I~, 1944 =


PIIOC!SSED ,"ooDS blue atamp. A8 throu,h Q8 vl11d Inddlnll~ly: Cloudy 1IlA'I: l'1li stomps A8 throu.h T8 v.11d Indeltnll.ly; SUGAR llamp .. U (book 4) vl11d Indefinitely ••tamp 40 lor oannln, .u,ar ..,,­ DAILY IOWAN IOWA : Cloudy and Warmer • plitt reb. 28. 1845 ; SHOE .tamp. airplane stamps I aod 2 (book 3) THE folld indefinitely; GASOLINE A-It oouPOn explr•• June 22; FUEL On. Ptr. 4 and 5 oOUPQllI """Ire Sept. I. Iowa City's Morning Newspaper

tM CENTS THe AIIOCIATZD ..... IOWA CITY. IOWA THURSDAY, MAY 11 , 1944 THe ASSOCIAT.D ..... VOLUME XlJV NUMBER 193 Allies B?~bard Hitler's T~d~y's Nominates Forrestal FDR . , . Europe In 2-Way Blow Iowan ...... IFor Secretary of Navy 707 Enemy Prisoners- President ROO'lc.velt nominates Giant Fleets James V. Forrestal Cor sccretary ---_.- of the navy. U. S. TANKS PREPARE TO 'MOP UP' AT HOLLANDIA Reveal Jap Atrocities AUles hammer Nazi Europe I Both Parties Make Attacks !rom~ Italy, Britain. By MURLIN SPENCER (ADVANCED ALLIED HEAD- Singapore to Kuala Lumpur (in Court drops litigation 0 v e r Montgomery Ward seizure_ -I Urge Choice British Air Ministry QUARTERS, New Guinea, Thurs- Malaya) we were herded along a Announces Losses day, (AP)-Japanese atrocities, road like cattle. At one place we Announcement made of Japan­ including nailin~ Chinese to palm saw a number of Chinese who had ese a troci ties. Navy's No.2 Man, Of 1t2 to 1 Percent trees by driving iron spikes been nailed to palm trees with through their foreheads, were iron spikes drivcn through their Democrat, Advocates L NDON, 1'hnl'sday (11 P) ­ made public today simultaneously foreheads. Big Peacetime Fleet Ureal fl eets of allied warplanes. with the rclease of a headquarters "Fifteen Sikhs who had become Avery Vows Issues lotalling HI 0 l' e t 'h a n 3,500 report that American invaders of ill were put to death at Rabaul W A HI -GTO~ (A P ) - Hollandia and ' Altape freed 707 (New Britain). bombers and fighlc l"S from bUiles l nder-ecretllry of NII\'," Jllmel! enemy prisoners. "On a ship whieh took us to the Of Ward Seizure in both Bl'itain and Italy, V. Forre tal. a D Ino'rat and pla.tel'ed llitlel"s Europe with Gen. Douglas MacArthur's com-' Admiralty j s I and s, we were munique said that 462 of the 707 herded below decks like cattle-. To Be Settled in Court bi~ navy advocate, was nomi­ SQme 4,500 tons of. bombs ~·cs· nated ye~t rday by I?r ~idl.'nt; Betty in the 26th were Sikhs who are natives of 2,000 of us." Crain, tmlay consecutive India. "The men were Crequently Hoe,' It for tb na"y' o. 1 Mary dHY of the historic aerial offen- At the same time, the Austral- beaten with sticks and ritle bults. Federal Judge Drops job a~ secreta ry to slIcceed the Davis, , ;ire lind the re wer'e indicatlons ian department of information an- "At Manus (in the Admiralty Litigation; Await lale Frank Knox. Irene that RAP night raiders were nounced that the liberated Sikhs islands since captured by Mac­ FOlTestal. on -time New YOl'k Alice followi ng up lhe daylight at­ strongly indicted Japanese treat- Arthur), we had to dig slit Union Developments investmenl banker Bnd neighbor tacks. ment of them. trenches for the Japanese but of the pr(witet'day and been acting secretary. Communications commission., declared the basic issues In the His appointment, urged by The daylight assault was spear_ Ames Press Nazis contl'oversy that led to govern­ many Democratic and Republican headed by American heavy bomb­ IDe Valera ment seizure or the firm's Chicago ers based in Italy with attacks on congressmen, climaxes the Wash­ Wiener Neustadt in old Austria In Italian Retreat propertL "6till must be deter­ Ington career he started In 194.0 and Knin in Yugoslavia. mined in the court.'!." when he gave up the presidency American and British me­ Sets Election Twenty hours after federal au­ of a Wall street investment firm dium, 11 g h tan d flrhter­ German Withdrawal thorities had relinquiShed control UNITED STATE General herman tanks, landed during the Invasion of Hollandla, Dutch New Guinea, to serve as a presidential assistant. bombers from Britain spenl Viewed as Desire of the plants and 13 days flfter he assembled to form a patrol for the purtlo II of "moppln&, up" the remaining J apanese and knocking out the day In methodical blows any stubborn resistance. In the backl'round' a Jap ammunltlon duma blazes "ner having been set afire As the navy's No.2 man, he To Straighten Lines was carried out by soldiers, Avery at rail centers and an air field FO'r May 10 by preliminary naval and all' bombardment. U. S. Sll'nal Corps photorrapb. was Knox's right hand In In France and Belglum_ returned to his office and issued n ALL lED HEADQUARTERS, bulldlnr the world's bluest The continuing onslaught quick­ DUBLIN, (AP)-Prime MiniS- I tat.ement. n"vy. lolng frequentlJ to ly followed over-night and pre­ Naples (AP)-The Germans have , Court Decision dawn attaCkS by 750 RAF planes I'etreated across the Little Aven­ tel' Eamon De Valera yesterday set Reds Sink Two Nazi Liberal Policies May Capitol 11111 to testlty before He B~serled thc war labor board on III nigh-priority targets that tlno river in a second day of May 30 as the date Cor the hurry­ Sedition Trial committe considering navy has "thus far bcen successful in included the channel coast and withdrawal on the British Eighth up general election which he an­ Ships Off Sevastopol Defer Men Over 30 aproprlations. depriving Ward's "of II judicial Ihe Paris and Berlin areas. Ger­ army front and allied forces mov­ nounced Tuesday, defying out­ On many occasions, he has man installations along the French determination of the legality · of ing up behind them have occupicd spoken opponen ts and sections of Lawyer Fined urged the maintenance of this coast received probably their three villages and are onlinuing the Dublin preSs which bitterly board's order affecting the con­ Russians Begin Task Course of War in Fall heaviest attack ot the war. giant fleet in peacetime. declaring to press the pursuit, allied head­ cern, and because of the ~overn- 'l'be American Llberalors quarters announced yesterday. denounced him. Of Repairing Port May Bring Reduction that peace which Is not backed by menl's IIction In trull1ng back lh'J Ind Fortresses based In BrU­ The German retrea't has ranged While the election probably will Withi ... Short Time In Future Inductions power "is only a dream." facilities to the management For Contempt aln stayed al home today, the from seven to 11 ~ miles from prove to be free of international At 52, 18 years Knox's junior, first time in 17 days Ihal a their line as last announced sev­ "Ward's has once again been de- LONDON. Thursday (APl-In WASHINGTON (AP)-Selec- he wUl be one of the youngest men implications, It will be full of fury, fuD day has passed without al eral weeks ago, although some al­ nied the right to a decision by the one of the final chapters of the WASHINGTON, (AP) - Trial tive service was I'eported Tues- in the presldent's cabinet. with the lrioh politica I temper least one mission for Ihe blr lied forces have been well beyond courts." There was no immediate fall of Scvastopol, planes or tho ot 29 persons accuscd 01 scditious day night to have adopted a lib- His appointment breaks up the "dump trucks." it more recently. likely to have full sway. erotized policy of deCermenL~ lor policy President Roosevelt estab-­ comment on Avery's new state- Black ea fleet sank two 4000- conspiracy was resumed alter 8 The British air ministry broke In their advance behind the The opposition, which had stood men over 30, with employment in lIshed in 1940 by naming Repub­ ment from govcrnment o!ficials. Iton German transports a p~trol defense lawyer was Lined $150 for a precedent today by annOUncing withdrawing foe the Eighth army by the prime minister when he These other developments oc- ' . an essentlal industry the only IIcans, Knox and Secretary of War officially that 4,000 British and occupied Palena, Fallascoso and resisted allied pressure and re­ curred dllring lhe day: Ilaunch and several high-speed contempt. yardstick. Stimson, to head the navy and war American bombers and fighters of San Angelo and at last report was fused to close the German and A ncw struggle between Mont- Janding craCt and damaged sev­ The llttOl'ney, James J. Laugh­ Draft oCfLcials, prepared to an- department, a move Interpreted moving directly toward the im­ all types made Tuesday's attacks. Japanese legations, declared he gomCl'y Ward and a CIO union, eral other veels aboard which lin, counsel lor deCendants Ed­ nounce details of a broad new at the time as a gesture for war This was the fIrst time that the portant German base of Sulmoml, program tonIght, declined to dis- unity. was piqued over the one-vote de­ revolving about the issue oC main­ the Ge.rmans and Romanians were ward Jamcs Smythe and Robert total numoer of p~a[tes engaged in Jl miles beyond Palena and about Ieat of the domestic transport bill tenance union membership, cuss reports that men over 30 in Conlressmen on both sides ot Noble, was accused by govern­ a single day's operations ever has 33 miles from the Adriatic coast. in the house Tuesday-the an­ took shape. trying to flee, the Rus ians were preferred occupations will be e\l- applauded the Forrestal aI'- ment prosecutors of acting in bad been stated officially. From that Allied troops also seized high nOllnced reason for the spccia I The WLB in Washington voted trying to [lee, the Russians an­ gible fOI' deferment regardless of polntment and C h al I' man faith in a petition for disqualifica­ huge force, losses were six heavy ground n ear Gamberale, two election. to submit to P"csident Roosevelt nounced early this morning. whether they are considered ac- Walsh (D-Mass) of the senate miies northwest of San Angelo tion ot Justice Edward C. Eicher, tually "necessary" men. n a. va.l commlUee predicted bombers, two light bombers, three But neither Eire's neutrality nor a labor dispute at the Humm~r On the land fronts there were fighter-b0.mbers and 10 Cighters­ on the road to Palena. the war was at stake. Some Manufacturing company, a Ward and in asking that various widely For the 26 through 29 age speedy confirmation. no important changes, said the known persons be summoned as a total of 21 planes lost out of Competent military qual·ters thought De Valera's strategy was subsidiary in SpringtielQ, Ill. Ap­ group, it was understood the Chairman Vinson (D-Ga) of the 4,000, or one-half of one percent. declared the Nazi withdrawal ap­ to obtain a vote of confidence in proximately 450 worker's have Soviet communique, broadcast witnesses. present poli~y of deferring ne~~s- house naval aCalrs committee, who peared to be without significance this tense moment of international been idle there for five days. (rom Moscow. Laughlin's petition was based sa.ry men I~ essential aetiVllle suggested Forrestal after Knox beyond the enemy's natural de­ alairs. Ward executives bad made no The Germans contended there on an airidavil [rom Noble assert­ will be co~ttnued. However, Maj. Idied, said he lhought the ap­ Coire to straighten his line and statement. Atty. Gen. francis still was stilt I.lghting on thc Sev- ing that Pre sid en t Roosevelt Gen. LeWIS B. Hershey recently pointee was "eminently quaLi­ Air-Borne 'Chindits' eliminate a salient in the rugged Biddle h!ls said the plant prOduces astopol beaches on tbe extreme picked Judge Eicher for the sedt­ said that these men probably Ifled" will not be called before early . mountains where lack of COm­ Harry Hopkins to Rest carburetors, propellors, and gun western Up of the Crimean penin- tlon trial and promised him ap­ fall, when the pool of registrants munications made large-geale op­ mounts_ sula. Th ~t area is small and flat, pointment to a higher court if the .Close Trap in·Burma Before Resuming Duties under 26 is expectcll to be ex­ erations impossible. . No Ruling in contrast with the hills around defendants were convicted. hausted. SOUTHEAST A S I A HEAD .. ROCHESTER, Minn. (AP)­ Federal Judge William H. Holly Sevastopol Itself, so that if the Justice Jennings Bailey, who Japs Strike Fiercely QUARTERS, Kandy, Ceylon (AP) German and Romanian 'remnants heard the contempt case, ruled LJberaLization along the lines Reno Divorce Voided Harry Hopkins, confidante of dropped litigation rooled in the reported probably would halt caUs - Lieut. Gen. Joseph W. Stilwell's ELIZABETH, N. J . (APl-Dori3 President Roosevelt, IcCt here yes­ government's seizure of Ward's have indeed made a stand there it I that motions !!led by Laughlin land invasion forces and alUed was likely to be of short durlUon. amounted to an effort to em- ot men over 29 for the rest of this At Chinese Rail City Duke Cromwell's Reno divorce terday Ior his home for further Chicago units_ He did not rule on year and possibly eliminate them air-borne commandos, or "Chin­ from her husband, James H. R. rest before resuming his duties. A the legality of the federal move Tbe Russlans already had begun Ibarrass the court by causing delay dits," are closing a gigantic trap the gigantic task of repairing the and to affect prospective jurors' from consideration altogether, de­ CHUNGKING, Thursday (AP) Cromwell, former United States Mayo clinic statement said "phy­ in tak..! ng possession after the pending on the course of the war. In northern Burma on the crack minister to Canada, was declared sicians now feel that aftel' an ad­ company had declined to comply port of Scvastopol even while the opinions through publlclty. - A Japanese force (rom Shansl Japanese 18th division, it was dis­ smoke of the furious final assault Laughlin gave notice of appeal. With tbe army already at peak province forced a crossing to the null and void yesterday by Ad­ ditional short rest, Mr. Hopkins with a WLB directive to cxteR'Ci strength and the navy expected closed yesterday. curled over the ruins. Experienced south bank of the Yellow river visory Master Douglas Herr in will be able to return to his duties an expired contract with a CIO to reach that point in September, Fanning out from their original British naval and military men Tuesday and is attacking heavlly chancery court. at Washington." union. induction calls thereafter wlll be landing points behind the enemy's predicted the Russians would have northwest of Loyang, in an a p­ Actress Joan Fontaine for replacement with quotas de­ lines, the American, British and ------the port in working condition, "in parent attempt to put a pincers termined by the number of cas­ Indian "Chindits" now hold sway NEW ACE OF ACES CARRIED ON BUDDIES' SHOULDERS some degree" within a very short Files for Divorce on that strategic railway city in ualties. Over a vast terri tory south of Mo­ time, and that its possession From Brian Aherne Honan province, the Chinese com­ gaung and Myltkyina and have would give the Soviet airmen mand disclosed today. disrupted Japanese supply lines dominance over the whole Black LOS ANGELES (AP) - Joan House Passes Debt Bill Another Japanese force already both to Mandalay and to Bhamo, sea area immediately and soon Fontaine, charging her husband WASHINGTON, (AP) -Legis­ was attacking southeast of Loyang the latter 80 miles south of Myit­ would make possible increased had caused her "grievous mental lation boos'ting the public debt in the three-weeks-old Honan kyina. trade with Turkey and opportun- I suffering," filed suit for divorce ceiling from $210,000,000,000 to province campaign, but latest The allied oUensive against IIlles to supply the Crimea and yesterday against actor Brian $240,000,000.000 was passed by the Chinese dispatches said that army Japanese forces in the Imphlll and western Ukraine witb lend-lease IAherne. house yesterday without a dissent­ had been checked east of the Yi Kohlma areas of northeastern supplles by water 1nstead of the The 25-year-old actress alleged ing voice. rt would clear the way river aIter having approached India was reported continuing previous long rail routes. that Aherne's "extreme cruclly" for the $16,000,000,000 Fifth war within six miles of Loyang. wlth no material change in the I caused their eparatlon March 26. loan drive in June. Chungking had its first air alert situation, which has been pictured The couple married in Del Monte, The legisiation now goes to the of 1944 Wednesday night but as Increasingly 1 a v 0 r a b I e to Calif., Aug. 30, 1939. senate. escaped attack as the Japanese Mountbatten's troops. Yesterday's Four Hurt in Accident bombed Wanhsien, Yangtze river communique conceded that the port 140 miles downstream. Japanese still were in "some strength" In the neighborhood 'Of Outside Iowa City Emergency Units Prepare 10 Evacuate Towns KOhlma. , Yank Bombers < 1 'Four persons {rom Cedar Rap- Destroyer Lansdale ids were injured in a car accident Along Great Britain's Coasf on Invasion Day Ponape Airfields Ion U. S. highway No. 218 about Sunk by Nazi Planes three miles out of Iowa City last LONDON, (AP) - Emergency talked ol "new uni ts" and ne\W In Softening-Up Raids night around 9 o'clock. The driver units are poised and ready to go weapons and anti-invasion de­ In Mediterranean UNITED STATES PACIFIC lost control of the car which rolled into action on D·day to evacuate fenses prepared by the German WASHINGTON (AP)- The U. down a 20-foot embankment. The and care for non-combatants in FLEET HEADQUARTERS, Pearl S. destroyer Lansdale was sunk (our were taken to Mercy hospltal British coastal towns, it was dis­ military machine, their principal Harbor, (AP)-Seventh army air by a torpedo in the Mediterran­ here for treatment. closed yesterday as the girding of propaganda medium, DNB, de- force bombers dropped explosives ean last month and Lieut. Robert 'Tech. Sergt, C. E. Anderson, 33 , allied might made the fourth an­ clared "the decisive hour will on the town area and airtields of M. Morgenthau, 24-year-old 80n to)d police he "thought ·he was niversary of Hitler's victorious come and it looks to us as if it will Ponape island Monday in the tight ot the secretary of the treasury, driving the car at the time of the lunge agains~ the low countries come soon." schedule of softening-up raids on Was one of the last persons to accident and knew he drove from. one of somber fear for Germans. The agency also ~uoted Hitler's that battered Japanese base in the leave tbe broken vessel, the navy Cedar Rapids to the Drayport The airways over Nazi Europe newspaper, Voelkischer Beobach- Carollne islands. di3elosed yesterday. inn. Anderson was on furlough reverberated to allied bombs and tel', as saying "We indulge in no Only moderate antLaircraft fire Mor.enthau jumped over the and It II believed he was going 10 Nazi propaganda broadcasts. llIUilons over the bitterness of the was encountered, Adm. Chester W. aid, and landed on the tin-hatted his sister's at Muscatine_ I Germans throughout Europe battle we will have to tace." Nimitz said yesterday in report- held of a fellow officer. Both men The. occupanlll of the car in- speculated as to the hou r and (A Blue network correspondent ing the attack. Other airmen IUrvlved the ordeal including n eluded two women and two men: place of the mighty atack, while reported trom London that Pierre bombed and strafed Japanese still Ienllhy Iwim in the Mediterran­ Mrs. J. D. McVay, 20, who 8uf- I messages of hope and caution Laval, chief of the French govern_ hanging on in the Marshall it­ ean. feted a eut on her Ie,; Dean Mil- were going out from the exlled ment, had asked the Germans to landa. The Lanaclale, l,630 tons, was lard, 34, wh08e injury was not governments of the little nations transfer the French government Ponape, flanking the big naval IU~Mly attacked by German ClAPT, ROBERT S. JOHNSON of Lawton, Okla., II here carried IA kiumph on the Ihoulders af his bud­ reported; Anderson who suffered which since dawn four years ago aeat to near Paris, fearing that and supply base of Truk, 440 miles Iorpecso plan.. April 20, Calual­ ell .. a' a BrtU.b air bale, In hODor of lolullan" P'eat reoord aratna& German airmen. JohnlOn. wlto fUea a cut on the right hand, and Ira have borne the heavy weight of when the invasion cornel FrenCh) to the west, has been hit dally \'- we... "moderate," ,he navy & P-4" 1'huaderboU, bu .bot down 17 eaelD1 planea, &)'lnr &be mark 01 MaJ. IUcbard L Ban. who oper­ Smltb, ~, who .ufi_red a head Nazi occupation. parachute troops may strike since Maron .31, with two excep. 1IId, a'" la &be hettie araiu' &be lapa. Jolmton'. p-n I, In baciqrOUDd, injUl')'. . While the Nazi propag8ncUtti swUtJ.r to isolate Vichy.) tions. /' . . ---- l"AGETWO THE DAILY IOWAN, IOWA CITY, IOWA THURSDA y. MAY j i, i944

Total of 8,258,600 THE DAILY IOWAN' Men, Women Inducted Australia's First lady, OFFICIAL DAILY BULLETIN Published every roorning except Monday by Student PubUcations Since November, 1940 Incorporated at 126-130 Iowa avenue, Iowa City, Iowa. Mrs. John Curtin Board of Trustees: Wilbur L. Schramm, A. Craig Baird, Kirk H. WASHINGTON (AP) - The !,orter, Paul E. Olson, Jack Moyers, Jeanne Franklln. Sarah Bail y, army has increased its strength 'Refreshing Change' Donald OttiUe, Charles Swisher. from 513,410 on Nov. 1. 1940, to W ASHINGTON-I do like Mrs. Fred M. Pownall, Publisher 7,481 .925 on J ao. 1 of this year. Marilyn Carpenter, Adv. Mgr. Dorothy Klein, Editor Making public a tabulation of J ohn CUliin, wife of the prime army personnel by states. the wal' mi nister of Australia. She's 3 re­ UNIVERSITY CALENDAR department reported yesterday a Entered as secoor;J class mail Subscription rates-By maH $5 freshing change from women of total 8.258,600 men and women Thursday, May 11 Sunday, May 14 matter at the postofiice at Iowa per year; by carrier, 15 cents ot bustling importance and too many were inducted into the service 10 a. m. Hospital Library (pot­ 6 p. m. Supper, University club. CJty, Iowa, under the act of con­ weekly, $5 per year. earrings. And yet you know at a gress of March 2, 1879. between November. 1940, and luck luncheon). University club. Tuesday. Ma.y 16 The Associated P ress is exclu­ quarter of a glance that this tidy 6:15 p. m. Iowa MounUllneen: January. 1944. little person in her plain dark 2 p. m. Kensington. University TELEPHONES sively entitled to use fo r republi­ During that period. however, first annual banquet, UnitArian cation of all news dispatches dress-"That·s fitting me more club. church. ther~ were 1.290.085 spearalions skin tight every day I'm in your Editorial Office ...... _.4192 credited to it or not otherwise trom service - discharged, re­ 4:10 p. m. Graduate college lec- Tuesday, May 18 Society Office ...... 4193 crlldited in this paper and also country" - everlastingly k now:s signed and killed in action. There what·s she's about. ture by W. F. Windle. "Alterations 12 M. KenSington and bridle Pr Business OUice ...... 4191 the local news published herein. was no breakdown of this figure. brunch, University club. She made a simple little speech in the Brain alter Neonatal As- Tuesday, May 2~ I but on Jan. 1 total killed was less On THURSDAY. MAY 11. 1944 the other day at Mrs. Roosevelt's phyxia," medical amphitheater. 7:30 p. m. Bridge (partner), than 17.000. Only a traction of the press conference. "bringing greet­ Cor- total separa ted from service. Saturday, May 13 . University club. . ings from the women of Australia 3 p. m. Induction of U. S. cadet Thursday. l\lay 25 At tabulation by states showing to the women of the United To fa personnel on J ,. n. I . 1944 . induc­ nurses corps. senate chamber. Old 3-5:30 p. m: May tea; election States." I almost forgot to Il$ten Capitol. . of otlicers. University club, The Power to Draft Workers- tions between November 1940. and to what she was saying as she J anuary 1944. and separlions dur­ stood up from the First Lady's (For information reurd.ln& dates beyond 011. IIClbedule, 1M In view of recent develop­ Although the majority of these ing that period, includes: ments on the military and civil­ sofa-("1 can talk better whcn I'm retetVatloDl In 'he ofllce of the President, Old CapitoL)' men in 4-F are already working Illinois on my feet.") so intent was I on a ian fronts. it becoming more Is in an essential industry. it has Male ...... 464.000 510.900 69.989 memory of my childhood which and more necessary that the Female .... 6.432 8.172 1.811 GENERAL NOTICES been estimated there are more she suddenly brought to lite. man power commission be al­ Indiana "Why. she's exactly like my lowed the power to draft work­ t han 920.000 otherwise em­ Mille ...... 188.000 206 ,400 25.355 Aunt Mathilda." Aunt Mathilda IOWA UNION outside Room 30'7. Schaet!er ha\l. Female .... 1,874 2.446 593 ers to meet emergency demands. ployed. T he l' e is. therefore. was a friend with whom the MUSIC ROOM SCHEDULE The next examination WUl be Iowa given the last week ot the eight Thousands of recruits are needed nearly a million men who could neighborhood children were leU Monday-ll to 3 and 4 to 8. I Male ...... 119.000 131,200 16.744 when their mothers went out for weeks session. as replacements. and unless these easily be placed in detense in­ Female .... 1.246 1.615 388 Tuesday-ll to 2 and 4 to 8. men can be provided within the an afternoon away from home. Kentucky Wednesday-ll to 3 and 4 to 8. WAR WORK REGISTRATION next few months the war pro­ dustries where they could con­ Aunt Mathilda cooked the most Male ...... 143.000 157.100 25.If4!i luscious fruit cake and cookies. Thursday-ll to 2 and 4 to 8. Women may register: for ~ar duction industries will be seri­ tribute more to the war ellort. Female .... 1.069 J ,5 07 449 News Behind the News Her jellies never fell. nor did hel' Friday-It to 3 and 4 to 8. work at Iowa Union between 9 a. ously handicapped. The vast majority would no Michigan m. and 3 p. m. '. disposition. nor the twinkle in her Saturday-ll to 3. Obviously. it is the desire of doubt see .the justice of such a Male ...... 299.000 332.600 44.722 Only Fools Follow the JPleasure Pain' shiny. brown eyes. But she always MARY AUCE 1)OIll. manpower officials to continue policy and would welcome it as Female .... 3.591 4.52 1 968 Philosophy of Modernism made us mind our manners and Sunday-ll to 6 and 'l to 8. operations along the or i ~inal an opportunity to "do the most" Minnesota do what she told us to do. SCHEDULE OV. LlBRAlty Male ...... 1 43,000 154,400 19, 442 BOURS I lines of voluntary and coopera­ for their country. The others. By P AUL MALLON Mrs. Curtin is another Aunt NURSING APPLICi\TlON tive action. Yet the fact remains u nder guidance an d uniform Female .... 2.511 2.913 432 Mtlthilda. Certainly, she has left April 24-June 9 Missouri WASHINGTON - An apparent unsatisfactory as having the Women students interested in that the many available civilians treatment. would be unable to the larder oC Government House Main reading room. Macbride hall Male ...... 199.000 221.700 29.4.84 unmijrried lady principal of a preacher'.!! of all religIous try to entertng the school of nursing witl. Reserve reading room. University are not answering the call. and evade their duty. gleamnig with jars of pl'eserves Female .... 2,026 2,402 396 junior high school rises right up t ach their individual religions the class which begins June 12. hall J substantial quotas COnDot pos­ The problem could be handled and pickles. Each j31' is cleal'ly Nebraska in the April magazine of her in the schools. labeled. She put the place in Periodical reading room, LI~ r8r1 1944. should call at the oHice of ~., sibly be reached. without difficulty. The 4-F's in Male ...... 64,000 69.700 10.468 teachers association and demands This movement is part of the annex order. got that off her mind. And the registrar Immediately to se­ Today there are over three essential work could be granted Female .... 776 908 141 point. blank: whole false philosophy that has then she whipped up a good meal Monday-Thursday 7:50 a. m.-la million men between the ages of occupational delerment:s. If the Ohio "Where do we stand?" on sex. seeped into the very blood of this for John. I mean the prime cure an application blank. Com­ M.; 1 p. m.-6 p . m .; 7 p. m.-l0 18 and 37 classified as 4-F. Many army were willing to induct Ma le ...... 414,000 46 0,300 59.680 She makes cleal" where she nation in recent years to bring us minister-she said the I'e were NO pleted applications should be re­ p. m. stands. as tallows: such problems as juvenile delin- 01 these men have b~en rejected these men. the 4-F's not in es­ Female .... 5.293 6,967 1.725 servants in Australia unles you turned to the registrar's office as Friday-Saturday 7:50 a. m.- 13 Wisconsin "We in school can no longer ig- quency. decline sin discipline and could produce a doctor's certifi­ soon as possible. M.; 1 p. m.-6 p. m. because of ailments which would sential work could be inducted nore our responsibility for cush- scholarship - the philosophy ot in no way disqua).ify them from and given the option of returning M'ale ...... 156,000 172.000 25,801 cate saying you were too ill to do HARRY G. BARNES Government documents depart. Female .... 2.515 3.216 731 ioning the shock (of sex) with in- Cree expression. selt-indulgence as your own work. Registrar ment, Library annex essential employment. to civilian employment in the formation; for curing the pre-oc- being good for the individual. Nevertheless. this group of enlisted reserves. The war man­ When she got the prime minister Monday-Saturday 8 a. m.-12 M. Industry to Get cup at ion by satisfying curiosity The realities of me are not in well fed and purring. she told him SEMESTER GRADES I p. m.-6 p. m. men. at· the present time, does power commission could direct with knowledge; for lightening the accord with that philosophy. The what to do when he got to the Students wishing to obtain of­ Education library, East hall not have legal obligation to these men into essential jobs Former Freedom load ot fear, wony, guilt and laws of nature and of the land United States and London. ficial reports of grades received Monday-Thursday 8 a. m.4 ,. shame that so many children work on a contrary prinCiple. the serve the war effort. Not only where manpower is needed, and When War Ends And will the prime minister do d uri n g the last s erne s t e r m.; 7 p. m.-IO p, m. - are they relieved from military through the U. S. employment carry; for presenting the beauty Christian principle ot restraint what his wife ordered? He will. should leave stamped selt-ad­ Friday-Saturd,ay 8 a. m.-6 p. m. of life from which comes the lit- and discipline. Some oC the movie service. but they have no com­ indeed. He'd better .if he know.! dressed envelopes at the office Schedule of hours for other de­ service. could maintain records Industry once more will find it­ erature. poetry. art and music of stars who recently have been in what's good for him nnd his job of the registrar. University hall partmental libraries will be posted pulsion to seek employment in of their whereabouts. Those who self tree to produce and ornanize romantic love... " the courts can testify to that. and his country. Such reports will be available on the doors of each l,ibrary. an essential activity. Merely be­ were not willing to remain in es­ as it sees best, alter war controls "Nor can we fail to supply Only fools follow in their actual I got the impression from what some time aiter May 15. R. E. ELLSWORTH cause ot the accident 01 physical sential jobs would have to be can safely be relaxed. believes qlother suhstitutes in wham chil- lives the "pleasure-pain" philoso­ Mrs. Curtin said that there is no condition, these men are "tree recalled to active military serv­ Prof. George R. Davies or the Uni­ HARRY G. BARN'ES Dlrector of LibrarIes dren can confide. Adolescents phy of modernism which holds race problem in Australia. At Reg-lstrar agents" to an unique extent. ice for non-combatant work. versity 01 Iowa bureau of business face certain development tasks that which causes me pelasure is least it Is deftly and dictatorially SWAINE SCHOLARSHIP research. with which they need help. Then good and pain is bad. Momentary handled in that vast. unsettled Business faith in the future of if ever. they must wage the battle pleasures can cause a lifetime of FRENon EXAMINATION The date lor applications lor the country. "We have only aborigines The Ph.D. French reading ex­ Robert T. Swaine scholarship. America. he said chiefly is i Up­ of gradual emancipation from pain; whereas out of pain many there." she declared. "And we amination will be given Saturday ported by the many evidences of parents" (at junior high school men have grown strong and grent. yielding full tuition for one year Bob Burnett of the Baren1s Secr-A Safety Man keep them back from the cities. June 17 from 6 to 10 a.m. in in any department of Hllward public willingness to submit t o age). . What should be taught is dis- Some of the smarter ones gPt to Room 314, Schaeller haH. Appli­ univresity. has been extend"ed II business leadership. as in former Now here i~ a. well-meaning cipline, and the place to teach that the back posts. But theY're not Worthy of Best Traditions of British Empire la(ly who unwillingly demon- first is in the home. That is the cation m\Jsl be made before Wed­ June 1. days. trained to work." nesday. June ·14. by Signing the strates her own incapacity to teach reality principle. what is really C. E. SEASDORE "Apparently the nation gradu­ paper posted on the bulletin board Dean of Graduate CoUere WITH THE U. S. NAVY IN ally is reverting to its established the most diWcult subject of all good for the individual. the com­ • • • BRITAIN (AP) - Vice-Admiral It·s a wicked title-"Ladies Now On and Off Campus- tradition. which considers gov­ human behavior. Her thoroughly munity and the nation. That is and Then"-that Marie Manning Sir Robert Lindsay Burnett is a ernment the servant. not the mas- nice idea, I assume. is to raise the where we should stand. Gasch has given her new book. It salty man worthy of the best tra­ ter, of business." Prot. Davies de­ conceptions of sex to a higher Yet such nonsense as Miss reminds me of the cartoon Belcher INTERPRETING ' THE WAR NEWS plane. Whosis proposes t.o teach has II ditions of the British mpire. Over Ic..lared. did for London "Punch" several In short. she would teach "ro- hold on the thinking of a large He asserted tha t the great de­ years ago .. . Two forlo~n old char­ here he is called "Bob Burnett of Opinion-- mantic love" under the title of class in this country. and may Recapture of Sevastopol in Crimea pression "created a tidal wave of women were Sitting belore a bar the Barents sea" because he is a QUESTION: WHAT WILL :eE public resentment against 'big social hygiene. Would this cure have to its course and expose in a London pub having a mug or Doesn't Alter War Pattern wind-bitten, trosty-boned veteran THE OUTCOME OF THE 1944 business' which was specifically juvenile delinquency or mitigate Its own futHity and stupidity to two of beer. "As you well know, of the convoy route to north Rus­ PRESIDENTIAL E~ECTION? blamed fo r closing its doors when it or make the children any dif- its advocates before we get back Mrs. Green." said one oC the two. By KIRKE L. SIMPSON Mrs. L. W. Ja/lsa.. clerical ferent? to common sense. sia. profits on producers' goods did "I can be a loidy-but thank Associated Press War Analyst. worker at the ellupatlonal depart­ not appear prom ising." Inasmuch as this subject now ------'eaven I can be natural, t.oo." Russian recapture of Sevasto- sure 'there at the moment the al­ Red-faced and heavy-set. he is ment: "I think P resident Rooseevll Corporate enterprise has shown seems to have entered school cur­ The ladies in Mrs. Gasch':> remi­ pol in the Crimea and a limited lies strike tram Britain . probably full anecdotes of sea li1e. On New Uses for Pure ot will be elected because of the war. remarkable ingenuity in ada{>ting ricula rather generally. it can niscensces are the sort of ladies Nazi withdrawal in Italy do not could help the allies more than it one of his successful forays against If it. hadn't been lor the war he itself t.o the shortage of skilled hardly be termed taboo for com­ who "can be natural. too." The labor. Many tasks which once mon sense discussion. All the directly alter the war pattern in the RU$sians struck farlher nprth, tb e enemy be returned tp a BTi t ~ wouldn't have gone against the Oxygen Reported sort who s ego in g s-o n make could be done only by highly children whom Miss Whosis wants Europe although both operations although it is almost celitainty ish port i;lnd a telegram addressed tradition of r unning lor only t wo sprightly reading. especially when to teach her own higher appreci­ to one of his seamen was handed terms." skiU ed and experienced workers NEW YORK-New uses 10r interpreted by as witty a female obviously have a definite bearing across tbe plains of Poland that to .him for clearance. It read: now are done better and fa~ ler by ation of romance, collecting tbeir pure oxygen, as a medicine in­ as Marie hersel!. on expected events of far greater the Soviets expect to make their "Well done, chum, Congratula- F. E. Farrow. university elec- u n~kille d worls:ers operating semi­ sex secrets as a m ather substitute jected by needle directly under r love her Alice Roosevelt Long­ consequence on other battle sec- final assault. tions to you and the admiral ." • tricJan: "I imagine Roosevelt will automatic machines. accordi ng to and aiding their emancipation the skin. were reported to the worth tales. Especially the one from their parents-all of them essential fact about the ti- As a part of tllis conception. the Bob Burnett likes these stories win the election in 1944 because the university busi ness exper t. medical society of the state of about that "inspired antic" whicb tO~he have parents who also have their nal smash at Sevastopol was the 10-mile German withdrawal 1rolll because he feels that th e men tak- of the war." ",As a result. production has ad­ New York yesterday. induced her. the daughter of T. vanced in both quantitr and qual­ own ideas of romance. sex, motn,.. R.. to leave playing cards at the weight of men and guns thrown the Sangro bulge in Italy, may fng ships to northern Russia are Joe Stre.mfeJ. PI of colr~: " I Oxygen helped arthritis, infec­ all members of one big family. ity. Exper t laboratory workers ers and emancipation. t ions. ringworm, sprains and dis­ doors of various friends and ac­ into the action by the Russians have more than local s ignifi C iIDC~ . They live in little ships in a land think Roosevelt will be elected have designed improved imple­ Sex is the most personal prob­ lications. wounds and bur ns. The quaintances. She was then the to achieve in hours what it took It not only shortened the Naili' where the sun never r ises-a land beca\lse the majority of people ments of war that give our fight­ lem of human existence. No two report was made by Dr. J ohn H. wife of the speaker of the house, German troops more than 200 days where sleet. snow and ice are a don·t want to cbange administra- ers decisive advanJ;ages. Science people will have precisely the Evans of Buffalo. but her style was definitely not to accomplish in 1941. Sevastopol front but gave them a tar more tions in ,war time." smartly applied to industry and same Ideas about it. Attitudes cramped. was doomed in any case. Time powerful and easily defended po&i­ daily part of li1e. ~. O. Swans!>D. 222 Melrose In artl1ritis the oxygen was Li rst the profesions is making possible vary as much as individual lIer~ tried for a right hand that was "The 'hands' she dealt that was the vital factor in shaping the tion on the slopes of the Maiell~ His descriPtion of naval warfare court: ':If Roosevelt runs. r think today's r apid material progress." sonalities. Mothers who have any afternoon were corrosive com­ Russian decision to take it by mountains to bolster their Adri­ is borrOWed from a writer whose he'll \Yin." • swoll en and , painful. The gas ments on the people thus hon­ declared PrOfessor Davies. interest in their children at all failed when fo r fo ur days It was storm rather than sit out a seige. atic flank just as the mou~taiJlS name he d o~ not know: Bertha. Keller. 10'7 W. BurJlnl'- will insist on raising their chil­ inji!t!ted at a site some distance ored," writes Mrs. Gasch. " With • • • "Naval warfare consists of long ton street: "I t hinlc Roosevelt will' dren with their own personal no­ Alice on this escapade went Kath- The victory has released most back of Cassino fortilies their Jl'ip periods of terrible boredolp and run tor president and will win Berlin Says Nazis tions on these subjects at least. from the ailing hand. erine Elkins. daughter of the West of two powerful Russian armies on the route from Naple& to short periods of intensive excite- the election." Train Special Corps I doubt it they will stand for But when inJected directly into Virginia senator and much beloved in the Crimea to join in the im­ Rome. ment." Ed Beeler, E. Benton strcet: ". Miss Whosis and anyone in school the hand. and in the nearby fore- by the Duke of Abruzz i. brother of pending attack on the Galati gap • • • This part of the war JS 4'Oing to think Roosevelt wlli Win." Of Sharpshooters w.:ching ideas at variance with arm. the pain stopped permanent_ the king of Italy. At the house of gateway to the Bucharest plain in That makes the Nazi retirerrteot miss Bob Burnett. He is le a vl~g William Hannah, palnter and th~ Qw n. I know I would not Iy next day and the swelling was Senator Keene. Jj vi n ~ with three Romania. That is the most vul­ appear to be little more then a ~or south' Atrica to comm an~ Brlt- 'paper han&,er of Iowa , City: ".\. NEW YORK (AP)- A special let bel' teach my ch ild after re a d ~ reduced. Other similar arthritis managerial spinister sisters, Alice nerable segment of Hiller's fo r­ loeal re-adjustment of the line. Ish naval forces operating In the think Roosevelt will be elected corps of German sharp ~ h ooters is ing her article which le.ads me to attacks were relieved by placing dealt three old maids and a knave tress Europe. It also is the scene rt would not of itself ~ eleal/l! a~ south Atlantic. again. He should be in unlil alter being trained "to pick off the believe she is not competent on the oxygen directly at the site of . .. At the home ot P reston Gib­ of closely integrated Russian-Al­ substantial number of men lqr l!'f But, it would ,obvl. • • • the war is over." commanding officers of each wave this .subj ect. pain and swelling. son who began bis career by lied ground and air operations. el ~ew h ere. Over here for the invasion of Al H. Brune, barber of West of invading troops as they hit the Who is c om p e t e.n t? Some For burns. the oxygen is in- ma;rying an heiress she deposited virtually the first eUective junc­ ously furnish a more effective Europe is I;>road-built Robert Potnt. Ia.: "If Roosevelt runs in beaches." the Berlin radio said people say a psychiatrist or a jected into the burned site and I two queens of d ia m~ nd s and with lion Of united nations fighting covering pasition behind whicl1 • "!luck" Halperin, ot Chicago. a 1944 I think he will be elected be­ last night. physicjan. Yet it is evident their immediately adjacent. Dr. Evans them that sinister card known as torces in the European war. general enemy withdrawal on th~ former football star at Notre cause of the war." The broadcast, heard by NBC, attitudes also diUer widely. range said the new skin seems to grow the 'curse of Scotland,' the nine of That Russian-allied coordina­ Adriatic flank could be .tarried Dame and fOl' the Brooklyn Dodg- Imogene .Borshelm, A2 of Dav­ said the men were seasoned veter­ the whole course l:rom radicalism faster. Pain is less. diamonds. which in Mr. Gibson's tion alone warrants the conclusion out iI necessary. And a ,nussian ers. "Buck" won the navy cross enport: "I think it will be a close ans of the eastern front and were to conservatism. from freud ism to The Infections all were on or case proved prophetic." that the first heavy Russian blow break-through in RomanIa \'flus! in the Moroccan invasion and race and it all depends on who the being equipped with special rifles Puritanism. To have them teach near the surface of the patients' • • • ot the opening spring-summer inevitably force prompt ql!rmao after the Sicilian show he won a candidates will be. If Roosevelt with new telescopic sights: sex in the schools would be as bodies. They included abscesses. I sat beside Alic.e Longworth at campaign will fall on the Galati withdrawals. in Italy to, .tne po jump promotion from ensign to runs again. he'll probably win." ------gap. closely timed to CO incide with river or Etr uscan Alps line a~ the full lieutenant. 'fBuck" likes the the Anglo-American invasion in head of the peninsula. &n4 trolll navy principally because he has the whole Balkan peninsula i~o the west. There is also another e gone ahead rapidly. In civilian life ~urning of Peanut prime reason for early Soviet the Transylvanian Alps above lIl he drifted from job to job. was -By Kenneth Dixon th rusts in southern Romania. Hit­ Danube. never satisfied. Butter Called 'Blunder' ler's communications problem. It might be for such an even­ • • • • • • • tuality that Hiller's generalS are Tile husband of actress Ger­ WASH1¥GTON. (AP) - Recent (AP)-There is no peace these 'It sounded just like someone "Lucky" is a very smart hen fried chicken just once. So they The m a x i mum strain on the preparing in Italy. trude Lawrence is doing a good destruction of 2.700 jars of peanut days in the dugout occupied by had run a trqck, right over my who is alive because she came named her "Lucky" arid let her enemy's transport. Russian pres- job here as executive officer. of butter at Idaho Falls. Idaho, be- the two North Carolina kids up through when the chips were live. and they say she does most 3 place." said }lerry. "But they'd d ' • an American naval base in soqth­ cause th ey were s11 g htl y und er on the be&chhvaa. One of the· guys down. so to spe!l.k. She was cap- of her laying urm, baaage!. the vety agreeable luncheon given Continue Milifary ern England. Lieut. Comdr. Dick their labeled weight was at- from the air force dropped in to done that before." tured up on the beachhead by • • • last week by Mrs. D. Worth Clark. Trafrling ; Aldrich. playwright and actor, tributed yesterday by Dr. Paul B. see them, the trouble being that So he might Julve gone right Corp. Howard C. G04t of Man- It is ,generally well kl)own that wife of the senator trom Idaho. SoY' formerly served in the navy's pub­ Dunbar. acting food and drug ad- he brought his plane witb him. on sleeping. except that GI's came chester, Mass., and he and the the 45th division contains a great Mr/! . Longwor th h a~ the art of J. Edgar Ho~v.r lic relations office in New York. minlstrator. to a "blunder" by Pvt. Joseph Perry of Edenton running trom everywhere to' help guys in his artillery outfit got out many guys .from Oklahoma in its making you feel fascinat{ng _ or His wife is coming here to work representatives of his organiza- and Ptc. Alex G. McBride of put out the fire in the blazing a r usty skillet. poured some bacon personnel and according to the very dull. Her conversation spar- WASHINGTON, (AP)-J. ,JeI­ with the Red Cross. tion.. Fayetteville were taking a late af- plane. The pilot stepped out OK, grease and got set to cook the hen. 45th division news it was Serlt. kles like one at those duPont circle gar Hoover. director of the Ceder.l Senator Clark (D-Idaho) dls- ternoon siesta when the American except for a few br uUel and cuts. Just then the Germans started Charles Gearharf .0' Danville. Pa., founta ins in the summer sunshine. bureau of Investigation. advOCllWll closed the incident in Introducing fighter bomber pilot with a But Perry came out to find his shelling the house they were oc- who got the drop on a German You wOrk as fast as a lady welder yesterday that military trljnlnC Father of Twins a bill to permit the government to banged-up sbip decided he just camouflage net torn, his doorway cupying. One shell caved in a wall I the other day and was astounded to keep up with her epigrams and for the nation's youth. b~ CCIII­ ALBANY. Ore .• (AP)-Eugene turn over to charity any food, fit couldn't 10 on any longer and 0 1m 0 8 t blockea. and soldiers and another set the building on to hear him yell in petteet Eng- lead her to tell more. tlnued for at least a year afler !tie Burns, Associated Press war cor­ for human consumption, which be•• n to lose altitude near their trampling over hii tront yard. !lre. When the shelling was over !ish: "You ought to be ashamed of war as a means of curbing er\JIII respondent, Kas twin daughters­ has bee.n con!lscated under the artillery battery bivouac. "U's been that way ever since." they hunted up the hen and dls- "Don't shoot! Don't shoot! I got yourself." r aid. "Why aren't you and building a reserve of JIIIQ­ but he may not see them for a food and drug act. He said the He bounced over tbe dugout of he moaned. "I keep asking the covered she had laid an egg dur- a friend in Oklahoma." writing a column or a book or power for any f uture em~rJfDC" while. peanut butter bad been seized be- Corp. Richard C. Desmond 01 E1 ail' corps when they're 10ing to ing the barrage. From a' nearby foxhole growled SOMETHING?" Observing the twel)tiefh "'* W. L. Jackson. father of Mra. cause the jars wel,hed 15.66 Paso. Tex., and settled noisily on get their airplane ott our roof and l'h~ boys knew just how she out across no man's land: "Yeah, "I simply can·t write," she versary of his appointment ai FIll Blfrns. said here that the babies ounces instead of UI ounce. as the roof of the PerrY-McBride they dont· answer. and I've got re- felt. Ih tact If they'd been hens and you've got a lot of enemies answered. "I can't 'get things chief, Hoover said in an' J~l,~ were born in Honolulu. Tuesday, Bhlted orr the label. underground home. Also taking a porters and photorraphen and they mi.ht have lala a few egiS there too. BUd." crown on paper. It's terrible work that his proposal was not 1:1 __ while Burns is in the United The peanut butter was burned siMta ilUlide at the time Was PIc. guy. who wan! td send home a thtrnlelvel. they said. Betidft, Whereupon Charlie bustM up for me. Get me 8 girl Bll6well to to promote 8 militaristic ,pllit, .... States. Mother and twins were A~rll 22 under a federal court Ray Blakesley ot Malon City chunk ot airplane all over the the, decided a fried eu every the debate by takil1J the German tlke down my remark.? Non- to give younl men ph7S~aJ .,.. reported well. order by federal marahals. I Iowi. • place. I' ain't lot any more pri-Inow and then was better than a priiOner. sense. They're not worth a thing." disciplinary training. I THE DAlLY lOW AN, IOWA CITY, IOWA PAGE THREE Four Sub -Committees Nominated to Carry out Cu~ricula Plan University Institutions IN THE KITCHEN- WITH MRS. ALBERT J. MURPHY IMeteorology Training faculty Voles To Observe National ...... ,""-"'lP:Jll!ll!!. Service Wives Club Members Will Sew Hospital Day Today For Red Cross Tonight in usa Lounge Program Modified National Hospital day will be Modifications h a v e observed today by the university ,ecenUy ··· for New I at this meetjng is uried, as the hospitals. The Service Wives club will been announced in the university Robert E. Neff, administrator of meet in the USO Lounge tonight chapter's annual report will be program of training in meteorol­ the general hospitals left yester­ Iat 8 o'clock to sew for the Red given and there will be election of ogy, according to the United States Committee day alternoon to attend the Tri­ Crc.;.;s. Wives of all service men officers. This is the tinal meeting department ot commerce. State Hospital association conven­ are invited whether lheir hus­ of the current club year. Since the announcement ot uni­ tion in Hotel Statler, Chicago. He I 1 band are stationed in Iowa City versity training in meteorology at Professors Elected will be a speaker on the program. or not. P.LO. C~PTEIl ... government expense, relative to Harold A. Smith, assistant ad­ The committee in charge for this Chapter HI of the P.E.O. will courses offered at New York uni­ On Basis of Highest ministrator at the hospital, will i week consists of Mrs. Clatence C. meet in the home of Mrs. L. L. versity, Massachusetts Institute at Composite Vote be interviewed in observance of Carlson, Mrs. R. J . Mantermach, Dunnington, 214 E. Jefferson Technology and the University of National Hospital day, by DIck Mrs. Ralph Kraus and Mrs. Carl street, tomorrow afternOon at Chicago, the following changes Larson. 2:30. A keminlton and social To facilitate the carrying out of Yoakam over WSUI at 12:45 have been published: today. Smith will discuss the pur­ hour will be held immediately The educational requirements the new curricula at the Univer­ pose of the hospital and its serv­ IOWA CITY WOMAN'S CLUB, after the business meetlng. Mrs. for admission to the July course sity 01 Iowa, four sub-committees ices not only as an Institution for MUSIC DEPARTMENT Eugene Scheldrup and Mrs. R. G. at New York university are now: have been nominated, and are now the sick, bu t aiso for the training The music department of the Popham will be assistant hostesses. (1) high school or college courses Iowa City Woman's club will meet Members are askt:d to note the In operation, it was revealed yes­ of doctors and nurses, and for re- I In advanced algebra and trigo­ search in scientific work. He Willi tomorrow afternoon at 2:30 in lhe change in the place of meeting. nometry, (2) a college course in terday afternoon at the first fac­ also speak on wartime conditions Community buidiing clubrooms to ully meeting since the adoption of elect oflicel's. It will be the final ROOSEVELT P.T.A. physics and chemistry and (3) in the hospital, especially the lack I A short busine$s meeting Cor salislactory completion of at least the new curricula. of personnel and the crowded con­ meeting of the current club year. The lour' sub-committees, which members of the Rooseevlt P.T.A. three years of college. ditions now found by patients. NATIIANIEL CHAPTER will precede the spring concert to- To permit the inclusion in the are elected by the standing com­ In past years, exhibits have mittee of curricula and instruction OF D.A.R . morrow night at 7:30. curriculum of phy ics and math- been set up in acknowledgment of Mrs. Everett Williams, route emaUcs topics closely associated are: basic skills, area of concen­ hospital week, and large numbers lration, core . courses and th ad­ four, will be hostess at a pot- STITCH AND CHATTER CLUB with dynamic meteorology, the oJ: visitors tou(ed the hospital and luck suppel' lor Nathnnlal Chap- The meeting of the Stitch and class at New York university, visory SUb -committee. grounds. Due to present day con­ ler of the Daughters of the Ameri- Chatter club scheduled for tomor- scheduled to begin July 7, has Heading the advisory com­ ditions, this will not be possible mittee Is Prof. H. C. Harsh­ can Revolution in her home to- row has been postponed unlll May been exlended by one month. this year, but he stated that any­ morrow evening at 6:30. Members 19. It will meet at the time In the In addition, the opening date of barrer. Prof. W. T. Root is one is welcome to visit the hospi­ al the head of the area of con­ are asked to bring table service home oJ Mrs. Anna Yavorsky the course at the !l(fassachusetts tal today, and that arrangements nnd a covered dish. Attendance 1006 N. Summit street. ' Institute of Technology has been eenlrat Ion sub-com mit tee. wUl be made to show spectators ______-'- ______changed to July 10 instead ot The basic-skills sub-commit­ around the hospital. July 3. tee is headed by Prof. E. C. MRS. ALBERT J. MURPHY measures out the flour for her devils' food cake whieh she finds quick and Neurologist to Speak CI~sses will . begin at lhe U~. Mable, and the core counes reliable desserl for the working woman who wants an easy reclpe to use when she returns from the o(fjce The public is invited to hear a Iverslty of Chicago June 19 tn- prorram Is led by Prof. Kirk at night. Mrs. Murphy's home at 537 S. Lucas streel, is just the right size for two busy people, and her Today stead of May 8, as previously an­ H. Porter. Manpower, Material kitchen is one of the most attractive rooms in the house. The color scheme is white, cream and red, with graduate college lecture to be nounced. "Before the inauguration of any cream walls. Cream, red and while dotted swiss curlains wllh deep red ruffies are at the window above 6ight Organizations given at 4:10 this afternoon by Dr. Physical requirements remain changes, or before any portion of Shortages Now Cause her handy work shelf, which is !Ianked by two cupboards. On the opposite side of the room is a small Plan to Meet W. F. Windle in the medIcal am­ the same as announced, as do ed­ m.-l~ lhe program is put into effect, it breakfast table with a red, white and cream cloth. A while gas range is opposite the sink, completing the phitheater. ucational pre-requisites for ad­ will be announced," stated Dean easy-to-work.!n arrangement. mission to these three institutions. m.-l0 ervlce Wives club - Community Dr. Windle, professor of neurol­ H. K. Newburn of the college of Petroleum Shortages ogy and director of the Institute of These scholarships pay full tui· 1}1.-u liberal arts. Managing a home and an office,. them on the kitchen table, near a Planked* *Ham *bur ,er building 8 p.m. neurology or Northwestern uni­ tlon for professional training In Under the core course sub-com­ "The petroleum shortage dur­ *** *** H. G. L. club-Home of Mrs. Tom versity, will speak on "alterations meteorology, but do not include ing the last three years was not too, is a !.1sk to tax the ingenuity I register , they will rise slowly all Potatoes mittee program, all students Reed, route 5, 2 p.m. In the Brain After Neonatal subsistence and other expenses. caused by a limited supply but by of even the most efficient of day and will be ready to pop in Ground beef and pork would be required to take a mini­ Iowa City'S Woman's elub-Gar­ asphyxie." He Is an authority on mum ot 32 hours in those courses lack of transportation from wells women, but Mrs. Albert Murphy, the oven for 15 minutes when she Bread crumb pre-natal development of the Christopher Columbus jour. which embrace some common ele_ to point of consumption," stated who divides her time between her returns home at night. It must Fresh peas den department-Clubrooms in nervous syslem and especially on neyed to Ireland to check a re­ Garland Hershey, member of the ment, or core. home and the university housing be remembered, however, that this Mash potatoes and place in dish. the Community building, 2 p.m. respiratory elements in embryo port tha.. St. Brendan had once Iowa geological survey, at a and newborn babies. sailed across the oc . n. Every student would be re­ service office, has found a sys- handy idea may not be successful Set in crock of hot water to keep Red Cross Production ,roup-­ Quired to take an eight-hour Lion's cluh luncheon yesterday noon. tern which will be ot value to unless you can maintain your warm. Place ground beef and Amerlcan Legion building, 9 ' iCience course selected from a.m. among several, an eight hour so­ Hershey explained that although both the working women and the house heating syslem at a sleady pork (use 1/3 pork, 2/ 3 beef) in cial science course, and an eight most of the transportation prob­ pan and fry. K4ICP stirring to University club-University club­ lems have been ironed out, otber busy housewife. One of her big- temperature. . hour course in history, fine arts cook meat In crumbles 01' small rooms, 10 a.m. problems, such as manpower and gest problems is the preparation ReCrlceraior Rolls STRUB-WAREHAM or philosophy. Eight hours of lit­ ball-like particles. Butter :£resh Coralville Helrht elub-Home oC material shortages, have cropped of a well- roun~ed and attractive 'YI cup milk, scalded peas. erature would be required. Mrs. . A. Brandstatter, 212 Sid­ out and are stumbling blocks as meai in the short moments be­ ~, cup sugar or 3 tablespoons Line a serving dish with hot Freshmen would take these yet unsurmounted. ney street, CoralvJ1)e, 1 p.m. Cour requirements. tween the time wh/;)n she comes slrained honey mashed potatoes. Sprinkle with Our 8th Semi .. Annual Prior to Pearl Harbor there was home Irom the oflice until Mr. 3 tablespoons shortenIng paprika. Place meat in the cen­ Electa Circle of Klnp DaughteMl­ Courses designed will be a known reserve of petroleum ade­ much broader than In past Murphy arrives. 1 teaspoon salt ter and press as a Ii ni ng against Home oC Mrs. W. H. Bowers, quate for 14 years. However, at A one-dish concoction that's a 1 cake of compressed yeast the potatoes by scooping it from 526 Water street, Coralville, 1 years. The posslbJllty 01 com­ the present rate of consumption, \I\n\l\l biology. zoology a.nd meal in itself is Mrs. Murphy's 'j cup lukewarm waler the center. Put the bultered peas p.m. Sale of 11 years is now considered the special b a ked tuna-fish and 1 egg, slightly beaten in the circle leil In the center of Iowa Women's club-Holel Jeffer. Ds:t'cholol'Y Is being consid­ limit, and this may be lowered ered. noodles. Served with buttered 3 ~ cups sifted (lour the roeat. Scatter some over meal son, 1 p.m. depending upon the length of the carrots, hot refrigeratot rolls and Pour milk over SUlar, shol'ten­ and potato rlng If desired. Diced "We want' to hear all the war. IlI(restlons tbat anyone has jelly, it provides a delightcul com­ ing and salt. Cool. Soften yeast green peppers may be added to As to output, Hershey continued, in lukewarm water, add egg and the meat for seasoning. West Lucas Women \ 'to make about this," said Pro­ the period from January,.of this bination for lunch or supper. mix well, add to milk mixture. When it comes to desesrt, Mrs. 'feasor Porter. year to the preesnt time has seen Baked Tuna-FiSh and Noodles Elect New Officers Originaly, 36 hours were re­ l'A1 cup noodles (measured be- Sift flour once, measure, add Murphy wan t S one recipe on SAMPLr: a 15 per cent increase over the quired in core courses. Now the corresponding period of last year. fore cooking) about '4 to yeast mixture and which she can always rely. A Mrs. Pea!'1 Meinlzer was elected requirement under consideratlon Thirty-seven per cent of all 1 small can luna flakes beat lhoroughly. Add remaining baking recipe which has never president of the West Lucas Is 32 hours, although the number petroleum went to the armed Mushrooms [lour, mix well. Place dough in failed is her devils food cake. Women's club to succeed Mrs. of hours has not actually been cut forces in 1943, and so lar this 1 cup white sauce greased bowl, cover, let rise in Devils Food Cake Anna Thomann, at a meeting down when basic skills and lan­ year 40 per cent has been con­ Cook the noodles in salt waleI' warm place about one hour. 1~ cup butter Tuesday in the home of Mrs. guage are Included. sumed by our services. If the and drain. Line the bollom of Punch down, grease top oC 2 cups sugar George O. Stevens, route 3. Mr•. HATS The object is to give the stu­ war continues and petroleum is the casserole with noodles, then dough lightly, cover bowl with 2 eggs Gertrude Moore was elected vice­ dent considerably more freedom used at the present rate, the arrange the tuna fish !lakes, slightly dampened towel and 1 heaping teaspoon soda presJdent, Mrs. Steha Rowland In building hls education. amount used by our machines of (which have been worked up to waxed paper, tie securely. Store 2 lAo cups sift flour was named secretary, and Mrs. Members of the core course sub­ war will raise proportionally. the desired fineness with a fork) in refrigerator. About 2 lAo hours 2/ 3 cup cocoa cllssolved In Ii Stevens was re-elccted treasurer committee are: Prof. J . H. BOdine; "Of a 42 gallon barrel of pet­ on top. Scatter mushrooms and before baking, remove from re­ cup boiling water for the ensuing year. Prof. E. W. Hall; Prof. Sybil roleum, 18 gallons were used as as each layer is added, dot witla frigerator amount of dough 'needed \4 teaspoon salt Woodruff; Prof. A. C. Baird; Prof. aulomotive fuel before the war, butter. Pour whitesauce over ror rolls. Shape as desired. Cover, 1 teaspoon vanilla Forty years after Whistler's L. A. Van Dyke and Prof. S. M. and at the present time, 11 of the this, pierCing the mixture to the let rise until the bulk Cream butter, slowly add sugnr, 1"Portrait oC the Artist's Mother" . 42 gallons are used for the same bottom with a knife to let sauce (about two hours). Bake in hot cream thoroughly. Add well was sold for $800, it was Insured Under the area of concentration purposes," commented Hershey. drain down through the mixture. oven 425 degrees F., about 15 beaten eggs and soda dissolved In for $500,000. plan, the student with special in­ These figures do not include the Place in oven, 350 degrees F., for minutes. a little hot water, also add cocoa ======\erest may take related subjects amount used by the armed forces. about 30 minutes. Preparing a company meal mixed with the hot water. Alter­ in other field s. For instance, Four hundred thousand barrels Serving refrigerator rolls with won't burden the busy woman if nately add sour milk and nour. prospective teachers may combine of 100-octane gasoline are being this dish, might seem an impossi­ she has a recipe such as Mrs. Mix to smooth batter, add vanilla, educatlon courses with academic produced daily at the pl'eesnt time. bility to the woman who can not Murphy's p I a n ked bamburl'er bake in moderate oven, 35 to 40 subjects. This means another and relatively be at home during the day to plaUer. Meal, potatoes and vege­ mlnutes In two nine-inch layer The departments will be mo re new drain on our crude oil sup­ mix down the rolls and let them tables are combined attractively cake pans. Also can be haked in closely integrated; although de­ plies and might mean less gmiO­ rise. Mrs. Murphy has discovered, on one huge plate not only to look a 12:lnch squa re loaf pan and partmental majors will not be line for civilian consumption in however, that if she rolls them pretty, but to solve the dish­ will liII pan. Use seven-minute done away with, all other depart­ the future, Hershey predicted. out in the morning and leaves washing problem. icing. menU. will cooperate to create a As to the danger of complete prog rim In areas filted to the exhaustion of petroleum when our tired in 1941 and they returned WyatL of Kansas City, Mo.; a son, st u ~ present supplies are depleted, I dent need. Hershey explained that other Mo to Iowa City about a year and a Glen Dobry of Santa Barbara, Fewer formal courses will be Frank Dobry Rites Calif.; a brother, Rudolph Dobry ' sources of gasol~e were known, halI ago. oUered, and the stUdent will have such as coal, natural gas and oil Surviving Mr. Dobry are his of Chicago; a sister, Mrs. Mary more time for individual study To Be Held Today Hemsted of Iowa City, and several shales. The oil shales alone can widow; a daughter, Mrs. Flyod aDd seminar courses, allowing produce 92 billion barrels of gaso­ nieces and nephews. Funeral services fOI' Frank M. more emphasis on personal work line and a certain type of tar sands and the development of each in­ will yield an additional 100 to 250 Dobry, 73, of 724 E. Bloomington d1vidua 1 studellt. billion barrels when the occasion street, wi II be held at the Oath­ In the communica lions field demands, so total lack of petro­ out funeral chapel today at 2 p.m. lhere will be a possible coordina­ leum in the near future is quite Mr. Dobry died Tuesday at 3:45 tion of radio, journalism and remote. p. m. aIter a lingering illness. The movie work. Physicists, chemists and geolo­ Rev. Max Welt· will conduct the . POIIIIlblllty of Inte",atlon gists are ever-vililant in the quest services and burial will be in Oak-' land cemetery. j Hea In a seq uenu of courses of new depasi ts and heretofore perUnent to ea.ch other, luch unheard of methods of producing Mr. Dobry was a member 01 the Brotherhood of Maintenance 118 political science, economics, petroleum to keep our war ma­ .latOrt, IJOClal sciences, lit­ chine and civilian automobiles in of Way, Lodge No. 14 of Denver, er.ture and journalism. operation, he pointed out. Colo., and C. S. A. lodge of Iowa New Hats Members of the area of con­ I City. He was born in Iowa City Jan. eentratlon sub-committee are: Mrs. Leo Robertson Prof. B. Maxwell, Prof. A. 1, 1871, the son of Adam and Mag­ Heads Women's Club dalene Dobry. In 1892 he mar­ New Hots 8mall; Prof. Kenneth W. ried J osephine Yavorsky. ( 8pe_; Prof. E. T. Petersen; Mrs. Leo Robertson was elected Mr. and Mrs. Dobry lived in 00 Prof. Georre Glockler, ~d president of the Union Township Iowa City unlll 1908 when they $5. Prof. Paul Olsen. Women at a meeting held In the moved to Denver where Mr. Dobl'y New Hots It is possible under the advisory home of Mrs. Andrew Duttllnger, was l!mployed by the Colorado t"OInmitlee plan that the freshman route 4, yesterday. Other officers and Southern railroad. He re- DIlly begin his ma jor In his first named include Mrs. Lenz, vice ThJa is the mlWDvy claulc for which ,ear of college. president; Mrs. Will Propst, sec­ hUDdreda of women wait each HCISOnl The baslc.skills sub-committee' retary; Mrs. Carl Malmberg, Between Iowa City and .. Here you ilnd hat. Icmahly flowered. will Indicate the relationship of the 'fill treasurer; and Mrs. Ray Smalley, Cedar Rapid. choose 'he f1utterIDCJ with pre~ bows or filmy UDder 1IIiU. program to other units such news reporter. streamlined C ran die II the core courses, the language walta of '9e11baCJ ••• In black and colon route for economy, coml. ••• In lCuv-, medium and small shapes ~olram, and the cUnics. fort and llpeed. Sic one It will layout a plan for the ••• In fabric: ~ Raw and In every head Special Today way or $75 round trip. IIII! of ataH members in each of plus tax. Dial 3%83 for me. Tbla is your opportUDlty to CJet a Iklil areas in the development tile He scheduJes. For these anpredletable .P..... IIDCIrt new hat at a blCJ ICIvlDCJI Don't mlaa itl GI content and methods of prace­ Roast Young .fll when fou're ..rer wt\h a - 10 be employed In the In­ Hear Crcmdlc'. ''Round raincoat. Take advaDtace of ItrucUonal program. Chicken • New 0 ...... p.oII1l1 fo, con.. . Up 01 the He.. " each tbia III_-ou& oIfer. 71 rain­ Under a new system of ballot­ 1" Jllly 10 and s.ptembe. 21. With Celer, Drell8l"­ w_" .... Wed. at coat. to ehoote from! lJII, three members of the noml­ Earl, enrollmont .d.lsed. and Sat. 5:30 Whtpped Potatoe. p.m. over WMT, llltin, committee of the llberal • PI ...m.nt ..",I ... In ..... city fw .11 Closing Out $3.88 arta f~ulty were nominated at Bu'tered Peu .IUM"". Attr.ctl.,. reald."t MOOm",.. tile meeting. . ,,,.t'''''' ••• 11.101 •. ro, Qt.,..... " oth., LeUuce Salad 'IIte,.tu,. ...." .... Coli ... Co .. ,.. Dee ... One member was nomlnated . CEDAR . RAPIDS AND HcK 11.0111 DrInk NlW YORK IT . . • . • 230 P.,. A". '-i each of three groups of DUNN'S l\udlea on the ballis of hi.hellt . ·· 10 WAC I T Y R A I L WAY REICH$ CAFE ,.EHICAGO 11 c!!'.. Nort~lo"I .... A". CGIIIpoeite vote. " . ,---- . «'HE ·DAltY IOWAN, IOWA CITY, IOWA THURSDAY, MAY 11. ~~- I I[ ----:-=--~ From the Athletics Snut Out Side THI DAILY IOWAN Sports Lines Trail • • • SPORTS By WIllTNEY MARTIN By • White Sox, 9· fo 0 Dear Joe: I suppose this will Yoke find you at the jumping off place. PHILADELPHIA Not meaning the end of the line, al Harder AI" Jed Just like we said, that Great of course, as we all know that Mort Cooper Gels 1sl "Hot Potato" Hamlin was really M~ U Lakes crowd i sure bad olf. We Walters Wins Own hot yesterday as he pitched the TIgers Snap Yankee Washington once you fellows jump the~Jl note that they were able to eke Philadelphia Athletics to a five- " W· be no more stopping unLil you Win of r 44 Campaign To 200th MaJors In out a victory ovel' the Philadel- Game; Singles in 9th hit 9 to 0 victory over the Chi- phia Bluejays, 3 to 1. SiK Game Streak. 4-2 Tilt L reach Berlin, or the residue there­ of. Just be careful of the water cago White Sox. This III I elf Is not so In- NEW YORK (AP)-Managel' I S eague To Down Giants, 3-2 jump. You know you always Litwhiler's The .A's broke oui with a 16-hit Indk!ns Take Bosox terestlng a Is the fad th;l.t Joe McCarthy returned to the With One on Aids attack, led by Dick Siebert and 5-4 al Klieman Subs Vurll TruckS. formerly of CINCINNATI (AP) - Bucky dunked yourself in those steeple­ Detroit. was pitching for Ole helm of the Leaders, 5-1 Walters celebrated his 200th start chases. 4-2 Victory Over Bums lrv Hall with four apiece. Otval For Harder in Eighth BI. ja k Is and Clyde Me- yesterday, just io time to witness tor the last night I'll try to give you a light load Grove, formerly an invariable Coilough, formerly of the the last-place snap with a game-winning single in of what's going on in sports now, ST. LOUIS (AP)-Morl Cooper, conqueror of the A's, was driven BOSTON, (AP) - A I tho ugh CIIbiI. wa catching. the Yankees' six game winning the ninth innmg to defeat the as when the big day comes I'll be WASHINGTON (AP) - The ace Cardinal pitcher who won from the box anel' ullowing 11 driven to the showers by an eighth Then there was an a sortment slreak by defeating the world New York Giants, 3 to 2. too excited to write and' you'll be champions 4-2. Washington Senators blasted Ol.\t too busy to read. They're calling of more or I .5 good men, which AB R II PO A over 20 games lor tbe past two bingle in six innings. inning uprising, Mel Hordel' was included Bill Brandt, form rly 0.1 Paul (Dizzy) Trout, 20-game 10 blows to trounce the league­ New Yorlt it "0" day back here. Remember years, registered his lirst victory Thurman Tucker of the Sox ran credited with his 200th majol' the PiTat ,Billy lierman, Dodger winner last year, held the New leading St. Louis Brown, 5 to 1, Rucker, cf ...... 5 o I 2 0 when you used to worry abllUl of the current campaign as St. his hitting streak to eight straight league victory yesterday as the arand a galaxy of others. All Yorkers to severt hits to hang up last night behind knuckleballer Jurges, 3b ...... 4 o 2 1 2 "P," one pay day? Lou i s defeated the Brooklyn look the Boston these pl3ying on tbe side of th his second victory of the year. Johnny Niggeling's five-hit hurl­ Mead, rf ...... 3 I 0 3 0 There have been so me changes Dodgers, 4-2 yesterday. games. ~ Red Sox 5 to 4. navy. Trout also made three hits, driv­ ing. Medwick, If ..4 o I loin the baseball pIcture. Remem- A home run by Danny Litwhiler Chlcaro All R H PO A Harder allowed but lour hits And just the oth r day we got ing in one run allP scoring another A crowd of 19,756 fans paid to Weintraub, Ib .... 4 o 1 5 2 ber when I wrote you. last the with George Kurowski on base in until the eighth, when Leon Cul- quite vehement in this space in himself. see the first after-dark cont.est ot Lombardi, c ...... 4 o 2 4 1 GIants were going great in the Na- th'e fourth inning spelled defeat Schalk, 2b ...... 4 0 0 2 20 berson's ~a1'e bu~t toward third Isaying that it was just too bad Detroit was superb in the field, ihe year here. Luby, 2b ...... 3 o 2 5 a tlonal league? Well, they're ju~t for Whitlow Wyatt, making his Webb, ss ...... 4 0 1 2 3 started tbmgs roll mg. about these fellows being so making four douhle playS to end Kerr, S5 ...... 4 o 1 4 2 going now. You'd think thQ were St. Loui& AD R H PO A second start of the season. It was Moses, rt ...... 4 0 1 2 0 Pete Fox hit into right field, trump POOl'. their five game losing streak. Voiselle, p . .... 4 1 0 0 1 being auctioned ofr. You know, going, going, gone. Litwhilcr's third homer of the Trosky, Ib ...... 3 0 0 8 0 Manager Joe Cronin singled to You w III remember, I Dee.roit AD It It PO A Gutteridge, 2b ...... 4 0 0 1 1 --- - - season. Tucker, cf ...... 4 0 1 4 1 center, driving in Culberson and think, about h 0 IV Mlekey ______-:---::--:---:-- Byrnes, If ...... 4 0 0 3 0 I Totals ...... 35 2 10 25xll The Cubs have a neW 11lanager. Cooper yielded 10 hils, but kept Hodgin, If ...... 4 0 0 1 0 Bob Johnson's single into left field Cochrane of the U. S. N. R., Cramer, cf ...... 5 0 3 4 1 McQuinn, 1b ...... 3 0 0 8 0 x One out when winning run Or rather, a new old manager. He's Charley Grimm ,the banI? them well scattered except in the Cuccinel1o, 3b ...... 3 0 I 1 3 scored Fox. was kicking he ju e. dldJ)'t Hoover, ss ...... 4 0 0 3 4. Stephens, ss ...... 3 1 2 2 2 scored. kid who did such a good job pilot­ ixth Inning when the Dodgers Turner, c ...... 2 0 1 4 0 After the fourth straight hit, know what to do. nt dUem- Mayo, 2b ...... 5 1 1 2 2 Moore, 1'[ ...... 4 0 2 2 0 CI 1 tI AB R Jl PO A bunched three ot them for two Grove, p ....~ ...... 2 0 0 0 2 Harder was replaced by Ed Klie- ma lasted for three weeks. York, lb ...... 4 1 1)0 0 Christman, 3b ...... 3 0 0 1 1 _n_c_n_n_~______ing them a few years ago that he runs. Hanski, p ...... 1 0 0 0 0 man. Then, booted With a navy Issue cryioc was fired. It the team doesn't do HIggins, 3b ...... 4 0 Il 0 0 Kreevich, cf ...... 3 0 1 0 0 Clay, cf ...... 3 0 I I 0 Qelter now it will be a case or Outlaw, If ...... 4 0 2 0 0 Mancuso, c ...... 2 0 0 0 Willioms, 2b .... '" 4. 0 0 4 Breoklyn AB R II PO A Totals ...... 31 -; '"5 2~ 11 Bobby Doerr's double play ball, towel wraPlled around his 6 4 Grimm and bear it. Get it~ HosteUer, rf ...... 4 0 0 2 0 Schultz, c ...... 1 0 0 ) 0 Criscola, rf ...... 4 0 1 4 2 Illiing the bases, and two more walse. he sat on his kingly Grimm and grill? All rillllt. it Isn't BOl'dagol'ay, 1£ . ...4 o 2 7 0 Philadel}lhla. AB R tI PO A runs came in wh n Russ Peters throllC am1 bemoaned hIs lost Swift, c ...... 4 1 1 6 0 PoHer, p ...... 2 0 0 0 3 McCor11lick, lb .. 3 1 2 10 1 funny. 4 1 1 ______threw over Mike Rocco's head at- tribe. Trout, p ...... 4 1 3 0 6 Sbirley, p ...... 0 0 0 0 0 Crabtree, I! ...... 4 I 0 2 0 Walker, rf ...... I 0 I Old seam-lined Casey Sten~el Olmo, 2b ...... 4 1 1 o 3 White, l' f ...... 4 1 0 2 0 tempting to camp let a douyle The sum ond substance o[ it. --- - - Epps· ...... 1 0 0 0 0 Miller, ss ...... 4 1 2 0 6 succeeded Grimm at Milwaukee, Galan, cf .... _...... 4 o 1 4 0 Garrison. If ...... 4 2 3 4 0 play. seemed to be that. he hud such Toial!l ...... 38 '13 27 13 Jakucki, p ...... 0 0 0 0 0 Mesner, 3b ...... 3 0 1 2 1 and everybody is glad for nim tal" Schultz, Ib ...... 4 o 2 3 1 Estalella, cf ...... 4 0 I 3 0 Oleveland All R 11 PO A monstrous problems of whether at last he has n first-plaCE: club New York AB It H PO A Totals ...... 30 24 -; :.. ' .. to English, 3b ...... 4 o 1 1 0 Hayes, c ...... 4 1 1 2 0 to put Schoolboy Rowe in the out- '1 ~ ~~f;l~~: ~ :.:~ : ~ ~ ~ i ~ Qoss. His old club, the Boston Cooney " ...... 0 o 0 o 0 Siebert, 1b ...... 5 2 4 ~ ! Boudreau, ss ..... 3 2 1 J 7 field or let him pitch. Sbrnwelss,. . 2b ... _... .. 4. 0 0 4 2 ·Batted for Shirley in 8th. - - - -T - Braves, is in last place, but it has lIart, ss ...... 3 o 1 5 0 Hall, ss ...... 5 0 4 2 1 !tocco, 1 b ...... 4 1 I 11 0 And then til 1'e was such an Rosenthal, l'l ...... 4 0 1 5 1 W hi to~ AB It H PO A Totals ...... 31 3 g 27 1<1 a no-hitter lo its credit. Jiln Tobi/) P. Waner ...... 1 o 0 o 0 KelJ, 3b ...... 6 1 ~ 2 " Cul\enbine, 1'1 ...... 4 I J 3 0 instance or what to do witb Billy Metheny, )[ ...... 4 0 0 1 0 as hg 1 New York ...... 001 001 000-2 turned it In for them against the Bragan, c ...... 3 o 0 1 0 RulJo, 2b ...... 3 I I 0 0 Heath, If ...... 1 0 0 0 0 Herman, and whethel' to use Etten, 1b ...... 4 0 0 8 0 Powell, If ...... 5 0 2 3 0 Cincinnati .. 020 000 001- 3 Dodgers. His next time out he Wllrren ...... ,. ..1 o I o 0 Hamlin, p ...... 3 1 Hockett., l( ...... 4 0 2 0 0 Clyde McCullough of Joe Glenn at Savage, 3b ...... 3 I 2 0 1 Mya tt, 2b ...... 5 0 1 2 5 was OUl, [00. Out ill the thil'd In­ Wyatt, p . 2 o 0 2 1 Keltner, 3b .5 0 I 0 3 the backstop. Lindell, cf ...... 4 1 1 4 0 Ortiz, rt ...... 3 2 1 0 0 ning, that is. Totals ...... 3'1 9 16 27 10 L. Wanel·· ...... 0 o 0 o 0 Seerey, cI ...... 4 1 3 4 0 Tsk, tsk, you'd think that you Milosevich, SS ...... 1 0 1 3 3 Spence, cf ...... 4 0 2 4 1 Name Phil Cavarretla It's probably unnecessary to tell o . 0 Chicago ...... 000 000 000-0 Chipman, p ...... 0 o 0 Peters, 2b ...... 3 0 0 6 3 were listening to some of the ma- Hemsley, c ...... 3 0 2 2 ) Kuhel, 1b ...... 3 1 0 13 1 you the Cards are leoding the l'{a­ OstermueJler ...... 1 o 0 o 0 Philadelphia ...... 000 212 04x-9 Susce, c ...... 4 0 1 2 0 jor'S' [l'ont ofices at the beginning Bonham, p ...... 3 0 0 0 1 Torres, 3b ...... 4 1 2 0 4 tional league. The Browns are at Harder, p ...... 4 0 1 \) 1 of thiR ea. on. - - -- - Ferrell, c ...... _ 0 0 0 1 0 As Chicago Caplain the top in the American, but you Totals ...... 35 2 10 24 5 Klieman, p ...... 0 0 0 0 '() Thin,s aren't really so Totals ...... 30 2 '1 2'1 9 Guerra, c ...... 4 I 2 3 0 CHICAGO (AP)-Phil Cavar­ better read it qUick or they may • B'ltted for Wyatt in 7th. tough, after all, now are they Detroit ...... 000 001 111-4 Sullivan, ss ...... 2 0 0 0 0 retia, 28-year-old , not be there. Everybody's looking •• Ran tor English in 9th. Chicago Totals ...... 37 5 11 27 14 Mickey? New York ...... 010 000 100-2 Niggeling, p ...... 2 0 0 1 1 for wires or strings to see what's ••• Batted for Hart in 9th. yesterday was named captain at * * .. the Chicago Cubs by Manager holding them up. .... Batted for Bragan in 9th. lloston ABItHPOA HUITY, hurry, hurryy, there's Totals ...... 32 5 10 27 12 Charlie Grimm. Cava1'l'etta is the Well. Joe, get a good running ••••• Batted Cor Chipman in 9th. goiJlg to be u circus in town, 01' at I Officials to Set Culberson, cf ...... 3 1 1 2 0 SU st. Louls ...... 010 000 000-1 only member of the pl'esent Cub start beCore you try that jump 0«. Takes 13th least a field day. The Iowa Pre­ YQU, by t. Louis ABRIIPOA Fox, rf ...... 5 I 3 1 0 1944 Homecoming Date Washington ...... 000 104 00*-5 aggregation who played under We'll all be watching . FlIght Rchool is planning a field yumping yimminy. As evel" YOllf Cronin, 1 b 4 1 1 12 1 day. (Not to be confused witb the Grimm during his previous term Verban, 2b ...... 4 0 1 3 2 Johnson, If ...... 3 1 pal- Wiutney. 120 kind they have when they play IOWA CItY-Hawkeye sports Northwestern Baseball as manager of the ball club. Garms, rf ...... 4 2 1 4 0 Doerr, 2b ...... 4 0 023 Musia I, cf ...... 4 0 1 3 0 Licking football) . It seems that the mon­ officio Is soon will decide which of Team Smashes 8 to 0 Tabor ~ 3b ...... 4 0 121 otony of everyday training needs the 1944 home football games will O'Dea, c ...... 4 0 0 4 1 Wagner, c ...... 4 0 121 Kurowski, 3b ...... 2 1 0 4 2 to be broken, so they're going to be designated at the homecoming Win Over Ft. Sheridan 'CHICAGO (AP)-Gerheauser Lake, ss ...... 3 0 033 affair. Probably it will be either Litwhiler, If ...... 4 I 2 3 0 haul out the old band wagon and EVANSTON, Ill. (AP)-Ham­ won his second game of the sea­ Woods, P ...... 1 0 012 everyone trom the captain on the Purdue game Oct. 21 or the Sanders, Ib ...... 3 0 1 5 0 son yesterday as the Philadelphia Lazor • ...... 1 0 000 l11ering pitcher Ike Rogan for four Marion, ss ...... 4 0 1 1 down is going to blow the hom. Minnesota contest Nov. IS-the 3 Phil lies handed the Chicago Cubs Hausmann, p ...... 0 0 001 runs in the first inning, North­ M. Cooper, p ...... 2 0 0 0 ) It couples up very nicely witb only two Big Ten games in tbe their 13th consecutive whipping Totals ...... 32 8 27 12 western university's baseball team Totals ...... 31 4 7 27 9 « a track and baseball meet with stadium. Nebraska Nov. 4 and of the campaign. continued its hard hitting to score Brooklyn ...... 000 002 000-2 Notre Dame bete the 20th. Cadets Iowa Pre-Flight Nov. 25 are the The Phils bamered four Cub an 8 to 0 victory over Ft. Sheri-I St. Louis ...... 100 210 00x-4 are t.o be dismissed after their other two home opponents. [or 13 hits, with Jim Was­ first class and they'll be allowed dan yesterday. Johnny Hop p, dell and Ray Hamrick each con­ Wildcat hurler, allowed the sol~ Bowman •• ~ ...... 1 '0 0 0 0 Pirates Win Over to bring gue ·ts to the baseball tributing three. Bill FlemJng, diers only three hits. Jim Homco, Judd, P ...... 0 0 0 0 ) game in the afternoon. The field Vacanti Stars at Purdue Pau I Erickson, Dale Alderson and with two doubles and a ~ingle, led Rybo, P ...... 1 0 0 0 0 Braves in 8th, 4to 2 is to be decorated and all the ca­ IOWA CITY - Sam Vacanti, Johnny Burrows had no success dets will be shined to within an Northwestern's attack. in halting the Philadelphia at.. former 'Iowa athlete who is sta.. Totals ...... 34 4. g 27 13 inch of their lives. (No, this has Score by Innings tack, and Fleming. who was PITTSBURGT, May 10 (AP)­ tioned at Purdue in the marine * Balled for Woods in 5th. nothing to do with being Jil, they Ft. Sheridan ... 000 000 000-0 3 2 driven from the hill after threl! Outfielder Jim Russell's two-base reserve, is regular catcher on the •• Balted for Hausmann in 7th. are officers :lnd gentlemen, and Northwestern 400 III 01x- 8 14 1 innings, was the losing pitchers. hit in the last of the eighth sent Boilermaker baseball team. It's Cleveland ...... 001 030 100-5 pardon the insinuation). Batteries: Rogan and Zeteno; I Chicago tallied its only run in lwo runs across the plate to give the second Purdue team that Va­ Gets the Vole This Spring Boston ...... 000 000 040--4 The baseball should be Hopp and Murphy. "-~, the eighth inning, when Phil Cav- the a 4-2 vic­ canti has made ... he was a star goods, as will the track meet, quarterback on the title-sharIng -=== arretta singled, moved to second lory over Boston tonight. and I would advise anyone when Ed Sauer drew one of Gel'- The Braves, trailing 1-0 until grid squad. 'rhe ex-Hawkeye was Special Today that can sneak his Way In, a basketball reserve, too. Vacanti heauser's two bases on balls, and the eighth, took a one-run lelld on to be there, in his proper cir­ 50c Gabardine scored on Bill Nicholson's single. a walk, a pinch double by Clar- won letters in football and bas­ The Majors CUS-going attire. ketball at Iowa in 1942-43, but Roast Young PhltlUlelphlq. AB It H PO A ence Etchison and a long fly by ______Max Macon. AU up to the high standards of could not qualify in baseball. navy entertainment, either plaus­ Chicken Mullen, 2b ...... 5 1 1 2 4: Nick Strincevich, who yielded SUITS ible or ridiculous, we presume. With Celery Dressing AI a Glance Adams, cf ...... 4 3 2 3 0 to a in the eightb, Wasdell. If ...... 5 0 3 3 0 gave the Braves but five hits, one Whipped Potatoes In the newsPflper. m.osl mpn Northey, rt ...... 5 1 1 2 0 of them Etchison's pinch double. NeaRl y half of the world's land Buttered Peas NEW YORK (AP) - Major Lupien, 1b ...... 4 1 0 10 0 The Braves' Al J avery fanned 12 area is largely uninhabitable be.. go first for the sporta. In. our league standings, including day Lettuce Salad Finley, C ...... 3 1 1 5 0 Pirates in the seven innings he cause ot deserts, mountains, ice ~tore. they go first for gabar­ games of May 10. Cieslak, 3b ...... _.. .. .4 0 1 0 8 worked. or tundra. Hot Rolls nrlnk dine. They're always in de- W L Pet. Hamrick, ss ...... 3 0 3 2 2 Score By Innjnrs I I mand in the Spring. SPrU19'S Gerheauser, p ...... 4 0 1 0 0 I Boston ...... 000 000 020-2 ~ 1 REICHS CAFE "St. Louis ...... 13 5 .722 NOW - - - - _ Pittsburgh .. 010 000 03·-4 6 1 here now . • • so are the new New York ...... 9 5 .643 Ends FrIday Totl,1s ...... 37 7 13 27 0 . Washington ...... 8 7 .533 gabardines. One of these suits Cleveland ...... 9 9 .500 Chlca&'o AD It H PO A will do service for a n~l ~f Chicago ...... 8 9 .471 Springs and Summers. and our Philadelphia ...... :.. 7 9 .438 Stanky, 3b ...... 3 0 1 0 1 1[.1~7!1 Boston ...... 6 10 .375 CavarreUa, 1b ...... 4, 1 1 7 2 Today Thru Friday price Is far fro/ll hitting the Detroit ...... 6 12 .333 Sauer, II ... ·.·· ...... 3 0 1 3 1 ceiliQ.q. Sin 9 1 e 0 r d 0 ubi e Nicholson, rf ...... 4 0 1 3 0 bre([sted. St. Louis ...... 13 5 .722 Pafko, cl ...... 4 0 1 1 0 Philadelphia ...... 10 5 .667 Johnson, 2b ...... 4 0 1 4 2 · Cincinnati ...... 9 6 .600 Merulo, ss ...... 4 0 1 3 2 'Pittsburllh ...... 7 6 .538 Kreitner, c ...... 4 0 0 5 1 Brooklyn ...... 8 8 .500 F'leming, p ...... 0 0 0 0 1 "New York ...... 8 9 .471 Schuster * ...... 1 0 0 0 0 · Boston ...... 7 11 .389 Erickson, p ...... 0 0 0 1 0 Chicago ...... 1 13 .071 Ostrowski ...... 1 0 0 0 0 .. Denotes playing night game. Alderson, p ...... 0 0 0 0 0 Noviko!f ••• ·· ...... 1 0 0 0 0 Burl'OWS, P ...... 0 0 0 0 0 ************* -r~... W'! .... Waste Paper Is a vital 'I'otals ...... 13 1 1 21 10 wea pon of Philadelphia ...... 002 040 001-7 ...... __._ ...... '...... 11.,.· ...... , CUIIICl __ IIWIII AI WI All DUll ... WH. It Chicago ...... 000 000 010-1 - .un Ah w; anll HV& some W•• TlMI, WI WILL CON­ PaYabl boy'. tlte! Ends Toaia'ht TINUI TO IIIVI YOU WItH ."" ...... in MOTION PICTURE THEATRES TIIITUDITIONAl COUIITIIY Gabardine "Fired Wife" _-' MAY 11Ih '"'U MAY 17th Of IUlUN8TON TL\ILWA YI. IT IS A MAnu Of NIDI lOP(OATS l~' tlj ") WIT" OUI .IlS0NNIL Starts "End. 1:15 T0- Day Sunday" A really sensible all year 'rounQ. • Your New Top Star­ topcoat-rOl' cool and rainy days • • • In the year's -shower proof and always in gooc;! entertainment treat! taste.

~ u Oonald Su,cnna Peg9Y It'IBO ~ to enjoy all­ day eonfldenee when O'CONNOR. ros HR • RYAN ALUGA TOR • • • • • • • $25.2~ lour plates are held in place by this . comfortCU8bion:·adentist'sfonnula. BREMTON •••••••••• $27.59 I. Dr. Wernet's vent lOre ~ BOTANY (100% .,,0011 •• $45.0~ Powder lets you :LEconomlcal; enjoYllOUd foods, Imall amouat avoidembarr'UI- lasts Ionaer. XTRA! ment of loole LPure,bimnl-. Union Bus Depot plates. Hi!lps pI'&- pIeuant tutinC. PLUSI Late March of Time Je ... Roberta. A;eot AI ...... __ ...... ,,"".... "SouUl American FreIIt" DISMEY ColoMOOft .. 219 E. con.V. SL Phon.: 2552 "How To Be A Sailor" n's Your War Too -Latest News- ":J'h1B ill YoUr Wsr, Too" DIA ~t:>AY , MAY 11, 1944 . TliB l)AltY IO·WAN: IOWA CITY, IOWA PAGE Frv"'!

High School Music 'Things Not Finished' the IIohenschuh mortuary tomor­ CusMk, monitor; Mrs. W. P. Eek- I can, Australian, German and row at 11 a. m with Dr. TIIon T. r ich, entinel, and Mrs. William L. Dutch mlssionari who were Utr Mayor Will Appoint Groups Will Present Red, White Carnival SEATTLE, WaSh., (AP) - The Campbell Bothell, 69, ReV. Stanlslails Orlemansld, Po­ Jon offiCiating. Burlell will be Condon, organlst. erated IntA!r. (Although Spencer Program Today in Rock I land, Ill. M . Philip Englert and Hclen mentioned German nw.sionwles, All City Employee Tftiet Sal. Opens Usb-Am iean prieSt who con­ Dies in Local Hospital Goel'lnl were named three year MacArthur's commuDlQue did not A special music assembly will ferred in Moscow with Premier The first advance ticket sale for Campbell Bothell, 69, long-time lru tee, and Alice White was specify them). During Emergency be presented at Iowa City high Stalin, said la t night, "things are the annual Red a nd White carnival resident of Iowa City, di d ye t r­ Catholic Daughters named trustee for a one-year A Sikh by the name of Jemadar school this morning by the music not finished, J connot make a was opened today by Fred V. statement now. day at Mercy hospital. ter;:~ns for an initiation cere- Shingara Singh told of seeing the All city employees will be ap­ department. Featured on the pro­ pomted by the mayor during the Johnson, chairman of the Uck.el. 'A the propel' tIme and pla~e He was born Nov. 2, 1815, n ar Choose New OHicers mony, scheduled for May 23, were Chinese nailed to the palm trees, gram will be the orchest.ra, glee we will make a statement," he completed. "We were told by our guards," state of emergency declared by committee. Tic k e t s were dis­ Taylor Ridge, III., He was pre­ clubs and chorus. tributed to music students at City said. Amelia J . Amelon was re­ he said, "thaI they had been su­ ceded in death by his daughter, spected of helping guerrillas, civil service board members in a Invitations have been extended high school and junior high school, The Springfield, Mass., priest, elected grand regent of the Catho­ meeting with the city council com- to parents and friends. and may be purchased from ony who lllTived last night from Mos­ Anna Elltabeth Bothell, in 1926, f - mostly Australians, who still were and his brother, George, In 1934 . lIc Daughters of America Tuesday ATROCITIE~ lighting determinedly in inland mittee Tuesday evening. The program to be presented member of the band, orchesira or cow by plane, refused to elaborate evening at a meeting in the K. of (Continued from page I) areas (of MalnYIl). During this emergency, appli- will be: chorus. on what he meant by "we" in his Until hi retirement 1l\'e years Statemt'l'lt w1iieh he canfully- dic­ C, hall. Other orticers chosen in­ "The Japanese tried to make us cants wi1l not be required to take Tickets will be good for trade aeo, he was In the furniture busl­ "March of the Meistersingers" anywhere on the grounds except tated to tbe reporter. Also he clude Mrs. A. J. Murphy, who was witnessed the liberation of a shave of! our beards and when the civil service examinations, but nes. number of Sikhs at Hollandla as we did get meat it always was (Wagner), "Excerpts from the on the rides, with no exchange would not dillcu his trip or hls re-elected vice grand regent; th~y will not have civil service future plans. Mr. Bothell is survived by his the 24th division moved across the unclean. On the way to Manus Scheherezade Suite" (Rimsky­ necessary this year. Margaret mder, prophetess; Ella rights, explained Mayor Wilber J. The second large shipment of widow, Blanche; a son, Allred, in mountains to drive on the Hol- island, 35 Sikhs died and were Korsokort), "M 0 d era t 0" from Kelly, lecturel'; Mrs. Jilek C. Teeters. The situation, arising novelties to be used on the dol! the army paratroops; a grand­ landia airfield. thrown overboard. We kept under "Three Short Pieces for Orches­ White, historian; Mrs. W. J . Jack­ The Sikhs I saw appe3red to be the hatches and were allowed two from the shifting of labor i? meet racks, cane racks, &lID gallery and daughter, Suzane Bothell, and a tra" (Alspach), "Gold and Silver fish pond and other staQds hos ar­ Wise Gardeners Give nephew, Ray Bothell. son, fina ncial secretary; Mary in fair phYSical condition, better Icups of water a day lor everything war demands, was summed up in Waltzes" (Lehar) ond "PerpetulIl rived, announced Dr. E. T. Hub­ Funeral services will be b Id ot Michael, t r ea sur e r; Mayme than the condition of the Ameri- -washing and drinking." an official proclamation issued bard, . chairman or the gllme Motion" (Strauss ), Il l! by the 01'- ProtecHon = yesterday by Mayor Teeters. stands. Plants POP EYE The statement reads: chestra. Stands from last year ore being "Whereas our country and the "Dearest Believe" (Giordanl­ repaired, overhauled Bnd cleaned Against Cutworms ~ity of Iowa City are confronted Protheroe), "Hail, Bright Abode" by workmen. The equipment is with a shortage of manpower; and (Wagner-Homier), march and owned by the music auxiliary. V~etable9 must often be pro­ "Whereas there are no available chorus from "Tannhauser" and tected against their enemies of the persons at the present time as insect world. Cutworms are par­ provided (or under the Civil "Sky Anchors" will be sunI! by the ticularly deadly in their attacks SeNice act to supply employees boys' glee club. Doris Stevens Weds on yollng tomalo, bean, cabbage, for the various departments of the The girls' club will present lettuce, com, melo/), quo band ~ity government of Iowa City, "God of Ail Nature" (Tschaikow­ Icucumber plants, chhewinil off the Iowa; sky), with Marybell Miles as solo­ lieut. T. C. Daniel stems juM below t e soil surface. "Now therefore, I, as mayor of Ist; "Song of the Winds" (Hawke), Two mel ods or outwittln. cut the city ot Iowa City, Iowa, do and "There are Such Things" Announcement of the marriage worm iii the victory iard~ may declare an emergency existing as (Fred Waring arrangement), Vir­ of Doris Stevens, daughter of Mr. be used. Ol1e v ry ertectlve meth provided for under Section 5701 ginia Williamson as soloist. and Mrs. E. A. Stevens of Minne­ od Of protecting young IlIon ts is 01 the 1939 Code of Iowa and state "Holiday for Strings" (Rose) apolis, Minn., to Lieul. T. C. Dan­ to place pa()er eollars 300ut their that all future city employees for and "Largo" (Handel) will be iel, son of Mr. and Mrs. T. C. stems. The eolian can be made the duration of the emergency presented by the string orchestra. Daniel, 407 N. Dubuque street, of heavy paper, cardboard or tar will be appointed by me as your The chorus will sing "The Rood was made yesterday. The cere­ papers und shOUld be six inches mayor and that said employment Is Calling" (Waller-Clement), mony was 'olemnlzed Al>ril 13, at long and seveI'll I inches in width will be only 101' the duration of "Has Sorrow Thy Young Days 4:30 p.m. in the Methodist church in order to protect the plants B LON DIE the emergency." CHIC YOUNG Shaded" (Irish folk son) , C:lI'j in Alexandria, La. completely. The collar ' can b r------r------, ,...------mrTTTI"""_.. ,. _____...".",..~- __ --...., Members of the civil service Martin as soloist, and "Say a Lieut. Daniel, form I' student of pushed one 01' two inches into th DAG....ooP. VOU~E board attending the meeting were Pr3yer fol' the Boys Over There" the University oC Minnesota, is soil, with the I' st of the pap I !-lAVING ANIG~MAR€ . Cyril P. Katzenmeyer, chairman, (McHugh). now pilot of a Flying Fortress io protruding l'iove lll'Ound. WAKE UP, AND Delmer M. Sample and li'rank J the army air corps. Mrs. Stevens Another method is to s t ou COME DOWN Balger. will remain with him until he plonts in paper bands or pots. FROM ~e! Elmer F. Lenthe, V, W. Boles leaves for overseas service, nt till :mother method ot protec­ and L. W. Spencer were present Red Cross which time she will retul'D to Min tion colis tal' the use oC fine co:! 3S the committee representing the Iowa City Women will m et neal)olis. ashes, wood ashes 01' lobacco du council. Ci ty Attorney Kenneth this morning for work In the sprinkled in n ch'clc IIround eael M. Dunlop and City Clerk George Red Cross prod'uctlon rooms of plant. Dohrer were also in attendance. the Community building. Sew­ Summer Positions Open Cutwolm are u dull, drab gree Ing and cutting on convalescent Positions tor students interested or bl'Own or sometimes a whitish tobes will be done from 9 a.m. in fun time summer employment coloI'. They ure about one Inch until 4:30 p.m. A luncheon will are now open at the J. 1. Case long. They do their dnmage to Mrs. Mary Naftzger be held at noon and those wish_ company, Rock rsland Works, plllnls at nlgllt and hide by day ing to stay are asked to bring Rock Island, III. The company is benel1th the sur.face ot the soil. a covered dish and their own Rites to Be in Moline engaged in the construction of n Some gordene~l! fi~ht cutworms table service. full line of farm machine/·y. with poisoned buit placed und I Finished knitting garments Mrs. Mary Naftzger, 54, a for_ Applicants should write to the ston a.· pieces of wood, but when should be turned in at thiS" company personnel director, Ward poison is u ed great care must be HEN R Y mer resident of Iowa City, died time. CARL ANDERSON Monday morning in a Moline hos­ H. Goodwin, ot 200 Seventh taken to keep pet animo Is irom ,---______..., . ... ____~ ______-. r-__--..;..~..;..-."..---_ pital where she had been Il pa­ street, Rock Island , Ill. Cinding and eating it. ---. ( tient since last Thursday. Funeral services will be held at 9:30 a.m. today in the Estcrdahl chapel in Moline with the Rev Iowa-Missouri Debate to Be Broadcast Over WSUf Tonighf

~ ______~~ ·~' ______~~~ ' ''~r~. Leslie E. Thomas, pastor of the Edgewood Baptist church, officiat­ info Burial services will be held WSUI (010) W~fT (000) ministralor of the UniversJty hos- 7:00 Farm Ad Program (WM'f) in the North Liberty cemetery to­ Slue (1460) ; (1I9u) CBS (7HO) pital, as guest. This week has morrow at 12 :30 p.m. WIIO (111.10) ~IBS (1~O) been designated 33 Hospitlll week, Baby Snooks (WHO) Mary Berry was born March 21, A debate between the Univer- and Mr. Smith will explain what Nows (Blue) 1890, in Marion. In 1907 she was the week means and why it is 7:15 married to Benjamin Naftzger sity of Iowa and the University needed. Discussion will be on the Old Pioneer (WMT) who died in 1918. Mrs. Naftzger ot Missouri will be broadcast over role of hospitals in war time and Baby SnoOks (WHO) and her family lived in Iowa City WSUI tonight at 8 o'clock. The how much the work of the state Lum and Abner (Blue) until 1927 when they moved to question to be debated is, "Re- has increased due to the shortage 7:30 Moline. solved th3t the legal voting age of doc tors and materials. Death Valley Days (WMT) Surviving are a son, Harley, of be reduced to 18 years." The af- BrUlsh ~[ovte Aldrich Family (WHO) Rock Island; two daughters, Mrs. lirmative will be taken by Sally A British film company is now Town Meetini of the Air (Blue) 1:45 Frank Mans of Los Angeles, Cali!. Birdsall, A3 of West Waterloo and making a picture which Hollywood BRICK BRADFORD CLARENCE GRA Y and Mrs. Lee Jamison of Moline; Gordon Christensen, A3 of Iowa could not make because of the Death Valley Days (WMT) Aldrich Family (WHO) two brothers, Charles and Robert City. Emma Lee Reed and Gugla vanity of the film capital':s fern i­ AH! COULD THIS BE LlTILE TIM 15,INI:>EEb, A MOST Berry, both of Iowa City, and one Rose Thomas, both speech majors nine stars. Why the starring role Captain Midnight (Blue) 8:00 I KKI 1 WHY -- ITlS! PlEASfl.NT REUNION - 11M granddaughter. from the University of Missouri, in the mm adaptation of Margery I'M SO HAPP'( TO SEE YOU Her husband and a son, Robert, will uphold the negative. Clair Lawrence's prize novel, "Madonna Major Bowes (WMT) preceded her in death. HenderUder, graduate in the de- of the Seven Moons," was turned Bing Crosby (WHO) padment 01 speech at Iowa, Will, down by top cinema favorites will Gabriel Heatter (Blue) serve as chairman of the debate. be revealed by Arthur Hale on the 8:15 Almost 28,000 women are lIospItal Administration program, "ConlidentiaJly Yours," Major Bowes (WMT) working in U. S. lumber indus­ "Views and 'Interviews," heard broadcast over Mutual tonight at Bing Crosby (WHO) tries, more than three times as at 12:45 this afternoon will feature 7 o'clock. Gabriel HeaUer (Blue) many as in 1941. Harold A. Smith, assistant ad- TODAY'S PROGRAMS 8:30 8:00 Morning Chapel Dinah ShOl·e (WMT) 8:15 Musical Minintures Bob Burns (WHO) 8:30 News, The Dally Iowan Spotligh t Bands (B lue) 8:45 Program Calendar 8:45 8:55 Service Reports Dinah Shore (WMT) Daily Iowan Want Ads 9:00 State Medical Society Bob Burns (WHO) 9:15 Music Magic SpOtlight Bands (Blue) CLASSIFIED INSTRUCTION 9:30 ExcurSions in Science 9:00 ETTA KETT 9;45 Keep 'Em Eating The First Line (WMT) ROBINSON ADVERTISING 9:50 Treasury Song Abbott and Costello (WHO) COl'CON RATE CARD 9:55 News, The Dally Iowan Raymond Gram Swing (Blue) 'HOLF! i}{Ar For a Foothold­ 10:00 Paging Mrs. America 9:U PUTS)'OU , On Your Future 10:15 Musical Favorites The First Line (W'MT) our. CASH RATE Enroll Now For lor 2 days- 10:30 The Bookshelf Abbott and Costello (WHO) AN[) 10c per line per day EfIlclent BliSiness Tralnlnf 11:00 Waltz Time Out of the Shadows (Btue) at 11:15 Between the Lines 9:30 S consecutive days- Iowa City Commercial Collere 7c per line per day 11:30 The Gardeners Melodies and Memories (WMT) 203~ E, Wa5hlnrtoD 6 consecutive days- ]1 :45 Musical Interlude March of Time (WHO) 5c per line per day ]1 :50 Farm Flashes Stop and Go (Blue) 1 month- DANClNG LESSONS - ba)lrOOTlI; 12:00 Rhythm Rambles 9:45 4c per line per day ballet tap. Dial 7248, Mimi t 2:80 News, Tbe Dally Iowan Confidentially 'louts (WMT) -Figure 5 words to line­ Youde Wuriu, ]2:45 Views and In{e~views March of Time (WHO) Minimum Ad-2 lines 1 :00 Musical Cha ts Stop and Gb (Btue) Brown', Conunerc& Colle,_ 2:00 Campu6 News 10:0' Iowa City's Accredited 2: 10 Recent ar1d ContemPorary News (WMT) CLASSIFIED DISPLAY Business Scbool Fred Waring (WHO) 50c col. inch Music Established 1921 :1 :00 Adventures in Stol'ylanil News (Blue) Or $5.00 per month Dar Schoo) Night Schoo) 3:15 Reminiscing Time 10:15 "Open the Year 'Round" 3:30 News, Tbe Dally 10wan Fulton Lewis (WMT) All Want Ads Cash in Advance Dial 4682 3:35 Union Radio Hour :Bob Burlingame (WHO) Payable at Daily Iowan Busi­ 4:00 Conversational Spanish Lum and Abner (Blue) ness once daily until 5 p. m. WANTED 4:30 Tea Time Melodies 11:. WANTED-Janitor. Larew C 6:00 Children's HoUt Here's to Rolnance (WM1) CancellatIons must be called in Phone 96111, o. 5:15 Iowa Wesleyan Cl> lle,e War Service Billboard (WHO) before 5 p . m. &:45 News, TIle bady J6wah Guy Lombardfl (Blue) Responsible for one incorrect 8:00 Dinner Hour Music Itlfl insertion only. VI ANTED-Plumbing and he_tina. Larew Co, Dla) 98111, 7:00 United States in the Twen- Here's to Romanet (WMT) tieth Century Tteafnlty Song Today (WHO) WHERE TO BUY IT 7:30 Sportstime Guy Lombardo (Blu@) 7:45 One Man's oplfiloJl 11:00 DIAL 4191 8:00 Iowa-Missouri Debate Nl!ws (WMT) For Your ':00 News, The Dally lowan Speak tor Americanism (WHO) Summer Recreation Suppli.. NETWO.k IIIGflUOII'fS Olen 01'91 (Blue) * * ------* Camp stoves Cots 8:" 11:15 FEMAtt:* HELP * *WANTED Picnic Boxes ' I Love a Mystery (WM'r) The Clevflandafres (WMT) Gb 11 Archery CU ff and Heien (WHO) Desi,n for Listl!nlng (WHO) WANTED-Girl for general office Baseball Badminton Kelly's Courthouse (Blue) Glen OMi, (Bille) work. Larew Co, Phone 9681. FIRESTONE STORE 6:15 li:. Passing Parade (WMT) Dance Band Review (WIIlT) YURNllURE MOVING News of the World (WHO) Music of New World (WHO) Kelly's Courthouse (Blue) Tommy Dorsey (Blue) CURTIS THE FLORIST 6:30 11:45 w..Mll aIOS. lRANSFER 127 South Dubuque Mr. Keen (WMT) Dance Band Review (WMT) for Btfl<:lent FurnIture MovIng Dial 6566 Bob Burlingame (WHO) Music of New World (WHO) A$k. About Our Coast Guard Dance (Blue) Tommy Dorsey (Blue) fJ::lEEr 114E WubROBE SERVICE Greenhouse Near Airpori 6:45 12:00 EARLOP SHANKHAM, Dial 245' Mr. Keen (WMT) PreIs News (WMT) DIAL - 9696 - DIAL H. V. Kaltenborn (WHO) Music of New World (WHO) NEIGH~ captain Midni,ht (Blue) N_. (81ue) M~AN PAGE SIX TIlE DAILY IOWAN. IOWA CITY. IOWA THURSDAY. MAY 11. 1944 ledger .y rider Resigns. Position on Board Capt. Damon Beyer IOWA'S ONLY INSTRUMENT INSTRUCTOR University Professors = I Cites Health ~----~~------.~~~~~ Red Cross Applicants Find No Positions Booked for Lectures Jransferred to New Open Overseas for Fainthearted Women Faculty members of the -univer­ AI As Reason sity are busy this month making Miami Beach Station '------.-..: I commencement speeches through. By IRIS WILKEN out the state. There are H cn- Recent Dismissals, Capt. Damon Beyer, a graduate Would it scare you out of your , some of the men we know. coming A wits to find a snake in your bed? back from the Cront on a stretcher. gagements on the official sched. ! Resignations Leave oC the college of medicine, has . been transferred Crom army air Would you be alraid to ride a We can expect, even, that they ule. Five Positions Vacant forces training center No. 1 in pack horse? Would it bother you may not come back at all. We The speakers, signed through Miami Beach to army air forces to associate with a man who had heard plenty about snakes and the extension division, have been R Ledger Yoder, head of the price redistribution station No. 2 also in lost his nose? pack horses, but mighty little appearing at various ceremonies panel of the Iowa City war price J Emma Mueller, who was grad- about thril!s." and rationing program, sent his Miami Beach, as a member of the station's permanent personnel. uated with the class oC 1940, found "When we have passed the at. since April 20 and will continue 04 resignation to Walter J . Kline, It took a determined "no" 10 these tempt to frighten us out of join- to do sO until May 25. Almost acUng director of the district of­ and many more Questions to ing and have been formally ac- h a I f the commencements ~re C :flce of price administration in Pvt. Richard Hills, son of Prof. I and Mrs. Elmer Hills, 629 Melrose Qualify her for a position as Red cepted, the re\ll job of jOining be- scheduled for this week. Des Moines, saying his health Cross staiC assistant Cor duty over- gins. For ·the last two weeks my University faculty men booked did not permit him to continue his avenue, is now stationed at Buck­ ley field, Denver. Col., where he seas. job has been one continuous shop- for commencement addresses are: duties. He refused to say whether i receiving his basic training in She will leave Iowa City and ping lour. You'd be surprised to Prof. Marcus Bach of the school or not the receni controversy ef­ the army air forces. her work as English instructor at lind how many things the Red of religion, Prof. Sudhindra Bose fected his action. University High school Friday, Cross worker neells." of the political science depari­ Yoder's reslA'nation leaves Capt. Lewis E. January and and will report May 22 for an in- Among these are 24 pairs of silk ment, Prof. William Coder ,ASTP five vacancies In the ratlonlDr Capt. William T. McElhlnneiY, tensive two-week training course ~nd ray~n hose, six pairs of pa- administrator, Prof. G e 0 r g e prorram. C. R. McCann,) a both oC Iowa City, are in the med­ in Washington, D. C. Then- Jamas, SIX colton slips, bedroom Glockler of the chemistry depart­ member of the board, and R. ical corps and have been promoted' somewhere overseas. slippers, several aftc~no.on dresses, mcnt, Prof. Clay Harshbarger ot J. Phelps. chairman of the to the rank of major, according to Her duties will be either to and a formal. These are in addi-I the speech department, Prof. C. board, were dismissed by an announcement by the war de­ I work in Red Cross clubs behirtd tion to the regulation uniforms Woody Thompson, directOi' of stu­ Kline last week. J. W. Ander­ partment . the lines or in mobile canteens which the Red Cross furnishes. dent aHairs, J. A. Swisher of the .on, member of the ,asoline serving coffee and doughnuts to Everything must be packed into political science department, Prof. panel, aDd J. L. Records, Seaman First Class Robert C. fighting men, an army locker and one small Franklin Knower of the speech chairman of the panel. re­ Newmire is now stationed at the The process of joining an over- suitcase. "Which," she laughed, department, Prof. M. Willard al,ned in protest to the action Great Lakes naval training sta­ seas unit of the Red Cross, Miss "will probably be the biggest iob Lampe of the school of religion. by the district office. tion where he is taking his boot Mueller found, begins with an ap- of all." . IDonald Mallett, of the office ot An abstract of the controversy training. Seaman Newmire was plication blank, recommendations Her brother's admiration for the student affairs, Prof. Karl Robin­ between the local board and the recently inducted and is a radio WEBB TALLMAN, Iowa City, Tuesday became Ule state's only rat~~ Instrument Instructor, havln .. and a personal interview in SI. work done by the Red Cross son of the speech department, district office is being prepared technician. He is the son of Mr. passed his rating test successfully. The laUer part of his blind flight tralnlnr was done "under the hood" Louis. I among the soldiers in Italy first Prof. Harold Saunders of the col- by Phelps. The abstract was re­ and Mrs. Charles Newmire. 24 N. in this Stinson ReUant, the only Instrument traininG' plane In Iowa. The Stinson Is powered by a 215 "There is certainly no attempt interested her in join~ng. " )'m lege of commerce and Prof. H. J. quested by Representative Thomas Governor street, and his wife re­ horsepower Lycominr enrlne and owned by Paul E. Shaw of the Shaw Aircraft company. Tallman has to sell us on the glamour of an hoping t hat may b e--j us t by Thornton of the history depart .. Martin (R) and will probably be sides at 812 Y.. S. Summit street. lo.... ed a total of 850 nylng hours. 57 of which were In Instrument flight. overseas job," Miss Mueller said. chance--I might meet him over- ment. presented to a Congressional com­ "We are told that we may have seas." she said. mittee in connection with an in­ Lieut. and Mrs. Keith Weeber * * * * * * .------to be on duty 16 to 18 hours at a "But the Red Cross didn't vestigation of the national OPA have arrived in Iowa City and are Servicemen's Orders time, that we may be bombed, promise me that," she added. Clerk Issues License program. Phelps said last night visiting in the W. J. Weeber For Christmas Gifts that we can expect a little bit of "They only promised me snakes A marriage license was issued that the bill establishing the OPA home, 219 Riverside drive. Lieu­ Iowa City Aviation Instructor Receives anything. We can expect to see -or worse." yesterday by R. Neilson Miller, expires June 30. Whether it wi1l tenant Weeber is an instructor in Approved by WPB clerk of the district court, to Irene be extended is a question for the the department of military sani­ Instrument Rating A'fter Des Moines Test District Judge Grants Fuhrmeister. 18, Iowa City, and house to decide. tation and malaria control. He is American servicemen overseas Mrs, Mary Schneider George Roberts, 20, Brookhaven, "Ally such rationlnr and stationed at Camp Barkley, Abi------­ may again order Christmas gj1ts Decree of Divorce Miss. price control prorram must lene, Tex. After successfully passing his Iowa City Judge this year for their friends and To Ruth l. Owen have a solid 'oundatlon," test in Des Moines Tuesday, Webb Rites Tomorrow bills of the son are to be paid by Phelps said. "It Is my belief Appointed to Hear relatives in the United States, the aichard Stratton, son of Mrs. Taliman of Iowa City ts now me A divorce was granted Ruth L. Owen. the present program should Alice Stratton, 320 S. Madison oniy aviation instructor in Iowa office of war inIormation reports. Funeral services (or Mrs. Mary Robert L. Larson was the at­ expire and an entire new Ouster ProceedIngs Owen from Franklin V. Owen yes­ street, is now located on an island with an instrument rating. The men make their selections Schneider, 75, of 414 N. Gilbert torney for Mrs, Owen. program established." terday afternbon by District Judge in the south Pacific, according to Tallman, who is an instructor on District Judge Harold D. Evans from catalogues at army ex- street, will be held at St. Mary's "Mr. Martin has asked for this news received by his mother. He the W. T. S. program at the Iowa of Iowa City has been appointed Harold D. Evans. Owen was abstract to use as reference ma­ changes or navy ship services and church tomorrow at 9 a.m. Mrs. is a seaman first class and is sta­ City Municipal airport, received to hear the Ottumwa. oustel' pro­ charged with crucl and inhuman terial," Phelps continued, "and I tioned at a naval air base. list them on order blanks. I Schneider died at University hos- treatment. Special Today am writing words that were the latter part of his training on ceedings of Mayor David A. Nevin The orders are then sent to the . . Another son of Mrs. Stratton, the only instrument ship in Iowa, which will begin May 24. United States to be filled and pltal Tuesday morrung and will be Mrs. Owen was awarded the 50c ~ooken dllring the Iowa City con­ John, is a yeoman first class and a Stinson Reliant powered by a Chief Justice W. A. Smith of household furnishings and furni­ troversy." is aboard ship somewhere in the mailed in time for Christmas. The buried in St. Joseph's cemetery, Roast Young 215 horse power Lycoming engine, the Iowa supreme court assigned ture. The United States Savings Pacific. Mrs. Stratton reports that war production board recently an- The rosary will be recited at the owned by Paul B. Shaw of the Judge Evans to the trial when bonds held jointly by the couple Chicken she has not seen ei ther son Cor nounced that it will approve Hohenschuh mortuary tonight at Shaw Aircraft company. Charles Boo kin, attorney for were transferred 10 the son, over two years, and has not seen manufacturers' requests that are With Celery Dressing Tallman received his initial Nevin, applied [or a judge out­ certified by the army exchange 7:30. Franklin V. Owen Jr. School Board Richard since he entered the navy Surviving her are two sons. Owen was ordered to pay Mrs. Whfpped Potatoes in January, 1942. Both men have training through civllian pilot side of the second district. service or navy ship service stores training and W. T. S., and is at Proceedings against Nevin were for additional allocations of ma- Paul Schneider of Pasadena, Owen $50 a month [or the next Buttered Peas , been out of the country for 26 year ' and $25 for the following Lettuce Salad months. present enlisled in the army re- filed by County Attorney John D. terial or containers necessary for Calif., and Clarence Schneider of Hires Two serve. Moon, who has been conducting these orders. Des Moines; one daughter, Mrs. A. five years. In adaitlon, he was Hot Rolls Drink Before going up for his instru- an inquiry' into alleged vice con- C. Wilcos of. Eveleth, Minn.; one ordered to pay $50 a month to the Sergt. Edward Mannion, son of sister, Mrs. Margaret Namur of clork of court for the son's sup­ Mrs. E. E. Blythe, 126 N. Clinton, ment rating, Tallman had a total ditions in Ottumwa. Nevin is W'II Ad . d b REICHS CAFE New Teachers of 850 flying hours. Fifty-seven of charged with failure to perform I mltte to Pro ate Iowa City, and a brother, M. port. Hall the medical and dental is stationed with the signal-radio­ Oswiler of North English. Mrs. Alma Morris and Mrs. intelligence corps somewhere in these were in instrument flying the duties of his o!f.ice and mal-\ The. will Of. Mary C. Willard, Wilma Kerr Smith were hired for the south PaciCic. Sergeant Man­ training, and 25 hours were 00.1 administration. who died April 15, 1944. was ad- the 1944-45 teaching term by the nion enlisted in the army in Aug­ Link Trainer work. ImiHed to probate yesterday. About 10,000 different types signal corps equipment were school board during a meeting ust, 1942. He is a 1940 graduate Tallman has lived in Iowa City Moines for the tcst Tuesday in Her son, John W. Willard was held last night. Mrs. Morris will of the school of. journalism. since 1929. He hopes eventually two Stinson planes from the Shaw appointed executor without bond. landed with American troops ha ve charge of the opportunity to do airline work with his rating. Aircraft company. Arthur O. LeU was the attorney, North AiriGa. room at Horace Mann schOOl, and Lieut. V. C. Hogan, a graduate Bli nd !light training on the Mrs. Smith will be physical edu- of the college of commerce in Stinson was done "under the cation instructor at the junior and 1942, has been transferred from hood." In this type of training the senior high schools. ICasper, Wyo" to Pueblo, Col. He pilot must rely upon his instl'u-I Cost of living bonuses were ap- is a navigator on a B-24 and has ments to maintain safe flight. I proved for janitors in all the been in the service for two years. Installed on a special panel in schools. He receievd his commission at the Stinson are the blind ilight The financial report pre- Hondo navigation training school, instruments. To the left of the I sented by the secretary listed Hondo, Tex. panel is the airspeed indicator. In' total disbursements during the center is the turn and bank the month in the general fund Lieut. Marvin Chapman and indicator and to the right, the rate at $20,062. Receipts totaled Ens. Louise Chapman, son and of climb guage. These al'e so io­ $119,898, and the total cash on daughter-in-law of Mr. and Mrs. cated as to allow the pilot 10 check hand to April 3 was listed at Nate Chapman, 723 Oakland ave­ bis instruments in flight at a 168.190.15. Receipts In the nue, are visiting in Iowa City, glance. IIChoolhouse fun d reached They will be here until Saturday. A sweep hand clock is located c ,13,166 durl~g the month of Both oCficers received their B.A. below the turn and bank indicator April and with no disburse­ degrees from the university in on the Stinson for the timing of ments reported, the total cash 1940. Lieutenant Chapman is an turns, and a sensitive altimeter is on hand Is now $22,867.48. inCantry officer stationed in Camp located close to the rate of climb A request from the Mennonite Jackson. S. C., and Ensiin Chap­ instrument. society Cor the use of Longfellow man is a communications officer Above the panel on the plane is MEANS THEY'LL LAST 6chool for approximately two in Washington, D, C. a moonbeam non-glare light nxed weeks during the month of. June to focus on the instruments in was granted. The school was used cation for the child's license. One !light I,mder the bood, and over last year as a Bible school center parent is not enough. However. the pilot's head is the antenna reel S"'.r during that period. if one parent is not livlllll, the for the two-way RCA radio. MEANS THR'.I LOYILY The use 0' the junior hlrh other can make the Single signa­ Two other instructors also re­ IIChool assembly room alld ture." ceived ratings Tuesday. William cafeteria by 4-B club IIrls for Patrolman Warner will be in Austin, W. T. S. instructor from an annual meetin, June 13. Johnson county court house every the municiplll airport, received his was also approved. Followln, Wednesday from 8:30 a. m. to 4 0-325 horsepower rating, as did a plan almilar to that of lalt p. m. to examine applicants for Albert Fisher of Cedar Rapids. summer, the Junior hlrh licenses. The instructors flew to Des school cookln, room will a,aln be a cannin, center for victory rardeners. CEDAR RAPIDS The board also authorized a re­ MONDAY EVE, Quest to be presented to the state MAY 15 highway commission for a perma­ nent stop sign to be placed at the ON THE STAGE bottom of the hili at Church and Dodge streets. I PAUL M!CU1II·IDiIH A'WlIM In the absence of Dan Dutcher, ~~.., president of the board, Jack Kelly was nom ina ted as temporary ~CAdd~ chairman to presidc over the ~4""ON. ~sta9£ / meeting. DICKIE meR a JOAN SHEPARD ·Small Boy, Silt Show" Long range battering rams, tbese hig mohile g.tns Patrolman Cites Lack ASI/TON S'TtJI(I4" Ct«~60 HrRIAI.tJ·/ltHET?/(IlN bombard enemy poeitione, laying down a creeping Of Study as Cause barrage in advance of ou rinfantry and tank attacke. Of Drivers' Failure PULL PASHIONID Gun crews keep' in close touch by telephone with "fire cootrol." Over quickJy laid networks of wire. Highway Patrolman R. W. War­ GAYMODI RAYONS net· issued 27 drivers' licenses and the battery command coordinate$ these heavy six chauUers' licenses yesterday Summery, , • their sheer .ppear· artillery units, elrectively fOCUBing their combined at the Johnson county court .JOIUI "'.-.0, WHO .ITTIU ance .•• their readineu for active fire power. house, Eleven applicants failed to "'1U,8V TIIMPUI A.T HI••• ST- ])888 the examinations. _~_-CMlC.I