It's tlte Ringing of School Bells Again inlmva City That Makes Scenes Like These Occur Five Days Each: Week Notv

The three R's ot education will ooors fOl' the new school year. HcNamara, 532 S. Dodge street, "':Jlliam Condon, 427 S. Dodgp

Cubs Lose Twice Fair TocWy Cincinnati Takes Doubleheader IOWA-Fair today and probably I From Chlcal'o, 6-8, 7-5 tomorrow; rOl,linued warm. See Story, pal'e 3

low a Cit y Morning New spa per

The "lIoclaied Pres. FrVE CENTS • lOW A CITY, lOW A SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 4, 1938 VOLUME XXXVII NUMBER 284 Red-Haired Girl Wins Husband Seel{s Contact Annual ~ ndix ~r6pbY 'Eigh Killed With Wife's I(idnapers - - ---.----- Crashes in Southern States State Turns More Responsibility For --- Admini3trotion Mol' V38 PrOe833bJI! Sets Record , f 0 C 'f 'H R l' BELMONT, N. C" Sept, 3 LOUISVILLE, Ky., Sept. 3 T t BIt N -t' 1 F I Appeals-For Re I Ie ver to ountzes or orne II e (AP)- A Greyhound super- (AP)- Three members of 'an axes 0 OtS er adona arn) ncome For Women, tl'anspOI't bus collided with an Indianapolis, Ind., fa mil y Abductors To DES MOINES, Sept. 3 (AP) - ' counties. The IERA receives an automobile near here late to- were killed in a collision of WASHINGTON, Sept. 3 (AP)- Iy, officials said, on the SUPPOl't Iowa state dfficials pushed two' annual appropriation of $2,000,000 night killing five persons and their automobile with a Grey- Agriculture department officials that price-fixing proposals muster Takes Race steps nearer "home rule in relief" (rom sales and income tax recei pts. injuring at least 14, hound bus tonight near Eliza- said today that the administration among farmers and members of Arrange Means today by returning all the respon- Regarding the extension of addi­ The bus, crowded with 38 bethtown, Ky, was consldering placing processing. congress between now and next sibility for WPA supplemental aid tional assistance to families whose passengers, careened down a The bus, en route from taxes near the top of its legislative January, when congress meets. Triumph OVf'r 10 and much of the medical relief WPA income is su£ficlent to meet program at the next session ot con- The decline of the general level Official earch For problem to the counties. expenses, the IERA board of dil'ec- 15 - foot embankment and Louisville to Nashville, Tenn., gtess in an eUort to bolster the na- of farm prices to the lowest point Male Pilot In The revisions become effective tors said: overturned. ovel-turned but its occupants tional (arm income. in four years, and official esU- Mis in W ()IDau End: Oct. 1, the announcement said. "This relie' eould be more close- The dead were all occupants were reported to have es- Such taxes would raise revenue mates that the farm Income this To Allow Negotiations 10 Hours, 7 Miuutt's Narrowtng of the Iowa emergen- Iy supervised if it were transferred of the automobile. caped serious Injury. The for increased benettt payments to year would be more than a btlilon cy relief administration's powers to local authorities .. . And after Coroner C. C. Wallace said dead were Mr. and Mrs. Jo- farms, they said. brought price-fixing proposals to CLEVELAND, Sept, 3 (AP) YUBt>. Cl'I'Y , Ca\., Sep\. ~ (J\P) this fall follows retrenchment mea- Oct. 1 supplemental aid will not that none of the bus pass en- seph Franklin Kennedy and Th~ extent to which the admin- the fore in many farming sections, - William R. Meeks tonight issued Red - haired Jacqueline Cochran sures last spring which currently be furnished 10 WjP A employes gel's was killed, although an their three-year-old son. istration will press for action on particularly the cotton and wheat not only won the eighth Bendix have resulted in the allocation of combined (state and county) undetermined number were rush- processing taxes will depend large- belts. an "appeal to kidnopel's" of his trophy race today to triumph over state funds to only 31 of the 99 funds." 55-year-old wile saying he leafed ed to, hospitals In CharloUe and the dead and injured. to contact them because of pub­ 10 experienced male pilots, but Gastonia. from At- 'Boys in Blue' Will Gather At licity and asking them to arrange set a new transcontinental air rec­ Two of the dead were identi­ la~~et~~~e:a~~~~~oute a new means of contact. ord for women, the National Aer- British. Navy Concentrates War fied as Howard Rhodes, 30, or Lyman 'Rhodes of Atlanta, Ga., D M· f • The statement, designated for onautical association onnounced. Charlotte, and Hall AUstin, 25, of 11 mldshipman.fl'om the naval aca- eS omes or Encampment newspaper publication, said: Charlotte. demy and a passengel' on the bus, , "Appeal to kidnapers - atraid Ships in Straits of Gibraltar Flying from Burhank, Cal., to The crosh occurred on the said he heard a deafeni ng crash I , to contact due to publicity. Ar­ Bendix, N. J ., in 10 hours, seven Charlotte-Gastonia highway neal' und th~ saw sparks flying. 1,______·_ ~======range new contract. Lines clear . minutes and 10 seconds, Miss Action Counteract8 • the Catawba river bridge. About lhat lime, he said, the Only.200 Veterans Awaiting. Cochron clipped nearly lhree and The occupants of the car, two heavy IJt1s tumbled down the em­ 'Cry Havoc!' "Signed W. R. Meeks." No Harem women, two men and a small bankm~nt: Women passengers, he Expected for Five a ha If hours from the former Mysterious Activities Ready to Mee' child, were killed instantly. The said, 46'eamed and called for Day Annual Reunion Meeks did not amplify on the record set by Laul'a Ingalls Sept. Of Insurgent Boats Arab Youth, Bride To automobile was demolished, and help. Some of the men passen­ 'Dealers in Death' To statement but the "lines clear" l2, 1935. the bodies were mangled beyond gers crawled through windows -Be Trained DES MOINES, Sept. 3 (AP) - phrase was taken generally to Miss Ingalls' recol'd on 0 flight Sail to Iraq l'ecognit ion. and ailJed others in leaving the GIBRALTAR, Sept. 3 (AP)- !-_-....,.~ Two IUrear guard companies" of mean that he was ready for a from Burbank to Floyd Bennett At least a dozen of the passen­ bus. meeUng. WASHINGTON, Sept. 3 (AP)- the almost-vanished Grand Al'my field , N. Y., WliS mode in J3 hours, Tile British navy today began NEW YORK, Sept. 3 (AP) - A gers in the bus were injured. Police. said they thought the Severa] hours previously the 01- 34 minutes and (ive seconds. concentrating warships in the 17-yeal'-0Id Missouri form gjrl All available ambulances from automot>i.le was from Charlotte. President Roosevelt today approv- of the Republic will assemble here ficial hunt for the missing woman Miss Cochron, 27, wlte of Fi- Stroit of Gibraltar to counteract ahd her American _ educated hus­ Charlotte and Belmont we r e FOUl' ot the dead were taken to ed army plans to begin training tomorrow to open the 72nd nation­ was brought to a standstill and rushed to the scene to transport, one to Charlotte. pnvate manufacturers to produce, nuncier Floyd B. OdIum and an ' ~1yster ious activities of Spanish band of a week, Nijib Toonie, plan unlimited quantities of semi-au to- al encampment ?t the "boys in shortly thereafter Meek said law orphan who started to work at matic rifles, antiTaircraft guns and blue'." enforcement agencies had retired 11, shoved her silvery plane inRurgent men-of-war. to sail next week for Basra, Iraq, 15,000 French Workers o,t',strikeas Crisis trom the picture to permit him to across the country ut 246 miles The inwrgent fleet galhereJ but not to a hal'em, as the girl's other munitions in event of war. Des Moin ~s o:fficials handling contact the abductors and try to . an hour to lolte down $12,500 In parents feared, nor under the spell The war department announced encampment details said advance IIround the great, powerfully-for- of some stl'ange "love potion," as In Prenlier Daladier's G6V't Continues the president had released the first meet their demands, which he prize mon y In Ul B ndix race. . reservations indicate the G.A.R. said was for $15,000 by midnight She fought lhund l' sl 1'11'19 and tlfled rock after the Spanish 1I0v- they suspicioned. $2,000,000 to be spent during the PARIS, Sept. 3 (AP) - T tractien company employes at current fiscal year on "educational will muster abo~ 200 veterans lor tonight. icing conditions as she sped at a ('mment destroyel' Jose Luis Dlez For a few days it didn't look as District Attorney Loyd Hewitt, If they were going anywhere be­ roU of French workers on strike Lille remained on strike but labor orders" aimed at familiariZing se­ the fi ve-day reunion, or the equi­ height of 16,000 to 22,000 teet limped Illto the British haroor a cause the "0" men were looking leaders in other industries limited leet manufacturers with problems acting as spokesman lor the fam­ -index of an internal crisis-hov- valent of two union army com­ trom Burbank, Col., to Cleveland, "leek al!O atter a running bottle for them. The "G" men slal'ted their activities to loud criticism of of munitions manufacture. panies. ily, denied at a press conlerence that the kidnapers had set mid­ \laused to greet her husbnnd and with four insurgent craft. lookJng after the girl's 1ather Insti- ered tonight at 15,000 while 01'- the "national defense" govern- Congre~s approved at its last Northern fqrces emisted 3,500,- hear lhe c.hel"l's of thollsunds at Si nce then a num btlt'r 0 val' ou:< tuted Mann nct charges against ganized labor weighed itli de - ment. session the spending of $10,000,000 000 men in the Civil war struggle night for the ransom deadline, as the nationnl oil' ruces, und sped on kinds of warships have ceaseless- the youth Ilnd expressed apPl'ehen­ mands ogalnst the Daladier gov- The test wllJ come when Pre- over a five-year period for this of 1861-65. I'eported previously trom several over B ndlx:, N. J. 1y been steaming without lighls slon that lite In a harem awaited ernment's efforts to place indus- mier Edouard Daladier's ministers purpose. Such ' a program has Scheduled meetings of allied or­ sources. It WIlS II triumph the sllsht throughout each night around Gl-I hls daughter. The girl's parents, tryon a virtual wartime footing", approve tre first extension ot been a goal of war department of- ganizations have caused local con­ Some ot the Questions and Hew- young woman hud earned, other hraltar. Many of the", wele wJth ~ too, had a suspicion the quick Jute workers at Ami ens and hours beyond the limits of 40- ficials ever since hectic World war vention sponsors to predict a total itt's answers were: , pilots agl'eed. She had finished Abbeville, 14,QOO strong, and 1,000 hour we~Jr'l aw. I days. attendance of 5,000. Q. Has there been any contact third in 1nst y af"s Bendix, and in ~t. _m_ar_klngs or namea. col1rtshlp by a maglc "love potion." with the kidnapers? A. No. the 1935 race sh hud been forced ~------~------Q. Is the $15,000 ransom ready? down ot Klngmon, Ariz. A. It wi)] be, if necessary. She flew alone, wi lh tom a to , jUice hel' only nourishment on the Gerlllan Troops Occupy Fottifications Facing Maginot Line lO-hour, 2-446-mlle grind in a l,200-horsepower Seversky plane * * * Rep 0 r t •reaching • • Thi_vJlle, men covets all* the* G~rman* troops equipped with twin Wasp mo- METZ, France, Sept. 3 (AP) - gal'l'ison" tor fortifications• • • such as s ous persons In. touch .. with Adolt This' waS .taken. .to be the net to take tors. German trOops, believed to number German:y has erected along the Montmedy and other Frencl) bor- manning the Slegh'ied line, it is Hitler's Bavarian mountain retreat outcome of the Sudeten German Paper dwneTa No ~ I n g8 Her plane carried the racln, between 50,000 and 60,000, moved French fronUer. del' towns said automobile far less than the 100,000 which or­ tonight expressed bel i e f the party leader's cOQlerences yester­ number "13 ." today Into tbe Reich's new Sle,- Although de r man y tightened ot Oldenburg and the Saar basin dlnarily Occupy France's Maginot offer· In Clcvelurld her first concern fried chain of fortifications (acln, control of her side 01 the frontier, had been restricted to register their line. Reichsfuehrer had advised Konrad day and Thursday with Hitler at ,nt·Ads Was : France's steel and concrete Ma&!- reporls reaching France Indicated autos and trucks with military au- Furthermore French forces tem- Henlein "to interpret more elastic- Berghof, the Reichsfuehrer's reai­ Tuesday g8 y,OU "Where's m)' husband ?" not line. itll the troops were unjt~ ot the thoriUes. porarily ha.,ve been increased since ally" the Sudeten German' auton- dence In the mountains above He gave her an unotllclal frenchmen In the frontier re resular al'my. Since Adolf Hitler appeared at Sept. 1 as the result 01 movement omy demands on the Czechoslovak Berchtesgaden. ,'8 lJI. lI'eeting much warmer than the gions were calm as generaliy ac­ Tank detachments rumbled aiong Kehl Aug. 26 and inspected work of the new 1918 class of raw con- T'ler' will be no iAue or :onold· Official. I cepted reports said the German roads of the Saar basin to garages On the new fortifications down to scripts into army garrisons to be- government. What changes might be Involved T he' Dally Iowan Tuetday' Call fDr She whipped the closest or her troop were strun, ilIon, the entire especially bullt as part of the de- a point opposite Basle, Switzer- gin their l'egular two year service. Broadly, however, the SUbstance in greater elasticity of the Heruem .l1fr to j'te observance of Uae. men rivals, Frank Fuller, into IFrench-Gennan border from Lux­ 1en18 Une, travellers said. Motor­ land, inhabitants of the French 'of Henlein's eight-point program program or' what, if any, common Labor Da] hoUda, "'IDOl"­ Cleveland by 23 minutes to win embour, " K.hl, oppoalte Str.. - ized and foot infantry could be side had been expectln, German Hider Ad'Vile. for the 3,500,000 Germanic minor- around for ne,otiation might be row. tl1,500 and become the second bouri. . leen trom several points on the troops to move into the new miu.. 1 M E'-- ' ., ity still represented what" it was ..... oman to win the cro.. -country l French oUlc.r. laid the 50,000 fronti.r movllll alon, the border tary works. J ore ,",,"ChY believed Hitler considered the found as a reault of Henle1D'a vilit I ., 'I r,' 1 event. ______I to 10,000 fiIure ",.. th. "Dormal fgads1D German terrltoq. It the maximum filW'8 of 80,000 BERLIN, Sept. 3 (AP) - Varl- minimum demands OD Praha. with Hitler were Dot dilcloaed. iiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~i.ijiiiiil SUNDAY,..§.EPTEMBEll 4, 193!, ~AGE TWO THE DAILY IOWAN, IOWA CITY l'HE DAILY IOWAN OFFICIAL DAlLY BULLE1'}N 1 Published every morning ex­ Health Hints Washington cept Monday by Student Puqllea­ 1t~1mI In Ute UNIVERSITY CALENDAll an \.ol'ls Incorporated, at 126-130 schedult'd In the office of the President, Old Capl. By Iowa avenue, Iowa City, Iowa. tol. Items for the GENERAL NotICES are de- World posited with the campus editor of Tbe Da\ly Iowan, ' Logan Clend.ening, Board of Trustees: Frank L. or fuay be plaeed In the box provided for their de- M D Mott, Odis K . Palton, Ewen M. 11051\ In the offices of The Dally Iowan. GENERAL • • I By CHARLES P. STEWART NOTICE mus' be at The Dally Iowan by 4:38 )),m_ ' I ______-! MacEwen, Karl E. Leib, Amos ,I Centrlll>tellS Columni , • •.. Pearsall, Robert Dalbey, Ben M. the ~ay preceding firSt pUbllcallon: notices wtU NOT I Y kl h ld h h d WASHINGTON, Sept. 8 - It is be ace pled b)' telephone, and must be TYPED or I our ~ n s ou . ave. a a Stephens, David B. Evans, Orval LEGmLY WRITrEN alld SIGNED by a responllible good hyglence cxpenence thiS sum !asciJl!itlng to wonder what will ,bect>me ot the anti-New D al By GEORGE TUCKEIL Q. Matteson. Penon. I mer. It should have been aired With NEW YORK-"A tl s-ket ... a and sunned and cleansed in ocean Democtats If it becomes finally ap­ Fred M. Pownall, PuDllsher VOL. XII, No. 81 Sun~ay, S?ptember 4, 1938 j 01' lake or river. It should have parent that the New 'Dealors are tus-ket ... 1I green and yellow I\lEJ,tLE mLLER bas-Itet." ... If I don't quit, sins- Donald J. Anderson, been close to nature. It should ihevocsbly in control of the Demo­ Business Manager cratic perty. ing this I'm going crazy. It's have been exercised so that the IJ en running lhrough my mind Nolicf'lll worki ng of the muscles as you Or back copies of the New This year Is not likely to settle " Entered as second class man General I TRENCHANT THOUGHTS for days. Thcy've been sWi nlin, Employment ll nd 1:00-5:00 p,m, Special hours walked, or played tennis ?l' base- SOmerset ' Maugham thinks it's Yorker ... Or llaJdan ~'s ''ine­ the question: "pro" and ""nU" •. matter at the posto!fice at Iowa congressional victories probably hymns for months, and ' now Board, three meals a day, can for departmental Ubra1'ies will ball, 01' whatever YOll did play, quality of ~tan" wl'llln I need -,.City, lowa, under the act of con- tlie mark of a moron to re-read will more or less balance on an­ they'rc aftcl' Mother Goo s e be earned at the University Hos- be posted on the doors. made all the skin g~ands . funcllon a bOOk- but not I . ' . To me to revive my 1I00lal senslbllttles rhymcs. Is nolhing sacred! - . P$8 of March 2, 1879. pital from the present time until GRACE VAN WORMER, freely. N0'Y that wInler IS .on the other. hCI'e's only one greater pleasure · .. Or H. Fisher's "Hlstot,; of Sut 1940 should be prelty de­ New York seems dlUerent to­ : , Subscription rates-By mail, Sept. - 25. The work occurs at Acting Director. way, keep It up. Your skin Is a than reading a good book, re­ Europe" for lilY more !leholarly ,5 mealtime hours. wonderful organ, and very much cisive. Should the antis, led by (/ectaculal' cli- laries of the skin contract, keep- Death" at the Methodist chUrCh ;;re unchanged. All New York Norman DOuglas' "South Wind." nl'xt 'rtIursday, especially If you're 1 Moreov-er, there is a good deal movie acting seem prelly fishy lnax. • • • ing the warm blood deep ih the of difference between a Democratic 1csponds 10 this imperceptible di!­ business, "Sequoia" was one, and internal OJ·gans. In warm weather onc of those who think wars're frrence-but they &lve no indica­ 01' lImost any short story by illcvitable and Hitlers a necessary old-timer and 8ny kind of a Re­ "Chang" and "Orass" in the si- Now don't think t'm belittlin'. they expand, and besides, the tion of :l changing sea~on. Funny But What Saki or O'l'enrY . . . Or R. L. part of history . .. publican. "" I. lcnt days were others. All those actors are In there Iswea t glahds pour Ollt perspiTation, Stevenson's lesser known "The An original Democrat is a "st.ates birds, gulls and pigeons. They . _ DOe3 It A.ll This week came another, called I pitchinlt and this sarong less La- which dries, caUSing the skin to be Wrong Box" or better-known ri.ghtser" and Republicanism is na­ lhrive here. There are rnillions . Mean? "SpawI~ of ~e North," an obvi-I mour . :1 l" 'ing a heart-ot-go"ll cooled by evaporation. It is often "Treasure Island" . . • Probably A nice word for the I. C. L. and tionalistic. Republicanism tradi­ d them. No one pays them any ously fi shy tItle for lhe most plea- ,) . saId that the more a person Max Adler's "Elbow-Room" . . , TJ, company wife who handsomely tionally is wedded to high tariff I,eed. IN extending a new deal invi­ Fa ritly fishy Hollywood picture tough gdl, is good. SO IS Raft. sweats, the more healthy he is. ;,,,"erted a spanking for the young protection lnd a good Democrat • • • tation to "liberal republicans" as Or the Sherlock Holmes' detec­ since "Captains COUl·agcous." ; no ~'onda, and pretLy Louise There is no rule about this. Cer- livAbles _ •. And Anaiole France's one who spotted her new outfit always has been a low lal'riUite 01' You see less white linens now. isn't strictly a fish picture, PIaU amI John Barrymore and tainly a dry skin is unhealthy, but _against "conse,!,vative democrats" a "Penguin Island" (De people real­ with an ice cream cone yesterdey even a free trader. "Laisserfaire" 'lou see more dinner jackets in and in promising election aid to which to my way of thinking is r,ynn'e Overman. Tamlroff, of 'excessive perspi.ration prob ab ~y ly eet throUlI college Without Eflernoon . , . still is the true Democrat's motto, Ihe ~ing. The ticket brokell the formel', Franklin Roosevelt !'ather unfortunatc. Paramount means consumptIOn of Illcoholic and Republicanism is very govern- took no chances on scaring away c.ourse, and beller thall any of beverages more often than any­ leading lhan) • " I. l\nd, IeS!, ared for a week end j ourney ogn I =u~ . ______fift _ _ I The Mustache, tive democrat, Victor Harding, Into Maryland, where he is trying . I don't speak of Communists, · : WPtat Now? secretary ' of the commJttee, ' de­ to unseat Democratic Sen. Millard Bunds and Fascists; they're too like being out on a limb, II oJ \ ADOLF HITLER, the Austrian clllred: I!:. Tydi.ngs, whO has voted against 1 smy to be mentioned. New D aIel'S lick thell! in 1940. ,l llign painter who has risen to the "Th'e democTlitie national con­ some major administration en - • • • I don't see wh re they can 10- ~\.jrtuBI dictatorship of Germany, greSsional campaign committee has actments. Tydings is opposed for OUT ON A. LIMB? If the N w D aiel'S swinl tb,t tltepped from the frying pan into tlJken and Will take no plrt in the democratic senatol'ial nomina- Sut J do allegc that the antl­ year's Democratic preSidential cOn­ "~tbe fire yesterday. it seems. any primary or nominating con­ tion by Representative David J. New Deal Democrats look to mc vention. ~ With his plans tor annexation vention. As soon as the candi­ Lewis. ------" of Czechoslovakia stymied by date is nominated for representa­ Mr. Roosevelt worked on a ma- : ~ritish jntervention, Hitler has tive in congress this committee jor address to be delivered Mon­ ~C.OrT'S SCRA.PBOOK R. J. Seo" ,. -tUrned , his troops loose along the considers him to bc thc choice ,of day attcrnoon on the isolated. : .tr~nch border. What nis pur- the democratic voters of thc par­ peninsula that is known as Mary­ -JlOse can be is not apparent at ticular pistrict involved and the land's eastcrn shore. • first glance, but it 1s certain ~h a t committee will do everything in Addressed to a nation - wide ~ po good will is intended by the its power to assist in the cam­ audience from a shaded square of ,.JIIove. The very act of deploying paign to secure his election." the little town of Denton, the the German war machinery a]O[)g The committee is concerned speech will be preceded by ex­ ." the French Maginot line is com­ only with campaigns for election temporaneous talks at Beveral . , parable to tossing a lighted match to the house of representatives. other Maryland points . into an opened powder keg. ------• ~ France has never been con­ II aidered a military "push-over" in That Old Trolley He Makes Clouds To r tiny sense of the word; France May Now Be a Cottag() Study Cosmic R~y~ • ;' bas always seen fit to fight on __"::::::;'"I A, Pr.C:UI.IA.1l 0'- opposing sides with Cermany, .. ::.l~III"' ~EA-(ull" SANDUSKY, Ohio (AP)- Inter­ CAMBIER, Ohio (AP) - Con· .. 1'~I~ O"t.-Mo,,~ ..·I'o W'-" AIIf \.. th,er~fore , the sending ot Cerman BUll.:'" BY~ P'-'IlI~ IM It-M.· ~ ;troops in the near vicinity of the urban electric cars become chicken struction of the world's IlIJ'gest 8R~Kt, A. OliK 1'A.s1bu" , French forces seems to be just all houses, lunch wagons, summer cot­ cloud chamber for study of cosmic 1'I4t. NOSE. 01' -(lIl.lIo~ Ai4" , Invitation for trouble. Such a tages ant:! permanent homes. rays is announced by Di. ,Wilson CC t\-(otoL\..II.P Bt'" lIE-OAl.­ movement almost asks tor a war­ That is 'what officials of a bus -(0 i-(ol' l"JiL ~p4I"'''''\... Powell, 35-year-old Kenyon col­ 1>1 wM provoking ineldent. company when they lege physlcist. Yes, Hitler, in his haste to c\>ver trad!d abandoned electric cars. The cloud chamber, measuring £U" E-K "1-0 his disappointment over his 1ail­ JunK de81et's did a thriving 81 by 30 by nIne centime'tel's and ,.;, IIlIfll\"'''''''" ure in Czechoslovakia, seems to business on some ot the cars by weighing '250 pounds; is to Ii It! ,,.IlI

CHAPTER 7 ~ectlon to her, which one crossed AT RONALD BIRRELL'S on the way to the North river words, "l've met the girl I could where the ocean liners were marry," Judy retreated into the anchored. So she felt that she shadows of the long draperies at trod in a strange land as she hur­ the bedroom window. She did not ried down the crowded street. move too .far away to overhear the Boys maneuvered small carts, tilled conversation. Not that she wished with dresses, all alike, along the to eavesdrop. But suddenly it curb. Men had arms fuU of furs. important to know about whom The elevator that carried her to Ronald was speaking. the seventh flOor was slow and un- !'Ma '/ I ask who she is?" queried carpeted. Marjorie. Here, in a small room, a man in •~ "Certtalnly. She has brown his shirt sleeves looked at her. eyes, flecked with gold, a tilted "Take off your hat," be said. nose and curly brown hair. She's Judy obeyed. IA aristocrat, high tempered, hon- "Let me see your legs." eSt, fel'\rless." Judy flushed, tben realized that . "From away?" the better this man's street and "No, from lown.'" sports frocks and coats lookeq on "Do I know her?" her, the more sales' ap~l they "Ii'$ possible." would have. Marjorie laughed softly. 'Did "The job is yours if you wllnt it," ~ou say all of this to warn me the employer said, and smiled. It that you arent in the running on was a warm, friendly smll~ ttJat the ma'n-hunting tracks?" accepted her as a member -of ·the "Not at all." He laughed, too. firm. "I felt you were an understanding "I'd like it very much," she an- person." swered, and smiled, too. "When do Som me called Marj01;e away. I start?" She maet her apologies and left "Now, if you want lo. Had Ronald, .standing by the balustrade, breakfast?" staring into the street. He lurned "N-no." She didn't mean to tell and, th(j)ugh he did not raise his him. She intended to pawn a voice, it carried distinctly to Judy. necklace to buy some lunch. Why not' come out?" "Neither have I. I'll order some She stepped through the win- for you when I send out for it." dow, l'eprQach in her gaze. Judy was taken to a crowded "So Mnrjqrie told you I was dressing room, told to remove her here." dress by the woman in charge of \.- "No, Marjorie never sald a word. the half dozen models, and given a But you stepped to tile balcony clean gingham smock. A few min­ a while ' back, as the guests and lites later someone brought a small llImily were dining. I arrived late tray to her. and I huppened to see you. I It held crisp toast, bacon, orange 5TAG-E watched through which window juice and a pot of coffee. The em­ you returned, that's all. But why ployer had not thrust his society \l.teu't you ~ t the party'!" upon her. He had been,kind and "I'm not pp to part.ies," she an- remote at the same time. ..she was 6wered. "L m resting.' ·grateful. "1 see. "Meantime, it just might Eating, Judy reflected that she happen th@t you are the girl of had associated modeling with vel­ whom Marjorie spoke a while ago. vet carpets, low music, solt lights She said Hiis friend of hers wants and flowers. She had thought (IDly a job, and doesn't want to ask a of the salons in the Fifties. Yet favor of "'nyone in her own group, here, in this wholesale place, shl! so she ~ought I might suggest had found kindliness. Mllybe Ron­ something." aId was right. People would .be "Didn't j\ tell you I'm going to charitable if you met them 1]ali s France?" \ Way. "You did, ,Judy, but you aren't, The woman who bad taken Judy I gather. r \admire you for it. lo the dressing room returned with You're all right! And Judy... " an arm load of dresses. "A big His voice f~ltered a little. buyer," she said. 'Here, I'll help "Yes?" you get ready." , THERE'S LAKE AI<5UM! SOON A5lfiN "1 meant the words which you All morning long Judy pal'aded WE'lL SIGHT THE CARAVAN­ ANSWER heard through the window. Never in dresses. A blue one, a brown forget." one, a black one, another blue, a I'VE GOT TO THINK FAST.' TO He was tall, wide - shouldered, tan, a rose, a brown agaln. When BRICK'S lean and muscular. His hair was noon came, her back ached and PRAYER bright and brisk, his face was her feet throbbed. She sat on a THERE tarmed, his profile was well-al- high stool and played with a sand­ RISES most as good as Craig's. Here wich which someone btought in. FROM there might be security. But she "You'll get used to it," another THE didn't love him. girl told her. "Some days nobody SOUTHWEST "Better run. I hear steps," he comes. Olher days we have a THAT said, and she went back through rush. But that buyer took several WHIRLING her window. of your models. That means you But hours later, when she and know your stuff." RED Marjorie had talked for a long The day passed. Another one. DEATH time, she lay in bed and thought. Three, four, five. It was '8 week.. OF THE A little of Ronald. More 01 Craig. The next one began. OE.SF.RT- There was a slender white ship, Judy was too tired at night to A out there on the dark ocean, some- care that she had ' vanished irom SAND place on it were two people who her friends' sight. She saw in the 5TORM loved each other very much. social news that she had sailed for Would it always be this way? France to spend the fall Bnd win~ Would nothing every again be Im- leI' wah her mother. Shll knew portant, because she had placed that her friends were relieved, be­ ber heart in Craig's pocket, then cause it would have been embar­ forgotten to teU him that it was rasslng to strike the right note of there? sympathY with a girl who. had Could you weave the warp of life nothing now, not even a home, . and love closely through the One day she saw Ronald. It was years, then unravel it at a single raining and cold. Quite "s'Uddenly gesture? She did not know. his red head and wid!! shoulders She wakened in the morning to loomed up in a croWlil. He. was a confusing memory. Then the walking briskly, head bent, brows. events of the past several days drawn, as though trying to solve a righted themselves. She was alone, problem. She moved to the inside hunting a job. She must hurry to of the sidewalk, and averted hee the hote\ and see if an agency had head. When she was successful, called. she would see him. Not now. But it was sevreal days before Not even Marjorie knew whete one 'did. Then the executive sent she was, for she had changed her to an Eighth avenue address. rooming places, and sent her for- 'It's a firm which makes sports mel' roommate a note, telling her wear," she explained. "They need sl'le would get in touch Wit\'l her a model your size, to show size Iilter in the autumn. 14'5 before the out-ot-town buyers. But for a moment after Ronald Bettl!r hW'ry right over. They had passed she was lonelia than N need you." sne ever had been. Not only lone- ROOM 'BY Judy had Jived in New York, oft ly, afraid. What did it matter? HE DIC>N\ GET THAT and on, for most of her 21 years. She would toss her pride down'the AND GENE But she had never wa lked down wind and call to him. BEND IN HIS BACK BOARD AHERN Eighth avenue. It was an inter- (To Be' Continued) FROM TOIl- - HE' GOT ,1 IT F~OM LOAr=-IN~~ SHE MA~ES "'E LYIN0 IN A. HAMMOCK HAVE, ~ S USPIC ION EH'? -WH'f, M'( THRuSH, 'l'OU Pt>..IN ME. ,OOuBTING 1'IREO ~-Hf:. ALL S\jMt'·'!E;-R. THA1' YOU~ S1'OR'( A~U"{ !: COULD COM\;; O IL BEII'16 \!>ISCOVE.f!.\::t:> w\Y VERA.C ITY ~ - HUN6ER HALTS rv\E. I=RDM BE.COMING HON\'t: WITH ON T H E: MOUNTAIN YOU OWN, 6'RAVE.L IN HIS HI6HLY INOl6NA.NT !~ IS ANOTHEP- ONE m: '(OUf!. SHOE.S ~O ""-ITE:S Ihl T HE: '{IIIND \- B'f ., I'LL GE.T TE:?R,( MA.""-E:, I4E.R ~ ,HE. ONL'Y T\-\ING TH/)"T TO C 01v\E: c..NO vE:RI\='( IT! 6ELlEVE. HE. MAv...t=S ME HALP' -BE.UI::\I1:: ...... YES, AND iLL E:VE:.N WA.'5 t>o,WA.'( IT, IS THE: $50 PROSf>E:C1l NG '(ou SHOW '(Ou A SAIl\PLE. Ct:>N ro? GOLO! G twF ''1F , ~. OF THE. PETROLE:.UN\ '.

OWIN6 10 THE= PICK UP IN LoCAL ausJl~~SS -me LABOR PAY PARADE Women select eIghty.t!vep8rcent'of male ,armen'tl! In thiA ' 1'001( i MINU,.as "10 PASS A t;irVEN tl'y-and Ill\'0 away the otfIer fifteen perMllt 10 .. ~at-1ht POINT-A GoAIN OF 4M/NO'T'l!!'S' OVER .. • ...... 4 •• l .... h,.... "'*' .. __ . ~4 -- " ~1'~ ~ .. (iW. ,. • ..,' i..":r- "VY~, 4..A$T '(U&$:J>ARAt.?ei ...... - PAGE SIX 'I'lJE DAlLY JOWA'K, IOWA CITY ~UNDAY. SElPTEMB'ElR 4, 1938

the direction of the pastor. Sllmuel Hershberger. Finance Company 'Shocked' Into Speech 10:30-Divine service. Sermon 10-SuIJday school services. Legion Group \ P \)~ the postal' on "He Doe ~ All ll-Sel'lnon. Gets erlnissiolt --Mil Things Well." 7:30-Young P opl 's meeting. Plans Meeting 2:0D-Dlvine sel'vlce at Sl. 8:3 D-Sermon. To Tap Setver .'ohn·s ,-,,,theran church, Sharon Thursday, 7:30 p.m. - 1>. yer Center. g 40 and 8 Will 'Begin Application has been approved 1meetin _. ------First Eng\lsb Lutheran Church Fall Season At and granted the Security Finance HURl:: I Seven Get FiuflS Corner Dubuque and :\-Jarkei. Session Tomorrow company, as trustee [or the Row­ land estale, for permission to tap Rev. Ralph M. Krueger, Past.or In Police Court Methodist Episcopal Chureh ion. In charge of the elders. 1: :3D-MornJng worShip. Preach- tlie sewer under Ferson avenue The Iirst fall meeting of the 40 Dubuque and Jefferson Streets aud ex tend sewer mains to the 6- Fidelity Chl'ist.ian Endeavor ;nf on the gospel lesson COl' th ~ Seven pcrsons were. fined by and B, honorary American Legion Edwin Edgar Volgi., Robert In church parlors. Rolla Norman, . ' \1 be organization, will take place to­ five acre tract owned by the Row­ president. duy, the pastor s sermon WI POlice Chief Burke l"l. Carson morrow at 7:30 p.m. in the Ameri­ jands in block 13 of Manville ad­ Doffman Hamill-Ministers The minister will be in the PU1-, "L ssons from a Miracle.; :'estel'day in Iowa City police dition .• can Legion I'ooms (At the commu­ 9:3O--Chul'ch school. Beginners, pit Sunday, September 11, when 9:30-SlInday school. ruurt. 1. Y. Hartman, Mrs. Geo. The jnrtaIJation of the sewer Thomas, Glen Cochrarte and nity building, Don Davis, chef de primary and adult departments in ;;\l regular services will be reo, The monthly meeting of the gare, announced last night. project will be at the expense of Frank Vel mace were all ktned $1 Officers will be nominated 101' lhe trust('e. After the work is session. sumed. V:omen's Missionary SOCiety will for overtime parl,lng. the election to take place at the r.ompleted and approved by the 10:3D-Morning worship with he held Wednesday aflel'nocn at Intoxiculion cost Milte C9I'alYilJe Gospel Churcb ~: 30 October meeting. city engineer, the sewer will be ~t'rmon by the Rev. Mr. Hamill, o'clock at thc home of Mrs $2 and $ t ('osls. Harry Brown Plans fCll' the series of "Tramc Coralville Vollmer, 311 East College slL·eel. was sent to thc county jaLl for ueeded t.o the city. "The Dignity of Man and His La­ Robert M. Arthur, Pastor School of the Air" broadcasts over In additi6n to the sewage pro­ Mrs. Fred Blessin will Lead a dis ­ 10 days on the sume ehal·ke. bOr." Mr. Mallett will sing the 9:30-Bible school, with class­ cussion c>r the topic, "Christ in WSUI this Call and winter will ject the lrustee will lay approxi­ offertory solo, "The Living God," Swaner Dui ry was fined $1 for also be discussed tomorrow. I'S for all ages. M. E. Nclson, su~ Education." leaving u running motol" unat· mately 1,000 feet of pavement on by O'Hara. The organ numbers perint.endent. Begin~ i ng Sunday, September tended, apd Walter E. Bea<;hy paid lhe five acre tract which wJLl be felected by Mrs. Smith are: "The 10:45-Morning worship. Be­ C'pened as a new sub-division con­ IB, we will hold our services at .-, $1 fine with costs of $1 for first movement from the So­ llevers will fellowship in Lord's it,e regillar time. Sundny scho(ll Police Seek ~ lsting of 13 large building lots. pr.ssi ng through a red ll ght. u'ata in A Minor" by Borowski; ~upper. Sermon by the pastor, ~. t 9:30 and morning worship at "Meditation" by Ralph Kinder; "The Perfecting of the Saints." Hl:45 o'clock. Iowa Citia.n "Andante Religioso" by Deshayes. 2:3D-Group from Coralville VISITORS ' Nursery class during the morn­ will conduct Bible school at Plea- St. Pa.ul's Lulheran Chapel Film.Exposes ing service, Dorothy Rankin ill ~· ant Valley. Jerterson and Gilbert Streets After Fracas charge. 6:30-Young people's group Rev. L . C. Wuerffel, Pastor Lindy, Wife Drop In Warlords l"leets in Riley chapel, Iowa City. 9:30-Sunday school. To See Ben~s The Iowa City pOlice depart­ FIrst Church of Christ, Scientist 7:45-Gospel service in Riley 10:30- Divine service. Pastor J . ment was warned to be on the 'Dealers in Death' 722 East CoHere Street chapel, lowa avenue dnd Linn A. Friedrich will conduct the ser- PRAHA, Czechoslovl1kia, Sept. 3 lookout for a Joe Smith supposed- , 9:30-Sunday School. Ftreet, Iowa City, to which all are I'ice and preach t.he sermon. His I (AP)- Cc>l . Ch arles A. l.,.lndbergh Iy from Iowa City, who, it is be­ To Show at Church ll:OO-Lesson-sermon. illvited. The theme ot the pas-\text will be Matt. 5:20. Theme ,'Js ited Pr ~ ident Edunrd Benes lieVed was involved in a stab- Next Thursday "Man" will pe the subject of tor's message will be, "Devout- (.f sermon, "The Righteousness today dur ing U Rerieg of celMer­ bmg ~t. Muscatine last nIght. I the lesson-sermon in all Churches But Lost!" Which God Requires in His Law." cnces Denes had with Czechoslo­ Officials believe he might have uf Christ, Scientist., on Sunday, Tuesd~y, 7:45 p.m.- Mid-week, I'ak offi ci als. Hed toward Iowa City. "Dealers in Death" - a sound ~eptember 4. prayer and praise meeting in the Bei.hlehem Chapel The American llier also saw All' The victim is thus far unidenti­ film telJing the inside story of The Golden Text is from Psalms cl1w'ch J~ Corulville. Sunday school 3 o'clock. Classes lI,tinister F'. Machnik oud General fied. lIe was stabbed in several the munitions industry, of Thy­ 04'4 12 "Blessed are they that I Friday, 7:45 p.m.-Bible study {or all. There will be servict's Ludwig Krejci, chiet ot the gen­ !Jlaces and is not expected to live. seen and those who financed Hit­ After a two-year silence Mau­ -Daily /owfln 'Engra'Ving d~e'll i~ thy house; they will clasb at Coralville. All are invit- :-l 7:30, conducted by the Rev. l'rul staff. improvement were forthcoming, lel'-will be shown in the Meth­ rice Arcoren of Rosebud, S. D., still praising thee ... 0 Lord ed. .Joseph E. Shaw. Special music. Lindbergh received t.he Czech· odist church basement n ext II half-breed Sioux Indian youth and being very conscientious and r,! Hosts, blessed is the man that Interdenominational. oslovak military honor badge. The who bas been under treatment not wishing to return home with­ Thursday under the auspices of trusteth in thee." Zlo:l Lutheran Church l.i11dbergh ~ planned to 11y direct John Lininger the Pai Yu Lan club. al the university 's spee~h clinic, ou t having learned to talk again, The lesson-sermon compriSes Johnson and Bloomingtoll Streets Mennonite Mission 10 London MondaY. The film also reveals facts he exerted greater speaking ef­ Friday recovered his voice. correlative passages lrom the Bi- Rev. A. C. Proehl, "'astor On Orchard Si.reei., West Side about the "mystery man" of Handicapped with stuttering fort, they said. ble- and from the Christian Sci- 9:00-Sunday school Classes Norman Jlobbs, superintendent Only 35 per cent Of the pupils Dies at Home "high priests of war"; De Weudel Devoutly religious, Arcoren re­ from childhood, Arcoren was sent cnce textbook, "Science and for all ages. and Paslor in the Miami, Fla., public schools Brothers and the heads of the here 12 weeks ago by the officials garded his return of speech with Health with Key to the Scrlp- 9:3~Forum Bible class under Sunday School Superintendent, are Miami-born. ' Funeral service for John H. French steel trust and describes of the South Dakota reservation "God did it." Lininger, 69, of North Liberty, the new poison gas, "wind of tures" by Mary Baker Eddy. =;;;;:;:;;;;;;;~;;~;;~;;;======:======hf;cause he had gradually given He will be kept here for some Wednefiday, 8 p.m.-TestlmoniaL who died at his home yest.erday death." up talking and resorted to writ­ ttme yet while he is treated for morning, will be tomorrow at 2 The film is endorsed by the meeting. ten statements and sign language. thc stuttering ailment which The reading room at the same p.m. in the North Liberty Meth­ United States munitions commit­ Speech clinic officials explained caused him to discontinue speak­ address i ~ open to the public be-I odist church. The Rev. J . A. tee. Ihat Arcoren was shocked into ing two years ago. Although sim­ Worrell wjll be in charge, and The local program includes mu­ talking again t.hrough fear of be­ ilar cases have been recorded, this tween the hours of 2 and 5 0'- \ burial will be in the North Lib­ dock ~very aHernoon .except sic and two short subjects and is ing sent home unimproved. He is the first such case . in the his­ erty cemetery. open to the public. Sundays lind legal holidays. The body is at the Oathout fu­ was told two weeks ago that his tory of the university's speech neral home. (';;se was hopeless unlesd signs of clinic. Trinity Ep\scopal Churclt Floods Kill 322 East College Streei. Rey. Richard E. McEvoy, Rector \ THE INTERNATIONAL Rath Paroled Most Stores To 8-The holy communion. SITUATION Five, Destroy Close for Labor 10:45-The holy communion At a Glance Resort Towns ~t\fter Sentence r-..nd serrr.on by the rector. Day Observance St. Mary's Church Ri. Rev. Ms,r. A. J. Schulte, P.A.. By the Associated Press DENVER, Sept. 3 (AP)-Floods For Forgery Tomorrow will be a holiday for }'asi.or-Rev. Berman Strub, As­ BERLIN- Persons in touch with raging down moun t am. canyons on most of Iowa City. ~Istant Pastor. ,'\dolt Hitler believed he had ad- a 200-mile front of the east~rn District Judge James P. Gaff- Local ret.aH stores will close, 7-First mass. 1,lsed Czechoslovakia's Sudeten slope of the R.ockY Mount81l1S ney yesterday sentenced Verle except lor a few groceries to be 8:30-Children's mass. minority leaders to interpret killed a~ least persons, left Rath to 10 years in the state open a short time in the morn­ lD-Hlgh mass. • I I I " th' U three mlss111g, Virtually destroy- ing and the restaurants and drug 'more east cal y elr se -gO~- 1 ed two resort towns and caused penitentiary on a plea of guilty to stores that will be open as usual. st. Patrick's Church (rnment demand~; . secrecy still vast damage that armies ot work- a county attorney's information Offices in the city hall and Rev. PatrIck O'Reilly, Pastor­ ~~a~owe,d any ~e: lslon on peace or Iers started to repair today. . charging forgery. Johnson county courthouse will Rev. Harry Ryan, Assistant Pastor J ar Del Fuehl el may have made. Officials reported several mlSS- The judge then paroled Rath, I be closed. 5:45-Low mass. PRAII,\ - Numerous Sudeten ing and expressed fear some may b ' t H btl No regular mail will be dellv- G I d · 'g d direct I'dunng good ehavlOr, 0 er er I .. 7:00-Low mass. erman ea eI S UI ea . have perished. . . ered; although speCial delivery 8:0O-Children's mass. I equesl be sent Germany for Old Four victims of Colorado's wid- Cochrane, a farmer livmg n e a I' I mail service will be held. h autonomy dispute with Czech- est spread deluge in decades North Liberty. . I 9:3D-High mass. oslovak government; mediation er- drowned neal' Morrison, a resort Rath pleaded guIlty to the - forts to ..: untinue over week end. town 15 miles southwest of Den- charge a week ago yesterday. Funeral For St. Wenceslaus Church METZ, France-German troop~, vel' smashed last night by con- .I Rev. Edward W. Neuzll. Pastor-­ r.ev. Donald Hayne, Assistant believed to number between 50,- ' verging flood torrents in Be a I' B d -II T noo and 60,000, moved I?~o C?er- : creek canyon and Mt. Vernon Red Cross oar Mrs. MI er 0 Pastor. 1lI ~.ny 's lIew frontier fortlflcallons canyon. Will Hear Rep'orts 6:3D-Low mass. facing France; French, unalarm-I The fifth victim cticd in the d B T 7:30-Low mass. ed termed them "normal garri- plunge 01 an automobile into a At Meeting Tues ay e omorrow 9:30-High mass and benedic· ~.pected to make some dramatic Dobbin Dons Drawers Survivors include her husband; 200 Thursd3Y 7:30 p.m.-Prayer and at its best - there is only one answer - "GAS," pronouncements. ERSONALS three daughters, Mrs. L. V. Beau- praise service. I Iowa. CIty lIome GIBRALTAR - British navy To Thwart Flies P Heu of Los Angeles, Cal.; Mrs. the modern, tbe perfect fuel. Gas is all beat, a1\ Now Enjoy ttarted concenlroting warships in Joseph Rummelhart and Mrs. Friday, 12 to 1 p.m.-Prayer f,nt! fasti 1g. comfort. Gas order and delivers itself as needed, Stra!ts . to co unter~('t I NORFOLK, Neb. ~AP) _ When Robert W. McCloy, son of Prof. Stella Coan, both of Iowa City; NATURAL Friday. 7:30 p.m.-Young peo­ silently and without fuss. You pay for gas only GAS HEAT! n'.ys terloU3 activIties of Spant~h summertime comes, Geops, a 12- and Mrs. C. H. McCloy, 526 W. three brothers, Anthony Unash, plp's prayer meeting. insurgent naval vessels w~lle year-old horse, dons overalls to Park road, formerly of SChnec-1 John Unash, both of Iowa City, after you have used it and your gas bill repre· ippled government s'lbmarme make her milk route rounds. tady, N. Y., will visit over Sun- and Charles. Unash of San ~ l I Fra~­ Christian Church sents your entire heating cost. things con· lies nearby. She wears size 50 overalls on her day i" Iowa City en route to cisco; one Sister, Mrs. J . M. Wll- All 217-2Zl Iowa Avenue PA,RIS-Approximately 15,000 front legs to keep the flies off. Rolla, Mo., where he will ~ach son of. Oakland, Cal.; several sidered. gas costs less than other fuels. 'yorkers on strike protested gOV- 1Only hitch Is the occasional halt in the Missouri School of Mmes. grandchildren and six great Rev. C. C. Garrl.. ues, Mlnlster 9:45-Bible school for dasses of ernment's abandonment of 40· when her owner. E. F. Eberly, has IAnother week .end guest in the grandchildren. J • hour wOI'k week to speed defense to turn up the cuffs. McCloy home IS Mrs. James W. Two brothers preceded her III all ages. E. K. Shaln, superinten­ indusil'ies. I Layman of Des Moines. death. dent. lIENDAYE-Spanish insurgents i Fifty years ago 75 per cent. Of! --_ . . 10:40-Worsrup with commun- l