A Bibliography of Books, Pamphlets, and Broadsides About Joseph Conrad
A Bibliography of Books, Pamphlets, and Broadsides about Joseph Conrad Compiled by John G. Peters, University of North Texas 1910–1919 Commentaries Curle, Richard. Joseph Conrad: A Study. London: Kegan Paul, Trench, Trübner; Garden City, New York: Doubleday, Page, 1914. Follett, Wilson. Joseph Conrad: A Short Study of his Intellectual and Emotional Attitude toward his Work and of the Chief Characters of his Novels. Garden City, New York: Doubleday, Page, 1915. Walpole, Hugh. Joseph Conrad. London: Nisbet; New York: Henry Holt, [1916]. New and revised edn. London: Nisbet, 1924; 3rd (and revised) edn. London: Nisbet, 1929. Introductions Huneker, James Gibbons, and Alfred A. Knopf. Joseph Conrad. [Garden City, New York]: Doubleday, Page, [1913]. ——, E. F. Saxton, and Richard Curle. Joseph Conrad. [Garden City, New York]: Doubleday, Page, [1915]. Correspondence A New Book by Joseph Conrad. Garden City, New York: Doubleday, Page, 1918. 1920–1929 Commentaries Bendz, Ernst. Joseph Conrad: An Appreciation. Gothenburg: N. J. Gumpert, 1923. Clifford, Sir Hugh. A Talk on Joseph Conrad and his Work. [Colombo]: The English Association, Ceylon Branch, 1927. Mégroz, R. L. A Talk with Joseph Conrad and a Criticism of his Mind and Method. London: Elkin Mathews, 1926. Powys, John Cowper. Essays on Joseph Conrad and Oscar Wilde, edited by E. Haldeman-Julius. Girard, Kansas: Haldeman-Julius Company, 1923. Randall, John Herman. Joseph Conrad: His Outlook on Life. New York: Community Church, [1925]. Stauffer, Ruth M. Joseph Conrad: His Romantic-Realism. Boston: Four Seas, 1922. Symons, Arthur. Notes on Joseph Conrad, with Some Unpublished Letters. London: Meyers, 1925. Introductions Jean-Aubry, G., ed. Twenty Letters to Joseph Conrad: An Introduction and Some Notes.
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