VOLUME 6 │ NUMBER 1 │ FEBRUARY 2021 http://adri.journal.or.id/index.php/aijce/index ISSN: 2656-1174 (online) Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0) You are free to: Share — copy and redistribute the material in any medium or format, Adapt — remix, transform, and build upon the material for any purpose, even commercially

Of The Factors Delay The Work of The Structure Under

The Building This in The Revitalization of Taman Ismail Marzuki Stage 1

Rizki Denis Subiyakto, Yopi Luthfiansyah Faculty of Civil Engineering Univeristy Mercu Buana , [email protected], [email protected], [email protected]

Abstract Delay in construction projects is increasing the execution time of the settlement that has been planned and listed in the contract documents. The delay will result in losses for the parties associated especially the owner and the contractor because generally accompanied conflict, the demands of time and cost as well as deviations from the quality of the completion of the project .the research is aimed to know the factors that most affect the delay of the projected Revitalization of the Taman Ismail Marzuki. Data collection techniques used is literature study, observarsi, interviews/questionnaires. The determination of the population in this research is taken from some of the respondents with the use of the sample. Data analysis in research this using validity test, reliability test, correlation test and regression test with the statistical program SPSS 26.Based on the analysis that has been done there are 11 variables that affect the delay of the work structure under the building of the guesthouse on the project to work withk revitalization of the taman ismail marzuki stage 1 and there are 3 variables that are dominant, namely the lack of expertise of most work, the design changes,the number of repair work.

Keywords Project Delays, The Dominant Factor

1.Introduction The project of Revitalization is an attempt to revive or glory with careful planning. The project of Revitalization of the Taman Ismail Marzuki is a form of government attention to the artists in an effort to enliven the back of the venue. With in Revitalisasinya Taman Ismail Marzuki is expected to be the center of arts international (Rahma, 2018) The project of Revitalization of the Taman Ismail Marzuki for phase one includes the construction of the Mosque of , Parking Building, and the Guesthouse. With plans starting time of workmanship from the date of 10 July 2019 targeted up to July 11, 2021 (project data TEAM 2020). On the implementation of the for the work of the structures under his own experience delays of 3% of the work plan of the structure below. The delay in the project will not cause adverse effects for the project. Therefore, the analysis of the causal factors of delay which is very important to be aware. Of the factors that cause delays in the project then it can be evaluated to be the result of the maximum.

2.Literature Review 2.1 Project The project is a set of activities that relate to where there is a start point and end point as well as the specific results, the project is usually cross-functional organization that requires a variety of expertise (skills) from a variety of professions and organizations. Each project is unique, even no two projects are exactly the same (Dipohusodo, 1996).

2.2 Construction Project Delay Delay in construction projects is increasing the execution time of the settlement that has been planned and listed in the contract documents (Hassan et al., 2016).

2.3 Time Schedule or Scheduling Time schedule or scheduling is the translation of the planning of the project into a sequence of steps of the implementation of the work to achieve the goals (Michael R Solomon et al., 2017)

119 VOLUME 6 │ NUMBER 1 │ FEBRUARY 2021 http://adri.journal.or.id/index.php/aijce/index ISSN: 2656-1174 (online) Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0) You are free to: Share — copy and redistribute the material in any medium or format, Adapt — remix, transform, and build upon the material for any purpose, even commercially

2.4 Structure The structure is a means that serves to distribute the load and due to the use or presence of the building into the ground (Hary Christady Hardiyatmo, 2011)

2.5 The Structure Of The Bottom Below the structure is a construction of the buildings located below the surface of the ground (Hary Christady Hardiyatmo, 2011).

2.6 Construction Management Construction management is the science of studying and practicing aspects of managerial and technology of the construction industry. Construction management can also be interpreted as a capital of a business conducted by the construction consultant in giving advice and assistance in a development project.

2.7 The Cost Of The Project The costs taken into account in the analysis of the project is the cost-the cost of which can be in the quantification of/calculated (tangible cost) or have a direct influence on a project such as investment costs, operational costs and other fees associated in the activities of the project such as taxes, interest payments and loans. The necessary funds in the project can be sourced from its own capital and borrowed funds or funds from other sources that is not a loan such funds aid that does not need to be returned.

2.8 Cost Control In a construction project, the cost of the project is one of the important aspects and the very need to be controlled in order to fit with the budget that has been allocated so as to produce the maximum.

2.9 Analysis of Variables Using Softawre SPSS Softawre SPSS is the statistical product and service solutions is an application program that has the ability to statistical analysis is quite high as well as system management data in a graphical environment using the menus descriptive and dialog boxes simple so easy to understand for the way of operation.

3.Research Methodology The method used for the research is quantitative method, where data collection using the instrument of the research, quantitative data analysis / statistics ok. The Data used in this research is data that comes from the respondents, namely by conducting interviews and distributing questionnaires. The following variables are used for the kuesioner.

120 VOLUME 6 │ NUMBER 1 │ FEBRUARY 2021 http://adri.journal.or.id/index.php/aijce/index ISSN: 2656-1174 (online) Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0) You are free to: Share — copy and redistribute the material in any medium or format, Adapt — remix, transform, and build upon the material for any purpose, even commercially

Table 1. Test Variable Delay Number Type Variable Reference X1 Lack of workforce expertise X2 Incomplete provision of image details ( Agung Yana, A.A. Gde,2017 ) X3 Design changes X4 Undercooked scheduling X5 Technical Lack of oroper estimation ( Sri Kiswati, 2019 ) X6 The work is not done with the correct method X7 Job approval difficulties ( Bayu Kania, Robbby Gunawan X8 Layout and processing of materials in the field Yahya, Andri Kurniawan, 2020) X9 Soil conditions that are nott as stable X10 Lack of discipline of the workforce ( Jordy Ladjao, Edwin Yurianto, X11 Unfaithous weather Sentosa Limanto, Endro Wicaksono, X12 Work accident 2016 ) X13 Lack of mampower ( Haekal Hassan Jantje B. Mangare, X14 Non Technical Material delivery delay Pinkan A. K. Prastasis, 2016 ) X15 Material deficiencies X16 Material damage in storge X17 Poor material quality ( Randy Putra Agritama, Miftahul X18 Material theft Huda, 2018 ) X19 Occurred X20 Lack of quality work control ( Ahmad Ridwan & Rekso Ajiono, X21 Communication Lack of communication or coordination 2017 ) X22 & Lack of management for the workforce X23 Management Limitted communication tools X24 Lots of repair work ( Erni Anisa Anggraini & Dewantoro, X25 The closure of the project by the surrounding 2019 ) community X26 Expensive material price X27 Insufficient allocation of funds ( Davied Insja ( Malaysian, Journal of X28 Administration Late payment to works industrial technology, 2017 ) & Payment system of owner to contractor who does X29 Finance not comply with the contract for some reason ( Henry Wattimury, D.R.O. X30 Financial administration of contractors Walangitan, Mochtar Sibi, 2017 ) X31 Insufficient contractor capital X32 Labor wage rate

4.Data Analysis Factors that affect the delay in the work of the structure under the building of the guesthouse on the project to work withk revitalization of the taman ismail marzuki stage 1, after collecting data from the questionnaire expert terdapat 21 variabel yang tidak disetujui. Because according to the expert variable-a variable that is not too significant to the factors-factors delay the work of the structure below. Maka jumlah variabel yang disetujui by expert berjumlah 11 of variable initial amount to 32 , namely: 1. Lack of expertise tenga work. 2. The incompleteness of the granting of image detail. 3. The design changes. 4. Scheduling less mature. 5. The lack of proper estimation. 6. The lack of discipline of labor . 7. Weather that does not support. 8. The lack of labor. 9. Delay in delivery of the material. 10. The lack of communication or coordination. 11. The number of repair work. After the known factors-factors that affect the delay of the work structure under the building of the guesthouse on the project to work withk revitalization of the taman ismail marzuki stage 1, then uto find out the dominant factors that affect the delay in the work of the structure under the building of the guesthouse on the project to work withk revitalization of the taman ismail marzuki stage 1, then performed the data analysis, namely with factor analysis using the program IBM SPSS 26. The explanation is as follows :

121 VOLUME 6 │ NUMBER 1 │ FEBRUARY 2021 http://adri.journal.or.id/index.php/aijce/index ISSN: 2656-1174 (online) Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0) You are free to: Share — copy and redistribute the material in any medium or format, Adapt — remix, transform, and build upon the material for any purpose, even commercially

4.1 Test Validation The Output of the test validation is declared valid if r count > r table. On the contrary , if r hitung < r table , then the data is not valid. Then with the number of respondents as many as 31 (three twenty - one) take the level of significance of 5%, table R product momentnya by 0,3009 (Ghozali, 2005).

Table 4.1 Test The Validity Of The Instrument R Var R tables Desc. calculate x1 0,3009 0,700 Valid x2 0,3009 0,288 Invalid x3 0,3009 0,685 Valid x4 0,3009 0,572 Valid x5 0,3009 0,377 Valid x10 0,3009 0,486 Valid x11 0,3009 0,108 Invalid x13 0,3009 0,529 Valid x14 0,3009 0,617 Valid x21 0,3009 -0.061 Invalid x24 0,3009 0,679 Valid

From the analysis of table 4.1, there are 8 (eight) independent variables that meet a condition where the count r> (more massive) than r table, so that the analysis can proceed by performing a reliability test.

4.2 Reliability Test In table 4.2 are the results of the test reliability which shows the value of cronbach's Alpha of 0,753. Where is the item-item instrument variable is declared reliable, because it has a value is greater than 0.60 (Ghozali, 2005). Table 4.2 Level Of Reliability Alpha Level of Reliability 0,00 s/d 0.20 to Less Reliable > 0,20 s/d to 0.40 Rather Reliabel > 0.40 s/d 0,60 Enough Reliabel > 0,60 s/d of 0.80 Reliable > 0,80 s/d 1.00 Very Reliabel Source :Niko Andra (2017)

Table 4.3 Reliability Test Results cronbach's Var Description Alpha x1 0,727 Reliable x3 0,725 Reliable x4 0,721 Reliable x5 0,745 Reliable x10 0,748 Reliable x13 0,722 Reliable x14 0,698 Reliable x24 0,725 Reliable

4.3 Correlation Test AA number of statistical authors make categorization intervals of correlation relationship strength. (Jonathan Sarwono, 2006) for example, created the following relationship strength intervals:

122 VOLUME 6 │ NUMBER 1 │ FEBRUARY 2021 http://adri.journal.or.id/index.php/aijce/index ISSN: 2656-1174 (online) Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0) You are free to: Share — copy and redistribute the material in any medium or format, Adapt — remix, transform, and build upon the material for any purpose, even commercially

Tabel 4.4 Interval KeItan Korelasi 0 No correlation 0,00 – 0,25 very weak Correlation of 0.25 to 0.50 Correlation of 0.50 – 0.75 of a strong Correlation of 0.75 to 0.99 strong Correlation 1 Correlation perfect Sumber :Jonathan Sarwono (2006)

Tabel 4.5 Test Results Correlation Pearson Var Description Correlation x1 0,700 Strong x3 0,685 Strong x4 0,572 Powerful x5 0,377 Enough x10 0,486 Enough x13 0,529 Strong x14 0,617 Strong x24 0,679 Strong

After analyzed using SPSS 26 mak adi the Pearson Correlation as in table 4.5, as many as 6 (six) variables have a strong correlation, 2(two) other variables have a correlation, researchers take the value of the correlation is strong. The Total variables used for the analysis of next numbered 6 (six) variable. 4.4 Multiple Regression Test Tabel 4.6 Test Results of the Linear Regression Multiple Coefficients Standardized Unstandardized Coefficients Coefficients Model B Std. Error Beta t Sig. 1 ( Constant ) 20.111 1.679 11.976 .000 Lack of workforce expertise 1.329 .341 .309 3.901 .001 Design changes 1.039 .447 .185 2.323 .029 Undercooked schedulling 1.347 .372 .243 3.623 .001 Lack of manpower .596 .385 .143 1.546 .135 Material delivery delay .547 .453 .114 1.209 .238 Lots of repair work 1.780 .256 .442 6.953 .000

Y=20.111+1.329 X1+1.039 X3+THE 1,347-X4+0.596 X13+0.547 X14+1.780 X24 Here's an explanation of the linear regression equation above: 1. The regression coefficient of the lack of labor skills is positive value means that the moment happened to the lack of expertise of the labor then the delay that occurs in the project will also increase. Similarly, when the labor skills improved then the delay in the project will also decline. The lack of labor skills will increase the delay in the project amounted to 1.329 2. The coefficient of regression of the change of the design is positive value means that the moment happened many changes to design then the delay that occurs in the project will also increase. Similarly, when the design changes a little bit then the delay in the project will also decline. The design changes will increase the delay in the project amounted to 1.039 3. Regression coefficient of the undercooked scheduling is positive value means that the moment happened scheduling less mature then the delay that occurs in the project will also increase. Similarly, when the presence of scheduling mature then the delay in the project will also decline. The presence of scheduling is that less ripe increase the delay on the project of the 1,347.

123 VOLUME 6 │ NUMBER 1 │ FEBRUARY 2021 http://adri.journal.or.id/index.php/aijce/index ISSN: 2656-1174 (online) Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0) You are free to: Share — copy and redistribute the material in any medium or format, Adapt — remix, transform, and build upon the material for any purpose, even commercially

4. The regression coefficient of the lack of labor is positive value means that the moment happened to the lack of labor then the delay that occurs in the project will also increase. Similarly, in the event of availability of labor, then the delay in the project will also decline. Lack of manpower increase the delay in the project amounted to 0.596. 5. The regression coefficient of delay the delivery of the material is positive value means that the moment happened late delivery of the material then the delay that occurs in the project will also increase. Similarly, at the time of delivery of material on time then the delay in the project will also decline. Material delivery delays increase the delay on the project of 0.547. 6. The coefficient of regression of the lots of repair work is positive value means that the moment happened many repair work then the delay that occurs in the project will also increase. Similarly, in the event of not much.repair work then the delay in the project will also decline. The amount of work repair increase the delay on the project by 1.780. Having obtained the results of the regression test furthermore, the researchers perform a validation of the expert, i.e. with variable-a variable that has passed the test, next ask kepakar for requested input and suggestions, concerning the varel smoke this is X1, X3, X4, X13, X14 and X24 has an influence. to delay the work of the structure under the building of the guesthouse on the project to work withk revitalization of the taman ismail marzuki stage 1. The following are the results of the final validation by the expert : Tabel 4.7 Validation Expert Experts 1 Experts 2 Experts 3 Experts 4 Number Variabel Conclusion Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Lack of x1 workforce √ √ √ √ Yes expartise Design x3 √ √ √ √ Yes changes Undercooked x4 √ √ √ √ No shedulling Lack of x13 √ √ √ √ No manpower Material x14 delivery √ √ √ √ No delay Lost of x24 √ √ √ √ Yes repair work

The results of the validation of the expert obtained three variables are dominant to delay work structure under the building of the guesthouse on the project to work withk revitalization of the taman ismail marzuki stage 1, namely the lack of labor skills, the design changes and the amount of repair work.

5.Conclusion and Suggestions 5.1 Conclusion From the research that has been done on the analysis of the factors delay the work of the structure under the building this in the revitalization of taman ismail marzuki stage 1, it can be concluded: 1. Factors-factors that affect the delay of the work structure under the building of the guesthouse on the project of revitalization of the taman ismail marzuki stage 1 , namely the lack of expertise of tenaga work, the incompleteness of the granting of detail drawings, design changes, scheduling less mature, the lack of proper estimation, the lack of discipline of labor, the weather not support, lack of manpower, material delivery delays, lack of communication or coordination, the number of repair work. 2. The dominant factor causing delay in the work of the structure under the building of the guesthouse on the project of revitalization of the taman ismail marzuki stage 1 , namely the lack of labor skills, design changes, and the amount of repair work. Of the three factors dominant that has been obtained from the validation expert, there is one of the most dominant factors that cause delay in the work of the structure under the building of the guesthouse on the project of revitalization of the taman ismail marzuki stage 1 which is the number of repair work with the results of the regression test most.

5.2 Suggestions From the results of the research that has been done, then to anticipate delays in the work of the project, it is recommended the following things : 1. Due to the factor of the lack of labor skills to be improved regarding the human resource of personnel with the included training support to the progress of the company.

124 VOLUME 6 │ NUMBER 1 │ FEBRUARY 2021 http://adri.journal.or.id/index.php/aijce/index ISSN: 2656-1174 (online) Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0) You are free to: Share — copy and redistribute the material in any medium or format, Adapt — remix, transform, and build upon the material for any purpose, even commercially

2. Due to factors change the design further enhanced for the coordination and checking of design drawings related to the delivery of change and the design of the planner. Due to factors number of repair work related to this to do the checking method of work that will be instructed kepekerja and do control work related to compliance with methods of work.

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