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3-6-1968 Kabul Times (March 6, 1968, vol. 6, no. 302) Bakhtar News Agency

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I , ' ' MARCS 5, 1968 ,rL- PAGE 4 THE KABUL TIMES .. i 500~OOO . ,TI Organising Trade Kashmiris l and Viet eseI v('s rose by n me m 11 lion would help ,NATO to playa va - A scven man Paklstam trade Agat In the case of carpeLs U.S. STUDIES the Afghan partICipatIOn 10 ge­ 10 the membershIp be stopped that way laboratones of the Collelle of Sclcn~ 1 ling troops still menacing the sterling 10 Februarv to 1 154 n l:uments luable pal t m promotIng better mISSion had talks here Monday the Carpet Exporters UnIon AccordIng to the proposal the ',lpltal US mdltal v olll< luIs million sh'llmg the tteasurv •• n The break·1O apparently occurred neral and regIOnal UNESCO me­ relations between East and On the development of !be 511ua- ce \\ Ith offiCials of the Kenya Na· shoulrl adopt measures to buy LETTER FROM ,jIommISSlOn, WIll meet once or ",.l1d 1\1nd.lY nounccd he1(' toddY Sunday mght, 24 hours after the etmgs. and the subjects dISCUS­ West tlOn, accordIng to Tourno\.lx, Gen tlonal Chdmbel of Commclce homber (I ashNI The Netherlands government sent agreement on the need to work mg fo Toumon as 'the A~erlcans l :\llTllstlV dnnouncC'd last night durable carpets accessable to the was <;COl by the shIp S 82 offiCers assIstance of the state and PTlV~ try and Kabul Umverslty PolytechOlc Toryalal Etemadl and f\tlt "lthpl1IH~ [1')(' f,nm'lhl'l\ In IIH Gllll 1.ISI \\ef'k lllntlnucd an apology to the Greek governm for balanced East West force re­ BUDAPEST, March 6 (AFP) should pull their forces back to the 1h launchmg was (atTled out consumers In Europe we can sell LICW ate educatIOnal and comm~rclal The newly formed UNESCO head cngmeer and the SOVIet experts ('.mnqn dl1r! machlnc guns bill thp l ent for the outrage at the Greek ductions, the commuOlque said -A summit conference of world Umted States Every people, whoe­ ~1(lS( ~I." lill the cOast of Cape Kennedy mOl ( ,111(1 make enoT')T10US PIO ~ State Deparfn\Cnl spokesman Ro olganJsatlons and publIC dona­ department In the EducatIon MI­ helpmg to bUild the project wero pre­ 0\\ III " (Rell embassy and announced II would It IS should settle their affairs bert McCloskey saId the open leI nistry WIll be the office of the It gave no detaIls, but,d,ploma­ communist parties will meet .n ver scnt It II -An l' .. i1 thqUdk(' of fOf(c F'lflfld<:l Resolution launched Its Iits II ulOlnbute 10 (he cost of repairs tIOns tIC sources recalled that NATO Moscow m November or Decem­ themselves, 111 their own way. by IS ler that also asked the preSident to 011 ~cclle \\3S fll ..t polal Is missile on F('bl uarY Another aitel native to se executive committee l,s director Dr Papal tbanked Soviet engm 1(IHI tilt 12 P(llllts rhe note stressed the f\;etherland experts are makmg detaIled stu­ ber this year, the final com­ their oWn means If l~ {al pets tn ImpOl ters direct 10 slnLercly apologIse 10 North Korea Will be the secretary to the Na ecrs for theIr cooperatIon In bwld It c.1~telld III the lentral ASian governments disapproval and dlSP ACtiVities will mclude holdIng dIes of the problem of European mumque of the Commul1Ist Con­ The baSIS of a future settlement Oil Slick Sets Kabul and In dollars the regula ­ was gIven tu Amencan rcprcsenl~ canreI ences under the auspices of lional UNESCO CommISSIon 109 thc PolytechOlc lll", llf T.lshkent vl'stprdav till Icasurc over the terrorist actiOns and secunty and German reumfIca­ sultative Conference mectmg IS the controlled true neutralIty, of I \ty of v. hlch c..:an he checked liVes at PanmunJom at 0100 (jM'~ expel ts In dIfferent parts of the The budget of the commISSIOn Ganges Afire S"\If'l nl'\\S ..1L:tncy ".lSS I (,!JIll sald a full investigation been laun­ tlOn East West disarmament IS­ here announced last night Southeast Asia All the liame no and control led by the Customs yesterday and forwarded 10 thc Sta country further populansmg and will be met from the budget of ll'd chcd sues and the questIon of a balanc­ The commuDlque, reported the agreement for a treaty Will be ~ahd Copper te Department , publiclsmg UNESCO work In or­ the EducatIOn Mmlstry, the pro P\IINA t"'nrlhUll lndll ~llr... h (Cull/Ilwed from page 3) House ltnllan police IOv'1lugatlDg the ed reductIOn of East-West forces offiCIal HungaTlan news agency, In ASIa Wit bout the partiCipation of Bot there IS the hitch that lor- H IOdwrltlOg experts were examln • del to seek publiC cooperatIon In posal says KINSHASA March 6, (Reuter) ./ 11 SdH! 1I1dl It \\ilS till' B17th 10 In .. IRl.:ult.::II-Flre11lLll t.::\llllgIJl ... llfd J he bl>tlCt thet mal and mE'cha­ ,lllack on the US consulale Tu Europe MTI, calls on all naltonal partIes China -The Congo (Kmshasa) WIll boy­ II(mll] thcle sInce the StllOUS Plgn merchants and (Irms may Ing the signature while others stu .. Jmplementmg UNESCO Ideals Jl.ll1lt.'s sprl:<.ldlng ,1 ... 111" Iht: "'Idel! nltal prupelt1es of the copper fin Stud the bomb had contalOcd Intendmg to parttclpate In the rhe 1954 Geneva agreements have cott the OlympIC games In Mex­ (,II thqudkt 01 Apnl 1960 ThiS tamper With carpet prtces as the dIed Ihe text to dctermmc If Ihe It!--· Afghal\lstan became a member It\( r G.111ges ncar hLIl.: {'.ifh \l·... lt:r about Iwo pounds of cxploslve po summit, to send representatives 10 be gone back to. aU foreign for \\ 111 m ..lke pOSSible mOl£' econo­ exchange rale of dnllars In the tt>r IS genume 01 UNESCO two years after the ICO 'CIty because of South Afnca's I. II J~o()n families homeless wdcr and seemcd 10 have been made to a preparatory commiSSIon ces have to be evacuated, IOter­ dt} :Jflel I 11\C'IHlUl IIl:!hl \\lIh .1 mical Pi oductlon of glass, bellel open market IS an anged by a The United Siales nllghl make ~ specialised agency was fonned all readmISSion. It was offiCIally an­ hlalc prob.lhh l,IU,cd h\ <111 lid I(>ak finishes and few rejects than by an expert scheduled to convene In Budap­ ference has to be aVOided nounced here today ~ few brokers M reply 10 the letter at it meeting 01 Althotlgh agreed AID PROMISE BREAKS PARIS IUlch (Reutell Observers 10 the Netherlands tho est on Apnl 24 IW11l.1 1l\'II~\ rdll1t:l\ are now pOSSIble With cast Iron anY rate It tS up to the I the IKorean armistice Lommlttee at ~: form such a commiSSIon --=-=-=----::------F'lench thlC'f of staff Gen Char At ught the attacks could be connected as 1n anothel programme copper nlst) Y of Commerce to dectde ,\Ipulated 10 artIcle seven of the The Soviet CommunIst Party I~s Allien't It'll hele Monday bv With a speech given by West Germ.1n PanmuhJo01 offiCials said Pnll\.c said sever,lI barges \\ere compounds fOI smog-conllol, which altel native 1S pracllcablde McCloskey saId v.'c are workwg - UNESCO charter a lack of funds UNCTAD DEADLOCK central comJttee assured the Bu­ Effective Measures Threatened :;p('( I,d pl.nH' for Tananarive 10 I,; IlIght 111 Iht.: fl,lnw

U5SRl)emands'IOC KeepS. Africa Out ,~. , ' , , .cqs!M""'t-.. .(!:(' . .' , , -, ~ determlOed by the leaders, I MOSCOW, March, 61 (Reuter>-­ cd. J.: r ~viet ~ '. ,:r- \ I" The Unidn yesterday deman­ "The National Olympic Commit· rl\ent added. " , " .,' -_, dell the International Olympic tee of South Africa does not inclu­ At tbe same tunc, the I st,Q.lcmcTI Committee . cancel) Its deciSIOn. de a Single I ~resentative of the na· said, the Soviet UnIon was fully aw- to allow South Africa to parll­ tive population of the country and art of the dlfflcultic, o( the , .., ·,.11, f. .. ..- '\1 e pr~ndple Mexioan hosts of' the . c,pal In tbi.s year's Mexico Olym- the sports; of elimJllatlOn co­ , . I. ._ ,f.: h \ pics. ~ ntests for the Olympics hae been re­ Olympics who bavc done so much ,.':, \ (.II ,;' (' , .l~ _... .1 ••,\ ... A ·"tatement issued by lbe Central placed by administrative selectIOn, for its preparation. • -~---'--'--,...-,-- ~ .' ....\ •" ,~t.' 1"., , Counc,l of Sov,et Sports Organisjl­ .- .. '- , ; ~, 'lr " ;' . ., , "; tlOns accused the JOC of "sacrificing /. ~ARCH (H0.2~;;.;.H;;;.':':') <,'",,~,,_. M_-~ ~P_R""IC_E..,,= the unity of the World sports move­ ! 1 .' V,2L. VI, NO. 303 KABUL, THURSDAY, .: 7, 1968 =-=.. .--_'" ... ..AF_._3.-..o= ment" to please certain impel1allst STOCK~~,~~~h6~!~~nt!!b~~~~!rmanY ,;.~.) quarters .. and -The Swedish aliens commls- France. But the statemen~ qu61ed by 1IIe ;P'EAT~.S F~iNCE .Sy~ian p~ C~~I~!·For Ar3:~, < AIR $ MAY BE ,. new, agency Tasg, dtd nat say wbat sion decided Tuesday to allow \ V, AF!RIC4M _ seven more American deserters TOKYO, March 6, (AP)' ~(" the SovIet Union wollid do if the IOC to stay tn Sweden. fa,\rJy strong earthquake -•./ , Con~erence "'DEV~~";i~;.',; due to meet withm the next two .. Peqple's MIdeast .' Since December, the commlS/' central Japan at 9:12.t ~i \1I'or1~ , ~ , IL- TABQA Nortb Syria, March from .all over Ihe sbe reerUl- ' ,"'!,,",,, months in I.;ausanne, declined to cha­ sian has granted such permiSSIOn (0012 GMT) WednesdaY; SHARPLY PR'OTESTED nge 115 mmd, , ,. 7,(Reuler).-sYr,an Prime MIUlster, ._,~",.;; ,:, .'" '-"" ,'.~ ' .., to 20 Americans who came here there were nO reports ot d" _ RASH H~ GAULLISr.rS Afncan countries as weU as Mal-, 'POh~ical C Dr. Youssuf Zeayen called yester- ,saId' the Euphrates dam 'lvotlld '. . • 'and requested asylum age or casualties, Meteot\l',' -, t f d r ) l,~ "-'" R'" r' aysla have threatened to boycott the These 20 inelude four U,S sal- glc'1li Ageney (eMA) reporl< day for an "Arab popular conference be .one 0, be maID oun atlOns 0 ','pA;tUs, ,~i:\!b,' 7, (R~uter)- " Labour MP's Urge Britain , I gamcs If South Afnca takes paA, lors who deserted the U.S. ar­ to adopt a uniflcd attitude by the Arab· unity. It would benefit not The offfcial "\vllihst d8lly Na­ and Cuba last night became the first masses" on thc M,ddle East confli' only Syria, but would also prOVIde tion said ye.terday that the POll,_. _ \t) craft carner Enterpnse tn Japan HAMPTON, New Hampshi '1 Overl;h~Qw ct , • food for nl!ighbottrlng Arab count- • ,~ ~ country to 'Withdraw, although pro­ last year. March 6, (AFP) -Presldentl To SmithRegime KILLS 63 Slbllity of devalultti91' ''\'' vIsionally, on the lssue. candldat" Rlchard M NIxon yes­ '" '- lie was addressong a rally bere nes. lar was starting to'lie taken Ber- ;, Yesterday's Soviet statement) the FRANKFURT, March 6, (AFP) terday pledged that electIOn of a PARIS, March 7, (AFP).-The British cabinet was to meet ~. first detailed official comment here marking the start of work .on tbe' • He emphas,sed that from the be-, lOusly. • , -The nine mam European car· republican preSIdent to Novem­ today to consider the situation createq by Rhodesia's execution POINTE A .PITRE, Guadalouple, Eupbtates dam project and lDangu~ . .ginniag .,syria bad sougbt an under' Quotiqg an.-- article from the .• ,i;,.- on the deciSion, saJd the JOC dec­ The Afghan ned Crescent SocIety distributtes clothing to women prisoner tn Kabul. Two pet making countries produced \ ber would assure an end to the at dawn yesterday of three Afrtcans, despite their earlier March 7, (AP) - Twenty-mnc bod­ rahon of a raIlway the "te standing with Turkey and Jraq so WaU 'sHeet. Journa1 WhlCh sald'-, 15,on was "a challenge to all pUblic 243,100,000 ;lCjuare metres of car­ Vietnam war reprIeve by Queen Elizabeth. Ies have been recovered from the ,of tbe dam. ,• - - thaC each would gel Its sharc of the bankers an!! rilianciers were aa:k -,' /. "- member. of tho i\ fJ(han Women's Voluntcer Com mittce undertook the distribution of 400 articles opmion " of clothlngs pets 10 1967, compared WIth 23 As protests against tbe Smltb regime's action were voiced Air Fnince jeUinec that crashed 1010 Zeay~n sal~ Israel:s ':expansion~" Euphrates walers, 109 th~. U!fltell, S!ates govelTl- I:; The statement said the Soviet sp­ LUSAKA, March 6, (OPA)­ ------., mIllion 10 1966, accordlOg to f,gU­ :at the UnJted Nations and in capitals throughout the world, the side of a mOuntalO 10 Guada­ IU A~ob territory WIll destroy; her He paid tribute to Sov,et help in mcnt to ·~a.ise the pnce of gold ',,~; orts movements "express their soli­ res disclosed here by the Bige­ New lirunkenness tests will be Brltlsb AttorneY General Sir Elwyln Jones was urgently louple Island., ~e,O(s l~~, danty Wlth the po,illon of the Af­ ambltlOn no matler how mdny t,arryong OUI development. construc- without i evaiuing;the doUar, It low International Group mtroduced for Zamh'an rdilway preparIng a reporl on the legal consequences of the Rhodesian The Boeing-707 whiCh was com­ , 'snld: ' >)", '.' ft.;;; U.S. N10 Longer Thinks North Tlcan and other natIOnal Olympio 'bon and armament plans loto defC" unl~i!lm-o~ certam t~J\t !he pas... ' rt:l~..... ;. One-thIrd of this total was men following more than thre<: decision. 109 Tu~day mght from Santlago do Home Briefs committees on thlS question" '\'.~.,..ill ~ supplied by Bt;1tam and 20 per hundred occldents to the sccond Ch,le on Its way to Pari. hit the nd our people's aspirations and Ihc slbllity of tbe devaluiitlon of the The JOC. deciSion "IS an attempt half of last year, Transport M,­ IIberallon of their dlvlded and oceu", ,dolla"ns St~r,tlOg to be taken ser- ... •tI'i:f<;t."~ . Vietnamese Will Hit Khe Sanh KABUL, March 6, (BakhtarI.­ !rhe lepolt wllI be be[ole the sal condemnatlOn of the elvlltsed the mountain at about an ~ side of We$tmoreland Pled territory" ,,' ".!:'tI·r""- •• l-\>" • A telegram congratulating His 10 fulhll Impenalism's soc,aI order nlster Kalulu so,d yesterday All worldo:..' rllu nAt South Vietnam. lack on Khe Sanh wllh reason­ bmet fo, Its ThulsdaY meet­ altltucle of 1.500 metres. All 63 Majesty King Hassan n of and disrupt. the world sportmg mo· cr~ws Will now have to report to C, It IS bcbeved In France the MRAP (Move­ - 10uTh~ ·f~~r sa,d tnt~hal ex- '.);, M,Il oh "IHOllterJ -Thc North ~lssurance Hollywood .Star passengers, 114 of whIch were -I able of fiUCceSS In OVel­ ~ates Moro""" on the anulversary of vement," II added the slatlon masters on cOffilng on In the ,Commons a group of ment Agamst RaCIsm, antl·Seml' Under a protocol SIgned 10 1966, panslon In fhe-Umted was -', I- \ 11'(lldml'St' .lImy \\ III probably I unnlOg the base crewmembers, dIed Still Pleased bls accession to thc throne bas duty to check whether they had abour members tabled a motion t,ms, and for Peace) sald that the the SOViet UnlOD w,lI prOVIde a slowing d0 the AUanllc d ' blme 10 SaliSb\lry, flOW apparent- (one of RhodeSl"S two libera­ rla\ t!lant 175 mm guns whlch can perfecl\y well" commander of US lorces m Vi· -," A falewell leceptlon was held Tn raCialist or religIOUS dlscnmmatlon Mahesh Yogi or planned to ean will be deCIded at a Umlell Iv bent on 0 the AlIanllc d rh't'p ScnS( of shock and out­ such as jomt patrolltng or the ex Lomh ann Con ThIen In thl' ,·...... 1 shtlt... 101 the \\ h(\I<.' al(~.l PACT pact that, as the offiCIal put It "the He saId the mannes' perform­ T\\ 0 new generators each With gladioli, rose buds and other flo­ disciples bave been appearing I ,I(~L change of military miSSIons, Infor~ til KIll' S;:lnh m thl' "pst • fr'onl part of the aIrcraft IS buned ance had been 'excellent," and Ihls lommandcl \\alo the NOTth needs a by the publIC sector, the other for about four hours Vlf'tnamesp pi obably do nol have' the othl'l Aml?llCdn strong POI iBakhtarJ -Kaplsa Governor Ab_ well quallfled and sklltul transla· ''I understand be serves all olla lals With murder leaders of the seven nations of hOns "(ASEAN) "could be developed nts they s.lld kinds of highly spiced food half [or the ptlvate sector Ne TO PAKISTAN sulll<.·H:'nt fOI ('('S to launch an clt- dul MaJld Jabal khal!. maugura­ tor / typist who can translate Thl' British anti-apartheid mo­ Lhe Warsaw pact yesterday ope­ lOtO a form of cooperation In the Quan~ 1'1 I IS South Vietnam's ted thf" constructIon work on an from Pashto and Dari into Eng­ and I can't see what that's got gOllatlOns on fmal1smg the agree \ ment WhlCh IncludC's Labour ned a summIt meellng here WhICh mtlitary f,eld for lhe purpose of menl 31 C' to stalt 10 Pans sharI nUl thel n most cIty and stands agncultural farm yesterday. The lish aud vice versa. to do with thc meditation bit." :rv'IP s ,In Its mcmbplshlp said wa) expected to be dommated by BONN. March 7. (Reuter)­ Joint secunty In the regIon" Execution d dunn" the f,ghtmg at the hospl­ f1vals Commonwealth $ccretary. told the' sengers aboard radIOed yester­ thIs mornmg to a concerntrated was quoted by IndoneSia's Antara "05(' Hlvolved" In the executIOn Oniy correspondents from the tal and another 50 wounded Wednesday's announcement by House of Cummons yesterday th,ll day that It was forced to change mortar barrage from V,et Cong news agency fropl: an lDlcrvlew tbe Boxing H.. saId thut It had become 10­ seven \j\farsaw pact countnes­ He said that at least 1 000 hou­ the World Bank In Paris that Pa­ he hoped the Rbodeslan government coorse and head for Havana guernllas. ses had been destroyed General gave to' a fap,anese news· (Contffllll'd from page 3) at~d apploPllate ln the light o[ the the Sovlet Ulllon, Hungary, Pol­ kistan planned to award the ma," The plane. opel by AVlana 10 paper. Tbe offlcial text 'has not been would not execule the three Afn..:3ns \\ hu lIght In European l mgs It was the thlrd day succes­ c,vll contract to a French-Italtan Alrlmes. was fly,ng ftom Rlcha­ Views, exoressed by RhodeSian and, Rumafila. Czechoslovakia, publIshed_ .... rhomson stressed that the prescnt The communIst countnes do . Supreme -Court Judge S,r'Hugh East Germany and Bulgana-are sIOn that the prOVInCIal capItal. group caused deep d,sappomt­ ~onstltuhonal cha, Colombl3, to Barranqullla, First Annual 'Seas'on Clearance status (If RhodeSI.. IS not allQ\V profeSSIOnal boxmg, - 153 m,les southwcst of SaIgon, ment here Colombia, when the hijackIng , fleud!c that he should remam allowed to attend the delIbera­ Illegal anu lL~ ads mv,.lId \\ III ( h aCCQunts fOi their domm· the pel :,on deSIgnated to take tions had come under VIet Cong at­ , th~ took place !l was the thIrd case SOlemnly. r homson .ldl!cd LlIllt-' 10 mtt'l ncltlOnal amateur tack. a government spokesman U.S. FINDS 17 West Germany feels strongly I Hanoi Official To o[ a Colomblan plane bemg for­ ovel the gpvernor's duties In the The pact's leaders are meet­ views exprcssed by lhc ,lppel1.)lc di­ boxlI1,Lt Although thel e IS a re saId , that th.. W~st German-Sw15s con­ ced to fly to Cuba event o[ the latter belOg d15abl­ illS as ltS consultatIve pohtlcal VISion In Salisbury i,:amlOl be rcg~I ldtlon'~hlp between the numbers from March .. to 15th ~n committee, but the conclave am­ The spokesman said ml!lal reo sO! tlOm, led by Hochtlef of Visit Switzerland deJ as com:luslve of box'!l S In n countIy and tnt' At the United NatlOns 10 New ounts to an East European sum­ ports gave no details of dllmage KINDS OF Essen was entitled 10 reCeIve the "he leg,il pnsillon l~ Ih.11 the level 01 Ib prosperity thiS does 1k, buth th.. Human Rights mIt meetmg The chief executI­ although It was known that CI­ Job SI'1Ce It put In the lowest BERNE, March 7. (Heutel) vl1Jan houses were destroyed and delegallOn of the prerog,llIvE" of n14..... not mt~an that bOXing Will (hs· nml$SIOU and the Assembly's ves of all seven countI les were tender A North Vletnamese Foreign clvIhans CORRUPTION ,, no: y to the guvernor of Rhodesia appeal from the developed coun­ pro~ucts nnllttee on Non-Self Govern­ plesent Injured EconomIC CooperatIon Mmls· Mlmstry offiCial IS to VlSlt Swit­ Sterling General During this time all our shops offer for Camu wa's first attacked 3 under the 1961 ulnstlluli(ln dId not tnes nt TerntOlles, wei e meetIng It 15 belIeved although thiS has ter Hans-Juergen Wlschenewskl zerland. the ForeIgn M'filstry " , lilvc~t ." Her M.ljCSIV of the prerogall' PO\'CI t\ IS a comparatlv~ fhe Aho~Aslan members of not been confltmed. that the days ago by an estimated bat­ now in Tums. told the West Ger­ announced yesterday No date Insurance Company tahon of Viet Congo IN VIETNAM ,c whh.:h III thiS :-;,llu.lllon she cxC'r tel rn "IHI the' le\\ aids of th~ ... committee with YugoslaVia, meet>og was called hasltlY at man radiO In a telephone mter­ was given About 100 of the V,et Cong pe­ (ICC'" on Ill} ,tt.J VI\.. c,· he aJded :-'lIl(e~~lul boxel" III grow as made of Cashmere pi ('paIIIH~ v~lopcd cliuntnes Will be clt an t, Ion and calling on Brltam to ncan draft treaty to halt the sp­ dlreclly towards the capital's ho­ sortlOm does not get the contract, SWlSS Ambassador . to Peking L10yds Agency spital yesterday by 22 Arnencatl advl­ Illcd .1 VIS,I 10 I.m Smith IIH I ea~lng disadvantage, ho" lite efTl'clive measures to bnng read of nuclear weapons where they made a fIve­ the 400 mIllIon marks Wl!l no Dram Oscar RossettI. Smuh W.IS Invited to ,Iddr{',~ :-,111 eVl'1 fO! the less developed will Wish to advise that as from ",,)lIul Its do\\ nf~ll The resolutIOn hour stand before belOg pushed sers In South Vletnam claImed longer be avaIlable A SWISS Foretgn":" Reportedly, RumanIa shares the that Widespread corruptIOn In the lknts al 11ll' ulliversllv ot Vlrglnl l be ,lule to (h .1 VI.' far then cham 15% REDUCTION ,lIl i1so rshlp which br- ation said the 10 municipal dist­ A literary evening with the German dramatist ment affairs so that oRkla! tran­ ded at 2 knots. Yesterday Maza' I, ~ought to an end 'the Algerian war ricts will have men On duty dur_ Por World PactOn. Oilseecls Dr. Heiner Kipphardt sacLJons rebound to theIr per rc SharIf had.! mOl rain and whel e F, cnchmen were forced to ing the three day holldJIy to ThiS confercnce said the Sene· Shop I Share Nau I • WASHINGTON, March 7. sonal benefIt" NEW DELHI, March 'I (Re" KWlduz 6 mOl , First part: Reading from his own works Sanai Maidan 'nt world trade Kab,~~/~ul.i.Charchi ('v(' ordered by Queen F.l1z<\_ other people are under sentence ot Cuntmtled on page 4, Ian film whol~ f~y. (Factory) AU BABA wafuhing the races. Bring your
