Benzel Hexentexte Syllabus Revised Summer 2018
Hexentexte, The Menace of Unreality, and The Anarchist Crowned, Unfinished Systems of Nonknowledge Scott Benzel, Escuela Incierta, Summer 2018 “The past is not dead. It isn’t even past.” William Faulkner Course Description Hexentexte, The Menace of Unreality, and The Anarchist Crowned is a seminar course examining information asymmetry, secrecy, mimetic transmission, thought contagion, and related forms of 'capture' or 'possession'. The course will also explore the increasingly 'artlike' and 'unreal' effects of these phenomena within the realms of the social, the political, and the everyday. Please do not be alarmed by the volume of reading material. Suggested Readings are incorporated into the lectures and may be skimmed or read in advance, at a later date, or not at all. Additional Readings/Primary Sources are included for further research. Screenings are excerpts of longer videos, most of which are available on Youtube. Please note that this course includes some ideas, personages, texts, videos, images, etc. that are problematic. Some are of questionable veracity and are included as objects of the phenomena in question. 1. Hexentexte, Cosmology and Critique Your nearest Doppelganger is located approx.10 to the power of 10 to the power of 28 meters away, that is, a one followed by 10 billion billion billion zeroes meters; Four multiverses you might be living in Hexentexte Unica Zürn, Hans Bellmer, the anagram, and the recombinant text/body; Dion Fortune and the Magical Battle of Britain, William Seabrook's Hitler Hex; The Beatles, 'Number 9/Turn me on Deadman', phoneme reversal, Backmasking in Rock Music, Alyssa talking backwards, Rituals of Reversal as a Means of Rewiring Social Structure; W.S.
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