.'· FALL CLEARANCE • :• i d Cars· and Trucks i -Now On- THE DAILY NE s •• ! - a Nova Motors Ltd. • No. 212 THE DAILY NEWS, ST. JOHN'S, NFLD., TUESDAY, OCTOBER 6, 1959 iPrlce: 7 Cents) Charles Hutton &Sons ' •·" " . I ..I ·~ ea oon. 'I, ! I' I ~ i' i According To Plan[ I' F.S1'0S GROVER ling close to the Russians' pre·J vealed, and most of It made pub- that It would approach within I . ' •.\P• - The So1•iet dieted position and could be said lie afterward. 7,000 mllometres 't4,350 miles I of! is expected to · to be on course. l , Thus man will have his fil'llt the moon at its closest point. The I moon today, .curve Tass news agency reported that answer to the question that has 'orlsinal announcement said 10,· Bnd take man's first at 2 p.m. ADT the satellite was Intrigued scientists for centuries: 000 kilometres t6,210 mllesl would. the side alwa)·s 284,000 kilometres t 176,384 miles> What's on the back of the moon? be the nearest. · .. the earth. from the earth at a point over The flying laboratory - which '' space! ll'al'eller I the south Atlantic. the Russians are calling an "au· ,, a.< on the last lap , The Soviet space .station is ex· tomatic Interplanetary station" N STREET .. mile journey. Its i pee ted to make its rendcz\'ous to. and ~hich Professor Vsevoiod "Nutty", •lnwrd to a cosmic day at 11 a.m. ADT and start Ill· Sharo:tov of Leningrad Monday ., ti'r corth's grao,:ita· in:; back electronic data immedi· called "a complete automatic ob- . r.ut thr Russians said ately. sen•atory" - will complete Ill ,Says ~onty ;•ccordin~: to plan. TELL PVRI.IC swing around earth's natural sat· 1 ~n ~~ Britain's rocket· This will be correlated at the elllte and then orbit back toward LONDON (Reuters l - Fleld'l at .lodrcll Bank . central Sodet computing ~talion, the parent planet. Marshal Viscount Montgomery I ,nid it was tra1·ell· i whose location h!IS :10t been re· The latest word from Tass was said Monday night anybody who votes for the Labor Partv In j Thursday's general election Is . "of! his rocker" and should be Gaulle's, Algerian Offer "locked up In a lunatlc·asylum." Montgomery. 71, · who retired from miUtary life last year, told a students' society here that with Dominate French Assembly a solution to world problems In . · Rrutrrs I -President 1 Already two right • wing AI ately by opposition converts from sight It would be "madness to· ·;-·: ....~ G;ntlle's offer of self. I gerian deputies have said they the left. The Socialist and radical· change the ma:~agement" of the · 1 to Al;:eria will! will introduce a motion of ce~· centre opposition Is solidly behind Igovernment. · '· :r.e t1CII' session of the sure against the government. But dt Gaulle's plan. ------ wrmbl>· opening to· it Is gh·en little chance of sue· . · cess, with probably no more than : TO OUTLINE POLICY ILOST HAT I on tic Gaullt>'s olfer. t2 other deputies ready to openly. Informed parliamentary sources . · o1 independence, :m· 1·ote against the :;ol'ernme:~t. ·said the gover~me:~t .decided to·~ TORO:\'TO ICPI M. F d I Frnnt·r or autonomy 1 In an~· case. a:~y defection! day that Prcmter Michel Dcbre ! , : , , -: ! s. re a . Frrnch community !rom the gol'ernment majority by will make a .detailed statement Rrolln, ~6. o. S)dne~ ~bncs, ~.S ... 1 Ort. 13. 'the right will be filled immedi·: Oct. 13 on de Gau:le's policy. Transis annoyed • Canada about Atrt.he Lmes~rash plane:of 1 NACO"<• '·"• Japan-. ' s urv11'ors · of T YP1 1oon Vera, which raged through this city Sept. 27th, spend a night on the rool ul • here Saturday night because she : a damaged home after their possessions were lost in the storm. More than 1,0011' bodies were found in this citv, lo~t her daughter's hat. ; one of the hardest hit hv the typhoon. The nation-wide toll wus 1,7i4 dead and 1,980 missing.-UPI Photo. ' Mrs. Brown,. who was makmg , ' · In Funds, Big her first flight, emerged from the i · · . Itplane bounced only slightlyinto the bruised ground after 400 Snow H•ltS West I: M w·ll F. ht F 'pt . feet s~ort of the ru:~way at Mal· . I I 0 .To De ton A1rport. - i ac . g · r Defence "My first words to my son were , ~~DMO~TON !CPl - ~lost of' . 'I've lost that hat, and I prom· Alberta from the Peace River D.\\'E !\lclSTOSH !acti\'ities and·or ~ersonnct !the la~t sever11l rears an unwr•t· ised Viola l'd take care of,it'," • country' to Calgary, was covered ' 1 Prr!s staff Writer I A third altcrnatll'e - retention :ten government policy that ?e· i sAid Mrs. Bfown. I with up to two inches of -snow E I s . T lk I t cr ,_The great dil· I of obsolescent or obsolete \\'CliP. ., fe:.ce expenditures should not rise : When the excitement was over' ! 1\!onday following the first gen· ar y um m I a s defence de~artment ons-cannot be co~si~ered, offl·. ~bo,·e the level of about $1,700,· i she fo11nd herself c}utching ~n· l1 cral snowfall of the year, the Ed· decrease 10 funds clals said, because 11 11 ould mean I 000,000 a year. Iother hat. She doesn t know how mont on weather office reported. lor n~w weapons and that the retention of ar~ed forces I But in the meanll.me, the costs she got hold of it. , Hardest hit was the Vermilion· : , . .. · . ofllctals said Monday, themselves would be pomtless. ol armed forces mamtenance aud i Mrs. Brown arrived here w1th ICoronation area of east·centrai . LO~DO:-l !..\P 1-Pnme :\l1m~·' Prcs•dc:~L Etsenhower gave :\lac· able Lhat :\lr. ~la'cm1llan now . may be a ha1·d CERTAIN LEVEL operations-salaries, gas, e:l~ine Iher daughter Betty, 22. to visit Alberta 'where more iha~ two ~ tcr Macmillan .Promised :\londay • millan the brush·olf lor tryin;: to\ should play party rolitics with the government: An Ho'! does the problem of de· repairs 11nd the !ike-have r1sen her son James and his family,! inches ~·as re orted at mid:morn· ; tp ,ke~p. on ll.l:hling !or early: ~tse t.he summit. conference in. the j such vital world i~sucs.·~ . ·. - .. ir.crease In the defence creasmg fu:~ds for new wea!!Ons steadily an~ eat up a greater and residents of sllburbarr-Scarbor· ,:, ·with snoJ still falling 1 summ1t talks. He dcn1ed he 1s i elechon campaign, They cited a 1 "It can only a;ager and irl'itate 1 10 thr eliml~a!ion of some arise? !greater proportion or the defence borough. · 1 Edmonton had a manti~ of !.a , making a .Political football out ~r: sta~ement from Elsenh~wer's va· ~ ou.~ ·allies," ~e said. commitments and First of all there has been in budget. Despite the mishap here, they :inches of snow. At Rocky Moun· ! the summ1t cal~; , 1~aUon hea~quarters m Palm: . It would m.dccd be a t~agedy , . plan to fly home In two weeks.j Iaiit Hbuse, 100 miles southwest ' . Both :llacm~ttan s Consen·a-; Spn~gs, Caitf., Ihat Ihere had ; 1f the prospects of a summ1t con· "It's the o:1ly way to travel,", in the foothills region. two inches! h\'es ~nd th~ ~abor Party led: heen no a~recment yet to hold: fcrence we:e I? be worse:~ed by Mrs. Brown said, "but that last 1had fallen. Snow flurries were ; by II.•oh Gatts_kell to.ok . up t~e sum~~~ talks.. 1 :'>Jr. l\~acmlli.a~ s c! u m ~ y at· step is a tricky one." reported at Caigar\'. summ1t t?iks as a ma)or.1ssue m: M01.,an Ph1lhps. secretary or. t~mpts to brm., t~e 1ssu~ mto the EJE CT CoN TRACT · Thursdays general eieclldh. 'the Labor Party, told a London I!mal slages of h1s electiOn cam· Labor leaders declared that · press co~fercnce "it is in toler· paig:J." 'RGH !API - The· to end the 83·day steel strike .. :the negotiators got together for R ' w ' · ~eel workers Union re· i . ' an hour and announced meeting I contract offer Mon· The reJ~ctton came at a two·, would be held Monday night-the ; USSians on t r~<ttmed negotiations .hour meeting of the wage policy first :tight session since the ne· . Return Of Art Masterpieces TOilO:-\TO 1(.'1'1 - .\n ~nonv. 1'hr 1•aintin:, \\~rr rrni\'Prrrl ~ watrhin~ the .~m·:t:c iii the ho.pe a~ effort I committee. Late in the afternoon 'gotlations Dbegaann. ny : Migrate To' M - mous prrsonal 1•hone t·all to p~· from ;>n nn:ochd ~ill'n:e wherr thr titie1·..-., mi;;ht return . • • Oon lice chic£ .famr' ~lackey re· pntir~ founrl them in a cornrr. · lie i·Hiic;~tcd lu~ mi.;ht kno"' I •vi ng I'111te!l in the rccnl'ri'Y Satunlay 'roiled up in hcmy winlr. ~Tap· the identity of t h r thirl·es. S t .Of L. Jl . B:r ROBERT RICE . moo" with no intention to n~n · ni~ht o£ si~ ma.•trrrirccs .'tnlrn pin~ paper. :-<o arre,ts hal'e been· "1\'r\·e ;:ot our ide;~s but haH MO~TREAL tCPl _ Soriet the 10·ay of emi~ration of it~ pop· f!·om ~1e Toronto Art Gallery ma.d~.
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