Xavier University Exhibit All Xavier Student Newspapers Xavier Student Newspapers 1964-10-02 Xavier University Newswire Xavier University (Cincinnati, Ohio) Follow this and additional works at: https://www.exhibit.xavier.edu/student_newspaper Recommended Citation Xavier University (Cincinnati, Ohio), "Xavier University Newswire" (1964). All Xavier Student Newspapers. 2170. https://www.exhibit.xavier.edu/student_newspaper/2170 This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the Xavier Student Newspapers at Exhibit. It has been accepted for inclusion in All Xavier Student Newspapers by an authorized administrator of Exhibit. For more information, please contact [email protected]. i Xavier University Library a vier ems Vol. XLIX. CINCINNATI, OHIO, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 2, 1964 TEN CENTS No. 2. PARKING LOT CRISIS NEAR W ork111en, Dornt Ilr.llalllelllies 'Vill Gobble Up Student Space Former Pro[ Was Psych DearlnJeut Dean Asks For Patience \\'hen Pro.iect Beg·ins Cl:nair111au In Tibbles Nov. 1 Requiem High Mass for Dr. "The parking situation will get Ignatius Hamel, 73, 4354. West worse before it can get better." Eighth St., Price Hill, former With this statement, Rev. Patrick cliait·man of the Xaviet· Univer­ H. Ratterman, S.J., Dean o[ Men, sity psychology department and succintly summed up the plight dil'ector of the guidance depart­ of the driving Xavier student. He ment, was intoned Thursday at further staled that "During the 9:30 a.m., at St. William Church, present academic year, because Pl'ice Hill. of the construction on campus Dr. Hamel died Monday after which brings hundreds oC con­ a brief illness in St. Francis Hos­ struction workers to the campus, pital. the parking will be very difficult. Father Ratterman said that He began his teaching career "because of University building in the Minnesota school system plans, it can be foreseen that and later went on to receive a there will certainly be something full professorship at Duquesne of a parking crisis in and about University, Pittsburgh, ahd Villa the Xavier University campus Marie College, Erie, Pa. actcr November l ." The exten~ivc Xavier University 1iai11ed the building plans will be taking services of Dr. Hamel as a pro­ place until well past September fessor of ·psychology .. in 19'17. o[ 1965. Aft~r a brief :te~ui:e of' ~eryiee- The Dean of Men also spoke o! 111 this capacity, ·he was appointed "long-range projects" which shall ehairman· of the psychology de­ include the terracing of part of ~rtment. Reds' Streak Ends Alter Xavier·Band Welem11e the twelve acres the University owns behind the Tibbles-Hern Id After his retirement in .1960, Thousands of cheering Reds fa.ns were National League pennant race. The Xavier lot. This project will include the D1-. Hamel entered into private on hand Sunday night to welcome home University band, at the invitation of Mayor construction of the new dorm, the practice in the greater Cincinnati the co~quering heroes. The Reds were re­ Walton H. Bachrach, was on hand to lend University Cent c r, and the area. The Ignatius Hamel Medal tun1ing from a nine-game winning streak a musical hand to the festivities. Memorial Library, for outstanding ach_ievement in that had put them in second place in the -NeU's (Ryan) Photo psychology was established in his Not only will one hundred honor on the Xavier campus at student parking p 1 a c c s in the Tibbles lot be lost but "hundreds this time. Council Refuses To Endorse Picketing of construction workers will be He is survived by his wife, Student Council voted down the power to represnt Xavier's wa1·d Franz, Peter Collins, James coming to campus each day and M1·s. Eleanor Hamel; a stepson, last week a resolution to officially students in such a matter. It was Kenkel, and Craig Hildebrand. .most of them will be driving Joseph O'Neill, currently on a sanction the recent picketing of also suggested that "picketing il! cars." Additional parking spaces tour of duty with the U. S. Navy Cincinnati's new Playboy Club childish" and that "perhaps the will be lost in the Brockman in San Francisco, Calif.; a sisler, by a group of Xavier sludents. Playboy C l u b was benefitting Death Takes parking area to provide a place Mr:;. Fidelia McLaughlin, Sioux from the notoriety." for construction materials. Thomas Conway, '66, leader of Falls, South Dakota; and one the picketers, made a lengthy Following the defeat of a mo­ R. L. tinfoot Father Ratterman summed up gl'andchild. Another son, Frank, by saying that "It is my sincere plea for Student Council's en­ tion by Gregory Bozcar to refer Ralph L. L i n ! o o t, 55, 8686 died several years ago. hope that if students understand dorsement. "It was our belief," the resolution to a commitfee for Farmbrook Dr., was pronounced the situation they will be more he later explained to Newsmen, careful study, the resolution was dead at S w a i m Fields Golf patient under the trying circum­ "that Council should support our defeated, 9 to 4, in a roll-call vote Course, Montgomery, Wednesday stances that arc certain to de­ picketing because we thought this requested by Sophomore Presi­ afternoon after he was stricken Cl1ow Time Is velop.'' fell into the realm of Student dent Joseph Trauth. by a heart seizure when playing. :Your Time Council's responsibility. We felt The voting was as follows: Aye Less than a month agci Mt'. that our picketing should be sup­ -Peter Rebold, Joseph Trauth, Linfoot had been appointed di­ sister, Mrs. Jean McFadden, Hor­ A serious gastronomical prob­ ported because it was taking a Philip Schmidt, and Thomas Gra­ reclor of the Xavier Institute of nell, N. Y. lem that has plagued Xavier stu­ definite stand against the Playboy velle; Nay-William Tepe, An­ Business Services. Requiem High Mass will be dents for years has been solved. philosophy." thony Thomas, Gregory Botear, Surviving him are his wife, intoned at 9:30 a.m., Snturday in Many are the times that hungry Conway said that he planned, Peter Galicky, Gerald Paler, Ed- Jewell Smith Linfoot, and one Sl. Robert Bcllarmine Chapel. Muskies have been turned away If he received Council's support, _from South Hall between the to seek the support of 'the Area hours of 3:30 and 6:00 - bul that Tlae Price Of P·rogress Student Council at &heir meeting­ is all in the past. scheduled for last Sunday. "With South Hall is now open on a the Area Council endorsement, Campus ~ccommodations Costs To Rise we Intend to reprimand the adult round the clock schedule - at Air conditioned and ca1·peled equipment as the main factor in all student activities, is now un­ people of ClnelnnaH and to show least for eight hours more pe1· rooms will cost Xavier d01·mies a $15 per semester increase in them that many students the der consh·uction on a lot at the week. The extension ()f hours is In $20 more a semester when Hus­ cafeteria fe'es to become effective Queen City ·area do not want a north end of Logan Hall. Com­ due to the efforts of Mrs. Jewell man Hall is completed next fall. when the University Center is Pla1bo1 Club here.'" pletion of that facility is expect­ Carpenter, South Hall Cafeteria Rev. Patrick H. Ratterman, completed .next Septembet'. Pres­ ed to come by mid-1965, Director. Mrs. Carpente1· stated (The Area Council meeting dean of men, announced yeste1·­ ent cafeteria chat·ges average that she suggested the change in was later concelled.) day that the extra rates for lux­ $215-$225 per semester. aervice hours to provide students He pointed out to Council that ua·y are part of a general increase HUSMAN HALL will be locat­ the opportunity for "leisurely the picketers would have a lot in boarding expenses which will ed at the site of the playficld Thcf Inside New~-)' afternoon snacks" and "to assure more weight behind them in the become effective in September, pa1·king lot on Cleneay Avenue. enough time for those graduate future if they were able to say 1965. Plans for &lie $1.5 million dol­ Page and night students who wish tq that they represented "50,000 At present, the charge for all lar dormitory were announced eat here immediately aftet· they kids" than it they were just 20 campus accommodations is $125 last October w h e n Cincinnati Sewers and Closets . • • • . ~ aet oft work. before their classes 1tudents picketing. pea· semester. Next fall the tab . builder and potato ehip manu­ Pickets and Playboys, ..•.•... 3 ' begin." SEVERAL Councilmen voice.d will be $140 per semester. Ac­ facturer Harry J. Husman eon­ . An Otlenslve Sputter. • • • • . • . 4 The new schedule reads: Mon• objections to the resolution: commodations in plush Husman tributed an lniUal sm of $350,000. Pariah Strikes Back. • • • • • . 5 Mr. Husman died at Jewish Hos­ day through Thursday, ,7:30 a.m. among them were the question o't Hall will cost $160 per semester. Council Cash Cut. • . • • • . • • 6 Father Ratterman cited the pital last week following a lonr to 10:30 p.m.; on Fridays, 7:30 whether Council has the right Farley's Anaerican Credo.,. 2 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.; and on Salur• to try to force its philosophy on purchase of s e v e r a l hundred i1111ess, l'he Univcrsit)' Center, to house Women Warned Of Wolves. • • I 4ays, 7:30 .a.m. to 1:30 p.na. others and whether Council has thousand dollars in k i l c h e D Pace Twe CINCINNATI, OHIO, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 2, 1964 News Platform For Progress At Xavier: e lnCf'eased emphasis on the responsibility of the individiLal .
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