P a g e 1 | 14 All horses entering all classes MUST be registered or over stamped with the International Miniature Horse & Pony Society Ltd. Over stamping MUST be completed prior to the Judges show. To over stamp please visit the website and apply to the Registrar. For all details and forms to complete, visit Mrs V.J.Hampton www.imhps.com Mr P Matthews – Brown Mrs L McCormack Show Location Mrs J Davenport-Lister Onley Grounds Farm, Willoughby, Rugby, CV23 8AJ, United Kingdom Mrs V Huddleston Mr E Scofield Show Date & Start times Mr A Thomas-Chambers Saturday 25th September 2021 Ring 1: 8.30am | Ring 2: 8:00am | Ring 3: 9:30am Performance Organizers Sunday 26th September 2021 Mrs J Davenport-Lister Ring 1: 10.00 am | Ring 2: 9:00am Photographer Entry Information TBC Saturday entry fee: £12 per class Commentator Sunday entry fee: £10 per class Simon Richardson Early Bird Entries close 28th August 2021 Official entries close: 11th September 2021 Registrar Mel Williamson Tel: +44 (0)7787 644408 No Entries on the day - (Except 2021 graded horses entering classes 84-87) Email:
[email protected] Address for Entries: Membership fees: Associate Single Membership: £15.00 Mandy Jones - Ty-Yn-Maes, Retford Road, Walesby, Notts, NG22 9PE Associate Family Membership: £25.00 Stabling Health Requirements Please contact the show ground directly: All horses must have documentation, endorsed by a Onley Grounds Equestrian Complex: Contact number: veterinarian, of an initial series of 2 intramuscular injections 01788 817724 for primary vaccination against equine influenza given no less than 21 days and no more than 92 days apart.