
Reidentification of Artists and Genres in KDD Cup 2011

Matthew J. H. Rattigan [email protected] University of Amherst, 140 Governors Dr., Amherst, MA 01003 USA

Abstract has exactly three genres (or “Categories”, as they are known on the Yahoo! Music site). The data for the KDD Cup 2011 competi- tion are drawn from a real-world set of pop- Under the above assumptions, we can compare the un- ular music reviews. Included in the data is labeled KDD Cup artist with real-world Yahoo! Music an “item taxonomy”, which describes the re- artists in order to find a suitable match. Fis- lationship between four musical item types Z, for example, is an unsuitable match, as their (artists, , tracks, and genres). To online discography only contains seven albums. An protect the data, item identifiers have been artist such as Meatloaf certainly has enough albums scrubbed and replaced by numeric placehold- (56) to be a match, but none of those albums con- ers. In this work, we show that relational tain more than 31 tracks. The entry for structure is sufficient for reidentifiying many contains 109 albums, 17 of which boast 69 or more of the artists and genres in the taxonomy tracks; however, there is no consistent assignment of data set. genres that satisfies our assumptions. The band Tool, however, is compatible with Artist 197656. The Tool discography contains 19 albums containing between 0 and 69 tracks. These albums are described by exactly 1. Introduction 10 genres, which can be assigned to the unlabeled KDD The data for the KDD Cup 2011 competition are Cup genres in a consistent manner. Furthermore, the drawn from a real-world set of popular music reviews. match is unique: of the 134k artists in our labeled Included in the data is an “item taxonomy”, which dataset, Tool is the only suitable match for Artist describes the relationship between four musical item 197656. The mapping between the two can be types (artists, albums, tracks, and genres). To protect seen in Figure 1. the data, item identifiers have been removed. Accord- Once we have identified the artist, we are able to use 1 ing to the official contest website , the items “are rep- the album, track and genre counts to reidentify the resented as meaningless anonymous numbers so that genres themselves. In this example, four of the ten gen- no identifying information is revealed.” However, given res can be uniquely labeled (157804↔“Mood Swing”, the rich relational structure of the data, it is possible 280686↔“1990s Alternative”, 532850↔“Big Hits Of to reidentify much of the taxonomy data by matching The ’90s”, 622158↔“1990s Rock”). The remaining 2 it with publicly available Yahoo! Music data. genres cannot be disambiguated without addional in- For example, consider Artist 197656 from the Track 1 formation; for example, “Metal” and “Rock” only ap- data. This artist has eight albums described by differ- pear together, and therefore are indistinguishable. ent combinations of ten genres. Each album is asso- For this work, we focused on programmatically identi- ciated with several tracks, with track counts ranging fying KDD Cup artists and genres by matching them from 1 to 69. We make the assumption that these al- to data available from Yahoo! Music. Below, we bums and tracks were sampled without replacement present a brief description of our methods for reiden- from the discography of some real artist on the Ya- tification, and outline techniques for evaluating accu- hoo! Music website. Furthermore, we assume that the racy in the absence of ground truth. connections between genres and albums are not sam- pled; that is, if an album in the KDD Cup dataset Note that we ignore the user rating data made avail- is attached to three genres, its real-world counterpart able for the contest entirely, and thus did not perform any matching on users. Since labeled user ratings are 1http://kddcup.yahoo.com/datasets.php not publicly available, we doubt that any such match- 2http://new.music.yahoo.com/ Reidentification of Artists and Genres in KDD Cup 2011

Album T: Album T: 84744 Genre 10,000 Days Mood 11 157804 11 Swing

Album Album T: Genre Genre Genre Genre Genre Genre Genre T: 1990s 1990s Hard Mood Prog 601605 Aenima Metal Rock 15 157804 280686 319294 393059 531704 582591 622158 15 Altern Rock Rock Swing Rock

Album Big Led T: 1990s 1990s Cover Hard Mood Prog Lateralus Hits Zep Metal Rock Altern Rock Swing Rock 0 '90s Leg

Album T: Album 224963 Genre Genre Genre Genre Genre T: Hard Mood Prog Lateralus Metal Rock 13 157804 319294 393059 531704 582591 13 Rock Swing Rock

Album T: Video (Untitled) 3

Album Big Led T: 1990s 1990s Cover Hard Mood Prog Lowdown Hits Zep Metal Rock Altern Rock Art Rock Swing Rock 0 '90s Leg

Album T: Album 569518 Genre Genre Genre Genre T: Hard Prog Opiate Metal Rock 6 319294 393059 531704 582591 6 Rock Rock

Album Big Led T: 1990s 1990s Cover Hard Mood Prog Parabola Hits Zep Metal Rock Altern Rock Art Rock Swing Rock 3 '90s Leg Artist Artist

197656 Tool Album Big Led T: 1990s 1990s Cover Hard Mood Prog Hits Zep Metal Rock Altern Rock Art Rock Swing Rock 8 '90s Leg

Album T: Album Led 553010 Genre Genre Genre Genre Genre Genre T: Cover Hard Prog Salival Zep Metal Rock 319294 389703 393059 498243 531704 582591 Art Rock Rock 8 12 Leg

Album Big Led T: 1990s 1990s Cover Hard Mood Prog Schism Hits Zep Metal Rock Altern Rock Art Rock Swing Rock 3 '90s Leg

Album Big Led T: 1990s 1990s Cover Hard Mood Prog Sober Hits Zep Metal Rock Altern Rock Art Rock Swing Rock 3 '90s Leg

Album T: Third Eye Open 0

Album Big Led T: 1990s 1990s Cover Hard Mood Prog Unauthorized Hits Zep Metal Rock Altern Rock Art Rock Swing Rock Biography 0 '90s Leg

Album Album Big T: Genre Genre Genre Genre Genre Genre Genre T: 1990s 1990s Hard Prog 478593 Undertow Hits Metal Rock 280686 319294 393059 531704 532850 582591 622158 Altern Rock Rock Rock 69 69 '90s

Album Album 486778 T: Genre Genre Genre Genre Genre T: 1990s Hard Prog Undertow Metal Rock 69 280686 319294 393059 531704 582591 [Clean] 69 Altern Rock Rock

Album T: Undertow 9

Album Big Led T: 1990s 1990s Cover Hard Mood Prog Vicarious Hits Zep Metal Rock Altern Rock Art Rock Swing Rock 1 '90s Leg

Album T: Album 542261 Genre Genre T: Hard Prog Genre Genre Vicarious Metal Rock 1 319294 393059 531704 582591 1 Rock Rock

Figure 1. Mapping between KDD Cup Artist 197656 and the Yahoo! Music entry for the band Tool. In this example, the albums can be uniquely identified from the track counts and genre connections; however, the precise mapping between genres cannot be determined without further information. Reidentification of Artists and Genres in KDD Cup 2011 ing is possible, even with a perfectly reidentified tax- duce computation time, we perform several passes on onomy. the data, filtering out potential matches by employing heuristics of increasing complexity on each pass. 2. Reidentification In the first phase, potential artist matches are filtered using album and track counts alone. For each labeled 2.1. The Data Sets and unlabeled artist, an album and track ”signature” The anonymized taxonomy data set from Track 1 was is calculated. The signature consists of the track count matched against a labeled data set downloaded from for each album, sorted in descending order. To de- the Yahoo! Music website, using a combination of termine compatibility from the signatures, we use the “screen scraping” and the Yahoo! Query Language following function, where Skdd = (k0, k1, ..., kn) is a 3 API . The labeled data contains 958k albums associ- KDD Cup artist signature and Syah = (y0, y1, ..., ym) ated with 134k artists. When matching, we focused is a Yahoo! Music artist signature. on prolific artists only and disregarded artists with function SignatureCompatibility(Skdd,Syah) fewer than five associated albums. With this restric- if m > n then tion, the Track 1 and 2 taxonomies are made up of return F alse 3,716 and 2,237 artists, respectively, and are matched end if against 46,754 labeled artists from Yahoo! Music. for i = 0 to n do if ki > yi then return F alse

Artist Artist end if Artist end for Album Album return T rue User Album track count track end function Track count


Genre Genre For example, the signature for Track 1 Artist 197656 (illustrated in Figure 1) is (69, 69, 15, 13, 11, 6, 8, 1), (a) (b) (c) while the signature for the band Tool is (69, 69, 15, Figure 2. (a) Data schemata for the 2011 KDD Cup con- 13, 12, 11, 9, 8, 6, 3, 3, 3, 3, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0). By the test. In order to reidentify albums and genres, the data above function, the two are compatible. is transformed to a form that matches publicly available The second phase uses genre information to filter po- data on Yahoo! Music (b). Alternatively, genre items can be represented as attributes rather than entites (c). Note tential matches. For each artist, albums are divided that user review information is ignored entirely. into strata based on the number of genres associated with them. Track count signatures are calculated for The schema for the contest data can be found in Fig- each stratum, and match compatibility is determined ure 2a. Since track-specific genre information was not by checking album track count compatibility for cor- available for the labeled data, we only consider the responding strata. For the above example, the strata tracks as an aggregate count when matching; the data for Artist 197656 are { S7 = (69, 15),S6 = (8),S5 = schema for the transformed taxonomy data (as well as (69, 13),S4 = (6, 1),S1 = (11) }; for Tool, they the labeled Yahoo! Music data) can be seen in Figure are { S10 = (8, 3, 3, 3, 1, 0, 0, 0),S7 = (69, 15),S6 = 2b. Where convenient, the genre information can be (12),S5 = (69, 13),S4 = (6, 1),S1 = (11),S0 = represented as an attribute rather than an entity as (9, 3, 0) }. Again, the two are compatible. in Figure 2c; this form matches the one illustrated in The final phase of the matching process considers a Figure 1. pair of artists as a subgraph isomorphism constraint satisfaction problem, formulated in a similar vein to 2.2. Match Filtering the work presented by Zampelli et al. (2010), where albums and genres are matched simultaneously. How- The goal of the match filtering procedure is to reduce ever, for artists with hundreds of albums and several the space of possible artist matches as much as pos- categories, solving several thousand constraint satis- sible. Ultimately, we match KDD Cup artists with faction problems can become infeasible. To speed up their labeled counterparts by formulating the task as computation, we again stratify the albums into groups; a constraint-based subgraph isomorphism problem (). however, here we use the actual set of genres to define However, in order to cut down the search space and re- each stratum rather genre counts. Figure 3 depicts the 3http://developer.yahoo.com/yql/ discography of the band Tool stratified in this man- Reidentification of Artists and Genres in KDD Cup 2011 ner. Using this representation, we can perform the tributes with a “−” symbol): constraint based matching on the strata rather than −k-degree (# of potential matches for k) individual albums. The computational savings from −y-degree (# of potential matches for y) this approach can be significant: For example, the # of previously matched genres (initially 0 for all band has 112 albums associated with it; potential artist matches) when stratified by genre sets, these albums form only −# of new genre matches provided by this match 8 strata. −# of genres that will remain unmatched by this match # of genres for k Album Stratum # of genres for y

T: T: T: # of albums for k 9 3 0 # of albums for y

Album # of genre strata for k Stratum Mood Swing # of genre strata for y T: 11

Album As a preliminary step, we “seed” the matching process Hard Prog Stratum Metal Rock Rock Rock (Narayanan et al., 2011) by identifying easily matched Artist ZZZ T: T: Tool 6 1 genres. After scoring all possible artist matches ac- cording to the above criteria, we identify the subset Album Hard Mood Prog Stratum Metal Rock of potential matches for which k-degree and y-degree Rock Swing Rock

T: are 1. For each, we identify the genre matches that 13 are unambiguously identified using constraint satisfac-

Album tion. Genres that were unanimously identified by five 1990s Hard Prog Stratum Metal Rock Altern Rock Rock or more k, y pairs are recorded as a match. This step T: greatly cuts down on the search space by further fil- 69 tering the list of potential matches for the remaining

Album Led Cover Hard Prog Stratum Zep Metal Rock KDD Cup artists. Art Rock Rock Leg T: The algorithm for matching can is shown below. Once 12 all potential matches have been scored and seed genres

Album 1990s 1990s Hard Mood Prog identified, the algorithm proceeds by selecting the top Stratum Metal Rock Altern Rock Rock Swing Rock scoring artist match, storing it, and updating (or pos- T: 15 sibly deleting) the remaining potential artist matches.

Album Big 1990s 1990s Hard Prog As the algorithm continues, the list of matched gen- Stratum Hits Metal Rock Altern Rock Rock Rock '90s res grows, raising the score (or possibly disqualifying) T: 69 the remaining potential artist matches. As an added safeguard against cascades of errors, we instituted a Album Big Led 1990s 1990s Cover Hard Mood Prog Stratum Hits Zep Metal Rock Altern Rock Art Rock Swing Rock threshold t for genre matches, where only genres that '90s Leg T: T: T: T: T: T: T: T: have been successfully matched by at least t artist pairs 8 3 3 3 1 0 0 0 are used for re-scoring (for this work, we used a value of t = 2). Figure 3. Discography for the band Tool stratified by genre sets. By matching on genre-based strata rather than indi- vidual albums, the computational burden is reduced. 3. Evaluation Since we do not have access to ground truth, evalu- ating the quality of our artist and genre matching is 2.3. Artist and Genre Matching difficult. Below, we offer some evidence that our re- Once the set of possible artist matches has been ad- sults are accurate. equately filtered, we can perform the final matching. First, each potential match consisting of an unlabeled 3.1. Sampled Data KDD Cup artist k and Yahoo! Music artist y are We created several “synthetic” unlabeled data sets by scored using the following attributes, in descending sampling directly from the labeled Yahoo! Music data order of importance (lower scores are better for at- Reidentification of Artists and Genres in KDD Cup 2011

Algorithm 1 Artist / Genre Matching For genre matching, the accuracy was consistently per- fect: the sampled data sets contained an average of 176 Input: set of scored potential artist matches album genres, and the matching procedure reidentified M = {(k0, y0, score0), (k1, y1, score1), ...}, where them perfectly in all 10 samples. k ∈ KDD Cup artists, y ∈ Yahoo! Music artists

matchart ← ∅ match ← ∅ gen Album Count Distributions

while |M| > 0 do 0.04 correct k, y ← highest scoring match in M incorrect g ← new genre matches match ← match ∪ (k, y) 0.02 art art density matchgen ← matchgen ∪ g 0 0 0 ●

for all m = k , y ∈ M do 0.00 0 0 if k = k or y = y then 0 50 100 150 200 M ← M \{m0} album count else 0 re-score m with updated matchgen end if end for Genre Count Distributions end while correct

0.6 incorrect 0.4 and “anonymizing” them by removing identifiers. By density running the matching algorithm on these data sets, 0.2

we can gauge its accuracy. Of course, there is no guar- 0.0 antee that our sampling procedure is identical to the 0 5 10 15 one used by the contest creators; even so, we feel that success using these “synthetic” is strong evidence in genre count support of our results on the actual KDD Cup data set. Figure 4. Album (top) and genre (bottom) count distribu- tions for correctly and incorrectly reidentified artists (ver- Table 1 lists the top-n accuracy for artist reidentifi- tical lines indicate the mean value of each distribution). cation on the sampled data, averaged over 10 sam- Artists with less relational structure (few albums and gen- ples. In each case, we matched only artists with at res) make up the majority of the errors. least 5 albums and one associated genre, with an aver- age of 4,542 artists comprising each sample. When all As expected, reidentification is less difficult for artists matches are considered, the overall accuracy is 62%. with high album and genre counts. Figure 4 depicts However, for the higher-scoring matches, the accu- the album and genre count distributions for correctly racy is much greater: for all 10 samples, the top 1000 and incorrectly identified artists. matches are 100% correct. 3.2. KDD Cup Data Table 1. Top-n accuracy for sampled Yahoo! Music data, Since ground truth is unavailable, evaluation of our rei- averaged over 10 data sets. Each data set consists of sam- dentification technique on the actual KDD Cup con- pled artists with at least five albums and one genre, with an average of 4,542 artists included in each. test data is difficult. However, by comparing aggre- gate properties of the labeled and unlabeled data, we can gauge the reasonableness of our matches. Figure n Accuracy Std Dev 5 shows a frequency distribution for album genres in the labeled Yahoo! Music data, compared with the 1000 1.0000 0.0000 frequency for the matched contest genres. With few 2000 0.9998 0.0003 3000 0.9010 0.0073 exceptions, the relative frequencies of each genre are 4000 0.7042 0.0065 directionly correct when compared with their labeled all 0.6231 0.0063 counterparts. Reidentification of Artists and Genres in KDD Cup 2011

Genre Relative Frequency Matched Album Counts


Yahoo! Music 100 0.04 80 60 0.02 relative frequency relative 40

● 0.00

0 50 100 150 200 20

genre 0 ● Yahoo! Music album count Music album Yahoo! 0 10 20 30 40 50 Figure 5. Relative frequency distributions for album gen- res. The solid line depicts the frequency of each Yahoo! KDD Cup album count Music album genre, arranged in descending order. The dots represent the frequency of their KDD Cup Track 1 counterparts relative to the unlabeled contest data. Figure 6. Scatter plot depicting album counts for KDD Cup artists and their matched Yahoo! Music counterparts.

Acknowledgments The author would like to thank David Jensen and the Figure 3.2 depicts the album count for matched pairs Knowledge Discovery Laboratory at the University of of labeled and unlabeled artists. The r-square value Massachusetts for their help with this work. for labeled and unlabeled album counts is 0.47. References 4. Conclusion Hay, M., Miklau, G., Jensen, D., Towsley, D., and Data privacy in networks is a growing area of study in Weis, P. Resisting structural re-identification in the knowledge discovery community. Despite the re- anonymized social networks. Proceedings of the moval of explicit identifiers, “anonymized” data with VLDB Endowment, 1(1):102–114, 2008. rich relational structure can often be reidentified (Hay et al., 2008). In this work, we demonstrate a tech- Narayanan, A., Shi, E., and Rubinstein, B.I.P. Link nique for automated structural reidentification using prediction by de-anonymization: How we won the the KDD Cup data set (the full result set can be found kaggle social network challenge. Arxiv preprint 4 in Appendix A ). Although it is impossible to evaluate arXiv:1102.4374, 2011. our methods directly we have demonstrated its effec- tiveness on samples taken from the labeled data. Zampelli, S., Deville, Y., and Solnon, C. Solving sub- Certainly, the success of our technique hinges on the graph isomorphism problems with constraint pro- validity of our assumptions. First, we assume that gramming. Constraints, 15(3):327–353, 2010. the contest artists, albums, and tracks are sampled without replacement from the full data set. Second, we assume that genres are not sampled, but are mapped directly. If either of these assumptions are incorrect Appendices our results are most likely inaccurate. Conversely, by explicitly breaking these assumptions, network A. KDD Cup 2011 Reidentification data sets may be able to avoid reidentification using Results the techniques described here. The listings below contain our reidentification results 4Result files are also posted at: for the KDD Cup taxonomy data. For each group, http://www.cs.umass.edu/˜rattigan/kddcup2011.tgz item matches are listed in decreasing order of certainty. Reidentification of Artists and Genres in KDD Cup 2011

Genre Matches, Track 1 422597 Soundtracks 211628 Smooth KDD Cup ID Yahoo! Music Category 120443 House 393059 Rock 25296 Big Hits Of The ’60s 178912 195244 1990s 147073 Pop 588661 1980s Pop 17863 290321 Greatest Pop Ballads 531386 R&B 76308 Americana 88858 Adult Alternative 154265 Fusion 174146 Mainstream Rock 313039 West Coast Rap 600770 Hip-Hop/Rap 399447 Men of R&B 245730 438927 Jazz Classics 582591 Hard Rock 134616 Midwest Rap 123601 Soft Pop 235175 Kidz Rock 349388 Jazz 515910 Teen Pop 85012 Latin 197662 Jazz Bebop 523223 Electronic/Dance 454552 Brit Pop 319294 Metal 386887 World 418824 Classic Soul 419241 Comedy 368829 Old School 376233 1980s Dance Party 342497 Country 532565 Chill Out 608302 Hardcore Rap 31803 Avant-Garde Rock 211566 Folk 63923 Americana 223467 Pop Latino 572153 Women Of R&B 533243 The Coffeehouse 53250 1990s Soft Pop 528438 New Wave 478000 280686 1990s Alternative 185292 Powerpop 370875 Big Hits Of The ’70s 531704 216505 381270 1980s Soft Pop 316249 Modern Jazz 157804 Mood Swing 592506 Big Hits Of The ’80s 475026 Shows & Movies 498243 Cover Art 88366 Goth Rock 429826 Adult R&B 378550 Power Ballads 269133 1970s Soft Pop 282882 Cool As Folk 532850 Big Hits Of The ’90s 257442 New Vocal Standards 57691 Brit Rock 433099 1980s Hip-Hop 361525 Hip-Hop 411039 Tejano 111468 Lite Office Music 20638 Video Games 327139 Dirty South 131857 1980s Alternative 513628 145398 Christian Rock 69314 Oldies 393074 Salsa Cien Por Ciento 542244 Underground Hip-Hop 184751 New Jack Swing 595462 Today’s Big Hits 524519 New School Punk Rock 146316 Love 479089 1960s Rock 481363 1990s Pop 188491 Classic Latin 58847 1980s Rock 389703 Led Zeppelin Legacy 210543 Beatles Legacy 221469 1970s Country 159199 Classic Vocal Standards 244600 Alternative Hip-Hop 502542 1970s Rock 212024 1960s Pop 441199 Dance 221071 Kidz Pop 173264 Gay Club Mix 424785 1990s R&B 622158 1990s Rock 57422 Classical 124268 1980s Soft Rock 245399 Hair Flare 569105 Soft Rock 288787 1980s R&B Reidentification of Artists and Genres in KDD Cup 2011

555644 Bluegrass 378770 Vocal Jazz 73761 Jam Bands 314496 Brazilian 606585 Lullaby Tunes 578370 26824 Mardi Gras 559314 1990s Country 501795 Rap-Rock 132951 Big Band/Swing 330019 Southern Rock 38992 African 237107 Ska 405387 1980s Country 56224 1970s Soul 283375 138862 1990s Cont. Christian 498636 India 116439 Film Scores 392337 Cajun/Zydeco 552031 Lil’ Kidz Tunes 563776 Surf Rock 103338 Kids 317570 Opera 219010 Modern Broadway 137120 South Pacific 355257 Celtic 353613 Soca 37259 Show Tunes 41459 Klezmer 407584 1950s Rock 514173 Pop Holiday 509188 Jungle/Drum & Bass 136770 Martini Lounge 536070 1950s Country Genre Matches, Track 2 496246 World Beat 52650 Classical Crossover KDD Cup ID Yahoo! Music Category 446930 Other Holiday 274088 Mainstream Rock 257158 Country 158282 Hip-Hop/Rap 33053 172023 Indie Rock 217791 Garage Rock 17453 Hard Rock 247563 Mainstream Rap 35389 Metal 240866 1990s Hip-Hop 214765 Latin 584872 East Coast Rap 208198 Jazz 424398 The Big Jams 201738 Old School Punk Rock 155522 Miscellaneous 224280 Kidz Rock 585943 279143 Hardcore Rap 44527 Dancehall 198263 Folk 427139 Gospel 162234 Rock 513664 Reggae 139095 East Coast Rap 473974 Karaoke 268304 New Wave 461660 Praise and Worship 133159 Hip-Hop 335964 Naughty Comedy 67098 Big Hits Of The ’80s 470702 Stand Up Comedy 18161 Brit Rock 310434 Latin Jazz 73523 Big Hits Of The ’70s 318886 Middle Eastern 67331 Big Hits Of The ’90s 403831 Classic Country 79926 1970s Soft Pop 14741 274161 Blues 61453 Rock En Espaol 81520 Dirty South 45966 Greatest Country Hits 109592 1980s Rock 260724 Vintage Country 142021 Lite Office Music 535418 1960s Country 173655 Underground Hip-Hop 142902 New Age 147886 Hip-Hop 599530 Meditation 31567 Modern Jazz 425562 Quiet Storm 218185 Love Songs 291553 Doo Wop 99463 1970s Rock 262020 Asian 219193 Funk 602548 Christian 233978 1990s Rock 36870 Disco 30949 1980s Soft Rock 365536 Spanish 75409 Dance Reidentification of Artists and Genres in KDD Cup 2011

77904 Pop 213152 Classical 82378 Gay Club Mix 91653 Salsa Cien Por Ciento 84705 Vocal Jazz 150385 Disco 181653 Beatles Legacy 200901 Classic Latin 182697 Cool As Folk 186413 Dance 228419 Soft Rock 40467 Lil’ Kidz Tunes 244713 House 293688 1990s Cont. Christian 75691 Soundtracks 127864 New Jack Swing 126500 Smooth Jazz 215068 Film Scores 3969 West Coast Rap 200632 Kids 214110 Teen Pop 145948 Show Tunes 251593 1980s Pop 164164 Vintage Country 9432 Avant-Garde Rock 190638 Jungle/Drum & Bass 207648 Midwest Rap 45077 Celtic 47898 Kidz Rock 108091 1950s Rock 189467 Emo 233591 New Vocal Standards 33204 Comedy 101667 Naughty Comedy 293670 Powerpop 118720 Martini Lounge 11688 1980s Dance Party 277617 World Beat 136406 New Wave 199412 Classical Crossover 124579 Greatest Country Hits 162673 Stand Up Comedy 259669 Chill Out 73370 1960s Country 71345 Cool As Folk 159186 Electronic/Dance 212410 Grunge 34486 Classic Rock 266073 1980s Soft Pop 131552 Pop 146103 Power Ballads 176858 Soft Pop 103715 Classic Vocal Standards 48717 The Coffeehouse 256783 Christian Rock 61215 Rock 174731 Goth Rock 281429 1990s Soft Rock 90309 Mood Swing 88853 Alternative Rock 67186 1990s Soft Pop 199606 Adult Alternative 259280 Shows & Movies 65985 Brit Pop 98856 Video Games 51420 1990s Alternative 278302 Jam Bands 266781 Cover Art 17680 1980s Alternative 181006 1990s Pop 163949 Led Zeppelin Legacy 253120 Progressive Rock 205389 1980s Hip-Hop 243099 Greatest Pop Ballads 294310 Alternative Hip-Hop 105160 Today’s Big Hits 98154 New Jack Swing 78966 Garage Rock 213809 1960s Rock 242383 Mainstream Rap 62289 Jazz Bebop 110478 The Big Jams 289568 Kidz Pop 280261 1990s Hip-Hop 211809 Hair Flare 8400 Big Hits Of The ’60s 186803 1990s R&B 161649 Lullaby Tunes 31104 Rap-Rock 196528 Men of R&B 27110 New Vocal Standards 230141 New School Punk Rock 138304 1960s Pop 287681 Electronic/Dance 206269 1980s R&B 161601 Reggae Dancehall 285888 Bluegrass 173467 R&B 37405 Southern Rock 159815 Women Of R&B 76912 1970s Country 9667 Oldies 177561 Ska 33722 Country 209270 Classical 235074 Americana 282464 1970s Soul 146792 Adult R&B Reidentification of Artists and Genres in KDD Cup 2011

82064 Classic Soul 367931 19913 Quiet Storm 96034 Orgy 62246 Motown 23511 Corey Hart 216462 World 441443 Blind Melon 123396 Classic Country 531904 55756 Rockabilly 299833 Yaz 155264 Classic Vocal Standards 578697 Kool & The Gang 149962 New Age 383823 Damn Yankees 116130 Fusion 258823 Travis 113360 Miscellaneous 46539 Bad Company 98687 Latin Jazz 38420 Melvins 207481 Caribbean 13660 The Specials 271945 Soft Country 309265 Primus 12274 1990s Country 605697 Peter Murphy 275144 Praise and Worship 34656 Fuel 241089 African 84916 PJ Harvey 99415 Big Band/Swing 78658 Sister Hazel 268217 Tejano 621432 The Presidents Of The of America 155788 Rock En Espaol 610019 L.T.D. 173180 Spanish 470178 & The Four Seasons 48505 Neo Soul 113754 Bic Runga 247539 Meditation 92418 Alannah Myles 121489 Cajun/Zydeco 188078 Jack Johnson 112055 Midwest Rap 74211 131624 Surf Rock 115165 The Outfield 231121 Modern Broadway 370695 113327 1950s Country 373124 Placebo 56000 Asian 618422 Garbage 115700 Middle Eastern 141598 41048 Opera 579891 Lemonheads 440376 The Mighty Mighty Bosstones 151678 Dido Artist Matches, Track 1 442613 The Donnas 446978 Experience KDD Cup ID Yahoo! Music Name 320987 Gnarls Barkley 546722 491484 Cake 223457 Sinead O’Connor 426584 268297 Meatloaf 503442 The Proclaimers 563449 Poison 524764 Bread 350106 A Flock Of Seagulls 165613 Doves 124887 Eurythmics 285129 Talk Talk 57979 The Thompson Twins 312976 Patty Griffin 210226 Nirvana 363662 Information Society 285175 Everclear 550754 Heather Nova 418677 Bush 372934 Lit 470248 James Taylor 444960 Semisonic 536641 Mike & The Mechanics 335500 Urge Overkill 32953 Madness 476019 Jesus Jones 158502 Sublime 110432 ’Til Tuesday 253192 Siouxsie & The Banshees 94767 Days Of The New 197656 Tool 511146 Brad 110821 Live 281869 Fishbone 353740 168871 At The Drive-In 430564 The Fixx 115492 Fountains Of Wayne Reidentification of Artists and Genres in KDD Cup 2011

505091 Ash 361233 Vanilla Ice 366937 Sloan 618974 Game 506100 546852 430753 Golden Smog 449551 Biz Markie 465612 499466 Lady Sovereign 13124 Razorlight 311811 Shawnna 237463 X 251593 Terror Squad 537849 & The Innocent Criminals6981 Krayzie Bone 296497 The Darkness 479412 DJ Kayslay 25742 The Go-Go’s 262951 Ice-T 521633 Martika 523957 Jello Biafra 478952 559371 James 434455 System Of A Down 346340 The Coral 307904 621634 Buffalo Springfield 80458 Billy Bragg 293607 Emery 472068 Boy George 521697 Yellowcard 74231 Social Distortion 70896 Natasha Bedingfield 515535 Jem 477941 Ani DiFranco 138583 Uncle Tupelo 96319 Static-X 76570 The Breeders 488761 Bloodhound Gang 543461 Fiona Apple 141639 322134 Adam & The Ants 437608 Audioslave 382038 David Gilmour 10669 Paul Weller 330817 513856 Big Tymers 13806 585561 74393 World Party 520596 Blindside 128024 Sugarcult 444910 Lacuna Coil 532683 Zebrahead 113101 Eazy-E 516352 Missing Persons 239542 Moe. 368797 Chronic Future 316357 No Use For A Name 599586 Suzi Quatro 571827 Slaughter 168059 Bulletboys 39715 The Apples In Stereo 589872 The Trash Can Sinatras 442074 Local H 136083 499580 & The East Side Boyz 386820 Sigur Ros 143743 Vertical Horizon 290122 M83 49439 Blessid Union Of Souls 573524 9398 Face To Face 486413 Tenacious D 103874 Josh Kelley 538411 Del Shannon 304884 Ben Folds 232039 The Turtles 100525 Rehab 614520 Spencer Davis Group 345053 Jim Lauderdale 571354 Jerry Garcia 277483 DJ Sammy 504560 Amos Lee 126107 Belly 49669 286459 OK Go 159943 House Of Pain 144881 Lagwagon 418092 Jurassic 5 373066 Edie Brickell 452599 LL Cool J 604556 Sponge 598559 Pete Rock & C.L. Smooth 350423 Embrace 243433 Q-Tip 558908 Saigon Kick 456522 Rhymefest 74442 Big Black 274642 Tha DoggPound 89124 Tommy Lee 342067 Jibbs 369516 Guerilla Black 136429 DJ Clue 256710 Aztec Camera 145526 Goodie Mob 417922 Reidentification of Artists and Genres in KDD Cup 2011

327605 Emiliana Torrini 173016 The Suicide Machines 295824 Teddy Geiger 244245 Kristin Hersh 618842 Disney Sing-Along 97762 Portishead 27486 The Early November 146090 T.S.O.L 213529 Finch 287498 Juliana Hatfield Three 316978 Bo Bice 243499 Donavon Frankenreiter 158477 Oleander 119751 Tahiti 80 457581 Frente! 68222 The Pack 578290 George Thorogood & The Destroyers18879 O-Town 591175 The Captain & Tennille 187556 Stevie Ray Vaughan & Double Trouble 397389 298025 Tom McRae 90352 Aceyalone 225724 279604 Ambrosia 512478 The Four Seasons 322046 Beth Hart 22243 2 Unlimited 374390 Sam Roberts 221707 Atomic Kitten 256420 Men Without Hats 52426 521042 Flaw 544221 591136 The Sundays 124363 Keren Ann 176048 Andy Gibb 150995 Rhett Miller 454589 Anastacia 299905 Matt Nathanson 263294 Daft Punk 98398 Buck-O-Nine 163332 Real McCoy 353548 Veruca Salt 146178 77118 DJ Envy 130173 Reina 391928 Zapp & Roger 224147 Stryper 113926 Swans 559895 Thousand Foot Krutch 41413 251179 Further Seems Forever 195976 Go West 9046 Hi-Five 217227 David 55345 Vanessa Carlton 559368 Los Del Rio 80091 D.H.T. 129539 Jordan Knight 503258 Ashlee Simpson 133286 Spirit Of The West 599386 Crazy Frog 75368 Steriogram 575923 Aly & AJ 3577 Soul Coughing 168329 BBMak 529022 Shakespear’s Sister 88019 Aaron Carter 518930 Matchbook Romance 254199 Raven Symon? 515043 Kelly Sweet 12108 Skye Sweetnam 430559 445286 Afrika Bambaataa 275473 Submersed 571023 Sheila E. 511391 Alison Ray 182398 Lakeside 385015 Skillet 97288 Tone Loc 32854 Tony MacAlpine 586416 Garrison Starr 299327 The Dixie Dregs 409971 54089 Edwin Starr 375876 Cold 444861 Mary Wells 124096 Amber 287144 Martha Reeves & The Vandellas 285506 615571 Ann Peebles 227540 The Samples 302655 Total 274312 B*Witched 151335 Nancy Wilson 378455 Chumbawamba 147149 Body Count 562862 Jin 23371 The Black Keys 3938 Babes In Toyland 159087 262272 Dispatch 445817 Eva Cassidy 522978 Geri Halliwell 555298 Tracy Bonham 128013 Gerry Rafferty 356258 Kimberley Locke Reidentification of Artists and Genres in KDD Cup 2011

568227 Lush 429134 Petey Pablo 465857 Dance Hall Crashers 199439 The Fray 305605 Cranes 266542 Gomez 416136 Icehouse 293242 From First To Last 599137 Runrig 438962 Seven Mary Three 469686 A-Teens 76840 Eve 6 622134 DJ Skribble 616799 White Zombie 214942 Engelbert Humperdinck 115023 Charlie Hunter 32900 Brazilian Girls 445701 Benzino 289335 M. Ward 97390 28225 Joey McIntyre 69886 Loggins & Messina 8886 Slick Shoes 436222 Con Funk Shun 339357 S Club 260399 Strata 535875 The Soundtrack Of Our Lives 360300 DJ Encore 555162 Pitch Black 182656 Disney Read-Along 410014 The Derek Trucks Band 126348 Transglobal Underground 158283 Robert Randolph & The Family Band205889 The Brecker Brothers 337486 323467 Big Head Todd & The Monsters 268249 Zebra 313642 The Happy Boys 77817 M.I.A. 261661 Inspiral Carpets 478458 Miri Ben-Ari 329839 Happy Mondays 602602 576123 Bleach 23169 Marie Osmond 141777 384820 Jonny Lang 402986 Greg Kihn 516998 J Moss 581798 Petra 619199 Big Tent Revival 319486 Passion Worship Band 305344 433773 The Wallflowers 245352 Bond 143359 Outkast 161520 Francesco Guccini 42306 The J. Geils Band 106151 Ezequiel Pe?a 404808 Everlast 269263 144380 The Romantics 222310 The Pretenders 440753 508194 Big Country 430552 N.O.R.E. 305157 Crosby, Stills & Nash 574025 The Righteous Brothers 438293 Huey Lewis & The News 231969 Ra 523255 Traveling Wilburys 320472 H.I.M. 60377 Billy Squier 490588 Catherine Wheel 157879 Deborah Gibson 111218 262546 Original Cast 568582 Britny Fox 265758 Spice Girls 460714 Atmosphere 568050 74086 Ugly Duckling 853 Dishwalla 435813 The Casualties 463581 Seeed 32198 Vanessa Hudgens 1512 DJ Spooky 411221 281896 Los Pericos 475252 Helmet 357931 70786 War 250153 Mase 415290 Natalie 445533 Lil Flip 10259 Marcus Miller 37625 475370 Augustana 9018 The Ataris 495568 Nazz 292946 JoJo 536990 Sammy Davis Jr. 265784 483118 Freddie Mercury 618458 553827 Ian Van Dahl 78443 George Clinton 253686 Eddie Murphy Reidentification of Artists and Genres in KDD Cup 2011

474032 Willie P. Richardson 327192 Curve 536930 Chris Rock 305295 HiM 89009 George Lopez 226348 Grandaddy 144331 Jeff Golub 353696 The Calling 496762 Robert Palmer 522447 Redd Foxx 518336 Henry Rollins 97263 The Perishers 194482 Damian ”Jr. Gong” Marley 123600 597555 AZ 348273 Mindless Self Indulgence 516754 Howie Day 64536 158604 Black Sheep 329595 202045 Candy Dulfer 398965 Amon Tobin 185738 Descendents 512706 216864 Sparta 213311 Warren Zevon 42154 The Ocean Blue 576250 King Missile 426455 Urban Knights 225197 247220 George Acosta 261815 Bill Anderson 8524 DJ Micro 219304 28143 Son By Four 235478 Lefty Frizzell 449736 Joyce Cooling 598851 Don Williams 330213 La India 227064 218882 Natacha Atlas 257618 Lisa Loeb 349828 Hakim 22045 339974 Red Sovine 446619 Guy 600313 Stray Cats 61568 Pulp 290337 174088 Fergie 239463 The Geezinslaws 454436 The Pussycat Dolls 359966 Minnie Pearl 280653 Lost Boyz 539920 Duncan Sheik 418639 Michel Camilo 373625 Blues Traveler 92360 Kenna 93482 The Verve Pipe 584064 490197 The Raconteurs 622790 The Beta Band 501209 The Shins 310111 44335 Midtown 85770 Tangerine Dream 369167 Tiffany 390212 Dr. Octagon 429445 Steve Perry 322643 Kinky Friedman 173519 Rick Wakeman 379233 Jim Stafford 183040 Voodoo Glow Skulls 261942 239160 Hem 593054 Moya Brennan 569939 Michael Penn 454527 Craig Armstrong 137735 Transplants 290651 Fine Young Cannibals 276130 Reel Big Fish 411246 10,000 Maniacs 53483 Jermaine Dupri 302041 John Scofield 325136 Roy Wood 62810 456696 Vitamin C 361456 Skindred 251729 L7 59371 Phantom Planet 467668 Mojave 3 262605 Shaggy 252006 Bob Schneider 188632 David Gray 560166 Tiziano Ferro 514809 Cabas 162478 Molotov 617497 Crazy Town 382860 Elefante 429221 GZA/Genius 470963 Expose 466358 The X-ecutioners 427065 Das EFX 391779 Angela Bofill 453400 The Zutons 154127 Rufus 569741 Guttermouth 548055 Chevelle Reidentification of Artists and Genres in KDD Cup 2011

607085 Digital Underground 76422 The Searchers 615748 Jose Feliciano 531821 Keith Jarrett 315689 Bright Eyes 147978 Darren Hayes 140126 139881 546283 N.W.A. 278936 Wow 477519 Ian Brown 316954 Cornershop 541465 590377 Good Riddance 586428 Uriah Heep 76814 Tim Story 279714 Vonda Shepard 368025 The Psychedelic Furs 336836 Chris Thile 478612 586681 4557 22226 Sneaker Pimps 363220 Joan Jett & The Blackhearts 176654 Fort Minor 414557 The Cardigans 10209 Marc Broussard 159871 Bachman-Turner Overdrive 493963 Steve Cole 494460 David Sylvian 528691 397666 Goldfinger 218781 Bobby McFerrin 202013 Chubb Rock 107190 Saving Jane 567233 Lindsey Buckingham 190575 Otis Clay 168324 136222 The Muffs 182800 439214 Shadowfax 623293 Danity Kane 306720 Paul McCartney 420355 Joseph Arthur 169708 Creed 536663 Compay Segundo 37944 Ride 282375 Southern Culture On The Skids 361309 Concrete Blonde 277496 The Commodores 403530 The The 52575 137050 The Click Five 126327 Black Rob 212860 Cliff Richard 317678 125071 Sun Ra 199709 Silkk The 24314 The Knack 138530 Richard Elliot 234819 Average White Band 194634 322189 Harold Melvin & The Blue Notes 549484 361637 The Dells 600479 Caedmon’s Call 595568 The Fall 136849 Mr. Shadow 362366 Sebadoh 569179 Goo Goo Dolls 374309 Kelly Osbourne 318046 Paula Abdul 37575 7 Seconds 270539 Toto 583845 The Distillers 468031 New Edition 52582 Poi Dog Pondering 111411 97205 Romeo 315247 Sam Phillips 485869 Loon 587124 Gym Class Heroes 299848 The Bad Plus 478939 Candlebox 396369 Graciela Beltr?n 120328 Dem Franchize Boyz 590242 Jerry Reed 502196 Sammy Hagar 129457 Mudhoney 195167 Ryan Cabrera 270945 Jimmy Smith 221081 The Cheetah Girls 412690 Smog 337957 Todd Snider 196359 Tim O’Brien 28184 Webbie 133724 Edwin McCain 298522 Keiko Matsui 491417 The Crystal Method 612451 128261 Winger 127419 Supersuckers 373181 307850 Acoustic Alchemy 196500 Des’ree 274016 Gang Of Four 256679 MC Eiht 511760 Loose Ends Reidentification of Artists and Genres in KDD Cup 2011

335031 Altan 135304 Taproot 100920 Weird Al Yankovic 462535 Coil 544686 M.O.P. 544249 Donovan 435166 Joshua Redman 537293 Enigma 134489 Tim Wilson 600993 18519 Band 273330 560485 Curtis Mayfield 574998 Luscious Jackson 140810 13475 Chris Whitley 461959 197581 Shout Out Louds 187063 Da Brat 372768 The Posies 492901 Frank McComb 266897 218060 Blackfoot 364427 Project 86 183330 Fantastic Plastic Machine 585398 Jeffrey Osborne 196558 Beastie Boys 241213 Firehouse 455400 Squeeze 550654 The S.O.S. Band 39975 183025 213893 126689 Paco De Lucia 493655 90801 MDO 306988 Gwen Stefani 432253 Maria Dolores Pradera 568350 Hootie & The Blowfish 268873 B-Tribe 84651 Gavin DeGraw 252552 Plumb 65078 Dave Edmunds 233624 Damien Rice 113898 John Cougar 299997 The Starting Line 491690 Mando Diao 214811 Metric 156339 332009 Tiger Army 68121 Out Of Eden 271928 498776 Taylor Dayne 231645 Village People 361369 The Motels 623619 April Wine 531846 Salt-N-Pepa 40124 & The E Street Band 337758 Josh Ritter 404215 Brenda K. Starr 266184 Culture Club 402009 Peter Cetera 551350 Of The Stone Age 594115 P.O.D. 235250 Bubba Sparxxx 54506 The Streets 616011 Alter Bridge 101687 Skid Row 76276 The Hollies 553355 Brand Nubian 181406 The Jesus & Mary Chain 68208 592787 Jim Croce 75549 214035 Electronic 208781 Oingo Boingo 27897 Lee Morgan 113945 General Public 495066 CKY 296519 Dr. John 259207 139471 448342 Bobby ”Blue” Bland 155174 My Morning Jacket 268443 Michelle Branch 556854 Big Punisher 531404 Eamon 529496 Pillar 327945 DJ Krush 469208 Son Volt 604898 Hot Water Music 353658 Scarface 51524 The Rasmus 455258 The Decemberists 170183 Carla Thomas 214742 260653 Darlene Zschech 544642 Grant Lee Phillips 237488 Audio Adrenaline 195044 Shalamar 366723 435873 327995 38913 Albert Collins 569772 Blondie 142279 Tracy Chapman 274941 Ray Lamontagne 409161 Chris Cornell Reidentification of Artists and Genres in KDD Cup 2011

490216 EPMD 587576 Mute Math 241594 Coal Chamber 285145 J.R. Writer 60419 Me First & The Gimme Gimmes 403699 Irma Thomas 624906 21244 The 479777 Naughty By 366765 MC Hammer 35774 576466 521065 Trillville 152219 394251 The Young Dubliners 494600 Kix 91868 237848 Secret Machines 569925 David Byrne 217157 Mandy Moore 548389 DJ Vadim 409531 Basement Jaxx 380473 Scritti Politti 105211 Joe Henderson 263739 Nichole Nordeman 182953 DJ Quik 522992 Jackyl 172255 Poncho Sanchez 509339 The Toasters 30454 Tha Alkaholiks 364441 313183 151577 Morrissey 280245 14436 Atlantic Starr 417058 Tosca 587100 124644 Laibach 402258 The Smithereens 160960 234212 Nick Lachey 251629 386411 Mystikal 400323 Authority Zero 357972 Kid Rock 582907 Eddie Rabbitt 396506 Bob James 438231 Dinosaur Jr. 330442 Air 322770 Pat Metheny 10382 The Tubes 118267 95502 Johnnie Taylor 220271 Townes Van Zandt 545099 Curtis Stigers 8703 Charlie Robison 425182 67751 528308 159688 Diddy 337594 Deee-Lite 534444 Adam Ant 354187 Lambchop 173301 252174 Motorhead 267846 Matchbox Twenty 202127 153454 394397 Andr?s Calamaro 541394 The Pogues 149151 Unk 135169 89931 427401 Pete Townshend 348790 Manhattan Transfer 144164 Butch Walker 426289 Cassandra Wilson 519767 Jethro Tull 201649 376665 Spyro Gyra 371644 Cameo 537681 Sophie B. Hawkins 505508 Electric Light 91366 Iron Butterfly 384847 Powerman 5000 609090 Modern English 7863 Queen Latifah 433899 Bela Fleck 215040 Nazareth 248202 The Cramps 216477 311177 Tyrone Davis 369601 498061 190008 Neko Case 68466 347160 James Newton Howard 162325 Jean-Michel Jarre 546325 KJ-52 595398 Sugar 395569 Lil Wyte 199680 Pizzicato Five 500756 Bettie Serveert 324573 Rory Block 318976 Tom T. Hall 74512 Matt Bianco 129155 Stiff Little Fingers 430661 Joe Strummer Reidentification of Artists and Genres in KDD Cup 2011

210695 Wham! 564853 Great White 594998 The Spinners 333491 Players 526110 587871 Lloyd Cole 507010 248920 Smile Empty Soul 461814 557653 The Chi-Lites 63894 American Hi-Fi 297528 The Jeff Healey Band 334834 Jason Mraz 569554 Sepultura 590104 Donald Byrd 449850 MercyMe 320484 Doyle Lawson & Quicksilver 530461 Gene Harris 123603 Iron & Wine 491999 Savoy Brown 470084 396011 Wishbone Ash 457551 Better Than Ezra 438845 Juliana Hatfield 287275 Deniece Williams 401037 The O.C. Supertones 517718 Massive Attack 333094 Suicide 520195 321362 The Verve 194044 290893 455827 Queensryche 174873 Starship 572755 465636 Abba 601701 David Lee Roth 461975 65943 603610 Howard Jones 175835 320262 243707 Gene Loves Jezebel 18587 599691 The Yardbirds 325175 Brian Eno 14354 The Monkees 565935 Wilson Phillips 306289 Westlife 273448 Rasputina 275594 The Stranglers 290541 Unwritten Law 205715 269013 Gloria Trevi 544208 Steve Green 306348 Free 226132 112300 Jane Monheit 426324 Otep 74425 Camper Van Beethoven 346109 Mickey Hart 609032 Peter Case 63998 Tramaine Hawkins 556366 141466 Bebel Gilberto 123025 503790 Joyce 410183 Three Dog Night 199467 Journey 477174 Nick Drake 276156 Funky Green Dogs 243917 James McMurtry 317875 Dead Or Alive 613227 G-Unit 513660 Cracker 384937 Gary Burton 423614 Screaming Trees 19106 DJ Shadow 459771 58152 Julia Fordham 405842 Pennywise 351961 Felix Da Housecat 291427 Serge Gainsbourg 85425 168950 Paul Taylor 599133 Dave Grusin 375008 Euge Groove 400435 Rick Nelson 172606 Odetta 37578 228988 250970 Elvin Bishop 182140 350721 Little Feat 205234 The Notorious B.I.G. 129871 Steve Forbert 471113 Sarah Brightman 259552 Chayanne 241482 Riders In The Sky 191710 Obie Bermudez 352373 Crash Test Dummies 140538 Lee ”Scratch” Perry 420726 202265 The Skatalites 329747 Horace Silver 483278 Olivia Newton-John 406105 DJ Jazzy Jeff & The Fresh 601941 Rhonda Vincent Reidentification of Artists and Genres in KDD Cup 2011

235966 286627 Jann Arden 22699 213216 490974 Shawn Mullins 227749 48809 226487 Turin Brakes 314606 Asia 296037 Fu Manchu 410641 Sum 41 216186 The Charlatans UK 219910 Lupe Fiasco 89811 Split Enz 256917 Citizen Cope 320425 Wayne Wonder 454242 Clannad 265823 Extreme 320337 525105 The Lovin’ Spoonful 131759 The Sugarhill Gang 295460 The Delfonics 409111 The Moody Blues 224051 Godsmack 320895 They Might Be Giants 131818 The Replacements 196941 399431 Golden Earring 308414 588394 381411 Barry White 59110 Joe Jackson 557599 448162 Sugar Ray 167727 Stevie Nicks 532569 313370 Loverboy 450349 30007 130849 221990 Jefferson Airplane 45295 146958 Parliament 250834 Delbert McClinton 501834 Poco 566872 Old 97’s 253800 ABC 466205 370312 Phish 193096 David Crowder Band 146781 Lil’ Kim 282465 370449 Trina 324045 Led Zeppelin 525423 179785 The Offspring 112642 Kenny Wayne Shepherd 5006 Life Of Agony 584574 Public Image Ltd. 289469 Rick Astley 71393 Brad Mehldau 146432 Joe Walsh 427620 Armand Van Helden 403644 474822 188235 371598 Van Halen 444642 Mic Geronimo 24474 537268 181667 The B-52’s 575017 Badly Drawn Boy 397543 365272 Natalie Merchant 405586 The Mars Volta 214982 338781 Millencolin 367406 T.A.T.U. 293927 Daniel Bedingfield 526178 45369 Ry Cooder 123228 XTC 305627 George Duke 354153 Boston 331214 Brendan Benson 381626 Joy Division 97656 Twila 571623 Marisa Monte 256413 Chris Rice 97853 321346 Ray Boltz 531020 Tanya Tucker 525111 FFH 208482 The Bravery 609587 417237 Mark Knopfler 376914 Anthony B 218312 280263 Smashing Pumpkins 312904 Lyle Lovett 612481 Three Days Grace 345352 Swing Out Sister 499009 Eddie Money 483332 Guy Clark 568182 Three 6 Mafia 427277 114709 Juelz Santana 312034 Traffic Reidentification of Artists and Genres in KDD Cup 2011

92772 Marc Cohn 530152 Philip Glass 74803 Default 513801 401200 The Bar-Kays 365325 406596 Ozzy Osbourne 56970 385468 Bowling For 44949 51767 Public Enemy 589672 The Hives 537107 Slick Rick 176512 544999 Hoobastank 334079 Rose Royce 516536 Hank Thompson 155849 166392 Quiet Riot 314485 Do Or Die 188940 Andrew W.K. 456926 string cheese incident 234578 The Naked Brothers Band 102674 Throbbing Gristle 180446 Tantric 348699 Slave 389025 155014 Revolting Cocks 612520 Stone Temple Pilots 558154 Nickelback 533654 Marilyn Manson 267741 112941 Big Star 235507 Run DMC 466895 Jimmy Cliff 451541 551684 Sheena Easton 552121 Meat Puppets 547187 Nonpoint 430667 457148 Brian Setzer 271992 Jefferson Starship 277031 338433 Gloria Gaynor 33455 Uncle Kracker 400877 Boogie Down Productions 350944 Krokus 30819 The Strokes 18545 Adema 511193 Yello 167278 Dean Evenson 448560 Norman Brown 568949 Billy Ocean 29420 Laurie Anderson 111130 288340 Inner Circle 14472 White Lion 425672 Andrew Hill 63312 Night Ranger 134823 King’s X 580885 438093 Angelique Kidjo 21931 The 182891 Youssou N’Dour 482069 Sergio Mendes 40915 Bananarama 272566 417246 Soft Cell 386292 378269 Steppenwolf 233204 Jonatha Brooke 488032 A Tribe Called Quest 273065 433610 Dimmu Borgir 312454 The Exploited 102328 Black Uhuru 98718 Oasis 150404 418860 Sixpence None The Richer 531445 Rick Springfield 134437 Band 556804 The Corrs 63653 Pat McGee Band 296938 Mike Oldfield 467530 AFI 569850 546992 UB40 489614 Badfinger 215142 219929 Nick Lowe 353638 Cinderella 376305 Danny Elfman 483540 20062 Something Corporate 579576 311 387729 484134 310810 Marco Antonio Solis 23441 Harry Chapin 564858 Hanoi Rocks 124511 324929 Jorge Drexler 79846 Spike Jones 422865 82847 John Williams 97309 Belinda Carlisle 98444 270855 Reidentification of Artists and Genres in KDD Cup 2011

336824 139200 Anthrax 566294 Sevendust 617491 Muse 28696 The Damned 516835 253437 Shinedown 255918 Breaking Benjamin 301986 Jane’s Addiction 67042 Project Pat 90662 Dashboard Confessional 585185 Magic 457065 128050 Murphy Lee 517526 DMX 140501 George Carlin 340988 Nena 144114 Monty Python’s Flying Circus 404746 Los Lonely Boys 597327 Ocean Colour Scene 173094 Paul Oakenfold 337423 Maria Muldaur 105502 Michael McDonald 176250 33788 Playaz Circle 545686 The Stanley Brothers 14562 Grand Funk Railroad 351861 Paul Hardcastle 344350 Prefab Sprout 248089 605001 486248 Paul Anka 304621 186280 Heatwave 17843 Shadows Fall 457022 Cowboy Junkies 577035 Ziggy Marley 384377 Grant Green 15822 405407 Sir Mix-A-Lot 311587 Blue Oyster Cult 59214 Moenia 623758 The Jam 450160 The Cult 193769 366961 Suzanne Vega 622512 Bobby Womack 411283 KC & The Sunshine Band 274402 337187 Trick Daddy 205483 Bauhaus 61720 Ying Yang Twins 597992 506960 Neil Sedaka 218697 Rx Bandits 163228 Gary Moore 308545 Christian Death 404247 Stereolab 18658 Gus Gus 131779 315203 J-Kwon 397620 ZZ Top 507117 Buzzcocks 393635 248699 Fall Out Boy 230202 Jackson Browne 28621 Lifehouse 380193 Ben E. King 20028 505669 Cat Stevens 5402 Etta Jones 513875 Filter 206975 Guns N’ Roses 245742 Bizzy Bone 277511 .38 Special 52229 486184 Pat Boone 331866 El Tri 591545 Big Sandy & His Fly-Rite Boys 516842 Hombres G 492873 Kaskade 150704 The Blues Brothers 421682 Mr. Lil One 410816 574204 3 Doors Down 265159 Laura Nyro 615614 Warrant 434897 Def Leppard 567378 Alice In Chains 402563 Tesla 220386 192191 Keane 163101 223147 461439 Interpol 462562 516396 Jonathan Butler 32557 Guster 486761 Sweet 123485 Tower Of Power 81342 Jeff Lorber 474000 Al Jarreau 331047 Spandau Ballet 385552 Good Charlotte 140811 Blur 11059 Paul van Dyk 183871 America 262160 Tiesto Reidentification of Artists and Genres in KDD Cup 2011

80314 BT 481150 477192 Yo La Tengo 434626 KRS-One 247155 dc Talk 577284 Kool G. Rap 424817 298201 Jeru The Damaja 233111 Brian Culbertson 239159 Dr. Hook 401725 453806 140118 Morcheeba 26226 Mudvayne 386899 David Sanborn 356517 Stereo MC’s 562346 Kirk Whalum 156663 Underworld 315871 Solomon Burke 532117 Scorpions 406535 The 64154 596241 Staind 609785 The All-American Rejects 409029 Charlie Rich 89968 Sly & The Family Stone 16937 281577 Spirit 133235 Sufjan Stevens 316667 Rahsaan Roland Kirk 80387 E-40 599807 Bobby Vinton 495105 587115 The Grass Roots 419837 360578 Tom Lehrer 280997 Seether 552464 Julie 478414 Puddle Of Mudd 432687 Grace Jones 349771 Cascada 531120 Harry Nilsson 567547 21057 Leon Russell 583207 Carter Burwell 8732 Lita Ford 111646 John Ottman 437289 577205 The Dandy Warhols 405088 Pete Yorn 582212 Spiritualized 469614 Josh Rouse 283179 Franz Ferdinand 560547 Killing Joke 531250 Lisa Stansfield 523835 Tears For Fears 56836 Avenged Sevenfold 96467 Third Eye Blind 265996 The Hellacopters 449195 495076 Peter Frampton 8865 C+C Music Factory 402273 Dusty Springfield 135058 The Style Council 297082 Procol Harum 502912 Marc Almond 303067 Trapt 531379 530974 Akwid 365958 The Killers 356250 Delerium 386719 Dropkick Murphys 173460 ATB 588626 Strung Out 441738 DJ Dan 624265 Clarence ”Gatemouth” Brown 291973 361283 Gin Blossoms 370162 3785 Paul Young 56437 258713 Chic 372658 160716 422624 Survivor 47528 53091 Sonic 482829 Robyn Hitchcock 316577 Ace Of Base 187219 Clutch 468844 246846 339889 Johnny Paycheck 299424 588686 306083 Chris De Burgh 16061 Clipse 206847 New Found Glory 196523 Incognito 151832 Our Lady Peace 391894 Front Line Assembly 417634 Ministry 414408 Styx 269414 Switchfoot 256693 Ted Nugent 468823 65527 338227 The Brand New Heavies Reidentification of Artists and Genres in KDD Cup 2011

286852 LCD Soundsystem 392512 Bone Thugs-N-Harmony 447612 Lil Rob 55897 Slum Village 538307 Jeff Beck 241975 The Band 336623 L.A. Guns 16161 John McLaughlin 9101 Dr. Dre 591443 157486 Aphex Twin 151797 Cirque Du Soleil 135864 314944 Delirious? 114385 Beck 224098 276155 Starsailor 135259 Third Day 252005 K.D. Lang 26728 32076 45760 Phillips, Craig & Dean 72780 The Stone Roses 481134 519350 My Life With The Thrill Kill Kult 477870 Cream 268141 160438 350511 Gipsy Kings 285012 Bill Withers 400746 Rufus Wainwright 227806 Graham Parker 17309 Hannah Montana 250270 Incubus 380288 486428 Cocteau Twins 309877 B.J. Thomas 526691 Kasabian 488440 533956 Faithless 40559 311856 172457 The Chieftains 185702 Echo & The Bunnymen 47429 Yellowjackets 105594 The Cranberries 158886 Wayman Tisdale 96913 Porter Wagoner 203537 348716 605401 Ricky Skaggs 309458 Alphaville 29199 Ana Bel?n 268750 290303 339392 230010 George Michael 210293 Ween 118041 The Animals 79780 11081 Vanilla Fudge 340873 Norah Jones 533223 356579 Bryan Ferry 572327 Hole 311739 484153 Twisted Sister 543388 Johnny Thunders 312775 201378 Cradle Of Filth 595768 Flogging Molly 435892 Rob Zombie 105234 Against Me! 497792 Tupac Shakur 502177 149980 Westside Connection 21486 Blood, Sweat & Tears 271999 213 343428 Peter Himmelman 414239 580974 Ben Folds 580489 Love And Rockets 567655 Dire Straits 243046 Eels 351709 Larry Carlton 588630 Johnny Horton 486661 The Small Faces 615875 327603 Love 4584 Katie Melua 17571 Simon & Garfunkel 363058 Ashford & Simpson 82199 Jimmy Eat World 548231 Newsboys 265141 Rancid 120970 324472 Skinny Puppy 606097 555174 Keb’ Mo’ 525421 213601 Samantha Fox 298498 Zero 7 81063 117158 Foreigner 55629 459520 571735 Soundgarden 374802 Frankie Goes To Reidentification of Artists and Genres in KDD Cup 2011

351075 Supertramp 344616 The Guess Who 262599 Bill Cosby 410606 Lil Jon 491124 Rodney Dangerfield 381382 B.G. 329864 8Ball & MJG 98200 Canibus 478832 Disturbed 599795 Medeski Martin & Wood 97758 Buckcherry 570006 160223 Saliva 370204 The Jayhawks 439299 MC5 348633 Tommy James & The Shondells 521254 Wilson Pickett 474981 Ruben Blades 514710 Collective Soul 618915 Widespread Panic 494057 Kansas 235320 Coheed and Cambria 486392 124428 Peter Tosh 446310 574374 JJ Cale 94537 424990 375546 (Hed) P.E. 512679 Jonathan Richman 4174 Ultravox 190940 Del Amitri 300668 506517 The Music 144379 John Waite 198766 Mountain Goats 492603 Joe Satriani 99360 18361 Triumph 142000 fabulous thunderbirds 282782 554577 220442 392569 Whitesnake 140753 Slipknot 612797 Pixies 210839 173090 Mr. Big 240494 Chris Rea 303578 84222 Stanley Clarke 467178 Blink 182 483471 NoFx 190141 109291 The Bouncing Souls 237542 The 239401 Gil Scott-Heron 344409 Cam’Ron 413933 Falco 230478 Rickie Lee Jones 62526 M.C. Lyte 103119 The 469362 Eric B. & Rakim 623778 Alejandro Fern?ndez 133867 465818 Gordon Lightfoot 492663 Pastor Troy 386609 The 576772 Sonny & Cher 579121 The Faces 353871 REO Speedwagon 10768 Bonnie Tyler 524504 Snow Patrol 467740 604519 Level 42 54577 Cee-Lo 28589 Wu-Tang Clan 285063 Flatt & Scruggs 286002 Rainbow 503923 Jerry Goldsmith 63667 A-Ha 402058 Molly Hatchet 484810 Yeah Yeah Yeahs 160885 David Guetta 415021 Herman’s Hermits 265205 John Williams 258385 Danzig 387147 Gwar 447103 Nightwish 278817 Suicidal Tendencies 597959 Revolver 422766 Pavement 220090 Heart 585443 Hector Lavoe 375693 The Black Eyed Peas 181178 121870 The Human League 122215 Jonas Brothers 308552 298922 Ricardo Arjona 586634 Devo 297948 534596 51684 & The Wailers 568035 Kris Kristofferson 19778 Bruce Dickinson 558024 The Fifth Dimension 237555 Reidentification of Artists and Genres in KDD Cup 2011

584379 Lola Beltran 67769 Connie Francis 570318 Bruce Cockburn 25102 Groove Collective 536287 Dar Williams 603734 Bob Weir 434691 O.A.R. 42543 Jackie Wilson 263966 182519 Joe Liggins 162605 The Mamas & The Papas 241507 Steelheart 181350 Al Stewart 588852 Philippe Saisse 10868 John Fogerty 218576 365323 454231 Tye Tribbett & G.A. 488803 Toots & The Maytals 181089 Ashley Parker Angel 95443 Gyptian 476170 David Holmes 356850 Desmond Dekker 330857 2 pistols 301826 The BoDeans 517590 London Festival Orchestra 459268 389254 Onyx 361000 422710 The Faint 228104 32860 Cursive 25832 Rocio Durcal 199000 Remy Ma 4119 George Thorogood 265124 WC 567726 Stevie Ray Vaughan 602584 Spice 1 170113 Foghat 521082 Spring Heel Jack 18875 Porcupine Tree 394070 Lords Of Acid 260919 New York Dolls 280462 Front 242 276035 Steve Vai 263274 Jaguar Wright 567520 445104 Bilal 196203 Gilberto Santa Rosa 92989 280533 Slayer 101093 166630 Hinder 292923 RZA 31602 328042 Eve 266256 Compton’s Most Wanted 91556 The 2 Live Crew 242059 Kahimi Karie 183602 82837 Poison Idea 546901 Goodrem 40645 Dead Prez 438739 Bettye Lavette 139977 Electric Six 498798 Dave Davies 244659 jules shear 41447 Chuck Loeb 238481 Armando Manzanero 431834 Kenny Burrell 48909 606873 Cheech & Chong 189971 U.T.F.O. 273171 Margaret Cho 370349 Chucho Valdes 392765 Secret Garden 293705 Carlinhos Brown 247852 Carlos Ponce 465889 Crossfade 19561 The Lonesome River Band 514344 Carbon Leaf 429840 Front Range 12920 Rae & Christian 417011 Calle 13 116396 lilac time 298989 Elastica 461565 CeCe Peniston 537234 K’s Choice 356213 Buffalo Tom 313033 Bad Boy Bill 381747 Plastikman 361824 Tommy Olivencia 430396 Rosario 250906 Stephen Malkmus 259081 The Shirelles 253130 Guano Apes 170634 Nusrat Fateh Ali Khan 306364 Rollins Band 73278 Original Score 6897 Dope 508675 Bill Bruford 59710 King Jammy 415044 SonicFlood 395494 Vega 4 548260 Grits 553026 Groove Coverage 387256 Wesley Willis 427901 Venus Hum Reidentification of Artists and Genres in KDD Cup 2011

108858 Wes Montgomery 215072 Gabriel Yared 267614 90854 DJ Irene 562127 Paris Hilton 5805 3 mustaphas 3 190133 New Grass Revival 149475 57463 Russ Freeman 535749 Nikhil Banerjee 500655 435111 Bow Wow 265273 The Misfits 397602 390479 Terence Blanchard 327849 Kingdom Come 142104 John Patitucci 589006 MJG 624005 Jerry Jeff Walker 239538 Luke 470817 Throwdown 24758 614987 Freedy Johnston 129811 Mew 246536 Keith Whitley 473416 The Mission UK 147734 Terry Allen 417118 The Creatures 36132 Danger Danger 468405 Therapy? 470195 468471 Tin Machine 3696 Gentle Giant 476565 Digable Planets 102148 VNV Nation 468079 Wumpscut 108047 5th Ward Boyz 498774 Persephone’s Bees 288965 Manny Manuel 414763 National Lampoon 144259 The Mekons 83947 146397 UFO 84070 413586 Chingo Bling 325257 Sheep On Drugs 202581 12730 184850 Judy Collins 287622 Dirty 420191 Loudon Wainwright III 539990 Badlands 449 Nazario 212677 Feeder 561688 S? Pra Contrariar 614423 The Primitives 620345 Pink 190128 Leaders Of The New School 573141 Saxon 551361 Aleks Syntek 248942 Sanchez 623119 Mikel Erentxun 138113 Sadao Watanabe 207408 2184 Hatebreed 187690 Gustavo Cerati 478405 John Powell 325643 Bacilos 242810 Richard Thompson 424563 525557 Joan Armatrading 10661 El Sue?o De Morfeo 21527 Jamal 497312 Lu 132786 Cartel 159097 Dillinger 306716 Black Oak Arkansas 436501 Kumbia Kings 460531 Willie Colon 332821 Danny Tenaglia 33401 Boy Sets Fire 611278 Mark Farina 580798 Whodini 615331 Luke Slater 469607 Fun Lovin’ Criminals 506626 Asian Dub Foundation 381422 Chelo 274732 Thursday 506213 Olive 580865 Michelle Shocked 618051 Satyricon 535760 122494 Toquinho 617599 Tuck & Patti 19162 Rogelio Martinez 208007 Enrique Guzman 197114 The Clarks 111212 Stanley Turrentine 592178 59 Times The Pain 33218 Frank Gambale 66203 Ronan Tynan 40554 Emilio 175083 Jeans 517881 Samuray 570486 Daevid Allen 450199 498075 Trio Matamoros 532496 Guided By Voices Reidentification of Artists and Genres in KDD Cup 2011

96921 Idlewild 557255 Swell Maps 46759 Dennis Brown 395425 Demon Hunter 297172 Edwyn Collins 469191 Nadia 544886 606036 Perez Prado 277721 507612 Javier Solis 576082 Boozoo Chavis 554904 Joan Manuel Serrat 216686 Banda Maguey 360759 Raul Di Blasio 416992 Tierra 61787 Polo Urias 367062 74322 The Marshall Tucker Band 540605 Los Rieleros Del Norte 56653 Napalm Death 18813 178507 Paradise Lost 233281 DJ Drama 303750 Machine Head 365949 Cold Chisel 480341 3rd Storee 564972 Planet Asia 313991 Fates Warning 355136 Todd Thibaud 591015 394128 The Saw Doctors 75432 Prong 594398 Wayne Toups 317156 Phoenix 553329 Trick Trick 335691 Mr. Cheeks 478035 Vengaboys 229270 Jay-Z 494409 559073 Gas Huffer 261810 Genesis 398868 Capone 482466 Ray Davies 380926 Freak Nasty 431801 Roger McGuinn 65529 Anthony Hamilton 260123 Bonnie ”Prince” Billy 315576 Hector Tricoche 305325 The Clark Sisters 374413 Global Communication 111732 Jocelyn Brown 359371 Federation 435461 Jedi Mind Tricks 423557 Mocean Worker 105427 Buckshot LeFonque 197410 Sam Kinison 182544 William Shatner 10869 kiss the sky 391319 Conya Doss 443070 Dan Penn 566568 Raulin Rosendo 84597 Klaus Badelt 325408 Babybird 357374 Laurindo Almeida 372943 South Central Cartel 307539 The dB’s 452236 Play-N-Skillz 6353 Mud 125981 508573 Neville Brothers 88483 Flamin’ Groovies 102398 358546 The Hoodoo Gurus 84243 Youngbloodz 374837 Nick Warren 623230 Chris Botti 480710 Murk 563600 Pieces Of A Dream 57351 Richard Humpty Vission 335665 The Rippingtons 49904 All 623227 Radar Bros. 214896 Bayside 253061 Pigface 382094 Alice Cooper 618770 Field Mob 41747 Roscoe 9871 I-Roy 521818 Die Krupps 264894 Daniela Romo 168812 Ollabelle 323497 Christian Castro 503893 Avalon 61954 The Trews 88744 Crystal Lewis 195434 Pentagram 176123 4HIM 243847 Lotus 581975 Slade 537052 TRU 601633 Duncan Dhu 267369 Spock’s Beard 315785 Miguel Mateos 208175 Bounty Killer 384440 399574 534658 Johnny Hartman 111942 Judas Priest Reidentification of Artists and Genres in KDD Cup 2011

494473 Jae Millz 262132 Bleed The Dream 149556 Everette Harp 108612 Shekinah Glory Ministry 308395 Pure Prairie League 461387 Aphrodite’s Child 567141 Maria Bethania 413207 Blackfield 395384 Lasgo 522813 KMFDM 194820 Kate Ryan 405350 Fields Of The Nephilim 445045 IV Thieves 241657 Dir En Grey 497702 Ralph Stanley II 487372 Black Sun Empire 486714 Ringside 31492 Hard-Fi 317371 Hiroshima 133873 Mint Royale 357592 Eliane Elias 16840 60726 Gabor Szabo 574588 Paul Kelly 611511 David Sanchez 461010 A.B. Quintanilla Y Los Kumbia Kings 152442 Drama 380275 Pat Metheny 287561 La Mafia 146845 Dwight Twilley 471444 De Charly 473496 robbie nevil 99902 Psychic TV 549323 Charlie Chaplin 420252 Gravediggaz 131643 Willie Bobo 382868 Tree63 47640 Hammerlock 594959 Steve Taylor 472774 Marina 378435 Falling Up 120709 Linton Kwesi Johnson 347366 The Crusaders 411014 Clan Of Xymox 61459 Bebe 110468 The Selecter 491445 Adassa 359265 Climax Blues Band 167200 Eloy 289039 Marc Antoine 624435 T.I. 308671 Gregg Karukas 182382 Alchemist 476380 Jimmy Sommers 340994 Cage9 522455 Antonio Carlos Jobim 392808 Mick Ronson 364463 Hi-C 365868 Shirley Collins 307960 Derek Bailey 278324 White Town 576576 Sam Rivers 209327 Kim Richey 77870 214113 Derrick Morgan 624851 Le?n Gieco 387804 Railroad Earth 79902 Luciano 404222 9 lazy 9 499828 Neal McCoy 217069 Lobo 582484 Aroma 361313 180968 Jon Hassell 284938 Lidia Avila 52120 Christina Milian 3814 Up, Bustle & Out 414565 The Saints 48841 Sauce Money 343738 England Dan & John Ford Coley 554349 Akinyele 439544 Olga Guillot 564896 Crucial Conflict 257170 Big Tuck 200368 immune 503081 Stroke 9 38760 The Four Freshmen 481810 SHeDAISY 172738 Babyshambles 409598 Walter Beasley 385906 Zaino 374852 Cock Sparrer 172201 Lucybell 503090 Spearhead 397839 La Mosca Tse Tse 616649 Big Bill Broonzy 501509 Wailing Souls 436071 Frankie Negron 583222 Lady Saw 208031 UGK 616983 110387 127426 Rhys Chatham 247124 Lifetime 358477 Nick Cannon 434905 Airbourne 69962 343382 Cannibal & The Headhunters Reidentification of Artists and Genres in KDD Cup 2011

96733 Rico 588793 Ill Ni?o 216223 George Benson 477035 Aracely Arambula 497834 main 86885 Francisco Cespedes 162732 Group Home 184600 Camila 459193 Heather B. 167584 The Cooper Temple Clause 57365 Paris 195833 Electric Flag 242374 Allan Holdsworth 318483 rod mckuen 33125 Kate Smith 54368 Jorge Ben Jor 602445 Reckless Kelly 162431 Boom Bip 571454 Boss 325022 Boards Of Canada 606639 259925 Victimas Del Doctor Cerebro 364200 Jay Perez 300548 Babasonicos 188883 He Is Legend 124358 Charly Garcia 185013 The Monochrome Set 440995 Mojinos Escoz?os 621059 Deborah Harry 236568 Bar?n Rojo 368215 Yellow Magic Orchestra 87545 Panda 200592 The Texas Tornados 438059 El Gran Silencio 8918 Candyman 263950 Luz Casal 388467 Kid ’N Play 506844 Mago De Oz 76006 Grupo Exterminador 250111 Toy Dolls 29375 Mazz 185906 22-20s 539014 Vicente Fernandez 52042 442628 Alberto Cortez 571035 The Move 271753 Sergio Denis 319372 Andy White 593387 Del Tha Funkee Homosapien 360306 LTJ Bukem 566644 sebastian 96316 Kathie Lee Gifford 87630 La Uni?n 76084 tina dico 5521 The D.O.C. 254089 Mr. Kee 277323 Neurosis 158948 Donovan 395076 Don Dinero 194435 392188 Cage 213407 Chaka Demus & Pliers 378861 Patricia Barber 485920 Los Razos De Sacramento Y Reynaldo 504312 Scott Wesley Brown 186098 544071 Darkest Hour 538659 415364 michael learns to rock 404550 Vanessa Williams 477166 La Costumbre 513184 Africanism All Stars 503253 The Queers 451462 Junior Brown 77606 Screeching Weasel 161901 jeff greinke 245870 Half Japanese 611203 smooth 138777 Paul Brady 217853 The Minus 5 549840 Eyehategod 263085 34703 Firehose 239665 Isobel Campbell 7648 Mario Vazquez 83142 525560 Doyle Bramhall II 507061 Salif Keita 77427 Frantic Flintstones 314899 Ali Farka Toure 348949 The Pursuit Of Happiness 620854 ronald shannon jackson 398727 413222 Don Byron 369744 90343 Jack De Johnette 54713 Anita Bryant 205063 Acappella 305987 Klaus Doldinger 224865 John McCormack 256670 179786 Unsane 444137 She Wants Revenge 500864 Andy Griggs 460669 Skank 525601 Bela Fleck & The Flecktones 572660 Alias 600557 Skillz Reidentification of Artists and Genres in KDD Cup 2011

86855 Albert Lee 36798 Ozzie Nelson & His Orchestra 563539 Melanie 395410 Clint Eastwood 437764 Mavado 207339 The Kinks 123517 Bronco 66264 DJ T-Rock 456088 Los Mismos 597543 491469 Roberto Pulido Y Los Cl?sicos 431741 T-Bone 267830 Gary Hobbs 293296 Dino 500594 Yolanda Perez 565125 Mice Parade 185096 Roberto Pulido 206709 La Sonora Dinamita 473616 Triny Y La Leyenda 181091 Johnny Pacheco 131073 Kosheen 304020 alvarez guedes 435698 Victor Fields 442356 Roberto Roena 215237 Paul Jackson, Jr. 281138 N’Klabe 211371 Olivia 68248 Marvin 339962 Dimitri From Paris 132609 Elbow 117364 Disciple 256124 Ras Michael 394244 William Woods 127868 Argent 158571 third sight 72909 Foetus 456882 The Folk Implosion 388831 Jason Collett 472682 Cornelio Reyna 481180 Soul Junk 384148 136055 Kishore Kumar 33012 johnny ray 224394 Pat DiNizio 561917 Sleep Station 404111 Spragga Benz 339429 Mushroom 516802 Kashief Lindo 555050 OBK 473055 Endo 50911 Da Bush Babees 15319 Slapp Happy 111320 Black Moon 462005 Ashley MacIsaac 443171 An?na 587842 Charli Baltimore 273750 Matt White 114517 Orlando Pops Orchestra 67136 Turbulence 333404 Low 615143 J.C. Lodge 184251 Irakere 569223 Patra 580629 Amelia 327573 Michael Rose 616352 Gary Usher 348069 Screw Heads 483104 Richard Wagner 57630 Dirtball 488228 Sukay 27904 Rev. James 90816 Bliss 387328 Morley 223695 Kabah 389146 Philip Aaberg 588244 156982 Christopher Franke 449632 Champion 276990 Every Mother’s Nightmare 229231 Nine Black Alps 346829 Goldie 577238 Osborne Brothers 51642 & The Contortions 158917 Huecco 474479 Steve Khan 175129 Mona Lisa 494277 Larnelle Harris 329147 Michael Monroe 88402 Good Rats 433933 Metal Church 69603 David Frye 553890 496768 Oscar D’Leon 251731 michael flatley 217473 Drugstore 48229 Richard Ashcroft 185112 B-Legit 113757 Raulin Rodriguez 521125 Chris Cagle 530459 Chaka Demus 315661 Glass Candy 227128 Gisselle 250993 Felt 465654 268201 The Rapture 553536 R.E.M. 312860 badlees 516490 Reidentification of Artists and Genres in KDD Cup 2011

573474 Enrique Chia 446401 The Supertones 128705 Bob Newhart 296822 Kam 597365 Peter Bjorn And John 508026 The Abyssinians 11746 Amistades Peligrosas 514730 Presuntos Implicados 515366 113529 Yomo & Maulkie 479060 Super Cat 62458 Paul Brown 303416 The Golden Palominos 217514 345155 532302 Brian McFadden 459021 Danny Gatton 458022 annie herring 134459 Lu Watters’ Yerba Buena Jazz Band9921 The Greenhornes 400169 Terminator X 571433 Third Ear Band 156318 288560 Simple Simon 71149 Lightnin’ Hopkins 47888 Howlin’ Wolf 349976 Azul Azul 519364 red red meat 315075 Test Icicles 131689 Cheeba 586686 Erma Franklin 76085 Dennis Driscoll 364060 Vinnie Moore 470057 Crowbar 548082 Fear My Thoughts 506595 Dismember 567836 Slim & The Supreme Angels 499735 Lords Of The Underground 265391 Moments In Grace 442210 fedora barbieri 288047 It’s A Beautiful Day 190862 Shadows Of Knight 150308 Wayne Marshall 72271 Frankie Knuckles 320124 Freq Nasty 125294 O 248774 Nana Mouskouri 589810 New Colony Six 154990 Johnny Preston 133137 JOSEF K 197556 Scott Walker 63461 Looper 284754 mark almond 372773 Memphis Slim 63661 Lynch Mob 115750 Moby Grape 469190 Manfred Mann 448380 Lorie Line 545685 552782 Marta Sanchez 530399 Trio 323586 Elliott Yamin 129289 Govinda 208328 315376 Iggy & The Stooges 372459 128523 Cut Copy 483382 Gian Marco 180610 Plain White T’s 31505 Jesse & Joy 255949 Evergreen Terrace 584006 La Numero 1 Banda Jerez 342544 Bang On A Can 393185 susie luchsinger 540677 552332 132081 Rebel Meets Rebel 377761 Jimmy Witherspoon 312499 Trouble 602789 Ram?n Ayala 443723 Lordi 61698 Los Invasores De Nuevo Le?n 327853 Firesign Theatre 71306 Chonda Pierce 293526 Stephen Marley 58833 Anne Murray 604704 Mojado 330513 Kevin Johansen 194632 Helios Creed 574922 The Campbell Brothers 283276 Super XX Man 403566 The Wailers Band 118220 347000 Slimm Calhoun 584045 Randall Bramblett 115625 321636 Johnny Vicious 242113 RBD 312057 Alex Bradford 546550 Jose Luis Perales 104340 Sidestepper 475803 Thalia 230821 The Weakerthans 185095 Junior Kimbrough 73200 Old Crow Medicine Show 13639 Kofy Brown 93584 Dan Wilson 171610 India Reidentification of Artists and Genres in KDD Cup 2011

46829 Socios Del Ritmo 542826 Jim Oliver 198756 Aux 88 472040 ripe 500049 Bob Hope 228714 david lloyd jones 5696 Solea 518656 Elvis White 555498 Dark Funeral 323655 Kirsty MacColl 553559 Bedouin 5894 The Candyskins 197170 One Chance 477963 Ion Dissonance 95298 Andy & Lucas 83760 The Fluid 229440 Lucero 275146 Anne Briggs 399601 La Quinta Estacion 138636 Rev. James Moore 206591 Steadman 200053 136805 Forbidden 331759 tonico e tinoco 179347 Hades 480230 marc johnson 78319 liquor giants 417555 428923 One Dollar Short 113949 422739 Slaughter & The Dogs 549415 Dr. Mattie Moss Clark 123299 Alfie 384567 Diecast 454465 New Model Army 561532 Quintet 369645 damas gratis 408063 Kyle Eastwood 382966 Slug 370819 Joann Rosario 122264 Amps For Christ 24557 Pure Reason Revolution 539938 Tourniquet 132366 Anup Jalota 409967 Waylon Jennings 558385 Stat Quo 603153 Nuclear Assault 525646 The Peter Malick Group 555454 The Lawrence Arms 496403 Himsa 479141 The Jerky Boys 305923 Aiden 388472 41640 Mehdi 288581 Failure 248702 Esteban 318507 Chicago 550966 Georgia Tom Dorsey 510166 Special D 396184 Papa Charlie Jackson 421507 Ashley Cleveland 293286 Thicke 321436 Mark O’Connor 88966 Nora 378813 kerli 521380 Masters Of Reality 395614 The Doves 456047 Karsh Kale 553507 The Pipettes 515585 The Modern Lovers 60117 Celtic Frost 500319 Geoff Moore 125737 Sandra St. Victor 603650 240717 Monica Ramos 249247 Lard 551564 hazel 364772 The Lashes 447626 Wild Orchid 362788 Donna Summer 442383 Master 119154 Guitar Shorty 226970 Damon & Naomi 220280 Naglfar 233345 ashra 622219 Jeremy Enigk 201398 JC Chasez 363818 Boomkat 97479 Donna DeLory 587295 Eugenius 298600 5 browns 111979 Gorgoroth 248578 Maxim Vengerov 84545 By The Tree 209886 Holly Valance 292963 The Booth Brothers 244976 314007 Deas Vail 195777 Plus One 495044 Simply Jeff 206118 Deluxe 336258 606813 Ilegales 546427 shobha gurtu 420442 The Blamed 8759 Miranda Lambert 287825 Baby Rasta Y Gringo 537828 Esther Smith Reidentification of Artists and Genres in KDD Cup 2011

176588 Tommy Johnson 36570 Mindfield 307891 Lester Young 472396 baby animals 616272 Tony Moran 527261 Brie Larson 301333 Jennifer Love Hewitt 535761 249044 El Coyote Y Su Banda 42368 The Troys 614414 Wakefield 158108 World Wide Spies 152197 The Creators 76543 Long John Hunter 476816 Generation X 183581 Coroner 420288 The Raincoats 136932 286677 Groovie Ghoulies 290184 big cats 97496 535732 Tristania 391482 Inez Andrews 309235 Broken Hope 507911 Albert King 117032 Scars Of Tomorrow 620315 Romance 357353 Will Haven 204510 Sirenia 138196 Dougie MacLean 323231 Billy Mahonie 114560 Pacific Gas & Electric 310229 Drunken Master 339021 C-Side 2158 Clear Static 534160 Jose Gonzalez 121428 Apartment 26 160605 Carla Werner 55204 Ted & Sheri 353192 Lois 602387 Justin Timberlake 378240 538543 Keith ”Wonderboy” Johnson 255413 200002 future of the left 217707 pete rodriguez 110814 Cronos 582732 Burzum 550918 William Bolcom 445693 Big Bill Morganfield 20192 The Irish Tenors 110398 Force MD’s 536410 Andr? Rieu 340856 Diffuser 429032 Noisettes 249086 Summoning 312852 Myron Butler & Levi 555030 osiris 9496 Dorothy Kirsten 278576 Michael Bloomfield 330877 L.A. Mass Choir 17520 Celine Dion 64194 Antonio Neal 90181 Mercedes Simone 206955 Willy Porter 250882 Fozzy 430276 Blueprint 328218 Declan O’Rourke 256873 Twinkie Clark 117424 Banshee 156285 Connie Smith 123019 Modern Life Is War 271924 joslin grove choral society 296429 Nile 424889 Go Fish 345756 Whiplash 235152 Third Rail 394669 Varnaline 554092 Paul Overstreet 442487 Maria McKee 608542 The Five Blind Boys of 591653 Kate Campbell 352079 The Williams Brothers 35618 Angel Corpse 532141 Massacra 130926 LeAnn Rimes 412754 army of freshmen 383878 Butterglory 392128 The Interpreters 12329 Carlos Gardel 342580 Zenith 490005 Deborah Coleman 167554 ...And Oceans 189397 Jose Alfredo Jimenez 533495 Wizard 185584 Trail Of Tears 434435 Phillip Walker 968 Sworn Enemy 511040 Cousteau 603198 Baphomet 45691 The Agony Scene 611215 Daylight Dies 608108 Consequence 574523 Beseech 50273 celebration 492079 Bobo Stenson Trio 44147 Sam Collins 238984 Sanctity Reidentification of Artists and Genres in KDD Cup 2011

575730 The Electric Soft Parade 488550 Los Nietos 121964 HypoFixx 345869 plebe rude 19353 Necrophobic 8011 597159 Oppressor 147852 Gabry Ponte 177366 Illegal Substance 57916 Art Pepper 173785 billy jones 615998 All City 272370 Freya 238952 Christopher Lawrence 384071 Master Joe 412381 Karate 109527 The Graduate 30754 Rodrigo y Gabriela 234262 Add N To (X) 592428 Sidney Bechet 46444 Digitalism 64801 Borbetomagus 131762 Andrew ”Jr. Boy” Jones 127701 Estrellas De Areito 77965 Pink Anderson 426299 I Monster 4671 Johnny Jenkins 313443 will donato 237980 Alexis & Fido 570127 Karel 602722 Sugar Blue 106459 marciano 421794 Corky Siegel 211236 Cato Salsa Experience 369932 Dre Dog 245707 Stars 195955 Alvin Youngblood Hart 574288 Dub Narcotic Sound System 250187 Magic Juan 40500 Hugh Masekela 190409 503978 Judith Owen 419862 591150 Black:Guayaba 442743 Judas Iscariot 532209 Beny More 83676 Job For A Cowboy 65698 Control 552269 unearthly trance 500200 Orquesta Aragon 11978 Pig Destroyer 181056 Sheila 97316 Godflesh 120471 alexkid 204178 A Perfect Murder 226256 Non Phixion 269823 The Kinsey Report 336422 Grandi Animali Marini 330543 Joe Turner 284679 Cult Of Luna 146389 Leadbelly 165689 Desmond Williams 498940 Zucchero 485931 Tolga 178893 The Sunshine Underground 92087 DJ Trans 522350 Justo Betancourt 251458 Tony Conrad 401755 malanga 354499 The Apex Theory 594376 Adalberto Alvarez 488606 169461 Master Show De Durango 40322 Members Of Mayday 31834 Banda El Recodo De Cruz Liz?rraga314446 Ben Taylor 489634 pablo ruiz 144556 Mayday 460096 526840 Agalloch 266578 Blind Willie McTell 82867 67 special 387370 R.L. Burnside 538343 Apoptygma Berzerk 180136 Josh White 289243 Bitch 120260 236792 black kids 291446 Venom 379149 82891 Rage 532397 Acetone 425005 The Gathering 298751 New Young Pony Club 556740 Torbellino 321578 The Go! Team 89348 510902 bas noir 514208 Driving East 37469 Lee Kalt 387365 emiliano salvador 90926 peter luts 149400 David Arnold 314259 Kyuss 69943 Renegade Soundwave 223731 566115 Zao 399861 Reidentification of Artists and Genres in KDD Cup 2011

486019 284111 576838 Paris, Texas 160927 177936 Last Train Home 44398 sudhir phadke 326843 202944 Milt Jackson 272750 438137 432226 Prince 391640 David Murray 90757 Countdown Singers 495690 618142 Conjunto Primavera 216499 72804 Twin Sisters 128385 Modern Jazz Quartet 361461 280066 185010 Anita O’Day 178372 Kanye West 506194 447431 Michelle Diaz 368437 Dinah Washington 148412 98463 101 Strings Orchestra 183553 Beyonc? 97202 The Drifters 315592 Green Day 162131 319679 Usher 24275 69168 Boyz II Men 367451 Ike & Tina Turner 611002 Foo Fighters 60712 Janet Jackson 398038 272669 Carl Perkins 347743 42731 407331 Black Sun 273720 592425 63565 495712 John Butler Trio 192393 69968 John Dahlback 382561 Luther Vandross 348061 Michelle Tumes 368884 Sarah McLachlan 207642 Ne-Yo 175454 378424 375834 232295 Sade 88715 Elvis Presley 491145 Air 191640 167173 Dionne Farris 184662 Whitney 547711 Avant 296182 Earth, Wind & Fire 405168 Underground Kingz 544164 The Jackson 5 620451 original television soundtrack 28793 The O’Jays 102988 Pat Benatar 215820 Babyface 131830 121090 Patti LaBelle 476805 Kenny Loggins 278490 287967 Billy Idol 43645 DeBarge 591769 Brian McKnight 122395 Shania Twain 219234 Anita Baker 534216 618239 Faith Hill 584593 Big Joe Turner 144470 Baha Men 501732 Jimmy Buffett 407395 Klezmer Conservatory Band 249257 Lynyrd Skynyrd 219726 Katharine McPhee 59704 Los Temerarios 575824 kanika banerjee 234383 Artist Matches, Track 2 111324 INXS 44061 KDD Cup ID Yahoo! Music Name 46917 119056 The Fixx 77668 Marty Robbins 13020 Paul McCartney 327422 189708 Meatloaf 491031 Los Huracanes Del Norte 87506 Poison 525867 150010 A Flock Of Seagulls 131530 206164 Mike & The Mechanics Reidentification of Artists and Genres in KDD Cup 2011

146772 Eurythmics 37604 Jack Johnson 245387 Madness 20464 Jurassic 5 171049 The Thompson Twins 214139 Tha DoggPound 68823 Bush 149019 The Go-Go’s 276506 Nirvana 224117 The Mighty Mighty Bosstones 47482 Everclear 69181 Vanilla Ice 57021 Sublime 293083 Ice-T 246889 Tool 36971 Goodie Mob 132285 Eric Clapton 231934 Master P 76575 Live 186106 System Of A Down 156750 Soul Asylum 152758 H.I.M. 153937 Orgy 122715 Game 185075 Natalie Imbruglia 89428 Iggy Pop 178205 1349 Roxy Music 49866 Blind Melon 231376 Billy Bragg 280303 Spin Doctors 295357 The Breeders 121019 Siouxsie & The Banshees 1997 Vanessa Carlton 278005 Tom Petty & The Heartbreakers 107918 Adam & The Ants 231056 Travis 293948 David Gilmour 278591 Bad Company 247891 Fiona Apple 135061 Primus 267405 Shawnna 167365 Fuel 40213 Jem 6849 PJ Harvey 271170 Paul Westerberg 98349 Fishbone 251392 DJ Kayslay 253380 Billy Squier 271315 Gnarls Barkley 223645 The Presidents Of The United States35779 of America Tenacious D 164551 At The Drive-In 184062 Das EFX 121800 Sister Hazel 209069 The Coral 221102 Peter Murphy 85479 Ani DiFranco 133681 Ben Harper & The Innocent Criminals152514 Yellowcard 223571 Butthole Surfers 179706 Natasha Bedingfield 133515 The Specials 106895 A Perfect Circle 58658 Garbage 36211 Paul Weller 85155 Placebo 112400 Audioslave 209649 Lemonheads 14836 The Fray 140469 Doves 39785 Bloodhound Gang 190977 Cake 59964 Gomez 9890 Liz Phair 271954 Ratt 195555 Bread 196592 Blindside 229620 The Proclaimers 235039 Ben Folds Five 135421 Urge Overkill 182156 Lacuna Coil 198937 Dishwalla 275110 Slaughter 72371 Fountains Of Wayne 647 Local H 112063 Matthew Sweet 115834 Lil Jon & The East Side Boyz 281179 Sloan 147413 The Apples In Stereo 60210 Ben Kweller 157576 Vertical Horizon 134826 Razorlight 6831 Edie Brickell 161118 Outkast 228137 George Thorogood & The Destroyers 189604 LL Cool J 66777 Atmosphere 230375 Q-Tip 63950 OK Go 1915 Rhymefest 24313 Embrace 129953 Jibbs 204893 Josh Kelley 14234 Will Smith 170038 Flaw 232604 James Taylor 23301 Ashlee Simpson Reidentification of Artists and Genres in KDD Cup 2011

293657 Aly & AJ 3705 S Club 229481 JoJo 145531 Total 222236 BBMak 280596 Chuck Berry 66418 Aaron Carter 278564 Beastie Boys 279967 Social Distortion 260950 The Pretenders 286886 Sugarcult 241552 Bob Seger 274697 Alkaline Trio 28987 Erasure 201319 No Use For A Name 222273 Korn 91265 Face To Face 257965 Led Zeppelin 98933 Stryper 63881 Squeeze 292401 Thousand Foot Krutch 34069 Sinead O’Connor 249236 Crazy Frog 84608 Runrig 2488 Dido 830 Robert Palmer 28747 D.H.T. 289463 The Wallflowers 198148 Art Of Noise 124724 Blondie 148902 Sigur Ros 238561 The Psychedelic Furs 27275 Carlos Santana 252290 Too Short 158410 DJ Sammy 50858 Duncan Sheik 251626 M.I.A. 168967 Crosby, Stills & Nash 127893 Anastacia 109987 Huey Lewis & The News 135943 Heather Nova 268456 Traveling Wilburys 138656 Skillet 17136 Carole King 57273 D12 8634 The J. Geils Band 64773 Cold 257497 Deborah Gibson 277972 Portishead 164282 Spice Girls 133218 Amber 252871 The Verve Pipe 152594 Kristin Hersh 35454 The Donnas 213069 Keren Ann 257830 The Click Five 284601 Matt Nathanson 281874 Bachman-Turner Overdrive 244812 Stevie Ray Vaughan & Double Trouble128447 Digital Underground 98169 Tom McRae 157196 The Raconteurs 178115 Buck-O-Nine 90985 The Shins 19521 Five Iron Frenzy 85254 Gang Starr 246019 Geri Halliwell 275191 Nelly 153758 Ed Harcourt 234487 The Ataris 263914 Chumbawamba 78234 Dilated Peoples 186580 Jonatha Brooke 108483 Funeral For A Friend 293373 The Suicide Machines 43470 Goldfinger 120883 The Pack 75966 Jerry Garcia 125816 Rhett Miller 263095 Uncle Tupelo 25965 Lisa Marie Presley 219745 X 251773 Submersed 47581 Victoria Williams 289997 DJ Envy 38406 Jim Lauderdale 15683 Alison Ray 246744 Amos Lee 106765 Tangerine Dream 148485 James 219814 Twiztid 9282 Daft Punk 250900 Eva Cassidy 287999 Keith Murray 257617 O-Town 227731 Danity Kane 279585 Dance Hall Crashers 277556 Moe. 290697 Big Head Todd & The Monsters 280910 Voodoo Glow Skulls 244654 DJ Skribble 105135 Seven Mary Three 102186 A-Teens 151651 Eve 6 75041 Ian Van Dahl 167142 From First To Last 130538 Icehouse 97420 Hem Reidentification of Artists and Genres in KDD Cup 2011

294335 Chris Thile 211701 Missy Elliott 150269 Descendents 269466 Hootie & The Blowfish 44066 Donavon Frankenreiter 270557 Chingy 104761 Babes In Toyland 165176 Chevelle 60330 Joseph Arthur 1348 The The 132495 Vitamin C 190688 Rick Ross 227644 Augustana 186392 Howard Jones 77880 Kimberley Locke 116553 Pulp 151688 Fort Minor 36461 Christopher Cross 296013 Warren Zevon 16750 David Lee Roth 23397 Inspiral Carpets 155077 New Edition 194118 Happy Mondays 196400 Gladys Knight 144501 The Muffs 37979 Edwin Starr 253921 Mudhoney 237418 Marvin Gaye 161645 Chris Rock 290547 Average White Band 243651 Eddie Murphy 51326 Curtis Mayfield 3091 Goo Goo Dolls 111944 George Clinton 281536 John Lennon 282254 Cameo 280892 Better Than Ezra 59402 The Spinners 231128 Linda Ronstadt 51596 Atlantic Starr 127278 Charley Pride 158441 Guy 102299 Alanis Morissette 47451 Minnie Riperton 25875 Paula Abdul 51633 Shaggy 49160 Fine Young Cannibals 192914 DJ Spooky 252460 Sting 160599 Amon Tobin 228477 Morrissey 170561 Mase 252226 Toto 24648 David Sylvian 279989 Creed 13428 Sammy Hagar 281785 Kelly Clarkson 32511 Lil Flip 86954 Limp Bizkit 237956 N.W.A. 166141 The Doors 211151 Eazy-E 82781 Crowded House 119996 De La Soul 294690 131504 Mandy Moore 69022 Fat Joe 72641 Ryan Cabrera 236613 Stereophonics 226368 Thrice 149499 10,000 Maniacs 10492 Taproot 62335 Richard Marx 11872 Foxy Brown 196178 Ride 44506 Damian ”Jr. Gong” Marley 210480 Nas 50648 Des’ree 250221 Dead Or Alive 7680 Iron Butterfly 183921 Electric Light Orchestra 130901 Phantom Planet 113344 George Harrison 27142 Pillar 225290 Joan Jett & The Blackhearts 172506 Catherine Wheel 292756 Faith No More 15096 Son Volt 128895 Everlast 92231 Indigo Girls 70391 Firehouse 76463 Brian Eno 167143 Candlebox 161384 Scarface 273786 Authority Zero 292979 Pennywise 173170 The Cardigans 262639 Story Of The Year 135958 Alice Cooper 286532 Webbie 129567 Dem Franchize Boyz 137213 Guttermouth 229946 Blues Traveler 149749 Great White 8799 Kix 87722 Damien Rice 10223 Jethro Tull 105146 Howie Day Reidentification of Artists and Genres in KDD Cup 2011

231611 The Starting Line 210302 Isaac Hayes 153310 Ohio Players 162885 Three 6 Mafia 6668 Deee-Lite 251343 Abba 237813 Mazzy Star 209603 Pete Townshend 217654 Jimi Hendrix Experience 21641 Powerman 5000 255267 Helmet 3953 Concrete Blonde 86687 War 9295 Rick Nelson 145090 Grandaddy 152906 Loverboy 166175 Bobby Darin 242999 Roberta Flack 190771 Village People 205958 Jefferson Airplane 231280 Michelle Branch 8713 Bonnie Raitt 66428 Sparta 156106 Mobb Deep 266311 Loose Ends 267598 Parliament 269542 Iron & Wine 192959 N.O.R.E. 14111 The Beta Band 262829 Oingo Boingo 64536 Otep 128272 Salt-N-Pepa 208330 Plumb 295389 Poco 168742 Bill Monroe 52688 Beth Orton 74623 Electronic 149094 Nick Lachey 119231 Trey Anastasio 84092 Three Dog Night 271604 Frank Zappa 214954 Ra 271858 Good Riddance 266285 Mystikal 38205 Brazilian Girls 103540 EPMD 57181 David Byrne 21322 Phish 253458 Tiziano Ferro 244574 Kid Rock 9314 Compay Segundo 110654 Queens Of The Stone Age 287702 Bill Anderson 126015 Jason Mraz 67352 Doc Watson 180377 Trina 37815 Stray Cats 132539 Alter Bridge 294116 Southern Culture On The Skids 153384 Basement Jaxx 112032 Bob Hope 246477 Patti Smith 209678 Kathleen Battle 125772 DJ Jazzy Jeff & The Fresh Prince 57696 Jonny Lang 64811 The Chemical Brothers 53537 Irma Thomas 75017 Jim Croce 144732 Van Halen 142773 Kenny Wayne Shepherd 160961 Sarah McLachlan 181858 Sebadoh 249824 The Bee Gees 182802 Todd Rundgren 203524 The Commodores 215404 The Corrs 140956 Diddy 271443 The Stranglers 197089 The Moody Blues 37848 Da Brat 180618 The B-52’s 207531 Everything But The Girl 294545 Olivia Newton-John 258793 Romeo 252026 Deniece Williams 76721 Deep Dish 115379 Adam Ant 116167 Default 61316 The Cars 67708 Tosca 131753 Matchbox Twenty 236496 Lisa Germano 64933 Wilco 222412 Afro Celt Sound System 127151 Nine Inch Nails 255855 Enigma 200141 Busta Rhymes 209359 Acoustic Alchemy 82110 Tina Turner 212093 Dr. John 247092 P.O.D. 6182 Keiko Matsui 251868 The Smiths 120618 Tony MacAlpine 182744 Smokey Robinson 225394 Bob James 257658 Edwin McCain 6124 Jeff Golub Reidentification of Artists and Genres in KDD Cup 2011

226034 Manhattan Transfer 212293 The Offspring 121140 Najee 35288 Pitbull 66830 Joshua Redman 291792 Hoobastank 123551 Spyro Gyra 270582 John Scofield 110657 Bela Fleck 150844 The Polyphonic Spree 119727 Clannad 229686 Joy Division 193440 Jello Biafra 113720 Lou Reed 111230 Raffi 285743 Marilyn Manson 220910 Joyce Cooling 161435 Buddy Holly 146962 Poncho Sanchez 73411 Naughty By Nature 52914 Sarah Brightman 129816 Beanie Sigel 206388 Prince 290788 Juelz Santana 83633 Massive Attack 31718 My Morning Jacket 180364 Andrew Lloyd Webber 92928 Badly Drawn Boy 194018 James Horner 1887 Big Star 270932 Wayne Shorter 158154 Millencolin 127690 Kenny Garrett 260123 Natalie Merchant 225490 Linda Eder 47101 Mos Def 123594 The Posies 14631 Joe Budden 108526 Weird Al Yankovic 124134 The Monkees 240504 Richard Pryor 105863 David Gray 279332 Peter Case 255700 Traffic 224886 Nina Sky 183466 Quiet Riot 219458 Julio Iglesias 85506 Sheena Easton 133835 Sade 23746 Yello 56111 Peter Gabriel 81045 Deep Forest 277464 Duran Duran 264755 Kelly Osbourne 274339 Oasis 51673 Delbert McClinton 36344 Extreme 170396 Wilson Phillips 113291 XTC 281907 Nonpoint 201811 The Verve 101969 Old 97’s 203553 Wham! 109793 Brian Setzer 170825 Neil Young 17854 Lupe Fiasco 141789 Sugar Ray 12181 Supergrass 240710 Art Garfunkel 92472 Uncle Kracker 232710 Lisa Loeb 71368 Mindless Self Indulgence 201997 Barry White 154549 Savoy Brown 77159 Shawn Mullins 278735 Vangelis 31321 The Allman Brothers Band 80447 James Newton Howard 96104 Little Feat 221677 Alan Silvestri 230438 The Mars Volta 11042 Brand Nubian 48066 Boston 26330 Mike Oldfield 89183 Coldplay 203491 DJ Krush 140924 The Byrds 41213 Tantric 190518 Ozzy Osbourne 163562 The O.C. Supertones 147606 Maroon 5 151565 Bryan Adams 155700 Bowling For Soup 172223 The Rolling Stones 127895 The Hives 191351 Def Leppard 266966 White Lion 59956 Joe Cocker 131340 The Skatalites 57617 Joe Jackson 208084 UB40 293125 They Might Be Giants 107674 Rage Against The Machine 284068 128993 Stone Temple Pilots 237775 Eddie Money 246608 Queen Latifah 212630 The Doobie Brothers Reidentification of Artists and Genres in KDD Cup 2011

244306 Skid Row 33269 Green Day 17678 Nickelback 254836 Blur 175870 Talib Kweli 273574 Linkin Park 251338 Rick Springfield 281855 John Mellencamp 132319 Belinda Carlisle 91223 The Cult 127229 Chris Cornell 226040 Ted Nugent 15676 Don Henley 4100 The Pogues 149030 Run DMC 269391 Charlie Rich 83799 Dokken 199522 11089 Rose Royce 31015 Tracy Chapman 189852 Less Than Jake 268009 Dave Grusin 17329 Lucinda Williams 115109 Ice Cube 62065 Gavin DeGraw 160867 Sly & The Family Stone 288541 Meat Puppets 6613 75908 Public Enemy 57989 Queensryche 275404 Coolio 232894 DMX 228034 Warren G 136873 Jungle Brothers 72426 Danny Elfman 25900 The Crystal Method 116038 Steppenwolf 254013 Joni Mitchell 26667 Bright Eyes 222730 Andrea Bocelli 138923 Joe Sample 19753 Megadeth 81199 Joe Walsh 100987 T.I. 65134 Do Or Die 256310 Nelly Furtado 82119 Sixpence None The Richer 27827 Lil Scrappy 29055 Boogie Down Productions 101354 Guster 153568 Baby Bash 263854 Harry Chapin 272726 Al Jarreau 222182 Toadies 138563 Grover Washington, Jr. 79840 John Williams 106524 Ry Cooder 81524 17206 Grant Lee Phillips 264322 Godsmack 255765 Steve Earle 51359 Dusty Springfield 202309 Sheryl Crow 227766 Procol Harum 148241 Tanya Tucker 244706 G-Unit 127934 Marty Stuart 70192 Blackalicious 274779 Rhonda Vincent 44649 Donovan 9368 A Tribe Called Quest 64564 Lambchop 286841 Public Image Ltd. 241037 Paul Taylor 124430 Memphis Bleek 219491 Euge Groove 121918 Solomon Burke 262042 Natalie 148366 King’s X 121046 The Beautiful South 7042 Crazy Town 54873 The Geezinslaws 130052 Yoko Ono 114848 Kinky Friedman 24359 Project 86 292951 Jim Stafford 278843 The Meters 58925 Tim Wilson 262813 Felix Da Housecat 81937 KJ-52 240614 The Happy Boys 1346 80748 Petra 250752 Jane’s Addiction 64415 Caedmon’s Call 90605 3 Doors Down 240944 Passion Worship Band 189054 AFI 96760 Angelique Kidjo 139574 Toad The Wet Sprocket 1621 Youssou N’Dour 4216 Blue Oyster Cult 293719 Smashing Pumpkins 134540 Alice In Chains 290558 Styx 227708 Jars Of Clay 123265 Scorpions 206831 Stevie Nicks Reidentification of Artists and Genres in KDD Cup 2011

31758 Soft Cell 64226 Vanilla Fudge 19963 The Clash 23717 Iron Maiden 143622 Joss Stone 209248 Buddy Guy 85522 Cinderella 102643 Kenny Loggins 41589 Nena 133018 Tesla 188250 Nick Lowe 150050 Dashboard Confessional 131958 Ray Lamontagne 27818 E-40 71482 Anthrax 155801 The Jam 130549 295856 Stone Sour 26283 Sum 41 47263 Cat Stevens 159951 Jimmy Cliff 26581 Culture Club 270867 Michael McDonald 95906 Los Lonely Boys 236903 Westlife 236742 Filter 44857 Lostprophets 113227 Hans Zimmer 156315 Bauhaus 113265 Good Charlotte 112647 Turin Brakes 70201 Paul Oakenfold 71438 The Afghan Whigs 84927 Lyle Lovett 207400 The Charlatans UK 105684 Trapt 138012 Steve Forbert 161275 The Replacements 114424 Shinedown 39500 George Carlin 86523 The Damned 2176 Monty Python’s Flying Circus 64187 Prefab Sprout 31825 Sepultura 20859 Robert Earl Keen 243292 dc Talk 257544 The Calling 162906 Faithless 283967 Grand Funk Railroad 90763 J-Kwon 279803 Something Corporate 178276 Adema 7828 DJ Shadow 195282 No Doubt 55048 John Tesh 154230 Guns N’ Roses 32655 Spandau Ballet 171148 Jamiroquai 161937 The Fugees 164498 Carly Simon 224444 The Notorious B.I.G. 277719 Simon & Garfunkel 49714 America 166257 Staind 54960 Warrant 245879 Crossfade 287417 Steely Dan 205381 Counting Crows 17037 ZZ Top 98456 Suzanne Vega 123179 Randy Newman 3607 Common 121457 Jackson Browne 155859 Juvenile 66401 MC Hammer 91118 Lisa Stansfield 110438 Thomas Dolby 39427 Lita Ford 148718 Me First & The Gimme Gimmes 35081 Deftones 94918 Ying Yang Twins 49094 New Found Glory 194632 Kate Bush 78859 Seether 181190 Lil’ Kim 147145 Tower Of Power 20596 Primal Scream 229988 The Pussycat Dolls 801 Air 137566 Morcheeba 236660 Fergie 127889 Andrew W.K. 159456 The Bravery 21833 Cowboy Junkies 188127 KRS-One 4442 Unwritten Law 156713 The Strokes 176596 Darren Hayes 45832 Project Pat 163673 Doyle Lawson & Quicksilver 266746 Jonathan Butler 51336 Dropkick Murphys 71081 Norman Brown 191898 Tears For Fears 110387 Thin Lizzy 230232 Billy Idol 36879 John Barry 211476 Talking Heads Reidentification of Artists and Genres in KDD Cup 2011

25819 Chic 189015 Phil Collins 288933 Jeff Beck 115701 Method Man 253609 The Streets 190543 Robert Plant 135746 The All-American Rejects 247758 268087 Trick Daddy 89460 Franz Ferdinand 16428 Ryan Adams 94019 Melissa Etheridge 11828 Gwen Stefani 227135 Switchfoot 281022 Lifehouse 79867 Dire Straits 84211 Muse 37871 Hannah Montana 106595 Interpol 30442 Bad Religion 241082 Europe 249969 Modest Mouse 65292 K.D. Lang 200298 Clipse 122543 C+C Music Factory 218319 Spirit 226334 Styles P 115960 Incognito 227193 John McLaughlin 73960 Yo La Tengo 140652 Arturo Sandoval 115720 Yellowjackets 40999 Michael Buble 216799 T.A.T.U. 47937 Peter Frampton 180964 The Police 68326 The Stone Roses 122505 Gin Blossoms 49011 The Animals 141075 Evanescence 68910 Motorhead 251535 Bryan Ferry 135354 The Killers 270715 Paul Simon 64744 tobyMac 228732 Twisted Sister 269733 Eamon 280472 Love And Rockets 155526 William Orbit 54383 Ghostface Killah 124994 Hooverphonic 39781 Supertramp 210281 The Orb 1817 Ben Folds 64670 Mike Bloomfield 285717 Rufus Wainwright 291539 Clutch 96123 Bill Withers 18131 George Michael 104931 Chris Rea 77309 Third Eye Blind 240339 311 215817 Hole 52693 Elliott Smith 127541 Bruce Hornsby 129978 Puddle Of Mudd 54975 Rancid 34602 10cc 188768 Keane 270485 The Ramones 35415 Avenged Sevenfold 132469 Ricky Skaggs 105364 Marc Anthony 79361 Ween 202697 Chayanne 64609 Atreyu 171390 Ace Of Base 187752 Fu Manchu 173252 Teenage Fanclub 191478 Larry Carlton 1481 Our Lady Peace 22474 Dan Fogelberg 24814 Jeff Buckley 216338 Skinny Puppy 2801 RBD 126878 Heart 117235 Pete Yorn 125200 REO Speedwagon 152940 Cascada 183223 Foreigner 193396 Scissor Sisters 204824 The Bangles 142652 Big Sandy & His Fly-Rite Boys 222269 The Black Crowes 163245 LCD Soundsystem 200000 Cypress Hill 16587 David Sanborn 225171 Norah Jones 262443 Blood, Sweat & Tears 83537 The Black Eyed Peas 210671 The Dandy Warhols 21306 Pixies 145071 David Crowder Band 252074 The Human League 53423 Julia Fordham 24208 Soundgarden 147361 Tricky 214565 Tom Petty Reidentification of Artists and Genres in KDD Cup 2011

187696 Kansas 287711 El Sueo De Morfeo 232859 Snow Patrol 281667 Moenia 209791 Weezer 74052 Marco Antonio Solis 171125 Echo & The Bunnymen 26064 Jerry Goldsmith 264383 Air Supply 277273 Blink 182 89704 Bone Thugs-N-Harmony 99613 Jim Jones 288449 The Cranberries 163546 Dr. Dre 257717 Roxette 83065 DJ Quik 232439 Cream 91679 Papa Roach 136574 Steve Winwood 57060 Life Of Agony 278913 Devo 142632 Slipknot 195962 Annie Lennox 223989 The Band 286313 Kris Kristofferson 213030 Cracker 242948 Lil Wayne 21690 Dinosaur Jr. 179007 Jimmy Eat World 156070 Dream Theater 275784 Falco 5036 Pastor Troy 110324 Wu-Tang Clan 267554 NoFx 278030 Rainbow 215542 The Bouncing Souls 266838 Slum Village 26650 Fear Factory 66709 Tom Waits 73250 The Velvet Underground 140537 The Violent Femmes 135338 Journey 120477 The Fifth Dimension 210727 Collective Soul 110211 Bill Cosby 100355 Whitesnake 35911 Rodney Dangerfield 231613 Tupac Shakur 157419 Disturbed 60300 Xzibit 115732 A-Ha 36932 Ministry 165161 Lil Jon 290403 8Ball & MJG 175422 Medeski Martin & Wood 223911 Mark Knopfler 123119 Kottonmouth Kings 160477 Buckcherry 105095 The Guess Who 161811 Saliva 211405 The Jayhawks 177929 Yeah Yeah Yeahs 28218 Kasabian 257973 Camper Van Beethoven 172478 Widespread Panic 50487 Fall Out Boy 182540 The Jesus & Mary Chain 3912 Marianne Faithfull 55579 Tech N9ne 280275 Eels 135845 (Hed) P.E. 141159 Mercury Rev 22697 Coheed and Cambria 66521 B.G. 275945 Sam Cooke 263065 Gordon Lightfoot 120254 Keb’ Mo’ 39327 Rickie Lee Jones 203537 Ten Years After 203062 Beck 206374 MC5 256355 Night Ranger 224968 Insane Clown Posse 122972 .38 Special 9191 Stanley Clarke 19065 Incubus 10010 Joe Satriani 266347 Cam’Ron 160158 Rob Zombie 142372 Delirious? 140149 The Libertines 249114 Third Day 193954 Soft Machine 88930 Phillips, Craig & Dean 171349 Zero 7 86068 Point Of Grace 60248 Triumph 37622 Carman 201697 Thalia 212106 Robyn Hitchcock 171697 Alejandro Fernndez 112451 Newsboys 112832 Molotov 163064 Audio Adrenaline 158173 Elefante 215881 Stereolab 251743 Cabas 21816 Pavement Reidentification of Artists and Genres in KDD Cup 2011

269853 Fatboy Slim 113820 Cindy Morgan 220966 The Mamas & The Papas 294268 Flogging Molly 294006 Peter Tosh 265511 Loon 164361 Bruce Cockburn 279595 UGK 117403 Dar Williams 55288 Petey Pablo 104895 Bob Marley & The Wailers 189777 The Faint 167881 Kraftwerk 41232 Cursive 147365 Leonard Cohen 60891 Silkk The Shocker 258210 Toots & The Maytals 66971 South Central Cartel 151224 Bonnie Tyler 135285 Sondre Lerche 259607 Stevie Ray Vaughan 93593 Tiesto 289607 Jonas Brothers 234725 Jean-Michel Jarre 222944 Mudvayne 4345 Coal Chamber 6756 George Thorogood 146654 Material Issue 225970 Cradle Of Filth 203794 Richard Elliot 181168 Cocteau Twins 111896 Gang Of Four 267431 O.A.R. 122298 Jerry Jeff Walker 83645 Unearth 104560 Bobby Womack 183916 The BoDeans 239560 Aerosmith 99641 Porcupine Tree 165200 BT 167551 Boz Scaggs 197867 Paul van Dyk 121005 John Fogerty 229001 Armand Van Helden 255936 Bruce Dickinson 191918 DJ Dan 211783 Ricardo Arjona 193470 UFO 249359 Steve Vai 82849 VNV Nation 266954 Foghat 81925 Conjure One 277625 New York Dolls 200784 Lu 230492 Don Omar 232588 Danny Tenaglia 7200 Intocable 117931 John Martyn 91498 Andrs Calamaro 116726 It Dies Today 96082 Rocio Durcal 17944 Carla Thomas 134828 Gipsy Kings 41523 Underoath 186926 Ana Beln 8257 ATB 155750 Laura Pausini 163249 Hombres G 80591 Static-X 182570 Ricky Martin 128069 Big Tymers 61339 Saxon 116806 Lindsay Lohan 230288 Jeff Lorber 227042 Queen 45101 Brian Culbertson 92887 Buddy Miles 204972 The Association 197613 Jin 130043 Suicidal Tendencies 137008 U.T.F.O. 17465 Hatebreed 21239 John Ottman 37299 Slick Rick 148662 Brandi Carlile 103309 David Banner 13832 286575 Tyrone Wells 211620 Terry Hall 214094 Lagwagon 88296 Jackie Wilson 291144 MJG 84330 Dave Davies 197377 jools holland 174369 Slick Shoes 117066 Fun Lovin’ Criminals 104396 Jaguar Wright 7285 WC 86426 Alicia Keys 294426 The Modern Lovers 93705 50 Cent 8558 DJ Encore 258848 Three Days Grace 28125 Murphy Lee 158118 Breaking Benjamin 111450 Bettye Lavette 176380 Craig Armstrong 102427 Federation Reidentification of Artists and Genres in KDD Cup 2011

247318 SonicFlood 64706 Plastikman 258662 Groove Collective 32108 Big Country 107381 The Clarks 238797 Sky Cries Mary 27290 Cee-Lo 120125 B.P.M. 262172 Chet Atkins 21138 77168 Benzino 8165 Hector Tricoche 278519 11203 Margaret Cho 252184 Redd Foxx 263673 David Holmes 290636 Lords Of Acid 209337 Avalon 32099 Tuck & Patti 97147 Velvet Revolver 261603 Test Icicles 126457 Leaders Of The New School 182287 Aleks Syntek 183644 Dennis Brown 36304 Caifanes 238666 137489 193891 Damon & Naomi 269209 Groove Coverage 97290 Benny 86519 10427 Javier Solis 164415 Big Punisher 51448 Joan Manuel Serrat 134222 American Music Club 82263 Juan Gabriel 22432 John Patitucci 51983 Ana Gabriel 197882 Pere Ubu 164172 Todd Thibaud 190801 30 Seconds To Mars 15975 Boxcar Willie 71786 Eagles 26433 Lorez Alexandria 83301 Nadia 250941 Psychic TV 134993 Los Bukis 252307 Loudness 139836 Westside Connection 25590 Bow Wow 70241 Recover 18178 Phoenix 281005 Electric Six 70424 Blue October 228132 Boy Sets Fire 120692 Bayside 80171 Fightstar 201347 Volumen Cero 230374 Infectious Grooves 48223 Jay-Z 97227 Mikel Erentxun 130522 Luke Slater 133773 Satyricon 145033 Lee Greenwood 186669 Die Krupps 65089 Chris Botti 213750 Play-N-Skillz 7454 Spring Heel Jack 295094 59 Times The Pain 292702 Seam 152360 Pat Metheny 2044 Paul Stanley 161723 Bobby ”Blue” Bland 124788 Lee ”Scratch” Perry 92639 Roscoe 88490 Carlos Gardel 204062 Meat Beat Manifesto 210418 Dillinger 33215 Onyx 126499 Christian Castro 232565 Ja Rule 31752 Mark Isham 150699 Lil Wyte 96112 Suzanne Ciani 295973 Ollabelle 68148 Youngbloodz 144098 Keith Whitley 206092 Rick Wakeman 71326 John Vanderslice 188752 Dave Brubeck 30133 Ralph Stanley 145465 Charlie Hunter 138408 Bebel Gilberto 175097 Marcus Miller 144318 Bubba Sparxxx 46240 Duncan Dhu 7089 The Misfits 34432 Aimee Mann 110146 David Wilcox 90608 Stuck Mojo 148077 S Pra Contrariar 150199 Moonspell 155167 Eve 1996 Machine Head 43962 Jamal 226396 Paradise Lost 102325 Texas 186367 Cassidy Reidentification of Artists and Genres in KDD Cup 2011

155932 Nick Cannon 84392 Walter Beasley 25145 Pieces Of A Dream 70062 Darkest Hour 294988 Everette Harp 183533 Angel Alanis 247333 Charlie Chaplin 151233 Camila 240179 Ignite 92031 Aracely Arambula 187974 Global Communication 108373 107392 Carmen Miranda 104382 Maze Featuring Frankie Beverly 254605 Olodum 115855 I-Roy 225968 Andy & Lucas 244886 The Righteous Brothers 195772 Judas Priest 24389 Fila Brazillia 185759 Jermaine Dupri 39377 andre previn 285531 Static Revenger 165065 Nazz 279947 Aphrodite’s Child 46490 Yellowman 216686 Junior Delgado 44830 Salif Keita 169456 Robin S. 96870 Patricia Barber 123511 Nick Warren 6894 Ali Farka Toure 7033 KMFDM 205611 Fattburger 13106 Sheep On Drugs 138543 The Saints 22153 Mark Wills 49080 Maze 272648 SHeDAISY 290433 22-20s 265720 Tree63 211612 La Costumbre 106346 Steve Taylor 70948 Mazz 61184 Candy Dulfer 71022 Alberto Cortez 61213 Marc Antoine 234926 Toy Dolls 127187 Kyle Eastwood 115171 Los Razos De Sacramento Y Reynaldo 23863 Gregg Karukas 163753 DJ Kane 181538 Jimmy Sommers 197314 Lucero 127935 Pure Prairie League 129665 The Casualties 89843 The 2 Live Crew 121432 Eddie Fisher 16417 Luke 175488 Steve Riley 262626 Henry Rollins 275908 Len Gieco 19836 Di Blasio 226998 La Unin 5780 159462 Babasonicos 6104 SIXX:A.M. 32707 pixel 256671 Bleach 123086 Enrique Guzman 98989 Yerba Buena 155841 Teddybears 192546 Falling Up 130678 Lol Coxhill 46663 Maynard Ferguson 272204 Africanism All Stars 182909 King Jammy 619 Bela Fleck & The Flecktones 204372 A.B. Quintanilla Y Los Kumbia Kings209972 Scott Henderson 289597 Regurgitator 18532 Charly Garcia 133611 Feeder 59407 Mojinos Escozos 94572 Garth Brooks 39627 Barn Rojo 78745 Frost 290956 Firesign Theatre 68352 Charles Mingus 95541 Stephen Marley 77585 Big Tuck 161342 The Queers 162344 Little Jimmy Dickens 171014 Andy Griggs 179138 & The Tijuana Brass 88518 Screeching Weasel 100345 Lidia Avila 214921 DJ Die 60451 Daniela Romo 286472 Alias 293817 Graciela Beltrn 47496 Matt White 19744 Emilio Navaira 236036 Don Byron 116701 All That Remains 87626 John McCormack 194876 Dir En Grey 277406 R.E.M. Reidentification of Artists and Genres in KDD Cup 2011

139937 Every Mother’s Nightmare 197293 Bang On A Can 166863 Neurosis 171424 Plain White T’s 56803 Felt 144998 Starsailor 256268 N’Klabe 285548 Bad Boy Bill 198200 Johnny Pacheco 82572 The Kinks 286094 Anais 152062 Estrella 90230 The Hollies 57537 The Jerky Boys 293425 JT The Bigga Figga 79318 Bob Marley 10636 Irakere 288563 Super XX Man 295474 Spragga Benz 243659 Badlands 95138 Chavez 123444 Iggy & The Stooges 95223 White Zombie 25178 Lords Of The Underground 284559 Half Japanese 293234 Keef Hartley 116442 Gram Parsons 81811 Los Temerarios 166019 TRU 287914 Lo-Key 27497 The Ocean Blue 277350 Arkarna 224724 LTJ Bukem 133614 Manfred Mann 129593 Clint Eastwood 144863 Mojado 252850 harvey mandel 88809 Sacred Steel 11230 the speer family 220719 The New Year 18471 Osborne Brothers 226016 La Numero 1 Banda Jerez 179170 Elbow 9002 Keith ”Wonderboy” Johnson & The Spiritua 79587 Raging Slab 68048 Bedouin Soundclash 287519 Grand Puba 107092 Steve Roach 287857 Da Bush Babees 184503 Charlie Cruz 118828 Dawn Penn 266305 Marta Sanchez 191091 Ras Shiloh 76454 Banda Maguey 82300 Lena 270249 Menudo 58252 Randall Bramblett 43023 Presuntos Implicados 3296 Vinnie Moore 129886 Jose Luis Perales 283652 New Life Community Choir 263665 June Of 44 282891 Richard Ashcroft 215741 Lucero 199838 Johnny Winter 283620 La Quinta Estacion 539 Slade 162957 Melanie 219046 Maria Conchita Alonso 157344 Negative 162984 Tipper 30916 The Greenhornes 278234 Fear My Thoughts 142552 Forbidden 242626 Super Cat 84917 Pigface 103305 Patti LaBelle 33832 Baphomet 21970 Experimental Audio Research 170507 Janet Jackson 75594 Goldie 19256 Johnta Austin 241993 Snapcase 289749 Karsh Kale 103095 Wayne Marshall 158685 Diecast 108893 Jet 225017 Mahalia Jackson 20161 The Wailers Band 295138 Dejah 42125 Morelo 225747 After Forever 208837 The Gaylads 172216 BK 160563 Erick Sermon 16010 Deep Blue Something 9330 Metal Church 124844 Ron Sexsmith 102092 Ill Nio 23695 Ion Dissonance 178244 Natacha Atlas 56335 Failure 92774 The Push Stars 48976 Digitalism 158299 The Beatles 279513 Amy Winehouse 282185 Papa Charlie Jackson 133326 Michael Shelley Reidentification of Artists and Genres in KDD Cup 2011

134144 The Alarm 126930 adrienne pierce 139150 Shellac 280857 Donna Summer 50775 The Fluid 13301 Brie Larson 37958 Noisettes 247773 Varnaline 68225 Foetus 86605 Mark O’Connor 43516 Mint Royale 279311 Sworn Enemy 257744 David Bowie 287785 Cornelio Reyna 177236 Nile 33151 Justin Timberlake 43767 Himsa 182212 Howlin’ Wolf 192565 New Model Army 201146 Muddy Waters 160649 ashra 29672 Daylight Dies 184669 Rhapsody 294677 The Zutons 19413 Los Invasores De Nuevo Len 230274 Banshee 94406 Madonna 10463 Michael Bloomfield 91769 Perez Prado 43797 Angel Corpse 207817 Robin Thicke 268373 Groop Dogdrill 8630 Erich Kunzel 8271 Los Rieleros Del Norte 254105 Shemekia Copeland 28673 Dark Star 260558 Force MD’s 241679 Judas Iscariot 102548 Rev. James Cleveland 147256 Joe Turner 42128 Nana Mouskouri 96379 unearthly trance 138686 Jennifer Love Hewitt 206349 David Arnold 251423 servotron 68714 Renegade Soundwave 124153 Michael Jackson 122958 Jose Alfredo Jimenez 145201 Lazyboy 150884 Job For A Cowboy 221980 Albert King 223236 Atmosfear 115331 Josie Cotton 171719 Ramn Ayala 30088 Chicago 223716 175226 The Pipettes 285246 Pig Destroyer 83916 MercyMe 34301 Scars Of Tomorrow 33939 88282 Meshuggah 149759 Townes Van Zandt 12935 Roberto Carlos 173454 Esther Smith 42149 Sweet 200487 The Feeling 240497 Cato Salsa Experience 69620 Mojave 3 137924 Los Huracanes Del Norte 234233 The Juliana Theory 97860 Chick Corea 185848 pigeonhed 62365 Los Razos 138660 Summoning 211781 Bebe 71302 Connie Smith 293038 marciano 159197 Wizard 277345 Zaino 48073 Johnny Vicious 200573 Banda El Recodo De Cruz Lizrraga 133622 Anne Murray 148676 Hugh Masekela 82394 Lenny Kravitz 181817 pete rodriguez 48608 Tramaine Hawkins 6334 Dub Narcotic Sound System 216810 joslin grove choral society 160798 Rodrigo y Gabriela 159921 Out Of Eden 25581 Justo Betancourt 102727 Go Fish 249607 Daddy Yankee 53363 Memphis Slim 101755 Beny More 245508 Massacra 64666 Control 151090 Sun Ra 64695 Raul Di Blasio 17285 Jose Gonzalez 221084 Emilio 66480 LeAnn Rimes 261273 Banco De Gaia 10204 fedora barbieri 93277 Front Line Assembly 150179 Big Bill Broonzy 84542 Loleatta Holloway Reidentification of Artists and Genres in KDD Cup 2011

282195 Kenna 163551 Steve Hackett 51710 Desmond Williams 140547 Blueprint 151059 Acetone 287445 Stars 140302 Screaming Trees 99823 4 Hero 88403 Ben Green 143602 The Besnard Lakes 211290 Rival Schools 255870 conner reeves 232166 The Cramps 281570 The Go! Team 245707 Blackfoot 295958 Stevie Wonder 149798 178899 Rod Stewart 6509 four tops 226621 Palomo 206158 Aretha Franklin 273730 TLC 278420 Fantasia 76403 Cyndi Lauper 58486 Air 232639 original television soundtrack 251456 Pat Benatar 207820 Natalie Cole 236281 Brian McKnight 264595 Bette Midler 16439 Ash 73606 Los Straitjackets 202049 Hank Thompson 274812 Thomas Newman 74616 Pizzicato Five