by Professor Jon M. Van Dyke University of Hawaii NIl~~:=:~ MARrTlME INSTITUTE OF MAlAYSIA INSTITUT MARITIM MALAYSIA .:n: .:r=.e- 1 - 2 All· gus t es;== ~~~ Prince Hotel And Residence, Kuala Lumpur University of Hawaii School of Law Library - Jon Van Dyke Archives Collection Fifth MIMA Conference on the Straits .of Malacca: Present and Filture Perspectives Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia August 1-2, 2006 Transit Passage Through International Straits Jon M. Van Dyke William S. Richardson School of Law University of Hawai'i at Manoa
[email protected] The Third United Nations Conference on the Law of the Sea Ii 974-1982).1 The Third United Nations Conference on the Law of the Sea began in 1974 in Caracas,' Venezuela, amid great fanfare and high expectations. The delegations gathered to negotiate a comprehensive treaty that would clarify and bring certainty to the many ocean issues that had divided nations over the years. Eight years later, after long negotiating, sessions that, alternated between New York and Geneva, the Law of the Sea Convention was completed, and on December 10, 1982, 119 nations signed the document in Montego Bay, Jamaica. The Convention came into force in July 1994 after a sufficient number of countries had formally ratified the treaty.2 . I ' One of the central disputes among the countries negotiating this treaty concerned the width of the territorial sea, coastal state control of its adj acent --1· A few sections of this paper are adaptedfromJon M. VanDyke, Legal and Practical Problems-Governing International·· Straits, in OCEAN YEARBOOK 12 at 109 (Elisabeth Mann Borgese, Norton Ginsburg, and Joseph R.