticized two In the turmoil following his elec ence of violating three portions of Dept, of Military Science to verify ten report to Milton B. Dickerson, (please turn to the back page) years ago for its failure to initiate a sep tion, Ellsworth commented briefly the freedom report, section this fact. ______________ vice president for student affairs, arate ordinance prohibiting discrimina on his expectations. He said that,, and 2.I.4.6. who will inform the principals and tion in housing. this should be the year for aca Thomas had visited a basic mil release the decision to the public. The reason the commission gave for not demic involvement by the student itary science course (Military Sci King said that Thomas was dis- recommending a separate open housing b oard .