The Heritage of India Series Bengali Lyrics

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The Heritage of India Series Bengali Lyrics T HE HERITAGE O F INDIA SERIES Z A IA T he Right Reverend V . S . A R H , LL . D . o . ( Cantab . Bisho p of D rnakal A A . D . itt . J . N . F R QU H R , M . A , L A lready publi c/zed. h M A he of udd sm . SA UND R T Heart B i K J . E S , . M M A A o . A I s ka J CPH L , A E W C c u d . RINC I P L P R CY R N In ian Painting P B O , al tta . 2 d e d E A s u . I C B . Kanare e Literat re , n P R E , h T h am S m . A . I e s k ya yste BERR EDA LE KE ITH , D . Litt . h N M A m of M S . I C O L CNI C L M .A . Psal s arat a aints O , , D Litt . A s o of d u . A Hi t ry Hin i Literat re F . E KE Y , M D . Litt . m - T he M m ms . A . RRI DAL L Kar a i a a BE E E KEITH , D . C . D . Litt . m of the S mi S . I N B UR B A H ns Ta a e a n s GS , . y l ivit i t F K Y , nd I M a G . E . PH LLI P S , A . Ra r M C . b ind an at h T o . MP N ag re E . J THO SO , . m om th A MA M A Ph e d . A . CD N LL Hy ns fr Rigve a O E , . D H n . o LL . D . m A o S S M . A C u ddh . UND R G ta a B a . K J E , . , Berkeley , alifornia . h o T C of . C . R N . A e d OW M . u c o . ins In ia J B , , L kn w Po m MR MA s d ome . CN C L e by In ian W n S . I O , P oona . ’ u b ec t r n d S j s p oposed an d volu mes u e r fireparatzon . S Y A D T HE E A E HI TOR N H RIT G . T he Mau- rya Period . T h e K shan u a Peri od . h T e Gupta Peri o d . T h M o e u od . D R . A A g l Peri S K . D TT . T HE PHILOSOPHIES . An n odu c o t o du o o h . N R U R I tr ti n Hin Phil s p y . J . FA Q H A and RI NC IPA L O N M C N Z I om P J H KE E , B bay . T he h o h P il os p y of the Upanishads . ’ S n s d a k ara Ve anta . A . K . SHA RMA , M . A Patiala . ’ m nu a s d n R a a j Ve a ta . h u h D T e dd S R . u . B ist ystem . V LESNY , Prag e T he B a av d it h g a g fi . NE A T AN M FI R D USIC . d A h c u In ian rc ite t re . d S c u u In ian lpt re . T he M o A . RINC IPAL RC R WN C in r rts P PE Y B O , alc u tta . u m A rt an d A c C s NC PAL RR r ese r s ra . P R I I MO IS B ti ti ft , u m . Insein , B r a A ES OF M NEN N AN BIOGR PHI E I T I DI S . Ram anu ja . S K M A . C u . A . LAC . kbar F V , , al c tta NAC A E A VER UL R LIT R TUR E . e Ku rr l . A . P P L E h a . A . M d a d . A T O Y B . UL H , , a ras , n K . T P , B . A Cal c utta . f th e A s o S . M . A . N . m a . P R OO M . Hy n lv rs J H E , , agari ’ m n A u s as a a M u ANN M . T l i D s R ya a in iniat re . G . J . D , Patna . ou c s MP N an d s h . O O Bengali Religi Lyri s , Vai nava TH S S PENCER . M s m . IS S U L R B . A o . Kanare e Hy ns B T E , Bangal re HI STORIES OF VERNACULA R LITERATUR E . A C c u . Bengali C S P TERSO N , M .A . , al tta Gu jarati . h N M A M . A . D Litt oo . I CO L CNI C L . Marat i O , , . , P na Tamil . H E N M d A A B H AN GA u u . C CH IAH M .A . an d UJ Tel g P , , a ras , R J AO o . R , Ell re A L d . S B . .T . um . Malayalam . T . K JO EPH , , Trivan r M ho H H A L A . Urdu . B . G O S , . , B pal m . RO F . UNG PE oo . B ur ese P T , Rang n Sinhal es e . NOTA BLE INDI AN PEOPLE S . T he R ajputs . A h . C . MA MA P I L L A I . T he S yrian C ristians K MMEN , lleppey T he Sikhs . VA RIOUS . s Modern F olk Tale . Indian Village G overnment . s A . RRI DA L I Classic al S an krit Literature . BE E E KE TH , D . Li tt . A . C c u . ds A UL B . Indian Temple Legen . K . T . P , , al tta h WA A A . Indian Astronomy an d C ronol ogy . DE N B H DUR L D N AI M d . SWAM IK AN U P I LL , a ras nd ROF . U RN R o do . T he Langu ages of I ia . P R L T E , L n n A . C . O ho . D R LN R Prfi krit Literature . WO E , La re d T he Universities of In ia . D R . M . I I Z u . T h e Indian Drama . W NTERN T , Prag e EDIT O RIAL P REFACE h h o Finally , bret ren , w ats ever things are u h o h ho ou h o tr e , w ats ever t ings are n rable , w ats h u h o h s u ever t ings are j st , w ats ever t ing are p re , h o hi o h h w ats ever t ngs are l vely , w atsoever t ings of ood o h an u and are g rep rt ; if t ere be y virt e , ” h h on h h . if t ere be any praise , t ink t ese t ings No se c tion of the p opulation of I ndia c an afford to neglect he r ancient heritage . I n her literature , philo s o hy art and re ulated life there is muc h that is p , , g h d wort less , much also that is istinctly unhealthy ; yet nd the treasures of knowledge , wisdom , a be auty which z they contain are too p recious to be l o st . Every citi en to c ul of I ndia needs to use them , if he is be a ture d m o th e dern I ndian . T his is as true of Christian , the Muslim , the Z oroastrian as of the Hindu . But , while the heritage of I ndia has been lar gely explored by scholars , and the results of their toil are laid out for us oo in their b ks , they c annot be said to be really available for the ordinary m an . T he vol umes are in m o st cases expensive , and are o ften technical and d fi if cult . Henc e this series of c heap b oo ks has be e n planned by a gr oup of Christian m e n , in order th at o m every educated I ndian , whether rich or p o r , ay be ’ t hi able o find s way into the treasures of I ndia s p ast . M Eu o n any ro peans , b th in India a d elsewhere , will doubtless be glad to use the series . T he utmost care is being taken by the General d E itors in selecting writers , and in passing manuscri pts for the press . T o every book two tests are ri gidly : applied everything must be scholarly , and everything m m ust be sy pathetic . T he pur p ose is to brin g the best out of the ancient tre asuries , so that it may b e known , e njoyed , and u se d . T HE HERIT AG E OF INDIA SERIES n ali Reli ious L ric s Be g g y , Sakta Se lec te d and T ransIate BY ” DWARD TH MP ON E J. O S , LE CT UR E R IN B E NG AL I .
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