
FALL CLEARANCE • :• i d Cars· and Trucks i -Now On- THE DAILY NE s •• ! - a Nova Motors Ltd. • No. 212 THE DAILY NEWS, ST. JOHN'S, NFLD., TUESDAY, OCTOBER 6, 1959 iPrlce: 7 Cents) Charles Hutton &Sons '

•·" " . I ..I ·~ ea oon. 'I, ! I' I ~ i' i According To Plan[ I' F.S1'0S GROVER ling close to the Russians' pre·J vealed, and most of It made pub- that It would approach within I . ' •.\P• - The So1•iet dieted position and could be said lie afterward. 7,000 mllometres 't4,350 miles I of! is expected to · to be on course. l , Thus man will have his fil'llt the moon at its closest point. The I moon today, .curve Tass news agency reported that answer to the question that has 'orlsinal announcement said 10,· Bnd take man's first at 2 p.m. ADT the satellite was Intrigued scientists for centuries: 000 kilometres t6,210 mllesl would. the side alwa)·s 284,000 kilometres t 176,384 miles> What's on the back of the moon? be the nearest. · .. the earth. from the earth at a point over The flying laboratory - which '' space! ll'al'eller I the south Atlantic. the Russians are calling an "au· ,, a.< on the last lap , The Soviet space .station is ex· tomatic Interplanetary station" N STREET .. mile journey. Its i pee ted to make its rendcz\'ous to. and ~hich Professor Vsevoiod "Nutty", •lnwrd to a cosmic day at 11 a.m. ADT and start Ill· Sharo:tov of Leningrad Monday ., ti'r corth's grao,:ita· in:; back electronic data immedi· called "a complete automatic ob- . r.ut thr Russians said ately. sen•atory" - will complete Ill ,Says ~onty ;•ccordin~: to plan. TELL PVRI.IC swing around earth's natural sat· 1 ~n ~~ Britain's rocket· This will be correlated at the elllte and then orbit back toward LONDON (Reuters l - Fleld'l at .lodrcll Bank . central Sodet computing ~talion, the parent planet. Marshal Viscount Montgomery I ,nid it was tra1·ell· i whose location h!IS :10t been re· The latest word from Tass was said Monday night anybody who votes for the Labor Partv In j Thursday's general election Is . "of! his rocker" and should be Gaulle's, Algerian Offer "locked up In a lunatlc·asylum." Montgomery. 71, · who retired from miUtary life last year, told a students' society here that with Dominate French Assembly a solution to world problems In . · Rrutrrs I -President 1 Already two right • wing AI ately by opposition converts from sight It would be "madness to· ·;-·: ....~ G;ntlle's offer of self. I gerian deputies have said they the left. The Socialist and radical· change the ma:~agement" of the · 1 to Al;:eria will! will introduce a motion of ce~· centre opposition Is solidly behind Igovernment. · '· :r.e t1CII' session of the sure against the government. But dt Gaulle's plan. ------wrmbl>· opening to· it Is gh·en little chance of sue· . · cess, with probably no more than : TO OUTLINE POLICY ILOST HAT I on tic Gaullt>'s olfer. t2 other deputies ready to openly. Informed parliamentary sources . · o1 independence, :m· 1·ote against the :;ol'ernme:~t. ·said the gover~me:~t .decided to·~ TORO:\'TO ICPI M. F d I Frnnt·r or autonomy 1 In an~· case. a:~y defection! day that Prcmter Michel Dcbre ! , : , , -: ! s. re a . Frrnch community !rom the gol'ernment majority by will make a .detailed statement Rrolln, ~6. o. S)dne~ ~bncs, ~.S ... 1 Ort. 13. 'the right will be filled immedi·: Oct. 13 on de Gau:le's policy. Transis annoyed • Canada about Atrt.he Lmes~rash plane:of 1 NACO"<• '·"• Japan-. ' s urv11'ors · of T YP1 1oon Vera, which raged through this city Sept. 27th, spend a night on the rool ul • here Saturday night because she : a damaged home after their possessions were lost in the storm. More than 1,0011' bodies were found in this citv, lo~t her daughter's hat. . ; one of the hardest hit hv the typhoon. The nation-wide toll wus 1,7i4 dead and 1,980 missing.-UPI Photo. ' Mrs. Brown,. who was makmg , ' · In Funds, Big her first flight, emerged from the i · · . Itplane bounced only slightlyinto the bruised ground after 400 Snow H•ltS West I: M w·ll F. ht F 'pt . feet s~ort of the ru:~way at Mal· . I I 0 .To De ton A1rport. - i ac . g · r Defence "My first words to my son were , ~~DMO~TON !CPl - ~lost of' . . 'I've lost that hat, and I prom· Alberta from the Peace River D.\\'E !\lclSTOSH !acti\'ities and·or ~ersonnct !the la~t sever11l rears an unwr•t· ised Viola l'd take care of,it'," • country' to Calgary, was covered ' 1 Prr!s staff Writer I A third altcrnatll'e - retention :ten government policy that ?e· i sAid Mrs. Bfown. I with up to two inches of -snow E I s . T lk I t cr ,_The great dil· I of obsolescent or obsolete \\'CliP. ., fe:.ce expenditures should not rise : When the excitement was over' ! 1\!onday following the first gen· ar y um m I a s defence de~artment ons-cannot be co~si~ered, offl·. ~bo,·e the level of about $1,700,· i she fo11nd herself c}utching ~n· l1 cral snowfall of the year, the Ed· decrease 10 funds clals said, because 11 11 ould mean I 000,000 a year. . Iother hat. She doesn t know how mont on weather office reported. lor n~w weapons and that the retention of ar~ed forces I But in the meanll.me, the costs she got hold of it. . , Hardest hit was the Vermilion· : , ...... · . ofllctals said Monday, themselves would be pomtless. ol armed forces mamtenance aud i Mrs. Brown arrived here w1th ICoronation area of east·centrai . LO~DO:-l !..\P 1-Pnme :\l1m~·' Prcs•dc:~L Etsenhower gave :\lac· able Lhat :\lr. ~la'cm1llan now . may be a ha1·d CERTAIN LEVEL operations-salaries, gas, e:l~ine Iher daughter Betty, 22. to visit Alberta 'where more iha~ two ~ tcr Macmillan .Promised :\londay • millan the brush·olf lor tryin;: to\ should play party rolitics with the government: An Ho'! does the problem of de· repairs 11nd the !ike-have r1sen her son James and his family,! inches ~·as re orted at mid:morn· ; tp ,ke~p. on ll.l:hling !or early: ~tse t.he summit. conference in. the j such vital world i~sucs.·~ . ·. - .. ir.crease In the defence creasmg fu:~ds for new wea!!Ons steadily an~ eat up a greater and residents of sllburbarr-Scarbor· ,:, ·with snoJ still falling 1 summ1t talks. He dcn1ed he 1s i elechon campaign, They cited a 1 "It can only a;ager and irl'itate 1 10 thr eliml~a!ion of some arise? !greater proportion or the defence borough. · 1 Edmonton had a manti~ of !.a , making a .Political football out ~r: sta~ement from Elsenh~wer's va· ~ ou.~ ·allies," ~e said. commitments and First of all there has been in budget. . Despite the mishap here, they :inches of snow. At Rocky Moun· ! the summ1t cal~; , 1~aUon hea~quarters m Palm: . It would m.dccd be a t~agedy , . plan to fly home In two weeks.j Iaiit Hbuse, 100 miles southwest ' . Both :llacm~ttan s Consen·a-; Spn~gs, Caitf., Ihat Ihere had ; 1f the prospects of a summ1t con· "It's the o:1ly way to travel,", in the foothills region. two inches! h\'es ~nd th~ ~abor Party led: heen no a~recment yet to hold: fcrence we:e I? be worse:~ed by Mrs. Brown said, "but that last 1had fallen. Snow flurries were ; by II.•oh Gatts_kell to.ok . up t~e sum~~~ talks.. . 1 :'>Jr. l\~acmlli.a~ s c! u m ~ y at· step is a tricky one." reported at Caigar\'. summ1t t?iks as a ma)or.1ssue m: M01.,an Ph1lhps. secretary or. t~mpts to brm., t~e 1ssu~ mto the EJE CT CoN TRACT · Thursdays general eieclldh. 'the Labor Party, told a London I!mal slages of h1s electiOn cam· Labor leaders declared that · press co~fercnce "it is in toler· paig:J." 'RGH !API - The· to end the 83·day steel strike .. :the negotiators got together for R ' w ' · ~eel workers Union re· i . ' an hour and announced meeting I contract offer Mon· The reJ~ctton came at a two·, would be held Monday night-the ; USSians on t r~n nn:ochd ~ill'n:e wherr thr titie1·..-., mi;;ht return . • • Oon lice chic£ .famr' ~lackey re· pntir~ founrl them in a cornrr. · lie i·Hiic;~tcd lu~ mi.;ht kno"' I •vi ng I'111te!l in the rccnl'ri'Y Satunlay 'roiled up in hcmy winlr. ~Tap· the identity of t h r thirl·es. S t .Of L . Jl . B:r ROBERT RICE . moo" with no intention to n~n · ni~ht o£ si~ ma.•trrrirccs .'tnlrn pin~ paper. :--RCMP ·said compared with an output .of ~·· 1last October. sued against him in. Bosto:l mu· T B • I • Monday three juveniles were re- 410,226 to~s during the pertod 10 D · · c 1 c · • nicipal court . 0 ~.55 1958 omtmon oa ompanv s pro- · · . egm nqwry . 1CPI - Police 1Monday, wounding one. man tnd sponsible for the Sept, 18 derail· · · . duction slipped 10 713,200 tons this !\~iss Kauffman was a research · ment of a CNR passenger train The figures cover ,the prov· year from 972,900 In 1958. Its big- asststant for ~rof. Stanley Spe~· . attempted armed capturi:'IJ another afte~ a roof· a finance company top chase. A lhird man escajled. near Sussex, N.B., 44 miles south !nee's !7 active producers. gest subsidiary, Old Sydney Col·· tor of St. LoUis. She had ~een m , By .JOHN LeBLANC and St. Johns. Nfld., Nol'. 17. · of here. ' TQHE WORK FORCE IN THm lleries produced 137 218 tons this Singapore for a year With the Canadian Press Staff Writer · Ottawa, Dec. 4 for anywhere A black suitcase containing There were no Injuries whim the The work force In the mines year, down from 2o8,460 last year. Spector fa m II.Y and ~eturned 1 from 10 days to two weeks. . $700 in cash and $1,400 in cheques locomotive, three baggage cars · home on the freighter w1t~ Mrs. OTTAwA 1CP> - The federal' . . was recovered~ and lead coacb of train No. 44 .l s . • Spector and the three ch•!dren. royal commission on railways will A western tour. 11 was ell· from Saint John, N.B •• to Monc· She vanished from the sh!P the start the lirst lap or its trans· I peeled, was to hegi:l early in the ~-~:--;;;;::-!11 : Three· employees who were ton left the ralls as they ap.- Dou b e h o' otzng night of Sept. ts· as the fre•ghter i continental inquiry at Quebec new year. · talking over telephones are said proached the atatlo:1 at Sussex. . was steaming out of Boston har· 1City Oct 22 : ------to hava . passed the word alo~g An RCMP spokesman said II MAXVILLE, Ont. CCP> - A was hiding In a pa:~try and her Ibor for ~ew York. ~er hall·cl~~ i . . ! • , when the· bandits entered, wear· :ge~0~ %~t bekla~~ J!~t~! youth forced to witness a double husband did not find her. body wa~ .rou:J~ the next day ! Hearings at Atlantic capitals are ' ____..lr'lll"'tll"'l.,..,..,.r .. lng silk atockinga over tbelr 0 1 shooting Sunday told police a Lacroix then charged through· a harbor •sian · ·scheduled for Nol'embe~. followed heads. juveniles. farmer who failed to find· hiS es· the back door of the house and by a stand at Ottawa m Decem- Within minutes · aquad can tranged wife killed hill son-in-law fired a blast .Into the stomach of cN R ber. The seve:t • man commis- Weather I . roared up and police burst l:~to and the:J hlmseU. Merriman who stood 60 feet away • • • sion has not yet- arrived ~t firm I • Sunny. High today 52. the offices of a Communlly Fl· Ships Collide . In the doorway o[ the barn. A• • dates for the remainder of · its Ernest Murry, 21, of Apple Hill, fitment nance Corporation brench. NORFOLK, Va. ,API - The said. John Lacroix, so, forced bin Police said Lacroix then ran pp01 sittings. TEMPERATURES One man was ·felled by a bullet aircraft c a r r I e r Franklin D. at shotgun point to drive two over 11nd began. heating the dying MONTREAL (CPl G d A An announcement fr· o'm com·. Roosevelt aDd the fleet !Iller raw· miles to the farm of Wllliam man over the head with the .~hot· - or on · . Montreal ; • . . 65 76 (rom .the tun of Constable Jeall· '. catuck collided during a refuel· Merriman, 23, ·'Lacroix's son-in· gu:~, breaking the stock. Duthi~ nas been appointed Jlead mission headquarters today listed 53 75 ' Guy Lussier. A second' man dived llnr· operation off the Virgt:~la 1 o~ Canadian N~tional R~il~~:;ays' thes~ dates: Ottawa Oct 22 and Ltd, .. · coast Sunday. Atlantic fleet head· aw • \ Murray said he went to the La· p•ggy.back serviCe - rmt mo~e· 78 . ever 1~ 1 . u tbrouah, a glass window to the Tlie youth said Lacroix ran croix farm to visit Lacroix' son, ment of trucks on flat cars-the ; Montreal Oct. 23, followed by a Halifax • • . . • 58 .. quarters· reported Monday. No 1 ~ou 11 when aome- roof ·and cUmbed to anotb~r. roof. one was hurt and damage to the through the Merriman farmhouse Edward, who wasn't home. Murry company an:1ounced Monday, In j recess. to take It away Coutable Gilbert Lemieux fired Roosevelt ·was stlaht. The Paw· seeking Iris w!Ce, who left him was leaving when Lacroix forced t~e newly' established position. 1 • . J t~ · lllellMI• two: 1fiota : end . tht 111111 •ur· catuck was .. dam*ltd more ex three'menths igo to live with her him to drive to the Merriman Mr. Dutt'lie will have charge o! 1 Fr~dencton, No1· .. 9; Charlotte· . ·. rtu,rtd. . .. •teulvefy; . · daulbter, Ethel. Mra. Lacroix f11rm. fht rail·highwa>: network.. town, Nov, 11: Halifax, Nov. 13, . • •I '. i ...::. .. .. '. \ . .. • THE DAILY NEWS, ST. JOHN'S, NFLD., TUESDAY, OCTOBER 6, "I enjoyed tl1e tough win·· thenia e I v es. Peopie are . arid to such far-away places ST. JOfU ter,'• aald ·Mr. Butler, a thinking, acting, nnd work·: as the Island groups sonth of F• d F• h stocky, genial man who~e ·Ins differently. They have the Equator. Retiring from In 'S Back ·Home. After looks belle hls 68 years. "and a new and different outlook 'I !JlC Ministry ln 1957, ;\tr. But· . ' II With Electrcnics had a wonderful time the past on life.'' ' lcr made his home near Balli· I . r l · By WARD CANNEL summer. There Is a strong · ENTERED MINI~TRY , m?rc, Maryland. in, a ·IItle J'I:E,\ Staff Correspondenl I .contrast between conditions Born In St. Johns In 1992, i to~:n c~lled Severn. In S~Pd· W·\LTH~M Mass tNEAl _ · .. ·. . ~- ' .. ~ (,~ •, now and as they were when I the year of the "Great Fire": !ember cf last year he deC! ·. :•·.":., u · a~other ··\·ictor for . . . Fifty Years left here 50. years ago. Hous· Mr. Butler left Newfoundland 1 ed to pay a visit to. his home · modern %cience over natur~. lng facilities equal anything at lhe age of seventeen ln! l::nd, after nearly fifty years r In this Instance, human nature By· M.P.M.. . on the mainland or ln the .}909. BefDre leaving here he j absence. He arrived here, ac· For a recent survey prollin~ It was a great ·pleasure some time ago to meet United States. There has took part In· the sealflshery c~mpanled by his wife, a ~a· ! deep bto the subconscious o£ -.e·of.the many ucome·home" Newfoundlanders wn' 0 ~een a tremendous advance- and. the codflshery and. spent t1ve or Chatham~ Ontll'IO,, America:~ sportsmen shows be· .,,. ment In education. Hfghways some tlmc as a truckman In and spent a years v~ntlon , ------­ visit the old homeland from time to time. and to get are. already becoming a draw· this city, Such work helped with his brother, Ralplf well· bullt and repaired roads by ftimt him some impressions. of his return· to Ntw• Ina card for tourists. Air to defray hls ~ollege cx:11~n·~· known clh• mascn. pick·and·shovel and pony· · and rail transport have been sea and when· he arrived In "MUSCLELENE" drawn carts and the main founclland after. fifty years absence. . transformed. There Is much lhe United States he went to Speaking or the changes ln power was 'musclelene• - FlftJ YIIJ'I il I 10111, lona ------more money belng earned on work as a farmhand In Pen· working conditions, Mr. But· now It ls gasolerie power and time, ln4 with · the rapid September of last year on a land activities and Industries nsylvilnla In order to obtain ler .sald: "When I went ~0 the oil. Today; excessive power atdd" made· ill every Phllle Ylslt to hla brother, Ralph, appear to be Increasing. Tele· m11re money for tultlon rees. sea:flshery wlth. old Cap n Bob Is belng brought to bear in of. life in the present century did find many chaqges, not phone and telegraph facUlties In 1917 he became a mlnlstcr, , ... -~ .wer.e th1rty sh_ips, ~n· various heavy and highgrade a mu who yJaltl his homeland only ln material development have advanced tremendously of the Seventh Day Adven- gaged 1n the hunt. This ~cQr. machino)ry and wonderful ~r fifty yeara abaence must but also In the present·day since the o!d days. And not tlst Church and served ror; L.:) ;ook part. Whe~ was changes have taken place in find ltlrWD1 ehan111 In· Newfoundlander'• outlook on only have materia)' conditions many years on the Labrador.! h~~!!·~J . a cod trap m . thde labor conditions.'' llte4. life. And his reactions to the changeil but the psychology on the mainland of Canada. ~orth the c?ast was lme JIGGER AND HOOK :.Giorle Butler, rlltlred cllantes he baa noticed may of the Islanders has changell In the United States, and with tr:1;•;; and ut!:er flsblng "It was good to get a year ltventh l'lay Advent!Jt ·min· be beat described ·In his own to an extent probably not ap. then went "down under to gear. Tod<•Y· onlY a few are of the pure atmosphere of !IC,ir, Whl arrived here In worda. parent to Newfoundlanders Australia and New Zealand working at the fishery, We !'et philosophers and : rreshed and rea>,urcd. ' the map, and this ycar especi· ' psych!atfiSts for yea~s to co~e. ' : ally It Is In the limelight or , But m. the meantime. so It : B d d lOWERS THE BOOM ' the world. I return to l\Iarv·! shouldn t be a total loss. an elec·. rea -all - l land with a cook book flll~d tronil.> company in Waltham is· ; with Newfoundland recipes; a. n~w in full protluclion. with a ~e·. Butter Js;;:ue i book of :"'ewroundland songs· I'Ice ~uar:l1t.eed to find a r :wenn~ mrcntion. hes m mak~ their lir<, more ' hanrlicrart and lm:>ressions, the company s sab off •c. . able and pro.;terou- l of a home'land that has made · . ''WE're turulng o~t one fish- . Foreign policy :< ; rapid progress towards better fmder t":? .0 ou; ponant c!ec1ion I '. e~'CI'~ m:n~tes r i lil•ing during th~ past ten asscmbl~ h~e: a Ra~~ ~~~n and the riral 'I :.J Brand new : vears. T I al' ·ith ke n company olflctal Siad. \\e I'C Consen·atilc Prar~ .. 0 •' 1 • • • e e ~. a . made 1t very clear that the de· 'I 1 , dcsu e that the 1 oad acl o!is .· t 510 _ i. ..., ranteed r aro d ~lacmitlan and · tJ1e Isla d will so bn ur 1 oce cos" -"· s ... a Leader II ugh t;a l·kel! · n ... on ' s , · lot· o~.I.v fi1·e •·ears. and that •·ou fully guaranteed fa d S0 that ne l ·' ' ' mit" leadership ma1· I I •I. ~. , ce · . can cross ~ . wilt probably hao:c to ~trend S9.9.i soiidatin~ fattor in. l I In a day next hme. And Ia ercrv •·ear 10 replace the bat· i I · but not least, I lcal'e with . t . · ' one party Ol' thr o1~rr. ·I I • h . - r ei'ICS, ' . But expencne~d , man~ appy mcmone, o . a 1 "F.rcn >o. we're runnmg 20 :1.1rre the rrr I carongd c.>P.• c 1e kWI ?_· lt"ke a standard·s:zed alarm general elec1icn - II · sprca cyn1c1sm _and s CJl\1·. clock. weighs fil'e pJtmds and which party i> lfe I . . cism to be found 1n· our mod· has for some reason or other. better and full~r for 1 ~e r I I ern world.'' I bee~ >mart;y st~·led Ll gray and . man~ TIRES ! i\fr. and :\1rs. Butler return· co·eJnl. The election n:anife!to1 1 <'d to their homr in Se\•crn. It works hv sendinn out 1.20ll c t · d b (SIZES 6.00i 16, 6.10: 15} 11 13 ' :\1~ryland. on Septembt'r 25th, I ultrasonir ~~~:·als p;r minute ~~n~cr.l'a I·el an , ; ~~ I · 'th 11 th b t · . , .. 1sp.a1 eq 1a co.l..a!n.e. · b~ lngmg WI . 1em e , cs . and c:JtcitiJ:g the returm~;: ech· , EC0~0.\1\' SAllJ . Wishes or thc1r many rnends. o~< a> a ser"es o' f!a•l:es on an: In a prc:acc 10 I and the hope t~~t they w11i indicator. Raytheon people as·, til'e man'fcsto · P.a~· another V!Stt soon to ~ sure me that thr ~onics. are too, serves "I do 1,,: :\ewfoundland. : ultra to be heard by fishermen: period in m~· ~ife~!me , or fosh. : eco~omy has bct•n ,o TERRIFIC VALUE! ' "II ~cq~lr~s o~l~ .. a few mo· the prbs~rity r.i oar ments tnstructton. engmeers home 50 widrh· 1.,ay. "to lea; n how lo i:lterpret . Labor'< · . · the ~iff.erent kinds or flash~>< o~ the su~g~stinn ti::>I the mdtcator: how to tell what !~. prosperity i' ,:,arrd or lake bottom. rock. mud or fish-. "In fact. the ro".:~ac: Aclllally. tl1e fi>hfinder has a the extreme< of wca~ti -THESE ARE BRAND NEW TIRES I wrrld or U>t'< away from the en)· is sharprr ro~ay REMEMBER I lake or !'!ream. years a~n." it '·'''· ' ' "It wili me.1~ure the rleJl(h of "The busint•--:11;n any liq:tid," a ~ale:: !'Xecutirc · free expcJ~c ;wco.:nt. 1 MADE AND FULLY GUARANTEED BY ~n·d, ··so we ha1·e orders from Ialor with ta\·L·rp brewers. oil distributor~. civil, and the retirin; defense groups and farmers. · tor with a t~' · I "h ll'ill al~o work on land and : pavment dur to a !driec\ obstacles like trees and' th~se people lt;nr • ' buildings but there is some I had it so ~oorl GOOD}fYEAR !doubt as to its real need in this I "It i5 not •n <:~od for ' area." ' owed mother w :h · WELCOME WAGON I By far, of course, the biggest chronic sick, thf HOSTESS dema:1d ha~ come from out-and· f played, and the• 1: .. , CANADA'S BIGGEST TIRE MAKER I ou_t spor.ts. fosherme:1 who rely on l 3~2 pensionw who h~~·t . Will Knock at Your Dool I this :Jrtl\"lty t.o escape _the. tre·l qunte supcraJ"uat.~o~ . . h G'f . menrlous strams of thc1r h1·es. Britain'< coc 1a: · Wit I ts and Grectmgs And so, stacks of order~ sho\1·: pr~:nin~nii,,: i~ 1he

from Friendly Business the first. ,,.a,·e is from fe~rful;y 1 d'n;: and co•mterb:rtding DON'T DILLY DALLY - MOVE FAST- THEY WON'T LAST Neighbours and Your busy lttans-bank. preside:lts,: toral support. . . . doctors, board cha1rmen, etc.- I • CiVIC and Soc1al as you can sec immediately how I . On the occasion of: this gadget can step up a vaca·; Somt' stato•tws up us." Ne C t h (' lion or an afternoon off. , ccnlly by thP BBC w ~mer 0 t e lty. No more muss, fuss or tedious, !l9r;;. or the cer>gr•pm• vry gra BECAUSE THESE TIRES ARE MADE BY The B1rth of a Baby, hours of unproducti\'e diversion.,· of Britain Mifflin, I PHONE You merely scan the bottom television: ·of , Regie 94865 6957 90943 with your fishlinder until you. cO\"erage 1s thr for ha1 GOODIYEAR • or fi:ld the fish. Then you simply world. FAMOUS THE WORLD OVER. FOR BEST QUALITY TIRES SEE THEM WHILE THEY LAST 4 •••• ONlY '5·9 RAMBLERS . . HURRY --TIME WAITS FOR NO MAN­ YOU SAVE - WE LOSE $ GCING $ AT ROCK BOnOM Avall•ble In $. PRICES $ BIRCH • MAHOGANY • W I ELM • ASH • OAK • ·SEE THESE TODAY - YOU'LL OWN ONE TOMORROW S

• f • • • • •. . • • . . • r. . - LIMITED ... 5l1EMAICHANT lOAD ... ::·· · DIAL 4193 }~ .• ·!;: . • .. -' . .,., ' -. • . .. . • . . . • '. • ••. ' •.••. ·,... .

...... :...._-··•(1',,"

'· ~ IBER 6, 0111 __sr_. J-Ofot_N_'s_, N-EW--FO-UN-D-LA_N_D "'---~-··------1-'_'h_e __ l_l_a_i_l~y:__M __e_w--.-·s---~----~TU-·- ·Eso_A....Y,_·· oc_' _-·_.. _,, ...... __ I !' .,I -~ ..·ttee Of Inquiry Into Back 'To ' ,~ . . .• · The Banks Residential Envrronment And Home Sir Brian Dun· benefit from tbis study." of the Town Any penon who knows how The bcglnnin~: o£ a general rommission, has In· a fine housing area was de\'e· Iceland Had rxodus or ;:ll the Portugcse Dally News that a loped, or what prevented iL ships in· port took place at 2 te of H1e Royal from being even finer, Is U!'iled p.m. yesterday when several 1 n s tit u t e of to put the story in writing to ·Good Season or them passed out the Nar­ will b~ touring Canada the committee · in Ottawa right rows, headed for the Banks . .' ron1mittee hope to get away. Plans and photos, if With ·Herring and then home to Portugal I.' the winter. The available, will make the points after a not very successful ! . "·ill comprise of clearer. -:rh~ architects' com· Record landings of 135,000 f!shery. More went late yes· ' of Montreal, John mlttee plans to ask those who Ions of herring were reported terday afternoon and early of Toronto and C. E. send In statements to give fuller as of August 24, by Iceland this thls morning and by tonight of Vancouver. explanations when the com· year as compared to 62,000 tons lt is ex:>ected that all Portu· i. tee in their lour mit tee visits their region. For at the same time last year. This gcse ships In the Harbour major centres will the hearings In each province, year's landings are the highest will be on their way. So It I . ' 111d ask questions about 1 a mem~r of the provincl~l since 1944. Since the north and Is bon voyage to these hardy hOustng developments. architects association wlll Jom east coast herring were moving fishermen and a safe return to .lind out which the national committ!e. far out to sea, the season was next year. bf!l to live In and flow While tile committee does not almost ended at the end of . ran be made as good ask to have all the statements August. The value of lhe catch •' wt ha\'e, ~ey invite Immediately, its visits can be Is estimated at o\·er Ikr, 200 10 m 1"~''"' on thls sub- spent .to greatest advantage if million (U.S.$ i2.3 million) of lprd of thclr travels, those mtendlng to file material which between Jkr 120 million Briefs in real estate, the will Immediately mail their Ito 130 mllllon ($7.4 milllon to profmion~. city halls name and addre~s on a postc~rd $8.0 mlllion) went for wages to man~· as you ~:roup~. to the committees Ottawa o£ftc:-: fishermen and proceRsors. Al­ ll<~ck to your Dunfleld suggests The submitted material Itself 1• though the soviet Union has In The or operatin • llld reassured. town planners, asked for by the following dates, contracted for 80 000 barrels or rc;l ~~tate men, Munl· to allow the architects to study this ~·car's catch' in the more 'I uc. WOHLD SERIES catches the interest o£ llie Porlugncse fishcru1cn at the Fishermen's Center in St. John'• 1irs and the man in the statements as they tral'cl to 1-aluabl!i salted form, no hurers "News" 1 week. The Center's TV' Ret had sevcral hundred \'iewcra while the hnschnll classic was being ~hown. their Ideas to the areas described: , in tile United States have agreed td-and- Arm,~lrlm~. Secretar~·. From points between. Lakr. i to purchase any salted herring. Institute of Superior and tile Roekt~. by 1 1 committee on the Re· October 10. From other points AI 10:00P.O. a.m., Sale Tuesday, Oc· A. nua1 Meeting e Of ANOTHER. . En\·ironment, 88 Met· in Ontario, and from Quebec by ouawa 4, Ontario. province, by October 18. From Fairtry II ~~~~~- ~~~~~d:~c a~~~\~:::~~ n . tr.ow our cities are co· all other points in Canada br General Wllllam Hamilton,! . ''Fl RST. '' 1xpand to twice their November 8. National organt· Well Fished 1 lile in the next fifteen u.tions prepared to appear In The new factoryship-trawler :~~~u~~~~ ~~:t ob~~~~~g ~ct~~~ Red Cross . Division . ·:: Sale of undellvenble at ticles.! : Excitl'ment ran high at I and operating condll!ons ~il •·ears.'' says chairman Ottawa by December 31. 1 t G 1 · · . "The Royal Archi· The committee prefera that Fa rtry II returned 0 r ms· 1\lr. Hamllton wlll sell the I . , . . . I Household :\lo\·ers and Ship- to get a first hand lo,;l~-t first parcel-a cook book and The annual meetmg or the 1Mary_s, Mrs. F. W. '>ers la>t night as huge.1 Xewfoundland. The trip ;I; ln;titute of Canada each statement be submitted In Fa_ce~.: 8 ~fs E~:::~~· la;:Y~~eJu:~ fr~~ assorted clothing - before 1 canadian Red Cross Society,: Twtlltngate; llr. 0. R. _Ht~ks,. ~at·o a d ''l'llow North 1tiring, he said, and the Jd all tile help we can at least eisbt copies on trdinary ~orth Atlantic. The \'e~sel turning the gavel Ol'er to a I Newfoundland Divi_sion opened I Grand ~al~s; Mrs. G. Trtc~ett, I Amer~~an ~an Lines fUrniture: bad in some p!ace but rli~ !ttermining the circum· letter-sized paper. it sho~ld landed 600 metric tons or 1 professional auctlo~eer. The 1 :11onday mornttv.: wtth represen- Clarenv1lle, Mrs. B. J. Elltolt, van rolled into 'the warehouse made excellent time. He f~l' bfhind typical re1lden- have at the end the name, offtce fillets and whole fish; 202 sale will be held tlus year in 1· tatil•es from all parts ~f the IB?two~d; Mrs .. Wm. McDo~ad, j direct from . Sydney, Nova that a furniture road ~:an . ~tiOPirnem. This diagnosis held (if any) and address of the tons of fish meal, and 3,600 the auction rooms of Fraser province present. These mclud· Btshop s Falls, Mrs. ~lggtns, Scotia. operation across ::'\ewfo 11· if 1·asl amounts of person who will appear before [ gallons of fish oil from a trlp 1 Bros. (Canada) Ltd., .901 St. ed:- 1 Alexapd~r Bay; :11r. Keith Hoi·' "Cannonball" 0~ this first: land is quite feasible and I. q! ~rowth are to be the committee to answer ques· that started on April 2, !9!19. James Street West. :llontreal. lett, Bunn; Mrs. W. M_. BuHctt,: van shipment of household, forward to the day when ~ns l~il!. All Canada should tiona about the material sent ln. Before the Falrtry U returns The merchandise offered is Mr. A. Green, Deer Lake; :\irs. 1 Grand Bank; Mrs. S. W: :lloores, i "oods from the mainland to: will be in daily operation frpm to sea for Its second voyage varied and Is new in most L. G. Pennell, Carman ville; Dr.J Carbon~ar; :llrs. I. Dans, Chan-~ st. John's was Mr. Hugh: the mainland to this proviiJcf· she will undergo minor modi· cases. As In the past years, Belcourt, Cape Broyle; :llrs. A., nel; :11r. T. Pardy, Happy Valley; :\lacDougall, owner and opera-! ~ , flcatlons. The Fairtry II Is a el'erything, 1 from pipe-wren· O'Brien, Cape Broyle; .Mrs. Wm. i Mr. A. Si~mons, Harbour Grace; to~tor or MacDougall's Trans·j On hand t~ welcome · .r,et Librarians sister ship to Fairtry I and ches to gird.es and f_rom {ewe\- Kearley, Topsail; 1\lrs. Frank :llrs. E. Pt~e, ~ed Bay; :llrs. T. fer and Storage, Sydney,, another "h.rst' were T:JC · whlch pioneered in England lery to foot-warmel s•. w 11 be Dollard, Stephenville Crossing; Powell, Vtctom; Mrs. :Mark ;-;.s., · 1Hibbs, Prestdent of the ~u~s.e­ a new type fishing vessel that sold to the highest btdder. Mr. Joseph Wnite, Herring Vaters, Victoria; Mrs .. L. :\len· :11acOougall, a veteran In I hold :\tovers and ShtPJI:'IjS• combined fishing and pro· Neck; i>lr. F. Pike, Carbonear; chions, Bay Roberts; M~s. D. the mo\'ing business, made this Iand Harvey G. Kelly, Gen·r~l cessing In the same hull. 1000 Aircraft :Mr. c. Hierlihy, Corner Brook; Russell. Bay Robe\"ts; :lllss S. 1 initial trip ,to assess the road Manager. ~ · Pepperrell During the month of Sep. Mrs. Lambswood; Bell Island; Scammell, Change Islands. 2 1 AFB, New· to take part in the library Six Drunken tembtr jnst over 1,202 elr· Mrs. Parsons, Bell Island; Mrs. Reports were present~d by w· . I d 0 Si: . Pepperrell Air course. Mlsl Mlffiln," atated .craft landed at Gander. Tht W. Tarrant, Botwood; Mrs. M. various committe~ chatrm_en, r1t ssue n . AmtrlCin flag carriers were Burton, Durrell; Mrs. George that _of the financial campaign . . · • library came un· Maj. Waldron, "made her re· the most frequent visitors Cuff, Bona vista; Mrs. R. Tulk, showmg were $4,913 less · . quest as a direet result of a return~ ~ ~ scrutiny early last Driving Cases to Gander, Highest land· Corner Brook; Mrs. R. Austin, than tile previous year. The · 1 approximately 50 previous visit abe made dur· 1 •d Six persons were charged ln Ill parts or lng the National Library lngs were those of TranJ· Springdale· Mrs J Buffett total as of September 30, 1959 J h Res ent ; Magistrate's Court Monday 1 made a field Week Open House held here World Airways with 170 Norris Polnt;. M~s. A. Russell: Iwas $80,829 compar_ed ~0 $8_5,· 0 n· s I ~ . with drunken driving and touch downs. Runner up Lewisporte; Mr. Roy Piercey, 742 for the same. drive tn l~aB. :; : < The trip was made last sprint.'' another 11 for been drunk :r>:ion that was Pan Amtrlun World Fortune; Mrs. M. Lorenzen, Last night a dmner was ten· I Mr. Redmond Grant, an in· I According to Mr. Grant a two-week course In a pupllc place. One man .: \' i~ shared b)' In addition to Maj. Waldron Airlines with 137. GarnL;h; Mlss E. Knott, Bel- dered. the delC€ates, and repre- ! dustralist from :1-lontreal, has neither ali or part of 5th~ librarians, con· charged with drunken driving ,. ";.t. the contrail the Newfoundland and Miss Kerevan, TSgt. Floyd Jeoram· Mrs. Wm. Pittman, sentat1ves and some workers at issued a writ in the Supreme SlO,lOO was used for the pur 0. Winders, NCOIC of the was remanded for eight days rome< of wealth .Miss 1. Battcock, St. the Old Colony t.:lub. 1· court against William pose it was intended and:.thc Ubr·ari•es Board. on $200.00 bond after been Gander Teachers !daryst~wn; Per~in,, ·h~rwr tnday thf many comments Base Personnel Services Of· A total of 56 teachers are , · of St. John's, in connect!on I full amount plus costs sh~uld Involved In an accident that 1 .l~n." it SM'S, passed on to me,'' flee, also acted as a host to employed by the two schools with money adranced durmg be refun~ed. · · : ' businessman the gathering. sent one of the passengers to l M 1 T • al Theresa Kerevan. hospital. He was also charg. at Gander this year. Gander Ine ermin ! the 1957 Federal Election. I The wrt_t was Issued ye$ter- t>c:\5~ 8 A account, Hrad Librarian, "my A d h 38 t h I , day mornmg in the Supreme ar j :111 tax-fref 1 ed with leaving the scene of ca emy as eac ers o~) • • I l\lr. Grant claims that l\lr. Court· and was to be serv-ed 1 Its staff with St. Josephs Perlin asked for sa 000 to. d ft · ,,, retiring realty· enjoyed CIB an accident. 1 ~~fr · with us. Tours i Academy employing 18. Early j pa\' for e:-.penses inc~rrcd by i' yes~~r ay a ernoon on !', . th a tax · · One driver was char~ed G ' Collection I t l f thtse'' she continued, regs rat on 1gures. Ill· dl ca t I' 1 · the PC part\' du1·ing the elec·1 Per·m· · ,.;, ·, nt due to a with drunken drivln8 and F H b · · 1 1!most always proved orople hal'e driving wi!Jiout a licence. that approximately 1750 pu-' or ar our race 'tion and this amount was Contacted by the Dal ~ •;e~s tery beneficial to all plls will be In attendance, I 1 to him. Later late last night, :llr. .;atd

lo tbe Seventh An· ina Project boya will learn about these sessiOIIJ. Teacher VI.. SI.tl.ng He· re SPECIAL SALE 4-H Club Week aelectlna and judalng vegetables Speakera heard during the . - Dr. R. Gushue, Preal· at the Canada Experimental week are the Hon. Dr. G.A. Mrs. Peggy Ross, Toronto, as parts of one truth; equall· ~lrmorlal Univenily Farm, Mr. T. Dammen of Frecker, Minister of Education, Ont., well·known Baha'I teach· ty of men and women. Tiley will then be Federal Forestry will take the Hon. W.J. Kcougll, Minister of er and world tral'eller, will Mrs. Ross, who is National Senior Girls 'n' Women's • tour of the Univer· ForeKiry Project boys on a tree MlneA and Resources Mr. G. he in St. John's from Ql'tober Baha'i Secretary for Canada, The rtm~lnder of ldentllicat!on trip to Bowring Pushlt!, Director General or tile 8 to 12, during whlrh' lime has been Jnten·iewed by lead. Raglan • Style 1 ~"ill be spent work- Park, and the Woodworking Pro- Department of Economic Deve- ~hP. will be the guest of the ln~r newspaper~ and tP\evision Groups and co'm· ject 'boys will attend a clau at lopment, Hon. J.T. Cheeseman, Bah11'ls there. stations throuEhout thP. coun- ·1ll~ginl Contests. Th!! Bi~hop Field College under lhe Minister of Fisheries, Mr. J.D. i\trs. Ross recent!~· rE>turn'!d try, includin~t· an lnter\'iew th~ rMct5 Project will direction of Mr. I. Humber. Hi~tgins, IJeputy Mayor of St. from \'lsltinl( Baha"i communi on C. B.C.'~ Tabloid .. • d~momtratlon In PackPd lunches, courtesy of John'R, illr. llrnatius Rumboldt, ties throughout the world, In· In St. ,John'~ Mrs. Ross will COATS hy M.i~R Ruth ~fc· :llammy'ft · Bakery and Chalker CJON Glee Club, .Mr. r', Scott cludlnl( those In Thailand, be inter\•iewcd on teiP.vi~ion th~ Fedtral Dept. of Company,' Ltd., wJII be eat· and ~tr. W.F. Galgay, esc; Mr. lndonrsia, Sln!!aporr, 1\talaya, Thur~day, October 8 at 6.50 WITH MATCHING BONNET Clot hi~ Project en at the Dept. of Education Don Jamieson, CJON·TV, Dr. R. Au~tralla, Fiji and Samoa in p.m. Sizes 1~, .12, 14 · "'ill reeeive in!tntc· bulldlni. A visit to lhe Canadian Gushue, Preftident, Memorial the Paclflc. Mr~. Ro~~ al~n Mr~. Jloss. who is mother g fabrics at Ayre Bank of commerce ·will· be fea· University, Rev. R.R. Babb, nev. travelled through many of the, of thrr.e chlldt'en anrl a ~trand· , Fine quality cotton and viscose blend anfl Singer Sewing tured by·a tour of the premises Fr. c. O'N Conrony and Rev. other 2l50 countries. ierrltories · mother of lour, llves in Toron· Co .. while the Garden- "The story of Banking" P.C. Fenerty, All delegates at· and dependencies where the to. The little spare time that material. · iiiiiiio;o;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;. told by Mr. R.G. Russell, Asst •. tende~ the ~burch of their Baha'I Faith Is now estab- her Baha'i's works allow her Manager. The CJON·TV alation choice on Sunday. Headquarters llshed. is spent on her hobby of mak· Interwoven small check patterns. will' be impeded by. the dele- for the delegates Ia the New- Only a little more than · a ing, in odd, discarded bottles, • F~lly rayon tined. gales In the late afternoon be- foundland Hotel. hundred years ago the faith miniature flower gardens oday's fore they are Interviewed by These 4-H members won their was barely known In twn which bring joy and cheer to ,. Don Jamieson on hii regular trips for ouistanding achieve· co~ntrlcs, Iran, then called shut·ln and Invalid friends. ' Persia, and Iraq.. Thls was tev1enu1g program. Dinner at the ment during the .4-H Club year during the ministry or the candlelile Restaurant sponsored and at District Achievement young Persian Prophet. the EVIDENT THAW SEE tHESE s4.95 NF.W YORK


' . I' '. 1HE. DAILY NA''WS Man Of~ NeWioundland'a Only Morning Paf"r Hour The DAIIIY NEWS Is a morning In The News paper estabiJshed .in 1894, · and pub· lished at the Njlws Building, 355-359 • By WAYFARER Duckworth Street, St. Johns, New· found!and, by Robinson & Company, · NEWFOUNDLAND TODAY (1) ~ •• •• • : • • t • • ' • ••• Limited. . · ·There are moments in the history of. every land when it is useful ancl MEMBER OF even. necessary to pnuse a while and examine the state· of the nation. That sounds pretentious when applied to Newfoundland. \\'c were well cpntent ;~.:·~~;::::<:.-; ;...... ·~ .~ ··: .... ·· . THE CANADIAN PRESS .. • •••••••• l <: •• . ••• The Canadian Press is extluslvely a few years ago to think of ourselves as citizens of Britain's oldest colonr. entitled to the use for republication We were, in effect, a dominion. But the older title sat better upon us. For of all news despatches in this paper more than ten years we have been a Canadian province, a small part of a ::: ;;'/ .' '{}\i:.i:.~'' . · great industrial nation into whose p:lttern we have been required to fit ' credited to it or to the : Associated . . . Press or Reuters · and also the local ourselves somewhat too rapidly nod under most difficult· circumstancrs. news published tliereiil. We were called upon to do this after fifteen ~·cars of rule by an oligarchy DAILY SUISClUPTION RATES whose benevolence existed iii theory but may be subject to critical analysis All Press service and' feature articles hy history in respect of its practical rerformance. It followed, in any event Camada ...... $12.00 per unum in this paper are copyrighted and their that confederation was a double revolution. It rem. 1 Edson In The I II ill the province. tive of this. And were it·otherwise, Family allow;mces Wl'rc paid in the first month of union. As soon. as the Popular ·· · Th · t f d 1 b N f dl d ld h provincial p;uvcnunmt had come to the nec·cssarr arrangement '''lth the if .. · e. 1mpor ance O woo s a • ew oun an wou ave .a g.ra~e federal authorities, the Canaclian rate of old age pensions was cstahlbhcd. I '' l Vashingfon By BRUCE BIOSSAT ; :i • · our to the economy was empha· unemployment problem. As 1t IS, · Unemployment insurance was! another import:\nt aid to certain groups of A good many knowledgeablt ., llised nearly twenty years ago logging has become the most in· srasonal workers. It has since been t>xtended to rvery class of wurkrr. Even C.S. B£G!SS A ~EW HU~T ers seem not to understand one v.ihen the Commission of Gov· fluential single factor in the econ· the mail order' catalop;ue, now that no customs harrirrs existed hetwt•en I'Oil DJSAR~IMiEJI4T FORl\IULA fundamental facets of American ernment set up the Woods Lab·· omy It is therefore of vital im· Newfoundland and Canada, assumed a nrw inmortance. And another life, which is that most of the By PETER EDSON Board. Thl·s provided the t. t'hat sound and good factor that made a lot of difference to the way of life was the introduction voters do not make their Our por ance on a widespread scale of consumer credit. 1\EA \\'ashington Corres11ondent among men and parlies on the machinery for a meeting of the labour relations should exist with . + + + • specific policies and evenls. l represel')tatives of the various log·_ union leadership fully mindful of nut in spite of all this. \\'(' had a stern warnin~ in l!l5<) of thr vulnrr. \'.'ASHJ:.'>lGTON-(NEA) - A com· Right now, for instance. it u gers' unions with the management its obligations to the workers and abilit.y ~f our t•c<~nmny. \\'e wr.rc basl~ing in .the ~,,·u-fold sunsHne . cf p!e;~ n; kw o£ U.S. di£armament polic· argued in some quarters that If •i i~> is new being rr.adc for Secretary of Of the newsprint companies under f · d able in its relations cconomtc prospenly and Canadtan socml srn·tL'l'S m the 1:•.11 of that hrst ing big comes out of the l a~r an reason . . , ,·car of confederation wht'n. of a sudden, Britain dt•\-.lhlt'tl sterling. Tl.e t:::e Chri~iian A. Herter and Secretary Eisenhower talks and the . ) . an impartial umpire. a position . With management .. The objectives cousrt.lltellt'<.'S were almost disastrous. The ontpt:t of pulpwood \'.':IS dr::s'k'· ol' D~:cr.;e :\'ci! McElroy. cl:ange of visits, serious damage L 1 It e~ccmpass I that was held by such potable are the best poss1ble treatment ally reduced. Fish prices dropped. And, at thr snmr time. in a f.t sr s<'mc wi:l all previous studies done to the Republicans' 1960 ,, I I conciliators as Hon. W. J. Higgins that the industry can provide for of security, the Congrrss of the United Statrs had caller! for s:~hst::n:i:!l n:~.Je by Go\·. Harold 1::. Stassen, U.N. I lial hopes and particularly to I I::.' ;_1,e ~:mcs J. \'iad.;wor',h and ol11~rs I Hon. Cvril J. Fox, Sir Albert the men • and stability for the C\u·tailment of hllse operations. Thr sitll:1tion was Sa\'(•tl ll\' a scllf'lll(' of Prer.ldent Nixon. 'I j ' 1·:::o .h;vc be~n princ:;Jal U.S. ncgotia· . ~ .' ' Walsh ~nd Dr. Raymond Gushue. work relief and the Korean war, whieh with its inll~:tus to the d:'ll'and f,.r This latter is said to be so economy. goods and the new awareness it created of tlw tl:\ng~r of communism, 1~:; oa clisar;namcnt. plus any idea; that Nixon is of course a part of tbe '· · The Roval Commission on Fores· Out of the trials and tribulations hronght ahout a rapid recovery. Jn the procrss, thrrc was a major t'(·c·.~omie i'.. '.a Kiuushche\' has to offer. It will hower administration and on bil 1: t~·. in it's report issued in 1955, of this past winter has come the transition from suhsistrnce living to a cash economy ancl a grow!11:~ dcm::d s: ~ ii n~w and more occeplab!e plans mer visit to Russia declared j' 1 c: .; b! fcund. I said that its success had been prospect of much good throu11h for stimdards of public servircs which were much hirr.hrr t ::•n \\'(' h•:d favor of the .{hJ~IlchE!I'·E:isen,bowe .. , ' A s;· :~::.J ~tt;dy eroup of 16 experts ' ' ~~ phenomenal. Its defect rose ~rinci· the amalgamation of all woods known. It was then that two things were realized. One was that we ld change. . -~ . u . ~r U1~:·les A. Coo!id~"· Bos~on •aw• d · 11 f th t d t to make superhuman efforts to de,·elop employment and thr otl,rr \':;lS But this argument assumes pally and para oxtca Y rom a labour in one large an s rong that the limitations of confederation finance were nHlch grr:1h'r tl!~n we rer n::d c•:pcr:e·:czd go>crn:ner.t trouble not be fairly assumed-that s~J~::r. \ .. ; ' success for tr". ]'lr··..,ony that union and thereby the simplifica· had imagined. All this was ten years ago. We sh:•ll attempt in fu'nrc is now at work on the problem Eisenhower, with Nixon's fuii ti:::c. . 1 I I ~' • usually prevailed during th~' · tion and, it may be hoped: the articles to analYze the various phases of change and the new problems that t i~tcd thls new approach he ~ill I : ~ ' ·: I , periodical meetings '"f the Board consequent improvement of lab· ha\'e since occimcd. T:1e Coolidge re,ort will be complct· fore be blamed for its blurc. . ' It wLl n~: 'I I cd ;;1:5 ycJr. he maDe public . In good sense we mus: a prosper .. ' bred a complacency ~hich overtook our-management relations. For the -.---~---~-,·------_-_------._-- -...-.. ----- ...-.. -~------·------b:1t will b~ submi•:c:l direct to Prcsi· tbi; may not happen ~~ aiL The world, but on \, the unions as a consequence of the good of the woods workers, for l d .. : ... :..c. j1ower and the !'\a:ional Secur· mry si:nply blame Nikila to it are att::inment of prcaressive im· the welfare of their industry on it;: Council. What Others Are ~;aJing and credit the President for 1 that it i! provement in pay and working which all Newfoundland depends Any r.c·.v plans for international arm.• tr~·." Thus, even with failure. conditions. There was a break· to so great a degree and for the BETTER THAN PARTS was that Russia was playing ct:g·in· control as rccJtr.mc:~dcd by the Coolidge result could be to find hi~1. his thc.mangc~. unwilling· to rcl~:l~~ u~e· p~rt will be rcf:cc:cd in new pro•Josals down in the chain of close com· general stabilization of the econ· Brant!ord Ex:>oslt~r a:1d :.lixon in as strong or At Whitby three youths from ncar· fui material from her store of Arcti~ wi1:ch t::c (nilcd £:::t:s r:12~;cs to the so· po:ilion than now. municatio.n between union leader· om~·. there must be a general hope by Ajax. convicted of Indecent assault research corc!u~ion~. l'a!l~d ~ ;,·c·fil'e O:;ar:;::::lz:;t Suu~Om· All the e1·idence of hislory ship and membership which left that the B.N.W.W. has been launch· on a girl.· ha\'e been sentenced to In facc·lo·fncc t~ll;s witil Russian~. mil~~:. r.cplacin~ the Bi~ Four Com· that the people genera ll)' make the door open to aggressive inter- ed on a successful career, jail and four strokes of the strap. Canadians often h~,·c foancl them mi::cc. it will ro:t··~nc in Gc::c'.'a in jud:;mcnts of men and rnms. It's about time something like this fr?.nk and co·operalii'C, read~· to pro· 1f,3J, UlHicr tile U.:\. not pay niu~h attention to the was done instead of patting louts \'ide inrcrmaticn it h~d appca ed im· This Fil'c·I'ir~ l'or.:mittc~ takes its dct:1its of policy and prc,:r"nl. The I gently on the head and asking them possible to ·obtain through form: ~ is what the: mr:· in Tale Of A Tragedy not to do.lt again,,lf they don't mind. iomatic channels. ward and five Communist countri~s. .1inds 10 the polls. What ;\Jr. Khrushchev said In Was:,. Th~y are lh? United States. Britain, The sixth in a series of Canadian St. John's, we are told. was at BOTTLES AS BRICK inf(ton about being willing to share C"rc: nJ il· -whc:her in the national . '.1;r;~ · magazine is the story of the· grim was a place where Newfoundland A slate-owned brewery In Commun· m:- ::~a. ~; I ., lusions th~t she l11:ows as much a!Jot:l field, in foreign allair.•. or . .... ,, . 1st East Germany Is showing a new · Lawyer Coolid;e will not t•nndu~l ~ny I event of December 12, 1942, ·when sensibilities were presumably out­ r:ussi~as And then they pick the man or .. 'a·· . . . . beer bottle at the • Leipzig Autumn Arctic living as the . .1\n un· of the- r.c:;:o~btio:1s b~fcre this I Fin>Fi":: 'I.. ' ,. .•.f It. If 99 Uves were lost in fire that des­ raged by such witticisms as, · ac­ fair. It Is square and a\'allablc In restricted exchange wot:ld b~r.c~!t tl"i~ co:~f~~e:~c~. His ro:e is that of a ma>tcr par:y, or both, whom they [eel nr~-:~, troyed the K. of C. Hostel on Har: cording to Mr. ·Rasky, the one that three colors-white, brown and green. country far more thao Hussia and if pl:;nncr. tryi:lg to mo:,ilize tl:c !Je>t most trust to handle mauer! I . ' ' ~ I I field. vey Road. The tale has been relat­ said that "the purity of the air of It can be used for brick when It's attained it would have lo be r~~;>:'lkd brains a\'ail:lJ!c to the government to empty. as a substantial token of go:dwill. so:1•c one o[ the mo.;\ difficult prob· ed by Frank Rasky in a style that To accept that popular 1uu~"""' Newfoundland is without doubt "The beauty of the Idea," a brew­ !ems o[ modern limes. is almost frenetic. Although ob· due to the fact that the people of made this way is not to br cynical ery official said, Is that "now the HOW ODD TH5 Otl::lS CocEd:::e brought Guido Parera, a Bos argue that the people "cannot or Toronto Globe a:Jrl :\Jail viously well-researched and there· the outports never open their wife can't call you down for drinking ton lcg~l associate. 10 Washing:on as think." It means merely that by held together by a vein of such windows."· I.iberty's readers are beer. You can always tell her you're If you flip a coin I,OOO ti:~1~s and his principle deruty. He has three ex· get heads cvc:·y time. \':hat arc the not, in most cases. weigh :he fine 'truth as will ever come out of that just accumulating material for that p~rts from Dcp~~tment of 11dense un· of policy or refrain in \heir told that Newfoundlanders ure~ chances you will get tails the 1,001;\ new house." d~r .1\e detrimentally affected by its wood Ia hardly different from that exact nature,'' he records, "is un· leaking. surd i~ the light. of the nation's which might be expected from car· efficial use. appellation. · ' known to anyone connected with this d growth and influence in recent dlnal Cushing of. Boston and those ccmpanlon:• We associate the Exam· Last year he co.ordinate The Post :il right but . it seems. · Handsome is a:s handsome · does ' years. • . . that complain there It no common lner with the last observation. t' .1 of the Pentagon. .. ,. / •

...... ,. ~: ' .. ' .. • 1959 .5

I OUT OUR WAY· By J. R. WILLIAMS ·Should· Begin Women Could I ~lao Of The COIJTii:AIO:.V TO ALl. ' . OPttJIQI.J, rr AII-J'T . HARMON'{ 'THAT 1 Hour Early MAKES SUCCESS· Achieve Peace ·I. FUI. COMPAt.UE$·• ar DA \'ID CANCIA MONTREAL S:: ..,l looking to the women of the world / 1<1-JOW OFA Bf6 to e:tcourage peace," Cyrus S. (CP)- To British !real Symphtny Orchestra, says COMPAI-J'{ TH.oU HIRE!> oon Taylor, the election Ca:tadlan youth Is not exposed eD!>5E51'HAT HATE: Eaton. Cleveland Jndustriollst and !· early enough In life to classical EACH OTHER At.lt> thinkers, said in an interview Dicfenbaker as Canada's music. . . WORK 'THEIRHEAP5 sponsor of forums of prominent minister In 19!17 provld· OFF TRYft.l' 'TO The noted Metropolitan Opera SHO\.VEACH here. commonwealth with a conductor believes a· child lVith OiHERUP! His wife. accompanying him on .;.nt•~u. It Is of Astans and Europeans lands, stronghold since 1950 of in Africa. Liberal Leader Jo Grlmond. 'tuarters that If AID NEEDED McGowan's political strategy Is 1 of the amounts of technical and mapped In a lovely old house 1 and the aid are essential to whose back garden drops into the . ; .-rious damage standards of living and to sea at Stromness, a market town 'Jlicans• 1960 greater opportunities once noted for Its lobster catch. particularly to ;he growing populations of His wife Sa:tdra, whose parents, , -d ,·eloped members of Mr. and Mrs. James Wilson, live It. 5 e In Montreal, runs the committee Commonwealth. rooms and looks after their t!tree- mlnlmlzlng these year-old son, David. Taylor paints an opt!· FIRST ELECTION . · future for the association. McGowan. 33, Is from Saint Commonwealth, despite John end Fredericton. This Is his weaknesses and lmperfec· flst election and he doesn't seem i1 what the United Nations daunted by the 7,993 Liberal rna· be but Is not-· genuine jority In a 30,000 electorate. ' of man. "We find Canadla:ts a~ re- ran prol·ide the Inspiration celved very warmly here. said MeGolan. "If I don't win, I hope the means for a better to cut quite substantially Into the a prosperous and peace- Liberal maJority." but only If those who A conser~·atlve, R.H.L. Bruce, to It are prepared to re· al~o contests the spread·out, Is· that It Is no longer the land • studded constituency \hat Commonwealth but "Our took a lot of getting round even In the days when Bonnie Prl:tce . s:ron1 or Charlie was using It as a hide­ of closer understand· awa)', 1nd tiolson between the The Labor p a r t 'S candidate ~~ of history ~~ t nd the Common· . finds the Orkneys-"and don't ~eneralh• make • a es a / forget the Shetlands, please"- 0n and e,·ents. ' • similar in geography and econom· ll . . :··." : ~ . . ~ ...... ·. ~ . : Europe and Asia 10,· natives In Nyasaland, a dead Is­ . ... _;.·. . ; .-: : '·' .. ., . •' . ...:_· Ill& elsewhere. Is taken seriously. /::': .. away from Britain. .:;. .. ~-- . ·. ·· .- I "I have no hesitation In aaylng . , .. Is such positive acceptance .~=- ; .. .· .. leading role, plus the un· that these people will oppo.se any • 1 attempt to perpetuate white sU· ~~; •••• -·.... :.,, __ ,,; ' ...... '" '''" ·> •• >·· •••••••••••• ~- .. - •• • ••••• ,;; ~. -~~: : ••• ~. • ••:. ~: ::•• :.:.; .. ; ••:: • : •••• ~-' -~~~,-~~~~-~. :::.:-::.:.: ;~::.~:~:-~: ~ •• : .=: ~ :-:~:.. :.;.' ~/ ~ =.:.:-... :-:~; ~,:~·.:::<.. :~./:: ~:-.};~~:.. :. :, ·.. :;·: -~:.: :.~. :·.:. ~ ·_ . ..• :•. .• :7.. :-•. ~,< .. ... , ...... " .• ...... li the unlversltill determination on the premacy In Africa," McGowan outside of each member that the told a Canadian Press reporter. AI a rtluh of the tlemeridous popularity of Rotbmans King Size gives you extrc 1ength, easy draw, and 100% straight Canadian But the must sbcceed, PARTIES SECONDARY with Canadians, Rothmans is for the second year in succession; tobacco-the best tobacco money can buy. will count more ltlan any .olidge office IJ They also put perso:talltles the world's largest selling King Size virginia cigarette. Why is You get a real filter cig~tte with Rothmans-the one of words, more even ahead of parties. a fact that be interagency RotbmaDs King Size 80 popular? Beca\188 Rotbmana King Size eigarette that really satisfie$. Defense, AEC meetings,, or committees or ed:nlts may tell In Grlmond's fa· vor. coolidge ataff are McGowan, a graduate of the n their own University of New Brunswick, Is for apeclal a son of Malcolm (Muckl Me· ; Prodded For Gowan, former sports editor of the St. John 'relegraph.Joumal. Exchange His father now Is editor of Ran· THE BEST TOBACCO MONEY CAN BUY wd In the New Brunswick legJs. (CPl-The Russians lature an~ a scout for Milwaukee We are proud that Canadian tobaccO stands· among the given a public prod to Braves 1:1 baseball, a comblna· on with a long-stand· tloo hiJ 100 acknowledlea as UD· to exeh1111e Arctic \IS\Ial • . finest tobaccoe in the world. and Information with • First tuUtl'1 faetol'1. in the In 1958, Canada's tobacco-growing industry. produced a waa !Dide verb- United Statea wu located ill than a ye~ aao when Greenfield, MUt. · crop valued at $82,397,813.22. Exports of Canadian tobacco· Embassy officials In was asked to were Instructed by the A •wan llae been known to brought $13,193,220.31 into the Canadian economy. program• with government to aunest .llCh1m11• to the Ruaslea. Uve 102 YW'I· Rothman& is proud of ita association with this ~ He then the . R~~a~lans lndJ. ---~-- of defense. they were Interested Lobltm can live ODl7 In aalt ' the matter ruted water. 1 Canadian induatry-~d proud to play a part in its coa. .latest development waa a tinuingeucce~~.. • last week. by Prime Min• parently led Mr. Dlefenbaker to Diefenbalter at Saskatoon. .belleve the limt II ripe for· a re- 16id he expects a "positive mlnder to the Rultialll of . the RodiiiiDIII Ki111 SUI Filttr ia tilt only ilttmtlltiimDl brtmtl Tlte Roth mans "Gold Leaf" solid gollf trophy, one of the from the Rt11alan gov· Canadllll propoaala. • oooi~Gblf 011 JNJjor airline~ "fiiJe ~,..,.,., prelllier -ora in North America, ow.nled onnuolly for In view of tbe state- C111ada aclually baa more to I that be favors l:tter· alia from auch a pl111 tba:l Rua· the Mit tollocco aop 111 ~· ·I Wuhlnlton by Premier sla which II llld by DOrthern IIX· ' ~~; . ..., .' to-operation In northern parts here to be} years ahead of 'I("· thll country In· northern developo .clel probJew Utat : arise from ~Largest S.elling K;ing· Size Virgi.nia iii th'e World atat~rneat to1etber with ·ment ud knowledle of the ·~ tl tilt cold war ..,. lbllt ,development. I ; f ~ ~ ··j I ' ) . t I . ·' \ . .I'{· . - • ; . ' THE DAILY NEWS, ST. ~OHN'S, NFLD., TUESDAY, OCTOBER 6, 19S9 .PERSONAL CffiT-CHAT.· . For T~~tsdey, io is in a pebble twcd w;o:: :=::=~"~~ 1' revers. Shoulders of the coat are dropped to mld·sleeves, there are huge pate~ have gentle slope from neckline to three-quarter length. LigJt·.w~l~ltt wcol ·i., 1: .. r pockets and a sUghlly curved back, The over-Jacket suit :1!· NEA Woman's Edilor treme. S~oulders are wider be· crisp wools and many souffle s I i m skirt and coordinated: toni~; higher or lower. cause of cut, not because of pad· I textures underline this state· blouse in Italian Jersey. The NEW YORK- tNEAl - The' ding. Pleats and shirring help ment. Colors are meltingly' suit with its own blouse is a· Fu:· is ~ sma; 1;i 1~ succ~=s this '•' ' theme of one elegant Xew York thls new width along. : beautiful . cr~nberry red, b!UC· fal'orile one sin_ce it has a finis~-' fall and ~p~ears ?~ suit.~ in c:r. j , , ' ~ I collectio:l of suits a:1d coati Is · berry, b1scmt and amandme, ed look often lack1:1g m the stut · rlcts of sa!Jlc. Wlllte m nk a'ld · I double play, Tra:tslated, this In a season when fashions are; artichoke, cracked wheat and: for which a blouse must be ermine. Coats rcl'eal iuxur;ous •

II. means double-jacket suits, dou·: flattering rather than grotesque.: purple. ' bought. Wool paisley prints are: linings of nutria. ia11in. mus:;rJt ; t . ble-faced cuats. re1·ersible coats ! fabrics take 0:1 new importance. : foremost here. or spotted lamb. Cuat~ a!so , .•'' ... v and even double-faced furs. 1 Soft plaids, crisp boucles, mono·: Handsome three • piece suils . The doubie·Jacket suit is ac· . ha1·~ co;iars. hoods and el'en ' ..r I . These coats, suits and cos· lone checks and tweeds, ·cross· ta!;e on a different look through· tualiy a jacket with 1wo clos:ngs · mufflers of fur. l St. Johri Ambulance Offici a's Here • 'I ' '. .J . ·. ·Between ' ' .. 4838 1.". ·The ...... Us i I What better finale cuuhl :ron find for :;our su:lp~hc! series ! .. the F: .;r :han th!) li~cd, a chin; feet or tllis little majo;~Ue .... .;::,· the end of her busy day'! I &.,:~~.. -·-- 'MatureI Parent \. Smart warm·lo-cool weather: Women ~ ! :companion - a sultdress with j DESPITE 'MAGICAL POWERS' pressed, not by his parents' iQ!·on, cotton 1 • Some parents consider it im· ESOUGH IF YOU WANT TO picl\.!!'~3 at th~ f2ir and \': ith · II' ill tdt ~·oJl' :tor,·. 'l"o 1 faill~. wool. : E1·en the wisest parents make portant to keep reminding the ' LOOK \'OCNG c:-.mc:·~s so simple t~ u:;:> i•o·::· the "pc;·fcct picn;;·c" i: I'; 1 . I Printed Patter~ -1838 Half' mistakes. , I child of their own fallibility. • aci::,·.; - c•:cn color c.::~1:::·:.3 b:c:tu.:~- its suh.1c~· f I 'I Sizes 141~. 1612, 18'2. 2012, 221:,• Parents are not, as the result ~ E\'ery time they get angry at' When a woman seems older, - li';; a "mu:;t" part o( C:ir hi: eyes or a :tr~·.n;;~:· 24 1:. Size JSI: jacket and skirt' of magical powers in\'ested in i him they apologize. · than her years it is usually fori f..>in:;. Tlic fair is a highlight in front or the c.:.mc~:. 1 3 1 yards a9-lnch Iabrie. : them. always right. In the past I Actually they may hal'e been, a number of reasons. c: the sc:son - \l'orl;l a rc· i\1::!'1:· of t:1c fi;:~:: Printed directions on each pat·/ this was denied parents were justified in the!l'. anger. If th.ey , Millicent is a good example. \';;;it ~.!1;." ti:nc tlu·ough yc~;· \'OU'LI find ~t 1!:~ flll' tern part. Easier. accurate. ~always right-regardless. Lire make a dectslo:t the ch1ld 1 She has been old for years, co!cl' slide;; or color print;, or ~ome up fa.•t. Yo~t'll :ee , Send FlfT1' CESTS 'In coins l 1 was much simpler when parents doesn't like, they c_hanse it. j though e1·en now women who bhck-and-whitc · sn~p;;hots. s!tcot .•. to c:1p~urc ta~t ' (stamps ca~not be accepted 1 for • could say with co:wiction that Maybe the (irst decision was are 10 or 15 years older than To rnr.'ke any series of pic· or a channing :, \ ·• this pattern. Please print plain· something was right because correct. All this is justified by Millicent still seem young. 1 tu:·~s really interesting -.to I. COUDOriS nWI\' 1 iance too. Shon! •ome cause it's easter to deny than to make m1stakes repeatedly, 1\'s new. So she cii:lgs to old ways 1here. Last ntght they att.ended. \\ arner has 1\ursmg bonds ~ bee~ C~lcf gof::; ~0 °~/j~~~ P1~~~r~~e~;.~ tures from r,·~·lrrel. consider the errects or permis· time to. discover why. They are\ of doing things, old habits. old; the enrollment c.cremo~les. of: Othcer of the Co~p,. , ,, :one's _ in subject matter _ their h1 311 from a kneel1112 P•1' 11 ion sion, They nre deaf to the expected· to have better judg.· lll'e]udi~es, old notions of what .the Lady Walsh Cadet l"ursmg Both h011e lo. cncoulaoe. St•d Junior ·on the merry-go· ·get up high and look rioan at the afo: All child'.~ sound argum•nts. Finui· ment than the child. Wh>' is (lW(Wr and what isn't. 1Division and 'tonight 1vill at· incrca,c puh Iic mterest . 10 , . • •. d d said dnie • I k roun . I 11c colorful mi way. lh" Mlhk<'ls. Try du.of•Up! 1 1 1 • iy the child t:~ts angry. 'i'hi~ IU'en'l they u~lng It'! . I yo,l'd nel'el' catch ~li_lliccnl j tend a dinner at Barney's where .John Amhulanc~ wor . ~ -".'' i the rides, kids with cotton fud"::ilt·xpr~~:o-iull~. ti~ht Ill 1 uwukens the purents to all the Parents who diMtfllsi the1r own! rlomg th~ unexpecletl, tukmg a: they will award ccrtrflralcs to •tlro\'lllc~. nut only f•~>t .ud • eandy, •nd-so forth. shots and loll).:·ratq~c i gootl ur::umcnis the child hus judgment gi1•e a very confused! 1'11unce, turning over a new leal.' memllel·s ol the 'st. John Am· hul abn in the liehl of home • tu achi~1·o 1arit I u... ;;arne, are going to be Mif· a~tivities at the !otr "hoeS I the result of the chil~s al'gu. that her life Is as drab as her evening they will attend a: tion in industry and in Ute· ferent. They are going to be place indoor~ and at ~44 ~ me:~ts but as a reward for a Waterproof flower pots by dip. looks. banquet In their honour at the 1 home. I .. temper tantrum. In this situa- ping them into melted paraffin There Is nothing wrong with Hotel I I pictures you will want •to Here's where you'!! l\53 lion, course, the child Is im· to seal pores. M!llicent-or with a Jot of other MacLaren who bas been After leaving St. J?hn's view time and time again be· need to use flash. A M62 Mis~ )!i~s cause they are going to say bulb packs a lot of women who Jet themselves grow 'th tile St John Ambulance 181 ~lacLaren and ~lr;. \\arner wtll :.170 ~omething. Every time you stopping light. E1·en old .too Ihat lhey com.es originally (rom: l'isit (he Brigades in Corner :\171 ~oon-e~CCJII w;ar~ look at them ~·ou are going to ligh(fl~sh ~an be an hnl'e a flx~d Jllrture nr !hem· ~t ·Jnho Ambulance worker.: Brook. A5 a rrsuil of their l'isit 1 rerapture ~om!' of th!' fun and me~n~ ttl hf>tter "irJiure~ ) seh·cs Ihat they ne1·~r allow to 'j : h • h . d as • thel' hope Ihat (wo more t\'nrs·: c~an![t'. Smce 19 46 s e . ~~ . ~en e · . . • .. · . .. d . , !'XcitemPnt and thrills of the fill~ in th~ shad""'$ rf the NEW in SHOE$- for FALL I "1 wnulrln't rlream of ~oing i super_intendent·ln·chle£ o( .that • mg Dli•F.JOIU 11111 be forme m . fair. HOW~ expr!'ss1ons. m~ke$ i ~uch and ~urh," th~)· ~ay or 1orgamzation. She rerentl) re· St. Johns. j TakP enough picture!. The photos extra ~n~ppy. 1 "l'l'e alway~ done lhiF or that." I · I prof~~r-ional photogr;~pher Whatc1·er ~·ou d~. often shoots se1·eral'hundred take pictures of thin~!. I :~~l.OUt ever. bothering to ask I Beauty Tips Daily Recipe ~ nej:ath·es on one ioh. ThiF is ,·our pictures P.Xpr•;' ~ People . who ~lay youn!: ~r~ , more than the familv snap· ~r ~ fcdin£. '\'fll1'l1 people who are will in~ to ! shooter will need. but by better and thr:: w11i "' I change, to trv new thi:1~s. In • . "onr~hoolin~t" you'll he sure I :1 - Grnr;:r H. take chances. io ~:ct out o! ruls. I R1ght abou~ now. many 11'0·, SPICED ROi\ST ·But the 'Mililrenls who hate' me~ are be6mnm~: to nollce _the, change and are afraid to take; drytng effect of a. ~u:Jtan or Just .> lhs. chuck hecr chances are always old before !)iai~t heat 0:1 t.hetr all·over ~om· I 1 tbsp. cinnamon ! dark green. eleclric blut. their time plex1on. And lt is a condtt!on I tbsp. ginger Fashion · Tips I pink. Pass them by no · that should nt~ be .allowed to· go 2 tbsps. sugar how tempting t~e)' are unchecked, Jest the skin comes I tsp. salt I A price tag is not always a sure 1gains. They're. bargains to look like parchment by sum· I tbsp. vinegar sigh of quality. Don't rely on tt ! other women find thern ··Household Hint mer's end. Here's where bubb- 2 cup$ tomato juice e~tirely as a guide 1\·hen ~hop· • w:.:e=ar~·..:.'::.:oo::..-----­ ling bath treatments can do a 2 onion, chopped ping for lashioa. It's best to de· skilful job. A new. blend or bat It 2 bay !cam, crushed velop judgment. ·A black crayo~ will rill in and oil, 1Janolb deril'atil'e and hexy. · \~ tsp. pepper fot CO\'er .minor nicks and scratches chl?tophene s_ofiens the· I Brown meat. Combine re· Nolhinl! can pick up the spirits in' wrought-iron furniture. Wipe ~kin off. the excess with a Jlllper hand­ wh1le you loll m a fr;Pih or rra::·! maininl( ingredients. C o v e r! on a rainy. day ·like a,n umbr~ila •• kerchief. rant bubbles. Even· after y~u 1 and cook three hours in a mode-~ that's a burst of' color. Thr one ~------soap up,. the bubble~ do. not d1s-1 rate oven 13501, :in turquoise with·a·gold handle. $8.95 Pr. appear. If yo~r ~km ts ba?ly I . I Or a flower print in vivid shades Helps You Overcome st:ulfed, combme . a h1bbhng : . o~ a white. background. 1 bath treatme:1t Wllh a gentle • that can he the possession ol fc brush scrubbing and treat ro9gh I everyone £or a little time and When you collect charms for a FALSE TEETH elbows and heels to a pur;n1ce· trouble, It comprises a num· bracelet. makes ure that they are Looseness and Worry stone massage. Arter one treai· ber of smnil things Jmmocu­ in propol'tion to the size of the · No longer be annoyed or reel ltl•at• me~t. the skin, becomes smoot· late clothes appropriuie for the tue beeaUJe of 100111. wobbly fatoe brat-e let. A delicate· bracelet teelb.PASTIETH,an Improved lllka· her and a s~r1es or _them pro· plied; hair that is shining dean: calls. fo1·. tiny charms; a larger 1 lloe (non·aeldl powder,aprlnkled on duces a poslttveiy sa~m texture. occasion; makeup correctly ap· yourplateo boldl \hem Ormerao they one can take ~edium size. \ reet more cnmrortable. Avoid emblf· hands that are well cared for rllllment c&UJed bylooae ptatea. Get Good . grooming is one attri- and pel'feclly manicured a~d Som~ colors are difficult lo' PABTIIITH '' any dl'lll eotfntor. bute or a perfect al,lpcaranct abol'e· all, personal cleanliness. wear in any' season deep purple, 1 . • J ...... '. • I

... , I

. ' ~. .. ~ ~~· .. ·.· • . ~ .J.. ______:;.1. (, ';'•:

I .! I Homemaking T'hese Are Slippers Of Elegance J .. • ''j. Questions . I !


B;r POLJ,Y CRAMER BY POLLY CRA.'iER Dear Polly:., My'.son · and daughter·in·law just moved Into J a new home. They had ll'v.ed.l:t tlhin the lifetime 11 furnished apartment )>e'ore. .SI!e. knows. nothing about de· • e may be v•e:tr· corating and ts making terrible milar in :I!'P"r· mistakes. Sho11ld I offer to set 1 watcb, but wblcb b~r stral~ht?-UnhapllY· . · 1: ial showin1 Dear Unhappv: Grin and bear :\'el of the II It's· her home and her mls·· hikes to .make. There Is probab· . ly :~oth!ng they want less in' that new home than mother·ln·law's adl'icc, no matter bow superior 1n your tll!te may bf. · : · to Oct. 22) Dear Polly: What color shall :a ''nia. a•;c:..ttu'y tbu hurt ot4crr. r paint the walls and .celllng. in my 2J to tlov. 11) kitchen? 1'herc 1s yellow ' (!:)in\ltu eontrtlttt• tile around the bottom. It has UICI JC.Untlf Y11:ht• l!reen linoleum and l ba\'e a brown and beige breakfast' set.· ~ ... 22 It Dto. 11) ~. to un~~ , - Red Sea in the Baltic Do vou think I could usc pink 8 I 1t lftmt to 70111. - for walls and celli:tg?-Mrs. L. 'tc. 22 to Jeo, 201 ':'!•· Rns~ians hn\'P buill underwater mls~lle launchlnl Jlt«'~ In the Baltic Sea, s. . ! h dont P""'idt• y.., rt~und. ~. ·mhng In rl'port~ publishctl in Ground Support Equipment maaazinc. The Dear Mi'S. L.S.: Would ~·ou l '· 21 to Ftlt. It) r-. '>~It~ arc of thr "Gt·lem" (Cornel) type, believed to have a ·range or i50 wear a pink bloqse. yellow skirt nU ~cu .. "!qlot.i'• ~"·~e~-nough to blanket the furopran conllnent. The launch,lili. :complexes, end green shoes and then add I rou uat l•c·•tcd In coastal wat~t·s with entrances on land, wert' probably prefabricated, bmwn and beige acc.essories? I to More~ 20) t~··n a~st•mblcd by underwatrr cun.~tructlon crews. The Red.~ are known to ho lfJ to lt.Jfct tMir PnL1t the walls and cc11lng ~·el· ~tP your prlfttipkot. h~rc taken o\·cr much German underwaiP.r ml"ile gear from ihe reJP.nrclt low like the . tile dado. One ' cr::ter at Pt>encmundc Mte~· World War II and ha\·e been firing .rbckets from more color would be one too : ~~~.:·,·r the- st·~ fot· ~ome ycnr~. Drawings, left and abo\'c, d!'pictin~t the pos~iblt man~·. 1 appearance c.£ Ulese sites, are courtesy Erik. Ber&aust, editor 1 GSE maaazine. Dear Polly: We hnrr a do~, __ , ... ---~ --·--··----- ..... -.. ·-····-···- ·----- _...... and 11 new beige rug. The. man j ., who sold us ·the do~ ~aid it wn~ i ho:1scbrokcn but spots 0:1 the 1 new rul! prorP otherwi~e. l am th!n::htartsick and forthese t ha,·cspots tried w:n rrerr· not ' Here Is the eleKant, Bubtle and slender look of evening shoe• Ruby satin ballroom pump (lower left) is ~plced Tiitb jet', come out. can ~·ou .uggest an~··,1 for autumn. Slim pump In emerald satin (upper tell) has beadinl! in the form of scrollwork. The pump with &inlle atrap 1 U in~~-Mrs. A. L. B. , pointed toe, narrow shaped heel and jrl·beaded bow as trim. llowcr- ri~htl in blue satin has flat, tallor~d bow on tbt 1Dear ~rs. A. 1.. R : If ~·ouj Dashing theater boot (upper rlghtl is done in richly flowered instep. ·The sleek lines of these nr.w shoe deslgps complement can't "s?onge" Ihe dol! for not brocade and finished off witb little atand·up collar of satin. fasbio1os for e1·ening. All designs shown here are by Capnlt. · •. Jil'inl! up to his reoutation then ! .,. sponge the soots with one·fourlh · RY GAILF: DUGAS llated In terms of a narrow, fine· blue. Brocade has hcen cut into hoth daytime and evenin& is ·til': cup of salt in a pint of water . :SEA Woman's Editor boned appearance on the fool, a a little boot for ercning and. cYidence a~ain this fall. · -. · a:1d then follow with one part of' , pointed or o1·at toe and a slender gircn a gleaming. stand·up curr For daytime. colors take on ammonia to 20 parts of water. I :-.lEW YORK, 1~EA l-There is heel. The pump, the one·strap or satin, the subtle, shift in~ shad~s of Dear Poll~·: Please help me, is an .~mericana theme for one: shoe and the little boot are all f:mllroiucry, scrull · work. jet pewt~r. bra~~. copper a:1d tin.:· I I ha\·e just painted my bedroom · major shoe collection this fall, · done in man1 leathers and fab· beading. to ~old. pumpkm, t:;pe of lamps can I usc on the This America:~ look Is trans·. \'iolet. amber, bro:1ze, green and' women have come to lik~ for the rosv red of apples. nlr.ht 8tands~ What color cur· • ___ -·-·--- . __ . -----.. ·------talns and spread? t am not us·j Man F;"'e furnaces. , CATIIOI.ICS .~n·EcTED , to RomM Catholic. sc~o~ls ~·~~ in~ a rug, just hardwood noors. Y .u S (Sl Do not block exists Ill' ~10:'\TI!EAI. •CPI-Thc super· .the. country are discrtmmat(d·:~ -'trs. A. 1I c } stairways with port~ble hrat· ioer or Rati~bonnr lll,:Jastcry in: a;:a nst. Rev. Joseph Sttassny.}n \~ Dear Mrs. A.: 'First. ~I art sal'·: are e8SDeSS Jcn· ..·a!rm so~·s Chrisiian' Jh·ing ~lontrcal as :~t·oel repmentally,e;· .. lng for a bedroom rug. That 1 er~. i.l Israel who semi their children· or tl1e :-iational Catholic Welf&;:e· ' noor 15 going to feel very cold :->ational Fire Prevention 19l :\!alc~les nncl eignrc~tes -- .. ------· - ----· -- 'Confcrc~ce. oaid in an intervi4~ lhi~ wi:ller. Pale pink draw Week. October to 1o re· al'c a maJor cauc in rd. P- :~ -·-- c ·----·--~-- ./ nr pale ~ray bas~ and ~hade~. O(f!eials of the All Canada I ------· · But do be sure they . are tall! Insurance Federation. which! ¢. enou~:h f~r rcadi~g '" be~. I represents more than 250 i Bases ol stmple desu:n and plnan 1 automohile. rasualt~· and fire i w 2 5 shadl's are always In the best , insurance companies. nrg!' e'll pay you , ·-.· ·•~· taste. i e1·Nynne to gh·e their local · firl.' departments full cooper· : ation during this wl'ck. j Berause of increased use of I For The Good , hcater5. firrptarcs and slo\'CS 1 ! \ il~ pictur~s ~ during fall and winter month~. Jr ;tory. Too : the federation make~ the !o'· \ just for trying any ·: p!Cillt'C" i~ Of All , lOWin~: SUUeS\iOnS for g;·eal• I ' ;ubjccl er safety: I i.PI E'l'ery man and woman be · m Have electrical wirhl'! ISYITf:S BRIEFS WISE WRITER DIES indu•trious. prudent and eco· chrckerl before wint!'l' ~ct~ :n.: 1\'I'\DSOH. Ont. •CP• - \'~1· t.o:-;oo:\ 1.\P•- .lames Hal!. nomical in their acts a:1d !eel· 121 Electric~! repairs and 3 of these 5 NEW rc·~ns Arfnirs Wni~tet· .~. .1. nn~ o[ Londo:~'s best known gour· ings. and while gathering to pxten~ion~ should be dn!h' · B:·otoks ~lonriay ~arc Canad:t's mrts and a ma::azin<' writer on thcmsel\'es, lei each one strive · h~· qualified exprrt <. 1 wa • amputees an open inl'itation tine w;nc>, died Sunday. Be was to identify his or h~r interests (:I\ Chimne~·s .and h•·at in;: ht .\pril. 1971 1 lo •:thmit a hricf to Parliament :J:I. Hall wrr.te a weeki~· column with tile interests of th~ co.m· e11ui;lment should hr rlr~nrrl . I :· hl'l'•·hy given thn: c~nn1 ~ fill' adjumnrnts in ther on wi.1r in The London En:1in~ tmmily. with tlln'c or th~tr :1e1~h and checkr1l at lras and welfare · 141 Clear old mnt;a1.inrs. bt•nd>. the a:mnal cmtrcnlio.1 ol War Ampu· Swttos. Cause of death was not . in that of all. ancl we will be ra~s nnd other in[]ammahlc h•1e~ls ha,·r h~cn lilt ions of Canada. , announce~. blessed and prospe1·ed. . objects from attic and base·· ; men. :or rrdrmption and - -·---·- ---- t . ... fl·•~•·t'nt!'d lilt lh~ :1!!.1 . (51 If your hou~c I~ an olrl 1 ':"' nr:uhrr. 1!13!1. at 100 T!-ll!7 POOft (OU'I Keers. one. be doubly sure thal ~II . SAVE MONEY WITH THl COUPON .Jed intcrrst tu. !h~l llUit'fllJ'.AN'THEt-.1 C'IG61t.l' 'hcntlng 11nd electrical equtp·! :•. mow ... '·" :hr or lite of The £<·)~:~I , U0 iHIS 80NE 'CAUSE HE'~ 1 mcnt i~ safe. and bdghten baby's mealtimes with ·: 011 ('.dl~·. St ..John''· nn, AFIU>ID SOME OTHER MUTT LL i (Ill Keep small ~hildren , I hcse 5 new kinds of Heinz Baby of the ~aid hund' ~';'J ~~~;~~tsJ~z~~·~,~~E ! awav from sto,·e~ and heating FoodH. Temptingly delicious .•• extra I a· . t!UC Oil tile 1st day ; 8'1 S!JitYUJ' IT DEEP EloJOU6H I E'llltipment. . nutritiws! 1960. and all sub.:e ; so lie CA~ FOR6ET A8011T i (7) use on!~ clean. first : STRAINED TUTTI·FRUTTI . ;,ttac l~u.• lt~rctu , .. 'THE OTHER Poe~: : quality ruel [or h ea t ers an d , ···-~.·. J l 1 An especially good flavour-blend of ".·I of bonds nrc rcqt:ircll . 4 sunny orchard fruits, finely strained .... · lh•:1r honds for rc· for a delectable new dessert • ' . ·I . ., I he afo~c~aid Ollir~•; STRAINED BANANAS AND APPLE SAUCI •aid rlate and in rase , Baby-delighting flavour blend­ are not presented on bright new taste in deeaertl! a•tr. all interest on thr. >hall cea~c as frn!ll : Jltpa rtment of Public Worh. STRAINED 5PAGH£TTI WITH llEf 11 31st day of Oct.,: Ottawa Wee ones' version of a big Col~ tre11t ' ! TENDt:RS -tender spaghetti and the beet of SEALED TENDERS ncidrm· the beef in a line puree. Ill : ~d lo Secretary. Department or STRAINED CHICKEN NOODLE D2 .Public Works. Ottawa, and en· MEAT DINNER 03 Idorsed ''T<'nder For Wharf A complet.ely satisfying intlll l'lf 04 Ihnpro\·emenls, HnnL~fort, HatH's plump. tender chicken 1immertd in County, N.S.", will be recci\'ed el(g noodles and strained in the until 3.00 p.m. lEST) Wednes· s:.tverior Heinz manner. I:U\'.\L TRt'ST ; d~~·. Oct 28th. 1959. STRAINED IUTTEASCOTCH CUSTARD 1 Plans, specifications and . CO~IPA:oiY, !forms of tender can be seen. or I Something new! Deliciously differ­ Truste~. ent, bright taRte treat for baby and lean be obtained on deposit or an extta·satisfying deeeert. :sum of 525.00 in the form of a · --!CERTIFIED bank cheque to 'the order or the Receil'er Gen· era! of Canada, through: I Chief Engineer. Harbours ·and Rivers, Hunter Building, HEINZ , Oitawa, Ont.; District Engineer, :Ralston Building, Halifax, N.S., Pn. electric blue,.· ;and can be seen at the Post BABY FOODS ,~ them by no Office at Hantsporl, N.S. pting they 1re The deposit will be released hey· re bargains ~~a ~~~~~A ~AVI on return of the documents in men find them good condition within a month '· from the date of reception of tenders. If not returned with· for just 12.SQ down at ••• ·~ NH. ; in that period the deposit will Ibe forfeited. ••••••• : To be considered each tender INIIODUCJOIY Orfllt YOU SAVE 2St ATTACH LUlLS TO'fHIS COUPON AND SEND TO: ·····-~···~··················· ·mnst- · CUP AND MAll YKIS VAlUAalE COUPON l hy WOITH 25t HEINZ BABY FOODS, DEPT. T.T. ' .,' 1 tal be accompanied ·one YOU CAN BUY YOUR IONDS . ! of the aiternali\'e securities for Send u1 1111• coupon and 3 iobel•- one LEAMINGTON, ONTARIO ~in the tender documen:;. eodl froM OilY 3 d·l·f·f•t•r•t·n-1 kind• of for cash or by .inst~dmentl at your • llowll ,ayment of 5% • i (b) be made on the p~inted lne S now Heinz loby FOOtnd you 2St in co1hl Toke Iobei• 1.0.. 3 'I forms supplied by the Depart· ADDRESS ______·· neighbourhood Bof M branch • $2.50 111 a$50 Bold, $5 for a ment and In accordance with of tht followU.g now kindll • )the conditions sl!l forth tl)ere· • Htl•s Strolftld s,.th'"' wlth lttf $1118111, tic. BalaKe ia 11 ~ Htlr.l Stro1nd Chlclrtn Hood~.._ .. Dlnftfr OTY _____ -· PIOV. -·------• 1 in. I' Htln': St,.lntd lutlttteollh Cu1tant BANK oF MoNTREAL • mOAtllly payments. : The lowest or any. tender n~l \ ONlY ONE INTIODUCTO~Y Of'fE2 TO r•CH fAMilY .. • , necessanly accepted. • Htina StteiMd Tultl fiVtll Off£2 EXPIRES NOVE/.IIEt 30 1959 e...... 'iit4t fed • I · ROBERT FORTIF.R, t Htlns Sfrelrttd la:nea•l «1tl At'Pit S.Ht I Chief of Adininl~l·:ath·e sm·tces I' • and Secreta•·y. oct5 • • ~~ DAILY NEWS, ST. JOHN'S, NFLD., TUESDAY, OCTOBER 6, ----~~----~------~------~------··~------:------··.. ~·~~~- Can a Outd( I toe TOM WI eport Pre•• COULEE of. sporl Toronto l•t Nickol :00S liM> n~ Wi - 'I Woedoft 1000 . I " II .; 1 Manitoba "::'1: t..C:~GP~~i i:,1-R~K 'Wooo 1?t10oe 11 jf1 !~" ~lll~~)., 3: u: •3; 1~ ::.,~> on an experlm1 '-tel Stock E!Cbll!lt-O ~~~ 111; the · 110 500 3.1 35 M YounJ RG .VOlO 112 t9 1•9 +II !ltl 1 ~arb or the provint llttk lllto liP Lew Clooo Cb'ro Jacobu. !100 !3D 133 139 - MIND Jaye E•pl 3.100 " 21 :81; + ~ Bulolo 400 390 390 3tO -IS organlzatlo AbaCIII 21000 30 30 30 Jtllttoe 1000 II 10 ;J +I OILS Unlimite And Urn 71000 JilL I"'" Joburko &600 12 II 12 +2 Almlnet 1030 2.!! 240 240 -IS Ad.-lt " •"' H\0 + 1' Jolltt 1000 :11 -28 26 Aoamera 12100 112 111.1 m -3 or 19: AIDito 400 m :to m + S Jooomllb · JSOO · 11 13l'a lalt SA INS 87$ 835 lfS ... S 000 37 58 58 li.. fish Abltt» sio IS 41 IS + Jrswooy 1000 4Z 41 u -t Banff 800 Ill lOS Ill +' Alba Expl 1000 7 7 _ 1'1 Ktn•·llt 1000 S S S Bmo 31175 92 90 tl 7 1 AI- 3010 tiS 141; 14!; _ !o Ktrr Add :JUS Ill 201; 2010 ;. \ Brtalla 1000 :0~ :tOO 1DS ,nliJIWUII! fa ArDII Ran 000 a 1 1 +I K\lembt 1:!00 295 2S 275 -2.1 Cal alta 3025 Sl lO SO -S Allat011 1110 14 82 S3 +I Klr~ Min ISlll 3 3f 38 Cal Ed :lO SlO'• OH D\i from a ha Allllo IIIII' 100 till\ 11\\ 1111 + ,, L 111 2000 :1 n 21 -t Cllvan on 100 2:10 330 350 N.D., were ...bf 11111)'11 1000 :o 20 :o +!' L Sborr tOO 500 lOO 000 +23 Oil Lda 1300 134 133 133 six were kt AIIIIIA.,: • 1171 171, IS\ 'I mo -t L \1'111 1010 :1 ll 31 S Ptla 1050 310 370 3!0 +a .,,_ 300 24 22 23 _ 1 La Lu& 1100 410 410 110 C Chltlln 1100 105 100 10! -1 hope of pro . • -'~"tad wta 2000 2 2 2 _ 1 Laltll 200 120 m :20 • s 4n Dev 650 385 380 360 , ,A\IIn C COP 2100 0 00 IO +IO Ltxjndln 3003 I 4 +~ C Ell Ga, 1960 229 Zll -1 of the bi1 ··. ' AUbtllt 7300 3 2 -l LL Lac 200 U 10 U .;s Hllh r tlOO 34 3 34 + 2 ; .·.A'IJI'Ifho 2100 tO 10 IO _ 1 Lorado 000 19 II of -1 Romo1td 3175 103 !WI 100 • 4 AWII11111t 3.100 7 1 7 Lollo1cl lOO I G f C HUikY 81 910 8.\.1 965 + IS Aunar 4110 uo r.o m _10 L.vndh~t 1000 1: ll 12 c Ru•kY wtA Ito, 180 no ~ao -J .A•IIa 11500 . lllo 2 2 _ ~ L•'IIX MOOG 221> I~ ~0\\ •f11 Cdn 1\'0 1499 m 161 Ill •5 larnal toeoo w us w Moc>u& 100 ~to · f' 90 -10 ent Dtl 1~70 5:10 3.10 53~ cs Baa•!! Metal1 1000 13" lllo Ill\ -t"'' MadOft 5000 :\lo :;o, 27\2 -?•.; Draa.. 18000 38 33 33 -3 ..a 1.100 1l 13 13 Mocllt 33300 10!; t t - ·~ c Mlc Mae 350 315 :91 313 t 20 1·~ S.U 17 11 17 -I Madson 115 :190 275 l.90 • H C Wool P 100 3t5 3U 315 111 tuet TOO 77 77 77 , -t Macn" 4COO 12\lo II II .. •• \1 Croo wto 31 !000 191 1.0 193 + 4 • Bttblm 1103 103 101 JO.I +5 Malanlc . uoo ttl nu 111 +7 DO\' Pal :t.l!O 92 91 92 -3 • l!"'toa 1000 11 11 11 !danwl U 1000 s S & Domt Pelt 200 IIDI~ 10 101 i • '' I · Bobll •3!110 11.. 11 II llaral10 500 1l II II D1111mle 8000 110 108 109 ~ .lllcnll ~ SlOO 81 as N +t Maritime lt\00 130 1~1 124 ·-I Eaal"11 IM 161 169 169 •19 Bon1111a •&000 3 3 3 arUn 47200 41 3!11 lO E.,lwd A SJ& 16.1 160 180 "tO IOIIWI :too Sf • J0 SJ -I ldl)·bru• :200 IS I~ \\ -I FarRO 2011 420 4~0 110 -J Borllllr 1000 7 1 7 _ t; McKtn 800 ".71+ ::•~ 27'.1 -31> Gr Plalna 37l $1:14 ll"i 1210 ~ \; Bralenot lr711 800 590 800 .;J5 ~!elfti)TI !85 J!1U !Ot'J BID!· 4 Rome 011 A 1878 II 11'4 1 8""'1 Reef 4600 so -13 so Mtnlor 500 13 11 13 -1H Homo Oil I s:s 111'1 II II - '' .11'1111rot !100 :•~ l\'a 21; Men111 1600 \13 M tot -1 R B 011 G 3fl II~'< 13\s l~'i •· '·• llruD(IIIan 1000 ~~ 2 : I ~lola Urlll 1000 t ' t +1 Lt Prlt 13000 II\ 20 21 -1 · In--'•• 1~ ••o • 0 J6rrn teoo 6 ,, u •: LOftJPOI•t 8100 u 39 u -1 llllfl';j"~ tooO~ ii · ~ n ' 10.1 !ol\lllllen 4100 lOT 100 JOT +I MaJirana 4801111 311 3 3 • •1111 ADk 700 135 JJ ll3 + 7o..; Min COI'fl 185 tl3 13 \3 + 14 M&l1&lr 100 110 110 110 -1 t'emp Clllb 3.13 110 113 610 ~5 \lln·Ort \500 1\'o • •~; 911 - ~,; Medal 1032 225 m :JS Clmp RL IIJO 1121; 12 t:•; " 1" Yontta 1100 If M lA +I ldl4c0ft 1300 30 10 .!0 C'd. A •·ri ••u • • ulll·u 1!000 ~5 S2 53 -1 MIU CitY !00 t I : -\ D!'ll•'w 1 ...~oN! J" ,: 8" • ~ 1>11. "'wnlltt 8NI S2 . so so -1 Sal l'l'le ~oo 315 310 a10 -3 · , do !o'W !110 31 38 : -: Sama cr moo 30 :w, 27 -1 N Cant 100 8 n :!1 -t 1 Caadm 41&6 m; 11 n : 1 StJ Lib 11410 :.1 20 20 N 011Jta 2000 :! · • • ·Cin·EriD 1707! Ill 116 • 1.. Nealon t1MII t I I NCO wts mo II! II~ '.!.? -14 j : , Cln•Met 4500 33 33 3i -~ Sow 114 000 ' ,,. t•.; - 1; NCO pr <10 u :!1 •• C·Mtl ~11 tOO .11; 51; ~·; -,,, N.,. 'Dtllol 500 II II II Northld 1!100 :0 10 2n b Jae IJ:N 511 51 19 • S Kolaro sooo 13 I ·I -1 P•trol !0900 110 ll4 ~~~ -1 I t\ib-Ka)l . 5500 19'.'> II 't!ll; :3.,; Stll'lund 4300 ~ '8 !8 -1 PbiiUPI 26011 73 ;~ 71 O 4000 10 Sf 1!0 z S MaD 8500 41 IS a Plan %1100 Rl 73 ;g -~ tOO !'IS 27S 27~ - N !llylama 1~35 ·ll 133 -1 Pro•·• Gu 5610 :.37 231 ~~~ -t 1. EOCh Will !SO S25 315 32.1 +IO s ...... or 1000 f I · I -1- I Qu ..to 1!100 11 11 II 1.t: Cod,v.lltce 1100 tl; 8,.. , _ I; New louY!I 4000 12 12 u Ranaer ~oo 140 140 J.IO , •!. tlomae ::0000 "'1 2 t _ ... Scktl ~IS 1290 52 ·I 51 -t RotkY P 4000 ~ R 8 n111b :!Itt 1M& ti :s :ll 2 Stl>!ulnr soo Jlll ,46 ua -1 Ro)·allr m flO s:o ~In · ~ r ·' con1a1ao 3000 4f 41 47 :::. Soru4a 103~ Ill <1 41'1 - " Sapphire 3300 ll ;: :1 -1 1 . C lalltkMo lllf 711 711 11; - ~; Sortold 1000 3\i 1 ~ 5n sareer 100 \13 113 Ill C 'Dtnllu 18834 113'• IN 13'i : 11, Sortartle 1200 ~~~ 24 ?4 -1 Secur Fret 300 380 360 3!0 ·c Deo wta 8845 111 no _ Sormetal 101 335 335 33$ South u 5700 IBh Jr 18 1 111 1 1 .c ~ 1735 405 3~ 40S ... , Sorrax :000 12 1010 .. 10..,- H Spooner 7500 16 ll : I~ .. 51 18 50 '' 8. ~ ~ ~ i: ~ "' ~ ~ g:::~~nn .~~~ 1: u~ 1~ :~ ~~':Of1u :"uo t!6 un -Q ' j c l&lllwtU Utot as 81 a s Goldm 771!0 33 3% 33 -2 Sub Ott rta 9400 s 5 I C !IIUbtD 1100 ~ 21... 2;1L> N Rank lllO f! · t3 9.'1 -~ Tn Cal 13900 41 3611 ~~~' -I._, C MUM !100 U 1!0 U +l Sarllllp 300 100 \00 100 +3 Ttd•l 6300 ~~ ll 83 -l con !ol s 1-110 tta 11 11 _ 'i Nortll can 1400 11:.1 121 m -7 Ttdll "'• 1000 s 8 8 -I ' 1 C·!IIOI\II 170 U1 141 111 11 Sudul 500 13 •IS 13 ••• Trana can 100 61 &2 61 -1 1 C Morrt... 1100 30 19 30 - Sorvallt 5000 12 11... 11\i - 0,., Triad Oil 1110 J!.O Jo> ~RII [ J· \ . , ~ .• c :llatber 1100 ee 17 u -2 Okl Rare 1000 12 12 12 U Canao •·• 600 103 JQ; Jn.l I· Con Neruo 1500 111 11 II _. t\2 Opeml~ka 1715 810 8:S 125 -1 Uft Olio 3900 JR.I IRII IRO -1 1 • • • c St>rthllld 1200, u 40 40 _ 1 Orehao 1'1300 too ts P1 ~ \l'a)'llt :!.100 12 a 11 C PUIII 500 · 1012 101; 101; _ ~ OnnobV 3000 %7 241 :II -1 Wespo< 1000 16 I~ •• • l .,...... ' ·~ • ~oi- • lad Pop 1500 1 1 1 · Paramaq :000 I I I Woburne 9150 56 61 &6 -1 l.!•P Q.\', ~ 1 r ltiTRIAL~ : i.' lie Cllllr 1000 tS 14 IS • t' Que Chb 1600 29 :a 8 +I 321;\ s:t:1 3~·~ 3l .. t.,l . , netr t1ont 1100 :o m !AI - '• Quo Cop 100 17 14 IS Alumt•J • 2()1\ ~fli'& 5•, f\!il . ' · D'Eldona 500 10 It 10 Qut Lab · 1000 3 5 .I I A.,lo·Sfl4 10U SJO•-.: 36 ;\~11 ~ ,, I · lli>mr 1423 I If~ 11'0 19'4 +1•~ Que Lilli 1100 SS :s.t 2M -U r. 8re•· 1Gt1 Si1J 1:11 ::., -~ Dll1'lft ~ 17'1 1~ 17'~ Q Mttal tTSOO ~1 lol ltl . -1 . : ll ~aan11 I I I i 7\0 ~tfil, 1ti.~, ~~~ .. ·1 F. ,\m,hi 1000 7 ~ - 10 QutiiiOftl !IS 110\t 101• JM; "' '•I Dnsco nno 1!111 m •~l -n I .·-~ · .:· · Eut ~tal 100 ISO 130 130 Radort te300 10 5I 14 -' Inland ' 1 ;t\0 Stll HI 1~ ! ' wh CUI S\111 SO 162 US US -1 IIQA\'l\OCX !i~~~ ..: ·~t• 'ij Sor Slar ~ ~~l :n :\'\ ·- ~ .. Eldtr ~800 130 1.11 Ill -3 Realm !2100 SO It 50 + It , RlmJ>'OOA .V1 ~ u; ~~~ :\ti 1., rtrli!;ing the Eldrida :000 !1 25 21 ~ 3 RouPII' 2000 26 25 !a -I ' Sltdm>ft 11~t S~fl•;~ :\li ~~~, • '•. \. COUJ'Se. t' El Sol lf%8 8~ 1 811 lltx Athab . ·M s n n -3 : Walkm :;~ ~l;t: 371;~ 3:•: -:: ~ ,• ..I Eureka 500 23 23 !.1 -I 1 Rotht 1000 I I I - !o Weolon II from being 'I 'CXPI .\U 10020 11 10 10 -111 a ...·an Coa 5000 10 I 1n + yet." sa:, . I ra!eoa t:O Ill'• 21 :a sa. Ant >178 6f 119 8'1 l'&rada1 A800 70 M 7ft I~and Rlv 1000 II 1ft 10 ~ I realize tha rauma s3f0 52 .10 30 Satellite 41!00 30 !!I 111 t J Francoeur 3000 5 I I ~htn111 :!100 :tO :1.1 11' ··I • JA on rea Frobbher Ito 1110 ItO I'll \ SU loltller 30110 14 14 4 < 1'>: i'; (ieco Mia• 550 JJI'l 18'o Ill~ Sloun \'l\ 3000 II 11 II -·1 i ~lllXTII£.\1, I:LOiJSG ~TOfK• 1 . ' GDt 14oort :!@ )) 21) 10 • Stan!~IJh :n l' 4P tt -1 · Abillbl 31 • Fraaor ~:•, :t.s~oit r.~. I' \'K 24lol 1110 m flO +10 Slarrat\ 1000 4\.oa <11 .... ,\bit pr GT l.ak•< 'I Glut I ~~~ ~ illtl ~.... 1:' Glatler TOO 30 lO 30 Stet\0)' 3000 5 ~ S , AobUIOI !!'o Ito•· Sntllh 1~'' 1't()l} i'o 1 1 Gold !:&lla 14100 t'.; t 1 Sloe, Jt tm 11m 12 12 - 'i I Rnque c Sal :.~ flu~ II•.•· ~lin .II ll'i'lt.I'J 1~ 1 • ·•.. , ! GF t:raa 1900 27\oa :fllo 271, - .... SIIUIVOD lOll !RO !75 m -1 Bank )10ftl Imp Bank ~~ 1A Wt J• ; .·. ; ( · Gral!dllc !SO tiS 112 115 Sy)1·anl~ !100 lOS 104 1111 Bank ~S ;,,, Imp 011 '•ot)tl ·,,, .,, GIIU Lead 31100 7 1 1 Taurclftt 1000 73 H 7l +I Bnlue PC 39': lnl Sil'k ~lltn 1--.·. i6 1/· 1:0·~ I ..,. ,1.' . Gunaar 51&0 st:'< 1J U•a + •< Totk·B 3600 175 ISS 17: • I Bathunl A lnl P•r IR·~I :!9 .,~~ GIIAIIar .... 5280 ~ 110 5 + 13 I Ttmll liOO ~IS m 110 Balhural I lftl re.. \0! I' ll•· 11:, ·f G~i!Um 000 6 5 s - Trano Ru 10000 l' Ill 11 Boll 11 )la,.•Ftr ~· .\!o\(1 : ;, li·• Ratlnor !100 210 !30 !30 -10 ITrbaC 000 ~~ ::a t• -~ Brazil 4~0 McColl 1~00 ~'l $ S&OO -tV, 1 1!1.,! · HU'd llDtk 12 11 U •1 TN Chnt 1000 1~ 13J.oa 3'~ Bldll rrod J1 : ~ $1. t'14r .f,j't; I iiO ~:' J ·· . . Ruqa 1000 1~ tllo !Silo + U AobulOI lt1 40 410 4:0 -·S Coveland 10•• Soranda IMO 1:·, >i1t 1" : I H ol Llk4ll :!0011 U IS IS ' UII•SbiW 6333 .2 tl I +1 C tmral lAI.o Paudu~ 10 I .al()n 11!1 • :n:, Bud'l'a? 6150 41 31 31 Un Ktllo 900 4iO 160 lao Comtnt pr 2! Price :m ! J~ltO -~<11:, •J 5000 510 M-1 Sit Upp Cao tlO tlS 110 +4 Stamshlp ll Que P""· lt)()! ,, ' ·, · Reatll ~ 33 . Beva 1000 21; 210 :11 Vlolam 300 178 175 m -a c BD~ om 60 Royal Bank 1.1i'll' ~l, 4\1, ; • '. Roll ..or 410 UO 2110 30 Vt1111lrto 3fO um U 1\o - I'> Cdn Brow 36'• tlo)·alll< 6tlj + ~ 1 16 IJllil r\o••• Sft !'!OttO :·•··~ ;1\~1 !·:·.·::·:··: . .';:: .• BOJle 775 W 410 410 -IS Wallt AID 413 &U 63S 8:15 +5 Cda Brew pr Sl L Corp ~~(lj) ... ;J:, 100 l~· t ~& 1 1 1~ ,~ :J'• 'r.< 1 ·r 1.:.,. ' ' '·' i-: .r :! . ~ t ~ .. '• ·'

&PJOU iCHRISTMAS WITH SnaF Toronto FAMilY AND FRIENDS ;&i~ starts' here IN THE "Wilen it'•u !side yc~~ltlrt" iJ not jult. ulogan Ga Oft OLD COUNTRY 1 0111lectro l101 AV u -it'• teet. Es)lelU chemical reeea:dJ are Alumni CPR buJy tM year lOIDid 1t Elide tliMoveri:JJ ways and mwtl of Man·r IV8ll malda1 the world'• bMt aut.ollloti.- battary better! More Ma.llra•• Pll~t • . than aQO pt~t. held by the c Draron Lt Pojal • Elide ColnJIIIIY tell the etery of Tn ('II OOIItiDubtt battery ,lmprovemenu. Your festive season storts the lmp!'CIYIIIIIIIIII that mean futer ~tam moment you Jtep oo board Ill any wuther; 11'81ter Jlllabillty; long• your CUNARD Christmas soiling liCt ud IMI181'Yice Jtqulrement& ; •• superb service ond Arly authorbed Exldt Dealer will recommend the comfort at Thrift Season raleJ JltOtt ltlltable·Ezidt !Of your ear-tet yolll'l to·day., ; •• Father Chrittmas will be on board ••• Christmas treet , •• CANIDA SAVINGS BONDS children's parties and. Yuletide menuJ to tempt your sea·sharpe~ed appetite Buq. q~ now, bq ~ Gr for ~h. , • , fun galore for alii 85 Remembwr, when you go CUNARD ••• Getting There of cmq brMCh of~ ·~oi,· is Half the Fun! S.o yo•r lo

    . •

    ' .. ., : Ttf! DAILY NEWS, ST. JOH~'S, NFLD., TUESDAY, OCTOBE,R 6, 1959 ·.• - . Canada ~--~--~··--~------~------~~------I Social Life Weekly . Alaska Highway j i WHITEHORSE, Yukon ICPJ-. f Outdoors Conference ', Health Hints lthe A i ask a H'ghway, which:!· B' TOM WILLIAMS OTTAWA ICPl-Nlne hundred Baby·talk ~ay be amusing · pauses at this Yukon capital's I · Prell Start Writer delegates are expected to attend when a child ls just Jearnmg baclc door for a traffic circle, : . COULEE, Man. ICPI­ the Catholic Social Life COnfer· but it should not be encour· was built in a hurry. It's still In i · of sportsmen in this ence to be held at Sudbury, Ont., age'd. BY pronouncing. wm·ds a hurry. · · 1 l• M) ~tanltoba area Is work· Oct. 11-tt. · clearly when talking to young S~1·enteen years ago, Sept. 2'J: ! a II .\ 1942, 1 ~ ~xperlment to Introduce The conference organizers are children, they will learn to two crews -· worl-ir.g north .\1, l', rurkey - reputed to be planning the progtam so that all speak correctly. A copy of from Dawso.1 Creek; B. <.:., a~d I ,,'· 70 I!'" u,, 11 rhe finest game birds , !:1 the bishops, priests, nuns, broth· the child training tolder south from Big Delta, Ala~ka- ; ~ tA n" .. ll~ the wildlife popula· era and lay people attending will "Baby Te~k" may be obt11lneJ met at Contact Creek, m'le ;;;a I . 12 • no•·th of Dawson Creek. 1:1 eight ' :!~ If rhe pro\·lnce. have a chance to dlscuss In free of charge by wrltln~ to ! ..'·' "..,.Rl•l 0\ or~anlzatlon, called Wild amall, !.,ilmate groups the topic "Health Education OfCice". months tiley had pushed through ! llll 1,429 miles of road. : ' .1l :1! l'nllmlled, was formed of each formal address. Department of Health,· St. •• ~~ spring of 1958 with the tup- Aim of the conference Is to ex· John's. Today, cars, buses and )M!an· j " "I 13.'1 tractor trailer trucks roll at 50 ' I ~ 1! lo~al fish and game as- plore 'how the concept of Chris· - 1 I I miles an hour over the l,~·mile : "' - tbn family life can be better un· Too many candles and soft lt~dulliiarial, follol.l'lng fall 10 birds pur­ derstood and applled In the mod· drinks are not conductive to .highway des ~ribed as the. ·"~st .: "· from a hatchery in Man· ern world. g11od health. It 'is better to gravel road in North America ... I. >'D.. were re~ased, An· Plenary sessions are to be held substitute fresh or dried The caas carry the tourists. The I . no::b~ound trucks carry suppJ'es I !iX were kept ln captivity In the auditorium of Marymount 1 fruits and fruit juices or milk. ho~~ of producing a hatch. College, It ls a good idea to eat your anrl machinery for the ever·in· : cre:.si.ng expansion and el(plora· ! of the birds kept In cap· candy at the end of a meal. , u r r i ,. e d " sa'd Bob Afler each address the audi· tioa b ~orlhcrn Rritish Colum' I · Then brush your teeth im· bia. the Yukon and .~laska:S'lmth· · · o~ Plum Coulee, the or. I ence will divide l:!to discussion mediately. . .•ecretary. "But hap· Igroups or 48 perso:tS, each of bound tucks are lliden wiih as- ; a!! w or the birds released which will be further divided into b?stos. s'lver and lead, h~ading : i.d came throu;rll the wln· 1 three tables ,or 12 perso:Js. Cor tidewater. '' lllrh Lo.- 40.000 TOURISTS .n,. ·..... • .\ 1'" 1hr pink .of conditlo2." ! The small groups will try to 1(11\ \~\.. 1:). :,.. , ;t; 1'' .. . EXPERJMEST ·come up with a recommendation, :,.. :;•. :v, wu~• the results of the · obser\'atlon or quest'on on the

    I Ol ll l;l '• . t\Perlment. the grr.:1p re· 1 topic. Then the room chairman : w ·,sp. .·,;.~., 1 ~· •·n'.. ~h'• :9 more birds -27 hens i will recommend one point to 1 '''' U', -\Pt roms-early last month . bring beck to the entire confer· 1 "' u. u., 1 '(t'l 7'll; ':'~1. !trond phase of the pro· . ence. 'tMI ~-~~. 9" .'t:·u tifl' 1 .lilt! -:--.t, ,,,.. t~\. till\) :1~'. ,lltl ~=1., ~~~· .,,1' rfl•l 1nt., • Ill ':'R 1\o~tl ~!'• :~uo ~;.1 1 )il• , :•'11 ~:t·, ll-),) :11\t. :10 ~'"Ill ~~. =~~. ''"") 2: ~I)' • • '"W'.I 26114 !ti•, '• lo,l 191, ,., .. ;~.W) 3~ .. l1l, ~'(• !R~ • ~~~~' OJit 681, •7J., : oi~l 6llo. lil"t ~'\uii -'8" 4J ~ Ill) ~0 1 ;~ 1'Pr. : 1•1ll 11*• HI. 1 'not 6!11 fi~l. \ :,,, !8 :~a, : '>~Jil -'8'•• ~Ill, 1 ,',.).:1 -'li'• -1&' .. lto{IOJ \0 ~"'" ht\U ~q,, :l~Jw. ,.; ,. l''• 1 'l'·' l:'. •:, .. , :"''• ~" .'IJU 1111 :\)11 .'~t 1 :.?u•. 19 •tOO .&.1\'l ~Jl 1 Ifill K\ 11~ ,,q .. ~t\ijJ, 2.\8:2 ·:"'' sn~-. M•, :•~·· u a, .,~, ~ i' ~ asa't <1,\(l .,,, :9''111 ... ~.~ 1:6· ,I l:r.:1 (·J{I ., •• Bfl't •• .,. .. , ti'·.. ~61' :),1 ~~. ~ ''«' J.'\ 1'1 1.fi. 'iPtl .\~·· 1 ~till J ;fiiJ f;-;'11 f,fil, ~.. ~\ ~"'1• .u~. :!~•10 e:'' ~ 116\, 'IHII J26J, 1:.\1, toll\{) ~.... ::1 7U•J :\F• 3~tt. 100 :\9'• :191; 7-Jo,.l .\~11 ~Jl"J l"t{l) 111 11011 t~l(l H U -l•~o,l :51~4 ",,.. .'\Ill :!911 ~~ ... .'HII() Ill m 11011 51i'll 1')1 , 601'1 9''. 911 3 ::'t!\1 J:: l~th· ;~uu J:tll.t 1.P. ''+110 31 !.It'• ·.,., 9!• ~ ~l .,,,, :1:•. :12 1• •·•10 U'' t;'• I •• 'O' JL ::.0'­ ·,, ,, -4]1. 411• :~a~., ]~\ ...111· f,illl :" ;,...... If, 1-'tl lU 1\IJ :\JI.~ ])1 f. r.:uo .T.Ql 4 .l.q'• !~4!ll ~I L, \11. "·OLI ;!I§, ~,.ul(l l4}1,

    ifll\ '"'" '101) !'Ill. •.;,'l,~t pl. Jjl_, ' 100 • ~ • ..,,~~,. :~o ~QI' .! •Ill 14jl. :16 : ~. ·n 31'• l:r .. ~onn Q•: -'''" .41•)(\ 1'" 16;. 1.!00 l~· s tfM 00 lt't.~·· ll\4~ ~1M 112'> Ill ... l~tlO JFU • 1:' :1000 8La ,.1 1,00 9\. 9\t-s 13UO tWl& Set'• :~O(t\l )Ill .. IOO't 1:!00 :u 3<1~· 100 ll\1 J8l., 14011 3f 330o I ~·-WI 911, 9l"' lMO 10 m, OFF SEASON NEW! 1 .. Canada Should .. Win Awards .I LONDO~ (CP !-Organizers· ~r I a British photographic compcli· lion have issued a press state' ;I ment ur&lng Canadian press photographers to enter the fray. Eneyda;r adivltles I• Aatuma can provide "Canadians challenged to win llrst-elass saapehota. awards," i~ t.'le heading on e re· lease circulated by the Encyclo· • paedla Britannica,. which Is or· Snapshooting Can Be All· Y.ear Fun ganizlng the t2th annual British . ' · Presa Pictures o£ the Year com· may lje on the way 1 the water and try to include 1 petition in conjunction with the !rut the fun of taking pic· in these snapsHots some of Institute or British Photograph i~ not over. The autumn the silent glamor that is all ers. one ot our Canadian around? is just as suitable · The fan who uses black· :~Awards totalling more than Pi~ture-taking as any and-white film can r!lplure £700, plus trophies, are made for . ~ummer day. The softer wonderful scenes too but, in individual news. sports, feature, that comes with the order to record the exception· Royal Family and colGr pictures, da>·Jight hours Is ex· al opportunities that occur In for sequences built around a 2 OR MOR.E PEOPLE·(family, friends, business assodaies, etc.) TREMENDOUS SAVINGS WHEN THEY MAKE THE ROUND TRIP TOGETHER! for both black-and· Autumn, the use of color film alngle narrative or t.ieme, and fer ~NJOY and color pictures. Ia very strongly advised. portfolios of 10 Individual black wonderful plcturea Leaves tum from silver and and white pictures. 8 Lowest rail fares In half a century! Two or mora people travel Travel any doy of the week! Stopover privileges .•• 150 lbs. taken In our woods, In brown to crimson and gold AIJ pictures ·must have been for less than 3 cents a mile each ••• group of four saves over baggoge checked free for each adult- c~ildren 7 5 lbs. Return or on the shores of and even grassy margfna or taken between 'Nov. i. "!95~. 'ariel' · ·one·lhlrd·on total fares!-: · · · limit60 days. · and streams. Our Cana­ low-lying hedgerows chango Oct. 31, 1959, for use In editorial •utumn is a season when from one color to another, 'Children 5 and under 12 pay lust 40% of regular. adult fare. For your convenience, renl·a·tar service is available at des· columns. The period for color pic: iination. ~cems to don its best serenely and silently. Befo·re ure~ Is Sept. 1, 195~. to Aug. 31, Under 5, free. and every facet of· you shoot any pictures make, 1959. Entries should ·reach the 1 • Canado's most convenient and 'economical trove I :-plus relax· •ouJ,cnn •• world beckons to sure you h11ve your picture Encyclopaedia Bl'ita:mica, 11 Bel· i composed in an orderly 9ood anywhere in Canada, between destinations 72 miles or ing, all·weather comfort and dependability only o train can fan to come and grave Road, London, by Nov. 2, \ more apart, provide. the elements o! natural fashion. And remember close· 1959. . ' ups, They can be as breath· • taking as the Autumn beauty Last year 20 I~ synonymous· over~~as pres~ ! rolnr and, u color pic· Itself. photojlraphm competed with 257 : Uri!led Kingdom collea(lue~ for are a~ easy to take as Autumn IR the calm that ·•·•na.whltf'. why not try comes before winter's stoi'Jil a,wards. There was no entry from Exciting new Idea for travel to Winnipeg and West the color in all ita and as it 11pprdv.ches it brings Canada. : j . The trees m•y bealn to with lt all the chapaes and ' lheir leaves but before alterations of Nature'a atlrac· :. . FOR ONE., • Jtpll fore, acco,;,modalion, all tlons. There Is a atore of . . NO MURDER' PROII s'-~plng me~h,. · FOR 2 OR MORE, •. Rail faies, sleeping accommodation .. ' '" the leave~ contain ·-.~ even tips hidudod at one low price-: no extras to pay I Spac•ol · . beauty to be photographed, ' BAL'l'IMORE. (AP) - l'O· all mtoh and tips at one low price- with substantial re~uc• few artists can captl!re...... rates lor children. lions for groups I Special rallS for children • are a eofta1e owner and camera fam of all kinds lice thouahl they had a mes· One way or round trip( between major polnls on trans-con· Round trip travel only, between m.aior points on lrans-coniJ. IIIIIHI-4 not take 101M plotulel can reap 1 barvui of beauty · ay ·murder to solv~ when two •linen tal strvict. · ' nentalservi(e. ;,. ~~ .. .. ,.,.(.,..., YOU tbf and color. ~one bouta huinan hlllds were to.und .1D leave !:ol"J• Coocti pion· cdso a¥ollollle- covers fare, meals and lips only. Coach plan a,lso civallablt- covers frnes, meals and lips only. ' ' . . . ••• '"* lilt tlmt ~ t•N'f IN\R their .favorite autumn a trash cu. They ordered 1 ,.,,.,..s~'""" . . wlU.Ue 1 ICtnt. You em. record the wide hunt for the rest of Afrt Canadian National 11cbt Agent will welcome yollr enquiry, and complete your maenlflcence that you see and the body. But It was called '. to the travel arrangement~ for you. Ask him, also, about the "Go CNR Now- Pay La.ter" plan. I with the aid ot your .camera off when • three 12·year·old I ailll, · you can proudly show your ·boys reported they had found N.S. 'autumn beauty, to others. the hands In an Incinerator lt ..... George H. Ka;r behind the city mor11tie and put them in the ean •. .. I

    . -. '' 1 - ,_ ~· ' ····~·. ' .. · t- \ .,':--• ...... ,



    ·~ •

    ' \ • • I

    • Announcing the hew

    Better• than ever!

    NEW LIMIT-$20,000 PER PERSON OR ESTATE OF A DECEASED CASHABLE ANYTIME AT FULL FACE VALUE PLUS EARNED PERSON: The limit to holdings of this new issue that may be registered INTEREST: Canada Savings Bonds jlre both a.most convenient method in the name of any one individual, or in the name of an estate of a of saving and a safe investment with many· unusual advantages. If the deceased person, i·s $20,000. Each member of a family may buy up to .n.eed should arise, they can b,e cashl!d at any time, at full face 'value plus earned. interest. They're·like d.ollars with.coupons attached. " this amount.

    A,VAILABLE FOR CASH AND ON EASY INSTALMENTS: On the HIGHER RETURN THAN EVER BEFORE:· Interest· first year 4%, Monthly Savings Plan, you make a down payment of 5% and pay off the second year 4~%, third year 4Y2%, next six years 5% plus bonus df • balance in convenient instalments. On the Payroll Savi.ngs Plan, you 3% at final m~turity. Average interest yield if held to maturity is 4.98% purchase your bonds by regular· deductions from your pay. per year •. I . . ORDER ·youRS THROUGH THE PAYROLL SAVINGS PLAN WHERE AVAILABLE IN 5 DENOMINATIONS: Coupon Bonds are available-In YOU · W.ORK, OR THROUGH YOUR BANK, INVESTMENT DEALER, denominations of $50, $100,.$500, $1,000 ~nd $5,000. In fully registered STOCK BROKER, TRUST OR. LOAN COMPANY. form, $500, $1,000.and $5,000.


    I . • • •• . . .~ : 11 TUESDAY,' OCTOBER 1959 ouse ' • United States Navy Icebreaker Edisto on a conduc­ ted tour on Saturday. At the open . house aboard ,.i the Icebreaker visitors were shown the different I aspeCts of naval work by t)le crew meml>E!rs apd were. served c;offee in the mess. Besides the inspec:tion of the Edisto two helicop­ ters from the ship gave a display rescue work at the Stadii.un Parking Lot. Many people crowded together to watch the two.helicopters being landed and parked on the flight deck. -... · t' : OPERATION SUNEC 59 yond this date and EDISTO Since her comlnlonlng _became the last ship to leave I. EDISTO hu become a well the Antarctic In 1959, seasoned lcebreaklng vet· OTHER OPERATIONS • efln of both poles. Present• Prior to Deep Freez~ rv: I I· ly EDISTO Is engaged In· EDISTO had been twice to the ' aupport work durin!! the Antarctic, where a penguin 'annUli IUmmer resupply of rookery was named Edisto vital Eutern Arctic · dt· Acres, and several times to fence bases. Since leiYing the Easte~n Arctic where she 1 Bolton on the 7th of July, Is one or the two ships to 1959 EDISTO has succen• have gone to lat. 82° N. ' fully completed 1 hydro­ CHARACTERISTICS graphic survey· of Melville USS EDISTO, originally Bay, Greenland 1 minion classified 11 en auxiliary which will be of great value . (AG·B9) Is now cleuifled as for future shipping In the a wind clan Icebreaker .,. .. IAGB·2). The ship Is equip­ OPERATION DEEP FREEZE ped with a reinforced Ice• IV bruker hull, a heelln<~ tank The most recently com· system that can provi'de an pleted mission of the EDISTO artificial roll of 10 degrees, wos Opel'l!tlon Deep Freeze and I flight deck above. the IV. In support or the United fantail. When operating . States International GeophY· EDISTO carries two hell· sica! Year Antarctic Program. copters for let recannals· The ship departed from sance, landing parties and Norfolk, Vlrglnlt, In early ,.,cue work. This Icebreaker December 1958, and sailed Is 269 feet long and has 1 non•stop to Ellsworth Stat· bum of 63 feet. It- cruises ion, Weddell Sea, Ani· at 14 knots and displaces arctlca • distance of rough· 6400 tons when fully loaded. ly 9500 milts, This non·stop' EDISTO Is powered by six voytgt set a Deep Freeze main diesel engines and two record deinon1trating the electric motors developing vtnttillty of icebrl''

    ' . E D I s. s T 0 s. ',·

    -~.TCDR G.V. Wallace, USN, E.~ecutive officer of the USS EDISTO holds picture of the· EDISTO which was presented to the ., ~· --~-'Wt~'"'tl' •1;•1'~,..,..;·.. . . . ::# ' Canadian Navy' Officer's. club,_ the Crow's NeSt, on Saturday 3 O«:tober. Lt. C.O. Arnold, the. ships dentist stands on 'his right "ewfouftdl~nder operates training wheel of one of the 40 mnr aboasd .the SS EDISTO du.ring an open house held during the and Mr. I<'. Hope, Club treasurer on his left. Mr. Hope holds EDI~To· plaque which was also presented to ·club. ata-y in St.-John'•· · ·' .. . ~. ' ' ' THE DAILY TUESDAY, OCTOBER 6, 12 A correa,Ondent recalli.a fat, ,litt,e· , · : · man at Geneva in ·1955, pushing arid' grinning France Wonders What Made Him Kill: ·~get attention, a~d so views __ K~rushche_v~~ The Horrible Case Of Georges Rapin vilit11 that there'll come a By DOROTHY BARKER mother won't be Across the border, In the ur~ her 'fay out of a . deep south, he might bp con· and she II Probably A Sweet .Triumph .,'for A Status Seeker sldered an integration prob­ with a horse or oow lem. Here h! Canada hP had 'in the living room. found his nlclie as the !!runt· Fortunately, on my and-groan brawn of a .truck· rescuers 1 ha·1e a ing tr.am. On a partleular etlc Norwegian London 14 morning in late July when has the patience and oct. 20th the thermomet\!r seemed eter­ at!on to deliver me St. John nally -stuck at 90 degrees these tight spots in pundee !1 fehrenhelt, his black hair so often find myself. oct. 24tl stood up \Ike millions of tiny Two weeks later and Mor enamelled steel coils as he .Botwood heaved' and pushed, ·shoved $500 Jess. In the tor the refrigerator and .hauled my latest love, a c;ANADA ST new electric refrigerator. the kitchen. But the was a protracted ]Iedford II I "It's no use, boss; she ju~t of disci won't go," he finally con­ from a tiny auar·t ..... feSsed, wiping the sweat from kitchen to a won,nort• .. , }lallfax. his brow. try one with copper Belle Isle When J was In Vancouver hanging by the stove o)lntreal due this past summer, on one. of DOMINIQUE THIREL: Horror In jar In bold evidence ' 6th. the several dellghtful jaunts lhe foresl. grandchildren and ]Iedford II l J made across Canada by train hood youngster! can ·October lOt J visited a friend who had fool. The Hungarian picked it and a stool to october 12th just purchased a new re­ up thl' straps used for lifting where 1 can peel. [lelle Isle II frigerator. She was enthralled any such great weight and apple butter. the October t: 'by Its automatic defrosting banged the door behind him they fall from the octc~ber 1911 equipment and Its separate as. he left the house. :'iot so our garden. ~one of STEAM freezing compartment. I put the young· coloured Jad. He I been possible in leaving up absolutely no resistance to GEORGES RAPIN: "I like to su obviously felt sorry that the two-by-four kitch , arrivlnt only home the refrigerator my mental argument that this people die," 5tb; leavin cooler was just the thing for could find was the middle of There probably is a dedicated vagabond. I rea­ space. the dining room floor and to this story. hut 1 soned that I could confidently There we were, I on the started pulling off the sticky exactly what it leave any such household kitchen side of the door try- tape that held the doors shut round that most blessing for weeks without a ing to direct the operation, while ~he machine was in situations often worry In the world that Its the coloured gentleman stuck transit. "Look lady, if you was good advantage. I Internal mechanism would go between the door-jamb and to· call the company they'll\ cover some new type · phooy, because there was no the refrigerator, and on the send up a serviceman to take man kindness and ' .. other sidl', straining and off the door. Then you can . such as that colou I I one around to defrost the .. t! baby. · cussing in Hungarian, the boss get this here box into your! played. or I learn a r 1, So what did I do? J boug11t man. I withered when he kitchen", he said as he work· I tolerance whtth h I(' looked at me and, in hl~ ed away at installing the drip I chararteristi1· of m)' I 1l, the same model from an a)l· ,· '•. plianre agency, sight uns~en. broken accent, asked If I had tray and unpacking the pat· I er. Certainly any .. ·I• I .. , Like most women. l failed to measured the spa~l' where I I ent. ice-cube eq~ipment. : who ~·an unrlr•·"anrt take into consideration that expected the refngcrator to Its a good thtng 1 am used cui allons a~ I waw I ~ fit. "Yes", I rl'plird In a : to myself and my reactions i around and ~·)·. '·t ., :I the monster might not fit into .... my little pullman kitchen, or weak little voice, but I con-; to such situations. 1 neve! , drawer therp f0r the (or that matter, even gil fessed I hadn't eren thought! e\'en blanched at the pro;;- i and a shelf O\"r 1n through the kitchen door, of the doorway being ton I' peel of rem6\ling a partition j ner for thr r~rper where e\·ery Inch hart b"!Pn narrow. to correct the (olh·. But my needs a great deal . . These ·de liverymen don't' family lives In h~ly terror a nee. I I . ( gained for more rounter PACK ROSARY TORONTO •CP• ,I l Woman To Solve·. Open House On Iroman Catholics L ' Canadian :\ a t i o n a 1 i U.S. Icebreaker lion gqmdstand and f o lo Farmhand Local Problem I MO~REAL lCPl - There By ROY LaBERGE (Continued from page 11) bleachers Sunda) for •. . hilVe been some changes on the: Canlldlan Press Staff Writer cell since leaving the U.S. rosary Sunday ··' farm-at least, on a farm at! OTTAWA tCPI r- Welfare lead- three months before. Jnst ized hy the· Holy Xa!llf I"'· nearby Vercheres o~ the south ers are beginning to mobilize seven days out of Buenos of the archdiucm ol : o( the St. Lawrence Ri\'er. people in rundown areas to sol\'e Aires, EDISTO was called The pagea.lt ' ;- ba~k " h h 1 • • Ia paradetwo-ho~r o! yo:uh . .. 1 There, at Abuott Farms, t e · t e r own neighborhood problems. 1 upon to assist another Navy h jl) .. ' farmhand who drives the tractor, I "It's about time," says Ottawa i icebreaker in aiding a Belg· i s~~e;:?:ec~tf:~: formed ·~:-: 1 ·~' I.' plows the land and herds the Isocial worker Bill Dyson. a Cana- ; ian expedition ship trapped .·•, ... .. , cattle is a slim and pretty brun· dia:1 Welfare Council official who I in ice near Breid Bay. En· i ;r~d ~~~~~nt a~~o;~e the \·•/ !,' elte with big brown eyes. works with 45 local welfare coun- 'j route to aid the vessels 1 Marie Wick~ 25, came to Can-~ cils across Canada. EDISTO encountered n•!. i FAI:-iT IS ada from Brighton, England, two The councils are voluntary or-. wo t sto 1 her entire years ago. City-bred though she 1 ganization.s through which gov- i rs · rm ·" · ; :-lEW YORK '.\P' is, she says !'•ping and shorthand i ernmenls, health and welfare i A~tarcttc operahon,_ ~ut · five boys aod ~;rt, ' wtth successful navtgahon the heat Sunda' · -or any other office jobs-are·.1 agencies. service clubs and other' manage d to h'tt her ETA en d ; ceremonies at the· not for her. She tried It o:1ce, ·groups join forces to tackle so- d "f 1 t Our 2· PLAN o· ··ary. Of A Vagab" o· nd after sh: !~It scho~l. atthl4,Bb~t~ I ciaul ~rloblems.l 'd h t 11 . ;~~feeczt~~~~f~::·t~~~sf~~i~g I ·~~in~~h:r~~.:~·1,~~ ACCOUNT .• ·,,, . soon ga\e tt up to JOin e n , nit recent y, sar t e a . her helicopter to the other 11 . · 11 11 ·•1\:'11 h I d 1 'f t I bo k If · ra : · m ' '· •· · •s anne aving• ·ts an army. . . •• on r~~ • rn wor er, ':'e ate. icebreakr, EDISTO reset a t": I" t :1. r_ra~CI' l PI___ _ d S Part of her tramtng was a one-. authortttes ha1·e been maktng the f . par tell a e . 1 By ROSETE HARGRO\'E I nacte ktll!er- h d t have month cour,se in dairy farming. il decisions about the ki~d of help ~~u.rst ~~er B~e~:rc:;r;;9 Spellman p··· · '· · 1 5 SEA Staff COrrespondent 1 er am Y e oe . no There she found her niche. needed in rundown areas. · nv ng80 •. n PARIS-tNEA)-The scene was i the ~xcuse ol a sord!d home, or FARM IS BEST I WORK OF EXPERTS after stratght days at .\rTtlR IllES the iol'ely, romantic forest of' a chll.dhood !•eking In care andl "I loved the course," she saidi Forexample,itwasthcexperls sea. IIO!.I.\ · ···' ·r 1 HRSONAL CHIQUING ACCOUNT Frontainebleau just outside Paris, ~ffectton. Hts father Is a brll·l in a:t interview. "When the land! -not the people of the area them- t\l Buenos Aics. Captain E. \\"i!liam r,: •·· ' •'·e·l "' Pay all bills by cheque on a Personal but the script might have been hant and very success!~ eng~- army was disbanded I we:~t: selves-who decided to build n .-\. ~lrDouald. t:.S.\".. Com· hi> hom~ ><~:;;r.':o• . Chequina Account. A quarterly statement written for horror mo\'e, n_eer. Unfortunately, straight to a farm. My family housing project or set up a man_de: Task 43.1 _fcor of a ~ls ~sl· I re~- GI'O~P nc~s ~":r•·0 '~'".<;1 The young girl, seven bullets !ton _has always called him away can't understand it." reation centre. : Deep Ft eeze shJps. i " '1 • , ,- will help you keep your records straight. o~>ct at~on Bt>ho~111 .,~ :. ;~~ 1 """'"~~. WI The tow service '!barges are pre-paid. In her body, her gasoline-soaked from home for months on end. Marie's work-day here starts at These things helped, but they· ll a nsf erred to. EDISTO to' a; • -_J.tl ~:~ ... ,. oi . Seotia I clothes aflame crawled like a Georges, an only child, was 6 am •nd doesn't end until 7 didn't sol\·e the basic problems. make preparattotls to return I wa; pr odu.. . Your cancelled cheques are oa file if you ' d i h d · ' " · t t" Th 1· · · I l I1 lo···nri Oct. 2, du aeed them. liviq torch toward the road. left with a ot ng mot er 1!1 p.m. S h e doesn't get much Even where recreation centres 1t? An arc tea. .e etu~n mts- : .a er. r Or on 1. Leavin& Nearby stood her assailant, grandmother. Apparently nel· chance to go out. were built, juvenile delinquency I ston was t~ prov~~e asststance I T~eatre__ '' Ith .. , .. Boston Oct. SAVINGS ACCOUNT making no move to help. ther woman knew the meaning of "By the. time I have supper often remained. A:~d poor hous- to t~e Untt~~ Kt~gdom Ant-I _ _ Oet. 12 anc 2 _That Is the way 23-year-old discipline. and watch a bit or television I'm ing continued to exist. sometimes\ m stst tn the n•r. Keep your Sa1•ings Account for $m•lng. ~rcltc expedl_tlo~ re~up~l~·-, Leaving B• Georges Rapln reconstructed the The boy developed Into a hand- ready for bed," she said. "I'm close to tidy apartment projects. mg _and rehenng sctentt~IC ships rcndrz,·o;~~rd at Halifax Oc Add to it from el'ery pay. As your balance murder of Dominique Thlrel, 21, some youth. but his grades were often In bed by nine. But one "Remedies just don't work un· stattons on the Palmer Penm- n::ar :'llnr~uc··u~ I>J~ lfO'IIo'S, you'll enjoy new peace of mind. 1 Oet. 22. whe:1 hi' confessed It to pollee I not up to his looks. He j~st 1 thing for sure-1'11 :~ever leave less the people concerned want sula. gan a joint cffo~t for I last .sprin;:. I barely graduated fr~m htgh' the farm." them," Dyson said. They were! Due to an unusually hea~y the remaiuin: ; lllrt PI111IIM Sovlnt 1t our neorett ~rqnch now. LiveJ But further shockers have come I school. Marie, who can claim nine more apt to want them i( they Ice pack for that area, Untt• In company, the slnco Rap in was jailed for that. l'lccause he thought be wanted years experience In farming, were called in from the begin- ed Kingdom supply ships ships tried to reach THE CANADIAN crime. He has claimed to be the' to be an actor, Georges was sent says that while there is a bit or ning to help plan projects. had requested Icebreaker as· "Foxtrot" via F .author of 12 others murders- to the most famous dramatic routine no two daYs are the Some areas have no active • sistence from the United Bismarck c~annels. BANK OF COMMERCE most of them purely senseless- school In Paris. He had no tal· same. :1eighborhood ethnic, sports or 1 S.tates. USCGC Northwind routes proved to ~· ... '"AN 100 IIANCHIS AC.OSS CANADA TO ?UYI VOU and he has been revealed to be ent al all. "You can expect certain things church groups. There, common- . was dispatched from New by heavy ice 10 rt the child of an Intelligent and His mother tbe:t bo~ght him e to happen but every day Is dlf· ity organization workers have to Zealand to aid the RRS John cided to steam first · M:A~ UANCH ...... E. E. EWING,.Managt~ comfortably fixed family. bar. She thought., of thts as an In- ferent," she said. "For example, begin by encouraging· people to Biscoe. The two ships suc· "Aifa" located 1S Why did he do It? ventment as well as a means or a cow may calf on a day when form such groups. ceeded In resupplying one the north. Using .IWAILTON AVf.NUE encl CASHIN ST. BRANCH- Some French psychiatrists say ·keeping her son busy. This ~ar, you don't expect lt." "They may ha1·e to start by r ba~e end tvecuatine 1n· , channels which -~ R. NICHOLSON, Manager that Rapln Is simply e rare, psy· and then a second one, fatled helping an in a e t I v e church: other, however they en· the Palmer A miserably. Then she bought _a DOESN:T FUSS . 0 1 women's association or men's: countered difficulty while the Peninwla, ~ - --- bookshop, with no more success. She hke~ to wear niC:. thl~o 5 • club so that it can develop lead-j attempting to reach 1 third the ship• without The bar ventures prohably eon- bu~ doesn t ~re wbat . the>. re, ers," Mr. Dyson said. "It may be :;tatlon. j difficulty •nd the • 1 trlbuted to his undoing. They be· \ dom~. to hemlines and thl~gs '.ke 1 two or three years before these' EDISTO was ordered to as- was complettd on asked came t~e meeting place of shady 1 that. Sh~ gets 'her excltemc~t , leader~ can, be to take a -· -----­ characters, be cause Georges from var1ous fairs and exhlbr- ! hand in some community pro-· r------. 1 Rapl:t was always gOOd for sev· lions arpund the countr~ where gram outside their own special I' era! rounds of drinks. she show~ cattle. She has been group interest." I Book Browsing ' GraduaUng from the Left Bank to Sprlngfteld. Mass.:. Ormstown, TECHNIQUE SPREADING i '-~------...1 to Manlmarte. Georges became Lachute and.St. Hyacmthe. Que.: ·The neighborhood self - help· ACROSS DOWN known as "Monsieur Bill" ·who Quebec City and_ Toronto. She has . technique is spreading acr6ss the I 1 Haccard 1 Hurried was always free wit~ his money. take~ man~· pmes back to the lUnited States after successful i novel 2 Patriot His mother gave him an average farp1. trials in ~ew York. Cleveland. ' 'Writer Gale 3 Mother of of 100 dollars a week spending I Chicago and Philadelphia. It is· 8 Vipel11 John the 1 1 Baptist money. Most of the time he er, "I just feel the urge to kill also being tried in Canada. 12 Joey • Striped animal lived In the family's luxurious I' him. I enjoy seeing people die." 1 "Since 1956, the Social Plan- 13 Mythological 5 Heraldic baild 12-room apartment on \he arls· Rapin gave no convincing mo-l ning Council of Metropolitan To-! love god &'Spread rumor tocratlc Boule\'ard. Satnt Ger· 1 live for Dominique's murder. She ronto has been e~couraging the • 14 Stead 7 Bataam'u1teed , 1 15 Bib Ileal hllh 8 Hebrew letter 26 Eagles nest mail). was a da:Jcer and hostess in a I development of local area coun· priest fl!'alher 27 Manuscript But Georges dreamed of be· shady Pigalle nightclub whom he cils," said Mr. Dyson. 16 Beat seveytly 10 Hammer head changeJ coml:~g e .real Montmarte power had taken under his wing. But In Ottawa, I e a d e r s of a 18 Wishes 11 Lather 28 Auow polson 43 and possibly decided murder pollee said, she began showing troubled ce1.1tral area formed a 20 Unfasten. 17 Siren 29 Solldiftes 44 was an easy way to that goal. signs of Independence and Rapin committee to study root causes of 21 Girl's name 19 Perfect • 31 Cylindrical 46 · Rapln's Jfeatest moment came, was afraid of losl:tg face with a serious juvenile delinquency 22 Engrave 23 Tight 33 Cat-like 24Douglu'best· 24 Chest bones animal 4S however, when the examining the gangsters, dope peddlers, problem end seek a solution. seller 25 Tooth. (comb. 38 Icc performer ~0 b.) magistrate ordered the recon· pimps end prostitutes that made Mr. Dyson worked in Montreal, 26 Fruit clrlnks 1orm) 40 Cloys (a stru~on of Domlnque's murder up his acquaintances. So he kil· with the Federation o£ Catholic I 27Gear on the spot where It. was com· led her. charities for three years before: aoFancy mltted. For the first time In Georges' fiancee. 20-year-old , taking his Ottawa post in 19>5.1 32Creed his life "Monsieur Blll' played the manicurist Nadine Delesquc. was i He :~ow doubles as a leciurcr in 1 34Author of atar role. He held the center of arrested with him, but has the Unil·ers.il_Y of Otlawa:s .Jac-: "Way of All si~ce 1 Flesh." stage and strutted and posed for been released and gone to Jn·e ; ulty of PohtJcal, · Economtc and· 35Whlne • photographers. with his family. 1 Social Sciences. ; 36KeepstUU ~' Some weeks after J'hat, Rapin She writes long ·letters to him. • An arts graduate of Loyola Col· . 37 Ascend . confessed. other k!Ubgs to the and claims that she still !ores! lege, Montreal. he holds a Mas·! 39 Contends i 40Hunt bead warden of the prison. Pol· "Monsieur Bill." He apparently i ter of Social Work degree from 41 Victor Hugo's . lee are now !eying lo verify his had thoroughly fascinnterl her the University of llontrcal Scho~l · "- i atatement. . · with his perfect manners, expe~· of Social Work. He Jh•es with hts Miserab1es" •• The psyebiatrlats are now In· sive clothes, soft voice and good wire and two children In neigh­ 42-Youna ple cllned to believe that more lm· looks. She saya "1 will ·never boring Hull, Que. 45Lovlng · ' Ptnllv• fn Rap in than the de- forget him." 49Disputed -~lALIOST EY~,RY MAN ENJOYS I •. 51 Rowlnatool ··suglltl6' m to ilsert himself as • tough Rapln, however, has apparent· PUBLISHER· DIES 62 Marlner'a 1_ CUJ ts: an unexplained thirst for ly completely forgotten his vic- MONTREAL !CPl-A. M. B. term •• blood which bad to be satisfied. Urns. According to prison sourc- Salvlati, who In 1906 founded the 1 SSNarrate .10~ -· ; . · Oile. of his school friends told es, he spends his time awaiting 1 first Jtalian·langunge newspaper i 54 Dresa rick I ' WHITE OWL· · how auddenly one day O!l the trial reading all the newsp_Q.J!ee 1 published in Canada. di!"4'. Sun· : 55 Girl's .• . . street, Rapin aald stories about him and adventure day. He was 86. Mr. Sall'falt sold nickname I 58Auth0l' :'See that guy? I'd like to get stories from ~he .library. lhe oowspaper, the G~zz.etta del 1 Gardner· t THE CIGAR THAT him." He al~o wrtles lonl( leiters to . Canada. arter estabhshmg the • 57Broadwq 1 Re admitted 11ever l!avlng set Nartine and to his mother who. 1 Sah·iati travel agenry in 1907. It • ligll 'eyes on him before. still the doti~l( p~rent. provi~o< · wa~ Canada'~ first Italia~-Cana- t CIGAR.SMOKERS SMOKE! ·-~ "1 really don't know why," .he him ·with cookies and fresh ~ruit. 1 dian tra\'el agency. ~ ----···-.. ,.:._..,_·-··--· . ------·----··· . . I ' .. ••1 ~··------··--- 13 Canadian Canadians Jacoby On ·Candidate LONDON ICPl_:A problem In In Laos • • Bridge ' nomenclature confronts Mrs. Vet·· . : dun Perl. Ca,ladian • born• cand:· · date in the British electio!l. HOLD-UP PLAY ':· Mrs. Perl, a perk:;. e~ergctic NETS CONTRACT · woman who used to play th~ fid· ! die in the \'antou1·er Symphony : Orchestra, is fighfng the Conser· l'atil·e-held scat of Abingdon lor j the Liberal party. The campaign i, iS going fine, she said, but there's •; that pesky business of naincs. 1: When she was born 43 years , : ago, the . Battle ol Verdun was ral!i:lg .and her "patriotic" pat· London loadlna at ' eqts' decided to borrow a nam~. Oct. 20th for Bot· · , But Mrs. Perl is a pacifist. ! Thus, she bears a battle tag St. John's. ' loadlna at 1 into an unequivocating crusade !. Oct. 24th, Toronto 'I aga'nst war. Friends call her Pax, the Latin word for peac~ . and Montreal Oct. . · "Verdun just doesn't seem all· Botwood and St. : propriate," she said. ''I'll hal'e to . do somethin~ about it." . ' . . '

    re probably Is ; story. but 1 y what it that most •ons often ad\'antage. 1 ~ome new kindness and 1>~ thar li. or 1 learn leavlna Montreal nc~ which Is arriving St. John's teavlnl St. John's Irlt'ristl~ of mY 1 t'rlainly any an understand ns as 1 wave d and ~ay. "t· * tht'rt' lor the ~h('H Ol't'r ln the roppcr 41 a great deal DOWN

    •You fly Ff""' Tra.ri AI<"'•

    leaving Charlotte 23rd, arrive St. Ott. 2eth, leave same

    fjr t h~·c(' mo ~th'. 'I' ~Ol hi> f'r'l . 1.11~nil~ le::o i•1 WITHY & co., pr~duction of Scnlia leavinl Liver­ :·. h<' lormerl Oct. 2, due St. John's :·{' with Orson t. LtAvlna tor Halifax Oet. 10. due Hall· and Boston Oct. 1 Boston Oct. 16 Oct. 20, due St. · Oet. 22. SalllniJ again day for Liverpool. Liverpool Oct. 16, SEES LOVE T,EMPLE '' '1 Oet. 23. Leav· ANGKOR, Cambodia !Reutersl­ Halifax and Boston Prlneesa Alexa!ldra- was driven ,. If, dut Halifax Oet. 26 over a rough jungle road Sunday Botton Oct. 20. Leavlnl to visit the Temple of Love on Oct. 30 and Halifax the outskirts or the great ruined due St. John's Nov. 5. elty of Angkor. Her convoy, al· .l lJIID 1amt diY for most a complete fighting unit In itself, bunped 23 miles Into the leavln1 Liverpool jungle over a road first checked ;I St. John's Nov. by armY minesweepers. .· filr Halifax and Nov. 7, due Halifax SYNAGOGUE STONED and Boston Nov. 12. NEW YORK IAPl-Pollce say Boston Nov. 13 and two 15-year·old boys on hor~e· Nov. 1'7, due St. back stoned a synagogUe Friday • 111. Salllnl filr night, the start of Rosh Has­ Sov. 20. hanah. tilt Jewish new year. The horses, rented from a riding riding stable, trampled the syna· gogue I a w n and the youths smashed three plate glass win· (CPl - At least llows. pollee reported, Damage cities are studying was put at $3,000, Police said the . of banning motor boys admitted the vandalism. completely in dow:~town mas, but Montreal 1 o! them. ; ACCU!fE RED!I know ol any man wh11 1 BELGR.~DE t Reuter~ •-Yu~n­ 1 Elate's nut har@ the ner1·e to make : alavia'~ ofllc al Communi~! Party ManUJCript 1 '~;l!estlon." i&)'~ city , newap11per Borba Su:1day ac• ehlllfd . d1rwor Jean .Lacoste, cused the Communist · ChiMse Anow !)Oilol' •s 'mile. 1 go1·ernment of fa:~nlng the flames Solldlftl!l arose after Tol· of the cold war. "The practical Cylindrical city of .lust more da)·-to-day policy of the Chinese Cat-like MARITIME SOLDIERS DEMONSTRATE RADIO animal population, recenUy 1overnment shows that they have. 1ro performer tralfic In a four • block been commlttlnl acta ••• fennlna ' AT "FAMILY DAY!'-The officers and men of the ' ' Clo)'l area. There, the pedes· the names of the cold war.'' king. Ottawa, Sudbury 1st battalion, The Royal Canadian Regiment, played in Ontari, and Vic· along the harbor, w!ll become a host to their families and friends at the annual "Bat· Columba have reality. But even !C lt was started talion Family Day'' in Camp Ipperwas~. Ont. Music studyna tbe idea. tomorrow It would not be In oper· be II e v ea that atlon for at least two ytars. was provided by the Regimental Band, there w.as a from the choked·up FUTURE INCREASE ''crash action" dembnstration of heavy weapons, a shopping district Ia no Mean w h I 1e 'new skyscrapers display of infantry weapons, a gymnastic display by are ao!ng up In the downtown dl1 . , -trlct. One alo:1e will add 1,500 ve. the PT cadre, a "midway" for the children with pony etly Is too btl and the hides to the rdah • hour traffic and "train" rides, games of chance and of course lor traffic Is too great tangle. popcorn and hotdogs. This was followed by a Na­ e~t off cars f1om the In addition a new brldae la be· ato~e areas," he says. Ina built acr~ss the St. Lawrence tional Survival rescue demonstration, a precision tra.flc Ia not the solu· 1 to the populous south allore re· drill team and the ceremonial "Retreat." Here two ~~~t lind. ways to keep ' gton, which will make it easier ' for cars to reach the over-bur· Parkhill, Ont., sisters, Donna, (left) and Doris tr handle Werzba, find out how an Army radio set opet·ates SOON• • • • eeta a delltd city roads. .\ 11.000 vehicles an hour. ~·Somethlna fill have to bt from Pte. Thomas Donnolly, left, s·on of Mr. Patrick IU.\h hour 22,800 attempt dooe to hlllldle the traffic," he I t h r o u I h. Traffic said with a faint nole of desper· Connolly. 1 Timmerman st. Glace Buy, NS; and t~n. ilion, "when the new brld'le Cpl. Gus Pender, sori of Mrs. Mary Pender, Portugal that a projected ex· a•ro~a the St. Lawrence Is com· Cove rd., St. Jphn's. Nfld. (National Defence Photo) runnln1 east • weat l!leted."

    \ \ . .. : ' . .. \

    , .. 0 THE DAILY NEWS, ST. JOHN'S, NFLD .• TUESDAY, OCTOBER 6, 1959 , .Gordon Reprieve Does Not Chapman: .,. I Ease Life O·f ·Manager· Lane R. t BY Ho\R~Y GRAYSON murmer a:~d lost ~7 of 20 when· e urns NEA Sports Editor he got out. · I · Home CHICAGO -tNEAl-F r a h k So, despite the stay of execu. 1 Tols Chapman returned to 1 Lane was asked whether, In his 1 lion granted Gordon by General i St. John's on Sunday. The opln'on, the reprieve he gave Joe: :.tanager Lane, the fact remains i starry Felldlan athlete left Gordo:~ In Cleveland might ease : that managers are and will re· the City on September 26 for the life of the basebnli manager. I ma:n natural • born whipping 1• the training· camp of the St. ''Not in the least," unhesitat· ! boys. Readily available and: Catherine Teepees in the . lng:y replied the perpetual mot· Identifiable scapegoats, they\ Chicago Black Hawk system. '· I~ 1 ecnr.~al manager of the Ind· really shouldn't be considered i J,ast year Chapman was goalie lans. "The pnly thing base mar.· biJ leaguers until they have had I for the St Mary's squad In ag~r knows for certain is _that I the ca:~ tied to them half a dozen the Ontarl~ Ju'n!or "B" Hock· eventually he has to be hred .. times. As in the case of Jimmy ey League, The ~nly way a manager can : Dykes, the older ones are recon· Before leaving the City Tols ~at the :ap I~ to ow:1 the club ciled to' a career of playing musl told the Daily Newa that the I ~--~ c n~c•·." cal c~alrs. . Clrst year that he didn't move For a moment there, we sus- While second . guessing h1m up Into a higher league he u " · ~~ ant welcome publicly throughout t~e run Iwould be returning to St change had come over. baseball. down the stretch, Lane, the vio· John's When Tols arrived .... -~ r.~~~or Jeag~1e ~anagers lent fan, knew Gordon was the · at the· Teepee cam there :\NC were dismissed earher th1s year- logical man to succeed Gordon 12 th ll t 1 P t d Bill Norman In Detroit. Ma)"Q They have been as close as ~ I o ehr goa elsd rhy IIi ohu dant I· ._. . · · sm1 'th o1 c·mc.nna : t'1 an d Ml'k e general manager a:Jd manager s nee e 1wou th aveJ 1 a "B''o 1 . .anlS WAY GEOFF"-Cuards coach Howie Meeker, right, shows u_.~nceman Geoff Peters the correct way to Higgins in Boston-the first two can get especially while !ighlin" rerform n. th' un or h ! TOLS CHAI-,., I move back with a· forward at the first practice for the Guards 1'unior hockey ·squad at the Prince of Wales Arena before their outfits hardly were each other. Those closest to t..; eague agam 15 season e / "•• over ·' I _, h Th warmed up. But now pilots seem· situation weren't surprised at came back to the City. seen. The young athlete. ut mg t. ere were 34 hopefuls at the drlll.-R~yal Photo ~ervice. - ed to be w~iting their own ticket~- Lnne's quick turnabout after giv· Chapman said last nighiJ ~~s the Athlete or the The Dod ' from Cook1e Lavagetto a:Jd Eddte ing the impression that Gordon th~t he hopes to attend Mem· 1v. mner of 1958. Is Roger Sawyer in last place to AI Lopez, couldn't return. ona) University. If this w~ll e~ough ~or junior game los '· N•. h ' ' •' • the American League winner, , prevent him from playing m v.ould hkely play I 0 fllllS in the I IZZY ea and Fred Haney and Walter AI· hPeople d,ont come ~~ to s~e the junior St. John's league well this winter if he D D. I ston who raced right down to the 1 e generatomanagher. e tra de with Feildlans remains to be lowed. (.Dllar tied tl La St lg t S BOw Ilng ' . • . 1urns out see t e p1 ayers an · . Wire in the NatiOnal. . they are guided by the ma:~ager. Wynn in the R.• Hurley 132 202 315 669 • ['I_ - But Trader Lane, an authority Mighty few if any Including . 34 H f II A A ·roarin1 Commercial J. Taylor 87 185. 127 399 CIty wm·mercial PITTSBURGH, Pa.,-NEA-No on the su~ject If there ev:r was Lane, suspe~tcd that ihe Indians I ope u s tte ltl'ies record C. :\1allard le~s an authority than Branch I one, adm•~s ~hat .the gemal nt· would run such a spectacular· 216 195 156 567 and yel 578 748 795 2121 • A d Rickey. who brought him to the I mosphere •sn t gomg I~ last. He second and draw around one and I Bowling T. McMurdo & Co.-1 Stan dIngs n .I St,. Louis Cardinals, doubted that i sees :10 way of .correctmg an uhn· a half million paying guests, or • this < R. Spurrell 169 131 174 474 DIZZy Dean would ever attain fortunate situation as tong as t e almost a million more than a f t G d p the heights to. which one customers the I f year ago. That Isn't half bad for SECTION (A) M. L~wls 160 1114 1114 1108 ~Itch!?~ fir~ ".lana~e\ IrS uar s ra towrlnl Bros.-2 R. Spurrell 131 190 129 450 Schedule of h1s ab1hty was en!Jtled. .come to tbmk of •t •. this r e a general ma:~agcr collecting · This doubt was spawned not spell of sweetness and l1ght Is ex· f' 1 d . . · :. ~oyst 168 208 172 548 D. Cook 127 108 197 432 -. by any deflcienc In Dean's arm peeled to be lifted as quckly as I we cen 5 Oft every 1 miSSIOn The first hocke~ practice Bob Badcoek. Peter !i 1. St. Croix 151 244 163 5:18 1187 873 6114 1864 STANDINGS' but because of l' an lm Ish if owner Arnold Johnson of Kansas., above 800 ·~: for a team In the C1ty league Nelson Kearley, Bill j' 5. Newell 201 154 150 505 Team P W L Pts. charming quirk whicli PRo~ke Citv returns from Europe. You The surpnsmg performance of was held last night aa Howle and Ed Vatchrr. 1. Fuller 290 267 236 793 ~fld, Armature Works-3 Municipal Work. 111 12 3 12 deteced i~ Dizz 's makeu . Y hear that Harry Craft, an exec!· I the ~tub makes Gordon a strong 1\leeker, coach of the Junior other returnee~ are J. Walsh 207 181 168 586 Council, No. 2 .. 15 11 4 11 1 ·!,·.·· . 810.873 721 2404 "He could b/the great~st It· lent manager, Is the latest vic· · c~nd1date for ~~anag~r-of·t~e· Guards squad, put 34 hopefnlls at the next workout. rumen Wlthy-1 c. Pynr 191 1118 181 1130 United Towns . 15 11 4 11 cher of all time" Rick } 1 'tim of the boo birds, who climb·/ \e~r. not to menh~n h1s dele· through an hour and a balf the drill last night I. Basas 144 264 258 666 C. Conneya 230 138 182 :150 Avalon Tel. . . . 12 10 2"10 the height of D~an's fa~e s~.'i£ ~ I cd aboard him because the Ath- lopmg Woo~y Held mto a sh~rt- I drill at the Prince of Wales terrollegate and High 1 T. Walsh 137 2211 253 615 Harveys ....•.. 12 10 2 10 didn't sometimes surren'der ~ lletics won 11 straight while he stop and Jun Perry I starting Arena. Meeker's club finish· players of last sea!on '·:··· i r. Quigley 160 129 150 449 1 1 1 '· McDonald 192 202 246 640 765 702 784 2261 O'Regan Agencies 12 9 3 9 the temptation to pitch to th : was In the hospital with a heart pitcher, ed the regular schedule last several others. MacDonald's W. Drugs-0 Dom. Dlst. .... 12 8 4 8 was making t-"' 1.. Moore 195 204 240 639 strength of a great hitter lnstea~ year In third place but came With such a largt oI I 691 799 894 2394 A. Donnelly 167 141 183 493 Parker & Monroe 12 8 4 8 of his weakness. He did It to u A~~~ 11p up with a seven game winning the practice was ing three in I HISS AND A. Whalen 173 160 214 547 Council No. 1 .. 15 8 7 8 prove something, 1 guess, or bet- . . ~ streak In the seml·flnals and skating with some Hodges, 1: Colonial Cordage-2 B. Verge 158 198 166 522. Hickman 'Motors 12 7 5 '7 ter to mock them !£ he struck finals to win over Felldlans also taking place. ! I. Dooley 183 346 239 768 H. Andrews 192 118 176 486 Avalon United . 12 B 6 6 them out. and St. Pat's for the junior open practice for had been · : If, Meadw 197 174 254 625 890 617 741 2048 Bev. Sales . . . . 12 6 6 6 crown. Guards team w!ll be Staley's seco f . S. Dooley 275 102 197 574 · Mammy's ...... 12 6 6 6 "But however great you ere, Back from last year's cham. Wednesday night, The ball sail l.· : · r. Walsh 209 190 233 632 I. F. Perlln-2 Marshall Motors 6 5 1 II you don 'I take such liberties pionship teams are goalie Ed Arena and again I 864 812 923 2599 A. Caul 1:11 18ll 1'77 1113 Baine Johnston 12 5 7 5 with the greJt hitters and not 'Billard, defencemen Geoff 6.30 p.m. Anybody \ ferra Nova Motors-1 W. Glllarli 223 149 198 570 Accounts. BLC . 12 4 8 4 so met imcs. pay for it." Campbell, Jim Bradley and In trying Cor a slot on (' . :. Nugent 192 227 168 607 E., Gosse 133 183 218 534 Bennett Brew .. 12 4 8 4 With maturity - which Injury Geoff Peters, and forwards team should attend. 1 3 1 R. Manning 192 203 215 610 H. Martin 115 205 137 457 Horwood Lumber 9 6 3 pre1·ented him . from reaching­ I S Birmingham 194 174 17ll ll43 622 722 730 2074 C.J.O.N...... 12. 3 9 3 Dean might have laid aside I. r. Kennedy 162 238 205 803 Cbas. B. Bell-I Simpson Sears . 9 1 8 1 some of the prankishness of Feildian Junior Doug ·,·. 740 840 783 2383 F. Walsb 1'16 182 233 591 Woolworths ..... 9 0 9 0 youth which Rickey deplored as 1 G. Kelly 234 173 189 596 M~nn Motors . 12 0 12 9 the only chi:Jk in bls pitching !:.· Commercial Cables-2 A. Chafe 154 153 162 469 armor. Hockey Practice Out Of l I. Perry 200 279 235 714 A. Dowden 170 160 133 463 AVERAGES J. Byrne, (1\tW.) ...... 236.1 The first open practice for , 1 L. Stapleton 146 262 159 567 734 868 717 2\19 Alleya 3 and 4: the Fell dian jun lor hockey I i ll. Stapleton '72 147 238 557 J. Mollow, (O'Reg. Agen) 224.1 B. Woods. (Avalon) .. 221.7 7.15-:\t\lnlclpal Workers vs. squad will be held tonight at . I. Withen 233 234 230 697 c. A. Hubley-3 . Hickman Motors. the Prince of Wales Arena i 751 922 862 2535 J. Glynn 190 2112 214 656 G. Kavanagh, (Avalon) 218.7 R. Sheehan, .council) .. 215.5 8.30-Beverage Sales vs. with 6.30 p.m. as starting ! lyre'a Supermarket-! L. Tilley 198 233 258 691 Parker and Monroe. time. Coach Dick Parsons ex· L. Gosse, 272 161 628 782 849 814 2450 was released from the :1 SCHIDULI Accounts Blc. . .. ·I 8. Whittle 208 260193 661 9.45-Avalon· United vs. al Hospital on SundaY. \, . . I F. Power 194 24ll 304 743 Royal Store.,S ~uffered an injury to his 1 Tut1day, Oat. 6th. Munn Motors. I~ I:·~ . ' 850 1033 837 2720 J. Pender 257 18ll 192 634 Alleya 1 and 2: Alleya 5 and 6: this past summer and r, . . St. Pat's Bowlin~. lr ·,. 1. Royal Ganae-O D. Fisher 244 186 :1.00 610 7.15-Dom. Dlst. vs. City 7.15-Marshal Motors vs. . two months in ho!pital.

    In West Germany... THE CANADIAN CAREER SOLDII!II WORKS POR PEACii ..-. ' .. '· . 1hae llOIIII.t tniOJl6 ill lhe qaailltlittle Cmnan 101111 of Soat ll'llllllllllbert tithe Calladim Brigade in Eurcp. Here, aloag~ide their NATO alliea, they make lllljor CO!IIributionto the ..re-!'Wdins of world peace. Their task like llllll1 othen ill ·lhe Army i1 a "dWJeDaiui 0110 which requilet - . . ' ... ' •.... arel'olly eeii!Cied, welllrliDed men. . There are muy other adnallgeS to a wter lu 1he Arrnf· 1' . Good pey, be proepeeta for adnnc:emenl, tranland lllfeahlre, a tplrlt ol COIIIflllesbip tllat im't fouad ill any other job. Bettor . ~',• .u. tile lllilfletiou err doins. _ .. iud job which inarniug rapeel for t:.uda IIDOIIg tbe people or 1be fr« world.

    .•. llJ011 ..17.3S:rw . ., -·ior• ...... 1ho C.oadlaa Army. .. __ .;. oatCol ohlisatlon,full deuu •• rroftlwi11J. r·------•helocalAtmr~ecntk- I ,...... ·' las SuU.. lilted Ia 1 · rour'pbooel>aok;orby I Address ...... ~~iliasthll coupoato: I ClfyJiowll ...... •,, h Aae ...... PlloM ...... ' ' t ~ 1 .. ,". 1.NO.R •• ! · loJlAMl, Fl::.-·~~ome~ J.loxenr First Miami !Jout. Barbara ~~ttrick, of Yorkshire, England, takes a I ______list School GIJde Sucfm!ully complettd.... ·:" _ · .' .. . ,..,,• joltin1left to the faw in the,second round from Gloria A


    .. ). . : ~I I ' .., . . ' .. 15 TUISDAY ' • I ..

    I .. l e..I· s e ox • ' ·I me es o,mers; 0 -I Box Score Dodgers r LOS ANGELES CAPl-The of· hicago Hallie s To Tie Game·, ficlal box score of the fourth game of the· 1959 world series: Cblcago AB R B RBI PO A Dressing Room Landis ef 5 1 1 o 0 0 Aparicio ss 8 0 1 0 0 2 BY CHARLES MAHER series goat and he was relishinll!I But· Veteran· Gil Decides Score• Fox 2b 5 1 3 · 0 3 4 LOS ANGELES (AP)-"One the hero's role. 1 Klusz'skl·tb ol ·1 2 1 9 0 to go'i!o-go.'' said the sign on "I knew it was gone when 1 Lollar e " 1 1 3 6 2 the bulletin board in the Dodger hit it," he said. · : Sox Tie Game On Circuit Goodman 3b 4 0 0 0 0 · 0 dressing room Monday. Roger Craig, loser in the ser- r. Smith If 3 6 2 0 3 0 Which, in less redcndant ian· ies opcnv appeared on his way! Blast From Lollar Lineups Rivera rf 3 0 ° 0• 3 1 guage, means simply that if tM to a shutout Monday Uillil he~ Probable 0 0 0 0 1 By JACK HAND Wynn P 1 Dodgers win today, they won't came upon foul circumstances: Lown P 0 0 0 0 0 0 have to go anywhere. The world in the seventh. : i.OS ANGELES-AP - GO Hodges, the Dodger . Dodgers aCash 1 0 0 o 0 o • 1 of sc\'en World Series, hit a tie-breaking home LOS ANGELES - AP -Prob· Pierce Jl o o o o o o ~cries will be all over. "I didn't get tired," the big, · able llneupa for to-day's fifth Gilliam, 3b .125 cTorgeson 1 o o o o o Dodger manager Wall Alston Carolinian said. "Wilen ).really, in the eighth inning Monday for a 54 Los Angeles World Series game at the Los Neal, 2b .353 staley p o o o o o o stuck to his earlier decision to got in trouble was when' 1 mls·! , o\'er Chicago White Sox. Angeles Coliseum ·~tries batting ~oon, rf .Z67 Tolals 34 4 10 4 24 10 start off·and·on Sandy Keafax sed that ball Nellie Fox hit back: .182 Thr Dodgers appenred on the way to a shutout averages and pitchinll records In Larker, 1f Los Angeles AB R H RBI PO A in the fifth game today. toward the box. I should have, parentheses: Hodges, lb .357 Gilliam 3b 4 0 0 0 0 1 "He might get out there and 'had it and thrown him out." Roger Craig, who was bombed in the 11·0 open· Demeter, cf .333 Neal 2b 4 0 ·o 0 4 4 be wilder than hell," Walt said, I As it turned out, Fox got a ~nme loss, until the White Sox rallied for four Roseboro, c .143 Moon rf.lf 4 1 2 0 3 0 "but then again he might blow single and moved Jim LandiS to; , in the se,·enth. A three-run homer by Shenn White Sox . ·, Wills, sa .Z86 Larker If 2 1 t 0 0 O •em right down." third. After Ted Klusz~wski Keufax, 0.0 tied the score. Los Angeles had chased Early Aparicio; 11 .294 p bFurillo rf t 0 0 0 0 0 Gil Hodges, whose fifth world singled, driving in onl!_jun, .412 Fairly rf 1 0 0 0 0 series homer gave the Dodgers Craig •served up a home-trun in the third Inning with a four-run outburst. Fox, 2b · ° Landis, cf .294 Umplret: Hodges tb 4 2 2 2 10 0 their winning margin, 5-4, over pitch to Shcrm Lollar. :\ roaring throng of 92,550, that topped Sunday's Kluszewskl, lb .467 Summers ( AL) plate; Dascoli Demeter cf 3 '' 2 ° 1 ° Chicago White Sox, strode smil· "It was a low slider that Lol­ rtcord turnout by 256, tooted on their toy trum· Lollar, c .333 (NL) first bue; Hurley (AL) Roseboro e 3 0 1 1 7 0 ing into the dressing room wear· : tar hit," Craig said. "It wasn't .357 second base; Secory (NL) third 2 6 and veiled ~charge" and "go'' as the Dodgers Smith, lf. Wills ss 4 0 1 ° ing a smear of lipstick on his \even a strike." Phillips, Sb .333 base; Dixon (NL) left field foul Craig P 2 0 ° 0 0 1 mouth. Larry Sherry. the remarkablf thi; one out of the fire after blowing a 4·0 line; Rice. (AL) right field foul McAnany, rf .000 Sh;!~t: ~ ~ : ~ 2~ 1~ "My wife, Jean. gave it to me : youn~ r!.'liei'Cr who has given U( line. Shaw, p 0·1 a-Struck out for Lown in 4th. as I was coming through the i just one run in three appear • Tht win left Doodgers with a handy 3·1 lead in b-Struck out for Larker i:l 5th. tunnel," Gil said. "I blew her a ; anc~s against the Sox. sai4: ht mies going into fhe fifth game to-day. e-Grounded out for Pierce in 7th kiss right after I crossed home 1 W!JS beginning to feel the ef!ee· ock, Peter Chicago 000 000 400-4 plate." 1of his frequent labor. , earley, Bill Outhit once again by the White Sox who comb­ Los Angeles 004 000 Otx-S Hodges said he struck the de· : Alston hod gone out t~.tal~ tl Vatcher. Craig and winner Larry Sherry for 10 hits, the E _ Landis, Aparicio. Pierce. cisive blow on a sinker ball \Craig just before Lollar C'!m' 1rnees are simplv were not to be denied. DP _ Wills, Neal and Hodge~; pitch by Gerry Stale)' in the I up in the seventh. 1t workout. Gerry Stal~y, the fourth Chicago pitcher, was on Neal, Wills and Hodges. LOB· eighth inning. I "He told me he still lta4 ,hi: last night Chicago 9, Los Angeles 6. IIERO'S ROLE 1stuff," Alston said. •·but I gucs1 le and High mound when Hodges came up to lead off the 2B-Fox. HR-Lollar, Hodges. The big first baseman kno11·s ; I just went one hitter too fa· I lut season Staley had worked the scoreless seventh and SB-Aparicio, Wills. S - Rose- what it is to play the role of the i with him." ::1ers. making his 70th appearance for the Sox, .includ· ICh I larl!t ce was spent three in the series. .by Red .Grante :::;g craig, Aparici:w ~ ~ E~ White Sox •ith some Hodges, the skillful 35-year-old first baseman who . Sherry !Wl 2 0 0 0 'g place. been with the Dodgers since 1947, slammed Wynn 2 2-3 8 4 3 rtlce for 's second pitch over the extended screen in left. WriUeD for NEA Servlee 1II?- Floyd Stark. 1·3 o o 0 ID • R earn will QUESTION: May a college A. The double wlnl was fn.IL?:~ s 0 0 0 1,. night, ball sailed about 340 feet into a throng of delirious I 1 Ing . oom·. player enter the game more tha."l stalled, runni.ng from an unbal- ~1afe e iLl 2 1 I 1 ress : rt again It was Hodges' fifth In series competition.. twice In the same quarter?-1 ~need line w1th the quarterback aS:.Craig 4

    .. '. •' ' 1 • 16 ' > NFLO., TUESDAY OcTOBER 6,

    MORTY MEEKLE By DICK CAVELl' "' ' MARCHAN~D Floor Fur.naces Tomorrow NO . BASEMENT REQUIRED .As low as $156.00 f Available in automatic as manual operation. 50,000 BTU-59,oo0 OBTU- 80,000 BTU .aUGS BUNNY • ' 8y LEON SCHLESINGER THE GREAT EASTERN OIL COMPANY, LIMITED

    ' I. The ·1960 Models Small Cars Forcing Some. Big ALL~Y OOP "Y V. T. HAMLIN Changes Throughout Industry ., By RAY CROMLEY NEA Staff Correspondent DETROIT - (NEA) - The new small cars are going to force major changes through­ out the automobile industr)', ''I jl: 'They're going to hit bard at j ~ ' sales of the medium-priced cara. 1: !· Ford already has committed l itself to eutbaeks in Mercury I. and Lincoln production line. !or r 1961 and 1962. ;;_ is o,·er : ;• · 5crec n kb 1 ' General Motors Is making l. ' plans to use some o! its Buick llaa.; three ~oduction facilities Cor other Cor Prod:t ! cars. l. PRISCILLA'S POP lv AL VERMEER Chrysler-anticipating a de· l. cline in the sale of its bigger I cars-is shifting assembly lines DODGE' S DART: New compelltion• for lbe Big Three 'a Big Three. I so they'll be able to change. I' ov~rnight, and' tum out what's iomuth-a real r~n for ~heir 1 Car outsides will be simpler, ! Chrysler b puttlna a 1:' bemg sold, virtually on demand. money. It was easily the btl of! have less chrome. There will be 1 version of its new \'ahant I. Most cars are eoing to get a a . rec.ent Chrysl~r s~ow in fewer muti·color cars. · What 1 .gine in the Plymouth and l: little smal.ler. MtamL Beach. It IS designed to coloh. there are will be more new Dart., It's copnng J So conv1nced Is Chrysler that app~al to many who have been _restramed. Valiant, too, in making its I ~~r bu~ers wa~t smaller cars, buytng larger car.s. Chrysler is aiming at more er cars witb weldtd frame ' Its cuhtng be length of the People are gomg to "move luxurious interiors, with indi· chasis in one piece--to 1960 De S~to by four inc~es. down" in ~heir car buying allj' vidual seats and higher backs rattles. It's called "unit !.' Smaller Butcks and Oldsmobtles along the hne. for· the driver leaning back struction." : r . are being plan~ed for the fu. !'-t lea~t, that's wha~ auto m:n! more. 'so he'll really relax as General Motors is planning I., I ! lure-as addih~ns t~ t~e regu· thmk pmatey. here 1.n Det~ott. ihe dnves." The four inches De water·cooled aluminum ' 1 Jar lines. Dodge 1s brmg~ng out ·Sales o( to~ay s m~d1um-pnced Soto look off the ength came! fo rits flashy sporls I a smaller,_ radically different cars are gomg to shde, Chevro· !out of the engine compartment! and is studying-po>sibly bu ·.. younger mter, the Dart. le_ts, Fords, Plyouths and Darts J The inside o( the car wasn't! ready adopted-aluminum . ' • • • w11l gradualy beome the "me· . shortened. f gines for the new '.. , The Dart w!ll be In direct ! dium·priced" cars. ' General ~Qtors and Ford cars; Buicks and Oldsmobile; . . ' MERRELl BLOSSER fRECKLES AND HIS FRIEND! ly competition with standard-sized I !\lore cars are going to get 11ikewise will show more effort i Ford is planning to U!t Fords, Chevrolets and Ply· i the European look. , , put into making passengers: aluminum in most of ill I'·: : mouths -a cut abol'e the new ' "There will be a tendency",; comfortable. There's a little I in the next few ,·rar•. '. 1 i' small cars. Valiant. Falcon and says one Chrysler man, "for all, more leg room. The ~eats are! taken 100 parts 0;1t of the j'; Con•a!r. But the Dart actually 'of our cars to look a ittle bit: more comfortable; they're a 'Falcon transmis;ion and lillie falcon I• is aimed at those people who I more like sports cars." The new easier lo get in and out i parts out of the I I have been buying Dod~es, De- I smaler Buicks and Oldsmobiles./ or. That trend is going to con· iI he Ford people are now Solos, Mercurys, Ponhacs and when they appear-probably in j tinue, say Detroit engineers. 'to make the same radical · ~. : . 11 1 11 i Buicks who want to step down a year or two-will hal'e more The new small cars are also ! fications i~ lhe lar~cr car;. . .1 1 a. notch in price, economy and of a sports car appearance. Ford i forcing engineeril\i changes in ·l to build smaller c~r; ·~ •· :'!'; :r me. has become sold on the sports , the larger cars. \'et well - disco,·md a . I I' i ';, !I Company executives forecast car motif as a result of the Ford, General ~fotors and full of new trick• ,I the Dart will gh•e ils cousins- popularity of its Thunderbird. Chrysler engineers-forced to l)!raduall~· pullinl! the rr!ult ,. the Ford. Chevrolet and Ply· • · • • JapJo U! ~U!lfll!'ll M~tl awos op the larger moM I~. ' ~~ erine Levening the first time he: HO'tLY\\'000 1·\r• - rode this way, it was Sandy IGaynor i~ ~ rnrf Lee who sat a patient saddle, S!'n5ible mm·ie ~tar. TC shoulders hunched a~ainst tilP. Posse~sor of onr ~~ th• chill, pipe smoke curling about figures in town. ~··rlt). a By EDGAR MARTIN his grizzled head. threat talent and ~ hox When Ha5kell left the timber name, Mitzi i~ ~trll the sensible girl she u·~l ~~~~'~&. \.$£\ ('W:t;L C:..~'\) e I~ tor L. r. K...., Dill,... lw HEA s....;.,, loc. and came across the meadow to XXVll "!lly friend, I've high regard him, Sandy nodded approvingly. she started making movies ~C."tl..~\~~ ~~ 1950. ~q$.\.,.~\ In the store Haskell found Cor your fighting ability, but lit· "Wise," he said briefly. "Way Jim Kineen and Milo Jellick to· tie enough Cor your judgement things are stacking up in these This, !ncidentall.r. Is not man's opinion. gether. They were old cronies if-you mean what you say about hills, a man can't be too careful. How has Mitzi managed. and in a way represented the Tendler." Katie said · you'd be coming keep her feet on the true voice and spirit of this :\!using through another quiet along and sent me to meet Y0\1." in a town whet·e little hilt town or Reservation. moment, Haskell shrugged. "You know why I'm here, of have their own os~·rhiatrlst~ Towns £Uch as this, rdl~cted "What must be, will be. 1 hope course," Haskell said. "I'm never satisfied Haskell, had theil' beginnings, the two of you realize now low "I ~~~low. You want a look at self, maybe that·, why.'' grew t oa certain limit, then con· much trouble could have been Jim Levening.'' eJqJiained. "\\'hen I tlnued to exist because they al·. avoided if you'd been willing to · • • • plish something. I lllll''u••• ways he1d 'two or three such talk earlier, instead of dodging They left the meadow and ly set another goal And sound stubborn men as these. all a r o u n d the blueberry presently Sandy swung into a towards that" The pair of them•observed !lim patch?" dim trace runnlllg west across with interest. . Kineen nodded. "We realize the hills. "By rights,'' Jim Kineen said, It.'~ . . "Old military road," he ex· . HOLLYWOO_D-Jim . ... -. ··~·.-·· ···-- -~-· THE STORY OF MARTHA WAYNE . '~ ... \ .. '. By W. !HRUGGS "you should be in bed nursing "It seems,'' probed Haskell, plained. "Heads out past the while on locatiOn In your aches and pains:: . "there was a fight, a shoot-out canyon into tile Beaverhead Cor Warner Bros. "Ire "Maybe,:• agreed· Haskell. between Miss Levening's father country. ~nd it was along this n~ted that the mr~>~~e "But instead I decided to ·get/ and Deput)' Jack Breedon. I'll that Breedon and a Beavcr~ead 1 nee was prett~· ~lo" 10 rid of them by taking a swim."; ha,·e to know all about that rider named Gentile were mak· i parts of t~c 4~lh sutr~l. •·swim! Just now? In Ihe· What can you tell me?" inlt off with near 20 head ol i Say~ .•h_m. ~n onr hr river? That water's like ice." I "There's Ihis," Milo ,lellick ,t!'fayfork beef when .Jim Leven·' ~rna~! ft~hm~ " 1132!~r "Not quite. Call it b;isk.'' supplied, with ~orne. rmflhasis.r ing Knd mt caught up with' edt ethsaw \ m~~;et · · ' · • · · · .,. lh " . on o e mal ~ "Bmk?''. K1neen . aave a VI· ''Jim Levenmg 1~ as 1ne a man, em. · ' hoard which read: •· cariou~ shiver. " Now I know, aS' ever Jiv~d. ~'bile .that CeUcw: "Yo,'.' mean," demand'ed ~as·[ Peary-please rail your why you were able· to handle jl Breedon, hke 1t or not, was a kell, that they. were rustling· Tendler. You're not ordinary scoundrel, a disgrace to the Hayfork cattle?" KOOKtE BACK AT S · flesh-you're rawhide, plumb!" star be'd once wor11." . "And not the Jirst time, Edd "Kookie'' ByrnrJ "I must admit my imagination ."Once worn?" e1ther Rutt Dubison and the retUrned to Hollywood doesn't reac~ quite that far," "That's right-once worn. For Beaverhead erowd been·worldn~ ·lflls personal appearance Jelliek admitted dryly. He put he took it o!f and threw it away on our stuff every chance Ytey before rerord crol\'dS on a keen glance on Haskell. after he started running hog get. Facts are, things have been half of WHner Bm.' . "Something I can imagine, wild with Frank Gentile and the building toward a showdown for lowstone Kelly". By~nes . though, and when I consider it rest o! Rutt Dubison's outfit." a long time, and It could come resume his role as t~! i I tufl\ uneasy, For you, Friend • • • any day, now that Vince Tendler talking parking atten .. ar. · Haskell, are nof one I'd care to He was up and tramping has pulled out." TV's "77 Sunset StriP see dead." along to Jim Kineen's feed "What's that? You mean while the studiO hunts. Startled, Haskell said, "Tnat stable the following morning be· Tendler left Hayfork?" motion picture for hllll· has a funny sound. I wasn't fig.j fore the rest qC the town was "Him and Coulter. Yesterday uring on dying just yet.'' astir. Mrs. Wall had fixed him he was trying to get the crew to . . on "No man does until the bullet early breakfaat in the hotel kit· ride back to town with him and along thLs wa~· we~~ if be hits him." chen. , gei. ~·ou. Ka~, she lit into him Tendle.r had mak~ 13 k was "There's. tile possibility, of At the stable the blaze-faced good,· told_ h1m she'd not stand througn, then Ha:fo~\'hich. course and I'd be a jackfool not dun whickered eager greetings, for anythmg of the Jort, and to be through, ~00 · to rec~gnlze it. Yet, somehow I which earned it a quick. brush· that any Hayfork · band ·who him. head.ing or ests • dpn't quite see It in VInce Tend· lng down before being saddled. moved · against you now, was country, kmd of ·~g witb 1 10 Jer. I don't see him as a cbld Vinegary· from Inactivity, the through, fired. Tendler, be said 1he's out lo move blooded killer." horse fretted at the bit, and as all right then, he was through, IDubi~~n." . d wh'' Kineen nodded sagely fixing soon as he was clear of town, and him and ·Coulter rode out, "( can und~r>t!" k•tl' · Haskell l,l'ith a shrewd, 'pucker· Haskell Jet her .run. . ' ' We tt . I kept an eye on I hem; · a It. tr me , " • satd .. .-.as ' · ell survey an!l· speaking' with I Prc:enlly, in the same mea· and ther. 'didn't 'head for town/rest I don 1 get. ntinutdl deep serlousne55. . 1dow where he had met Kath-1 after all. Instead they turned o!f {Te Be Co '· I

    I· . , . I . ; ' .• { .. , • • t DAILY NEWS, ST. J9HN'S, NFLD., TUESDAY, OCTOBER 6, 1959

    parlsons .with other t~p eJmed~·l teams, the tru'th Is mi: R'ownh 1 Radio Programmes and Martin, wno prevluualy ha1:1. ' 10 45-Sportaeast. entertained televlalon ami n1~.1t 10.53-Ne.ws. :club audle~ces botb nere and CBN TUESDAY, Octohtr 8th, U.oo-Torbaf Weather abroad, stand alone. 11.15-Mu,t~ !rom Old The;· have 1 r lf tl) u :.11IY nf'W Tomorrow 'UO-CBC Newt. Oown. approach to c,•n•·•dy, 11 .!1 7.3~Top of tbe Morning. m:KITAH.:" WITII 1abundantly 1li'OVPd 11-lth the 8.00-CBC News and Weather. C:JON 1 pllrOX)'JmB Of IRIIIIiJier Whl~h RClliERS JR .. 8.15-.Musical Cl~k. . l::'i O'SHi.IVA~ ! greeted thelr screen debut witilj ii.DO-Murnm: Defotionl. ! t:1r rnmlu ~I!"" as w,111ld·bc du 9.1~Pr0flram Preview · 6.30-l'he Bob Lewis =t~w.::-1' .•.• the dal' of t~c perados wllo !P.~Jl • herd of 9.20-0n Parade. ' 6.36-:\fld. News. ··~ 1 :,trra, u1;il·ersal-ln· cattle only to f111•l they co~n't 9.36-CBC News . 6.35-V\'eather. ha.; put the arcrnt 'dlspn~r of :h~ anim;:is beca~~e 1 9.36-Direct Reports. 8.45--Jieadline Weather. . · 11, 1•11111 e up with one the bottom 1:.•~ f~ll~:1 o;1t oi I 9.45-Records at Random. , ·10.00-Arcbers. 7.00-Nfld. Ne"ll's etl lpo;i'ti!'J "''l"l's most unusunl ; the bee! m~tk·'~. 7.15--Sews. utm> in man~· yr.•r~. ~o~elr :'IIH~ Hve~· portr~yJ 1 : : 10.1!>--Doris Janea. 7.3o-Jtound the world N•,lli~ ·urr:ta~r." which OP•'Jh . pram<' fJOII'P•' who r>JM ll:e i ;·10.2&-..For Consumers. 7.35-Complete Weather Fo~t~ ~~ the Paramou;n town of Em~m· t:up, Colm~dn.l i 10.30-Nfld. School Broadcast cast. 1. nnd rveryone in /.. r.n•l sl•r· j : 10.45--Mornlng Musicale 7.50-What's Cooklr. ~ Will no~:crs. .II'.. PIDP~Jies a~. R ....l•nc!i!tnne of ~X· 11.00-To Catch A Falling Star. 7.55--Bob Lewis Show. ru 11.15-Nfld. School Broadcast o·sullivan, Hod ~tr· 1C<'~li.OJ~al amh!v. . 8.00-Nfld. News. ca,r)· Tibhs and .lu•lr .Enckson, rr.mrmhPrd for bJA I I 11.45-Sacred Hearl Program . 8.05-Prov. Weather • ·---·'-······.... A_·~~-. IL "\\'lid HerUagc" : ll'lllmphant \l'l'l·).'t~r rm!orm· 12.00-BBC Newa. 8.15-Shipplng Report. • • ·•·: I , rolor and Cinema· :a nee on Broa:h~·••Y i:1 ''Tea and . 12.10-Announcers Choice. 8.25-Kiddle& Corner. '. 111 ' • ···, . :I · t' S1·mpath,. ·• n1akr• t'1 rolft of herse!C both in En11l1sh last 12.30-Farm Broadcast. .. -' .. ~ , 1I ' 1h c cI rama JCI' ~ 1Ol'\' ' • • • " • •· ~ 8.30-Nfld. NeWI...... ' ,r 1 111 II · Sherilf Dlx a sllerl.ll •l~ndout year when Dl!ncy beard of her, 1, 12.45-Mid Day Serenade. 8.3:>--Weather. ... ac I' 011 IC SCd , • • ' · ' ' · •· • d h . d d : .. that sp~wnrrl thr. wmle ~1ss Tal'Jqt, Gi(~sun. :O.lc· mt~n1e11C er 111 Lon ~~'· an 1 l.OQ-Doyle Bulletin. 8.46-Bob Lewis Sbow. .. . ~f th•· ·cr.t in pionr~r · Gl\'~~ anrl r~·•l :\r.~t•·so:t add 1not only hired her lor l>arby . 1.15-Musical PrOflram. 8.45-Mornin& Merrr Go 11 1.30---(!BC News a~d Weather '\c 01 rfcr~ncr bct\\'~ 1 , 11 · nddtltonal IU~tn to tht nohtole but. Cor five yean. Round. :.•. ,..... 1 t'l tr• •·. cast. 1 Connery, another fasl·rlslng I 1.45-A Love to Remember. 8.55-Just a Minute. .. .,t,l•~·· ... 11 • e .. c.t B 'II b t . l I · i• th;~t the story :·once Upon t H01rs !'' 11a1 I rJ s & ar, Ill I 1e ro~ant c 2.00-Words witb Uusic. li.OQ-Gen. Provincial Nea . 2.29-Dominion Obs. Time :v ,, ~h the t>~rs oi thr. latlorcd to m··~ .. 1:rt• to the uni· i lead opposi.te Janet; Klcron 1 . 9.05--Musio.ltfor Mllllona. 1 1 lite ramilic~. ~ue tn!enls 'lf ttw.m and :\ler· .Moore, a · ~ounc man from Signal. 0,30-Bob Lewis Sbow • 1 9.45-Prodl&al Husband. ,·~:!· arc younj! pro· tm ~nd. the c:h~r p~rlor .• tcrs 1County Cork who plays the . : .. The Iovin):. lhr Hal ,•. heavy; W&ll·known Irish :.30-Th.·uugh ;rhe Yem 10.00-News In a Minute. ·, ~ ··.~• ~ b~; Kan·~.-. !.,~ ..l~:ld~ctl ~he• ~ar· 2.45-'fommy Hunter Shuw. fnr SIIJ'I'il'al tr.plt' chores \IT.. --Made for each otJMr. · ~ 1 10 1 1 1 3.30-Ncws and Trans Cannda 10.33-Wbat's Cookin' ;·!n. hat:lc is fought hy ----- . Jack o·~tahony, M~cGowran Matinee. 10.35-Who's That Sin1inJf ~ • ::•r ::on; o[ holh ram· and two famous Engll,h n~mes, Big 1 4.30-Lazy Afternoon. 10.45-Housewives Cbolce. thr drcicling factur Ca • 1 IEstelle Wlnwood and Waller 5.00-CBC News. 11.00-News in a Minute. : the entrance l"ilz11erald, lradcd atories with hrin~ 1 pltO li.05-Platter Parade. ll.ol-Rev. Matthew! r!r11·:•·~·rar-oltl Georgr , the producer between shots. 5.30-Fisheries Broadcast. 11.30-Honour Your Partner. !o the durl. - Perhaps Walt got his biuest 111 11.45-Muslcal Program. 12.00-News in a Minute. -· ·~--: by \laurcrn O'Sutlirnn. Tomorrow l:ick out of Brian Connors, the 8.00-lntermezzo. 12.01-Towne and Counti'J. .. · ., a wiclcwcd mcnhrr. 2l·inch Klnl( of the Lepre· 6.25-Program Prcl'iew 112.30-Newa in a Minute. ! R·,_~~rs, .11· .. who play.: chaun~. Walt's itory of finding 6.30-Suppcr Guest. 12.33-Town and CounttJ. . ; · .• 1~11·yrr. ha1·c an oh· w.u;r DISNEI:s the kinll and bringing hlm to 6.45-You've Got to Kec]T 1.00-Local and National _...•• ,. blooming, thet·r 'D.~RBI. O'GILL ~~n THE l Hollywood. a.long with '1~ Trying. Headline News. ··~:-~ to thr cath·e ri!m 11n LlfTLE PEOPLE In COLOR. his tiny ~ub.iccts, has been wide· 7.00-CBC News and Weatber. 1.01-'l'owne and Countr;y. of their Jm·c, while . : Jr quoted. He sticb to It, ·and 7.15-Musical Program. !.05-Weather. otht·•· h>nd six or the Walt Disnry, who is part tn hiB rcports'of lh~ hl~h estrcm 7.30-Tops Today. 1.15--Ncws. Roil ~lcKuen. Gary: Irish, ·i1a~ nc\•er taken more de~ ·Lillie People are held In· Ire· 7.45--Doyie Bulletin. 1.35-Editorial Comment. ~.lrrcdhh. Troy Don· light in making a picture than :·Jand. 8.1:>--Rawhide. 1.40-Sports. . Gtp l'crreau 11nd IMrid: h~ Ita; "Darby O'Glll and the i . ------8.30-Spolli!!ht. 1.44-Art Baker's Notebook. · · 8.45-lnvitatlon to Worship. only one or whom-Rod , J.lltle People," his ll1·e-act1on i . 2.00-News in a Minute. 9.15-~lusical Program. 2.03-Gcrry Wiggins Show. - i' .oi'CI'.!! I, rCCcll'e feature nbout.love. laughter and i Ralph· Bellamy 9.30-Project 60. 3.00-News in a Minute. . lcrccn k1s::c~. . ·Leprechauns 111 the Ireland of 1 . 3.01-Westem Jamboree. ;.. u.• directed "\\'ihl · su ) cars ago. · i 10.00-Lcicester Square. a. I ·F . R· f'l . 11.00-Busincss Barometer. 4.00-.Gcn. Provincial Newa. lor Producer John i Il:Jrdl~· R dap passed in the I n.. • 0. • I n. 5.00-News in a Minute. !our months of complex pro· 11.3()-CBC National News . :-~f. I . .. 1 Roundup and Talk. 4.33-Western Jamboree : dnction thai Walt wasn't on one HOLLYWOOD-Ralph Bel· 5.00-Bob Lewis Dance l'artr. m:rl.\L ,\Dilt;D :or the two immense aound lamy has bt>en algned to por· · i 12.00-Sign Off, 0 Canada; The · 1 Queen. 6.00-News in a Minute. .\TTR.\f'flOS ·stages he used, or on the back· tray Franklin Delano Roose· 6.02-What's Cock In' tuon a llorse" With lot where he built an exact velt In Warner B1·os.' motion 6.03-Bulletln Board. . ancl Dick :\~arlin· 'replica of a little south Irish picture ver~lon of "Sunrbe at 1------VOCM 6.10-National News. puLtlnc • town callrd Rathculen where Campobello", Bellamy will be 8.15--Sports. new Valiant ·much of the charming 'story Is recreating the role he origin· Tt:ESDAY, October 6th. 6.25-Ncws. · :rnt with t:nivcrsnl· aid. ated .In the prize-winning f'lymouth and 6.30-News and Weather. 6.30-Club 93. It"s copying · · : ·. "Once l:pon 1 With one of the busiest mo- stage play. 6.3:>--Breakfast with Bill. 7.00-News in a Minute. n making its a ma;terpiece ·o! merri· lion picture and t~levision pro· Dorc Schar~·. who ha~ writ· 6.5:>--News. 7.01-Ciub 93. ,·elded frame :·. ClncmaScop~. whJ, h duct ion srhedules In Hollywood ownten thestage ~creen work, play andfrom willhi~ 7.00-Breakfast with Bill. 7.30-News . at the Paramount o_n his hnnds, thPre he would produce the lllm as he did 7.30-News and Waterfront 8.00-News in a Minute. . sll o~ an a~ple box. or atand, the pia~·. begins shootln~ - __J . Directory. 8.tn-Best from the West. h•~. a 111'11' conwdr challm.il wuh Janet Munro, "Sunrl!'e at campobello" In COUSIN ERN CD:\UNG BACK TO TIIE FORD SHOW 7.35-Breakfast With Bill. 8.30-Ncws. 9.00-News in a Minute. 1 \ ~<'J~>at!lm!. Dan Sean Connery or Albert Sharpe, March at Warner Bros. studio. Cousin is wearing his citv slick!'r best for his date two nf the 7.5:>--News. Ern with 8.00-Torbay Weather. 9.01-What's Cookin . l"r. ll•rk ~lart111-b~MJ i Sharpe created the famous Sct>ne~ will also be made at Ford .show's prettiest Top Twent)' on the Tennessee Ernie Ford Show to , "l'inian'' role on Broadway. the Roosc\'l'lt summer homr 8.05-Breakfast with Bill. !1.0:1-Nfld. Soiree. i~t:·nducd prcmlf'TI', ..... A . :.·:uncd wit~ <'~·t·· ·Walt brought him out of retire·. In Campobello, canada, at 8.25-News. 9.30-Chapel by the Side of \lar!ha lll'~r ~mt su~l•. mcnt in Bclfa,;t for the title; the Hyde park. N.Y. home. ~ousin Ern 11~ everyone knows. I~ Amf'rica's Number One Peapiclt·r, 8.30-Hit Tune of the Day. Road. a:< l.rif Erick;~n · rolr. the bhiRt~l a~si!:nment In i and at the· New York CitY ~nue Ford ~:ho is shown hl'rc with two of his favorite sin!.(l'rs. Dcltra 8.35-Sportscast. 9.45-Dosco News. · .iamcs Gleason .JI•d tile actor'~ 68 ~·ears of making! hrown~lnnr house In the J:ut Kamsl~r of Jltggar, Sasbtchewan {ll'~t) and Juycc Jo'errin. Ernie will he 8.40-Brcakfasl with Bill. i 10.00-Xews in a Minule. Hr. people lau~h. . 60's where the Roose\·etts retnrnmg to The ~ord. Show for his tonrth season and :]() wee~s of music, 11.~5-Newa. 110.01-The Accused. comedy and dRncmg 111 the low pressme manner which he hnty whosP. 10.00-!\cws. "Sunrise at campobello . dancmg and blends have become an e!ipected staple for 12.30-:\cws. I prel~JsJon Smger~ : 10.05-Stork Club. 12.33-H ouscparty. · which Schar)' co·produel'd Ford Show ''iewrr5, ,,,_, • 10.15-J uke !lux J~ mlJ~rre. 1.01-Quccn and Sign Off. . ,. with the Theatre Guild open·· ! 10.30-Juke Box Jamboree · ect at the Cnrt Theatre. New i' Best Director .ror their 10.55-News. h-;;;-;;- '11.00-Wilf Doyle Show. VOUS · York on .January 30. 19~8. the work on thr show. ' l\.55-:'lews. Tl'ESil.\ l', OctQIJCt !;lb. 1 '78th annlvenary of Roose· I 12.00-~lidday MelodieJ. fl.OU-Sundial. : velt's birth. It received un· Ethan Allen Vermont's CJON • CJOX TV 1 \ antmously favorable revlell·s • mo~t famous he;o, was born in · . 12.30-News. 6.~0-New~. · 12.:15-Rambling witll Recorda ~:/0-:-lews. I and won the 1968 Antoinette Connectleut I TUESDAY. OCTOBER 6th, 1959 I 12.45-Fisherm~n·s Fureca&t. i.3o-Ncws. 1 Pe~ry Award as Best Drama · . : of the Year. Bellamy won a . . . :1.00-Pantomine Quiz . 12.50-Ramblintl 11\ith Records 1 ~l.OO-Breakfasl Club. . Tony as Best .t,.ctCJr, HenrY Chmhans f1rst became known Life with Father 1.15-Sportsrasl. . i 8.30-Gayl~n Drake. I.Jonea Best Supporting by name when Antioch wu 18 ~hat 4.00--Matinee - Invaders from. Mar5 1.20-Rambhna wltb Recorda 9.00-lt Happened Jasl night. I. Actor and Vincent J, Done· the1r gathering place. 1.30-News. 110 oo C0 ff T' ! US-Passing Parade (John i · - ee 1me. ' 5.30-0n Safari Nesbitt). . 11.00-Turn Back the Clock. . .. ~., 6.30-News Cavalcade 2.00-.Music Matinee. 11.30-PrOflram Twelve. 7.00-Leave it to Beaver i 2.55-News. 112.30-March of Events. 7.30-'fabian of Scotland Ynnl 3.00--Dollan on Parade. 12.45-Sports Page. ' 3.55-News. 1.00-Jack Paar Show. 8.00-Variety Program 4.00-Bob's Bandwaaon. 1.30-Behind the Story. 8.15-National News 4.05--Western Jamboree. 1.45-Couple Next Door. •• 8.30-1 Love Lucy 4.3lJ..-"News. 2.00-Ray Heatherton. ~.55-Newa. 2.30-News. 9.00-Mickey Spillane 5.06-Bob's Bandwaaon. 2.45-Panorama. ·I 9.30-Chevy Show 5.30-Superman. 6.00-Checkin' ln. 10.30-Front Page ChaUenge 5.~Fisherman'a Foreeut. 6.30-News. M~News. 6.4:>--Checkin' In (Cont'd). -- .I TO-MORROW 11.00-Wonderful World of Entertainment 6.011-Bulletin Board. 8.00-Sports Today. ~ 12.30-News Headltnes 6.16--Sportscast and Travel- 8.1:>--University Explortr. auide. ,. " 12.31-China Smith 6.311-Supper Serenade. 8.3.,_,uspense. 8.55--News. 6•45-Ne WI. A""Es 7.00-Shillelagb Sbowcime .,.,,__ cape. 7.15-Shilielagh Showtime. 9.30-Exploring TomoJ'I'Ow, 8.00--Cream of the Crop, 10.00-Final Edition. 10.15-1\Iarine Bandstand. 9.4:>--News. iO.OO-- VOCM All Time Hit 10.30-Magic of Music. Parade. 11.00-Music Till Midnillht TV's . 10.30-Eventide Meditations. 12.00-Sigo Off. Stella's Southern Accent I a~rl-;eturned to H~lywood with "Tell me, do you conaid;r her four·year·old son by a di· yourself a creative Instrument?" vorced husband she had left With a grin, Garner rese ~ · . Lost Back There In South there along with her southern ' the bait-and snapped ltle Jinr. · BY ERSKINE JOHNSON · dl'cided to become an actre&s accent. "Well," he &aid, "I'm around.":::-~ HOLLYWOOD - i:', Also-UP-TO·THE-MINUTI! NEWS. where blonde, curvy Stella should say, by lamplight as she launched with small roles in the film's Italian releue untlt · ·. IStevens lost her "awful" ~outh· talked Yankee talk Into a tape "Say One for Me" and "The I~e suddenly discovered other·. TIMES OF SHOWS 1ern accent before she ever came recorder hour after hour until Blue Angel" after she left w•se. . · r ... 1\. to Hollywood to become Appas· she could say "New Orleans" in· modeling to play the Marilyn The Icicles started formlnl-. _. !VENING SHOWS1 7 O'CLOCK - 9.00 Isionata Von Climax in the film· stead or "N'Awllns." Monroe role, with matching and Liley still haven't melted..-·· .3: TIMES OF SHOWS MATINEE: 2 P.M. Iversion of "Li'l Abner." I "Some southern accents can ph)·sical endowments, In a Mem· when Brando Jrlnned, "SOJ1f;-.',i:f I She also lost her husband in i be charming,'' Stella smiled pbis stoge version of "Bus dear." , ··;. '~ "WILD HERITAGE" 7'0LOCK-9.45. ADMISSION PRICES FOR THIS ENGAGEMENT I Memphis, but .that's another with an eye on her southern box Stop." Now she's due for a . HOLLYWOODITES AreTa~. l "ONCE UPON A HORSE" 8.20 P.M. · fVENING1 ADULTS 75c. CHILDREN 35c. story. . office, "but mine was most un· Paramount huild·up. mg about: .-·.~ · .. MATINEES: ADULTS~., CHILDREN 35c.· Ste))a lost her dtawl behind ple·asant. It was awful, In fact. SCORE A BIG ONE for James "' MATINEE 2 P.M. locked doors .and drawn blinds It was one or those. five state Garner. He was a 1uest on a TV MILLION HOMt:LESS .. · at night after workl~g by day as, accents-a real southern hash of panel show the other night along A~ALCU;A. India , tAP~ ------~----- 1 :a model at Memphis' Goldsmith IMississippi, Arkansas. Kentucky, with Steve McQueen, the method: tu~ ~· ·r> ~opde I! ere , department atore,· she·all Jut 1lTenne~see and ~i!souri." acting swl~ger. Steve ~ecom~ so: ~~r f~oodso~~ e!~de u~r:!s becali.iit.r;;;.:=!lll LAST TIMES ·TODAY LAST TIMES TODAY tole me...... But 11 wasn't, ~·ou may recall. Ientangled m words. trylllg to de· Calcutta Rbscue errorts I "Tl11!, hllnds .wert so I; the first time Stella went "ille·, scribe his ap~roJch to acting. proceedi:1g ;s the waters · ''THI HORSE'S MOUTH 1 "THE JOUitNIY" ·I wouldn t be .accused. of becom· i gal" down south. One weekend Ithat one pal)chst finally turned . There were no reports. a\'ai· . lng a damn Yankee. But I had 1Iast spring she flew to Me111phis to Garner am!- smiled: 1 0:1 ca5ualti~s. ' THE DAILY NEWS, ST. JOHN'S, NFLD., TUeSDAY, OCTOBER 6, 195~

    I::. • ,II, _...... 60.... AUTo· PARTS (Whole) 11· IPullets. For Sale . ' . NOd. Wh~re To Stay ,Quality !11,1 months old Pullet! Armature Balsam Hotel lat $2.~0 each F.O.B. FLOR· C.L.B. · ,___ Works BARHES ROAD ~fs~~~r;L:R~~· LAYING- • Kll 38 Situated Ill tbe Heart fJI lbt I Light Sussex or N.II, x BR. ' Bambriek City. Crossbreds. I ..' I fl. -~--==~ Street. Qldet. e-llrllble ...... j FOR IMMEDIATE SHIPME~T' II' i .·News COUltT OF REVISION Bf I' I' 7191·2 fbeN. 'j Write,.· Wire or Phone 4620·F ST. JOHN'S MUNICIPAL COUNCIL I1't I t:t . . ' · · . Under the provis!ona of Sect· __..;;.;;;;...;,;;;.;,.-;. For J\enrvatiolll 8lld JD. , , · ·,• . . - . . presentatlv• of the Ladles ion 230 of The City o( st. BUILDING MATERIALS format!oD · · j H. G. CRANE TENDERS · ; .Jeh• first ·BattaUon .. Parade AuxUary of the Brigadeand the IJohn'A Act, and amendments CHESTER DAWE, LTD. - l)a·al 36· , « MONROE sr.. ST. JOHN'S I News1 ·; ..;;, ~U)y was held ~n TJ,~uraday Band are asked to meet in the ;thereto, His Honour the Lieu· SHAW ST. and TOPSAIL RD 63 or contact Tenders ore reque$ted for the supply of T !· .... , . ·1, 1969· when 1ome 150 officers Mes,slor the first meet· •tenant·Governor in Council bas 1 Equipment mu$t be of the kind and :. aJl,ranka attended the opening ing to. 1tart formulating thelappolnted the undersigned to For all your Building· MJUI. JOHN FACEt Donald's .; ~de of the Fall season whlch necessary plan1 ..The time of the comprise the Court of Revision Requiremenu nil J\HWeat Mullin'- I described in the specifications available ol SEI :. w:ll commanded by Lleut meeting Is set for 8.~0 p.m., so \for the hearing of any object· 80161- 911'71 mSJ,tf 'P It f j office of the City Engineer. ·:: 901~ G: ?rt StirUng Q.C., CO!!~• please make it a point of 'being ,. ion ~~ any taxpayer or by the DRUG STORES I ou ry arm I ~: ~~d.llll afl!cer .of Avalon· Bat· there. ~umc1pal Council to the AP· ------~EAST FLORENCEVJLLE, N.B., Bids in sealed envelopes marked "Tender Trucks" must be delivered at the office ol :;.~on·and·the.~ollowing officers · LADIES AUXILARY •praisement of Property, made N f dl d sepB,Imth j. in .. C!Jidr•. ·The President of the Ladles within the Municipality of CONNORS DRUG STORE ~ were atU~,ndance:..:..Lt st. eW OUn an City Clerk not later than 9.00 a.m. Wednesd1 .· J. K. c. Facey, Mayors. A. E. Auxllary, Mrs. Margaret Barnes, John's during the present year. LAMBERT'S COUGH SYRUP Servl·ces B Tenders October 21, 1959. f ·· Bellullena, G. S. :tu'lnl,. F. D. his uked me to say a few words The Court wlll hold iu Sea· can be obtained at ' 13 ;: P.reu. R. Noel, 'Captains c. A. to the ladles who might be in· s!ons at City Hall, Duckworth CONNORS DRUG STORE PAS·SENGER NOTICES The lowest or any tender not • i Pittman, X._ Kirby, c. F. Rogers, teres ted in becom!Jli members Street, on every lawful day 33t WATER ST. · Tenders will bt received by accepted. 4 !!' B. L. Noel, D. A: Edwards, w. of the Churclr Lada' Brll!ade from the 15th day of October DIAL 2206 the undersigned solicitors up 9 ~; B. Coultu,.J. v. Rabblttl, c. G. Ladles Auxllary. to the 14th day of Novembe~ CONNEcriON SOUTH COAST Ito Noon on. the 15th day of Oc· ': frartlil, I. Barn&~, H. H. Haynes, In tblJ eonneetlon member· next Inclusive, between the ELECTRICAL . · SERVICE Iober. 1959 for the purcha•e of 5 ~G. S. Thomas, L. )1, Bartlett. ship 1s open to all ladles who hours of 2.30 and 4.30 p.m. Train "The caribou" lea\'ing all that piece or parcel of lea~e· 6 ; Lieuta H. C•. Mosdell, C. T. are interested In the welfare of Dater at St. John's this ~th. APPLIANCES St. John's Thursday, Oct. 8th., !hold and situate on the ~out!l· I 15 Seurrey, G. L. French, C. F. the Brigade. generally. All or. day of October, 1959. will make connection . at Port ierly Site of Gower Street In st. I 10 ·ll.amlyn, D. C. Barter,·J. S. Hall, fleers wives should be members . JAMES M. BRADSHAW. JOHNSTON Aux Basques. with S.S. 'Bar I·Tohn's with dwelling house 1: •' ~AINE ·' t ''& I . :r. !l· R. Woolgar, J.· B. Pye, R. and any mother o( lads In. the DONALD W. K. DAWE; COMPANY, LTD. Haven for regular por!J Sou.h ~~thc_reon known as Gower Street, l. · ·Winaor,' E. Mercer, G. R. Loc:ke, Brigade are also eligible. The WILLIAM .G. ADAliS. Agency Department Coast Service. Un1ted Church Manse. Dwelhng . l-4 ., ' llld:capt.- G. L. Saunders (FOX· work of the Brigade Is prlncl· Oct6,13,20,27no\3,10,13 243 Water St. Dial 210Z CONNECTION ST. JOHN'S· :is three ~Iorey and contains 12 l · Ira ) d BSM C !If d h 11 YOUR FRIGIDAIRE LEWISPORTE SERVICE 1rooms and bathroom, is plaster·: . 3 • ,'!'~ P ·an . ur pa Y that o( helping the Brigade DEALER. Train "The Caribou" leaving .ed thrm1ghout, ha~ all modern 1 '. 7 11 oc • . . . ~ · Ttle Battalion Chaplain, Rev. to raise finances for the running .St. John's 1.30 p.m. Thursda~·. conven!ences. and 1s o1l heated. 1 Th C 1 ! 11 :I' .~ Canon A. B. s. Stirling. con· of same and helping out at anr e raft Of HEAP & PARTNERS lOci. 8th., will make connection 'Lease 18 for gg )'ears from No·! , , . · ~ duc:ted the Prayers and, In his function which may need their I at Lewisporte with M.V. Bona· h·ember 1, 1894, and ground rent 1 '· ·: attend1nc:e ·set an example for help. There is a memberohip (NFLD.) LTD. · 1 · f t;. S50 per annum 1 II T M k• 1 1 oo ',; ' i ~ all nnlcs to emulate by hla put· fee of Sl.OO per year and of· i Wiring Materials, Wire and l ~ISba' Lor . regtu ars ports St. I~ The' highest Dr ~nv. tender 1 yrc a Ing 0 l · . till~ .Bricade first on .these oc·J fleers are elected annuall)', 80 1 Cables, Motors St~rle~s. ~·' n s· ew!spor e er>~ce. . will not necessarily be ~ccep!ed.,. , • "Brad.<, Rt:S 1 j; ·:; cas1ons. Colonel. Stlrb~g then those who arc interested please, flipper~. chafers Lamps, ~w1tches, Lighting CONNECTION WEST ' (On~ueted. the Inspectl~n, fol·l contact the President at 2 Kent· and plies .. :· may sound Flxt~t.res. etc_. , ~ PLACENTIA BAY CURTIS, DAWE & F. GAS, loWU\g Which the Battalion did St_reet or phone 90832F and she· rather like the first word~ o( WAREHOUSE. PRINCES ST.· Regular 8.10 a.m. train ltJI'· Board of Trade Building, Xarehlng under :Major A. E. will be pleased to t1ear from·: a nonsense rhyme. but their DIAL5085 •ing ·st. John's Friday, Oct. 9th.. St. John's. Newfoundland. • Hemmena. you. . meaning as far from nonsen· :will· make connection at Ar· sept22,25,29,oct2,6,9 .. !. ! . From orders it was seen that The members meet on the : sical, as Kenneth Hudson dis· FIRE INSURANCE igentia with )!otor Vessel for the , ; the Battalion, will be parading first llonda)' of. each month to I C~Yere~ when he visited a IC IWest Run Placentia Bay. j' .------. · ·: .. !0 St. Michaels Church on Sun· dlseuss affairs relative to their' "l!tsh1re factory recently ROSBIE & CO., LTD. ICOSSECTION SOUTH CO:\ST l ·'·'ifiy OclOber 18th, when all ranks activities. · for the BBC's~ General Over· Agents for 1 · • ' . · ! GREAT EASTERN J ··-·are asked to make a special ef· FLOREAT SEMPER c L B 1 seas Service programme UNDERWRITERS AT j R I 8SE10RVICE . I ! L fort to be present, Lleut F.D.R. J 'v'R· I 'Science and Industry.' The LLOYDS. ;. egu ar : a:m. tra111 cav· 1 OIL & IMPORT I Woolgar will be the Colour Of. · · · ' factory employs 2,000 people LOW RATES , m.g St. Johns Fnday, Oct. 9th., ! •' fieer for the Parade. • chiefly on the manufacture DIAL 5031 Will. ma~e connechon .at Ar· CO., LTD. •i '. . Of interest to aU ranks as Lumk JJ of motor tyres. 'Beads' artt 'gent1a w1th S.S. Baccaheu for : Radio. Television, Washers, l' well as the ex members Is the . the wires that go around HARDWARE STORES ~~gular ports South Coast Ser· Refrigerators, Deep •·reezeu •: fact that the Annual Annlver· Old Lunar· light still shining tyres to bold them together: \Ice. Electric Ranges, sary Church Parade will be held bright a 'chafer" Is the cloth which HARRIS & HISCOCK; LTD. Floor Polishers, r on Sunday November 15th when You look the same to me. binds a t~·re while it is being General llardware FREIGHT ACCEPTANCES Gramopbonts I it Is hoped that a special eUort I gazed at you In ~ondrous \'ulcan!sed: and 'piles' are the • Distributors for Sunbeam Publlc Address Systema, INTEREST PAID ON DEBENTURES 'I' 'l'ape Heeortlers . ' will be made by put and pre· awe layers of rayon from which Electrical Appliances, l'REIGII1' U:WISPORn:. sent members of the Brigade·to Expecting for to see, a lyre is built up, As to "flip· Sports goods and Sports CORNF;R BROOK RJ::rAIRS AII:D SERVIC..'E OF FROM 1 TO 5 YEARS turn out In honour of this oe- Some change In you, less light j pers'-the factory also makes wear for all occasions. St:R\'ICt 5 USES casion. It is a long way aiace maybe, , frogmen's equipment for un. DIAl 5016 ' Freight lor re~ular ports DIAL 30ijl &o 3005 formtt!on here in 1892 and we Alas, 1 do not know , ' derwater enthusiasts, as '!eli Lewisporte·Corncr Brook Ser· WATER STREET • ! I • ' ba\'c a lot to be thankful for What chaos fear or rum , as rubber parts Cor hospital ERNEST CLOUSTON, LTO. il'icc for forwarding via l.ewi~· i THE EASTERN CAN"' ... ,., ' ·, wrought equipment. ' t c1 s s 5 · d 1 .1, 1 ian~6. h. down through the yeJJrs, and the By us from here belnw. j . McCLAR'r AVTO~IATIC · por e an · · · prmg a e WI • · ~------' I; bc$t place for Thankss!vlnc Is . \\'hat tmprcsscrl Kr.nnelh ·WARM AIR CO:-IOITIO~l~G he accepted at the Railw;Jy 1------SAVINGS & LOAN CO. '· ' 1 ' ' c1 . t I, AI'• f God • I I · 11 d 1 h'1s 1 ' •to '" \TF. ST , Frt>i~ht Shed tomorrow \\'~d· 164 '1\':\TER ST., ST . .1011:'\'S AVI a · nc ... r o ••o. p case 1 1 wonder if some dty therr, : · u son most n ay on2l " ... .R . . I . I reserve the date. for thl~. \'ery 1 Today j~ all in fear : tnur or the factory wa~ thP. . DIAL 4183 ;nc~day anol Thursday. Oct. 8th . J'.O. IIOX 175 WATEI '• 10 3 . 1mrortant 1n the h!Jtory' And que tioning from whrner. Mcount of handwork that ! !I a.m. p.m. CLA l!DE t:. )).\ \\'t:. ~lana~rr ' ~vent 5 I .. , ol your Brigade. ' it came l:ocs mto rren the ~malltst I HEATING : FREIGIIT sot:TitF.RX •'I C. L. B. ATHLETES : Thl~ pule from ADmcwhr.rr • and ~imple~t of t,1·res. "A t~·rr·l ' 1.:\BR.\UOR <:J-:RYJC'E i . f i':. · Colonel Stirling made ifeat 1 Or did 11. land unkno"·n to. ail. bu!lder is a rrart~man who' C H Frci~ht lor ports Snuthrrn · I' m~ntion of the recent .featJ of • Except the God abo\·r. QUill' htcrally doc~ bull,rl up 1 • A.. UB.LEY, l TO.. . Lahrador Sen·ke pc1· ~.S. Bnr· ' 1': our C.L.B. Athletes in the per·· Who marie thP. moon. world, t~·~e~. layrr h,,. layrr.' he PLt:'lt8I~G an~ m.. \Tl:'\G ~eo will he · acrrpll'll at th• I I f0115 of Sergt5: G. R. Crane, G.: sun and star~. ' said in the broarka~t. :\nynne CO!'iTR.\CTORS. . Dock Coas1<~1 s:1erl Fri1l;"' ami i Parsons and G. Follett. Crane', And want• from us our lol't .. who rut through an old tyre . Rep. G. eneral Elec·.tnc \I tl "' I 9th d 12. tl 9 , A UTILE I • d . d . ~~ Kl " R d ll I ·•nto . on ay. v~, . an I. ' ! ' :j recently placed 2nd In the 10 1 : an exam me a rro>S·scclton 1 .,.. n,. ~ o~ ta '"'' a.m. 1o 5 p.m. ·; f h mlle run, and he made a record 1 'But still 1 know It is His plan· o t ll'Pacl. the bead. wires I I; . ~i ~ I An.nt • in that It wu hla 13th such run. That we will conquer space. 'anrl the la~·m of. rabnc that I RADIO· TV REPAIRS I , KNOWLEDGE CAN BE 1 ' I '.~ i ·.j' Parsona recently broke two New· Who knows when tb!s our went to make up the carcAs~.l GREAT EASTERN OIL ~~~i.... :: .I • fouridland Walkln& recorda in world will end Iwould realize this, "The hasls COMPANY LTD ' 1 the 1 mlle and the 10 Mile in What o fthe human race. or the fabric Is rayon and the • • A DANGEROUS THING! . . 1l : fae~ his 10 Miie perform;nc:e I know He won't destroy essential principle Is that the REPAIRS TO RADIOS, TV An' ·I· collltitutea 1 Cl!lad!an Record His work,. . separate cords musn't touch AND A'LL ELECTRICAL I . pd oUlcial recognition Is being His masterpiece is man. one another. 1f they were to , APPLIANCES WE! .. toUght for this mark. He did for• us, that's why I touch they might fray and DIAL 3001 to3005 a Follett, who last year won the . know break. So what you have to USED C 11 MUe Walk wu second to That this is all His plan. start wltb Is. In fact, rubber ARS · Sale will I • sheeting reinforced ·with 1------Paraona ill both the 1 and 10 Of d d if , rayon, and this !s cut dlagon· AEDLAIDE MOTORS LTO. ------i Roberts. ~ 5 Mile Walk, and they all brought wo~c;~as!~gs I e span allv-b!as cut-Into widths FOR A CAR YOU cAN Strange as it may seem, a i LAND SURVEYS ted Work, pat credit and honour to both And man, man's blood won't that vary with the size or the DEPEND ON CALL lj doctor usually knows w h a t i LAND APPRAISALS themselves and their Brigade sp111, tyre. Then the tyre·bullder ADEI.AIDE MOTORS LTD. . ~eight is right r;;r a woman. i Hot turkel 0 and they were loudly applaud· • million year's means nou"hl lays those ph.•res carefully "A Complete Store At Your t ~!1 as one gets ~r. it is wise · DRAUGHTING $1.25. " all ran'·· '"' "' ' to l'11c~k with a cumpl'tcnt phy· . td b, u. . . to Him, one O\'e1· nnother 011 a rr· DIAl 3015 1 CORPS ---·-·__ •_____ ' >irian uiJoul wh:li w~i;:hl is most WHITE PRINTING JUNIOR TRAINING Who alwnys was and will. vol\·inJ~ mel~\ drum with the - . Captain H Haynes remlndw hcahh~· fur \'olt. In ;um~ ,.a,es MINEOGRAPHING . Where will We au grow rood: threads In IIIYt:'l' :\ 111111 ltt)'H GROCERS (Retail) i't Ilia~· lie ~ ltll' 11101'~ JIUitiUls The1 all HeMdquarters J.T.C. · mem· to eat I B runulnK in !lifft•rcnt tlirPI'I· -----,_;~....;,.~-:I han \'Oil 11ould like, hut chaltl'c' AND PHOTO bus that their parades will Get sheller' htre below iuns untli hr h~s rumpll'lcd HUTCH EN'S GROCERY . ar~ ~:1111 will r~d hrtlcr !or th~ atar~ aguin on Wednesday night With all the energy from the' lht> thil'lwr~s ot' the can·as~. · 1\lt::\'l' MAitKJo:T mlllo•t! 11011111tage. COPYING Junior 1nd all members will be expect· 1 sun · 'He wot·ks in the bead·wlr~s- ~3 William ~lrr~l ' ··· · 1 ed to be in t~eir places to atart We'll smi ha\'e frost and the rim stifr~nlng-a~ he Dial H5o and 601;2 Pli:\1\~J.\f\' Gerry Halley the Fall sessions. 1 snow. i )loes and fixes the tread rub· __;;;.;.;;.;..;..;..;..;;,;,;;;..;;.;;;;.;; __ · DUNN'S .Tonic COMJNG EVENTS :her round the centre band. H. R. CLARKE • i · Cor, ~13)'01' and Surveys Ltd. On· Friday ·November 6th, the : The Coat nf Arms like · so that in anythln~t from five Topsail Road I Merrymeeting Rd. in the :Band Ladies Auxilary will hf. ' pnllcn brnught ,. In twcnly·fl\'e minutes, ar· mat 92295 Dial 73HR TELEPHONE 90876 tlavin; an Anniver~~ary Dance i Upon the feet of bee~. corclinl: In the sizr. an dtypr The g at th'. Old Colo~y and it i~ f'll· l Was bo111~ through spm by' nf thr. ty~·r, ~·nu ha\'c what L. HEALEY :PARKDALE 1.. ~~~~!1!~~!!!!~~ pe~:ted· that the uaual lar&e I Lunik twn, : jlonks ''rr~ much hk~ A ~quat 1 Cross Roarls and \\'atcr Street ' rR,\R:\1:\CY F. Spark r.tou'd u·JI be on b~nd to cele· To settle In the ,~a~ ruhbrr barrel. minus a top ill ~ Elin,!'th Me. i 3 1 30 11 brate the event. Tickda may be i "! enters of thio 'Pl.anet ~toon. · and bottom." I - Dial 91120 DON'T DO IT YOURSELF I CHECI< hid from members of the Band. : 1! A aerreb "'e dQn t kft"W. I Thl! ~u has to be don b\' ' INSURANCE AGENTS · · · On Monda~· Novembu 9th, the ' lJn!tl that day when conquer · hand: thPn, 11fter twentv.~ou'r I MURPtiY'S DAILY NEWS WANT ADS FOR Offlcera Men ~'iU be holdlna uill. 1 t tl b 1 · 1 t AND BROKERS DRUt; STORE I • ~ · · . Our space men fro ~~ w tour~ res . ~~ arre ~toes n o _..;.;.;.;.;;;,_,..;;..;;.;.;;;.;..;;;;;.;.;;..._ 'EXPERT'! th e .AlJnl\'eru~· Cart! Party .In m 0 • th~ pres6es for \'Ukanization · 11!1 ~lllltar~· Road 'I the Cathedral Paris Hall. Sup. CLARISSA H. . and come 'ant in thP. finished JOB BROTHERS Dial 6Ufi lEDDY KILOWATT t 5 It ccm o11d cody porters and friends are asked to ~hape comp!PIP. with tread & CO. LTl9. · be dangerous too. THOMPSON'S try your hand at home·metc!e repni••, "' make up their tables for this Statutory· Notice pattc!rn~. l,aboratory testing Water street ELECTRICITY ROYAl •oeeulon. . of materials Is contlnttou~ 11nd Dial 2658-4123 PHAR:ItACY I provemenls ! Have them dcne lh~ rig 45 Quicli \'ldl Road the · OJI · ·Wednesday November In the matter of the Estate of very thorough throughout the way, the safe way, by consulling VJilh llt!l, will bt held the Boys Patriek J. Walsh, late of BeD manufacturing process; every Dial 5991 MEEHAN & CO. ONEBRIGHT I of the experts you'll find li~ied in our Party lll.the Armoury. Island, Province of Newfound· tyre Is carefully lnsoected T. A. Bldg., Duckworth St. FLEMING'S __ _ Thursday N.ovember 12th, will land, Merchant, deceased. before It· goes Into stock, and fied section. A phone call will bring Dial 1046·7047 265 Pennywell Road SPOT be. ~e Officers Mess Semi An· · All persons c:ta!mlng to be destruction testing j!oe~ on all right help to your doqr I aual Dinner Meeting. creditors of or who have any the time In the tyre test · Dial 92937 in 1 SUnday November ·15th will c:lajms or demands upon or af· house. To make absolutely REG. T. MORGAN DIAL 2177 - 2178 2179 I be ·the Anniversary Church fectlng the estate of Patrick J. sure of quat!ty and endurance, INStrnANCE LIMITED GROCERS (RETAIL) Family Budget .. larade. · · Walsh, late of Bell Island afore· control tyres are fitted to a Temple Bing., P.O. nox 168, 1 So you will see that it Is go- said deceased are hereby re- fleet of seven cars and lor· 3U Duckworth St. .NORMAN DOWNEY ADVERTISE IN THE 1 in& to be s real• week of eele- qu~ted to ae~d particulars of rles to run over an 82·ml!e Dial 80370 or 7756 45 Ncw Gower St. 1 Dial 5727 b~tlon . in Brigade . circles, so their claims· In writing, duly at· road circuit, twenty·fo.ur hours I Holdet please reserve the dates for tested; to the undersigned soli· a day, five days a '~~ eek. DRUG STORES ...... ~·· Lt•••.•• whatever should·lnterest you. cltors for the Executrix of the -..,.--.------MOBILE GROCETERIA In an.J Around St. John's Daily News Store At Your Door II 14»5 ANNIVERS~Y ·PARTY Estate of the said deceased on 67 DEGREES BELOW ZERO !----~;;,_,.;.;.~-- Ch!!ap Reliable Electricity This Party for the Lads. re· or before the 30th day of REVOLUTIONARY NEW M. CONNORS LTD. Dial 93490 ;tl,red and Sllperv!sed by tbe Of· IOctober, A.D. 1959, after wh1ch NYLON JACKETS 334. WATER ST. ' l!W5 Mess last year will araln date the aa!d Executrix wltl Dial %206 bl!,. held this year. With all the 1proceed to distribute the said Guaranteed to protect· to this ae:ivlty -In evidence this year a Estate hnvhil( re~or 1 t only to !he lelnptrutm·t>. 1-:v~ryont> a buy· ' . &p~~lal· committfo i~·. bein11 ap·l tlaims of which she thtn ,11 311 , ~r. .\lurr Ihan lOll ulhPr family AYl WARI;>'S pu1!1t~li f11r .this JHII't>ost• with huvt:' nolirt. :II!! IllS. B~ tirsl. I~X!)('I'it•nn• : PHAHMArY . C3ptaif! J. }· Rahbitts as Chair· : D;Jtcli at St ..John's this lllh i unn~cc•._,a~·y. l'omplele sulrs : l:ur. i\tonl'ltY & t:nlt•irr .o\vt. ~~~~n und Cap,ttiin G. S. 'l'homas · •b)' or September, A.D. l!l~~. ,o!llh.l w1th aclual sam!JI.es. t · Dial 900i0 · a3. S~cretary. The Committee AYLWARD and CROSJUJ-: I'I OUI .own clollum: ncerls FREE. · .. wnt b~ h'oldlng It; fil·st meeting., So!lc'tors ror th~ E e t ·I !Amazmg bonus plan. While 10· KENNEDY'S ' 1 1 I -:.1!1\. Thu~fday ~~~hi when thn. 34'} D . . x cu · ;dar. E1'r1·ything fREF.. Oc· j DRUG. STORY. · (~p:·ny Comr.l~nd'm and re:. Sl Jobn~tcl.~ort~t .Stdrr.l.r\,1 •rar1J,I;n1 22!1. 8lakc·\\'alkcr. 21.1-1 I)Ufkwnrth St. , · s, ew oun anr · So~ 6;7, ~fo1Hrc;,1, Dial 2381 F~


    - ~ ...... DAH.Y NEWS, ST; JOHN'S,. NFLO., TUESDAY, OCTOBER 6 1959 .• . . . , , • ' ' I lf

    FOR RENT KINSMEN·· .. QUAL• • ·• BUILT, Suite· of .Offices BIG, BOLD, BEAUTIFUL Boys Club al1o )UNCIL AND LOW PRICED, TOO SINGLE OFFICE Newspaper BINGO In the ·Muir Building, Water St., near the SERIES No. 17 Court House. YOU CAN RELY. ON 'l TO.DA Y'S NUMBERS PHONE 50~6 ... Apply ~d "Tender ! office of Mr. John Hiscock. m. We I N G· 0 DODGE TO RENT-Un· 26 39 46 75 fiU'IIlshed three of four bed· not 13 SPECIALS ,.. 4 19 '43 49 62 ri>om Apartment or House ... 71 with 1tove and refrigerator. 1957 DODGE SEDAN.,$1,375.00 9 22 34 55 Apply M/Sgt. Dowdakin, 5 25 33 52 73 . at PepperreiL Call 89-63123 ,_ 1955 DODGE SEDAN$ 875.00&•------" 48 66 "A UtUe Bird told me that between 8 a.m. and II p.m. 'I!!"' 1 1957 DODGE %-TON ~- 6 31 45 theae howes are du1 to be 15 .17 40 47 67 REMODELED and · !ten WANTED A GIRL-For gen· PICKUP ...... $1,450.00 10 24. 41 68 they'll be aomethinl to eral Houaework .. Other help EASY TERMS .. 74 CROW ABOUT!" kept. Apply with reference ROYAL GARAGE · '· 1 21 to 40 Queen's Road or call PHONE.2094 LTD. I CAR LOT 92196 6S And YOU too will be proud 14 '30 37 to Crow About your MOD 33411. 3 18 69 ERNIZED HOME if you will 7 27 let us help you get the FOR SALE-Two Holstein Home Improvements you • Bulls. Apply to Gus J>t,wer, 11 64 have been wanting, Logy Bay, St. John's, or Special Thanksgiving Air: Dial 9314F •. Oct6,7 . Excursion .; TO LET-Suite 4 offices In Royal Bank Huilding, West End. Ideal for &hipping TO ST. PIERRE:·: firm or customs broker. _, The Regular .Monthly Meeting Dial 90312, John D. O'Dris· I Leaving Saturday at Noon. Returning Monday. of con, Real Estate Agent. I FARE $75.00 - All expenses included. :j Help Kin · - Help . Klddies jly8,(1() I . ===-----1 Call 90797-L or 90797-H after 6 p.m. and cislc Terra Nova Council No. 1452 Pt\Ir!TING, DECORATING- • octS,G for Mr. O'Brien. · · For all exterior, interior I ' .•. KNIGHTS O.F COLUMBUS painting, cleaning, paper. will be held in the Club Rooms, hanging Reasonable prices. ------Watch Repairs 'Phone 1397·H. TONIGHT NEW METMOD RUG CLEAN• AT 8145 P.M. ERS. Ruga and Carpet made Mammoth Card Party to look like new. Von • /rtsfolfation of officers will be concluctecl by the Schrader process adds years WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 7, 8.30 P.M.·. to life of rugs. Cleaned In District Deputy, P.G.K. Bro. Wm. J. Kent. A Social AT BELVEDERE ORPHANAGE .. ho11r will be helcl immoediately after the meeting. home or at our plant. IBENTURES 'Phone 91033. New Method 1 9 55 By Order G.K. Rug Cleaners, Freshwater Usual Fine Prizes plus free valuable · ~EARS Road .. Door Prize MORRIS PATRICK J. KAVANAGH, THE-- C-ENTRAi-BARBER­ 00 Fin. Secretary. SIIOP. We are now operat· Auction. Please bring own cards. .$600· ------·---·------lng eight chairs. You can be ~ANA assured of the best possible Tea will be served, so bring basket.~ service plus the least pos· AN CO. sible wailing, 24 New Gower . 1111:\''S AVALON CREDIT JEWELLERS Baird Motors Ltd. St., opp. Adelaide Motors . PHOSE \VATU AT ADEWDE PHONE ?Ill • MERRYMEETING ROAD , P. .\RTIES Interested In blgb or WAREHOUSE DIAL 80318·9 AT· HOME : low Painting jobs. Please · : apply 14 Casey Street or 'Phone 4683·1. scp,lm SPACE· AVAILA.BLE THE GRACE HOSPITAL REV. R. W. AND' MRS. BRAINE, 1 i t'OR SAU~-Strurtural Steel, In approximately 3 months, 45,000 s~. WOMEN'S AUXILIARY of Gower Street United Church, I Btam; H Reams; Anp;les; WANTED Channels: Plates: Sharline ft. Heated and in desirable location~ • rtc., \'arious sizes.. NOd. Enquiries invited. Write · .: Will be "At Home" on WEDNESDAY fidh·age & Sales Co., Ltd., Annual Sale Of Work 11 Patrick Street;. 'Ph011e CAN SE afternoon and evening, October 7th, from 1709. BOX 405, c o Daily News .. mar 19. ty~ar oct5.6,7 TO RENT , ~ .. .. IMMEDIATELY 3 to 5 and 8 ·to 10 at the Manse, 24 THINGI And Turkey Teas Wall Washing · Three bedroom Apartment Cornwall Heights. \V,\LL WASHING - Walle WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 7th, or houst. In good central · cleaned by new machi:~e. Results perfect: saves paint. at the Nunes' Caf•rla. locality. Phone .4499A. -New '1ethod Rug and Wall Wanted Immediately oet&,ai Cleaners, Freshwater Road, Sale will be opened at 3.30 p.m. by Mrs. Wm. 'Phone 91033. Roberts. Stalls featuring Fancy, Plain and Knit· ------wANTED !IIALE BOARDERS Experienced . Book-Keeper ted Work, Home Cookery, Novelties and Candy. FOR SALE Permanent or transient. (FEMALE) Hot turkey teas $1.50. Take home turkey teas FOR S.ALE Good. locality, near bus stop. -·. ' $1.25. 1959 BISCAYNE SERIES · NO. 282 DUCKWORTH STREET l n furnace heated home. For further information Box ,. ·. CHEVROLET Most suitably located for dentist, doctor or Dial 4683·1, or visit Tulk's Apply P.O. 2036, St. John's • Boarding House, 141 Casey (tel) There will be a Meeting of the Practically new; driven for lawyer's offices, etc. Four tenants paying good Stn•et. scpl7,lm ~~~~~~~~.i only four months. Going at rentals. First floor contains four rooms and four HIGHEST EARNINGS Junior Chamber Of Commerce on excellent bargain. · wa!hbasins. Second floor-living room, 2 bed­ Are made by our men dur­ rooms, bathroom and kitchen. Third flaor-lden· ilng the Fall. Immediate open· WANTED! ·I Diai4385-H ,.cal to second floor. · Basement floor contains ing available. National organiz· Tonight, October 6th lation established 15 years. Pro· Certified Auto Mechanic ·.· basement apartment. New oil furnace, hot water 1ducts sold to all stores. offices, in the Newfoundland Hotel at 7.30 GENERAL radiation, 3 thermostats; new electric wiring; factories, garages. s c h o o Is , Apply good state of repair. Freehold land. Ihotels. municipalities. etc. Top ' .. : The guHt speaker will be the Hon. R. ;commissions paid on orders re· MR. GEORGE MARSHALL TRUCKING Price $23,000.00-0wner would consider sel­ ceivcd with 85'i. repeat busi· F. Sparkes. Trinity Sout.h Freight :ness year· round at full commis· ling a half intere!t In the said building. ·sion. Restricted or exclusive Marshall Motors limite·d~ I CHECK Service wiN acc.pt territory; full or part·time. We . "' For further information please DIAL 9031 1. train you and Manager r~ady to ·:· oct3.6,8,1 o ~.~ ADS FOR freig'- for Bonavista interview you Now: Ru~h National Office Equipment Ltd. . or Clarenville areas. . reply to Certified Electric Com· 'BACK TO SCHOOL CONTEST' John D. o·'Driscoll pilny, 'Dundas, Ohtario. AIM Burin Peninsula. oct5,6 GRANO PRIZE , DIAL 7908·H .. NO. 1 liDEFORD PLACE Real Estate Agent. oete,2wka ~ oete,8,9 PENET ANGUISHENE ROYAL ROYALITE PORTABLE TYPEWRITER AND . . Winning Number - 161.3 OCTAGON HEIGHTS AN ASSISTANT FOR BOWLING ALLEY:·: FOR RENT .... CONSOLATION PRIZES ·.The Adult Education· NEW SUBDIVISIONS . Apply to MR. CANDOW ~ .... · Winning Numbers I PRINCE OF WALES COLLEGE BOWLING BUILDING LOTS FOR SALB I ~·~ 1634 1632 2000 Center • OR TO I.EASE 1 .G.ARAGE ALLEY 79 - 2119 1749 . 1985 1725 75 ll 200 LeMarchant Rood . 1646 1677 1736 Situated Announces that classes in Beginners -Art • Penctanguishcoe is located oD the Portugal Cove Road and 11 1660 1777 1716 30 CORNWALL AVE and Drama Workship will be commenc­ 1697 1973 • situate in the center of a grow· ing in the near future. Interested persons lng community, only a few loti Holden of winning numbers ore· requested to Phone ·sso2 remain in this area. WAREHOUSE SPACE ·~::· Present at 460 Water Street. contact .the centre by phoning 2040. Octagon Ueights Is situate In a beautiful area on the Topsail Road . and already new Moderu . AVAILABLE Bungalows are being erected on ... ·For ·Fast this subdivision. in approximately three months; 45,o00 S·PE.NCER CLUB If you arc interested In secur· ·Tixi ·.serviee lng one of those lots either ID feet. Heated and in desi'rable location: i ANTED. . TO. .RENT . . • • ' ' ~ . I ' . the East or the West end apply ! ...... I Enquiries invited. , . LAIOI ~ALOW •r. TWO~$TOREY. HOTEL TAXI Immediately to . ..•·A:N·NUAL . SALE ~""''a•. In centre ef town, .for. a peJrlolll... STAN CONDON BOX lQOO, DAILY NEWS ;1)111: 2424-2410 Will 1M hlld In Bishop Spencer College on ·, lix menths. · · Avalon Realty Co., : . QUEEN'S lOAD ' ------·----··---- •, . W_.,NESOAY, October 7th. Morning cof· ·· ' limited o,ea. frOIII 1.n te ! a.il. . SELLING. AGENT. · .,,.,;..!8, lyr · · ' fii .cl'nd'affernoon tea will be served. Advertise In The News Dial UIS-1848 or ·nes • ' . THE DAILY NEWS, ST. JOHN'S, NFLD., MONDAY, OCTOBER 5, 195 20 I 9

    Coach Worried 1·! AT THE IBaptist Officiat CL oTTAWA -=cP ·- coadil SIGN In City Frank Clair Monday gave 01· Baptist eongregatlons In tawa Rough Riders a day off Newfoundland are being visit- from practice, shut himsel£ in ed this week by Dr. R. E. . CHENILLE his Inner sanc!um and began, Whitney Home Missions Sec- '""No planning strategy for next 1 retary of the Maritime United week-end's two-game series with · Baptist Convention, and Mr. ~1· · · .. ~~~ Alouettes. 1 B. o. Stevens past President :Blankets "I'm very worried about Alou 1 THE CAMPAIGNS OF of the Convention, Presl· an~ .~ed Spreads ettes," he said. "They've taken w·AVELL 1939 1943 dent of Maritime Bapt1st Men. 1r • ·· ··~ r' dorcats by big scores - On sunday, they met with CHECK •nd I think they're going to be Robert Woo/lcombe 5.00 'the Corner Brook Church, as YOUR PICTURES CAN IE ALL COLOURS f\·ery hungry:" • THE NINE DAYS OF they opened their temporary DEVELOPED church building. It is hoped ONLY ONCE .. FLA.NELETTE DUNKIRK that, within the next year or TAKE THEM TO Players Sold Dovicl Divine ...... 5.00 so, a church will be built / 60 X ·76 $6.so LANCASTRIA there on their new Ball Diver- '• . PITTSBURGH - AP ~ Pitts· G H B c1 4 25 sion site. Rev. Gordo!! Wower burgh Pirates Monday sold 3 eo rey on ...... • Is the pastor there. us: players·- .two. pitchers and a ITHE SIEGE AT PEKING On Tuesday a meeting was s4~oo Pr. .catcher-to its Salt ·Lake City Peter. Fleming ...... 5.7 5 held regarding the so:e~~~~ I affiliate and purchased two I THE CAPTURE JF QUEBEC of Baptist work in t P CARPET ltchers from' the Pacific Coast . . v11le, where a church location teague Club. Chrrstopher Lloycl .. 5.00 has been purchased recently. · Sent to the Salt Lake City · The ~roup will visit the WHITE WITH. SCATTER were catcher riarly ·\Vesterfield TRAFALGAR Placentia Bay Church on and pitchers Pau I G1e· I an d Don 0./' 1ver W·Orrter ...... 5· 00 Thursday. b This congregationIn th first GOLD BORDER Rowe wil 1 soon e open g e Th~ Pirates bought the con· THE SMALL WOMAN unit of their building program f Ed B t d E 1 3 75 at Dunvllle. RUGS tracl.i. o . ou ad an ar Alan Burgess ...... • The trip will be completed 60x90 lFrr""';. Bout a ha a 7·8 rP.· • . S d h both of the ,cord for ~alt Lake City in 1959 THE HOUSE OF INTELLECT ~fsltl~~ :fric7al:~m be taking &· and JoranClS a mark of 6-5. J ocques Borzun ...... 6.00 part In the services of tile sS.2s Pr. s3.so s4.so First Baptist Chnrch, of St. I MY FAMILY AND OTHER J{Jhn's, where Rev. F. c. < r : ANIMALS Fenerty is the pastor. . In two years, the Baptist· ! Gerold Durrell . .. 4.25 constituencY In sewfound· ~ HEAVY I WHITE &CREAM ' - G EA land has grown from one i I HE BURNIN. S small church to three chur· F.LANNELETTE 1 loin Crawford .... ~ ... 3.50 1 ches. with nearly two 11\Jn. FOR NEWFOUNDLAND'S :i I ENGLISH ' dred members and scrl'ing '!I' · COMMANDER BURT OF ' about four hundred persons. FINEST PHOTO FINISHING ' :1 ' ,'''~I PLAID : SCOTLAND YARD In the larger P.icture,. the I • · ,., Baptist denomination · Is the [J; 70 x84 Curtain .Lace 1 H1mself ...... 4.• d . largest p~otestant ~ody on I GOD AND EVIL this Contment; whlle on a I ·I ;. 1 i i world wide scale, It has I l ': I I .C. E. M. JoocJ ...... l.J 51 churches and missions in al· ,1 ,· ,, most every country In the i' •I' Pr. Yard I. ! . 't sS.oo SOc . THE ENDLESS ROAD world. ; I : ,. Roger Treat ...... 4.25 ------'I ' :~ ' GI!AP ST w· R •' Dial 5181 • 2. 3 THE YELLOW FORD : .. f mter UnS !:' ______· ___ !.... Alexander Fullerton 3.50 QuEBEc !CP> -Canada 1: I '·•. .. MILLEY LTD. / BIRTH Io· k & c. Ld ISteamship Lines announ~ed Mo~- • ' I s. rc s 0 t da the freighter EskimO Will SHEPPARD-Born to Fred and, ., • m1ke two runs to British ports j .. ' R c Ch h Emma Sheppard,. tnee Roper!, I . Th 8 k II !rom Quebec this winer. The 6.-, • • urc at the G~ace Hospital. on October • 8 QQ S8 ers 5oo.ton ''esse!, with a reinforced Officials Further Cor I• ,. 4th., a s1ster David. hull for bucking ice, now s haul· G th I : I I ···-- \ Spin 442!i or 2008 or 3191 ing to Arctic outposu.s. Her .. . car~ov a er n I EXGAGEMEST 11 b I, I --- wi~ter overseas runs WI e Quebec .; Donations ,' I Mr. and-:llrs. John J. Power I made in December and January, • QUEBEC (CPl-Roman Catbo·. be held during the week . ' TV . ··' l: wishes to announce the engage.! the company announced. ! lie Church dignitaries !rom six~ Sebastiano Baggio. apo;toli• , I I ment of their granddaughtet·, countries came to Quebec i gate to Canada, has mo1·fd the F•:: To The Blind 1 REPAIRS 1 Cit~· Mary Walsh, to Albert :'>lolan, h ;Monday for five days of cetebra· 1 legation to Quebec from Ottan son o! ttie late ~!r. an~ :11rs.; lions honori:lg Most Rev. Fr.an.:f~r the assembly. t; !: .Joh:t :'>lolan. Marnage Will take REASONABLE RATES fGeograp. y ' coi.• de Montmorency-La,·ai, ftrst : ~: ·. ' , place . on No1·ember 14th. at ! bishop of New France who ai'· Harvey & co .. Llrl .. $100.00; 'Goose Bay. ; GUARANTEED WORK . . , , ! ril·ed here 300 yea~s ago. r~,;···, . . . : ~I ~ltd. . !lta~garlne. Co. L~d~ i • -DEATHS •·p H O N E , Uml'ers•t~·. Pa. - 1:>\E~ 1 - i Splashes of cardmal red and ~ 8 A l I $ I " :: \ ., $250.00, 0 Mara·lllartln Dt u.,' - -· ... 1 'I Penn St~te players are gettmg a' rovai purple brightened Quebec's ' 7 3 1 3 \ Co., Ltd., $100.00; The Royal i FL \'NN - Passed peacefully gcograph~· lesson with their loot· IPalais station as Quebec church u .., ax:aa.ur : ~ i I Stores Ltd., $100.00; Parsons I away on Sunday, October 4th., El t • ball drills. . and civic dignitaries gathered to Who · two-dolllr Ill! I '• I I Drug Store, $100.00; George Mary, wife o! the late Gregory eC rOniC Signals for Rip Engle'~ basic i meet papal legate Alfredo Car- bad. ~!n~tt 11 . ( Neal Ltd., $110.00; Charles R. Flynn. Funeral this Tuesday C L d wing·T offense are called. m v~r· dinal Ottaviani. He arrived by ODe! .. ' II Bell Ltd.. $50.00; Bennett morning from her late residence entre t • ious spots by the des1gnahon trai:J from Ottawa with 15 other • • • I 16 8.45 1 Brewing Co., Ltd., $25.00; T. Albany Street at a.m., to east or west, outside east and church o!!icials from Rome. . •• it's a'gooclilltl . :·· I . A. MacNab Ltd., $25.00; Sanl· St. Patrick's. Church for Solemn 90 CAMPBELL AVE. west. inside east and west, etc. Paul • 'Emile Cardinal Leger, Jote wbliM-i,f It ltftpl tary Products Ltd., $25.00; High Mass of Requiem at 9.15 o~e giant lineman grumbll'll archbishop of M 0 n t r e a I, and to ot~t~ Ole liMt lllilfl. Mr. H. Knight $10.00; Chel· a.m. , Alter hours 'PHONE 6401 A that you have to be able to box Most Rev. Maurice Roy, arch· • • • vers Foods, $10.00; C. A. Hu· McCARTHY - Passed peace· the compass before you can . bishop of Quebec, greeted the bley Ltd., $10.00; Mr. James fully away at 4 p.m. on Monday. See Typhoon master the system. papal legate and hi~ . party-i~· E. Nurse, $10.00; Mr. L. J. October 5th, Peter J. :1-lcCarthy. . 1eluding James Cardmal McGuJ- Brett, $10.00; Wt~ansky & Leaving to mourn besides . ~is D When Junior has an ice cream 'gan o! Toronto. . Sons, $~.00; Cornwall Clinic, wife, three daughters, P.. trlcta, a ma~e h ften passes it around Church rep.resentah:es from ils ... 00· Cit R dl & Music Betty and Maureen; two sons. cone, e. 0 • . ·b France Brit am, Belg1um, the ~· ' y a ° Charles and John; two sisters. TOKYO (APl - Crown Prince among hts. fnend~ to give ea' United' States and Nationalist ·Whenever benies art Co., Ltd., 55.00; Meehan & Mrs. Thomas Edstrom, Renews, 1 Akihita and P r i·m e :IIinister of them a hck. T~lS could spre1d China also arrived in the city by pick you eaa easily ~ Company, $5.00. • · !Violet, Brooklyn, N.Y.; live bro· · Nobusuke Kishi inspected by heli· disease ~er~s tf one of. the train a~d plane during th~ day. Mom hat to ~ut,up.w'llh., 1 DoN't .40 :!.:______""":" ______= !hers, Rev. P. J. McCarthy, P.P .. ! copte1· Monday areas or central children 1s stck. The habit ~f Sixty.one Canadian archbishops be~ tl1ifil, Ji' .In Gander, Thomas at home. , ravaged one 1sharing may be generous but 1t · and bishops have come with. a .IJ)OOII in lfOur tll<)tt I.JOO.~O rendered home· I . supersonic MAKE EASTERN CANADA DEBENT\JRt~ i Whittle. aged 64 years. He. l~ss by l~O·mllc·an·hour lyphoo.:'l! l ' . ll . ~ in : leal·es to mourn .hi_s wife, Brid· \;ra, which .~truck eight a~s. t s rea y so eas sea and ca Our DEBENTURES are easy to buy, are an approved Trustee Investment i get two sons. W1Jllam and F.d· 1ae 0· I to shore i enff may "• purchased l,n, amounts of $100.00 and upwards at the interest : 1\'a~d. four dau~lltm. Cath~rine,' : ' . •tl told Satu rcite·of · · · 1 !Mrs. Patrick Whcla~J: Alaric,' ·f}•c I , thE .. _...... R • C d b • Wl J !Helen ~nd Ph)·Jiis: and thre~ 1 · epaifS OS I ~ i to Q USlness 1 Funeral from 2 Alex-: OTTAWA (CP l - It is costmg tNTEREST IS PAID ON i Street on :.Vc,dnesday at 9 the federal go1•crnment $225,000 I a.m .._ to St.. Patr1ck s Chur;h fori more to repair the Jackson Build· ANY TERM OF FROM 1 Requ1em Htgh Mass at ~:~ ing than it paid for it in the first r TO 5 YEARS INCLUSIVE NOTE OF TlfANKS place. A federal works depart­ ment spokesman said Monday Mrs. Ella Brown and family, ~ight repairs to the building, 8 Allandale Road, wish to da111aged a year ago by 11 natural the Rev.· Davies, Rev. gas· explosion, will cost $985,000. IKende'IJ, Smith, Dr. Rusted. The government bought the nine Nurses of th~ story Bank Street structure for · The Eastern. Canada Savings & Lo~~ Co. Hospital, her many $760,000 in 1941. relatives and friends, and · 3~1 Serving Canada·for 70 years. Now serving Newfoundland at others who helped 'in any way by their many acts of kindness dur· l64·WATER STREET P.O. BOX 175 PHONE 3335 >. · the recent Jos5 of our beloved . 'CLAUDE E. DAWE, Manager bUI!baJ\d and fath~r, Wilfred .W. 60 Inches wide · . Wool Plaid ai60g For Your Phone C~lls~ Naw $1.98 Yd. . ' ... . Stop thinking-Start acting-: Make your move •• On SHAW ST. Dial 80161 ••• on TOPSAIL RD. Dial 9117.4 CLASSIFIED ' ARCADI today lt'a truly amazing how sueh "Little" Ad~ SPECIALS FOR THIS WEEK ONLY IS . ·.· IFFEcnve ·· get, sucl: "Big" re.sulb at such ,a _moderate cost_: .. • Simmons Paint Brushes. · • Paint Rollers. No other medium reaches so ;,~ny people, s~ . · • Electric Light Fixtures. . •. Chrome Counter Moldings. quickly. If you have soinethfng to sell, or ar( { • ·Aluminum Kitchenware. 20% Off • ·-Chrome Cabinet Door Hardware. · looking to buy or have something you want t~ : ·Hinges, Pulls, Knobs. · lnclucle In the community's biggest market place, .. GLASS e ·High'Quality, Heavy Gauge Aluminum Storm and OW $.4.4 ~ l -~ ,. 50 put It In tht DAILY .NEWS Want Ads. Screen Doors. Self storing panel ...... Reg. $55.00. N · 11 e PLATE GLASS e Matchless Exterior Paint Reg. $7.35 per gall. NOW $6.69 per got. e SLIDING GLASS Reg. $2.05 per qt. NOW $1.79 per q · DOORS e Weather Stripping (Foam Rubb~r} 3'Pc. Sets., Reg. 1.7.5. NOW $1.39 e MIRRORS, All Sizes e .Duralam Countet Topping, . ft ·DIAL e BEST QUALITY 9 . . PI ashe, · Heat reSJS• t'mg ...... Reg • 60c • per ft • NOW 4 c. pi!r • CALL FOR FREE :·.111'7·. :~~:· 2178 ESTIMATE Quantity. of lntenor . Pomt ...... · ·· $2, •00 per .goll. - 2179 Conant. ·Brand ...... ,...... ;.... SOc. pi!r ql. AD-TAKERS. WILL ASSIST . YOU 'IN1 WRITING.~ . ,A. BARNES Ltd. . YOUR AD~ . G. • •• BUY NOW ••• AND SAVE! BLACKMARSH 'ROAD · DIAL 936:Xl

    ' !. ~- . I

    'l ' ' ·•' • . '' \