ALLIANCE OF MOTHER NATURE’S GUARDIANS « I am very concerned about the death of our forests. It is a direct threat to our communities and the future of our grandchildren. If they go on destroying the forest, if they go on destroying nature, the whole of Mankind is put at very serious risk.

This is why I want to tell each one of you, my indigenous brothers all over the world, that we must gather in order to be united. It is the only way to protect our rights, our lands, our forests, our mother nature, our rivers, everything the invaders are destroying.

Through this Alliance, we are weaving a bond which leads me to hope that there will be more of us day after day to open our hearts to Mother Nature, without whom any life is impossible.

Love and respect to each one of you. »

Chief Raoni Metuktire people, State, CONTENTS

What is the Alliance of Mother Nature’s Guardians ? ...... 5 An international movement for peace and future generations ...... 5 Why did the Amazon Guardians of Mother Nature wish to ally with their brothers from the other continents?...... 7 The seeds of the Alliance ...... 9 The Alliance of Mother Nature’s Guardians in action ...... 13 The operational framework of the Alliance ...... 13 The founders of the Alliance of Mother Nature’s Guardians ...... 17 Chiefs Raoni Metuktire and Megaron Txucarramãe, representatives of the Kayapo people ...... 17 Chiefs Pirakuman and Aritana, representatives of the Yawalapiti people ...... 18 Chief Davi Kopenawa, representative of the people ...... 20 Chiefs Afukaka and Tabata, representatives of the people ...... 21 The Constitution of the Alliance of Mother Nature’s Guardians: 17 proposals for the planet and future generations ...... 23

Brasilia, 14 April 2015, in front of the Brazilian Congress, the call for the Alliance of Mother Nature’s Guardians. Left to right : Chiefs Pirakuman Yawalapiti, Melobo Ikteng, Aritana Yawalapiti, Raoni Metuktire, Davi Yanomami, Afukaka Kuikuro and Tabata Kuikuro. What is the Alliance of Mother Nature’s Guardians ?

4 What is the Alliance of Mother Nature’s GuardiansGu ar di an s ? 5

2Q WKHvulnerable, IRUHIURQWparticularly are they which to changes, RI WKH ÀJKWindigenous DJDLQVWpeoples have so far FOLPDWH been left behind in the international negotiations deciding on our common future. More and more present on the international scene, they wish to be in charge of to avenues new open and again destiny own their ours by the same token. That is how Chief Raoni, the world for his respected involvement in defending forests, throughout has initiated, with the help of other great Amazon chiefs, an innovative project -in terms of form and content- for an alliance. The Alliance of Mother Nature’s Guardians was 2015 UN Climate Change launched Summit in (COP21, during the November 30 - December VXSSRUW RI 11, RIÀFLDOV DQG 2015) RUJDQL]DWLRQV>O@  with NQRZQ worldwide for their actions to protect the planet. the Humberto Piaguaje, Secoya people (Ecuador) ; Roberto Mukaro Borrero, Taino people (USA) ;Mukaro; Taino people (USA) Borrero, Roberto (Ecuador) Secoya people Piaguaje, Humberto Raoni Metuktire, Kayapo people (Brazil) ; François Paulette, Dene people (Canada) ;;Metuktire, Dene people (Canada) Kanato Yawalapiti, Yawalapiti people (Brazil). Paulette, François Kayapo people (Brazil) Raoni Above,right left to : AN INTERNATIONAL MOVEMENT FOR AN INTERNATIONAL MOVEMENT PEACE AND FUTURE GENERATIONS In a world in lands complete and resources, mankind, upheaval, whose population with limited has doubled in less than 50 years, is compelled to face unprecedented challenges. The beginning of this third millennium is to not is future the that us reminds which milestone a major another. one with but another, one against built be In these days of virtual hyperconnectivity, never has the link between Man and Nature loose been ; as so a result, never have we been so close to the abyss. The exacerbated dogma of ethnocentrism reached has its limits: by triggering extinction a of new massive plant turning and a animal deaf species, ear the irreversible, the towards rushing are we nature, to while the alarm calls non-return point of no return. sent by WHAT IS THE ALLIANCE OF MOTHER NATURE’S GUARDIANS ? The Alliance of Mother Nature’s Guardians is a Through highly symbolic actions, which will raise movement uniting and gathering the driving awareness, by upgrading and implementing forces involved in the preservation of the sustainable development projects showing environment, and whose goal is to work for future that Man can evolve without destroying while generations and peace. By raising awareness, it staying tuned to his environment, the Alliance participates in spreading a bio-centered vision of will participate in restoring balance in the the world with man as one of the links of the chain natural order of things, in forging stronger links of being. between our society model and the reality, and in redistributing the cards of the future. The Alliance aims at raising hope and intends to show all over the world, through concrete Chief Raoni hopes that this Alliance, his brainchild, propositions and actions, that the indigenous will survive him for a long time, to become an peoples and their allies are not an obstacle to a acknowledged and respected moral authority, necessary development, but that on the contrary, a powerful and independent international voice, they are inescapable allies to implement the with one major ambition: helping on a long-term energy and economic transition mankind needs EDVLVWRUHGHÀQHDODVWLQJSDUDGLJPIRUPHQDQG to continue its wonderful adventure. nature.

What is the Alliance of Mother Nature’s Guardians ? The Alliance wishes to act as a project builder and catalyst in the upcoming decades, and to offer propositions and actual alternatives to preserve human rights, the environment and the climate in order to protect humanity from devastating FRQÁLFWVWKDWZRXOGWDNHSODFHLIWKDWH[SRQHQWLDO degradation goes on.

6 What is the Alliance of Mother Nature’s Guardians ? 7 TO ALLY WITH THEIR other natural environments vital to the regulation biodiversity priceless the and climate global the of they shelter. are forests primary life, of cradle the are oceans If life. of creativity the of years of millions of result the natural laboratories. They are irreplaceable mankind studied, been has that part tiny the From KDV GUDZQ FRQVLGHUDEOH EHQHÀWV %HVLGHVdestruction WKHLU is not only of an global aggravating warming, factor it by also cutting off generates local populations poverty, from their supplies. food It is in the interest of humanity to save rainforests and primary forests. Researcher Antonio Donato Nobre for instance, from the National Institute for Space Research of Brazil (INPE), whose study « the climate future of the Amazon » has won global recognition, shows already has world the in rainforest biggest the that controller. « reached a standstill » as a climate Benki Piyako, Ashaninka people (Brazil) ; Antonia Melo da Silva, Movimento Xingu WHY DID THE AMAZON GUARDIANS OF MOTHER NATURE WISH BROTHERS FROM THE OTHER CONTINENTS ? Chiefs Raoni Yanomami, Metuktire, Pirakuman Yawalapiti, Megaron Davi Yawalapiti, Kuikuro and Tabata Txucarramãe, Kuikuro, respected chiefs Kopenawa Aritana of Afukaka WKH LFRQLF SHRSOHV LQYROYHG LQ WKH ÀJKW DJDLQVW and Brazilian Amazon, decided to plant together the roots of the Alliance of Mother in Brasilia, in meeting a during Guardians Nature’s April 2015. :KLOHWKHGDPDJHLQÁLFWHGRQWKHODVWWKUHHELJ rainforests of our planet (Amazon, Southeast and tropical ) is these « almost green lungs » irreversible are close and to asphyxiation, these Guardians, environments aware are also on that borrowed the over time, all from representatives have indigenous asked other natural world to join them, whether they be from forests, steppes, icy lands, islands or deserts, along with major activists for the environment, -during the COP21- a message to to all the peoples convey of the world. In Paris, a group, proving the necessity of a joint action, managed to convince immediate others and that unprecedented an mobilization necessary is to save the forests, the oceans and Vivo Para Sempre (Brazil) ; Marishöri Samaniego Pascual, Ashaninka people () ; Hindou Peul people (Chad). Ibrahim, Oumarou Above, left to right : According to the researcher, the zero are being devastated by palm oil monoculture. GHIRUHVWDWLRQWDUJHWLVQRORQJHUVXIÀFLHQWWRVDYH 2XU GDLO\ FRQVXPSWLRQ LV ÁRRGHG ZLWK SURGXFWV the Amazon which stores almost 118 billion tons of resulting from deforestation to such an extent that carbon dioxide every year. day after day, most citizens slowly and unwillingly The answer must be immediate : « A war effort consume and waste the forest. to reforest the Amazon is imperative. » He recommends the support of autochthonous The global war effort must be extended to other populations and an international mobilization to natural environments that are threatened. It IXOÀOOWKDWDLP merely foreshadows a new development model by means of an energy transition and a local It is all the more important since the disastrous economic restructuring. economic consequences inherent in the DULGLÀFDWLRQRI%UD]LOVWHPIURPWKHH[FHVVRIDQ 7KH LQGLJHQRXV SHRSOHV ÀUVW YLFWLPV RI D V\VWHP ecocidial economic cooperation policy, actively coming to an end, wherever they are, are supported by the other continents, especially undoubtedly our precious allies.

What is the Alliance of Mother Nature’s Guardians ? . Their Alliance is a testimony to that effect: the Guardians of Mother Nature are the guardians of Massive illegal imports of wood, mining activity, the future. the construction of hydroelectric dams, cultivation of soybean, leather, meat imports, etc. are problems. As for the forests in Southeast Asia, they

Above : Chief Raoni Metuktire and Yakari Kuikuro, Brasilia 2016.

8 What is the Alliance of Mother Nature’s Guardians ? 9 Surprisingly, the programme and of its important applications did not result different A rejection. success or adaptation adoption, its in of that approach was chosen. In 2008, one year before the end of the the PPG7, UN-REDD Collaboration Substitution Programme of on Programme the emissions the opened countries) (UN developing in degradation reduction from deforestation considers it Controversial, carbon. forest of market and forest by only ecosystem complex a of preservation the measuring greenhouse gas emissions. The local decrease in emissions thanks to REDD incentives do not guarantee that deforestation activities will come to an end nationwide. These activities could be moved to whenever alternative solutions are not offered another to territory the actors of deforestation. Indigenous peoples, especially during the 2012 UN Conference on Sustainable Development in the criticizing documents several up wrote Rio+20, REDD Programme. 7KH\ H[SRVHbeings WKH and FRPPRGLÀFDWLRQ natural resources, implementation RI of along long-term with logging OLYLQJ contracts, the which worsen the degradation lands and threaten their sovereignty. of indigenous Not only do REDD projects and give their an arbitrary value variations to forests, on the basis of unreliable calculations to determine the amount of carbon kept carbon captive, The energies. fossil of exploitation they ongoing also ensure the credits they emit are indeed used to make up for and not decrease the pollution created by the companies using them. From November 30 to December 12, 2015, the 21st the 2015, 12, December to 30 November From Conference of the parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on (COP21/CMP11), also called « 2015 Climate Paris Climate Change Summit », took place. Even though everybody claimed that time was of the essence for the future of the RQO\DLPGHÀQHGE\WKHSDUWLFLSDWLQJVWDWHV planet, the was to maintain global warming below 2°C° by 2100 compared to the pre-industrial era, without determining the terms and conditions. Used to international meetings, being indigenous peoples have shunned WKHEHVWLQVLJKWLQWRWKHLULQHIÀFLHQF\WRPDNHDQG from these act upon realistic decisions. major In June 1992, Chief Raoni took part, along numerous with other indigenous leaders from America South and other places, in Eco 1992, the Rio Earth Summit. A founding moment international negotiations which was a in milestone the climate the considered States how to regards history with of great issue so far. The meeting between number great a and Mitterrand François the President Chief and French RIRWKHULQWHUQDWLRQDOSROLWLFDORIÀFLDOVWKUHH\HDUV before, during an unforgettable world tour with singer , triggered what the was to be the implementation most ambitious programme of of international cooperation for the protection of the environment. The PPG7 (Pilot Programme for was Forests) Amazon Brazilian of Conservation the formalized during the Rio Summit. and 1992 between led, have initiative global That 2009, to very tangible results : the protection, in Brazil, of 45,5 million hectares of indigenous lands  LGHQWLÀHGover WHUULWRULHVcovering reserves of creation DQGthe and others),  GLIIHUHQWLDWHG In preservation. their 2,1 million hectares, ensuring October 2005, funding commitments were over 350 million euros, 85% from community partners (EC - 65 million Kingdom, the Netherlands, Italy and ). euros-, Germany, the United THE SEEDS OF THE ALLIANCE 8QOLNH WKH 33* ZKLFK DOORZHG IRU VLJQLÀFDQW Alliance of autochthonous traditional Chiefs and DGYDQFHVUHFHQWÀJXUHVVKRZWKHLQHIÀFLHQWÀJKW conservationists looking toward COP21. of the REDD Programme against deforestation. On that occasion, both indigenous leaders of the Since 2013, after eight years of decrease, the Kayapo people were praised in the Chamber deforestation rate has been on the rise again on of the French National Assembly by its President Brazilian territory. Claude Bartolone, a distinction reserved for heads of states. ,QWKLVFRQWH[WWKHQRQUDWLÀFDWLRQE\%UD]LORIWKH agreement against deforestation, signed by 32 Numerous personalities such as His Majesty the countries at the UN in 2014, is alarming and shows Prince of Monaco, His Majesty the Prince of Wales, the necessity of a dialogue with that country His Majesty the King of Norway or former Prime containing the largest rainforest area in the world. Minister Michel Rocard have also accepted to begin a dialogue about that campaign entitled The different international negotiations on « S.O.S. Amazonia Tour ». climate, aiming at stabilizing greenhouse gas, have failed so far. These meetings helped lay the foundations of a $FFRUGLQJWRVFLHQWLÀFREVHUYHUVDQG1*2VWKH strategy for the defense of the forest, their lands agreement established during COP21 in Paris, and ancestral cultures, as well as start international

What is the Alliance of Mother Nature’s Guardians ? even if implemented by the biggest CO²-emitting projects for sustainable development alternatives. countries (USA, China, , European Union), is still inadequate. Current projections mention a warming between 2,5°C and 3°C, when the agreement intended to limit it to 2°C.

In June 2014, international partners from Instituto Raoni, led by the NGO Planète Amazone, organized meetings at the highest level in Europe so that Chiefs Raoni and Megaron could outline their project of an unprecedented

Above : Paul Watson, founder of the NGO Sea Shepherd Conservation Society and chief Raoni Metuktire, President of the Instituto Raoni during the COP21 in Paris, on 10 December 2015.

Opposite : 1 - A delegation of the Alliance of Mother Nature’s Guardians received by the French President of the Republic at the Elysée Palace, on 2 December %DQ.LPRRQ816HFUHWDU\*HQHUDO  DQG&KLHI5DRQL0HWXNWLUHGXULQJWKHODXQFKRIWKHLQLWLDWLYH©2QH+HDUW2QH7UHHªWRÀQDQFHUHIRUHVWD - 10 tion programmes, Paris, 29 November 2015 ; 3 - Irina Bokova, Director-General of UNESCO, and Chief Raoni Metuktire ; 4 - Left to right : MP Luis Pena, Chief Raoni Metuktire, MP Ivan Valente, Chief Akjabor Kayapó, MP Domingos Dutra, Brasilia, June 2014 ; 5 - Chiefs Raoni Metuktire and Megaron Txucarramãe with the former Prime Minister of France, Michel Rocard, June 2014 ; 6 - Chief Raoni Metuktire and Victoria Tauli-Corpuz, Special Rapporteur on the rights of indigenous peoples ; What is the Alliance of Mother Nature’s Guardians ? 11 s (End Ecocide On Earth) ; Earth) On Ecocide (End s ; 8 - Left to right : Arkan Simaan 5 2 3 1 4 7 6 9 10 Encounters (Planète Amazone), Gert-Peter Bruch (Planète Amazone), Chief Raoni Metuktire, SAS Prince Albert II of Monaco and Valérie Cabane Valérie and Monaco of II Albert Prince SAS Metuktire, Raoni Chief Amazone), (Planète Bruch Gert-Peter Amazone), (Planète MudeniaJohanneMuotkaMetuktire,Megaronright and Inger Silje (Saami Parliament) Chief Raoni : Chief Txucarramãe, 9 - Left to (Saami Parliament). 7 - Chiefs Raoni Metuktire and Megaron Txucarramãe received by SAS Harald V, Kinf of Norway, Oslo, June 2014 What is the Alliance of Mother Nature’s Guardians ?

12 What is the Alliance of Mother Nature’s Guardianss ? 13 Network Network

This battle for with hand in hand goes rights violated consistently a real cultural implementation their and territories their of preservation the of their diversity. 7KDW ÀJKW LV QRZKHUHbe won QHDU without RYHU support. DQG Actions available resources and forces must be pooled. of FDQQRW resistance, The Alliance is a become tree reality of to connect life caring which and preservation development will initiatives slowly towards a creative future. 1 - Chief Benki Piyako Ashaninka (Brazil) and Nicolas Hulot (France) ; 2 - Sonia , coordinator of the APIB : Delegation of Kayapo and indigenous representatives, led by Chief Raoni, sealing their union during COP21 THE OPERATIONAL FRAMEWORK THE OPERATIONAL FRAMEWORK OF THE ALLIANCE - USA). in Paris. Environmental (Indigenous IEN organization the from Goldtooth, Tom - 3 ; Brazil) - Brasil do Indigenas Povos dos (Articulação Opposite : As the deforestation of the three large rainforests tropical and Indonesia Amazon, (the planet our of as these return, no of point a reaching are Africa) representatives the suffocating, are » lungs green « of autochthonous to peoples meet worldwide with in intend their allies international to negotiations development. be on better climate heard and In December 2015, in Paris, they met to give birth and Guardians, Nature’s Mother of Alliance the to incite States to take urgent measures to save the Amazon and rainforests, these controllers of the global climate, priceless reservoirs of biodiversity and holders of breathing air, our water resource -of which we are mostly made. most precious peoples autochthonous supporting and Protecting means preserving the last natural environments of the planet, a vital battle fought by the Guardians. Above THE ALLIANCE OF MOTHER NATURE’S GUARDIANS IN ACTION 14 The Alliance of Mother Nature’s Guardians in action The Alliance of Mother Nature’s Guardians in action

« ‡ With thatinview,theAlliancerelieson: SRZHUWRLQÁXHQFHJRYHUQPHQWVDQGFRPSDQLHVthe has alone it alerted, be must opinion public international the : it admitted UN the of instance highest the because least not but last is latter The battle. media three and battle legal battle, around political : themes strategy its structures Guardians Nature’s Mother of Alliance the stronger, grow To mankind. of whole the is so wounded, is nature when : ecocide of crime the and nature of rights prompt the acknowledge to to hand, instances international other the on and or pleas, claims joint through peoples of indigenous rights the implement and conventions actually international to instances governments, to autochthonous international and forces, of to number political representatives the and increase legal Pooling THE FOUNDERSWANTTHATASSEMBLIES AREHELDONAREGULAR BASIS, ONEVERYCONTINENT,THE LANDOFTHEPEOPLE A REPRESENTATIVEOFTHEALLIANCE, TOCREATEPERMANENT BONDS BETWEENTHE DIFFERENTALLIES. ‡ ‡ knowledge andnaturalresources. traditional of upgrading lasting », a with along development home-grown « of projects devise and management environmental of knowledge and cultures ancestral develop exchanges to territories, regular own their on of peoples between forum a up Setting their and supportclaimscampaigns. awareness public coordinate global heighten peoples, actions, inform to tool, better media international an up Setting « The Alliance of Mother Nature’s Guardians in action The Alliance of Mother Nature’s Guardians in action 15 Thus, the Kayapo have met and know WKHVHJUHDWOHDGHUVZKRZLOOFRPHIRUWKHÀUVWWLPH most of to their homelands. The variety of the peoples represented and projects implement the to dignitaries their of willpower between their respective communities will pave the way towards a become global. larger alliance bound to 6XFKLVWKHVLJQLÀFDQFHRIWKDWPHHWLQJ7KHODVW time a meeting of such a magnitude took place was in 1989, in Altamira. The numerous indigenes present, among whom &KLHI5DRQLKDGDJUHHGWRÀJKWWRJHWKHUZLWKWKH support of a few associations project and This Kararao. called personalities, project dam a against was cancelled after the World Bank withdrew its ÀQDQFLDOVXSSRUW Belo name the under 2009 in back way its made It Monte. Chief Raoni and his allies ÀJKW did DQG not DUH WU\LQJ give DJDLQ WR up FUHDWH the D FODVKconsciences, similar RI to the one which led, in the wake of Chief Raoni’s world tour, to the creation of the PPG7, Pilot Programme for the protection remains scale whose G7, by initiated rainforests of unrivalled. The founders want that Assemblies are held on a regular basis, on every continent, on the land of the people of a representative of the Alliance, to create permanent bonds between the different allies. actual and nature with touch in stay will they Thus, issues by sharing pooling their traditional knowledge, knowledge management techniques of ecosystems. and sharing The members of the Alliance will travel to lasting timely meet and technologies new to thanks keep, and trips, a permanent connection. A delegation, formed as propositions an the defend to Assembly, world the around will travel also and plans of the Alliance to international meetings. States and major Part and parcel of the mechanisms implemented by the UN $OOLDQFH for QHWZRUN autochthonous alternative channel for international negotiations peoples, RI the LQÁXHQFHdealing with major global issues. RSHQVTo that DQ purpose, it will to develop tools the adapted way populations. of life of traditional indigenous The presence of representatives other iconic of Amazon the deforestation makes that meeting historical. Chiefs struggle and against of guardians these territories, further from Coming the forest are well-known and are already taking part, like Chief indigenous Raoni, organizations, together with in and Brazilian numerous plea actions protest for the respect of their rights. 1 -ChiefRaoni Txucarramãe, Kayapopeople(Brazil) -Chief Kayapopeople(Brazil). Metuktire, ; Megaron 2 16 The Alliance of Mother Nature’s Guardians in action

1 The foundersfounders of of the the Alliance Alliance of Mother of Mother Nature’s Nature’s Guardians Guardians 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 THE THE ALLIANCE 2 opportunity of COP21 and to found weave an autochthonous peoples from alliance all the long-lasting continents, all threatened by economic bonds and demographic pressures worsening climate disruptions, of which between WKH\DUHWKHPRVWHIÀFLHQWZKLVWOHEORZHUVEXWDOVR WKHÀUVWYLFWLPV CHIEFS RAONI METUKTIRE AND MEGARON TXUCARRAMÃE, CHIEFS RAONI METUKTIRE AND PEOPLE REPRESENTATIVES OF THE KAYAPO Chief Raoni Metuktire, indigenous chief Brazilian of the Amazon, famous lifetime battle worldwide for the for defense people, of of indigenous peoples his and the the « Kayapo green lungs » of the planet, is one of LQWHUQDWLRQDOÀJXUHVIRUWKHGHIHQVHRIWKHSODQHW the most iconic these days. $IWHU WDNLQJ SDUWindigenous territories of Xingu, in LQthe creation of WKHthe biggest XQLÀFDWLRQ protected rainforest reserve RIworld in (180.000km²) the and WKH sensitizing global public tragedy the and cause indigenous the to opinion of deforestation, he wishes to bequeath peoples, the creation of an international alliance to all of the guardians of Nature. Chief Raoni Metuktire has been toiling for half a over century to preserve the ancestral lands of KLV SHRSOH EXW KLV ÀJKW KDV ORQJ EHHQhe JOREDO  has become one DQG of XQRIÀFLDO the DPEDVVDGRUV most LQ WKH convincing his ZRUOGworld tour in VLQFH 1989, with his nephew Megaron and singer Sting. Txucarramãe /HW·VPHQWLRQWKDWKHZDVDZDUGHGWKHÀUVW3XEOLF Price for Peace in 2014. Chief Raoni has been dreaming for a long time that his message of union and alliance between autochthonous peoples and all the protectors of the planet be heard ; he also hopes to pass on a sustainable road map for the future to humanity. With the help of his nephew and faithful disciple, Chief Megaron Txucarramãe, he took the OF MOTHER NATURE’S GUARDIANS NATURE’S OF MOTHER Kopenawa Davi Chief people), (Kayapo Megaron Chief people), (Kayapo Raoni Chief (Yanomami people), Chiefs Aritana and Afukaka and Pirakuman Tabata (Kuikuro (Yawalapiti people), traditional people), Amazon chiefs, Chiefs holders In covenant a of sealed world, the in lung» «green biggest the of guardians knowledge, great COP21. an international alliance during laying the foundations of Brasilia in April 2015 THE THE FOUNDERS OF 18 The founders of the Alliance of Mother Nature’s Guardians

3 -ChiefPirakuman Yawalapiti(Brazil). Yawalapiti(Brazil) -Chief ; Aritana 4 REPRESENTATIVES OFTHEYAWALAPITIPEOPLE CHIEFS PIRAKUMANANDARITANA, 3 The founders of the Alliance of Mother Nature’s Guardians 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 craft and the Yawalapiti language workshops. in learning They acquired audiovisual equipment to record oral rites and traditions and broadcast them GRFXPHQWDU\ÀOPV in The project was such nearby a tribes success expressed that the several their same means wish in order to audiovisual memory for future generations. to obtain create their own That remarkable strategy of preserve the Yawalapiti their to culture ambassadors of the indigenous battle. has made them world 4 The Yawalapiti people live on Upper Xingu, a river a Xingu, Upper on live people Yawalapiti The Grosso, in Brazil. in the State of Mato After undergoing a tragic measles epidemic and attacks in the different mid-20th the of century, villages several the in scattered people Yawalapiti peoples of Xingu. The Yawalapiti gathered again (sernatista) specialist Indian the of support the with Orlando Villas-Bôas before the creation Xingu Park in 1961. of the They are problems currently due to facing intensive soybean and corn culture. chemical serious fertilizers used pollution in vanished almost they 1959s, the in numbers in Few before their population increased again. programme important an started they 2000s the In of oral and audiovisual transmission to conserve their culture. Elders taught their youth traditional 20 The founders of the Alliance of Mother Nature’s Guardians

5 -ChiefDaviKopenawa, Yanomami people(Brazil) 6-ChiefKuikuro (Brazil) 7-ChiefTabata Kuikuro (Brazil).5 ; Afukaka ; ilo hcae, r lctd oh ot o the Amazonas StateandtheRoraimaState. of north both located are hectares, million 9.6 i.e. lands, Yanomami indigenous the Brazil, In of BrazilandVenezuela. north the between shared are lands Yanomami LQWR FDPH contact with the Brazilian population in the 1980s. ÀUVW WKH\ ZKHQ HSLGHPLFV PRUWDO WR due extinction, to close coming after won they ÀJKW D SURVSHFWRUV JROG LOOHJDO DJDLQVW VWUXJJOH their for well-known are people Yanomami The REPRESENTATIVE OF THE YANOMAMI PEOPLE CHIEF DAVIKOPENAWA, fot cnrbt t peev ter culture, their preserve to threatened byaneverstrongeroutsidepressure. contribute efforts their charismatic representatives whose sustained of some of involvement the to thanks particular in knowledge, ancestral their of variety the and culture their of beauty the for world the over all praised are people Yanomami the Nowadays, territory indigenous in biggest territory worldwide. the Yanomami is Venezuela, reserve, biosphere Orinoco-Casiquiare Alto hectare million 8.2 The 5 The founders of the Alliance of Mother Nature’s Guardians 21 7 6 Symbol of that solidarity and exchange tradition, &KLHI $IXNDND LV D NH\ ÀJXUH WR IHGHUDWH IRUFHV around the project for Nature’s Guardians. an Alliance of Mother CHIEFS AFUKAKA AND TABATA, AFUKAKA AND CHIEFS KUIKURO PEOPLE OF THE REPRESENTATIVES Chief Afukaka Kuikuro has important programme also to preserve and launched transmit an Kuikuro culture in particular thanks to the video recording of traditional rituals and ceremonies. The Kuikuro people are the most important in the Upper Xingu region, counting approximately 500 Indigenous the of south villages three in indigenes Xingu Park: Ipatse, Ahukugi and Lahatuá. $ VSHFLÀF WUDGLWLRQ LV WKH 3pTXL D WUHH WKDW RQO\ grows in the Brazilian savanna, whose nutritional fruit qualities has and village the in planted therapeutic is seed a birth, new every For properties. food of guarantee symbolic a as Afukaka Chief of for future generations. Affected by devastating epidemics from the end of the 19th century to the mid-20th century, the number of Kuikuro people decreased drastically, ZKLFK FRPSHOOHG WKHP WR JR QRUWK DQG EHQHÀW from the systematic vaccination programmes set up by Indian protection foundations. Population rose vaccination campaigns which enabled them to again recover their lands. During the in 1950s, the Kuikuro and 1960 Yawalapiti peoples following revival. contributed to their 22 TheTh e CoConstitutionns ti tu ti on ofo f theth e AllianceAl li an ce ofo f MotherMo th er Nature’s Guardians

Above Above : and François Paulette, NationDene (Canada) 6 -FayeFredericks, people (Guyana) ; ; Kayapo Metuktire, Raoni Chief - 5 ; Guinea) New (Papua people Huli Kepanga, Mundiya - 4 ; (France) Amazone Planète of founder Bruch, 1 - Mindahi Bastida, Otomi people (Mexico) ; 2 - Hugo Jabini, Saramaca people (Surinam) ; 3 - Tom Goldtooth, Nation Navajo (USA 1 4 6 8 3 2 5 7 9 ), ), and Gert-Peter people (Brazil) people The Constitution of the Alliance of Mother Nature’s Guardians 23 (France) (France) and Bepo - Lino Mamaní Huarca, Quechua as well as other Watch and Planète Amazone. organizations such as Together, Amazon they went over and exposed the crimes against the environment and pesticides such used as by industrial FRPPRGLÀFDWLRQ GMO agriculture, RI the plants QDWXUH E\ PHDQVcompensation RI FDUERQ mechanisms, hydroelectric big as well as hydraulic general, in drilling oil and fracturing under was which dam, Monte Belo the as such dams construction. Another major event, organized creation as part of of Guardians the the by Alliance Planète Climate Amazone Generations of area at on December Mother the 10 « : COP21 the Oceans Nature’s and forests Conference: on act to the bring fresh verge air to of the with planet collapse » Chief Raoni, Paul 6KHSKHUG  Watson 9DOpULH (founder &DEDQHV of VSRNHVPDQcitizen movement End Ecocide on Earth, Gert-Peter Sea RI WKH Bruch (founder of Planète Amazone), and French actor Pierre Richard.

7 - Valérie Cabanes, spokeswoman of End Ecocide on Earth (France), Paul Watson, founder of Sea Shepherd Conservation Society Conservation Shepherd Sea of founder Watson, Paul (France), Earth on Ecocide End of spokeswoman Cabanes, Valérie - 7

Opposite : Opposite (Canada), (Canada), Chief Raoni Metuktire (Brazil), Gert-Peter Bruch, Planète Amazone (France), Arkan Simaan, Planète Amazone AND FUTURE GENERATIONS 17 PROPOSALS FOR THE PLANET MOTHER NATURE’S GUARDIANS : people (Peru). THE CONSTITUTION OF THE ALLIANCE OF On December 4 and 5, Chief Raoni and members the of the new Alliance also took part in an event set Tribunal, Nature of Rights International the called up by Global Alliance for the Rights of Nature, End Ecocide on Earth, Nature Rights and ATTAC France, 2QFHUDWLÀHGE\WKHYDULRXVVLJQDWRULHVWKHIRXQGLQJ text of the recommendations) Alliance was presented to the (and President its of 17 the French Republic, hosting proposals the COP21, and to and the UN Secretary General. At the invitation of Chief Raoni Metuktire, indigenous Metuktire, Raoni Chief of invitation the At representatives, personalities protection of the environment and NGOs, involved opened a new path of hope for the future. in the Thus, the Guardians of Mother Nature offset the Paris the offset Nature Mother of Guardians the Thus, DJUHHPHQWIRUWKHFOLPDWHUDWLÀHGE\PDQ\VWDWHV gathered for COP21 (November 30-December 12, 2015). On November 2015 in Paris, Guardians Nature’s Mother during of Alliance the its Assembly, Constituent DSSURYHG LWV ÀUVW  SURSRVDOV IRUfuture generations. WKHThey build upon the Constitution SODQHW DQG be to maps road devising at aim and Alliance the of implemented by States. Metuktire, Kayapo people (Brazil) ; 8 - Pascal Erhel-Hatuuku, Federation Motu Haka (Marquesas Islands) ; 9 24 The Constitution of the Alliance of Mother Nature’s Guardians

ÀQDQFLQJWKHLUDXWRQRPRXVDFWLYLWLHVµ« local and internal own for means and ways the having as well as affairs, their manage to and autonomy to right a have self-determination to “Autochtonous peoples, that while 4 exercising article their following right the in explained also is It and social economic, cultural development.” their freely pursue status political and their determine to free are they self-determination is raised. “By virtue of to that right, peoples indigenous of right 3,the article its In General AssemblyonSeptember13,2007. ut epc hr o te elbig f l and all of well-being future generations. the for her respect must we and home common the our is she interest: alive, is universal Earth and common a around Earth the of inhabitants all unite to and Earth, the and humankind of development common sustainable and the to necessary respect of a of culture foundation and the as Earth such beings, the living of its all rights the of recognition the achieve to is mission whose principles universal That Declaration is a call stating fundamental and Cochabamba, April2010. Peoples’ World Conference on Climate Change in 5 5 - Gert-Peter Bruch, Kanato Yawalapiti, Yawalapiti people (Brazil) and Chief Raoni Metuktire ; 6 - Nolan Hunter, Kimberley Land Council 9 - Around Chief Raoni Metuktire, some of the participants of the Constituent Assembly of the Alliance of Mother Nature’sGuardians.9 - of ChiefRaoni ofthe of theparticipants oftheConstituent Mother Around Metuktire, Alliance some Assembly Arkan Metuktire, Raoni Chief - 8 ; (Peru) people Ashaninka Pascual, Samaniego Marishöri - 7 ; (Australia) As aconsequence,theyarealertingStatesandtheinternationalcommunityto: disappear bytheendof21stcentury. continents. 5 might which of most languages, 4,000 than more and speak and groups, different 5,000 than more form They countries 70 than more in people, million 370 represent populations indigenous that us reminded globe, the around from organizations, and personalities representatives, indigenous Paris, in 2015 28th, November on occurred which Nature, Mother of Guardians the of Assembly the Following Summit of the Alliance of Mother Nature’s Guardians, in Paris on 1 December 2015 ; 4 - Mauricio Ye’kuana, Ye’kuana people (Br people Ye’kuana Ye’kuana, Mauricio - 4 ; 2015 December 1 on Paris in Guardians, Nature’s Mother of Alliance the of Summit DQG2FHDQLXQLÀHGGXULQJWKH DQG)UDQFR9LWHUL.LFKZDRI6DUD\DNXSHRSOH (FXDGRU ,QGLJHQRXVOHDGHUVIURP$PHULFD$IULFD : Opposite PROPOSALS AND RECOMMENDATIONS OF THE ALLIANCE ALLIANCE THE OF RECOMMENDATIONS AND PROPOSALS PRESERVATION OF CLIMATE AND FUTURE GENERATIONS FUTURE AND CLIMATE OF PRESERVATION OF THE GUARDIANS OF MOTHER NATURE TO THE STATES STATES THE TO NATURE MOTHER OF GUARDIANS THE OF ain Dcaain o te ihs of Rights the Peoples for United Indigenous the Declaration apply Nations and Acknowledge 2. ihs f ohr at, ocd uig the during voiced Earth, Mother of Rights General Nations the of Declarations Universal United the Assembly the at Adopt 1. AND TO THE INTERNATIONAL COMMUNITY FOR THE THE FOR COMMUNITY INTERNATIONAL THE TO AND 1 - Humberto Piaguaje, Secoya people (Ecuador) and Chief Raoni Metuktire ; 2 - Antonella Calle, Yasunidos (Ecuador) Yasunidos Calle, Antonella - 2 ; Metuktire Raoni Chief and (Ecuador) people Secoya Piaguaje, Humberto - 1 RÀPG \ WKH E\ FRQÀUPHG agro-industrial activities. projects, DQGGLVUXSWHGE\WKHLQWHQVLÀFDWLRQRIPLQLQJDQG infrastructure big of development the to linked colonization growing the by threatened are they today are and Peoples, Indigenous Rights of the for Declaration Nations United the in Those issues were at the center of the negotiation place inthedemandsofindigenouspeoples. major a occupy earth, the to relationship spiritual their as well as goods, natural of protection and The recognition of the territorial rights, and the use manner. free a in development social and economic their ensure to and people, distinct a as integrity right their regarding particularly them, to relating all to participation active their encourages and them, It also forbids any shape of discrimination towards aspirations. and needs their to according development their promote to as well as traditions, their and culture, their institutions, to their peoples reinforce indigenous and for perpetuate right the on insists It and education. health employment, language, identity, culture, of relating rights to spirituality, earth, territory collective and resources, and LQGLJHQRXVSHRSOHVDQGPRUHVSHFLÀFDOO\WKRVH individual the terms unequivocal in establishes also Declaration This Simaan and Paul Watson ; ; Watson Paul and Simaan azil) ; ; azil) 1




5 6

7 8

9 26 The Constitution of the Alliance of Mother Nature’s Guardians

sources ofenergy. sustainable and renewable by fed 100% is model energetic democratic and decentralized clean, a where future a towards transition immediate an for efforts their coordinate to governments all urge We frontlines. the on are who communities for importantly more is but all, for energy, renewable and WUDQVLWLRQclean on resources based IDLU D WRZDUGV SDWK in D ÀQG WR investment QHFHVVDU\ and extraction, fuels, infrastructures, fossil for exploration to subsidies other and funding public to ending immediate The global in participating from negotiations onclimate. kept be industry oil the that and policies, domestic and international XQMXVWLÀHG WKDW LQÁXHQFHRIDOOIRVVLOIXHOLQGXVWULHVHQGLQHODERUDWLQJ DVN ZH SURWHFWHG EH WR LQWHUHVWV climatic constraints. LQGLJHQRXVNQRZOHGJHDQGVFLHQWLÀFDOO\VXSSRUWHG unwanted miningprojects. self-determination. to right their of virtue by communities indigenous by must recognize and accept the protocols written up ÀQDQFHGE\VSRQVRULQJÀUPVRUVWDWHV*RYHUQPHQWV social and environmental impact studies that be completely required independent , thus also not is It GHFLVLRQVPXVWEHDFFHSWHGDVÀQDODQGELQGLQJ Guiana, isintheAmazon indigenous numerous French “departments”, its shelters of one and communities it UDWLÀHG though QRW KDV even VWLOO it,  &23 WKH KRVWLQJ )UDQFH LW LV UDWLÀHG ZKLFK KDYH VWDWHV  RQO\ QRZ RI $V informed consultations. and free during project, any before account into taken be opinion sincere if their resources, that demands natural also its and land their to recognize right it the does only Not lifestyles. and cultures xlrto ad l frs f xrcin to extraction by recommended as of Nature, Mother protect forms all ending and by soil exploration the in fuels fossil Preserve 6. n as underground also and tribal peoples are to be applied on the ground and indigenous of rights the that Consider 5. its that and phase assessment impact the territory its on project any refuse or accept may community a that Consider 4. peoples’ tribal and indigenous for respect of ILO. Universally ratify and apply strictly the 169th 3. This Convention is based on the principle the on based is Convention This In order for real everyone’s real o rtc te from them protect to even before even international instrumentsinforce. of virtue by peoples indigenous to applicable tions that would respect in more general terms all obliga- rights, peoples’ tribal and indigenous include would rights human com- regarding States transnational and panies towards obligations binding quickly RightsHuman Nations DQGWKRVHZKRÀJKWRQWKHFOLPDWLFFULVLV·IURQWOLQH fuels, fossil of use the and extraction from suffering directly communities WRincludes This change. DGDSW climate WR UHVRXUFHV VXIÀFLHQW WKH ODFNLQJ FULVLV which cause them, and carry no responsibility in this QRWEHQHÀWIURPWKHHFRQRPLFDQGSROLWLFDOV\VWHPV do who those of expense the at disproportionately to the ongoing mass extinction. These prejudices are contributing in a major way to our climatic crisis and life, of forms all and atmosphere the water, the air, the earth, the to prejudice great caused have fuels fossil of consumption and transportation Extraction, or illegalacquisitionandbiopiracy. species. endangered 6WHSVPXVWEHDOVRWDNHQWRÀJKWODQGGLVSRVVHVVLRQ and market) global the of (30% trade wood illegal of plague the curb to order eate ae ih; hs s re o endangered for other typesofdeliberatepollution. DQG true WUDIÀFNLQJ ZDVWH DV is ZHOO DV WUDIÀFNLQJ this VSHFLHV light; and are rare penalties are DUH prosecutions FULPHV while substantial HQYLURQPHQWDO very E\ JHQHUDWHG 3URÀWV biopiracy. RIDQFHVWUDOWUDGLWLRQDONQRZKRZDQGÀJKWDJDLQVW nies and human rights, adopted by the United the by adopted rights, human and nies Follow guiding principles regarding 7. compa- sity Amend the Convention on biological diver- 9. organized environmentalcriminality. “eco-crimes” $GRSWDQLQWHUQDWLRQDO&RQYHQWLRQGHÀQLQJ against Corruption by the signatory States,signatory the by Corruption against 8. Strictly apply the United Nations Convention adopt to recognize and enhance the protection the enhance and recognize to an nentoa tet establishing treaty international R HQRFWH JW DJDLQVW ÀJKW WKH UHLQIRUFH WR Council in June of 2011, and 2011, of June in Council which , in 11. Favour the establishment of a new of marine species and numerous other factors international cooperation program to walk are a danger for the oceans. The root cause indigenous peoples and local communities is escalating human populations, escalating through a global project for the restoration and consumption of resources, escalating populations sustainable preservation of the Amazon and other of domestic animals and a complete lack of primary forests in the world. initiative, courage and passion by political world Inspired by the exciting success of the PPG7, a leaders. new international cooperation program should The root cause is escalating human populations, ÀQLVKWKHZRUNIRU%UD]LOLDQUDLQIRUHVWFRQVHUYDWLRQ escalating consumption of resources, escalating which has already been done, then later be populations of domestic animals and a complete implemented African and Indonesian rainforests, lack of initiative, courage and passion by political as welle as other primary forests on this planet, world leaders. For hundreds of millions of years ZKLOHWDNLQJORFDOVSHFLÀFLWLHVLQWRDFFRXQW the Ocean has been the life support system for the entire planet providing most of the oxygen Traditional indigenous chiefs of the Brazilian we breathe, providing food, sequestering carbon Amazon who founded the Alliance wish for this and regulating climate through ocean currents, program to include funding for the demarcation winds, tides and the interdependence of the and granting of property titles to indigenous diversity of species within in it. communities and to include surveillance of all indigenous lands in Brazil. That supervision will So, to protect and ensure the future of oceanic have to be applied for any project of that type bio-diversity we need to implement the following on all indigenous lands worldwide. actions :

‡ Cease all world government subsidies to 12. Urgently sanctuarize all primary forest LQGXVWULDOL]HGÀVKLQJRSHUDWLRQV spaces of this planet, traditionally under the watch of indigenous peoples, the UN ‡ %DQ DOO LQGXVWULDOL]HG ÀVKLQJ WHFKQRORJLHV having already recognized that their presence like super trawlers, longlines, drift nets, purse is a guaranteed factor of the non-deterioration VHLQHUVDOOSODVWLFPRQRÀODPHQWQHWVDQGOLQHV of those invaluable environments. Indigenous etc. populations must once and for all own and ‡ Enforce international regulations against guard these territories and cannot be evicted. LOOHJDOÀVKLQJRSHUDWLRQV The Alliance underlines the need for creating as soon as possible, with the support of States, ‡ Ban all commercial whaling activities. DQ LQWHUQDWLRQDO OHJDO VWDWXV WR HIÀFLHQWO\ ‡ Encourage diversity by encouraging protect these vital ecosystems from any form of SRSXODWLRQ JURZWK LQ WKH ÀVKHV PDULQH predation. These ecosystems must not be used as mammals, sea-birds and all other indigenous part of a carbon market, payment schemes for marine organisms. environmental services (PES), REDD programmes, and clean development mechanisms. ‡ (QG WKH IHHGLQJ RI ÀVKPHDO VRPH  RI WKH ÀVK FDXJKW  WR GRPHVWLF DQLPDOV OLNH 13. Alert states and the international pigs, chickens, domestic salmons, fur bearing community to protect and ensure a future for animals and domestic cats. the oceanic biodiversity. If oceans die, we ‡ Stop the dumping of chemicals, plastic, will die. The decrease of marine species, reduction agricultural run-off and radioactive materials in oxygen production, increase in carbon dioxide, into the sea. PHWKDQHQLWUDWHVDQGZDWHUYDSRUDFLGLÀFDWLRQ and coral bleaching, chemical, nuclear, plastic ‡ Stop sonic pollution in the form of sonar and sonic pollution, unprecedented famine exploration for oil and sonic weapon systems. 28 The Constitution of the Alliance of Mother Nature’s Guardians

o-iciiain u t te eogn t a to belonging generation. the to due non-discrimination FRQWLQXLW\RIWKHH[LVWHQFHRIKXPDQLW\DQGÀQDOO\ of principle responsibility, the , dignity human of the of the principle generations, principle between solidarity and the equity establishes It principles. fundamental four establishes text The future generations». towards responsibility its engage which present choices the heritage make that also but the generations, past by bequeathed protect remind to duty « a has to generation aims text The all of and applicable obligationsinforce peoples, indigenous affected the of consultation informed and free preliminary, to or large dams built in violation of the right to consent of dismantling the recommends also Alliance The WKH:RUOG&RPPLVVLRQRQ'DPV·ÀQDOUHSRUW these sites. on rights governance and land their with along n atclr hog te dpin f the of adoption declaration of the rights (and duties) of humanity. through particular generations, in future for rights Recognize 16. from recommendations by abide to order in dams,hydroelectric large of construction the Internationally regulate in 15. binding manner and tribal communities, local and of peoples indigenous sites sacred bio-cultural the UNESCO and UN the through Recognize 14. .

eur te ih t ltgt i ter traditional their in litigate peoples language. to autochtonous right the rights, require these claim To would establish and generations, future and current say to is that human right to a healthy environment for humanity, Hence, therefore grantsrightstogenerationscome. It generations. future for environment the protect to duty a generations current the on enforces It and life of continuity the humanity itself. ensure to this life, of components essential the to extend would and would incrimination beings human to caused damages ecocide the to apply The ». depends population human a of subgroup a of population altering durably municipals and gravely of effect destruction or damage by characterized be should of crime The 7 Rcgie h itrainl crime Criminal Courtwouldhave jurisdiction. international ecocide the of Recognize 17. the ban on ecocide would guarantee the guarantee would ecocide on ban the or cssei servicesecosystemic the right for nature to be protected. vr hc te International the which over hc wud ae the have would which n hc a which on « a vast a « global

The Constitution of the Alliance of Mother Nature’s Guardians 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 Chief Raoni encourages Norwegian children to make a positive impact on the future, Oslo, June 2014. June Oslo, to make a positive impact on the future, children Norwegian Chief Raoni encourages Above : Above : Sônia Guajajara (coordinator of APIB - Articulação dos Povos Indígenas do Brasil), Chief Raoni, Marishöri Najashi (ambassador of the Alliance), and Gert-Peter Bruch (president of Planète Amazone), presenting the Alliance of Mother Earth’s Guardians at the Free Earth Camp 2017, that took place in Brasília in the end of april.

CRÉDITS PHOTOS : Gert-Peter Bruch : pages 1, 2, 3, 6 (droite), 7, 8, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21 (bas), 23,,25 (2, 9), 29, 31. CIAT / Amazon 14 (FlickR) : 4 - Eli Garcia : 5, 22 (5), 25 (1) Naziha Mestaoui : 6 (gauche) - Giulia Grossmann : 21 Mathieu Bonnet : 22 (1, 2, 3, 6, 8), 25 (5, 6, 7) Yvain Bois : 22 (4), 25 (3) - Eve Boccandé : 22 (9), 25 (4) Elvis Gygi : 22 (7) - Christian Poirier : 25 (8) Chloé Rayneau : 25 (9) - Constance Gard : 30 Logo : Mickael M., on an idea from Gert-Peter Bruch

TEXT : Planète Amazone

GRAPHIC DESIGN : Elisa Lewis Artwork

ACKNOWLEDGMENTS : Karine Doucerain, Marie Peixoto, Constance Gard, $UNDQ6LPDDQ0DWKLHX%RQQHW+XJXHV3LpWR Pierre Richard, Bernard Lavilliers, Edson Araceli Santini, %DSWLVWH2]HQQH6WpSKDQH%RXUGHL[$QGUHD*URIIH 0XQLFLSDO'LVWULFW2IÀFHRI3DULVWKGLVWULFW The Constitution of the Alliance of Mother Nature’s Guardians 31