University of Nebraska at Omaha DigitalCommons@UNO Kabul Times Digitized Newspaper Archives 3-6-1968 Kabul Times (March 6, 1968, vol. 6, no. 302) Bakhtar News Agency Follow this and additional works at: Part of the International and Area Studies Commons Recommended Citation Bakhtar News Agency, "Kabul Times (March 6, 1968, vol. 6, no. 302)" (1968). Kabul Times. 1693. This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Digitized Newspaper Archives at DigitalCommons@UNO. It has been accepted for inclusion in Kabul Times by an authorized administrator of DigitalCommons@UNO. For more information, please contact [email protected]. , > •• ,. :... , I• ,~ ~ - ,- .'t' ./ , I \ j ,r.r· , :~. I , ' ' MARCS 5, 1968 ,rL- PAGE 4 THE KABUL TIMES .. i 500~OOO . ,TI Organising Trade Kashmiris l <II, I - -, Turn Out To I ,", "0( ES , tI V. CONG (Continued from page 3) SHELL 5 MAJOR DELTA TOWNS " .., . SAIGON. March 5, (AFP)­ dltb-m fOlce stpod ftrm dead a US command spokes- what can they export, how man saId yesterday. elcomeSheikhAbdullah'Home Viet Cong shelled fIve majOI An mfantry company was 1u­ much and under what condItIons ,J towns and mIlitary installations shed m to jom the battle. fought Thc Amertcans 16st seven men Anyhow, It IS cleat that Our KARACHI, Matcb 5, (AFP}-Ne­ SheIkh Abdallah rClterated his oft- repeated plea for Indo·Paklsta01 ", the delta early today m the about SIX mIles northwest 01 kIlled and another 40 wounded karokul pelts and carpets can arty 500,000 people lurned out 10 second mgl)t of a new 100md of lhe centre of Saigon and only It wos the second consecuttve be solI! In Europe and America Kashmu's summer capitaL Snna­ amity ,~ coordmated bonibardmmts two mIles from Gen Wilham day of heavy fightIng around the proVIng that we orgamse these gar, yesterday to welcome Sheikh Kashmir's progress and prosperity TI. On Monday the \',et Cong Westmoreland's command head­ city Only three mIles further exports on a sound baSIS Imtial Mobammad Abdullah, relutnmg reqUire that India and pakistan co- 1 north On Saturday a U,S com­ mpose tq.etr differences Rod hve as, - shelled :37 Amellcan 01 South qUal ters at Tnn Son Nhut nil measures have already been ad­ borne after an absence of 37 months, pany also belongmg to the 25th ~N~O~ .;;,30;;2~~-\~~~~....i.~-.;.~KAB~;:,:U-:,:L;::,,"';W~ED~NfJ£:;SD~A~Y#""~M~AR~C~H~6'21~96~8W(~H~O~OT S.~.) "'-;:r~ "'~RICE Vietnamese aerodromes cultl ins­ bast' opted by establtshmg the Kara­ most of them spent 10 dctamment good neighbours, be saId .. ...,!;;.;O;.;L;;;...vt., . '15, 1346 • AF. 3 tallatIons m the delta diVISIOn was trapped In a VICIOUS kul Instttute and thc Carpet Ex­ Sheikh Abdullah charged that. ambush, lOSIng 48 men kIlled­ 10 IndIa. Today l:i cIvIlians Wete woun­ Jets called Inlo the fIght bank­ porters Union A welcoming roar went ltp from Kashmtrls had beeo "explOited by' ~K ·['L.;.:.IN=-S;;..;.~E;;.;.C.;..T~ and 28 wounded WIthIn a few mI­ ~ ded when 120 mm mortar shells ed ovel SaIgon subut bs as they the throng as Ihe 64 year-old Kash­ outslaers" for centunes and appeal.... NATION1\L UNESCO NATO, ''''-D;G;jik Fear·-s-U-.S-.-W.....n-l""';';O:"P-O.......PA... What IS needed urgently IS a nutes ed to both IndIa and Pakistan, a'. and 75 mm artillery shells land­ pulled out 01 bombing dIves whI­ plan to be prepared jomtly by mIr! leader alIghted from the plane le the cIty shuddered 10 the f,­ Intelligence officers esttmate well as tbe rest of the world, tf' ,'d at Can Tho the most ,mpOlt these two orgamsatllms m con­ that brought hIm from New Deihl I In~ 01 heavy artillery SUppolt­ there are two d'V'SIOns of North leave the Kashmlfls alone dot town n the delta sultatlOn WIth the Bank 01 Com­ He was VIrtually mobbed by ad­ 109 the Amencans Vletnamese and V let Cong regu Observers noted tbe emphasIS the COMMISSION F'ORMED Agree On Use Atomic Aims In Vietnam UNIVERSITY My Tho 60 km from SOigon merce Whl~h IS a pIoneer In ex~ muers when he offered midday pra· ~he The NOI th VIetnamese and VI­ lars stIll ar<lund the capItal In SheIkh laId on Kashmir'S separat­ \\ as also lIed this morn! ng pandmg Afghan exports Other yers on the airport lawn PARIS. Marcb 6, (Reuter}-Pre- of "openIng the way to the mlerna· et Cong lought foJ' 14 hours be· addltlOn to the guerrtlla umts eness from both India and Pak,sllm hut the extent 01 the damage banks concerned, karakul _ and Sbelkh Abdullah slood In an open, / Stdent de Gaulle has pnvately VOI- tlonallsAllon of the confltct" lore they WIthdrew towards mld­ whIch have always operated Yesterday's welcome showed that BUILDING WORK "as not kno\\ n carpet exportmg compames and decorated truck, acknowledgll1g the ced fears that the Untted States WIll "I have always worncd that the mght leaVing 83 01 thclr men thel e Sheikh Abdullah's populanty was New Body To Act As Liaison, Viet Cong bombarded the ael­ merchants ought to be consult· grceangs of the crowd, lis lte drove Need For use tachcal nuclear weapons 10 VIe- process of a .world confhct might KABUL, Marcb 6, (Bakhtar)- ---,----~--~~---_.- unaffected by the months In det~n • udrorrte of Klen TIoa and the ._---- ed and the plan approved by the to the cIty A dIstance of 10 km tnam, accordmg to Jean.Raymond start," he saJd First Deputy Pnme MlOlster and Ed- tapilais 01 the provinces of KICI1 took five hours to cover tlOO and away from home A ~ms CU4-;.... Tournaux, poilltcal e<htor of the Tournoux, a French JoUrnallsl who ucatlOn MlOlster Dr Ali Ahmad MmlstrY of Commerce The warmth of the homecommg Publicity Oifiee For UNESCO ~ 1100 K,cn Phong .and Chau World News In Brief ThIS three year plan should The crowd shouted "we demand a .41J.- French weeklf Pans Match has a book on Gen de Gaulle, "La Popal IOSpected the construction Doc was Interpreted as political support In an article 1D the yes- Tmgedlc du General" did not say work on Kabul UnIversity and the MOSCOW, March 5. (AFP)­ LONDON, Mal ch 5 (Reu- cnable the producers to know plebesCite, "thiS IS our land, and KABUL, March 6, (Bakhtar) -A Nattonal UNESCO CommIssion South Vietnamese SQUI(es In­ for hiS plea for a plebISCite to d~t­ teeday, Tournoux, author of a recent where or when the General was sp- PoLytechniC Institute yesterday mar­ terl.-The IndIan cargo shIp V,­ what qualIty and colo\lr and we shall deCIde Its future", as well nay claimed that 42 V,Ct Cong Alexander Shelepm. 49 a mem­ ermme Kashmir's future I has been formed to study UNESCO recommendations on how to Im­ LONDON, March 6, (Reuter)­ ber 01 the political bureau of the shva ShuntI (9191 tons) IS brea what size carpets are In more de­ as chantmg "Abdullah IS our lea­ . best-selling book on the preSident's cakIng, nor under what Clrcnmstan- nmg \\ ere kJlled In an hOllr long vlOl­ Yesterday, unlike the rousing ho plel11ent UN projects and to rev lew the relatIons between Ai Bntam and NATO Secretary·Ge­ kmg up off Constnta In Rumama, mand In foreign markets and der .. thmkmg, quotes him as saymg res he was ablc to quote hlm 10 Earlier, Papal diSCUSsed next years ,ot attack Launched thiS mOl 11­ Communist Party's Centl al Com­ mecommg SheIkh Abdullah received ghanlstan and UNESCO, the M,mstry of Educatton announced Yes neral Manlio BroslO yesterday Lloyd's shIpping agency repor­ put the exporters m a pOSItIOn to Later, addressmg a vast meetmg, "f am worned because certain ru- quotatIon marks general needs of the colleges and tng agamst a South VIetnamese mittee was reelected cha)rman m 1964 after seven years In J811, teroay The commlSSlOn prOVIdes useful publcatlons on UNESCO agreed on the need to work for ted yesterday understand how much they ought mours In the Untted States tend to According to Tournoo., de Gaul- dUlles of UI1lVerslty offICials with hattal1on~ command pnst at Bung of the Ail-UnIOn Ccntl al CounCil 'thcre were no pro-PaklstaOJ or Ilnll and will try to translate them mto natIOnal languages It WIll balanced East-West force reduc­ of SOviet tradc unions Tass re­ The vessel C<11 rymg jute and to buy and thus the salesmen develop the eventual recourse to ta- Ie, commentmg on the request for the deans of the affiliated colleges J(I km nOl th 01 SOigon Light go Indian slogans Nor werc thcrc an~. estabhsh a lIaIson office between UNESCO and the publIc lIbrartes tions In Europe ctlcal nuclear weapons With semi- reinforcements by Gen Wilham C of Kabul UDiverslly POI shelluc, was abandoned by the abroad to know how much car­ May First Group V('I nmenl losses \\ et c 1 eported tt d attacks on Hmdus or Moslems who and educatIonal mstltutes In Afghamstan for thIS purpose, the an­ A JOInt communtque Issued ('I ('won Saturday and.. one man pets they are supposed to get ac­ (Continued ftom page I) reassurIng conslderatlons'\ WestmoreJand, the Amencan com- Papal Inspected the donnltory, Sunddv US .trooos engaRed In moved about freely nouncement added here after daY-long talks be­ AFP adds that lhe PreSident also mander m Vlctnam, said gymnasium, sculpture department of LONDON Malch 0 (Reu- IS I <-pm ted mlssmg cordmgly make PllOt arrange­ rnmg Ihey lound the oflIces had 1('cIVV f\ghtlngtJusl outside Sdl­ tween Broslo and Brt~lsh mmls­ the tell - Rfltaln~s gold and dollar ments In the way of adverl1smg been socked Office equipment had tsaid V development of the SltU8- "It' s not a question of men ThiS the College 01 Lelters.
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