Tuesday S u n n y .. women All MICHIGAN . . . and warmer today with . . . become like tkeir mothers. a high of 17 degrees. Tomorrow That is tbeir tragedy. -No man STATI partly cloudy and wanner. does. That’s his. Oscar Wilde UNIVERSITY NEWS

East Lansing, Michigan April 16,1968 iOc ASMSU CHAIRMAN FBI on trail Board elects Ellswo rth; of suspected 3 vie for second spot slayer of King ___ < < tir ~ awwWAaak «-V BIRMINGHAM. Ala.

in a white Ford Mustang with an to the city attorney to be drawn up in legal no presentation, but it was a seri­ enrolled from the course not for a visitor led to his drop from the Alabama tag issued to Eric Starvo form a month ago. He claimed that the city ous oversight.” By LIN D A G O RTM AKER his “ political ideology” but be­ has had “ complété success“ with the ordi­ Ellsworth expressed surprise at State News Staff W riter c o u rs e . cause he had failed to consult the Galt. The judiciary deliberated after The abandoned Mustang matched the nance in its present form. Penalties might being elected on the first ballot. Accusations that the Dept, of department chairman before en­ the hearing but could not predict description of a suspected getaway car harm the work already being done, he said. Greg Hopkins, chairman of the Military Science violated portions rolling in the course. if an tmmediate decision would be in Memphis. Brown said he would vote in favor of the third session said he was “ very of the Academic Freedom Report King said that according to the penalty clause if the présent ordinance pleased” wuh Ellsworth’s elec­ clashed with reason for disenroll- m ad e. procedures for registration, de­ Cherpes said he first was told not to Skip Rudolph, judiciary chair­ proved ineffective. tion . • ing a student visiting a ba^ic ROTC partmental approval is needed, talk about Galt. He said he asked the man, emphasized before the hear­ Under the-city code, any public law be­ He also praised Friel for the course Monday night as the Stu­ while Thomas said that the fall FBI two days ago if he could discuss comes subject to à $500 fine and/or 90 manner in which he handled the dent-Faculty ju d iciary held its ing that the ruling would not be tdrm schedule book stated that the the m a tte r and was told. “ We suggest days in jail. This is why the penalty clause situation. Friel had told Ells­ first open hearing at 7:30. “ guilty” or “ not guilty” but that only requirement for visiting a you don't but we can t keep you from i t " • w ill not be in the legal ordinance. worth that he would not run, then Nearly 100 students watched the the Dept, of Military Science’s ac­ course was approval of the aca­ tions with Thomas would be judged Cherpes said in an interview the man The amendment alA adds real estate began to reassess his position when two and one-half hour hearing at demic advisor, which he said he “ consistent” or "inconsistent” known as Eric Starvo Galt had a room and financial institutions to the list oî he realized Ellsworth would meet which James R. Thomas, East Lan­ had obtained. with the guide lines of the freedom at the Highland Avenue boarding house possible public areas of discrimination no opposition. sing special student, with the help Thomas also said he could find from Aug. 26 to Oct. 7, 1967. "He regis­ already mentioned in the original policy. Friel left the room for the first re p o rt. no prerequisite for visiting the of counsel Bertram F. Garskof, tered here that he came from Pascagou­ The Human Relations Commission, ballot and what was to have been associate professor of psychology, When the judiciary does make course and said he had called the its decision, it will, according to la. Miss ." Cherpes said. which prepared the recommendation for Ellsworth’s presentation. accused the Dept, of Military Sci­ offices of the Registrar and the the freedom report, submit a writ­ the Council, was sharply criticized two In the turmoil following his elec­ ence of violating three portions of Dept, of Military Science to verify ten report to Milton B. Dickerson, (please turn to the back page) years ago for its failure to initiate a sep­ tion, Ellsworth commented briefly the freedom report, section this fact. ______vice president for student affairs, arate ordinance prohibiting discrimina­ on his expectations. He said that,, and 2.I.4.6. who will inform the principals and tion in housing. this should be the year for aca­ Thomas had visited a basic mil­ release the decision to the public. The reason the commission gave for not demic involvement by the student itary science course (Military Sci­ King said that Thomas was dis- recommending a separate open housing b oard . en ce 1 0 0 ) fall term and was dis- enrolled from the course for “ dis­ ordinance in 1966 was similar to Brown's “ The board must assume a con­ enrolled from the course for what opposition of the penalty clause. The com­ ruptive behavior” ; Platt elabo­ Proposed bills passed structive role in the university,” he c la im s w as his “ political mission then felt that the citizens had rated that Thomas refused to ob­ Ellsworth said. “ We can’t set our ideology.” serve appropriate classroom pro­ been “ putting their own houses in order" goals too high.______Herman L. King, assistant pro­ and that the community had “ come closer vost and coordinator of MSU mili­ ce d u re s . together, and is more willing to work to­ P la tt described these pro­ tary education, told the judiciary on conflict of interest gether on this problem." cedures as rising and calling the ,the two reasons for disenrolling As proposed, the two bills will act Last February, after the commission instructor “ Sir” when called upon By JIM SCHAEFER Thomas that had not been released tandem to enforce the dictates of drafted the present amendment. Richard in class. In a previous rebuttal, State News Staff Writer in publicly until Monday night. King 10 of the 1963 Constitution, to E. Chapin, commission chairman, sug­ Garskof cited a personal incident section was counsel to Col. Robert G. months of drafting and re- i “substantial” conflicts from in­ gested that the commission wait until their when, as an auditor from Military A fter prevent Platt, department chairman, also vision. two bills proposed by a joint terests of governmental officials owning next meeting to pass the amendment Science 100, fall term , he had only present at the hearing. committee on conflict of interest legis­ to the Council so that interested citizens seen two out of nine students use (please turn to the back page) King said both Thomas’ “ dis­ lation were passed Friday with only a could state their opinions to the commis­ this procedure when speaking to ruptive behavior” and the fact that few dissenting votes in the state House sion. the instructor. he had not consulted the depart- of Representatives. King also said Thomas was dis- (please turn te the back page) 355-4560 1-5 p.m. ment chairman before enrolling as The two bills, intended as substi­ tutes for previous legislation on the V presents controversial area of business con­ flicts of public officials, will not for­ PSYCHOLOGIST SAYS f mally be received by the state senate 'Conscience until April 22, when it reconvenes after Easter vacation. That branch of the legislature is to review war predicted to, pass the companion meas­ ures then, although they will probably Campus-wide discussions, lectures, Reward system needs changing and debates on Vietnam related topics not take effect until 90 days after the legislature adjourns its regular session will be held today and Wednesday in who w ill be able to keep up with the chang­ Clark said very few persons are able to this ye a r-w h ich could be as late as the Academic Days of Conscience. By STAN MORGAN ing times. rise to high esteem among his peers by Attempting to correct the “ complicity State N e tl Staff Writer summer or fall. Such policies prevent the retention of dissenting from the system, by dealing of American universities in the war,” Student protest and dissent can serve a persons who are no longer the bright with areas outside his field, or showing the committee has encouraged 37 faculty constructive social role if it directs its in­ young members of the faculty who were an interest in the student and not the sub­ Predictions are that the two cases tention to change the reward system adored by the students, no matter what ject matter or by foregoing scholarly prob­ brought before Atty. Gen. Frank J. See related story page 8 and transform the society. Kenneth E. their faults, because they were of the lems and for a direct attack on social prob­ Kelley, involving two MSU officials, Clark, professor

2 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Tuesday, April 16, 1968

lo m ltit & Had, Country Farm N. Korea shuns examinatiorl

PORK ROAST LB. of ambush on U.S. soldiers DLOQMIN SEOUL (A P i -- North Korea nist way of denying involvement gence ship Pubelo and killed one apology for invading what they refused Monday to join an in­ in such an attack, in violation of of its 83 crewmen. call their coastal waters, before vestigation of an ambush that the armistice agreement signed taking any action. SPECIALS killed two U.S. and two South in 1953 The message to the The and the The UN Command reported Korean soldiers near the truce North Koreans called the attack North Koreans have been meet­ a fis t fight between four U.S. village of Panmunjom. Two oth­ "a flagrant violation" of the ar­ ing periodically at Panmunjom soldiers and 15 North Korean at er American soldiers were m istice. since the seizure. The Americans guards at Panmunjom Friday wounded. Information Minister Hong have been trying to obtain re­ It said two Americans wertF A UN Command spokesman Jong-chul of South Korea de­ lease of the crew and ship. The slightly injured but gave no oth­ GOODRICH'S said this was the usual Commu- nounced Sunday's ambush as a . North Koreans demand a U.S. er details. "barbarous act." He predicted the attack would speed isola­ tion of the Communist puppet Russia links regime in Pyongyang in the in­ ternational community." Pyong­ yang is the North Korean capi­ s p a c e s h i p s tal. A truck carrying the six sol­ diers to Panmunjom to take up for 2n d tim e guard duty was ambushed by Fresh, USDA Grade A flight. Men hidden on each side MOSCOW (AP) -The Soviet Union, apparently preparing to of the road fired around 200 put men into space again, re­ rounds into the truck. ported a successful linkup Mon­ Capt. Harold J. Daub of Oma­ day of two unmanned space­ ha. Neb. said the enemv also ships. A fte r 3 hours and 50 m in­ threw at least two hand gre­ WHOLE 27C utes they were separated. nades. The inform ation officer Informed sources said a of the 2nd U.S. Infantry Division launching involving men is ex­ said grenade fragments were Why there is pected soon. found around the truck. FRYERS Spent cartridges inside the truck also showed that the Monday's linkup, duplicating a feat first performed by the So­ North Koreans thrust their ma­ chine guns inside and sprayed Fresh, Small-Lean and Meaty viet Union Oct. 30. was made bv Lunar eclipse always a smile Cosmos 212 and Cosmos 213. the occupants after the vehicle The time of the linkup was 20 halted with all four tires blown, The clouds broke long enough on Good Friday for he added. One of the wounded minutes longer than the pre­ observers to witness a lunar eclipse, the second in was found in the front seat, the PORK SPARERIBS vious one but there were no •other in the back. six months. State News Photo by Bob Ivins announced significant differ­ at Goodrich’s: Other U.S. 2nd Division troops ences between the two. . sped into the area w ith in Cosmos 212 was launched 10 Sunday and Cosmos 213 sent up minutes of the attack but a search of the surrounding hills COUPON after it Monday. Goodrich’s is a Spartan Shop Rite was fruitless Frankfurt students store. That means the people who own The Cosmos designation has Lt. Col. Herm an A. Praeger of Goodrich’s work right in the store. been applied to a variety of Claflin. Kan., commander of the ORCHARD GROVE Soviet spaceships, but the flight In short, we have a stake In making U.S. A rm y support group for patterns of these two indicated Panmumjom. said he could not protest new spaper sure you are happy. they are of the new Soyuz tell whether any of the six BERLIN iAPi ~ Thousands dozen delivery trucks through type. Americans returned the fire. You smile, we smile. of policemen kept a wary look­ the crowd. Four U.S. soldiers now have You smile because-of the low prices Cosmonaut Vladimir M. Ko­ out for trouble Monday as West Springer, biggest publisher in been killed and 14 wounded since continental Europe, has been made possible by Shoprlte volume marov crashed last April 24 in Berliners enjoyed their first aft­ BUTTER. North Korea stepped up in filtra ­ the main target of the German ernoon without leftist demon­ buying. We smile because we know the first manned Soyuz flight tions across the demilitarized strations in four days. But vio­ New Left, because of the anti­ Soviet space authorities said Zone w ith an attem pt to assas­ the more happy customers in the lence erupted between students left stand taken by his papers then the Soyuz type would be sinate President Chung Hee Park Lim it 1 with store, the more successful we are. and police in Frankfurt. Hundreds of Berliners and used again a fte r defects were Jan. 2. Two days later North Most West Berlin policemen tourists took advantage of the You smile because of the free Gold corrected. Korea seized the U.S. in te lli­ $5.00 food purchase Bond stamps. We smile because we kept out of sight but ready to quiet sunny, afternoon to stroll know of the extra savings the stamps move in as reports spread that down the Kurfuerstendamm. bring you. students were planning new scene of most of the trouble that VETERAN'S ASSOCIATION moves to try to stop.diStribution has-flared since the shooting of You smile at the personal attention of publisher Axel Springer's Federation leader Rudi Duts-} we are able to give you (we’re small). newspapers. chke last Thursday. The Kurfuerstendamm was SPARTAN - HALVES AND PIECES - I# 13 OZ. Can We smile because we like working The Socialistic Student Feder­ closely with our customers. Meeting ation said it would set up block­ the scene of a demonstration ades in West B erlin. F rankfurt. Sunday that exploded into a You smile at many other qualities Esslingen and Hannover. clash between thousands of M i i i n r p u i s at Goodrich’s. Such as a reputation In Frankfurt, bloody street Dutschke's supporters and hun­ 3/1.00 for the finest meats in town. And the TO-NIGHT fights broke out Monday night dreds of police, turning the tra­ selection of many unusual and foreign around a newspaper plant ditional Easter parade into food. 8:00 p.m. where Tuesday editions of sev­ chaos. eral Springer papers are print­ Dutschke. 28. was reported Why not do your weekly shopping at out of immediate danger in the Coral Gables ed. FRESHLIKE . Goodrich's. You’ll find many-reasons About 5.000 demonstrators hospital where he is being treat­ to smile. S h o w B a r massed around the big brick ed for three bullet wounds. But a building there despite the police medical bulletin said later com­ We smile. VEGETABLES 5 All Veterans With Over 21 Months efforts to hold them back. Vio­ plications could not be ruled out. lence erupted when Frankfurt His alleged assailant. Josel> Whole Kernal - Cream Style Corn Active Duty Welcome police tried to convoy about a Bachmann. 23. was reported in Green Beans - Cut or French Style good condition in the same hos­ Peas - MIX OR MATCH pital. Bachmann was wounded 12 oz. to 14 oz. Cans L 9 in a gunf ight with police West Berlin's moderate politi­ cal groups staged a peaceful Assorted Flavors Don9t let your rally of about 10.000 persons on Dag Hammarskjöld Square out­ old Granny side the downtown area. PINT BTLS. EACH Thousands of students who FAYGO POP had been staging demonstrations down; invite over the past few days were there. ROYAL me to The main speakers were for­ mer West Berlin Mayor Hein­ GELATIN o» rich Albertz. making his first graduation political appearance since his resignation in September, and EACH Prof. Ralf Dahrendorf. a lead­ PUDDINGS & ing member of the opposition Free Democratic party. FROZEN PET RITZ GIRLS!. APPLE P IES Be a tei Bunny 1 SPARTAN - 2 lb. Box SENIORS at PICK UP YOUR Lake CHEESE SPREAD Geneva.

GOODRICH'S SPARTAN When you set aside your 6 OZ. bag books, don a pair of ears! Top earnings, fun and ANNOUNCEMENTS glamor are yours at the CELLO RADISHES EACH fabulous 810,000,000 THEY’RE IN NOW! - AT THE CUSTOMER resort at Lake Geneva, Wisconsin. Find IN THE FRQNT OF THE STORE v out how you can become 125 SIZE “ Dozen a Bunny at Lake Geneva. Make an appointment Spartan Shopping Center at either of the following TEMPLE ORANGES BOOK locations: Between Spartan Village and Bunny Mother DELICIOUS - WITH HAM, CHEESE, Cherry Lane Apartment* The -Hotel PICKLES, LETTUCE Lake Geneva, Wisconsin STORE Phone: 414-248-8811 SOBM ARINE Bunny Mother Open 9 a.m. - 9 p.m. - Mon. thru Fri. of ^ 9 a.m. - 6 p.m. - Sat. 116 East Walton Street SANDWICHES >*. Chicago, 4 In the Center for International Programs Phone: 312—WH 4-3010 Tuesday, April 16, 1968 3 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan

----- NEWS LBJ asks for prompt peace reply Adm. U. S. Grant Sharp, on HONOLULU (APi - President clared in prepared remarks reply," matching the serious­ "It is now two long weeks President Chung Hee Park, a summary Johnson called on North Viet­ upon his call at Iolani Palace, ness of the U.S. offers, the Pres­ since I restricted vur bombing Vietnam a lly, on both Korean whether the Reds deliberately timed nam Monday to promptly make a the Hawaii government seat, ident said. And in stressing his and urged North Vietnam to and Vietnam defenses against their attack for the during an Asia strategy confer­ Honolulu "serious and considerate reply" urgency about the ifeed for come to the conference table. the Reds. gathering. ence here. quick agreement on beginning The impending two-nation to U.S. proposals for a neutral "We are eager to get on with Some officials in Washing­ A capsule summary of the day's events from "What is needed now is an pepce talk preliminaries, he summit parley was punctuated meeting site for peace envoys. the task of peace making. Pre­ ton were inclined to discount equally serious and considerate added: by a North Korean ambush, our wlra services. "As of now. we have had no cious time is being lost. this possibility, reasoning that killin g tw o U.S. and two South response or comment from Ha­ "Asians and Americans alike incidents may be expected to Korean soldiers. which noi-other than radio signals- are ready to let diplomacy go to increase as spring weather the U.N. command said the about anyone of the locations we work-now-without further de­ brings out foliage making am­ Communists staged well inside have suggested,” Johnson re­ lay." bushes easier. “We share a desire that the ported. Johnson plans to meet on the D em ilitarized Zone. University o f M ichigan show "For us. this is not a propa­ Vietnam with U.S. Pacific com­ There was no imm ediate However a similar border by affirm ative action that it ganda exercise." Johnson de- manders Tuesday, then confer comment from headquarters shooting by the North Koreans Wednesdav with South Korea's of the Pacific commander here. about the time of Johnson’s wants and will support a so­ visit to Seoul in 1966 gener­ ciety in which all m ay share ally was viewed by U.S. offi-' e q u a l l y . ” U-M President cials then as a gesture of de­ Fleming fiance specially timed by R obben W. Fleming. Open rush held Pyongyang. Honolulu itself was in a to study moderately festive mood for International News Johnson's fourth visit as Presi­ by Union Board dent. • The Soviet Union, apparently preparing to put men into black aid For most of his Hawaiian space again, reported a successful linkup of two unmanned The Union Board w ill sponsor Week M ixers. A ll Campus Talent stay, including his sessions spaceships, duplicating a feat first performed by the Soviet ANN ARBOR (UPI)-Uni- an open rush starting at 138 Akers Show and a soon to be started with Park. Johnson is resid­ Union last October. See page 2 versity of Michigan President from 7-9 tonight. quiz television program. The ing at a well-guarded estate • North Korea refused to join an investigation of an am­ Robben W. Flem ing said Mon­ Other sessions will be held Union Board needs w ell over a formerly owned by industrial­ bush that killed two U.S. and two South Korean soldiers day he would discuss w ith the Thursday in Wonders Kiva. Fri­ hundred people to help in all of Board of Regents a proposal ist Henrv J. Kaiser. near the truce village of Panmunjom. See Pa8 e 2 day in 11 Brody and April 25 in these projects • An American source reported that South Vietnam soj- for a professorship or scholar­ the Union Parlors A and B. All diers. equipped with the best U.S. rifles, w ill likely take over ship honoring the late Dr. Mar­ of the meetings w ill be from 7-9 Con Thien. the much bombarded Marine outpost just south tin Luther King Jr. p.m. Fleming met with seven black of the dem ilitarized zone, and Khe Sanh. the combat base The purpose of the rush is to Capture your favorite music from students Monday to discuss their that was beseiged by the North Vietnamese for 77 days. recruit new members who will proposals, which included the have the opportunity to express • Military and civilian doctors have discovered a rare and hiring of Negro coaches, a FM Multiplex or LP Records on a themselves in committee meet­ often deadly lung ailment first uncovered among American Negro in the admissions of­ ings and help d irect and complete casualties in Vietnam and called "Da Nang Lung. See page 3 fice and "university involve­ projects as sub-committee chair­ ROBERTS stereo tape recorder ment in the community,” $ È m men and as committee members. • Archbishop Pierre Martin Ngo Dinh Thue, brother of The seven black students repre­ ¡ S S . The only, qualification is a 2.0 w ith slain Vietnam President Ngo Dinh Diem, called the sufter- sented 150 who locked them­ grade average. <*> ings, of Madame Ngo Dinh Nhu and of the Vietnam'people selves in the University’s ad­ Members of Union Board work CROSS (g> FIELD a sacrifice to God so world peace would come. ministration building for four Aloha on numerous projects throughout hours last week Tuesday, the P resident Johnson boards his presidential vet, Air the year, these include: Mad Hat­ • Thousands of West Berlin policemen kept a wary look­ day of King’s funeral. Force Qne, Monday in Austin, Texas, as he heads for ters Midway. Thieves Market. out for student troubles in the wake of the leftist student lead­ "On many of these matters top level talks ln Honolulu. UPI WJrephoto Union Board week. Welcome er Rudi Dutschke shooting as West Berliners enjoyed their we found that we had no d if­ first afternoon without leftist demonstrations in four days. ferences,” Fleming said after See page 2 the meeting. “In that con­ The Stale News, the student newspaper at Michigan State Univer­ National News nection, I shall be discussing W K A R w i n s several items with the Regents sity, is published every class day throughout the year with special Thrill to the full mu­ • President Johnson left for conferences in Honolulu to dis­ Welcome Week and Orientation issues in June and September. Sub­ later this week. In other areas, sical dimensions of cuss both Northeast and Southeast Asia and to meet with U.S.' scription rates a re $14 per y e ar. prerecorded tape and we agreed that further discus­ Pacific commanders and South Korea s President Chung school aw ard rOOl other applica­ Member Associated Press, United Press International, Inland sions w ill take place." tions for enjoyment HeePark. See page 3 MSU radio station WKAR Daily Press Association, Associated Collegiate Press, Michigan Press Association, Michigan Collegiate Press Association, United In the home. Late last week, several faculty received the 1968 School Bell • Sen. Robert F. Kennedy launched a lengthy tour of the State Student Press Association. members announced a drive to Award of the Michigan Edu­ western half of the nation and tested his strength among the $ 3 4 9 9 5 raise $50,000 from faculty and cation Assn. (MEAi for heavily Polish population of northern Indiana after a one-day students for a professorship outstanding contributions in Second class postage paid at East Lansing, Mich. MODEL 770X Editorial and business offices at 347 Student Services Building, break for Easter in his presidential campaign. educational programming. honoring King, with the idea Michigan State University, East Lansing, Mich. • Caution was the keynote at the Democratic governors that this would attract addition­ WKAR producer-director conference in St. Louis. Mo., where the governors denied al financing from outside the Steven K. Meuche accepted the Phones: that they were out to stop any candidate and acknowledged University community. award on April 5. E d ito ria l ...... 355-8252 MARSHALL MUSIC that they could not unite now behind any contender for the Classified Advertising ...... 355-8255 Display Advertising ...... 353-6480 245 ANN White House. * Business-Circulation...... 355-8299 • A boarding house owner in Birmingham. Ala., has told Photographic...... 355-83111 MEMBER GREATER EAST LANSING FBI agents investigating the murder of Dr. Martin Luther MSU Men & Women j CHAMBER OF COMMERCE King Jr. that drawings of a man they were hunting closely resembled a roomer named Eric Galt. See page 1 CHEERLEADER TRYOUTS : Start Tuesday, April 16 IF YOU WON’T BE ON CAMPUS Rare lung ailment - Women’s I.M. - T ryout Sessions are required April 16 thru May 2. For additional Informa­ THIS FALL TERM • • • puzzles military tion call 355-4744 or 355-4745. WASHINGTON (API- blobs of fat that form at one TRYOUT DATES AND TIMES: Military and civilian doctors part of the body, then break are concerned over a recently away and are carried via the j TUESDAY, APRIL 16 7-9 p.m. MONDAY, APRIL 29 4-6 p.m. I noted and puzzling lung ailment bloodstream to the lungs, caus­ * MONDAY, APRIL 22 4-6 p.m. . TUESDAY, APRIL 30 7-9 p.m. f first uncovered among Ameri­ ing road-blocks. I TUESDAY, APRIL 23 7-9 p.m. THURSDAY, MAY 2 7-9 p.m. * can battle casualties in Viet­ A THURSDAY, APRIL 25 7-9 p.m . nam and called "Da Nang -Overloading of the patient Lung." with intravenous fluids, or with • DRESS FOR TRYOUT ACTIVITY 100 per cent oxygen during The newly discovered ail­ Tumbling talent Is welcomed, but not required. The “ best- emergency treatment of his ♦ ment is rated as a puzzler leaders and sharpest fellows and g a ls " w ill be selected. because it occurs in individu­ original battle wounds or civil­ als who o rig in a lly were se­ ian-type injuries before any j Come Over and Join the Fun! | verely injured in parts of the lung symptoms develop. body other than the lungs. - “ Blast injury” to the lung, But, within three hours to that is. a kind of indirect three days, the victims de­ blast effect exerted on the velop symptoms of “ severe, untouched lung by the shock progressive and often unre­ of the original injuries. THE MOST UNUSUAL lenting pulmonary insufficiency lung failure.' a report from COMEDY ALBUM the National Academy of Sciences says. Petitioning opens OF THE YEAR! A summary of the report includes: for'U ’ radio board M S A ɧI|ÍÍ |$Ä |piP. JUAWWB dWt-M? W&m t -The lung condition is rare, but it has a “serious and Petitions for two members at often lethal nature." large and chairmanship of all -The cause still remains campus radio board w ill be avail­ obscure. But, possible causa­ able in 8 Student Services Bldg. tive factors include: Friday morning. They will be - “ Fat embolism,” or small due before 5 p.m. A p ril 28. RUSH SUNDRY IS COMING

. . . and you want your picture in the The HANDWRITING ON THE WALL THE SOUND OF GRAFFITI Wolverine, you mutt call 353-4470. Atlantic 8178/SD8178 Call today, pictures will be taken this weekend. Write fer FREE cataloi v a n IM I Bread«» NEMC 543 E, Grand River 337-1300 ¡A T L A N T IC I Ne« York, N. Y. 10023 Michigaa State Umversity-Wolverme

« MICHIGAN Jtint cu il. .%/##>ttfWo hr ir I'ianin. ejrem W r** rtlilor vili lor- in-rh ivf l.airrrnrr I I rrarr. managing rililor Hobby Smini, ramini* rililor h iliranl I . Ilritt. rtlllorial rililor STATI NEWS Sian hirhrlbauin Jot' \lilrli. « /m i l* rililor UNIVERSITY ailirrlining mañanar

Tuesday Morning. April Í6 .1968 Five-timi recipient of the Pacemaker award for outstanding journalism. EDITORIALS

M eaningful grades:

t h e push m ust go on

The hope that a revision of the should be protected from the grading system will be in effect lowering effect of the new scale. by next fall was heightened last Although the changes have Wednesday when the Academic been m oving well so far, all the Council approved seven of the effort will go for nothing if im ­ Tow ard right action eight recommendations in the plementation does not come next Educational Policies Com m ittee fall. Academic Council and the Conscience. we forget there is another side, (EPC ) proposal. Academic Senate must make Academic Days of. regardless of how much we dis­ The EP C plan calls for a new every effort to work out the de­ Conscience. agree with present policies and grading system with ten grades tails as soon as possible. “ Impelling one toward right oppose the w ar. ranging from 0.0 and 0.5 up to It should be remembered that action.” Webster. Wesley Fishel, professor in 4.0 and 4.5. Also included is a the last grade revision attem pt­ Vietnam. Anti-Vietnam. The political science, would have had credit-non credit plan under ed was accepted until it reached M SU Committee of the Academic a different viewpoint. He, of which courses outside the m ajor the Academic Senate. There it Days of Conscience is anti-Viet­ course, is indirectly encouraged can be taken for no credit. was reduced to non-existence. n a m . to take part in the Academic If the educational experience This is much too important a And most of the classroom Days of Conscience as is any pro­ is to be made more meaningful plan to be allowed to die now. discussion today and W ednesday fessor, but wasn’t directly in­ with less emphasis on arbitrary W ith the outlook of a m eaningful will be on an “ anti” level. But it vited. Perhaps this has no bear­ grades, this proposal is a m ajor and equitable grading system The grosser weather report for this time is discussion. ing on the inteht of the com­ step. The credit-no credit section next fall, nothing less should be tomorrow--continued warm & sunny with A one-sided dialogue is more mittee, but it is nevertheless is probably the m ost significant a ll o w e d . -The Editors a 50% chance of a quiz! progressive than total apathy unfortunate. part of the proposal, however, and no dialogue. • Vietnam has somewhat slipped as it stands it isrtnly available to ' It is extrem ely encouraging to out of the public mind in terms juniors and seniors. There is no JIM BUSCHMAN see the range of University de­ of a pressing situation, frustra­ reason why freshmen and sopho­ partments from which some pro­ tion and protest since President m ores shouldn’t be included, and fessors are taking part in the Johnson announced that he is this should be seriously consid­ discussions, panels, debates and not a candidate for the Demo­ ered by the Academ ic Council. I touched Bobby Kennedy l e c t u r e s . cratic presidential nomination The proposal will have to be One must, of course, wonder and since negotiation has taken considered by the council in its on a new shade of reality re­ how m any students w ill actually April 20 meeting since the last Everybody likes to feel im portant. One take part and wonder how m any cently. But a new potential for section, that concerning credit- wav to feel important is to BE important, of course, but being important can take up viewpoints will be presented. ending the war doesn’t mean no credit, still has to be worked those possible talks are now in­ a lot of valuable time and effort. For those Students here are notorious for out. It is hoped it will then be of us who can't waste our time, there is a ignoring most issues, Vietnam e v i t a b l e . passed to the Academic Senate much easier way. being the most significant one. Vietnam continues to exist. for action during its M ay 22nd We try to associate with important peo­ ple as much as possible. And obviously “ anti” sentiments Men continue to fight and die g a t h e r i n g . Admittedly, it's a hard thing to do in the are being solicited in the Aca­ t h e r e . Some problems will arise with Greater Lansing Area. Running around the demic Days. j Academic Days of Conscience a hew grading policy. For in­ block with Gov. Romney was a start, but is not a utopian-dialogue. But it after that important associations were dif­ Feeling m ost likely does sway stance, the grade points of stu­ And suddenly I was in. mingling with ficult to find. I tried having luch with Tom thdt Jf I cduldn't mee't him I d at least try is thought, and it is dialogue, the memhers of the press and Senator toward the out-of-Viet view -few dents who have one or more Johnson once, and another time I said to get a good look at him. so I climbed up will stand up and advocate wip­ and it shows that there are peo­ years of credit under the 4.0 hello to Biggie Mqnn. but somehow it just Kennedy's official greeting party! I on a big yellow truck fo r a better view. was ecstatic, especially when an old lady ing out Hanoi or even continuing ple at this University who care system will have to be ad­ wasn't the same. Just then the crowd started moving in So naturally I was overjoyed last week on the other side of the fence called me my direction until they had surrounded the wide-spread bombing if peace about the agonizing conflict in justed to the new 4.5. Possibly when I heard Bobby Kennedy was coming over. truck. I was still trying to locate Kennedy Vietnam . That in itself is signi­ talks seem possible--but it’s a simple notation on the tran­ to town. "Oh, are YOU here for Kennedy's arriv­ when another guy began climbing onto a l? " she asked me. sometimes necessary to hear f i c a n t . script would accomplish this, At the time I was associating important­ the truck. -The Editors ly with the President of MSU Non-Academ­ "Yes. I am." I answered, beaming "Hey. it's too crowded up here!" I from that other side too. Lest but in some way grade points ic Employees Local Union 1585. But I proudly. shouted at him. made my hasty apologies and headed im­ "My then it must be important." she "Then why don’t you move fohwahd mediately for Capital City Airport. After marveled, "if David Brinkley would come a little ? " he said. MAX LERNER all. some associations ARE more impor­ all the way from Washington. Just wait It was him! Senator Bobby in the tant than others. until I tell my church circle . . ." flesh! He talked to me! I was speech­ The crowd was already large and still Just then a cheer went up from the crowd, less. growing when I arrived at the airport. Most for Bobby Kennedy's plane had landed. Kennedy spoke to the crowd from his of the people m illing around were students: As it taxied up the runway, the newsmen position on the cab of the truck, and I lis­ I saw signs saying "State for RJK." "Ken­ and the official greeting party began mov­ tened with my mouth open. It didn't mat­ nedy for ASMSU Member-at-Large." and ing toward it. I was carried along with the ter what he said-just hearing his voice crowd, and somewhere in the struggle I lost "Bobby and Bubba in 68." was enough for me. What a th rill! Writing the script for peace I was wondering how I could get a better m y shoe. Bobby finished speaking and began to position in the crowd when I heard a guard Not wanting Bobby to see me w ith only climb down from the truck. I rushed up at the gate say, "Get your press passes one shoe. I began looking fo r it on m y hands and offered my assistance. ready." Several men around me fumbled and knees. I finally located it after great "Thank you very much." said the sena­ in their pockets and began filing past the difficulty, just as another cheer went up. tor as he leaned on my shoulder. Now that the fires in the inner cities cause Hanoi knows it has more to gain sues to probe, especially on the question of guard, flipping open their wallets and call­ Five minutes later I had fought my way to That was it—the ultimate compliment. from peace than from a protracted war. have stopped burning, at least until next underwriting a boundary agreement, ing out their name and employer: my feet again. Senator Kennedy was depending on ME for time. Americans can turn to that other That is true of Washington as well. Peace­ on a time schedule for withdrawal, on "Jackson. NBC." "What happened?" I asked frantically. my support. I haven't touched my shoulder making may be best defined as a game in fire—in Vietnam. To the ancient cry to the demand of Hanoi for a coalition "Butler, Associated Press." "Kennedy, man." said one of the news­ since last Thursday, and I haven't spoken the warder--'Watchman, what of the which the gains outweigh the losses, on regime in Saigon and on Hanoi's long- "Shinn. WJIM News." men. "You missed him? He's over by that to anyone either. When you associate with night?— one must now add the insistent both sides. range thrust toward a unified Vietnam Being caught up in the line and unable fence now. shaking hands with the crowd. " people like Bobby Kennedy it puts you in The real question about any negotiations question. "W hat of the peace?" under its control. None of them is beyond to get out, I opened my wallet to my I looked hopelessly in the direction of a different class. Romney will just have is. of course, the question of who writes the I suppose I have had fewer words to eat resolution if there is will and intelli­ Michigan Bankard and said. "Buschman. about five thousand people. Now I'd never to find someone else to run around the about Lyndon Johnson than some others major part of the script. That cannot be gence on both sides. State News." get to meet Bobby Kennedy! I decided block with from now on. who write commentaries on these stormy guessed yet. It depends on the relative and unpredictable times. I believe that Mr. bargaining strength of the two sides, Johnson has been wrong on the war. but I since any peace conference is a hard bar­ have never believed that he was a monster gaining session in which each bargainer OUR READERS’ MINDS who kept it going deliberately for Ameri­ talks tough but inwardly is balancing its can imperialism or his own aggrandize­ power against its fears. ment. The results of a peace conference are The sudden, overwhelming change in likely to reflect the balance of forces in American opinion after his historic broad­ the field and the capacity of each side to Days of Conscience’ out of place cast suggests that most Americans didn't endure and sustain the war if necessary. To the Editor: turn out to present both sides of the believe the monster theory either, in the That is why the recent allied successes, have a somewhat more sophisticated discussions may be. and usually are. I notice the plan sponsored by the MSU issues of the war impartially and ob­ in lifting the vaunted siege at Khe Sanh objective than seems to have been as lopsided as the participants want. depths of their hearts. He made himself Committee in the Academic Days of jectively. I will, however, be more and in sweeping the countryside around indicated. H arry L. Case credible again through the interplay of his Conscience to encourage class discussions, than glad to eat these words. Incidentally, Hanoi, make the timing of negotiations Outside the classroom, of course. professor, education two themes in that broadcast: his bombing panels and lectures on the subject of a good statement of support of the a tolerable one for the Americans. Those suspension made people believe he meant the Vietnam war. in iegularly scheduled government's policy, as understood by a who predicted that Khe Sanh would be his withdrawal as a candidate, while his classes. The committee, according to Southeast Asia country, was given here another Dien Bien Phu may prove wrong withdrawal made them believe he meant the press report "in the interest of last week by the Philippine Ambassador again in predicting that President John­ the peace overtures to Hanoi. academic freedom, and holding the belief to the United States and to the United Where does it all end? * * * * son is incapable of m aking peace. that the educational process is dependent Nations This would be a good state­ Hanoi is making the characteristic Thav is why, almost overnight. Ameri­ on dialogue we urge all views-of ment to include in the materials. To the Editor: begun to see a ll "w h ite " men as devils noises right now-insisting that it will cans and the world see him in a different whatever orientation-to be presented a simply because they are "w hite." meet the Americans only to show them I suppose faculty member is free role: as a man who got into the war too forevaluation." class­ At the risk of seeming somewhat Where does it a ll end? Possibly as how to lay down all their weapons. It is to do anything he wants in his deeply and made several blunders in his It is obvious from the tenor of the room. although it might seem reason­ picavunnish about Professor Reed's other­ Kerner report suggests, we are unlikely that Averill Harriman will be peace-seeking, yet never stopped looking remainder of the story that the members wise excellent "Long requiem" in Wed­ indeed moving clearly toward becoming thrown by these noises. There have been able to expect that the discussions would fo r a w ay out. of the Committee have made up their nesday's State News, it occurs to me two societies, one all white, the other too many signals on each side, for too have some bearing on the subject of We now know that in the darkest mo­ minds about the rights and wrongs of that his sweeping categorizing of Jesus all black. I am not in the slightest long, to lead to a dead-end at the first the course. For myself. I think that ments of the war there were secret sound­ the war. and that by "evaluation" they the function, or one function anyway, Christ. Mahatma «Gandhi. and Martin way qualified to speak as a geneticist meeting. It may be followed by another ings being made persistently to make con­ mean "refutation" of those who do not of a university is to encourage a Luther King into "white, brown, and or an anthropologist. Perhaps in succession of signals, foreshadowing a tact with Hanoi after it had been broken agree with them. If the materials that rational approach to the problems of black" color groups only perpetuates technical terms Jesus Christ was "w hite." de-escalation, and then a total truce. by an American gaffe. It has been re­ the Committee distributes, as announced. life, including learning how to discuss the "arrogance of racism" which he Gandhi, “brown,” and King, "black, After that there will be some thorny is- established now, mainly (I suspect > be- and think about public issues, both so evidently deplores. though I doubt it. Wouldn't it be domestic and foreign. In my opinion Our society has been prone for far better, however, to say simply that I'l \ \ t i s HAVE VOU EVER IN ALL £AX)R T h e tim e ys s-.oo p.m. o n IXXJN BELOW I CAN S E E TH E it is not consistent with this educational too many generations to this kind of all three were men of peace? As long POSITIONS OCCUPIED WTWE NWETV- SEEN SUCH 600P RESEARCH! NOVEMBER 3 ,1918... (JE AftE LIFE responsibility for those who are the blocking of man into distinct social as we continue thinking of men in terms TA K IN G PH0TTO6HAPHS A T A N SECONP U.S.ARMV DIVISION, AM P classes on the basis of the color of [> TLX) THOUSAND VARD5 TO THE NORTH s>- bearers of the University's conscience of the color of their skin, what chance o ALTITUDE OF2200 METERS... their skin. Men with white skin tones has our society ever to break away I CAN SEE THE 66BMAN POSITIONS... to offer the classroom as a platform ■ P --- for the propagation of opinions on one have, to their satisfaction at least, from the intolerance which now fills side of a controversial public question. set themselves up as superior to all it to overflowing? I assume that those of my colleagues men of black or brown shadings < or M. Paul Holsinger who agree to cooperate with the com­ yellow or red. for that matter i. Many assistant professor, mittee do not have this in mind, but Negroes have in retaliation, consciously American Thought or subconsciouslv (who cares why?» and Language Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Tuesday, April 16, 1968 5

PERCY GOALS PACULTY PACTS Returri of confidence Prof receives award By WES THORP part in the solution of urban State News Staff Writer problems, according to Percy. EDITOR’S NOTE: Presented Sen. Charles Percy’s main He has said if the private ere the third and fourth in a goal in his political career is sector does not invest more in series of biographical and issue from foundrymen to contribute to a restora­ some of these problems today, sketches on Choice ’68 candi­ tration and higher education, tion of confidence, which, he tomorrow it is not going to Harold L. Womochel. pro­ sored by the U.S. National dates. Choice ’68, a national discussed "The Impact of Mark­ says, the Am erican people have have the consumers, the edu­ fessor of m etallurgy, w ill be Academy of Science. collegiate presidential pri­ ing on Pupils and Parents" * * * a right to expect in their govern­ cated employes, the climate the recipient of the American mary, will be held at MSU at the Michigan School Testing Lee Shulman, associate pro­ ment. fo r business that has been Foundrymen's Society "Annual Monday through Wednesday Conference held March 6 in fessor of counseling and per­ Percy, junior Senator from present in the past. Training and Research Insti­ next week. Ann Arbor. sonnel services, led the final Illinois and Republican presi­ CHARLES PERCY MARK HATFIELD tute Trustees Award for 1968." According to Percy, more * * * College of Education Colloquium dential possibility, says the The teaching award was de­ money alohe won’t solve the Herbert C. Rudman. professor of the year Monday. Shulman nation needs a sense of con­ veloped to recognize individuals of administration and higher poverty problem. The poor spoke on "V ocational Develop­ fidence that those in govern­ who have contributed outstand­ people should be trained to education, served as a consul­ ment of Handicapped Adoles­ ment have the perception not budget their time, their energy ing and dedicated teaching in tant to the Escuela International cents." only to recognize problems and their funds more intelli­ Possible ’68 running mate: the institute's technical con­ Sampedrana. held at San Pedro but to shape solutions for gently. he said. tinuing education program Sula. Honduras. M arch 8-26. * * * * * * MALE—-FEMALE them, and who have the courage Percy believes that lack of E venlngs A composition bv Jere T. Laurine Fitzgerald, associate to take whatever steps are effective poverty programs and Large corporation interview­ Hutcheson, instructor in music, professor of education, led necessary to bring about so­ the nonenforcement of civil ing for part-time personnel. was performed April at the several discussions at a con­ lutions. rights laws now on the books Sen. Mark O. Hatfield 6 Evenings and weekends. Can 25th Annual Festival of Con­ ference held in Atlanta. Ga. Percy’s suggested solution to are largely responsible for the lead to full time in summer. By BETSY ROACH Two years later Hatfield, P acific Railroad and whose temporary Music at Louisiana Feb. 23-24 sponsored by the the urban problem is the passage riots in many of the big city We work appointments only— State News Staff Writer a devout Baptist, married An­ mother was a schoolteacher Higher Education Executive of a bill proposing home owner­ ghettos. State University by the LSI' no canvassing, delivering or One of the earliest acts in toinette Kuzmanich. a Catholic was elected to the Senate ir Associates. ship by lower-income families. “ We’ve got to find answers faculty string quartet. "String * * * collecting. Sales experience Sen. Mark O. Hatfield's politi­ and the daughter of a Portland 1966 This bill would set up a to the problems of housing, jobs Quartet " was the name of the not necessary. cal career was his election as longshoreman from Yugosla­ He has been described at Carl K. Eicher. associate government-chartered founda­ and education.” he said. composition. $250.00 via. a moderate, but an individual­ * * * professor of agricultural eco­ tion, backed by government On crime prevention. Percy president of the student body per month guarantee if you The 36-year-old Hatfield was ist (At a governor's con­ nom ics, w ill p re s e n t a credit, to provide low-interest has suggested that the federal at Stanford University-after Robert L. Ebel. professor of meet our requirements. For elected governor of Oregon four loans to unions and other groups government institute a nation­ conducting a write-in ference in July, 1965. Hatfielc counseling and personnel serv­ paper on "Economic Research months later, becoming one of appointment, call Mr. Faust, that would acquire slum hous­ wide program of better police campaign. and Gov. Romney were the onl> ices, and John H. Suehr, as­ for African Agricultural De­ history's youngest state gov­ 484-5671. ______ing. rehabilitate it and sell it training and education. He attended Stanford after voters against a resolutior sociate professor of adminis- velopm ent" at a meeting spon- ernors. He enjoyed two suc­ to poor families who would re­ He has proposed FBI training World War II, during which he favoring President Johnson's cessful four-vear terms. DOMINO’S PIZZA DOMINO’S PIZZA DOMINO’S PIZZA DOMINO’S PIZZA pay with labor and cash. of state and local law enforce­ spent three years in the Navy Vietnam policy.). While in office. Hatfield "Home ownership is really ment officials to help lower (1943-46) and saw action To become a Republicar started an industrial-develop- the foundation of our society- the rising crime rate. at Iwo Jima and Okinawa. After governor in a Democratic ment program, which attracted to be somebody, to have some­ Percy is w orking on a b ill receiving his master's degree state, he had to appeal to botf businesses to Oregon. While thing of your own. to make a to permit wire tapping by law- at Stanford in 1948. he re­ Democrats and Republicans. he was governor. Oregon's contribution. Yet millions enforcement officials in the turned to Willamette Univer­ For this reason, old-line Ore­ Open up your mouth & unemployment rate dropped Can’t achieve it.” Percy said. investigation of major crimes, sity in Salem. Ore.. where he gon Republicans saw him as a In education. Percy has sug­ but outlawing any kind of wire received his bachelor's de­ from 7.5 per cent to 4 7 per liberal going against tra- gested federally subsidized ex- tapping other than that sanc­ gree in 1943. cent. ftiuanal Republican values sim­ , periments with educational parks tioned by a federal court. At W illam ette he was an In 1960 he was chosen to ply to get elected. in the midst of the cities, model About Vietnam . Percy has instructor and then associate nominate Richard Nixon for In addition to wanting tc let the good times roll! President. However, he joined schools that will attract whites said, "the most tragic mis­ professor of .political science "de-Americanize” the war. the Rockefeller camp after as w ell as Negroes. take of this A dm inistration has and also conducted a radio he strongly favors replacing Percy said he favors in­ been its desire to swoop in. commentary, "The Political Nixon lost. the draft with a volunteer In 1964 H atfield said he was crease in taxes to meet our take the Vietnam War over, Pulse.” m ilitary system. not a presidential candidate. foreign and domestic commit­ turn it into an American con­ In 1950 Hatfield success­ H atfield believes he could "1 have no interest in a per­ ments. flict and promise the American fully ran for state represent­ be of use as a running mate sonal involvement in the ticket "The adm inistration is dead people v ic to ry ." ative from Salem. He was to either Nixon or Gov. Nelson wrong when it has said we re-elected in 1952 and was at all. I come from a small Rockefeller. can have guns and butter with He has ^proposed that the elected to the state senate state and I do not have a no sacrifice on anyone's p a rt." U.S. tw ist the arm s of our in 1954. national forum." Percy said. allies to send more of their From 1950 to 1956 he also He was keynoter and tem­ The private sector of the own men into the Vietnam served as dean of students porary chairman at the Re­ economy should play a larger conflict. at Willamette.’ publican nominating conven­ JO x M a f t m u tion in that / Florist / In 1956 he was elected Ore­ 10% off gon's secretary of state, an year. cash value for students & faculty i Hatfield, whose father was office known to be a stepping- 809 E. MICH. AYE., LANS. Student leadership stone to the governorships. a blacksmith for the Southerr breakfast planned

Student government leaders non-sectarian basis and that from all over the state of Michi­ planning of more such break­ gan are sp.onsoring the firs t fasts w ill depend on the response Michigan Student Leadership and enthusiasm generated by Prayer Breakfast at 8:30 a.m. this one. Saturday in the Big Ten Room Some 1200 student leaders of Kellogg Center from the state of Michigan The breakfast, patterned after have been invited to partici­ the P residential prayer break­ pate in the breakfast. Dead­ fast held annually in Washing­ line for acknowledging the in­ ton. has counterparts in ap­ vitations is Wednesday. Those proximately 25 states. who have not confirmed their Roger Williams, general co­ invitations should contact Jim ordinator for the breakfast, said Spaniolo at 355-8252 or Brian that it is organized on a purely Hawkins at 353-2963.

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GRADUATE SCHOOL OUR REVLON GIRL, TARA, IS SHOWN DESCRIBING A NEW PRODUCT OF INDUSTRIAL ADMINISTRATION p i z z a !! will be In the Placement Buredu If You Are A Resident Of: If You Are A Resident Of: Akers Hall THURSDAY, APRIL 18 Abbot Hall Holmes Hall Armstrong Hall Campbell Hall Hubbard Hall to talk with those Interested In an Intensive one* Gilchrist Hall Bailey Hall McDonel Hall year program leading to a Landon Hall Bryan Hall Owen.. Hall Mason Hall Butterfield Hall Rather Hall Case Hall Shaw Hall MASTER OF SCIENCE IN Mayo Hall Phillips Hail Emmons Hall Van Hoosen Hall INDUSTRIAL ADMINISTRATION > Snyder. Hall Fee Hall Wilson Hall Williams Hall Holden Holl Wonders Ha Yakeley Hall YOU MAY BE ELIGIBLE FOR A FREE PIZZA PARTY! or The House Floor which saves the most Domino’s Pizza packages per Live In East Lansing capita at the end of a 4 week period is eligible for a Domino’s Pizza Party. 30 Pizzas & 2 cases CALL of Pepsi. Contest: April 1 to May 351-8870 CALL 351-7100 203 M.A.C. 966 Trowbridge Road GARMENT STORAGE for free, fast delivery for free, fast delivery for all your Winter Wear (On orders over $5.00) □ O M IIM O ’S Every garment Is Inspected, dry cleaned and hung individually on hangers In our spacious vault. After a summer of free storage your garments are returned to you dry cleaned and pressed. Yew pay only standard dry clean­ ing charges. PIZZA

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Last Big Night Big Last o’ Ms It! Don’t Miss »

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oe a Dl i te world's the is Dali Rag dore samplings tame relatively are performance force de tour a f uies i wih Salva- which in universe a of Aimee di­ is Cerf. as Bennett by andrected McPherson Furness Semple Betty by uk” n hs el i Jay is realm this in ducky” ad poue o Aeias. America’s cartoons. animated of greatest producer Ward, iey eonzd i a all, at if recognized, widely rubber the behind “brains the knownfor is Man” t a "F the and richest o “h Blwnl Show.” Bullwinkle “The for his theft of the Maltese Duck. But Duck. Maltese ofthe his theft Fatrd ar Tls and, Tales” Fairy "Fractured competition) much not (there's MikeNichols \ hs otaeu parodies outrageous These a Wr Poutos s most is Productions Ward Jay O! 0hWEEK 10thW NOW! \ Feature 1:15-3:20-5:25-7:30-9:40 9 *■* “ Best Director Best “ \ I roe toymaker crooked ' TEOMCOOR’ MRSV S « * l i N tS A u T C N RASSV IM PMMMsar

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of the Jungle" which is ABC's ABC's is which Jungle" the of a standard of adult viewing to to viewing adult of standard a 11:30 a.m. the slot. in kiddie Saturday entry current weeknight viewing. Ward and and Ward during even viewing. equalled weeknight seldom cohorts his and George created George “ r fo extent, lesser a to i saf ie t pes them­ take- please the by to evidenced as rite w selves. staff his is that spot morning early that bringing thus image, own his in trs Friday Starts h ert a fHry Frigg Harry of War Secret The Newman in Paul re nCa Heaters ar C In Free lCHI N A IO H fllC R A Columbia A re nCa Heaters ar C In Free But Jay Ward apparently apparently Ward Jay But 75^ From 1:00 Till 6:00 PJvt, 6:00 Till 1:00 From 75^ PROGRAMINFORMATION 482*3905 ^ ALSO . . . AT 10:00 ONLY 10:00 AT . . . ALSO ED TONIGHT! IENDS VROEIG . OVERPOWERING . AND | TIMELESS STORYA E. ISDAYLADIESWED. 11 SHOWNONLY 7:40 AT C E C IL B D e M IH E S T r u m a n C a p o t e ’ s D O O L B Written for the screen ond directed by COLD L O C N I 1:10-3:45-6:20-9:05 R i c h a r d B r o o k s L COLOR LL A ETE GIANT" GENTLE “ G N I S N A MASTERPIECE 7 Drve-n tre a e h T -In e riv D i TARL1TE GATESOPEN KhMn M ’K h t * m Kl.’II, INII'A no AO ivc I e r t a e h T » - I» c v i i D r ^ h a l f I A S IA N-L A T INA M E R IC A N -A F R IC A N Today n7 > Fnno s o n LF n *> 7 ?n s

7:00 AT BetoasaIn Panavision"





Entertainment Writer Entertainment

1 fe byn te cp o a of scope the beyond often words on puns the picture and premises motion ancient on offs Cuae Rbi’ n ‘Dudley and Rabbit’ ‘Crusader endline.ofthe product. Ward the characterize o out got until ‘Crusader’ on worked to able were we but down Do-Right con- a is heart­ wholaughs man Ward congenial expect. might which vocabulary highschooler’s eis a s get ht I that ” great estate. intowent real so was series turned They NBC. to Do-Right’ 1947, either from comment ilyevery at abt fr ydcto. We syndication. for Rabbit’ negig pro o pro­ of period were a which local undergoing the programs watching kiddie who recall anyone to can name familiar 1950 h vlat un hs dull- his Ti­ the Rags companion witted bunny valiant The e wr te rttps of prototypes the “RockyBullwinkle.and today's were ger s. ’50 early the in liferation doubly episodes. titled rm h baat unr t the to punnery blatant the from trademarks Ward the of bear­ ail ing episodes minute five the' bet idd ati Peach- the Captain minded the Badanov. absent with Boris along beligerent moose, strous uz M. i. n Fearless and Big. Mr. fuzz. ct t te ak o tele­ of ranks the Bill to partner and Scott Ward Jay of edr mre te return the marked Leader, iin nmtr. s with As animators. vision e sosrhp f General of sponsorship syndicated ket was Friends" andhis Rocky “ Rabbit,” “Crusader il-nl in Mills-untll blan­ the under stations local to vr h tlpoe a one as telephone, the Over Ys” e ofre. In “ confirmed. he “Yes,” "Crusader Rabbit" should be a Rabbit" "Crusader h puk sure ad mon­ and squirrel plucky The ei pouig Crusader producing begin n te ead o the for demand the and to te ln fr > for plans the took I presents I , NO ULI G BUILDIN UNION E, FIC F O CKE NS E TUINTI ET K IC T UNION AT LE SA ON S ET K IC T SEMES of of H HESITATIONS THE University Auditorium University OVER CO O N PLUS: Spot & the Blotters the & Spot PLUS: h bsns and business the necissary at the door. the at necissary tdnswt aiae .. I.D. I.D. validated with students 1962, ( " T H EIM P O S S I B L ED R E A M " ) HAPPY General Admission $2.50 Admission General 50C for admission of MSU of admission 50Cfor t S W O S HOURS AFRICAN PANCEf, PANCEf, AFRICAN

B noted NBC 8 - 9:30 TONITE 9:30 - 8 8:15P.M. 16 Apr. Tues.,

WobtJy ad wouldrope Ward Jay Whobut I 7 .. udy s h Bull­ The “ as Sunday p.m. 17 n pce u te eis for series the up Bar­ picked Hannah “Flintstones” and nighttime of bara’s success the ulct sut fr hc Ward which for stunts publicity ike hw” mv which move a Show,” winkle s ooiu, n svrl law­ several and notorious, is wacky of series the prompted f a tec o Sne Boule­ party? block “ Sunset a throw of and vard stretch a off suits besides. aqe fauig os pea­ roast dish? main the as cock de­ a featuring to in banquet television, engaged color time veloping busily that at were who brass, the NBC invite would else who And aae w rne sm trucks some rented we parade, n gt lt f celebrities of lot a got and Macy’s annual the before "just aae I ws ut success- Moose’s quite was own It together, our Parade. held Frock and Wilma like u-e aae t te p a up tie to lot oftraffic." managed ful-we ie a ru o musicians. of jokes group practical a hired of trepreneur n nte ocso te en­ the occasion another On laughed, Ward time,” “One G e o r g eIn s i s t sIsa “B o wW o w " t a k e si l lo nJ a y W a r d ’ s“ G e o r g eo f t h eJ u n g l e ” fclTVALS* G e o r g *a n dU r s u l a a r ea p p r o p r i a t e l y p u z z l e dw h e n S h e p ,t h ep e tp a c h y d e r mw h o m s e e nl o c a l l ya 11 t : 3 0a , m . S a t u r d a y so n W J R T - T V ,c h a n n e1 l 2 .

tie te i rne Salva­ rented in them attired in ry nfra and Rocke­ ragtime. playing Center through feller uniforma them marched Army tion oee, novd h circu­ the involved however, downin pain calling Moosylvan- petition for a “Statehood for of lating drain! country the crossing and ia” neath your feet your neath the blaring anthem: soundtruck state Moosylvania a in andI to to die ! land thesand eiotr sryn trees spraying Helicopters a.acrigt utD Ferris, D. Burt to according Mon­ day. campus on trees elm 2.000 n toog poeto against protection thorough and dutch elm disease. dutch elm helicopter said efficient more provides spraying Ferris Grounds Dept. the of superintendent r 1 t 1 fe oeha. Ac­ overhead. feet 15 to 10 ers cording to Ferris, up to 500 trees 500 upto Ferris, to cording hov­ helicopter vidually whilethe o rtc aant disease against protect to as te wmy et be­ peat swampy the oozingCause is wind your Where Moosvl vania! i ms pbiie gag. publicized most His Clutch toward a hawk’s a toward Clutch natural Moosylvania! soggy sloshy. a In Half submerged and just about and just submerged Half hand frantic my night the In hn o’e uid lv in alive buried you’re When o ko yu eog o the to belong you know You And say: when they Last gurgling squawks gurgling Last Helicopters began spraying the spraying began Helicopters ah re s pae indi­ sprayed is tree Each MURiiMw P A N A D IS A N T THEPAKry SE R JE A N T M U SGRA VE’S VE’S SGRA U M DANCE T N A JE R SE n e d r A n h o J D E P A R T M E N T E R T A E H T D IL H C IR A 8 F -2 3 2 l i r p A PERFORMING ARTS 0 F 0 . A 2 i R $ C H . I M L D DA T H E A T R EB O XO F F I C EO P E N SA P R I L15 M IC H IG A N S T A T EU N IV E R S IT Y Illephant 1 2 : 3 0 • 5 : 0 0M O N D A Y — F R I D A Y 1=4 Tonile at 7:30 - 9:20 - 7:30 at Tonile

T' A RIOT! A 'S IT I FK A N O OI N « H O f U N Q currt* • I I O O E A S T M O I N A » • W > o n * 1 8 1 - 0 0 3 0 =7.1w.l [SPARTAN TWIN THEATRETWIN [SPARTAN



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grey!... sylvania hc ws h 5s h would he 51st the was which i a oie sot u of out Capitol the to up soundtruck his escort police be a earned first) him Mississippi join to asked permitted that (When suggest union state the 52nd the in made be vania steps. taking after D.C. Washington. esngs s e Setn and Skelton Red as personages defama­ with threatened been have to accomplishments, other in f hrce sis y such by suits character of tion f h porm ery eve- early s program the of Kirwood “The own use dubbed hat the his a to of objected after Kirby (Skelton and modeled was Kirby. Durwood hc, o te is fw weeks few first the for which, epi­ of series one in Derby" et ht h moes voice moose's the that felt sodes. downward ‘ by the helicopter helicopter the by ‘ downward crews w ill a le rt the public in in public radio. the campus rt le a ill w crews erris. F said blades, hour two a in period. sprayed be can these areas by sound truck and and truck sound by areas these orn­ m each areas campus small forced ir a the to due thorough ing between 5 and 7:30. Ground Ground 7:30. and 5 between ing o’e oty lm, Moo­ slime, mostly You’re i dmns ht Moosyl­ that demands His ok Hs ce s gettin is fcce His Look! ad lis aog his among claims, Ward h Blwnl hn puppet hand Bullwinkle The oslai. e’ prey! let’s Moosylvania.

The spraying w ill be done in in done be ill w spraying The H elicopter spraying is more more is spraying elicopter H theatre At 1;30-3:30-5;30-7:4 At d 1 L

t e n a S E P A CliARbON 20TH CENTURY-FOX km presents Q t 4L &

usa, pi 1, 1968 16, April Tuesday, ©K fittin g exceyi what we we what exceyi g fittin ©K Ward show." the on comments created as a way to avoid the the was avoid to hour, way a half as created each closed would get part of the program program the of part get would three . So about advance puppet, only week’s the needed date. use to ir which a six to decided about r we rio one p each months finish you scissors of the network censor. network the of and scissors introduced sojourn, ning approved by NBC's west coast coast west NBC's by approved when lt u iffic d that's but “ said, Then we'd have the east office office the east the rest. the- that have OK»(j we'd had them Then coast east telling We office, censor. NBC the shake on the firs t show when the the when show audience his t advised firs moose cloth the incidents on several r fte a canned stronger our on of caught few lly a a fin They fter a able. statements got oh the a ir ir . a " the oh got statements objection­ find they'd thought or V ht a al te ite little the ll a has that TV your et ek fn te nb on knob the find sure be week, to next want you if s, id "K oe hn 3 poe al fo from it calls 130 phone than tear more and " it! it hide and off t h on rig numbers irate parents that night. that parents irate Show inkle ullw B the see to sim ila r to the one that occurred occurred that one the to r ila sim w ill be given in advance. in be given ill w The U niversity of Iowa and and to Iowa it of found successful. very be have County niversity U Wayne The governed by weather conditions. conditions. weather by governed has been used fo r several years. years. several r fo used been has place, the wind m ust be under under be ust m wind take to the spraying place, the r fo order In ing. although new to this area, area, this to new although ing. example of the Great Show" more Isstar than of the a “Bullwinkle B u l l w i n k lJ eM . o o s e ,t h e N o r t hA m e r i c a nmoos*.C l o d He . Is the finest grees. eaue ut e vr 0 de­ 40 over be must perature 10 From 1:00 P.MJ 1:00 From The hand puppet was fin a lly lly a fin was puppet hand The AY hw :0& 9:00 & 7:00 shows Y A O O T "W e had a great system to to system great a had e "W R E M P A L Ç NBC in Beverly H ills got got ills H Beverly in NBC The actual tim e of spraying is is spraying of e tim actual The 5:10-7:15-9:25 1:00-3:05 At sprayed be to areas of Notices spray­ helicopter of use The ie pr or n te e ­ tem the and hour per miles “We wanted to make topical topical make to wanted “We ■ I Peature Peature I ■ NFORMATI ^485*8485 8 4 8 * 5 8 4 ^ N IO T A M R O F IN M A R G O R P U TODAY N.Y. Times' N.Y. “ EXCUErTE Is the only the Is EXCUErTE “ Crowther, V film*— exceptional tills for word Bosley Amoosing ET N FOREIGN IN FILMS BEST KIFYTl WDiSNgy IW Next! Elvira lockbeard * * G

* « a ¿ st o h


Weekend “ Italian Style** Italian m 7;30 D Ü ' b R M t r P &

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Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Tuesday, April 16, 1968 It’s Great Living units submit F o r A Date! Bowl At Water Carnival plans HOLIDAY LANES 3101 E. GRAND RIVER By DEBORAH FITCH two minutes may be supple­ Actors from the MSU Theatre JUST NORTH OF FRANDOR State News Staff Writer Dept, will read the script as the mented by music, according to First steps toward the May 24 floats pass by the audience and Dolores Colangelo, chairman of IV 7-3731 and 25 presentation of \^ater the judges. Each float is in view theme and continuity. BOWLING REFRESHMENTS Carnival were taken last week of the audience for about two For the show, each float is BILLIARDS SNACK BAR when participating living units minutes, and participating living attached to one continuous cable submitted their scripts, float units could submit scripts that that begins moving at a constant drawings and music. would take up the entire time. speed at the beginning of the Each float is the project of a To insure "equal time,’’ those show and stops only when the GIVE M AC’S men’s and women’s living unit, presentations that do not take up last float has passed the judges and the floats are judged in two categories, off-campus and on- DOUBLEBURGERS A TRIAL campus. Brody Council to sponsor Judging is done on the basis of originality of theme, creativ­ Sun Strip ity. attractiveness and mechani­ program on academic majors cal complexity. Points are also Brody Complex Council will information on entrance, course A sun worshipper prepares to "catch some rays" near Butterfield Hall, Satur- given for the quality of the con­ sponsor Brody Majors Night and degree requirements for *: day afternoon. State News Photo by Jeff" Blyth tinuity. or script, and choice of from 7:15 to 9:15 tonight in 40 majors will be offered. music. Brody Hall. Six different judges will eval­ Every undergraduate college Career opportunities * wi uate the floats each night of at MSU will be represented and also be discussed. Water Carnival. Now that the scripts have been Loyalty vs. right to revolt’ submitted, the Water Carnival Contact Lens Wearers Save Money On Sapplies committee w ill read them, mak­ ing minor corrections if neces­ ONLY ONE DOLLAR ($1.00) EACH POSTPAID sary. and write a script tying the WETTING SOLUTIONS: SOAKING SOLUTIONS: ALLERGAN next in Provost Lectures entire panorama ol floats and SOQUETTE BARNES-HIND themes together. VISTEX This ad can Michael Schriven. professor University in Australia. He given by Hans Morgenthau. Music for the event will be CONTACTISOL of philosophy at the Univer­ earned his doctorate at Ox­ professor of political science provided by the MSU Jazz Band, CONTACTS CLEANERS: EYE DECONGESTANTS: hardly do them sity of California at Berkeley ford. He has taught at the and modern history at the which has the momentous task CLENS DEGEST justice. wiil speak at 4 today in Fair­ University of Minnesota and University of Chicago. His of playing some 70 pieces of LC-65 SOOTHE child Theater on 'The Limits Indiana University. topic will be “ A New Foreign music within a three hour TITAN TEAR-EFRIN of Loyalty and the Right to Wednesday’s lecture will be Policy for the United States.” period. ONLY ONE DOLLAR ($1.00) EACH POSTPAID ¿ 2 . R evolt.” Schriven’s speech is the Send Your Orders, Check or Money Orders, second of four Provost Lec­ Name, Address, City & Zip Code t tures scheduled for this week...... POST OFFICE BOX §2282 MeDmlft , ,Tht>. a»*»™.« «£ • \«i‘ture ... • THIS TUES. NIGHT • TO: CON TACT LENS SOLUTIONSj^Aj^i^jf. 1024 E. Qrand RJver 234 W., prand River series is "Commitment in a 'COUPOÍ 1COUPON* ^^^»COUPON* Changing W orld." T&e COUPON $2.98 lectures will deal with the 25* problems in realizing values Cigarettes Allergan in modern society. Iodine Diatol Diet Capsules Llqulfllm Wetting Solution Schriven received his under­ graduate and masters degrees IN PERSON * $f<9 12' 20 cc . 2 9 ' in philosophy at Melbourne 3/77' Limit One Limit One Limit One Limit 3 Expires After 4-20-68 Expires After 4-20-68 Expires After 4-20-68 Expires After 4-20-68 ONE NIGHT ONLY - The famous East Lansing Store Only East Lansing Store Only East Lansing Store Only East Lansing Store Only Professors invent JOUPON»*"» m m m m COUPON1*^ ^ ™ •COUPON* HHBMCOUPOKj 69* BURLINGTON $1.50 75* CUTEX FROSTED ICE 450 OFF ON powdered eggnog Yardley Lipsticks Nylons An "instant" eggnog is now Nail Polish Seamless Dress Sheer A LL LONG available due to the efforts of T.I. Hedrick and L.E. Dawson, M ' 5 39' PLAY RECORDS MSU food scientists. 39' Limit 6 The men have developed a Limit One Limit One Limit One powdered eggnog, which can Expires After 4-20-68 Expires After 4-20-68 Expires After 4-20-68 Expires After 4-20-68 KINGSMEN East Lansing Store Only East Lansing Store Only East Lansing Store Only East Lansing Store Only be reconstituted when milk is »COUPON* added. " ■ » » ■ COUPON »COUPON* ■""»COUPON* $2.98 ALUMINUM In order to make the prod­ 49* $1.95 uct, a mixture of eggs, milk Reliance and flavoring is sprayed in a Paper Mate Flair Electric Tea Pots 60-60 Watch Bands fine mist in a heated chamber Vu Lighters to form a powder. $J99 The "instant" eggnog, avail­ 55' 29' 99' able in supermarkets, comes in CORAL GABLES Limit One Limit One Limit 3 Limit 3 sealed packages and requires no Expires After 4-20-68 Expires After 4-20-68 Expires After 4-20-68 Expires After 4-20-68 refrigeration. East Lansing Store Only East Lansing Store Only East Lansing Store Only East Lansing Store Only ICOUPON* I COUPON I 'COUPON1 I COUPON* $1*45 25* "O u r responsibility is not just Scope Mouthwash Crest Toothpaste Rain Caps FAMILY S E E Cocoa Blitter 17 oz. to hum anity in the abstract or Fam. Size 89* 59' 2 ' 12' Limit One Limit One Limit One Limit 3 Expires After 4-20-68 Expires After 4-20-68 , Expires After 4-20-68 Expires After 4-20-68 to the nice and beautiful persons East Lansing Store Only East Lansing Store Only East Lansing Store Only East Lansing Store Only ■■^■■COUPON ■»■■■ ■»»■COUPON»»" COUPON ■ » » ■ » » COUPON1 25* BURLINGTON $1 .0 0 ...b u tto Bic Fine Point Dial Soap Panty Hose Fishnet Stockings BATH S E E EUGENE e v e ry o n e m M c C a r t h y 13' M 45 59' 18' Limit 6 Limit 3 Limit 6 Limit One Expires After 4-20-68 Expires After 4-20-68 Expires After 4-20-68 Expires After 4-20-68 A MAN East Lansing Store Only our society.” East Lansing Store Only East Lansing Store Only East Lansing Store Only OF ■COUPON1 " ■ " » COUPON"""™ COUPON • ■ » » » ■¡»■■COUPON»»» $1.00 TUBE $1.75 $2.00 OLD SPICE COURAGE Facial Tissue 200 2-ply Prell Shampoo Breck Creme Rinse Burley Cologne 18' 59' 99' 37 Limit One Limit One Limit One Limit One Explrep After 4-20-68 Expires After 4-20-68 Expires After 4-20-68 Expires After 4-20-68 An unusual pre-publication offer East Lansing Store Only East Lansing Store Only East Lansing Store Only East Lansing Store Only from the publishers of the world- ■COUPON■ " ■ ■ ■ ■ » » » COUPON » » » COUPON»"»" COUPON famous “The Family of Man.” 79* GILLETTE $1.60 A new book about the United 30% OFF ON States Senator who challenged ALL POLAROID Super Coppertone the President of the United States, 10% OFF THE SUNTAN LOTION OR OIL Eugene McCarthy, Stainless Blades A M an o f C ourage. SUNGLASSES $ 1 0 9 DISCOUNT A provocative 96-page photographic Limit One Limit One 39' Limit One essay of significant moments Expires After 4-20-68 Expires After 4-20-68 Expires After 4-20-68 in the Senator's political career, PRICE ON ALL East Lansing Store Only East Lansing Store Only East Lansing Store Only accompanied by excerpts of his ■ C O U P O N » » " ■ * ■ » » ■ COUPON » ■ " ■ ■ ¡»■»■COUPON»»» most notable speeches on matters $1.55 69* $1.95 of urgency to every citizen of FILM the United States and the world. ONLY $1 PER COPY, plus 25* DEVELOPING Sea 8i 1 & I Baby Oil Flash Cubes SUNTAN LOTION for postage and handling. 8V4 x 11 inches in size i]W with full-color laminated cover. 99' 44' Limit One Limit One Limit One Limit One Macs PwWhhte* Co., Inc. Expires After 4-20-68 ItQ. BoxJOM, Grind Central Station, New York, New York 10017 Expires After 4-20-68 Expires After 4-20-68 Expires After 4-20-68 Maco Publishing Company East Lansing Store Only East Lansing Store Only East Lansing Store Only East Lansing Store Only i am interested in learning more about Senator McCarthy and his beliefs. Please mah me— —— copses of the 96-pa*e “Eueene McCarthy. A Man of Courage" at $1 per copy, pirn 25* for postage and handling. Dally 9-6 STATE Across from Student Services Wed. 9-9 Discount 619 E, Grand River o f C on scien ce’ schedule ' A c a d e m

of Western Intervention in Viet­ man 8 a.m. 101 Biochem. a.m. 101 N. Kedzie “White Philosophy 323: Byrne 1:50 The following classes w ill Social Science 232: Lom­ 301: Sharma Pol. Sci. 344: Melson 12:40 Philosophy "Chemical and Biological War­ R acism .” p.m. 317 Berkey “ The Para­ be devoted today and Wednesday bardi 8:30 a.m. 117 Bessey, 10:20 a.m. 402 CC “ W ar and p.m. 216 Berkey “ Politics in nam.” ATL 113: Powell 3 p.m. fare.” Economics 308: L a rr o w e dox of Violence." to discussion of the Vietnam 10:20 315 Bessey, 1:50 316 Human Relations in China and V ietnam ." 209 Bessey "Alternatives to Humanities 243: Anderson 10:20 a.m. 103 Horticulture Special Lecture: Goldfield war in cooperation with the Bessey “Need for an Int. V ietnam .” Psychology 427 : Aranoff War as a National P o licy.” 9:10 a.m. 108 Bessey “Hu­ “ The Unions and the W ar." 3 p.m. 109 S. Kedzie. “The Academic Days of Conscience: Agency for Int. Dispute Settle­ Philosophy 485: Cafagna 12:40 p.m. 208 Olds “ Discus­ Pol. Sei. 200: E ile r 3 p.m. m anity and the D ra ft.” Religion 444: Jackson 11:30 Cuban Revolution.” Microbiology 861: Brubaker m e n t." ' 10:20 a.m. 27 Forestry “ Uni­ sion of Vietnam W ar.” 29 Hubbard “The American Economics 859: Larrowe a.m. 133 Akers “ Oriental Relig­ Social Science: Battistini 8 a.m. 334 Giltner “ Advanced Psychology 151: Garskof versity Complicity in the War: Pol. Sci. 200: Defusco k30 Pol. System: University and 9:10 a.m. 107 Berkey “The ions’ Contribution to Peace." 3 p.m. 114 Bessey "The Fu­ Parthenogenic Biology and Rel. 9:10 a.m. 109 Anthony Black Soc. Sciences.” p.m. 112C Wells, 3:50 302 Vietnam War.” Unions and the W ar.” Pol. Sci. 333: Ziblatt 12:40 tility of the U.S. War in Viet­ to Bio. Warfare." Student Alliance presentation. James Madison 202: McKee Bessey "Vietnam, America Religion 233A (JMC): Philosophy 212: McCracken p:m. 101 S. Kedzie "Public nam ." Sociology 471: Marcus 8 Anthropology 469: Gallig 10:20 a.m. 329 Case “ Prob­ and Im p e ria lism ." Sharma 3 p.m. 319 Physics- 9:10 a.m. 100 Berkey “ Depth Opinion and the W ar." a.m. 213 Agriculture “ Ethnic 10:20 a.m. 121 Baker “ Internal lems of Ec. Maldevelopment. History 398: Gourlay 1:50 Astronomy “ Vietnam War and of Western Intervention in Economics 318: Appel R eligion 233A (JM C ): Ra­ and Social Class D iscrim ina­ Revolutions in China and Viet­ War and Peace, and Vietnam p.m. Ill Berkey "China and U.S. Involvem ent in Asia.” Vietnam .” 1:50 p.m. 100 Berkey- "MSU delet 3 p.m. 321 Physics- tion and Vietnam War.” nam.” W ar.’,’ Vietnam War in Historical Astron. "A Seminarian's Con­ Psychology 345: Strom- R e lig io n 233A (JMC •: and Foreign Policy." Psychology 335: R o k e a c h Perspective." men 4 p.m. 109 Anthony Graham 9:10 a.m. Physics- Economics 360: Taylor 1:50 cern.” 10:30 a.m. 158 Nat. Resources “Genesis of Predispositions Astron. “Contemporary The­ p.m. 103 Horticulture "Eco­ History 341: Rich 3 p.m. MEETING ROOMS “ Psychological Aspects of the Pol. Sci. 318: Appel 1:50 for Violence and Intolerance." ology and V ietnam .” nomics of Vietnam and the 207 Agriculture “ International Vietnam War." p.m. 100 Berkey* "MSU and Film 7 and 9 p.m. 109 An­ H istory 327: Pardun 10:20 Relations." PUT THAT POINT ACROSS English 382: Dowty 11 a.m. Foreign Policy." W ar." thony 150c donation i "In­ At UNIVERSITY INN 118 Berkey “ The University: History 823: Cohen 3 p.m. U) side N orth V ietnam ." U) A Nice Place to Visit." 214 Berkey “ 20th Century His­ History 894: Hooker 7 p.m. .Now 5 Meeting Rooms Available Psychology 489: Kinjet 11:20 tory and the Vietnam. War. " £ 8 Morrill “ Imperialism and £ .For Groups from 5 to 80 a.m. Ill Olds “War vs. Hu­ Philosophy 423: McCrack­ en 3 p.m. 106B Berkey “ Depth the Vietnam W ar.” Washington appointed m anism .” O .Luncheons, Dinners, Banquets Catered o JMC 232: Zimmerman- by T arpoff’s Sandoff-Cafagna 7 p.m. 128 o .202 Rooms to Accommodate Your Delegateso • Prescription lenses Nat. Sei. “ U niversity Com­ ae plicity in the War: Nat Sci­ placement bureau post ground ences.” Psychology 944: Messe 7 I O • Complete selection Gene Washington, ond of 1 to July 15 each year. He "I think that Gene will make O 31 p.m. 455 Baker “ Social Psy­ of frames chological Correlates of War.” MSU's recent track and foot­ will counsel students on career an excellent addition to our z staff." said Shingleton. “ and z Wednesday ball stars is now in his second opportunities, work with em­ will render a tremendous ser­ • Sunglasses Anthropology 467: Hudson week as assistant director of ployers seeking • MSU gradu­ the campus Placement Bureau. ates and participate in general vice to the students of this • Repairs while you 8 a.m. 216 Berkey “ Ethnic Diversity in Vietnam and Bear­ The position is an off-season office activities. University." one fo r Washington as long as wait ing on the W ar.” he continues his professional INN History 499: Cohen 8 a.m. • Phone 351-5500 for Reservations 322 Nat. Resources "Foreign football career as an offen­ 1100 Trowbridge Road, Off 127 at Trowbridge Exit sive end with the Minnesota Bator Opticians Policy and the Vietnam Vikings of the National Foot­ At the Campus, Michigan State University W ar.” Gunslinger asks 223 Abbott (Next to State Theater) Biochemistry 803: Zimmer- ball League. MEETING ROOMS Washington was All-Ameri­ can in the Spartans' undefeated football seasons of 1965 and court examination * *» 1966 He was also a top track A 62-year-old man has someone, police “ Srfitf. - ¿fthlete. winning six Big Ten demanded examination on a nesses thee reported seeing and one NCAA hurdles cham­ charge of felonious assaxlt. him the parking lot waving pionships. Michigan State police report. a .22 caliber pistol in the Washington is satisfied with William A. Kennedy of Lake air. his job so far. Odessa was requested to leave He fired once, apparently "I feel as if I am in a posi­ the Coral Gables bar after hitting nothing, police said. tion to help students, not only he had gotten into an argu­ Two shells remained in the to find jobs, but to help them ment with some patrons, pistol. adjust to university living. I police said. He left but re­ By the time police didn’t receive any of this sort turned. and the manager arrived, the manager and one of aid while I was here." asked him to leave again. of his assistants had disarmed Biggie Munn originallv ~ K « ta e d y 16ft and returned Kennedy. offered him a job ars either' several times, finally threat­ Kennedy was unable to post freshman track or football ening to get a gun and shoot the $2.500 bond. , but the NCAA rules state that a university cannot employ a professional athlete as a coach. Blue Key petitions "I was still very interested in working at the university." he said, "so I talked to Presi­ dent Hannah and Secretary open for two weeks Jack Breslin. who got me the Petitioning opens today for To be considered for m em ­ job at the Placement Bureau." membership in the MSU chap­ bership. men must have ac­ W ashington's a ppointment ter of Blue Key. national honor cumulated 85 credits by the was approved by the Board of fraternity. end of spring term and have Trustees and was effective an all-University average that immediately. A ll interested ju n io r and places him in the upper 35 senior men can pick up a peti­ per cent of his class. Bureau Director John D tion at 101 Student Services This term, juniors must Shingleton said that Washing­ Bldg. and must return it before have at least a 2.77 and sen­ ton will work from about Jan. Friday. April 26. iors a 2.85. GOING HOME FOG THE WEEKEND? Now it's easier than over before!! New Campus Bus Service Direct to/from EAST LANSING BUS STATION

Fridays: Every 30 min. 11:00 A M - 5:30 P M Sundays : Every 30 min. 4:00 P M - 10:00 PM

FRIDAY SCHEDULE (Campus bus stops) Lv. Brody Lv. Wilson Lv. Shaw Lv. McDonel-Owens 11:05 A M 11:08 A M 11:10 A M 11:12 A M 11:35 A M 11:38 A M 11:40 A M 11:42 A M 12:05 P M 12:08 P M 12:10 P M 12:12 P M Many of our top executives Lv. Akers-Fee Lv. Hagadorn vi Gd. River Ar. Bus Station 11:15 A M 11:17 A M 11:25 A M 11:45 A M 11:47 A M 11:55 A M never spent a day in a teller’s cage. 12:15 P M 12:17 P M 12:25 P M SUNDAY SCHEDULE Lv. Bus Station The Bus runs a 1/2 hr. 4:00 P M 7:30 service - between 12:05 8:00 They're personnel and administrative men, investment to grow here, room at the top. This means rewards come 4:30 and 5:35, leaving Brody 5:00 8:30 fast and are based on ability, rather than years of service. analysts, marketing experts, finance men, real estate 5 min. and 35 min. after 5:30 9:00 specialists and salesmen. But they're all bankers. If you're getting your Bachelor's or Master's Degree sooh, each hour. The last 6:00 9:30 schedule leaves Brody 10:00 P M That's because today's banking is a vital, creative, excit­ talk with the man from Bank of the Commonwealth. 6:30 at 5:35 PM. 7:00 ing endeavor. And we're one of the reasons why modern Register now for an interview. He’ll be on campus banking has a new look. We're the fastest-growing Tuesday, April 23. EAST LANSING BUS CENTER 308 W. Grand Rlvar major bank in the nation.* Which means there's room 'Americen Banker, August 1,1966 For Campus Special Bus Information Call •• 489-3768 GREYHOUND LINES Ths young-old bonk INDIAN TRAILS SHORT WAY LINES B TOs TO: TO: BANK OF THE Flint Ann Arbor Detroit Kalamasoo Toledo Grand Rapids Chicago Metro Airport Muskegon

OBTMOIT. M ICHIOAN Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Tuesday, April 16, 1968 Ç MISUI ■ I M I U.S. has faulty image By SHARON TEMPLETON per classes, according to Samuel the English Language Center, the United States,” he said. "He State News Staff Writer V. Volard, graduate assistant in said that Japan views the tends to view every political Is there such a thing as a ster­ Communications. average American as very move from a moral standpoint." The Undergraduate Psychology Club will elect officers at eotype American? “ Australians receive a con­ wealthy, coexisting with op­ John Coggins, graduate assist­ 7:30 tonight in 111 Olds Hall. e • • Id an attempt at an answer. fused image of the United States pressed m in o rity groups. ant in Communications, sum­ “The American Image Abroad" through the mass media-from The moral image of the United marized the basis on which the The Forestry Club will meet at 7:30 tonight in 183 Natural was the topic of discussion at the the 1930's gangster era of A1 Ca­ States from the African view­ American image is founded. Resources Bldg. A film concerning ‘‘Coho Salmon Success International Club seminar at pone to the highlights of the cur­ point was contributed by Laud “The mass media, such as the in Michigan” will be shown. • * • Wells Hall Thursday. rent scene, such as presidential B. Okoli. graduate research as­ newspaper, radio and movie in­ The 6-member panel discussed elections and riots,” he added. sistant in Crop Science. dustry. produce the American im­ VISTA is recruiting on campus this week from 8 a.m. to the American image from politi­ Speaking on the economic im­ "The African is suspicious of age of irrationality, excitement, 5 p.m. Recruiting locations include the Placement Center. cal, educational, cultural, eco­ age. Shigeo Imamura. director of the camouflaged colonialism of suspense and drama." he said. Student Services Bldg. and Campbell’s Microbus next to nomic and moral viewpoints. Spiro’s on E. Grand River Avenue. • * * In a discussion of the political image from the British view­ The MSU Veterans Association will meet at 8 tonight at the point, Robert F. Banks, assistant Coral Gables. * * • professor of Labor and Indus­ Latin American peasants trial Relations, said there is a A meeting to discuss problems and solutions of the MSU high degree of misunderstanding library will be held at 7:30 tonight in 16 Agriculture Bldg. * • * about the United States due to a lack of knowledge. The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers w ill "The average Englishman does in plight similar to Negroes meet at 7:30 tonight in 130 Engineering Bldg. Tim McDonough not know much about the Fed­ will discuss the “ Use of Digital Computers in Engineering As they see us eral-State relationships, presi­ By LARRY LEE attributed to improved com­ become increasingly discon­ Studies." * * * Representing different foreign programs members of dential selection, the check and State News Staff Writer munication." he said. tented. he said. the International Club discussed the “American balance system, the role of the The social unrest in Latin Minkel said the bus system The problem is tremendously The Student Union Board w ill sponsor a Student Photography Image Abroad" with moderator Lelnle Aldulah of Supreme Court and corruption America is very similar to in Latin America is much Exhibit from 8-11 tonight through April 26 in the Union Main difficult and cannot be solved T rlnldad. State News Photo by Mike Beasley in political life." he explained. conditibns in the United States better developed than that in on the farm itself, he said. Lounge. * * * George H. Axinn. assistant regarding Negroes, the direc­ the United States in terms of There isn't enough land Any dean of International Programs, tor of the Social Science Re­ numbers and availability. The progress, however, is a long Sign-ups fo r the Union Board European Flights w ill take said the American educational search Bureau said Thursday, buses elim inated the iso­ term project. Minkel said. place from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. today through May 1 in the Union system is viewed as vastly in­ speaking to a meeting spon­ lation of the peasants, he said Board Office. There are seven flights scheduled. Doctor cites obesity * * * ferior in Britain. The system is sored by Delta Phi Epsilon The campesino, like the also criticized as being too prag­ The unrest is the result Negro, was happy as long as Cheerleading tryouts w ill be held from 7 to 9 tonight in the matic and impersonal. of an awakening of the cam­ he didn't know what he was Women's Intramural Bldg. Anyone interested is invited to The cultural image in the world pesinos i Latin American missing. Minkel said. The attend. as chief death cause * * * of performing and applied arts, peasants' to their deprived improved communication brings A life of abstention from shorten life expectancy by from the Australian point of view, condition, C. W. Minkel said. his poverty into sharper focus, Students fo r a Democratic Society w ill present a narration smoking, alcohol and exces­ seven years. Bates said. is limited to professional and up- "T h is awakening can be largely and like the Negro, he w ill with slides entitled "Cuba Today" from 8:30 to 11 tonight in sive eating, coupled with a "The chief danger is not in 38 and 39 Union. Mike Goldfield. just back from a three life of exercise and proper lung cancer but in that smoking week stav in Cuba.' w ill speak. 4><*yv «*Vv\ . > on. ovomotes ^ear^ attacks." he ' ’• "• * « . ' ' ■ r ► * ,, 0 ' Jfy w ay frr hvittg lo- be ASy -ac­ s aid. Union Board Rush will be held from 7-9 tonight. Wednes­ At These cording to Dr. Richard C. Drinking alcohol in modera­ LOOK- day. Thursday and April 25» Tonight's rush is in 138 Akers Rates «(-'LsKscxg. ted« dbes not shorten life but Box store those Hall: Wednesday, Wonder's Kiva; Thursday. Brody complex: The most important cause an alcoholic has an expectan­ winter clothes and April 25. Union Parlors A and B. SPECIALS * * * of death is obesity. Dr. Bates cy of 15 years less than the now. At Louis you said at the Business Women's average man. he said. Mon. & Tues. -- Shampoo & The Akers Hall Activities Committee is sponsoring a Sadie Any amount of exercise pay only for the cleaning Club Bosses Luncheon Wednes- Set. 75C ; Haircuts 750 Hawkins Dance from 9-10 p.m. Saturday in the classroom area. dav. at any time of day is bene­ • The Other Side" w ill perform. Costumes are appropriate. "One third of the smokers • free storage * * * fic ia l. Bates said, so long as Friday & Saturday $1.25 can break themselves of the the individual is healthy to «free mothproofing The MSU Classical Guitar Society will meet at 7:30 p.m. habit." ha said, "but truly begin with. Wednesday in 35 Union. Anyone interested is invited. obese persons ra re ly can get "I can guarantee any man • free minor repairs * * * TRY THE NEW SHORT themselves down to the proper who is willing to run three The 20th Century Christian Fellowship w ill meet at 7:30 to­ weight and stay there." m iles a day that he w ill not CURLY LOOK FOR SUMMER. night in 126 Anthony. The topic of discussion will be race The most important thing have a heart attack-provid­ relations in Detroit's inner city. ♦ * * to watch in your diet is fats, ing he survives the first time $7.50 P ER M A N E N T @ $4.50. he said. There is a direct o u t." he quipped. The Chess Club will meet at 7:30 tonight in 104 Bessey U PSW EEP $1.75 relationship between the intake "There’s one chance in Hall. Anyone wishing to enter the third Mid-central Open^ of fats and cholesterol. 100.000 of your making it to should attend. * * * Cigarettes, if smoked at the 100." Bates said. “ As fo r *No Appointments Saturday After 3 p.m. rate of a pack a day. can 'n*e.rm «^t^||^ry!r cleaners The Community Projects 'Committee for Gteek Week w ill t meet at 7:30 p.m. Wednesday at the Sigma Chi house at 729* RACHEtLE BEAUTY COLLEGE 4^ E. Grand R Iver East Grand River Ave. JE ast Lansing * * * THE LOST MARINER 229 1/2 S. Washington Closed Wed. IV 5-8038 or 485-5611 a combination of Cllnlc Work By Seniors Only—-All Work Supervlsed Thelma E. Clink, Manager across from Student Services’ T here w ill be a Kiddy Day Committee meeting at 7 tonight in 3 ffn io n . O LD TOWN in Chicago PLUM STREET in Detroit STORE HOURS: WEDNESDAY NOON UNTIL 9 P.M. M cCarthy rally at Beaum ont HAIGHT-ASHBURY in San Francisco MONDAY-SATURDAY 9:30 A.M. TO 5:30 P.M. to focus on B o b b y ’s i n a b i l i t y

A rally promoting Eugene Mc­ theme will be why Kennedy Carthy for president w ill be held should not be the next president now by Beaumont Tower at 2 p.m. according to John Masterson, as­ open Wednesday. sociate professor of mathematics. The rally is jointly sponsored nights bv the Faculty For McCarthy Speakers w ill include: Walter ». A -iX > Committee and the Students For Gourlay. associate professor of 'til 8:30 j I i-....*-*?- w. M cC arthy Committee. history: James Hooker, associate v Ç Discussion w ill center on "Why professor of history: and W illiam , >y V ^ on McCarthy?" The underlying Hixson, instructor in history. -s 7 M \ MINK! BUNK! MINK! The NEW and FANTASTIC /

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ECON: 200,201 Sizes 32-34 A. 32-36 B. C. Here’s your beet tire buy In Its price range. Pick your eiae now WHITEWALLS D. Tricot taffeta petti, S-M. 5.00 and Co Goodyear. Chooso from any PHYSICS: 237,238,239,287, liza black wall tubeleaa Uated below. M / J MbTn 288,289 aa«eM«ra 15 PtM Sl.SS to S2.0S 6.50x13 $1.55 Foi. El. Toi (wpondlni M tito) Mi oM tiro 7.75x14(7.50x14) $1.88 NO MONEY 8.25x14(8.00x14) $2.05 DOWN Jacobsons ( h / 1110 E. MICHIGAN o d oar Easy IV 2-1426 Pay Plan! Tuesday, April 16, 1968 1 0 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan SPORTS Offense a problem as spring practice opens ® Al ft I Brenner, Aan « all-America n il A MM nnà n n ato . Lbe . strong. A _ ^ n V"1 Famed------1 Annfor meat- - - n n 4 casualties _nn._nl*«naa nof A Innélast C/\rvtnSeptember m hûr Oare ro mCharles 1__ f lBailey _ 1 1 ___ . andna«<4 Vi/lbNick T Jordan, 1 H * Hi If I*if IH IIIM Iil É W — m i _ return of our cripples alone season last fa ll, but he was quite By TOM BROWN nominee at end and team cap­ grinding defenses in the past. Roger Ruminski. Jack Zindel. guards Ken Little and Don Law should make us a better team a fixture in the MSU offensive Stale News Sports Writer tain. and sophomore tackle Ron Daugherty suffered heavy defen­ Sam Sethman. Tody Smith. Dave and backs Steve Garvey. Paul than we were last fa il." picture and the Spartan attack Rebuilding is a word in sports Saul are the only offensive line sive losses through injury last Schweinfurth and Clifton Hardy. Lawson and Bob Super. With eight regulars missing, revolved heavily upon Rave s op­ generally accompanied by "a returnees. The backfield is fall The outgrowth of these in­ These players were highly re­ the offense askes the most ques­ tion rollouts. year awav." but for the MSI' loaded with veterans in regulars juries is a host of experienced garded in pre-season drills last The freshman team, a 35-18 tions. The most obvious loss is Juniors Bill Feraco and Char­ football team which starts spring LaMarr Thomas and Frank Wat- players that Daugherty can blend fall, and all are expected to re­ winner over Indiana in its only at quarterback, where Daugherty ley Wedemever and freshman practice today, the word could ers and second-unit backs Regis« with his returning cripples and turn in top physical shape. outing last fall, contributes must look for a replacement Gordon i Scooter i Longmire are mean a return to former glory Cavender and Dick Berlinski. freshman standouts. Eight defensive regulars re­ big. rangy linemen like Bill for Jimmy Rave. most often mentioned as Rave s this fall. The defense can be counted on Notable among the returning turn in end R ich Saul, tackles Dawson. Ron Curl and Gary Rave had a rather lack-luster heir. Head Coach Duffy Daugherty's Nowak along with a quartet 14th season turned out a 3-7 rec­ of quality backs in Tommy Love. ord last fall, after undefeated Gary Parmentier. Bill Triplett seasons in 1965 and 1966. Daugh- and Longm ire. ertv-coached teams, however, are known for their elasticity. Coleman accepts grid post offer "We have few losses from the Two of the Daugherty's three senior group that will hurt us." night to Hannah that Coleman a principal in the Flint school previous losing efforts were fol­ By GARY WALKOWICZ cepted an offer to become an Daugherty said. "Some freshmen be hired. The MSU president system, said he was “very lowed by Pasadena seasons. State News Sports W riter MSU assistant football coach should help. The way we had in­ will take the recommendation to thrilled about the possibility "We have a lot of question Don Coleman, former MSU and will be hired if a recom­ experienced players in action' marks." Daugherty said, "but the next Board meeting on April of w orking at MSU. football All-American, has ac- mendation is approved by Presi­ last fall, frequently in strange 19 where it w ill be voted upon. This is a great opportunity dent John Hannah and the Board positions, should give us more The approval of the recom­ for me and I’m very happy of Trustees. experienced depth this tiem ." Athletic Director Biggie Munn mendation remains only as a about it." formality. In the past the Because of his present job made a recommendation last Daughertv sees Purdue. Ohio Board of Trustees has never in Flint. Coleman is unsure State. Indiana and Minnesota Iattention car owners! turned down a request for an how often he w ill be able to making the strongest >rush to­ additional position on the athle­ work with the team during ward the Big Ten crown. Complete front end repair and Why Do You tic staff. spring practice. A L B R E N N E R I certainly hope the Board alignment "I’m going to try and make Have A Poor w ill support my recommendation. an arrangem ent w ith the general- Coleman is not only an All- superintendent of schools so * Brakes Suspension Memory American football player, he’s that I’ll be able to come down an All-American man." to practice as often as pos­ Golfers finish 2nd A noted publisher In Chicago Coleman, who is presently sible. reports there Is a simple tech­ * Wheel balancing * Steering nique for acquiring a power­ DON COLEM AN ful memory which can pay you in 3-team tourney real dividends in both business LISKEY’S Auto Safety Center and social advancement and "111 try and make it for the By GARY WALKOWICZ Bruce Fossum. "Individually works like magic to give you opening of spring practice to­ State News Spurts W riter and teamwise we didn't play too added poise, necessary s e lf- w e ll." 124 SOUTH LARCH IV 4-7346 day." The MSU golf team was confidence and greater popu­ DRYCLEANING Coleman, who was a tackle back to work at Forest Akers The Spartans, after trailing la rity . in his playing days at MSU. tqday preparing for its next most of the way had closed According to this publisher, said he would eventually like tournament after placing second to within six strokes of In­ many people do not realize BY-THE-POUND to become a line coach. in Saturday's three-team meet diana after. 27 holes of play Foctfc ail eo&rb S»’.‘ *; '-V*—■ — Vl y ...V .X ... , / >. but played poorly over the last m t others sim ply by rem ember­ Professional Drycleanlng ty is enthusiastic about the Indiana proved to be an un­ nine holes to lose ground. ing accurately everything they ¿»On Grap»MK&mkm at Do-It-Yourself IPrlces: prospect of adding Coleman to gracious host in the 36-hold Individually, the Hoosiers had see, hear, or read. Whether in his staff. meet and the Hoosiers shot three of the top five scorers (By the author of "Rally Round the Flag, Boys!" business, at social functions "Coleman should make an 1065 t o outdistance Purdue and Il"s*Jim Cheney was the medal­ "Dobie Gillisetc.) o r even In casual conversa­ excellent coach. He’s got a MSU. The Spartans had a ist with a 143 total which in­ tions with new acquaintances, 5lbs/$1.50 fine background in football and 1086 total and defending Big cluded a b rillia n t 69 on his there are ways In which you 30c for each additional pound has had a lot of experience Ten champ Purdue had 1100. first round. can dominate each situation WAS KEATS THE BOB DYLAN (sorry, no leather or suede) working with people in his pres­ Five strokes back in second by your ability to remember. "I wasn't too pleased with ent occupation." was Don Klenk of Purdue with OF HIS DAY? To acquaint the readers of our perform;) nee." said Coach Who was the greatest of the English Romantic Poets— 148 He was followed by Steve this paper with the easy-to- Byron, Shelley or Keats? This question has given rise to Cisco of Indiana with 148 and follow rules for developing many lively campus discussions and not a few stabbings. .Dan May of Indiana and MSU's skill in remembering anything Let us today try to find an answer. Steve Benson w ith 151 you choose to remember, the CLIANINQ CENTER First, Keats (or The Louisville Slugger, as he is com­ Benson. Spartai co-captain publishers have printed full monly called.) Keats’ talent bloomed early. While still a 405eu a Abbott Road w ith John Bailey, had a con­ schoolboy at St. Swithin’s he wrote his epic lines: details of their self-training sistent day as he shot a 75- If I am good I get an apple, method in a new booklet, "A d­ 2 d o o rs n orth o f 76 fo r a 151 total. Sol don’t whistle in the chapel. ventures in Memory," which anslng Post-Office Lynn Jansoi-i had the second From this distinguished beginning he went on to write w ill be m ailed free to anyone S ^ E’ L{ another 40 million poems, an achievement all the more re­ Nvho requests it* No obliga­ lowest- Spartan total with a markable when you consider that he was only five feet tion, Send your name.addrefis, 153(75-78’. tall! I mention this fact only to show that physical prob­ Larry Murphy and Bailey each and zip code to: Memory Stud­ lems never keep the true artist from creating. Byron, for had 154 scores. Bailev re­ example, was lame. Shelley suffered from prickly heat all ies, 835 Dlversey Pkwy., Dept. 169-614, Chicago, 111. 60614. bounding with a 74 after opening winter long. Nonetheless, these three titans of literature with an 80. Murphy's rounds never stopped writing poetry for one day. A postcard w ill do. _____ SPECIAL were 75-79. Nor did they neglect their personal lives. Byron, a devil with the ladies, was expelled from Oxford for dipping Other totals for MSU were Nell Gwynne’s pigtails in an inkwell. (This later became OCCASION? George Buth. 15&- 180-781: known as Guy Fawkes Day.) He left England to fight in Lee Edmundson. 158 ' 79-79'; the Greek war of independence. He fought bravely and Tom Steenken. 159 '80-79 : and well, but women were never far from his mind, as evi­ AlThiess. 162 ( 79-831. denced by these immortal lines: RIOT CONTROL- ; / Make an appointment with "We have a long way to How splendid it is to fight for the Greek, But I don’t enjoy it half as much as dancing cheek to 1/ Martin for hair styling go. but we s till have to get cheek. ready before the big meets V that will make the come up." said Fossum. While Byron fought in Greece, Shelley stayed in Eng­ w hat can you do? land, where he became razor sharpener to the Duke of occasion Especially Special Gloucester. Shelley was happy in his work, as we know from his classic poem, Hail to thee, blithe strop, but no matter how he tried he was never able to get a proper edge Ruggers win on the Duke’s razor, and he was soon banished to The A' team of MSU's Rug­ Coventry. (This later became known as The Industrial Iflilartin S J4air ^ J a sliions by Club defeated the ’A' team Revolution.) from Toronto Balmy Beach One wonders how Shelley's life—and the course of Eng­ Walk-Ins welcome lish poetry—would have differed if Personna Super Stain­ Spartan Shopping Confer on 10-8 Saturday at Old College Field, while the 'B' team was less Steel Blades had been invented 200 years earlier. For S.Harrison and Trowbridge Personna is a blade that needs no stropping, honing or losing to the Toronto 'B' team. whetting. It’s sharp when you get it, and sharp it stays Call 332-4522 11-3. through shave after luxury shave. Here truly is a blade fit for a Duke or a freshman. Moreover, this Personna, this jewel of the blade-maker’s art, this boon to the cheek and bounty to the dewlap, comes to you both in ­ edge style and Injector style. Get some now during “Be Kind to Your Kisser Week.” But I digress. Byron, I say, was in Greece and Shelley in England. Meanwhile Keats went to Rome to try to grow. Who does not remember his wistful lyric: Although I am only five feet high, Some day I will look in an elephant’s eye. How to Succeed in Banking But Keats did not grow. His friends, Shelley and Byron, touched to the heart, rushed to Rome to stretch him. This Check these: too failed. Then Byron, ever the ladies man, took up with ^ Resources have grown from $57 million In 1940 to $950 million Lucrezia Borgia, Catherine of Aragon, and Annie Oakley. Shelley, a more domestic type, stayed home with his wife Mary and wrote his famous poem: V FORTUNE magazine listed Michigan National first in earnings 1 love to stay home with the missus and write, on capital among the top 50 U.S. Banks in 1963,1964 and 1965 And hug her and kiss her and give her a bite. > / 4th largest bank in Michigan 45th largest bank in U.S. y / 144th largest bank in the world

Battleground Check the opportunities for YOU Flames pour from a building In the background as troops In at Michigan National Bank a jeep patrol 7th Street N.W. In Washington, D.C. as looting Majors in Accounting, Bonking, Businoss Adminlitration, and arson continues. Five persons have been killed -Ince vio­ Finance, Economics, Markating and tho Libaral Arts. lence erupted after the slaying of Martin Luther King. Banking that is Building Michigan. . . and Careers Talk to On Campus Interviews April 22, 1968 William Ewing, Mary Shelley finally got so tired of being bitten that Personnel Director she went into another room and wrote Frankenstein. Upon reading the manuscript, Shelley and Byron got so VISTA scared they immediately booked passage home to Eng­ land. Keats tried to go too, but he was so small that the Monday—Friday clerk at the steamship office couldn’t see him over the top of the counter. So Keats remained in Rome and died of shortness. April 15—19 Byron and Shelley cried a lot and then together com­ posed this immortal epitaph: Good old Keats, he might have been short, But he teas a great American and a heck of a good sport. PLACEMENT CENTER CAMPBELL'S MICROBUS * * •is*. Mu SkOmtm STUDENT SERVICES BLDG. NEXT TO «SPIRO'S Truth, not poetry, is the concern of Personna, and we 411 Michigan National Tower E. GRAND RIVER AVE. Lansing, Michigan « ell you truly that you’ll not find a hotter shaving com- M.S.U. M i c h i g a n N a t i o n a l B a n k •Sm July IS, 1966 ta in t of FORTUNE Magaiina H u e Hon than Personna end Bur ma-S have, regular o r Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Tuesday, April 16, 1968 11 SPORTS

Batsmen teachm U-D frosh lesson By G A Y E L WESCH ers in MSU's sweep of the dou­ Danny Litwhiler said. “ Now he Kendrick then put one well be­ In the second game, the Spar­ left in the first game for the first State News Sports W riter bleheader. probably wishes he had come yond the left-field barrier. tan hitters worked on improving time since sustaining a leg in­ After Saturday's doubleheader The Spartans defeated Kapala here." their batting averages against jury on the team's spring trip between MSU and the University in the first game. 5-1. and then Kapala's troubles started in the The Titans got the run back three Titan pitchers besides to Florida but was hitless in four of Detroit. Chet Kapala prob­ scored eight runs off Turk in second inning when Spartan first in the third inning off Mel Beh­ Turk. at bats. ably wished he had come to MSU. the first inning and coasted to a baseman Tom Binkowski and ney. who won his fifth game Litwhiler used the big lead as and John Turk wished he had 13-1 victory in the second game. catcher Harry Kendrick back against one defeat, but the Spar­ Leftfielder Joe Gavel started an opportunity to play his sub­ never seen the place. "We had been corresponding to back home runs. tans picked up two more in the the MSU scoring spree w ith a stitutes and replaced everyone Kapala and Turk, a pair-of w ith Kapala and he was trying Binkowski's homer cleared the fourth inning and another in the bunt single to open up the in­ but Gavel, pitcher Zana Easton freshman pitchers for the Uni­ to decide whether to go here fence in right-center field, and sixth. ning. and finished the scoring and catcher Bill Linne in the top versity of Detroit, were the los- or there last vear." MSU Coach with a two run homer his second of the fourth inning. time to the plate in the inning. Easton continued his duel with Gavel got two hits in three Behney for the lowest earned trips before being taken out in run average on the team and the the sixth inning. Titans' only run in the game was W eh rwein paces Senior Rich Harlow started in unearned. SCOR E BOA R D American League National Leagrw tin M ac’s Pipe Shop W L PCT. C.B W I. PCT. double track win Houston Minnesota 4 0 1 000 4 1 800 DETROIT 3 4 .750 i St. Louis 3 1 750 1/2 CHAMPAIGN. Ill -Ironman WITH A COMPLETE LINE OF Pole vaulter Roland Carter 2 1 .667 11 2 Pittsburgh 3 1 .750 12 Bill Wehrwein grabbed a first, erased the stadium record of 2 2 500 2 San Francisco 3 2 600 1 PIPES AND SMOKING SUPPLIES 2 2 Atlanta 500 two seconds and was on a 15-3 8 in the pole vault, while Cleveland 2 500 2 2 11 2 IS NOW LOCATED AT Oakland .500 2 New York 2 2 .500 11 2 winning relay Saturday as MSU's Charley Pollard tied the .stan­ 2 2 Chicago Washington 400 212 2 2 .500 11 2 track team beat Illinois and dard of 14.0 in the 120 yard 3 California 2 3 400 212 1 3 .250 21 2 Northwestern in its season open­ high hurdles. New York 3 1 3 250 21 2 203 N. W ashington 1 3 .250 Philadelphia er and debut of the new Tar­ The m ile relay of Jim Bas- Chicago 0 3 000 312 1 5 .167 312 tan track in Memorial Stadium. tain. Dick Elsasser, Rich Ste­ Monday's Results (NEXT DOOR TO PARAMOUNT NEWS) The Spartans totaled 93 points, vens and Pat Wilson won in Monday’s Results good enough to out-distance Washington 7 California 0 OPEN 9-11 DAILY 3:22.9. Wilson had earlier St. Louis at Atlanta i night « Netter Chuck Brainard Illinois with 75. and North­ Oakland 6 New York 3 won the 660 in 1:19.8. DETROIT at Boston, postponed, rain New York at Houston < night i CLOSED SUNDAYS AND HOLIDAYS western with 44 Minnesota at Baltimore < night • Pittsburgh at Los Angeles i night i Wehrwein accounted for 131 v (Only games scheduled i (Only games scheduled > of those points. The Roseville Towson wins Netters capture 2 soph won the 440 in 49.1. slowed by the high winds which 2 nd gym title INDIANA AGRICULTURE regularly sweep the stadium UNION BOARD track and took second in the at AAU meet 220 behind teammate Riek Dunn. gymnastics star Toby from Big 10 foes Dunn and Wehrwein teamed up came back' after a V FARM with- Ken Little and Don Craw­ absence to win his UREAI ford to _ win the 440 relay, National AAU floor RUSH By GREGG LORIA their matches in two straight [ ■ while Wehrwein closed out his G sets Brainard beat Phil Ward State News Sports W riter day w ith ' a 46-9 3 4 trip le 6-0 and 6-3. Monan topped 'Coach Stan D robacs tennis jump, a career best which APRIL 16-18 LLuJ^ Anderson. 6-2 and 6-2. team took two eiunt iHacod turn ^ecoad . . , , "■e.,- - ‘î w Anuuv the direction of its A, cfw'cr beat Wavne Fistcbt*. sectfatr * C raw ford tooK firs t in trio vear s .M r iti If you would like to be on a Union Board Com­ straight Big Ten championship 6-1 and 6-3. and Good defeated long jum p and fourthTn the 220. a knee injury his opponent 6-0 and 6-4. mittee, meet the Directors and other members last weekend, as it netted while Dunn and Little went 2-3 "Towson s performance wu- Schafer and Myers also won. for interviews and 'information at the following: wins over Illin o is and 1’ urdue. in the 100 yard dash", shortened realiv a fantastic achieve EXCELLENT OPPORTUNITIES IN SALES, Schafer by 5-7. 10-8 and 6-2 MSU. which went undefeated to 80 yards by an official's ment." said coach Georgi MANAGEMENT, PRODUCTION, AND scores, and Mvers 6-1 and 6-1. in the Big Ten last year and mistake. Szvpula TUESDAY, APRIL 16 MARKETING IN AGRICULTURE captured its first tennis crown Akers Hall, Room 138 in IB years, opened its title SIR PIZZA SIR PIZZA SIR PIZZA SIR PIZZA SIR PIZZA SIR PIZZA 7 to 9 p.m. defense Friday by beating a ON CAMPUS INTERVIEWING tough Illinois. 5-4. The Spartans then came right Our Pick-of-the-Week... __ _ TUESDAY, APRIL 23 back Saturday to hang a 9-0 Placement Bureau shutout on last year's con­ SAUSAGE & BAR-B-Q SAUCE WEDNESDAY, APRIL 17 ference cellar-dweller. Pur­ Wonders Kiva • Our pick-of-the week consists of our special Bar- AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER due. 7 to 9 p.m. B-Q Sauce combined with S ir Pizza's "fa m o u s" fresh The weekend results showed Pork Sausage and delicious cheese. that the strength of Drobac s PERSONNEL DEPARTMENT • For those looking for that change-of-pace eating . . . squad lies w ith the top four you must come out and try this unusual combination. INDIANA FARM BUREAU COOPERATIVE ASSN., INC. returning lettermen from last THURSDAY, APR[L 18 vear. Chuck Brainard. Rich* Tito*#* '* fete B.ro.dy, Conference Room 111 47 SOUTH PENNSYLVANIA STREET *Monan, M ickey Szilagyi and V . Try our Sausage & Bar^fi-Q Saucer 7 to 9 p. m. INDIANAPOLIS, INDIANA 46204 John Good: Only one match it's our pick-of-the-week TELEPHONE 317-631-8361 was ioct among all four of them. COUPON Against the Illini. Brainard. This coupon entitles the bearer MSU's No. 1 singles man. made to a discount on our SIR PIZZA Save! With quick work of Ed Thompson. of-the-week. 6-3 and 6-2. Captain Rich Monan began his match by SAUSAGE & BA R-B-Q SAUCE PIZZ A-OF—T HE-WEE K Love Us! These Super winning the first set 6-4. but Active People dropped the next two by the off on off on same 6-4 score-. Worth our 10" Worth our 14' Buys From Larry's Szilagyi defeated Fred Dun­ a _ Sausage & _ Sausage & lap in two straight sets 7-5 and 6-4. John Good then 2 5 cSauce s . r 5 4 0 CSauce B " 5 Stopped the Illin i's Don Leven- Coupon Expires: A p ril 21,1968 FRESH U.S.D.A. son. 6-4 and 6-4. Franchises are still available i 2417 KALAMAZOO ST. 48 7-3733 GRADE A It was the Spartans' inex­ in certain perienced players at the No. areas. J 1129 N. LOGAN 284-4406 5 and 6 slots which hurt the 2 2 0 ISi C ED AF^^k^u^nli¡^ 484-4555 WHOLE FRYERS score. Steve Schafer, at No. SIR PIZZA SIR PIZZA SIR PIZZA SIR PIZZA SIR PIZZA SIR PIZZA 5. won his first set 7-5. then lost the next two. 6-4 and 6-3. • Gary M yers lost 6-3. 5-7 27« and 6-4 The championship doubles team of Brainard and Monan SPARTAN SOLID again came through by beating the Illinois team of Thompson and Holden S-7.6-3 and 6-2. MARGARINE »while the MSU duo of Szilagyi 1 l b . l i t and Good won 6-3 and 6-3. The Spartans' No. 3 doubles PRINT I H team of Schafer and Orhan Enuston lost 11-9 and 6-3. The Spartans had it easy COUNTRY FRESH against the Boilermakers, as each of the top four men won SKIMMED MILK 1/2 G A LLO N 7 0 c COL CARTO N L l . . . .Ask about our drop-off service! PET RITZ FROZEN LEGE That's right . . . active people are fun-time people. They know how to enjoy themselves, no matter what the situation. When their cleaning loads begin piling up, do they worry? Heck no! They bring their clothes to one APPLE PIES GIRLS of our 3 convenient locations, saving time and money. Know what they do 1 LB. 4 0Z. then ? They go out and enjoy themselves again! S IZ E LL GO FOR ASSORTEDFLAVOR^ Sunshine Center FAY60 POP ' GIBBS no deposit,no return bottles Because Gibbs understands your The desperate hours Save Time... Save Money 16 OZ. particular career problems And otters a Special Course for BO TTLES eo. 9‘ College Women to help solve them. and how to survive them . 3 Great Locations For Your Convenience Because Gibbs means top-paying, challenging jobs. Plus 1 - 213 Ann Street OPEN SUNDAYS The desperate hours come around midnight when you’ve 2 - Corner of Harrison & Wilson Road free lifetime placement service got more to do than tim e to do it. 11:00 a.m. till 6:00 p.m. Because Gibbs Girls go places The hours when you have to stay alert or face the m usic 3 - Northwlnd Dr. Facing Yankee Stadium Plaza Write College Dean for the next day. GIBBS GIRLS AT WORK Those are NoDoz' finest hours. It's got the strongest LARRY’S stimulant you can take without a pre- scription. And it's not habit forming. ^^HMMMMflii WASH N DRY CLEAN WASH N DRY CLEAN Katharine NoDoz". If you don't stay up with the wBPfa^Dai M SBOP-RITE GIBBS secretarial competition, you won't keep up with the ^ competition. f 21 Marlborough SI Boston. Mass. 02118 200 Park Ave New York, N. Y. 10017 Join Those Who Expect More ...o c ...... And Save 1109 E. Grand RhMr *33 Plymouth St Montclair, N. 1. 07042 77 S. Angell St.. Providence. R. I. 0200« Tuesday, April 16, 1968 12 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan

Scooters & Cycles Employment Employment Automotive Automotive BENELLI 1966. 12$. Excellent con­ REGISTERED NURSES: Immediate WAITRESSES: PART Urn« noons and CORVAIft 1862. Just overhauled. 827S. TRIUMPH SPITFIRE 1966 Excellent diUon 837$. Phone 337-7010. 34/18 openings on all ihifU. Starting sal­ full time shift available. No Sundays, 489-4911 3-4 18 condition. 351-6539 4-4 19 ary: days. $3.15 per hour: After­ good working conditions and Upa. (THE RED Beast i 196$ Yamaha noons. *3.30: Nights. $3.45. Plus Must be of good character with CORVETTE 1868 427 conyerUble TR-3 CONVERTIBLE 1961 Red 12$. 4.000 miles. 122$. 3S1-8311. many benefits including 10 per some waitress experience. Call Knock-off wheels. AM-FM radio. Excellent shape Must sell. Call $4/22 cent weekend bonus, merit increases, after 10 a.m. JIM’S RESTAURANT *3.000 351-0470 5-4 17 Larrv 332-8641 3-4 18 sickness and accident insurance, IV 9-1196. downtown Lansing, 5-4 22 • AUTOMOTIVE TRIUMPH Cub. 1964. 300cc Excel­ time and a half (or overtime Two • EMPLOYMENT CORVETTE 1963 convertible 327 VOLKSWAGEN FASTBACK 1966 - lent shape, needs carbjirator. Call weeks paid vacation, paid sick TEACHERS - YOUR applications cubic inches: 380 h.p. 4.11 posi- 351-7717. *4/18 leave. Nurses' Association dues. sent to Michigan school districts in • P O E R E N T radio, one owner Excellent condi­ traction. 427 hood. 81.475 351- tion. Call 676-2940 3-4 18 Special prices on meals. Six paid area of your choice. No charge. Apply • P O E S A L E 8711. 10-4 23 HONDA 250 Scrambler $325 includes holidays. Paid Ufe insurance, sug­ to MICHIGAN DEPARTMENT OF • LOST & POUND VOLKSWAGEN 1965 Excellent shape helmet. Call 351-0755. 54/22 gestion bonuses and ample oppor­ EDUCATION. Teacher Referral Serv­ tunity for advancement to supervisory ice. Lansing. Michigan 4888S. 1-4/16 • P E R S O N A L CORVETTE CONVERTIBLE 1964 sale One owner. $875. Phone 355-5753. and or trade 327 cubic inches, four- 14/16 HONDA 1967 305 Scrambler. Excel­ positions. We invite your personal • PEANUTS PERSONAL speed. AM-FM radio. Must sell. lent condiUon. Helmets. 3.300 miles. inspection of our modern facilities. TWO WOMEN to work on yacht on • REAL ESTATE Best offer. 351-0157 3-4 IB VOLKSWAGEN 1964. Recently tuned 332-4478 44/19 PROVINCIAL HOUSE and WHITE the Great Lakes from the middle of • S E R V IC E engine. Good condition. Best offer. HILLS MONTECELLO HOUSE. East June to September. Pay: 8300 per CUTLASS. 1967. Holiday Coupe Yel­ 353-0901 M 19 HONDA SUPERHAWK 1966--5.000 Lansing Phone Mrs. Love. 332- month plus room and board. Send • TRANSPORTATION miles. Best offer. Call 6-7 p.m.. 0817. l»-4 18 picture with height, weight, and age. low. black t O L D nterior Ful1 • W A N T E D power, radi»’ - ... glass, air con­ 489-1039 $4/22 Upon request picture of yacht, loca­ VOLKSWAGEN 1967 light blue, white­ TRANSMITTER OPERATOR FCC tion and duties will be sent. Must ditioned, low mileage. 393-1171. 5-4 16 walls. radio. 3.400 actual miles. Ex­ HARLEY DAVIDSON. 1966. 250cc license required. Immediate oc­ be able to work with children. Write cellent condition. 487-3011. 34/18 cupancy. Part time up to thirty DEADLINE DODGE CHARGER 1968 RT All ex­ 6.800 miles. Two helmets. 482- Maurice M. Taylor 2111 B W’ood- 7825 after S p.m 3-4 16 hours per week. Call 482-1334. 10-4 17 mar Drive. Houghton. Michigan tras. Must sell. Call 6044)316 3-4/18 VOLKSWAGEN 1966 Radio, excel­ 40831 5-4/22 1 P J4 . one class day be­ lent condition. 31.100. Call 351- PARKING LOT Attendant wanted. fore publication. DODGE 1964 six-cylinder two-door, 5292 or 484-7403 5-4 18 Employment Hours. 8 a.m. • 1:30 p.m.. six days .white, standard transmission. Ex­ CAN' YOU work four to eight hours a Cancellations -1 2 noon one a week, excent *- —''fwinesdays. 8- day?--Be tween classes or off days. cellent condition. First 3500 takes VOLKSWAGEN 1965 Rust proofed class day before publica­ INDIVIDUAL EXPERIENCED in yard 3 p.m C \ L U t ' V'- »175 an Come down and talk it over. You can it. Days. 482-6211. extension 222. camber compensator Two extra maintenance for continual weekly hour AppL V ast lansing city tion. Evenings. 351-9102. 3-4 18 report for work from 7-9 a.m. or be wheels with snow tires. Going in care. Located in Tacoma Hills. Oke- HALL 3-4 1« on call. MANPOWER. INC.. 303 armv. IV' 5-6548. 2-4 16 mos. Salary negotiable ED 2-1294. East Michigan Avenue. 5-4 19 PHONE FIAT CONVERTIBLE 1967. Take over 6-4 19 ATTENTION MSI' Student Nurses: payments. Call 393-4568 M/22 Auto Service & Parts We have an opportunity for you to REGISTERED NURSES 355-8255 WANTED IMMEDIATELY! Delivery increase your knowledge and cliqical Challenging Nursing Opportunity FIAT 1965. 1500. Red convertible. ACCIDENT PROBLEM Call KALA­ boys, telephone girls and part-time experience in bedside nursing LAN­ New Cardiac Care Unit RATES 21.000 miles Excellent condition MAZOO STREET BODY SHOP counter help Apply in person. 1227 SING GENERAL HOSPITAL has open­ Nurses for day. afternoon and night 351-9241 4-5 15 Small dents to large wrecks Amer­ East Grand River, after 5 p.m ings for summer vacation relief on shifts. Thorough orientation and 1 D A Y ...... $ 1 .5 0 ican and foreign cars. Guaranteed THE VARSITY DRIVE-IN 5-4 18 all shifts. two week course previous to place­ FORD 1964 - two-door hardtop. work. 482-1286 2628 East Kala­ Salary commensurate with level of ment. Excellent salary Shift dif­ 3 D A Y S ...... $ 3 .0 0 educational background. Call 372- V-8 Excellent. Best offer. 482- mazoo. c MAKE MONEY in your spare time ferential and week-end differential 5 D A Y S ...... $ 5 .0 0 4904 5-4 22 Pre-training. VIV1ANE WOODARD 8220. extention 202-203. Person­ Complete fringe benefits in new air- nel Office. Mnndav through Friday. (based on 10 words per ad) IMPORTED CAR Cosmetics. Call Louis Weir IV 5- conditioned hospital. 8351 C4 19 8a.m.-4 p.m 10-4 25 Over 10,151 per word per day FORD XL Hardtop 1964. 31.050 SPARROW HOSPITAL PERSONNEL 353-6917after8 p.m 34 18 SERVICE 487-6111. extension 333 PART TIME now. full time this sum­ WAITERS. WAITRESSES. Immedi­ 2-4 17 SPECIALISTS ate openings. Full or part time There will be a 50f service MERCEDES BENZ 1960. 190 diesel mer $2 40 per hour. Call 9-4 p.m.. 484-7026 or 332-1444 3-4 18 work. Must have own transportation and bookkeeping charge if Very good overall condition. VERY IN Apply in person COUNTRY CLUB OF inexpensive to run. $500 Call Ken NEED PERSON with grill experience this ad Is not »paid, within WAITRESS. Wl'ST hc 18 or BYW LANSING. 2300 Moores River Drive. fur light grid work ¡if Green Me.adcws Davenport at 332-8736. evenings. 14 16 • TRIUMPH 484-4567 • . 10-4 17 one week. * eRENAULT rlrrc tune: -cV/V*. CHARCOAL Golf Course beginning May 1st. Hours, Excedrin headache #1908. HOUSE. Frandor Center 4-4 19 to be arranged Also, male for clean­ MUSTANG 1965 2 plus 2. V-8. four- • VOLKSWAGEN GREAT LAKES EMPLOYMENT for The State News will be 1 I permanent positions lor men and ing and dishes. Both must be 18 or speed. Best offer. 332-1106. after FRY COOK. Must be 18 or over Full older. Call (or appointment. 485- responsible only for the 6 p.m. 44/19 women in office, s le% technical A1 Edward's and part time work Apply CHAR- IV 2-1543. C-4/I8 7237. 4-4/19 first day's Incorrect inser­ Automotive Scooters & Cycles COAI. HOUSE. Frandor Center 4-4 19 tion. MUSTANG 1966 Red. V-8. Take over Sports Car Center payments 369/month. 337-7010. 34/18 FRANCIS AVIATION. So easy to HONDA 1967 305 Scrambler Excel­ ONE TO four sublease summer term 1200 E . Oakland IV 9-7591 learn in the PIPER CHEROKEE'! lent condition 351-7114 5-4 16 Reduced, rent 332-0505. 3-4 18 OLDSMOBILE 98 Convertible 1963 SpecialS5 00 offer! 484-1324. C TRIUMPH TR3-4 parts Almost any­ ATTENTION Immaculate, full power, air. new HONDA 1966. 160 Built for road BUS BOYS. DISH washers, and cooks The State News doee not tup Call 351-5687 evenings 44 19 thing you need. Reasonable. 484- 5201. 5-4/22 Scooters & Cycles or trail Phone 882-0973 3-4 17 for Mackinaw Island Hotel Write PHOTO-HOBBYISTS permit racial or religious John F. Ross. 3821 Bishop. Detroit discrimination in its ad­ OLDSMOBILE 88 1958 Full power. HONDA 305 Enduro 4.500 miles, HONDA 1967. model 65. Wind shield, 48224 5-4 19 332-6119. CAR WASH: 25c. Wash. wax. vacu­ helmet Excellent condition Asking vertising columns. The good shape. good deal. um U-DO-1T 430 South Clippert knohluis. new paint. Excellent con­ 3-4 17 dition. $500. 351-7259. 4-4 19 $200: Make offer. ED 2-5305. 3-4 17 State News will not accept Back of KO-KO BAR C4 18 TYPISTS - evening wprk - 5 nights Ara you interested In Improving your photog­ advertising which discrim­ BRIDGESTONE 175. 1966 with low 5-10 - 60 accurate WPM. Call raphy skills at somaane else's expense, with inates against religion, PONTIAC 1968. 5.000 miles. power. VOLKSWAGEN ENGINE 1964 40 horse­ AUTHENTIC DEALER for Yamaha. 337-23213-5 p.m. 351-4456 after 6 pm Triumph, and BMW. Complete line mileage Extra equipment .332-6964 someone else's equipment, and still be paid race, color or national or­ $2.940 Call power. $125 or best offer. 489- 3-4 16 5-4 22 6740. 3-4 18 of parts. accessories. leather for it? If so, call Dave at 351-5824; If no goods, and helmets. 1 2 mile south igin. KAWASAKI 85CC. 1967 Excellent answer, cdll Fred at 351-0825, PONTIAC 1965 Bonneville, take over MEL'S AUTO SERVICE. Large or of 1-96 on South Cedar. SHEP'S condition Buco helmet $275 482- Detroit to Frankfort payments and low equity. 846-2681 small, we do them all. 1108 *East MOTORS. Phone 694-6621. C 8617. 3'* 16 3-4 16 Grand River. 332-3255. C HONDA 250 Scrambler High exhaust J«t - $290 Round T rip Automotive pipes, chrome, scrambling sprocket. TROPHIES & PLAQUES PORSCHE 1967 gray normal coupe MASON BODY SHOP 812 East Kala­ 351-7902. 3-4 17 BXRRVIDA 1965 24.000 miles, Good mechanical condiUon. new mazoo Street-Since 1940. Com­ OVfk 1000 TtOPHIEt ON DISPLAY July 25 to August 31 plete auto painting and collision clean. 31.000 Contact Bill's Citgn clutch, body fair. 339-8400 . 4-4 19 NO Vf AITINO • IMMtDIATt DILIVIKY service. American and foreign cars. ¡j— -i JptcW M m for MAC and Albert. East Lansing. Call VINS de FRANCE C edar Village .132-6688 3-4 18 SIMCA 1960 convertible Four-speed. IV 54)256. C CLOSING É Qm iKtr Purehmm 200 miles on new engine $400 Wed., April 17 PROFESSIONAL BONNEVILLE CONVERTIBLE 1965 332-8676. Mark. 34 18 AUTOMATIC CAR wash. Only 50c E NO HAVING 1900 W. Stadium B lvd. It s the best in town. You may sit OUR EPRCIAITY \ l ‘ A R T M E N T H Excellent condition, full power, air- Ann A rb o r, M ich. 48103 Conditioning IV 2-3321 or 372- TIH'NDKRBIRD 1964 Full power in your car for 2'tt minutes while 10% Discount on orders of $10 1258. 54 18 Excellent condition. Reasonably your car is washed and waxed. Also Bring In Your BOGUE ST. AT THE RED CEDAR RIVER cleans underneath car. An almost or more. Lansing’s largest Trophies or Ploquee I all 351-8509 5 4 15 663-3969 761-4146 perfect job. 430 South Clippert. back selection of foreign food. lor Profettlonol Bt'ICK 1964 Wildcat, two-door hard- Engraving of KO-KO BAR C-4 15 24 Hour Service 9 OR 12 MONTH LEASE top. white interior, console, mag TRIUMPH SPITFIRE 1964. Just the Reservations still wheeN $1,200 Extra clean IV 9- car for spring term. Excellent con­ SH A H EEN ’S 1836 3-4 17 dition. New top 339-2307. 34/18 Aviation 3020 VINE ST. Phono available. Thriftway 4 1 5 - 0 6 4 5 LEASING A P R IL 1-20 CHEVROLET IMPALA 1964 Air- TRIUMPH TR4. 1962 Low mileage THE WINGED SPARTANS now own a darry Cutllan Sporlinj (joaJè Immediate Action 485-1538 conditioning. automatic, radio, ex­ All extras. Excellent condition. Cessna Cardinal-another good rea­ 1 UK. N. OP MICH.-WEST OP SEAM tras $1.100. 355-5777. 3-4 17 Reasonable. 484-5201. 54/22 "LANSING'S HOUSE OP TROPHIES Necessary son to join and learn to fly or rent 2310 South Cedar e SOUND PROOF e WASHERS & DRYERS through your own university club. Save e COMPLETELY CARPETED CHRYSLER 1965 New Yorker Four- TRIUMPH TR-3. 1959 - red con­ with the lowest rates, best equip­ • 3 STORY PARKING RAMP door hardtop, automatic, power steer­ vertible. new transmission, wire ment. qualitv instruction. Call 355- 1 • double sink VANrrY e 24 HOUR SERVICE CALLS ing. brakes and windows. Call 393- wheels, radio, heater. Verv good 1178. 353-0230. 353-0203. 351-9301 • AIR CONDITIONED • INCINERATOR DROP ON 0580 after 10 a.m. 4-4 16 condition. 332-3043 . 3-4 18 C 1 • GARBAGE DISPOSAL EACH FLOOR CLIP AND SAVE - REFERENCE AD - CLIP AND SAVE £ THI9 C f i j m f H U AWMeWlS?- DISHWASHERS n jdfru WHMSU&R, CENTRAL AIR LARGE STORAGE CLOSETS iS AUTOM ATIC DOOR LOCKS < ¡ c o t * prnoN/ws, Hiwe cwsers, oil > 0 I Dorm Living is O.K. z o AND THREE R4RK1N4 • LOCATION: ON CAMPUS < \ Ut RFR APARfltéW? r----- £ 1 5 _i I but — ------“MODEL APT. NOW OPEN” <->| ■ I A nil 332-5051 'Î < University Villa Apts, I 7* • z s! I a S ! H H H H E I rai=|[-JIlil < 1 I Ui WH ¡rarararanra rarararara CL i are great! I I Hamraran raaoraæ □ I in ACROSS L> I I 29. Ginger □sraa maw tiara • I I * 1. Combustible cookie Bara rararoraraianra i n m ineral 31. Tibetan sheep rara arara rarara _ I Ü 5. Consume 32. Culpable «rara « ara an s i PER PERSON COST COMPARISON 1 "° 8. Legal action 3 6. Haw. Û I I > 11. Medicinal p recipice aaanranna raran plant 38. Hard wood man rarara anrara ?! F A L L “68” DORM R A TES 2 & 3 MAN ¡5 12. Yellow ocher 39. Square aararara araranrara 2:1 13. Chalice m easure 14. Mass of ice □raraiira rarannras - i l Per itrm $310.00 Approx. UNITS î ï 40. Household I pi 15. Untidy chore raararara araarao AVAILABLE 17. Termite • I $75.00 Rent I I 42. Bib.character 30,00 Food I n 1 8. U nit o f energy 43. Antiquity I Ü 19. Great like 44. King topper 2 0 . Fam ish DOWN 3. Large artery d I Total $105.00 Por Month I "O 45. Objective 22. Seaweed 4. Lim b *65°° l > 46. Fr. article 1. Woman's 23. Present 5 . Money | Z 4 7 . M an's workbasket i l 25. lord Avon lenders P E R PERSON 10 nicknam e 2 . Scented < i 26. Reflected 6. Vocalize O-I 48. Leftovers P ER MONTH * > sound 7. Wild animal □ I FALL “68” UNIVERSITY VILLA !< CAMPUS HILL I! 8 . Ranch u l |m Por torm $195.00 Ront forem an • I 9 . Domain Ul I $65.00 Ront SE E M O DEL 10. Coat lining P «apartments* 16. Engineering 5! 5.00 Utllitios degree: abbr. i 30.00 Food APARTMENT S i 18. Dusk O P EN 8:30 e 21. Gr. letter < i Total $100.00 Por Month | o f Designed with E.S.U. sM tn ts ■ end!!! 24. Betrothed O.I I l/l 2 5 . Slender fin ia l T ÌL 10:00 p.m. î 26. Concealed a: observation CONCLUSION - SAVE $5.00 Leasing NOW! 27. Onslaught 2 8 . Nimbi if] PER MONTH PER PERSON 30. Arctic bird i£ 33. Drudgery 1 I? For hribnutiM cat 34. Bargain 3 5 . Shouts ?! GOVAN MANAGEMENT CO. 11 3 7 . A m idst 0.1 It/» 38. Formerly #35 ABBOTT RD. 351 -7910 State M a n g e ra * CerperatiM 332-8687 4 1 . Form o f John ' ul < 4 2 . P a st Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Tuesday, April 16, 1968 1 3

Employment For Rant For Rent For Rent For Rent For Rent For Sale M useum TWO GIRLS Northwind ISO a month NEXT TO campus - two luxury fur­ CLEAN. QUIET room and bath Gen EXSTER BUNNIES Hamsters. (,er- PART OR full time waitresses want­ CEDAR VILLAGE Four-man apart­ TWO GIRLS wanted to sublet River­ Summer term, call 351-9300 3-4 16 nished two bedroom apartments. $190 Ueman graduate Undent. *12 50 a bds NOAH S ARK PET SHOP 223 ed for the City Club aI Lansing, ment. Summer term. Reduced rates. side East luxury apartment Sun­ to exhibit 351-0363 M /S nier term. 351-0541. 5-4 B and $220 Three month or one year week. 351 5811 ED 2-1*54. alter \nn 5-4 12 located in the Jack Tar Hotel. We lease beginning June 15. 351-5696 or also are interviewing waitresses for K1LBORN from 4:30 p.m. 2-4/17 REDUCED RATES. Supervised luxury downtown New-one bedroom. Fur­ 351-6009 10-4 29 XFGHAN PUPPIES - ten weeks old the coming fall season. Apply In WANTED FEMALE graduate student ( ream and hrindle colors Crown Indian life person from 5:30-8: JOp m 10-4 29 apartment for sublet. Near Williams or working girl to share two-girt nished. parking Lease required. SINGLE ROOM in country house 351-0567 3-4/18 332-3135 10414 REDUCED FOR summer. One bed­ male or female *10 week Call ires! breeding AKC Holt. 694- apartment beginning June 15. 351- 0093 5-4 12 MALE STUDENTS in need of money, 5392 4-4/19 room. air-conditioned, pool, park­ 351-7778 after 5:30 p.m or Satur­ Three new exhibits at the SUMMER: RIVERSIDE East Four ing. 351-6759 3-4 16 day. 3-4 17 MSU Museum focus on the who like meeting people, part time' Cedar Greens Apts. now. full time in summer. Call 669- students, reduced rate 351-0245 SUMMER SUBLET - Four man luxury AFGHAN PUPPIES twelve weeks old. history of some of Michigan's after 5 p.m. 3-4/18 316 GUNSON Street Available for Cream and brindle colors. Crown 9271. 9 to 11 a m 393-5660. 1:30 to apartment. Top floor Rent reduced Spring, Summer and For Sale Indians. 4p.m. Monday through Thursday. C Riverside East 351-0222 4-4/19 summer and fall term Two man Crest breeding AKC. Holt. 694- TOP FLOOR. University Terrace: Fall Rentals furnished apartment *140 per month H. H. SCOTT 40 watt FM stereo 0093 5-4'22 One display traces the life HUGE! Separate study, divided bath 337-9263 10-4 25 EMPLOYERS OVERLOAD COM­ TWO BEDROOM luxury apartment Luxury I Bdrm. Units receiver model HH4-20 *219.95 of the Indians from 11.000 Summer 351-8946 *-4(18 near Michigan and Pennsylvania Complete with case Cash or terms GERBILS. HAMSTERS. rabbits, B.C.. when these Paleozoic PANY. Experienced secretaries, EYDEAL VILI.X Apartments chicks Give your business to a typists, to work temporary assign­ All modern conveniences We aren't 351-8631 MAIN ELECTRONICS 5558 South Indians were hunters on open SUMMER SUBLET Three bedroom waiting for summer Summer rates Now accepting leases for year be­ Pennsylvania 882-5035 C fellow student. 353-7638 5-4 18 ments. Never a fee Phone 487- duplex, bar. two baths. 351-8311. ginning September. 1968. Two-bed­ plains to the historic Indians 6071. C-4/18 effective immediately Get away from TWO ADULT women, summer Capi­ 3-4 18 the campus rush 484-8735 4-4/19 tol Villa Pool, air-conditioning 351- room apartments for *240 month Mobil* Homes of the West who were depend­ Swimming pool G E appliances, gar­ BICYCLE SALES, rentals and serv­ 0885 after 6p.m. 4-4 17 ent on trade w ith the w h ite . EARNINGS ARE unlimited as an bage disposal, furnished for four- ices. Also used EAST LANSING JOHN R. 623 Sharp, two bedroom ONE OR two mature male students CYCLE. 1215 East Grand River YOUNG MARRIED special: 1968 Buddy Avon Representative. Turn your 'man or live-man. Call 351-4275 man. apartment Completely furnished needed in Cedar Village fall winter, SUMMER SUBLEASE Large Haslett Call 332-8303 C 12 bv 44 Natural gas heat, gar­ free time into $$$. For an appoint­ Pay own utilities. Available imme­ after 5 p.m O bage disposal, completely furnished This display also includes ment in your home, write Mrs spring 351-0936 3-4/tt Apartment Four or five man. Call diately *150 Call STAY REALTY IV 351-0614 3-4 16 on nice lot in Sycamore Park for information about the unique Aiona Huckins. 5664 School Street. HASLETT APARTMENTS Four man CLASSICAL GUITAR Gibson C-l 5-2211. Realtor M/18 PENNSYLVANIA AVENUE. N or«. Mobile Homes 900 West Columbia. Hopewall tribes who lived dur­ Haslett. Michigan or call IV 2- summer sublease. 351-0669 5-4 15 Excellent condition. *150 or best Mason. Michigan 676-5575. 5-4 12 6893 C-4/18 Large furnished studio, parking, CLEAN FURNISHED apartment to ing the Mid Woodland period WANTED: ONE girl summer term utilities paid Private entrance, clean. sublease summer Riverside East. offer. Bob MacLean 355-9368 3-4 18 Haslett Apartments. Phone 351- TWO LARGE apartments for three of 300 B.C. to 400 A.D..-> these CALL 332-6541 between 8 a.m and 390 plus deposit Inquire 1007 North 355-1923. 332-0752 . 3-4 16 1966 12' x 60' Mobile Home on lot in 5434 after 6 p.m. M 22 Pennsylvania Avenue 5-4/12 and lour for fall Nicely furnished GIRLS CLOTHING, crib, buffet Mason 676-2850. 3-4 18 tribes were noted for their 5 p.m. for full time, part time or Near campus Approved housing 332- stroller 1134 Sunset Lane. East SUMMER SUBLET Four-man lux­ colorful clothes and unusual weekend work. No upper age limit. SUBLET UNIVERSITY Terrace Sum­ 5514 evenings. 10-4 23 Lansing. 1-4/16 GREAT LANSING SPECIAL POLICE. ury apartment. Evergreen Arms. CHAMPION 1966 Mobile home 12x hairstyles of their women. mer. Exceptionally clean three man Discount. 351-0247. 3-4 17 3-4/18 Reduced rates 351-8170. between 5-7 Riverside East HASLETT ARMS - two men for next . FENDER SHOWMAN 15 amplifier or 52 on lot in Grand Ledge Call 627- Included in this exhibit are Fender Jaguar guitar. Excellent con­ 7386 8-4 19 p.m. 4-4 19 ONE GIRL to share larfjb trailer, school vear tall 1966 355-8781. 5-4 16 various replicas from each of For Rent Four-man apartments leas­ dition. 353-8329 3-4 18 close to campus Low rent. Call SABRE 10' x 50 ; Two bedroom, wood the periods ranging from spear ONE MAN needed for Beechwood ing fo r June and September, after 5 p.m. 351-0613. 2-4 16 UNIVERSITY VILLA Apartments immediately. 332-1847 GARRARD LAB 80 Mark II turntable paneling throughout. Brand new fur­ points from the earliest tribes TV RENTAI. G.E. Portable Free April 16th, 10 a.m. - p.m . service and delivery. $8.50 per 3-4 18 6 Perfect condition. 355-6023 3-4 18 nace with guarantee Excellent con­ to an authentic trade pipe. NEED GIRL immediately Near B EA L HOUSE dition. $2.650 355-6450 after 6 p.m month. Call STATE MANAGEMENT 1310 E. Grand R iver Rogue $47 50 month including util­ Another of the exhibits per­ Spring-Summer-Fall Rentals SEWING. MACHING clearance sale Ask for Dan 10-4 17 UORP 332-8687 O ONE OR two girls for summer One ities 337-2056 3-4 17 taining to Indian life is an month's rent free 351-9086 4-4 19 2 & 3 MAN UNITS Brand new portables. *49.50. *5.00 332-8292 Rental Offlce-635 Abbott per month. Large selection of re­ SHARP TWO bedroom 10 x 50 on authentic birch bark canoe, TV RENTALS for students. Low- TWO MAN apartments. Furnished. conditioned used machines. Singers. EVERGREEN ARMS Four-man sum­ 135 Kedzie. 124 Cedar and 129 Bur­ 351-7910 or 351-4050 after 5 lot Carpeting throughout. $2.000 built in the style of the Al- economical rates bv the term or mer sublet. Reduced Air-condi- TWO GIRLS needed June through Whites. Necchis. New Home and 655-1829 5-4 19 gonquian Indian who lived in month. UNIVERSITY TV RENT­ cham From $130-$160 per month "many others " *19.95 to *3995 tioned 332-1400 3-4 18 June Reduced rates summer One Year, summer, and 9 1 2 month 126 MILFORD. Two man furnished parts of Michigan. ALS. 484-9263. C block from campus 351-8405 3-4 16 apartment two blocks to campus Terms EDWARDS DISTRIBUTING leases. Call IV 7-3216. evenings. COMPANY 1115 North Washington Lost & Found Ferdinand Bach, who donated SUMMER FOUR-man luxury apart 882-2316 C I^ase. $160 per month. All utili­ TV RENTALS for students. $9 00 489-6448 C-4 18 the canoe to the museum, and ment. air-conditioned Block from WHY SETTLE tor less-’ Need one ties except electricity. Days. IV 4- IJ)ST » WALLF.T Mark S Hughes month Free service and delivery. Berkey. 351-8512 . 3-4 18 for Evdeal Villa two-man Also 1579. Evenings. 372-5767. 489-1656. Matt Bernard, a Thippewa Call NEJAC. 337-1300 We guaran­ NEEDED TWO girls beginning fall BIRTHDAY CAKES. 7 -*3.60 8 $15 reward! 393-4583 2-4 Iti summer sublet Call 351-8759 3-4 16 C chief, built this craft at Golden tee same-day service. C ' SUMMER SUBLET One man needed term Cedarbrook Arms. 351-8820 *4.12. 9" *4 90 Delivered. Also Lake Ontario in 1952. They Riverside East $55 351-0533 5-4 22 THREE ROOM furnished apartment 5-4 16 sheet cakes KWAST BAKERIES FOUND: WRISTWATCH. owner may SUMMER SUBLET four man luxury claim with sufficient identification. A partm ents Private entrance, parking, utilities apartment across from Berkev. 351- IV 4-1317 C-4 18 followed the same techniques FURNISHED AND unfurnished three 435 East Grand River Avenue. 3-4 18 EAST SIDE. Several one bedroom Two blocks to shopping and bus Lady 8423 5-4 16 as the first Indian builders, PENNSYLVANIA AVENUE. South off room apartments available im­ KODAK ■ COLOR film size 126-620- $120 - $140; One two bedroom. $160 332-5157 3-4 16 even to the point of using hand Michigan Avenue. Efficiency, men Lease now for fall, nine months lease mediately Suitable for two. One 127 99c Twelve print roll proc­ LOST: BLACK Persian male cat. only. Share bath. $60 a month plus ED 7-7151. 5-4 22 TWO MAN furnished. efficiency block from bus and Brodv Phone Houses essed *2 11 With this ad only Spartan Village area. Generous made tools. deposit. Phone 489-3569 after 4 apartment available now. $140 per FABIAN REALTY ED 2-0811 IV 5- Expires 6-1-68 MAREK REXALL reward! Call 355-3209 3-4 18 The third exhibit, a dio­ p ill . 5-4 22 ARBOR FOREST APARTMENTS month 337-9263 3-4 16 3033. IV 2-5383 10-4 19 FOUR BEDROOM furnished house DRUGS at Frandor New lower rama of copper mining from , Trowbridge Road. East Lansing. Summer and - V ui nt qztces . C-4 18 prehistoric time to 1847. shows fffi/ BEtoftOOM luxury .apartment 41 n ** tonal Faculty memhe.rs. Deluxe one and two TWO MEN far summerter Ffcwn Rix Females Near * campus 332-8526 'an Indian using his hands to SUBLET FOR summer luxury two- bedroom apartments available Pri­ No damage deposit 351-8609 3-4 16 Short term lease available. 351- 5-4 22 BASS GUITAR New Vox Wyman" man. two-bedroom apartment 351- 4275 O bass Best offer 353-0256 5-4 22 lo o k in g FOR ,m unusual‘Saturday dig out thin veins of surface vate patio and swimming pool Cha night mil? Stag. drag, or otherwise 5828 M 18 let House for private parties Within EAST,SJDJ£ 4 f/»ir copper. Indians in Michigan's NEWLY MARRIED? MB'SVvfuvix. VsjokiYlg. pi/'t- bedrooms Rent now for fall Nine UP T(r>l 3 and more savings Com­ Jmn University Tours Mystery tour, walking distance of campus No group on Saturday. April . $15 upper peninsula were the first children or pets. Phone 337-0634 for ‘ing Supervised. Two blocks to Ber­ month lease. $200. ED 7-7151. 5-4 22 parison welcomed. OPTICAL DIS­ 20 TÂNGLEWOOD per person. Includes dinner, bev­ people in North America to PLASTIC appointment. C-4 18 key 487-5753 or 485-8836 O COUNT 416 Tussing Building Phone MAN NEEDED for five man. five bed­ IV 2-4667 C-4 19 erages. dancing, floor show, at well- use the metal, mining it before APARTMENTS known night spot within 10(1 miles LAMINATORS SUMMER TERM - Sublet Univer­ room house $42 339-8336. 3-4 18 1200 B.C. HARWICH DRIVE. West Willow area cl Lansing Depart 4 p.m Return Luxurv two-bedroom, unfurnished 2 Bdrm ., unfur., from 139.50 sity Villa. Two or three man. Re­ SCl'BA EQUIPMENT Like new All The Indians used copper for duced rates. Call 351-0749 5-4 16 accessories Call 676-1295 3-4 18 3 a.m Sunday. For further details FIXTURE newly decorated One child $145 351-7880 ONE GIRL for summer in eight girl write University Tours Box 435 weapons, ornaments and tools; Phone 489-3486. 3-4 18‘ house. $50 includes utilities. 351- BUILDERS SUMMER SUBLET four man apart­ 7969 3-4 18 WEDDING GOWN. Size 10 Cage with l-ansing or call Mr Crowley. 482- a few of these tools are shown SUMMER SUBLET Burcham Woods ment. University Terrace. Call 351- floor length mantilla veil and train. 2653 evenings Deadline Xnril 18 5-4 16 in the diorama. Two or three man Pool, air-con- 8384 3-4 17 PX Store — Frandor SUMMER ONLY. Three. $150. fur­ 676-1295. 3-4 18 FOR THE late snack, call BIMBO'S ditioned Halt month tree Call 351- nished. close. 217 Charles. 351- IN ! 1 5-4 18 PIZZA. 489-2431 We will deliver Service 58-hour week Paddle Ball Paddles, $2.88- ONE TO four sublease summer term. 9190 3-4 18 GUARANTEED USED vacuum clean­ lor 25c extra to your dorm C-4 18 $5.88. Penn. Tennis Balls Reduced rent 332-0505. 3-4 18 ers Hoover uprights. *20: Eleelro . DIAPKR SKRVICE-Diaparene An­ long-term programs SUMMER SUBLEASE Luxury apart­ Lux with attachments. $18: and can* tiseptic Process approved by. Doc­ $1.99-$2.49. Tennis Racket ment Reduced rates University WOMEN STUDENTS - Summer, fall POETRY WANTED for anthology Full benefits SUMMER SUBLEASE three-man Uni­ Excellent location Kitchen, parking, nister models with attachments. $12 tors. Same Diapers returned all Press $1.39. Shag Gplf B all Terrace 351-8943 3-4 17 IDLEW1LD PUBLISHERS. 543 Fred­ Full or Part time versity Villa Discount on rent 337- laundry 332-1918. 3-4 18 DENNIS DISTRIBUTING COMPANY erick. San Francisco. California times. Yours or Ours. Baby Clothes $2.88/doz„ $3.88/ doz. New 2029 5-4 22 316 North Cedar. Lansing. 482- C-4 18 washed free. No deposit. AMERI­ TWO GIRLS needed for summer in TWO GIRLS to share house for fall 2677 c-4 18 CAN DIAPER SERVICE. 914 East. Golf Balls $3.98/3. Tennis lour girl apartment 337-1230 5-4 19 Shoes $5.49. Baseball Gloves 519 Beech. 351-0909 1-4 16 FORTY TOP Soul and rock bands, Gier Street-Phone 482-08ti4. C ONE GIRL, immediately and or sum­ BASS GUITAR - like new $100 Call $4.88-$9.88. Softballs $1.98. SUMMER LUXURY APARTMENT Gary Lazar 351-8907 or MID- mer. Two blocks Union 351-9087 WANT ONE girl to share house near Butch. 351-0794 before noon. 4-4 19 MICHIGAN TALENT AGENCY. 351- Lans Corporation Swim fin s $10. 88-$ U .8 8 . SWlm Two man Air-conditioned Reduced 4-4 19 campus. $30 month plus utilities. Typing $*rvlc* rates 351-0677 . 6-4 16 5665. C-4/18 704 Oakland - -73 Snorkels $2.98. Special Firfhv Call 351-7940 or 484-9448 3-4 18 RECONDITIONED SEWING machines. SUMMER APARTMENT: Cheap four $18 and up Also rentals on auto­ ANY KIND OF typing in my home Lansing, Michigan ing T a c k le . Rods. Reel?, LUC NKAH - One or two girls to FREE!! A Thrilling hour-Of beauty. 489-2514. C man deluxe Chalet apartment. Call THREE STUDENTS in good furnished matics available. DENNIS DISTRIB­ For appointment call 484-4519. L u re s, Lines, Save 25%-35%, share large two-bed room apart­ 351-0615. 3-4 18 UTING COMPANY. 316 North Cedar, ment Phone 489-1809 2-4 18 house Two miles from campus. Need MERLE NORMAN COSMETICS STU­ fourth man. $55. no lease. 337-0512. lausing Phone 482-2677 C-4 18 DIO. 1600 East Michigan. C-4 ('I.ARA 18 WILLIAMS: Professional the­ HOLT. THREE rooms and bath 0-4 24 ses typing with IBM Selectric 627 NEEDjA CAR? Nicely furnished Utilities paid STEREO COMPONENTS Fisher 150. SAVE UP to $50 or more on car in­ 4316. 5-4 17 Call 694-2331 4-4 19 FIVE ROOM furnished house, close 35 watt FM Stereo receiver. Gar­ surance. Drivers, age 21-25 or mar­ Let to campus Available Spring and rard 60 wall changer. Fisher speak­ ried. 16-25. Take SENTRY'S Young ANN BROWN: typist and multilith. EAST LANSING MARIGOLD APART­ summer terms. $125. Call ED 2- ers. Regular $380 value, now on ■ I t Driver's Questionnaire Phone 485- offset printing. Dissertations, the­ MENTS 911 Marigold Furnished 0590. 3*4 17 sale S249 plus lax THE DISC SHOP 3647 or 882-7284 0-4 ses. 18 manuscripts, general typing ifBUDQH. one-bedroom, air-conditioned. Across 32.3 Eqst Grand River 351-5380 1-4 16 Margaret Nerad, Realtor » iH T A C A * IBM. 17 years experience. 332- street from campus. Phone IV 9- NEED ONE girl spring term $50 SAVE MONEY - WASH 20c LOAD 8384. C SYSTEM 9651 for appointment C-4 18 Call 351-0791 3-4 16 COUCH. $18 Deacon's bench chest. Complete dry cleaning Shirt serv­ SELL YOUR HOME . . . $23 Rocker $12 Desk. $7 372- ice WENDROWS ECON-O-WASH STUDENT DISCOUNT - SHEILA AND MOVE TO WALNUT. NORTH Available April EAST SIDE turnished house for con­ 1162 3-4 18 3006 Vine One block west of Sears. CAMPBELL Experienced typist Special Rates fo r MSU Students 24. Seven rooms completely fur­ servative men. $12 each IV 5-0364 C-4 18 Electric. Term papers. theses nished. For four girls or four men 3-4 16 ACHTUNG! TELEFUNKEN has ar- 337-2134. C Northwind Farms Apartments WEEKEND Call 372-1108 3-4 18 rived-imported direct from Ger­ YARN AND FABRIC CENTER Ma­ Rooms many. For great buys on high qual­ son. Phone 676-2973 Fine fabrics BARB I MEL. professional typist f Noon F ri. - Noon Mon. THREE OR four man apartment for ity stereo systems, tape recorders, sewing accessories. New - orlon 351-7722 summer. The Chalet Reduced No job too large or too small. t V Plus Gas GENTLEMEN: PRIVATE room with and short-wave radios see NEJAC sport yarn! C-4 Block 18 off campus. 332*3255. C 351-0858 3-4 1 8 bath, enlrance. parking 332-5157 OF EAST LANSING. 543 East Grand j j No Mileage Charge 3-4 16 River. C PUT A little cheer in your life. 200 YARDS from campus. Air-con­ PAULA ANN H Al G HK Y Profes­ ditioned luxury apartment for three Cheerleading tryouts Tuesday. 7-9 sional theses typist IBM Selce - SPARTAN HALL loasing summer, fall p.m. Women's IM. 1*4/16 Summer 351-8343 5-4 22 CANOE Fifteen feet Green $90 t rie Multilith oil set printing 337 DAILY terms lor men and women Single, 355-8085 3-4 18 1527 C 3-Month Lease kitchens, doubles. Newly decorated, THD FINEST OUR music you can NO carpeted, private lavatories S8-S13 VOICE OF Music portable tape re­ feel'! Special on TO s. now' Call MARILYN CARR legal secretarv Per Day MILEAGE week 372-1031. appointment 6-4 19 corder Almost new $50 332- 351-9359 or 337-7274 10-4 26Electric typewriter Alter 5 30 p in * i t pCM^to b io t ti 5201 3-4 16 June 15 - Sept. 15 >13 Plus Gas CHARGE INTERESTED IN participating in and weekends. 393-2654 Pick up MEN: CLEAN, quiet, rooking, park­ and delivery c ing Supervised Two blocks to hypnosis experiment? Call 355-9931 VOX SUPER Beatle - $685 Will trade after 6pm 3-4 17 Berkev 487-5733 or 485-8836 O lor smaller amp 353-2175. 3-4 16 OR CHOOSE OUR REGULAR SHIRLEY SWICK. Professional typ- Burcham Woods-Eydeal Villa LOW RATE OF .11 ST AVAILABLE . -- Men Single, Peanuts Personal ing service. IBM Executive type­ double Private entrance, excellent DIAMOND BARGAIN: Wedding and writer Experienced 351-4049 5-4 19 study 332-4709 3-4 16 engagement ring sets. Save 50 per DIANE: WE really enjoyed your fun­ Luxury Apts, with swimming pools eral Manv lhanks. The Communilv cent or more. Large selection of TERM PAPERS Theses, disserta­ Day M ile * Gas plain and fancy diamonds. $25-$150. 1-4 16 >6 Per + 6 C Per GIRLS SUMMER housing Kappa tions. manuscripts. Corona Elec­ WILCOX SECOND-HAND STORE Call us now for a summer apartment. Delta. Meals Monday through Fri­ PI KAPPA Phi would like to wel­ tric. elite print. 332-8505 C-4 18 day. 332-5659.337-1327. 3-4 18 509 East Michigan. Phone 485-4391. C come its spring term pledge class. You must be 21 and We ll let the good times roll all EXPERT DISSERTATION and manu LARGE ROOM. Private lavatory, re­ term long. The Actives. 1-4.16 script typing. References. Near have a valid MSU LQ card. frigerator. parking Call 332-3393. "Animals Kellogg Center 332-5545 5-4 22 East Lansing Management Co. 4-4/20 YOUR DREAM OF extra cash can 745 Burcham D rive , Apt# 2 BEAGLE SCHNAUZER mix Excel­ come true when' you put a low- 214 SO. PRIVATE ROOMS with cooking avail­ lent with children. Female Five cost Want Ad to work for you. Transportation 351-7880, or 35Ì-4275 after 5 p.m* able now 526 Evengreen 3-4 18 months Shots $20. 351-5703. 1-4 16 CAPITOL 372-KtO Try one and see! RIDERS FROM Battle Creek leav­ ing 7 30 a m Monda v Wednesdav YOU GET MORE ADVANTAGES Thursday. Friday, returning 2 p m WHEN YOU GET LIFE INSURANCE P l a c e Y o u r Write Box A-l 3-4 17 EARLY! The earlier you begin your BONANZA SIRLOIN PIT family's life insurance program, the Wanted more you benefit. Your premium PEOPLE REACHER WANT AD TWO-MAN apartment tor fall-wili payments are lower, easier to 600 NORTH HOMER NEAR SAGINAW sublease Call Louise. 355-2104 budget. And your physical eligibil­ T o d a y . . . Just clip, com plete, mail. 3-4 16 ACROSS FROM SPARTAN TWIN THEATERS ity is easier to establish. It also pays to know how State Farm can STATE NEWS will bill you later. BLOOD IXINORS needed $7 50 tor provide a life insurance all positive A negative. B nega plan that best fits your tive. and AB negative. $10 00 O needs and your budget. negative. $12 00 MICHIGAN COM Interviewing For- So ask me about it today! M UNITY BLOOD CENTER 507 1 2 East Grand River East Lan­ Zip Cod* sing. above the new Campus Book Store Hours 9-3 30 Mondav Tues Bus People Phon* day. and Friday Wednesday and ■Stu.dint.lia. Thursday 12-6 30 337-7183 Broiler Cooks Consecutive Dates to Run. Counter Help GIRL TO share apartment $45 Own Heading ■ bedroom Preter graduate 484 Dish Washers 7648 2 4 17 Print Ad Here*. Porters WOMAN'S BICYCLE used Call Pat 355-2127 Celling $20 1-4 II JIM RYAN GEO. TOBIN Experience Not Necessary -- We will train you MANAGERS NEEDED for MSI foot RYAN & TOBIN hall team this spring Gill Stt up to $ per hour to start 4294 34 18 2.00 INSURANCE Full and part-time year-round positions 339 MORGAN LANE Peanuts Personals must be placed In person. DESPERATE* INFORMATION FRANDOR to apprehension at IM M i hawse fur Australian ( inadwa grail r e 10 Words or Loss: i day - >1.50 3 days - $3 .0 0 5 A y s - $5.00 wanted SSI-BIT M it 60^ pe r word 351-0050 Over 10 Words Add: w per wort 40f word CHILD CARE in my Suane S IS INTERVIEWING AT PLACEMENT BUREAU a ■ ta years up Phuwr 332«21« 34 if Mall tot Michigan State News WANTED ORIGIN A! ***** sod m 346 Student Services Bldg. tencs far pflm fik retewse and WtdiwsAa«, Thursday, Friday, April 17-1! STATE FARM Lilt Insurance Company puhltcstion Csh Jim si S S Ifli Homo Meo: Bloomington, Illinois MSU East Lcmslng, Mich. or Stew at «8-5*07 M l* Tuesday, April 16, 1968 1 4 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan FBI on trail of King suspect Conflict of interest Cherpes said his boarder left to the boarding house address (continued from page one) because there was no forwarding last March l--nearlv seven The boarder was "nice and in early August saying he had a address. Ic m Um * from page oec) approve contracts with the state ton to review the ¿rowetn. months after G alt had gone. R-Bloomfield Hills, said Mon­ friendly, quiet." said Cherpes. job "in the ships" at Mobile. or its political subdivisions if day that the two bills, if passed said that the two metaures , The Birmingham post office State records in Montgomery business enterprises doing He described Galt as about 6 Ala. he has a two-thirds approval had undergone "extensive d ra ft­ could give no forw arding ad­ showed the license was mailed business with the state into. law, would be "a tremen­ feet tall. 165-175 pounds, with About five months later, in of the governmental body in­ ing and re-drafting” by the dress fo r E ric Starvo Galt. upon request made in person or One of the two bills. HB dous breakthrough'' in a for­ blue eyes and light brown hair, February or March, a letter for volved after disclosure of his M ichigan Municipal League. But a duplicate driver's li­ by telephone and was not re­ 3512. will override provisions m erly gray area. a neat dresser and a man who Galt from Chicago arrived. interest Hampton, co-chairman of the Michigan Bankers Assn.. and cense in that name was mailed turned throueh the mail in municipal charters and all kept mostly to himself. Cherpes said, but was returned joint committee proposing the another legal firm , before an acts and parts of acts-in- Any public employe working G alt said he was employed by legislation, termed the bills agreeable version was submit­ c hiding 317 of 1966-dealing over 25 hours a week may a shipbuilding firm. Cherpes ‘clear and concise." He said ted to th?joint com m ittee. with conflict .of interest The not negotiate or approve a stated, and thought it was "In­ there was "every indication" Axe said the bills, intro­ bills would also lim it the rather contract at all galls iron works." Ingalls ship­ that they would be approved by duce# at the end of January, broad powers given to Kelley The bill provides a mis­ building is at Pascagoula. A TWO FREE COKES had gone through several months to that of interpretation only demeanor criminal penalty for the senate. check by The Associated Press, of drafting before. with every one item medium pizza It would set standards of con­ Under the two bills. Hamp­ tra ilin g the F B I. produced no violations Axe adm itted he had appeared duct for both public servants ton said. President Hannah record of an employe named The other bill. HB 3513. could hold a directorship on a before the joint committee to and public employes The E ric Galt. present analysis of the bills, only difference between the two uses the same test fo r an bank's board, which was pro­ About a week after renting a and a statement supporting the standards is that the public alleged conflict of interest hibited under P. A. 317 of 1966. room. Galt asked his landlord to two bills before the committee, Offer for offer for servant may solicit, negotiate. as that of its companion bill. John R. Axe. a lawyer with a help in getting an Alabama Limited to money interests and rejecting a third, proposed DORM Detroit firm requested by Hamp- driver's license. "He had bought DORM by Faxon, that later died in only, a conflict, as defined in a car. He asked me if I could Deliveries the com m ittee. Deliveries the 1963 Constitution, must drive him down to tqke the test." The Detroit lawyer, with the Only VISTA recruiting be a substantial one. where the Cherpes said. Only public official, indirectly or firm of Dickinson. Wright. Mc- Volunteers in Service to Cherpes said he did so. That directly, owns a large amount Days Kean and Cudlip. said rulings America (VISTAi will re­ was Sept. 6 . 1967. soon after of stock or is an officer in a made by the Attorney General cruit volunteers at MSI’ April (continued from page one) . Eric Galt had purchased a white company doing business with before the bills took effect as 15-19. Former volunteers are scheduled events. Mustang from a Birmingham the state. The officer must law "would probably stand." being asked to help in the re­ M ike Price. SDS member, car salesman. The driver's li­ also have taken part in the cruiting hoped that this program would cense application described Galt AND TRY ONE OF OUR FANTASTIC SANDWICHFS negotiation and approval of the Anyone interested is asked end the "conspiracy of si­ as 5 feet 11.175 pounds, blue eyes contract with the state. And to contact Jim Murphy. 702 lence" which surrounds many and brown hair. His birthdate the contract in question must Kellogg Center Vietnam issues. "The cur was July 20.1931. The application have been authorized by the Open housing riculum here is often divorced also claimed Galt had held a state or political subdivision (continued from page one) from discussion of these rele­ 1962 Louisiana license, but no thereof. New chairman vant topics," he said. At their March 6 meeting, record of this was found. The bill does not penalize The MSU Committee of the commission members stated that Within another week. Cherpes those entering into a contract speaks tonight Academic Days of Conscience they had heard no complaint; said, a package for Galt arrived *Th!s special applicable to on-campus deliveries only! who are innocent of the con­ or criticisms about the amend­ " VARSITY includes members of the MSU from Chicago. It was a card­ The all-campus radio net­ flic t of interest. Young Democrats. SDS. Student ment. The Council has repeat­ board box about 2 feet long and “Campus Renowned '* work. MSN. will broadcast a The bill provides, as penalty Religious Liberals, the Paper. edly read letters at their meet­ 1 foot wide. But Galt said, "they statement from the new for violation, that guilty officers Super Fast Delivery ED 2-6517 Students for M cCarthy and ings that have endorsed the sent me the wrong merchandise: ASMSU chairman at 9:30 to shall be removed from office. various faculty and students. commission's work. I'm sending it back." night. Rep. W illia m P. Hampton a W hy'PaYMore' Why Pay More! Why Pay~W'ore! Why Pay M or * -y Pay More! Why Pay M ore!_W h y Pay More FLOWER CLIP HATS LADIES’ SALE!! Flower clip hats with veils for that Spring Choose from two styles', colorful floral print. 100% and Easter colorful look. Buy several at cotton duck or solid stretch 100% cotton gab. Also this low price. available in Meijer Markets.

SIZFS 8 to 18

Ladles' Wear Dept. Ladies' Sportswear Dept.

SCONOMY U.S. D A . CHOICI All Blade C u ts |b. lb. Armour Star, Center Rib Cuts S M O K E D PORK 3« ON Pcckog® of iopco Labell W HITE SPRAY A N D i-pt. COLORS STARCH 6-o z.

G a y lo rd 1 -lb. can GRATED C > $1 t u n a D 1 .

r vw u V.LW D d u i i c rvm iLA FOOD CLUB TOPCO ft. l-q»., l-oi. l-LB. PKG. FABRIC SOFTENER PANCAKE MIX SAVI H* I 11’ I •Mi (Ms ceapee teward 9 the n w i ew ef S e l ■ uoyioro [ Peanut BUTTER I Any ar eH w que ninw illl with $5.00 purdwta er mere. ■ Ixctodtop how, win», dpowtta itaai« er cw yw ¡taxi«. •M ear aaataww. I i f l m let., April M, 1M(. M < > /1 p> <{■ /A.i tty Aitc^ Coupon f f lE IJ E R ■■■■■■■I 10T SAVE 10/ 10*/ SAVE 10/ 1 1 0 *1 thrifty acres JP arith MU» wepee learetd Wins HOT H H M WWW* Y W 2 On pw M M ef f * eoNMoe ef AND Quart tr Galton lln -p k o - e M t A f l « M et. M n |t Stewart*« M J k a J M im r MASTIC FREEZER BAGS 34? TEABAGS -*49 — 1 SUPER mRRKETS Any er eU iw yt w n Ow nnbto Mara, Aay at e l » e i e w ft tw H i with M M perche«* et «ai*. I Map bow, wie«, dpar«tt« Haan er »ep ee to e t. I 5125 W. Saginaw & kytol If;, j£tU »! IMI ww par «ait i aiir. Ixpiraa Sat., Aprii SO, IM I. 9 6200 S. Pennsylvania V 7 <’ 11 rt A Ì hit ! t \ / I i ( o u p o n M n i e r «V Ì ht ilt \ At i c s C o u p o n Wa ran nra tba right ta toait la raawaabla qaaatltla«. Prtoaa to thb a f peed thraaph Satarday, April 20,1968

VV / 1 v / ’ a y M A h \ I'.i \ Moro' \\ h \ Pay More! Why Pay More!