Trinidad & Tobago 2014
Libros Latinos P.O. Box 1103 Redlands CA 92373 Tel: 800-645-4276 Fax: 909-335-9945 Terms: All prices are net to all, and orders prepaid. Books returnable within ten days of receipt if not as described. Please order by book ID number. Trinidad & Tobago 2014 1. Aiyejina, Funso. SELF-PORTRAITS. Interviews with Ten West Indian Writers and Two Critics. St. Augustine, Trinidad: The University of the West Indies: School of Continuing Studies, 2003. ISBN: 976620182X. ix, 270p., photos, wrps. Paperback. New. (106879) $35.00 Includes interviews with the following West Indian literary figures of importance and critics: Earl Lovelace, Jennifer Rahim, Jane King and Gordon Rohlehr, among others 2. Aiyenjina, Funso (Editor) with Judy Stone. MOVING RIGHT ALONG. CARIBBEAN STORIES IN HONOUR OF JOHN CROPPER. Caroni, Trinidad: Lexicon Trinidad, 2010. 1st ed. ISBN: 9788766310585. 8vo, wrps, 135 p. Paperback. New. (153834) $45.00 Short Stories that give a cross-section of the Caribbean people. Drawn from the best of the work by the participants in The Cropper Foundation Writer's Workshop, 2000-2008. Aiyenjina is the Dean of the Factulty of Humanities and Education at UWI and Professor of English and Africana & Asian Literature. 3. Akele, Akumubo (Dr.). HERBWATCH FOR HEALTH & NUTRITION. A Scientific Study on AIDS Overlook, Research & Documentation. Trinidad: [Holy Trinity], 2010. First edition. 37, (2)p., color photo plates, illus., tables, staplebound wrps. Paperback. Very Good. (147776) $20.00 Includes the following sections: "Herbs & Disease", "Insulin", "AIDS Overlook", "Nutritional Facts". Signed by the author, in black ink. 4. Ali, Michael A.
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