Daftar Nama - Nama Penerima KTP Elektronik Kecamatan : Samboja Desa : Ambarawang Darat Periode 25 Juni 2020 NO

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Daftar Nama - Nama Penerima KTP Elektronik Kecamatan : Samboja Desa : Ambarawang Darat Periode 25 Juni 2020 NO Daftar Nama - nama Penerima KTP Elektronik Kecamatan : Samboja Desa : Ambarawang Darat Periode 25 Juni 2020 NO. NIK NAMA LENGKAP TANDA TERIMA 1 6402135403670001 ZAM-ZAM 2 6402131508620003 SAHRULLAH 3 6402133112721004 RAJA 4 6402136112720002 MAINE 5 6402136106880001 KHOLIDAH 6 6402136105850002 SAINAB 7 6402130706720005 ASUN 8 6402134207790001 AMINAH 9 6402134508600001 JUARIYAH 10 6402134605751004 MU'AYYAH 11 6402130109890001 HARMOKO 12 6402130203930001 DONY SALMAN 13 6402135701810002 RIZKI KURNIAWATY 14 6402131903690002 ANTONIUS 15 6402130509700003 SENIDIN 16 6402136411890001 RIESTA AYU WULANDARI 17 6402132712570001 LA RIANA 18 6402136410730001 HELIYANA 19 6402132710830003 TIMAN 20 6402132801940001 YEPTA FIRMAN ADI PUTRA. G 21 6402132606900001 RAHMAD 22 6402132801830004 HASUN 23 6402130808930001 MANSUR EFENDI 24 6402131803740001 MUHAMMAD SUKUR 25 6402136509810001 HAPPY MEGASARI 26 6402130502830003 SAIFUL 27 6402133112640010 G. SUYATNO 28 6402162201880004 ENDRA PURWANTO 29 6402130507800001 JUHRI 30 6402131110770001 MUSAMIL 31 6402135505620002 ASTUTI 32 6402135210790001 WAHYUNI 33 6402131004780002 SYAHRANI 34 6402137112740003 UMYEH 35 6402134107800002 MASYUNI 36 6402134308780001 SUTIMAH 37 6402136607630002 JANAH 38 6402134604810003 JUHARIAH 39 6402131709790001 ROWIYAN NEZAR 40 6402130107800003 JUNAIDI 41 6402130304760001 LUKAS KATIK 42 6402130107900003 BAHARMAN 43 6402134912850001 ISNAWATI 44 6402133108530001 JAELANI NO. NIK NAMA LENGKAP TANDA TERIMA 45 6402130205760001 UJANG KARYADI 46 6402135612800001 IKAYA FARIDAH SARIATIN 47 6402134101740002 JAMALIAH 48 6402135505490002 TIRANI SIMANJUNTAK 49 6402134711800001 NURYATI 50 6402135908840003 MARIATUL 51 6402135003650001 DAHLIA 52 6402130902540001 SUMARDI .G 53 6402135312640001 SUHARTINI 54 6402135302920001 PURNAWATI 55 6402134910790002 RENI SEPTIANI 56 6402135503810001 LUSIANA 57 6402134508720001 LINA WATI 58 6402130505890001 SUTIONO 59 6402131207860001 HARTONO 60 6402135506630004 SITI ROKAYAH 61 6402131006590001 ABDUL MAJID 62 6402135206771003 MARDIANAH 63 6402131306740001 ALIYAS 64 6402134101780001 NURIDAH 65 6402136506860001 RINI AISYAH 66 6402132311740001 SAITO 67 6402132801810001 RUSMAN 68 6402130711850001 LASMIN 69 6402131808690001 SYAMSUDIN 70 6402134104810002 MULIANI 71 6402134211850001 SURIP 72 6402130806651002 SAYUTI 73 6402135809770001 FITRIYAH 74 6402134211730001 WIWI AB 75 6402130203740001 JUMARI 76 6402136208780001 DWI ASMANI 77 6402132001860002 HERWIN 78 6402132405660001 TASWID 79 6402131909850001 SAFARUDIN MUKHTAR 80 6402132104920001 ABDUL HADI 81 6402134404820004 WIWIK SUJANTARI 82 6402136404830003 YULIANTI 83 6402130904810003 ACHMAT IKHSAN 84 6402131506900003 JUMANSYAH 85 6402132512790002 MANSYUR 86 6402131311850001 MUSTAPA 87 6402130506670004 RAHMAT 88 6402132012930001 DIMAS ARIO SAPUTRA 89 6402131203920004 ISRAWANI 90 6402134708710001 MUSLIFAH 91 7402107112820014 DWI EMI HARTATI NO. NIK NAMA LENGKAP TANDA TERIMA 92 7402100609770002 HERMAN 93 6402130112640001 WISMANYO PRANOTO 94 6402135012670001 SRIKANTHI 95 6402136903960001 RIZKY MUSDALIFAH 96 6402134110950002 NURINDI OKTAVIANI 97 6402137101950001 SUPRIATIN ROSIDAH 98 6402131706890007 JUNAID 99 6471022005820001 SIHAR RUDYANTO PASARIBU 100 6402131803950003 RIZQI SAIFUL NURCHOLIS 101 6402137005850001 FITRIANI 102 6471052310830013 MANGANTAR SIAHAAN 103 6402134706970001 DEWI SINTA 104 6402136909900001 SITI HALIMAH 105 6402131009830012 SULAIMAN 106 6402132601800001 RUSDIN SOLO 107 6402135208780004 ESTEMEN 108 6402131212760008 MASDIANUR 109 6402131310970001 AZIS 110 3508046412750002 MARIA ULFA 111 6402134711840006 WATIANA 112 3507322108720001 SUNTORO 113 6408165304990002 APRIANSIH PUJI SULISTINA 114 6472053009970001 MAHRUS 115 6402131902020003 RENDI 116 6402132411990002 HADI WIJAYA 117 6402132411000001 ARIYANTO 118 6402130201620005 ISMAIL 119 6402131707000001 PUNKY ARI WIBOWO 120 6402131311990001 ALIMUDDIN 121 6402135210540001 JALIYAH 122 3308162006830001 BARI 123 6402136104990001 SUSIWIRASTAMA 124 6402132101990001 DANDI FITRIAN 125 6402137009000001 CHINTHYA PUSPHITA SARI HERMANTO 126 7402101208000001 IKHWAN NUR 127 6402136110000001 PUTRI 128 6402130611920001 SURIANTO 129 6402137001010002 NURBAINAH 130 6402136003990006 MUSIAH 131 3524222707960001 PUTRA AGUNG 132 6402130903000002 M SYAHRONIE 133 6402132812950001 YESAYA DWI PUTRA MARANTA 134 6402135703010002 NIKEN SAPUTRI 135 6402136908990002 PUTRI AMELIA IDRIS 136 6402130401930003 ANDI YUSUF 137 6402130207990004 EDY SYAR 138 6402130909960004 RIKI SETIAWAN NO. NIK NAMA LENGKAP TANDA TERIMA 139 6402137005000001 HOFIFFATUL JANAH 140 6402131112980003 SARMIN WALI 141 6402131311800007 RISDIANTO 142 3204055603880003 LIA MULYASAROH 143 6402131010720001 M. NUR AMIN 144 6402134404000001 DEWI RENATA APRILYANI 145 6402137112890010 NUR FAIZAH 146 6402135506000002 NORIYANA INDRI SUNDARI 147 6402130506990002 ARSAD 148 6402130605010001 KUNTO LIJA 149 6402131411810001 TARWIANTO 150 6402021610820001 ISMED SURYA RAHMAN 151 6402135912940004 MEGA SUSANTI 152 6402135808750002 MARIANA TIAKKA 153 6402025204851003 RINA ASIH TRIADMI 154 6402132209990001 UNTUNG WIJAYA 155 3509084107960506 YAYUK AMALIA 156 6402130708620001 JUHRAN 157 6402130610880005 MUKLIS 158 3520044107760032 ANITA MARKUTIN 159 6402134202960003 YULIANA SERA 160 6402130802010001 M. KAMAL IHSAN 161 6402132101800002 DARMAWAN 162 6402134910900003 LIVIANTY PRISILIA KAUNANG 163 3526181005950001 HUSNE 164 6402131202960003 RUDI HARTONO 165 6402131106880002 ABDUL MAJID PANSORY 166 6402134605930002 VINI YULIYANI 167 6402132209010001 BAYU MAULANA 168 6402131212980001 MURSID ADIYANTO 169 6402136307010002 INDHI PUTRI PURWATI 170 6402130803010005 SANDRO BOBAN SAPUTRA 171 6402130111950006 AMIRULLAH 172 3506200204880006 SUCADI 173 6471051012770007 SUBEIRI 174 6471055603790002 MUSLIMAH 175 6471054104790002 YOSVITA MARIA NURMAYASI N.ADAM 176 6302094606740001 ST. MASLIHA 177 6402135308010001 MONA TINDAS GUSTIANA 178 6402132007960001 INDRA RIJALIANSYAH 179 6402132708010003 RIKYANSYAH 180 6402135005990002 ROSALINDA 181 3526085401800002 HAMIDEH 182 6402135203780005 DARTI 183 6402135704000001 SAFNAH 184 6402130507800005 ASNAN 185 6402132404930002 NORMAN NO. NIK NAMA LENGKAP TANDA TERIMA 186 6402132104980003 DJAFA ASHARI 187 6402135010010002 HASNIAH 188 6402135904920002 RIKA B 189 6472031406800009 EKO SUSANTO 190 3515084504670006 SENIWATI 191 6402134811820003 RAHMAYANTI ABD. RAHMAN 192 6402134612770002 NUR MUSTARIDAH 193 6402130402790004 HENDRO WALUYO 194 6402136811900002 SOFY 195 6407101602910001 ANFURDIANSYAH 196 6310011007840001 UMMARANG 197 3526186501900003 RISKIA KUMALA SARI 198 6402132305970001 MUFLIHIN 199 6310014404820001 RUSMINI 200 7208082005770002 SUGENG WIRAWAN 201 7208082106980001 SUGIANTORO 202 7208084112780002 SUDARSIH 203 6408024405870001 SYARIFAH SALBIAH 204 6408020501820001 ANDRIANTO 205 6402136409980001 TRIANA SARI 206 3305092306870001 NURMA HADI TEGUH ISWANTO 207 6402135506750005 NAHDLATUL HASANAH 208 6310025109010003 NADIA RIZKIANA 209 6472045711920003 HALIDA ZIA SHOLIHAH 210 6402046408000001 HARIYATI 211 6472050205780002 SYAHRIL 212 6402134508840004 SITI KOTIJAH 213 3522016905700001 YATEMI 214 6407101001920001 RAI PERBIANSYAH 215 6301071708600006 SUTARJO 216 3509033012690003 DARWAJI HADI WIBOWO 217 3509112203750002 HERI RUSMANTO 218 6402130803010004 SAID MAULANA 219 3509116712770003 ATIK SUGIARTI 220 6409021005830002 ACHMAD MUDHOFI 221 6402130809820003 RUSDIANTO 222 6402130510820001 HARUNA 223 6402131010950002 ABDUL RAHMAN 224 7324011210760001 LOIS SALEA * KTP yang tercetak 223 Keping * Ket Warna Merah : 1 KTP yang tidak tercetak dikarenakan Duplicat, Datanya pindah, Data yang bermasalah Yang Menyerahkan Yang Menerima ............................................ ............................................ Daftar Nama - nama Penerima KTP Elektronik Kecamatan : Samboja Desa : Ambarang Laut Periode 25 Juni 2020 NO. NIK NAMA LENGKAP TANDA TERIMA 1 6402136305880001 SALMAH 2 6402134101840001 SALASIYAH 3 6402130101900001 YUNI 4 6402132106750001 HERMAN 5 6402132103730002 RUSLIADI 6 6402132004750001 SOLIHIN 7 6402130608760001 TAJUDIN NOR 8 6402134210880001 HASNAH 9 6402131009850002 SAKRANI 10 6402130706870001 SANDRA 11 6402134306720003 TAWIYAH 12 6402130303930001 SELIANSYAH 13 6402130107930001 BASNIANSYAH 14 6402134905830001 MASITAH 15 6402137009880001 BAYAH 16 6402131206840002 ABRANI 17 6402131106691001 ABDUL WAHAB LIAN 18 6402131504811002 SULTAN 19 6402134808850001 JANAH 20 6402132812900001 SUPIANI 21 6402136503750001 WAHIDAH 22 6402134106810001 MASLIA 23 6402131510830001 SURYONO 24 6402131505880002 ARDIANSYAH 25 6402136010930002 NISA SETIAWATI 26 6402131812720001 MARHAMA 27 6402133004800001 SAMSURI 28 6402131209900001 ARIA ANTASARI 29 6402134309880001 SITI SOLEHA 30 6402136710690001 SUMARNIWATI 31 6402130309910001 HENDRA 32 6402130704940001 ABDULLAH 33 6402130609780005 SYAHRUDIN 34 6402130202780002 ASKANI 35 6402131511940001 ISMAIL 36 6402137009790001 INDRIA SARI 37 6402135604450001 SUPINAH 38 6402131803760001 MOH. FERIANSYAH 39 6402130501400001 PAIMAN 40 6402134104800002 SA'DIAH 41 6402130502740001 TAUPIK 42 6402131502680001 ARIYANI 43 6402130311850001 MUHAMMAD DEDI SUPRIADI NO. NIK NAMA LENGKAP TANDA TERIMA 44 6402131010740002 BASRI SULO 45 6402131603880001 ABDUL RAZAK 46 6402146404940002 MARYANA 47 6402136810900001 SALBIAH 48 6402130405780001 ADAM 49 6402131007860001 MURJI 50 6402134101860018 SAPRIAH 51 6402130105800001 ABDUL SAMAD 52 6402130511930001 AHMAD MUJAHID 53 6402136206800003 NORMA YUNITA 54 6402131610790001 HERIDUAN, H.M. 55 6472014502820003 ALPIAH 56 6402131304820003 FAZRIANSYAH 57 6402135912930001 RAHMAWATI 58
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