
III Workshop on Robotic Autonomous (Torremolinos, Malaga, Spain, 7-11 October 2013) Editors: J. C. Tello, A. Riva, D. Hiriart & A. J. Castro-Tirado eMxA(ei eConferencias) de (Serie RevMexAA oitouetepoete fteeobservatories. these of properties the continue introduce will We to constructed. being ob- is robotic that large servatory Iranian relatively a the is Also, ob- is National Kashan. these of of University One observato- of servatory a autonomous. these and has of robotic already are Some ries observatories. buildings. of these number in- of We two observatory. troduce solar Naghsh-e-Rustam and lis Persepo- observatory, buildings Shahr-e-Goor Historical observatory, Includes: are Iran knowl- in build- and Historical-astronomical ings wisdom culture. their rich show and edge Iranians, astronomical by discover- sky these and ing calendar Using for instruments and beau- buildings secret. this beau- discover firmament and to tend clear tiful people with nights country buildings. starry a astronomical tiful in of that use obvious, and It’s construct in try Observator National I Iranian Words: of of Key observatories features robotic about the study of observatory. a will one study robotic also, introduce and We, Iran will Kashan. of we observatories of Then, ancient times. introduce ancient to want in we article, this In Observato construcci´on observatori del rob´otico los bajo observatorio aspectos de Tambi´en diversos un uno estudiaremos es Kashan. introduciremos que de Luego, universidad antiguos. la tiempos en en ubicado ellos de dos observatorio de antiguos introducci´on los una a art´ıculo, hacer este queremos En h otacetosraoylf rmSsainera is Sassanian 1970). this from (Ifonso that left observatory found ancient was most it the struc- studying; circle after a which found tures Firuzabad of excavation in gist, 1). (Fig. history Iran in observatories cient 26 1 rn rmacetyaswsa xeldcoun- excelled an was years ancient from Iran, rfso Derc u” emnArchaeolo- German Huff”, ”Dietrich Professor an- most the of one is observatory Shahr-e-Goor rfso eaiAtooia Institute. Astronomical Hesabi Professor AEALO TTEACETOSRAOISI RNAND IRAN IN OBSERVATORIES ANCIENT THE AT LOOK A TAKE .ACETOBSERVATORIES ANCIENT 2. 2.1 itr n hlspyo of philosophy and history hh--orobservatary Shahr-e-Goor . .INTRODUCTION 1. RSET O H FUTURE THE FOR PROSPECTS , 45 .Kayanikhoo F. 62 (2014) 26–27 , ABSTRACT RESUMEN 1 n .Bahrani F. and hc hwmnh,aesilpretyi odcon- good 65 in have perfectly This still dition. are months, show A. which (Photo: Goor. Shahre from away Facing Ameri) 1. Fig. ue eei s o ntlaino iuodldevice sinusoidal of 1996). struc- installation and for (Huff circular use measurements in these were observational Probably tures in benches. sign schematic used of tmesi aspoic nsuho RN Solar IRAN. of south in province Fars in stymie’s db n lymd srnmclbenches astronomical made clay and Adobe ahh--utmi aeo oaethat locale a of name is Naghshe-e-Rustam 2.2 ahheRsa observatory Naghsh-e-Rustam . 1 eIa suirlsaplicaciones las estudiar y Iran de s otapiain ftoo them of two of applications bout a hti oae nuniversity in located is that ran . hti nudrconstruction under an is that y ee ignlad1 marks 12 and diagonal meter 5 srboio eIa u est´a que Iran rob´oticos de os i ainlIran´ı Nacional rio III Workshop on Robotic Autonomous Observatories (Torremolinos, Malaga, Spain, 7-11 October 2013) Editors: J. C. Tello, A. Riva, D. Hiriart & A. J. Castro-Tirado ihs n oetattd fsni idy 4 de- (47 83 midday, to in equal sun gree the of between altitude gradient angle lowest of and to Angle highest equal sun. calculating exactly of is is altitude ground the duty of toward in Their use by masonry degrees. time are the plane steps the These of role stairs. building wide of steps cm Northern 25 mountain. the West- au- of the in edge beside ern sunset equinox observe vernal and can equinox Eastern and tumnal mountain beside the Solstice can of that Summer edge how in mountain sunrise of lo- observe distance is Observatory certain of in Building so cated deviation shades. little no this were not cor- there were inner there adjust If to shadow. deviations ners sides slightly other sides are to deep there perpendicular the The but not of year. are angle cymbals a solar so- of of of changes months the various the of in to edges stones. sunrise equal the gray are between of indexes angle lar made the which shape in seen window Changes west- six are eastern, building, indexes sides, the solar three of the southern of and each ern to the need no On was there stuff. ex- and and together close spectacularly placed limestone polished pertly gray have and which white used, only are tower the of building ereo itneo umrSltc n midwinter and Solstice (23 Summer of distance of degree n h egho ahsd saot3 about is side each of length the and oe ihsur ueta saot12 about is that rule square with tower a as known was to building B.C. Moun- place. this 1200 sacred from A.D.) From (1228 distance A.H. 2013). short 625 2)(Bazoband in is (Fig. front and tain In crypts located the is of Naqsh-e-Rustam of observatory i.2 uligo h oe.(ht:R Taasob.) R. (Photo: tower. the of Building 2. Fig. . uligo ahheRsa sCube-shaped is Naghsh-e-Rustam of Building 23 + 5 . )Mrd haaai2001). Ghiasabadi 5)(Moradi . 5 − 36 . )o nohrwr seulto equal is word other in or 5) . ees In meters. 5 BEVTRE NIRAN IN OBSERVATORIES . tall m 5 i.3 rna ainlosraoyTwr(ht:Re- Tower.(Photo: observatory national ceived) Iranian 3. Fig. evtr.Tetlsoewt 3 ob- with this telescope for Mount chosen The high is meter servatory. Mountains 3600 Zagros researches, in Gargash After 1999. in a ecnrlal yinternet. by controllable observatory is this be so, can telescope, the of of motion motion to as depended with and control internet the and under computer of become telescope can obser- Main observatory this this controllable. of and robotic Dome is Kashan. vatory of university of vatory ftlsoe oe fti bevtr sacylin- a is observatory 14 motion this controlling with of of Tower der software of telescope. addition of In cise. oaiGisbd,R 01 utmPasargad Rustam 2001, R. Ghiasabadi, Rus- Moradi Naghshe guide Documentary 2013, K. 16 Bazoband, ApJ, 1996, D., Huff, fi Wasat Alqrvn astronomy of History 1970, N.K. Ifonso, will and telescope directions. with both compiler in rotate be ma- will other and and some precise and terials so Aluminum is of make that will structure complex This 3). (Fig. height cp ih6 o egtwt 0 with weight will tele- ton that a 60 carry tools with can to scope of have Observatory System National in produce. use and polarimetries design photometries, and as will evaluation such spectrometries and use camera, record different recording of for tools detectors of arbi- or Sets to with it points. and lead trary mount can tele- controllers Alt- This computerized on precise Iran. install of will telescope scope research first is mirror .TERBTCOSRAOISO IRAN OF OBSERVATORIES ROBOTIC THE 3. camna yu,Tha:Nvde Shiraz, -e- Tehran: Cyrus, Achaemenian Pazhine, Tehran: “Princes”, Rajab Naghshe and tam Tehran, History, Ndalrb Alflk science translation lno einn hsosraoywsintroduced was observatory this designing of Plan n fteIa’ ooi bevtre sobser- is observatories robotic Iran’s the of One 3.2 N RSET O H FUTURE THE FOR PROSPECTS AND 3.1 rna ainlOsraoy(INO) Observatory National Iranian . nvriyo ahnobservatory Kashan of University . . ee ignladaot2 meter 21 about and diagonal meter 5 REFERENCES . 1acscnspre- seconds arc 01 . 2mtrdiagonal meter 42 27