Die Theatergruppen der Gemeinde , das Benediktinerstift Marienberg und der Bildungsausschuss Mals laden ein 2016

2016 2016 2016

2016 2016

2016 (Premiere) 2016 11.

11. 11. 11.

11. 11.

11. 11.

5. 20. 978 1.738 M Aufführungen der in Bibliothek des Benediktinerstifts Marienberg Sa So 6. Fr 11. Sa 12. So 13. Fr 18. Sa 19. So jeweils 20 Uhr Beginn um Marktgemeinde Mals Comune di Malles Venosta

Eintritt: 15 € / ermäßigt 8 €

Sitzplatzreservierung: Ferienregion Obervinschgau +39 0473 83 11 90 oder [email protected]

Für kurzfristige Reservierungen und Mitteilungen: +39 346 009 84 94

Gratis-Shuttlebus zwischen Kulturhaus und Marienberg - Abfahrt Kulturhaus Burgeis 19.00, 19.15 und 19.30 Uhr Rückfahrt nach Vorstellungsende Ein Schauspiel von 1713 Warme Kleidung und festes Schuhwerk erforderlich aus dem Archiv von Marienberg

Griseldis Judith Abart, Hermina Asam, Barbara Noggler, Barbara Stocker, Anna Warger Waltherus Christian Mayr Janicola Eugen Jörg Tochter Kira Stecher Sohn Luana Patscheider Vigilius Hannes Warger Grafen Vivienne Gapp, Barbara Strobl Bauern Manuela Mahl, Florian Waldner Ein Bediente Isabella Erhard, Florian Waldner Arme Paurn Tochter wurde Laufferl Luana Patscheider, Kira Stecher Koch Dionisius Beate Patscheider wëgen Ihrer fromen sitten und Frau Dagmar Spiess Beteiligte Theatergruppen Mals: Gemeinde der Dorftheater Schleis, Heimatbühne Burgeis, LootschRampenlicht Theatergruppe und des Kirchenchors Tartsch schenen Dugendten mit einem Herr und Nachbar Andreas Sandbichler Volxteattr Oubrwind Mols, Theatergruppe Mals, Margrafen mit Namen Nachbarin Barbara Valentino Wächter Frieda Egger Walthero Diabolus Valentin Kuenrath

Verehelicht, welche in wehrender Pluto Karin Moriggl Ehe eine solche Geduldt hat Die göttliche Vorsichtigkeit Notti Peer Patientia Lydia Thanei sëchen lassen, an wëlcher sich alle Ehefrauen Konzept und Regie Janina Janke, Toni Bernhart Spieglen sollen Assistenz und Inspizienz Ludwig Fabi Produktionsleitung Sibille Tschenett, Ludwig Fabi Koordination in Marienberg Annemarie Schwarz Bühnenbau Max Eller Schneiderei Beate Patscheider, Lydia Thanei Maske Anja Haller, Johanna Notte, Heidi Plagg Musik Ernst Thoma Violine und Harmonium Barbara Ziernheld, Ernst Thoma Licht Mainrad Angerer, Alessio Notte Saalmanagement Ruth Thöni Grafik Design dem Südtirolerdem Theaterverband sowie Institut dem für des Forschungsprojekts „DramaNet – Early Modern In Zusammenarbeit mit dem Freundeskreis Marienberg, Literaturwissenschaft und dem Stuttgart Research Bozen-Südtirol, Europäischen den Forschungsrat Rahmen im European Drama and the Cultural Net“ der Freien Universität Berlin, Autonome die Trentino-Südtirol, Region Gemeinde Obervinschgau. Raiffeisenkasse und Mals Öffentlichkeitsarbeit Ludwig Fabi Gefördert durch das Amt für Kultur der Autonomen Provinz Centre for Text Studies der Universität Stuttgart. The Marienberg Griseldis Project (2014/2016)


By Toni Bernhart (DramaNet fellow and stage director, Berlin) and Janina Janke (stage director, Berlin)

ERC Project “DramaNet – Early Modern European Drama and the Cultural Net” Table of Contents

Summary ......

Section 1: The Manuscript ...... see annex IIId Part 1: Images of Selected Pages ...... Part 2: Diplomatic Transcription ......

Section 2: The Stage Version ...... see annex IIId

Section 3: The Stage Production Part 1: Poster and leaflet Part 2: The Marienberg Site: Stage and Costume Design by Janina Janke

The play was situated at Marienberg where the original manuscript was found. The 'stage' was set up in the building shell of the new monastery library recently added to the baroque compound. The performance was set up in the blank space, no further stage requisites were introduced. The costumes thus became especially significant: they were made of 'Hadernpapier' or 'rag paper' -- the same material the original manuscript was written on -- and hand painted by the members of the theatre group. Special music was composed by a local composer for the production.

Part 3: The Play: Scene Pictures, by Maria Gapp Part 4: CV Janina Janke and Toni Bernhart


Die Theatergruppen der Gemeinde Mals, das Benediktinerstift Marienberg und der Bildungsausschuss Mals laden ein Griseldis Ein Schauspiel von 1713 aus dem Archiv von Marienberg

Premiere: Samstag, 5. November 2016, 20.00 Uhr Weitere Aufführungen: 6., 11., 12., 13., 18., 19. und 20. November 2016, jeweils um 20.00 Uhr Ort: Bibliothek des Benediktinerstifts Marienberg

Konzept und Regie: Janina Janke und Toni Bernhart Darstellerinnen und Darsteller: Judith Abart, Hermina Asam, Frieda Egger, Isabella Erhard, Vivienne Gapp, Manuela Mahl, Karin Moriggl, Barbara Noggler, Beate Patscheider, Luana Patscheider, Notti Peer, Dagmar Spiess, Kira Stecher, Barbara Stocker, Barbara Strobl, Lydia Thanei, Barbara Valentino, Anna Warger, Eugen Jörg, Valentin Kuenrath, Christian Mayr, Andreas Sandbichler, Florian Waldner und Hannes Warger Produktionsleitung: Sibille Tschenett und Ludwig Fabi Schneiderei und Maske: Beate Patscheider, Lydia Thanei, Johanna Notte, Anja Haller, Heidi Plagg, Dagmar Spiess Bühnenbau: Max Eller Licht: Mainrad Angerer, Alessio Notte Musik: Ernst Thoma

Eintritt: 15 € / ermäßigt 8 € Sitzplatzreservierung: Ferienregion Obervinschgau, Tel. 0473 831190, [email protected]. Für kurzfristige Reservierungen und Mitteilungen Tel. 346 0098494 (SMS) Gratis-Shuttlebus zwischen Kulturhaus Burgeis und Benediktinerstift Marienberg Abfahrt Kulturhaus Burgeis jeweils um 19.00, 19.15 und 19.30 Uhr, Rückfahrt nach Vorstellungsende Warme Kleidung und festes Schuhwerk sind empfohlen

Medienanfragen richten Sie bitte an Toni Bernhart, 0039 338 785 77 95, [email protected] Summary

In 2014, during research in the DramaNet framework, Toni Bernhart found the manuscript of a Griseldis play in the archive of the in Mals (, ). This manuscript dates from 1713, it originates from Meran and was registered in the Marienberg collection during the eighteenth century. It has since not been known in scholary context.

In November 2016, a staging has been presented in the newly built, highly modern, and still empty library of the Marienberg Abbey (architect: Werner Tscholl, winner of the "Italian Architect of the Year 2016" award), performed by 24 local inhabitants of the surrounding villages and directed by Toni Bernhart and Janina Janke. The performance has been very well perceived both by the audience and by the media. All shows plus two extra shows have been sold out.

Griselda, first turned into literature by Boccaccio in the Decameron, can be considered one of the most successful and paradigmatic literary figures in the Early Modern European literature and theatre. The plot was adapted by Chaucer, Lope de Vega, Sachs, Hauptmann, and many others, as well as by the folk theatre tradition (Volksschauspiel) in the southern German speaking area.

3 Scene Pictures

By Maria Gapp

Institut für Literaturwissenschaft, Neuere Deutsche Literatur II Dr. Toni Bernhart

Janina Janke, Toni Bernhart

International DramaNet Conference History and Drama: The Pan-European Tradition The Marienberg Freie Universität Berlin, October 26-27, 2016 Griseldis (1713), staged in 2016

CV Janina Janke and Toni Bernhart

Janina Janke, born in 1974 in Frankfurt am Main, is a researching artist, theatre director and stage designer. After an apprenticeship as a carpenter, she studied European ethnography and philosophy in Munich, and then stage design at the Berlin University of the Arts. In 2006 she co-founded the artist collective OPER DYNAMO WEST. Since then, her work consistently takes place in dialogue with particular buildings and spaces in Berlin and internationally, such as the Zoologischer Bahnhof Berlin, Le Corbusier’s Unités d’habitation in Berlin and Marseille, and the UN headquarters in Vienna, Nairobi, New York City, and Geneva. She conceives and realizes spatial interventions, experimental stagings and artistic research projects – all at the intersection of art, architecture, and science. Her work seeks to make the aesthetic, social, and narrative structures of urban spaces acoustically, visually, and scenically palpable. In 2008/09 Janina Janke was a fellow of the Graduate School of the Arts and Sciences of the Berlin University of the Arts; in 2009 she was awarded a project fellowship at the Akademie Schloss Solitude; in 2010 she was a fellow of the German Academy in Rome, Casa Baldi. From 2011-2015 she participated in “andere räume – knowledge through art”, a long-term research project of artists and scientists supported by the Austrian Science Fund (FWF); in 2012/13 she was artist in residence of the United Nations; in 2014, a fellow of the Cité internationale des arts in Paris, and in 2015 an artist in residence at Quartier 21 – MuseumsQuartier Vienna. www.janinajanke.de

Toni Bernhart, born in 1971 in Meran (Italy), studied German literature, theatre history, and geography at the University of Vienna, and completed his dissertation thesis on colour semantics in Hans Henny Jahnn at the Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin in 2001. From 2013 to 2015, he was a fellow of the DramaNet project, after which he earned a grant from the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) for his project “Quantitative Criticism”, based at the University of Stuttgart. His main research interests are German folk theatre and quantitative methods in interpretation theory. He edited the morality plays of Johannes Ulrich von Fedlerspiel, Hirlanda (1999), and of Johann Herbst, Das Laaser Spiel vom Eigenen Gericht (2010). Further publications include works on Goethe, Alexander von Humboldt, Arthur Schnitzler, and Christoph Schlingensief. In addition, T. Bernhart is a playwright and stage director. He wrote the plays Aeneis (after Virgil) (2016), Rita (2014), Mischa, der Fall (2008), Martinisommer (2006), and Lasamarmo (1999). www.bernhart.eu

Related publications Toni Bernhart, Janina Janke: “The Marienberg Griseldis from 1713, staged in 2016”. [Paper at the] DramaNet Conference “History and Drama: The Pan-European Tradition”. Berlin, Freie Universität Berlin, October 26/27, 2016.

Janina Janke, Toni Bernhart: “Von anderen Orten – Laaser Jedermann und Griseldis in Bauten von Werner Tscholl” (Working title). To be published in “Theaterwelten: Kulturberichte 2017 aus Tirol und Südtirol” in September 2017.