if. M



mother'. Kernel and mi re- I cm band on a who iMalted Mr. Blaks, on the step of her Tbo gritted hit teeth, •be leaves, in the fx* of that statement! Your would pass my lips. Hia fac« frightened me. •Oabriel! give that wretch his money—and ■Won) lay my perann him !' k of whether I am or bouM. Whet do theee things mean T If Mies exnreihan uv intense pleasure retted on- clnion anil voung lady hu got a traveling companion in I m* a look in bit eyes which was a look of leue me from the tight of capable deciding right us who Winder la not to the of the to hit countenance. a ^oetrg. <% |onmal l»er mother's c Mr. the horror. He snatched the boot oat of hand, The was the one among wrong.' | priry rappreeeion "Capten. git rope. uoasiae a? irruff, Brttcmlg*—and my Sergeant only u mtiHn ram4» one 'If the now in the bona*/' mistress whet do theae mean ?' see ef that it enuff ymrm-Ymrd nan>« of it ir, The Moonatooe.' mm! set it in a footmark on tb« sand, bearing was fit to oope with her—being the only person my Diamond, things Major, lamp-pott high H*nf. after n little. to this Yankee to. and J". 33. BUTLER, I said nothing. I ouljr held on like death to •oath from us as w« stood, and straight among ua who was in pout—ion of himself. aak»J, waiting as string np Gineral, pointing (to oomacro.) TwniiNi am fbr this 'The ban left the hooee, mjr Udr.' turn nr the ■r t. r. K ill tor n n (1 Proprietor. my belief in Mia* Rachel. toward the rocky ledge calleil the South Spit. 'I no more answerable distressing person boyt togvther liumnjitly. answer to Ra- un- was oat the than he said. 'It, That aa straight liias one mure Ymake* afore I The stable-boy came back, followed—very The mark not yet Murml bj calamity, my lady, you are,' pointed fit'11 help hang Ottt Um Mil Ik* bna hoj pea. aa A aiience on m it to rain—and the boot fitted it to a hair. in half an hoar from this, yoa still insist on my •hel straight oould be. dropped F )UrHrr«, geant Cuff. mark, without a word. dismissal, bat your ladyship's money.' He him In the face, to |t.on firdi monthj. Mat ft«a of Port saying spomFPhilips. slapt Tha IncIm tint» totajr arm to him was but drove at tbe window, aa I eat there waiting fur •I can't account fbr it, air,' Joyce began; 'and I caught at bis and tried to speak It very respectfully, rery at wich th« Yankee ri* and floored the TIm Mrtr dm in (klllac— om«« in York oouuO. spoken or am or as before. the same it had Its effect t>n one other of them to again ! So mo vean a man la dartaliM talaki I very eony. But somehow other—* and failed I had failed when I tried firmly at time—and apeak ago. young holding Kernel, and at it they went, tooth and toe- tkaatoaohaap went to the Ser- down and mistress as well as on me. Shesuffsred Mr. 'Be ao aa to express tho tWmllmrtlaUMilni'aMtti 'Before I Friiinghall,' Mid He went on, following the footstep* my good yourself plainly,' a subordinate in East India I ever taw. And Imm to Um woodlaad flr Um to position nail—the wutt ■mall flto «w% to her back into the room. As sakl my Isdr. 'Do you refer my daughter*' «»« geant, cutting him abort, 'I told you to keep down to where the rocks and tbe aand joined. Franklin load service, twice to do- the Wkaa Um kill Um (hm-l»yrm^ pa, 'I said in so words. Company's attempted They was Anally dragged apart by jour eye on Roaanna Spearman, without allow- The South Spit was just awash with the flowing the door closed on the two the Sergeant, looking do,' Sergeant Caff, many himself of life lnr a loaded CWlly «*lll>c,- on table privo snapping of the hotel and the bystander*—the baa: bowi mf t mt\ mh." her to that abe waa watched. tbe waters heaved over the bidden fcea of about the women-servants m his obser- My mistress bad ber check-book the clerk 'HV, a*, ing discover being tide; among at his h«ad. Each time the farther am Um ^liocrUanrouo. were when we entered tbe room—no doubt to tbe pistol pistol two wuz arretted a bandy Fartkar, kill, now the rest Do you mean tu tell me that you have let her the Shivering Sand. Now this wajr and vant way, noticed that, while, all pay his room hy policeman FfclaUy aalllai, calllac •Ull.- in tbe missed tire. A friend entering to a an was was in tears. 'When his foe. She now it back and off Magistrate1! offit, bua: hoca'. ao". co'l" give you the that, with obetinate patience that dread- merely frightened,Penelope Sergeant pat he renaeeted hint to by. dragged "CV, co', alip?' he drawer. It went to heart to see bow her shortly afterwards, a uv the kaae the Ker- *1 am afraid, air,' aaya beginning to ful to see, Sergeant Cuff tried the boot in the your father has changed his wet clothes,' my when, upon heering THE MOONSTONE Joyee, loaded (ire it out of tho window ; It thon went off Into Um rnrd Um tkrmmr paa. 'that waa a little too canrftil found tbe same to 'come and to ua in fa- hand trembled—the band that bad nel wui fined $20 and cutU. tremble, 1 perhapa footsteps, and always it said her, speak your poor With heart at Um clow af day \ pointing Mr with benefits tbe band I without Satisfied that the mk grmtcftri not tu let her diaouver roe. There are auch a to the roeks. Hunt m be might, ther's room.' old servant { that, any difficulty. "Wat it thii?"he asked. "Fino for Ilaraca* u4 chain ara kunr away t WILKIK way—straight lir COI.IINM, had take when time ooines weapon hail been and load- we wns about to la Um atond y»ke ud plovgfc many paaaagea in the lower parts of thia no sign could be find any where of the footsteps Before the half hour was oat I got my God, may mine, my duly primed licldn a Yankee wich wapa-aiMd I leave tno man exclaim- TIm ilnri la Um Mack, Um kajr la Um mmw, AITBO* or "HO "TBI houw—' tliem. clothee and had lent Caff such my forever! ed, young sprang up, know who I "iUtBAU," RAII|*' walking/rost dry on, Sergeant »' place hang? Why, 'SquIrA, do yon TIm enoltna Amwt ara (klllact came 'I bad said and : "I must lie reserveu for WOBA* IX WBITK," "A*TOM)l A," "Ut'BKJ 'How lung ia it sine* you miaaed her?' He gave it up at last, ne looked again at change of dress as he required. Penelope hoped,' my lady, very slowly ing something am, and who he UP" TIm fHaortly inwp kU walaaaa blaat, or hbabtk," in. 'to have and moment 'Nigh on an hour since, air.' me; and then he looked out at the waters before in to us to hear what the Sergeant wanted with quietly, recompensed your services, great r and from tliat gave up Sh!" ted tfie Kernel's friendt. TIM pip eoaM paaUng to kU (K "Shi maator can at duti- to have with without Mias Verinder's some TIm aw* bar know*, 'You gu back to your regular buaineaa us, I leaving in deeper and over the hid- her. I don't think I ever felt what a good parted yon the idea of suicide, which for time in. fine— wkiaaylag deeper ween which bed rush "Pay yer Wkaa lato Um tha (krmrr paa, said the aa deti far* of the I looked where ful had so as I frit it at that name been mentiooed bet *,ua in his just yard | Rnlcrrct, eceonllar to act of ftanwri in the Fruingfcall,' Sergeant, speaking just SanJ. daughter 1 strongly having openly previous had been uppermost do for ut to hev let off for III* catlla ytmr Shivering aa it has been mentioned now. baa it woodent yoo calling,— l**7, l»v llmmk A naiirauu, In Um Claek'a Ofltee rompuenlly aa ever, in hie usual quiet and he looked—and I saw his thought in his face. moment I took her and sat her on knee— My nephew That young man afterwards woodent "Co\ boat •a', boMlM': ml mt" I for Uta ray came thoughts. lickina Ablishinist. The niggers for of Uia llutriet Court of Ua nitnl Matea dreary way. '1 don't think your talenta are at A dreadful dumb trembling crawled all over and I God blens her. She hid her head aaid something of this before you became Lord Clive. While mil Um cow-boy, away, houtbern DUtrict of Maw York.) prayed probably liko it, and it wood loto ut their vote. Una* accklnc Uroaa that bar* rmm Utnjr— all in our line, Mr. Jovcu. Your form me on a sudden. I fell knees on tbe on bosom, and her arms round my neck Into my room F prnent upon my my put Two brothers worn on one occasion and nothin." '•Co', boa! oo', boa! co'! tor' of ia a trifle you. tiood- sand. —and we waited a little while in silcnce. The "Mr. Dlake gave his message, my lady. Pay, say employment beyond n violent storm of I Mr. a reason—" together, wheu "Wat!" the Kernel, turnin to Ika ntlUnaald CHAPTER XVIIL—cornscro. morning.' 'She has been back at the hiding-place,' dead girl must have been at the bottom And gave Blake walking replied pale. Nov bar taak pa, poor me. "It is needless to tell me reason. of thunder and overtook them. said notnin, hut the fine for him TIm cattlc mm awdlai tkrvagk Um pto, The man dank off. 1 find it very difficult to I heard the sergeant say to himself. 'Some it, I think, with my daughter and with your lightning They paid •How are to find the I on Lnrhit lac, IIUW ud pwli jou place?* inquired. w u stood After what have said know aa well One was struck dead tho spot, the hurried him pack ■kscribe bow I aSi.«Ud by the diaoovery fatal accident has happened to her on those The Sergeant went to the window and you just you and away. Akaal lh« trough by Um Ikm-yara aaap, •I am norry to mid th« Ker- to back. was would tho nnmo room a moat disappoint yoa,' that lluaanna Spearman waa miaaiag. I amnnl rocks.* there looking out. I thought it right to thank aa I do that yon have gone too far go other spared ; else The Kernel went to hit in The fW>|leanni« yearllnp fttak tadJaapi thtt'i» MM which I mean to keep owe to and owe it to to have ox ho Um blaanl dm in irnuit—'but to be in different ininda about it, all at the The altered looks, and words, ami ac- him for us both in this I I it myself, I my child, of the great reformer Martin Luther fearful state uv ndnd, mntterln While AuUag» to myself.* fifty girl's considering way—and TIm new-Milch helfrr la aad *ky, same time. In that state 1 stood at Ser- tions—the deadened In which ahe Insist on your out." boen unknown to mankind. an Ablishinist In Viz- qalck staring numbed, way did. sneaking walked. "Can't lick Ral Um old torn welt* with truxjull cyai (Not to irritate your cwrioaitjr, an h« irritated at hia watch. geiuit Cuff—and my powers of listened to me and to me, when I bad in life have all the luxuries of in- The Sergeant looked to Fine me fur llckln AhllshinisU to And the white •iirsn Into Um brick! mwi, mar that Im c«me language quite spoke People high Th« 8t. luiving pall nine, I here inform jrou had he an- holy Augustine, burg! n I maid failed me. found her the corridor but a few hours their in low life have "If there had l»ecn time, my lady," lick an Ab- When to her taak Um Ik pa, • sweeping dulging feelings. People at o took with him a a set of Can't back from rmingball, p rotated with aaurcb- pruach distant town, pl^aso niggers! faotklncly aalllac.— 'No, Mr. Ilettendge,' aaid the as rose in mind and warned me, even no such which our swered, *'1 rliould have preferred writing my warrant Hie in auch matter* told Sergeant, since, up my Necessity, spares who some unnccountable means lishinist wat boa! an, boat ai! m! Ml" experience privilege. to our instead of it word or guide, by "Ho, if he had diaeovered the uppermoet thought In as the sergeant that his guess was not betters, nas no on us. We learn put report, communicating by room sat down Tka ckaarlkl lallkaMld tokaa bar atoal, hiiu that Kueanna «n in all carry- rpoke, pity mistook the usual road and fell into a When ho got to his ho probnbility me, ami waa it out to be be- wide of the truth. tried to tell him of into and to on with mouth. if thia is to go on, time by- Aad alia and allka In Um twIUgfet cool, picking answered, dreadful I feelings back ourselves, jog Uut, inquiry a llurryin hit face about her a memorandum of the hiding- to wasted in He afterwards discovered that his and drawed long sigh, "■»! hoaa! Ml alM ing fore all the rest. frieod, Roaanna, the fear that had (Voien me I tried to oar duties as as be. I don't oom- is of too ranch importance be |nith. Baylor, **S to in caae abe rrturued to 'Youryoung up. say, patiently may a and guide her, it, am into the matter at enemies heard of his movements, into his hands, ho wept half'hour, place, won't mr so aa you 'Tbe death she has died. was a death of thi*—I notice it and I writing. I ready to go having under circumatancea and after a slip through fingers easily Sergeant, plain only Penelope from his chair. I To rapper at but the Ihnncr pea, changed lapaa as once. It la a matter for me to had themselves in the road then fell fainting picked think. As long I know where Miss Verinder of her own seeking.' No ! the words wouldn't were ready for the Sergeant aa soon aa the Ser- very painfull placed proper Tha appla ara parad, Um papar read. of time. Pimuaeed of the memorandum, the him. the old man and him to bed, after all to bad. ia, I have the means at my of tracing come. The dumb trembling held me in its grip. waa on hia aide. Aaked if she knew apeak of, and for you to hear—" with a design of murdering up put The atoria ara told, than would be ftiruiahed with all that be dispoaal geant ready limht with and Without Um artakefe* caaalaa aoag 8ergeant Mian Verinder'a I them I couldn't feel tbe rain. I couldn't see her to There my mistress him once more. a which I chafed hit whisky accomplice. prevented driving what led fellow-servant destroy herself, stopped Iiaron, tho when tender boy Make* akrlll Um illaaaa all alckt loact cvull desire.) that "I make it lm to sculptor, a bottle of it to his llnr and mine. lie from communicating last night. Very good. the rising tide. As in the vision of a dream my daughter answered (asyou will foresee) mi/ possibly painful you, live fell in tho nit of a put TIm heary drwa ara hlllac, •Now, Mr. 1 lettered ge,' he went on, she of years old, so*j>- 'auppoae will at instead of the lost creature came back before me. I it was for love of Mr. Franklin Blake. Asked and to my servant and friend here," thowed tome of life, ami in The houarwllb'* band baa lireid Um lock | we aod to buaioena. told They get together Friiinghall poor good boiler. and muat have had not signs perha|» drop apeoulatioa. get t set of in a faint and tlafca klldm clock t getting together here. The prevent inquiry saw her again as I had seen her in the past time next if site had mentioned this notion of hers to aaid, "if I the example sneaking boldly perished, the an hour, cood utter words Drowtlly to have an eye on Roaaana. Where ia of de- a workman just entered and observed TIm kaaakold atnka to deea repeat Jojrce must ha shifted sooner than I —on the when I went to fctch her into other 'I have on my side. You suspect Miss Vcrinder ?* simply (rather morning any person, Penelope answered, of his head, and deliver- feeble way. Dut atlll In »lccp tka frna-boy pa Joyce had ftwm thia house to the house at the bouse. I heard her me that not ft»r K>«ar>na'ssake.' I felt it us all the Diamond for top immediately a Al»—lishini wu who anticpated) again, telling mentioned it, ceiving by secreting "I—can't—hang ;t any Marine, calllnc.— the Friiingham policeman, ed him. br»«*! ao*t co'! ao,!M Joyce whieh Mwa Verinder ia In the mean to her to to a to 'And iome of her own T Is that true ?" "Co*. h*M I an', left at 8er> visiting the Shivering Sand seemed draw it necessary add wotd this. I said, purpose more! Oh!" had been Superintendent seegrave an Aad oft tha allkaald. la bar driiai, by time, Ira afraid I must trouble to eall the her and whether her as well. If my When Oliver Cromwell was infant, »uw- »l. The clock atntck two aa you againat will, wondering for Mr. Franklin's sake, my dear, "Quife true, lady." And Me om mnn n*iapn. la tha with Um atinm, Cuff's dnp«* i nave poor Drama pail taking servant* together again.' was of at it is not with well. Now, before jou begin, a snatched him from his cradle, boa; to the mo- grave waiting for her there. The horror Roeanna A died for love of him, "Very with hint for fifteen mill its, when bo Murmuring 'Un, a!" put the ({ueation, and, punctual wmt with she monkey Cut I rouixl him to the scrr ants' hall. it struck at hi some unfathomable his or his Let him leave to tell you, as Miss Verinder'a mother, that with him a gled the came round to take Miss Ka- me, way, knowledge by fault, through garret window, his This time he wi« ment, carriage is bat it b none the leu of what loajxvl agin opened ryes. It very disgraceful, through hit own child. My girl was just her the house to If be does leave it, without k incapable doing you pup* ami ran the leads of the house. effort. ehel to Iter aunt'a. day. abtoluttly of her along calm, tho' ho with nn evident true, that I hvl another attack of the detectivo- age. girl, tried as Roaanna was tried, the useless of the truth.' Ser- her to have done. Your knowledge was lite in- spoke Mine at a urn*,' saw in* sergeant, My pain knowing pose The utmost excited among In a hoarse Not but Pardon. thing stop- fever when h« s.iid thoee l.vt word*. I have lived that died datea from a or two since. m*«| ho, whisper, Juitice, forgot might miserable life, and geant Cuff said, 'Quite right,'! ami fell silent character day My luates, aud various were the devices used "Nasby," nic u I «u about to send in search of datea from the bo- "its time I wiu It's time thiU the ping that 1 hat*I Sergeant CulT. I seised him confi- this dreadfUl death. ; notion (as it seem- knowledge of her character gono. In the when «m first *1 must attend to Miss Verinder first.' again comparing Penelope's to rescue tho child from tho guardianship or oommil- dnys Napoleon Joyce. tlie arm. 1 'For ikiegs» to fetch my breath r»nK. beforehand, that (with your experienoe)tho tho time wood ever when I couldn't oned Samuel to couie down to him from the rum- over the alive when entrentiea she moved th«* kind-heATted himaelf in a kind of to the ami to see me a* anawer it I met Mr. Franklin circumstanced have fatally misled you inthia wmiiig Imby again, n or u Ahlisbnfst in Missi»- melancholy rapture again, thicga about things On my way to hung nigger to »llow Iter to enter. Mo behind. am no the retraced its and porter 1'AMing air. were. toward the sand-hills, I out of his aunt'a He men- caae. Mind ! I in possession of private monkey quietly stejis lint it hex rum, and I'm acumbrrr a mine empty really Looking coming sitting-room. sippi; one ntotu to *h«» found her •You will sn friend of waiting among I am aa ahut out of its on tho bed. from Another, thia said the mv the men-servants from out-of-door, and the tioned that lier was to see Ser- information. absolutely my dcj>ositcd hurifou uv the First, is not on the be saal. *If man,' sergeant (apparently ladyahip ready safely gronnd. my nicgors whieh Xanolroti, the trees, this side of lo>Jge gate,' bo confidence aa arc. oue re** On a occasion the waters had wat to the hall through meaning me), understood the of fisherman named Yolland, all running down to geant ruff—in my pmence as before—ami daughter'a you My subsequent free; next, vote; then Im fined for friend, without stopping the carriage will 'only growing ia tho reason ambi- they with hi* oltieers, wm to mss. when be •My he would be the uicst us and all taken the alarm, added that Ira himself wanted to say two words •on for speaking positively you well nigh his insatiable I'm told into the rumble with You have rose*. completely perfect together; having quenched Ik-kin a Ablishnist, and filially at And get op yoo. our back to have heard I know a from she east herseli his fret. character on the face of creation I After that calling out to know if the girl had been found. to the Sergeant first. On way my already, mychild." tion. lie fell into deep pond, one nv 'em. Wat is AppeAml, to do but to bold your tongue, and shut me her hand. I tliat I mustn't hang lUAnner nothing In the fewest words the showed them mom he and lookod at the timo- She turned to me, and gave in which a named In the most cArnest and moving will into trvu- strung expression of feeling be sighed, and sergeant stopped railway drowning clergyman there left to live for! Here, take thin rope, eyes. Otherwise, you get put them kissed it in silcnoe. 'You may go on,' abcKiid, cried, sire ! for my fa- bis arm through mine. 'This is how it stands,' the evidence of the footmark*, and tokl tabie in the hall. Johnson was the hole instrument of his 'Tardon, purdon aa aa ever. these and this howie knife, and Cr that a fatal aocidcnt must have to •Are to leave us, 8ir V I ask- Uie agaiu steadily pistols, ther I" he said, down to busimw*. 'Ro- happened you really going facing Sergeant resell". ttr me. I With that advice he sent the footman back to dropping again Cuir bowed. mistress had inn tip in remembrance sanna one two ei- her. He then out the fisherman from ed. 'Miss Rachel will conic Sergeant My pro- hang "And who in father ?" n.«ked Na- What Samuel don't know. has done of things. She has picked surely right again, a sol- is your his place. thought I one effect on him. His hatchet-face At the siege of Leicester, young die sail and Sad. to think things ther direct to I can the rest, and a to him, if only her time." duced but glad. "and who are P" was to that Misn lUobel was gone Frixinghall (before get put question turning you give was poleon ; you It my mind, for a aa if for her. dier, about 17 of ago, ilrawn an tha to ex 1 can't totter plain, or about toward the sea: 'Tell me he *8he will come answered Mr. •oAened moment, hewoaaorry yi'ars is—glad go, nAme la she And to in view from the time she there), shs has gone lirst to viait bcr hiding- again this,' right again/ "Mv Iwijolia," mid, be privately kept to him ill his own conviction, it waa out for One of his com- at the Sand. The first to said, 'could a boat have taken Iter off from that Franklin, 'when she hears that I have gone Aa ahaking sentry duty. 'em." teara added. "but, aire, left our house if she did leave it. A watch placa Shivering thing a with flowing my see me no more. to see that ahe had not moved him rades was anxious to take his No At this I fei| him a little find out is, which of the servants saw the but ledse of rock where her footmarks stop?' away, ami that she will plain by place. pint whisky father U doomed to die." set on my young I A spy behind her in himself in his man went. lady I he In resentment of my young •ingle inch. lie settled chair, was made and tho out uv a the rumble of her mother's I could of her before she left the bouse.' The fisherman to the rollers tumbling thought spoke objection sjioon. "Ah, ladr," Napoleon, carriage! pointed so. his vile attack on Mias Rachel's on young replied out treatment of him. Out it waa not and he began He was shot dead while The "Hold hand sod he, "while Mr. cut own out for On instituting thia it turned in on the sand-bank, and to the great waves lady's My guard. my steddy," enn do for It U the have ray tounge having forgot- inquiry, when the in these worda : "I nothing you. that the last who had set on Rusau- the head- mistress had notlccd, from the time character man first drawn lieeamo tho author I write a 'nolo these keep- ten so fsr as to to Cuff. person ejss leaping up in clouds of foam against young givln yoo ond time in which father Iian bren myself speak Sergeant oame the that the bare 'I must ask he Raid, 'to look your na was tbe kitchen-maid. lands mi either side of us. first into bouse, your ladyship,' of the sakes, that no one your rite Tbe first to ootoe out of the boose waa Nancy, police view as Pilgrim's Progress. may qitestion found of treason the .State." person mention of him was to set Miss Rachel's thin matter in the (ace, from my point of guilty Against She stood on the had seen her out with • letter in •No boat that ever was built,' be answered, enough when born was so to em." ray lady. aside, top step, Nancy slip of his .11 aa from Will to Doddridge "Alas," excUimed tho poor "I post- have to her that.' in a flame. He had been too food youra. you please aupjiOM weakly this time oa a levf of bis girl, herself there to see what Not a her band, and slop tbe butcher a nan who had 'onuld got through temper an infant, tliat ho was beltevnd to be deau. He wrote do not iul lag happened. cousin to like to confess this to himself, until the coming down herr, in my ptaee, and know It, aire ; bnt I for Jut' to the or to lieen some meat at th« back door. Sergeant Cuff looked for the last time at the yourself saw some memorandum book, and, makin a mochen word did the say, either Sergeant just delivering she drove and will allow me to A nurse standing bv fancied she I Itevith was now tmlh had been forced on him when with my experience? you panlon. you, me. With her closed, and her arras folded had heard her ask the man to the footmarks on the wind, which the rain ez tho ho wux tvin a knot under some tire—Implore lips Nancy post eves once in that mention what that has siirns of Thus Uio feeblo spark fAther!" Tbe fast out. off to her aunt's Ilia very briefly experience vitality. forgive, on, forgive my in tbe which she had wrap- letter when he got hark to FrisinghalL blurring opened was saved from one's ear, died. llis liut wonts, wnx— light ganteo-eloak eruel which know of, Mr. Franklin been?' or life being extinguished trembled, and hia man said it way you Napoleon's lijta eyea rouud her on coming into the air, there site had looked at the ivldrras, and had 'There,' he Ms the evidence that she do an consistent is black's tho winnln pel said, had Uken his resolution—the one resolution My mistress signed to him that she would and eminent author and "Spades trumps; filled with tears. After a as as a for her was a roundabout of a momentary stood, still statue, waiting daugh- way delivering letter, can't have left this place by land. And here,' The went on : to the world, which a man of any spirit could take—to leave this. Sergeant Christian preserved •pot.** of feeling, he gently took thn ter to directed to Cobb's Hole, to post it at Friiing- he went on. looking at the fisherman, 'is the ev- he 'I have I a tear or two and his struggle appear. the house. 'For the last twenty years,' said, a child was wept composed 'Well more came down on a which .John when hand of the young maiden,and said, In a minute Mim Rachel hall—and that, moreover, idence that she can't have sea.' cases Wesley only de- Saturday, get away by What he had to say to the was been in of family scandal, liinbs. And bavin arranged the body wonld the letter to its des- Sergeant spok- largely employed from lire. Almost tho nn>- child, for sake I will your stairs, very nicely dressed in some soA yellow prevent from getting He and considered for a minute. 'She of man. The just preserved in wich he be- my your (tardon stopped en in He described her in the confidential I altered his will me and until Ibmnna had an my presence. ladyship acting capacity mcnt after he was rescued, the roof of the coutly, father. is Now leave stuff that set off her dark eomplcxioa, clip- tination Monday morning. was seen running toward this half domestic which h as Thai enough. place, as to that she had one result of my practice me his rope, nistol and knife, the form of a round answered that the of the letter be said willing acknowledge s|iokcn house where he liad I wen, fell in. queathed her tight (in jacket) delivery being hour before I got here from the house,' on now in hand is a iv- ped And he asked if Sergeant Cuff any bearing the matter so ox to includo his trunks and contents, tjiiick." the waist. She had a smart little straw hat on till was of no The to Yolland. 'Some time has since then. over-hastily. Header, whoever Are, know thaUu delayed Morxlay importance. ]M*sed that cue—to his sult which 1 may state iu two words. It is well have now claused since out uv his you the would consent—in accept fee, Many years and, takin Ills nockct book ber head, with a white veil twisted round it only thing she wished to be sure o! was that Call it an hour ago. How of rank have soon a sinner Goo, the from your altogether high and to leave the matter of the Diamond where within my experience that young ladies three sul'mlterus might been I bust id into a uv Against cry She had gloves that fitted her man would do what she told him. The man would the water be at that time on this side of breeches, paroxysm must also be, "Not but ftAT- primruee-coioml the matter stood now. The and do have private debts in the water oflT St. Helena; lip* justice, to do Sergeant answered, position occasionally struggling in wich I wux found when "the in- hands like a second skin, Her beautiful black had promised it and had driven aw%y. the rocks V He to the south side— to their near- grief, «lon." pointed Sir. fee is me for doing my which they dare not acknowledge one of them was lie was hair looked as smooth as satin under her hat. bad been called back to her work in tbe the which was not the 'No, My paid duty, succumbing. mates uv the house arrived. Nancy otherwise, side filled up by done.' est relatives and friends. Sometimes the milliner I decline to take it until my duty is saved to live as Arthur Duke canto to ller little cars were like nwy shells—they had a kitchen. And no other person had seen any- Wellesloy, The sons uv the deceased Vlx- quicksand. 'I don't understand says Mr. Frauk- and jeweler arc at Uic bottom of it. Sometimes of On dangling from each of them. She oarae thing afterward of Roaanna Spearman. •As the tide makes said the fisher- you,' Wellington. tho next and took the old gentle- Marriage. pearl ti-day,' the money is wanted for nurjiuscs which [ dou't bug ilay out to us, as as a on its 'Well?' I asked, when we were alone again. man, 'there wonldn't have been water to "«V The life of John Newton is but the his- man's remains in all bis bills, The causes of nil the woes in married swiftly straight lily enough sara the in this case, and which 1 won't shock away, pay as movement must to •I'll explain myself, Sir,* Sergeant. suspect a stem, and lithe and supple in every 'Well,' says the sergeant. 'I go drown a kitten on that side of the su hour what I have of a marvelous deliverance. As to me wich I had lent him and social In tlint mm and women, Spit •When I came here I undertook to throw the you by mentioning. Bear in mind tory Incloodin $'29 life, she made aa a young cat. that I could Fruingball.' since.' he had to some before bis duith. The external and sensual, Nothing on the matter of the my now Ictus sec bow ocnU youth agreed acoom(>any the day pistol, Itoin^ thomselves was altered in her face but her 'About the sir ?' necessary light missing said, lady—and discover pretty letter, Sergeant Cuff turned about northward toward tue on own friend on lioard a man-of-war. He arriv- with the contents, I to external Diamond. I am now and waiting, to re- in tbis house have forced back my knife and his trunks, are attracted ituh other by and her ller eyes were and 'Yen. Tlie memorandum of the the ready, eyes lipa. brighter hiding-place quicksand. deem When I have stated the case whether I liked it or not I' al too late; tho Ixiat in which his friend sold—the roiio—the rone wich 1 coodent and sensual motives. is so that must see at my nledge. experience, beauty fiercer than 1 liked to tc«; and her had is in letter. I the address the ocvu- Physical li|« 'How much on this side?' he asked. as the case now and had was and all tho shel alluz in affectionate re- above Exter- that it is address I I to Lady Verinder stands, He considered with himself for a moment, and gone ca{Mired sell I keep esteemed spiritual beauty. lost their color and their smile puat-offioei If the suspect, •Lens answered Yolland. 'The Shiver- completely still,' when I have told her what course of ac- a forced drowned. On another occasion, uv old man. an* desired more than in- knew them She kiwi l»«r •hall order the responsibility my list ice that favored some business had detained him, wuz for hint to survive soch erna all—the love of self and the world. cheek. She aaid, to forgive me, mamma,' I sergeant pony- The turned to and saul that the Jou nobody. pool, impossible 'Try Sergeant me, her after whether she to tnc loss or over her face chaise. In tbe we a ucw ladyship decide, (hat, first information relating that he ramo to bis l»oat much later than reversal uv ami it Wh»*n selfishness, vanity and —and then down liar veil sUble-yard got light must on the •>Iy complete evry thing, sensuality, accident have hap|**ned aide of the does or does allow me to on. I shall then -came me pulledthat she tore it. In another mo- thrown on the not, go the Moonstone,' said the Sergeant, to to the of thoso who wuz as well that he died cx ho are evil which mi missing girl. was nt that. usual, great surprise ambition, the genii brings vehemently quicksand. My tongue luwcned have done what I undertook to do—and I'll take to perhaps ha>l ran down tbe ami had from Secgnave. Unproved were in tho habit of his undevl- I'eace to bis ashes! His death Is which haunt In various ment she steps, accident!' I told him. 'When she camc to Superintendent observing did. them •No foe.' that lie was together,and as was a my satisfaction went out in the ru*hed into the carriage if it hidiug- this sho to end it my complete perfectly ating IIu one more reason for my hatin Ablishnism the Altar, the couch, the CHAPTER XIX. place cvue, weary of life, In those wonis rvrgennt tun remin«ie«i us inmi the cam*. The one punctuality. disguises nuptial of managing l>oat as to a which reason wuz needed. can we but plaoa. here.* a incaptiblc heretofore insj>ect ship, of other domestic circle, what expect The new* of Ilwsnna's m even In the Detective 1'olice, » inau may Iwve said which struck me as wcrth listen- any Cull was as uffy'—who «u occasionally ly. put conduct him to my lady's and contempt. I thought this curious—bat I joke young lawyer city imp, an old man he said the had shaken out ez fanat- place. in and who had ; disoovrry Franklin wished to l>e Mr. Pranklin to some clumsiness on the the the great ows of hell earth ? 'What do want?' Mia from employed weeding (lie garden, present. attributed it mainly person jiointed projected upon you says Rachel, roe he 'Let him alone a little.' Then he a sevu Ki«iiiii« as u half an ; said, 'Not unless Verinder desire* it.' have offend- ie wuz a traveler for conservative I/ot men and women learn that marri- behind her veil. Sfiearman Ulflj answered. Lvly Superintendent's furl which might dry turned to Yotland and 'Is there was Nasby, a se- since. was the a»ked, any He in a to me, as I following 1 it in house in Noo York. It wux Is the most solemn event of life. Let one to an- hour certain that girl added, whisper ed the young ladv. After tliat by my goods age *1 want to say word you, ml*,' iHiffy chance of her when tho tide ebbs i* put Ineulent at haul him in the not walk- Anding again?' the Sergeant out, 41 know whit that man and to An Affecting VickMmrg—The rious for all concerned. a and ideal of marriage he swered the Sergeant, 'before you go. 1 can't paewxl flr-plantation, Yolland 'None. What the Sand mind, applied myself, single-handed, joke pare holy *»- And answered, to about and I am too fond between 1869 and 1 Hf»9—l/n- a out in the direction of the going t>*y Rachel; the case. It ended, as are aware, in the Difference rrrttoiJHrii V. Kahiiy, in tho youthful mind. li the coast,' Bettered**,' said, ■ill of my window, with his face hidden in were pieces of the same puzsle. far, Oct. 12th, 18UU. ) date, is responsible for tho following the and eo-work- yourself woman's regeneration—as pnrlner answered. say to you about the young death. hands—and the door, any I that the Moon- ment : whether you go or stay.' Penelope peeping through suspected thing, suspected Ono uv the most afioctin incidents wieh er with the Church and the W«»rd in the the want to Four fbot out, broadwise, the side of the been one of the scr a Miss Rachel never even answered him. 'Drive •Ihitfy!' says sergeant, *110700 along longing to comfort him. In Mr. Franklin's stone bad stolen, and that There is n man who is now living In salvation of tho soul. Let it be the occa- * there's a shelf of rock about half fathom over como tinr my notice at !' she called out to Ute coachman. earn a shilling If w do, come along with Spit, I should have called her in. When you vants might to be the thief. good. transpired of tho town of Hit on, James place, prove Very Cross in this to- remote punt Ossipeo. sion of self examination, watching! and me. Keen the Mr. Uctter- down under the Kind. woman is comfort state of what f Miss tho Southern Hotel, city, * itbout another word the shut the |KWTe. Sergeant wont he could say to her. ent ways, trying help her solation. Ex soon ez he'd got well ac- sorrow in hia face. sent mo with this, that was with Hogen in his comnaign up I^tnl ami to each other; wnen they make 'urneM as though to to him. Cuff h id the a leaf torn out of his 'Penelope we taken our Mats lost Having brought my Innuiry to with he'd a never My laily speak gives buy The first wonls, when had jewel. quainted me, thought about Jjikes and and of aa «»?<•! hrr Mr. Dettcredge,' he said. 'She found it in Roe. and not I (ieorge Champlain, the word of God their rule life, and Tben, if dwtruvting h^rwlf, bsnd os wbioh was writtea in were point—then, my lady, till then, begin uv aakin mo for it In addtahen pocket-book, pencil— anna's room.' spoken by my lady. anyhow. on hb return, reeollnets (Jor. Shir-1 over 'Let nw see too before me to back into own mind for own s*#ing read it and it when kindly. you leave us, 'Send one of lloaanca boots.ani run, sue saw, 'mere «u look my my wich is to pray together, Spearman's It *w Iter last ffcrewell word to the old man *9crg«ant pernan to thin purely (wrsonal William Alexander she *kI, in t broken voioo—aud «tnt be nuiek about own Mis* greef, ami hb the welfare of their children is Frukli*,' it.' »mf eicuae for the inconsiderate manner in exjicrience. My experience explains the Colonel wux a ehivalroiw ley Secretary, spiritual rooiu. who had done hia beat—thank done otherwise conduct. myself, near on to her own I Kuaanna's n«>tn sent the It associates her with those other ladies Hi* li tliat age their hearts, we have a home of says ; and I bojr no wish however, to claim that eicuae. I my, young servis hut sirh nppmnutoe heavenly to the tears •Yoa h»*e often tne, Mr. It tells me debts she in thn Confedrit hisself. I»Lm but Franklin, turning me, with in his back to mjt thai I mrsrlf would follow him with fbrgiren Betteredge, with that I if I that I know of. she has uikI I In nothing order, ami the ideal of perfect sincerity, regret it, win: to cox that he form! IniiMcIlity. pence, as moo as in time*. Wlien next aee tb« Shiter- that must be And his devoshon tho of and that with purity eyea. '(let me awsy to the train you th« bout. past you daren't acknowledge, paid. the simplest kind* fowl, Christian civilization and the of the once more. wronged you.* all thn white* in this hope !' I an well wu not ing fWtxf to forgire me I have it sets me whether the loss of the into tho field a dish before hint. can This, aware. th« qaickrat try The grace of voice and manner with which she asking myself, poor • spoon froin pl«c«l world.—Fntm Dr. JMcombc's new boot, loo hi* into the house. For the war t» lake of found tnT prate where mr prate waa not mean—that the and huntid slch ex woodent go and Ha went way obeying the directions which I waiting made him that atooement had iU doe effect on Diamond may Diamond vicinity, He ha* iimhI toljacco from his youth, cnllttfl"The fiow' litre a tut Kachal bad unmanned had nonTid. Dut I waa Ibr me. I hat* iitrd, awl diet!, Sir, for be to litem. That is out uv tho with lie wux Ilrrmflcr." moment Mw completely raol«nl to ere for gratrfal the Sergeant. He permission to justi- must secrrtljr ptalgtd pajr country, dorgs. has prohul>ly chewed ami smokod more that how food he must have what new your kind new.' repeated which draws from wore ruffled him. Judge froiu iitjarlf myetiAcatwn wu on, his aa an aot of the conclusion my exjterienoe a troo Ho shirts, a ton in his time, lie how- going fy himself—putting justification gentleman,* than laji, A nhort tirar tx«n of her! l*i«>r* I trusted & wanna'* boot in There waa no more than that Little aa it he facts. What doea your expe- the National and drank Rr.MAitKABt.r. Coi.t.—A thesrrgeant's reapect to my mistreat. It waa impoaaible, plain ladyship's took Intelligencer ever, he think* it lias hurt, him. And UuU Cuff and I were left f«ce to f»c* at han Is. okl notion of tb« If hadn't inanhood to bokl rience say against it ?• without water. ■inert Mr. Robert Honner maile two Herfaant Mjr scrrening girl waa,! enough up against said, that be ooukl be in any way rcapontible his brandy-and-water it will shorten hi* life nuuiy veATi. Ac- per- of the The stood I eouki sreoied to hart come tack on .me It. Tour tear* come 'What I bare «*in't touch I aaid. 'It'a that the nomination tbe wardrobe* — everything,' me,' out I could, awl did, bear witneaa *bip meant gradually around Uie eourxe the wagon As I n«*r the shore of object wu a means of of Kiwwd that roeonsiruotion simply e An for speeded enough. 'Thia isn't a time lor whistling.' got the clouds the dread you that has driten her to it.' aa I the matter house. It tbe artk'e liocame habitual dmnkanl, And agely gathered he hail. And there thought, finding to tears, and driver :I12 half moment the and the rain earn® are in tlio tn.it ef he shood he electid hie weighing ponnda—a At that in the black dowo, drifting in great •You wrong, Mr. he anawer- left to conic to an dra>s which had, all probability, made Congris, Iwentv-flre or years he drank a)1 he earraife appeared IWtteredg*,' t have been judicioualy to s«t in- thirty mile in 1.11 the twood mile the on its to the white sheets of water be&*« Ik* wind I heard 'But tliere be to stuear and it waa a means of con- wood her to go to mom or l<««. as he 1-2; (juarjpr distance, through gap, way ed, ouietly. will tiae enough ; putting mjr Washington could "get, Hut, says, a wich ho to do of thia half in 34 1-2 acedia, being 2.1« There was aauther man beaaies the thunder of the aaa om the sand-bank at the of it when we are all indoor* a further clusion to tbe test, llow did it turn out ? jour sted uv Richmond, expected found it was not him Mg*-pOe. apeak again.* Sergeant Cuff, however, took U atep ho doing any good. Then the oolt was Samuel visible in the rumble behind. a nth of the A little farther on I raved I followed the rrat of them with the of the oooarntrd ; Mr. Blake consented ; Mr. next veer. to a road wapwf plainly buy. help (aa you shall now judge) with ladjship And be coocluded to leave it off, And now gait and John Murnhv •AO the !W|wnt u< hisiwtf. He the crvuohing f«»r shelter under the lee of the the evidently Ablewhite consented. Mia* Verimltr alone Kernel and I wuz in tho odls uv narneMwtl to a rightsail boy unj hotel, liapiwnin of nothing hut ci«W. and the second in Mr. a* say. It's time to take rollers in on the ami the the terror that were for us blauk. That mult satisfied ine that view onUi the mile in 1.10 1-4, Betteredge, you tumbling nuid-bauk, waiting at the bouse. Udv*hip ami himself. uijr to rest onto the Register, it lighted of thh business in hand now without driven rain over the waters like a was the one. If and Mr. A gentleman who formerly resided In 1-1. The colt ia a grandson of Ilam- sparing any awarding ty- •I have heard a motive aaaigned (br the young right jour ladjsbip this uaiue: 1.00 hod We'll with Kunuiu and the wildem< m <4 the CHAPTKll in not me, and ia out of a Ken- jr. begin spearman. ing j;arn»etif, yellow XX. woman'a auiclde,' aaid the sergeant, 'which Bettercdg^ persist agreeing with jou "WemUll I*hlli|«s—Boston. Mass." that section, thinks there la some little bietoniaa. high-bred Where ia T must to what tbis which him bia Joyoe beach with one black llgure Thorn in front had newa one. It is a motive be blind before jou ex bin Mare, groal solitary ttandingon spnwd the before ua. may poaaibly be the right happmed Tl»e Kernel staggen-d tho he hed inistAkr in Kan nock, be thinks tucky giroa We both oalled for ami received no an. it—the of Cuff. In I t*ld the • reckoning. ia a blood about Joyce, figure Sergeant We found the aerranta in a state of A* ouite unconnected with the caae which I am con- my daj. jour hearing, jo«ng in tho fi»eo. "\Win lei I in endurance. He bay, one et the to for panic. were stnick I'hihjts cannot be so old months, svrer. 1 Mat stable-boys look He wared his hand toward the north when he we am that that her the house things by nearly throo handa with a nudeatic, pasavd my lady'a door it waa threwn open ducting here. I bound to add, however, ladj leaving (as f Good Havana 1 where is he ?" 14 1-2 high,—and him. Hut saw me. on that ssle?* he shouted. from the iuner the other Some then) would an obstacle In tbe waj of mj Yixburg as what the Union ninkn birn out to be, of The Faah- 'Kwp tlolently sale. My miatraw my own opinion points way. put wieh wux settin way goiair, prwaaat what I said to .Vt« Yerinder?* 'And come You saw thai Capt. MeVav. by. atrong 'Vo« heard on down here to me !* came out among ua Mr. Franklin follow- unbearable la connection with the miaa- reentering her jewel. jnunwlrea Ion Course ia a alow ooa, and thia colt'a (with anxiety, to a man, in a stov'e- (Kn.) _ remarked the while wo were waiting. I went down to with she drove off in the f*oe of that sUtemrnt. You tall,* gaunt Sergeant, him, choking <* breath, ing *nd frying to be- has, aa I believe, driven the poor pinted time waa the fasteat aecooda ever she received tainly oompoaeher), quite ing Diamood, hat which wuz aettin the stovo are mm it by thre^ ♦And you aaw how it? I tell her my heart as if it wa* like to out of aide herarlf with the ■w that, so far from Mr. pi|)o by Men who are all obetk iai*l7 leaping leap horror of the creature to her own destruction. Idon'tprrtrod jounwlve* forgiving one horse of ace. Mr. Bon- aa an me. thing. of the Nu Vork Herald, and remarkt, too aeoh la made by any any that bar leaving will be ohetacW in 1 waa past I had a hundred •Tou are answerable for thla !' have lSlak* for hating dooc more than all tbe rest re.ulin brain. Natnro can't support plainly speaking. she crie»I out, to know what that unbearable anxiety may ner tlri.000 for this the of recovering her diaaonl—sad to to and not one of them to the clew into hands, she "that must be him." establish mm t. paid prodigy. way my qurrtiuna put him; threatening the fvrj^ont wildly with her hand. been. But I think (with your ladyship's per-4 jou put tnj publklj Jfara ItwUemm •/ f»r. <;«?•»* JUR. r*«Md •! U(t I A y thU Mttoalr Tk« f.lectin* and the wu • smash of the train it Asm a veteran and welU acrea, or near 1 u much land u all other Ftfl—mlh Amr+4- There «p fright Kendall, politician ltorM, but mm that •■May *t i—>rfd. Ommubp* teocee the About two- 700 j ia largest type. | v^ml4 land Sution on (he P. A IU railroad lul knows m one of the pro no ten cf tela* who from dia- Uoa, m will m Ut« aaa«ro«a MUllltM «bMi r*> printed The returaa sake the Cumber carty All pnTW M7 be sufferiaf thirds of Mm is that if, tbe conver- «np) pat together. ciumiI by the switch being left opes. a Waaira^aa, where he baa re- tb fidkwing *ol*e vrmni It In Um riutpa of amgkl, and phyr »pera, Friday, grapftjdM HMofin/(bvMivihKl>lmd mn w 3Kni0it aa or an aver- ehlW., It. re- vbeat crop 12,222.672 bushels, can loaded and lambar were adied af late last week. Ha waa born in O. UmLiUmdm, ijwMjr journal sation it tad tbe orchestra The baa trim, la what do Four with haf year* cure* At Augusta, by Dr. allwU to la IWlmia •( Wild Owrrjr, sung plays,—the question position "Kitchen Cabinet" Ifcadj wrwght Dr7wi»Uf*i of aetemlem bushels acre. The wrecked. None were 1780, waaane of Jacksea's who Hatii w. K>wU a B—♦»*». war-tike only per yield the recent elections leave the Fifloenth Am—d serionsly injaral. C. Gage, tW succaaful National i'bysiataa, t»r am», 1869. mainder, tragedy. and waa Poataiaater General him la ywgw< BIDDEFORD. ME., NOV. 19, it will he seen, ia a one per and week- appointed by commence* at the IJiddribra Hou*, a lasts three weeks, comparatively poor official The PortUnd adttrtiur, both practice Ordinarily Chinese play mentT A transcript from the records at daily in 1835, which poat he held fbr Ave years. 0/ where ho remain* until «bimt acre for auch rich aoil and favorable climate aa a this city, Nov. l»t, Biddeford and 8aco Retail Price Current. *««* CO. where the U one of the best of our It is hia in the business, and OFFICIAL IN •AMBHUPTC* FO« each «ub«r<]iKBt rrtning oumnriicin( Washington, subsequent to the action of every ly, exchangee. particip-it'nn telegraph the UOth. Mr. Calvin 11. Vinal, Vinal haven, Sle ia found in and ia far beiew the av- other he bad realized a fortune. r«" *■« c»it«» Tbe whole California, moet industrious of new*, it* editorial* in wa;s large itnahla to aa ii> also orrteiAi. nrn play previously left off. biography State Legislature upon tb« subject, gives the gatherer chronic diarrhoea 7 years, work, TVtmsit. Rot. W, IM» ba* ra- erafje of vears. It la, however, and selection* at earner his will ; and br one visit *« of a hero from birth to death to oarried through, preoeding result: carefully written, judicious. A letter by the Calafornia Alaaka, neighbors tastily Arr»*-r *••«•»! iM«.r the of the State following suu.nl work and 16 lb*. in three weeks, .TMM at Oil.UH.r mi IM while to ben lievrd of cropa airman. a fr>»m South America, sayi the volcano Panchace, pined but I do not think it forth stay by good judges The an aooount of » »•» Bangor Whig gives tha State and about twenty milea and, too, without the of medicinea. DrM,r ia dis- that the of wheat for 18G8 waa fully 18,- Arkanaa* .Mart h »» Mich Iran March 8 which at Orono last in of Canca, employment *• "T«~.r r»u.. loci* uotd bero of the Chinese evening yield ** frightful accident happened liter eom- ■mm.t my Connecticut IXNew York April 14 from the burat forth with terrifte vio- lira. Oeo. U. Wad Belgrade, Me., *»«<• 10*«v tk more. M Mr. Oilman Carr and bia brother-in- ley, tatut.f ft bo that bushels, if not II Nsw 7 week. W. capital, tbo mw Ar Tbeu interpreted the story 000,000 Florida, Hampshire. .July lence at on the 4ult., vomiting im- plaint, general weakness, Ac,; change cwn.it ft ..»r« Mew. fta.lMlt patched. Indiana, 14 Nsvada,... March I a Mr. were at work in At- midnight awl ft !»**> May " law, Curtia, Capt. and in her caae wu moat wooderfui OAw.BKf ft....»«« rwk,MK,f we could follow it well. Tbe hus- 5 mense of smoke, flame, sulphur, wrnipht very queen's Illinois, March (Nebraska, well'a mill at lumber. About quantHiea ft ■»«* OtvmI li«lk At moms. After an abaence from the State 77 " 96 Orono, sawing all the towns and Mr. Z. K Vaaaalboro, Me., wr tUp,.... ion who was heir Kan aw, Fab'y iPrnn»y Wanla,... ashes. It waa feared that rapid. Butterfield, * ft. um\* band wu dead and her appar- " •even o'clock in the while Mr. Curtia cw..r>>«—i*-*1 ai».r twelve of which were Louisiana, March frHnalh Carolina,. 16 morning, in the bad been buried in the difficulty about the heart, 26 year* standing, r fci of twenty-eii dajra epent M •• waa villagea vicinity, ciu«k»M. r ft-. *r». ent to tbe succession, ha I l>ero stolen a ba CMtt* 7,600 mile*, ing up logs pond, by waa observ- Collins, Wrwi liver, tat become consort. this time of tbe improved UIKTU. after the the Hirer Cane* Parmington. Me.; DmMi fa... if 4 prince During became in the chain and waa drawn eruption, Chaa^S. and the reet To Mcasrs. Wentworth, Worth, entangled to down the kMney. general derangement of the system; c-i. ft..w Mi Or»rt«T» ..Ift Financial. a Berry, Dataware, Marsh 4 seven ed riae very suddenly, bringing rwmvr r mourning, rebellion bruke oat and " IdjOht#, ....Ma/ to the abaft, around which he revolved Cbaa. ■*** * :» queen's and other*, New Kentucky, 13) up of men and animala in num- cured. Oilpatrick. Boothbay, Me.* dis- IN*nrfc.r ft iwt,r D rooks, Loom is, many Eng- at the chain dead bodice great ft...U«l» there wss much the wicked mandarin or eight times, each revolution abled arm restored, and general health ta»,NK,f if the fighting, of Califbrnla ; Demi* The of State had not then officlal- bers. Improved. •» It would l*' a gr«»:it improvement land men and residents Department binding him with terrible force to the ahaft and Jofao A. chronic Wk«srft.. the ; but he lost a battle received notice of th« ratification of Bratt, Greenfield; rbeun»tism; ft *'•*» CnihrJ [*i the Chan- being queen's general of Nebraska ; Messrs. (I. )y Virginia hia and to of South Boston on Moaday K. n.«.,r of the Treasury, like and Abbott Omaha, literally body legs pieoee. Edmund Ileal/ greatly benefitted. Mrs. HI Morae, Read- ft •el OnmmUtmi. IT#I* — been This craahing uH.r Secretary and was reduced to tha ranks and I left fear which had given. makes the num- acci- were Wm. A. Hodsdon, The first intimation Mr. Curtis had of the evening, murdered hia wifo, Mary, by literally field ; cured of R. JotMS, i>* Tm.orkmg.f ft. .fttlSk the in M. Kimurr, Butters, Capt. ber of actual ratifications thus far Waahiag. Uw.reMk an cellor of Kxchetpier Kn^land, tbe twenty-owe. Carr around to with aa ax. He dyspepsia. OatM S*n fc...l«o*l ing he would get still farther reduced ; for and others of dent, wy seeing Mr. molting smashing her bead pieeea ton, Me ; great pain in arm, caused by an in- in in tho IIouso B. F. Kimball (Biddeford men) There being thirty-seven States In the union, at M.rM, imi» TlMOf.r allowed to appear person bouri upon the alow moving, ret fetal ahaft, and aa the reaaon for committing the terrible to take a of land- t «• infernal noise was deafening, and three for the three-fourths for a con- gave Jnry ; obliged large quantity Hirtw, V ftlMTll WmJ.M—4,..:. con- we are under greater obligations requisite ratifying once the which the water woman him" * «> of ami announce the Chicago, cutting rope opened deed, that, "the old agravated anum daily ; cured by two visits. Mrs. Aaron *to.,c,rnn...w Itarl r*» Representatives was as much as one man could bear. Acrobatic we stitutional amendment would be her fkvors than we can mention here, but which twenty-eight. be the wheel and as well as he ami had been unfaithful, and he bad warned cancer the siseof a ben's M—wM mawii WUH «MMU> ami hU are gate, stopped Davis, China, Me.; of th« Seven more, therefore, wanted. Rhode Is- » dition the Treasury, develop feats were throughout alone and reamed the almoet a etore. a of it 1WN largely interspersed to some Bat to none could unaided, aeveral timw before, Healy kept groeerr egg; one week and scaroeiy trace remain- the future. •hall try discharge day. land is sure, though she has action till and his for aad the of endurance of the acro- delayed lifeltM remains from the terrible in ami lived in the aama tba kiteneo in Mrs. Den lamia plans Mg^MtioM play, powers more than to our former associate in the Jova- the next session of her Tbs position building, ed. Kimball, Sidney; difiicultj Legislators. Repub- were Mr. Carr waa taken cool aa his ho he to while the conversation which they placed. the rear. When arrested be appeared of Slc. .Vrrr vfrfrrrfmrmr»tf». FVoni position may supposed bats were astonishing, now of the firm of licans have carried chest; debility, mal, J. F. Place, eaq. He ia recently Alabama, Iowa, to his houae and lired about bad the should these than that eaa Vermont. Immediately twenty though nothing happened. Those intending to visit Doctor know more upon points any or was carried on by sounds wooden Minnesota, Ohio and These make six time he dialogue Berry k Place, importers of woolen and minutca after the accident. The only do so his arrival, as his rooms are gener- to )m re- four States of the seven. Texas and Mis- The Nfw York Tribune thinks that Father upon 3HAW*8 HALL. other and as he is held be described asking you to Imagine his requisite waa after taken off the ahaft be at tba close of his visit. 4w46 person, only by on the Pacific coast, where by are the epoke being ally thronged machinery sissippi required by reconstruction sets Carr had been at and Governor Hoffman have aaaamed Mm ftw af TmIn for all matters to the cat* with tails asked '•where am IT" Mr. Hyacinthe sponsible pertaining thousand caterwauling jammed sterling kind manners and industry be to record their ratification of tbs Fifteenth honeaty, work in the mill a week, having commenced moet Father Hyacinthe We have watched the course of an many dktrwid. as a just weighty responsibilities. most critical and Government in one grand chorus. won hosts friends we are to Amendment condition of their restoration of worn-oat an important has of and, happy work the and wu to complete and P rot rat- emaciated and (Urlorn dyspeptics, Lectures, Friday previous, to harmonise the Catholic a new of an to orchestra The leader who U to the Union. The two leading in each propewee female*, who Itave taken lease Lyceum interest, he should have And then the is in wealth. parties bia the upon which the sad accident dim imIx tka e( tW BMtfefori Lyne- opportunity know, rapidly increasing State—the Conservatives headed Hamilton Job day to all the communi- and received vigor, health anrplaei a of a thou- by Carr leaves a wife but no chil- ant churches, and bring Ktraledgradually strength, mn. Yonnr Men'* fhrUIInn Aaauctatlon. nod Gram I to make and tbe fidiler, doe* not upon harp a but not the lettera occurred. Mr. and the er xclal pleasure, from Uie rfcU of meet suggestions play Thus ends long journey, and Dent as well as the en- power of Im objections, two Republicans—have dren. caats thereof into one common acknowU Plantation Kitten, that we are not at the Army RrpnMI*. he would sand ; ia fact, his fiddle has only be body, surprised The fonrth raralnr Iwtar* of Ike Mint will bn to via tw, the measures strings "Acroaa the Continent," which will oontin- dorsed the amendment; so that the votes sf TiwtlmunlaU received. If It Is a lean re u urge, "one one ami one dally p at the with which be draws the those two States be edging God, fkith, baptism." ».«»l how ftall muil be Um measure Clven MUAWfi HALL, W4HWWH,on strings, but vigor some of and concern- may saMy counted, making do in the world, have Under tho present system, ued for weeks, principally GKsr.nAi, srwn itbmk. element DlIters. adored. with which he tbs total nntnber of ratifications or Gov. Hoffman, having the Democratic of the Proprietors of three celebrated WKDXMMDAT XVIN'S *OV. M, from his bow is only equalled the vigor the Chinese tiMnfy-afas, a member of simply ing one more Cougrrss, than is necessary. And this seems to to work to harmonise the Lfgia- to the beet Al 71 don't draw a single musical sound, while Rear Admiral Charles Stewart, the oldeat and with, proposes Mwuoi.ia W*v*a.—-Superior Import- a'alodt, by without any special knowledge be tbo astual coudition and probability of the it hooesC The ed (iennan Cologne, and sold at half the prise. position, with bold strvkes com- Af- lature of New York, and make of for elasticity of muscle Ifwr In ( uImi, There are some informalities to be one of the most distinguished of ita officer*. of the not because question. baa JOSH subject, infrequently and Tribune thinks that Oov. Hoffman taken or Have BILLINCS, mend me to tbe who beat the cymbals rectified, like the ratification of Missouri and ter more th*n of aervioe to llave a severe wrench sprain' yea (Of New Veffc ) a m<»- boy seventy-one years yoa neek. or his entire can. by simple the heaviest contract. And ao do we. rheumatism In any form! Here you (till ignorance, man struck the The mmurai are about to be resorted one or two other States on the basis of BrtJKCTi "NATRAL IIISTRT.- the who gong. tin-pan Desperate telegraph- his died in the 02d year of his age, at >'ii ih I hi caused liy rheumatic pain? If so, "Jehn- a evrn, avtasMc ic There is a bare ma- country tion, up Uogb com- car* intelligence. Republican no Kia- •on'* Liniment" la a apeclAc MSM|>\ and will b* ———4 by getting however, had the liver to, the revolutionist* in Cub*, which if residence in New at The Suea Canal (a failure. Captain Anodyne The ether Leeturea rtftltrljr striker, evidently by his Bordentown, Jersey, beet killer In the world. are tr-» no account a ma- in the Ohio up count- of the British Is also the pain Mill «r«k. The folluwlnjc |C*ntlcii»eli »|- and make of thoroughly bim out must create distress in that Island jority Legislaturv.madc by ton, of tba atae aaved from disease and plans «*ttling consist only banjo two-stringed every L. who murdered Thomas Brown prove of the very greUcat might lingering untimely J. APAMHItMmi, V.8.N. 8ah)ect. "Cmliaof t'OLlTICAV. Joaiah Pike, dentil If could have been ixoi wad of rack to bo found the whole orchestra labored an I Uiat "the tobacco be alao world. they the Kannarre." and resuming specie payments, fiddle ; but generally ripening crop beoka as Ilia leal works ef Dr. A. II. llayee, the and wife, two aged persons, ai Hampton Falls mod IW. ATKINSON, (of Yale Cellepe ) Habjeet. This aa far aa whether in the field Returns from *11 the counties but two in Wis. from who has so many aatosmM^ " in the coluiuus of the Congressional to make the most unearthly noise possible. destroyed may be, In the Father was excommunicated pliyaiclan performed "Wll iml II amor in wu lut week Hyacinthe cures last ten These works treat of mat- May, 18G8, hangol jail Roman a decree the yean. Jt'IKiK WKitIIIT, (of Ohio.) Bnbjwt: "What idea of the same kind and or after for curing." The ia to oonxin mske Fairchilds' majority for Governor the holy Catholio church, by to both seiee. (He* ad Globe. is John's music, gathered object in A number of ten eitremely Important Aiuerlea Meant." returns yard Concord, large people dated Oct. for vertiseinent of >ledlcal Institute.) 3wJ» niKinco an«i uuiumn— of sound trnrd to scare away the reluce as far as the revenues of 837,- 9000. Further sIk»w that G. Woolen 18,180D, apoatasy. PsaLody admlttlnc the holder to (JiHttions a'n'it <|uantity being possible from the towns oaroe Into the city NKAMIN TICKmi. to neighboring tmins over the Montreal aJleftW l-rrturr-, »IJU«arh. nlrfm.K TICK* to the of the dead and lull which derives from Cuban is elected the from Door One of the cattle In use ef two are connected— devil as soothe spirits 000,000 Spain sugar, (I)rin.) Assembly waa to be a Tilt Taca Ketarr or Dcstrrr lies tlie aruu. Heaeon Tlakela (br ante at th« mi'l the intimately with the pub- in the trestle work KTN, ii only and over C. 39 impression spectacle road, paasingover for Kaon ami Blddrfonl ami the Trtaa< Ik-fore the car of tobacco and other and from which she Kewanne district* II. Hsrris by were There temporary llagan's Magnolia Daim the cumpleaiom. Buokatoave In by In- th<* drowsy harmony. products, lic one, in which they mistaken. N. lot at the Of- will all-absorbing questions at North Concord, II., Monday, drop* Kan Prcefclee nrrr. Klngle Tteketi for n»Ic wnly Tleket con- her ainewa of war. The The now None Ituuglineea, IUdneas, IUotcbea, barn, must The part or the evening paay obtains emancipated majority. Assembly stands—Republi- were onlr about persona present. down six car loads of cattle the fice on Lr«(nra evening*. N» Rrarrvwi Mania. next Oon*»re*s; for something principal thirty ped 1(7 spread- is and a bsaa the relatives of the condemned man invle and Tau disappear where It applied, sisted of counter-marching, spear- blacks, who know every road, and cans 54, Independents, 2, Democrats 89. of the ap- of the rails. Hocking up the road and de- Ptivmrii R. M. (liMiaa, C. A. Mian, T. II. of this marching, plantation, and ing tlful of Mtln-iike testure is ob- |>e done to brin™ tl»e currency for admission, but a son of Mr. travel. Complexion pure, Cele, K. W. Ntaidee, K. 11. Uanka, J. kl. Ooutnln, with th« di- in the are to be biting ]>aasenger are to thrusting ami turning somersaults, bypath island, chiefly employed With to the President it is plication waa and wit- tained. The features made glow C. ti. T. II. Hubbard. to a IkisU with that regard Message, Mrs. Brown, hia victims, present plainest Ilainee, country corresponding a met C T. k MKRRILL, T«ru»*n. carried on melodramic singing on in this war of fire. "The more effectual," aays said that it will reiterate the doctrines nessed the scene from the to the end. gentleman living in Hartford, Coon., with healthful Dloow and Vouthrui lieaaty. commercial nations, or business alogue bj certainly beginning of other were with a accident on liememlier, llagan's Dalm ia the thing of four notes. The costumes Tory "this work of destruction ia accom- of the first messige on the financial singular Tuesday evening Magnelia ami gamut Cespedii, question Rat. James A. of the Ilroaiiway down in a can secure men will ami speculator* Copp, pastor last. He was about sitting chair, that produce* these effect*, and any lady OF MORTOAOE. despair, rich I am tolj *<*c« 840,000. cavalry goal for specie resumption. It every day denljr Sunday night, apod and he fell heavily upon floor, breaking LroVs Katiuiro* i< the Deet Hair Dreaaing. KIM hi Ih* trmi+r W tat. by bU M the alt the of the country.' Already, tail of bis ItwW Noticetbirtk th of (Mnbrf A », il|hMa kirnlH Mil dilir capital board hordes with the head and projecting This has a startling sound; but such ia war. It more that Cuban sffairs will not bo A ahocking accident occurred on the Eastern cartilage spine. iUy or probable on*, *imI h(i«M In T«k fcfutff c4 II™ k TTT, mercantile having sixty ninety of the women who rode course notes de- b* Jee*- paper. from the dresses them, if precisely the pursued by Sheridan, mentioned. bound train of the Western Pacific Railroad,near The mutihtod currency and bank |«pt II In U, (M'fH In H and In wrtrM* street now I* of is voted "slow" in Wall «u bank .VottceM. ■tab M Malbra, Ikn llili* ml j>an'4 to run, or rather the men who were dreroed as their under the orders of Grant, in the Shenandoah San last by stroyed lv»t week currency Special days The Democratic Union of New York elty, op- Francisco, Cal., Sunday morning, hutiMlk, In Ik* Nat* af N» llt»|«Uin, a lot >4 ImJ Is that a I lank issued fur bills 8lf>3,07U; balance Maatnl and » made, women while the she, or it) and Sherman on Atlanta for and destroyed, AXJNTE7 motainluK abuul fit* inn, cmiknt lit* Hml IV 1.1, proposition dress, trooper (he, Valley, by leaving to is said the New York colliding with the Almeda Perry ttain going bank circu- STATE OF~M shall be posed corruption, by due for mutiUtal notes, $310,426; Kiuctn: lUfimiiiiT, I In mM ItN tnd hnuratH hf fret IW, hj • nwkl k*l- with a large organ- about the his march to the sea. means an hour. The en- Und Manlr **n*d M< fan very capital hopped franticallj beating suppositi- Ccspedee evidently Cilixtn to have thrown 25,000 votes in the at the rate of twenty miles lation outstanding to Nov. IS, 621,713. Arorm, Not. it, IM9. > ln( la iWh IWrwUt, by kj and I tail" I 11 ill ana by Uwl wm a* U«* *« WlUiaa ha|M izi d. to dis4>ount commercial paper tious to strike such blows as shall make the enemy were a and the cars driven An m«lnn <>f the Kticutite Council will he charger. late election, although a little over 12,000 gines perfect wreck, At Miss a adjourned AU> iMU Und caiCUmt* ritnwI Bra arm, • Uatad only Groton, Ct., Maurice, young lady »- I I m the Cminrll In on Mooda? else. Most one who has the time to spare writhe. Such terrible determinations mean other the Cluuniwr, Aufueta, In a*U KIM ml hmiaitnl Mnrtti, hjr a r«d Imlliif lo nothing every of these were recorded, tho remainder through each crashing |>*Mengcrs of 10 kerosene oil upon tbe Are he ulnth itMt. being years, poured I twenty ftnutb ll**wtek, WrK by Ih* »M nwl Mln( It lla we reconcile about three miles west more than mere and such one man were an set- Taxation, to which must visits the Mission Dolores something skirmishing, nullified by dishonest counting and other among the ruins. The legs of to quicken it, when csplonion occurred, Atte*t KHAMKUN M. I'RKW Mali*! mi«mill and hy land !»»•• c* late M Uw tul her clothea on and she was so 2*M fwrrurjr of Male, »*r»b»l maUi'riy by la»l paying systematically slowly, cured It In the la*t two Price Uial now or Ut* af Several of the adobe houses with our Nation can remain neutral with such a state of a at Mr. Ward, mer- Mian 100,0ft) by yean. Ul* of Hlmai llanKim, wc**rrly by commerce of the coun- years ago. but wears the a Seminary Oakland, lb* tal l dnraard the and to the right or left, air of pal It will lie seen elsewhere that Dr. Gage, who I rtamu*l KmwM. northerly by land >4 industry ing mer- by mall, package, 11 J*,—€ packagee, their rude and tiled roof* remain, and at of remains to be seeu. chant of S*n Francisco and Mr. Herman, cures in the ai»l by Ural now or Ul* <4 Randall K«r*aVI it will cease open things man in his own and—a ci- has been working such remarkable l.oirulnr triflabl* Cathartic 1*1111 raMrrly try. Arranged judiciously, wrapped up thought TH« Alt* all lb« right, till* and bitrr**! wlikh aakt Otlrvr the strrat is the old Jesuitical col- San Jose. Fifteen are wninJ- cities and of New Mas- beet Ibr all Dlaeafea of the ex- the bead of chant of reported villages York, Tho known remwly I Via* baa a* har* lo lb* «*cat* af Warrrn, to lie odiou* ami he Itorne Fish is to violent exercise ; he principal for way IVmy cheerfully, gar. opposed has taken lllood, ht<>tnach, Liver, Kidney* j Headache, aaid d*»t one end of which is a while the rr in 111 xo Toy connr.nroxuxxcr. some None were in the sachusetts and New Hampshire, dfeeeel. And tint tb* omrtilloa In MflflMI an lege, grog shop and ed, seriously. injured par- Rheuiaatlwn, and In au. caam where a cathartlo U those to whom the word Lax is rides all occasions. Belknap Robeson lors at tho Diddefonl irom U brntm, by iran wbrnwf. tb* andfidynnl, Arfailnla- cept by sur- upon was the House, Blddeford, Price 1 tax 31 eU,—o Itin, main is still a Catholic church oars. The disaster caused by required. by mail, Ir it"«« of tbr *M*I* M tba hM JrrrailaK M Malbra <1*- to a building Nov. are "walkists." It is sleeping Nov. 1st until abeut the where he will de- offence. If levied simply pay largo WisuixaTox, 15,1869. pronounoced reported 20th, fl.M.—II taiee, f/.M. craxU, claim Inrlwin of tb* aald atnflyac*. rounded an old The most of the ■witch tender, at the connection of the roads, wants of those who TUFINKR A lao Twraerr Brnier, Hoaro*, by kirk-yanl. and Joirxal: — that his other Boutwell vote his whole time to the CO, lUtnl Um illUMtlb day af Mo*. A D. 1M9 amount of debt in any one year, it will Editor or Ukion among acoomplishmente, Mtai. Jtnk) ancient are nearly obliterated being Uio conductor of the Pacifio train to un- may his services. We know of no bet- NATIIAX r. MATIint. inscriptions of the Wall street Is an enthusisstic billiardist and devotss two or giving require NATIIAXIKI. I. fUUMIM defeat for the of the com- The days gold gamblers ter evidence of the Doctor's title to .TwM itself; ability or cut into wooJeti "headstones." Hsre derstand that the Almeda train had popularity painted are over, and fortunes will no more 1* made hours to the business paascd. A OR SORE THBOAT to will be diminished, three occasionally special than his works { wo therefore append a few 00U0H, GOLD, munity pay thereby runs wild and every wooden or marble and lost tbo fluctuations in ({old. Tlw re- poetry upon of caroms. from the of dated Oct. cures made him in New hwaeiflate attention, a* then are York A letter City Mexico, recently by Hamp- Reqalre* Sale. lb-tain the income-tax. for you motto or verse. I was amused cent of the scheme in New Sheriffs slab bears some explosion gold state* that the of the Jese Marie shire: often renlU in an Incurable men a 16, by caving .neglect M.-Taken en sure a sum, and that there shall has taught the financial of the country Robert J. Walker died at his residence ill OF MA1NR. V««, of certain one on without idea* silver in one hundred men N. II, Dec. 28,1868. at inscription painted wood, have taken mines, Guanajuato, Andovrr, Diecaae. and will ba anld at b I If auction mi lesson which otherwise it might Nov. in the of six kindest |Lung STATUciecuUon, pa be no diminish the Ixirdens : Washington, 11, sixty-ninth year were killed. The next sixtceu women, I)a. Gaor—Dear Hir: My regards of A. I). deficiency, of punctuation or capitals to learn. The the day M*t«fday, the eighteenth day IInmIiw, policy inaugurated by Lis Mr. Walker in children and twelve men were drowned in the and influence will ever be in favor of pros Brown's Bronchial Troobsa l*». at t»rti n'llwk In lha aflrniooa, il Um »l«t» ef and commerce, collect the Maerwt to is I age. actively engaged poli- your | rtUry of the Treasury steadily, and, been trouble! William Itanbln, of Writ*. In aald r*«ntv af Torh, upon industry Saumv Mi* am* Crs river Merecala, in the State ofMichoacan. They For seven months I hnve Initant re- and friends. There was tic* in early life. In 1821 at a political conven- perity. will mo«t Invariably give all lha tlUe and Intereat that KHUn M. whole of the taxes, add economy, who . at three o'clock in the afternoon, U>a business will revive, of Mr. in and undertaking day, M'Mptivk and Throat Disiuiu, Utey have a eooth- l~0*>, belu^ Traveler pau«« as ) «u pass by policy lloutwell, selling gold pur- ran for the for the first time. In bank on was eat more limn tin- aarae waa attached on the original writ la and tho debt Presidency been swolcn bjr the late rains. The <w so win* ww I bonds, than the fact that the brok- Inu effect. Uiia rlrtae nf a l»>nd or eoatrart t« bars country developed chasing gold in the which sat an current, and than boiled wheat and milk. It has now action, hy .Is 1 am now st must ho 1832 be inilepen- they overhung angry hearty a un them a t'harlr* In bv you en were to it, and npon the inaugura- figured conspicuously 8IN(JF.R« ixl per Lie hPEAKKILS to. conveyance from haw>rr, of IVntlaad, lessen year year. fbr death ai><1 f>Ilow rae opposed slid off the main land into the stream. been two weeks and a half since your treatment, of the Ibllowinr clicv one and their bodies were found i«iid I am aa well as ever, I would say to acrlhed real rrtate, to wit A lot land, with also by Every perished, to and of Miarir break it down endeavoring to keep gold up, excitement. In 1830 he was ekcted U. 8. Sen- Owinu the food reputation popularity building* thereon, Moated In laid Weill, and l»*u*»4- PAvaii-K by lower down the river. uiy friends that are suffering, go and see Dr. Ui* K>lit»r. which culminated at last in the won the mrtkJtn and tk**p tmilnhant are •4 aa follow* on the north Mdanf the Fran aa our in victory by itor became an intimate friend and advisor Geo. F. Siurm. Troche*, many beginning Here such oleanders people grow and G.tge. road, ao In Mid at the cor- the of the in the reccnt while in- uktrk art good »oiki»g, De »ure to oa- lower |mat called, Walla, Secretary Treasury, Mrs. Mary Clark, who, temporarily Mb. : to the afflicted that I have q/Ttrt.i, f*r of tlieooe north •Irrvu the Continent, in tbeir are and grow >f Gen. Jackson. He was Secretary Editor Bay ner <>f land Julio Willlaoui 4an« - 54i 8 to in the course of a or of the and Means Commit- 6mfl Rutter, California, specie payment year railing to restore harmony, *and not disposed to Gen. Schrnck, Ways We might also mention tbe cure of Mr. Geo. mu 8t., N. V. and and to a cold lunch, ci- ft ••• *> tfui !«*•...... 6W two at the I have no doubt. It can l» our hats coats, lug ftwh, t outset, kvor the he has a residence of N. who was Batl*r. IWbN... ® ac- Leoompton constitution, resigned. tee, just purchased Washington Graves, Walpole, II., suffering at tb« entrance California, done the 1st of next. The and tea, our |>arty ft. Vw» CO easily by July sort of evidence from a severe heart etc., gtr* joining i>kkN. Y Pineapple*, apiece, some- IVhcn the rebellion broke out he identified him- for which Is the beat difficulty, debility, BILIOUS 754TI 25 tion of the' may be stimulated 832,000, DR. WARREN'S BITTERS, GOODS hall. The of tbene Chinese mer- iNUar, N. York 4>h» Secretary could walk but very little; cured by two or three For the lllnod.eurinr L'rer Complaint. hospitality Cat. from the fact that the Court has R>lf with the and was Pres- of his A feature of is Purifying Ch««M KlfP>, now, T what, 8upreme Unioo, appointed by opinions. th^s question Mr. Collis Chesterfield, N. Jaundice, lllli< uaneaa. Headache, limine**, Imm and to their ftill means. 39 12# Hinds, chants is cordial They llouey, im>w.... Z'»8 now a reserved decision, in relation to the a contested election case operations. of and all fbr Cleaa*- From .Auction Sale**! -xv» r ident Lincoln confidential agent to Europe, and to be involved in diseases of had defied medical Appetite, iDilngCcnplalnUi K««, THot.... Til« n»,'cia*. '.iriVd and no likely it., long'standing and Regulatlog h ivs 1-orne much and although (Ml of the legal-tender act, Ing, strengthening. Invigorating persecution, Lanl r » J* Orangee, dot 7.WI Constitutionality fie a demand for U. 8. in the session of A he "fcela like a new man." Mra. L. no enoal In the world. * succeeded in influencing early coming Congress. skill, siys the llumnn Njitcm, h*i now have A UviBolM, 7M»I jO one doubts what the decision will be. hair lived it down, and powerful ilam* llaoon, M. Pmtt, Fitiwilllam, N. II., severe bronchitis bold hr all drug«l*t«. JlllRR A PERRY, TWENTY DOZKX thry IJmrt, M.. am wu and under such bonds at Frankfort After his return he re- member elect from Alexandria, Va., will have r» a»® The act a war measure, ftnolef.iie I'ruggrt* General Anent*. friends who will sec them they are I'htekon*. apiece,ill® 75 and lameness. F. C. Miner, of Oilsum, N. II., protected, Cranlwrrif*. If circumstances was right and would have been tired to his his admission on the that Con- Jio'.tt JO Trriuont btret, Button. LADIES' CARDIGAN JACKETS, ptl I (Wl 10 Quail, f ilo*. 1 i'iiM profession. opposed ground cured of deafneas. Mr. Sib- to a white and feel a of such as we Stephen very kind friend, compli- »w«wt 1 a, ? Ib sustain*I, but in time peace, to the State perfectly AT EACH. r»utu««. urke) As a curious illustration of the influence of gress could not cede Alexandria Keene, sick for years ; cured a frw »ijw them. »re al- » 3® V p*lr-. 3 (MM in it would be by the ley, by op- nrmt'n patknt nvhhimo iiottlk. ment n I to le noticed Tbry r " enjoy today, pronounced by no alter the limits of the District for the erations. Charles K. Richardson, Marlboro, m**l an«l CMrMinlMnrillif Mottle Potato**, lri»h. Duck* I »IK It was a on it Is stated that the fact of of Virginia The I'f/rrl SUBIAS, in m"kite aw! Nntrlei. Alto, in must h« in- " Court unconstitutional. proud dsy politics literature, and but 2 Kabbiu ... iv» 40 severe caused fever sore, In the li'nrtj. We aujiuly the trade with all part* ways polite respectful, you r ib II* those in war- of the had been fixed and that N. II., lameness, by X« CO for our country, when engaged Mr. Jeff. Davis' bail bond cut location capital ; of the llottle when Including Fanry Dordert, tome mutual friend, if UinalWaiM... !«• liar*, apt***, Greely's signing cured. Wm. C. Carter, East N. II., aeparalelj required, troduced to them by you <"*n our down their Jaffrey, trtJ MV# wlileh If <>l iHtthmaiir T inon, fresh. IJ# again Those from diseases of kind ther. Price of ltru*h, 10 absolutely S|U»*h<« J' resumes once tal. suffering any since Mf C'milUh \M victory is achieved and our nation hundred to fifty. •ueceeeor* to M. if. Ilurr * Co., Wholesale l>reg- BREAKFAST SFTA WLS, hare no homes to invite you to, Pumpkin* should not allow this to pass. He Maw. iMd They Cauliflower*, f RoeklUh I'M* more its condition. The opportunity gi*U. !M Tremont Dtreet, JWxiod, by Chinamen in the orignal preliminary The Alabama has ratified the fif- The coining together again at Pittsburg, Pa., for consultation ; his terms are 3m» HOSIERY, there are not twenty married dot I <1*01 Sfl Sulfite...... Ill® I think, have been and legiriatnre charges nothing all dnugUU. rm battles, already fought, of the two brandies of the Church, and he thinks the cure doubtful egrALLT low. that there CbttMM r card brokers, a IM- Radi*h« M.. £M .'•» gold after many yeara of wu very im- ho tells the ao. 4w45 A VOID Ql'ACKH.—A VICTIM Of RARLY in Wall Senate waa in tlie separation, fraukly patient narvnuJ W.ITRR-rnOOF CLOTHS, be 0000 Chinawomen on the Pacific coast (uouBVn".. t*U 25 S«a -'►» recent of the government vote in the uunnimoui; event in tho of the pruileoo*, canning debility, |>r«inatur« may triumph history religious a of » 3T IVrruh ** advantage position, by a and character. Af- gang 74 Nimu Htrcot, N. T. rmi are John does not Turnip*. considers very striking impressive drew J. II. RKKVKt, BLACK all prostitutes. M0 first of the United States Treosury It is understood that tiro President Vork in mMuruturing bogai iltmp*, ALPACAS, exceptions, lS»n>ni|* 3WP 37 HbrliniM*...... July next, ter the terms of union had been agreed upon enj(tpd since be does not I 3ft Anchoric* ... 'M commence to out its It remains our noon moat favor- bonds has been taken These stamps to cant. indirn'M. his wifo to this country iirwrll |m>M may pay gi-ld. the condition of fina the Old and New School Assem- Ac,, up. IIO*V MAMY I'KHSOtfi FiohBniIi Hill,—V por bring for'AcU Slip* 'S~<& prrsent by Wring IV*[») to be seen whether this talk of to separately a ure of finest execution. Several government eorne to and if he is a merchant he has a I*>W returning able to a return to and both bodies and united in Are In K>tne fi>nn (ho rmala- stay, A|>i>ii« r ft.*** mp d Herring* speedy specie payment®, blies, dissolved, them are unable to detect cmutontly mflbrinx ALL WOOL CASSIUERK8, is a mere idle rumor but for officials who cxarainod dlc» that mult fhnu the error* of vouth, and who for his "house" where he specie payment auch a celebration of the event. room fitted the cost of the above in currrnoj, in hia forthcoming meaaage will urge joint resulted in t.. h* rn«tor*d In a eondl. Km U sen to. • W mil. private up To get myself, i have the greatest confidence in the their wurthleasneas. Investigation* would five all Ottr |»»m Worth to the ia- 'of tlon «>f «>und and health. Ut all »ueh • • • • receives his friends, and treats them add one-fovrth to the above statinents radc. It was rumored some time measure upon Congreaa. He ia to all The recant fire in the Dinnal Swamp exploded the u alleged, that Hart Picroc, »IgMWM Ko? W ernli. Worth |IJft. prices. oppoaed disoovrry, consult tha ailrrrtlxuMDl of the I'ralwd/ Medical tea is since that Senator was for hundreds of shells thrown into it during the No. 8'J Namu afreet, was a mernbet of the gang. Tor |U0 ... Worth • IJtt. er.table tea and The a of two hundred miles can Snrague negotiating with the and believes if the which the new Medical cigars, champagne. In j«>umey jou tinkering currency of liytltute, Ro»ton, |>a*>ll»b»« the "National the Democratic war. Pierce la an engraver, a native work of l>r. A. II. "TUB HCIKM'K OK made in the never boiled, and the wish from i!0 he- Inteilegenccr" internal revenue law be suffered to remain in- accomplished Ilayee, FROM morning, jar find miv climate you degrees and 88 old. It evident or HKIf Boston has also the who broke at for haa been la full with as should have and hence so that may U secure, yet, {ail, Wisoaseet, last Fri- A "Home Foundlings" recently pit nearly with Chinamen gaiing literate! they been, legislate, they prisoners ars In re- tT Notion n{ talhi, not • wmllng Ml linca, IwfM S the adminia- was Sheriff as- In New York and within 80 uay« fif- JUixor'i Mottiilt Mauaxisb.—Wo cuoies, what will coining day, re-captured by Patterson, cstablishel handsome km, ikon tin wwber. a W|*r adeertUtn* rmlaa. eyre and with the trouble*. Government took question the of this marvelmisly cheap and mag- enraptured lbtening enraptured possession only t of it. The to sisted Marshal of teen infauts have been left at building. wlpt Sco. rat ion think legislation change by City Siphcrs Gardiner, ulna fbr December. Its table ofsontenta I* varied OIL CLOTHS, See.. cart, fbr tbe b commenced. of those acre* owned the Mexican govern- the usual Sao ef In Not. », l)r. Nathaalcl Druoki, afod SO play already They by tenure of office bill, was to enable President Monday morning. He hail twentr-four hours the chief of the seoret-ser- uxt charming, embracing Uis variety Baoo, Colonel Whiteley, The yean awl * month*. all bare their bats and the and of those who hav* to surround himself with officers favorable to start of the officers. He wu taken between trials, stories, and attractive engravings. pub- on, by way, if John ment, many purchased has »uweeded in 980, fbr the com In ttoarboru'. Nor.«, John a««l » JW, his and vice bureau, capturing j Ishers anmmnro In the prospectus log Marrill, r. aTvav, weakness more were the administration, and in harmony with China village Kendall's Mills, within Mac- In AUM, Nor. II, Mr. Orio WaUUr, a*i»l « baa one than another, it b for lands in tb« interior which Spanish grant*, nearly fifty 000 worth of counterfeit revenue stamps j rear, a serial story K* adults, by ihe popslsj cm nriLiHNu, biddeford, own should lie no leas miles a views, and it the privilege distant. or four-fifths of all that hine James Franklin Kitts, sild yean. chickena and felt hats—the uoe Ue eat* and the hav* twice and thrse time* over to different three months, about j writer, Juvenile la Ik* paid to have men rrtalbv ths i»urir lloralio Al- IUa on haiwl Uio tanriwt t*~*k mrtfl, ftw of the Secretary of the Treasury la now been manufactured. penile'* favorite, tbe hat The iron laid on the and Pis- are known to have or Oils l« a marvel to th« lorn to «»• Ttrr U*Mt iridM. other be wean, being what was in tbe persons who hare claimed ami proved their ti- who accord with his views, that the department Bangor ter. The prfce periodical qMllUM Railroad within five miles of Dover. It < hnndrnl page first-class Illustrated LOST AND FOUND. I cataquis vsi nor John Netmith, who died at rrerybody-* WANTS, East called tho kussuth hat, aud mmt out of tle*. If of Government are be conducted j therefore, Ex-Go fbr fifteen or |U«) Ii In- you purchase you may harmoniously by next the nils win be at Kagatlne cents, per year. that to a term of isexpeeted Saturday a few weeks ago, left valued Tbomcs A tbe moat of them are of but not otherwise if believe any legislation, give aa far aa Lowell property IsedwonderfUlly cheap.lillot, Talbot, IMMEDIATELY—A OA MP'8 styto yean ago—and secure, course, your pur- laid Dover. the Mass. (wl op*. THE OELEBBATED to officer of the or any to the State of New *ublUhers, Iloston, Ma Ulrl In do lb* work In a —II fam- One half cf the dms meat noticeable fea- years any government, §76,000 Haaipshirs, WANTED help smoking cigmra. circle is chase is interior lands. The to be known as the "Ncscsith Fund," for at tha M employe*, contrary to the very principles upon Itiahop Simpson preside* over the Methodist whole Uskat Navm*al Woas, new In course of publl- ily. Inquire Joi'HJiALOaoa. off at tbe or is and maintenance of the Washer. partitioned entrance, directly trout. ture In the agriculture of California her pro- which our government was found«l. conferences in Maine next year. ilie aid, support, education , latlon In Beml-MonUily parts, published by Clothes of the State of New rell-kixmn Orui of Johnson, Krve * Co., >17 Beek- Magic tbe stage, lor tbe Chinese laJUa, and no doction of of almost all kimla and of uni- It is sakl that the President floors Mr. Jenks the indigent blind liamp- KinKUaa .Vwmj; Machine Ing grain The large of HinkW A nan street, N. Y., and u Bromield street, Boston. No Bobbing, No Boiling, bill and will it to Con- tannery Stephen shire. ! XJLTANTED—2▼ ▼ i 2 hand aawata, uraat U quick » men an allowed to ait with tbein; at rate The extreme of civil service rooommend of IUU>r» of Uie lolled Males from the earliest perl- Operator* any versal good quality. dryness Droo., Gorham, which ao fortunately escaped WW or mora purchaaen ft* tha Weed 8awlnr Ma- WEARING OF CLOTHINGf which 1 doubt much, for it will be < *1 to toe time, by J. A. Hpeneer D. D., and NO ait for gress, very dmtractioo fire a few waa to- Denison, of Jefferson City, hung herself present the ona that take* tha flrH at an tha 0UT_ bo Cblnantta will there, they are all summer and the vast multitude* of small Insce- se- by days Alice with highly flnlslied steel engraving* eblaa, priia remembered that he desired the of previous, would not UostrateA 5000 or mora ft* other flrH-elaa* Tk« tl»m4 Lmbwr mt Wuk*IHf RmInnI privilege tally consumed last at 8 o'clock, to the bed because her father h.ni also history of the war fir Writ parahaaar* prostitutes, and tbe disgust with which Tbeu tivarous birds combined down insect life, his own Cabinet and Saturday night post J original pslntlne*. machine* to kanw that I tha ba*t <« ■ mm4 I keep lecting officers, certainly, a of means for a , Keeri A. and a national ereey had/ qalck Kmjp Opmlln with large quantity unfinished leather, hark the giving "candy pull." be t'nlon, by Duyekink, In to know that I *l»a moat be aecn to be the same should be accorded to the oU provide of eminent aad Brown's torn* offered thia 8taU| all Thung spoke of than appre- and formers are Ins*** that ar* Jfce. Lose from to ■ortrait gallery Americaar, Machine* of ma. «T H. thereby spared privilege 930,000 $85,000. Insured stole the inskica or a Dlble. oat work to thoaa haying to fleers of the different branches of the govern- Some in Cincinnati | IclMnterpretlng Holy Hiddaftrt. No CliemicmlH UhocI! eiated. There la no drop curtain tbe atage, very extensive and common in the other States in different (A*, for It is boya OAKHt, llardy'* filaak, City Hqaare, the bill will out 925,600. supposed from a deaf machine, and We have examined the first four of the X ment Undoubtedly bring fire was hand oipn grinder'a parts Malna. M»i «m for thai ihU irtkl* la the orchestra ait on tbe raar of tbe and of the Grain in the a that the the work of an aa /oarwlf atage, Union. ripens field to de- and will be ventilated inoendiary, man of hia lorn. II* Jure and hare never seen a work that ex eels much discussion, fatly bad been no the grin one vu killed. I a Tcead ca which be waa a teaman. window*. 11 Mill T»rr. •Unr An iailiiidul country 8anday morning THUfMOMlT» all pMiou Interested la either at IM roRTLAXD, and unsophisticated on IOITH W.AILMOAXI §■■!> Pinion in with the volt and wagon oat in Union bat it wm discovered and hereinafter name gjoutoal. I home Umiak pet Block, Iron and Steel! with * well fllW Ooart ofhihH toM I morning, and purse, it much Probate Notice. AT* MWwtt Friday tbe wJ. extinguiahed betas got kwdnj. In. r*k,«lfc»»nlT*»- the of a manMr'i work tilling NOVELTY SEWING MACHINE, l-|iMi«. krar« Mm H TJO a. n 11 m ca4 I.M %M Wo mm —pplj all Um loading ftriod teak of lh« the «mcd af tlie coun- al and lialtiaor* Oak Jt MMUd tor Um b Ma hi rt be i»lt aloof Cbtnpanlea. Ajrer*a to the de- the Stock of Mr J. C. h(kM INM. fM NfWU a» 1M« a. 1M.UI at Mo lowoot «lob ratM thotr heart. notified that, awarded to Machine* at the la«t Mechanic^ purchMed oooutry ot i-oMiah«r», and entered town with a light fo at hereby agreeably cheap •Oar I ad lasted. II to tonkr Ontorci, mm* • M r. a. try youth grootrjr oak was badly bj water. In- riir heM la BROOK*. umI lew«lbU Stora, win aoraUMir to a stims. iamfii Doatoa, ^ HAVINO Thai notice thereof be to lUlW 1MM ftr •* 114**. Uaa* to Mt«erll»wa Iho Joe UAL omlj. The fallowing auaau>vt TV AUK.NCY for at a Probate Court to be held at Kim •i.uO—Kelectkc NtptiM, Tbo Matk>*. to smile witb bun. Tbey bad will hereafter be used in prulmto prac- fppear the Maill" np New I lax en. aad Putnam oftce. Ilka Lard's AM Um mm m m4 oftor Iforarakor fnt, la an U>* flrrt la Da- ■14. ami ba waa not allowed la occupy Mill, eaanty, Taisdar k uad a AORNTH Ant WANTED wbora Um ai tea aad M hnrtMHUH Ha |V»-N K»«]r hiac4«r.n good patron, atura waa No iaaar- tice, and now blanks nrn now for Mit, u'eieefc la llw tonaii. 0« or tho Brat round. He waa a Wlow, millinery badly damaged. remly h«*nl ivav-fraak UatWa Illaatral~l Ntwa, depart on tbe good fur each count/. AddrMt, or In peraon to thereon,aad object,if theyMl mutt tbero anoe. at bar In the block ippljr Hardwtw. t'luinnoy I'vrMr. • brick, and he bonor by The aocapaaU aaoap- distribution. Iron, Steel and Otrrtap ilrr' AllHlto Muatlily, W»rorly M»p- perfect *j.uu—Eltfcor at thetr and to the HBVBV TAYLOR, will bo oooUnaed In oil IU broacboo. ru~~. llualou Juarukl. Ilxlun Octul- drinking expense, flowing ed loaa. mi tan rauit DosIoom la taw MMii fcr NOmI Mi MmiMa IIM, MMli-Wntljr la paiitloM As. repairing notlea, t'nlon St.. Trlbwno, bowl waa rstlled to drink auacti to 30 * AH TJO a.m. tmwm fiiiliil Wookiv .Vdrtrtutr, N. V. N«M»-Hr«kljr repeatedly »«• ffwa waaa. b« naed at D»e—b«r Una, aad all other (Uma at SSSSuSSSF* Burt—dailyH BiUnl—, of (Mr UliN, or rauui t M-lti). linn of the boar. It waa not than •OwHtf PoBTLABD, Ma. FlH tbe longer JAM1WTDWLK, lata af Baoo, deceased. Will fc»*4WHelS*FE.— •*— •*-' or Htuf Mcaars. Adama aad Oariaad ban Juary Ima next. -TTI »■■■ Mklr M Moatkly, lUrjwr'i Wttklv llarpor'a that be waa tbe lion, lor bia wiljr companion* Bryant, NOTICE. M4 eodMI praaealad tor probata by CtrMliae r IIiIIJill llowtk ukI IIinm IMut.AhMm'1 Ike block known aa the Warm W11U rauit be a petition for the Vweetser, ana of Um i ana to nm mi ifea Katun iafirMi m Miliia, acre well tersed and be accompanied by Tbo raboerlhor horlnjc oT hi. tntlra rt«k Exeeators thereto s Book. .Now Vork mmi- in dealing with tuts, purcbaaad dtopoood ud riMaa aai avw Um Mm ui Maiaa H 'O-Mo Lulr'a aitaated on the North Eaat aide of Mala thereof. BidMeford Advertisements, owl biuluoM to R. OORBY Wnlamlaj* Udnr. AMonoaa .Not- was soon under their control Of b« Block, probate of Iruo, ittoolt y MORES Uto af «_ lUilmxl an aa4 Mfookljr World. Naw Vork complete jrt«>»r*lof bU owtoowri oad McDOHALD, laaa. Tteafejr*, IVwateya flaterian, toafiaf »r in fihaw'a Block. All Interacted are alau notified that here- k CO., woull"llM be lent bia to tbero, and would Street, Biddcford, oppoaite peraona presented probate by «. AM MsDeaald, Um It- iSrtlM* aa4 Mm al M* r.ji. " AMorioaa superfluity money TIIX -A.MJBRIC.AJSr ecutnx therein !«.£>—Kithor floors *1 IIomo." or The in caab was hundrad no mi law to be will aalaad. nuxcn cnitt, not liaten to their for running abort of price paid twenty-fair ifler i peri, required by (tamped, j.o. nnooica. Journal of llorttooltor*. or floral Now Yorkor. apologia MMHbrt, April tt, 1M». »y». Amor lean a dollars. The above named purchaaera propuaa be raoorded or latuod unlaaa duly itamped. WARWICK IIOBM, kto «f Walla, 11.id—.Now Knglaa4 Karnor. Trwo Nag. cub. During hie travels with then policeman or Loalio'a convert the into a Manufacture ovm or Coww. *" 8*",Ml *"■ I'uioo, GImmm Uunrjr Cuayaaloa, dtaooreml him and drew bin out of the n—hee to building Toy Fan pM* * Journal. BDTTOH-HOLE, OVER-SEAMING, 1869. U»y*' aa4 Utrlo* Wookly, or lloiao bin into lfctablishment, aad when in fall speration Atuat, n n.BCElU.fK, Hegi«t«r. Airo TUCKERS' INSTITUTE. E^tatoBUMtoT* Mro AID MSTMimiMlT USB. Folka. PotorwM. Arthur. into which be waa blindly creeping, got U. »-riUor»or Ynwag IWaiak for a aaaiber af 9m h Tmebm' Institute for York will DANIEL U. OWlPf, of Saea, deeeaaed. VIM IV-U-n Joornal. Ihwton bia and aUrtad bin botae, but be waa employment large Probate Office, Alfred, Nor. It, 1661 Count/ l^ta IV>atwl rIM, M««irat ao he a ho Bt'PBKVlHION OP P. A. ALLEN, I*. M. Lmh nn.|*fi>r, Collector of said town, on the Mil day of Guardian. kpmt, waa and tbe between * It worki Beautiful ttTS&fX!-'" B14«Ular4, April A >**. IW iUim Mm4. gain completed, friendship sure would do well to confer with him. Oct., life1, has been return oil him lout u un- Button-Holca, Satur- by ROHILANNAII L. minor child of I If him aivI tbe knaiee waa on the 7th of Me IrtM, by Ills Embroider* orer the LKCTtRJBI APPLEBEE, JtrprMl nf Vkmritr. strengthened. paid day pi., oertMoatf Kdgr, of deceased. Reoood M- in the 00m- of (hot date, and now remain and notleo ia aod John Appleheo, lata York, Officer Miles found him aga.it> unpaid, Mi; ha axpeated fh>a» the HUta ttaptrlatwdaal, Peter 0. Mr OR BOSTON. Ever einee tbe ot the of Haoo day itiddrfortl •fdrertisements. herein- that If the aald and Interval and Dot! 11a tor allowanee bjr Ford, orpsiniioa city of tbe hawkers, and took bin in custody. given taies, "Om-ltaMlai" M by ad, other Kdueator*. aoajUpiaaaatcd paiir »re not Into Uie of aakl town forenoon aod altar- • of the citlsetu have beta kuetile to it the officer. cliarc-i paid Treasury Regular Institute Kieirlaea F Th« m» u4 na portion "Where is your team?" inquired town within months from the date of com- Which no other machine can do. It alao doe* Hera- I'ui.lio In nperlor folat eighteen noon, and Lrcturee the craning, MILTON, IDA, and Praneena Roberta, minor ehll- itoaaian Jnm llaouia mm) Mom*- «l (leairoM of to tk« eooditiou of n "There it said he, to the shadow uilttneul of said Mils' so ranch of the real estate tax- Puff- Hoard will ha for daaaaaad. returning is," pointing mlng, Kelllnf, Ourdlnr, TmUk, Braiding, Free probably provided lady dran of Jama* Roberta, Uto of Kaasas, ik.Mii Mi flllM Itt it r*» «»M— «tu • sore oil lean- ed aa will be suOclont to pay the ai—untdua there- ins, leathering MM 8ewlnr od at tMchcra attendant at the HMloa, and re- Beeood aeeoaat tor allowance Levi town. This a town tu c»llol of a kitocked-kneed, epavined, nag PhCK*tinjc, regularly preeanted tgr nataW oTMiailftil BteU IUmh, will iu year meeting for, Interest and shams, will, without the HIM Uine. M wall aa any oUicr Baw- duced rate* fur for further their Uuardlau. larga n fir "That is not 60 Including gentlemen. AppkaUoo Cowcll, iu rtlioBi support. 60 DATS be at to ta« of tke cbarter at ing against post further notice; sold at pnttllo auction, the fng Machine. Information mar ha made to the County HuperrUnc. according proviaione re- it tbe nice looking colt you had yteterday," Treasurer's office in said town, on the 30th day of TKACHKfWr—The Htate haa geoeroiuly fornlah- MARY IIANSON, m liuane Uto of Klt- Laavlaf AtUatle Wharf, Portland, 7 o*«l««k a vote of person, at which 348 votes were caat, and bj 340 the offi*«r. "So—Air—sold—Air—bin, H7U, at two o'clock P. M ad v«u tha facllltle* to vouraelre* In jrour deceased. Second acooaal tor al- m4 IndU Wharf; HwIm, irirjr da; MUmI marked K.NTIRK STOCK OP April, It took 3 Gold Modala in 1808, Improve tery, presented use I UFKKft MY that offered deaerre lowance C. bar Guard laa. P. U to 8 traulvtioa wu a desire and took that—Air—lor boot." It was no Ho. Acres. Valna. Tut high vocation. Tlie prlvfleccj by Epbralm Spianey, (Muadaja iiwpudii adopt*! manifesting earn en- Adam* •* AND HKVKUAI, N1LVR11 MKDALM. not your gratitude, bat yenr neat rat Cabin foi JIM for both to ami ride to the station house bo- George D., ft $610 SJ only I] EZEKIA1I DREW, lata af Daytoa, daaaaaad. for tbe uf tke charter aa l instructing try as 190 IM dearvra to attain lite hlgbeat rafult. Palthftil war* IM repeal move llurbank James M., PaUUoa for dower antl allowance af aatato, Itock hind that animal for he could not thcji, 23 It mm a saw and ixraovxii Shuttle, atralrht it demanded of bv Uia of Maine. jwrtuaal to use hi* duff Jeremiah, J 35 you people S. bto widow. takao aa uiual. their in the legiilatare nan was needle-l* I* the are corulallr to attend tha In- preecnted by Mary Draw, Freight representative so he was sent to be put up, and the ('leaves Robert P. I Is Irs, 14 w 7k « Inely Intake*, and BttT FAMILY The public lnrfted L. BILLING®, AihL eerim 8EWINU MACllIN K In uac, beoauae lt«ne«an*KAT and eellelted to be at the PetlUoo* endeavor to procure each n repeal. It taken to tbe lockup. CufRu lidmond, A 3D 38 atltute, especially prcacnt IIIRAM HIIAW, Utonf York,dooanaad. Mpi. 1.IK49. IIIT Davis Abel It) 90 M ■a vakiktt of work. U HIMI'LK, DtlUllLb aad ercnlng Lcctun*. tor dower and allowance of aatato, the attended Ilia wai not wing w™ li., paraonal preeent- that onljr thoae in &tot of repeal appearance pit put Drew John, Timber 8 ISO I 9) iwjrr ever okt out or order. WARREN JOnNSON, ad Sarah Shaw, hla widow. wa» io the ((landing by he reached Itirr*. lie aick looking Dow 3 31 !B Wo our HUta Hup't Common School*. AINE OTKAMSinP COMPANY. the meeting ; there*** It ia no index of the wil' Ueorre, call UiU daaaaaad. black hair was anarled and filled (i.wlwin 1 » 3V0 IN JAEEZ TOWLE, Uto of ParsonsOeld, f tee, lib Mb J. K.. bBlldinp hla of tbe whole of the The gov- FOR THE NEXT 60 OATS I John » IW 1 :« •♦COMBIWATION MACltntE." Free Hoard will be provided for lady teach- Petition tor dowar preaontKt by LydU D. Tbwla, M NF.W An RAMI KM KMT people city. city with duat. hu neck-tie waa stained, hia shirt Lifcby C'., inrtlp hoard Lock Sknaa, J JU IS er*. Oentlcmen will lie prorided with >uM not differ by better bo*>m looked like a towel, hia uice coat Price »ri. for three dollar* for the eeaiton. Hoard at tba Hotel dirty Convicting In part of Ferry A HweeUer, I It »«) a 76 of an oof) dollar tier day* MARY C. THORNTON, Keanetmnkport, Line! that a waa torn and covered with dirt like hia Robert* Id 'i U We al«o hare a PLAIN MACHINE, made by the Ibr abuut con- Somi-Weokly management, bat it ia not In evidence light Charles W., *7*,,. Insane perwm. Petition* for llcenaa to aell and Albert* JO 8Z» 8 iff name oompany, and Hemming. Felllnr, Cord* The day *e«don* wfil ha held in Uia Academy s the checked An examination of hia person lUmery Jeliu, doing vey real aetata at prlrato «ale, praaantad by Hamp- On ami iftir lha IMh tart, lb# In town ment would be n larger pants. Wad I In Susan 10 130 1 » inr, llraldlnr, Minding,Puffing, Ac., ami EVERY Lecture*. In ibe Town Hall. govern troubled bj a a few French U„ den Fairfield, her (Juardlan. CniMito. »lll the officer in charge mealed knife, Jatees, Embroideries, Collar*, Cuffs, IW VARIETY or work done other machine. It J. a WKUU, of Cumberland Co.. will IHrlp(»l of braloa. Tbu«e in fhvor of by Wed I In Jeremiah, IS Id) hy any Huperrlaor a all I farther nut lea, ran* M follow* average quantity a tnvle wntch and a wallet, ttie con- Wadlln Tboinas iM 273 2 S3 la the moet Machine uiade. Prioe $CO with a**i*t In the eierciNi, of PortamoaUi, In the Mate eoppera, antl American Skirts, llelrs, aimple HENRY MATIIKH, M*>« "Mri Mkiri. rmiMBU, a vary aunwi on Corsets, Hoop 4* oorer. I. n. of Uorham Seminary, will proba- an Inmne ANNIE the charter should be more careful of their pri- tents of which were three centa and a check Kimball Johu, CIIOATK, of New Hampshire, per»>«,and ami Tllt'lUiMAV, at «o'aloak P. M., ud Iwn 09 Machine* aold on the hia rery Leetare on "language." PRANK W. MATHER, minor be aaid waa valuable, Ckadboura Ileujaaln llelrs, QT partial paymenta, by bly gire popular P., SCRAN iCand PtarM FjmI Rlvar.Naw MONDAY eleetiona. demand. The Utter very Kid Ulortn, Hosiery, Dress Fringe mouth. All Maehinea warranted. M. K. MAORY, lata of Mid Porta- York, atary mary a w. murphy, ahlldren of Jeremiah 11, Mathe*, and TUU RttDAY. at 3 P. M lie did not know bow much for nor who g-tTe it of Ploaaeoall recommendation*, 2wt7 of York County. Petltlou tor lioanaa to aall and ami Dress Hull's, Trcas. of town Lyman. andgetaeireu'arof 8upervl*or mouth, deaaaacd. Tha IHrieo »r> a of the work > at rate oall and aee ua diver* lola of real relate, altuaU In Mouth Urman * any aonvey accommodation* for paaaanrara, making tblalba On the Oth inst. l*ri 11. uraciett 01 .\cion, aa boot before buy ins a Machine. Berwick and Kllot, In the of York, at waa a promise to pay on demand $N.oO County puMlo and aoaralrat lid Nalbrukli raitt tor U»»- great variety. or and at Interest, waa Af.OM/O TOWI.K, H. D.t Sheriff's Sale. prlrato ml*, pat pr«nssd* pre- Naw and Maiaa. caught a brook trout that measured twenty- in eicuangv of bone*. The aignature Balea Hoom, 104 Main 8t„ Dlddeford, thtflr (iuardlan. alariHatwcan York oa Mid will be sented by John N. Handy, In BUM 00. Cabin an aaroe waa wurthlera. 8S.—Taken execution, PMaara, Room, fJ. paaiaga, was eleven inchce unintelligible, the PHYSICIAN AND 3w45 on* inehes in length. Its firth wholly Ladle*' X SURGEON, 33. H. BANKS. •old at auction ou Haturday,I>ee. 4,1849, LEWIS E., NBLUE, aad FRANK t. KEYKS, |4,n. MaaUaitra. waa to aobwr and awoke aolilo- Mioodn, Office 143 MhIm St., Illddeford. YORK, puMI« Jr., He laid by off, at 2 In the afternoon, on tbo In biuan II. Uto of Uood*forvardad by Uila llaa U aad ttam Maa •nd U weighed three puunlaint is that Manr A. Oram, and all the FIzturea In the the original writ In thl« action, to redeem fol- BETSEY PORE, For Pralrbt I'aaaagaapply net of hie from a wa- hereby given dwerlbed real eatate ultuated in (aid Klttenr, and final account presented for allowance by Ueorfe HENRY POX flalt'a Wharf. Portlaad. rawuing granddaughter make one ; be bail received a leason «!'■ of Charlss A. Ureen, now or Iais of Dor- MLLARIN IIALL LN AIM MM BLOCK, lowing againat any NOTICE to wit: A certain lot of land with ccllar thereon, In U. Knowlton, her Administrator. J. P. AM KM, har 34 Eaal Rim. Haw York. abould hare read of waa to at chester. in Uie State of Massachusetts, her deed tery grate, Judge Fitch, and dear for it, and allowed depart. Kid Glove*, all thade*, $1.10 p«r pair. by In Dlddeford, lately occupied by Cliarlra F. Dlala- at and bounded M fol- isrs. >i paid dated the of A. I), aald Klttery, the Foroaide, K. E. BOCRNR, JCMR. Ma/1. (Hit be bad twenty-fourth day October, eight- dell, deceased. The aU>ve will tie aold at a l«rraln of a laae Portland. Honor to whom honor la doe. We know how be got out home, for »*»rr Warranted. low* commencing on the northerly ilda Ami pair een hundred and slity-ftmr, and recorded In the If for at once. of EM EllY A A true copy of the original order, no to for the board of hia horse. In applied Inquire Co., ■ji feet wide, running from land or Leonard Han- money pay of Deeds fOr llie County of York, book 40 KM Main lit. yir*A*n ftmmk. French Cornel*. all Whalebone, OT MnU. Registry ■com to a (treot T> fret wide, leading ffotn the Nary 3w17 Attest. II. II. DCRBANK, Roflstor. to our we would that did 174 to 176, convoyed In fee and In mortgage to justice police aay they page* Vard road to river, at a seventy, FALL LINE week a valuaMs hone to Mr. a American I'orMU, 03 eenU. of In said a itaoatqaa point Lut belonging all in their to find the but the harp- me, Paul, Klttery, county, on the power colt, Warrington nine eight foet dlatant froin Mid ilroct, running RI_VER Ladle*' 40 oent*. lot of land situated In said Klttery, containing MUeeUtmeoua* off a brok- er could not b» or the adventurer oould lluup Hkirt*. Biddrford Bwhnm Card*. line of said lane \ theooe on mid A. of BiddeAml, stepped found, acres and and bounded thus com- northerly easterly JWw RalUmorr. Wmk Carpenter, 33 oeuU. slity-etght rods, hv York, Pktltiiiflpkia, who be waa. The thla MUeee'lloop HklrU, lane freti theneo northerly land on Biddeibrd end of the oovered not tell eipcrienceof mencing at ths northeasterly corner of land of llur- *eventy-*eren and all point* IVttt, en the HO cent*. Manet v-ttre feet, to laod or John iagltn, principal plank we will be a to thoee 4 Pair* Cotton and Wool Rlblwl ItoM, linuton l'aul, thenee 3i• .weal twelve rods C. P. orUeorge eight poor fellow hope warning running MclNTIRK, Dean Uienee said Hr*n'i land Novlk ami Novlk-H'ttl, and broke hie IS cent* a road to a fence thanue south KT weal weaterly by eighty bridge, leg. claaa in Satan'* Children'* Woolen lloee, 10 and per pair. by county DEALER II to be- BIVEBSIDE. of hia aeeking plmaure kingdom roils ami seventeen links thonce north M* feet thence aoutherly eighty-lire feet, plaee THE Via Taaalaa, rail Hlrar a*d Jtawperl. 3 8 la for 10 cent*. Blty-two at. X«N/bn4. below.—Portland Aryu». poo Cotton, west '..til rods and 8 linka thenee south 59" west gun CkMa, |t CO | rw%, $4 to. Alao, another lot of land at Mid Klttery Porealde, The mo«t delightful of all Magiiinee oat of Win. 3 8pool* Silk, for lO cent*. twelve rods and ten Uieooe south 39" west & Goods. rh« kni tlirauh ami IrtwIrtrH la Mc» The hou*. barn and buildings MM linksj Cloaks, Ctolbi, Trimm'cs Fancy hounded m follow*: commencing on the aoutherly for • cent* ten rods and llflemi links, (tho last flnir sourees Tounf People. lforfc fr»» M fhirp to OimmI Pin*, tor per paper. by Mo, <1 Ilnrity'o Rlock, Ittildeford. 43 aldo of a Una ji feel from land of Brown, in Smford, were totally destroyed by We would call the attention of our readera land of tii'' said Warrlngtou Caul.) thenoe south IP wide, running I Nrw Vnrk iraiiK Iww (tM OM P4»f Leonard Jlanaeom to a atrrot XI feet wide IcadlaK Towle'a card as he ia now located in a east Hurti "in' ruda awl fourteen links to Uie o»r- I m»I Rilln; iw-pot, «nnwr <1 Mtk and Km* on with one Dr. place DRS. DAVIS A tlie Vanl mad U> Placatoua at a Hufl Are laat, together a theneo north PATTEN. from Nary rirer, lud aa hlMli at Thursday night of a of ner of wharf by VHuinney's Creek i" Crowded with entertaining and instructive urma, d«il>, (Itanlaia iwfM,) au well known and auited to the convenience I have large lot aerentyflrc foci dlalant from Mid atreet, run- three one one horse, M-* east sixty-one rods and twenty links land of point 4»1I P. N., irrttlnf In Fail Rlrtr 40 nunntr* la i4nM of oxen, eows, hog, aware that hka re»> by on'the Una of Mid land Mr- pair the ; all ahould be the said hurllnitlon Paul to the it at. DE3NTII9TS, ning luiuthrrly eaatarly reading matter. «f tha irpitr l>inmU«| rraln. *hlrk ktm tl publio beptn thence aoutherly fret by and all the farming toola, hooaebold furnitnre, idenceiaat the houae of Mrs. No. 15. And lliat tho condition In said deed is Offln llowro from 8 A. M. to N P.M. enty-flre feet) ninety-Are A.SO P. M.,caanrctlnc at Kail River wlUi tka ar» k Dyer, LADIE8' AND GENTLEMEN'S mortgage land of Leonard Jlanaoom to the aca wall on Pl»cat- lem St. • broken, reason whereof I claim a foreclosure Ae. 131 Main St.. ntarnlOrrnt rninm PROVIPKNCR, CU4. 8. M. Im- and all other Total Jeflenun St., corner Washington by D*4t/»rd. lyld < ua river; thonoe Mid Ma wall ilxty- hay, grain, produce. thereof. 1 weaterly by ■MM, IIRintIL, c«pc W. II. brvla. Ttoa rtia—ri ■ •oren feet i thence northerly on* hundred feet, to the fiueit manner oar about flee dollars. Insurance for one VH0 mj» it* /lw//o«N. WARRINGTON PALL. Illustrated in by Iff IW la«M an! Ml nllaN boat* rm U« Hand, bailt thousand the of the of free from November 16,1869. :twH Saco Hutinena Card*. place beginning. Alao, right paa- Im aad nalnt TUi Uaa na- on Mr. Laat week we a of news TRAVELLING AND SHOP Klttery, to from wlfltad«1tkbHMI«a far f rtrhi add paaarafir Jfrnrglmmd RlMtff eUcwnere. 6m I. M. EMKRV, 2.1 mouth, New to aecure garment of a lng KennebunkporL All d«ae him ivnulnl not to unut llampahire. twlam which aaaan ka aart«aa*d M(ki u- in Last *wk we an account of one tr ruloriaf bjr note of two hundred dollar*, dated 6th, Um moat eminent llrlag WrIUr tor the Young. The Mstho. from lrt». ill month* from date with Intereat Sam Clark, hailing origiually Uiddeford, payaMo Nrw Tart Ktprraa Prctfkt Train kam IMai at 1.M hast in course of erection a new church •'trtrfrtlMcnieMiM. on which there 1* dne the ram of two Weill, a classic and villa in the W k N. T. BOOTH Muil-annually, P. M.| pill antra tn Nw Tort nrtt awmlof akaat • Maine, »ery productive IIY, and tan dollars and oanta. la to be finished in Gothic G. H. nidtier<^ hundred eight JACOB ABBOTT A.M. laavlaf Maw Talk rcachra Beaton aa tka «diftoe. The building Pine I'prv State.—Samuel, u waa statrd in our SELLEA, Q CJIAS. JI. Sheriff. Pratfkl MERCHANT TAILORS, 11AKTLKTT, Dep'y Mavlnc day at» 44 A. N. are be of If in the most 3w47 eon- The windows to first report, got him* up tok-"in," November lit, 1800. alao, and a boat of witty and eenalble wrltaca, for tlrkrta. hmka and »tairrnr*n». at tka Caw pa •tyle throughout. 65 CENTS. 65 and dealer* In apfdy • la and was shown about, BLOCK) Um at Na. IOM Mala war af Waaklaf stained glass, and the audience room is to be Waaliiugtonian "tjle, 96 MAIN ST., (UNION PORTLAND UiUitai to UagMlna. WfH dta, ll«aar, feted and courted, win«l »nd dined by quite a ClotliH, km aad Stair Mrvcta, and at OU Colony tal Krvpwtt Da- The Rev. J. W. is Wa ar« aeliing off all our Clothing, corner af Saaih and Knrrtand fltroti, lloataa. frescoed. pastor, Sawyer, number of our buaineae men aud the Mo. and pr4. youug by Biddefbrd, It la TUB X«|ttlna far the Huuam Uara N«r Tart daily, (tandaya WHfkdV and the contractor N. Doekain, of tt* Scott bar. Samuel luxu- QKNT8* FURNI8IIING OOODR. Business eminently architect, George politest countj 47 Bt«l Prentii iLL Cinrli College! from I'lar ao North Mlvar, bat ot ftwkir M., at Not. I, IM9. WUUUIU OHM or TUB IImmImM. riated in the beat rooms, and the best seat at the 34 Corner Slain and Water it*., Baeo. 4 r. M. «aq. UBl). k tables of our beat hotels. Ami, while doing the AT 6S CTS. EAdH. International Rniinru Collie Auoeiationi. AIIIVKRICIC, IWnpt Ptlfkl Aft, rNffkM#, OHAMAIl DUKGIN, JANM PIM, Jr„ Praa. agreeable to friends who anticipated every wish, ALL OVH • For full Information addre« Daniel Webeter need to that wbenerer be Win. H. awl Levi G. any M. R. MMONft. « We learn that Messrs. it he was thecon&ience over Sam DRY GOODS. DRY GOODS. seems, coming L. A. A. M. Principal, wiahod to at aome fact in or Maoa(la( Dlractor Naraf aaart Ptaaaaklp Ca. Ilutson hare fruu* J, M. Burtwnk, on AMERICAN OOR8ET8, DKP'Y bheriffi GRAY, get simple bietorr purehaaed West, who keeps a salocn and restauraiit —roa— atr. 1,1M9 if a owned the Wa- 3m II Portland,-Ms. for it in a well written child's the lot of Und formerly by who waa the ele- AT 60 CENTS EACH. soience, be looked Esq., Urady street, quietly watching FALL_STOCK. YOIUC A CUMBERLAND C0UNT1E8, ter l'owrr near Biddeford and have Co., Depot, gant Samuel, with no intention of being "done F. A. COOK IlltOTlIKBH. book. the Barnes so called, awl DAY, Wo. NO Main Mrert. 21 NACO, MIC. MASON & HOADLY'S Mi9€tUOHfMM* also purchased Mill, fur" by anybody of hia get-up. The notice in will remove the same the above named lot. 163 Main Street, Blddolord, Bett* of for MKTIton FOIl T1IK upon the Democrat rather hurried the operations of .Jewelry ** THE RIVERSIDE awl ars to add a steam sufficient for the Would re»peetftilly Invite the attention of the la- sa o od power our friend, and late that night, at 11' G oontaine, besides ite lively atoriee, a atore of in- N otioe. of all kinds of lumber. Thia ie elegant ladies ef York County to hi* large and rich tewsLaras?r"* _Living." Piano Forte Z uaiitiAeturing o'clock, he oalled at the House fbr lodg- aMortmrnt of It la eo in Aekley •»*«»-. £ IIILL, formation, pleasingly praam ted, and my wffh Mrlinda hu Irft rnj one of the beet fbr manufacturing some v A new work which haa been thoroughly teated In privileges which be didn't get, as he had scru- SSK1"" wu,.i^ i bad and thto Is to forbid all them success in their ings, KXSB: :iy "sr* QHARUCS nrlrate teaching, anil whleli haa prorwi to be of the that It la not too for nor board, peroon* this section. We wish the same before be was chiu.) prepared joong (beold, WITKRKAH,on m 1 shall nut ples about paying for ft,*.*" 77 Main it., (kbar Cataract Ilnnxjt) Saco, ralne to Inatntctor*. (Urnwilng the neccaaa- trvetlnx her my account, \*y Mjr SSLZ'k14^ highlit and after thl* data. enterprise.—Dtwtocrai. shown to his room. For one who had flourished NEW FALL GOODS! r.rfumuun^, with mr*lt ot material to train In the moat too old for the young. Pure English straight* debt* or h«r o»ulractlng Htlll eontinue* to eupply all frith ry pupil* Uioroagii WILLIAM FORAHD. his on the of our eltut ho- „,.2>ct« all klcd*. at tite lowest uiarkrt price* 23 manner Adapted to thiao who would become raa<- talk Ita contents. yiMJUrx JmtllMy. steps firti Embracing every variety of .. forward characterise 3wi1 tooth-pick rv,,,„ and to rach a* aim at Nor. II, INM. of to submit to Krvncli Lr«iJier 1u<'k 10 , UI° I tcr* of the inatrument, only to not* the l tels, with the bon ton the city, aa a We are glad improvement Hibhnn*. T\ R. J. L. ALLEN, moderate proficiency, It l« aiinerlor aclMnatmct- such couldn't be endured, so he "lit Drown Goodfl, SilkH, Ilouse Urn ACCK.NT Invented lha JhMImi mt (ho •«■• of tbe new bui Kl- indignity, Slmwls, tw"' or. Containing KXKKC1HKH To (ho lUnaralilf, In the looks and construction (food*, Woolen*, do. ^ bow bolden kl ft* out" The next morning Samuel didn't call FurnUhlog Trimming*, •■err, v*"*" i X7. 8. SURGEON by Mr. Ma*on, and (bund in no other work. pmni Jndlelal Court AlfTad, have been built and are in process kwatae hanchw Examination* for l'enelona, A CAPITAL CHANCE and within tho Count/ of York ines which upon hia friends as usual to take hia morning Yarn-W« For ay WM. MAHOtt * K. 8. IIOADLY. CARPKriNOS. lot Ladi*," Clcmili. • Jami* in oar two cities. Our but transferred his to Nplondld saco, mb 8Jtf Prlee wlUi eltlier American or Foreign for without money, rrpmcnta E. Fori, of puvhing capitalists "smile," elegant person a**ortment In York for »ale at Fingering, anbmribora, expending any The largeet County, "* II.OM. Kent on reoelbi of 0. of la *ald county, that oa the nine- that it not the Keokuk Mr. West, unlike Samuel's exauiine. floatage |*kd price. themeelree and for KllMry. are fw( coining to uixIfnUixi pays. packet Uh> Lowe*l Price.. Call and A B. E. IMTUON k to procure Ant-rate booka for RESPECTFULLYteenth of l<*i, at Caaaurd, In tho bUlo of in his de> *"*°*dUc*ch' CUTTER, DITOON k CO., lloaton. C. 11. CO., day May, other fnends, did not thus desert him Utf Nrw he wu lawfully married to Hoi- bat makes them feel letter P. A. DAT. SK3S"i2su' IUm. New York. Preecnta to give to their friend*. Hampshire, oilj pecuniarily, Such was well Traridllnr«now of unknown, that tinea |>artars. charming company 163 Main Blddeford, Me. t UIUUCIIS part* has not noted the broad Btreet^Cltjr Pudding,) Ikiitu and jUJ m to lite "IUverside" !»• ha* cohabited with Mid kolamna an I richer. (Who worth a to Keokuk, and be accordingly Seod $2.50 ■•bacrlptioo •aid Mrrtac* trip Notice. Mlato (aid bo baa al- com. en- OommiHHionerft' I), la Uil* that *1000 marriage entile on Lather's free since he.with others to<>k on the same boat How they Hard Coal and the will forward a list of 122 fouhrul aad af- passage undersigned, baring been appointed by publishers way* deported hlm»lf a* a cheat#, on their can best be 0( all nhcr, and wbal- thai handsome building joyed Journey imagined by ra»^'£w».D Uia or Probata for the of York, In For each fectionate k a* band, but tliat the aald holctuaa, menced bailding BE8T FAMILY QR00ERIE8. Judge County Booka, worth, all, $200.00. on those who his here. We have THE eiamino and declda all claim* rcgardl*** of Iter marriac* oorcoajit and duty, Such are enjoyed company to reeelre, u|M>n sent a subscriber ly Main jtreet, Saoe 7) buildings always to Cumberland Coal. and new name by with or or aboat tb* IIrat day « July. |M3, at mM Con- scanned the paper* of that city STONE <3c DRACKETT M against tlie relate of Peter ItanlolT, late of Bvxton, ejtry anxiously Drain furnished to order. r< mm ml I ted tb« crime of adultery wllh a ccrtaln in the owner a larger amount of arrevals to set at 0 •• HTAIbo. Pipe In raid county, drceaaed, repreaenteil Inaolrent, will forward one dol- cord, demand, they yield learn distinguished ; and, CK*?' *th 92.50 cash, they lewd man to roar llbellant unknown, and alao oa IIAVK jr»T oriKBP AT only ** «»», A*o. 3 /i/iri/ M'Aar/*. 38 hereby gire nutlee that ala mouth* from the day are and add to rest further on the of our citi- from Uii* liat. tho ttr*t or May. IMm, and oa diver* da) • aad •f rent, better occupied greatly any anxiety part Lart), pear* substantial metropolitan has concluded to return to c«nb*' own, 92.60, may of libelant Chat a Samuel Davenport: sent of & Monday* ofNorember, January and Mareh next, at and morality aodrty, your pray* hundred* of dollars two other nameaand dlrnroe from the bond* of bo da- the owners and occupants A noutadlc moMfitr* operator, giving Surveyor Engineer,! U o'clock P. M. OLIVKK DOW. a dollar; by aending 9&00, matrimony may perlpatrtle a* In 1 asms as was amtnl la... IWIE. 3w4T JAMttt M1UKRYA •read to him, attd, daty for the item of insurance. his Nun Clark, jeeterday up. I»CH npool ( iilloii. (4 (ij iiltttgi SACO, Octoliar .»i. 1460. ha can a book worth 92.00, or two book annually single •>n the Inlbnnatlon oae M. R. a ?' get at West Davenport CHOICE FAMILY IWit Linen Tbr.., ,oi cu Uo*»*■e.U to u a* I on Al- GROCERES, oSwilu,. All order* attended promptly portlble. aa Since the erection of Lord's building salaea who claims that th» aforesaid Naiuuel «r» to at and worth each, be may (elect. In thia k«*|«er, Which tliey prepare*! *«U low prioee. Nice Lot 8ilk F*nr. MANHOOD AND WOMANHOOD. $1*00 ft late af Mala*. obtained >-r him, under fbls* pretences, money ami and deliver to famlllea In of the Plan* draned on any de*lred wale, from deed*, fred brick aides and msnsard roof. any part city. Album*. *»**•«•. | ruauanau ir m a Uttle labor ia to aeevre, St, having C"»t« to lb* amount of It «> to 11*0. I'jmn learning We Invite tho»e In want of wik way only ne^^ry YORK, MR. At Um Hapretae Jadlelal Cnart, bapin on a for v«"'np»- Bald note*, or Old upon en- of Dr. John A. Berry has built a substantial three that t'lark ha. I |a««£r steamer t!i2^i-.^r..anU "*• Thr**! 0\9tm. aarvey. plan* copied 1'EAUODY MEDICAL INBTITUTE. "without expending any money, book* to give and h*luaty •Iowa ths river, Weat al*u sernn-1 on tlir XICE AMU HUSfM AKT1CKJBH, on tha third Taealay of la th* iI hLlrl*ir0r*u J,". at C. II. Dbbbbtt's Daro Stobb. tbe •lity-oiaa roof, and cementcd building lw would "It Um iu«tt<ru COPIE8 BOLD Till: LAST YEAR. UPON the fbr^nc llbal. Ordered, ThA tha libel- the Dr. below as a store and office. if ho wwuld him. Hut Clark did not ""?• a la made;— eupied by u). au4si|M«s sz Ho. NO Mala Hi., «*eo, Me. IS THE SCIENCE OF LIFE or HELP-PRESERVA- Aa Special Premium, thia offer ant {Ira notice to* the aald Holerana I). Ford to make bis ro>-- stores below all pr<«iu»e <•'" »»»'• s» sew There are also two other having a of after hts arrival here, jiyi'rrKCir" TION. A Medical Treatiae on Die Caoee and Car* one who aenda the names of aixteen troiMantnn Clark's Just {sSKSsfiiSS Any convenient cemented cellars, and cisterns. Ru*u sre are Inclined to believe him a rascal, thoagh we •ltinetUaneou*. """"• RACY IIEWES, ofKxhauited Vitality, Premature Decline In Mu, anbacribera, aad 9*0.00, shall reoeiTe, fret of mu«t i»i U -« !ii> appaaraiMM* dual not warrant u« m v., i and rooms over the Duo* "fir" T Nerrou* and Pliyaical Debility, Hypochondria, eo L. Dowers the tha (N«otaslua. tie Is a man of mors than ordinary vJJXteSifcSj« el. Tea Art, No. 60 Main Dakk Saco, a aet of tba Globe order thereon. la tho Unto* 'aad a occupies In R»HkrupK)'-AMl(nM,i N»l* of Real | guffRahScr IUIUm, Toy *t., (York Bdilb'o) | dla»a**e Ihm the Error* of oxpenae, oomplote (Ml Joaraal, and rsalljr inakss a waa look straage all otlier arlaing Youth, In lllddelord. the aoaa- a ef the cellar and the hall intelllgvare, Dickon's the moat public n«w*paper, printed la tor's store, part with hi* Manufacturer of or mature Edition 01 Works, prr«eiK». E«Mt^ or the Indeeeretion* Eieeeeee of yean. ty of York, thrre i&*ki •uoMaatraly, Um Ml pab. from cellar. Mr. B. has lie 1s ev Ideally oat of Ms sphere. But to his at before above with elevator be *>M at auction at tnj office • Thla li Indeed a hook for erery man. PrteeNmly Om edition extant, In 14 volumes. 1 loath.n Uieraof to ba thirty day*, least. I ran met ion In this eltv. no aosejr with public oompletff cheap Marin* In on the jr.th of SrSF4~^Cb'-lU- Harnesses, tha sitting of aald fourt. that aha may thaa and IVifduvl, day Nvvmhcr, Kwclitnl with him William F. Abbott, ami wbleh l<> lilr iassu« oa Iks boat, ha | nsaailsrt Will Dollar. pip), buttad In cloth. DA. A. 11. |iay |n&», at I o'olnck r. all the rtjclit. title ami Inter- c"ui» t*~"- »«• i of all and dealer la It. O, MMOUCMTOJr * CO* thara hi oar aald Coart ahow caaa*. If aay ah* hare, a who is at th« to loan deeerlptlons. Author. are to manufacture on an lad, riap!oy*d Tepfer ••I In law awl ot Win. < f a 11 AY EH, tha of aaid libel skoald not ba graatad. intending eigars a ttns e«ialty Sawyer, Huiton, °5* XM mVKBSlDH. Canbbims, Mas. why prayer they him t\M #>r that purpose, tiandlag ths boy Js-raarssreas ct« lUir ilruihe* J. Ac. llankrupt, to mWio the of real W*lleU, TRUNKS, TRAVELING DAOfl, A Hook for Ewrjr Woau( AAtt««t. II. Cum*. extensive and soate of the best brands heaver ovcrvoai as security for the money. fdtowii^jiarrcla PAIRPIKU). scale, eetate. til * A lot <>f land with baiMinga thereon, I af tha Ubelaad «*der of Coart After par Iimc his »t«»iah»at IWe ho asked the V>y A general aaaortmentof IllankeU, Wbljte, lUbea, Entitled HEXUAL PHYSIOLOGY OP WOMAN, JS CT.f Copy tltuaU In lluiton, In the (Aunty uTYwrk awl State on t known to the smoker, they certainly have every If he s^skl let him have the euat la wear town, aadllor** Clothine of ail kind*, alwajre hand. Woman Treated of LRJL theraoa. ^ of Maine, on the southerly of the niait leading 25 °U | AND HKRDI8KA8E8, or, Phy- j Cbaac. rhrvuol was aonoNtngly cirsa lata his Billiard Tables. AUaat II. PAIIWKLD, convenience of so We doubt if there will pnewl-'n. from lh« lUr Mills to Theodore Al.on'a late dwel I- and from to 3w«; doing. •lose whMi time he has It rsftawqg te It ilologlcally Pathologically, InAutcy kepi give jug, hounded u follows beginning at a atake at the U"• ALLACB BROTHERS & a better man a in' New i«eh I* the or to retted ths aieney horvewe*. I CO., Old Age, with elegant Illustrative Engravings. be cigar factory England. bay* corner of land Irtucrlj called the Urccu g Jg HENRY HEIMS, Or TUT A TNB. Thar* was (■Aslant asMeaee beCbre the Rseer>l«r northerly ikit onfio1 all the mat extra- STATE of on haton 1.4, and running eaM.irlr by aid l<4 ahuat Cou- asL W and Tbeee are, beyood comparieon, The new building in process completion la warraat ths autfcnrltlse has* la Mm In TEW—re Carrlera, 104 aUDBURY *T.» BOHTON MAM. tatefibf r«li m tlaa line nf ike U Wvodman worka on erer There BR. To tha Um Jujtleai of Um sntil the arrival nf an oOsar from Uuv. n- twwaVyflra Jpi| ordinary Phyilology publlahed. YORK, Ifnnorabla. Sa;o. built Menu*. Jordan, -astodjr Una so tbew-o aid line StmttvUU. Sort. Mt. Miouhctarre of Billiard Tafcfce, «Uk Um rateal Cm. i* I Mil to k* boMan it Al- Main St*. being by to ealleO) north-art, fulluwln* what erer that the Married or of lawiBM J idle ('Mrt pert, who wtlt sumluct the prtaeair tfeat plaee la nothing Single ; la amymm the to land occupied by btephen Towle | thence north- " blaatloM lrl*i Cathiaa. eeperlee fred, within mU Nuiy, on Um Tnaadny of Kike A is tbe handsomest (excepting 5,-. Tk« market will ba fcr Hark I Hei ean or wlah to at mlae-il Bryant IWft. by aaai Towle land to the read) Uteooe aouth- F*®<>r a*«k »•" highest price paid Either either require knew, hut In aea. prtoee. IWftcmtwc, IMt to have been and roost west aaid road to the at, four wrea {.""i, New Ho*,,,, hn- and Itldee. 28 and matter* ef the It. roof which ought slate) in* the by place began what la tally explained, many Order* prmaptfjr iltnM lylT Ramtwl Hodr- InteMertna! and Mental Phnranpby, umeaerie... Nrl..g-m. conveyed to nM W. Saw rrprcmili substantial block on Main St. We un. H*0" mo«t Important ami Intonating charaeter are lain, ot Bnath IWwlck, In mid roanty, thai ba looking «ul of a able and lecture yrr hf 8. lV»k RBJPECTFULLYdon, j of this character in fature. We are heartily mid Muier oa two aides and bv Jeoei Pa law*, i S-2 and Manufoct'r* of porU i Marrtaga ings The audience Proprietor* erlee of U10 wboee la of aa ualo- Of New York. ■ kinsou T»«e»lay «ve the 16th. Char lee and John (1. Woodman. on the author, experience (ml>lt<eu Vtea Preai. WIMLKY & M I faithful ud liWNiHkMkMl tail the entire for the resolve. by Um ruvt ft—« Uly White, 10 eta link l)all», fore Ml to the lot of any man—are In fell. MACY, allAOElt, aasfy. ekuti, thasks of eommanity PATBUT TRAVERSK CARD GIMIBU, glren that Um nld Hmk K.. kw number*. The CbL entered and warmly Alao another lot of land on the northerly ride of Sr®**? I KMI ra Pollelee apoa all plaaa, at taw wlwttjr npiUMW deeply No peraon bo without tboee ralaahlo hooka. approved Mvnaat ud on or abnnl Um Alfred ft. ha* been greatly improved by the the rewl leading rr»m the liar Mill* to Portland, ad- 1310 ihyuld 1 ratre, and with unusual liberality to pollay Iio d- Mnrrtnc* duty, Int into his which ita are erer of without hut or subject, considering dryness Und helre of They utterly uallke aay other* publlahed. era. day May, IM*. any nMnI of a three block easterly occupied by Reajmnln im building large story having Und of WOOnMAtlH POBTABLE BMLIJUI. alter flr»t aaaaa. did Mart your llbaUal, Mnao nM Um he mvle ; in its several k«i northerly by Joeeph Uarlaad, •*' VllCMU Doom.—'Wo hare reoelred the nlia- All pollelaa atrleUjr w*HbrfVltoUe par- very interesting parts Bag Freckle U(lwi hM rtfM to llr* with Mm mm UmI Mid brick aides ends should hive been brick westerly by land of J. 0. A. Harmon, southerly by HeklotlcrbMkl Moth and alao a itoek of Me medical worka of Dr. Albert II. liaya*. Theee ■rat, under MaaaaebaaeUa Noo-Purftiture Act, aUarly (the They keep Nanh K, on 4lvan and IImm. both bifcri and it showed cartful stn and a full knowlalge laid mail. Maffaoiia Halm. UW« l)|oo« «j UuV book* are of actual and »hould And a In I.V thU ('>xiii>»nj dayi Messrs. Frontons, Gooeh and Adams. ly merit, place adoptnl line* «aid lit. baa eoramllUd with 4W also), by Aim one half part la common aad undivided with and Qaa Intelligent Dually. They are not the All aarplaa divided among tba Inavad. July adaltary of the subject discussed. The CoL read the Stoam, Water, Pipe* every cheap wri lawd whoM mmn m In llballaat of handsome we would Richard Painif r, ea southerly ride ef read trading A'£ order of abominable truth. pnblUhed by Irraponal- No re»trtetlare« of Injunction on vital phinclif pr*y« > O. of Saoo, situate froM IIm Imrfl «T ba to Deering, esq., Ivorv Berrv. on the aoathweet bv land of R. Palm* matter*, concerning which lamentable Ignorance K lamination wfll eonvlnaa that erary rood, aqsi. MnUtMooy majt datraad applauded and the silent attention was more GRIST MILL, m la baud, built of handsome brick, free aad Joeenh aad Itha- dirt#. The are treat- tofcie and liberal fcatare at U» ha* hhn, and, daty will arar amy. Portland, presssd er, Joseph Spoaeer Bradbury To do Cvatom Work, and Oraln for ear* of Wm. important vubjecU preeented UfcOompaataa to the than the moat na iwwthweet by aaid road. talc, ed with dellcaer. ability and earn, and. aa an appen- bee b«M Um Ureal Weatara. IUMUKL fiuMOOX. and slatnl roof. We flattering speaker proloog- Retry, U. Pmrijr. adopted by stone trimmings expert Also ill twraty-ftaarthe or the shore taw mill, of many uwftil preerrlptlon* Ibr prevailing r>«n- Attun Aft* WanltA fireVof /few Cuftmmd, applause. We team that this lecture will be dix, to W. P. Oea'l aw Haw MM* at Hilar. will a the double aaw mill at Buxton, Bar Mills aad BOARD are added.—Ceea KtpmHsvm, JLoacewr, a. AmIy UANIfBTT, Agt. our friend give grand hoove-warming PLANING, ur to repeated if desired. Lyceums having vacancies y»per mA RlalntaS.pf. T, IW». laclaad, OAea 10 MaW Street, Beetoa, YORK. IB. At tha Bnprataa J ad Mai Court, bogva The aar Mai to a William*,• UuJUIUf. Joint! njc, Matchlnr, Circular and JIjc (tavtns, Io**- T. O. WINHLOW, btate A*U, Portland, Me. andbald at and lbr mM of about Christmas. swhjeet mortgage, Including Unxlayi, Da. IIatu la one of the moat teamed and pop*. Sail Alfrad,within aonaly in their coarse will do well to and secure all mid to York to eeenre utar Plan Inc. Box and Moulding Machine*. an Um third of tha near that handwme apply property, Rank, Haco, Ur uhyaklao* of the day. aad la aatitlad (a the mi- York, Tnaaday NanlaMbar, In We came very neglecting the *um of $ Ikii.ui awl the interact fr«u> the date ot " ^ af onr Lard ona tbonaand handrad the above. W# ft bo learn that if r ents Qnttors & Conductors! itode of our race for three Invaluable yanr right and Messrs. Frank arrange said via> Uea. i;th. also to Baaff only Mouldings, prwtttctToa*. store situated at Alfred, built fey mortgage! IHU, su^eet ! It m-cwi to be hia aim to iaducw men awl women to •UtptfMi are made, CoL Junk ins will a series of lea a wcoad to lkavid U ef Baiton, CfUrrt Constantly on hand, from A. T. BUarna' Milt a give mortgage Palmer, all kind* made avoid the cautc of tiioee diaeaaea to which they are CPOJI Um IIM. Oriarerf. Thni tha UM. II. and Walter M. LittMWU about year ago. oa which la o«w nelleved to lie due the turn of »«■ Dozea of to order. Tuning ftnpta tares on sieutiAc in this ami he UUa them how and whoa to do ant Kltr noliaa tathaMUHarah an- subjects, place. aim to the Incumbrances of hack taxes of of all kind* by J. M. Paine. nlyeit, juat K. iMc*>nla awl Walter are two of the most enter- ■abject SiS!"tkw'' IL—Tanaiaffea Ckr»mfit, > trmtmffm, Mi., ttfi. 2, Mr Wfbra tha JaAlaMofoor Mid Jn4l- Frank I tat ton, aw aboot ?~¥X~SS HnpranM Yours truly, Fuorstcvn Purrum. »VUUi, apoa part ef which aaid Zj XT XmC 2 SR 1 IM. Ml Owito ba ImM at Sana, wtthta andfcr mM business men in York Alonso property haa been sold lor laaee. prising County. JfilHPT mf tJfHurt, Timber, Board*, Plank, Shine)**, Lath*, Clapboards, Thta* are trail* MieatUU and popular worka by aonnlr of York, an tha int aT Jaaanar. Aim all the right, title awl internet of arid Wm. mart and comport, tw a f*M<>f Leavitt has of the and tailor- "JJJ Penoe Slat*, Ac. Alao, on hand an aaaortaent rf Dr. I layee.one of the leaned aad popular nfcy. jm** charge dry goods The setectmea of North Berwick entered com- Sawyer, la aad to radeom the following real eetate, Vavyar'tf Salrt, Madieof aad Jmtr- TWn t» — wlwM> JJim da 71ni oUfu FANCY ticiana of the day.—We turjttml hvuvlMlT. Mttit The Arm is under the ▼to and Flor Maro, WOODS, Ease Jmi- ing department style be*>re the court of the I a1H09. M IV ptumht Um mm U Of Vtm.mt plaint municipal Saoo, by l»t. A lot of lawl In SaM Button, being seven- IVUh^iiiy. Pondllly ljn.k, jMkr Aad a variety of other Mock and work done. Leavitt 1 Co. of toen acres of land, bounded on H"^.Km* (icraaium, and olliir Perfuiuea, Price of SCIENCE OP LIFE, II A). PHYSIOLO- & of Llttleield. They keep goods of namerous citisene at their town for a the easterly aide by Clufi, "Prwptna—" belac onr motto, w* hop* to Wi.Hr wfcM.UwrII know. MIMNU. LAJU* petition land of Wm. ea the aide hr OP WOMAN AND HER UJJD. la vannus kinds aad If you don't be- Rankin, southeasterly gtre naMAeUoe. GY DISEASES, RIM * MoRRM, Omltota * OytWwu, lirlM, quality. warrant to ssarek the of Charles N. land of Bewail Rankin, on the southwesterly aide premises 46 CUARLSS 1IAHDY, AganL Turkey morroooo, full gUt, 13.00. Poetage paid. Cuu., wuteliiin of Um lieve it, go over to Alfred and see for yourselC. by law! en|M by Uvea Kdgerly, ea the anrtb- Allen and of Howard & Fall, Sher. Dur- land of Bam I. Ihinaell aad Chaa. IU«I lUDfC Either hook aeat by mall oa receipt of pvtee. their Dep. weatorlyrideby waj'i CELEBRATED PERFECT There is no fear of mistaking store for the II. of the Aabroai* fot Um Hair, rt ^ or SPECTACLES. 5 on seise i ia each ahoat 9600 Herman, being part lJnnlel Appleton bUrilnC* Addree* "TnaPxaaonr VSMCAL I.'htiut*," i* gin Tuesday shop am. haratftlUr Ji"i «»)iilww, mnilBiil, aad seme are tn do, as PEYSfiK'S" DR. No. 4 Oalflaeh atroot, floatea. jail (ae compelled however), worth of The not >1. AUo oae riith la cenmon aad undivid- IIAYIS, liqaora. proprietors pleaded part oaw- their store is the Urge building with mansard ed of thai portton uf the term of Daniel Appleton, TOO CM BUT COBirEK N. D.—Dr. 11. may heceacalted la UrMoet and the was * Batnr- Boston ftdence on all dlaeaere eklll, aaortey ami gaitty hearing postponed late of Buxton, deceased, which waa not sold by hia OUR STORE THAN requiring AtMat. alone a JLT Daily /■»<«/■»>« mm4 Cntmn n.rAnm«w, roof fens of Express! ■ainrl—»». Mitt*/. steading as Admlaietrator by II Court. 3twmp day next. T. H. Hubbard appeared counsel la York Cowty. 0 Jwff friend who the I 3d, Alan a pareel of real eetate la aatd Baitoa, u; p'jam IjrW Our Oodiug keeps County for the TO ALL PAItTmDTB ARB WEST. > the respondent, and E. B. Smith known a* the Kllaha Ho..lmaa farm, containing will be to weloon * about M hoanded__ Till canUTO House, glad you. State. I ■■easterly by laad of Lemuel Bro's T&ATKJta. I hawyer, northerly by land <«rupi«d Ky o. Bdgerlt, Oools. B0ST0R--0FFICT36 COURT SQR. westerly by land oecaptod by hows sswnro kaohinb nU» CAMUAfrfr A»PHJtK»H TWiB Mthaitt | by land of Aarva Brook laiTuJLm^SiSlaad heir* of BAOO, Office 84 Xain 8t, a< T B. K. Cutter A Sou, Hardware Dealers, hare H»e. A. J. Weaver will deliver his third lec- erly Jeetah Cteabelmiaf Mai «f LWildt * Tan», aoraar »>M»al Mat Bony. Store! (at (tore of C. Twambly 6 Boo.) M.taM.Ma. ture to the Cheap Variety removed to their old quarters, la Qaimby A young people on next Sabbath afternoon. Moaaiag toeoavey only Interest which can rid door ibon tko Fool OOo#). 8. ITHWCOBCB, Agent, gOjyLtOWU, to me as William L. Put*a*. BIDDEFORD, Offios Bhaw'i Block. Aaaijptce. AtklsBM* Maaafanarr Sauth Inert laaa.AprUl.lMI. M» Swestesr's Block. j Subject, Marriage. «w4* Assignee. ialy12 Citt HriLomo. BiDDiroao. IT*All ho*ln«M promptly aU*o4*4 U. » M to Napoleon's Horn and Opinions.— The Best Place in York County Buy Tub Mbaivbum Lot*.—I can m«*»- BY 9pm t MAnt«. The following conversation of the Emper- QpiAA WILL BB FOBTBRKD ure love—Sow broad, bow long, IGEITS WimO FOR * or with an American with whom noon parental it it is a deep Napoleon OF l^lnmn !* a aovei wliich and nowstrong anddoep is; a 150 BARRELS ST11UGGLES Si TBIUMPHS A BaUhot lady ha* written ia. But be had been quite intimate, is certainly D the other ma which mothers can fathom. IM VM Mdb Mrf she ot twiaa, *«aa Sve and only and remarkable admission from the of any toijf 35 JEETmS+m.'*9* fufca oo Yonder hill lips IPJ UCM AMD the lore so from one BOUTAftY HAMT1, mijmnoUL' displayed son is crowned head, and cross, where God^s own per- especially what do liar* "Aeroa do bloody has a who has the siijnrnio power that "Hans, yoa ishing for us, nor man nor angel enjoyed MICHIGAN" APPLES, encuL ailmkktb aid situatioh, river ait de d-r school a yo go of has done. It took shortly Commumixq turnpikes bjr linn to measure, The circumference Napeleon place ImMmI to tUrrto* m4 atoffc UAIm | dcr hand on Jer oder side." the dis- after an Illness of the Prinoe up mit right the earth, the latitude of the sun. Imperial. SpitzcnbcrgB, IICtR AJR> DKL1CATI PI80*DK*J| been de- Fears had been entertained that his life Hi Hi in BnwltoMMd a to« "Doa't trouble Toamif to Match your tance of the have MfiwU | Wini planet,—these Wttrra it IIiaicLf. 1* 0*« ^miOctatoVou m ail a dentist to hie pa- breadth was in danger, and the Emperor, who Pcarmainn, Ala I Cbantf I)MImm,1WmImI M; i Ww|Iii mouth any wider ,,T termined ; but the height, depth, mfc—Surly wii wK»nui«*» CWu- to draw adores his son. was still haunted the Pao»—Pwjtw UmFmi MkftfllH JmM| (iiimwi Meat, "I intend to staad outside jour ami of the lore of God passeth by tooi—I uto Mfccr to ;nU m4 Ik* mh U- length his child's Baldwin*, IooOl" Such is the Father against phantoms of malady. ™«rf, at al if*, «f knowledge. said Ma- of ns have finned a thousand "If I had the misfortune," His Crecninptt, both uxa, sorou o* mauubd. Tho atadents of the Caiversity of Miehlpa whom all shore where the ocean to lose him, and if I had been con- ilxwlmt to kan female lecturers this mm, times ! Walk the jesty, JYorthern db. I*, son Mr» Stanton, lashed vinced of the of having an Spy, aad hare invited Anna Dickinson, sleeps in the summer's calm, or, impossibility HUT ATS JUDICAL OfTlCI, b thun- other direct heir, I should' certainly wire Mia FWd aad 0. F. Train. into Airy by the winter's tempest, Stcar and •1 MltoU llmt, ■»!>»■. Mm*. into execution an extraordinary pro- iiUHK ft CO.. FvblUhcr*, IfertJbrd, Com. Had thra dering on her sands, and when you hare put la m amafriftal paltaliamrMtartarfMftMtor. aid aa Iriah apothecary, yoa France the tev If, the of the wares, the ject. I should have given Street*, |MOM.IlHMf||MMHltotoltall »•. Ml, of diaagrw with you numbered I mhm tumblers whisky punch droits liberties and institutions of n ron malk rxmr cmsar j»r FREE TO BOOK AGENTS. frWMMiWill wM> —p inly don't take 'em till the next day,aad sand on her sounding beach, you hare priviliges, over night, I should have decided to bo- w« will aaad » kaatoMM «r«w n iw D)rl*toin)K«*yp ytog we with cume the first citisen my country, IjMTXMjEFMELD, of A44rw§ Dlt DIX the Well, therefore, may go to Him M HWt, ItM (ktip. NATIONAL A and geat admiring a poplar tree, restoml it to all that the necessi- iio Mmin JKrwf, f«M. 46 CO., Doftoii, Mam. imtl lady • the contrition of the in our hearts having rCBUSIIlKO umy wntU, (m4 U aaaaMhaeNUatMatnartofcr nairkwl t 'If I add to it, (irodigal me to de- Ikm latter gallantly you I ties of have compelled «w via mjm*» »he re- and his confession on our policy wou,■, to mptm ptoawj Urt it will popular." in it of for a time ; in word, D4VV tepaM He took have sinned against Heaven and thy 1>KBKT l« IA« OrWMf* adrrrlu- "and it will become populous." vo after me, an- ^ JR^IIOI*I)OII tmif KtfUr fkftmm plied, us to rendered imjiossible, SITTBVG-ROQH & GOUNTUVG-ROU REMEDY EXTANT. after. The of God Give THE MOOT POPULAR the hint aad married her auoa sight." Spirit helping other form of than the Re- COOK, PARLOR, to God, be assured that the father, who government PAIN-KILLER la oqnally appllcabla and »f- lIXTUOf TEAM Leader has go ono un- The editor of the (M.) the which, wisely fteneloaa to Voanc and Old. to Mtl • krt m »»fl Bprlngfletd seeing his son afar off. ran to meet him. publican, only THE "««H IwiBwi W Dliiiin, been for a arreral aaha, to derstood and an «r8TOVBSfJ9 PAIN-KILLER b both M Internal aad Ex- ItoMato ■««; OHnm, I'iMtom, MmtoiU, ftotl advertising bey fell on his neck and kissed him. was but applied by energetic and on hia or the ternal Raawdj. Ac, thai b* l« mmch nr—fli<, aai |*r- kara the printing trade, Tharwlay not His Power, suits the temperament THE that an of Him who. sparing ahoald ho naad at Um Int Pr^fMon, wife Ailed the order for him, which shows image French Rut the dream roust bo PAIN-KILLER RftANOKBA AMD but him to death that people. of Cold or TtATOXUA. own Son giving up to maaifoatattea Coagfc. advertising pays. renounced, as a father lias no right de- THE T» inH in4 Map toiynltlia »to». rtn pniii lillii i, Mm pr Mini aa4 •poke great persons see the contest between Kight and Wrong. Mark Twain commenced his lecture In TUP Oil HFC pod m Mil be found In any market. ky of Provi- I Hp \ll Ifrn KM I bo and baa no Hilml nii •4 to the "mvsterious Jeerea to lab I and warranted. It cannot beaten, equal. J1IE poverty by I^et them turn to tell the storv Boston on tbo woman as follows: I Ilk wlk V Lll Irk wlU earn AMD NATIVS dence." His astonishment may be imagined away question PAIN-KILLER Dyapopala. rOftUON QUACKS, some lored one. tnat the cherished I am nature a conservative, for I the had altered it to "the you by JHK who kw« 1MU* ft Ito Mtan »j»I rharactrr <4 PI*. when he aw printer so Mod- Bfwrtel the loved son. in whom was one. I was PA IN-KILLER U tha (Jraai IWljr ear* toaaa 11MM W- due reuse of brother, dearly horn" In my infancy mm, m< /*** a* to iWr fwpd mysterious provisions." whose Mm of tho Agr. or wkick Mtff aaiMd HI manv hopes were founded, you rocked in an old fashioned cradle, for mv THE ptoawa* *f luMUultuo* Catog**, is the matter THE EXCELLENT. ran PnJoter'i Colic. *# Dm tarti | Mbm rihlNi Pt|il —i *f tha A cautiouv itemiser tells what life was to be such a no- to do with HE PAIN-KILLER will u; part whole ex|>ectcd jwrcnts would have nothing kot ttoatoad hImi I Ml Mir MMMiaf H»l mi la the following term*: "The NMoa I rat Dim, with a noted lady sucn a one, in weakness on UTOVK. One ftrn In Doetoa la«t (Um J mm af I boa* la Ita JNtaM. M ble. manly your new-fangled jewsharps springs. A new C00KIN0 U for 8oald* aad Barn*. mtlritf la ImwM Prineea de .Metternich is to retire from society TIIP nilf II orer three hundred, erery one of which p« per- IIE PAIN-KILLER food MM MM af «rtr- and to turn to the strength Whatever used must lie that which REMOVED I for thlf (tor*,) fold I* terlhrr tVtr hnpmklM MMf forgetfulncss | HK Iy If III or warranted. for a little and is baring lots of edging, they fret latlrfkctlon. For wood coal; J knM U( aiuo* M. NtWW to dMliad while, which is ever anil took that in- til* Sawlne ami Machloa to Lila I Ilk 141 V flkl Unlraml Hatlafoetloo. pfcyalrtaM on which she ia mak- ready, yielded had tho sanction of When my Knitting Agency HE PAINKILLER gfvw insertion*, muslins, and so years. NKW AND SPACIOUS ROOMS ky first which never, oh, never, will be was I was QUACK ROmiK MlUU into little too fbr a doll glass fautile stomach organized J ing op garments large PAIN-KILLER la alaoat eortaln «rt for Ihrnifk hl*t orrtlfV-al*a aaj iitmn, tad riaratMinothed with cordial. At tho HILL'S NEW BLOCK ah>> and too small fbr herself." your Godfrey's IK CHOLERA, aad haa, without doabt, ktw aora Umm rf th»ir awdkrtar* ty Ikt 4'at, MM tipnaa was Bmo. HUd moral THE the favorite, On Main »tr««t Marine op PALACE In e*rla* thu terrlbla diaaaaa. Uiaa anjr aaMnto toa,« liilli*. la fcrttor iMrM|» a beginning naragoric* THE CRYSTAL tmmPM wWa, thin shawl be m*le warm (biding irt noi tauiltd In ih« MaU), lam la eoa or »tm moK Kaiinmt or *•»" awlml I ilk* Ml thai la wTlltaw of A may by .ft i*crHaurou*. but mv mother one to dis- (uhlch other known raoMdy, tho •itlaau, mt'T Is day haptwned itant or a rarlety "f alllha leading la Abtaa aad China, I to MiklM and il at* af Hi totto aM ylai >, awl newspaper inside of it. The paper impervi- receipt good Bkllltal Ptiratelaaa. India, cover In a household book that her grand- macbln •, and can my euatouera with any thll draadfel dlaanaa la a Tar aora or laaa pre- aacrtto all (to mm to UMf rilla, Kitracta ipRlta, hr., ous to the wind and e-kl air from ou'side, aad (apply whero mother used cordial. That was pattern they roav wlah. Terina of payment* made- valent, Uia PAIN-KILLER U ooaaidarad, by tha aa- mm* af which, If Ml all, e-wUln M***ary, hMto af I ha the of warm air from be- How Amasa Lost the Bet. Godfrey's > to* mm Mam prevents rapid mcape •tiy. PlraM call and rxamlne. THE BEACON LIGHTi Uraa, aa well aa by tha European reaidante In thoaa atoul toSaf af Ma cwtaf *ra.ytklaf,» I as undoubt- on a substituted being dona u uraal. with neatnaaaand a*w* lhaa la ml Uwa* not eawaUla- neath it If you miller from cold feet jour- immediately HKPAllllNO c lima tea. a ami nnsnr. to "kill rami," kIBad, cordial was ac- Nlee Una STITCllINU done to order. illd piece newspaper your Not edly Godfrey's mxl Worsted Work. HE PAIN-KILLER h7 DmniitJ are counted the most eflleaoious l>ecauso the Alao, knitting llmltr) Madlelaaa. 4w47 IUIOIANCI OF DOCTORS AMD NOOKCM- ings; this is better than rubbers, 'if you Plains L. I., lived Lent Seavey, Bob Km- T Honiara In hally QUACK »'. IV. HOIMUMIN, A|*at) THE IIHPROY'D VTCI1KY.&SSS3 MAIMS in under the upper Amxu bottle which contained it wen) and eold bed, newspapers spread luons nml quaint S7tf and Practical Machinist. ^ " were Thnaagh (ha Ifnarmnet af (ha Quark Doctor, lawtaf M cover will serve a an additional blanket was fond of could shoot old-fashioned, and the laltels printed ! oor to his the cover on the Newton stomach of ancestors ; not for aitt that aiy buiinmn. bring well pnatfd In tlx that *1*4 thfwaftoial over a in earrlage manufarlurtoif, (In perfect mm* on I iu duly bumd ia side the and came out the old mine ? It has since been rule Iha la ad | nh, *U* walking I* aakl af tha hahaaa, j too. The old gentlman of |iond, by Uoa. Wheel* band at raaaaiialfe prta*a al>v>«« of whtM atkrr* p< wor**, aod ar* Ml la toff and the itMrtblt which laftral a ter- when* Boh Kmnion- was at work. our that it is bettor for babios to 01IAS. M. LITTLKFULD. dir. churchyard, ham family •offer fto anaiim If audi rrltrrcd or ca/*d, If |«a- tb« and a short die of cordial than to live 1.1K» *• MI'S LUNG BALSAM! rible washing awyv by llooil, After a little talk, Lem left his pin and Godfrey's by Baeo, April FURNACES! FURNACES! *Ma, ky em patent phyiMana. the eon'e DK CONVINCED DT POSITIVE PROOF. time agu hi* body Wii found opposite fixings standing outside, mid went into the reason of any other remedy. [Laughter BUT ALL QUACKS All NOT IOIOIAIT. been down the river a of brothers .liinrettaneou*. Fnrnaoee to order. All work and Fur- AND TEST IT YOURSELF. place, having brought ham to look after the cattle, and finally and applause,] One my sug- We keep the beet and make a apeeialty of furnljhlnj and letting Nntwlth«Unlli« Ito IbfvtHnc hrti art kwowa la mm distance. When the tender-heart*! mil had advanced siuco dc*ti waa informed of the ftet he m-vle Ike touching but he was told to leavo or Public Buildlnp, li the nte of Par* Zauuviluc, Ohio, Palmary stood for a half ^WANTS! The moat economical method of heating liouaee, Churchea, bjr arm awirary cone back after that dol- just beyond; day'* tramp Godfrey's day Mtm. J. N. HARRIS A CO., wW perjarr (ImmItm, eaatradfcttof ftrlaf remark, "1'robaMy the house and nover darken fbr wood or ooaL to I hair ar thai It I* t>«toM to Mr ■ iMrMMi, in the woods* makes a man bet- immediately, naeee, either tea or tvtlr* paOaoU, dry, you'd 1 Utullrmin—l hare been afllcted for fcr Ma awr- lar r* a* In the seaeoa a* oonrenlent. Lettra making Inqalrtea promptly ■a that Ito "wawal Ito" mm/ to atoalatd pi h fly ter While he was Bob, who its doors 8_0_0 Pumaoe* thonld bo set early rear* with DronehlUi In IU wont Jbna, and hart believe. gone again. In*, or "tha Mfcr* ar -fracttM af I," My to aktotoad triad that I could reocomended, bat Jimmv )( vu one of the bora. was always at the bottom of all the devil- Do icant a Gold Watch. answered. ererythlng h«jr Ito tha aaatmwi. II b tha* thai May aiw Imlril, bright you yood with llttla or no until I aaad your Auju'b .%'oiirrM. relief, a Ian. and a large MM hir «i>i rlMMl* and bat seven or oil, had done fn the an extra Sprciat ma la a ahort Una *lca*ly *|«od although eight yean try vicinity, dropped Do want a Silver Watch. Lioo IIauun, which gare relief with you yood for qwackrry. evinced love for wealth, and looked forward to of shot into each harrel of the pin I ballere that It la Uia boat preparation extant, DM L. DU1 charge TONIC. a HOUSE F URJ\ MS HiGOODS, of tha throat and and I fbel It mjr wlien he should be a rick man. DR. HOPUN8'TrON Do want Clock. all dlMwaa lung*, ar* aaVnM. CowwwwwteatieM mn the time and stood for fun. you yood n lliat charge* rery wwWly by waiting Presently ▲ Parlfltr ■ ml |[f(«U|or> duty toaay thli avail tor but own oaaa, *bt»- at breakttat his aunt informed lllu«d AdMtial, and aU way rrty aw hto wkh the Krtotaat One morning Amasa came the rood with a new hat want a Chain. PART OP other* tr) rallaf. TO— Do you yood COHMSTIMO II max •y and conlldeaM, whatrrrr may to tha flaaaa*. mmOMm the a of twins h*d up I him that during night pair on. The half formed that floated in Lou ol A p |>et to. Llr«r Complaint ReapedItaad^at ar sltMtUw af mwttM ar »ln«to plan a set any ewe, to the which con- Rick liea want Silver MATIIIAS EREEMAN. la ll of Ike been added family, already the brain of llob was you yood of Spoons. Mwllalaaa aaot ky Mall aad Kipraaa part* instantly completed Ntrmi AAwtloni, iHaaaaea of the Skin, Containp> runs, baskets, tra ys, iron and wooden mops, Pnltffi ftutr* sisted of three bceklca want a set Silver Forks. BROOMS, PAILS, and hla statement I jimmy. and Into action as follows: tlve Chronic li'trrhtrt. and IMmmti Do you yood of TEA We know Mr. Fraaman wall, All Irttor* ad Ice wtoMUhMldtol* to The bis knife aixl fork and ex- put PINS, BRUSHES all kituU, BIRD CAGES STRAINERS, reqalrtaf boy dn>pp»«l savs to Kintlu. Minulictir«>4h tar«j») at a tin on hia for the eattre. All lat- Do icant a set Plaitd Forks. he ncrl* all attor lu»*a to Um aalr, atoppcd shop way purpoee when- he found it. Just then I *t a* Mai to hla that iron about for?" " Doctor la new pamlkf Mylr. a of to roll it up. toting shooting " " sou fully prapaml tinker, producing piece paper you Do tranl a and Job Workmen In the Mate. Glre ») ar>l aB dlaraar* af Lh* km*la you poo-/ .Yapkin Ring. We hare In onr aome of the beat Tin Plate Worker* " " hoth modkail) mryfcally, at a meet- It's a I Lem; fy employ " 100 "Weil, aa 1 want it to blow "Oh! way have," replied CONSUMPTION can bo OURED. 300 ar» tofltod u call u camp waul a Tea Set or Castor. to a*l MMd Ikry tMpaMkilly not the sort I am "sometimes I a chance to shoot, and Ktad the EvM*bm. Do you good aiaeall.JQ Ml Roeewood Piano* each f.100 (700 I gur*< it is looking got Elegantn " " r:n.lic»it ing* T# Melodeons, 7ft to lilt ila. HI MLrwwl, kaaiaa, for." And the walked then I most hit." ■'Facta ara »tuH>»n thlngt," and It la to beta atrmr thai Do leant a Cake Basket. 36 O. A. BLAKE. parson dignifiedly always Una you good 210 60 to 17ft AO Irtiara advlM anml cwlala om dollar to It la itoaired lo illrrrt tha attention ut Uvt reader* of W. I*. GOWEN. Sewlnr Machines, " raqwlrlof "Net hit hat—six rods" Mil On Id ...73 to 1U laaar* an an*w*r. away. you cant* my article Do wan/ a lee PilrKrr. Watches, you good Caali Prlsea, Hllrarwara, Ae.. ra ued at |l,nn,f*l) Jm. IM. 4 exclaimed Amasa: "bet"an supper yeaia of www and thoroagh practical (rial hart I, oystor Many Do icant a Butler Di*h. A ehanaa to draw any of tha ahora Prliaa r..r jn dtawatrak I hejimd tha prndrrMim of a d<*iht the fact yon gootl for the boys cents. Tlnkets Prtaaa are **a/ed In Kn- HrattiMg. to-night!" that the ntadiciDca by aie, and known aa describing Siim/ag "Set prepared Do you wont a Disk. wall mixed. On of "Jfte a 3r+tr4 "Done/' said Lem. it up." •CIIKNCKV MAN t'KAKK I'tLUI. WllkNCKH Mt«. good Berry velopea and receipt la without choice, and aent by mall Amasa set his hat on a and meas- WXKD TUNIC, awl SCllKNCK* 1TLMONIC BYlU't', Do want a Mantle Ornament. Tteiri, drawn, post, you yood to addreaa. Tha named It wi l ba J)Il. FOSTER'S hate extraordinarily aoooraaftil In tha cure of dia- 1869. any prtie apon How to Hell. six almost with proved AUTUMN. on of Out ured the rods bursting want a 1869. delivered to tha Uckethn'der Escape laaia of the pakaonary orgajia.nc what U aaually termed Do you good Travelling Bog. payment hollar. Prliaa are aent U> any addreaa Memblnl at the imaginary ideal OMMMtM. Immediately An unusually large aiKitcnre suppressed laughter Do want a H or Glove Box. or retarn mall. when ho should find lie 1 am fully aware that there are many proona wh.we you yood dk'f by ezpreaa Relief from Pain! week tU Institute t<» h»*ar Oli- of hem's looks Y»u will know what yoar Prise l« before you pay Instant last ©uojier rule Ih m an completely that "proA atrnng aa want a JUbum. hat at six Itob also pnjudleea Do you yood it. An fntl anntKrr »f Ik, M«l ver wlut couldn't hit the rods; WiH" »"ul I hll In convince them of the efficacy >< Ibr f tirkanjf /ar expound SwudMibor^ IMy can on Cat r Djcr at the of success of his ami that there are other* who, tinder no Hr- Do want a Pocket Book. iWnr. No Hlanka. Our patron* dcpeod the New church way chuckled prospects my rrmcOtra, you good W A X V teaches concerning omittance*, could he prvvalM a pun to admit tlieir merlt«, dealing and Lem with tho idea of Do »cant a Pocket Knife. Rrrmtrwcr*.—We aeleet tha from many / FRAN mil A t4» th«* <>!«! church hell. Men, said plan, pleased becauae «nch an admiaaton would prove detrimental you good the Old No. 3 following escape •imply At Stand, Pepperell Square, bars drawn Valuahla Prltca, and kindly P £ have the bet. Ho tho gun up la tMr |>raonal lntere*ta. Do want a Razor. who lately J the "W ickedest Man's" biographer, winning brought partiralar you good ua Andrew J. fir the wrlbre of theae doahtlng permitted to publiah them; Ilarns, of to his face to Are. Forlu&atrly mank'nd, Scinori. 'MEDICAL!) more notions hell than * rwanau- Do want a qf the anortuient of $10,11)01 Mlaa Clara 8. Walker, Baltimore, J a mall rf tha you good pair Can be Amnd among large Chicago, always tangible and it both bar- penple term comparatively ping We are told aJmoet daily that Oonaamption, the aonurge Anything dealing on forward with a shout anil a Afaa KM. "A friend of oura drew a $ VI) is a matter, and there jumped laugh, af tha American la lucuraMe that a man whoae HrrmU, prlte purely philtMophii-al pfnpb, nits t- ci~tss which waa repaired."—/Aat/jr Jmnt 0 Hums to show Lem that he couldn't hit a hat in are dleeaaal muat be given trw to die that he inuat promptly are no rewards or hM(i fir in I for Circular. Liberal indueementato arbitrary punishments and that the arrangement of hta temporal Agents. broad Hut where was it? Hit* al«nd<« h>1«* { Satlsfertlon of luwlerf 3 PiiUThira, in case, hut conseouences. eartkat atten- guaranteed. Krery package the ouly logical daylight. aa wad aa ipiritiul attain »Ih-uH claim hla Silvn 811 Tick eta jjj and there, and a miserable tun Clock, P.nre opes contains ONP CAMlHflKF. * true ami of fur here ti<«i If there were not beta aa undeniable aa that tha Watch, Jrtcclry, M® 0«h1 is supremely good, just— M0B.HX for $11 ISfbrfii 31lbr|l| 110 for lift. All lettcra wreck of a hat that looked as will thine In a dear heaven at midday to controvert thaar Neuralgia, th:U Is to SiVT, dilapidated (BASE should be addreaaed to g supremely philosophical randea and not anfreqaently harmful aaaertiona, I ahou'd BURNER,) 00 if all the woodcocks in Norfolk Ware and Goods If Altl'KK, WTfLAOTV A CO., Hut man is out county bel uawllltng to take ap the cage nf battle a«ralnat them | Fancy ^5 Colic, CramjM, and logical. unregenerate Br .law York. their bills was the with reaulta—facft—which neither nor limV IW Midway, of with Cod. aiul hence the almost hail stuck through it, hat, frwtiOed theory Iiitrs »ml joint mere aaaarOaa can overturn, I propnar lo prove that IX)K. Stings, ^ between God's treat to his eyes. The sudden and Establishment, infinite difference sight greet SIMITION CAN UK Ct'KKD.ani that lh» madtcinr. 1 w instantaneous of his countenance nient of the violators of Ilia law and change prepare—TIIK MAN liflAKK I'lLXS.HrAWEKt) TONIC, JUST CALL A 7 Sprains, I)v»»nirry, had lost the rt'LMtlNIC If nand ia atriet accnrdanrv nranrjuurs qqqqqqqqq told Bob who wager. aad iVRUP—will. m Sick ft Nrrv«MU ll*>n«re J2 He throw* around us for maffin. inent bulwarks which a Life. Ortat Pallt, A*. H.t momenU. ItaelneM new, light, ami U scha, on thn Skin, Peaceful End of Troubled Aa ounce af antlit (art la worth a pounl of theory. Urt MAGEE'8 profltable.— lMniplm £ our We should never learn own I'ervona of either mi ata wly tarn from ane. to $"> ® ■te, tbentat, preacot the beta cnuneetrd with toy —AND— In Children. protection. Mr ami a (am by devoUac Chilblains, Worm* ^ if God dealt with us in tlie the IndirMutl ei|ierlence. Many year* a jo I wai a cnaflrmnl erenlng, proportional anything The Ohio State Journal records of other their whole tlm>« to the btulneea. Boya and tfrli A"k .vor'lrncriM for It, and If ha ka« Mot manner ronaumptlre, ant like thoaaaiala anbrtanalca, rr HE HILL SUPPLY YOUR WAffl'S earn aa much ai men. That a I who ae« thla h« Will «fj»r It for vm. ho«\e-i>odge, arbitrary, illogical death in that State of a man who waa fleen up to die. Kmlnent phyalctiina pronooncnl my nearly r>lTt. other. nearly notice Mod their addrM*, and t*et the biuineM, the franklin Madleal Aaanrla- in which we deal with each Men a and UrfJ me ttiat if I had aay |*e|«ra- may Manubrtarrd lijr was connected with a aaae boprMa oae, In a Manntr aa are not years ago that ha4cmn eevnt 1 mm smm hell, the trouble being punishing which caused a sensation in aa at abtouos well aatiafled we wl I Mad II to pajr Air Thla AaaoeiaUon ara alaa l*r«pr1eton and Maau- tragedy great make theai t|«rdlly. I believed thia Jutt ooaAdeotly to their enemies in an shall be I of wrltlnr. Kali a valuable aample, (Mtinn of Dr. FwUr't «*l»lirtM Catarrh wishing punish and excitcd interest did the who thua albcUonalrly lofwvail me that Thai Satisfactory particular*, Jidl; Massachusetts, deep perauoa to eominenoe work and a c|>v of urn. manner, thev have that were and that reeuveey waa with a of which win do on, RmbmI/. imagined the my daya numbered, impiaaihla. Together great variety of arbitrary the About year waa Tkt 1'rom,.', / Ilrrmrf WW the laTf- His and takes ven- throughout country. 8Utt, tha deal re to live lingered In my hnaian. 1 young, REMEMBER, Oamjmtm* God children a named Sa- eet and beet Aunilv Mat BTATE OF JwTA.IN'E. punishes 18J18 the body of girl and clang to life with Hie aame ic«M«ty that ytaang men, newtpapera publlahed—all on enemies in the same young to free mail. Reader, If want penaaneat lib spirit. of was found and nkl men tun, oedlaarlly do. I did nut fcel willing by you p-ance rah A. Cornell Fall River by GOLD AND SILVER TAKEN addraa K. AL.LK.N A CO., Ac- IfMfN nWiN fa IMi fMWIri*/ S*k—tf»r Ufh. errors have all the theo- abandon aa lutig aa a aingl* vea iga of it remained I proCtable work, if. These misplaced side of a haystack, in a field remote hope Maim. IJwIT the had fUU blth la the aad lufunnatUm conveyed lo me by my «mi, switches on the rood to heaven; At the Rata. -* Htflrt4, Thai It li aaaanllal It tha hlclirat In- logical where it was bat atUl there waa a lingering belief that amae- Ifiijhrtl &0, from the tana, STOVE highway, apparent phytic FURNISHING of tha SUta that taraaarra akoald N taken that not HOUSE UraaU instead of dlmtiua IMPAIRS, and the Church, teaching nail be dona, though I knew In what GOODS, she hail been murdered under atrocious thing WATCHES, CLOCKS It JEWELRY at th« «illMtirMll«kli|i day. to aetaklllh u la- from u teek (or tha awarh deal red relief man has become alienated God, a whonl lor In uoh4um villi the circumstance*. K. ■■ M lha RkMngr mm] rrrotrui parted or mj nw««ry Cltmmtd in (ti Bttl Mmtnir. Ttf Farmer's •luitrlal girt*. Kphraim Avery, I( Helper lion l». Barrowa. Mi- teaches that <>od has become alienated ot lb* r>«»«■ entire (•annrocnl In a«Wri a mon- name ana addreaa to ellher ctmU or mull and tried eyatMii ooapiete Send m l "N»thinc of the terrible crime, therefor, and Ma*. ratUa la tm da*ira>>i« a work. lh« Uoveraor m» tolicd tad mM U all— by paintal.now ataapentfiroly LOWELL, llona fraa aar lava ar altr deelrlag U bar• of uffcuelre ■altar. At lb* earne pnipnal All Um iUM Io*«!" The ecclesiastical court him. with lane* «|uaalHtaa yeJtow to acquitted ata of mck roan laaUtatlaa located within their Malta, Md lima my lung-hat appetite rHiinwd. I IMj full conviction of his innoconce, and the mom Um aaaaa to Um aait Laflalalara. Ami. finally, instead of teaching that Goil tend aa tai palaUMa la aw, and which waa at the report civil court failed to make a case time and wh <—M ti|u«laiillua boaaae kaaa Marck Mb, IMS.) a it twrhw that against MWIwi (Approred in being of infinite love, eihauetlng awaala 3 8aco, Mo. him ami discharged him. But that did eopioae aul kraa uManaieci night maal| No. Square, IIo U a being of infinite vengeance. ami lha rack Lag and harraaatog rough abated) the hv»r brvfcei iPeppor©^ STATE Of MAINS. Btraaraar** Ornca. { not settle the of his innocence in on vulrd IW. then it invents a trinity of imlvpemlfnt question the pain •Irpartai I IWh ptanlMl Itavtf my aadty Ararrra.Jal/ II and ho aad with (leah came atrength and tall health. fmrn t L- i i l wiuna um mom ar um foratniai an the minds of the people, although taa*, Jttmetn ami the doctrine of atonement, a rubwat man, and .flitceUattemua. aad ba Mat U gods to in the a n«n akrictun 1 h«A atuut, atnaig, Raaalra ara barabr laeltad. may continued continuing to 1 Proposals a loving God propi- preach, I hail malutaliml both atrenglh and fltah thia day the aSM af tha BeareUry al BUM. whereby peacesible. in this State fur several ho I aa Meet with aad God deliver- ministry years weigh two hatali«d and Ihlrty-flrtpuunUi By ardar of tka Uoraraar Coaaail. tiates ao angry, insatiable hy while M DREW, could not ouUivo the suspicion created an appetite rowchaaJW la bat hw inra, ay dlgvetire FRANKLIN himself to death. The true to all the uf a health BaareUrr al BUI*. ing Scripture him, ami bo retired from ocaana an aai|>iy e^uaJ requimnrnta Fire! Fire! Fire! O ia a of infinite against Anally fal condition of my lyM. FREE! doctrine ia that Cod being DELAY IIAKK8 TIIB SENT and removed to Ohio to seek ba U all theae aoadeetal ihangeo aw* AmcHmui u4 r*rtlpi Pstosti. are lost it is in the ministry Now, nawaalwrad, M. O'KKKrE, «OIT * CO.* love, ami that if any aaa mrdlrince 1 MAN- DANUBR. Mraa have apitc the aud freedom froiu annoyance wrought by lha uf the prepare OLIVE" LOCAi of God's love ami oirr. Ami quiet PRAKK rtLU, RKAWEKD TONIC aad 11 XMO.MC hltbarto baao B«t by Th» Ur«u iuformar of Um au««, "cherishing he not ex in Massachu- created n. which could poet ST KIT. A cure arentinaly »• mirarutoua naturally h.~Fddy, how are k*tP a of uinm (H 4ilml*rf, t— Seed who. al-aadoood It*n llfc. now eihlMU la they imagine couple or t la lha aiada of thaac who knew ma. 1 waa Catalogue hATlnc setts. For the last all alikain uriDE diseased twenty thirty years who be- l— eaw»raut.— And to tho rtfw colon tba wbola ibwwrM Solicitor of IPatentn, hundred with brought literally heataged on aB ahlea 1 had vtaMaeadaily lull, ami **(* frf,.*? people eyea Mr. has lei! the life of an industri- kind tk» Inmt&. IWdk Tnilhftil. MonU, ud III**- Ikt Slstn fmlrnl OMtt, IT Mi Soiue are ao that Avery bm la give thna lha mnedfaa which had wroaght Tha tla* lost In Lsl* Jftnl »f Vuti*4 into the dlnaswl •ought Madias it, j„ light! ous and farmer at Pittsflehl, Ohio, lha wondartal mtmUM and had amM ata Ihna lha tmft—, mmjrr ,( |D7, can quiet an and FLOWER AND VEGETABLE creep into the darkest places wee* icarta for vagina pttli| they where he died on tho £ld tilt., bi tho vary Java af death. Letter* laaatud by lwi|«w. Farm for UAUDE.t FOB 1«V«. TB IUU M., BppnlU Kllkf Nl.t they not going tafcra the writer* wkm Sale. It Into ordar baa find—into bole* and dungeon* •veil, tuning aM la hapart lha exctalaad working < -t rt with the am! regret of his Published In Jhiv;. Kr*rjr loror of Flowor* fUh FT ICR m iitoiilra prt«tlM f iy**r4i grave respect fer nnaaaillni oaU bo obtained. Other*, SITUATED in Mar a IWUl da- becauao are driven there, Iho aparltka Buxton, too olua prorad Ing UiU m* and rmlu^hle work, to* of eherge, Aim I f'rMMT/kl. smmmit frw. *•##•» ooollna** to (war* uaUaU la Iko I'all they arbitrarily and His at who were lua waak la Iravrt, w< tatUDed with "riling,«cnt A jraaM neighbors acquaintances. age 8almoa FalU nln« bIIm Tha BXTINUUISn. ■lioald « into the of I rvaponded aa I waa Iron liitwa from Portland ER. fair aeUn< porUbla or t»t rai- light appUaOooa * the Hmo, 7mlS ami til piMn drawlap I regained ay health, and gratitude t AatgnnMnU, we are in the same had tally Plra Baglna. la laaxpaa mi mmtUi krw with UUpaUk IMvine truth, to the • •dU, iin«M judged happy mult pitauptad ate tu tarn ay attention near the lin« of the P. A R. Railroad. iM to ahle to m la Itaeaartrarlioniwuim Raarareliaa ma<1« Into Atnarleaa way. Our state ia revealed For Fan." artraop of atedictue, with the hope of thereby balng tl?«i*nd tltapU a«4 alllltr «.f spiritual Bald term »u the oi the lit* Wa Mil * of * oock II l«o work*, to riateralaa Um "Only ba af aervlcw |o ay aaflWin* k-flow-crealaraa. 1 devnCal property turning mum ua, -ml if we can ataml God's well poU Wj * I'atanU oI liiiitlaii, atd latal a ad olh#r light, to and more to thai rmmttd kmrmUu !• W*. ktaltk '»• of a agraelf chaety ay Malln, eapeciaUy lkoa,and oonilitsof 110 acres divided1st a ■« Saleratus lht*aaa Caplaa ; we can hear more, we Theee were th»« words the which I snitnbly hm. Ho that raadaradon *ll aattrr* InurliTng and good if go upon lips branch of thna tolbr terrible dlaeaao (Tom roadr for ln«t%nt porUblt relating •MrtloM. for Pyle's •r elaliat of frraUhad. kj raalU In all hlndrane. to Um mjt pataat forward where there ia more: ami if not, beautiful ladv while hail eaflmnl ao long anil ao much. 1 laveatigated II **d ondcr a state o( enlU* rlM ft wlthoBl la young very rvceutly. tillage pastnrage high Is the Bfrt in mm raoofdad WaaA- to anan thai aiy raaa Use, lac dollar. AMlgnmiati we determine! to tu hartal phaaaa, la order ayaaV Acknowledged go back into the hella where there is the niilwav. ration, with orchard »•» Htoladto Mm. standing by aa one The riaan ay Invealigaltaua good | billdlnfi nearly laiMOri. //•!#/», »»«1 mrmlt K»»U*•***, aaa not nrrptiuatal in tm Ik* Vmil»4 IWn ynmm aofariM not aa a matter of arbitrary cross brfore the train against marliwlini, I Ml e»«- t.% and for «!#•» tad Always put up pound packages, f» Jf—p lea®, punish- approaching lha aoea tallthrtory am my eaU about torn of hay. Coavealeotly divided ptmblt, ar twirltMitf lia were a or » JV, fmUUin U> tUtimuf ft!mil as a while the lather tone of thuaaanli uf ay Mtow-crvnlarea rlUlly nie»—«ry u Hft-b—t ment. but ju»t the man with the dis- the wishes «>f mother, 'laced thai lnt<> two forms. Terme roaaoaabl*. to FULL WKIQHT. imttmltrnmi. whoa mm■ were aat aa Apply plimMihtf/ la Um back into the to of 'smartness.' In an- dying annually fraa mnenaptioa (h» iaad- MaUi Um mMHK eased eyea goea dungeona the trial a* mine had bara, and IVORY *1 MILLIKhN, on the preside. 01 to Tb« (Uitdtnl ruartr hr UImumi w(Ui Dirtif alfht approved ik-ipermie ami ap| Aaifrt- •Mm of kit larra jtraaUa*. escape the sunlight. How, then, shall other moment the engine caught her I arpH Na Ik la thai mnedlea which had proven 49tf DANIEL DENNETT, Esq., Button. tcacloai aay lip* Sold Grocers leal /aU-BUtoM KVfcRY ONK or It. by Everywhere. Ami IU hat.»*«» A^PCALM, and etbctlre with ao weald prove equally aa with ether*. 1 bo/ can ebarge maaap m WmMMxrU. rrpaUllon applkalloM.MXrhK.N Ik a Coaal*- get rid of our tiUiess for hell ? the drew, still the iron rail, u» of which »ai ta 4« /a.a»kjr * "Keep sweeoing ardKian la a pieaaant and attractive Na WAIfTXD. -HI MMfh d*aarr««l. D«t It nil. daclijad tlx* «>m- pniaiaf ay ^■▲OXNTB Commandments. aaith Uxtl God drew her timler tne wheels. She reaulta ara Notice. MIRACLE OP T1IB Mid ncitt of milliilll; tol «o»aetl»lM ■loaar ot Pauau. revolving; aad anaiaiMMl theaa to the world. Tha well CommiHHioners' for a Circular.^ THE COOKING AOI Im, poopla woaaen Qf*Band aboat a. m • bow. Get all aninxwity out of your was taken thence with strength to known. Thuamnda of anffrring men, and ctlklrrn, been COOKIMCl Wc nipotent. only undersigned, having appointed Add MM HTKAM APTARAil throatwhenevera DOPHf >KIUl^ff TrarrioftfAU a hem of aha w*ra on lha w*y to the grata, lava hern carol, and Commissioners to examine claims the fttUmlMof. Mir •• una n tka mm heart*. Run prayer around each 'Kim mother for me,* and died. T1IK against Tl'B. VINK AND aeU efficiently on Iha -I rtfiN Mr ubisper, are llelageebleanaaf lha tad that CUXM'MITION estate of Daniel late of Lebanon, AMERICAN C0N80LIDATKD ZIMMERMAN* IMVIOORATilR *IUi tlwa I UN bad to it from Show are to-day Rankin, repre- MlMmiMttto wm aod «■ ittufml pfMUUoo*r* day keep raveling. your Lessons of deep import taught bj CAN BR Ct'MtD | and I think I aay ray, without arro- sented itore Hr bUtorr warn*» II Insolvent, will meet at the of Wester CHEAP! SIMPLE! ECONOMICAL! what U \ K*V UT official laWfawa*- at when* a man 'Just for is the lan- to ihnn H juarly ay Uaal I In <>n the of COWM. Inteetine In IU i and Coaf of ISU«U home, alwaya this tragedy. fun,' gattog ayaetf any gaa, Pail, Uri>MMNi, last Saturdays Jaaaary, FIRE EXTINGUISHER operation to C'llAHLKS MAhOM. reflgion lha irealmmt onr oh FORTANT, m narm fcaow.lt MOW ikal hare had aa BMch eiprrimcr ta UouaMua|» February, March and at two o'eloek P. A lliinr «wM for tvwtjr paraoaa ktli aUjM| ao licaluUoa la awarlag laraator* ahows his meanness most. Treat your guage tof souls daily, trilling with 'the April next, II**ier atrrrt, Botton, aurrrablk to Mh "I hara Mm aa any ether peea— la the coaatry, aad thai aay auc- M., to examine aad allow claims an I net aakl eatate. 95 Akb, M^MMl^ m mm ar— a it never ito*a or m Hf I» • HYLVfeTKR FALL, a mm* Mat* II to eieeltont aapaMa are tot tho rmAn n aiimhw thai thrar are aat arr* tanrtrd with Cod Lhrar Oil. In ia to have a religious husband. If you Among these many who hare, liv- JAMBS FALL. U a dall la Mtara ara fur laataat aaa, WaUr ehaagad ■ certain oowlltlooe of debility, ud Malraarata. Thay ptaMive living beta, af which I aaa Lebanon. Nor. 3, ION. >w*M raady Jbr pafttonlarly rralHM al I are remember it is robbery to or dead, mother's ADAMS HOUSE, MdrdnurofUM in Wall-si., ing pious protesting tha living rvkdmaa. Lmtm tk«ntln koaaa to tendenelea toConeaaipUani EDM I'MP •< Ttmpli liml, r-rll«Ml, aloaa annp bydlatlllalioa. tllM—I It M ■ take a man's money if have got him with gentlest accents of love against There ia an aM adagw whkh aay»: What haa ham tknaa COLUMN' MOOXNTONK. be* decline topMMrtWlt, »CmmT mt fUMb you holy • fhrdcUaa I have ton ruml ilNrin Mora la Ha raaalla * tot MM Um That, h*/ my, ao TIUKTKK* the and madness. amy ho dnnrI coanpMHj .fmnaani- JOHIT SAWYER, Propnotor. An IMa avokrag. drMOfWlljr patient. -Mr a. n. Raar kaa aada tec "cornered." Keep faraway folly I now ri*r to tha maltaa II do mmn hana than nod. With Itodd'a of ahlak [Applause,] Utw» by the rannttea pwbNc T*i null T»« Monisrowit, a Norel, by Wilkib Coixm, Au- la now la th« »ho It 8«a»a« trj TVn te a»l Taf- HtrMt, m4 Blata, by Itr *•*». laafa "glorifying tiling pastime taa af lha Naafrai* It, wrll ftarnUtml. id4 tr»r*llon will bm JOHN COUSUfB, should his love wins Ah lha« ia to aaarlnco tha anal Of all the no one fbrtjr rrami, all. If an outrageous servant girl ruin. Sometimes |wrverted aanta Syrup. areaarary living wrlUn of English action Imim aarlnjc UmIt tUy la Um & CO'S a ta r trial to* m anaiforuble COLCATE become to kitchen the and the idolised to ■hepdaal ad thaw arrKa, la better understand* the art of story-telling than Wll- will bo groa to Um vuli of ItQ Kraaabaak.Ma. r,s^r»',^s?rss.Ba- converted the pure gos- day, spirit goes mm* af the nmiMnra. aa thai etljr. Krrry attention AROMATIC mi dlfacUaaa aonaapary ktel'ollina. He has the faculty of oolorlng thorny*- u4 mmibli prta* durpd. Mr. •■"satasw and take to her nl*m unsaved, in the ruin all ainaaary that ahoakl are aa of n and Um K«mU, safesr1 »T» pel. glorifying eternity feeling II la net ahantatriy palirnla lory plot, exciting terror, pity, cariosity, motto "Lin m4 lot »*•." 3n»"W Paa«—.J—■ I.IW- to thrir hwjir'i U, VEGETABLE NOAP, and hymns to Iter, am! yet should that the mutilated victim felt in the mor- |WT*ranlly anhaa they drairv harr laugaexaatinral. other paMMtu, inch as belongs to few IT any of his State of Maine. ringing thia I am aaraonaBy at ay PlIMiru Orrica, eeufrerri however much excel him In oth- TTItk It out hoe at burn* v. 'Kiss mother for me/ far |«n«or they amy CMk»(4 ClrccriN, Staying night "ami tal agon Surtli corner af Cianarroa, JCv aar er Bio U NOTICE. Ma. U SUlh Iw, iwpttk stylo, Wm, singularly apprepot- «m mm4 !■ MX0I I HAMLIN OBGAIS. t the ateak and the remorse Ad an- *>r*ed and than retired from I)m I* r UM «f LADIKft Con urcaking the crockery, Friends might pity iMMtr. ato—Iraa arUftcial the armp ef J. 8AWTER, hating miM At iMe Is—ttt C«uh Price* would not her tuiatrraa call that the who must bear in his Adrww la giren wllhnnl charge, hat Ir a lharaagh r« modern novelist*.—fle*t«* rrawwt. liwtM*, will horoador giro lit* wbolo! Ik IH/RSKRY. ||U miserable of parent |< tra duilara. I br Drag for Mla hjr guish m'—"— with tha Utipbi iiirr, the prTcv Published IIARPBR A BROTHERS, M. T. DR. Uto of hU nonseaae? And ao U—to pnHlw proMon. ■ just God aaya.-Uring own the echo of- his ad lha rWni arte aad Haaiw id Tonic, aach A Brothers will aond tt)e aboro work 5o. 10, itaJn. I. M. CXUr, IS des|iair approval, PHra Hyvwp Harper (Mw, lludjr'i Now Uloek, Bp at Ktnaabaalpcrt me no mors vain a Mandrake IU. XW Ptoter* prlaled thto ablationa, but keep rav which M>aled the doom of the loved ami It W |*f h»Mh. or $T 50 half iliaia. by mall, postage pro-paid, to nay partof the Wf Hf II. M. H. on of R commandments" lost. Jkoaato par boa. Iyr3 J. bCIIKNCK. ualtod Biatoe, rnootpt prion.