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AVERAGB DAELT OnUftTlATION for tk « Meath of Febtaary, 19S8 6.099 iianrlyfal^ r htetaber of the Audit Bureau of Oteeulatlous MANCHESTER — A CITY OF VILLAGE CHARM


FRAN^ AGAIN ARE WATCHFUl SUGGESTED TO RAISE Called To Form Cabinet As Crowds Of Partisans Shout For Schnschoigg Or ­ The Chantemps GoTem- NEEDED 30 MILLION!

ment Resigns; WiD Hare ler, As Anstria Awaits

Accused Slayer Testifies That Amoimt Cot From Fn Backing Of Left Parties. Test Of Its Freedom. Measore When He

Parle, March 10.—(AP)—L>eon Vienna, March 10—(AP)—Mount­ Blum, Socialist ex-premler, today ing tension re.sulted today In street Votes Down Levy fights In which eleven men were In­ accepted President Albert Lebrun's mandate to attempt formation of a jured and 23 arrested or detained as Closely Held Corpor new Clablnet, replacing the resigned Nr.zis and the Fatherland Front government of Camille Chautemps. campaigned for. the Sunday plebis­ tions; New Sources Of cite on Cliancellor Schuschnigg's Cbautemps resigned because he policy of independence for Austria. could not get from Parliament pow­ Hundreds paraded the downtown come In Its Place ers to reorganize French finances section, their cries of "Hell Schusch- by deefee. Blum, head of the first nlgg!” or "Hell Hitler!” rising high People's Front government, resign­ shove the usual roar of traffic. ed last June 21 for the same rea­ The entire police force was called Washinirton, March 10,j- son. Before he went to the Blysee out on an emergency basis that will (A P ) — Chairman Dougk palace at Lebrun's summons, Blum continue through Sunday. (D., N. C.), of the Ways received assurance'of the support The two main army garrisons at Means committee suggea of his Socialist party and condi­ Vienna were held In readiness with tional promises of Coir.munlst back­ motors of troop lorries constantly today that Congress might ing. Chautemps stepped out after running. asked to enact a second only SI days of power for his second The old sedate, friendly, easygo­ nue bill to make up the

People's Front government. ing Vienna had become a tense, mated $30,000,000 to $45,C Blum declared he would attempt Among the first to be questioned on the collapse of Richard Whitney ft Co., nationally prominent worried, shouting, demonstrating city, whose p'pulatlon was gripped 000 pared from the prosp to form “a .table government, rally­ brokerage house, were Robert J. Rosenthal, left, above, cashier for the firm, and Henry D. Mygatt, ing all the forces of democracy.” right, a Whitney partner. They are pictured as, with W. K. Petlgue, center, attorney for the firm, they by a tension almost unknown here yield of the tax revision me Soagnt End of Crisis answered a summons to the office o f Assl.stant Attorney General Ambros V. McCTall. since the World War. ure by removal of a levy President Lebrun sought a speedy Schuschnlgg-Hltler Issue The Issue was whether the In­ closely held corporationa. end of the crisis, feai'lng that He said that was his France's International position, al­ fluence of Schuschnigg or Chancel­ ready adversely affected by Ger­ lor Hitler of Germany should pre­ idea and did not neces SPANISH REBELS dominate in Austria. represent the views of his i many's expanding power in Central Blood flower In Kaerntnerstrasse, Mrs. Patricia Ryan, accused of slaying her policeman husband, Europe and the ''realistic'’ turn of DEWEY TO ASSIST the main shopping street, for the Michael, is shown on the witness stand In New 'fork when ahe testi­ mittee. British diplomacy, might be injured START OFFENSIVE first time since Nazis and Father­ fied that her husband beat her on their wedding night. She also tes­ He added that he had not i by It. land Front began struggling for the tified that her husband's drinking habits gradually broke up their do­ ceived from the Treasury Still unsolved labor conflict and upper band when Front members mestic happiness. new drains on the national re­ set upon an ardent Nazi who suggestions for additional. sources for rearmament contribut­ FEDERAL OFFICIALS enue and had not asked answered a shout of “Hell Scbusch- ed to the downfall of Chautemps. Franco Masses Largest Num­ nlgg!” with "Hell Hitler!” The any, although he had di He resigned without testing his Nazis was pummeled Into uncon­ ed the revenue situation strength in a Parliamentary vote, sciousness before police interviewed. ber Of Forces Snee Be­ Secretary Morgenthau hut made a final appeal for emer­ IN WHITNEY PROBE The police for the most part con AN(a.0-GERMAN PARLEYS gency financial powers similar to fined their efforts to keeping the morning. those which Blum sought and the ginning Of The Civil War. two factions apart and curbing too Seeks New Revenues Senate refused last June. ' demonstrative "Hell Hitler!” cries. ARE STARTED IN LONDON Earlier Morgenthau told . Chautemps wanted the decree Cruise With Slogans ero the Treasury was preparing j Noted New York Rackets | PACIFIC ISLANDS ternate revenue-iralslng pr powers, he told a crowded, silent By DWIGHT K PITKIN ^ Trucks cruised about the city Chamber, because persistent rumors carrying loud speakers blaring for Doughton's guidance aho .of Cabtnet changes had taken "all Prosecutor Enters Case Zaragoza, Spain, March 10—(AP) plebiscite slogans like “Wltb Reich Envoy Is Greeted With latter desire them. the liberty and power” from his TO BE COLONIZED —Spanish insurgents pressed their Scbuschnigb' for a free German Doughtoa Bald M the (louM < government. greatest offensive today with the Austria," or "Are you for Austrian stated In Ita refusal to approvi As State Contimies Hear­ largest concentration of Infantry, IndependenceT Yes or no! Yes! Yes! Shouts (N ‘‘Get ObT Be­ LATE NEWS tax on elooely held corp o rath n ^ Crisis Not Financial Yes.” tax bill might be sent to the r Empbaatal ^ that the erlals which cavalry and aviation In the entire civil war. This was only the beginning, and another revenue brought his faU was sssentlally ing Of Witnesses Today. Eleven Youths From Hawaii brought In later. political, rather than financial, They had captured strategic few hours after Schuschnigg issued fore And After Confer^ FLASHES! towns and mountains and pushed his startling call for Sunday’s “Peraonatly.'' he saM. "I fssi Chautemps said, nevutbeleas, that referendum. It was expected to should have a little more Una ‘if we received ~ the full powers To Keep U. S. Flag Flying their front lines forward to new New York, March 10 — (AP) — positions In the second day of the continue night and day .^Jhroiigh ence; Is Heavily Guarded. NEW RIOTS IN AUSTRIA consider addiUonal revenue. It necessary, this government would The criminal division of the United Sunday. not a wise or proper way to eastward drive from the Aragon Vienna, Maroh 16—AP)—Street be able to carry on perfectly well States attorney's office and District On Fmy Coral Strands. salient toward the Mediterranean. Informed persons said plans for late by attempting to raise ml The premier assured the deputies announcing the referendum were flgbta In whloh at least 40 were In- of dollars on the floor of the Ho Attorney Thomas E. Dewey today (Most place names were eliminat­ London, March 10.—(AP)— Un­ Jared and m uy arrested broke out the treasury was In a sate position, ed from this dispatch by censor.) worked out In the greatest secrecy “If we are going to put any ) although there Is a prospective bud­ both entered the Investigation of friendly demonstrations today greet­ today In Vienna and Gras na Ans- of a tax burden on anyone, f I the collapse of Richard Whitney ft Washington, March 10.— (AP)— Generalissimo Francisco Franco ed Joachim von RIbbentrop, Ger­ tria's political strife reached a new get deficit of around $400,000,UOU adopted virtually the same tactics (Uontlniied on Page Pwo) we should give those affected, i due to vast armaments expendl- Co., leading Wall street brokerage Four htmdred cans of Hawaiian pol, many's foreign minister, both before pitch M blttemeea In the oampalga- opportimity to be heard. firm, headed by Richard Whitney, he used in the Alfambra valley cam­ the nucleus of a poultry farm, and paign which resulted In the recap­ and after a conference In which be Ing for Sunday's plebiscite. “As to toe best mesms of i (Coonmied on Page IWo) five times president of the New York « * « more money, I am undecided.” Stock Ehcchange. drums of drinking water went to ture of Teruel Feb. 22. and Britain's foreign secretary can­ the mld-PacIflc Islands of Canton fXinstant Shelling CONSPIRACY CHARGE . Morgentoau declined to con Deww famous as a rackets prose­ RUSSIANS’ TRIAL vassed the whole field of Anglo- on yesterday's House action cutor, Informed assistant State At­ and Enderbury with America's new­ A center column, flanked by divi­ German relations. Washington, March 10—(AP) — sions south and north, methodically Secretary Ickea mode pobllo a let- to say tos adminlstraUon torney General Ambrose V. McCall, est. colonists. A crowd of 500 demonstrators any revenue losses In toe bin NORiOS IN FAVOR conducting a public hearing today, The colonists are 11 youths from pushed back the enemy, whose posl. te, today In which be charged Wen­ tlons were made'lmtenable by con­ IS NEARING END tried to break strong police cordons dell L. WlUkle, president of Com- up. A recbeck of toe bill that he would be glad to assist in Hawaii, who will keep the Ameri­ as Von RIbbentrop left the foreign vised up to last night, he any criminal aspects of the case can flag flying while Great Britain stant artillery shelling and air OBonwealth and Southern, with ask­ bombardment. office after more than two hours ing the pnbUo works administration showed $41,000,(X)0 moro OF TVA INQUIRY that might arise. McCall said be and the United States settle their with Viscount Halifax, new director needed. > Immediately accepted the offer. claims as to which owns the tiny From a mountain In the center to ''conspire” with him to hold np a of operations this correspondent of British foreign policy. $I50J)00,000 WPA-Monlcipal power Morgentoau spent most of Gregory F. Noonan, chief of the coral strands. Prosecutor Writing Speech early morning hours In telep Federal prosecutor’s criminal divi­ Seven of the boys are on Canton got a bird's-eye view of the exten­ Cries of "Get Out, RIbbentrop!” p r o j^ In the Tennessee Valley. sive battle area^ and “Release NIemoeller and Thael- • • • communication with Deo sion, said he had been Instructed by Island and four on Enderbury. In­ leaders of toe House and Senator, However, Wants Prien McMahon, assistant United terior Department officials predict­ Peering from a dugout atop the Today Summing Up Testi­ mann!” were shouted at the Ger­ MACDONALD CALLED mountain, which the Insurgents cap. man diplomat—referring to the Rev. ed his readiness to furnish sufa States attorney general in Waahing- ed today they would face none of Bridgeport, March 10—(AP) — tiite proposals afterwards. Ho ton, to begin an Investigation of the the traditional hardships of colon­ Martin NIemoeller, held In a. Ger­ Highway Commissioner John A. No Opponent Of Plan (Uontlnusd on Page two) mony Of 21 Defendants. man concentration camp, and Ernst dicated toe suggesUons, whoa case with a view to presentation be­ ization but loneliness. Maodon^d appeared unexpectedly quested, would be sent hi the fore the Federal Grand Jury, with Except for several carpenters who Tbaelmann, German Communist today at the county Court House of a letter from himself to Pheed (hi Probing Board. the cooperation of Bankrupt^ Ref­ went along to hasten dwelling con­ leader, held without trial since 1633. and went before the Merritt Park­ ton. eree Irwin Kurtz and the Securities struction, their only companions for Moscow, March 10.—(AP)— The Von RIbbentrop came to London way Grand Jury. and Ehtchange (kimmisslon. the next three months will be south TOWNSEND FILES court recessed today while Prose­ yesterday, ostensibly to take formal Macdonald, who has testified Leaders Predicttsiis. Calls Witnesses sea birds. Island rats and hermit leave of his old post as ambassador AdminlstraUon leaders in cutor Andrey Y. Vlshtnaky wrote previously before the extraordinary Washington, March 10—(AP)— Meantime State Attorney Gener­ crabs. gress held little hope of persL_ Senator Norris (Ind.-Neb.) agreed his speech summing up conspiracy to Britain, but his visit had been body Investigating the $0,(MM),000 al John J. Bennett, Jr., chose to Certain of Accord. expected to mark opening of Anglo- land deals for the super highway en­ the House to restore to the tax today to support a Congressional Ignore for the time being Whitney's A State Department official, after HIGH COURT PLEA and murder charges against 21 de­ a deleted levy on closely-beM Inquiry Into the Tennessee. Valley German conversations in search ot tered the Jury room at 2 p. m. when offer, In a public acknowledgment reading the British note reserving fendants in Mo.scow's greatest European appeasement. the Inquiry group resumed delibera­ poraUons. Authority, providing none of Ita op­ of wrong-^dolng, to come forward rights ' to occupation, said he be­ treason trial as a basis for a de­ tions after luncheon recess. They decided to call for ponents la appointed to the Investi­ During his talk with Lord Hali­ and tell all. Instead, he had hts as­ lieved a solution of the ownership mand for their deaths by shooting. fax the' crowd outside swelled from vote on the proposal, deopite tbotin gating committee. sistant, McCall, first built a skeleton problem could be reached. The Starts Legal Action In An He expected to be ready with his general pessimism that It me * Norria, known as the ‘‘Father of the 30 who had greeted Von Rib- MARKETS .AT A GLANCE would reaffirm the 180 to' 124 of facts through witnesses. High­ note was said to evidence a desire outline by Friday noon. bentrop on his arrival with clenched the TVA,” heretofore has demanded lights In their testimony to&y for settlement. For material Vlshlnsky hdd all New York, March 10.—(AP)— gin by which the tax was blue that the Federal Trade commlssloD were: Interior Department officials com­ Effort To Escape 30-Day the elements of a dozen dime-novel fist salutes (the Oiromuntst ges­ Storks—Irregular; leaders mark died yesterday. conduct any hearing on the policies Whitnjy gave his receipt on Jan­ municated yesterday by radio with ture) almost under his nose. time. 9 DemocraUc members of thrillers-alleged medical murders Police Kelnforoed which have created dlaputea among uary 28, for $798,376.26 of securities their Honolulu representative, Rich- of a famous author, and eminent Bonds—Iz>»er; rails lead decline. House ways and means, comn the agency’s three directors. Sentence For ConteinpL politicians for love ana political ad­ But the police acted swiftly. Curb—Steady higher; some In­ decided not to recommend sub "Tbls Investigation ought to be (Continned on Page S ix) (Continued on Pngs Seven) vancement, the pl£ttlng oir a palace Forces were tlflplcd at the Horse dustrial spedalttes In demand. tute levies to offset the estli made by persons who want to see revolution, strongs poisons, and In­ Guards' parade. In Downing street Foreign Exchange—Steady; frane, $30.()00,000 to $45,000,000 the TVA succeed, but want to be Washington, March 10.—(AP)— ternational spy Intrigues involving and In the foreigr' office court yard! sterling lower. loss. Mounted, foot and plainclothes They declared that since too «ire there are no irregularities In Dr. Francis E. Townsend, old age confessed agents for Great Britain, Cotton—Easy; liquidation and it,” be said. pension advocate, appealed to the Poland, Germany and Japan. P«llc6 mingled with the crowds. foreign selling. tire House had discarded tba Norria suggested that neither he Science Offers Dentistry Supreme (Jourt today In an effort to Vl.shlnsky’8 demand for “the Both Sir Alexander CTadogan and Sugar—Higher; firmer spot mar­ called “IB” tax, It should nor Senators Bridges (R-N. H.) and escape a 30-day jail sentence Im­ maximum measures of social de ket. tho responsibility for raising King (D-Utah), who requested the posed for contempt of a special fense"-a shot m the back of the (Continued on Page IWo) Coffee—Soft; European selling. funds or should turn toe ta& Oongreasional Inquiry, should be on Means To Detect Decay House of Representatives commit­ head—was expected to last an en­ to the Senate. the Investigating committee. tee Investigating hla plan to pay el­ tire day. Representative Robertson (I There seemed slight possibility, derly persons $200 a month pen­ Await Their Fats. Va.) proposed raising toe Fe however, that Bridges aqtf King sions. Then would be handed to - -the liquor tax from $2 to $2.20 a Ann Arbor* Mlcb.* March 1(V—xably occurs cither In a decrease of court the fate of the defendants, Ion. He sold the IncreaM Sizes 3 to 6 would agree to this. (AP)—Science offered to dentistry caries Intensity or In a prevention The United States District Ck)urt Find Egyptian Quarries Impartial Probe which tried him on the contempt many of them once the chief figures produce $35,000,000. today a means of detecting caries— of decay entirely. In Soviet Russia, now all charged Representative Flannery (D,,! "An investigation by friends of tooth decay—months In advance of "Whether or not lactobacilU are charge, ordered him to pay a $100 the TVA would be worse than use­ fine and serve the jail term. with being enemies of Joseph Stalin, suggested a 1-cent-a^gallon tox any clinical manifestations. the sole cause of tooth decay their secretary of the central committee Buried Since 1700 B. C. fuel oil. The yield was esUa less," declared Bridges. *T think In the laboratory the disease. In apparent association with it makes His petition contended that the of the Communist party and key fig­ at as high as $175,000,000. the Inquiry should be made by most cases, was checked entirely or District Court for the District of It desirable to control their growth Columbia had improperly refused to ure of the government. Roosevelt Defeat. coramltteo representative of all Its activity lessened perceptibly In the mouth.” Evidence was concluded yester­ Cairo, Egypt, March 10—(AP) —^Spwhlch early Pharoaba used for viewpoints. through use of a process known as permit him to introduce evidence heavy statues. Virtually all toe 90 RepubU The number of lactobacilU may day at a closed session at which, a Dlorite quarries worked when the and ns many Democrats teamed upl "I seem to have more confidence the dratal caries Index, developed Into the millions, but a count explaining why he had walked out tyrant PhaEgoh Cheops made Egyp­ - Despite the quarries' distance on the committee while it was In­ communique Indicated, a sex mo­ to eliminate toe "IB" tax and ‘ In the honesty and integrity of Vice by a- University of Michigan dental of 20,000 or more to a cubic centi­ tive was Injected Into the trial. tian multltinles build the Great from the Nile, the explorers found the adminlstraUon ita first President Garner (w te would ap­ research group under Dr. PhlUp vestigating thaTownoend plan. Pyramid between 5,000 and 6,000 no trace of a well.although they un­ meter of saliva Is evidence of severe The United States (Jourt of Ap­ The communique said Genrikh defeat In the current session. point the committee) than do the Jay. caries but which may. not be de­ Yagoda. formerly head of the years ago have been found. covered the remains of many work­ Senate leaders said the l«.->AMmben of hla own party.” It relies. Dr. Jay said today, on peals for tbs' Distrie.t. of Oilumbla The Egyptian antiquities depart­ men's hiits. tected by X-rays for months, Dr. affirmed his convlotlbn by a two to NKVD (Secret Police), admitted or­ would pnwent much conti Bridges and King agreed to con. the presence In the mouth of minute Jay aaid. dering homicidal medical treatment ment announced today that the An ancient 60-mlIe-long road, over toe tax bill when It fer with Norris today on the meth­ organisms, Lactobacilli, which one vote. workings, about a quarter of a mile marked by large cairns and bun- Resistance to caries, he said. Is Why He Walked Out for Maxim Pechkoff, son of Maxim that chamber. od of making an investigation. The transforms sugars Into acids that not dependent upon the nutritional Gorky, the wrriter, for "personal long, had been discovered last month (jreds of centuries-old boofnuirks. House members declined to New Hampshire Senator added, dissolve tooth enamel. When he left the committeeroom aims.” ' under sands that had buried them led to the river. adequacy of the diet. on May 21, 1936, Townsend explain­ an asserUon by Chairman hoarever, he believed little but Wherever those bacteria are In some .cases It was necessary. Although the announcement did since 1700 B. C. Authorities said the quarry work ton (D., N. C.) o< toe ways "talk'' would rasulL found, he s$$d. It Is possible lo de­ ed he was taking that action "In not refer to Yagoda’s love Interest They were found In an unsurveyed must have cost thousands of lives. Dr. Jay explained, to prescribe a view of the apparent unfriendly at­ 7T ey deduced that the (Jheops car­ means committee,’ that deIetIoB>< Norria said he hoped the air termine the present and future tn- typical (Uabetlc diet whUe In others In PechkolTs actress wife. It was part of the desert near the Sudan would be cleared by President titude" of the Legislators. Interpreted as referring to that- frontier by an expedition led by two touche meant be had held sway over cldeBce of tooth decay with very It was essential merely to restrict During the three days that be (Uontlnaed on Page Sta) Roosevelt's conference with the little error. excess sugar. Yogoda the man whp wanted to Britons, G. W. Murray and R. En- lower Nubia. three quarreling TVA directors to­ Control of the disease. Dr. Jay was beiiv examined by the commit­ be a "Russian Hitler,” previously glebacb. While tests have been applied tee, his ^tiUOn said, the .questions A black granite "stela," or stone Oioops, the p rrainld builder, morrow. said, was best aeoorapHsbed by a only eUnlcally, Dr, Jay believes they had admitted “full guilt” in order­ 3 TREASURY BALANC Dtrsetors OaiM diet restricted In carbohydrate con­ asked "were not pertinent to any ing medical treatment deliberately slab, was found at the scene with a drafted all Egyptian labor and even will lead to further findings In legislative Inquiry but on the con­ designed to cause the deaths of cartouche of CSieops—a figure bear­ sacrificed toe honor of hla daughter The President has snmmond tent. This, he added, ronilted In a caries research. More 1,600 . Washington, M m b JO.—(J Chairman A. E. Motgan and the low lactobaeillus count. ^ trary were of an Intensely peraotuU three other men, Gorky, V. V. Kul- ing bis name—and the name of the for toe b'jlldlng of hts great monu­ The posUten of toe samples of ssUva of patients In all and Insulting tenor.” blsheff, former chief of the five- locality, "Hunting Ground of ment. two majority m e m b ^ David E. “Once the lactobacUliis count had Maroh 8: Receipts $20J' parts of Uw cowtyy Imve been ana­ Townsend's appeal added that vear plan, and YvacheslolT Menz- Cheops”. A heavy copper chisel BgypUan laborers worked in re­ expenditures $19,9763aat$j been sustentlally reduced," he said, lysed by Dr. Jay's staff since last hlnsky, Yagoda’s predecessor as po­ also was discovered. lays of 100,000 for three ance $2.90^,273,760.20; “a favorable clinical change Invari- October. (Oontiniied on Page Seven) lice head. Diorit^ls a bard, pale blue ^ope each on It. ”” celpts for tbt month |4,i ■ .-J:. i TWO MAWUHEgK^ba BVBNm a HERALD. MANCHESTER. OONN. THURSDAY, MARCH 10,1080 MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHEOTER, CONN, THURSDAY, MARCH 10,1988 ranean countries through the Span­ r a o M ' ish Peninsula, and setUed in Brit­ NAME COM M ITM S pACNBL CLANSMEN tany, Wales, the Isle of Man, Ire­ Madrid, which began shortly after and to the Austrian altuatiaa la land, and the Highlands of Scotland. BLUM ASSUMES midnight and lasted until dawn. [president REPORTS which Italy to WtaUy interested be­ be run on Wednaoday, M ordi 16th. Robtrt S. Wood; auditor*, Frod nese goW nm ent of a n o w ^ ^ ra te d In-Isw, hospital patlants and or* The d d efs of the clan record their FOR COMING BAZAAR BhsUs fell In every quarter of the cause o f her^pledge to preserve Aus­ MAYOR DESTROYS LIFE MEMBERSHIP and anyone who to planning to Arona, Frank O. Bancroft reserve bonk was seen as Inltlattng pbons. IDRMAFOUNDAIIONdescent from Niall of the Nine d ty but officials said casualties and trian Independence. moke the trip Is osksd to com­ A t ttia preMnt time th* aaaocta- JAPANESE CUT OFF a battle batween the Japanese yen Mrs. Franklin D. Roosevelt, re­ ROCKVILLE municate with Mrs. BackliOufl at Wm ia tn flna condition, both flnan- POUa COURT H o s ta g e who became King in the damage were sUgbL It waa Ukely the council also and the Mexican silver dollar for cipient of tb« huge bouquet, sug­ year 3 n . LEADERSHIP OF would announce the Italian parlia­ once. - ctaUy and wltk tha ssany Improve- supremacy in ChinsM economy. Through capture of Reventon ON OUR RESOURCES gested the disposition of the roam. The clan either fought or made alli­ Red Meo aiid G. Garibaldi So­ Pare and nearby helghta, the insur- ment was being abolished, to be re­ SHUKE RECORDS (HVENA.LBROWNI EmfaiaBi 0Mb SMial aaanta which havr been made In the LUNGHAI RAILWAY The bank, opening today, had Mrs. Roosevdt told Gens Hows, Oontinusd nntti M anh 9 placed by a Ctoamber of Guilds and The RockvlUe Emblem dub will cemetery grounda tha aaaoclauoii power to issue 380,000,000 (Mexi­ ances with the Norsemen who occu­ ciety Members Name Groups genta relieved government artillery - « wbokoriglnsted mother-ln-tow day Judge Harold W. Garytty hi r.J.StnrtNdDActiTeIii pied the Hebrides, fought b ^ d e "Fasekto”, uaMa of the Fascist hold a member’s social next Wad- hae over. $10,000 tn funds for the can) notes peggM to the yen.. The To Make Arrangrements. FRANCE AGAIN pressure on La Granja. Govern­ five yean ago, T feel I shall think court last night, ths — t t i Robert, ths Bruce, at Bannockburn party, so that the people would have ESHMATE.33,000 LOSS new currency would eventually be ment forces fell .back to secondary Urges Congress To Make A neodoy oftarnoaa at the Elks Home. peipetual care o f lota. more about mothers-ln-lshr after Oougtta. 47, o f 138 n o r w in 1314, and century after century COMttaiM rr*n Pmgv Ose) positions where they were reported representaUoa through their eco­ Appears Before Senate In- Mrs. Mae faiapmon and Mrs. Celia the sole legM tender in Japanese- this.” The Firat Lady reviewsd the To Porpetmte (Hd LoDR.Tnne Officer Of Ma^ Cross YeQow Rirer Bot Bit­ w ill be beard at ikst m— took an important part in the de­ A t at meeting o f the local tribe to have checked the movemenL nomic categories. M YESTERDAY'S FIRE Reynolds will be In charge. occupied territory. 12-mlle-long parade that climaxed velopment of Scotland. o f Red Men and the Giuimppe Gail turea. Waaknesa of. Uia franc, He The government promptly laid Study Of Findnigs Of Com­ f rw ee. worried by a domestic po­ Take Part M Batertalnnweit Domel (Japanese News Agency) the celebration. •ral peotpoasmsBts e f trial h •eia, WM **oiUy traiurttory/* litical ertoto, has not yet entered Testigators Withont Doc- reported from Peiping that the Scottish Traditions. Early in the 19th century, through baldl Society, held last night, sub down a heavy shellfire on their for­ cabees Rewarded By A t the meeting ol the American LEGIOirS MARCH DANCE ter Fighting Is Still In been mode In order that tha m the failure of the kelp industry, mer positions and the aetion con­ formally into the European peace Confined To Third Floor Of Liglon Auxiliary held Wednesday baink’s establishment "threatens to committees were named to have Opposition of Socialists, whb had O. E. M ATTHEW S DIES. wltoeoa. John Judaonis 48. at Roderick X U lost the estate of given him aupport in Parliament, tinued today. The battlelines are mittee On Consenation. muipulations begun by Premier Ovening, plans were mode for tho weaken the Chinese . currency sys­ Buffalo, N. y., March 10.— (A P ) charge of the bazaar to be given by Chamberlain last month. n m e n ts^ Is Dismissed. Unammoos Vote Of Tent. Block But DruK Store Suf­ IN BOLTON SATURDAY North Mala street, may ba oiea^rt.’ 3. Stuart NaiU. rector o f S t Barra. The Chief died in 1M3 with' waa the Immediate cause o f his near numeroua Apline and sM clubt I unit's port In the District entartoin- Progreu There. tem supported by banka under Brit­ —George E. Matthews, 40, former Dougcla to free on hood, out male heir and the clan _ the two organisations April 30 to resignation. where wealthy Madrilenoa used to| Slto haa Indicated, however, ’ her fers Much Water Danace. ish patronage.” Mary'a Bpiaeopal church baa re- April 30 in the state armory. maot i t Willlmantlc on Friday eve­ president of tha company owning ^ t h oanult on Judouato rHi—ij , without an ancestral hoine. The clan spend their week-ends. Waahtngton, March 10.— (A P )__ readlnesa to foUow Britain in the the old Buffalo Courier, died In Buf­ BoUca at the (OnnaUon the The reUring premier and hu negotiations. ning, April 22nd. Bach Post and Another Merry Party Planned 0, after on arguracat hi whlob. It fa spirit continued unabated, hovmver, To select amateur performers at The Guadarramaa protect Madrid Washington, Uareh 10.— (A P ) __ Honoring bis long and' valued Rockville, March t.—^The kMS at Shanghai, March 10.— (A P )— A ONE TON BOUQUET falo General hoapltol eoriy today, the bazaar, Anthony D'Ubaldo and nuniatera left the Chamber abruptly Unit of tha Fourth District will At Rainbow; Nnmbcr Of charged, he hit Jufaaato on tto UaeNail Foundatioc in Scot* and through Robert U ster the on the extreme " “rthwi^erirfront I ^ ^ ^ ^ * *^^[!^^** „ **'^*’**^ Mayor Daniel J. Shields o f Johns­ service aa Record Keeper of the 33000 was esUmatod by fire oSlclaU Japanese eptorhead force that Mstthewa was a gniduats of bend with a bUllord cue. JndarartL John Rota were named, and W il­ at the .eloae of his brief iq>eech td and the peaks In the batUe sone can • national resources have a port in tho program. For Amarillo, Tex.. March 10 — (AP) (or the purpose at aecurinc members were inspired to form the town, Po.. told the Senate Civil aa the result at a stub.tom blase on Dances Given Totah 21. Yale, and preoident o f the Niagara la a dangerous eondltien, w m ite ’ liam Leggett and Peter Flynn were hand their formal resignations to chapter. Tent No. 3, Knlghte o f the RockvlUe, the AuxUioiy Glee club fought ita way across the Yellow Clan Macneil Association of Amer­ be aeen from Madrid.■ committee report which he deacrib- the third floor at the brick building —A onr-ton bouquet o f roses, relic Photo Engraving Company, Ino. moved to the Moacheater ICsmoifal' with which to *Yoeter and pro* President Lebngi. YOUNG RED TESHFIES Liberties committee today be hadlad , Maccabees last night unanimously take port, directed by Mrs. Doro­ river at Szeahul, 36 miles west of ica with branches in New York, named as the committee on conces­ • "ootnprehenslve naUonal in the center of the city occupied The Rainbow Dance Hall In Bol­ of yesterday’s mother-in-law day He was a brother of Burrows Mat­ boopltal, where be haa been efaea the SooCUah CUn tradition, Nova Scotia, Boston and North (7iur- sions. .Other' committees named The (3>amber preetdenL Ikiouard plan for the oonaervatlon and devol- destroyed the records of the special:lal VOvoted Alvin L. Brown a life mem' thea A. White of this city. Chengchow, succeeded today In in­ cclebraUoh, was dismantled today by the Metcalf Drug store. Dr. (Jnlea Cfiiirch Notes ton will be the scene of a merry thews, editor of the Buffalo Cou­ Hto recovery to expected by b M ita and latereata, eapedally oUna. The history of the clan was were: Booths, Frank Marchetti, Ho t IoL suspended the session be­ opinent o f our w&tar resources.'* poUoa ha enrolled last June during Yiership in the chapter. Mr. Brown (jieorge W. Alien, dental parlor and terrupting transportation on the for distribution to shut-in mothers- rier-Express. Ume thto month. AT SENATE HEARING The second or the Institute meet­ party Saturday night. Dilworth- Lungbol railway. « thoae relatlBK to the Ctan MacNell; written in 1923 and later the Clan Guerrino Pero, Alexander Blozle and fore Albert Serol, president o f the 'T recommend careful study at the Bethlfehem zteel strike. Vaa the firat record keeper or aee- others, on Wedne«oay afternoon, Cornell Post will hold another of its to eultlTate aodal intercourse... .to Macneil Association of Scotland was James Foley; refreshments, William Socialist group, could answer VIENNA TENSE; these documents by the Oongreaa “ tary-treaaurer of tho lodge and ings of the Tolland CouncU of Re­ Chinese sources admitted the popular cabaret dances, and, since It ratader aaeistanee to necessltioua and Chautemps. Shields appeared before the eo:“ly haa served each year in that capa­ not including the tremendous loss ligious Education wUl be held on Japanese had succeeded tn cutting formed. C. Schleldge, John Qaraventa; mu­ mlttee In reaponae to a long sub­ by water at the drug store. to open to the public, a large number Saearelng CSanatnen and Clanswom- frame of reference for legiaUUve city atnee March 8, 1888. Friday night at Union church from the railroad, east-west "life line” of Klstmul Castle, on the Isle of sic, Cleveland Ellington, Michael i^glolatora said his reply would RefascB To Answer QoMtion poena demanding all the books, rec­ The fire started in a closet ca the ot ^ tron s will be on bond for the aa; to uphold good ciUsenehlp of programa affecting water ranaerva- The 60t,h annlveraary o f the 7:46 to 9:45. Three courses are open central China and objective of a Bairra, was acquired by the clan and Benevento; vaudeville, E. Garaven- have been a reiteration of the 8ocUl- POLICE, TROOPS Whether He Would Bear ords, files, correspondence, minutes third floor of the building owned by fun. Moot ot them are "repeatere” , the menbera in their respective lats' refusal to accede to Chautempa' tion, and because they Illustrate founding of the local chapter will be to young people and others without Japanese pineber movement since plans are now being made for res­ ta, Peter Flynn; door, Natale Ru- Arms Against Riuwia. and other data he might have, deal­ Allen F. Beckendorf of Hartford. having caught the spirit at previous '.fBUBtrlea; and to encourage cordial toration of the ancient home of the plnl; attendance prize, John Coma, demand for the decree powers. •y»t«mkUc hus­ observed at a banquet to be held In charge, and an excellent oppoctunlty dances. the fall of Nanking lost December. Wlatlone among the Ehigliah- speak- ing with the strike In Johnstown. Masonic Temple, Saturday, May 7 ThepA are ten rooms on this top Chinese declared, however, bitter clan. The castle was begun in 1036 Max Wagner; automobile prize! Trio Sought Premier bandry of our natural resources on He appeared, however, without the is afforded II those who desire in­ The American Legion has given tng natioos.** ARE w a t c h f u l!! Democratic, regional basis." at which time the guest of honor floor of the building which ore con­ struction in teaching young people righting still was going on, with and la one of the most picturesque Max Wagner, William Schleldge; President Lebrun, Herriot aiid Washington, March 10.— (A P )__ . ^ n e trustees of the MacNell requested records. will be Mr. Brown. Past Ctommander ducted by James Ward as a board­ twenty-one psrtles' since-the first In all Scotland. Its fame has been publicity, Harry Anderaop, Luigi Jules Jeanneney, president of the T h e President told the Oongreas or children. the troops of (Jenerallsslmo Chlong Rhundatlon are: The MacNell of Cart Roos, sscretory of the Young As Chairman La Follette (Prog., George M. Bldwell, assisted by State ing house. The fire burned up one in 1936, and the good • reputa­ sung in song and story from many Senate, undertook the task of find­ (Oonttnned from Page One) « e report was In accordance with The Motheix’ club of Union church Kai-Shek attempting to wipe out Jhurra, CUef o f the Clan MacNell, -Paluaal; books, Michael Benevento, Communists League, Ino,, refused Wto..), read off each demand in tho Commander E. A. Rock, Commander through the celling and spread out tion has spread to such on extent the Japanese advance unit. lands. It sets out Into the bay of (Cleveland Ellington. ing a new premier. K » .. I ■ V on August 18, 1987. will meet next Wednesday at 2:30 Murthoro, Vermont and the Isle of subpoena. Shields answered as much H. H. Spencer, Jaul Rml, John under the tin roof of the building. that many out-of-town friends ore Japanese succeeded In establishing Castlebay on an ialet just Its own The franc dropped sharply in D? •■***.?. Burgomaster when he vetoed a Senate resolution today to tell a Senate committee instead of 8 o'clock as usual. The aeen each moetb. The proceeds have -ttaira, Smtland; Herbert Head Mc- as he said he could "from memory.” Oderman, J. Albert Oderman, When the firemen arrived at the a base on the south side of the Yel­ siae, with Ita keiep and enclosing early trading aa the government Sch^U of Vienna and authorising the drafting by Army whether be would bear arms against speaker will be Mr. Downes, of the gone into a variety of channels; the ;Me01, president at the Clan Macneil Gulto Zernatto, secreUry of sUte. engtneers o f n broad f l ^ He promised to look for such records cniarles Ullman and Joseph Emonda scene, the smoke was coming out low river under an artillery screen walla rising sheer from the water at crlaia resolved Into resignation, but Soviet Russia in ease of war. aa tho city government might have. Fox Interior Decorative Depart­ Legion Auxiliary Unit, the Bugle latlan. New Tork; Rev. Neil constitute a committee in charge on four .ildes of the top floor. and despite floods loosed by cut high tide. 'Within are the remains HOOVER PLANS SPEECH the majority of exchange operatlona ^ * bomb- plan. In that veto he wdd t S The records of the oaths taken by ment. Ail mothers, and friends of and Drum Corps, Hartford (tounty 'elll, M. A., president of the Clan Senator Lee (D.. Okla.) asked the of the anniversary observance. The'^alarm was sounded at 2:30 dikes. of seven buildings around a court­ was In small amoiinta. First quota­ F l5 L *V o n “ p 2 ~ .l"7 i*™ « diplomats, cal lud reglonnl basis" of p ^ w special police and of special police Union church are invited. Aoeoclatloo, Red Crosa_flood relief J WcnaH Aasodatloo, Glasgow, Scot- yard. ’ r rans von Papen. the German am-1 waa Ignored. ' ** h« . Following the meeting last night which called out the entire depart­ Severe clashes on the whole yel­ In d ; Roderick MaeI.eod, Castlebay, tions were 31.80 to the dollar, com “aaaador, had advance word of it would bear arms under the flag of payrolls were among those be said clam chowder, coffee and cake waa The Friend-to-Friend club of and into the Post treasury for wel­ low front were developing into a The castle was in a good state of ON FOREIGN RELATIONS ment, and a large number of spec­ fare and current expenses. JtaoUaad; A . D. Macneil, Glace Bay pared to Wednesday's closing whUe varetlonlng at IGUbuehl and ^ J® toe United Stotes against the red had been destroyed'when the strike .served and games were played. young people of Union church will major engagement despite freezing preservaUon unUl a disastrous fire 31.33. flog of the Soviet Union." became "finished buslneas.” tators were attracted to the fire hold ita monthly meeting next Reuben McCann at 7700 or Henry Oaaatte, Glace Bay, Nova Scotia; in 1796 burned out the floors and which waa one of the most severe weather Shanghai had the heaviest Ross replied the question was Before he was sworn as a witneas. Thursday, the 17th, et 8 o'clock In W eir St 6337 will be pleased to re­ Andilbald McNeil, vice president, roofs.. A fter Ita loss in 1888, and Former President To Make Ad­ Chautemps remained with Preal' in severai years. snowfall in 40 years, one* at least 30 .the CSan Macneil Association of dent Lebum for some time after ‘prepooterous” and added that Shields handed LaFollette a letter the social rooms. Another great aur- ceive orders for reservations until refugees died In the streets of cold. no clansmen to protect it, portions dress After Current Tour; B erti? «"voys were dispatched to <» Joint sUte-Federal baaln wm - The Are was confined to the top Olaagow, Scotland and ®°“ “ >“ntots "deal with reaU- asking that he be excused from tes- priee program wUI be furnished. AU tomorrow night Tickets will be sold Meanwhile arrival of Japanese re- of the enclosing wall and walls of other ministers had handed in their *2' Instructions. Diplomats ndttees composed at more than BOO Overnight News floor of the building and many of at the door. V. Marian McNeill, Edinburgh, Leaves Berlin Today. reslgnatlona and departed. But on tifjrlng. LaFollette turned down the young people o f graduation age are Inforcemente reaching Shanghai some of the snuUler buildings were wonder^ whether some foreign *^t® and Federal officials request. the men roomers mart clothing which ffaeei—.a leaving the president's palace be in­ ■n>e witness, who said he repre­ Invited. were believed to presage resumption taken away by ships for ballast and as- 'The proposals In the rep orV he Hod No Authority waa damaged oy soot and water. lh a Clan Macneil (d a n N iall) is Berlin, March 10.— (A P )—For­ dicated he would refuse any offer to sented 16,000 youths from Ifl to 30 O f Connecticut The special Sunday evening serv­ of a large-scale offensive In the buildings. * support and possible *ald. “provide a guide for auUoriza- Shields pointed out that, as mayor, Rockville's new Cre pump which "o- Lee commented sarcastically. When Shields said he had no rec­ of hto ministry ia RockviOa loot ing. leader in the work of restoration of There was widespread belief Her­ ord of any money received during Hubert Hart of Bridgeport, was ar­ MeeUM* Sunday. In the church ootandor the old elan castle, in Scotland. ples of intellectual liberty and spir­ becausebeesuse of the high proportion of ilT although, they were cover- Rosa flushed, but declined a direct riM oy. riot eventually would be asked to the strike, LaFollette dismissed him rested on a charge of driving so The Rockville Lodge of Elks wiu there appeared thto paragraph; 4:00-6:00— Redsktne gymnoalum itual freedom, a system of free jmuths to the Na*zl r L l T Vtenna 1 answer. meet thto evening at the E3ks Home . CARD OP THANKS form a new national union ministry, from the witness stand. to cause loss of life after Marshall ‘Today begins the tbirteentb year period with Robert Bronnkk. economy regulated to prevent embracing aa many parties as pos­ was plastered by Nazi handbills be- E*'V2** would have to be determined Later on he denied that there Was on Prospect street with Exalted We wish to thank oar friends and N U N DIES. fore dawn. nanamiia be- py the condition of the budget Atwater, 71, oied 01 injuries suffer­ of the present ministry, n m s flies. 8:16-8:30— Bualneaa Men's volley abim, and popular governmenL" sible. to deal with France's urgent any danger of Oommuntots over­ Ruler Arthur McFall presiding. A t ' aalghhere for alt the hlndneee ahown throwing thto government ed Saturday night when he waa The pastoi to grateful for good boll practice. he dnrins the lllnasa and at the time Mr. Hoover left for Warsaw this financial, economic, social and diplo­ Nasi conferred through the ntoht i„ suggested this time the nomination of officers Danbury, March 10.— (A P ) — morning. "Tho danger and menace partle- struck while crew^ing the street health, for unmerited favors, for a fl:S0—Girl Reservea psychology' : Jl *!• **f“ **i.®' " i f father, alee for matic problems. aad into the day. and with tlwm *>® for the ensuing yeai will take place. nihe floral tribotsa and nee of cam Mister Mary WllheJmlna (Brennan) ularly to Fasoiam," Ross said, ex­ near hIs home here. happy fellowship, and a patient con- elaos with Mtos Tinker. was the Nazl-tocllned mtoistcr of The annual election of officers takes ______The Cdsar Family. died at SL Peter's (Convent this Reason for Crisis the interior. pressing a willingness to bear arms Waterbury—State Athletic Com­ 8*c^tton. Let us continue to pray 0;3O-7:3O — Pirates gymnasliim ----- lor, Arthur Seysz-Inquart be place "on Thursday evening, March morning, after a short illness. The crisis was produced by re­ There are, against any Fascist group. missioner Joseph H. Lawlor, who for one another and help one period. * IN MBNORIAM , however, no aufhenUc ^MANCHESTER""s t a t e 24th. A native o f Waterbuiy, Slater fusal of Socialist and Communist formation on reports he would re­ with budget recommendations and The youth said he had taken "the haa been critically ill o f pneumonts, another." 7:30—Ladles’ O o ft period for , IS leviBB memory e f oar brother, MRS. MORRISON HEADS furniture reflntohlng. WObelffllna was professed April 16. members of Chautemps' majority in a l^ to anger over' the plebiscite with action by the Congress.” pledge of allegiance to the American was reported "out of danger'- by his Court Hearts of Oak, Foresters of Officers Elected . wjnjam F. Brink who died Marah 1«. 3 DAYS STARTS America will meet this evening in a;00-t;00 — Eeglrs gymnasium 1906. She had taught at St the C3iamber to support his de­ call. Asserting water plans should be flag" but insisted that did not mean physician. _ The EUl.igton Cemetery Associa­ TODAY Foresters Hall. Following the busi­ period. Potar’a school ham for the past e a s t e r n s t a r CHAPTER mands for decree powers to deal Schuschnlgg dramatically an­ revised annually, tho President add­ fighting a-‘war "for Tory capital' tion has elected the folloi/lng offi­ We do not forget you. we do not In­ eight yeara. ' ed: tots.” fl:00— Ooncordto Lutheran C%ureh with economic and financial issues. nounced the national vote to test ness session at which Chief Hanger cers for the coming year: Praoldent, tend Sister Wilhelmina served as supe- A source close to the government Walter Kreh will preside, there will bowling loaguo. , Wn think of you brother, we will to his strength to hls'flght for Austri­ "Changing public interests, first Ross said he was born In Han­ CSyde A. Oordtsen; vice-preeidtnt. lor at SL Francis' convent. New Annual Meetlnu And Election said the resignation was withheld be a social time and pinochle tour­ ^ eng an Independence in a speech to a in navigation, the,i in Irrigation, cock, Mich., was graduated from Henry L. Hajrden; secretary and Haven, and alao served in St. Pat­ until after the speech, not in the Central High at Superior. Wto., and OPEN FORUM nament. • Of Officers Held I-ast Night; labor audience at Innsbruck yester­ and then to flood control, water treasurer, Norton B. Thompson; Jennie Brink nnd Mnrgnret Hneea- rick's pariah, Norwich, and SL Jus- hope of gaining a vote of confidence day. power or pollution, haa produced a now lived In New York city. St. Joha’s Service WINTER DRIVING HINT Un'a parish, Hartford. Instnllntion March 23. trustee for three years, John Bohler, but because Herriot and Jeanneney collection of unrelated water poli­ CZECH FBOES Lenten services will be held at St. urged nettling the Issue in public Chancellor's Appeal cies. The recommendations to this The annual meeting o f Temple Elditor of the Manchester Evening John's Episcopal church thto eventog rather than in secret group meet­ " I desire and must know.” he report define in broad atrokca an in­ No. 32 Caiapter No. 68, O. E. 8. was held Herald. at seven-thirty o'clock constoUng of ings. said, "whether the Austrian people tegrated water policy for the coun­ last evening. Reports of various PUBLIC RECORDS Being employed in the shoe in­ evening prayer and sermon. l"he TAKE WEIGHT .. A cardboard ---- ' — ■''“ “ I The rising political confusion was want this free German (speaking), try 03 a whole. Such a Federal wa­ dustry and hairing made my living speaker 1HII be the Rev. J. 8. Neill, election ^Idcnced by a skirmish near the independent, social. Christian, uni­ ter policy to needed.” _ / protector for ^ officers for the ensuing' year was practically all my life in connection Archdeacon of Hartford. Champs Elysees where several fied. partyless Austria." Warrantee Deed. therewith, my interest baa been Garden Club OFF TIRED FEET " your radiator Now you can have the finest! hel^d. The following: were elected to were Injured in a clash' between omce: Hla appeal stemmed from the CTara A. Bllveu has conveyed te aroused by the comments you have Mrs. Emily B. Swindells of this Lmb FbI TW Way*-'WkkB^ IIt i Hm front will coaterve the hert And Yet rival Nationalists, members of Ck)l. weeks of unrest since he met the ANGLO-GERMAN PARLEYS Ralnh Thrall, Woodbridge street and made, on several occasions, rflative city will show motion pictures tn DM*, «r Kdfac EaniM. yoor motor icner.tr* md pro­ . “ " J "* ® R- Morrison, Francois de la Roeque's French So­ German Fuehrer Hitler in Germany Phelps road realty according to a to the'importatlon of shoes into this color of Guatemala at the meeting If Four foot bW Mikloa fo«l tiro4 mmi tect your motor from cold Worth Matron; Mr. CTarence W. cial party and of Louis Marin's Re­ last month. warrantee deed recorded late yes­ oil ever — beeouee bt« mlitfIM Wo country, particularly from Czecho­ ot the Rockville Garden club to be modi fit 4o eowOioe okoul H. T n tkt Mart. whil. driving. Art your Wood, Worthy Patron; Mrs. Caro­ publican federation. The results of that meeting were ARE STARTED IN LONDON terday by Town Clerk Samuel J. slovakia. line C. Grimaoon, Associate Matron held thto evening at eight o’clock in Manwilo trootmoot Um iWo inl>o< IW ooi Rkhfldd dtelcr tor on.1 Present Petitions appointment of five mtototers favor­ Turklngton. However, on some particulars, you Library Hall. to rodoco ts««M wolokt. up to $60*00 Mr. Herbert Leggett Associate Pat able to Germany, including Hitler’s Trade Nome have been entirely silent, and I Monoelo ooBtoiM Um wmmt dfOMOt pro* ton; Mrs. Minnie Goslee, Secretary; Delegationn of workers thronged (Oonttnoed from Page One) Those who have bad the privilege •eribffd Vf moot doeioro 1b trooUa« IMr -AND soa ouioc wMm nom the Premier’s Matignon palace, pre­ friend, Seysz-Inquart; release of po- A certlflcate of trade name has would like to ask you, Mr. Eklitor, if fat potioBU vko kavo a tloadulor dakdoory. 'M Mlsa Mary Miller, Treasurer; Miss of seeing these pictures state that senting petitions for continuance of lltfcal prisoners in Austria, and been filed with tho Town a e rk , in through your columns you will en­ MaroM»lo rroaciipUoo TaMrt* hova Woo r-'% Ruth CoMto, Qinduetress; Mrs Sir Robert van Slttart, ranking la-hich to noted that the business they are most Interesting and beau­ Mid to tk« poktlo for BMro tkoo tklrty yoor*. SWITCH TO RICHER social reforms. easing of restrictions on the out­ lighten your readers and me, how Mora tkoo twaiity loUUoo kosaa kovo kaoo Dorothy N. Little, Associate Con­ permanent officials of the foreign conducted at 58 West O n ter street tiful. It is hoped that there will be It was on this issue the Left lawed Nazi party. office, left Ahltehal] before the con­ much, if any. American macMnery dlatHkvtad durtoc tkot partod. ductress; M ra Helen T. EllloL to to be known as the Manchester has been sent to that country for a large attendance. Members of the Monuolo la *ot itaodad aa a rvo-«0 Aar RICHFIELD N e w 1938 Wing parties, not repre.sented in the Schuschnlgg made dear to a sub­ ference began. Hence it was believ­ Manchester Garden club have been all allmrata. Tkla adwtieewet la hitaadad Trustee for three years. Cabinet but supporting it in the sequent speech to the Austrian Par­ Auto Service company, sole owner the purpose of manufacturing Czech onlvonlf fifor fot prrooaa wko ora oonaol aad The Installation will be held Wed­ ed Lord Halifax faced Reichafuehrer e f which la Alexander Jarvis. shoes, end also how much, if any, Invited to attend the meeting, and IwJOii ootkrrwlaaUmtwIm ui aad4 .wkeaa__ fataaoo la THE ^AF£u^u/SAVE Chamber, refused to go along with liament that the HlUer meeting Hitter's envoy alone. members of t5e Rockville club are nesday March 33. Chautemps in his demanc* (or decree American capital haa been Invested kr kype >li, iul4l— wilk MMweaer- would femilt in no further conces­ Austria’s surprise plebiscite, set also urged to bring guests. Ise NkaonMl MMkotl. rmlM. S* .tk.. powers. They claimed he wn.s aban­ sions, and that there was no thought in the shoe factories in Czecho­ rasmattUoli U bmO. m Io Ikl. InaliM l GASOLINE for Sunday, waa believed mentioned Mrs. Edward Bockhaus to tn doning social progress. o f union with Germany. slovakia. •m vt nimr tkM. eee4ltl.s. u4 s.wrS— AM rOIM M AIM roi •O O ffU TI VETERAN’S B IR TH D AY during the ~talx, which, however, charge of the arrangements for a to Ik* 4* e * to m n itoi.iil Thto was a blow to Austrian and Thanking you in anticipation, m OW WlHTm PfftVIMO MIMT8 M Chautemps denied he wished to Waa understood to have centered on am, - group who ore piannini- to attend t W. te M aMte wz 4lMs.il. M A Stromberg-Carlsons halt social reform, insisting he German Nazis who want to join tho Ik. to.till, w i re m r skfil.M . .k * m m i Danbury, March 10— (A P )—Ire Germany'j demand for colonies and SINGERS On the Some Show: i Yours very truly, the International Flower Show at to. tetvtoi. Thm MStotM. wanted only to modify such parts of German-speaking nations, and Nazi rnito.l.'to l. t e S i i I . t m r r ..tki.i, 0«.'i ■H YGRADE OIL CO., INC. R. Wlidman, Danbury's sole surviv­ British press treatment o f German FRANK MORGAN In I the program as old age pensions and resentment waa heightened yester­ JOSEPH ROLLASON. the Grand Ctentral Palace in New Wtot — e.* » koa •( ll»r» « to iJ m ton. n Charter Oak Avmee Hartford ing soldier of the Q vll War, Is 88 problems. WANTED! “PARADISE FOR 3” | Manchester, (tonn., York next week. An excuoloa wtU years oW today. No formal recog­ the 40-hour week to coincide with day when Schuschnlgg reiterated: "W e shall observe the agree­ Newspopen Scored March 10. 1938. NOW nition of the anniversary is sched­ the treasury’s condition. SUN.. MON, t "MANNEomv* ments reached at Berchtesgaden Von Rlbbentrop was reported to A T TH E NEW Editor's Note— have no recol­ uled for today, but the flag is flying He sought the decree powers to have stre-ssed the German view that lection o f having ever made any cope with the fall of the franc and but we shall make not the slightest on the community flag pole, erected additional concession.” HlUer, as head of state, should be comment on the subject of Czecho­ last year through Mr. Wlldman's new demands for funds to meet spared newspaper attacks. slovakian shoes until yesterday. We Schuschnlgg hopes by the vote to ’CIRCLE* efforts. growing defense needs resulting Ixird Halifax, however, while THEATER cannot enlighten Mr. Rollason as to 1 .9 5 and up The woman’s relief corps Is ar­ from heightened tension in Euit^ prove Austrian Nasto are relatively the quantity of American "shoe ma­ pean politics. ready to urge restraint on the press, TOMORROW AND SAT. ranging a birthday party for next few, and first predictions were that chinery sold in Ctoechoelovakla. nor he would have an 80 per cent ma­ holds that criticisms of Hitler's ac­ FOR OUR Tuesday. The same Issue forced out the tions are justified, since be also is THE NEW as to the amount of American capi­ government of Leon Blum, who jority. tal invested in the shoe factories -of Schuschnlgg. whose Fatherland in the position of a premier at the with your old radio headed the first Peoples Front Min­ head of a aovernment. B I O S O N G that country. He might ask United istry, in June, t937. Front is the nation's only legal par­ CIRCLE* Shoe Machinery about the former, or ty, has been working lately to win Informed persons emphasized that Chautemps' present "Cabinet, com- the talk was "exploratory” but said of the winds about the latter. We RADIO SERVICE ON ALL MAKES posed mostly of members of the In­ greater support from labor. Hto FBST! doubt i f he would find out ^ S e Z S s /i ^ e a / an apparent deadlock on the colonial termediate party. Radical SoclalisL Innsbruck speech carried a promise COUNTRY STORE waa organized January 18. of a works program with Jobs for question made an early agreement Monday Eveningr Improbable. NIGHT FRIDAY EVE. CAPONE OCT OF HOSPITAL. Herriot also belongs to the Radi­ 30,000 Idle youths. Germany received UtUe encour­ 1 ^ 1 W a n te d ! cal Socialist party. APPLY AT MANAGER’S Groceries, Harae, San Francisco, March 10.— (A P ) agement here for her No. 1 demand, * Food Stoffe. Etc. return of war lost colonies as the OFFICE IMMEDIATELY —The San Francisco Examiner said today A1 Capone, one-time (niicago price for peace, but Prime Minister HIBERNIANS WONT HOLD gang chief, who a month ago was R. S. Potterton SPANISH REBELS Chamberlain and Von Rlbbentrop 500 MEN placed In Alcatraz prison hoapltol were expected to review this when got lDo//a/i/ (Formerly Potterton & Krah) because be was ‘‘mentally til," has ST. PATR ICn DAY PARTY they meet at luncheon on Friday. been returned to the prison yard. Phone 3733 Austrian Issue At the Center START OFFENSIVE A « T r o « D _ _ The paper sold Ctopone waa told TONIGHT The Austrian Issue to whether the he would be expected to resume Wait. a. wait a., German speaking naUons one day routine, which included work In the Jgjm W.IL, At the Odd Fellows* Bingo! (Continued from Page One) First Time In Over 50 Yearfl Bhall be united, the hope o f both THE NEYY "LOWEST tate prison laundry. H.R. That Division Has Not Ob­ Austrian and German Nazis. S It’s Free if your wife or HE’S Rnme FOR A FALL! that's the watchword for tured yesterday, he saw Franco's served The 17 th Of March. Germany’s Fuehrer HlUer has 9RICED" U R ...A N D sweetheart buys one ticket batteries shell enemy territory while vowed his determlnaUon to protect di to M hM4.«wlMb. .. la bnl infantry surrounded government MOW PLAYING TH U SAT, for 25c and yon wear a neck­ Germans everywhere If necessary, WORLD’S ORIATCST SHOW ON ICI Chesterfield tobaccos positions preparing for a clean-up For the first time in over 80 G O O D Furniture Since 1891 A HUDSON THROUGH Standmrd American after the barrage. Including Czechoslovakia and other tie— yon can come in Free! years of their existence Division No. Osntral European countries. RIAL ^ ICE lia b tr Thls new Aragon front is rpproxl- 1, A.O.H.. will not sponsor a party Thto determtoaUoa has orousod AND THROUGH I Here’s the reason so many smokers 25 REGULAR GAMES mately 70 miles Tong, The insurgents' or entertainment on S t PatricK's European fears of tnereazlng Nasi EMyclopMdia objective, apparently, la to split the March 17. For over 40 years the penetraUon in Central Europe. Aus­ like Chesterfields . . . government-held seaboard between division each year sponaored a koU, tria, with five pro-German ministers Valencia and Barcelona In the hope known aa St Patrick’s Day Ball in her Cabinet at HiUeris urging, to I VthHM-t-Week 10 SILK BED of striking the decisive blow of the and to ail at that time It was an un. Thousands of casks of mild ripe war. thO' first to be involved. s p e c i a l CONCESSION written law in Man::hestar that the Austrians will vote on Sunday SERGEANT Franco's left wing te commanded Hibernians would have the day to Cliesterfield tobacco are kept in stor­ PUFFS FOR- by General Miguel Aranda and his whether they support Chancellor COUPON I celebrate. Ctoming In mid-Ieut tha Schuschnlgg to hto determination to right wing by General Yague. parties that the division sponsored MURPHY age all the time—every pound of it Austrian independence, and - -I - e o y mi (with flye otbern, DOOR PRIZES In the early years of their organtoa' the vote may indicate the extent of flONAlO niAGAN • MARY BMaeoBtiTely ■■mbered. 8 !■ GOVERNMENT REPORTS. tion, resulted In large crow u at N azi power and thereby give Britain aged 2 years or more to give Chest- . Madrid, March 10.— (A P ) — Over T t e E ^ g 1 FREE SURPRISE DRAW- tending. To be "Belle o f the Boll” , a clearer picture of the trend In MAGUIRt - DONALD CRISP HesBM) eatiUes the holder U mountain trails where fashionable was considered a high honor, Teaalt- Central Europe. Madrilenoa once played at winter erfield smokers more pleasure. ONE VOLUME et the stawl- ING ON YOUR SPEOAL tog in expensive dresses being worn Britain’s concern was that Nool INTERNATIONAL and up, fuOy oqulppad, ready to • r i Amertahh Bneyeiopedle TICKETS! sports, government forces today by the women who attended. • FumHure • intarier Ooceration drive, Fodarol taxM poM^lrampor- moved reinforcements to cheek an agrtaUon In Austria and elsewhere Year Favortto Weoten In recent years the bail baa not might bring grave consequences and Start _ • Ru9t and Oraporioa tatien coito and local taxae, N any, The mild ripe tobaccos’-^home-growtt BOTHm wttm tiM Insurgent drive some 30 miles been held, but there has always ICE REVUE northwest of Madrid. keep already turbulent Europe In g e n e A U T R Y • KH^on Appfiancas extra. AHracHvaty low Hmg poymaxt and aromatic Turkish’-amd tha pure SWEEPSTAKES! been some kind of on entertainment. continued turmoil.. x s i s r * " " * * (This attack coincided with a A t the last meeting o f the Dlvtolon • Office Furnifiira • Radlot lenM, wMi now Hudson-C L T. Plan. AVAfUilf Fot cigarette paper used ht Ckesterfialds major Inaurg^ent offensive on a 70- .. Italian NegoUntlOBs . it was decided to make no plana for Itollon-Brittoh negoUaUoDs, paral­ mile front in Aragon, where the In­ the observance of the day in Man­ "SPRINGTIME jMklDfATg OEUVfiy are the best ingredients a cigarstta TIME: Starts 8:80 Sharp! surgents reported giUns.) leling those with Gerinany and (D e Lose Edition chester, but a number o f Uie mem­ aventuolly to be expanded to In- IN THE The unheralded push .yesterday ber are planning to go out o f town e n n n i can have, They Satisfy. v r r ie e P m * K e h u M dlwuy east of La Granja gava olude F ru c e In a four-power peace R O C K n S ” to be present at celebratlona to be understanding, likewise were halted Company ef 40 • • C flB t o ) ODD FELLOWS HALL ouUyi]^ Insurgent siege forces con­ held in other places. trol of three mountain nnd today by Italy's Fascist Grand #0 Mbwlt* of ThrUk. ChUK loaaly, Other members ^ the Dlvtolon Bplzode S o, 8, ■'Badlo rotroT pooka in the towering, snowbound Oninctl msettog. Usghtor and Maak Over Morphy’s will assist to the party that to to ba Tha council gave ottenUon te the uuadarrama moun tains. held in St. Bridgat'a hoU, sponaored yiBMs Todayi From siege lines nearer ths eapl- eonveraatkma bstwesn Fmelgn Min- ALSO 2 OKAY HITS ON SCMEEN by members of uiat ch u i^, for the Istsr Count Clono and tbs British the tol, the insurgents followed up the church fund. NO AflTANCl M ambassador, Lord Perth, however. W ooaa” _ •ium m d-W I sad liO Tf— kel-HerttoM Comtith I9M. PLEASURE IsMSTraMnsa esterfield 'p'

MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESl EK. CpNN- THURSDAY, MARCH 10.1938 MANCHESTER EVENING HERAU), MANCHESTER, CONN„ THURSDAY, MARCH 10,1938 PAOBil dren’s ooncert. WJZ-NBC—12:30, Farm and Home Hour; 3, Radio and decorate their feet. Remarked all the others, would s h m l^ p ay- not fear tnvestlgatlon. And to fear NEW SIGNIFICANCE OPERA STAR’S HOBBY Ehtchange Week bolls down to Just DAILY RADIO PROGRAM GuUd, 'The Far-Off Hills’’; 6, Roy Mias Jepson; "A n d these white An­ one thing— the laest opportunity he CIRlSneednt drp ing Its cost Investigation o f one’s public career, Health and Diet Shield's orchestra. goras are about the only pretty has ever had to obtain fine trans­ Tat, under tbs exlsUng and most and let tha people know that ooa New Machine Can Tell THUH8DAV, MARCH 10 (CcotrftI and BMUrn SUDdard Tima) ' IN USED CAR TERM W'EAF-NBC— 2, Music lApprecla- creatures I knoit^jf'that are self- portation at low cos^. PERIODIC PAIk^ In H m Yo I^k IS PRIZE RABBITS supporting. You see their fur peculiar organiutloo of this muni­ fears It, Is to put oneoeU very con- N oN t A ll protm m a to aoy and baaif* eliat'na or vroupo tfioroot unioM grriia tlOD hour. "Reduced to its essentials, tbe Advice m : coast to ooaat <« to e) doalsnatlona inrludo alt avallabio atatlona Some Friday short waves; GSC. brings about >4.50 a pound and we TWh______splcuonsly indeed on the spot. It event Is an unusua. sale of nation­ cipality, that la the way It Is and By UR. FK A N B M elXtt Rrograma oubjoet to ohanfo by atatiena without proviouo notieo* R. M« GSB, OSL, London, 6:40 p. m., BBC clip them three times a year.” I glngdawiifaaliiMlgftMl Chances In Rolling Dice “Renewed” Is More Appropri­ wide-scope. Aa such. It should have that Is the way It must be unUl Is aa cordial an Invltatloa aa can bs By OBOBOE ROSS ^hlnt fan and c. umpl<- up. But after NBC WCAF fR0O> NCTWORK wdne wnoi kwkh know wmmm Empire orqhrstra; 2RO. Rome! 7:30 Helen Jepson To Be Heard A large audience. It to anticipat­ par aaeroM ■ j wmnt wcoc wrva ate Head Of Hudson Motor treat appeal to the millions ot aMadbr A< such Urns as we scrap our ho(]go- Imaglnsd to tha eanclustaa that p o» New Tork, March 10—For years tbr curtain v as lowered, the doctors BASIC — Baat: went wnae artli* wiar Program In English; OLR. Prague’ Sunday Afternoon With ed. will greet Miss Jepson on Sun­ TREATBIBNT FOB BEABT *^taa wcah kyw wfbr wre way wbon 9t*pW EST — wmbd wlan arlbw kfb Car Company Asserts, -r- Americans who babltnally look to Oaotaraa niHhHig IwNlM Pars Lorents, as s critic, wrots un- diagnosed Msrtlnelirs ailment sa an "'Tasadana, Calif., Mofeh 10. - ffllm ” , Dr. Oould explained, "am tiny wkbb wtaq wkbh woeo wabt kaej wnas 8, Program for North Am'erlca; W PA Symphony Unit. day at Btuihnell Hall, when she 'sdll ■SeWUlWll podge composite town and rs-or- la "guilty as may be ..keibaftor DISORDEBS w<»o wtam wwt warn wdal: Midwooti woe used cars as their means of trans­ oompromlstngiy about Hollywood s attack of aeuto indlgastloii and rs- (A P )—TWO soteatlsts here are com particles of silver. T o the natund KHd wmad who wnw wdaf wire katp; DJD, Berlin, 9:15, Wedding Mu.sic; sing the aria "Depula le jour" from ssLSsrsaj ganize It aa a single community In­ charged." Wo Roh kal krv o kfbb portation. product, fiaylng those films that de­ assured the iiuslc lovers of his quick eye they may aaem evenly dls- Mountaini koa kdyl: aouthi wmltg: COAST—knx kotn kol kfpy kvl Ksfo koy GSD, QSC, GSB, GSL, London, C!harpentler'8 opera "Louise" and Mr. Leary and bis able lawyers Without learning what particular p)ettog a "probability machine" Paolflo: kri kaw Homo khq kpo kao: Detroit, March 10— Asserting that “ It is their chance to rid them­ stead of a federation of neighbor­ served s flogging. Often, the foe recovery. trtbuteo, but under tbe microscope CanL BaaL the words "used car" have taken on 10:05, Music of Brahms; W8XK Hobbles as a rule cost their pos­ the Gavotte from Massenet's opera B*«rr BvMiliifl Bsrtpt type o f heart trouble Is present in which could UU the avornge man’s Op t io n a l aTATioNa toporato mtor* Pittsburgh, 11:30, DX Qub. sessors gonslderable money, before selves o f their old cars many ot ACQU I BalMar* Bntf^ at tha hoods. ' mtiat have taken their course In faU challenged, " I f you're ao critical why Thst night, tbs Sunday supple­ the particles are shown to be ehnnkoabh nn «lthi»r KRP or BLUB 9:19— ••Ltfa at Mary Sotham** a new el^ flca n ce to the last two or "Manon.” , The orchestra vi-lll pre­ don't , you ehow ut how to do bet­ an:' given case It Is acverthelasa chance of being klUsd In an automo­ group^ together In spots, notworka): Baaie > Coat: wlw arfaa 4:9(^ 9tS >fC.M ernment Bubaldy, he baa produced a baadUned " A Singer's Notes on No ttiattcr what tbe possible l^ r koam: South: wtar wptf w\p wjai S54S— 9:4S— Oorla Rhodta and Songa appropriate term. the office of the Symphony Society bf Mall .** bad ita sturdiest stronghold, and that none of their objectiona or pro­ film o f beauty and documentary aid to making movie film Isaa While thalr lasta are not wfla«waum wind waoc wfbc wwnc wear *9S— i<9^ Praaa Radio Nawa Parlod Sunday afternoon with the Hart­ of Connecticut. Room 214, 15 Lewis prices." Food.” and rsnibltd on about the emusocause me be.uv, il It isv a good plan the frAiny. In an Interview here on National nr « a •• *a a •• 9 '9* value, "The River.” It la frankly plated, Drs. Ooeta and Gould found wava warn wmr wRb wapi wmah wida /:00— Poatia Malodiaa — aaat; Used Car Exchange Week, Mr. Barit CAUSE YOUTHS’ ARREST ford Symphony Orchestra, seems to street, Hartford. where It has always been extremely tests would have any effect on culinary prefersneea of Olovanni beginning of tha treatment A company masufaoturlnf film kvpo wky wtaa whap knrr woal ktha _ . Harbart Poota and Concart—waat propaganda for tha federal agen­ that the graintoesa Invariably was dted two reasons to support his con­ be the one person who knows how difficult for pro-consolldatlonlsta to Judge IngUs, or In blocking the Martinelll. In It, the tenor proffere thoroughly-to cl neas of maintaining Ita aemi-lnde- they must have bad tn view some­ barraasmert, like hla IndlgesUon, matlca, graphs, photo-electric eeVa, whether the death o f one would 4:0^ 6:OO^OIek Tracy. Oramatle - 10:9^11 tS^Bunny Bangan'a OrehaaL IN USED CAR WEEK to NE W YORK? fetber. The spoken narrative seeks food, from a general toxemia, or a baalc: Riano and Guitar Duo waal finished more durably. A good per­ unit of the W P A Federal Music ' B w e baralB. thing considerably less obvious than must bsve been acute! microphones and a few other bring tba daaLh o f others In IJ5OO—12:00— Dick Barrio A Orchaotra Overhauled by Policemen Joseph < All rlphta at rapablteattona at pendent status. The system Is not reflex cause. T*lx^ 9^15—Banno RablnolT. .Vlellnlat 11:30— 12:90—Orrin Tuekar'a Orehaatra centage’of them have steel bodies, ProjecL Miss Jepson spoke enthusi­ FOR THE for and achieves taut drama through Ceorte Mnee Is Bos gadgets and turned out a “grainless neighborhood." 4iSi^ o:S<^Jaek Armatrong.’ Sarlal— PrenUce and L. M. Thrall operat­ araelal Mspatebaa harala are alas ra- a good one In any way„ and In this appears on the surface. simplicity. The heart must Inevitably have which not only add to safety but astically of her colony of prize rab­ It Is tha popula.- notion thst plsy- meter” and an "Integvator’, which In the sUtUUoal field, the ifit«g- A s?*®*i Kogan Orehaat*-.waat NBC WJ2 (BLUE) NETWORK ing a police cruiser, two Connecti­ Buys More Automobile During instance It la operating most unfair­ Would It be that Hr. Leary has leu work to do while the patient Is 4:4S-» 8:4^Llttlt Orphan Annit — make a car stronger, more rigid— bits. A ll boasting pedigrees longer Nor la this the first of LorentFs wrigbta Uva a tumultuous Ufa In rather make the probability ma­ rator oould be used to reduce a wild­ - Ho”T Kogan Orchaat. waat B A SIC — Bast: w jt wba*wbsa wbai cut State Ctollegi students were ar­ Present Campaign Than HELP efforts. Ha made "The Plow That fasting and be abould therefore not chine. 9:00— }:0^Baek at tha Nawa. Talk wham kdka wear wxyt wjtn wayr wmaJ permanently weather-proof and no­ than their eara, they are housed at ly to Eighth district property own­ acme Idea of refusing to appear as a their dressing gowns; and that, ly fluctuating ehart to a stogie oraby wabr wcky wood wean wtea tably free from squeaks and rattles. rested on charges of speeding at 55 Broke the Plains" and achieved hesitate to attempt It becauu he T h e grotoe on photographic 9:19—Eraklna Hawkina Orchaa. the singer's Catsklll estate. Lodged Ever Before, Says Executive r • M essse oemui. ers. witness, even if subpoenaed, and Is srithout personal eopmenee. they feels weak. He U usually stronger curve, eliminating much figuring. S’« Kadio Nawa Parlod wlau: Midwaat: wanr wla Icwk koll wrau They contain a high percentage of to 60 miles an hour on East Center Haaabar Aaarlaaa Nawapapar Fab- criUcal hiissaha srlth that oae, too. wmt kso wowo wetn; South: wrtd wnbr In spotless hutches, with wire en­ ■ ■ g recaei, niw tm m ; Invest character and situation tn at the end of tbe f u t and W e n Edward! A tonga krEV kfdm wrol kiia wJbo wdau wage high grade alloy steels, which In­ street last nighL Robert F. Hood, 15 MILES OF Habara Aaaeelatlati laying the groundwork for court Thla Para Lorents probably It tha » ‘4>- 9:4^Blua Sarron'a Urehaatra— closed running pens, the rabbits ace a^i.< ' ' ...... their writing rooms fluds that the heart is working more - Orphan Anma midw rapoiit ------*-xya; Mountain: Wo kvod kghf: creases the Useful life o f the motor 2C of 99 Roger street. Hartford, and Detroit, Mar"Ji 10.— "A dollar will ' ^bltsbara lUpraaaBtallaaat Tba proceedings that might be dragged only motion picture criUe la the Well, consider the case of Robert To be broken by the number Andy-oart: Hal PacHle:■ kjro kfad kex kga kaea kjr free to bask to the sun or sleep In­ WEIGHING CHINA WAR efficiently at that time than previ- f.NOTEi See W EAP-NBC for opUonal and other vital parts. They steer Robert S. Tencyck, 22, of 351 Main side the shade. Close by are fields T)uy more value during National Jallaa Matbawa Spaalal AsanaP—Haw out for months or even years—all country who said that be ooulo do Ardrey, who bsa snitten two plays REVENUE COLLECTIONS Of pennies to a pursa. . Sporta Commant-waat Hat of atatlona.) □ now oualy. Jsl^Vocai Varlatiaa by Charal more easily and have better brakes. street. East Hartford, according to KIDNEY TUBES Tarb. CMIaasa. Datralt aaS Boatas. Popular Interest In this country a' bettor job daemaUcally— and then M ART C AR iSl T N DAVSBB CanL EaaL and a garden, which jdeld them Uaed <^r Elxchange Week than ever based on the claim that tha jury about AraeriLans thla seajon. He Is Regardleu of tbe particular form •:30— r:SO—Lao Raiaman Orehaatra— They contain other modem features, police were not only speeding but To Fluah out Acida and Otkor BDkBAO in the Sino-Japanese war haa, for proved It— twice. 27, a rough and ready mld-weateni- _ tha Vaaro natwnrk 4:30— 9:90— Tha Singing Lad y—aaat; fresh alfalfa, celery and carrots. before in the history of the automo­ $ A 0 0 r o u n d had no legal authority to compel of heart disorder I suggest tha fast Valla# Hour r to r Ta Ba Announced* waat which add to both the pleasure and raoing their cars on the highway, Peiaonous W»ato Soar Neto er, and ha gatheri material by bue- at the start of any'reglmen design­ SHOW BIG INCREASE - BONIODT. the safety of driving. George Possell, Miss Jepson’s bile business.” tha time being, bogged down. his presence before It; or perhaps 4:49— 9:49— Tom Mia. Sketch-baale; dangerous wlt.i ruts and bumps due Doct^ my vpur Udpaya eoatain 15 Mika al M l t r ip Giovanni Marttnelll, the Metro­ rtdlng about the country and keep­ ed to help the heart. .While tba There has never yet faUen through . Tha Three Romaea in Vocata— waat "In short, one of these used cars flautist husband. Is also a rabbit en­ That was the assertion made here Uny tub^ or filtara whieh help to purify tha Tba BaraM Prlatlaa Oeaipaap laa, No matter bow emotionally atlrred the sky Dick Oaaparra Orchaat.— 9:00— 4:00— Nawa; Rakov'a Orehaatra to;work of reconstruction being done thusiast and together they work aasaaiaa aa baaaalal raaponalbllUp a similarly long drawn out battle politan Opera tenor, baa been the ing hla ears open. He never baa a patient Is fu tto g the heart action Andy rapaat want Is definitely superior In materials, today by George- W. Mason, presi­ blfiod and keep vou haalthy. Mciat paopla paaa tv. HssrroaD ti«s mm. A comet from Its sphere to rise no 9:3(k- 9:S(^Qaorga Crook and Organ there. away in the summer to the promo­ ab^i 3 pint! a day or abtiiit 9 potinoa of waafe. Bar tpraprapbleel arrara appabrtaB la up we may beooine over aoma world over the validity o f an Indictment vleUm of (and even be will .admit particular destination; a ous ndc frequently becomes slower, which But Breakdown O f Totals S Orehaatra 9:39— 9:39— Saronadaro - wja; The design and construction, and is ca­ dent of Nash-Kelviiiator Corpora­ FY^iuaot or aranty paaaaxaa with tRiarithg u. BisLin tree M .tL more; Brandywyna Orchaa. The police tral'ed the youths trom tion of their unique project, raising BtaartiaaaMnta la tba Maaabaat event—no matter bow great Ita It) a tragically humorous coinci­ south Is aa good aa one north. If it todicatu that the heart is getting Tuna Twiatara, Vocatitta—chain pable of giving a great many more tion, In comi.ienting on the current and burning ahowa (her# may he aonethiog Dm NSW vena loisa a.*i, iRialaB Haraf,______if by any chance one should Issue Shows Entire Gain Comes But heaving blUows dash against —Louia Armatronn Orchaa. 9 :4 ^ 9:49— Lowell Thamaa — aaat; Middle turnpike east to the center wrong with your kidneya or bUdtler. dence. In tha midst of the "Celeste will avail him close-up observation ■cmetblng of a rest. Wben the miles of highly satisfactory service prize stock for exhibition purposes campaign, in which the automobile t;hndrca: under 5 carried 9na| i aai s magnitude nor how seriously It may agslnst him? tbe shore; CBS^WABC NBTWORK Concart-*w. Tom Mix —mIdw rpl before the .urcst was ..ladt, the and selling rabbits for breeding. Ao atnaaa of arkla or poiaont iu your blond, Alda" aria at a Saturday matinee ot ot farmers, dishwashers, miners, patient Is omitting the ordinary From Social Security. 9:00— Easy Aeaa. Skit- alao cat than- many of the brand new vehicles manufacturers and their 46.000 deal­ when dua to funetinnal kidney db^ara« may under 13 Half IVa. Tlckala aea flaSr l TRUR8DAT, UARCH 10 promiae to affect oureelvee present­ And wheeling gulls emit a plaintive BASIC — Eaat: wabc wado woko wcao 9:19— 7 : l^ M r . Kaon A Loot Paraona chase occurring at 10.30 p. m. It Is The huge white Angoras are the ba iha baginning of nagging baekarha, rheu* imtj tn Spaekl Tralna. rarf«'" ‘ One way or another It la fair to tha opera, the celebrated singer sud­ ferryboat captains, abopglria and ao m u ls the heart Is relieved of some of several years back. That is one ers are cooperating to give an ex­ detaifa phnoa rmtr loetl TtdMf a| cry. waal WET wkbw wkrr whk wjr wdre 9:30- /iSO—Ruby Nawman'a OrchatL understood that the young men most luxurious-looking o f all the matio pains, legpaina. loaa of pap and energy, ly—It Is not likely to remain upper­ assume that this apparently disad­ denly felt a stabbing pain In the pit on. o f Its usual work and u a result. It wcau wjaa wpro wfhl wlav wgar; Mid* i:00— Tha March ot Tima*-io e of the reasons why I venture to sug­ traordinary stlrr.i us to the opening lotting up olglita, aweMing, puAinaw un^ . NOT ON ITS MERITS Hartford, March 10 — (AP) — Humble homage m y heart cannot were returning home after attending rabbits. Their fine points are pro­ most In our minds very long If it be­ nf hla stomacT, e d g ^ back toward Some day soon, the critlca say, often Improvu. waat? wbhm wfbm kmoc kmoi whas ^:3t^ 9:3(^Barry McKiniay. Baritona gest that some other term than of the spring automobile sales sea- well regulated both u to quality Tlioroaa S. Smith show an Increase c l^ wIba wmiin wana wnhf wlha wkbn 9:30— 10:30— N B C Chicago Night Club and appropriate, since to many peo­ "From the buyer’s standpoint," f*/.® •"‘1 help tha ■Halnhn' good fiscal government In ita developments. And It Is Impos­ prove not to be tha real attack, but ly care; whio wkbl to town court Friday nighL of fluff that, droop from their eara 15 Miiaa of khineyney tubes fluah flush out pnimipnieoooui and quantity of food. Three small of nearly 3800,000 over the same DIXIE - waat wafa wbre wqam wdod ®®” VodI Orch. ple "used car" suggests an out-of- Mr. Mason said, ‘ National Used Car waata from your I ' ' laoontrjr is the practical Impos- That fear of raging etorms I may 10:19—11:19— Elxa Schaliart*# Praviawa - blood. C at L>'a E*iiik. sible to maintain' any day-to-day merely a diversion or feint—« ma­ meals a day should be used, keeping month last year. kira wrap wlac wwl wtoc krld ktrh ktaa 10:30-11:90— Jim m y Orlar*a Orehaatra date, worn and generally less desir­ Read Tbe Herald A d iL forbear; waoo koma wdbo wbt wdaa whig wdhj able autopioblle.” •thUity o f having any kind o f a contact with the progress of that neuver for poaltion. * the quantity of food to the mini­ From tbe 21 sources contributing And to me wrong color always wwva wmbg wala wmbr trala ktu) kgko !!*2?“ 12*2?“ 5®B®'’ Orehaatra mum of-the body's requirements. All 11:90— 12:90—Garwood Wn*a Orchoatra taxing proposal oonatdeied on its war. It would scSreely have been un­ 12,000 ACRES OF LAND to the Federal coffers a total of 33,- decry. gas-forming foods should be avoid- 548,878.08 Is reported. ■Nrtta. Members o f Congress, on In comparison with the magni­ dertaken If there were not aoraa W ashington eiTsuch u onions, garlic and btdeed A breakdown of the totals, how­ rely G 7:30— Shoppers Special f-Skom must always fan the respon- tude o f the conflict and Its theater, hope on the part of the Leary foroca ARE LEASED TO STATE beans, and even such slightly gassy ever, dlselosea the entire gain as rejoice; . 7;48— Newa Sendee L albillty for whatever tax system our sources of real information are of something beyond a sound snub­ Daybook foods u turnips, cooked cabbage, coming from Social Security bene- Cherished as tbe chosen nowern ot 8:00— Treasure House and Brussel's sprouts are best omit­ W 'fic RADIO ‘ J' BMy bo adopted, as a rule are too few and far between. So the dally bing from the judge who eallad the ' - —B f Priitmm Crm* eta. A year ago, when the tax had earth; 8:18— Shoppers Special ted. For a time It la beat to leave not reached Its proportion of recent rntvelen Brnadoosttag etervlea, ______Day amch Intaroated in avoiding the news dispatches consist for the Federal Government Allows For tbe greatest love has given 9:00—Metropolitan Parade , jury. Waahlngtoa — The state depart­ out highly -tarchy foods and very months, only 3322,385 was derived them birth. Hartford, tsma. 9:28—Star Gazing to H o lly w ^ YOU’lL BE PROUD TO OWN laahlng o f enemies to take a eom- sweet foods, altbougb meat to rea* Eastern standard ftme most part not o f facta but rumors, ment waa simply getting along fine U rc or land For 99 Years from this source whereas 31,178,224 And plucked them from the toll of 80JN)0 W. KHU K. C. >8.2 M. 9:30—On The Mall sonable amounts la beneficial. plstaty objsetive view o f any pro* not of those things that have occur­ TOOT-TOOT! with Ita request for Oangress to add For Payment Of One Dollar. In Social Security revenue was re­ Satan's choice; Eastern Standard lim e 9:45— Dan Harding's Wife posed tax msaanre. _ red or are occurring but of what the a little to the budget, when up When the patient la over-weight. ceived to February of this year. In which a King's soUHer Should 10:00—Pretty Kitty Kelly By C E. BUTTERFIELD Bruce Barton who, as a member came the ease of ambling Jowph E It Is Important that a reducing (Comparative figures follow with not depend. New York, March 10— She was « e F a | p r A tremendous outcry has been Japanese— and to a less extent the 10:15— M yrt and Marge Davis. Hartford, March 10 — (A P) — A regimen be started, u the needless February 1988 returns appearing For courage and strength the soul Thnreday, March 10 10:30— Tony Wons’ Scrapbook Baby Rose Marie when at the age taissd against the so-called "third of ODOgress seems to retain the ad­ p. m. Chinese propag^dlsts wish us to Foreign service employes are al­ lease which will give Connecticut weight places an extra strain on the first: ’ to defend. 10:45— News Service of four she began displaying her vertising habits of a life tube, has the use of 12,000 acres of forest heart. Liquor sources, 3170,591.87, 3197,- 4:00— Lorenzo Jones. singing talent before New York City basket" surtax. Under that pro­ believe. lowed to days leave each year If F. J. BUZZBLL. 11:00— Ruth O rh art— Songs * ssSlL,- 4:15—The Story of Mary Marlin. microphones, later graduating into posed provision a 20 per cent surtax quickly made himself leader o f an nothing Interferes to upset their land for 33 years tn return for a Mott patients with heart dis­ 463.08; tobacco, 31S,883.80, 36,- 11:18— C!aroI Kennedy's Romance It Is only at considerable Inter­ 4:30— "Hughesreer' presenting network classification. mult on the Post Office Depart­ plane—such a i War or a peace con­ ■Ingle dollar bad )>een signed by orders u e especially interested to 043.37; oleomargarine, 3388.02, SUNSET. 11:30— Big Sister would bs imposed on any corpora- vals that we can get a genuine pic­ 3118.00; narcoUcs, 388.28, 351.70; Rush Hughes, news commentator. Today at 15 she Is dropping the ference. The political arobaaeadora reprcsenUtlves of the sUU today- the question of whether to exercise See, beyond that mpuntaln height. 11:45 ^ Aunt Jenny's Heal U fe tkm with a net income of $7S,000 a ment's rsviaton o f postsge stamp documentary and stock transfer 4:48—The Road of Life. "baby" and has become plain Rose ture of the progress of the war. On# and ministers tboee eppointed out­ hut the bargain didn't arise from or to rest. This must be decided ac­ In golden color strtemtog. Stories A J 5:00—Dick Tracy. psar or more if Ita stock is owned of these came from Hankow the designs. He makes, la all serious­ traditional Yankee shrewdnesa. cording to the Individual case. Wben .itamps, 38,304.53, 318,941.08; manu­ The sunset of the early eve. Marie, “song stylist’’, to an at­ \ H n u side the career foreign service, av­ facturers excise tax, 3277,828.42, 8:15— Beno Rabtooff. 12.'00 Noon—Mary Margaret Mc­ tempt at a radio comeback as a by a family or a closed group o f as- ness, the charge thst Postmaster The Federal government, which the patient la wise about undertak­ In softest, silence gleaming. Bride B K l H C i other day in the form of a dispatch eraged 80 days leave last year. The >368.308.97; playing cards, 310, 318; 5:30—Jack Armstrong. more seasoned art'st. Her revival la Farley has dsUbcrstely sought to career mlnlaters took an average of gets the dollar to the virtuall} com­ ing exerclM and Is willing to do a P.M. aeeUtes. "N e t" la this case la de- from James A. Mills, Associated pleted deal, haa made slrotlar offers little at first and take more only admission and dues, 327,012.34r 328,- Upon a world o f pleasant peace. 5:45— "Little Orphan Annie". to start on WJZ-NBC at 7:30 next drivs departed Rcpubllcsa Preel- 33 days 6:00—News. 12:18— Your News Parade — Eldwto Baed so that tbs tax would apply to Presa dean In the field In China, to the 47 other states under a pro­ gradually then ho may generally be 097.06; lease of safe ceposit boxes, A t the chiming call to prayer. Monday night under a schedule that h d dents from the uMmory of the pub­ "W hat," asked Representative 6:15— "Fred Hoey, Sports Round­ C. Hill that part o f the Income remaining which constituted a considered gram InltUted by tbe Rural Reset­ permitted to go ahead and uercise. 35,854.30, 34,100.79; corporation In­ The peasants bow their weary calls also for a Wednesday broad­ Bacon of Old Westbury, New York. come tax. 3288,014.06, 3243,288. heads, '' up” . 12:30— Romance of Helen Trent cast. after payment of other corporate lic by replacing tbdr portraits on tlement Adminlatratioa and taken He Is usually safe to exercising up survey of the situation aa be waa "Is the sltuatloa with respect to our to tbe point just below where he Individual income tax, 31,228,- With stillness everywhere, j 8:80—Wrightvllle aarion. 12:48—Our Oal Sunday the more generally used stamps Ambassador to Moscow? over by that agency's successor, the 1:00—Betty and Bob taxes and the subtraction o f certain able to gather facta from all aouroea gets short of breath or gets mark­ 159.14, 31.260,072.83; excise profits >0:48—Blue Barron’s Orcaeatra. The fact that Ool. Stoopnagle has with those o f Democratic Preal- "How Is It that our Ambassador Parra Security Administration. 7:00— Amos 'n' Andy. 1:15— Betty Crocker—Cooking Eht- 1 other deductions. and from much closer contact with Prof. Herman H. CSiapman. chalr- edly tired. tax, 36,779.13, 310,267.30; unjust But how the sunset quiets one, been appearing aa a one-man guest dents and retiring such notables as to Moscow Is on leave so much of cnrichmenL 34,132,32, 752.88; capi­ With colors gently streaming. 7:,5—Vocal Varieties. pert act to various programs lately is In­ ‘ There is a. good deal of very sound proceedlngt than moat other oorre- the Ume?" an of tha state oommlaslan on Exercise, when judiciously used, 7:80—“Through Th? Years". Lincoln, Theodors Booaevelt and tal stock tax, 33,814.08, 32.01BA7; And In tbe gloaming light we see. 1:30—Arnold Grim's Daughter dicative of the fac. that he and r argument to be advanced in favor spondenta. Prom this dispatch these And thus tbs ease of Amhaasedor foreeta and wild ttfe, said last night to often of value as the heart to a 8:00— Rudy Valles's Vaiiety Show. muscular organ and like any other estate tax, 32B9A08.80, 3283,468.80; It on the earth now beaming. 1:48— Hollywood to Person—Movie Budd have decided to go It on each Calvin OnoUdgs to tha aloot dignity Davtes who manlad- hetrsaa Mar­ that the Bignaturce of Attorney gift tax, 378.800.10, 338,798.68; 9:00— Good News of 1938. Stare on tbe Air o f some such law aa this, because salient facts are to be gathered: Ocnersl Cheriee J. McLaughlin of muscle, gains to strength with use. one’s own for the time b e in g ___ the of the seldom naed denominations. jorie Post Hutton was detailed to social security (railroad employes) Peace and quiet and lovellneaa. 10:00— Bing Crosby with Johnny 2:00—News Thru A Woman’s Eyes AI Jolson show of CBS haa a con­ Maleas some special provtsion la China Is fa r from defeated. Connecticut and Secretary of Agrt With continued rest, the heart mus­ Trotter’s Orchestra. It sU ssema rathar trivtaL But the oocnmlttee. He went to Moe cle grows soft and flabby and the >260.77, 31.05; Social Security Sec. Is Nature’s way to please. —Kathryn Cravens tract renewal for another full year, amds the ownen can escape almoet Morale was never higher. The Chi­ cow Jon. la. 1397. said officers of culture Henry A. Wallace ere need 11:00—Newa. one of Mr. Barton’s statsnMota Is a patient generally grows weaker. I 8, 3589,187.32. 372,607.87; Social Se­ Has God wrought this loveliness. 2:15—The O Nelll’s dating from March 22. aeaqiletely the payment of ordinary nees will fight until either Japan Is the state department appenrtng be­ ed to complete the transection. curity Sec. 9, 3887.037.19, 3260,- To put our souls at ease? 11:18— Dick Gasparre'a Orchestra. 3:00— U. S. Marine Band bit Interesting. He says: "WL'Usm Tbeae are regarded as virtually a advise - complete rest to bed to the 11:30— Henry Busae's Orchestra. taeome taxes by leaving their ac- exhausted financially and economi­ fore the committee, and during the acute forms of heart trouble -or to 658.50; marimuana, 31, none In ELEANOR CARLBON. 3:30—Current Questions before the On the air ‘ onlght: McKinley baa bsen a fairly year was ahssnt frooi bis post 1M> formality because both the attorney 12:00— Weather Report. ' ouimilatlng wealth within the cor­ cally or China collapses from lack severe cases of chronic heart dis­ 1937; cocoanut oil, none to 1938, 31.- Grade 6, Senate Talks—WJZ-NBC. 9:30, America’s days. Ragular leave accounted for general and Wallace's legal advls- 017.56. Waahington School Literary Club, 12:02—Nat Brandywynne's Orches­ Town Meeting, "How Can Labor known figure, adorning the orders, but tha majority of patients tra. 3:45— Uncoto Cathedral Choir poration. There is also a lot o f very o f anna and munitions China can 43 days, tlBM la traarit 30 days, o f­ ere have already approved the legal Age W. ______^ Settle Its Difference.')?’’ Homer Mar­ cent stamp. Now little. Insignifi­ forms Involved. do not fall to either claaslflcatlon found argument to be presented still muster two million trained aol- ficial buslaeas ibe toured a numbri and are advised to learn for them­ Tomorrow’s Program tin of (JTO and John P. Frey of the cant Martin Van Buren, who was The land will be added to the against the law, principally the one of European eapttolai 83 days. On selves how much exercise they may OUR RETREAT. a. ni. A. F. ot L dlere, with, another two million In state pork, forest and wild life con only a Charley McOhrthy for An top of that be took 37 days leave safely take. It to all right to be- We left the city with Its 6:00—Blue Grass Roy. MARY P. AMES 1$ DEAD; W EAF-NBC—7:15, Vocal Vari­ that the minimum income affected reserve and an almost exhaustless eervaUon boldtoga Most of It is to The Poet’s Column drew Jackson, la promotad to Ue- wtUiout pay. glu with tensing movements of the Din and glare and heaL 6:30—"Reveille." eties; 8. Rudy Vallee Hour; 9, Good b y the surtax is too low, and that In. VoluiBown and Sterling where It reservoir of man-power to draw "Put that ta tfie Record In de­ aims and legs, taken while lying POETRY TODAY. And rode away to the woods. 7:00— Morning Watch— Ben Haw­ Newa Movie Stars: 10. Bing Crosby Ktailay*a place." Which would seem wlU M added to tbe Paebaug state WAS BLAINE’S SECRETARY a great many instances Ita appUca- from. She has munitions and sup- tailed forai." said Representative ddWn, and then to progress slowly Edited by Henry Harrison. So cool and sweet thorne. and Bob Burns; 11:30, Henry Busse tkm would work positive injustice to Indicate that Mr. Barton haa hla McMillan of South Carolina, "be­ forsoL There Is smaller acreage In to other more strenuous forms ot Qrlgtoa), unpublished poems by Until he came to the place 8:00— News. orchestra. pUea for another full year. the Salmon river state forest area United States history principally cause If It Is Important enough for exercise. Short walks are aome- local poets may be submitted to Or our retreat, 8:18—Hl-Boys. Jefferson, Me., March 10.— (A P ) WABC-CBS—7:30, We the Peo­ aa compared with the taxation of Japan Ijas extended her lines so and oiM or two scattered parcels. Beside the old stone wall. us to baee an ambasador in Mos­ times particularly helpful. The Im­ Mr. Harrison to care of this news­ 8:80— Radio Bazaar. —Mary P. Ames, who served nearly ple; 8. Kate Smith program; 9. other forma of accumulation. from the movies. A total of 10,000 acres of forset far and so thinly that she needs an­ cow It Is Important enough to have portant thing to to Mart all exer­ paper, accompanied by a self-ad­ 9:00— Women and News. a half centurj ago as secretary to Major Bowes Amateurs: 10. Essays Anyone who baa rsaUy paid any land to Connecticut haa already The scent o f rosea filled tba air. But it la very much to bo doubt- other 188,000 troopa to bold her pe* him stay at the poet. cising and walking gradually, using dressed, stamped envelope for tbe 9:18— Gretchen McMullen. James G. Blaine, statesman, and In Music; 10:30, Jean Hersholt 25th been purchased or Is under option The beauty of Ood waa everywhere, anniversary; 12, Frank Bailey or­ ad whether Congress has madg any sltlons. She cannot spare a single attention whatever to the Jack several months to work up to an return of unacceptable ms. On 9:30—Food News. to the program. The other 2,000 Tbe silence only broken Neal Dow, noted Prohibitionist, died chestra. sonian era must have ooneluded Salary Mattere Increase If necessary. Follow exer­ August 1st Mr. Harrison will award 9:f5—Artistry of Homemaking. early today In a fire which destroy­ asriouB attempt to work the scheme division of her re||;ular troops from acres erlll be bought under the By a bird's clear call; 10:00— Mrs. WIggs of the Cabbage WJZ-NBC— 7, Easy Aces; 8, that, ao far from being a mere crea "W e will take up now the Items cise with reel and >n this wey you a prize of 350 to the author of what ed her old home. over with a view to making It eqult- Japan, Formosa, Korea or Man- for salariee for foreign rrvice of- Bankbead-Jones Form Tenancy have the chance of doing the heart ho considers bos been tbe best hith­ And a holy calm pervaded over all Patch. March of 'Ume; 8:45, Milestones In ture and dummy for Jaehson, Van In our retreat l'’ :15— John's Other Wife. The 74-year-old woman lived American Music; 10:30. Chicago aUe and workable. Its members choukuo without risking revolution. fleers." continued McMUlen and thi AcL Ths commission haa been good without harming IL Avoid erto unpublished poem to this col­ alone. She never married. Buren, above any other Individual. notified by Senator Lonergan that heavy exercise, sudden strenuous Beside the old stone wall. 10:30—Just Plato Bill. Night CTub; 11:15, Elza Schallert on have been far more affected by the lads from the ddpartment had a umn. Known as s brilliant woman. Miss In those areas. 318,000 will be ellottod to Connecti­ action, and excitement. 10:45— Woman to White. Movies; 12:30. Garwood Van orches­ IS reapontfble fOr making that tloM of IL They were asking >81.- JOB. Ames, one time Portland newspaper probable consequences to them- Surrounded by Chtneee armlee cut under this AcL Any reader may send for the fol­ The place we had 11:00—David Hanim. tra. belUgsrent and unprsdletabla 100 for "autoautle" salary Increases reporter, served aa Blaine's secre­ . aelvee of any tax law aimed at the and vast numbers of gusrrtllaa, tbs lowing articles by writing to me In Once he was young and dreamed of Waa holy ground. 11:16—Backstage Wife. What to expect Friday: WEAF- due the forelga aervtes officers in The gate of Heaven. tary before he began hla political eloaed corporation. Many thousands Japanese forces occupy the ground son President. And that more than care of this newspaper and enclos­ high romance. l.-:S0—How To Be Charmlns. NBC— 1:30 p. m„ Words and Music; the career serriee and before it To our adoring souls. 11:18—"Hello Peggy”. career that eventually led him to o f people of more or less means, anyone else the shrewd New Torh over eomc really beart-rsndlng u le* ing h large, self-addressed, stamped Wore rakish bats and faced the fu­ 3:30, Vic and Sade; 6, Education In on which they stand, nothing alia. In silent worship we offered the secretary of stateship under the News. WABC-CBS — 2:30, polltletan gently, and often wlacly, had been told. Said George 8 Me* FARMERS IN 20 STATES envelope: H EART "TR O U B LE ___ ; ture gladly. 12:00 noon—Getting The Most Out jumping to the conclusion thst any They cannot eonaollclats thalr posi­ A song of praise and prayer. of U fe— Rev. William L. SUdger President Harrison to 1889 and to School of The Air; 3:30. Questions sersadth, veteran soalstant secre WHEN THE HEART BEATS TOO Now he la bent and bald and rather d osed corporation surtax must shouldered Old Rlekory Into the sd- FAST ---- ..and ..VALVULAR Until the shadows o f even 12:18 p. m.—"Young Wldder Jones." the Republican nomination for the Before the Senate; 3:45, New Series tions without heavy reinforcements tary of staU: deaf. Presidency. mlnlstratlva and poltUcal ehannela TO VOTE ON CROP CURB LEAKAGE...... And runs tha elevator very badly. Began to fall 12:30-—"The Woman Speaks." by Uncoto, Neb.. C:atbedral Choir; aaoeaMrily bit their pockets, have which they are not getting. *T have Dot, riaee I entered th* Blaine bad been editor o f the that bs followed. MEDORA a A D D I S ^ In our retreat. 12:45— "Singto' Sam". 4:15, Fiftieth anniversary of New att up a tremendous outcry ad over China has lost 850 airplanes since serriee 32 years ego, saved a single Beside the old stone walL 1:00—News and Weather. Portland Advertiser, later consoli­ York’s blizzard of 1888 ; 6:08, Chll- Martin Vpn Buren, far from betng penny of my salary or my private 4)rBSnONS AND ANSWERS the country, and the thing has re- the beginning of the war but Japan ANNIE RUSSELL ATKINSON J'l®— "Joyce Jordan, girl Interne". dated with the Portland Evening lacocnc, which, as I say. Is a very PoIUiiff Places Rtady For Sat- (Waterbrash) BRIEF EPISODE. Express. aotved Itself into a sort of rather a Charley McCarthy, was Just shout Do not regret your little shattered 1:30—Marjorie Mills. has lost 400 and China’s air force is MM. But I have done that nnUy When Two Million Will Question: Mrs. C. writes: "W ill CHRIST THE BEUEVEB'S Mias Ames also was secretary for Mind class war. Many Coeg ress tba sstutost, clearest thinking and hour; 2-00—Music Appreciation Hour — being rapidly rebabtlltated. wttb I have felt that the modest Decide Qnfstioii. you please tell me what causes STRENGTH Walter Damrosch, (Conductor. 12 years to Dow, "father" of the men see In a vote for the tax a fine Bloat conalstant public man o f hla waterbrash? It bothers me througtT No beauty lasts of eloud or tree or many foreign avlaton fighting In It. retlrsmeat allowance will be suf- flower. When fierce temptation doth assail. 3.0^Pepper Young's Family. prohibition movement, and waa be^ W i f i c i l o i day, and made himself P reMdent firient to cover me after 1 am re­ tha nighL Is it some kind of • u - 'chance of courting defeat next fall. Forty of dhese are Americana, only Beauty made permanent would And Satan prowls around 3:18—Ma Perkins. 114ved to have been the first woman THINK WHAT IT NIEANS TO SAVE SO tired. Washington, March 10— (A P ) — dlgestlon, and what do you think To dim the courage and barraos^ Bo they plump to the anti side. The He kMsa nothing by eomparison . prove a pabi 3:30—Vic and Bade. In Maine to operate a typewriter. one of whom baa been kiUed In "1 have felL however, conalatcnt The Agriculture Department set up would stop It? " Be sure to stand your ground. h e a w h ?, with the amiable but managed Mc­ T m exqulnteexqui tot bear. Compute 3:45—The Guiding Light. result Is defeat for the provisiaD. machinery today to take a farmer Answer: Waterbrash usually Trust Jesus Christ your Lord alone. combat ly during that time that I eras do­ Jy o u r Ig^n ■ ROAD BfEARLY COMPLETED Oonoelvably the measure should Kinley. N et even, believe It or not. ing a great Injustloe to my family.” vote Saturday on Invoking eontrol comae from overeating or uatog And victory Is aura MUCH MONEY ON A KTTER L00KIN6, Japan has erected In China an liquids wttb your meals. T ry cutting A g a tn a t what baa been loet and you have been defeated But the moet ; by Qompariaon with tha toot-bom prevWons of tha new farm law for For He temptation overcame. Key West, Fla., March 10— (AP) •«** y ««r edifice of hatred against herself down on the amount of food you are win find * bcalth for any amount from the 17th New Tork district. the ftn t tiaM. The fight we might endure. —The lost gap to a >7,400.000 high­ important point la that like most ! without parallel In modem history. PoUtog places ersrs established to uatog at dinner and do not use any Fate has been generous and reason He went oa to any that officers blind. way over 80 miles of bridges and SWEETER RUNNING, MORE MODERN CAR tax laws, It has been approved and ! 20 States where mote than 2,000,000 liquids at all after three o’clock to WTRC The bo>-cott against Japanese who did a good job abroad bad to LOUIBB CRENSHAW RAT Wben pcreecution is tby lot. little Islands between bere and tbe T cotton and tobooeo growera can oay tfie afternoon. And scoffers at thee sneer; you ora unwiUlng to invest ooodemned out of considerations I goods Is complete. For a trades­ spend every dtOM they could legally m Hartford, Cona. i m Florida mainland will be spanned whether they want a quota system Or wben dlesembling hypocrites April 1 and tbe overseas highway a little money—a little Outside of the actual cash tavlnAa which National Uaed Chir having nothing whatever to do with i man to offer a spool of Japanese 1 ^ their haitile on to save face for LESSON. time and effort—toward Quotations— the United States by Itviag tn.thc to bold surplus yields o f thalr crops (Biawa Spots of HMffla Age) Thy character would sear: - Eastern MUndard Time will be opened to traffic on that the problem of adsntldc taxation, I off the Biarket. They who have learned the way to retoW ngorrefaining this Exchange Week offers — the genuine opportunities to buy at thread Is to Invite death. There la right eray. Tou can't, for Instance, Question: Mrs. Peter J. aaka: Uve, Oh, then to thy Redaemor trust— date, engineers announced today. I»«fo a s gift of Health? In ordering the election, depart­ rock-bottom prices — what's the outstanding news angle of thia the good of the country or anythlag | no conscription because China's entertain the forrign secretary of "Can you taO me the cause and cure. Plant wisely, though they may not Great drops o f blood H * swsstl P.M. The vast P W A product b illt atop Swing music, orchestra "jam sse- ment officials aald markets already * .. J"® “ ** mnlirely else but the special Interests of spe-1 Dingbat at a dinner served on an If any, of tha dark spots and reap; He wore the thorns; He bore the the 28-year-oId concrete viaducts of w ^ . go at once and talk great event? Undoubtedly it is the discovery by owners of old youth to a man la eager to kill or slons" and the Big Apple are rte- were oversupplled with these com- frecklea that appear on the face and A:00— Science Service d a l groups and the overmastering 1 otlclotb table ta a three-room flat And thia is well, sines what we spear— Henry M. Flagler's railroad that vdto a eapabU phyeician. be killed tn this conflict ponidble for Increasing use of this modiUea. 71m quota aystem was 5:15—Eton Boys cars that cars built in the last few years have improved more hands after middle age?” give In Him dur needs are meL was destroyed to the 1935 hurricane «W"«lserioasly. desire o f members of .Congress to ; weed (mariji-ana). jus* beoause Oeorglc needs the neresaary, they contended, to keep 4:30— Those Happy Gilmans Lastly, all the Chinese, from Answer: The spots such as you le all that we may hope to keep. win not be finally completed, how­ Wa^admonltlone. than they dreamed! Joseph aeO. Iilir s i aareotioa money at Harvard. Georgia erlll additional surpluses from moving deacribe are usuuly caused by the 4:45—Howard Phillips look after their own political aklns.' Chlang Kai-Shek to the lowliest have to do srithout. M ARG ARET E. BRUNER And wben. enticed by love of ease. ever, for two months more. Plans KeenHeolth whileyou have inspector, who hsMsves swtag Into trade riiannels and depreeslng preeencs o f hUe p l^ e n t settling in From thickest o f tbe tight; 5:00—Add Ltoer—dance program are under way for a formal opetitog It’s a real dirill to take the wheel_of one of the many 1937, ' cooUe, art firmly convinced that "btsslnens" has ssass effect an But foreign serriee otneers are pricen stlU further. the skin because of systemic And Satan presses bard his claim, 5:80— Stepmother and celebration July 4. tobuy it UekI ’36 or '35 can included in this sale — and discover how a modem UNFAIR TO EIGHTH they are. going to win. the serves. not dlplomata for nothlag. The ap- Approval of two-thirds of the ■UNGER. acidoala. I f you can Increase the In that strange country TUI all seems dark as night; 5:45— Hilltop House—starring Bess Bring his preeerlptlons proprlatlons committee approved farm en participating In tha refer­ Johnson car handles — how much more pleasure it offers. Get ready for These arc not the conclusions of alkalinity of the body by using the O f being poor, Then in thy Captain, oh, have falth^ H IM a n d SBEE In.the rearrangement of Its sew­ Courting Is saturaL To ragard'lt the 351,100 for pay raiacs. That enda—ooe for cotton and ons eaeh correct diet, these will probably 6:00—Newa Service a wishful thinker but of a ' widely I have lived all my Ufa He’s ne'er n battle lost; epring with a car that brings real pride of ownerahip — modem age disposal ayatem the Eighth lightly Is to encourags an unwhole­ waa la the budget. But not tn tbe for flue-cured and dark types of tiv cease to form, and those present Lay thou astde each earthly weight— 6:15— WDRC String Ensemble — WELDON some attitude toward forming of re­ And more. Baa Francisco — Grammarians DRUG COMPANY XJUUties tHatrict would seem to be experienced, hard beaded journalist budget was aa Item of 330.000 with bacco—would put the q w ^ device may disappear as tbe skin scales The priM Is worth Um cost. Joseph Blume, director please note: style — smooth, powerful performance — roomy bodies and lations which abould lead to astab- which to hire 12 additional forrign into opetnlkm. off. PreecrlpUoa Pharmacists up against a rather serious expendi­ n-hose job Is to ascertain facts, as 6:30— Boake (Jarter Him and Shee obtained a mar­ luggage space — safe brakes — quieter operation — better eoon* - llabment o f good bomas. serriee officers to help out in some Under Its provtstona, growera I have Hved out from myself. We Deliver______Phone 8821 they are and relate them without And from this place. Dear (Jhrlstlaa, whlla oa pilgrimage. ®iA5—Doris Rhodes—songs riage is correct. ture o f money, because the district -Miss M. M. Blehardssn, West of tbs forelga statlena which arc would be eubjsict to penalty taxes And Ills thy soul betide, 5'85—To Be Announced omy — big tirlM —- modem riding comfort . . . all yours at coloring. Texas Tanohers OaPagw (WTqr Not Wholewheat ter Melbe Out through time. The reason; Tom Him, 51, plana is not likely to meet all the require­ uadermaaaed. and deductions from suholdy pay­ YoastT) JiMt trust thy Saviour and thy 7:00— Poetic Melodies — Jack Ful- to wed Wong Shee, 47. to San Frmn- prices far below those of several months ago! ments. or. In the eaor o f cotton Through space. ^ ^ ments of the situstion and all the What does aa ofDcer do at a post Queatloa; Mrs. OrvlUe N. writes: God— ton, tenor; Franklyn BlacCOrmack dsco’a Cblaatown. WF Be heroes to ths Mds. when he gets sick and has no as­ farmen, kMS at subaidtea If they ‘’HEKRIPTIOMS This is no ordinary sale. Car dealers, stocked widi these very proper demands of the stats LE AR Y’S MOVE "Tou say. when nutktog Melba I know what other* suffered He's ever at thy aide. •115 — HoU}rwood Screenacoope —Albcst B. Mssrs s f ths Bnraaa of sistant? Mr. Msaatrsmlth bad aa aoM to sxceee o f amounts aOottod Secure and safe thou art to Him good used cars, have joined in a great, nation-wide co-operative CrinMnsl lavssttgatlaa at New toasL to use white bread and cut all Before me. George McCall aathorities without going down The attempt by attorneys for answer for that. too. them. With thee He wfll aMde Yorh Stats, who hoBaves thst if the crust away Why not oae whole, No one who Is hungry F;30— We, The People — Gsbriel m ^em ent to "get ithings moving.” pretty deep Into Its sock. Not even *T ooold tall you anoM very ta- Secretary Wallaee expressed con­ wheat and leave crust oa ths Ob. consecrate thy all to Htan, Heatter Daniel J. Leary, former controller ehUdien laoh ap to police men, fidence last week that Can be quits free. — If It has the good luck to enlist the teresttag stories la that eoanectioo. farmers 4. slices? And he thou juatifled. 8:00—Kate Smith Hour—Jack Mll- ^ 1 Imrlees CsIi m Meaet. Y o b may not even need cash to make the switch. Your of the city of Waterbury, to block javenDo deSagneacy wfil ~ Ur. Bacon. Aa officer was telling would approve the quota system, Answer F. J. RTTWtlBTJ. interest o f the dispensers of govem- I suggest cutting away That is the only euffertog there is. presept car may cover the down-payment < » the car you want. the extraordinary grand Jury In­ me the other day—he was stationed but A A A chieftains said today they the crust aa it has already been Or was before. awnt funds and the work la done on England Is still Inclined to regard had received reporta of "strong" ep- Balance on easy terms. If you have no par to trade, you quiry Into tha governmental affairs the c-lmlnal purely aa aa enemy of la Africa- how ha kept recrivlag "tosated” ta the orlglaal baking of Or win be ever. » W P A baMi. telegrams when be was down with posRlon to Texas and Oklahoma to tba loaf, and it will burn before the Only being poor. of that city la, at first glance, pre- soelaty . . . In America tha crim­ riiRtoa reotrictlona and In the Caio- a ---- mp's Desk." still take advantage of the low down-payments and easy tsnns Whatever the cost, there would inal seems to be treated more aa a a fever. He dragged hlBMelf to the Inside of the sllea Is sufficiently •■■preeas Wrt.. t „ b^klet. claely the kind of thing that one tn Unas to quotas on flue-cured to­ deztrlalnsd. The average whole­ during diis sals. seem to be Httlc logic or justice In victim of ctrcumstaaccs. sofe ta his office. He eras the only Ur.' Leary's position would be ex­ bacco. wheat bread, which la made partly —Bapert Luchaesd, AastraHaa person there authorised to use the Theie bargains ere GOING FAST. DON’T DELAY UNTIL THB the abooldering o f this burden by pected not to do under any elrcuro- code. That is the sort o f thing While not diraetly affeetaiL o f white flour, may be uaed to mak­ Bcwspapemiaa. growers of corn and wheat watched BEST SELECTIONS ARE SNAPPED UPl National U s e d Cimr Ex- -the taxpayers o f the Bhgbth district stanoea, becauss hardly ansrthlng which happens whan ere have only ing Melba toairt, but the real whole- the referendum erttb Interest. They erheat bread, U toasted through, de­ t when, if the Improvement could put the former official In a One of the greatest problems fac­ one man at a poet." change Week ends thia Saturday night, March 12. SEE ANY CAR DEAIR So the coaunlttee voted them the may vote later this eeason oa pto- velops a hitter taste beeauae of the were to be made in any other part ing sducators today is ths study t€ pooala to apply the quota aystam to much worse light In the public view. h-story, scooomles and poUUca. No 330J)00 alK>. bundng o f tbe protein and bran '.of Manchester, the taxpayers o f the thetr crops. Growers ot rice, tha DISPUYING THIS SIGN It wiD now be well-nigh Impoast- s seams to kaow aharo cleaenta. Wholewheat bread only •n THI ciAM inn aicnoN o f t h i* n e w s m k r f o h w atio w al w e d c a h e x c h a iiq k w m t ffttwAmt [j^flliole town, including those o f the only other crop to which tha parttaUy toasted makes an ezeef- ble for Ur. Leary or hla attorneys ends, and potlUca begiaa. trol system ailfht be appBed, are — Caleb F . Oates, J r„ mi laat food if there is ao reason why |kbtb district on the same level a^ to convince anjrbody that ha doaa VedBceUy egumptad t i m quotas Ualvantty. yoaaboald not nee Mm atarch which it (wtalna p SPOMSORKD BY THE AUTOMOBILE DEALEBE AMD MAMUFACTUBEBS OF THE UHITED STATEm BlAWUHEWrtSR EVENINU HIBCCT.fXJIfW^ TRURSOAT, StAKClt lO. 1 9 S 9 HANCRESTER BVENINO JK R A IS. MANCHESTER, OONN„ THDR8DAT, MARCH 10,198i Wbltney to count tboao mcutIUm . BUSINESS I havo triad to aae him at hia a t- LECTURES ON c m cloaely-haM corporatloiia had enjoy­ Ilea and hava eaUed hia aecretary o n ACiCODNTANT ed tax advantages stocs the income G RAt LADY DNIY PLANS toe back of toe badge was engraved partnmnt on toe zrerk that had bean FRACAS PRINCIPALS NEW BRITAIN FIRE 1b thi towB Bumaroua tlmaa but aerar waa tax aystsa was sstabllsbed and SCOUT LEADERS Simple Lines of Comfort CELEBRAIRWPLAN toe name of toe chief and toe data done in fighting Area la the past and abla to aaa hiv.’* that the bill would not remove those of hia appointment. M uch 1« win be s t r i c t ' BEFORE MEN’S GROUP offered hU personal and toe im­ affa ir.. EVERYBODY CALLED BY JURORS advantagaa entirely. GRADUATION EXERCISES After presenting toe badgit to provement AasoeiaUca’a i-t ARE NOT STRIKERS RepresenUtive Cooper (D-Tenn.) DAMAGE AT $50,000 Feature Chic House Frock Caief Griswold Chief Umerlck re­ In the celebration. Georte Hall, see- The oaly opponaat to ^ Mrs. Charlotto Sbeefcey. Waterbury Pastor Shows Pic­ argued that "this provision to booed COURSE BEGUN LEFT TO TWO MEN called toe early days o f toe fire de­ retery of the Improvement Associa­ Heaeesi, the "taieumbaat, la American Red Crou Event To BY CAROL DAY partment, having become a member Gilbert. Both ABOUT TOWN Mrs. Chariotte (Pentland) Shea- tures And Describes Penin- on the etenial prladpls o f inherent Be Held At Veterana’ Hospi­ tion, gave like aup^rt and R eu y town caucuses. U ^ rt Heir In* James PurceD Testifies lo key, widow of James Sbeekey, died snia Last Evening. fairness to the people o^ th e ooun- IVHKN you msks toe ehsrmina in 1897 and although retired as chief L. Wllaon. the oldest acUvo member Charles Joseph Magnell, wtil' Wednesday night at her home, 4 New Brifadn Girl And Local United Building Barns For tal In Ntrwington. * I frock in Psttern $166 st home of toe department atlU la an active of toe department, recalled the known druggist of Main street, was Eldridgs street. She was a native Before deletiag the "IB " tax yeS' F ifit SesrioD For Training in very little time, you’ll enjoy Charles Connors And Panl member and recalled to mind some early days. Mark Holmat, second 's p r i i f Talk At Lancheon today receiving calls from hts Waterbory Finaocial Af­ of Ireland and has been a resident —Dr. John Cuiyay WaUcer addaeaa- terday, the House approved tmta- Hartford, March 10.— (AP) — the comfort of Its good lines for of toe most Important fires In the assistant chief and Kart ICeUer, of this town for 80 years. Man, hvolyed In Suit, Not ttvely these major features of the / Second Inne In 2 Years; Graduation exerclaei of the aecond many a day. The -breasted district and also the dates toat dif­ spoke for the businesa bouaea and friends, sdshing him many happy ed the Center Church Men’s League Gronp Held At Sonth bodice with contrasting roll collsr AN OPPORTUNITY returns of the day, it being Ur. She leaviss two sons, James Sbee­ revenue blU: gray lady unit of toe American Red Cerrini To Select Commit­ ferent pieces of apparatus for toe assured the gathering that there fairs; Witoesses Ready. and the Men’s club last night at is flsttering and easy to get into. Magnell's birthday. key, Jr.,.and William D. Sbeekey of A 124 to 16 percent income Blaze In Meriden. Crose hospital and recreation eerv- department~were purchased. would be plenty of support. m a n t o r e p r e b e n t I this Urwn; three daughters, Mrs. their monthly get-together at the . Id Strikers Ranks. on corporations with incomes below ice will be held at 2 o’clock Monday There are no seams to bind as Toastmaster Cam pb^ waa called Chiirch Last Night , you to about your housework, tees For Firemen’s Fete. William W. Robertaon, president 100 MILLION DOI ^ Tonight at Odd Fellows ball the Anna Morris of Los Aiageles, Cal., church bourn at 7:30. Dr. Walker u $28,000. They would pay no undis­ at toe Veterans’ hoapltal In Newing­ of toe fire district, assureo the fire­ upon to give hte Interpretation of Mrs. Margaret Wilson and Mias and the raglan shoulder gives PINANCTAL INS Members of the Board of Control "Bingo" game management Is giv­ Waterbury, March 10.—(A P ) — pastor of the .iecond Congregational tributed profits tax. ton. perfect freedom to stretch and men of hit help and toat of toe oth­ "Dr. Owen," a suppos^ medical Florence Sbeekey of this town and Striking former workers at the New W tato. March 10.— (A P )— ijof the Chamber of Commeroe. paat ing 10 silk bed puffs for door prises The Grand Jury Inquiring into cKUrch of Waterbury, one of the A 16 percent income tax and a 4 The first session of the local Addreaees will be delivered by reach. You can make a decided er officers 'Of toe district. Attorney doctor toat eold a cure-aU In days Ih e area are zriB e plus 28 games. All new prises will eight grandchildren. largest churches to the state. The Independent O oak company here percent surtax on undistributed Por toe seconc time in two years Charles B. Gilbert, chairman of toe saving by choosing two or three Charles Connors o f No. l Com­ of a decade ago and alao aoap, ever M years e f aga, enta and others had an oppor- Waterbury’s municipal affairs kept Funeral servtces will be-held Sat­ Scout Leaders Training Course was Raymond Bowers, president of the gttnnJty this noon at a luncheon be given. Men are admitted free if topic of hia lecture was “The Gaape w understood to have become profits of most corporations having fire early today burned through toe Norwich chapter, and Dr. Thoinaa gay cotton fabrics and running pany and Paul Oervlnl of No. 2 Manchester Improvement Associa­ which was heard for the first Urns eharaeter — aMe to b the Miss or Mrs. buys one ticket. Frank Santalucia heao of the Con­ urday at 3 p. m., from the Thomas incomes of more than $25,000. held last night at toe South up several of these frocks. It de­ by toe younger membere but recaU- Bftoeotod, wMii asNM ____ tog at the Hotel Sheridan to O. Dougan Funeral Home, 89 Holl Peninoula". His talk was illustrated somewhat Incensed over a news United buUdlng, a twi story struc­ F, Maher, chief of the medical ataff. Company of toe Manchester Fire tion also assured toe members of necticut Supply Company, in re­ by his own pictures, both atill and A capital gains tax system which Methodist church. Prngrama were Major Thomas J. Bannlgan, mana­ serves this repetition and will the department toat the Improve­ ed by toe older group oe one of the Every thkddagi Robert W. Belches manager street. Rev. J. Stuart Neill, pas­ ture at Main street ana Washington keep you looking gay all spring. department were last night namrt Helen Davidson Lodge, Daughters serve t o d « as It recalled to the moving. A silver ooUection was *’ "Strike Fra- would set at 16 to 89.2 percent the distributed at toe begtontog of the ger of toe hoapltal, will give toe In­ aa repreaentativea of to# companies ment Association would do what talks tost was given at .tm u.i vecogalree the i ; of the Northeastern Dlt^on of the of Scotia, will hold Its regular meet­ stand James Purcell, city accountant tor of St. Mary's church will offi­ place, and caused damage eetlmat- Percales, dimities snd ginghsms meetings of toe department la past »-»• »wr isstosee. Oar ‘ United States Chamber of Com- ciate snd burial will be in East taken up and refreahmenta were ” The story maximum rates on gains on assets period to a group of men which re p -/ troduction, toe Rev. Harold Burtln, are fabrics that lend themselves to appoint toe other oommlttees waa possible to help properly ob­ ing In Masonic Temple tomorrow since 1930. retained by a taxpayer for more resented every troop to town! ed by (tolef WHIlam J. Noble at serve the anniversary. Joseph Char- years. Is to help asea aad wo glve an interesting and In- cemetery. served following the lecture by a New* From $50,000. chaplain, Invocation, Mrs. Morton especially to these crisp lines. necessary to arrange for toe observ­ what they want. uight at 7 o'clock. Following the Santalucia 'eported to the jury commute cbnaisting of .George Nel­ 1^ “ Tltaln, that a witness to a than 18 months. Assistant Scout Executive Parke I B. Miner, Springfield, M aa^ -toe tier, still active in toe dep.sTtment, Mr. Connors and Mr. Oendnl wrUl : spiring talk on “What He.ps Bust- meeting setback will be played. For atx and a half hours all men The pattern Is easy to make aa ance of the fiftieth anniversary of Vha r i^ t maa eaa aa leaa Helps Tou^^ quarters soon after the 18 men be­ son and Kenneth Burnham, heads of between Vincent FabUtoo Doyle gave a talk on the alms 1 gray lady pledge and^HIS^ Rev. H includca complete and detailed toe foundlngof toe department. recalled toe early days of toe de­ name members of too two com­ of this town, and Elizabeth Dolce _ and department apparatus fought panies to different oommlttees and 8W6* to 870N per yaai __ Hie idea repiresents on Intenalfled- gan the third dajr's work, giving rise the two men’s groupa. princlplca of Scouting. The tq George Cfiarke. chaplain, benedic­ sew chart that even a beginner partment when there waa only a tag to pm oaal ahOlty aad ' Mrs. James Munsle of Center to the belief that their probable of New Britain, had been assaulted mation o f a troop followed with toe blase, bringing it under control THa committee was named fol- toe observance of tha anniversary aflbrt to bring to the people a bet- Dr.'Walker wUl come to the Cen­ ELM CITY KPOSmON tion. Just learning to sew will find very lowing a dinner which waa attend- buck,et brigade and Albert Yost, a EF- tV tar Idea of what business really is. street Is recovering from a severe plan waa to Inquire as soon as Pur­ In New Britain. The eult Is the members assigned to posltiona aa after dayUght. The ground floor was easy to follow. former fireman of No. 1 also spoke wUl be held either'la June or July. illness of several months and waa ter church again on Sundays March Francis T. Fenn, chainniui of toe- ^ by members of both companies, M a ^ MtleBed eBaato ' This la not a ciit and dried cam­ cell.waa dismissed into the dealings N. Y. Stocks 27 for the Lenten service at which an alleged assault on leaders. Theae men wlU receive occupied by stores and toe second Hartford chapter will present cei^ Pattern 8166 u designed for of toe early days of toe department George Oraaladlo enUrtalned with out of doors this week for the first Miss Dolce by F abiiio which credit for taking toe advanced floor by offices and studios. In 1938 sizes 34, 36. 38, 40. 42, 44 and 46. dlstrirt and department offioers and card tricks during the evening. paign of the Chamber of Commerce time since Christmas. between the city and the Connecti­ Uqie he wHl give an Illustrated lec­ AMNIVERSARY FEA1TIRE tlficatea and Quatave C. Winger, repre.ientauve8 of toe Manchester ae he recalled various events. Se­ SSBu of the United States but an Idea cut Supply Company. cu m d at the cloak com|»any plant ■course, the second to a five course flames swept torough the building Size M requires 4 8-8 yards of lectman Joseph Pero, speaking as a ture on Australia set-up. chairman 6f the New Britain chap­ 39 inch material plus 2-3 yard Improvement Aaaociation. nurabei^ W rite gtetog parttentoia that can be adapted to local condi­ Records show that the firm was I Air Redue ...... 54% the time which waa then three stories high. member of toe executive board of •phase aamber. Miss Irene V. McMullen, local ti^ ^ strUcers were picketing the ter, will present toe class. Music contrast Ing 72. Tbd dinner was served In toe FATHBB VS. SON tions. the owner of trucks /ind other equip­ Alaska Jun ------10% The troop of leaders la headed by Fireman Francis Crowley of com ­ will be furnished by the New Bri­ toe Improvement Association, com­ BOX O. miKAtJz Busincsii leadera liitvc cume to contralto, will be the soloist this S trik in g Examples Of Y ankee The new SPRING AND SUM­ club rooms of toe companies In firs ment rented by the city, o f which Executive Doyle as dcoutmaater, pany No. 2 waa overcome by smoke tain senior high school orchestra. plimented toe members of toe de- Goose Lake, lA->Ths tsalize that business must take evening, the second in a series of Allegheny ...... 1 % Strikers have resented the con- Ingenuity To Be P resented District Commissioners Hayden MER PATTERN BOOK. 32 pages headquarters. Main and HiUtad for Lieut. Gov. Frank Hayes has been and was revived at New Britain Those to be graduated are: Hart­ of attractive designs for every sizi atapa to re-establish itself in the Lenten servicc.i to be held In the Allied Chem ...... 164% CHENEY ESTATE ™ “J. story.' wholly theirs In 300th Birthday Party. Griswold and Frank Crawsbaw oa streets. Roast beef was served ara mayor since 1930. < a r- General hospital. Firemen Leonard ford chapter, Mrb. Hasel M. Colbert and every occasion, is now ready ..public confidence and it can beat be Sanctuary of the Central Baptist ...... that FaMano and Miss Doira w m assistant scoutmasters, Scoutmaster following the dinner WiUlam R. Whlle .Santalucia, also Known as '7°’ 86 J. Saunders of Ladder Company No. and Mra. Anna M. Ouerriero; New Photographs show dreaset mads Campbell, a member o f the diatrtet done by local endeavor planned in church, Hartford. Am Home Prod ...... 36 •takers’ ranks. Danny Shea as scribe. Scoutmaster 1 fell and tore ligamenta In a leg. from these patterns being worm an understanding way for local I Frankie Bums awaited in the cor­ New Haven, March 17.—Brilliant Richard Smith and Aaslatant Scout- Britain, Mrs. Estette M. Fendell, a feature you will enjoy. Let ths committee, as toastmaster, called ridor, he was joined briefly by a Am Rad St S ...... 124 ’ SUED m TAXES lit its portrays of the progrees of Deputy Fire (3hlef Michael T. Souney Mrs. Jeasle C. Petta and Mra. Helen On John F. Limerick, one of the old­ communities. Business has got to Ernest T. Bantly and Thomas article did not eo state. Refer- mastera Russell Johnson and Her­ Injured a 'uand. charming designs In this new ^ sell Itself in terms which the people Ferguson who are vacationing in the pwiu understand, take an Interest in taches as Joseph P. Moore, listed in Am Tel and Tel ...... 131% awry, and In no way Impugned the We during toe clty’t three centuries An alarm waa sounded at 1;U8 a. Gilbert, Mrs. Carolina B. Gottheu One pattern and the new Spring former chief, to s p '^ . {former South are registered today at the tore# patrols of seouters. After m. and a -econd alarm at 2:12. '• and have confidence in. It will re­ Venetian Hotel, Miami. Florida. the city director as office manager Am Tob B ...... 674 reputation of the strikers. of history, du I>rogresa Exposition short patrol sessions, the school of and Mrs. Agnes P. Greeman and toe and Summer Pattern Book_28 Chief Limerick presented to toe quire an army of workers recruited of the Connecticut Supply Com­ Am Wat Wks ...... 9 Town Cognsel Starts Pro­ which Is to t J a feature of too Elm Chief Noble said toe fire waa prob­ S,.rlngfleld, Mass., chapter, Mra cents. Book alone—IS cents present chief, Roy Griswold, a gold toe scout was reviewed, foUowing ably caueed by a cigarette butt ^ firom business establishments them- The junior girls auxiliary of the pany. ' i Anaconda ...... 31% Qlty’e 300th Birthday Pgity at Vale which tenderfoot knots were tlfed, Madalene Ai Benton, Mrs. ciarollne For a PATTERN of this attrac­ badge as aa Insignia of office. On ' sslvea to show the public, that busl- American Legion will meet Friday Soon after he had arriveo at the : Armour, I I I ...... 8 ceeding Against Late SECOND REVENUE BILL Flelu from June 1 to June 11 wui untied for a review period held in 'rae fir# otarted In the baoeraent F. Cushing and Mra. Agnes Fletcher. tive model send 15c in COIN, naas has been working fotythe wel- night at 7 o'clock with Miss Evelyn Court House, Moore left the build­ Atchison ...... 33% present a number of striking patrol comers. A bowline con­ and muabroomed through partitions F; flue of the community. Aviation Corp .... 1 up torough toe roof. your NAME. ADDRESS. STYLE Prieaa of 82 Foley street. ing in company with Harrison ...... 3% amples of Yankee ingenuity test, Sheepshank contest and other It has been definitely established Baldwin, CT ...... 9 NUMBER and SIZE to TODAY'S men love girls PRIME HEAVY CORN-FtO STEER Hotchkiss, fingerprint expert on tne Sophie Cheney Property. SUGGESTED TO RAISE The Exposition will be held to the rope work rounded out the Instruc­ PATTERN BUREAU. It STER- that public opinion aprlngr- from the Company No. 3 of the South Man­ Balt and Ohio ...... 8 4 tion period. The recreation ses­ ' riR E AT MBBIDEN TOWNSEND FOES ' crossroads of America, the small staff of Special Prosecutor Hugh M. Bendl.x ...... Coxe Memorial gymnasium. This LINO PL.. BROOKLYN. N. Y. chester Fire department yesterday Alcom...... 12% sion followed at which acouters be­ Meriden, March 10.—(A P )— Two ' aOmmuniUes. Local business will Beth Steel ..,;___ ...... 55 ' NEEDED 30 MILUONS building, annually the scene of WITH PEP RIB ROAST was called to extinguish a g ratis Brings Ledgers Acting on Information furnished by came scouts and enjoyed toe games peraons were overcome by smoke nUy around sound plans for the Beth Steel, pfd ...... 924 Yale’s winter baseball and track ac­ and six families driven to toe street NIGH COURT PLEA petition said he waa refused an op­ ‘iyiSStrvstlon of the Ideals of Amcrl- fire in the rear of 130 Porter street. Santalucia made a sinillai excur- Tax Collector Samuel Nelson, Jr.. tivities, Is onl} a stone’s throw-from aa well aa they did when they were was 'ChrisUike'; whether he was BONELESS CLEAR HEAVY STEER BEEP Borden ...... 17% wearing their tenderfoot pins. early today when fire damaged a portunity to Introduce excerpts of aiui business. A a - ^ y'nterday when he firsts report- Can P a c ...... Town CJounsel William S. Hyde has (Cionnniied from Itogs One) the famed Yale Bow’, where on four given to quoting toe Bible; whether ...... 6 4 A dlacuoalon on toe organization Pratt street restaurant and upatain (UeaUnaad tram Page One) committee questioning which would a Mrs. Marshall cried on hit shoul­ Over 780 Chambers of Commerce ^ A fine dlaptoy of IHorida sea shells ed to. the Court House, later retum- Case (J. I.) ...... 86% brought suit for the Town of Man­ evenings starting June 7 a colorful aM now working on various local- hss been'loaned to the Mary Cheney chester against the e.sUte of the "IB ," might lead to a presidential and alma of scouting was held after Uvlng quarters. have tncluded such questions aa: der; and questions of tlmllar na­ FACE of RUMP ing with several laige business Cerro De Pas ...... 40 V6t STEAK COD Cared Purcell’s long stay in the jury | int Nick ...... rate voted Monday at the adjourned a 20 percent surtax on income re­ —Former Preeldent Heihert Hoover Lean Ends FEDERAL OmCIALS ...... 494 town meeting. Walter Camp Memorial to toe Ex­ was offered bread and salt, toe tra­ The American Legion Boy Scouts K^vs rise to the assumption Int Tel and Tel ...... 7% maining after toe payment of other position Building will find there a Liliesithal and H. A. Morgan, for a I pmsH LBS It Is reported that the Tax 0)1- corporate taxes and the deduction ditional Polish gesture of welcome, Cwad will meet tonight at 7 o'clock at the Jurors were laying the ' Johns ManvIUe ...... 744 lector is preparing a list of delin­ composite history of toe city, with when he arrived here from Berlin review of the charges and counter-1 ELECTRIC 25c IN WNTTNEY PROBE rauth end terminus for a night hike i groundwork for their inquiry. Pur-1 Kennecott .... of specific Items. chargea they have exchanged. Middle Ribs ...... 384 quent taxes considered collectible, many early examples of production, today. to be climaxed by a campfire pro- cell, who spent about tour hours l-ehigh Val Rd ...... 6% Opponents' Views myriad preaent-day products and Norris said ha had given serious I ■ gram. Llgg and Myerrf B ...... and that legal acUon will be token Opponents said It would penalize Hie program Included vistts to (UMttaaed tram Page Une) yesterday with the Jury, was an ap­ ...... 91 perhaps even a hmt of what Is to the University of Poaaaa and to a oonalderatlon to a plan to amend I pointee of' Daniel J. Leary, city Loew’s ...... to cause prompt payment of these legitimate business In an attempt ...... 45% obligations. The town, la order to come to toe future. Civic displays statue of Woodrow WHaon preeent- toe TVA Act by sul^tuting a tla- MOOKSIDI - FANCY FRISH comptroller from 1930 to 1938, who Lortllard ...... 16% to prevent tax avoidance by a few wlU be intermingled with tooee of gle director for tha totee-man PROM NEARBY PABMS 4 ^ e r e d to him pereonaUy from j an^B i?iu’‘'co*™'^v?m Mont W a rd ...... balance Its budget, muat clear up ed toe city by Ignace Jan Padarew^ the firm: a large part coming from tice session at lh(^ prac- waa defeated for re-election recent­ 3 4 4 Individuals. Advocates said it was the city's scores of leading taduo- board. This would have the effect I he State Armoiy to- Nash Kelv ...... most of iU total tax delinquency on easentlal to establishing an equita­ aM. Ha planned to leave for Krakow customers' accounts. night. ly by Rowland. The accountant is 9 4 old accounts this year. triallsts. tmtght. of removing all the preeent maa- If W hltn^ and bis fellow part­ now serving under Rowland. Nat Bloc ...... ble tax system. bers- WATER Nat Dairy ...... 14% Representative Lamneck (D- Mrs didn't have a "corner In DlstUl- Captau James H. McVslgh, Oom- TRUCK KILLS BOY, 7 Tha objection to this proeedureul HINFIILD ; #<] Liquors Corps., market price or Nat Distill ...... 21% Ohlo) said it would "murder Inde­ Norris said, would be to penalise snicraD mander of Company K. 169th In- N Y C entral...... J64 I EGGS pendent business.” Representative : Which ran down fram a |18 average fantry, Connecticut National Guard. Bridgeport. (3onn., March 10 — men who had given tha TVA "bon-1 paid by them to today’s $3.87, they NY NH and H ...... 24 Crowtoer (R-N. Y.) asserted It waa est and efficient service.” Ucut. WllllBm Barron o f the Man- North Am ...... 184 (A P )—Shortly after he was struck "conceived to an atmosphere of g'TSft only "a very reduced number of te s te r Police Department and He sold there was doubt that a I FANCY KROOKSIDI aharee" for the trading public. Local Stocks Packard ...... 44 by a truck In Stratford yesterday hate." LBS Clarence R, Peterson, Past Com- afternoon, seven-year-old Richard resolution to oust only Chairman I An auditor for the New York Param Pict ...... -94 Representative McO>rmack (D- Morgan could be put through Oon- BUTTER CREAMERY ROLLS raandsr of Andsrson-Shea Post. Vet­ Tacht Club, of which Whitney waa Penn ...... 20 Suytak died In Bridgeport hoapltal Maae.). author of toe amendment “DRIVE A BETTER CAR” greos. erans of Foreign Wan-, will be made Furnished by Eddy Brothers A Oo. Phelpa D o d g e ...... 25 of fractures of the skull and leg. HEATING treaaurer, hasn’t been able. In two to strike out the tax, caUed it nonormry members of Ward Cheney Samuel B. Hyndman, 34. of Norris and Bridges clashed on ths months, to get Whitney to let him 38 Lewis 8t, Phil Pete ...... 37 “ punitive, dlacrimtoatory tax upon Senate floor yesterday after the Camp at the regular meeting of the Hartford, Conn. Pub Serv N J ...... 20% Devon, driver of the truck, waa held ’PKGS count $128,000 of the club's aecuii- c ^ p at the SUte Armoiy tonight toe Independent t.Ype of corporation latter called Director Lllientoal a tlas which Whitney took without William R, Martin Radio ...... on a technical charge of manslaugh- that is Identified with our com­ R in s o or OXYDOL at S o’clock. Reading ...... 174 "Fuehrer" and declared CSialrman Mtlce to the club. i Ixxial RepreeenUtlve ter. He told police the boy ran in munities.” CHRYSLER Morgan as being "liquidated.’’ Secretary Called 1:00 p. m. Quotations Rem Rand ...... 134 front 0# the truck. Repub Steel ...... 16% In contrast, Vinson said I OR An "authoritarian state” has de- HcCall’e hearing today began I Bid Asked vMoped In Tennessee, Bridges con­ The Electric/Water Heater haa with the testimony of Martin J. InMintiioe Htocks Rcy Tob n ...... 394 NEW HAVEN OBSERVES Safeway Stores ...... I84 tinued, referring to Fred Moses, IVORY SOAP B 5< Kenna, assistant secretary of the | Aetna Casualty...... 86 91 Aetna Fire ...... 42 4 Schenley D ls ...... 22% TVA field manager, as a "Brown- been designed to give a perf^ted New York Curb Ihccbange, on which ' 444 PLYMOUTH ^ ^ t Moses" and a "Hitler In short the Distilled etock is traded, who j 300TH ANNIVERSARY Aetna Life ...... 24 26 Sears Roebuck ...... 60 4 was called on stibpoena. He testified Automobile ...... 264 2 8 ', Shell Union ...... 14 s; TRADE IN YOUR PRESENT CAR I hot water aervice to the home at S I Z E 2 there were 200.000 shares of the' Conn. General...... 28 27 Socony Vac ...... J44 / Norris denied Bridges' contentioa I CANS that a Federal Trade Oommiaslon APPLESAUCE South Pac ...... ; ...... J6% atock authorized and 148.7.W shares New Haven. March 10—(APi- Hartford hire ...... 66 68 Extra Liberal Allowances This Week outstanding. Hartford Steam Boiler 51 55 South Rwy ...... 10% Inquiry would be a “whltewaali.’' a coat within reach of all pocket- National F ir e ...... 54 St Brands ...... 7 4 After ha had proposed such a hear-1 "If 1 were to tell you a certain dais, vlriting mlllUry commands 56 group owned 139,000 shares of this Phoenix ...... 71'* 734 St Gas and El ...... 8% NATIONAL Ing, toe Nebraskan oal^ Bridges I (CANS Md residents of neighboring cities Travelers ...... 410 430 St OH Cal ...... 30% A Fresh Shipment of hsd his own resolution for a Con- books. To m a t o S o u p —— •lock would jrou characterize that M l participate wiu New Haven os a corner?" McCall asked. Public Utilities St OH N J ...... 504 gressional investigation referred to I "Not necessarily," Keena replied, ll. J “ 'ontmemoratlng the Conn. Lt. and Pow. .. 81 58 Tex Corp ...... 404 USED CAR EXCHANGE WEEK the Oommeros committee without I ett^s 300th anniversary this year. Conn. Pow...... 404 454 Timken Roller Bear ...... 41% FINE SEAFOOD dlscloclng its contents. I FIN AS T "but the floating supply would be The official program was an- Phone ua today and ask for a demonstration in toe new considerably reduced.” Htfd. Elec. L L ...... 57 89 Union Carbide ...... 73% Fresh Cod ...... 15c lb. ‘T think it was a dlsoourtesy to I SUCCOBrCRUSHet Munced today by Judge John L. Illuminating She...... 49 51 Union Pac ...... 72 Chrysler! Mora outstanding features than any other me,” added Norris, asserting Bridges I The size of the tank is specified PINEAPPLE "But there would only be 9,780 Gilson, in behalf of the mayor’s ter­ Fancy, LarRc, No. 1 Smeits .. 19c 1b.. 2 lbs. 35c aharee available for public transac­ New Britain Gas . . . 26 29 Unit Aircraft ...... 23% car In its price class. should have told him of hts pro-' centenary committee and John C So. New Eng. Tel. Co. 137 144 Unit Corp ...... 2% Fancy Halibut Steak ...... 29c lb posaL tion, sad you don't think that FO R BAKING corner?’’ McCall asked. TraeV’ chairman of the terientenarv Western Mass...... 28 29 Unit Gas Imp ...... 10 Chowder Clam s...... , , J" 'r by a Water Heating Engineer to ILB festival committee. U 8 R u bb er...... 31 ‘T say It's a very reduced num­ Industrials Steamj^ffClam...... '.■.•.'.•.'.•.Isc PURE LARD OR FRYING ROLL The three chief events of the U S Steel ...... 52% ber of shares,’’ the Curb official re- Acme Wire ...... 27 30 Opened Clams...... q=„ give an adequate sum>ly o f hot pllsd. cltys municipal birthday party will Am. Hardware ...... 214 234 Vick Chem ...... 384 O lson Motor Sales PACIFIC IRANDS be the parade^ May ; the pro^reae West EH and M f g ...... 921* Fresh Scallops...... qSr ih Makes No Reply 8 Arrow H and H. Com. 37 39 CHRYSLER-PLYMOUTH SALES-SERVICE 3LB exposlUon at the C4»te Memorial Billings and Spencer . 4 4 Woolworth ...... 42% water at all times. "It doesn’t seem to me that you 54 K ™ " ” ’ ...... :.::::ii;iC 2 ibT2o. TORECOLONIZQII CAN pmnaslum at Yale field from June Bristol Brass ...... 33 36 Elec Bond and Share (Curb). 7% 127 Spruce Street Telephone 6313 or 3084 CRISCO would need much more to have a 1 to June 11 and a dramatic spec- Colt’s Pat. Firearms . 56 50 complete corner," McCall said, to Eagle Lock ...... 18 4 which the witness made no reply Ucle which will be presented In the 17 4 Bwordflsh, center slices...... >*»• oq- ik (Oontlnoed from Page Una) M and was excused. Tale bowl for four nlghU. starting Fafnir Bearings .... 85 100 SOCIAL WORKER IS 71 sooAt “TB«r 3 ij m June 7 with 4,000 New Havener Gray Tel Pay Station 4% The common stock of this corpo­ 5% ard B. Black, who headed toe occu- I The heating units are ingeniously CHJAKIK OATS « tc X 17c i taking part. Hart and C ooley___ 175 200 Waatport, March 10.— (AP) — K S ..... ••••••••• 'y . ' I- peitlon aspedltlon. ration—of which Whitney and an­ Hendey Mach. B...... 7 9 o t Sole ...... ;;;; i t COFFEE other partner F. K. Rodewald, are Formal observation of the city’s Miss Lillian D. Wald, noted social In lieu of Information to toe con­ soD AS'tiffifticsairjsss.a^sasc 1 founding will be April 28 with Gov­ Landers, Frary A Clk. 24 26 worker, who founded the Henry trary, they assumed a New Zealand controlled —entirely automatic— iMrectora—has figured prominently ernor WUbur L. Cross and suit, the New Brit. Mch., Com. 194 2 14 expedition which visited toe Islands 'la the Whitney investigation be- street aetUemsnt to New York City, SALAD DRISSINO MumK & 29ft £ Judiciaiy. local officials and Yals do., pfd...... 90 100 AT OUR VEGETABLE DEPARTMENT last May bad departed and that two of the controlled Interest held North and Ju d d ...... 24 Is 71 today. Mias Wald, who has to maintain the supply at the r»> authoriUe* present for the powder 26 been retlr^ for the past two years, American flogs deposited on Canton KYBO 19c CORNFLAKIS « - i t $ P « r zee 9c | by the broker and his partners. house program. Peck. Stow A Wilcox 5 f Sealdsweet Juice Oranges, tree-ripened, regular 23e size, at toe tame time by toe National This atock, according to previous Ruasell Mfg. Co...... 27 31 wUl observe the day quietly, sntei^ Geographic Society'B eclipse expedi­ testimony, waa purchased by the June 3 will be "Yale Day"; June talntog a few close fri.nda .at tea, c J 1. dozen, 2 dozen 35c quired point at all times. CORMOB«FHASHa&2 — 29ft 1 ^ “SUte Day” with ceremonies at Scovlll Mfg. Co...... 22 >4 244 tion, ware still there. partners at between $9 and $42, or Stanley Works...... 364 3 8 4 a nurse at her home here said. Hun' Stady Precedents. JOHN ALDEN LiFI/c STATIIR ns9Uf 3 wto 20c 1 at an average price of $is a share. ^ n ter Church and dinner at the dreda of meesoges from friends of ^ e dining hall; June 7. "Colony do., pfd...... 274 204 Fancy tShite Cauliflower...... 19c-25c ea. Following London dispatches 1 It is 'currently selling around $3.87. Torrin^ca ...... 20 22 Miss Wald all over the world sT' Fancy, Fresh, Green Telephone Peas , .15c qt., 2 qta. 29c OPENING which mentioned toe possibility of a R A R iT -m Day” with a reception- to the The Curb official was succeeded Veeder Root, new . . . 47 49 rived at her home, "bouse-on-tbe* Fancy, Fresh, Green Beans...... 2 qta. 25c British proposal for Joint ccmtrol «B the witness atafid at the public ^ t e ’s editors; June 8, "irraternlty New York Banks pond." this morning. A , message DM. MAIZ NIRUrrt 2X.*27c 1 Day" and June 9 "County Day." over the Islands, officials studied U S ^ BILLS PROVE REASONABLE OPERATING CIOST iicHMOND IS 15c bearing—which is being held in the Bank of New York .. 345 365 came from Mrs. Franklin D. Roose­ precedents for such an action. •RANOiWA*S MKAgM ^ 19^ attorney general’s office—by Percy Bankers Trust...... 464 4 8 4 velt, wife of the President, and SPECIAL AT OUR BAKERY DEPARTMENT t Saturday Morning They were particularly Interested Most of the current used comes at the extremely loiv night water heating meter' R. Harrington, partner in the ac- Central Hanover .... 91 96 close friend of Mlsa Wald. In toe case of too. New Hebrides wunting firm of Jasper and Har­ HOSPITAL NOTES Chaoe ...... 30 32 Home Made Fruit Bread...... Islands, wblqh might be suggested rate of one cent per kilowatt hour, one of the lowest rates anywhere in the country. rington, who has charge o< ths au- Chemical ...... 41 43 Hot X Buns, our home m ^e kind...... !!!! I9c doz. by the British as on example. FOR EATWG mts of the accounts of the New City ...... 244 264 Crullers, plain or sugared ...... 19c joz. The new Hebrides, lying 500 mUes APPLES 6 ^ 2 5 c c 'Yhcht Qub, of which Richard Admitted yesterday: Joeephlne Contioontal ...... 114 13 4 west of the Fiji islands, have been Whitney was treasurer. Pagant, 144 Birch street. M ra Sarah X Com Exchange .... 474 494 German Rye Bread, plain or seeds...... ;. 10c loaf operated efficiently under Joint ^ Preliminary Estimate Given in Every Case« Noble, 16 Eldrtdge street. Hn. First National...... 1750 1810 .Anglo-French control since 1906. ^ It WSJ brought out at yesterday’s Doris Neff. 54 Chestnut street. APPLES FANCY COOKtNC ■i:. that Whitney bad caused Guaranto Trust...... 236 244 The fact toat Canton and Bnder- 8»*25c Discharged yesterday; Michael Irving Trust...... 12 14 FOR FRIDAY GROCERY VALUES hury islands may be used for com­ to to deUvered to him securiUes KANE’S Otanourahos, 81 Middle Turnpike Manhattan ...... 23 25 mercial aviation between the Unit- M U a market .value of around extra large ...... 29c doz. LARGE DOZ 2 9 C K' j m ,000 belonging to the yacht West, Fred Luce, Cook street, Bar­ Manufact. Trust .... 39 41 M Stetes and British Dominions ORANGES ‘ 5 ^ ' x « 2 3 e .^ cluB, without notice to the club. ney Gottfried, 60 West Center New York Trust .... PI 94 (Better Butter), 2 lbs. 69c y t added weight to the possibility Mrs. Jacob Miller and Infant Public National...... 274 294 SALE «* Joint control. ■ Harrington said he hod been en­ Oub C h e e ^ ^ it e and Yellow, machine sliced . .28c lb. SHOE STORE ||j. daughter, 336 Porter street. THUe Guarantee...... 54 gaged for several weeka in tryina 7 4 1.000 SEATS TONIGHT AT Bulk Spaghetti, Macaroni or Elbow Macaroni. .2 lbs. 17e Canton’s quiet etgfat-mtle lagoon TOen you are d^iding your hot water problems remember electricity is the ideal FNESN Admitted today: Walter AUen U. 8. Trust ...... 1475 1815 likely to become a base for Pan STRAWBERRIES to audit the account of the yacht 583 Middle Turnpike East. X—Eto-DIvidend. ODD FELLOWS’ SOCIAL 2 z £ s 2 5 c :r . e l ^ Ibr tha year coded Dec. 81, T oS !t^ *R !!4 i ...... 2 cans 13c MM^C^cr’k moot modem shoe store wlD be ouea American Alrware in Its projected me service clean, convenient, noiseless, safe and ea^ to ctmtroL . $087. Discharged today: Mias Jennie BINGO! T^niTpi^ ^ ...... 3 for 25c oommerclal service between Hono- $ Storre, 48 DelnKwt street, Mrs RUNOEE rUNERAU t e t ^ y nomine with a fuB line of Footwear fo r ^ e Zealand, Informed shown a list of securities 25e FOR 25 GAMES! oftldala said. ONIONS —those which Robert J. Rosenthal, Grace Tuclur, 78 Alton street, Mrs." i^isn rlftkosy Os A Ma ^aae*#.,,714 oZs cftii 1 Oc npiVlaki tomorrow’s Herald for Openine 5 - 19c 4 George Tedford and Infant daugh- Greenwich. March 10.—(AP)— Pan American aviators in survey haHtier of the brokerage firm, tesU- ter, 82 Oongrese street. Funeral aervice for Judge William Men Free If the Miamu bays Boneless Codfish,' Royal ScarleL fancy white. flights last year used tiny, exposed Rad yastorday he bad turned over Census: SlxtyHwo patlenU. C. Rungee who died suddenly at a tick et. Kingman’s Reef, only 800 miles : to W ^ t u y out of Ue yacht club’s hte home yesterday, will be held TOMATOES Walter AUen.

than a qnartar e f a MANCHESTER KVENINO HEUALD. MAN(HriSfER. CXINN.. THURSDAY, MARCH 1 0 ,1 9 8 8 YD A s m m n p ic k s MO rroa us greon. R fornieile VAQX Housechaning Near, keioagod with the H. C. Porter They Flffht for Him NidllANDS AWARDED pooparty but was aoM at aortion Farm Pest Is Spread / SLINORG season,” according to a bulletin of ALLEN AS PRESIDENT M year. Mr. Barrasao opened the FISH PLANTING SURE $6,500 IN D S SUIT 7 COWAI^ , the Board. bara door and caaM upon a group LOVE LAUGHS ‘T ota l production . of legal else e f boya wtia wora making them Old Man Is Gloomy Henry Street Man ElcetesI At By Fog, Say Scientists I STONE trout may reach 160,000 but thla aatvea aa saueh at boma aa If tlia Bad Braaglit Aedon Aaainat SIGN S P m NEAR cannot be determined until all rear- Meeting Held Fn Army And place iwir-rxrd to then. They fled In.g pools have been seined. ABa Jarvla And John Stone OaprlfM, i7J»t Nary Club l^uit Evening. and acattered vben they aaw Mm. Ithaca, N. Y „ March 10— A m ajorsof miles In a single dav Just NE^ Sewltv, Int “ In addition to current plants, a I Ha p «rr:»i1 thr-n snroe dlatsnee and For Accident In 1936, rm cron nest thnt zrur ,__•'uoi AT THE DOCTOR In ttie Spring Pop’s Fancy Turns to Any Place farm crop peat, that spreads In fog spore, landing on an onion plant, Stiwam Stocking I i Started In surplus of nearly 375,000 flngorllng william ADen of Henry street though he dll! not currsed In cap­ i t summer and spends Its wrintera C H A PTE R I trout for which rearing facilities A Jury littln g In the civil aide of caa p ro d jce jw o mlUion oporefi in had won him tin t place at tha In­ Preparation Ft r Opening Of But Home—What’s theTJM of All was elected president of the Man' turing any of them It la ballevad hiding In town, was shown up today two weeks.- W ha« DarMPa aeto eoaM that signatura and read it 'through cars- are not available were distributed uie Superior Court of Hartford ternational thla year. (MIy, painfully again. Then she Season On April 1.5, Chester Chapter, Tankee . DtvWoa that he oeuM tdeatlfy them. Tha In a CorneU University agricultural It baa also been found that the moralhg, Owiatanoa stood fo r a mo- last year. Many of theae slvould at- ' the Fuss Anyway. boys had aiausi j themaelvoa la the (^unty. Judge Edward J. Daly pre- report. During the months since that tint stood for a long time motlonlasa, Veterans AasodaUona at the annual spores Uve over the winter prinifi- msBt, boldtag it naopanod ta caraaa- tain legal size this year,” the Board barn by throwing Mr Bairasao’a fi«Hn*, late yesterday afternoon Th) pest la onion blight. It Is ih f fiagsrs, bar syss oa the Mask, meeting Constance had found that staring dry-eyed across the bleak Hartford, March 10— Along with declares. meeting last night In the A m y and ■warded damages of ,|6.fl(X) to pally in back yard gardena of clUee It may not yet be epriiif by the^eveiythlntr that was adjusted, and at'-fce abniiL tram plii^ them under con.mon from Wisconsin to Massa­ and towns. Back yard gardena are froaoa deaolaUon o f tffe UtUe park Derek waa not always a gay, Im - Uttla park outside— no more bleak Plantings for the coming season Navy club. Other officers elected TOomas McManiia o f Manchester in stories of bluebirds and robins cornea calendar, but the housewives here rearranging U1 that was arranged. foot. etc. He bad a somewhat simi­ chusetts. In New York alone, on the main places for growing peren- aoroaa tba atreat aponalble boy, any more than ha to tba thin sunthina than ths frozen will Include 90,600 one and two-yeiM- Some women do their own house- lar sxpeilims la Amatos hla ault against Alexander Jarvis bad years, tha bllghtjajsts Taiffners was always arrogant and oock-sura. smUe that still lingered palely on daflnlto tadleatioa that aprlng la old brook trout, U.OOO brown trout are already showing a certain rest- nIalLy, or "wrlnter” onions, and these •ba had alwaya levad tba Uttla "Just around tbo eemor." cleining, but they are as rare as the yahre ago, which eras even and John D. Stone. TTie oult wn* the four to five mlllloiT^IIam. It Is She learned that be bad moods of her Ilpa. and >0,400 rainbow trout—« i i e f tha laaBBses and urge to action that onions are the only place where the park. Havtiag It bara, framed by The State Board o f Fisheries and prseagee a seasonal houaecleanlng. husbands who don't do it for them. Perhaps these boya are fi®®*pralslng looks are being cast by nlr. . When spring comes, if the o f spaetouanaas to her cosy chinto- ing of trout atrearoa had been start­ feminine eyes at the wlnter-wom the ladles in the driver's seat, super­ have SO years ago. but it Jarvla and d-1ven b y ^ h n D. stone, v'eather Is very damp, and parti­ hung apartmppL stroke, of hla brush. . . . A t such Aa an experiment, 13,000 adult vising and directing and crabbing, an uncle of Mr. Jarvis, backed Into An iJrplane exploration in a light times he clung to her for raassur- s'* to pranaration for the flabing rabibows wars distributed in ponds curtains, dulled mgs, weather* If th-- only tMag they could under- cularly If foggy, ihe spores rise FIIUIT. VEGETABLE MEN S' aaon which opens April IB. while the "old man” perspires and Eort Rodden Thomae McManus on Wetherell nilst reveal^ the fog preferences of Only last night she and Oersk anoe. A t such times aha loved him last faU. splotched windows and dusty cor­ 'btaad would ba a good thrashing. from the city gardene and float oS Ltad1 aataa suppar at tba table by “Over 14,4000 adult trout, a ners. And o f course, sltbou^ one gets It In the neck. It's a one-sided f^srenca WhIU aaw and bmird a street, resulting In injuries. The cose these spores. Dr. A. G. Newhall of Into the country to start on epiden. m on than aba could have ballsved it Four spaeiaUy-buUt tank trucks As Bud Norton, mala lead of the Department of Plajit Pathology, afladows. T h en baa been a PLAN SPRING MEEnNG record, and the maximum capacity atvi being used to transport Uis fish can't possibly sec it, the mattresses business, and.la like death and taxes, A < k of wild gsaat fljrlng over last went to trial on Friday of lost week o f the blight. It may be necea possible to love. . , . She came to r duetlon of state hatcheries and li escapable. And there Is no come­ “ Peroonol Appeoranoe," to be pre- tqu lpp^ the plane wrtlh spore traps. Mden souffle, asparagus, a aalad. from the Burlington, Kensln^n, are dusty—theyn have to be aired Sunday TMs Is the first report of and the plaintiff did not finish until Dr. Newhall sold, to get rid know, too, that money meant a rearing stations, will be distributed and beaten and fluffed up again. back. I ' a man shmild so much as •ented by the Community Playem ^ e s d a y, when -the defense started. These caught onion blight at all al­ perennial onions. Sprs^-s and biamilt with boasy, aome iff the groat deal to Derek. Windsor Locks and Voluntown state wild geese bere thla spring. titudes up to 1,500 feet. cheeae Derek Uked ao raueh, and a Win Ba Held At Experiment throughout the state for the coming Sofa cushions, flat-chested from the make a peep to the effect that this at Whlton Memorial, March 15 and The case went to the Jury late yes­ Ing have failed to check the Ml^ht She began to realise how much hatcheriea and rearing stations. Mr. and Mrs. Sltreno Scranton 16. Earl Rudcjell la the prize In the Before this plane flight. It had very apodal bottle of wine. And press of winter company need to is all nonsen.'se, he will be stifled terday aftern(x>n anu the award was on all farms wherever tried. when Ernest Tborvald approached Station In New Haven On and two daughters, Nancy and batUo between a lovely blonde and been thought that the spores lived th en had boon yellow rooeo on tha be puffed out once more. And don’t and smothered and Anally smudged Sally, of Bast Hampton, spent Sun brought ip at 3 o’clock. In one town surveyed by CXirnell him tontatlvaly about the portrait Monday, March 21. out with withering blasts that ac' on equally lovely brunette. only a few houm. They have nijw table and yaUow eaadlas to tha for^t the collar and the garage— day with Mrs Seraptoo’s family at While the suit was against both plant palliologlsts, the spores were of hla dauj^tar. Fancy thi^ra h. for It too. cuse him of parallelling the line of Bud nma a filling station to help been shown to live for days.- In fog found in 21 out of 60 gardens exam­ •a n r caadlaaUeka bar fallow work- Ernest fto rv a ld was tha owner ■» 'Vafetable and fruit grovsrera of Jones street. Jarvis and Stone the property at­ they are capable of travelling scores BROILERS Nathra 2 9 c ' AD of which leaves the "old man” reasoning of hogs, water buffalo, out tlM family of the girl to whom ined. •to at tbs' A rt Muaaum had sent of a California ranch as big, Oerak four Connecticut coimtles plui to apprehensive and gloomy. From ana other critters that ba.sk In mud Mrs. Helaa W M U and family had he la engaged. He doesn't know tached when the suit was brought bar for a areddtag praasnt. aa Runday guests Mr. and Mrs. A r­ Was owned by Jarvis. The award will told her, as aoma European kliig- hold a davzlong meeting at the Insiig esperleoce he knows that and dirt. one movie star from another— that Tbo oandtaatlcka had eomo srhUe Agricultural Experiment Statlim at' thur M. Keefe and their daughter la, until Carole Arden, queen of be paid by the Insurance company doma on which he Uved like a feu­ houmcleanlng takes him In too— And If it should be suggested that her home in Holyoke, Mass., after held Feb. 25 shows that Bertram aba waa a d tta g tbo u b io: ahd dal baron.. . . Tha pupils of Derek's New Haven on March 31. A pro­ Oxford Liquor Shoppe Marlon, and Mr. and Mra Harold E. them all, stops at his filling station c o p in g the liability on the truck hell probably be the window wash­ housecleanlngs are only the neces­ visiting her son and daughter-in- Wright, chairman of the committee, Dorak bad toaiaUd an uatog tham ayes had been very wide and black gram of ifitarest to both groups In- Ely and their daughter, Carol Ann. during a personal appearance tour. that figured In the accident. 468 Hartford Road At M cK m S t r o o t * er, rug and mattress beater, and sary results of piled-up feminine law, Mr. and Mrs. George O’Nell In presided. Remarks from neighbor- at eaoa. "Aftor aU," ba hail aaid, as be told Oonstonce about Ms eludes toUu Neely Turner, of AUantle Beach, Florida. Mr Carols likes bud, and Carole Is ac­ West Stafford. cellar and garage cleaner-upper. slackness In eveiyday cleaning and P^n ielee and Carlson represented '• g Fite chiefs Wright of North “ O t a w ait taro whole d a y ^ . . . maatlng with "Baron Orapafrult" aa Assistant Ihitomologlat, and H. F. t o m a t o e s atasCard 3 ~fifi*20c SunnyflaM Nobody works life father when It care, which. If properly done would and Mra. Ely are visiting Mr. and customed to getting what ehe likes. McManus and Day, Berry ana How­ Miss Sylvia Phelps has returned Morgan, CMef Agronomist at the LOWEST PRICES TEL. 7796 WE DELIVER Bonaleas So the light Is en. Windham, Moore of Mansfield We’n ba marlrod the day after to­ ba called him. DAISY ROLLS eraies to housecleaning. Mother leave no need for seasonal dirt Mm. Keeft, who are Mm. Ely a ard represented Jarvis. William H. to her studies at New Britain State Uuid of Eaglevllle, relative to the morrow, anyhow.” station. A committee of staff CHIESI SPREADS mv 17c srtues the dingy curtains and chasing sprees. It Is more than like­ parents. Hyde appeared for Stone. Teachem collego after spending the " I f 1 can land tbla eommlaaloh, membem cooperating with county fR tB H need of equipment, experience In B aton atippor Oonatann had Connia," he said, "It will glva me so Svitasa cas presses them again, but her main- ly that every husband's procrasti­ Mr. and Mm. Joseph Scheiben- past week visiting at the home of saving buildings, etc., were made. agents ore making up the program. Specials for Today, Friday and Saturday T U N A FISH f 3c SHOULDERS Laas tkart ttiask parties In the Rye street school re­ ahoara htoi some o f tho sow clotbaa much pubUcIty that I'll ba able to difficulty always has been to get nating past wUI be held up before pflug of East Hampton spend every lay setback. The first Is to be held her parents In Staffordville and al.w John R. Allen spoke on the saving Tentative plana Include: apraking abo had bought—tba araoka-blue seu anything I paint” Then hla RED SALMON Sattasa ass c FANCY NLUMF Pop working on the mgs and the him in word painting of vivid red week end as far as possible, at the on March 16, at 8 p. m. Prizes will in Stolen Island, N. Y., with rela­ It insurance premiums. Mr. Larkin sefslona on orchard and vregetable 90 PROOF STRAIGHT WHISKEY— g \t\ 25 Wnilam Alksi tives. aatto dtoaar dram Just tbs shads of face flarkened. " I f only the girl FOW L 4-4H lb sot. mattresses with the bmter, and for the succeeding ten weeks. Life home of tha tetUr's father, John b# given The second Is to be given spoke on the necessity of each towrn garden soils and on methods to oon- then generally to supervlae him and la like UiAL STAFFO^PRINGS bar ayaa; ths valyat that wasn't hasn't a squint or a harelip.” 90 PROOF G IN - SPECIAL! VVC QU TOM ATO SOUP ton? Staba, of Jonaa streat on Wednesday evening, April 13, at Mra. Linda Pratt of Bellingham, having some means of protection. trol ths European corn borar, be­ 3 — a 22c bawl him out for his amateurishness So, spring housecleaning day were: Flrat vice president, Oyde broam or ruot or burnt orangot but As the matter hung Are, Oemk n*e Parent-Teacher meeting at which time the grand prize will be Mass., Is spending sometime as the ) l was voted to elect offlcem and the ginning at 10:30; Itmcheon at noon, BOLOGNA Flekwlah as a housekeeper. draws near, and not only house­ Beckwith; second vice prrsldenL ^ M I m Edith Ruby, daughter of guest of Mr. and Mra. Charles Law­ had a touch of all throe—‘‘I muat had grown restless and Irritable. and a tour of the station d e p ^ - Imported Virgin Island Walter Balch; secretary, Chester- the school buHding Monday evening awarded. Frank Ruby of West Main street Allowing were elected; President, Superior And after the cleaning Is all done, wives, but city fathers are to be well attended. S3 being present. rence In West Stafford. TCrtram Wright; vice president, L. p ^ t ^ to that,” D ank had said. Then lost evrenlng. Just two days mant during the afternoon. and Pop anally thinks up a good swept Into its activity. Town roads Held Plrie; treasurer. Arthur Mc­ The ChiMTh Council meeting recently graduated from Holyoke Than than wan tba arhlta katttad PRESTO Noll0«h Cann. The address mada by Principal B Whitcomb; secretary, E. L. bafora tbalr approaching wadding, There wiu be demonitratlona of RUM 79c California Wine FILLETS enough meuse to clear out of It all. will be smoothed and graveled and which was to have been held at the City hospital training school for suit fstth tbs yarlgatod searf; the he bad nuhed to excited aa a school­ Bottle , CAM R.OUR .. Frederick R. NoMe of the Wllllinan- home of Mrs. Emily B. Collins last Covell; treasurer, Arnold Hyatt; such lines o f work as tasting fruit Extra Special! Madam wUl still be dlssatlsfled oiled, equipment will be brightened Plans for entertaining 300 delc- nurses after completing a three- beuSaat gray eoat with tha swirl boy, with tha news that Mr. Thor- and vrsgetabiM for spray i^ d u e , Ono cako plato fivon awoy ph« tie Btata Normal School was o f real Monday evening was postponed un­ chief, George Merritt; deputy chief, Fun quart ...... o O C •laohod’ —no woman ever was satiafled with and painted, and aU aver there will ■■tea at the state meeting of the year course. Miss Ruby la a grad- e f fu r about tho bom, and the aauey vald was oomlng today to the stu­ anaijrsing fertlUaer, chemical analy­ 1r— with Mch purohRM of I pkge FILLETS associaUon at the sUte Armory Interest. Following the speaking a til next week Monday evening and Stafford High school class ANDOVER George Nelson. All those present tbs way the ruga are relald, or the be plenty for bright sunshine to re­ were given a chance to o i ^ os rad hat with a bag to match. . , . dio to look at aome more of his sis of soli samples, growing seed­ fmluas of the curtains, or the place next Sunday afternoon were made social Urns was anjoyed with light arill be held at the Wapplng Oom- or aiIo2. Half and Half flect. And still we rather envy the c a r te r membem. It is expected And. of oouna, tha gay poay-gardea worlu Constance .must not mind If lings in sand and breeding vege­ Oar Own Brand the snow shovels were left banging by the group. SUte Commander refreahmenta served. The question mimlty church house. Miss Beatrice Connolly, R. N (Ale BBd Porter) town department workmen in their Mrs. Frank L. Hamilton bad thot there will be a large attend­ amnciba - T e waar whaa Pm clean- she did not hear from him until tables for Connecticut. Time will te the cellar. For weeks after the Joseph Cunningham of Waterbury of hot lunehoa for the sehool chil­ The Pleasant Valley club held a night supervisor at the Johnson N«w Laid Suniiybrookp aprlng cleaning. They won't be cliarge of the Lecturer’s program at ance at the meeting Friday evening. toff your bruahaa fo r you. darltog. late In the evrenlng. be given for Indlvddual questions RYE WHISKEY dOB spring cleaning la flnlsbed, the worn. sicked on to the Job by an energetic will preside at the sUte meeting of dren eras touehad upon, and It la card party Saturday evening at the Memorial hospital for the past six Andovcir Grange. No. 76, Monday and discussion between growers and 4 Bottles 25c 3 Tears Old. A « o r> EGGS Fancy frMh from nearby Conn, famw fllM bad not toM him boqr much Tet thla araa only morning, and the YDVA. hopad that sooMthlng may ba sf- home of Mr. and Mrs. Herbert La- yearn has resigned and token a George Nelson, Master of Andover SB fat the bouse will be readjusting woman. evening and presented the following menay thla gotgooumiaoa bad run ham was a note from Derek. 0>n- members of the stMf. The object . (Contouto D niy) 90 Proof, ttnart G 1 • feetsd In this Dim . A t present the cour In Pleasant VaUey. similar poslUon In Hartford. Mlos Grange, No. 76, baa Invited the offi­ program: Musical reading. ‘Th e toto—an bor aavtoga oxeopt tho stanM opened the envelop, a ten­ la to bring the problems o f the only approach to anything of the Martha Ballah of West Main street cers, their wivea and hushfinds to J Gypsy TraU” , Miss Amy Randall, this home for a meeting ThumdST tan-dotlar gold ooto abo had tucked der little smile on her Ilpa growers directly to the Experiment aort U that aoma of the children Mercy hospital, accompanied by Miss Vera Stanley; AH Prices Have Tax Included. Save Money! FLOUR coursea are required in order to evening, March 10. ' away to tho puroo oho waa to cany. Station workem uid to bring the HFBRON bring thermos bottles erlth hot Springfield’ has been appointed to When aha bad read It through, EASTERN COAST OF U.S. take the ex^inlhaUons of the U. S. saxophone solo by Ivan London, ac­ The grand list has been raised Tha proapoeto o f Ufa sHth Dorek work of the station directly W o re aoups or other vtanda Another nil the vacancy. aha glanced unbeUevriiigly at the Civil Service Commission; that they Directors and members of the TOLLAND companied by Miss Arlene London; hod (tomaadti a natun of nckla tha growers. I Mild and Mallow meeUng was appointed to ba held play, "Friends Indeed” , coached by aie given advance information re­ Connecticut Society for Crippled Stanley Dymerskl of Staffordville 8660,000. The tax rate was 10 mills laylitoMaa. And D ank Ukod bor to lb IS SW EPT BY STORM the evening of April 4. Monday Olga Lindhu'.ri. Those taking part 8 O'CLOCK garding clvU-aervIce examinations; Children met at a dinner meeting Mm. Emery Clough visited lier Is managing two local amateur box­ not been nanounc* Bo waa BMtIeulooo COFFEE Unless otherwise stated It will be ers. Paul Marvonck and Aldo Muz- were Miss Marion Stanley, Mrs. that they have Influence wrlth the Monday at the Newington Home daughter Shirley who Is ill at the ed for the toming yenr y e t Taxes at the same place. Judge Dennis, zlo both of Staffordville. Donald Tuttle, Mrs. John Hutchin­ Federal Government to procure em­ for Crippled Children to complete Hartford hospital Monday and a'so are not due unUl Sept. 1. The bud­ Sultana Pink Great Lalies Statea And New ployment for applicai.ts; that they of the Ju vrn ^ Court-will ba the son, Miss Anna LIndholm. Miss ”R helps with tha right itind of plana for the annual Easter seal her parents, .Mr. and Mrs. John J*"** Hansen of get called for some 811,000 to be psepta. darttag.” he expUtoed. “And SALMON Firm and Tandar con secure special advantages for principal tpcaiker and the topic arlll West Stafford have sold their place Eleanore Covcll and Ellsworth England SnlTer Cold Spell; sale of the Society, which will be Darling of Newington, Conn. ral.plo bought TOMATOES Solid and Firm ' oana inations. Such claims are false. evening at the home of Mr. and wich. Conn. model and make It Into two tene­ the Mioses Vers and Marion Ston- T. D. Martin and the Misses Clar­ «L *i**' **»*• '•■▼‘og neirty pleturaa bocauaa thoy Uked them Snow and rain, driven by strong Anyone can obtain clvll-servlce Mm. William Owen In Amston. ments. ley and Mr. and Mrs. John Hutchln. 88(K) for the towm treasury. issa L. and Susan B. Pendleton. Mr. and Mrs. Stheven Stofan have - • . Bat. thaa, bar whole aaani la wlsds, swept over the entire east- Information free from the Secretary There arere Ubiea for bridge, setback had as recent guests out of town Principal Cheater Boston of the son attended the meeting of the Mr. and Mm. Harold Hartley or« a n h ^ of the United States today Col. D. Gordon Hunter, president Uoa with Dorah had b a « a bswU- of the U. S. ClvD Service Board at and pinochle. Four tables of bridge relstlves. Stafford High school announced school of Instruction of Farmington parents In 0X0 BEEF CUBES n a renewal of wintry weather. of the Society, characterised the 6fi**agi braalh-taktog eaparlaoca. any flrat-or second-class post office arere In play, four of setback, and Mrs. Emma West of Manchester Tiie.sday'that the four one-act plays Valley Pomona Grange at West South Coventry. Aithough aprlng weather prevail­ past year as one of outstanding ac­ ■taaa they had baaa oagagad. aha or from the office of the U. S. Civil taro of pinochle. Mm. Norton P Is a guest of her son Ivan West and scheduled to be presented at the Simsbury, Tuesday , evcniug. ed in Florida and the southwest and complishment In all phases of the hod awahaasd avrsry saoralag with CORN FLAKES SeiMce Commission at Washington, Warner won flrat prise In bridge family. Warren Memorial Hall, March 18th Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Nielson have PER.SHI.VO aETTINO WEIX. tbs sun shone over most of the west Society's program, which includen have been postponed until March returned from Florida, whem they oa aaeltad faahag that ah# waa tha KELLOGG'S Extra Oood with Canned Fruits with tbs exception of California, the with a score of over 3.000. Miss Mr. and Mrs. Charles Newman S i ; ; : : 2 0 * Upon request, the Commission the discovery, treatment, and voca­ have had as recent guests their 2oth. Also the annual operetta spent two months. Tucson, Aril.. March 10.— ( a p >— OmtSos o f aotoo atraaga sad baa moat densely populated part of the Susan Pendleton won second prize, ttfhl tala o f snrhanlmant. wUl place a person's name upon a tional guidance of the physically daughter and family of Rockville. which was scheduled for April a The Andover Volunteer Firemen's Sneorly, Oen. John J. Per. country experienced winter. mailing Hat to send him notice, with­ handicapped In thla state. This arlth a scora of over IBOO. Ladles' presentation of the Glee club, has •Be had fln t aaoa Oarak Maa- OR SPAGHETTI M eetback prize went to Ulsa -«lleD Mist Florence Leonard of the AssociaUon committee announces shlng*! barber fBaa over a year ago at tho oi MACARONI Ann Page High achool faculty of Orange, New veled today at the World War ooro- EaglShd eimrlenced freeslng cold held for any parUcular position In Hunter, was made possible through Hills; Joe Fill, Clarence Ratbbun Miss Martha Belcher has returned ~‘ -ht of tho latoraatlohal __ and Philip Mots captured prtxas In Jerssy, haa been spending a few Andover Towm Hall at 8:00 p. m„ r o a ^ r ’e recovery from hie crlUeal and fM sralfy high srlnds, although which he is interested. The Com­ the generosity of Connecticut peo­ davs with her parents. to Hartford after visiting with her Friday, March 11. They sent the ------10 khd worn HohoraMo Mob- Sultana Rad a | taasperaturea remained above sero. men's aetback, and Carl Bengston mission win furnish upon request ple in the Easter seal sale last year. parents Mr. and Mrs. Wllllaip Bel­ following notice to all: "The Vol­ "It a relrsculoua and morvmlous ttoa that ggar and aha bad thought Jaal fieal aaS A stonn attended 1^ northeast was winner In pinochle. Sand The Tolland Library Association cher on Stafford street. sample announcements of anv exam­ It Is hoped that the proceeds from held the March meeting In the Li­ unteer F'lremen'a Association haa the way he's recovered.” Snearty that of aa tha artlata ptaoaat. ba KIDNEYREANS asrvs a W M ias hammered the east coast from ination. this year’s campaign will be even wiches. rake and coffee arere served Little Elinor Spiista, daughter of gotten off to a good start. A genuine sold. ' was the euty oae who really looked Mm. Gretrude Hough and Mm. brary rooms Monday afternoon at 3 cape R atten s to Cape Cod a^d larger In order that the program Mr. and Mrs. Paul Spusta of the Interest has been tilsplayed In pro­ "I wrent out to the sanatortura tha rnia tall, dark, aad Im a^m a drtvtag hard snow over most or the Carlton H. Jonea were the delegates ^'clock with .Mrs. Helen Jewett may be extended. Col. Hunter com president, presiding. After the reg­ Cr.vstol Lake district was hostess to viding Andover with adequate Are yesterday to shave the gen enl and to hto isfasal Waah. wttt aa arro- from Hebron vlUags who qttendrd a party of eight playmates recently protection. We need the continued he asked for a haircut too. He CORNEDBEEF *5" mented oapeclally on the work of ular business proceedings, the ladles ffMit, baauHful swaap of prodlo. aad Rain poured Into the Ohio and the meeting called at Bolton last In honor of her third birthday. The COSMOPOLITAN CLUB’S the newly organized Wlnated clinic were Interested In an exhibit of ■support of all to make the work of was able to sit up In bed whtls 1 taat to— lag, toapattaat took to hla iUmieal]dppl river vaUeys and ■Friday In connection with the World color scheme was pink and green the organization effective. Mattem worked on him. hhto oyua that oMltod ao swiftly lato all along the Mason and Dixon line. which haa given treatment special shells and many other curios of Day of Prayer. A luncheon was Florida brought to the room.s by with baskets and favors. Mrs. to be taken up at this meeUng In­ "H e was about 100 per cent bet­ ’ ‘ whaa ba spoka COLLEGE INN The wheat and corn lands west of aid and Instruction In hamUcrafU Spusta was assisted in serving by TOMATO JUICE can MUSICAL TOMORROW to over 250 people since lU opening served at noon and a devotional several of the members who had col­ clude the election of additional of- ter than wh-n I saw him loot Omaha w en thawing out rrpldly program uf greet Interest was car. her .si.ster-ln-law Miss Julia Spusta last May. clinic la under the lected them when on a tour of the fleers, consideration of by-laws, In- Thiirsda.v. I can see now he's go­ I t was tha aaat UMrutog that aba imdar sunny skies and gentle breexes "rhla ried out. Ten churches of nearby nf Crystal Lake. Elinor received "orporation, and a discussion of ing to come out of It." direction of Rev. Frclerlc Lorent- state. Mrs. Aaron Pratt of Wind­ had laahad up to aaa M a otaadtog HEARTS -pes bage dumps, ferry ollpe recreation wen driving freezing weather The works of several well known operation the society Is receiving ther hostessea. ‘• a h ha toekad at bar, aad tha Bia vALunUALIISlPABST-ETT A4 oiisa diilfi.aim •o.^.araea ^aaver__ aaa.,. ois« CHEESE ago with only three churchm unit­ street. The annua] roll call.^re- of membership: active and associ­ ■pace, and public ptem for sand, npldly across North Dakota. South composers vUU be given at the an- from various dvlc orgaolxatlona. The weekly reading club to be held ports of officers and election will pupOs e f hto agrus artdshsd to thair Heads plenty of Csvam aaly 88a witb I Fakat-aM bsx tok ing. la connection arlth ths lArger ate. A summary of the first meeUng gravel. Iron, steel, etc. Dakou already was thawing out nud musical of the Cosmopolitan churches and other groups In all Monday afternoon was postponed on take place at this time. The nom­ dhigularty alaar. traaspaiaet trloas aaa I bmac wroaaar. ^ b o x m 3 3 c Because of the east coast storm, Club tomorrow afternoon at 3 parts of the state. world projept, arlth 50 or more na­ account of the Library Association inating committee includes Miss to tha way aha caoM to kaow so oclock m the Center Congregational tions represented. I meeting and held Tuesday afternoon an airliner made an emergency The visitors were shown about Marcella Rounds. Mrs. Amelia Han­ BREAOr landuig at Rlchlands, N. C„ No one CTurch House by Mrs. Katherine A birthday (mrd shower was ! fit the home of Mrs. Fritz Gometz. ley end Mrs. M. D. O'Connell. -Mareifui Haavaaol” ho oxptodwl UNEEDA IISCUITS a. 0. I*)ward. 'cellist, Mr. and Mrs. the home and saw the children at sns Injured. work ns well as at play. It was given for Mm. Charles P. Miner j The Tolland teachers meeting with Miss Ellen Van Clcef of the ex­ aefUy. T«ow arhy. 1 woodsaThMYt Near Ouny, Colo., the 30 miners p a ries Robbins and Edward F. this week. Mias Clara Gallant nt i other towns under the supervision tension service. Connecticut State OMto oho told yuu Bot to dtodgura l& M CLAMS roR CHowDcn Taylor The accompanists will be difficult to go through the home Cambridge. Mass., «-as Mm. M iner's' Le''* T. Garri.son met Tuesday af- at the Camp Bird mine were ordered college, Storrs will conduct three yawraotf with tho partleularly pel- PUR8 Mrs. William Rush, Mrs. Charles and see these handicapped children guest for a few days thla week. I ternoon at the Hicks Memorial smmm ahado af groahT” RAJAH CIDER VINEGAR to evacuate the workli.gs because without a touch of heartache, but se.ssions on “ Clothing as an Ehepres- e f the danger of a slide of snow Robbins and Mrs. R. K. Anderson. school for their business session. the atmosphere of Joy and happi Sion of Personality” In Tolland coun­ Tbo took ko boat upea tho Mt of lORDEN'S EAGLE MILK CONDKNSIO from U. B. Peak. Mrs. Charles Sumner of Bolton ty, the meetings to be held March m a o allh at tho throat e f bor btock win be hostess and Mrs. R. K. And­ ness In It all was such that one al' Average production of 340.990 most forgot to pity. The children, 29th at West Stafford. March SO b o s k hold oaab aoUea dIaUko that GOOD LUCK PIE PILLING ch^SHaw erson and Mrs. William Rush will Oil wells In the United States la 8.1 at Andover and March 31st at Mans­ those who could get about and use WAPPING Oww f n i aaraty toaaagad to keep be In charge of the annual program. barrels a day, the American Pe­ field. bar haad froot flytag protoettvaly RAJAH SYRUP o v a SERVICE SCHOOLS Ihelr hands, were heartDy enjoying Wapplng Grange No. 30 held Its troleum Institute reports. Mrs. Nellie O’Neil has returned to la tho Mart. After aa eutragod W H EAT FLAKES auNNVpiKue their work in carpentering, making regular meeting Tuesday evening, toys, pUylng In their spirited h.twi koaauvar. aha aald to a March 8. with 44 patrooa present. ^ Sbs maaagod to kaap SPARKLE DESSERTS Exe. eorm WARNING IS ISSUED Manchester or orchestra, singing, etc. Even There wem vtsitora from OoodwlU, qidoUy aauaaod: those children who have to stay la Enfield, Echo and Manchester _ pa booaaM ao ooo who KELLOGG'S ALL IRAN bed seemed contented too, with their Granges. After the usual bualneaa ------wun aaeugh would bo Commission Gives Statement Date Book toys and other means of entertain­ ms DAILY DOG POOD Saying No School Can Fulfill meeting the following program was funty of Mch aa laipafttoaaec.” ment. A fine dinner was served to presented by the ststem as It was ">ly daar glri." bo aald shortly, GORTON'S CO D PISH CAKU .2 ? F*romises Of Positions. Tomorrow. the guests, of whom there ware ' Ladles N ight:" Flmt. a eong by all, naaa».io.Fr» March 11—Epwocth L e a ^ e play, ‘^daa^ talk hoaaaaaa, It'a no Im- some two or three hundred, and which woa followed by on original parttooBoa to hato aaatag beauty COOKED SPAGHETTI ANN RAOt a I f• Washington. D. C., March 10 — Waiting at the Church.” at South during thlq time the children enter­ Methodist church. poem by LllUao B. Grant, and an outragad.” . Ths United States Ovll Service tained them- with orchestra selec­ original paper by Mioa Kate WIthrel This Week. Ho ■evad abruptly aaray; but Oammlsslon today Issued the folldw- tions and vocal muair, both of entitled "Something Uaeful from ingstatement: March 12 — American Legion half way to Um door ha turaad to which were excellent. Hebron was Something Ueeleae;” a vocal trio by •aU aMUy aear hto Bwuldar with HOT CROSS BUNS public should not be misled by dance at Rainbow, In Bolton. organized last year In tha matUr Thla .Month. Mlaa Dorothy Drayar, Katherine aaa af hto audilaa ftaahtag smUaa. m m ises of Government positions of seal aalaa. The Rev. H. R. Keen Demikat and Eleanor Stead; a Sarva During Lant pkga — state meeting of "Aad ro i Bot talktog about tha J 2 5 c by so-called ''cl\il-aer\ice scbools” , remains chairman of th# commit­ gueaalng game conducted by Miss agenLi or their advertisements. ^UVA at State Armory. l A r SpHnkte eystmn w M brings osi dw fine deUcase flavor. seart sithar.’ tee. The other members are Mrs Esther Wellea (who drew pictures, Oonataaoa apaat bar Idle b m - No school is able to fulflll any such March 15-16— "Personal Appear­ T. D. Martin and the Mlsaea Pen­ Don't just take salt tor graatsdl pvomises. The public la also w'am- ance, • a 3-act comedy by the Com­ repreaenflng the titles of soogs, for sah he/orm broiling or baking f saato that ■iirhtng dtvrtolikl allky, munity Players at Whlton Memorial dleton. It la hoped that ths achoola all to gueae); a reading, and encore, Wkmh As Bsaw asB3 Ths world's lay. davaatattog phra w i arlth whieh ad against scbools or agents that can be organized to help. In some Movor l Whyt Fresh Fruits and Vegetables . wouldjead one to believe that they auditorium. by Mm. Suole Watem In costume; RTestest chefs say Worcester Salt it to htoi tf ha dared to eoeta places children are asked to buy ' represent the Government or are March 17 — st. Patrick’s family song by oU; a pantomeme in song the finest. They use Worcester Salt bach. But whaa A s tookad up troaa seals at a cent apiece (the regular We give yon the fineu o i salt for connected with the Government In party at St. Bridget’s parish house. by four slotem, Ulos Dorothy Dray- and sa/y Worcester Salt in all their her woih that aftoraooa to fl^ Mm price of each seal, though the aheeta er, Ulsa Katherine Demikat, Mias your cooking . . . but be sum to any way, or the.t give assurance of March 27-Col. H. B. Bisaell din­ cooking. For tong expericace bos aalltog dowa at bar, oaiUad aucceas In passing civll-service ner, by Yankee Division veterans at cost a dollar) corrrsponding to Eleanor Stead and Mlaa Irons Raw; add it when it gives the greatest back to ip iU af haraalf. Hto haaito state Armory. their ages. That Is. a child of ten taught them that Worcester Salt is assunlnatlona on the completion of rocltatlon by Mlaa Margaret savor to your food. Oysters will be s WRVG IddoM bikiBd their courses. Coming Events. would pay ten cents etc. Almost Welles; reading by Mm. Miuy Hills, always pure. It)vaa none of the bush little toughened and lose some o f **Wldoli o m win xoa takar* ha Extravagant claims of this type April 16—HosplUl Linen Aiwll- any child could spare a dime or ‘Tha New Farm BHl;” roll call by bitter impunties o f ordinary oolt to ckallfl^ad kRTv are bringing some au«.h schools un­ lary ball at Bond Hotel, Hartford. more or leas. One good result of four ISdies, and closing song by all. their liquor if salted befom cooking.. affect the flavor o f fine foods. Wor> fhaataiBa aald—agato to spiu of educating the school children In this After the program remarka were TOMATOES der Government Investigation Re- —Tenth annual concert Mushrooms tell snother atoty; odd cetter Salt Co,, Arntric^'t rUat re. horofiU— T b o right." o « U y the Post Office Department of G Clef Club at Emanuel Lutheran project Is that It. often leads to the miule by the guests. Rev. Charles A. church. the salt early in the cooking, tor salt N ew York.U .S. A. "Right It lo r bo ertod. aad bald MBUed fraud orders against a num- discovery of cases capable of treat­ Downs, chaplain o f the Connecticut badotu bar a ahtouaertigi o » r t of FANCY RED RIPE lb 1 0 < ■ aw o f theae schools denying them —Bazaar sponsored by ment Oilldren tell their parraU, State Grange, and William P. Ma­ a daap vrtbrMt btna. T radoT ” Gi*. ^ •<> • a J T further use of the mails after evl- ^ Men and Glu.seppe Garibaldi and the parents And out that there loney, master o f Enfield Grange. A t ^ Whoa ba n w bar otarttod thea, danc* bad been submitted that they •oclety at 8U U Armory. la a chance for aomethlog to be the cloae o f the Orange ths mar­ ha artod owlftly, hto agraa holding ■ had used the mails to defraud. In T ~ 50th anniversary cele­ done for a crippled child In the riage o f Mlaa Lota M. Foetar, ovet^ bration of Maccabeea. haaa with beyM ptoadtog, "Ptaaaa! GRAPEFRUIT Largs SIss m o f these cases prosecuted by the family. One of the encouraging r of Wapplng Grange, and Robert R taat ovary day »pu can awka a Government, the promoters of the features of this liutltutlon la that V. Watson, a past master and also ‘“ ■w jyajrtaet ^ t h imm touch of acbool were later tried In criminal p l a n e SEARCTi CONTINITBS many cures are being made. Crutch­ present member of the executive court and given Jail sentences. The es and leg braces are being di^ committee, took place. The cere­ wear It." Ooaataaeo said ORANGES Juicy PforMss 2 ^ < Vtderal Trade Commission «i«n in- Freano, CaUf., March 10— (A P )__ mony araa performed by Rev. eaatlgates complaints. carded after having served their y. *nf youra w osr tha giaoa Mpedltlons purposes, and children are being Charles A. Doama, which was fol- Tha aim of tba Oovamment la to enuBUi he ^ “ fi« a| p la n n ^ U ^ y to search for the air­ sent horns strong and well or helped loared by a reception, after ivhich peotact the puUie against mlarepre- liner which vanished with nine per- With a ahiug ha raaiovad hto Uo, PEPPERS Lsrgs Grssn Solid Walls ao much that they are able to take the bride and groom left for an un­ SHitatkin by any of tbeie achoola aoM In the mountains east of here aad whaa A s handed htoi thegrasn their places In the world and Uve announced amddlng trip. The wed­ scarf, ha put it shoot hto noch aad I t la of course Impossible for the during a atorm March 1. ding was a complete aurprlse to all useful and happy lives. IP FOR CUP, the amoxlng N ew Rinso gives kaottod It toto a raklah bow. As Oovemment to aecure or aid in se­ An unsucceaaful aerial search and except the taro tamitlea, curing the refund of money raid t. g t o w ^ beUef that the transcon- A Joint meeting of the Americso Cover 2)K mote suds than the old,- These toll- aho f Mtaaod tho Mno acatf at bar m o the schools. The public la theiw. Legion and the Women's Auxiliary The Wapplng Mothers' club will threat, ha wmtebod bar with draamy U i^ U l and Western air liner might bold their next meeUng this Thurs­ of-Ufe suds Jswi the gtcase off ditbet, pots end pens mra urged to heed this waning and not be found until the high Sierra i^ll be held at ths town hall. Ho- with tbegrestettofspeetL TbensU you have to do ★ n o w — LO O K m cooperate with the Qovenment broo, Thursday evening next Com- day evening at S o'clock, March 10, T ahaa patot you." ha daeiarad. • it to swish and rinse—tod let the dUfaet ditiil diy, w P Tbod Stozes • ■nowpack melU failed to discourage ■Iqr m aking inquiry In every case R- Gray baa some the home of Mrs. Carl Magnu- FOR THE W EIGHT Ta aaactly that ahada ef biuo." ground parties spurred by TWA'a ■on, at Bast Windsor Hill and they if yon with. This new wrap is so 6st, so easy— tod ^onearnlng such eialms tn dvU-aer- special busineas to bring before the so kind to your htodt. Save money. Maks it a hofanto look re schools or a g ^ U I flodlng the plane. meeting. have Invited aa their gueata tha betore cnroll- Paul R RlchUr, vice president In at the "tut sesific" marked oa tha ’ Cor oour Joseph Barrasso of QUaad had an Ladles Aid society of the Wapplng Ob washday, Rinto't liwtiy sods wash clothes ac a HiailriaTy baehgreuud Hka uition Is particularly charge of T W A operations, said at Community church. Mrs. Eari Hur- Isttt-S shsdes whiter than ordintiy sotpt. Colon package ot yoa boy. It wfll pay i M t one plane would be kept on jmpleasant experience reecnUv when M hhto iaasb with blaa M clalma by achoola thslr Phy o f Bprlngflald, Maaa., wUl da- cosM brigbitt— SB^. Unto is iccomincnded 1^ . ypa always to iaaiatoattoy|w,.,^Ydf 83 the search Indefinitely. **• aor^ bar trip to LabiVor. to ths ravaa of hor hair. some o f his provisions. This ham tos Bsktis of 85 omens srtshaia. oaaccJWorocsttrlvoryStltpackaKt. Om portrait atoiply Logy THE SOUTHERN NEW ENGLAND TELEPHONE COMPANY to ha taro aoro card tt vtoo Oh ptetura that Herald Advertising

lr>AVi£k42kfc5il *■ :. u .. V 'I.- MANCSraSTER BVBNING HBRALD, MANCHESTER, CONN.. THURSDAY, MARCH 10,19S8 BVBNINO HBR ALD , UANCUE8TEK. C O N N . T S U B 8 D A T . IC A B C H 10.19M High Nips Crosby, Faces Derbu In Semi-Finals T he H igh S chool W orld Local Sport Seek To Eliminate Women U in Heica Estes, Fseolty Adviser FOREIGN HEAVYWEIGHTS MAIN GAVELLO’S HOOP GAINS Chatter From The Olympic Games ASSEMBLIES ENJOY DRAMA CLASS HEARS Leads Orchestra FRENCH CLASS JUKAZED Editor in Chief— Peggy Wood­ OARKENEN GAIN Oir MEMORIASf CONTENDERS FOR RING TITLE 31-29 VICTORY IN LAST ruff. ’30a TYPIST ENTERTAINS This bustoess o f master-minding Ito p t. March 10—( A P ) - ^ committee can change the site of Managing Editors— Louise TALK ON CRITICISM TO FIND MANY ffilOjiB Manchester High School has the state cage championships U The InternaUimal Olympic commit games. SPEAKER ON AFRICA Foley, '38B; Ray Goalee, '38B. lost a ioyal friend with tha some headache as far aa We're con­ teo opens Us nine-day meeting to­ Japan's delegate to the meeting. SpQ.rta Editor—Abraham Os- RIESEMH1NAU ^icAth o t Arvid Gustafson, cern ed.... the best we could do to day with the 1940 games at Tokyo Dr. Jlgoro Kano, contended on hta MINUTE OF POOR CLASH Malcoim Stannard GIt m Hia trtnsky, '38B. Many Strange French Expres- chief engineer oC the Man­ GROUP OF STUDENTS IFOMMY FARR GETS Fourth One-Ball Sweeps the Class A quarter-finals of yester­ and a move to eliminate women's arrival here that hta country might chester Public achoota. Al­ Literary Editor—Faith Stev­ Standarda For Dramatic aiona More Than Offset By day afternoon and last night wai competition from future Olympiads agree to ahtftlng toe winter games, enson, '39B. Criticiam. ways cheebful and helpful, he fifty per cent as Derby beat Baa- as the major business at hand. but that the committee "would be Ciplim Stanley Osborne Ex­ Exchange Editor — Ruth ElereD Confident High School Strange English Sayings. created a-an atmosphefis of CHANCE IN CLASH At Charter Oak Tonight slck and Naugatuck trimmed Stam­ Pre-meeting discussion made It committing suicide" If It decided to Red And White Ontscored From Floor By 12-11 Bit aervice and good will in bis Wheaton. '40B. E. Malcolm Stannard, of the Man­ Fastest Woman^ Typist Iq ford contraiy to our predlctiona... appear that both a threatened pro­ remove toe summer competition, Students, of French have always work that was an Inspiration we're consoled by toe fact that test over Japan's holding the 1040 now scheduled for August 34 to plains That A frica Not Un- Assistant Editors— Betty Kee­ chester Evening Herald staff when PhyersTop Crosby Of been amazed to find so many idioms to the students with whom he Sinks 9 Of 10 Free Trios To Edge Waterhnry Entry h ney, '39B; Louisa Chambers, speaking ccently to toe Drama IHMAXIEBAER The fourth to a series of one- baU^renti, Charlie Kebart and f%arlie M anch^ter and Bristol came games, as well as the motion to Sept. 8. using the verb "falre” , which liter­ came In contact. Hta agree­ World; Types 130 Wor sweepstakee wUl bo held at Farr’e make strictly "stag” affairs of com­ Japan ta eager to hold the 1940 '39B: Jean Clarke, '39B; Robert Class on toe iubject of 'T h e Critic acy means "make or do.” It ta hard able wdlUngneas to do all the Evana, while BiU Neubauer and A1 through over Crosby and Windham dfiiixed As Many Think. McCormick. '40A. - _ and What He Haa To Be" brought W aterbary. Charter Oak alleys tonight with a Kowaki have taken high Kngle, toe respectively but both were badly ing Olympics would be overruled. games, because toe year marks toe Class A Tonmey; Shows Mediocre Form Bat Leads At for Americana to learn- In French mjmy UtUe things wfhlch total of $30 ta prizes betog offered Photographer— Wesley Mc­ out that toe critic was the middle­ A Minute. latter twice. . scared by their r iv a li.. .. A fte r spending the first three 2,600th anniversary of the founding it makes beautiful" when we real­ might have bothered him, hta to the bowlers who turn in the high­ Mullen, '39A. man between the player and the Another one-biul sweeps has been days seeing B g ^ t. the committee of the Japanese empire. However, ly mean "it ta a fln f day" or "tha sunny smile to everyone Who fictory Will Place Welshman est scores. The award for high will board a river steamer to dis­ Erery Quarter; Kose Off In Return To Action; To 0|y- “ Ninety per cent of the people In ptibllQ. He explained that when Eleven able and confident -Man­ weather ta fine"; to eay, “ to make a arranged by Murphy’s alleys and Although Manchester has been recently sentiment hat been ex­ Reporters— Marguerite Barry. asked asatatance made him a has been set at $10 with $8 cuss Olympic businees, with the - Africa apeak Bngllah.- This atate- '40B; June Bickmore, '40B; writing for the newspaper he 'writes meal on ths graea" when we mean popular man at M. H. S. will be rolled Baturday from 1 markedly unlmprezslve to far, we've pressed In the Japanese army I chester High school aarkemen, last The fastest woman typist In to* for second place, $7 for third and $5 threatened boycott of the Tokyo meat made by Captain Stanley Os­ ! Loui.se Chambers, '39B; Louis for the people. Nothing, Including "to have a picnic", and to say ITsIre On Leyel With Schmeling o'clock to the afternoon until mid­ stiU got faith that the Oarkemen against the games. night, assured Manchester o f a place It goes.wrltbout saying that world entertained a very large for high single. A s fifth prise, games likely to cause the moat con­ pose Scrappy B Rival At The Arena Tomorrow NighL borne In the course o f his talk to Della Fera, '39A; Isadore Gott­ criticism, should be written for toe attention", "to make attention” In- night with $50 to prlxea. This event wUl regain their form against Derby ' Delegates from Norway, Sweden, 1 in the semi-finals of ths state tour­ he will be inlssed. O rtalnly free admission to the grand sweeps will not Interfere with regular bowl­ troversy. — the students o f Manchester High fried, '38B; Lucy Gray, '38B; purpose of selling It, but should be smad of "to pay attention." English group of Manchester High echool tomorrow nlgnt...... Manchester's Finland and Csechoalovakla are ex­ nament' by defeating Crosby High the example set by such a And Barlond Leading at the end of the season will be ing aa the top floor will be used for To begin discussion, the CaUneee aehool last Priday morning is suffi- John Hamilton. '39A; Douglas done to suit the satisfaction of toe iiiakes use of on even greater num- students and a group from Stafford given. our choice, but with our fingers pected to express reservations dsnt to show that Africa Is not the o f Waterbury by a ctose score of Mr. Gustafson la one the latter. delegate probably wlU move that against Tokyo. The American dele­ Johnson. '39B; Ray Linders, writer hlmsclt." of idioms with "make or do.” A Springs High school Wednesday The weekly event at Farr’s has crossed, and we look for Bristol to Lady Luck entiled benevolently on Mancheater Hish y«s- uncivUlaed country so many think 31-29 before a' large following ol which all the students might The prise awards will be as fol­ the committee re-examine the case, gate, Avery Brundage, intends to '41B; Margaret McCartan, '39B; Crltlclsme do not have to be long. F “ench lA class recently counted all 'veil follow. ® been attracting a large turnout of cUmtoate Naugatuck In the other te ^ y afternoon at the New Haven Arena and the and It is. both Manchester and Crosby fans afternoon in the assembly halL She Threats To Diadea lows: High triple, $20; second high, tn view of a suggestion that Japam support Japan In Its bid to retain Jean Phillips, ’-41B; Dorothy An example of toe shortest criticism such common idioms possible. bowlers and a big field ta expected eemlNlnal... .m aybe'our hopes are Captain Osborne, who has travel- was Miss Stella Wllllna, who was $10; third high, $5; high single, $8; because of her present war In Chtnx^ the 1940 competition, w W e the White cagers slipped into the semi-flnalg of the Claas A cham- Snow, '40B: Marjorie Stowell, ever written was, "An amateur at toe New Haven Arena. While Ted Can you Imagine the amazement to compete for the attractive cash getting toe best of our Judgment but ad astenslvely through Africa and sponsored by th* Commercial Club second high, $4; third high, $8. An ta not a suitable place for tha British delegate, Lord Aberdare, pionship with an unimpressive 31 to 29 triumph over Crosby '38B; Francis Wallett, '39B. string quartet played Bach here last Brown, Merv Cole, . and Harry oi a French boj or jrlrl trying to prizes tonight. Previous winners of that’s the way we're picking 'em... srtio is an authority upon the nature TyplsU — William Adamy, Squat" led toe winners to their ieain Ehiglish and meeting with such through Mrs. Richard Martin, tyn- New York, March lCh-(AP)—K entry fee of sixty cents will be gamea Howevpr,>lf Japan does not said that while be has no doubt High of Waterbury. tft this country, gave the students night. Bach lost.” Neither does high triple have been Maurice Cor- charged for three games. '38B; Betty Beeney, '38B; Ken­ Bill Bergeron victory, Brady of Crosby starred for ol'stacles aa our own numerous Ing teacher. ' ^ homas George E'aul Farr whips consent—and there 1*.^ little likeli­ Tokyo will have an Olympia^ It loosely played game that waa saved from mediocrity only by a most Interesting and enlightening critlctam mean flnding fault. It may PRACTICE DRAMATICS Manchester can thank Elmo toe Oarkemen'e brUltant foul shooting os they con vert^ nine out o f ten neth Chadwick, '38B; Guerlno In the absence of Albert Pearson the losers. AJthougb the Manches­ idioms using "make or do” which The Piealdent of the Commercial Baer Friday night the heavy- hood that ahe will—-hot even the "may be delayed until 1944." talk. This was accompanied by a and often does Include many good "Red’’ GaveUo for yeeterday's tri­ ***''®** victory after being outscored from the floor. As a lamonaco, '38B; B en ^ Magnu- during the presentation of toe Sock ter team showed more power It was have no literal meaning to one of club opened the program by wel­ velght situation wiU be enoufdi to aeries of beautifully colored pic­ points. umph over Crosby... .the hard- son, '38B; Dorothy Turklngton, and m skln play "Remember the toe heighth of the Croaby team that French naUonaiity? He might un­ coming the ■visiting students and ■make John L. BulUvan's ghost blush tures. A critic writer seises upon a.njr- WITH GIRL RESERYES fighting red-jead was to the thick ■38B; Jerry Sapiensa, ’39A; Mil­ Day," Bill’ Bergeron lent hta talents kept Manchester from going on a derstand “ make the bed", for "falre local representative of too Royal I —^with the three leading contend- Dinlaylng a large map of Africa, dred Mardn, 38B. thlng strange or humorous and do lit” exists in French, too; but of the fray every minute he was In by leading the High School orches­ scoring spree. Typewriting Company. Harry Den- le n , Farr, Mas SchmeUng and Gun- TERRY SAYS HE NEVER Claricenien Off Form. he asked the audience to make a '' — — ------si bases hta story on it to give it life. hew would he understand that "to action and hta efforts were responsi­ tra. Hta violin solos also formed F ln U B sU Miss Page Sums Up Impor mdad explained that Mies WlUlns |nar Barlund, aU foreigners. Manchester ta favored to enter mental note of the various sections A ll hta writlnge are ehspeo and make a basket” had nothing to do ble for the wlnnlTit: rally in toe clos­ BRISTOL TOPS WINDHAM the background for twro of toe Crosby was first to scors on a foul holds the record for women o f typ­ This ta something new. From the finale of the state tournament o f the country, so as to batter pic­ shaped and pointed at a certain Vito wearing it; that “ makes the tance Of Dramatic Tech­ ■cenes In the play. shot by Brady but not soon after ing 128 words a minute for one ISuUlvan to Dempsey, with the ing mtoutea of p la y ....T ed Brown but the Ctarkemen will liave to Im­ ture the location e t the places about person. honor roll" bad no connection with nique; Demonstrates Makeup By An Eyelash! hour steadily. During tola time, she FEUDED WITH WRITERS looked very good among the starters prove conilderably over the form DEAF SCHOOL EXOBinON Ted Brown sank a sucker shot to I exception o f Bob Eltzslmmona which he was going to apeak. The press reports may make or drawing it; that “ make the train" and emerged as high scorer al­ put Manchester in the lead and "pie theater ta the gateway to made only 25 errors while etiikmg land Tommy Burns, the ebsm- ON SENSATIONAL RALLY that disposed of Hartford Public MANCHBamB (81) break an actor. A good actor may did not mean to actually construct There have been two chief cen­ though he played less than half a and Crosby to get past Derby's ROWS AND LOUYPOPS throughout the first quarter the it; and thni. “ make money" did not glorious adventures In an Imaginary 89,500 keys. Mias Wllllns wrote Iplons were Americans. Americans, chance to beat Farr. Joe Lioula’ p. B. r . T. ters in Africa: the Cape of Good HELD A T M. H. S. H A U be tom apart by a amall mistake g a m e .... scrappy array o f smmii, speedy ball lead not only''changed hands oMbn mean to coin it? world." said Mtas Helen Page, teach­ with 99.9 accuracy, which is even ■ too, were the prominent cballeng- Jolting fists persuaded other per­ 0 Cole, t t ...... 3 1-1 5 Hope .in the extreme south and while In the same manner an ama­ M anager O f Giants Reyeals hawks. Neither the first nor tho but the score was also tied. Man­ er of English and director of the more remarkaole because 10 'words iere, with the exception of Georges formers to retire. 0 Green, rf ...... 1 0-0 ^gypt in the north. The Cape col­ teur may be praised and built up. ■Would he understand that "do toe From Thomas W. Sto'we, former eecond team clicked yesterday, not 3 PART OF “HD” PARTY chester, near the end of this quar­ dlahea” meant to wash them; "do are taken off for an error. ICarpentier and Luts Angel Flrpo. The domestic supply has failed to Men Of Monahan Spot Rivals 1 Schleldge, I f ...... ony was not permanently acquired Eastern Conn. Schoolmen See A cto n and actreaaes usually do Sock M d Buskin Dramatic club at head man o f this piUar, comoa a let­ PRINCETON STAGES even with Ed Koee In action for 1 1-1 8 ter, took the lead which was held the blackboards” meant to wash Mtas WlUlns was very much at I General foreign heavyweights were produce anything remtotaoent of the 0 H. Squatrito, If ... by the English until eight years aft­ not take criticisms personally, since if.*. vL*** speaking to toe Only One Baseball Re­ ter this morning from Miami, Flori­ most o f the second half after three 2 1-3 5 Demonstration By Students till the middle of the lest quarter and clean them; "do a package" Girl Reserves at toeir last meet- ease and gave toe assembly ira» I noted for their horizontal tenden- fabled days of BuUtvan and Corbett. 1 Brown, o ...... 3 8-8 7 er its actual selsure from the Dutch. it is toe character and not toe per­ Icles. d a ... .we quote; “ I trust that when 11 Points And Then Come weeks on the sidelines with a ba^y From School For The Deaf. Leaden Clam Holds Kid Party and while the flret squad for toe meant to wrap it In paper; "do jae’s ing. portant information concerning tha Jimmy Adamlck, Jack Kearns’ lat­ ACAGE^MEBACK 0 Gavello, c-lf ...... 1 A t this time the colony was inhabit­ son who ta criticised. Tet an actor tola letter reaches you, Manchester sprained ankle. 1-1 8 ed by aetUere most o f whom were In Which Games Were Play­ first time in the tournament began hair" meant to fix it nicely; and "do Miss Page added, howevec, that position o f the back, legs and wrtsta. Change In Ten Yean est "second Dempsey," was, to put porter Caused Trouble; 1 Kose, c ...... 1 0-6 3 may turn the average critic against In the pest ten years imported High will have won Its way Into toe Ed Hose Sees Action. Dutch. When the English migrated ed, Songfl Sung:. to show their good qualities (ecore your stuff" meant to sho\v what you there was more to the theater Mtas WlUlns flret took a “warming it mildly, unimpressi've In beating Back T o Win, 33-29; Nan* 0 Taggart r g ...... 0 1-1 1 ^ exhibition by the American him if hta personality is not pleas­ can do? up driU” which sounded like "m a­ I battlers have moved to. Thomas Harry Tliomaa. a notorious trial semi-finals of the State Tournament Kose, of Course, was far from his to Africa in great numbers and ing off the stage. A real actor, at 11-8) the quarter ended. just acting. The World ta full of 1 E. Squatrito, rg . . . 1 0-0 3 School for tha . Deaf was the high­ I f these Idioms were carefully chine gun fire." N ext she took two IHeeney and Max Bchmellng started horse. Explains Reason For Atti- at New Haven. I have been follow­ best. He favored bis snkle as rhenged ths government, said Cap­ light of the afternoon meeting of literally, never leaves the stage. The local "clean up squad,” then aspiring actors, but real directors Whip Colmnbia To Earn 3 Murphy, Ig ...... 0 0-0 0 "When you and I were young, analyzed, toe class decided one speed tests for one minute at a net Ilk Max was the flret from across Red Burmau, one of Deroproy's ing the progresa cl the preliminary gatnek Easdy Disposes much as possible and also have a tain Osborne, many Boers left the the Eastern Connecticut School­ Some of the greatest angels on toe entered toe game and although they and scenic artists are few. 2 Wlnsle'r, I g ...... 0 1-1 1 Maggie” would have been an ap­ could readily see that they do not rate of approximately 130 words a I the seas to bold the title, though he white hopes, has excited no wild round games through the Herald hea'vy cold but he did manage to Gape and made their way into the men’s Association, held Friday, stage are devils in real life. did not outscore the first squad they To produce a good play, one must tode; A Bear For Work. Interior. There they set up new propriate theme song for toe Lead­ mean exactly what they Imply; minute. She also stressed toe neces­ ■ won It by proclamation after ending celebrations In hta tour of the hin­ with great Interest. There's surely Chance For Second Place sink a basket when points were vl- Mwch 4. in the M. H. S. auditorium. When JudginR a play, one has to brought the lead of three points up know how to direct, bow to arrange Of Stamford, 48 To 35. 8 11 6-10 81 eokmles in regions known as Natal ers Class "Kid” party which - was Uerefore, whj It ta often as dlf- sity o f a quick carriage return. I hta bout with Jack Sharkey sitting terlands. Bob Pastor, Jimmy John­ nothing like toe "home town paper' taUy needed in the closing minutea The A Capella choir and high aehool consider the coidiUon under which to five points and played with the a good setting, h w to costume srour ORORBY (38) and the Transvaal. As Natal bor- held Friday night, March 4 in the flfult for foreigners to learn our WhUe she took a speed test, four I down. ston's pride, has flopped sensation­ to keep abreast with the latest news It waa Elmo "Red" GaveUo, how­ orchestra, under the direction of O. toe playen are acting. In amateur Assembly HalL Short dresses and same sort of perfect defense and pzayers, how to'put on make-up. Baton Rouge, !«., March 10 — Tie In Eastern Loop. ever, who knotted the count at 37- P. a F. T. dared the sea coast the English language aa It ta for us to leam girls at her request, asked her ques­ earners followed him, beating ally. Nathan Mann, BteVs Dudas when you are hundreds of miles A i b ^ Pearson, gafe a brief con­ hair-ribbons were the newest spring unerring accunic.v that they dis­ their language. Then comes the production. (A P ) — Colonel BIU Terry, the ' Down eleven points at halftime all and foUowed up Kose’s tally by 3 Holmes, r f ...... 3 7 wore anxious to control it so they plays toe renearaala are usually tions regarding Manchester’s cbanc I Sharkey for the title, after toe lat- and the reat have abown they don’t from home. cert as part of the program. styles, while lolljrpops seemed to played in the previous game as toe A director must have the, com- and seemingly thoroughly b e a t^ dribbling in fast to drive home the 0 Woods, U ...... 1 8 seat troops to Durban, drove out only part-time, lasting a mere It has been t part of the course' in I ter had won the crown from belong to the tame ring with Louis. magazine writer, expreseed mild MIm Dunbar, a teacher at the be the latest craze.. second quarter ende<. with Manches­ pleto cooperation o f bla «M>-worker8 es In toe basketball tournament, New York, March 10.—(AP) — Bristol High staged e senaattonal winning twinpointer In the final sec­ 0 GaluUp, If ...... 0 0-1 0 the Boers and seised the colony. several hours aplere. And too, there Mies Klbbe's first-year French class I Bchmellng to a fight that gave rise Consider the foreigners. Farr surprise at the observation that "Judging from what you have American School for the Deaf, lo- When the girls arrived they were ter on toe long end of a 30-15 score. If toe play 1s to be a success. which Miss Wllllns answered oblig­ There’s never a dull moment In the rally to overcome Windham of WII- onds of play, after Crosby tied the 8 Brady, c ...... s 3-8 8 Oonthluing hia narration -the cap­ are many things which can distract to vote that English has as many. I to Joe Jacobs’ deathless, "we wus haa won conslderabla fame but nary written about Coach Wilfred J. greeted aktoe door by having lolly- Strang Flntah If not more Idioms, than French. The ancient theaters had no ingly whUe typing at remarkable tiisre didn’t aeem to be much of eastern Intercolle^ate basketball llmantic In the quarter-finals of toe score. And It was Gavello who 1 Day, rg ...... 8 1-1 7 tain told that tte Boers were once West Hartford, briefly the amateur actor if he ta not speed. I robbed.'.’ Da Preem wasn't In the a fight In tola ou ntry. He did, Clarke's ooys, tot town haa a team pops "plopped" in their mouths. As the third quarter began, we English ta, for that very reason, scenery. First important step was feud going on around here between league, even though Dartmouth has Class A tourney proper at the New flashed the best form throughout 3 Lyons, Ig ...... 1 0-0 3 . again on the march. This time they stated the work of the school after thoroughly familiar with hta lines. I same closa with Bchmellng but at however, stand up to Louia for IS of which to be well proud. And so, Then they were esedrted down toe saw the local urst squad again on one of the richest, most colorful building the "skene" of the Greek She next wrote the alphabet fo r­ him and hta rival men of letters, the championship safely tucked Haven Arena last night. The Men with the Squatrito brothers, Tad 1 Colby, Ig ...... 1 0-0 3* ■dgratod to Transvaal where plo- a^loglxing for the absence of the All these things should be overlook­ I that time he was a. fair enough rounds amd proved himself a game Kose or no Kose, I’m going to as­ center of the floor by "Mr.” Mary the floor. As they began a series of hngUBgea in existence. The Greeks theater which was reaUy used as a ward five times and backwards fivs the sports writers. away. of Monahan, perennial threats for Brown and Mervln Cole also featur­ ■eers had already opened a way. pitoclpal. who was In Washington ed. ■ heavyweight compared with the and willing. If unorthodox, fighter. sume Mancl'sster won its first round Cordera, who was very nattily fast plays, the Crosby team also may have had "a word for It", dressing room. It was reaUy David times In thirty seconds. This feat "There never was any feud," de­ For one thing, Princeton, a league ths state diadem, trailed by 10-31 ing In a team performance that was 9 8-8 39 The British had no special Interest vrith the senioi class. As the ages In small town plays, many people ■ American crop. Reports from hta training camp game and take tots opportunity of 13 dressed |n sporty trousers, vest and swung into a pov/erful rally. This but we use an idiom. Belasco who started realistic set­ had the audience on the edge o f clared BUI, talcing hta rest after doormat for moat of the season, has at toe half as Windham turned In idn y ito^ji lacking In spirit and good SoordBy Periods In this region so they left the Boers of the children range from 3 to 21 go Just to see ascertain friend per- I The present sad state of affairs ta are that he haa learned, under Joe sending premature congratulations necktie. When the "escorted" pair rally led by three tall six footers on — Dorothy L. Snow, '40B. tings. Sometimes the setting o f a their chairs. "W e're getting along fine. Nobody come back In aucb fashion that It a Burprialngly briUlantly cage dis­ Manchester ...... 1 1 9 6 5 -4 1 to manage their own aSalrs. Cap­ e v e ^ subject Uught In ordinary foim but when they go to a pro­ I due to several factors. Jim Brad- Gould'a tutelage, to hit with some and wishing them every success in public schools must be Included in reached toe (^ g e they were given the Crosby team began to make pfay is so elaborate, that one’s at­ Error Gets Laugh hurt. I never bad anything agalnat baa a chance to Ue for second place. play but Briitol came back to knot Size Helps Crosby. Crosby ...... 8 7 7 7— 29 V 'i tain Osborne spbke of Transvaal as fessional performance thay go for Idock retired. Max Baer, one the sharpness. I f he can learn to take basebaU writers as a whole. There toe semi-finals and finals. Coach tbrir curriculum as well as speech slips of paper'on which wa> a num­ headway and near toe end of toe tention ta drawn to the scenery in­ Next Miss WlUlns showed the The Tigers whipped Columbia, 49 to the count at 86-all In ths last 'aec- Crosby remained a constant Score at halftime, 30-15, Mon- “ the world's life." Over the plains the professional acting, to see the I'wonder boy of the division, slipped hlc time and hit a UtUe harder. was Just one of them caused aU toe Clarke has been at Manchester High 41, last night while Harvard waa and Up reading. Miss Dunbar sUted. ber and the title of a song. The period the substitution of Ed Kose, stead of the action. Today, lighting wrong way to type. This' provoked onde of the third quarter and then threat simply because of two young cheater. Referees, Cbadys and and through the wildamesa roam point of the play and to leam toe idea was to find the lass who cor­ MANCHESTER RIFLEMEN I so fa r he ta given only an outside Tommy will be dangerous. trouble.” for a long Ume and It must be said defeating Dartmouth, 46 to 89. The moral. star local player, In place of toe ta very Important It ta predicted mirth from some students who could . went on to a hard-earned 38-39 tiV giants. Woods at forward and Brady Bchroeder. 'Hme, eight minute quar­ the Uon. the sebra, the glraOe, the K l''* * years responded with the number and the Barlund Baiat J la d ^ Bxpialaa Abruptness that be hM turned out some splen­ proper combination of scores Satur­ umph. iw>P*rd and the galUco. the •'•■'in* associates. The Dmma Class was delighted capable Ted Brown was a good that.some day, lights alone may take see themselves in such positions. Barlund ta too latest o f the three at center. These two towered so ters. song. This was done amid loud psychological move as it tended to toe place of scenery. Even at these awkward poslUona, But hadn’t be been at times, shall did teams, i f there be some who day night tn the league's finale can In the other game of tha evening, tar above Manchester's taUeat play­ strengest animal in the world. Printing, cabinet shop, tipping, as­ wrlth the opportunity to hear a real SECOND IN STATE MEET to gain prominence. He has fought leave five teams tied for second sembly, repair, and poultry raising giggles, and cheerful laughter. make the locale put on a sL’ong de­ In the everyday world, we do not Miss WUUns typed with remarkable v e say, abrupt? doubt this statemept, refet them to Naugatuck's stellar Claaa B entry ers that the Clarkemen had little Ihe Boers were constantly light- critic give hta standarda for dra­ When the girts were finally ar­ some poor fights, but hta most re- place. believe that cHtbes make the man. skill. .. “Maybe a little abrupt," toe Col­ one Tom Monahan of Bristol. easily disposed of Stamford by 48 chance to follow up sueeeesfully for tog with the natlvea This irked the are a few o f tha vocational studies matic criticism. ranged the ‘ iiteln Song" was play­ fensive and at the i-ame time (score eent effort against Buddy Baer, a Should the Tigers down Penn OTer^ to the boys, while sewing, at 26-23) the period ended. The American Legion Rifle Team, but on toe stage, they do. Some of The final exercise was dlctatfcm onel conceded, "hut only when I was to 35 to gain the seml-flnata against Woods or Brady took tho ball oiff Dutch' o f their independenc and I. Johnson, 'S8B. ed and the Grand March begun. highly-touted domestic, was tmprss- very busy. I have a lot of tbtoge "But, I'm not alone to tendering Tale pull the unexpected and trip Basket hy Basket beauty culture, ami cooking arc The last quarter storted with composed of members of toe former the most gorgeous dresses used In and transcription. Miss Forman dic­ Bristol tomorrow night at 9:15 the backboards repeatedly to M t ■ who aimexsd the. Transvaal to their Following t|ils came a chorus of ■Ive. He haa a good left band, ta on my mind, and I'm not a wtae- my well wtahes. Sam Thornton, cap­ Harvard and Columbia whip Oor- mme which the girls may study, still faster play and both teams were Manchester High School Rifle Club, plays are made out of ordinary flan­ tated a letter to Miss WUUns VKbo o'clock, tills clash following toe Crosby's attack. In motion. But toeadily Increasing African poases- rallies. Grace Benson proved to be game and a fair boxer. craeker. When anybody asks me a tain of Mancliester High back m Dell, toe three winners will be tied FIRST QUARTER pita vocaUonal work ta very help- fighting with all they had as Cros­ baptured the second place trophy nel or cheesecloth. The lights turn took tt In shorthand at a rate o f lou Manebester-Derby opener at 8 even size didn’t help Waterbuiy'e eloBSt In Gladstone the imfortunate a "top notch" master of ceremonies Ehreryone knows about Scbmel- straight question, he gets the same 1634, ta enjoying bla flrat Miami with Penn and Cornell for second M ful to the boys and girls In getting WORLD RECEIVES COPY by still continued her strong rally. In toe Connecticut Championship them Into velvet or silken gowns. words a minute then read It back o’clock. Both games are regarded sllpehod passing and Its shooting Boers fotmd a friend. He advocated and her Jolly, lusty voice could be Ing, the most dangerous of the kind of an answer. Did you ever vacation and we’ye had many a place, with six victories and elx Brady, C foul ...... 0 that the British should recognise Mxny of their graduates Harry Squatrito then entered in matches held last Sunday at New The costume should help to charter- and Inserted paper In the machine. defeats each. as toss-ups and it'U be no surprise was also highly Inaccurate. Brady, heard all over the hall, shouting in­ Haven. This was accomplished In three. He ta a terrific right hand bear of me telling a Ue?” pleasant chat about old times In­ no matter bow they come out Day and Holmes rifled home three Brown, M, short pivot . . . . 8 Transvaal as free and independent have bets placed. place of "BUI" Schleldge and later Ize the role and Its color and sU- She then t}rped the letter, typing "N o." Princeton's defeat of Columbia Holmes, C foUow u p ...... 8 OF HOLLISTER JOURNAL structions as to how toe games spite of stiff competition from puncher, a crafty ring man «a n d a cluding toe memorable night when Bristol, of course, stole ths Ume- shots apiece In Crosby'z total of 13 IS' In all reapects except the right to Art, and gym- work ta offered to were to be played. on "Red” Gavello took Harry's houette are a vital part of stage the saluation ana body at the rate - "That’e how I handle my team, anded tha season-long Jinx toe Cole, M, foul ...... 8 eighty-four other Connecticut courageous fighter. He will get an­ Paul Baltaiuper and toe Rec Five light tn the quarter-finals with Its baakeu to 11 for Manchester but make treaties. w ry o n e ; the athleUc teams from A fter the games dance music place. Suddenly toe Croaby team design. of 115 words a minute. This letter NO ^ 7^ too. Every man of them knows Lions' gym has held over opposing Lyons, C, short t o s s ...... 8 teams, including such publi­ other crack at Louta and the title overcame« 31-11 halfUm*i deficit to remarkabls comeback from the missed time and again on easy lay- Captain Osborne attributed the tlilfl school hsve made a very cred* Interesting: Compositions, Po­ was recorded and the girls formed Jumped into a one point lead. Not a Said Miss Page, "Every gtrl was t3rped in very mailable form, in June. how he stands. Harry Damllng teams. The Tigers, however, had Schleldge, M, short toss . . . 5 cized teams as the Kingswood Rifle nose out toe Creecenti, of which brink of defeat, an achievement that up shots which waa lucky for Man- torge increase o f Immigration to lUble record, often playing against etry, Editorials, Hobbies, a huge circle and the “ Big Apple" moment later "Red” Gavello tied toe should learn how tt put on make-up using paragraphs and indentation. knows be’e going to Im my first to play Inspired basketball In the Taggart, M, foul ...... 6 team, which last year placed fifth Sam waa captain and I was mana­ second half to win, for Columbia stamps the Monabanmen as tbs team ebsster ths way the Clarkemen were this cokmy to the fact that gold h ^ n g schools. The foMIuUI team was artfully performed. Green score with a foul shot and Kose sunk highest In toe Unlte< States in If only to protect toe public.’" Mtas WUUns answered questions string catcher and Gua Mancuso going. Day, C, foul ...... 6 Sports, Make-Up, Interest­ SQUIRMS ger. for the tow.i title bark lr, 1026, opened with a ruab and scored 16 to beat for the state championship. was discovered In the southern part lost no games and the basketball bows, red bewa, yellow bows and a twin-pointer to again put toe lead matches sponsored by toe National She then proceeded to show the for the remainder o> the period. She knows he'll be second string unless Closa AU the Way. Brady, C, foUow u p ...... 8 o f the Transvaal. The land which Uam ta at present. Uking part in ing: School Magazine. blue bows, bobbed up and down as girls how to make up* a young girl stressed accurre: for beginnerz and he can convince me he’s better than potnta before Dave Lloyd scored a Naugatuck 1a rated a fine chance to Oile, M, side s e t ...... 8 in Manchester's hand A sucker-snot Rifle Association. "Evan Nyqulst. Manchester's eliminate Brlatol but will have to Tho first'qiiarter waa tied up four the Negroes despised and from a deaf achoola' tournament In Wash­ the "lassies" gave out with this by Day of (Jrosby again tied toe and boy, using Jean Clarke aa a gave many helpful hints to typists. BARONS JUST ABOUT IItrr>’. These gi'yz who try to tell field goal for the Tigers. Brown, M, side s e t ...... 10 I? The winter edition of toe "Ob- The American Legion's score of number one basketball booster, who Princeton did well in the latter shoot the works to get by the Bell times at 3-aU, 6-all, 6-all and 8-all Wlileb the Boers could hardly eke ington, Mias Dunbar sold. hilarious number. When 9:00 score and with close to one minute 821 was topped only by that of Con­ model. To show the effect obtained She disclosed Uiat she prartices fh# Dannlng doesn't know how to Brown. M. foul ...... 11 a-rver", a Journal planned and delivers mall for Uncle Sam In toe part of the period and cut the mar­ City's fighting array. and then the Cllarkemen went to the out a living became valuable. The Deraonstratlon tilven struck, toe ciy for food was echoed necticut's crack team, Warren from lines on toe face, ahe made four hours daily, usuaUy In theTorm handle . Nuts." edited by toe Press Club of HoIIta- to play high scorer of lost week's a m RINK LEAD daytime and wsti hes basketball gin to 28 to 27 at the half. Col­ Manchester has been the most un­ front for an 11-8 advantage al, the SECOND QUARTER Dutch Were soon outnumbered. Moat 6 girls the youngest to and fro among the ball. Into game, "Red" Gavello, sunk toe final Harding High school, of Bridgeport. Hannah Leuthold into an old lady. of hourly teats. She has been ty p jig Why wat, It that be. Colonel end . of the period with Brown and WInsler, M, foul ...... 13 t«. Street School, contains many In- Terry, so seldom found time to games at night. Is also here and he, umbia repeated its spurt at the start impressive o f'to e seml-flnultats and o f the newcomers were British, 7, toe others 8 and 9, demonstrated Mr. Emery's room they poured for and winning two points o f this game This team turned In a score of 837, Mtai Page suggested many ways for seven years oi. speed. Cole leading the way. , The local Holraae, C, foul ...... 1 2 tcreatlng items contributed by Its answer questions about his ball too, Joins with Sam and I ‘n voic­ of the second, but tha Tigers tied faces a severe threat In Derby's whom the Dutch did not wish to ac­ with their teacher. Mtas Thompson lea cream, cake, soda and sand- to place Majicheeter into the semi- nosing out Manchester for the 1938 to have fun with dramatics and toe Tall, modern, and alert, MtaB "Jockeys" or “shock ti or Just Green, M. short aide ...... 14 quire citlsenship. Because they had members. « The staff conatats of wichea. When everyone had eaten club, that ta, compared to the aver­ ing a far-away Hip Hip Hoo-ray for at 35-35, and put on a fast finish Class B quintet, which )ias accom­ a speech class. After a story of flnata Friday against Derby, who Connecticut championship. remainder of toe evening was spent WUUns made a very favorable im* Tie Hornets To Tighten Hold plain reserves took ovi at this Colby, C, abort toss ...... 14 •toenged a poor unproductive coun­ t:.-Irty-two members. Including the to their heart's content, it was back age manager? Manchester. And so. I'll say adots to win. O ptoln Jol'.nny Vruwlnk plished three straight upsets o f A about 4 lines was told them by toe took the other afternoon game Hia local team, however, coasted in putting these suggestions into presslon on her audience. She has k M point but they were slow getting Brady, C. su ck er...... 14 try Ipfo a prosperous one and be­ teacher, the children answered edltor-ln-chtef, Frank Zimmerman, in the hall for more games, more Does Work O f Four and eagerly await forthcoming of the Tlgera, led the scorers with favoritss In reaching the round of and the aastatant editor Charles against Basslck by a score o f 39-2U into an easy second place victory, practice. charming responsive personality, 15. started and even their the E. Squatrito, M, under hoop. 10 cause they owned land In the sec- questions on the story and retold music and more fun. ■with a seven-point lead over their and toe gift of holding her listen­ On W estern Honors In "Because I'm doing about four copies of toe Herald to bring me four. If up to top form, the darke- firnr couldn’t overcome iby's H. Squatrito, M, follow up.IS Hill. Miss Eaizabetb M. Daly is the A t length the girls wore them­ In one of the best games put on in A t the regular business meeting, Harvard turned In a brilliantly tton, these foreigners thought that tlm story very accurately. Next, one nearest rival. ers' IntereuL Although It was her times as much work as any other what I hope, will be good news.” men should surilve tola test and so wide superiority In slse. was H. Squatrito, M, Iqng p op ..30 they should be flow ed a voice In faculty advisor.' selves ou t Each and everyone fell toe Class A tourney up to date. Anna FUbig gave a report of too played last )ialf to beat Dartmouth. p ^ te d on toe blackbaard facta The score of 180 turned in by banquet to toe club. third demonstration that day. Miss manager. In addition to toe Giants, should Bristol, but both CXIL en­ well nigh Impossible to get e baU Holmes, C, cbort to s s ...... 30 making the laws. The "Observer" ta made up of into chairs near the piano and Abe Ostitnaky. Int-Amn Ice League. I’m handling our whole farm The Crimson pulled away to a 29 about yftte horse while toe others Chester Hodgkins was responsible Wllllns was very gracious about tries are due . for a highly Intoreat past these tall lada and it -s only THIRD QC.4RTER Again an Insurrection was inevl- eight departments: namely, ^ t o r alghcd with fatigue. To fit the Two girls were selected to attend system, five other clubs, and I to 25 lead at toe half and added to told the story of the horse. in a large measure, for this success. signing autographs, and in giving HORTON SMITH O m tng evening In their bids for places through a desperate rally In the Woods, C. foUow u p ...... 20 tahle. The new uprising was encour­ luls, literary, poetr,, actlvltlea, mood, Marie "Tweetle" Moslcata the State Girt Reserves Conference havan’t a big ataff to help mo Ilka It In the eecond half. Most of toe In Saturday night's finals. Easels were next set upon toe Hodgkins, who served as secretary out sheets of her special stationary By ASSOCIATED PRESS final moments of tha half that Man­ Cole, M. long side ...... 38 aged by Cecil Rhodes, whose life the news, sports, hobbles, and Jokea sat down and played some songs OUGINAL CONYERSATION and manager for the high school at New London. They are Lucille the Yankees have. I pereonally Green's scoring came on fouta. The stage for 6 members of the school The front page of the Journal to toe studeiits. With the championship o f the LEAD H U M S EYENT Indians scored 17 free points. The Class B seml-flnata will be chester boosted Its edge to 20-15. Schleldge, M, foul ...... 38 captain outlined and who later be­ which thei grirls hummed, in har­ rifle team last year, placed fourth Ulrich and Helen Demko, both handle every deal, make every de­ to demonstrate their artistic ability. weetern dlvlalon o f the internatlon- John Herrick of Harvard, scored played at the Arena tomorrow af Tie Score at 26-.411. Day, C. dribbUng I n ...... 38 came ^niroc minister of Cape Col­ I appropriately dedicated to their mony. ■ in the Connecticut Individual cham­ seniors. Lucy Grey, '88B. Miss WUUns' aemonstration was cision. Two of the small girls, two older friend and tencher the late Mrs. al-Amertcon hockey league all Jiut points to lead the winning at­ ternoon with Windsor and Board- Crosby came back after toe rest Brady, C, short toss ...... 33 ony. So Dr. Jameson started for the As 10:30 rang out the girls all ENTERTAINS CLASSES pionship match. As highest man on thoroughly appreciated by to * "During the season I get to toe Tops Field In Hollywood Open 10 ones, and two older boys, garbed In A"ne» T. Dwyer. clinched, BIU Cook’s Cleveland Bar­ tack, but Bob McLeod of Dart­ man clashing In the opener at 3 period with renewed -.igor but the Brown, M, foul ...... 24 toterior of Transvaal with armed walked slowly for their wraps. In a winning team, he was awarded a group. This w aj another fine pro­ Polo Grounds ^ 9 o'clock to ths By Two Strokes With Wiffy blue smocks and red tarns drew In ons are looking forward to winding mouth, waa top acorer with two field o'clock and Branford and Plainv1 Us Intermission didn’t put anv life Into Brown. M. foul ...... 35 forces to help the British at Johan­ Editorials la ve been written con­ Mr. Emery's room once more their handsome inlaid box of walnut and gram eponeored by the. Commercial morning and rm aeldom out of succession a landscape, people, ob­ cerning a variety of subjects such Tuesday, March 1, Jeanne Robb, up with a perfect home record. Cox In Second Place. goals and nine convers'tons. In the second tilt at 4:15 o’clock. Manchester and the Waterbury H. Squatrito, M, foul ...... 36 nesburg. The enterprise miscar­ faces red, their eyes'sparkling they maple in addition to toe polished club. Miss Wllllns remarkable there before 8 5r 9 at night. That's jects, and heads. The lovely scenes, a« "Peace", "A Higher Education", Norma Koster, Irene Opalach, Ger­ EDITORIAL Holding a seven-point bulge to Yale played Its llQal boms game Windsor and Branford are favored stalwarts battled on even terms as Brady, C. foul ...... 38 ried and the troops were captured gave three loud and lusty cheers silver medals given to each mem­ papers are on display In Mrs. Mar­ hard work but I love It and I ’m Hollywood, Fla., March 10.— (A P ) ngurcs of people sliding skating “Watch Your Step", and "Why We trude Gardner, Yolanda Vince and the-standings pver tha PltUburgb of the season and whipped Brown to gain tha finals, to be played as thsy perked toe proceedings up a by the Boers. Now the British for the grandest person of ail. Miss Betty Vendrillo entertained the ber of toe team. NOTICE TO SENIORS tin’s room. making dough. I made out the —America’s profesalonal golfing FOURTH QUARTER and skiing, pottery stills, and heads Should Further Our Education.” HoraaU after their J-l draw to 56 to 46. West Vlr^nla topped toe preUmlnary to the Class A bit. Loose play was all that kept Day, C, aide f U p ...... 36 thought that the Boers wanted oon- Todd. As their chaperone Miss class having "original" conversa­ Another team member who turn­ The present school year ta now L. Della Fera, '39A. spring exhibition schedules for four brigade, a trifle travel-worn after of babies and cats were remarkably In the Literary section of the Pittsburgh lost night, the Barons West Virginia Wealeyran, 60 to 84. titular battle. Croaby from taking the lead as Day, C, sucker ...... 36 trol of all the British possessions. Todd, wits a hair ribbon on her tions in French, using words and ed In a surprisingly high score was nearing the three quarter mark and other big league clubs this year. 13 winter tounu..nente, set out to­ well done and drew much favorable "Observer" are many clever com- wars pointing to a defeat of the There are no league or eastern in­ they trailed by 22-26 at toe three- Woods, C. ■foul ...... 26 The Boers were Indignant because locks, took part In every event In­ phrases that they bad learned in Milton Levitt, with a score of 170. this ta the time that toe year book What do you think of that?” comment from the audience. porJtlons wrritten by the students of Hornets skaters to their own arena day to catch Horton Smith of Chi­ tercollegiate conference games quarters mark. They tightened up Gavello. M. f o u l...... 27 the British wished to annex the two cluding all of the games and even their reading. This was the first of He only began shooting last year, "Somanta" 1s organized. The "So- All o f which, perhaps, does some­ To conclude their program, a toe seventh and eighth grades. ^tu rd ay. a they can turn the cago, refreshed by a week’s rest. In scheduled until Saturday night MOSCONI AGAIN TIES at toe opening of toe final period Kose, M. sucker ...... 39 r^ b U c,s they had struggled so danced the "B ig Apple.” the series which will continue and since that time has made re- P U Y COURT OFFICERS thing toward clearing up the big to knot the count at 28-aIl on two group of 9 boys demonstrated “Homework," written by Marie manhis" staff ta well along on the trick, It will run the Clevelandeni toe second round of toe $3,000 Hol­ when both organisations end their Holmes, C, long side ...... 39 hard to build up. This difference of When the cheer died down she throughout the year. marl;able prog:ress In all phases of Terry mystery. The man, whether successive baskets by Jim Day, a tumbling worthy of any grown up Brennan was extremely realistic. Job but they need toe cooperation unbeaten string on the home lee to lywood Open. seasons. Gavello, M, dribbling I n ....31 opinion led to the Boer Wni, from demanded a cheer be given for the Pupils find these very helpful In marksmanship. He was closely fol­ V ock ^ L/ you like him or not— and the ballot, P0N2|_AT BILLIARDS husky guard. Kose. Harry Squa­ team. The various types of head Two outstanding poems In the of toe students, especially toe IN CLASS ROOM TRIAL 31 games. ing was about 60-50 at last count— Smith toured the . Orange Brook Which the British emerged victori­ Leader's Class. This was done and learning how to put into practice lowed by Bert Inman and William seniors. trito and GaveUo came Into the fray stands and flips were e.ntouslkstical- poetry sections are "Romena" by Last night’s gams was the second really ta handling a big Job, and his course's expansive fairways and New Tork, March 10.— (AP) — ous. after hearty good nights, the girls rules which have previously been Anderson, -wlto 165 each, and by —THE UNDERWEAR OF In the third quarter and. from then Butoeley’e fourtli ranking array and ly received. The audience was par- Dawn Marcean, and “Ivanhoe C3iar. filed slowly down toe stairs. Joseph McEvltt, who turned In a One of toe first drawbacks ta toe of the three-ffama eezles to which ambition ta frightful. If hta Glanu broad greens yesterday tn 66 SHARKEY TO REFEREE Andrew Ponst, veteran UlUard play­ Britain showed leniency toward acters" by Robert Brown. Just an "aasignment." "Not GuUty!’’. was the verdict on It was a fairly exciting clast) then dumped Wtlby and Basslek to Ucularly Interested In the small — EMna Weir. 160 point total. Senior CTasa pictures. Many o f toe FAMOUS FOOTS the Horneti needed a clean sweep stay up there a ' few more years, strokes, five under par. That gave er who aharea tht lead in the current the ocoquered Boers and formed a Hobbies of the students range With travel becoming increasing* given In a class-room court trial, as the rivals raised their pace in a prove that it must be reckoned wltn twin boys, who, at the Newington Although this ta toe highest rat­ senionhave had their pictures taken If they want to lU y within strik­ there’s no telling what a power he him a two-stroke advantage over world pocket blUlards obamptonanip South African Union, modeled after from cake-bnklng to raising chick­ ly popular and means of communi­ held recently In Mr. Stevens' sixth B Tot Ills lolety oi Ihsli poassa* HARTFORD M A T EYENT last bid for victory. . aa a formidable title contender. Home for Cripple Children, had not ing Manchester High School has but otnera have failed to show any ing distance of the Barons. But will become tn baseball. W iffy Cox of iVaohlngton, one of hta tourney with hta fellow Phlladel ''Bristol Faces Nsugby. those of Canada and Australia. Tills ens. One boy who collects banners cation between countries increasing­ cooperation. Ehrery Wednesday and , eriod Social Science class. The qen, Azuticooi JUrUaae pUala Gavello Wine Game. union included the Cape Colony, in been exjiecteU to Uve dunng their BAREBA SCORES AGAIN ever held In rifle marksmanship, the trial proved very interesting and don not zqulna ol tbs ooalrola. Tuesday's 6-3 defeat plus the draw SUsBt About Gsinp playing partners, with SM Oliver of phloa, W illie Mosconl, will try to If Manchester returne to form has three thousand of them. In ly rapid, Americans will In a few Friday nights the Faliot^ludlo can With toe score at 26-aII, Woods which the Castle of Cape Towm, Af- early years, and who w-ere now team members are still unsatisfied, educational to toe students. That's why they wear Jockey started the HOmets to worrylag He w on t even rnnfese that he Wilmington, Del., another shot back Former Heavyweight Champ step out ahead tonight when he converted s free try but Gavello the Clarkemen should burdia thta agile as any of the boys. recent survey It was found that years find toe wdrld at toeir door. handle thirty students' whose ap­ rtca's most beautiful building. Is lo­ and believe that by next March, Parts were taken by the follow­ Uadarwsar. about beating off Syracuse fo r sec­ thinks the Louisiana climate Is swell at 69. meets Joe DUhl of Rockford, ni. duplicated a few seconds later. Then obstacle to a finals berth but on the P"Bctlcaily all toe students of toe Ehreryone will then be glad to have for oondltiening, because he’s look­ Will Handle Koverly-Riley cated and in which Uie great dia- The concert given by toe M. H. S. IN DEFEAT OF BRISTOL with plenty of intensive practice pointments.. should be mide with ing people: Judge, EUsle Heaticy; V Men, you too, can onjoy thli ond 'place rather than cballangtog Back of them the field was well Ponsl was in tha lead until late Kose ambled under the basket and basis of Its performances against seventh grade have stamp collec­ a little first liand information to Russell Wright. A ll seniors wno ing to next year and the biggest Go At Foot Guard Tonight. mond mines of Kimberly are to be musical organizations at the be­ tions o f one kind or another. and another year's experience be­ lawyer fOr the defense, Grimason; now mozcallno oomloit Mild the Barons. bunched, with ten at 70 and eleven last night whan Moaconl defeated tallied on a pass from Gavello with Hartford and Crosby rates no bet­ help him understand hta world hind them, they will be able to carry guarantee he can get. Hta Gianu found; Natal and the two,. Boer re- ginning of the program, was intro- have not made appointments should prosecutor, Louis Geuovesl; clerk of support. Fits the mole figure Both teams scored 1a the second at par 71. Johnny Revolts of Evans­ Erwin Rudolph of Cleveland, 125 to four minutes to go. Half that time ter than an even choice In tomorrow The High School World extends BrinifR Season Record To Eight neighbors. Common words and off the highest honors offered to everywhere. No buttons, no bulk, are training now in tha finest plant Hartfbrd, Conn., March 10— (Spe­ mibUcs. Railways were extended duceil by Superintendent Arthur A. their best wishes for continued suc­ do so right away so that "Somanbla' court, Helen Lcbledz; sheriff, Jenny period last night with Emory and ton, lU., and H »r r y Cooper of Chico­ 70, for hta fifth stcceasIvA victory went by as the teams raced up and night’s clash. Ths otosr semi­ nilng, newly returned from the A t­ Victories Against Three phrases such as those met in Connecticut shooters and bring no bind — banco no aqulms. « Its kind in the south, built hur- cial) — Jack S)iarkey, former from Cape Town to the northern cess to toe SUIT of-toe. "Observer." may be sent to the engravers to Klabosh; Jury, Doris Gardner, Oscar Hanson teaming up for the pee, Mass., two of the winter cir­ and a tie for the top berth. down toe floor and fought furiously final brings together Bristol ami lantic City Conference. The or- movies, advertising and literature, back a first place trophy, ■ assure an early publication. Smart tiook etyllng oito lbs r i ^ y and especloUy fo r them by World's Heavyweight Champion border of Rhodesia and a line was . — Faith Stevenson, '39B. Defeats. - Muriel Durkee, Dorothy Bennet, Cleveland tally, the latter ecortog. cuits' most dangerous campaigners, Mosconl finished the match In 31 for toe ball under the hoops, then Naugatuck in what promises to be (hestra played the Tri-mphal those necessary in travel wlU aid ooavoalenl Y-Frooi xtato. But that won't bring will be the third man In the ring to­ planned from the Cape to Cairo. In each senior home room there ta Mary Ferris, Lota Hyde, and Flor­ Don Deacon tied the game six min, were In striking distance wltL first- . He and Rudolph each scor­ Holmes found the mark from long the most hotly-contested encounter March from Aida, by Verol; Hun­ the future citizen to appreciate and opening. WUl not Terry back to 1939 unless tbs g u ^ night at Foot Guard Hall, when the Captain Osborne, who has ad­ The Manchester High School enjoy life more. a boy who ta collecting toe small ence Kane; witnesses, Richard Ford, gap or sag. loeksy utes later on a play from Kelly and antes is right. * round 70's, in toe same spot were ed high runs o f 66. It was Rudolph's range and matters were tied again of the tournament. Bristol came, garian Dance Numbers 7 and 8 by swimming team, toe greatest in the POST-GRAD TO ENTER two flghtin’eet matmen, George K. from far behind to oust Wtndbiam dressed the students of Manchester OPEN HOUSE AND TEA It is with this in mind that the fee o f sixty-five cents. This fee M Henry Frye and Anna FYye. The Underwear Is avall- Bnmeteau. Denny Shuts of Boston, P. G. A. seventh loss o f the tourney In aa at 29-aII. Lesa than a minute re­ Brahms w*hlle the A Capella choir schoorahtatory, literally drowned Around here they swear that O. Koverley and Pat Riley meet In last night, 33-3& whUs Naugy l)ad High school on previous occasions, French lA class ta learning to ex­ to pay for toe engraving of per­ criminal being tried wac Frances obls la various lob- A fist fight between Jimmy Or­ champion; Felix Berafln o f Scranton, many starts. mained when GaveUo raced in and gave "He-a Gone Away," a Ken­ Bristol in their own haunts on Gates. RU’s only reat interest to BIU a return bout featured on the no difficulty In Trouncing Stamford, la a most interesting speaker.' He sonal pictures; and It must be paid ties and models — lando, Hornet defenseman and L>ee Nowak, the young second Pa., Harold MeSpaden of Winches­ let fly as he passed under the bas­ tucky Mountain song, by ' Clokey. press Itself in simple elementary ACCOUNTING SCHOOL weekly all star wrestling program. Joe Proclto of Gloversvllle, N. Y., 48-36. Is aa weU acquainted with Africa as OVEN BY ART CLASSES March 7, by the score of 59 to 16. French. < by all seniors whose picture will The crime supposed to have been both uppers and Cunning ham, Cleveland center, ter, Mass., Waltoi Work of Etagle's ket and that tally proved toe "Sing We and It," an Eng­ The Mimebester man took first ownerihip ho Is rowing Koverley, truly a Hollywood bad- took third place by beating Charles clincher. the students are with Manchester appear In the year book. The money ^m m ltted was a jewel store rob- n y tbess spiced the proceedlnge to the -first with aevjland. ta the Ud's eUgM Mere, Pa., Ben Hogan and Herman lish madrigal by Mbrley and "Ben and second places In every event —Jean FhUUp% '41B. man, conquered toe same opponent Seaback, o f Lawrence, Adasa., 125 Mias Shots Galore. B is knowledge la first hand and his Oommenting on his plans for the must be brought in by April first. l»r y . M U t aa argument between gaimeate session, ^ d Cook, ths CJsvsland monetary value—maybe $2,000 on Barron of White Plains, N. Y „ Jack pictnraa, authentic. JicUon by Butkln." An open house tea w u given for eitcept the 100 yard freestyle and future, Ernest A. Berggr^n latest the dMense and toe.prqsccutor, thei two weeks ago when be cut up the to 98, for hta fifth atraigbt win. The Manchester was the more pol­ toe membere of the faculty by the JTNIOB DANCE DATE BET In order that Bomanhta may ap­ msntor*t brother, was torosd out of the maricet Bin has a second base­ Patron! of Shawnee, Pa., and Prank — PcCTy Woodruff, '39B diving, garnering a first and third oddltiOD .to the post graduate cur­ jir y banded out a verdict of "Nkto rangy Texan with hta bandages and match went only 13 Imilngs, with ished team but there was UtUe —Eranoea Wsliett, •89B. morning A rt classes of Miss Hope The dale for a Junior dance was pear early in June the staff must action la the sasM period with s man, on* Burgees 'Whitehead. Strafacl of New York, the amateur WRESTLING In toe former and a second and riculum, stated hia intentions of OuUty." The trial lasted, from r » h j knocked him out; RUay ta ready for Prodta seorlng a high nm of 37 and spark and drive la Its play and Cros­ Henderson In toe A rt Studio. Fri­ set for May 6, at a meeting of the have the cooperatior. of all and tt ta badly nral=isd left leg after coUld- leadw. FRENCH SFELUNO. third in the IstUr. entering Bentley's School of A c­ 11 to Feb. 15. revenge and hopes that K. O.’s fisti­ Seaback one of 84. by’s advantage in height and S t Louis—Steve (Crusher) Casey. SIAVT TO BECETt’E PINS day afternoon. March 4. About committee held at one of the mem­ hoped that Increased activity wui tnr .'with Pets Bsssoas o f tbs Hor- S tn focl enjoyed a oingle-abot ad­ Captain Walt Baretaa came counting in Boston after another -After toe discussion on 'toe'u ™ - cuffs will meet offical rebuff tn Diehl, who meets Ponsl tonight, physique would have been an even thirty of the faculty attended the bers’ houses Friday evening, March be shown. R. o. nsts. Seven stltdiss, four over tbs vantage over Robert Sweeny of 333, Ireland, threw Itaerett Mar* A new pin. designed by Joseph The Juniors and Senior French through with another double-yrtfl in half year at M. H. S. Mr. Berggreo trial on the robbery, another trial Sharkey’s sock In. stock. He figures downed George Kelly of Philadel­ greater factor If Waterbury had tea and refreshments were served__ left eye were required to mead Bes- London, British amateur champion, shaU, 316, La Junta, Orio., l:18tiU. Aceto, bearing tha iattora M. H. S. aub, under toe direction of Miss the 100 ysu4 and 40 jrard fraestyie who was graduated In the ciasa otF followed concerning a' kldnafene that be will then be able to put In phia, 135 to 76 in 83 Innmgs, and been able to make good on Its heavy sandwiches, cake and tea. The com- It was decided that the dance be BDFtlCmoBE HOP NEWS sone's cuts. who turned In a very respectable Bridgeton, f . J.—Jos Dussk, 390, on a gtobe which shows the edges of J anM la w , enjoyed a lively game events. Other flrsts were taken by 1934, had acquired a position with more wrestling than Koverley can had a high run o f 53. Benny Allen barrage from ahoirt range. But Nabrsska, defeated Ed Mssket SOS, mlttM for refreshments wore Mozzer in toe backstroke, O, Or- informal with programa; and oom- to g***' Intercst- par 71 on hta flrat trip around the Manchester won and that's what four continents, will be awarded to which put to test their quiclcneaa in the Chance-Vought Aircraft Corp. Gay 'i ^ t e n ornament the tuul 5 0 tZ ^ LAST NICm"B MBULTB Incorporate In hta milling tactics. o< K ansas City upset Irving Crane Ohio, two of chrse falls. spelling French words at their re­ smo^. They were: Bernadette fltelU in the breast-s^ke, the 130 mlttees were appointed to take care ______^ R a y Linders, '40B. A N D D P course. counted moat, so now the stage ta outatanding workers for the High McOooe, June Yeomans. Marjorie He came back to M. H. S. to pur­ buUetln boards, merry little Jingles, (1^ Associalsfi ffNsa) Throe thirty minute time Umlt of Uvonla, N. Y., 136 to 55 In 33 PhUadelpbia—Jim LnedoR SOR Beheol Wortd. cent meeting. yard medley relay, the 160 yard of aecurlng the punch, the pro­ sue a more extensive study of Dick Mets of (Jbicuo, last ysitf'a let for the clash that leads to the Wallace, Norma Koeta. Roeella coriposed by Eskel Buckland, catch Last Night *s Fights IntanMilaaal-AasMlaBa T matches preoeds the main bout In Innings, it was chant's second de­ S t Louts, pinned Dssn Ostteo, 308^ T tto teams were chosen and each frm style relay, and 1 rotter In the grams, the orcbeetre aii4 adverttae- bookkeeping and accounting meth­ f r e n c h b o o k r e p o r t s . Hollywood winner, started with a these, Stanley Flnto, New H aap- Each month Sfteen o f these pin« Itocta, Bernice Baldjvtn and Viola ment. the eye of passers by, for the Sopho­ OmrolaBd I. Ptuabargb 1 (over- feat against thro* wins and dropped Salt Lake Q ty, 48:64. will be awarded to those who have ^ m b e r was given a certain letter. 330 yard freestyle. ods as a background for hta pro- 71, while Ralph Ouldahl, shlro wUdman tusslas with Henry him Into a tie for stxth place,-with Derby Looks Olassy. faculty memilwra This win brings the seasons Members of toe geaersl oonunlt- more Hop news ta flying thick and Cbloogo—Ifsx Marsk. U7 J-2, time Us). Holyoks, Miss—Osoifs (Deefisr* raade ih e most valuable oontrUm- AS a word was caUed tha person losed plan to enter Bentley's course fast. IJsts ^ fiction and non-fiction open champion, had to he satisfied Piers o f Holland, former Olympic Marcel Camp of Albany, N. Y. Derby and Basslck waged a sls- whose letter appeared in the word vlriUng tha A rt Studio for tha record up to 8 wins and 3 loeeei, tee are Margusrita Cole, ICaiy Tay­ C3ilcago. stopped P el BUvera, 160, sllng battle in the opener with a Clark, ScoUsnd, dsfsatsd R ^ fkiiRU tioR to the High Bohool World. In Businees Administration. Mr. ^ k s portraying life in Fron<» with a T2. star: Roy Dunn, dying selssors king, Seaback meets Rudolph in today's stepped forward and with the otoera first Ume commented on Its uni out defeating the Connecticut State lor, Phyllta Cuahman, Franoea W ^ - The Sopbomoree art out for a Brooklyn, 8. TONlOHT'g sf^ driving flntah that saw the score tied Texas, two o f thrre tSUs fBufT)- dUpoq graduation aenktrs who •rrangement. umque n gm a la a member o f Ruasell real time and they have asked the given to Mtas Jeanne Low's Bam Snead o f Whits Sulphur o f Ttxas, will cut up against Rebel form the French word. The game Proah, Meriden. New London, W ar­ ■MDiSUOVSSNOPI New York—Baby Malvy laboa. NaMMMl Lsagae first match and Allan ploys. Procita again and again before Derbyta weights). MVS oontributod w ill bs awarded ■sLtf P e n y Woodruff. Edwin JiU- A. Wrlght’a 'M w ooufse in account­ school to Join them. ■ecOTd year French classes. Each Springs, W . Va., sensation of tbs Bob Russell, Montana; Pietro Gob- gmred very interesting and amus- The remainder of the refreah- ren Harding, Weaver, HiUhouse, aoo, Hayden Griswold, Ortando An­ 117 l-$, Naw York, outpointed Detroit at Mootrsal Maroons. In tho sscond. Camp and Jimmy smoother, smarter trem woric Los Angstas-VtaMsat U m r M R yermansnt pe rn asm on in the ptaa. ing as part of Bookkeeping n and O' ckets sre on ssle tn both offices ^ • certain book sutsuaa: ssily campaign, apparently shot bo, Italian giant and Zbyssko pupil ments were ootuumed by next day West Haven, and Bristol, and losing nuli, Ted Brown and Bob Custarr Frankie, Cavanne, 146 S-4, New Montreal Canadlsna at Chlesgo. Cnna, o f Wilmington, Del., play brought the Class B entry through Belt Lake aty, dsfaatad CUM U U he nlao attends cAaaSea in typewrit­ and the "Hop" committee hss lots to and report;, on. in this himself out of the running with a opens tbs evsnts at -S:$0 p.m. —John Hamilton. by the morning A rt Claasee. chairman. Tork, 10. the first night match with Ponst- to victory. Derby opened Its cam­ Ue YYoU, 318, Oklslioms, ties sff t i Hsrtforb Public, Basslck, and ing instruoUon. ^ o f surprises la store. they will gain additional knowl­ Bostoa at Mew Teck 7$. Crosby. ->11. T n ttm e , IMS. sgalnK Tom Hanlty, Oklahoasaa. sad Dishl masting tn the final. paign by knooklBg o s New London three falls. WoodivS. —Jaldora Gottfried. 'S s a ' -Rath Wbsstoo, 40B. edge o f Freacb life and customs...... rWELVB MANCHESTER EVENING H ERAI^, MANCHESTER. CONN., THURSDAY, MARCH 10, 198S

______MAWCHE8TISR EVENING HERALD. BJANIHIESTER. CX)NN, THURSDAY, MARCH 10, 198» YAGB IBll'lVBIIf . B U i r g E /fie BOOTS AND HER BUDDIES ' ------^ Yes, Boots, Why? K 3 D @ D < Mal.CHAMP - VOMV 0\OVK Oo t o M A B T m ' SENSE and" NONSENSE VA OONTT KNOW V»0\ VOolVE Yft6.W\LL\t- «C(T V A OOmV LOOE 'iM.BOOTBl VA OOlM‘ *.yA CAM»Y 6 0 TWR0O6H CAMT LOOy AT Mft V> VfV YA OO . The businsssmaa who tnista to A self-atyled reformer waa watch­