Eastern Progress Eastern Progress 1960-1961

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Eastern Progress Eastern Progress 1960-1961 Eastern Progress Eastern Progress 1960-1961 Eastern Kentucky University Year 1961 Eastern Progress - 24 Feb 1961 Eastern Kentucky University This paper is posted at Encompass. http://encompass.eku.edu/progress 1960-61/15 T ™ * • { c Maroons vs. Eagles Student of The For Week OYC Championship OGzess Csee Page 2) Friday. February 24, 1961 STUDENT PUBLICATION OF EASTERN KENTUCKY STATE COLLEGE. RICHMOND. KENTUCKY Volume 38, Number 17 215 Students Named To Marine Recruiters To Visit Campus On 27-28 February 1961, a Ma- Election To Be Held Monday, 1st Semester Dean's List rine Officer Selection Team will Two hundred fifteen students' names appeared on the Dean's List visit the campus fop the purpose for the first semester. Twentyrsix made a perfect 3-point standing. of interviewing undergraduates in- N* [Those achieving a 3-point standing are: terested in obtaining a commis- John Laurence Anderson, Mar- Ronald Flannery Noeld, Tommy sion in the U. S. Marine Corps raret Quarles Barczuk, Ellis Jr. Wayne Noe, Herbert N. Owen, upon receipt of their baccalaureate For Miss Eastern, Miss Sroughton, Patricia Ann Combs, Nancye Hudnall Palas, Robert degree. The team, headed by (Ann Scott Corns, Ruth Diane Es- James Parks, James Tandy Pen- Captain J. F. Meyers. Jr., Officer ep, Gilbert Hammond, Mary Ar- iston, Anne Roberta Peyton, Bob- Selection Officer, and 1st Lieu- ene Hatton, Robert Vincent Hol- bie McDaniel, Phillips, Ella Faye tenant Carolyn J. Auldridge, :omb, Julia Rose Holt, Judith Ann Phillips, Janet Lynn Preston, Women's Officer Selection Officer, Cindred, Betty Lucille King, Gary George Earl Proctor, Carolyn Sue will be located in the Student Puckett, Donald Roark, Anne Lind- Union. Popularity And Mr. Popularity ryrone McBee, Gene Gordon Mc- r*ll, David Rush Magowan, Don- say Roberts, Thomas Jefferson The Marine Corps offers five ut Tolllver Miracle, Marilyn Jane Roberts, Sue Ellen Robinson, Nan- basic Officer Training Programs; CANDIDATES PICKED Moore, Sandra Sue Nunnelley, cy Marie Rodgers, William Thomas four for male applicants and one Royalty, Foster Morgan Ruckel, for women. Outstanding features Thirteen students were nomin- Sailey Peyton Pearson, David Gal- ated last Wednesday night ae imore Powell, Judith Ann Sands. Melvin Douglas Russell, Judith of the male program are: Gayle Sallee, Sonja Rae Sanders, candidates for Miss Eastern, Miss L*rny Douglas Stanley, James Don- 1. Freshmen and sophomores Popularity, and Mr. Popularity. kid Sturgeon, Leslie Talcott, Kyle Norm a Lee Schmidt, Frank Doug- enrolled in the Platoon Leaders las Scutchfield, Larry Doughs A campus-wide election will be David Wallace, Brenda Holloway Class attend six-weeks of training held next Monday and Tuesday Williams. Short, Donald Lee Showalter, during two summer vacations at James Edwin Showalter. from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. In the Y Others who received 40 quality Quantico, Virginia. Room of the S.U.B. to determine points or more are: Leonard Lee Sidebottom, Jean 2. Juniors attend one continu- the winner in each category. David Moberly Adams, Jeanne Ramser Silk, Lula, June Smith, ous twelve-week training course Candidates for the title of Mhra Maree Adams, Johnny Franklin Marguerite S. Smith, Donald Ray at Quantico, Virginia. Eastern are Jo Ella Logan, senior amburgey, Shirley Jean Asher, Snyder, Daniel Lee sorreil, Bar- 3. Seniors and graduates at- education major from Paris; Brenda Kay Bailey, Coye Lee tend a ten week Officer Candidate Evelyn Craft, junior English ma- bara Ellen Sowders, Donald Lew- Course after graduation. iailey, Denny James Ball, Carol is Splcer, Gary Moffett Stevens, jor from Frankfort: Janet Wesley, Parsons Banks, Estil Darrell 4. No drills, meetings, or other senior, Louisville, French major; Donald Leotis Stivers, Marsha military activities during the Banks, Donald Wayne Barnes, Mar- lone Swain, Marlene Swanson, and Kay Bowman, senior art ma- ian Rose Bazzy, Thomas Nichols school year. jor from Tyner. Sean, Virginia Dare Begley, Linda Donald Ray Swindler, Diana Sue fl. Selective Service exemption. Taylor, Mickey Dugan Terrell, 6. Pay received during train- Running for Miss Popularity are Robinson Bellamy, Nelle Lavonnp "Bootle" Tichenor, Erlanger; Polly Sonny, Harold Loyd Boone, Gary Thelma C. Thomas, Mary Sue ing. Tinch, Lois Christina Todd, Shir- Additional Information can be Morris, Belfry; Betty King, Paris; Edwin Booth, Donald Albert Born- and Virginia Ann Johnson, arvis. horst, David Thomas Breeze, Rus- ley Jacobs Tompkins, Harvey Eth- obtained from the Marine team iCciiiliiincd on Page Four) during their visit. Mr. Popularity will be chosen II Gene Broughton, Jerry Robert from these five: Don Axsom, brown, Mary Elizabeth Brown, Columbia, Indiana; Fred Crump, Tommy Roger Brown, William Richmond; Jim Williams, Palnts- •iobiTt Burke, Emily Carol Bush, GROUND BROKEN FOR SIX NEW ville; Frank Whalen. Paris; and Charles Stanley Cade, Don Ed- Larry Knarr, Bellview. ward Cain, Arlene Mae Calico, TENNIS COURTS Chosen By Governing Councils Jeannetta Sue Campbell. These students were nominated Beverly June Carnes, Keen Ken- Ground was broken last Friday A ten fool long fence of chain- by a group of 55 students re- neth Carter, Janet Charlcne Cham- morning for a "new look" in ten- link wire will surround the courts presenting these governing pion, Jo Ellen Chilton, .Robert Lor- nis courts, six split-level courts and a concrete retaining wall will groups: the Student Council, the ton Clark, Carl Price Cole, Cellia that are described by President separate the two levels, one of Men's Dorm Council, the Sullivan, McConnell Conley, Franklin De- Robert R. Martin "as fine as can which will be six feet higher than Burnam and Mciorial House lano Cornett, Ina Lou Cox, Wilma be built." the lower level. Councils, and the Milestone staff. Roberta Cox, Harry Frederick The College presently has two The courts are to be lighted, ac- The election will be supervised Crump, Joyce Ann" Curry, Grace tennis courts, both of which are cording to Dr. Martin, for night by the Student Council. Day, William Bennett Dillion, Don smaller than regulation size, and, matches. CANDIDATES FOR MISS EASTERN are, left to right: Jo Ella Logan, Evelyn Craft, Janet Wesley, and Kay Bowman. Tucker Dtx, Hubert Russell Doerr, as a result, Eastern has not field- Construction is to begin im- The qualifications for Mr. and Russell L. Duff, Janice Marie ed a tennis team since two years mediately and a definite comple- Miss Popularity are that the per- Dwyer, Barbara Ann Edwards, ago. Last spring, three regulation- tion date has not been set. "They son be a senior with a 1.0 stand- Mary Ann Edwards, Gloria Jeanne size courts were used as a site for will be completed as 3con as poa- ELEVEN STUDENTS CAST ing, be acceptable to the college Elliott. Larry Marcus Elliott, the construction of Case Hall, slble." said Martin. ' ... M U T. C, PLAY- ,. administration, and have contri- Wayne Stuart Endicott. James Lee dormitory'for women. Walden and Grubbs, of . Lan- buted to the life of the campus. Karris, Diane Ishmael Fields, Sal- Each Uf-tmt: TWO' levels of the <-aster. aTe the contractors.*-' " Eleven Eastern students were Represents Eastern At Fr*ti»-al ly Friel Fleming, Karen Wesley new tennis area will have three The courts are to be located selected on February IS, by Ger- The girl selected as Miss East- Flynn, Scotty Davis Fulton, Ben courts, complete in every respect across Park Drive from Memorial ald Honaker and The Little ern will represent the college at F. Gardner. Margaret Sue Garner, and suitable for uitra-collegiate Hall, just west of the site, on Theater Club for roles in the cast- the Mountain Laurel Festival at Michael Neil Garrett, James Ed- competition. The courts will be which Martin Hall, a giant 400- ing of the play Middle of The Plnevllle. The winner of that will win Gash, Linda Lasater Gassa- surfaced, with Laykold tennis bed men's dormitory is to be con- Night, which is to be held in the participate In the Miss Kentucky way. Beverly Jean Gillis, Gaines court surfacing, in green. structed. Brock Auditorium in the lattei and Miss America pageants. Maurice Greene. part of next month. Points to look for in judging, a Kenneth Dawson Griffith, Pa- The eight girls and three boys candidate for Miss Eastern are tricia Ann Griffith. Melva Lee JAZZ FESTIVAL MOVED TO FORT who were chosen from approxi- beauty, poise, and personality. Grott, David Lee Grosheider, Lor- mately twenty-five try-outs ware: students will be allowed to na Evaughn Gross, Billle Eileen LAUDERDALE FOR SPRING RUSH Nancy Rogers. Elizabeth Shaw. vote only if they have their I. D. Guthrie, James Franklyn Hacker, Lois Arrington, Lesley Sanford. cards. Phyllis Ann Halbleib, Joyce Ann (Now that Newport has apparently seen its last Jazz Festival Marlene Swanson, Frankie Lcffler. Halsey, Jane Logan Hamilton, Ja- (The City Council of Newport, Rhode Island, having voted not to Toni Sgrei, Odctta Burke. Jim STUDENT CHAPTER OF net Ruth Hammond, Allen Jasper issue a permit for a Festival this summer), jazz buffs cross campus Flagg. John Rankin, and Charles Caudill. MENC REORGANIZED Hamon, John David Hancock, Ger- are advised of the teeming of a new jazz location with an old familiar 1 ald Francis Harris, Jackie Ray vacationland. Caudill. a junioi from Man- The student chapter of the Music Hatfield, Arthur Louis Hausberger, If you plan to number yourself GERRY MULLIGAN BAND, THE chester, has played previous lead- Educators National Conference has Charles Pittman Henslcy, John among the 30 or 40 odd thousand GERRY MULLIGAN SEXTET ing roles in major productions. been reorganized on campus with Wendell Hill, Donald Edward Nancy Rogers, Elizabeth Shaw, Mr. Harold Roblson of the music college students seeking sun, fun and CRIS COI.UMBO AND HIS faculty as advisor. Hogue, Wynona Gail Holbrook, and glorious relaxation in Fort GENTLEMEN OF JAZZ Will be and Lesley Sandford have held John Edwin Holcomb, Joyce Marie Lauderdale, Florida this Spring, on hai.d for the festivities.
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